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The Clarion Temple is of an extra high frequency in this gathering! The 22 Rays are infused through the Cosmic Vibrancy to further extend the Wesak Gifts which ALL SOULS RECEIVED upon the planet from the Spiritual Hierarchy so they become more deeply held within each of us! All Souls upon Earth, and especially Initiates of Ascension Mastery, are presently going through great change, from the earth herself but also from within each souls own advancement. In this Pure Vibratory Exchange, Cosmic Master Lenduce shares the Monadic assistance that is available of the 12 Higher Self Souls that each of us can access as part of the spiritual force of light of the God Source!

(audio recording instant replay)

For 2023, we are now making public the HEALING ENERGIES OF THE CLARION TEMPLE OF ONENESS. (Click here to read more about the importance of this Sacred Divine Temple that was created in 2002 for the souls of 9/11). We are doing so because the higher spiritual healing that the Temple provides to all souls (in body or out) is needed now more than ever for Humanity and Earth. 


SPIRITUAL GUEST: COSMIC MASTER ADONIS ~ HOLDER OF THE COSMIC HEART AND MASTER TEACHER OF LORD SANAT KUMARA AND LORD BUDDHA: Gifting us with his HIGH VIBRATORY COSMIC LOVE which is part of the very fabric of our Human Consciousness and our evolutionary growth as Souls! 

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About this Vibratory Ascension Spirituality Healing Event:

    • The purpose of this spiritual ascension event is to orient your personal energetics (chakra and etheric structures that enable you to exist within a physical body) to connect to the higher potential of the energetic realities that the year 2023 holds for us in the months ahead through your Higher Self, Monad and I AM PRESENCE of the True Spiritual Essence you are as a Soul.
    • It is a Spiritual Ascension Meditation Journey. This means it is not a traditional “class” which you are used to getting in typical mental knowledge earth based training. It really is a “meditation”. The best way to enjoy it is in a relaxed state of being, making sure to focus only on your breath and let the energies being transmitted escort you through the transitions of the energies. (Sitting up in a chair is best as lying down may put you to sleep. Obviously do not listen while doing any physical activities).
    • It is vibratory and highly energetic. This means it is a transitioning process. At the conclusion of the teaching you should feel much different than you did at the start. (It may feel like after you immediately wake from a nap and are disoriented).
    • As with all our events, the energetics are held as both pure and accurate due to the extensive training and expertise that we as Ascended Masters have attained to insure the highest spiritual quality is transmitted. To the best of our knowledge, we are unique in the extent of this capacity of Love and Light energetics.

If you enjoy this high spiritual healing event, please let us know!

(View our EVENTS CALENDAR for all upcoming 2023 COSMIC ONENESS and CLARION TEMPLE events plus the PROSPERITY and FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS events so you can join live!)

Original Material © Copyright 2003-2023 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden. All rights reserved. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS CONTENT FREELY IN COMPLETE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS WITH THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!

Beyond Belief: Acquiring True Spiritual Growth

Spiritual Ascension is more than a matter of Belief

A quick glance at the most popular New Age social media postings reveals something quite astounding: most postings are about believing that life on earth will improve for humanity – if we can only hold the faith and belief for it to happen.

As Spiritual Teachers of Ascension Mastery we can assure anyone who is concerned about their higher spiritual growth that belief and having faith is essential but for the truly awakened – one must know that it is only the first step.

Faith is such an important part because the real work of Ascension is a huge challenge. Once you realize how it actually works, how it affects your sense of self, how it can make you doubt your own sanity: you will want to quit doing any thing associated with “Ascending”. Once you experience the lifting of the veil of illusions that humanity lives under, you may well desire to stay firmly in your present level of awareness.

We can also assure you that this kind of reaction is very normal for spiritual seekers who initially felt a huge attraction to Ascension.

Very quickly what frequently happens for them is not only do they begin to feel the true reality of the 4d (which reveals to someone the illusions and delusions held as factual reality in the 3d), but they realize that personally seeing it is believing it. 

And they suddenly miss their former state of awareness where they had been innocently ignorant of the energies they encounter in that 4d awareness.

Yet, you can’t get to the 5d (Ascension state of being) without first experiencing the 4d. And that is a very personal path of revelations.

Many spiritual individuals have an image of themselves as being a good person, one who is kind and compassionate and only desires the good in all things and between themselves and others.

However, within the whole picture of who they are, they may also have moments where they do feel despair, or aggression, or anxiety, or frustration. In some moments those feelings may build up and come out onto others around them, despite the fact that they will claim, “I am so sorry that just isn’t me.”

But if one would not say “that just isn’t me” and instead step into a deeper awareness that if they did act that way, it may indeed be because it is a piece of who they are – within the totality of the energies they carry – as a soul.

With such an acceptance comes a glimpse into the real reality, not only for earth, but for ourselves.

That reality is that most all of humanity is not in a state of being “good” or “bad” but instead in a condition of “both”.

But yes, as we all know, in the higher frequencies of existence the “bad” parts of who we are must be revealed: that is, resurrected into the light to be transformed.

