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When Masters Meet in Shamballa

There is a place called Shamballa (Shambhala) in the Himalayas. Deep in the wilderness near western Tibet there is a massive pyramid shape that has a valley at its feet, a serene expanse called the Wesak Valley. Not all that far from the pass that lies far below the peak of the mountain, (Mount Kailash or “Kangrinpoche” in Tibetan), is a lake. Pilgrims seeking out the sacred mountain during the special festival of Wesak first will cleanse themselves in the pristine waters of Lake Manasarowar.

For them it is an extremely sacred event not to be missed or taken lightly. The vast majority of these pilgrims are Buddhist. But this is a Festival of Light that extends far beyond the devout practices of any religious doctrine or practice.

It is a time when the veil between dimensions becomes the thinnest of any time of the year. For seekers of spiritual truth that desire to attain the best and highest good for themselves and the entire human race, there is no other ceremony that compares.

“Below” the viewable Wesak Valley, there is also an Inner Earth, Fifth Dimensional Realm of Shamballa, and this is where once a year the Masters themselves meet to receive these sacred energies as well as upon the upper earth.

Within the teachings of Ascension Mastery (The Wisdom of the Ascended Masters) attending and participating in a Spiritual Festival Ceremony for “Wesak” or “Vesak” is of the highest desire as it provides the best possible opportunity to receive Divine Blessings. So both Initiates and Ascended Masters on the inner and outer plane celebrate this powerful time. Lord Buddha represents the expression of the Wisdom of God, the embodiment of light and divine purpose.

To participate directly in these sacred blessings and spiritual gifts is a rare opportunity for anyone and it it our goal at Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery to bring that opportunity to your doorstep. With modern internet technology it is now easier than ever, as the pure sacred energies can be transmitted directly to every participant. Walking Terra Christa’s spiritual leaders have been designated by Ascended Master Djwhal Khul as his official spokesbeings upon earth. He foretold of making such a selection in the Alice Bailey material.

What makes our Ascended Master Teachings so unique among the many others to have received this designation by Master Djwhal Khul is that we bring forth present day (current) teachings with the highest degree of accuracy and purity for today’s complicated modern day life so that those who use or works can get the best possible advantage.

Believe us when we tell you that finding the right vibration to actually be able to utilize these teachings properly in your life is no different than for every other endeavor that humanity undertakes. Human pursuits are fraught with many different interpretations and energies regardless of the subject matter. In other words, do you find in the current world that all paths of religion, positions in politics, or even individual governmental or private industry leaders are all the same? Obviously, they are certainly not. Ascension Master teachings are no exception and have many differing interpretations and focus.

What we at Walking Terra Christa are spiritually advanced at understanding is effectively separating what is most useful for us today from what is just lesser trapping of historical importance, (meaning what was important to a soul living in 1888 to understand and advance within the Ascended Master Teachings is not quite the same today as it was then. A great deal has changed!) This actually also holds true for souls who practiced Ascension in the more modern day circa the 1980’s and 90’s, as with the incoming new energies of this 21st century, especially due to the changes in higher cosmic rays (The Rays of God), spiritual speaking and in terms of raising consciousnesses quite a lot has shifted given the occurrence of the 2012 gateway.

However, there is also now much more potential for mistakes regarding pursuit of higher understandings. Along with such a profound event as the 2012 was, for spiritual seekers, there also comes with it a great and widespread growth of lesser or misleading interpretations of what exactly 2012 did for humanity and the correct means for how humanity can take full advantage of it spiritually. In our opinion, there are now immeasurably more avenues for becoming “lost” as a soul in this lifetime, tragically simply due to the vast proliferation via the Internet of so called “New Age” materials and sources that one easily comes across today.

In days gone by one had to meet physically with another person to undertake such a lofty practice of learning and study in Ascension Mastery. Today there are literally hundreds of thousands of individuals who portray themselves as being an expert when in fact they may be misguided or not even aware of what they are lacking in understanding.

So our goal is to avoid all that for you by providing proper Wesak energies and understandings.

The purpose of Wesak is:

1. The releasing of certain transmissions of energy to humanity that will stimulate the Spirit of Love, Brotherhood, and Goodwill.

2. The fusion of all men and women of goodwill into a responsive, integrated whole.

3. The invocation and response from certain cosmic beings if prior goals are achieved

Wesak is a time of great renewal and celebration. It represents the “force of enlightenment”. These energies are affected within our educational movements, values, literature, publishing, writers, and speakers on the entire planet. The power of these energies is so great that large groups of people gather around the world to participate in these energies.

Every individual upon the planet is affected by the Wesak energies; it assists initiates of all levels to move to another level of their initiation process so there can be times of great challenges that push each of us into a new aspect of our soul’s essence. It is a time to connect with others, share your gifts, love, and generosity of spirit.

For those that take part actively in the ceremony, it is the direct receiving of the higher frequencies of light vibrations that brings forth a profound state of being. The energies allow for the possibility for the initiate to gain special dispensation and advancements within their individual Ascension process.

In the words of Dr. Joshua David Stone (now Ascended Master Joshua Stone) who held this Festival to be the most advantageous of all,

No cost is too great to pay in order to be of use to the Spiritual Hierarchy (Ascended Masters) as the time of the full moon in May, the Wesak Festival. No price is too high to gain the spiritual illumination that can be possible at that time, Namasté.”

He was referencing the “cost” both mentally and emotionally of setting aside the desire to be firmly planted in one’s current material/physical lifestyle and almost literally forcing oneself to step into a deeper soul/spiritual connection, especially at the time of WESAK. It is nothing other than fully connecting to your “Christ Consciousness” in a manner that simply cannot be achieved on your own!

As Lord Adama, a living Ascended Master and High Priest of Telos has stated:

Changes are happening everywhere, and now is the time to fully understand within yourself how to best get through the next phase of your development. The Wesak energies are so very powerful but this year there is an unprecedented amount of energies due to more individuals awakening upon the planet. Every person that feels something different about themselves will experience this Wesak within their consciousness. They may not know what it is they are feeling but it definitely is creating change within their thoughts and feelings.

In this moment I ask of you, “What is it that you are feeling differently within your emotional and mental bodies that are coming to the surface?” It is a period of great reflection. As we, as initiates and Ascended Masters, go through a transitionary phase, we must take moments of understanding the process within the conscious mind. You see, this is not always something that individuals within the human body think about as it is a reflection within their dreams or meditative state. But that needs to change. We need to acknowledge within the physical self what the spiritual self is going through in order to transition into the full body system.

If every individual person could do this process on a daily basis, they would find that the integration of their Higher Self into the Physical Self would be a much softer and gentler process. We are consistently going through initiation processes as a human. It is designed from our Higher Self to allow the Physical Self to remember the soul contracts and timelines that are important to be integrated through the present lifetime. If an individual allows the lower self to stay intact, then the higher self cannot orchestrate the energies for the pathway to be opened into an awakening state. It also depends upon the work that is done in between lifetimes within the Inner Plane Existence and how much an individual will allow themselves to remember the most important elements for their spiritual advancement. So every time an individual goes through a trauma, a challenge, or a life experience that is challenging, these are considered initiations to prepare the physical self to look more within themselves for a deeper meaning along with understanding the entire process.

So this Wesak Moon will be reflected within each individual person upon the planet. It is a time for individuals to move into a higher essence of their spiritual awakening whether they are awakened or asleep. Initiates that have already awakened on the path will help themselves on a deeper level by taking this time to do some self reflection, i.e., what needs to change, how they are feeling, what is their life like, what do they need to be better for themselves, etc. Each step in the initiation process takes each individual into a deeper part of themselves to become the Reality of God. It is the plan in Divine Order to allow this essence to be the defining rule of ascension within the Earth.

I share this knowledge as I think it is very important for individuals upon this pathway to understand what they are going through. You are not different from one another; just accepting yourself in a different manner by the depth of your soul’s capacity to get into the core essence of your Beingness.

Know that you are being prepared at this time for the Wesak energies… the focus for enlightenment and acceleration to be accepted within the planet of GAIA. She is preparing to receive her full embracement of the Divine Feminine and Masculine essence to prepare for her acceleration. Every human being is doing the same whether they realize it or not.

Prepare, prepare, prepare by understanding who you are now so that you can move forward with ease and grace. Ascension is the process of de-accelerating the energies within the physical creation. Allow this energy to help you through this process by understanding what you are experiencing presently is for the good of your enfoldment within this planet and your Soul speaking to you in a way it never has done before.


If you have never experienced participating in a Wesak Festival with us, it is a time to prepare and set aside the material energies and influences of life as best that you can. Make the day of the ceremony sacred for yourself. Turn of your phones and computers so you are not disturbed and place yourself in the stillness of a contemplative meditative state. Burn incense, candles and play soft music that raises your vibration (that is, no words unless it is sacred chanting or spiritual prayers).

