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Becoming the Higher Light Realms of Your Divine Self ~ Lord Adama Discourses


Alunnah! Alunnah! Alunnah!

Greetings My Dearest Souls, Friends, Comrades, and Initiates.

I am Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos with the Agarthian Council of Light.

Welcome to our first session of 2024. This year is going to be very magnetic for each of you and each of us along with the human consciousness within the Earth.

The energies for this year represent that Infinity symbol as has been explained earlier by Divine Mother Father God of the Mirror-Image of what you receive from the Higher Realms to come into the lower realms. This will allow your four-body system to be mirrored into these Divine energies. So, what you are in the Higher Realms of Light you can become in the physical realms.

The most important part of this process is to remind yourself to not negate it with self-talk from your Lower Self. This is fundamentally important, because negative self-talk is only a reflection of your Subconscious Mind. It reflects your lower self, your ego self. You want to reflect with your Higher Ego with the consciousness that you were before you came into body.

This year we will be working more within the Solar Angel to assist each of you to come into a new sense of yourself so that the reflection of your Divine Self, your Angelic Self, the part of you that was without a body before you came into humanness or any planetary system to be the true reflection. Because sometimes within human consciousness, it can be particularly challenging to try to reach that part of yourself.

So many individuals think that just because they are meditating that they are reaching their Higher Self Consciousness. It is a step-by-step process.

This year we want to help each of you to acknowledge each of those steps within yourself and not jump over any areas in between, because that is when you fall back into your old reality.

This is fundamentally important for you to realize. If you can acknowledge it within your full consciousness, in your mental consciousness of who you are as a physical being and then command that through your invocations that you want to change that reality within yourself, then it becomes your True Focus.

We initiated the first cycle of these teachings to represent the Illuminating Essence. There is a reason for that because of what this year represents.

We want to remember that reflection of what is in the Higher Realms and bring it down to your physical realm. This is something that must be worked upon, that one must concentrate within one’s own consciousness to go into that higher state. It does not just happen automatically. For each of you on the Upper Earth it becomes extremely challenging because your lower self’s mental attitude wants to go back to that reality that you have always known.

So, you must command within yourself that is not what you are going to do. That every part of your day is going to reflect the blessing that you are, the Divine Love that you are. This happens in full consciousness not just in your meditative state.

The goal is for each of you to acknowledge this within yourself. I can talk forever on the subject, or any Master can speak about it, but until you fully allow yourself to integrate what we are saying energetically, then it is not going to help you.

From this point forward remind yourself, “What is the word Initiate mean to you?”

You are an INITIATE.

You are initiating the energy to come into your full-body system so that you can work through it, walk with it, and change the debilitating thoughts and feelings that you hold from your Etheric Self of the many timelines that you have experienced. Some may concentrate so much on those timelines that it becomes all that they can think about. In truth that is not what we want any of you to do.

We want you to reflect upon those timelines and then say to yourself, “That is not me any longer, so I forgive myself for whatever I experienced or what I put upon other individuals, and I move into the blessing of the Rays of God.”


Just allow this illuminating light to come so deeply into your full consciousness. Of course, it is associated with your Crown chakra, but I want you to illuminate it everywhere. I want you to illuminate it within your heart. I want you to illuminate it within your lower chakras, your lower limbs. If you have joint problems or anything such as that within your body, put this energy into your limbs. Breathe it in. Feel it so deeply. Let it come into your physical body to heal aspects within yourself that you may be challenged by. You will be surprised in what occurs when you allow yourself to be the initiator of your own Divine Self to be accessed in all ways, not just mentally, emotionally, or not just meditatively, but Fully Becoming It.

Let us take a moment right now and allow that energy to fully come within you, that illuminating light that Mahlariessee just brought forth with the visualization. Feel it. Feel the warmth of the Sun within your Heart and all aspects of your beingness. Allow it to heal. Allow it to warm you up, to invigorate you, to give you permission to every part of yourself and hold that there and allow it to dissipate the elements that are stopping that progress.

I am Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos at your service. I look forward to our year ahead.

Alunnah! Alunnah! Alunnah!

Original Material © Copyright 2003-2024 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee* Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden. All rights reserved. *formerly spelled “Meleriessee”. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS CONTENT FREELY IN COMPLETE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS WITH THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE.




True Correct Ascension Mastery Training

Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos shares his wisdom and knowledge for Ascension Mastery Training in relation the challenges that are occurring upon the Earth presently. The Telosians and Agartha Councils of Light realize the importance of bringing forth the Truth of Light to assist humanity. Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden is an Integrative Channel who works exclusively with Lord Adama of Telos and the Agartha Council of Light.

Greetings My Dearest Ones,

It is I, Lord Adama. Aluna, Aluna, Aluna.

I am here with the Agarthian Council of Light as each of the members of the Agarthian Council are here within the Command Center of Telos within this moment as each of them want to participate in our Wednesday evening meetings.

We are now starting a new semester with a new phase of our program. We have gone through tremendous movements of accelerations and changes upon the Earth. As a result, Gaia is feeling these changes. There is the continual duality occurring on many levels. It is happening in humanity, in the Earth, in the Star Systems, and the Planetary Systems.

The most important focus I want to bring to you this evening that is occurring presently is to connect fully to your Truth of the Light.

This evening the program is representing each of your own Inner Truths and how you feel about your emotions and thoughts to help you bring your Divine Light of your Truth; I want the same to be accessed through the Divine Light of Creation for all of humanity in each moment that no matter what is happening in the outside world as we see many changes occurring, along with many deaths happening with the environmental conditions. Some are natural and some not so natural as each of us knows this fact. The duality that is happening is being assisted by Lord Ashtar who has had his Legions of Light assisting in the Star Systems, in the weather patterns and helping the Earth to come into a new place.

We are in a very intensified period of acceleration.

Every time there is a climax like this that occurs it brings up many fears, anxieties, and untruths. It is important for each of you to realize your own Divine Truth of what you believe from the higher realms of light. This is what is really going to assist each of you individually and collections and globally to be in this space of light, to bring in that extension and to help the souls that are hurting from these energies to come into a new state of awareness.

I believe that is what Step 8 represents (Self Forgiveness) in which each of you are working upon personally in your own pathway and what it means for you.

Together globally we have to hold this light; we have to bring forth that Divine Truth that we as a Global community we can fully come into a state of healing, to a state of compassion, to a state of hope that these experiences that are occurring around the world and upon the lands can heal instead of being a direct result of what can be.

You see, we have all lived it before. We experienced it in Lemuria, and we lived it in Atlantis. It is happening once again whether you want to accept that fact within your consciousness. Yes, things are changing but what I see around the world amongst all lightworkers and awakened souls, is that many them are not seeing their own Divine Truth.

Many of the attitudes that occurred in Atlantis are being fully accessed once again. It is our hope with the Spiritual Hierarchy to help you realize that you are not your old self and the patterns that occurred during those times periods are arising for a reason. It is time to clear the old elements so that we do not have the same situations occur as it did in Lemuria and Atlantis.

We want to wake everyone up and see within themselves that it is time to be very diligent in what feels aligned with the Christ Consciousness and what does not. History is repeating itself as many old ways of doing things are coming into creation once again. But it is within each of you, that you can make the distinction of what feels right within your consciousness.

I will tell you that the reason we are not on the Upper Earth is because of this duality.

Elements have not occurred that allow us the purity and confirmation that it is okay to walk upon the Upper Earth. When we do come up for visits, it is very short and we have to go through a huge cleansing process to get our energies back to its original Divine Blueprint. Contrary to what some may believe, we as the Agarthians, are not walking the Upper Earth at this time. Please know this to be true as we are the Christed Beings just as each of you are.

The Earth is still being controlled by energies that are not in the Christ Light. They are very apparent amongst many lightworkers especially individuals that have not walked the Ascension Pathway of the Initiations. Many of them are sharing words from other worlds that are not in alignment of the Christed energies, but yet their information can be very powerful and convincing.

We, of the Agarthian Council of Light, are truly not going to allow the same experiences to happen once again.

What I ask is that each of you to be strong within your own convictions to realize the opportunities that are being opened to change this world, to change this earth. We have talked about the New Earth for many years since the Millennium to bring forth that ability to experience an energetic exchange upon this earth into a higher dimensional frequency.

Presently there is destruction in many parts of the world. There is destruction in the minds of people, destruction everywhere you turn, there is animosity, there is dissension, and there are those elements of feeling that darkness. So, it is imperative that each of us as the group of souls that we are to bring forth the highest light frequency possible to assist not only the planet as a whole but each of us individually.