You may have heard many New Age proponents say they are comfortable being both “good” and bad” as if acknowledging it means they are more enlightened or aware than someone who they feel is still “asleep” and stuck in the 3d. Yet the real question is what do they do to transform those dark parts of themselves?

What if you discovered that getting yourself into a higher energy frequency, (not yet at the fifth dimensional level but certainly moving into the fourth), would require discovering as much about yourself as you already have discovered?

In other words, how long did it take you to awaken? Why did you awaken? Regardless if you are 25 or 55 years old, when did you first believe that their was more to life than meets the eye? If that was at age 30, then it took as much as 30 years of being, of observing, of thinking, of feeling for you to really discover who you are now.

But that process of self discovery took place within the 3rd dimension. To embark into a new dimensional level of awareness, we can guarantee you that it will take you as much self learning and self discovery as you already went through. Why? Because that new knowledge and new way of understanding (actually – of being) can only be personally gained. There are no shortcuts to advancing your energetic frequencies – that can only come with experience. 

Life experience never ceases. Learning to master dimensional awareness is a life experience. Learning to Master the Fifth Dimension is no exception.

Such an evolutionary shift in consciousness cannot be achieved by belief and faith alone.

In the actual practices of Ascension Mastery it requires full fledged commitment and dedication to undertaking that learning process… despite that it seems daunting and challenging from your former “dimensional perspective”.

Because in real practices of Ascension, you are never “accomplished” at it. Doing just “enough” to gain an outcome or a goal no longer works. Approaching it in that manner is nothing more than doing things the same way our current earthly attitude does most things (an approach that our culture is so steeped in promoting) which is just do “what you need to do” and nothing more. This tactic goes hand in hand with instant gratification and achieving instant results.

From what we see as teachers, such an attitude will stop most spiritual seekers from the deeper self discoveries that are required if one is to actually elevate their level of consciousness such that it can Ascend.

Ironically that is why BELIEF and FAITH are so crucial. Without it you will not get too far beyond your first efforts at practicing Ascension.

We have had a may individuals attend our classes or order a self study course. Most often, we never hear from them again.

The material world and its concerns far outweigh that initial desire and attraction one feels (and resonates toward) regarding Ascension and the Ascended Master Teachings.

Think for a moment on one of the most popular new age sayings “Only do whatever resonates with you”. That term is considered righteous truth for many.

Yet, what is “resonance” in that meaning other than identifying with something that makes you comfortable, excited or feel good based on your current understanding of who you are in your present life.

It is alternatively also true that you can’t know what you don’t know.

Which means “resonance” is a poor way to judge what will bring you real growth. 

Within Ascension Mastery one will need an incredibly strong FAITH to keep pursuing the energies and elements gained through the quiet whispering of their SOUL’S TRUTH. After all, it was this singular truth that they undoubtedly felt when first discovering the idea of ASCENDING in this lifetime.

However, given how fleeting such an ah-ah moment of awareness can be, sustaining that FAITH is the greatest obstacle facing anyone who feels they have been born on earth to make a real difference for humanity.

The energies and “programming” of earths modern culture are now extremely powerful. They are presently great enough that only the strongest possess the WILL and POWER to keep on going through the process of gaining the subtle understandings within their soul psychology that are required within Ascension studies.

This is why we so strongly advocate for the teachings we offer. We know that elevating the level of consciousness we have as humans is not something that can be done passively or easily, or without firm and consistent help.

There is no better time upon earth than right now to get started. A huge boost occurs for the next three months. There are so many “aids and supportive assistance” given now for spiritual seekers of Ascension that make it a learning process that will bring one the true elements of “enlightenment”.

This is the TIME OF THE CHRISTED LIGHT for the year.

The way of the Christ Consciousness is a pathway to see the world through the Heart and Mind of God (Divine Mother/Divine Father) which does not hold elements of judgments but being in a perpetual state of unconditional love and always choosing Love over Fear.

Even if those lower states of thinking and feeling mentioned earlier don’t seem to associated with FEAR, they very much are from the perspective of the soul’s existence.

In order to achieve this concept and reality of learning to become more aligned with our Christ Consciousness an Initiate must allow their higher minds to work with them which comes from the Monad, Higher Self, into the Consciousness and changing the Subconscious Mind to reflect the higher order of divinity within the Soul’s Essence.

This is what we teach. We accept that it is not easy or simple to achieve. But the gains that can be made are quite profound (as you can see in our many testimonials.)

This month on April 13 we begin a series of teachings that for the next three months will bring in the true energies of learning more about who we can become within the path of attaining more Christ Consciousness.

We encourage you to join during our OPEN HOUSE SPECIAL to take advantage of the special exchange rate.

In our first class, we will be working with Lord Sanat Kumara who is the founder of the Brotherhood of White Light that was created shortly after the fall of Lemuria. We will learn how he was able to work directly with his Higher Self (Cosmic Master Vywamus), and Monad (Cosmic Master Lenduce) through the teachings of Cosmic Master Adonis (who was Lord Sanat Kumara’s teacher on Venus).