We really strongly encourage LIVE ATTENDANCE even if your local time is at night for the highest energies! If you are not able to do so, as long as you get time to listen to our 3 hour Festival of transmissions from the Ascended Masters, with the sacred Wesak prayers and invocations, the energies will be felt for your soul’s growth.

Note: You do not need to attend the event Live when it happens, but of course for those that can, it connects you MUCH MORE powerfully within the collective Oneness, and it also helps the Spiritual Hierarchy to ground and spread the energies upon Gaia even more within your spiritual connection to them through the event itself.


May the BLESSINGS OF THIS WESAK embrace your Heart and Soul!
~ Rev. Mahlariessee and Rev. Ara of Walking Terra Christa

ALSO: please share the link to this article in your groups and on social media so others can learn about the importance of the WALKING TERRA CHRISTA ANNUAL VIBRATORY ASCENSION MASTERY WESAK FESTIVAL CEREMONY!

Becoming the Higher Light Realms of Your Divine Self ~ Lord Adama Discourses


Alunnah! Alunnah! Alunnah!

Greetings My Dearest Souls, Friends, Comrades, and Initiates.

I am Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos with the Agarthian Council of Light.

Welcome to our first session of 2024. This year is going to be very magnetic for each of you and each of us along with the human consciousness within the Earth.

The energies for this year represent that Infinity symbol as has been explained earlier by Divine Mother Father God of the Mirror-Image of what you receive from the Higher Realms to come into the lower realms. This will allow your four-body system to be mirrored into these Divine energies. So, what you are in the Higher Realms of Light you can become in the physical realms.

The most important part of this process is to remind yourself to not negate it with self-talk from your Lower Self. This is fundamentally important, because negative self-talk is only a reflection of your Subconscious Mind. It reflects your lower self, your ego self. You want to reflect with your Higher Ego with the consciousness that you were before you came into body.

This year we will be working more within the Solar Angel to assist each of you to come into a new sense of yourself so that the reflection of your Divine Self, your Angelic Self, the part of you that was without a body before you came into humanness or any planetary system to be the true reflection. Because sometimes within human consciousness, it can be particularly challenging to try to reach that part of yourself.

So many individuals think that just because they are meditating that they are reaching their Higher Self Consciousness. It is a step-by-step process.

This year we want to help each of you to acknowledge each of those steps within yourself and not jump over any areas in between, because that is when you fall back into your old reality.

This is fundamentally important for you to realize. If you can acknowledge it within your full consciousness, in your mental consciousness of who you are as a physical being and then command that through your invocations that you want to change that reality within yourself, then it becomes your True Focus.

We initiated the first cycle of these teachings to represent the Illuminating Essence. There is a reason for that because of what this year represents.

We want to remember that reflection of what is in the Higher Realms and bring it down to your physical realm. This is something that must be worked upon, that one must concentrate within one’s own consciousness to go into that higher state. It does not just happen automatically. For each of you on the Upper Earth it becomes extremely challenging because your lower self’s mental attitude wants to go back to that reality that you have always known.

So, you must command within yourself that is not what you are going to do. That every part of your day is going to reflect the blessing that you are, the Divine Love that you are. This happens in full consciousness not just in your meditative state.

The goal is for each of you to acknowledge this within yourself. I can talk forever on the subject, or any Master can speak about it, but until you fully allow yourself to integrate what we are saying energetically, then it is not going to help you.

From this point forward remind yourself, “What is the word Initiate mean to you?”

You are an INITIATE.

You are initiating the energy to come into your full-body system so that you can work through it, walk with it, and change the debilitating thoughts and feelings that you hold from your Etheric Self of the many timelines that you have experienced. Some may concentrate so much on those timelines that it becomes all that they can think about. In truth that is not what we want any of you to do.

We want you to reflect upon those timelines and then say to yourself, “That is not me any longer, so I forgive myself for whatever I experienced or what I put upon other individuals, and I move into the blessing of the Rays of God.”


Just allow this illuminating light to come so deeply into your full consciousness. Of course, it is associated with your Crown chakra, but I want you to illuminate it everywhere. I want you to illuminate it within your heart. I want you to illuminate it within your lower chakras, your lower limbs. If you have joint problems or anything such as that within your body, put this energy into your limbs. Breathe it in. Feel it so deeply. Let it come into your physical body to heal aspects within yourself that you may be challenged by. You will be surprised in what occurs when you allow yourself to be the initiator of your own Divine Self to be accessed in all ways, not just mentally, emotionally, or not just meditatively, but Fully Becoming It.

Let us take a moment right now and allow that energy to fully come within you, that illuminating light that Mahlariessee just brought forth with the visualization. Feel it. Feel the warmth of the Sun within your Heart and all aspects of your beingness. Allow it to heal. Allow it to warm you up, to invigorate you, to give you permission to every part of yourself and hold that there and allow it to dissipate the elements that are stopping that progress.

I am Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos at your service. I look forward to our year ahead.

Alunnah! Alunnah! Alunnah!

Original Material © Copyright 2003-2024 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee* Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden. All rights reserved. *formerly spelled “Meleriessee”. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS CONTENT FREELY IN COMPLETE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS WITH THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE.


Support the Ascend Earth Higher Vibration Mission: The Ascension Ambassador of Spiritual Service!

Ascension Ambassador of Spiritual Service by Walking Terra Christa

Affirm a True Life Action to Support Pure High Vibratory Ascension for Earth and Humanity by Becoming an Ascension Ambassador of Spiritual Service! sm

Partner in Support of the Mission of Walking Terra Christa’s Ascend Earth Project directly with the Spiritual Hierarchy of the Planet!



Walking Terra Christa is the originator of the Ascend Earth Projectsm, the Ascension Ambassador of Spiritual Servicesm, and is the earthly founding spiritual leadership of The 22 Rays of Godsm. As a planetary organization, ongoing financial support through direct alignment from like-minded souls is very appropriate and assists in many ways. Ambassadorship expands the number of individual souls that are in true partnership with the Spiritual Mission of Walking Terra Christa’s sacred Divine Light of Godsm vibratory connections being given to Humanity and Earth through the Ascend Earth Projectsm.

© 2023 by, Reverend Christine Mahlariessee Hayden and Rev. Michael Ara Hayden, all rights reserved. Service Marks are as indicated on this page are the origination of the authors.





at 9:00 AM (Pacific Standard Time) on NOVEMBER 11th 2023 to collaborate in a Blessing Activation for Humanity and Mother Earth!


Participation will assist in ACTIVATING the highest creative level from the Cosmic Source of Oneness to become enhanced and grounded into the Heart of Gaia through each listener’s own consciousness. Certain select human’s have held the role of GUARDIAN OF GAIA ever since the origins of humanity. Indigenous peoples across the planet knew of this SACRED PACT within all their daily activities. It is time for EACH OF US to return once again into this SACRED SPIRITUAL role!


Earth (Mother Gaia) is HEALING from these Higher Frequencies of Light within this project. It is “a Project” that needed even more so today than ever, as Earth’s etheric body is in a stage of releasing these stuck energies. It is called a Project because it has such a small number of human soul’s participating in comparison to planet, and as such, the overall outcome for the Earth is uncertain but it is the GOAL OF THIS PROJECT to INSURE HER HIGHER HEALING WITHIN ASCENSION OF GOD’S DIVINE LIGHT so that she can take her place with the Galactic Family of Light!

It was Five Years Ago when we started this project to share with everyone how to set up Ascension Column Pillars of Light! This Gathering is the 5th ANNIVERSARY and is being enacted to BLESS and CONSECRATE ALL OF OUR FREQUENCIES OF LIGHT IN ONENESS through the 11:11 BLESSING of the ANGELIC SUPPORT OF THIS PROJECT and EACH OF YOU!

Over the years we now also know that it is by your attending, through your timely re-listening, and through your active support of this Project, that is what is making the difference. We have a long way to go in the number of individual reading this article and desiring to participate, as we know not everyone is a true believer in their inherent role as a Spiritual Guardian of Earth and what that requires of them. For those that are, please join us live if you can! Details are at the link for connecting on your devices and finding your local timezone equivalent. (The event audio recording is available afterwards to re-listen to daily through this month! Find it on the last page of the Meeting Resources section of the freeconferencecall page linked below).


9:00 AM PST (12 NOON EST)

The Divine Language Network Encodingsm by Lady Mahlariessee is to activate the spiritual action of Vibrational Ascension frequencies within the Rays of God.

Lord Metatron and Lord Michael create our connection to the Angelic Hosts within our Solar Angel to ELEVATE and ACTIVATE those energies within our human existence! (Read the message from Lord Metatron here on the importance of receiving this blessing!)