We, in Telos, are also very sad and disheartened as what is happening on the Earth but we know that it is just an opening of a doorway.

The battle is not being lost and I don’t want any of you to think that it has. It may seem very dark and you may feel that it is never-ending; we must not go into that space. We must allow the higher consciousness that each of us is to guide us in each moment, to be the shining light, the Beacon so that more light can be attracted to that energy. So that the places of darkness can be dispelled and integrated with the light, and this represents the People. But each of you must take a responsibility in your own way to uphold this Light and the best way you can do so is within yourself.

There is a reason why the Unified Whole Command was created. It was foreseen by the Spiritual Hierarchy that there needed to be a Source of Light in which nothing could interfere with the Creation of the New Earth that was a lesser energy would try to fool many souls, and believe me, they are very convincing. Each of the masters from the Spiritual Hierarchy agreed to set up the Command Center within the 144th Dimension, every Master, Angel, Christed Intergalactic Being, under the guidance of Divine Mother and Father God fully gave their pledge to step into the Unified Whole Command. This way the movement of the energies could be readily available to any individual that chose to connect with us in this manner.

Lady Meleriessee was asked in 2011 to be the spokesperson for this energetic exchange and she was given this opportunity to utilize the higher commanding energies in this manner for a reason.

It was time – that all awakened souls be able to connect to this channel of light so that it would assist in removing all other lower energies that have been trying to interfere in the process of the New Earth as has been shown to each of the members of the Spiritual Hierarchy. This commanding energy must be utilized for any awakened soul to raise their vibration so as to bypass the other conflicting energies that are trying desperately to get to the masses

I share all of this as I want each individual that is reading this material to connect to the Unified Whole Command of the 144th dimension by counting upwards from the zero level to the 144th level in increments of ten. This will allow each person to raise their consciousness into that higher level that is necessary to overcome the lower energies that are becoming very prevalent in our present circumstances. Not doing so allows the lower frequencies to interact with your consciousness and may cause you to think or act differently away from the lineage of the Christ Consciousness. This process cannot be done with your lower mental mind; it must be accomplished by feeling the energies through your breath and becoming part of the higher dimensional frequency.

We want to gather with each of you in unity of the Spirit of the Christ so that we do not loose souls to this other energy that is occurring presently.

How do we utilize Self Forgiveness on a global level for the Earth and all her inhabitants?

We have to fully forgive ourselves for what we have created in all of our timelines, because that is what is happening now. There are millions of souls that do not understand this concept. We, of the Higher Realms of Light, and you, of the Inhabitants of Lightworkers upon the Earth must uphold this energy and to realize the potential within yourself, as you walk this Pathway of Mastery.

We are at a crucial stage presently upon the earth, within the earth and around the earth. We know in the Agarthian Communities of Light that we are all going to be able to combat these energies and you are all a major part of this process.

We must call upon the availability to surrender to the darkness that is trying to stop us. Some of you may be feeling it more than others. You may be perceiving it energetically. There are many individuals that are posting things on social networking that is not of the highest light, but we must not pay attention to those words or those energies.  Those of you that have been on this pathway for quite some time can understand that when elements come to this point of reference, it means something has to break open.  It means the people of all races and all kinds are being fearful, so they will try their best to interfere.

So I extend unto you once again the beacon of Light that you are from the Divine Consciousness, from the Higher Realms that we are all together of the 144th dimension, of the Creative Source of Oneness. To call upon that Creative Source of Oneness to assist each of us individually and each of us in the Capitol Inner Earth Cities also in Telos and all the Agartha Capitol Cities that are holding this energy which are: Shonshe, Rama, Shingwa, and Posid.

As all of our communities come together we are in alliance ~ a Unified Whole exchange of light.

I want everyone to feel that in this moment and to call upon this energetic exchange to assist and bring forth the ability to fully command the every continuing source of light that is within each of us, that is around us and nothing else can interfere within this energetic exchange.

What is occurring presently is meant to bring fear. It is meant to bring those elements of uncertainty to the Hearts and the Minds of all souls upon this earth.

I extend to you right now the strength, I extend the hope, I extend the beauty of Grace and flowing Light energies, the most powerful sources that you have ever experienced to come fully within your Etheric Self, within your Chakra System, holding that light frequency within you and nothing can interfere with this energy.

Along with this light frequency comes the ability to work through the issues within yourself to realize the potential that you have to become more than you ever have before, to walk as an Ascended Master, just as the Masters did in Lemuria and Atlantis.

Each of you are the Saving Grace of this Earth.

Sometimes you may not feel like that because the outside energies can hit you like a gust of wind as you feel like you can fall down. If you do, you must get up once again, because if you allow the Light of the Source that we are together, then there is nothing that you should fear, be angry about, but to hold strong within this Golden White Light that is a multitude of many colors. We bring this extension to you from the core of Telos into the upper Earth for each of you to embrace it within yourselves, to feel it within your Heart Center, to allow the extension of all that you are to be embraced by your physical self.

We extend this energy around the world to every soul upon this planet especially the ones that may not understand what is occurring at this time. The minds within the physical self will try to explain what is happening, will try to agonize over it, will try to put it in its perspective.

I, as Lord Adama, ask you to put it in the pure essence of this Golden White Light that we are all together. It shall be dissipated, it shall be cleared, and it shall be healed as a Rebirth will occur. The death cycle is very strong presently, and the only thing that we can do together is to extend this light to each other, to bring forth that beautiful essence of Light that we are as it makes the flame even stronger through the entire Earth, through the inner Earth of the Christed Beings, to the Upper Earth of the Christed Beings, to the Cosmic Light Frequencies of the Christed Beings, to the 144th Dimension of the Christed Beings of Oneness. Let us not let anything interfere with this connection, this strength, this power, within God’s Love and Gods’ Will and Power.

I share these words because there may be things that you see or read in your travels throughout your day. I ask you to call back upon this Force of Light that is a true light emanating from the Capitol Cities of Agartha, of the Councils of Light through each of you and then beyond into the skies, into the hemispheres as Lord Ashtar is protecting all of us through these transitions that we are going through.

The other element that is occurring is that karma is being erased; it is being healed. If you ever thought you have experienced these elements from Lemuria or Atlantis, you most likely have and what occurs when you allow yourself to state that you are part of the Ascended Master State of Consciousness within your own physical being is that you are transmuting all those thoughts and actions that occurred millions of years ago. It will change this earth. That is what we must do presently.

I ask you to take this energy and fully incorporate it within your Heart Essence; to realize that something has occurred for you that you have to clear or you have to change, to know that only makes you stronger.

That is what the lower elements that are trying to take this earth do not realize.

We are not losing strength, we are gaining it in each attack no matter the form of the attack – if it is through the weather patterns, the massive amount of fires or storms and wind gusts, if it is through the massive amount of challenges that each person has to go through, and most of all your protective energies in your field, that only makes that soul stronger to continue, to be more to their physical self that they ever thought they could be in any other time frame. That is the power of these energies.

So I ask each of you to connect with this Light Force as it will help you tremendously to realize that you are safe, that you are loved, that you are completely in a state of community. We may not living with each other physically, but we are living within each other etherically.

I ask you to take this Light Force into your Heart, allow it to expand within your chakra system, allow it to heal the parts of yourself that need to be revealed and put into Wholeness so that you can fully feel your Divine Self.

Trust in this process and you shall see that it is the way that we all need to be in these moments. We must come together energetically. I watch over every one of you and I thank you to your service to this pathway.

Aluna, Aluna, Aluna

I Am Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos

The Agarthian Council of Light

Integrative Channel: Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden

The New Earth Consciousness-Circle of Light is a weekly class in which we journey to one of the 22 Etheric Cities.  Included is a teaching from Lord Adama and a special Ascended Being that represents the city. Walking Terra Christa provides many options to participate in their weekly teachings with an affordable rate for all individuals.  You can participate in our Partner/Membership Program while experiencing the teachings on your own time via the recordings. You can also purchase any of the MP3 downloads separately for the the classes to receive the highest vibrational energies available.

Walking Terra Christa is offering their monthly classes in 2017 “Mastering the Spiritual Recovery of the Soul” which is facilitated through Lord Saint Germain, the Ray Chohan of the Month, and Lord Metatron. Each month we work with Lord Saint Germain and Lord Metatron for the Metatronic Seals. Included are the Ray Chohans for the specific rays we are working on as they provide information and Divine Language Light Encodements to assist in accessing the energies within the physical body.  Please use the link to learn more about this series.




Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos shares his wisdom and knowledge for Ascension Mastery Training in relation to the Solar Eclipse of August 2017 and how we, as the Initiates, can make an important stand for humanity and Gaia for this important event. Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden is an Integrative Channel who works exclusively with Lord Adama of Telos and the Agartha Council of Light.

Greetings of Love,
As the planet is moving towards an unprecedented event of the Solar Eclipse , I wanted to share a few words to assist you to understand how to work with the energies and not against them.
This Solar Eclipse of August 2017 is bringing forth a combination of energies that have been brewing for quite awhile, since 2012. It has been decided by the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Ascended Master State of Consciousness through the Unified Whole that it was time to allow the highest light frequencies into Gaia to help individuals to become more focused upon their own Light Essence instead of what is occurring on the Earth.
It is important to realize that many of you have been asking for change to occur. We hear your prayers and requests consistently but it has not been until now that we feel each soul is ready to handle the transition that will occur with this Eclipse.
The light frequency coming forth is bringing the essence of Helios and Vesta, the Alpha and Omega, to be realized within the earth. This is the 10th dimensional level of the Great Central Sun to be ignited through the exchange of the Eclipse as the Sun and the Moon become integrated within the process.
This means that the Masculine and Feminine Divine is becoming more acute than it has ever been in any other planetary alignment. We have been seeing this happening for quite some time with the planetary alignments. This is especially true for the Lion’s Gate of 2017 which the Lunar Eclipse in early August along with the full moon cycles since June of this year.
We have to remember that this year represents Oneness, of the Divine Mother Father God to be created within the Earth. This all starts with each of you.
So it can be a very challenging time depending upon your intentions for the Eclipse energies as this is a very important element to consider.

Are you intending to act as a third dimensional person by purchasing your special glasses and looking at the Eclipse for those few short moments?

Or are you intending to take advantage of the energies by assisting your physical self to access your Higher Self in bringing forth a new doorway to fully accept the Solar Eclipse as an awakening of sorts within your physical consciousness?


These are important questions as it will depend upon who you are as an Initiate or as a Physical Being.

You can be both by accessing the energies within your Spiritual Self through your Higher Consciousness which will help your Physical Self to fully accept the higher level of acceleration within your body.
Looking to the sky for a moments in time is truly an act of a third dimensional person yet accessing all avenues through the Spiritual Self will set you on a course of acceleration that you will thank yourself for acting upon. This is a time of change and each of you must make a choice of what this event is going to do for you.

It is a time of great decision for you within your Pathway of Ascension and how you will go about creating the change you desire to see.

Your body will experience this Solar Eclipse no matter how you go about it, but will your Higher Self be part of the experience? This is the question you must ask yourself.
It is decision time for all of humanity. Every soul will make a choice whether it is conscious or unconscious this Solar Eclipse in August is a movement into realizing that things must change. This will come from each of you.
Know that challenges will result in the fourth dimensional world. Fighting will continue and become more prevalent in your society. Do you want to be part of the problem or change it for the better?

The choice is now and the more you concentrate on your desire from your Higher Mind, the easier the transition will be.

Please know that allowing yourself to be in silence either through meditation or connection to the Great Central Sun through this event will give you more benefits than you can ever realize. The potential for this energetic exchange to create abundance in all areas of your life is unprecedented.
It is the most powerful acknowledgement of the Masculine and Feminine Divine that has ever been experienced within the planet, but the imperative part of this movement is that each person much step into their own silence in order to receive the higher acceleration that is being ignited. It is a matter of being within your Divine Essence so that the Full Body System can accelerate more rapidly through the process.
Otherwise, you will be experiencing the effect from a third dimensional construct and it will work upon those issues that represent that style of living, thinking, and feeling. It can make them feel more challenging, frustrating, and cause the lower mind to have issues of wanting to have control over the higher mind.
I ask each of you to make a choice for enlightenment of this earth as you are very important in how this will play out for the acceleration of the planet.
I hope you will join me and all of the Agartha Cities of Light to stand tall and allow change for the betterment of this world to become part of your pathway presently.
I walk with each of you,
I Am Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos
Agartha Council of Light
Integrative Channel: Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden

 To receive a more detailed explanation of the Solar Eclipse occurring on August 21st, 2017 please read  Lord Metatron ~ Walking Through the Entranceway of the Solar Eclipse.



Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos, brought forth a deeper understanding on our first class “STEPPING INTO THE INSPIRATION OF THE SELF,” New Earth Consciousness Circle of Light before the journey to the Golden Etheric City of Shalancheiee.



It is I Lord Adama with the Councils of Agartha and Telos.

It is my Divine Pleasure to be with each of you within these moments and as Meleriessee has been sharing, please continue that breath even though I am talking. Try to understand things from your Higher Mind instead of the Lower Mind, the intellect that you have and to feel it. Embrace these energies within. This is truly what we desire to have you experience in this session.

As we are now moving into a new mastery program we feel it will be very helpful to each of you. It is not just about the Inner Child work but the element of your psychological self opening up to the integration of your higher consciousness, meaning your super conscious which is your Higher Self energy with your subconscious. This allows you to change those aspects within yourself that you may still be dealing with.

We have decided to take the process of the 12 Steps of Self Parenting as that is what it represents as each of you as the adult are comparing our sub-conscious mind to be more alliance within your three-body system than you have experienced in any other timeline.

So we take this first step that represents SURRENDER.

I have talked about Surrender many times but in this aspect I want you to concentrate on the elements you have a hard time dealing with pertaining to the issues that come up for you.

How do you allow yourself to not get into the control mechanisms, the lower elements of your ego wanting to control what is happening to you?

Within this state of letting go of that element that you have no control, that you are powerless, it can create moments of uncertainty but it also allows your consciousness to accept the fact that you have faith or the ability to allow these energies to help you move into a higher state of existence.

This is something that is very important at this level to be able to concentrate upon these energies and to see the changes that are occurring for you instead of keep going back to the same issues continually time and time again. A part of that is to realize that when one layer is stripped away, there will be more to be revealed in your consciousness that you need to work upon.

This is the way that it enfolds as you being a multi-dimensional Being of Light and have traveled many light years, millions and millions of them to get to this space in time. You have these remembrances within yourself that may hinder progress or possibly assist you, but you have to be able to differentiate between them of what is needed and what is not needed.

You allow yourself to go into the energy of SURRENDERING in that moment to realize that your Higher Self is going to guide you; it will literally put you in its arms while assisting you through this process you are going through. But what happens is the intellect that you are, the one that has been in control for so many eons of time and not just this lifetime comes into play. Many of you come with such a strong mental body that it is very challenging to let go of those particles within the mental field that have helped you in previous timelines. But they haven’t helped you to become an Integrated Christed Being. The assistance they have given you represent other elements in your lifestyles of the past.

This is the first step of getting into the Core of your Foundation, to allow yourself to realize that you of the physical person that does not have control over these issues that are plaguing you. The control that you do have is to allow your Higher Self to assist you to go deeper into them so that you can find the powerful attributes of Hope, Happiness, Joy, Serenity, and Peace. Then, comes Understanding.

You will not have understanding within your physical mind until you go through all your other doorways. This is something that you must command within your Higher Self, within your Mental Body to tell the Mental Self to relax in order for the Emotional Body to assist in this process. This is truly where you are going to allow the Feminine Divine to be intuitive, to be flowing, to have that understanding, and to give it to the Mental Body. Working only within the Mental Level will only give you anguish, it is going to give you worry, anger, and all those lower aspects that every human person deals within continually. It depends on how they deal with it to come into that space of conditioning of the balance of the Feminine and the Masculine, of the balance of the three minds.

This process we are going through in bringing forth the foundation of the 12 Steps will assist you in learning how your Higher Self can self-parent your Physical Self.

We take it in that context; yes, there will be issues with the Inner Child but we are not just concentrating on these issues. They will come up as that is part of why you are still holding unto these elements. The most important thing that you must consider within yourself is that it is not about your life as the Child, it is not about what you have not received, it is what your Soul has experienced in so many lifetimes that is coming to the surface for you to truly look at, and acknowledge so that it can be healed.