This class brings forth many forms of the higher frequencies including accessing the Venusian Rays of God that work through all of the chakras as one Unified Essence of Light. This assists the transmitted teachings to create an advanced highly energetic attunement of light for those who participate. Included is some information that has never been shared previously through Lord Sanat Kumara and his teachers.

Lord Saint Germain will be the Master of Ceremonies with Lord Melchizedek sharing his knowledge of how this information will assist you in your Initiation Pathway.



WHEN: SATURDAY APRIL 13, 2019 (North America Pacific Time at 10:00 AM / Eastern Time 1:00 PM).



If you are not enrolling today in our class training program but still enjoy receiving the energies in our many articles and Ascension materials, please consider using the donation options on our site to support our work.


Learn how “Increasing your Christ Consciousness Awareness” can assist in your own Ascension

Now is the perfect timing to embrace the THREE FESTIVALS OF THE WESAK FREQUENCIES OF LIGHT to prepare ourselves more energetically for the most important Initiate energies of the year.

This month is the FESTIVAL OF THE CHRIST that occurs during the Full Moon. To better prepare ourselves we receive a teaching from the Ascended Masters on how we can best take advantage of what is occurring for us with the Cosmic Light Vibrations through this 3 hour class of  higher attunement meditations and wisdom.

One of the EIGHT QUOTIENTS to master for Integrated Ascension, this quotient represents the ability to increase the Consciousness of the Four Minds (of your Monad, Higher Self, Conscious Mind and Subconscious) to become the Abstract Mind.

This topic is not something we can easily comprehend as a human self who has little knowledge of how we are in truth much more expansive than the physical-spiritual self we choose to see ourselves as being. The complexities of our multidimensional quantum self energies are vast.

However, the desire to “know” with clear understanding also has an immense power to block anything else we do not understand from becoming part of our reality. (In fact, this is how humanity has created our collective reality).

So to avoid that pitfall, this class is highly energetic and attunement based to bypass those potential blockages. That said, to partake of these teachings one must make the conscious intent to set aside the desires of the mental mind’s thirst for material understanding – and instead open up that part of ourselves that the Masters call the “Abstract”.

The focus for this Mastery Class will be to learn how to access the four minds to allow for the Abstract Mind to be the center of your Consciousness. The Masters will explain the differences of the Abstract Mind vs the Concrete Mind. It is important to realize that in order command the Christ Consciousness to be utilized within you on a physical level you must allow your Higher Minds to assist you in that process. It cannot be done from the physical mind otherwise known as the Concrete Mind or Lower Self/Ego.

The way of the Christ Consciousness is a pathway to see the world through the Heart and Mind of God (Divine Mother/Divine Father) which does not hold elements of judgments but being in a perpetual state of unconditional love and always choosing Love over Fear. In order to achieve this concept and reality an Initiate must allow their higher minds to work with them which comes from the Monad, Higher Self, into the Consciousness and changing the Subconscious Mind to reflect the higher order of divinity within the Soul’s Essence.

We will be working with Lord Sanat Kumara who is the founder of the Brotherhood of White Light that was created shortly after the fall of Lemuria. We will learn how he was able to work directly with his Higher Self (Cosmic Master Vywamus), and Monad (Cosmic Master Lenduce) through the teachings of Cosmic Master Adonis (who was Lord Sanat Kumara’s teacher on Venus).

This class brings forth many forms of the higher frequencies including accessing the Venusian Rays of God that work through all of the chakras as one Unified Essence of Light. This assists the transmitted teachings to create an advanced highly energetic attunement of light for those who participate. Included is some information that has never been shared previously through Lord Sanat Kumara and his teachers.

Lord Saint Germain will be the Master of Ceremonies with Lord Melchizedek sharing his knowledge of how this information will assist you in your Initiation Pathway.



WHEN: SATURDAY APRIL 13, 2019 (North America Pacific Time at 10:00 AM / Eastern Time 1:00 PM).



If you are not enrolling today in our class training program but still enjoy receiving the energies in our many articles and Ascension materials, please consider using the donation options on our site to support our work.


great divine director

Blessings and Joy to each of you,

I Am the Great Divine Director coming forward from the 144th dimension of reality to assist in bringing forth understanding of how each soul within the human form expresses their life through the multi-realities that they have been previously and what it means in your future moments.

As you learn more about the Universal Laws, you can start to apply how they are represented within your personal life.

Of course, the elements that make up a specific law are generated from the Source of Light that you are, through your I Am Presence, into your Monad, and then into the existence of your Higher Self. It is then realized through the physical conditioning of your consciousness into the reality of who you think you are in any given moment.

The Law of Cause and Effect or commonly known as the Law of Karma represents who you are as a soul, your travels within the many dimensions and how that energy you have inhabited is going to co-exist within your human experience.

This is so very true with every soul that is incarnated upon the Earth. It is not a choice of the soul or the human mind, it is a law that is incorporated through your Soul Essence to be realized within the physical body, or your life experience. It is what you do with that energy you receive that is most important for the development of your spiritual awareness and maturity.