Lord Sananda holds the Christed Spiritual Guidance within the Intergalactic Fleet of the Ashtar Command. Lord Ashtar is the Commander of the many starships within our area of the Milky Way Galaxy that are assisting Humanity to be guided and protected in order for Earth to become a Christed Fifth Dimensional Planetary System within the God Essence of Light through each Soul’s spiritual transformation. The Whales/Dolphins are the Planetary Guardians within the Oceans and Seas. These gatherings over the past five years have been awakening them to the concept that Humanity can also assist in that role and are no longer to be feared. Continually supporting and sharing this Project with others is of immense assistance. (https://Ascend.Earth)

“We know many individual’s think that since they are reading articles from us on the internet that we are a well funded global organization. We do have individuals who help repost our articles, but everything you experience is created by just the two of us, who live a very modest existence that requires great faith that we can continue holding these very unique special events and teachings for you. We also wish to gratefully thank those who take action to share monthly donations with special recognition given to Ascension Ambassadors.”

In Blessings of Oneness,
– Rev. Christine Mahlariessee and Rev. Ara of Walking Terra Christa’s Ascend Earth Project.

Original Material © Copyright 2003-2023 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden. All rights reserved. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS CONTENT FREELY IN COMPLETE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS WITH THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!




at 9:00 AM (Pacific time) on SEPTEMBER 16th 2023 to collaborate in a Blessing Activation for Humanity and Mother Earth!


Participation will assist in ACTIVATING the highest creative level from the Cosmic Source of Oneness to become enhanced and grounded into the Heart of Gaia through each listener’s own consciousness. Certain human’s have held the role of GUARDIAN OF GAIA ever since the origins of humanity. Indigenous peoples across the planet knew of this SACRED PACT within all their daily activities. It is time for EACH OF US to return once again into this SPIRITUAL role!

We recently had the opportunity to travel to a small town on the Oregon Coast of North America. Being farther up north along the United States pacific edge of the continent than Northern California, and combined with the Oregon leaders commitment to keeping their portion of the coastline as original as possible, it is considered to be more natural and less disturbed by human development. As a result, it is amazingly beautiful and pristine. Many visitors are enthralled by the vistas of the pacific northwest seaside coast with the many majestic rock formations that seem as if a giant was throwing chunks of a mountain into the surf. It leaves one in awe feeling the blessings of the Goddess of the Sea and the renewal of energies she brings forth.

Our visit was intended to reconnect with her inherent elements of rejuvenation and recuperation as we had not been to the ocean in three years.

But that was not our only purpose. Everywhere we go, any place in nature, any town, we are always first and foremost “walking” there as representatives of the spiritual hierarchy upon earth. Our lives are dedicated full-time to create the Divine Light of God upon Earth. Just as an artist who paints cannot look at a beautiful place in nature and not see it laid out upon the canvas, we are inseparable from our spiritual mission to bring higher consciousness to the planet.

We could not do this spiritual work if we also did not have the ability to “see beyond” the painting so to speak. While not many of those rare souls who are able to perceive into the darkness that lies on the other side of the veil ever really desire to speak about such things, it does not mean “it” is not there. It very much is.

On this “vacation trip” of a week to the shore, that darkness made itself very well known to us in a manner that we would not wish any human to have to go through. In many ways, our experience would rival any of the most intense  supernatural and otherworldly scary movies that humanity loves to experience “at a safe distance”. Only for us, it was many days of experiencing it, not just two hours.

While I am certain you are curious, the details of that story are not the reason for sharing about it. The reason for sharing is twofold:

First, the “beautiful nature” areas of Mother Earth are very pristine. As such, those ares can still hold layers upon layers of energy that is very raw and untamed. “Nature” areas can very much hold all the lower elements/emotions/entities of all the energies of everything that has been experienced in those areas. It does not matter if there are people living there.

What matters is what happened to the people who lived there historically, and how far back in time that can extend. In the case of the Oregon coast, in the recent past, maybe only 100 years ago or so, that pristine wilderness was also the place where native north American indigenous tribes were practically exterminated by settlers in an especially violent and puritanical manner.

The accumulation of all those tragic events does actually seep into the soil, not just physically, but etherically. The Earth has an “etheric body” just as you do. It is a record of her akashic experiences and as such, in addition to her joyful past, it also holds all her denser energetic disturbances.

Darkness attracts darkness, just as light attracts light. There are many dark forces that are drawn to take up an energetic residence in areas where they feel welcomed.

All those lower energies must be healed, which often involves shamanic removal. Most people would not think of this Project in those terms, yet it is very much part of the process. It is partially why we created the Ascend Earth Project back in 2017. We knew of what we dare not speak.

And we knew the only way to heal such places in a much more profound manner was by using the Higher Frequencies of Light within this project. A Project needed even more so today than ever, as Earth’s etheric body is in a stage of releasing these stuck energies.

Five years ago when we started this project, we thought that you each could just learn to set up Ascension Column Pillars of Light and that you would recharge them weekly yourselves using our audio recording.

We did not fully anticipate, nor realize how important it was, that in order to be successful in setting them up and recharging them, one needed to be able to pierce the veil of the 3d reality, to not only be able to perceive the columns of light themselves, but also be very capable of feeling the truth concerning exactly what it was that they were healing upon the earth.

In other words, hardly any of the individuals who joined us in the Ascend Earth Project knew the energetic truth concerning pristine areas of nature (or close to nature) settings. The 3d veil hid all that.

Yet, ultimately, we learned it did not matter. The Columns were working because of the Ascend Earth live connections with us and Lord Ashtar’s Fleet. The active participation of everyone made a huge boost to how well they were able to intervene. Setting them up as best one could proved to be what is needed.

Second, in our story of what happened to us, it is important to share that we were greatly assisted by Lord Ashtar and the Christed Galactic’s of the Federation of Light. While they live in a reality that is of the 5th dimension and higher, they are very much real physical beings, ones who are just not perceivable within normal human abilities.

We are absolutely certain that without such assistance and intervention, things would have turned out much worse for us, and by extension, all of you who are holding forth these connections within these events to assist earth in her Ascension process through these group gatherings with Lord Ashtar and Lord Sananda. These beings, along with the Spiritual Hierarchy beings, assisted us to to dig deep in the face of great adversity when all hope seemed lost, to hold onto our faith and trust in our Divine Light, despite everything in our physical world appearing devastatingly insurmountable. They were our lifeline.

And they want to be yours.

Normal 3d people think that having a belief in Extraterrestrial life is crazy, let alone life in other dimensions. That is not our view, in fact, everything we teach is that higher planes of existence are very real. And that All those higher spiritual beings are ready and willing to help us.

If we meet them halfway. Or even just a little way. They can.

The reason is, they know that the Earth is a planet that is very dense. Nothing happens here unless we physically “move”, “act”, “create”. That “creation” can’t be left to others, nor to one’s imagination. The “dense-ness” of the 3d reality cannot shift until individual human souls shift first within, even if just a small group. But it must be real. It can’t be faked. It is Universal Law. This Ascend Earth Project was always intended to be that “true action”. Because, despite their strong desire to assist, the Christed Galactic’s are not allowed to intercede in human life until humans spiritually first connect to them through real human actions.

And now, five years later, we know that the Project certainly works. As individuals who are able to perceive a larger scope within human reality, we know that many of the destructive energies upon earth are much less devastating, or even non-existent, due to this Project.

Over the years we now also know that it is by your attending, through your timely re-listening, and through your active support of this Project, that is what is making the difference. We have a long way to go in the number of individual reading this article and desiring to participate, as we know not everyone is a true believer in their inherent role as a Spiritual Guardian of Earth and what that requires of them. For those that are, please join us live if you can! Details are at the link for connecting on your devices and finding your local timezone equivalent. (We will make the event audio recording available in the Meeting Resources section).



The Divine Language Network Encodingsm by Lady Mahlariessee to activate the spiritual action of Vibrational Ascension frequencies within the Rays of God.

Lord Sananda holds the Christed Spiritual Guidance within the Intergalactic Fleet of the Ashtar Command. Lord Ashtar is the Commander of the many starships within our area of the Milky Way Galaxy that are assisting Humanity to be guided and protected in order for Earth to become a Christed Fifth Dimensional Planetary System within the God Essence of Light through each Soul’s spiritual transformation. The Whales/Dolphins are the Planetary Guardians within the Oceans and Seas. These gatherings over the past five years have been awakening them to the concept that Humanity can also assist in that role and are no longer to be feared. Continually supporting and sharing this Project with others is of immense assistance. (https://Ascend.Earth)

We also wish to gratefully thank those who take action to share monthly donations. We know many individual’s think that since they are reading articles from us on the internet that we are a well funded global organization. We do have individuals who help repost our articles, but everything you experience is created by just the two of us, who live a very modest existence that requires great faith that we can continue holding these very unique special events and teachings for you.

In Blessings of Oneness,
– Rev. Christine Mahlariessee and Rev. Ara.

Original Material © Copyright 2003-2023 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden. All rights reserved. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS CONTENT FREELY IN COMPLETE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS WITH THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!