I want you not to take this process of this program that we are bringing forth into just a concept of the Inner Child. It should be in the understanding of your Higher Self Parenting your Physical Self. That is where the work is going to assist you more deeply. Your Higher Self has all the beautiful attributes that you desire. It has patience, love, hope, agility, movement, softness, and assertiveness. These are the elements we want you to bring forth into your existence so that you can understand what your Foundation represents in your life.

As we go through this process together, we are hoping that each of you will start to understand yourself on a deeper level. Remember that understanding comes from your Higher Mind.

If you are having issues within yourself of trying to understand why something comes up for you, do not let your mind go into that space. Allow the essence of Surrender come to you.  The Beings tonight are going to bring that more fully into each of you so you can acknowledge it. All of this represents a movement of flowingness; just allowing yourself to move from one space to the other without those thoughts that start to question and desire understanding and not taking a step forward because you do not understand why you are going through that doorway. Don’t worry about that.

When you feel that guidance coming to you, let it fully be embraced.

Utilize the specific leaders of the Ruby Red Flame – Lady Nada, the Elohim Peace and Aloha and the Archangels Uriel and Aurora – to assist you with this energy. Call upon them and feel their energy.

When you call upon their energy to assist you, take a deep breath, feel that Ruby Red Flame, feel that energy coming into your Solar Plexus. Call out their names and allow that energy to come fully within you and not just within your mind. You must move the Mental thoughts of how it is supposed to be in order for it to come into its pure essence of What It Is being expressed within you. This is where the Solar Plexus is going to help. This is why we chose this ray for this first step. In order to truly move into that process of Self Love, Forgiveness, Compassion, Worthiness –  you need to embrace the power of the Ray to acknowledge through your Emotional Body what it truly feels like.

This is what you need to acknowledge throughout this month. The more you allow yourself to feel the energy, the more you will become the energy. This is where your Mental and Emotional bodies start to come into the Feminine and Masculine Divine. They are just words without that expression.

As we work through this process, allow yourself to feel what is necessary. If you find that the issues from your childhood are coming up, connect with your Inner Child as that part of you is within your Emotional Body. That part of you is the Child who is still expressing those elements of anger, frustration, of not being good enough and that is how you are going to open up your emotional body to the part of the healing it needs.

But how is that going to be reflected in your physical life now?

This is what you need to acknowledge. It is not just about the healing process of your Inner Child, it is a healing process of whom you have been within your entire Soul’s history and the transformation that you will go through through all stages of your awareness.

There are many of you that come across being very knowing in what you have to do and that can be expressed as aggressiveness. You may not think that is the way you are acting. Realize within yourself, these thoughts.

“Is this coming from my Lower Ego?”

“Am I looking for validation?”

“Is this because no one will listen to me and I come across in a more intense way?”

These are important questions to ask yourself and what may be occurring. When you bring forth that ability to understand from your Higher Mind and not your Lower Mind, that is where the true healing will come from. You must feel it first; you must allow that energy to come within you and express it through your Solar Plexus. Allow that area be filled with these energies to help you go into a deeper part of your existence.

Your Etheric Body is healing deeply through this process. You have to command through all your bodily systems including the Etheric Body that it cannot go on the way it has been for centuries and centuries. It is now changing that multi-dimensional self. The clearing that needs to happen in that level and it can occur Physically, Etherically, Emotionally, or Mentally and possibly Spiritually.

The starting point is allowing the Etheric Body to open up unto these energies and that is what Lord Metatron will assist with this evening.

We believe that this process is going to help each of you to know yourself on a deeper level, a soul level, not a physical level, and to realize that the doorways will open for you physically as you change the emotions and the thoughts as all will come together cohesively in Oneness. Because right now what happens in most individuals upon this planet, and this includes Lightworkers, is that they have defragmented selves in each of their bodies. They are trying to work separately to bring that cohesiveness together but the problem is that they are not communicating within each other. This is what we truly desire to occur for each of you.

I am really happy to come into this stage of the healing process. I think that we will hit a lot of the core values with the program we have put together with Mel and Mike. We think that this is going to be very powerful for each of you in this process.

I thank you deeply.

Let us take a deep breath together and bring forth that energy of what SURRENDER may mean for you.

The first process that you can do within that energy is to try and relax your body through your breath. Bring the energies all the way down from your Crown, through the shoulders and your back. Let it move into your arms. Sit totally relaxed, almost asleep, but you are awake. Allow your muscles and all your cells, everything that works hard to keep your body going to fully relax. Allow the energy to come down through the joints, into the organs, into the bloodstream and all the interworking’s of the physical body. When you command that within yourself, and allow it to be, then it will occur.

This is where you are the driver within your physical self desiring to have more feeling, to be in a different place emotionally and mentally. This is truly where Oneness will occur within each of you. Allow that energy to move downwards into the souls of your feet. This is also the entryway to allow the higher light vibrations to come into the physical body. You cannot do it with your thoughts or emotions. You must achieve it in the higher space of Love, of Light, of your Angelic Presence. That was your first entryway into this Earth as an angel. We are going to help each of you to go back into that space but to blend it with the physical self.

It is my pleasure to walk with you; I am Lord Adama your brother in Telos.

Integrative Channel: Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden

The New Earth Consciousness-Circle of Light which is a weekly class in which we journey to one of the 22 Etheric Cities.  Included is a teaching from Lord Adama on how to step into a 5th dimensional way of life; in addition there is are special Ascended Beings that represent the city who provide tools and accelerations. Walking Terra Christa provides many options to participate in their weekly teachings with an affordable rate for all individuals.  You can participate in our Partner/Membership Program while experiencing the teachings on your own time via the recordings. You can also purchase the MP3 download on any of the classes.

Walking Terra Christa is offering their Monthly Mastery Classes for 2017 “Mastering the Spiritual Recovery of the Soul” which is facilitated through Lord Saint Germain along with the Ray Chohan of the Month, and Lord Metatron. Our first class was guided by Lady Nada along with Lord Saint Germain and Lord Metatron in the Sacred Heart Temple of Oneness (144th dimension) and the Temple of Illumination with Lord Metatron (49th dimension). Please use the link to learn more about this series.

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© Copyright 2017 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).  Linking to this page from any website or blog is welcomed and encouraged. Reprinting or reposting this material on websites or blogs that sell or advertise any products or services as well as any printed or written reproduction) is not authorized without written permission. Sharing our Social Media sites is also encouraged. Connect with us on ♥ FACEBOOK  ♥ TWITTER  ♥ YOUTUBE   ♥ NEWSLETTER ♥ DONATE  | Rights are only granted to repost this material electronically on informational websites or blogs that do not sell or advertise any products or services. In such cases, you must include this copyright statement in full including the above active url referral links to help everyone stay informed and support our messages. In cases of text only formats, these active url links may be converted to display the full path of the url as linked. 



New Earth Consciousness ~ Circle of Light ~ We visited the City of Telos with Lord Adama, Lord Saint Germain, and the Ray Chohans to receive a blessing of love and light from the 5th dimension after the US Presidential Election results. Included within the transmission is a beautiful journey within Telos, with amazing masters giving us hope and faith during GAIA’s current transition into the New Earth. We visited the JADE TEMPLE OF THE EMERALD ESSENCE.

Aluna!  Aluna!  Aluna!

It is my pleasure to have you here in our beautiful City in this moment.

Take some more brief moments to smell the fragrances, to feel the 5th dimensional energies that are within this beautiful City that we Love so much.  We thank you for being with us.  As my Lady and I now take our own seats in front of you.  Let us gather together in a circle as we connect with each other’s Hearts and our Souls of Light.

I’m going to ask the beautiful elementals within the City right now to assist each of you to come into a deeper space of contentment allowing all insecurities and all thought processes that are going on presently to relax you.  Let go of the worries and the concerns you have had on this day.

We thought for the visit this evening we would bring everyone to Telos to assist each of you to experience that beauty that we have here and to have some explanations and understandings of what is happening on the Upper Earth with the Presidential Election and the results that came forward.

As I spoke to Meleriessee and Ara earlier today I saw within them that there was an intense energetic exchange that was going in their systems because of what has occurred.  I’m sure each of you have gone through the same process.

First of all, our Hearts are all with each of you through this process. 

We are not surprised by the results of Mr. Trump winning the election, but I want you to know that there are a lot of factors that are going on presently.  It is truly not the desired candidate to have in the White House for the next four years.  There are many factors involved within that, with what is happening upon the Earth with the control mechanisms that have occurred in the political gain.  He is disliked by many, but there has been a change that has occurred upon the Earth.