Your body is the vehicle that is assisting you to remember; it is the bridge that you need to have within your life so that you can remember your past, good and bad. Without the realization of those lifetimes in which you had suffered or experienced deep trauma, you could not have the courage that you do now. This is something that every initiate must remember as it is the cornerstone of growth that occurs within the full body system.

I see so many students trying to forget what they have been because it is devastating for them to remember. But I urge you to not recall you whole lifetime but just some elements that are lodged within your subconscious that need to be healed. These are the variables that are so very important for your growth. If you do not allow yourself to accept what you have been, then you cannot move forward in your pathway as your Soul desires you to do.

You see, the system of light that you incorporate within your physical body is very gifted. It has a way of not accessing all of the information, but small elements to help you move through the trauma or the experience that seems unforgivable to you. It acts as a barrier until you are ready to remove that barrier.

Every life experience that you have is directly related to who you are as a Soul, within your history since the beginning of time whether it is good or not so happy. The remembrances are there to assist you to move further within your pathway so that you can acquire the light frequency that you desire from your Higher Self’s perspective. It is why you are on the Ascension Pathway, to help you remember who you are and built upon that essence within the physical conditioning.

So what happens when you embody is that you step into working within the Laws of the Universe. But if you have had timelines in which this was not part of your experience, then you will again experience those elements. It depends upon your strength to call upon your Higher Self and the Ascended Master State of Consciousness to help you grow beyond what you have been before.

This means that every life experience, each medical condition, each part of you that is struggling is occurring because it is being revealed to be healed. It is not to be ignored as it will grow within you to think differently. It is a guide for you to understand who you have been, and that is no longer YOU. You know better, as you have tools to move beyond the old experience.

Some call this the Death and Rebirth experience; it will occur many times during your transitions of ascension master. Understanding how to get through the challenging moments will help you to realize the potential that you have.

In an unawakened person they do not have the capability to move through these issues. It may not be part of their design this lifetime to heal that element but to experience it due to whom they have been before. If they never awaken, then those elements are healed to a certain extent on the Inner Plane as each of us, as the Ascended Masters, have a role to help discarnate souls to heal from the trauma they experienced.

Each of you that are awakened are in a completely different position. It is a time of acceleration and to change what you have been into a higher being of light while existing upon the Earth. That is the beauty of what is occurring presently for each of you.

You have grand opportunities for growth; those characteristics that you do not like about yourself can be healed, but you must believe it to be so and not get lost in the muck and mire of the depth of your despair. This is very important as these elements can seem very real as if you are experiencing it for the first time in your life – but it is not actually true as you are moving deeper into the process of awakening.

You have awakened to change what you have been into the potential for so much more than you realize.

The important element of the Law of Karma is that the previous laws of Oneness, Vibration, Action, and Correspondence all relate to each other. This is how the Law of Karma is rewritten so that you can remove the elements that may be stopping you from your full potential. But it has to occur within the confines of your own personal mastery and how your mental and emotional bodies interact within each other.

First you must trust in the process and allow it to become a reality.

Then you allow the higher vibration you are receiving to create the balance within you.

Next you step into Action with what you have already learned.

And then, finally you become the Mirror Image of your Higher Essence and not the mirror image of your physicality.

The Law of Karma then will react accordingly to these previous laws. But you must be diligent within yourself to allow the healing to occur.

When you bring forth your Higher Essence into your Physical Essence, then that element you are dealing with will change accordingly. It is part of the Universal Consciousness to allow these elements to be steps into your full creative process. If you don’t act accordingly to the laws within your personal life, that is when your karma of the past timelines will be ignited. You can change them according to the laws just be being One within yourself and allowing your physical experiences to be represented by those energies, and not the karma itself.

This process is ongoing through your pathway of ascension. That is why there are so many initiations just for planetary ascension and that is only the beginning. The world is in a much better place for ascension; the earth has never been able to experience these transitions as she has and each of you are doing.

Sometimes the process can seem arduous but you have to remember that you have had many lifetimes that need to be healed and accepted to help you move into the higher creative process that you are.

It is my blessing to walk with you during these moments of high acceleration.

I Am the Great Divine Director

Join Walking Terra Christa on Saturday, June 4th, 2016 at 12:30 PM Pacific as we connect with Master Thoth and The Great Divine Director, REVEALING LOST PUZZLE PIECES: THE LAW OF CAUSE AND EFFECT.  You may join LIVE or receive the MP3 recording of the classes.

© 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:

It’s Time to Remember ~ Master Thoth ~ The Law of Divine Oneness

oneness rays

NOTE: If you desire to learn more on energetically incorporating the Universal Law of Divine Oneness into the Self to allow the energies to support you in the New Earth energies, we have a new series offering  that has options for a Guided Meditation, and teachings from Master Thoth and Lord Saint Germain (click here for details).

This article is a channeled message from Master Thoth.  He is the initiator of the Universal Laws of the Universe in his lifetime as “Hermes Trismegistus”.  He is working with Walking Terra Christa to help bring an understanding to the Universal Laws within the concept of accepting them in our pathway for the betterment of our existence.

The Universal Laws are very close to my soul’s essence. It is a pleasure to talk about the laws and how to apply them in your physical world. We will first take a look at the first law, “Divine Oneness.”