Master Djwhal Khul Resetting Your Subconscious Thoughts ~ Festival of Lights Full Moon (Blue Moon August 2023)

Being Inspired to Create Your True Reality

The Blue Moon of August 30th occurred in the Sign of Pisces (Moon) in conjunction with the Sun of Virgo bringing with it the aspects of Deep Emotion eliciting compassion to open up the energies of INSPIRATION. With the Sign of Virgo (representing the Sun) it is exhibiting a sense of practicality in the physical sense. There are high intensified emotions that are being displayed within the physical body to put elements into place that may have been lost previously.

This means that each of these aspects are standing face-to face to allow the dynamics of both energies to come into a state of balance. The Subconscious Mind is now being activated with both of these energies so that the inner thoughts are more aligned with feelings of kindness, love, and exhibiting the Intuitive Emotional Self to bring forth a state of balance within the physical walk upon the Earth.

This cycle is opening up the energies for every soul to rise to a higher level of stability by allowing the Higher Self or Spiritual Self to guide them in their thought processes to allow for the pathway of the Earth Walk to be more in alignment with their Divine Self.

We are coming into a state of Inspiration as Pisces is ruled by Neptune allowing for movement of dreams and visions to become a manifestation of the Higher Mind to become more integral with the Subconscious Mind. Thereby, Virgo, ruled by the planet Mercury, is prompting the ability to move from one thing to the next and to get answers on both a physical and psychological level. This is not the main focus, but will become an integral part of how you experience the energies of this cycle.

As you learn to manifest through our Intuitive Mind, we then become more grounded in the way that we want to experience elements to occur in our lives. It is important to realize the potential that we have as a Soul to become more aligned with your True Self, the One that is the defining energy from a higher perspective, not from the Lower Self Ego that is often the case.

It is during this phase that the feelings and emotions are more intensely felt. It is a time to learn from your past mistakes, while reprogramming the Subconscious Mind. When you allow yourself to experience the emotions, then the Subconscious will accept that feeling to help you readjust your lower thoughts into a higher level of consciousness; Thereby, creating a New Reality.

In summary, it is a time to allow your Inspirations to become your True Reality by accepting what you are perceiving from your Higher Mind, and allow the transition of the blessing of your Emotional Self to become One within your Subconscious Mind.

It is a time for acceptance of what you are receiving intuitively to become a conscious decision to make the necessary changes you are desiring to achieve.


As I experience the dynamic Moon of Pisces within the Sun of Virgo, I allow my Intuitive Self to open the doorway to receive the blessing of My Highest Inspiration from my I Am Presence to be fully realized within my Subconscious Mind.

I Am that I Am!

Greetings My Dearest Souls,

I Am Master Djwhal Khul, Ray Chohan for Love and Wisdom, helping each of you to receive the blessings that the Full Moon of Pisces brings to your full consciousness.

It is a time of great acceleration and change. Many times these changes can be so overwhelming that as a soul upon the earth, you may not be as aware of what needs to be addressed within your subconscious mind. The energies that are occurring in this cycle is opening up your four-body system (physical-etheric (chakras)-emotional-mental) to go through a series of adjustments so that you may be able to adjust the way you have been thinking within your subconscious thoughts and how it relates to your emotional feelings.

During this cycle Pisces is bringing forth the Inspiration through dreams and heightened awareness to be experienced. But how do you allow what you are feeling or sensing to become your true reality? It is a matter of becoming more aware of the sensations that are occurring within your four-body system and allow for the adjustment of the energies to help you re-formulate your thought processes.

The Subconscious Mind holds many levels that have been acquired through your experiences as a soul. This means there are thoughts that need to be adjusted or released as in this timeline you no longer need to hold onto those feelings. They may be hurting your progress or creating a sense of inertia within your consciousness.

As the moon is ever present right now, allow for the deep connection of your Highest Inspiration guided by your Higher Self, to flow into your subconscious mind. This part of you is very crucial in allowing the changes to occur within you. It should not be painful, but allow the blessing of Pisces to flow within you. Imagine you are floating in a crystalline body of water and every element around you is pristine and beautiful. When you allow the integration of that energy within you, then it is integrated into your Subconscious thoughts. Flowing light energy moving through the beauty and love that you so desire to hold within you.

This cycle is that movement; allow it to enfold within you so it becomes more part of your existence. Allow your Higher Self to help you receive it. Take some moments in quiet meditation to allow the flow of these energies to give you the blessing of your Inspiration.

Blessings and Love on your inward journey of love.

I Am Master Djwhal Khul at your service.

Walking Terra Christa is facilitating the Blue Moon Festival of Lights Ceremony with Master Djwhal Khul, the Native Elders, messages from Lady No Eyes, and White Buffalo Woman on September 2nd, 2023, at 11 AM Pacific. This is a meditative ceremony to experience the State of Oneness with the Ascended Masters, and the God Force to celebrate the internal State of Inspiration.

Replay the Ceremony audio recording by clicking here!

Blessings and Love in the Highest and Purest Divine Light of God.

© 2023 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). (*formerly spelled Meleriessee). Please share and repost. Rights are granted to repost this article in full with image electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages.

How to Visit the Royal Teton Retreat of the Ascended Masters

Accelerate with the Meditation Journey Class from Walking Terra Christa to understanding how to prepare for Visiting the Royal Teton Retreat of the Ascended Masters at this time of year for 30 days of special dispensations.

The best availability for the spiritual opportunity to receive assistance from the Ascended Masters occurs twice a year for seekers, adepts and initiates of Ascension. Now is the time to prepare for your meditative etheric visit. As we are now arriving into the period of the attending the Royal Teton Retreat in your etheric self, it is a time to work with the Divine Masters represented by the Teton Visit to assist our progress as Initiates so that we are able to assist Humanity to help Create the New Earth.

(Using the etheric body and not just the mental body of your imagination is one of the keys to a successful visitation. When you activate the use of the etheric energy body, you actually “travel” in the etheric body, which looks just like you. It is part of your spiritual body or soul. Our Journey Meditation helps you receive that activation).

(To learn more about the Royal Teton Retreat, please see our previous blog).

I had much deeper understanding of this process hearing directly from the Great Divine Director. His essence is so powerful and loving. He blessed us with divine wisdom of seeing from a higher perspective of our ascension journey, how it affects our four body system, and how to pinpoint a core element to work at the Royal Teton to truly heal and transform into that higher part of our divine selves. I’m deeply grateful and excited to receive this divine compensation of another powerful journey of self-realization this month!

“I found this class was very helpful because I gained a clearer understanding of my challenges in my relationships… I had not seen this so clearly before because I was allowing myself to be a victim to the issue. Already I feel like a weight has shifted and I feel a beautiful expansion of self-love growing. So grateful for Walking Terra Christa and their teachings – for I am truly finding my freedom Thank you!”


It brings forth the perfect opportunity to be assisted by the Divine Masters to assist us in our past timelines that are held within our Etheric Body. The Royal Teton Retreat is open twice a year, starting at 12:01 AM on both June 15th and then on December 15th so that we as Initiates are able to work with the Karmic Board and the overlighting Masters of Lord Saint Germain, Djwhal Khul, Lord Lanto, Master Hilarion along with the Ray Chohans of the Seven Flames. (The retreat stays open for 30 days for each visitation).

We all know that the intensity of the energies on the planet has accelerated many of us into a new wave of consciousness while trying to integrate the higher light quotients within the physical body. The reason that so many awakened individuals are struggling with these energies is that the physical body is still not ready to ground the higher frequencies within the cellular structure. It can cause many elements to arise that can be very challenging to the entire four-body system.

Part of the reason that these elements are arising is that the emotional and mental bodies are not in full alignment due to past timelines that are being held within the Etheric Self. This part of your existence is your Soul’s Body of Light. It holds within it particles of both Light and Dark frequencies that need to be accessed within the Crystalline Structure. So as the shift of consciousness occurs, these elements become very acute within the Emotional and Mental bodies and can cause great strife within a person’s physical existence. This is because these elements need to be purged and/or healed so that the Carbon-based body can become the Crystalline Structure.

With the integration of the Festival of Goodwill or Humanity, there will be a reconstruction of the following elements through each of the Seven Rays of God:

◊ The Power of Will  – Blue Flame;
◊ The Will to Love  – Love and Wisdom – Golden Yellow Flame;
◊ The Will to Action – Creative and Active Intelligence – Pink Flame;
◊ The Will to Cooperate – Harmony and Balance through Conflict – Crystalline Flame;
◊ The Will to Know and To Think Correctly and Creatively –Science of Divine Mind – Green Golden White Flame;
◊ The Will to Persist will become a human characteristic, – Inner Devotion – Ruby Red Golden Flame;
◊ The Will to Organize – Ceremonial Magic & Structure – Violet Purple Flame. 

In addition, the seven Rays of God are now quantumly (in Frequencies of Higher Light) becoming grounded into the Core of Gaia, (a Solar and Cosmic Event that has steadily been happening since 2013), humanity is uniquely positioned to be able to use these Rays like never before. (This is assuming they take the proper active consciousness steps to do so).