Remember how hard we have all been working to bring more Light infractions into the Earth, since 2011 actually and 2012.  Well, these Light infractions are bringing forth a new change in existence within the Earth.  We always know that before change can occur, there has to be an event that erupts.  This is the event that each of you are experiencing.

We all must understand as Initiates, as Masters upon the Pathway, that there can always be danger that we are faced with.  But we must also understand that we have the capability through God’s Light, of the Rays of God, that each of you incorporate onto yourself that you can experience elements in a different manner than we thought previously.  The tools that we have been giving are not just tools that exercise great change.  They are tools of God’s Light, of Divine Mother and Father God of the Creative Source of Oneness.  They’ve always been in place.  And until an individual awakens to these tools as the Rays of God and how to bring forth those Spectrums of Light into your physicality that you are unaware of what they can do for you, or you have no idea that it is available for you to utilize.

What has happened through this election and the results that has occurred is the 4th Dimension has opened up. 

The duality is being manifested physically.  It is no longer a thought process that duality exists upon the Earth, but in truth, it is now being felt by what has happened.

The dark side and the Light side are facing each other through this process.  This gentleman known as Mr. Trump who has won the votes through the process of the election does not command these Rays within his consciousness.  He represents many that are still upon the Earth.  So the separation that has occurred through the election has brought all of these elements to the surface.  It is a time of understanding what the reality is upon the Earth.  There can no longer be magical thinking that the Earth is in a 5th dimensional level as many have said from many, many channels of Light.

The intent is there, in the consciousness it is there, but physically it has not been acquired except in certain levels upon the Earth that have the higher dimensional frequencies like Mount Shasta and other areas around the world that represent those highest peaks of Light that bring forth those Essences.  All the work that we have been doing through the New Earth Consciousness Cities is bringing those essences of those capital cities onto the Earth to be felt so it becomes a consciousness.  Each of you that are awakened, each of you that are an Initiate upon this Pathway feel this and know this and experience it in your meditations and in your higher consciousness.  But yet now, the reality of what has occurred brings forth those lower aspects, brings forth the elements, the fear, the worry and what is to be.

Our role as Initiates and Masters is to uphold the Light through this darkness. 

It is very, very important.  The Spiritual Hierarchy has known that this possibility could occur.  It was very probable because of the majority of souls upon this earth.  You have the individuals that are aware of an understanding that there is a higher level of energy or there is an intellect of a learning process that they have been able to acquire in their life path.  Then there are the souls that have not had that ability.  They are the souls that may be a farmer in the Midwest, may be someone has worked very hard and diligent.  But these souls are at a lower evolutionary level.  They haven’t had as many lifetimes as each of you have had and others have had.  There are individuals in Commerce, in Business, that have studied so they have that higher knowledge and wisdom through their intellect.

This is where the division has occurred.  The reality is that this Earth is in duality.

I want to urge each of you to understand to see how special you are by allowing these energies to be fully in your consciousness to understand what you realize can be and to move out of those walks of life that you have experienced.  Believe me, each of you have been like the farmer.  You have been like a pioneer and not had that awareness because that was your soul level.

What we need to do is give compassion to these individuals that have elected a man that has no concept of God’s Love or Wisdom within his capability.  He has the capacity to do so but chooses not to be because of his evolutionary process.

What is important for each of you is to stand up to this energy and to not allow the fear to take you over with the lower thoughts or what is going to happen and what will be.  Believe me, there are elements that are being put in place by many individuals that understand this process.  They are not like you and I being so aware, but they have a sense of that this is not the right way to go for this Country because it affects the whole world.

I want to give this understanding to help you to see that there are many possibilities that will occur.  We have been trying to bring forth the higher consciousness of the New Earth unto this Earth.  Having Mr. Trump as the President of the United States will not allow that to happen.  So the Spiritual Hierarchy and all the Beings of Light are working with all the others that feel the same way.  There is change that is going to occur.  It’s going to happen within the parties of the Republicans and the Democrats.  It’s going to happen in how Government is created.  It’s going to happen in the Hearts of all the men and women that are part of these energies.

What I urge you to do is to have the realization that you are protected; to have that faith of the pathway that you are on that the Masters will not turn away from you as long as you stay out of the trenches of the darkness.

This takes a great responsibility and each of you are being asked to uphold this responsibility for yourself as it is going to assist the planet greatly.  There are other plans that can be put in place if things do not go the way that we think that they will.  There is always a higher level of understanding within any situation.

The higher level of this situation is that the Earth is changing, it is erupting.  But it cannot go on the way that it has, so something had to occur.  This is the event that is the catalyst for the entire world to see because North America is the Ascension capital.  It is represented by each of the Seven Flames of all those Cities.

Now let us just say per se that it doesn’t work the way that we would like it to work.  The last option will be that Terra Christa will become a whole new planet and each of you and many others will be open to go to that planet.  This planet would exist in the way that it is desecrating itself with those souls that are not able to see that they are God’s Light, but that is the end result.  That is exactly how Sirius went through her transition.  We are working very hard with all the Beings of Light for that not to occur.

I feel it’s important to explain all these energies to you so that you can see within yourself that there is a choice.  I don’t want you to be in fear.  I don’t want you to have to go to that place because many people could be affected by all that has happening.  There are so many other factors that are working right now, in meetings, and talking, and trying to figure out a way to create change which does not have to be in this manner.  We have all worked too hard for it to dissipate in these moments.

The darkness will not prevail, the Light will. 

This is what we all must accept within ourselves.  Each of us of the Agartha Network are working diligently on our part.  

Believe me, if this Earth with the climate change and the ice caps changing, the Hollow Earth will be affected also.  So were all going to go with you also to Terra Christa.  This is the process that we are learning together.  So we have a couple of plans in place.  We have options that are available.

I want each of you to fully incorporate within yourself that you are safe, that you will accelerate through these energies, that calling upon each of Rays such as the Seven Flames is what is going to assist you to get through this process.  I believe that each of you will find your strength even stronger.  You have all been warriors previously.  Now you are those Warriors of Light to uphold that Light.  That is your responsibility.

Please do not get into arguments.  Please don’t let the posts that you are reading from so many individuals of their angers, or their happiness of this election to affect you.  Only be strong within yourself.  This is the lesson that each of you are learning within this Ascension Mastery Pathway.

Be strong to the Light because you are that Light and you are allowing those elements of the Spectrums of the Rays to come within you, to command that energy fully in your consciousness for you to be aware that you have the ability to walk through the doorways.

This is not a time of catastrophe.  It is a time of awakening.  The planet is awakening and the ones that cannot awaken will suffer even more, because we are all working most diligently to continue our journeys.

This is one of the reasons that Meleriessee and Ara travelled across the country, to spread the Light from Mount Shasta.  It was to help in this process.  They thought maybe it would change the election process.  To their dismay, it didn’t come out as they had hoped.  But yet, there is hope because there are more Light infractions that are occurring within this Earth than there were previously.  It must come through a physical person.

That is where each of you come in.  I don’t expect any of you at the level that you are to be able to do what they did, but what I do desire within each of you is to uphold it within yourself.  When you allow those Light infractions to be part of your existence from all of your chakras within your four-body system so that it changes it to a higher level of acceleration, it will immediately seep out of you.  It will go out of your auric field into the areas that are needed.  Each of you are not ready to command that on your own.  You must be at a higher initiation in order to do so.  You are still going through the process of regenerating your timelines, your karmic ties and changing those dark timelines while accelerating the Light timelines to allow them to be into Oneness and into Wholeness within your full-body system.

It is a powerful time. 

Until the end of the year, these energies are going to be very intense.  I ask each of you to be strong, to be responsible for what you are bringing into yourself and to allow the changes to come within you.  This is going to help the planet immensely.  Let the rest of the Masters, the Archangels, the Higher Beings of Light, and the Christed Intergalactics do all the other work.  By calling upon them to assist you, they can then assist the rest of the world.

The change is coming.  We are in the midst of it now.  Let’s look to the horizon of the Light and to see that it is now upon us.  We have hit that point where the dark and the Light are facing each other physically upon this Earth to allow the Light to take over.  We still have many moments to go through.  But if each of you do your part every day and every night it is going to assist tremendously.

Commanding that Light energy within you and grounding it deeply into the core of GAIA will assist tremendously with every other soul upon this Earth.