The Law of Divine Oneness helps us to understand that we live in a world where everything is connected to everything else. Everything we do, say, think, and believe affects others and the universe around us.

The concept of oneness can be very vast or it can represent a thought that occurs within one’s mind. Let us take for example the process of understanding Oneness. When individuals say to themselves that they want to be in Oneness, what does that truly mean?

Does it reflect the thought that this person feels empathy towards someone else, is it a feeling of not wanting to be alone, or is it a cause that needs to be addressed?

These are all important questions to consider. We must understand that we all have the consciousness of the One. It is part of our soul’s essence; we were born with it at the time of our creation. It truly is within our Higher Mind’s ideal to have Oneness within the essence of the soul.

But what does it mean when you want to have Oneness within your physicality?

This is when it truly can become very tricky as the Lower Mind, the Physical Mind within your consciousness of who you are in this present lifetime will try to figure it out and what it may mean for you, as the person you are.

What we have to do is take those thoughts that seem to be fragmented and put them into the perspective of the All Seeing Mind, which is truly our I Am Presence.

Sometimes it may be challenging for an initiate to truly try and figure out the I Am Presence. It seems so massive and overpowering that the physical mind just cannot comprehend the feeling behind the words. But as a student of metaphysics you use that term because others have told you that it is important to bring forth those energies within your full consciousness. This is all very true and very important for you to fully be your Higher Essence, the God Light that you command within your Physical Mind.

Initially one thinks it is important to just go ahead and make the command. Then, your Lower Mind will assimilate it when it can figure it out. But it will never figure it out.

What occurs is that your Higher Mind becomes the commanding energy and intertwines within your Physical Mind so they become One. This is truly what Oneness represents.

We must think of the first moment of creation, if that is a possibility. Each of us is part of a mass consciousness and within that Source of Light, our I AM Presence, as one entity was in control of all that we have ever been and ever will be.

This is truly what represents Divine Oneness.

Each person must get out of the defragmented parts of themselves that causes confusion within the mind. If you can imagine that we are all part of the Source of Light, then we become that Light within ourselves and to each other.

As the beginning essence was created, the Source of Light decided that there needed to be a more concentrated effort of the many universes to be cohesive together, so a separation occurred. The essence of God was created in its form of Masculine and Feminine, hence, Divine Mother and Father God. This was to have an Overlighting source that would be able to assist each of us in our own creative process. So the separation occurred and each of us went into our own I AM Presence, which housed 144 souls of light. Then we became part of our Monad within Monads of the I AM Presence, as groups of 12 were created. Now we never lost sight of that essence of being connected within our I AM source of light and all the other sources of light combined.

This is where the true separation occurred within each of us.

As we went into our different experiences in the many universes, the Veil of Forgetfulness was placed upon us. It would be up to us to connect to the Source of Light that we were in order to stay within Divine Oneness.

But as we have all traveled through the many dimensions of time and space, we truly have never forgotten the Source of Light that We Are from the Soul’s Essence. But it was determined that the tests would be put upon us in physical forms to connect to the life source. This is what happens when an individual soul awakens to their God Source potential. Some may think it is because they are psychic and can receive messages through the veils of inter-dimensional time and space. But that truly is not the case.

This is when you awaken to the possibility of your Higher Self becomes a reality. It just takes time of deep work and concentration to remove the karmic debts that have been placed upon each soul depending on the amount of lifetimes they have experienced. Coupled with that fact is that the Earth is the School of Learning for all souls. It is a place where one can forget or one can remember. The choice is up to each Soul Essence depending upon the lessons that need to be learned.

This is why the Universal Laws and the teachings of the Kybalion has been so hard to understand and for some, they cannot even grasp the meaning that is in the written word. That is because originally it was meant only from the lips to the ears, from the Master to the Initiate. And in this manner, it was considered part of a knowledge that needed to be kept in secret. This is because when it falls upon the ears of the one that is not ready to receive it’s teaching, then it becomes lost in its context upon the world.

That is no longer true but what still remains to be seen is how many can truly understand the written laws of the Universe without allowing their physical mind to intercede in the process of the Light becoming One Unto the Earth.

That is why I am here in these moments to convey to each of you what you are ready to hear. But you must understand that it cannot come from your Lower Mind; it must be received through your Higher Mind. The only way to accomplish that element is to rise above of who you are in your present physical body.

You are a soul and a body, but do you know how to access that within total Oneness of the Self. Many upon the Earth do not. The only ones that can try to understand are the Initiates of Mastery. It is part of their pathway to open up to new ways of understanding and being upon the earth. Saying the words, “I want to be in Oneness” is only a statement of the physical mind. It does not represent the Higher Mind as the physical self has not felt the totality of that statement. When the mental body is in control, then the effect of Divine Oneness can only be said and not felt.