This means accessing these Rays makes it easier for each aspirant of Ascension Mastery to gain progress.

With that greater acceptance of these Rays/Flames of Light into Gaia comes greater challenges to each soul upon earth as now they must acquire the ability to step into full realization of the Ascended Master State of Consciousness. This is why proper training is now needed.

If you are working on your own Ascension and desire the assistance of the Divine Masters / Spiritual Beings of Light to work with you and guide you in the inner plane during this open window of opportunity please enroll.

Walking Terra Christa offers a special class to work directly with the Great Divine Director and the Karmic Board to assist each person to focus upon the issue(s) they are dealing with since the Festival of Wesak. This will help in learning how to incorporate the Seven Rays of God within each of their chakras so that the third dimensional chakra grid will align with the Cosmic Levels of Acceleration.

Meditative Journey Class is available via the recording digital audio download.

(Duration approximately 90 minutes audio teaching / meditation / attunement).

The Great Divine Director shares how to focus on this seven-step process of incorporating the aspects of Will, Love, Action, Cooperation, Knowingness, Persistence, and Organization in order to fully become the new essence that you desire to achieve.

Included in the class itself is a deep meditation with the higher light aspects being incorporated more into each of the Seven Chakras. Doing so assists you to become more balanced with what you have been experiencing. What this process does is to help you, as the Initiate, to have more of a higher understanding of who you are becoming as an Integrated Self. It will assist in clarifying to each individual the area(s) they need assistance with so that the incorporation of the New Self can be fully realized.

This is a preparation training class designed to assist in your Royal Teton Retreat Visitations. As a bonus along with the class you also receive a second TETON RETREAT JOURNEY SELF GUIDED MEDITATION to use after the class for your personal visitations. 

Our recommendation as teachers of true Ascension Mastery is to use both these ascension training tools to receive the higher energies during your meditation visits within the right framework of energies, as simply intending to visit on your own assists but it does not have the higher frequency vibrational energies we provide of the DIVINE LANGUAGE NETWORK LIGHTCODESsm. It is these Higher Energies that create a stronger shift in the full body system (mental, emotional, etheric, physical bodies) that are not provided elsewhere. You may use this meditation while you fall asleep and/or are actively in the meditative state.

From Please share and repost. Rights are granted to repost this article in full (please include the included images except for a text only post) electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the original URL referral link as the original author source for transparency.

©2018-2023 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). (*formerly spelled Meleriessee). Article originally posted in 2018 and updated in 2023.



The Galactic Federation of Light through Lord Ashtar and Lord Sananda give a Blessing Activation to Humanity in this audio transmission.

This will assist in the highest creative level from the Cosmic Source of Oneness to become enhanced and grounded into the Heart of Gaia through each listener’s own consciousness. This recording includes the Divine Language Network Encodingsm by Lady Mahlariessee to activate the spiritual action of Vibrational Ascension frequencies within the Rays of God.

Lord Sananda holds the Christed Spiritual Guidance within the Intergalactic Fleet of the Ashtar Command. Lord Ashtar is the Commander of the many starships within our area of the Milky Way Galaxy that are assisting Humanity to be guided and protected in order for Earth to become a Christed Fifth Dimensional Planetary System within the God Essence of Light through each Soul’s spiritual transformation.

In Blessings of Oneness,
– Rev. Christine Mahlariessee and Rev. Ara.

NOTE: Our next public Ascension Event is the FULL MOON FESTIVAL OF LIGHT this SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4TH, 2023, at 11:00 AM PACIFIC, 2 PM EASTERN, 6PM UTC. (A free open public event to embrace and be aligned with the message of Master Djwhal Khul for the spiritual energies of this Full Moon experience.) Instructions to join with us by audio online or by phone are here.

Original Material © Copyright 2003-2023 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden. All rights reserved. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS CONTENT FREELY IN COMPLETE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS WITH THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!

About Karma and Healing the Soul (and You) – How to Work with the Karmic Board Lord Saint Germain Lord Lanto

Unlocking Karma Healing Your Soul by Walking Terra Christa

Who amongst you desires to Heal your Soul?

One can imaging 2000 years ago a simply dressed man named Jesus sitting on a hillside and speaking these words passionately yet lovingly to a group gathered around him. (More accurately his name was Yeshua which the Romans translated into Jesus).

Unless you believe strongly in God and the afterlife this is a question that has little or no meaning. But for those of us who are convinced that we are so much more than a person having this one life experiences that we are having, it is very much a matter of great importance to us.

Within Ascension Spirituality, it is actually the highest priority. In fact, Jesus was not the only soul to have asked others such a question. Lord Lanto, who attained his ascension 500 years earlier did the same. While Jesus is known for his love and patience, Lanto was also known for having great reverence and the highest infusion of love into one’s life. This reverence of one’s life, the great gift that it is, leads directly to having grace in all you are and all you do. To him, it was he greatest attainment as it unlocked true spiritual manifestation (or what he termed “precipitation”). With his ascension he became the Ray Chohan of the Second Flame of Love and Wisdom within the Spiritual Hierarchy because he had proven that his method of teachings others held great power for them to heal their soul.

Yeshua would also ascend and become his higher self of Lord Sananda, the one who would step into the role of being the Ray Chohan for the Sixth Ray of Inner Devotion, as without such a deep reverence for upholding the essence of God’s love within oneself, there could be no inner peace “that surpasses all understanding”.

These Ascended Masters spoke of such things while they walked the earth so that those around them could grasp these great truths in terms of understanding. But it was whom they were being, as an example of holding God’s Love, Wisdom, Patience, Peace and Reverence within the very vibration of energy they exuded to and with others that they were able to assist others in holding the same frequencies of light within themselves, within who they were as a person.

As a regular person, even one who is religious or spiritual (or both), having that example right in front of you in your life is what really makes the difference in also becoming closer to holding those higher light and love energies of God within you.

Because without that direct link to their “presence”, whatever wisdom theses Ascended Masters are sharing to you is instead limited by being words on a page. Words can be powerful and inspiring. For well over a decade Lady Mahlariessee has shared almost all her teachings in written format, transcripts of the many Ascended Masters who teach with us. Yet as powerful and inspirational as they are, they cannot be compared to the firsthand vibrational truth that is experienced when one is able to sit and listen to those same words in their original form. That form is the vibration of the words. What is most fascinating about these teachings we offer is that even if you do not easily understand the language they are spoken in, or the concepts that are shared, the purity of the actual Ascended Master Vibration is still transmitted and received. And that is because to transmit the higher octaves of light, one must already hold that vibration within, as Rev. Mahlariessee had achieved the ability with her own living Ascension in the late 1990’s.

It is that higher octave, that actual higher frequency of God’s Truth in its purity and absoluteness, that assists the listener to begin to absorb those same frequencies into their own life energy field.

The community of Ascended Masters desire to impart their Wisdom of God’s Light and Love to all of Humanity. And the reason for that is simple: in the history of modern human existence, much of the true importance within the teachings of God has been lost or has deteriorated over time. The original vibration has deteriorated in mass consciousness and formal institutionalized entities.

One of the higher concepts that is so important for us as living embodiment of God’s essence is that we are eternal beings of light. While that may seem obvious to some, what is not as obvious is the complexity one experiences as a living incarnated soul. The weight of this Truth goes far beyond religion, and far beyond the historical account of the one man called Jesus. There is so much more.

First off, as a soul we are in Oneness. This means we live under the Laws of the Universal Cosmic Structure of God’s Truth. (That is. the very fabric of our space and time itself corresponded to higher laws that are beyond physics, astrophysics or chemistry). But as living humans, we do not always (or sometimes much at all) align the very fabric and substance of our lives, who we are,  to be in harmony with these higher laws.

One of these is the Law of Karma, or Cause and Effect, which many people believe exists and which many religions hold as true. Yet, most often it involves the concept of right and wrong, or even more common, the notion of breaking the laws that society has deemed important, and the consequences of doing so (and benefits of not doing so).

The Ascended Masters have learned that Universal Law is what God’s Truth deems important, which means it extends far and beyond right or wrong into being an all encompassing level of existence, or, put another way, as a level of vibrancy or frequency to live by. This is what Ascension means.

Yet the concept of Ascension is often just as confusing. Many historical sources like the Bible describe it as turning into light and leaving the physical body, just as they said Jesus did, so that one can walk as a spirit upon the earth and also walk in the heavens. Which by extension, if this interpretation holds, anyone “doing Ascension” is in fact going to turn into light and leave this life. This definition of Ascension is a great example of how misleading historical writing can be.

Lord Lanto exhibited, in his life as a living person, the truth of Ascension: he held enough love and light in his physical form such that he was holding the higher frequency of an Ascended Master. And others around him felt it. Some were even said to be able to perceive that light emanating from him. He “lived” Ascension, it was not just something bestowed upon him after he transitioned over.