We must realize that some souls are not ready to do this due to their evolutionary level of the soul existence, but each of you are.  Many more will become more aware of it.  I promise you this.  It is going to bring about a great movement in the healing processes and the self-development areas to move not just through self-development of the physical consciousness, but self-development of the soul consciousness.  It will grow exponentially in so many ways.

Let us take a moment and reflect on the beauty that is here within our garden.  I want you to stand up.  We are going to walk towards the back of the garden to enjoy the beautiful essence of the Lemurian waters. The waterfall is about 300-400 feet high.  It brings for the flow of the water that comes into Telos.  It is several yards long.

As you step into the water, feel the crisp and the coolness of the water.  Take your fingers and the palms of your hands and put it to any part of your body.  Allow the refreshing energies to take away any elements that you have been dealing with.  Allow the energies to flow through you and around you.  Breathing deeply take some moments to feel the energies.  Then walk to the waterfall.  As you stand, the water is very shallow.  It is about 3 feet deep.  Then you walk through the waterfall and you feel the water coming down across your Crown onto your whole body.  Feel the elements of despair, and any other thought processes or healing energies that you are going through personally to be purged through you.

I am going to ask Lady Galactia to assist in this process.


Lady Galactia

{{{Divine Light Language Encodement}}}

♫ Holy God, Holy Light,

We embrace your Love,

Feel the Love,

Feel it beaming through you.

Your heart is expanding,

With the Essence of Divine Mother God’s Love;

She extends Her Light,

She extends Her Breath;

As you breathe in,

Feel now the Will of God of the Masculine Divine,

As the Wisdom and the Knowledge of what you are experiencing is felt through your beam of Light,

Feel His Essence the Masculine Self become more in Love in the Heart as you become One within ♫

Blessings of Love – Lady Galactcia.


It is I, Lord Adama.

As we walk now through the waterfall we step onto the grass.  There are some beautiful children there.  They have a robe for you to put on.  Feel the colors of the robe.  The children are laughing and giggling and dancing around each of you.  Feel the beautiful existence of these energies.

Follow me as we walk down this cobblestone pathway.  We continue along the road.  We see a few feet ahead of us is this beautiful Temple of Jade.  We walk across a drawbridge, and we go in to the Temple.  This is one of our special Temples in Telos.  We have many of them.  This Temple represents the ability to have growth, to bring forth that essence of change and to feel the exuberance of the Heart Center deeply.  As we step into the Temple room at the entryway, there are beautiful sparkles of Light of all the Rays of God.

The altar in the middle represents the Heart Essence of the Green.  But it also reflects all the other Rays.  Walk around the altar and allow the feeling of this altar to come into your Heart to allow you to feel balanced, to feel the growth that you are going through.  It is okay.  It is okay to feel all these things, but bring this Essence and put an intention into the altar.

{{{Divine Light Language Encodement}}}

The Archangels are dancing around you.  Feeling their beautiful Essences as they bring forth each of the 7 Flames.  We continue to the left of the altar down a beautiful hallway.  The hallway has mirrors all around.  See your reflection of Whom You Are.  It takes us into a beautiful small meeting area.  It’s a blessing room where we bring forth the blessings of the Seven Flames.

As you walk into the room, you can feel each of the Seveb Flames around the outside of the room.  This is a circular room and all of the chairs represent a circular movement, a semi-circle.  Find a place in one of the chairs as I join you and Lord Saint Germain is now going to speak.

To Continue reading:  Part 2 – The 4th Dimensional Healing Phase Is Now In Place with Lord Saint Germain, please use the link.

The New Earth Consciousness-Circle of Light is a weekly class in which we journey to one of the 22 Etheric Cities.  Included is a teaching from Lord Adama and a special Ascended Being that represents the city. Walking Terra Christa provides many options to participate in their weekly teachings with an affordable rate for all individuals.  You can participate in our Partner/Membership Program while experiencing the teachings on your own time via the recordings. You can also purchase the MP3 download on any of the classes.

© Copyright 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).  Linking to this page from any website or blog is welcomed and encouraged. Reprinting or reposting this material on websites or blogs that sell or advertise any products or services as well as any printed or written reproduction) is not authorized without written permission. Sharing our Social Media sites is also encouraged. Connect with us on ♥ FACEBOOK  ♥ TWITTER  ♥ YOUTUBE   ♥ NEWSLETTER ♥ DONATE  | Rights are only granted to repost this material electronically on informational websites or blogs that do not sell or advertise any products or services. In such cases, you must include this copyright statement in full including the above active url referral links to help everyone stay informed and support our messages. In cases of text only formats, these active url links may be converted to display the full path of the url as linked. 




New Earth Consciousness ~ Circle of Light ~ We visited the City of Telos with Lord Adama, Lord Saint Germain, and the Ray Chohans to receive a blessing of love and light from the 5th dimension after the US Presidential Election results. Included within the transmission is a beautiful journey within Telos, with amazing masters giving us hope and faith during GAIA’s current transition into the New Earth. We visited the JADE TEMPLE OF THE EMERALD ESSENCE.

Greetings my Dearest Beloveds,

It is I, Lord Saint Germain.

I am very, very pleased to be with you in this moment.

Look around the room.  There are beautiful mosaics – stained glass windows that reflect the Light.  There is a history of the windows of the stained glass.  There is a history of Lemuria.  There is history of Atlantis.  There is a history of what has gone before.

I stand here as the MahaChohan.  I want you to fully breathe onto yourself each of the Rays as we bring forth those Essences of the —

Blue, of the Will and the Power with Master El Morya

Then we call upon the Golden Yellow Flame

If you look straight ahead the Blue Flame is to the left and then the Golden Yellow is to the right of the Blue

The Golden Yellow Flame with Master Djwhal Khul and Master Joshua

Then the Pink Flame with Master Paul the Venetian

Then the Crystalline Flame stands fully in the middle with Master Serapis Bey

Then the Green, Gold and White with Master Hilarion

Then the Ruby Red and Gold with Lady Nada

And then the Violet Purple with Lady Portia.

This is all behind me.  The mosaics are behind them.  So the reflection of the Rays comes through the mosaics and comes onto you, feeling these beautiful Ray energies coming into your system.

When Lord Adama asked me earlier if I would participate in this ceremony this evening I was very happy to bring forth my energies and each of the Ray Chohans.

We have to understand that in order to bring forth the true essence of Alchemy, personal Alchemy in our lives, we must walk through each of the Seven Rays.  Of course, Alchemy is represented by the Violet Purple and so much more.

We have discussed previously in some of the lessons in the last couple of years that some of these Rays are embodied upon the Earth:  one of them is the Violet-Purple, another  is the Crystalline, and along with the Blue.  We have to realize what having these Rays embodied and grounded into GAIA means for the Earth, and for each of you that are going through this process.

I ask you that when you question what has happened, did you ever realize within yourself that something would have to happen to create change upon the Earth to make all people to realize that they cannot live the life that they are living without understanding that there are more components that have to come into it? 

I am talking about the individuals that think they are living the life that they are supposed to live, but truly don’t have that ability to understand within themself whom they are becoming.  These are the candidates for awakened initiates.  Some of them already are on the pathway but they consciously do not know.  Of course, they are in those lower initiations.  So it is important to realize the potential that we have at this time to assist humanity in a completely and different way than ever has been experienced before.

I ask each of you to look at the larger picture of what all of this represents and have trust in us that we are going to intervene as best as we can even though each individual has free will.  But that is where you come in.  If your intentions are to assist the planet and to work with each of us, they can work through the Earth, through GAIA to make the necessary changes.

I remember in the 1950’s when the I AM Discourses was brought forth.  I had great aspirations that the changes could be made through those Discourses.  But then other events happened into the 60’s that stopped it from being so.  It was the dark side stopping that movement to continue.

It is now different because it’s not just about the I AM Discourses.  It’s about total Unification of the Light of Oneness as has been brought forth since 2011 into 2012, the Great Change has happened within this Earth.  Each of you are a part of those energies.  It’s a powerful time.  But within powerful times there has to be Masters that can hold the Light to themselves and to bring forth that energetic exchange to assist others.

That is why you are here.  That is why you are assisting.  More will come.  I guarantee it.

Some of you may have thought, which also Meleriessee and Ara have thought to themselves why don’t we have more people come and listen and be part of their teachings.  If they are brought forth from the Unified Whole Command, then they are the highest frequency of Light to assist individuals to make the necessary changes within ourselves.  I say to each of you that the time was not right, that the time is coming.  These two individuals that we work with for you and others have been diligent, have been responsible, and have learned to aspire to their highest intentions of what is right and what is not quite right in certain moments of time of what they need to do.