It is important to realize the potentiality of the Universal Laws. Stepping into the first law of Divine Oneness is truly a beginning of learning how to access your Divine Mind that is also acknowledging you at the same time. It is an opening of the doorway that allows for the Mind to be fully ready to accept the responsibility that everything an individual thinks and does and then acts upon goes right back to the Source of Light. It is a vibrational movement that is felt through your Monad and then your I Am Presence. It then continues its movement into the God Source through the Source of Light and all of the other I AM Presence’s of existence.

I know ~ that is a very overwhelming thought, but it is the truth.

This is why Divine Oneness is an awakening to the soul, to the spirit, to the body that all things exist together simultaneously through the waves of light and received back into the focus of the physical existence. It is a space and time that is allowing individuals to see their purpose in a way that is beyond the comprehension of anything you ever thought it could be.

It is the power of the Light fully focused within your physical creation. It is why you are awake – to remember all that you have ever been and will be in this moment in time.

We are One as we evolve together.

I AM Master Thoth, ready to serve the student.

So Mote It Be ~ We are One!

NOTE: If you desire to learn more on energetically incorporating the Universal Law of Divine Oneness into the Self to allow the energies to support you in the New Earth energies, we have a new series offering  that has options for a Guided Meditation, and teachings from Master Thoth and Lord Saint Germain (click here for details).

© 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:


Ascension Technique for Receiving Light Information Packets

light infractions

Call to the Mahatma to integrate all 352 levels of the Mahatma into your being during every meditation. Also ask to receive the Light information of all 352 levels of the Mahatma. It will come through in what would look like Light packets, if you looked at it clairvoyantly.  Ask to receive the Light information packets from the fifth, sixth, and seventh dimensions of reality.

This is actual spiritual information that will be programmed into your computer banks and that you will eventually use in your future mission. It also helps to build your Light quotient.

You can also request to be a cosmic walk-in for the Mahatma on Earth. In doing this you are requesting to be subtly overshadowed by the Mahatma to help heal the separation among your personality, monad, and soul, and also between you and the presence of God.

It is important to only do this work in your meditation and/or sleep state.  Call upon your Higher Self and Monad to assist you in balancing the light packets so that you can be fully grounded.

It is important to allow your physical vehicle to fully ground the energies.  Utilize your Soul Star and Earth Star together so that your full body system receives the light packets and can ground them within your physical vehicle.  Spin each of them in a clockwise manner around the outside of your field three times; the Earth Star would spin towards the Soul Star while at the same time the Soul Star spins downwards towards the Earth Star.  When you have fully finished the complete cycle three times, they return to their original position.  This allows the grounding energies to be infused within your higher frequency and vice versa.

~ Parts Have Been Excerpted from Joshua David Stone

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. Michael Aranathanara.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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January 26th, 2014 ~ Unity Number “7”

Unity Number 7In the Science of Numerology the number “7” represents connecting to your highest level of spirituality, i.e., your Higher Self, Monad, and I AM Presence. 


This number is reflected in the energies of being very “magical”.  Keywords are: spiritual awakening, accepting and developing spiritual gifts and enlightenment, intuition and inner-knowing, introspection and understanding others, determination and persistence of purpose, good fortune and inner-wisdom

Today’s number is derived from the base “16” to equal “7” which means that what you thought you would experience may be completely the opposite energies.  Sometimes we do not understand why we experience elements in our life until they have happened and then we say “My, why didn’t I think of that earlier so I could circumvent this event from occurring.”  Understanding your energies from the start is important so that nothing is lost in the process.  Native Americans would call this “coyote” medicine as he represents the “trickster” to make us laugh at our mistakes and tripping over ourselves.  Understand what you are experiencing from your highest perspective so that it can be grounded with your inner truth.

As we look at the number “7” for January 26th, 2013 we take the energy from “16” into “7” to access our spiritual divinity.  As each of you are transforming, it is important to have the realization of the pathway of transformation and what it means for you physically.  When you meditate on this day, allow the purest reflection of your Higher Self to be embodied within you.  Understand the pitfalls in the crooked road you are walking upon so you can fully accept yourself in a completely and different way.

Allow yourself to be in silence; get to know your Higher Self and allow him or her to be fully within you.  Ask for their guidance to be in your physical world so the creative process you are going through is not just in your meditation but a physical and grounding reality.

The Unified Whole Command of Many Beings of Light

Comprised of Master Thoth, Great Divine Director, Master Einstein

The Brotherhood of White Light with the Spiritual Hierarchy and Angelic Realm in Oneness

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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11:11 New Continuum of Light ~ Lord Adama Discourse

castle waterHello everyone.  It is I, Lord Adama of the Telosian Council of Light speaking to you from the beautiful essence of Telos. It is our pleasure to be with each of you once again.

What I want to share with you tonight is a remembrance of allowing yourself to go beyond the physicality, to go beyond the higher essential process of the being-ness that you are from your source of Light. This is where your knowledge and wisdom comes from, the multidimensional being that you are including Angelic, Galactic, and more.  It comes from those essences and this is how you bring that forward to your life circumstance and into each Light form.

So the doorway of the 11-11 has brought us to a new continuum of Light upon the planet; it is to help balance the energies that we have already received from the ray energies of the Blue flame and the Ruby Red and Gold and to create more of structure, a space within your physical essence to expand upon so that more can be received.