This is why after he left physical earth embodiment he was asked to be one of the Ascended Masters to help establish an earthly center for the Ascended Master community to give great service to humanity to assist with the teachings of Universal Law, and especially the Law of Karma, as it is in many ways, the gateway Law in order to become healed enough to start to hold the actual light frequency of God’s Truth, as a physical being walking upon the earth plane. This center is the Teton Retreat.

If you already know about the Teton Retreat of the Ascended Masters it is most likely due to the writings of Guy Ballard regarding Saint Germain escorting him to the Retreat for a special visitation. Saint Germain was also one who was able to overcome the Karma of his many lifetimes of not living in a manner that upheld God’s Grace above all. He became a living Ascended Master. Just as Lord Lanto had done. And just as Yeshua had done. Overcoming the Karma of the past, not just the life they were living, but the many lives they had already lived, is an essential component of being able to hold God’s Truth within a physical form.

Lord Saint Germain, as he is termed in our teachings, is now the Maha-Chohan of all the 22 Flames, not just the Violet as he was when he worked so intimately with Guy Ballard in the 1930’s. Living his last embodiment during the 18th century during the time of the formation of the United Sates of America, Saint Germain finally learned to become a Master of precipitation, or personal alchemy, and his work was just as instrumental within the teachings of the Ascended Masters for Humanity as a whole.

In the 1950’s, through the original efforts of Master El Moyra’s requesting so from the Brotherhood of White Light within the Spiritual Hierarchy, it was deemed important the humanity be gifted a more direct way to work upon resolving misqualified Karma with the help of the Ascended Masters. Informally one could say that misqualified Karma is “bad thoughts, words or deeds”, yet in truth it is really about holding a way of being within all your thoughts, feelings, attitudes, and mental projections that is harmonious to all life and creation. And, as we already know from common human law, “ignorance” of the law is no excuse for not upholding them. Therefore, the Teton Retreat, which was in existence since the time of Lemuria and Atlantis, was deemed to be the center for such assistance.

It is also a misconception that Ascended Masters do not continue to experience spiritual growth once they have Ascended. If it was written in the 1930’s that Lord Lanto was the “head” of the Teton Retreat, then most readers and practitioners of Ascension might feel he still holds that post for humanity. But in fact, he handed over that role to one of his former students, who while living followed his life work. So in the late 1950’s, Lord Lanto initiated Master Confucius to become the holder of the Hierarchy for the Retreat. Lord Lanto then took on more responsibilities within the Spiritual Hierarchy.

So now “anyone” who desires to be self-responsible for their Soul’s Healing can petition in their meditations to visit the Teton Retreat while it is “in session”. Many of us today have been trained by the world we live in to look for instant gratification, and have lost the ability to appreciate that some things are worth the wait. The Teton Retreat Visitation wit the Ascended Masters is just such a thing. It is only open twice a year for just 30 days at a time.

Master Godfrey Ray King (who was known as Guy Ballard before acquiring his own living Ascension) was shown in the Teton Retreat some of the history of Lemuria and Atlantis, and how many of the Sacred Flames that sustained the Truth of God upon the earth had to be relocated by the Temple Priest and Priestess’s in order to be saved for Humanity. The Teton Retreat holds access to all the records of Humanity, but that is not what happens when one makes a visitation. Those records are there to help illuminate the higher understanding of what is involved in creating Cause and Effect at the Karmic level within your own personal life streams (that is, sometimes it is your past life actions or reactions that dictate events or situations that you are experiencing in this lifetime).

What happens in the Teton Retreat si each person attending first has to petition, in writing, an articulate request that defines specifically what they desire to have healed regarding their life lessons. This does not mean one can simply write down in a letter to Lord Saint Germain that they are having a difficult time with someone in their life and desire it to be resolved. While it would be in keeping with a life of instant gratification, or instant karma, it does not actually work like that. Instead, one must write out their emotional truth of the feelings regarding how they react and respond within the relationship, and what it would mean for them to be in balance with the issue, how that would change their life and their own outlook upon it and the other, or others involved.

The reason this is so is because the issue you present to the Karmic Board and other Spiritual Beings within the Teton Retreat (as the Seven Ray Chohans, Archangels and Elohim also assist) must be very specific and “concentrated” within your own awareness. It cannot be a vague notion or wish but must be well thought. And in keeping with that, it can only be one issue, so choose wisely.

Then, when you do make a visitation in your etheric self, (which is not the same as your waking self consciousness but is assisted to be activated through the meditative sate), you can actually be assisted to a much greater degree by these Masters. We suggest doing some audio listening preparation meditations to connect you accurately with the Unified Whole of Oneness such as the DeAscension Meditation, or Unified Whole Meditation, and then writing the letter. If you use the Teton Retreat Meditation itself that we created (linked below), read the letter aloud right before starting the audio so that it acts as a Decree for what you desire to create. The audio recordings then act as the vibrational frequency that introduces the higher octave light and love frequency into your auric field so that you can them engage your etheric self in the process.

The visitation using the audio recording is not a mental activity, even though you are listening to an audio transmission with your mental faculties. You have to instead be relaxed and in a state of receptivity, even almost drowsiness yet not sleeping. Once you have listened in this state of consciousness, it enables you to  then at bed time to be able to ask your Solar Angel (Guardian) to escort you back to the Teton Retreat while in the sleep state to do more work with the Karmic Board.

It is most important to know that you as a physical person, in your current level of consciousness, you will typically not immediately have a knowing of the higher consciousness work you are doing within the Teton Retreat. The visitations are 30 days for a reason, and that is to give each participant the time required to work through the complexities involved when resolving or rectifying karmic bonds to become healed. As you do so, you actually work with different Ascended Masters, and Members of the Karmic Board in a progression. And it all depends on how sincere and willing you as a physical soul (person) are in desiring to go through whatever you need to do in order to heal. We suggest listening to the Meditation each day during the 30 days for those who are most serious regarding their desire to heal their soul.

Part of that willingness does involve the sacrifice of pursuing the honor of your soul above and beyond material life activities. Not instead of them, but taking moments blended with them. For example, taking time away from life’s duties or holiday preparations or enjoyments each day to listen to a meditation during the Christmas/New Year Holiday season is not typical of most people. There is a great increase in the level of physical and material pursuits that occurs in many cultures across the planet toward the end of one year and the start of another. Yet, that is exactly when one of the sessions of the Teton Retreat is open. As with all things done by the Ascended Masters, there are higher reasons for this. Everything they do for us is not done until we have first passed a test of initiation to demonstrate that we are worthy of their attention. If we are not sincere, they are not called upon by their higher office of service to work with us to intervene.

Hopefully, (or else you probably would not be reading these kinds of writings) you are one of those individuals who would answer Master Yeshua in the affirmative and do everything you can to assist your soul’s advancement and growth. We honor you deeply for doing so as it really is the foundational work that is the key to co-creating a better earth.

This year we held 2 new Teton Retreat Classes. They are not visitation meditations, but they complement and provide more insights to go along with our prior Class and Meditation. If you want to add them to your audio library they are now also available on our Teton Retreat Enrollment page (if you need our Original Class and Meditation, you can order all four audio recordings at 25% off).

We extend our warmest holiday blessings to each of you and your families and loved ones to receive the highest level of Christed Love and Light that the Season brings! We are so grateful to those of you around the globe that are connecting with these teachings and the sacred spiritual frequencies they hold! Without you and your support, we could not bring forth the beautiful connection to the Ascend Master State of Consciousness as we do. Happy Holidays for a very Merry Christmas and A Wonderful New Year! (2023 is a powerful Spiritual Year as we will share in another article soon!)

~ Rev. Mahlariessee and Rev. Ara
Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Ascension Mastery


      • Saturday (North America) December 17th at 11:00 AM PACIFIC TIME:
        The Solstice Christmas Gathering Audio Event Blessings with Archangel Lord Metatron and also Lord Sananda/Yeshua, Lady Nada/Mary Magdalen, and Lady Mother Mary!

Use our FREE CONFERENCE CALL INSTRUCTIONS (which includes information on the event time in your local time zone + how to translate the event into your language using a Skype account). The events are free for all to enjoy*!

* Year End Purchases and/or Donations are encouraged by everyone to Support these important Sacred Earth Ascension gatherings! We are all very grateful for all your support for these Sacred Spiritual Ascension to become more widespread upon the earth! (If you would like to make a DONATION click here. )


Original Material © Copyright 2003-2022 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee* Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden. All rights reserved. *formerly spelled “Meleriessee”.


Teton Retreat_800_600THE ROYAL TETON RETREAT OF THE ASCENDED MASTERS opens for its Special Session to all initiates to journey in their meditations and/or sleep state to work with the Ascended Beings of Light.

The Winter Session doorway opens December 15th and extends through January 14th.