I want each of you to have this ability also.  I want each of you to be able to aspire to the highest Light frequency and to know that we are here to assist you because you are the Masters of the Earth.  Many talk that some of us are returning to the Earth in physical form.  We always do come back, but we don’t stay.  That is not part of our evolution at this time as it will occur upon Terra Christa.  But we are here to assist each of you through each step of the transition until that time does happen.

The New Earth will bring forth those moments in time where we can walk together, but the Earth must be at the highest frequency to sustain ourselves just as Meleriessee and Ara need to do for their bodily functions.  As they travelled across the country to the East to assist in many levels they were not aware to the potential of what they were doing.  But they also aspired to work with each of the Ray Chohans to make the right decisions if it was necessary for them to be on the East Coast.  They made that decision within their physical minds through their Higher Minds through the work that they were doing in their sleep state and meditation, even though there was always the potential that something could go wrong.  But yet, they had faith, they had tolerance and trust that they would be safe and all went as desired.  There could have been mishaps, but the protection that they were being given by all of us and many assisted them tremendously.

The regenerative process after they came back from that density into the Mount Shasta acceleration of their own space takes a toll upon their energy.  So it takes them time to regenerate.  This is what everyone will experience if the Earth doesn’t change.  Change needs to occur.

The Earth is at the 4th Dimensional level.  It is in that duality.  You have been faced with it now.  You can see it.  How people are not accepting the ability to have a President that was not perfect but was not bringing forth the darkness in the same way it is occurring presently.  They allowed their angers and frustrations to result.  This is what has arisen during these moments.

You have been there as Lord Adama has said previously.  You’ve all experienced these energies.  But now you are experiencing a different part of yourself.  So the responsibility within you is to realize the potential that you have to be more than you ever could be in a physical body.  It is your time to accelerate yourself.  It is a time to allow the energies to assist you and not deter you from your highest purpose.  So I urge each of you to bring forth these energies onto yourself.  In that way you are assisting all of us, you are assisting GAIA, you are assisting the darkness to find the Light to dissipate from the planet; but we have a lot of work ahead of us in order to do so.

The Office of the Christ is working very diligently at this time with Lord Maitreya and Lord Kuthumi.  Lord Kuthumi has always been the Speaker of the Masters for Businesses, for Leaders, and for Governments.  Now their work is becoming even more intensified by bringing forth those Light Infractions of the Golden Flame of the Christ Consciousness to become more apparent within the Earth.

The Earth is in trouble. 

She is hurting and we know that she is hurting, but time is running out.  So everyone’s responsibility is necessary at this time, no matter what level of an Initiate that you are.  Even the ones that are not even aware of this by just having positive thoughts to bringing in their own self-help techniques is going to change the planet immensely.

I am here in this moment, in this beautiful Temple of Light within Telos to assist.  Each of the SevenFlames of these beautiful Beings of Light of the Archangels and the Elohim with the Ray Chohans are here to assist each of you to become more involved with the Light frequencies to come fully within your Heart and the experiences that you are having in your physical body.  Don’t allow the lower thoughts to deter you from the highest purpose that you are because you have a gift to give.

You came to this Earth as a Lightworker, as a Starseed, as a Torchbearer bringing forth these elements into your consciousness, bringing forth to become them, to ground them, to be them, to be the Master that you desire to be.  Surrender to what else is occurring within you.  Allow the energies to do their work and they will work, but you must allow it to be throughout your day and into the night.  You must breathe it, you must be it, and you must accept it.

We need your Diligency.  We need your Strength.  We need your Power to become One within you, to allow these energies to assist you. 

Don’t worry about what comes up.  Don’t question what is going on within you.  Let it go into the Light.  Let it go into the Unified Whole.  Let all the tools that you are being given consistently to be One within you.

Let us combine these energies.  I stand here as the MahaChohan but I bring forth each of the other Chohans and the Ray Spectrums of Light, the Flames, the Power of those Flames to come fully within you now.

So I ask you to feel the energy with us within this room as each of the Flames are going to blend within each other to become the One Flame because you cannot do it just by one or two.  You must allow the unification of the Seven Flames to assist you to create your higher Light body of the 3rd Dimension.  Then you will be ready to extend it more into your physical self to create the Crystalline structure.

We take a moment to allow this energy to come ~

Feel, feel now the Blue Flame.  Feel the Power of the Will and the Strength.  Feel your Courage and Fearlessness standing up to the adversity of the thought forms that are occurring presently with the election and the world speaking their truth in different ways.  Be in that Power of that Light.  Feel these beautiful Beings assisting you with the Blue Flame as it comes fully into your Being.

{{{Divine Light Language Encodement}}}

Now feel the Golden Yellow, the Golden Yellow coming in of the Illumination of your Higher Mind.  Feeling those lower thoughts dissipating, feeling your Love, your Wisdom to come fully within you.  You are being illuminated in the higher Light as it blends with the Blue, there are more knowledges coming to you.  Feel that beautification that you are becoming.

{{{Divine Light Language Encodement}}}

Now feel the Pink, Creative Actualization.  Feel the ability to create anything that you desire by feeling the beauty of Love, Compassion and Tolerance.  We must give Compassion to Mr. Trump.  We must give compassion to all the souls that don’t understand.  Feel that Pink Flame within you, become it, become it as it blends with the Blue and the Golden Yellow.

{{{Divine Light Language Encodement}}}

Now the feel the Crystalline Flame of Harmony and Balance.  Let’s bring the Resurrection within.  Resurrect all that does not fit your consciousness right now.  Resurrect those energies so that you can find the Balance and the Harmony within.  Feeling Master Serapis Bey assisting you within this with the deep Love that he has for humanity.  Feel it coming within you now.

{{{Divine Light Language Encodement}}}

Now we ignite the Green, the Gold and White of the Science of God, your Higher Mind.  Feel those colors blending now with all the others, within your 3rd Eye.  Feeling the ability to be Intuitive, feeling the Harmony of the Spheres, feeling the Movement, now that you have resurrected everything you can allow this energy to fully be within you and become One.

{{{Divine Light Language Encodement}}}

Now we see the Ruby Red with the Gold.  Feeling the Peace with Lady Nada, Peacefulness, Inner Devotion.  You deserve to accept Peace into your Heart.  You don’t deserve to feel all these other energies.  Feel this essence coming within you now.  Feel her beautification.

{{{Divine Light Language Encodement}}}

And last but not least is the Violet with the Purple.  Feeling Lady Portia – now that spins within you from your Soul Star all the way down to your Earth Star as it blends and it allows to create a new structure.  Feeling that beautification as you Transform, you Transmute anything else that doesn’t fit, but then you ground it, you become the Alchemist.  Feel that Alchemy within you, the ability to make the necessary changes through your Higher Essence as you become your Higher Mind, you become your Higher Heart.  It’s all involved in your full-body system.

{{{Divine Light Language Encodement}}}

Feel them.  Now you are the Seven Flames.  You are now surrounded by these beautiful Beings of Light.  You are surrounded by the Elohim.  You are surrounded by the Archangels.

I, as the MahaChohan of Lord Saint Germain, decree onto you to fully embody these Flames within your thought process. 

It is going to happen first consciously before you can do it physically.  It will be a step-by-step process; but if you can work upon this within your higher thoughts and allow them to come into your Heart and to feel these Essences through your breath.  Feel the Power that you are.  Feel the Love that you are.  Feel the Wisdom that you are – Ah!  Feel the beautiful Harmony.  Feel your Higher Mind and allow the Peace to come within you – Serenity.  Then you ground it.  Ground it deeply into your Earth Star as you are the Alchemist.  You are the Master of your Destiny in these moments.

Breathe deeply and let us take a moment and just extend it to GAIA. 

We are sitting within Telos in the core of the Earth.  We then send it to her Crystalline structure.  It is just movement of moving it out of Telos into the core of GAIA.  Allow her to send it where ever it should be.  You don’t have to do anything else.  You don’t have to send it to your loved ones.  You don’t have to send it ones that are angry.  Just send this Light formation, this totality of the Seven Flames that you are now intertwining within you and you extend that.  Then feel that within yourself.

As you receive, you give to another and you gave it to GAIA. That is your only responsibility. 