So I ask each of you this evening to take a breath into your higher essence; into your Higher Self and allow that breath that he or she is bringing unto you to come into your physical existence. Allow it to be integrated within your physical self so that your days can go easier; so that you can understand the process that you are undergoing. This is how the wisdom that you are is going to be intertwined within your existence.

I share this for a certain reason as there are more changes coming upon the Earth with the influx of the energies. This December is going to be a very powerful time for the planet and for everyone on the planet.  It is the last month of this amazing year that we have experienced representing synchronization, and how those planetary essences that you have brought forth into your consciousness can be reflected in your thoughts, in your feelings, and your physical body.

So are you utilizing everything that you have experienced? Are you allowing the flow of the energies to intertwine within your essence?

It is very important to understand that the reason that these accelerations are to help you become more of yourself.  I know many individuals feel the effects of the solar flares when you get to a certain level of acceleration as you won’t feel it intensely as you accelerate your pathway of initiations.  It will affect individuals that have not fully acknowledged their Higher Self within their physical body. These are the souls that are still in the beginning initiations which I know there are many awakening presently as this is a design of what is happening on the planet because there are so many people that are ready to receive their higher essence.

The solar flares will continue.  It is what you do with it that is important; it is how you bring it forth into your existence, through your thought forms, through your emotions.  All of these elements determine how it is going to be reflected within your physical existence.

The more trauma that you have in the cellular level and the Etheric level, the more that you will be affected by the solar flares.  If you have elements of lower energies such as anger, frustration, anxieties, frustrations, and addictions which represent being unstable, this is going to arise out of you even more so.  Some individuals at certain points may think that the activations that we do in these meditations and other activations are being done around the planet will just take care of it but you must understand that you are the keeper of your physical body.

Your soul has come into this physical body to really reflect its highest essence so it is important to understand that whatever comes up for you, we can assist you.  But you must ask for us to assist in whatever form that you want to call out to healer the Arcturians, Angelic healers, and all the beautiful beings of Light.  We can all assist you in this process. If it does not completely dissipate out of your physical existence, then there is more for you to look at.  It is when you have an interaction with an individual in which you are deeply affected by that communication as something doesn’t set right within you, you may want to blame the other person for what they are doing to you.   It is important to realize that it is always a reflection of the Self.

It is the same through the energetic process of the Light quotient expanding within your body, because as the accelerations occur within you, there are periods of dissatisfaction, or dysfunction within your thoughts, in your emotions, how you interact, or even how you think about yourself, then that energy is truly assisting you and this is what you have to remember.

As you move up higher in to the initiation process, as you move into that seventh initiation and you access that sixth dimensional frequency, will start to shift. Now, mind you, everything is not a piece of cake every day.  You will have fluctuations, you will have moments that you still need to heal, but the more that you work with your own processes the easier it will be on you. It is not something that we can do from a physical stand-point except to really understand why it is occurring within our physical existence and the flow. So the understanding must come from your full body system; it must come from your physical body, your etheric body, your emotional body, mental body and your spiritual bodies because this is the space you are trying to accept in your consciousness.  You are trying to merge all essences within the physical essence that you are.  It becomes very exhausting because it’s that you are doing too much. So we need to slow down the process a little bit.  I know the intensity that each of you can experience, because once you step unto this pathway you want to surge through all the elements, you want to push your way into many directions.  It must be through ease and grace through your Higher Self who is going to assist you in being able to sustain yourself.

2014 is going to be even more intense than 2013 and more people will become more evolved in their consciousness.  There will be more Light frequencies coming onto the planet as Helios and Vesta are trying to inflate the energies of the solar levels so that people can accept that level of accessibility.  Right now we are on a very low percentage of individuals on the mastery pathway.  There are many people awakened, there are many people that have special gifts, but they are not adhering to the rules of mastery.  They may stay in their present space and not go further.  This is where our Free Will steps in as their remembrance from the Etheric level may not be as strong as some others.  The New Earth energies need leaders.  This is why we have the Ambassador Program because the Etheric Golden cCties are going to be flooded with light workers that need assistance.  So we need as many individuals as possible to step into the mastery pathway, to take responsibility to heal themselves through these cities so they can feel better and assist others in the process.

These cities cannot be manifested within this Earth until the Earth gets to the Etheric level.  It is a dual process that is happening because as you clear your Etheric body then the Etheric level can be blended with the physical body.  When this happens, you in your higher state of consciousness will be able to tap into your higher essence of the Higher Self, Monad and I AM Presence.

Within the Etheric essence of the Earth is a higher frequency; it is does not have the debris that human beings are carfrying with them.  Gaia’s body has the debris and each of you are helping to clear the energies.  So until we do so these Etheric Golden Cities cannot be manifested within the physical reality which will be a fifth dimensional reality.  We need as many individuals to step forward and to learn about these cities, travel to these cities whether they go on their own or through the guided meditations and visualizations provided through Meleriessee.

So it is important to realize that when you feel magnetic to certain cities, there is more of yourself that needs to be done and this is why we bring forth these teachings.  It is very imperative because the fifth dimensional Earth, the Golden Earth needs to have many individuals as possible to be in a higher state of awareness.