The Summer Session doorway opens June 15th and continues through July 14th.

Divine Dispensations Given and Higher Soul Meanings Revealed

This is a very special time period in which initiates may work with the Karmic Board and the Spiritual Hierarchy to provide emotional, mental, and physical symptom healing through the etheric body by resolving any elements of karma impacting their challenges presently. The assistance is directly from the ascended masters who gather in the Royal Teton Retreat for this specific purpose at this specific time. It allows each of us that are initiates on the Pathway of Mastery to step into the Ascended Master State of Consciousness more fully.

We have now arrived when the retreat is open to all students to visit in their meditation and sleep state. It lasts for 30 days during each dispensation period. It is a Divine opportunity to work more closely with the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of White Light.

The Brotherhood of the Teton Retreat provides assistance within an initiate’s pathway with understanding, encouragement, scientific knowledge, and wisdom by each of these wonderful masters.  The main prerequisite is for the student to understand that his/her spiritual progress has to come from himself, rather than the Master.  Each of us are walking this earth in training to be the Ascended Masters of the New Earth Hierarchy.  Intending to travel to this retreat in One’s dreamstate and/or meditation state will truly assist in the process of their Divinity Upon this Earth.

The Karmic Board meets monthly within the Teton Retreat with the entire Brotherhood and Sisterhood of White Light. During the Open Visitation period, they are available to work with any and all initiates for reasonable reasons of request.

Twice a year the Royal Teton Retreat is Open to all initiates and students of the Light to work with the Ascended Masters and the Spiritual Hierarchy on their current pathway.  This is a very special opportunity to have individual contact with the amazing teachers of the Light that each of us are aspiring to also become.

The Royal Teton Retreat is the largest retreat in North America. Master Djwhal Khul is now considered the head master for this retreat. At first Lord Lanto, who was the Ray Chohan of the 2nd Ray of Love and Wisdom, led the Teton Retreat as did Master Confucius. (Many other sources still use the older writings which do not indicate the changing roles of the Ascended Masters but the information at Walking Terra Christa is the most up to date).

To clarify, in 1958 Master Confucius took over the role of the leader in the retreat from Lord Lanto; and Master Kuthumi became the Ray Chohan of Love and Wisdom. Both of these great masters walked alongside of Lord Lanto for generations of time. Master Kuthumi left the post of the Ray of Love and Wisdom as he is now working with Lord Maitreya in the Office of the Christ; as he has become Lord Kuthumi. Master Djwhal Khul assisted Master Kuthumi in the Ray of Love and Wisdom and in 2015 had taken on the role of Ray Chohan. He is now assisted by Master Joshua Stone in this role as Master Joshua is training to assume this post in the years to come.

Master Djwhal Khul is now the leader of the Teton Retreat as he has lived the life of Master Confucius in his prior incarnation, so their soul essences have blended together within the Unified Whole energies. In effect Master Confucius is not leaving the retreat, but is now an integrated energy with Master Djwhal being the Higher Self of his essence. Lord Lanto is continuing to work within the retreat along with Master Hilarion representing the 5th Ray of the Science of God representing Divine Wisdom.  This ray is within the color of the Green merged with Gold and White.

The retreat is run by Master Djwhal Khul with Lord Lanto and Master Hilarion as they are dedicated to the radiation, expansion, and manifestation of the Divine Plan for this planet. The Karmic Board (whom all meet in the retreat twice a year at the times of winter and summer solstices to release new dispensations from the Alpha and Omega in response to the good will petitions from students within the mastery pathway.  (The Board also meet monthly all year, but at these other times there gatherings are closed to initiates and only open to the Ascended Masters).

The Teton Retreat is representative of the Ray of Love & Wisdom with the Science of God. It brings forth illumination of the Higher Mind into the Heart Essence (blending with the Lower Mind); the Science of God represents Divine Truth within the Higher Mind to be able to access Divine Wisdom.

Each of these masters represents amazing qualities of mastery that we each need to incorporate within our pathways as initiates:

Mahachohan Lord Saint Germain – represents all of the Ray Chohans and Archangels within the retreat.   He acts as a guide for each initiate to join the retreat.

Master Djwhal Khul – Ray Chohan for the 2nd Ray of Love and Wisdom; he is considered a master psychologist to help initiates see a perspective of their Soul Psychology from the soul level instead of the human level. His essence is now blended with Master Confucius who represents Truth, Justice, and Education of the Soul.

Master Lanto – Illumination of Heart’s Flame

Master Hilarion – Accessing Wisdom through Spiritual Truth

In addition Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos, (an Ascended Master) oversees all souls that are entering Telos after exiting the body who have attained the proper level of advancement to enter into a 5th dimensional frequency. (Otherwise the souls are given the opportunity to continue their training in the appropriate spiritual centers of study).

Utilizing the 7 Rays of God as the Essential Tool of Advancement

Masters Djwhal Khul with Lord Lanto and Master Hilarion work with the Karmic Board and all Ray Chohans of the Seven Rays of God (and Mahachohan Lord Saint Germain) to listen and address each student’s request. In addition the Seven Ray Archangels and the Elohim Masters assist in the process.

Many aspirant shave been introduced to the Violet Flame, as in the initial teachings from over a century ago, this needed to be the focus. Much as occurred over the past 100 years and now with the advent of the higher Cosmic Energies, aspirants are required to embody the qualities of each of the first 7 Rays of God. They are as follows:

1          WILL AND POWER, El Morya, Elohim Masters Hercules & Amazonia, Archangels Michael & Faith – Deep Blue (Throat)

Strength, courage, steadfastness, truthfulness, fearless, handling people, faith, protection, will, power

2          LOVE AND WISDOM, Master Djwhal Kuhl, Elohim Masters Apollo & Lumina, Archangels Jophiel & Christine – Golden Yellow (Crown).

Expansion of Mind, radiance of self, insight and intuition, loyalty, generosity, calm with endurance, serenity, love of truth

3          CREATIVE AND ACTIVE INTELLIGENCE, Master Serapis Bey (has switched roles with Master Paul the Venetian), Elohim Masters Heros & Amora, Archangels Chamuel & Charity – Deep Pink (Heart) –

Power to create, manifestation, mental illumination, perserverance, deep compassion, toleration and devotion of self love

4            HARMONY & BALANCE THROUGH CONFLICT, Master Paul the Venetian (has switched roles with Master Serapis Bey), AA Gabriel & Hope – Crystalline Light (Root)

Artistic development, resurrection, changing elements within oneself, Gold’s purity of light in thoughts and emotions, Hope, fluidness of life

5            SCIENCE OF GOD/THE DIVINE MIND, Master Hilarion, Elohim Masters Cyclopea & Virginia, Archangels Raphel & Mother Mary – Green mixed with Gold & White Light (Third Eye)

Opening up psychic abilities , Harmony of the Spheres with the Elohim and Archangels, flowing energies, accessing the Divine Mind (higher self energies), unwavering patience, able to see the minute details, voice is being heard.

6            INNER DEVOTION, Lady Nada, Elohim Masters Peace & Aloha, Archangels Uriel & Aurora – Ruby Red mixed with Gold (Solar Plexus)

Peace, forgiving love, grace, devotion to self,  and following the ascended master teachings.

7            SACRED LIVING-SPIRITUAL TRADITIONS AND PROTOCAL, Lady Portia, Elohim Masters Arcturus & Victoria, Archangels Zadkiel & Amethyst – Deep Purple (Sacral)

Purification, transformation, invocation, refinement, structure in life with sacred living, ritual ceremony

Within true and pure Ascension studies, the characteristics of these Rays become part of the souls essence with in-depth study and training. This is in the overall context of the 22 Rays of God which enables an aspirant to create the Light Body on the 3rd, 4th and 5th dimensional grid.

Important Note: From the experience of decades of our own direct advancement and teachings within Ascension Mastery it is clearly evident that the best intentions and well wishing thoughts about Ascension do not create Ascension. We have learned that most people love the idea of Ascension and are attracted to the love and light frequency. However, in order to advance in the practice of Ascension (actually raising consciousness and vibration) an individual must be trained in doing so. The training must be authentic and accurate to introduce and uphold the purity of the new vibrational energies. This is why we hold classes in Ascension Mastery. Our previous Class and Meditation to guide you to the correct and true higher frequencies of light regarding the Masters of the Teton Retreat can be ordered if you desire that deeper assistance. From our first hand experience, since these energies are not easily mastered, we feel everyone needs guidance and assistance.

Click this link to read about the Class and Mediation: TETON RETREAT CLASS MEDITATION JOURNEY and the companion SELF GUIDED ATTUNEMENT MEDITATION JOURNEY. Click here.

What is the Karmic Board?