We need individuals to arise into their Higher Self within their physical body.  We are not saying that they are fully going to step into their own teachings and mastery.  Some individuals are already trying to do this process by stepping forward from their physical lower self.  What happens is that each of you are angelic forms, each of you are star seeds, each of you are interplanetary structures. So the ones that have that have not been on this Earth before think that they know more then they truly do and they probably have some amazing gifts.  In order to fully understand the process that they are going through they must ground these energies into this Earth and adhere to the rules and structures of this Earth as they are part of the evolving process upon the Old Earth towards the New Earth.  This can be very, very challenging for them.   So there needs to be an integration process that is happening with many individual souls.

We share this because we want to truly be sure that each individual understands this process that the integration of your soul’s essence into the physical essence is a very important component. There will be many individuals that will not choose to do it this way.  The Earth needs each of you the, Earth needs everyone to arise to the occasion but it must be in the God-consciousness state because this is where this planet is traveling within the New Earth.

Again, I want to give my thanks and gratitude for stepping in to this world, for stepping into this pathway because it is going to assist many others but first you are assisting yourself.  This is why I share this information tonight to truly help you to understand why we go to the New Earth Golden cities and why they are so important.

We have been to all of them and will return several times.  These cities are considered the capital cities of the New Earth; there will be other cities which are called Crystalline Cities.  The Golden Cities are housing the energies of each of the 22 Rays of God. So I thank you for allowing your own vessels to be accepted within yourselves because you are truly doing so.

I AM Lord Adama

Your Brother in Telos

Excerpted from the New Earth Consciousness – Golden Etheric Cities class.  You may attend this class through our Membership Program or paying on a call-by-call basis,

Channel:  Rev. Christine Meleriessee

©2012-2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Mastery Tool of the Day

axiatonal_alignment-fbAn effective spiritual centering and clearing method is to call forth three times a day and in your meditations a Monadic Sweep in which the Monad, also known as your Mighty I Am Presence, sweeps through your chakras and four-body system, clearing them of all psychic debris and giving them a quick balancing.

You can also call forth an Axiatonal Alignment and Cosmic Integration and Alignment.  The Axiatonal Alignment will align your meridians with the Planetary, Solar, and Galactic Sources and will align your evolution with the actual ascension of Earth on a Planetary level.  The invocation of the Cosmic Integration and Alignment will align you with the Universal and Cosmic Levels of Evolution.

This is why we utilize these methods in our calls before we doing the journey work.  As we connect with the Unified Whole Command of the 144th dimensional reality, we are activating both the Axiatonal Alignment with the Cosmic Integration Alignment.

As an example in how to do this, breathe deeply calling upon the Unified Whole:

000-144-000 Unified Whole Online

Call upon your Higher Self, I AM Presence, and your Master Teachers to assist you.

Then count upwards from 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and increments of 10 up to 140, then 141, 142, 143, 144.

We suggest asking for the Platinum Net from Lord Melchizedek, Lord Metatron, and the Mahatma to come around your four-body system.  They pull it away removing any weeds from your auric field.

Then, call upon St. Germain of the Cosmic Ray of Ceremonial Magic with Deep Purple with Violet to infuse within you from your Earth Star, to your Heart, and your Soul Star.  Breathe Deeply.

At this time, call upon Paul the Venetian to infuse the Pink Flame of Creative Activation that will bring forth compassion, love, and serenity into any areas that need filling up.

Blend the Violet/Purple with the Pink to create the Violet-Pink Flame of Vibratory Communication.

Lastly, call upon Lord Buddha for the integration of the Christ Consciousness into your Earth Star, around your four-body system, to your Soul Star creating a pyramid structure of Golden Light around your field.  Ask that spiritual mirrors be placed on the outside that reflection the 144th dimensional reality and anything else will be put into Wholeness.

Then count back down from 144, 143, 142, 141, 140, then increments of “10” to 10, then 9, 8, 7, 6, 5; thereby, activating your 5th dimensional body.  Allow the energies to run into your Earth Star and ground them to GAIA.

Now activate the Axiatonal and Cosmic Alignment by feeling the colors upon colors from the 144th dimension to spin through your Antakarana Bridge into your Soul Star. Breathe into each of your chakras create the alignment and seeing many colors flowing through you from the Crown, Third Eye, Throat, Thymus, Heart, Solar Plexus, Sacral, and Root.  Then spin the energies into your limbs through your feet into your Earth Star.  Connect with your four-body system by expanding the energies.

Then visualize a cosmic flame coming into your Shoulder Joints, through your Hips, Knees, Ankles and Feet to align your physical body with the Soul body of Light.

You have now created the Expansion of the Monadic Sweep.  End the exercise with the words, “000-144-000 Unified Whole Offline”.

Note:  If you have already done this previously for the day, you can reactivate it by calling upon the Unified Whole Online with the opening statements and then do the Axiatonal and Cosmic Alignment.  Use your intuition of how to best activate the energies through your Higher Self.

©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.

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