The Karmic Board consists of a group of Ascended Masters that oversee each soul’s evolution on planetary and soul levels. The Karmic Board overlight the laws of the galaxy as they apply to planet Earth, and meets twice a year to consider petitions from the Brotherhood and unascended beings. They are not only here to assist each of us but we can call upon them any time that we wish to assist in clearing away energies that are stopping us from having our full potential while in body. They also meet monthly at the Grand Teton Retreat to assist initiates in their pathway but the work done in the 6 day period is of a lesser degree than the twice-a-year conference. Initiates are invited to attend in both December and June during their meditation and sleep states.

The Karmic Board Members consist of:

Lady Portia (Goddess of Justice, Spokesperson for the Board),

Goddess of Liberty,

Lady Nada (Goddess of Love),

Lady Pallas Athena (Goddess of Truth),

Elohim Master Cyclopea (Concentration Representing the 5th Ray),

Lady Quan Yin (Goddess of Mercy),

The Great Divine Director (Unified Whole Command).

The petitions that are backed by the largest amount of energy, have the greatest chance of being approved. Generally, those petitions with the greatest amount of support from both the human kingdom and the ascended realm will be chosen. Note that Cosmic Law is very strict. It may not be superseded except under exceptional circumstances. After consulting with Alpha and Omega, the Karmic Board renders a decision, which is final.

The Karmic Board opens up the Book of Life which is the summary of the experiences of the last embodiment for each individual who passed through the experienced known as death. The Book of Life shows how the individual used the energy of the last embodiment in a constructive way. They examine each individual who wants to come back into embodiment and decides whether or not to grant the individual the opportunity to re-embody at a certain place or time.

The members of the Karmic Board are not beings waiting to punish souls. Their service to God is to assist individuals to be given the greatest opportunity for spiritual progress, to balance out their debts, and to complete their ascension process. The Karmic Board is a merciful body of helpful intelligences, not to punish the bewildered souls.

They are here to assist us in various ways. For example, if you find that you are having issues with an individual bothering you psychically, you can put out a request to the Karmic Board to alleviate the interaction. In addition they are here to help remove any discordant chords that are impeding your progress for your Highest Good. They will tell you exactly what can occur if the chords are removed. In some cases it may be previous lifetime connections and you may want to open up the doorway for a better relationship with this person. Other times it could mean that the relationship would be severed. They will communicate exactly what the consequences can be when the chords are removed. These communications occur at the soul level most often so that an understanding from the higher realms filters into your physical existence.

The doorway opens each year on June 15th at 12:01 AM (your timezone) and ends on July 14th 11:59 PM.  This occurs two times per year.  The other entryway into the Teton Retreat occurs on December 15th through January 14th each year.

 To access the retreat during your sleep or meditative state, state aloud this Decree:

I call upon the Unified Whole Command, of the 144th Dimension, to access my I AM Presence, Monad, and Higher Self, fully activating my Merkabah Vehicle of Light.

I fully request to travel to the Royal Teton Retreat within the Teton Mountains of Wyoming, USA.

I call upon Mahachohan Saint Germain to guide me to the retreat so that I may meet with Master Djwhal Khul, Lord Lanto, and Master Hilarion along with the Karmic Board and the Chohans and Archangels of the Seven Rays to help me illuminate my Divine Heart Essence within my physical body.  I ask to allow the Christed Being that I AM to be fully acknowledged.

I present to these beautiful beings of light the following request(s) for the acceleration of my Mastery Pathway within my Physical Body so that I may fully step into the ASCENDED MASTER STATE OF CONSCIOUSNESS that I Am.

State what you would like to focus upon:  ______________________.

So Mote It Be, in the Light of the Christ that I AM

Note: We recommend you use our TETON RETREAT Class and Meditation as previously stated. If you feel strongly about doing your own meditation we suggest at least first using our Spiritual Healing Meditation found at this link so that the energies you are able to receive in the meditation are at a higher level of frequency as protected by the Spiritual Hierarchy. (In fact we recommend this meditation to everyone serious about Ascension Mastery* to use every day or every few days).

If you are connecting in your own meditation, here is some guidance of what the retreat looks like.  This information is excerpted from the I AM Series, “Unveiled Mysteries” in which Saint Germain took Guy Ballard into the Teton Retreat.

The retreat is below a huge waterfall which is in front of Jenny Lake.  Call upon your Merkabah with the assistance of Lord Saint Germain to take you to this spot.  Walk behind the waterfall and there is a huge elevator that is going to take you down about 1500 feet below the mountain.

As you walk from the elevator into the entrance hall, you meet up with Masters Djwhal Khul, Confucius, Lanto, and Hilarion.  The flame of this retreat is an Emerald Green embossed with Golden and White hues.  Every initiate is given a beautiful robe that reflects these colors.

A soft white light floods the entire retreat. The walls of the retreat are composed of white onyx, blue and rose granite, and pure gold.

The audience hall or sanctuary is about 100 feet wide, 200 feet long and about 50 feet high, containing an arched ceiling. The great altar, which occupies the center of the vast audience chamber, rests upon a massive white marble base and is made of ivory. The base is square, 4 steps leading to the top on all 4 sides. On the altar blazes the Precipitation flame and is the color of Chinese green with a golden radiance. The flame in the shape of a calla lily, rises to the top of the vaulted ceiling. Around the base of the altar are large golden plaques, depicting the history of mankind’s evolution, beginning with Archangel Michael’s descent to Earth, accompanied by members of the First Root Race.

The audience hall contains a large-size panel, that is used as a Cosmic Screen, or Mirror. It is composed of precipitated material, of a mineral-type substance, not known on Earth. The panel is about 30’ high and 70’ long; it is velvety in texture and is deep indigo-blue color. On this cosmic mirror, live pictures, in all dimensions can be portrayed. Every past and present event can be made visible on this screen by a directing intelligence.

A magnificent cross of sparkling yellow diamonds adorns the ceiling of the audience hall of the Retreat.

There are seven (7)  beautiful antechambers surrounding the audience hall which are used for smaller conferences throughout the year. They can be opened to the audience hall by drawing back the golden-mesh curtains at the entrance. On each curtain is portrayed the figure of each of the great Archangels, along with his divine complement.

The retreat can be extended to encompass the entire Teton Range if necessary giving students the opportunity to meet and to express themselves in their inner bodies.

There is one room where a complete record of every civilization that has existed on earth is kept. The room is 80’ long, 40’ wide, and 20’high containing an arched ceiling. These records are on 8” wide ribbons of thin gold, alloyed with a material that makes them tough and pliable. Yet they are no thicker than ordinary writing paper. These ribbons contain embossed hieroglyphs and are wound on spindles, 10” in width.

There are a number of other rooms in which gold, jewels, and treasures are kept. They are to be used for future beneficial purpose. In addition there are a number of council chambers and other rooms. In these rooms are stored musical instruments, art, inventions and formulas, all prepared and ready to be given to mankind for use in the New Earth.

When it is time for you to leave, ask Saint Germain to escort you back into your present location.

For the optimal Mediation Experience we suggest ordering the special TETON RETREAT CLASS MEDITATION JOURNEY and the companion SELF GUIDED ATTUNEMENT MEDITATION JOURNEY. Click here for the class details.

Blessings on a wonderful experience for the Teton Retreat!
~Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden and Rev. Michael Ara Hayden

As highly dedicated Spiritual Leaders who tirelessly uphold Ascension Mastery instruction and guidance as our only life purpose for humanity and Gaia, we are immensely grateful to each of you for you support and use of the work we do! We wish you a very blessed and magical Solstice Christmas experience and a very Happy New Year! [ Join us for our annual Solstice Christmas Event with Lord Metatron, Lord Sananda, Lady Mother Mary and Lady Nada for the Holy Blessings as we close out 2022! Event is Saturday December 17th at 11:00 AM PT. Instructions to join. ]

If you are interested in our Holiday Sale which is discounted up to 60% for some of our Seminar Teachings please see the details here. Included are some of our Meditations and high frequency essential oil Aromatherapy Healing Sprays.

Original Material © Copyright 2003-2022 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee* Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden. All rights reserved. *formerly spelled “Meleriessee”. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS CONTENT FREELY IN COMPLETE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS WITH THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!

*Ascension Mastery is the realized form of manifesting Ascension Frequencies where your vibratory rate actually increases over time due to the in-depth training (not the intellectual pursuit or study) and the acquiring of a higher Spiritual Essence. Everyone on Earth is already part of God’s Light and Love but that does not mean they as individuals (or collectively) are Ascending, or that Ascension is happening to them. Earth is at a cross roads of Spiritual Awakening to step into Ascension, but without each person taking on an individual personal life responsibility to change their lives into practicing actual Ascension energies there can be no real shift in frequency. Ascension as a concept, belief or a mystery to be revealed is akin to a mere informational level desired by the mental intellect and does not create the authentic higher Ascension Octave of Light and Love required for a New Earth to be created. Our mission as an Academy is to bring forth that actual level of higher love and light for you to learn to feel and acquire them. It is a process that will take any initiate many years (even decades) to achieve just as it did for the Ascended Masters themselves.


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