What we would desire for each of you to do is to do this daily, to intertwine the Seven Flames within you.  Get your Mental Mind out of the way and just allow the blending of the flames  to happen, even if you have to listen to this part of the session to remind you how to bring in these Seven Flames.  Be the Seveb Flames.  Allow them to grow within you.  As you do so, each of the Beings of the Seven Flames will work more with you.

It is my pleasure as Lord Saint Germain to extend this service onto you for you to embody it, to decree it to be so as you as an Initiate of the Mastery Pathway have a great responsibility to yourself to change.  Then let us do the rest of the work.  Let us do all that needs to be done through you and then out of you.

We have a great job ahead of us, but if each of you can do your part in this manner, it will make our jobs much easier.

In Blessings and Love,


So Mote It Be, It is Done.

I Am Lord Saint Germain.


It is I, Lord Adama once again.

Let us arise.  Let’s take a moment to walk around the mosaics.  It is our altar here within this Temple of the Jade.  We bring those energies.  Say a prayer or an intention for yourself.  I like the word intention better than prayer because prayer is you are asking God to do it for you.  Just put your intention of your own God Essence of which you desire to be.  Let us take a moment.

It is now time for us to leave the healing space of this Temple.  As we walk out into the Hall of Mirrors, I want you to feel the difference within your entire system of what you feel and what you see.  As we walk into the main Temple area with the altar you may take one more moment to give an intention feeling your Heart Center.  Remember your Heart Center is the core energy of all your Chakras.  It is the core energy of your Masculine and Feminine Divine.  Feel the Power that you have created within yourself.

Now it is time for us to exit the Temple of the Jade Emerald Essence.  We walk down the cross-bridge onto the cobblestone walk we enter the garden once again.

As we stand together let us hold hands.  Let us connect with each other’s energies and to feel what we have created.

I ask you to call upon this energy every day of your life and to not forget that we are fully connected with you, that we walk with you.  I am sorry that you have to experience these energies and the change cannot be as easily experienced as we would like.  Know that you are strong.  Know that you are courageous.  Know that are loving, generous, tolerant, compassionate and that you can stay balanced within yourself.

Know that you are the Creator of your Destiny of this Earth.  Everywhere you walk you will extend that energy if you allow it to be through your breath, if you bring it forth not just in your mind, but let it come into your Heart.  Remember the center of your Chakras, the center as you connect to the Heart Center of GAIA, as you connect to the Heart Center of us.  It will make your journey much easier.

In Blessings and Love,

I am Lord Adama, your brother in Telos

Part 1 – Lord Adama ~ The 4th Dimensional Healing Phase Is Now in Place – can be accessed through this link.

The New Earth Consciousness-Circle of Light is a weekly class in which we journey to one of the 22 Etheric Cities.  Included is a teaching from Lord Adama and a special Ascended Being that represents the city. Walking Terra Christa provides many options to participate in their weekly teachings with an affordable rate for all individuals.  You can participate in our Partner/Membership Program while experiencing the teachings on your own time via the recordings. You can also purchase the MP3 download on any of the classes.

© Copyright 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).  Linking to this page from any website or blog is welcomed and encouraged. Reprinting or reposting this material on websites or blogs that sell or advertise any products or services as well as any printed or written reproduction) is not authorized without written permission. Sharing our Social Media sites is also encouraged. Connect with us on ♥ FACEBOOK  ♥ TWITTER  ♥ YOUTUBE   ♥ NEWSLETTER ♥ DONATE  | Rights are only granted to repost this material electronically on informational websites or blogs that do not sell or advertise any products or services. In such cases, you must include this copyright statement in full including the above active url referral links to help everyone stay informed and support our messages. In cases of text only formats, these active url links may be converted to display the full path of the url as linked. 



Lord Adama brings forth his weekly lesson to talk about Wave-X along with all higher accelerations that are occurring so that we can balance the energies and accept the changes we are experiencing.

~ Rev. Christine Meleriessee, Integrative Channel

Greetings My Friends,

It is I, Lord Adama with the Telosian and Agarthian Councils of Light opening up the energies of all the Agarthian Cities and the network we are all a part of.

Once again we are in the midst of great changes through the higher frequencies of Light coming into the planetary levels making adjustments and changes within the planet and within all of us.

As we stand in this cornerstone of light frequency of Wave-X, we have to understand what these higher frequency alignments represent.

They are coming into Gaia, in the core of her substance which is her crystalline system to emit these energies through all the kingdoms within her domain which includes each of us in human form. As this energetic exchange comes into each individual, it will make you feel quite different in many ways because this frequency of light is a 7th dimensional level. As always as what I have shared previously, it is a vortex of energy coming into your system and through it to help you make the necessary changes within your lives, and your pathway. That is why so many individuals that are not aware of these energies are going through great physical issues and ailments because of the debris they have held in their consciousness within their Etheric Body is going through their four-body system.

Now for each of you that are desiring to be in a higher state of excellence each of your bodies are being affected also. It relates to your lessons and what you learn in your daily life, in your physical consciousness, and how you are able to ascertain what is occurring for you from the higher realms and what is actualizing in the physical realm.

These planetary alignments are opportunities for more growth to occur. I hear so many lightworkers say that they are challenged and hurting during these times of acceleration. But each of you has a responsibility to your own self-healing. No one can do it for you. Others can show you the way. We, as the masters can assist you, but in truth you are the one that is the driver of your vehicle. You are the one that decides which turn to take, which road to travel upon, and when it is time to sit and rest.

These are all important elements to consider as we are working within the Law of Relativity. We have to understand that this energetic exchange that is coming into the planet is not changing the planet into a 7th dimension. It is a trial run.

It is moments of time that is occurring at the end of this month to allow every living organism upon and within the planet to experience a higher realm of light within their consciousness and hopefully, within their physical actualization of those energies. That will depend upon the elements that are arising, how much work that needs to be done within those elements, and if you can hold that energy physically.

It is also a great time of healing. It is a powerful time of manifestation of what you have been desiring to receive can come to you during this time. It is about the synchronization of elements coming into a movement. It is like a flow of a river which has been roaring across rocks with small waterfalls that come into a place of complete serenity. It arrives into the space where the water is running and flowing down for all elements to come together. As the rocks, the trees, the sun, the water and the elements within the water come into a pure existence of serenity, of acceptance.

This is actually what can happen during this time if you allow it to be.

During the times of high accelerations, it is important to be in the flow of what is occurring. I want you to consider what is occurring for you within your life.

What has happened to you through this process and are there any other elements that need to come into the synchronization of the moment?

Is there a flowing energy occurring for you in any of the phases of your life?

And how is this effecting you emotionally and mentally?

At this mid-point stage through the end of the energetic alignment, there can be many issues that are occurring.

As this energy comes in, it can be disruptive as it opening up those centers, the elements within your system that need to be healed, that need to be purged. The most important part of this process is to accept the healing, to accept the change that needs to occur as you realize within yourself that you are going through a transformation and there is always a transitionary phase from one part unto another before that transformation can occur.

It is representative of moments of time coming into completion, coming into the circumference of all elements being the same and allowing them to be part of your experience.

As you sit in the middle of the energy and it starts to come towards you, it spins around you, notice what is occurring for you in all phases.

What is happening for your physically, what happening you emotionally, what is happening within your thought processes and how your think?

What is occurring for you in your soul body of light?

What healing is happening to you?

I know many of you concentrate on the purging that don’t have the realization within yourself that you are becoming someone different. This is very, very important. You must have a stabilization period after you go through purging so that the body can readjust. Not just within the body but all of your internalizations of your emotions, and your thoughts so that the Etheric Body can become one within the physical body.

As this energy comes through you, you vibrate at a different level through this process. Depending upon how well you can ground it, you can become part of those energies in any of your bodily functions. So part of your emotional body can heal the different levels and it will bring forth the ability to understand what you are experiencing.

This brings us to the Law of Relativity. We have to look at this energetic exchange and not just because of Wave-X, or the moon cycles. We are coming upon the New Moon. This is all part of the realization that all things are coming into Oneness. But it must be within each of us individually, first and foremost before it can happen as a Universal or Earth Consciousness.

These are important elements to remember as you are going through these high accelerations. Don’t be so negative in what you are experiencing and don’t allow yourself to get into that phase you are continually ripping yourself apart by finding more that needs to come out of you. You have to find those periods of stabilization as they are the moment that you ground that higher energy into your physical self. If you continually move from one negative element unto another to purge, what happens in between?

There is no space for any adjustment to occur. It truly has to be a process, otherwise you will put yourself into a state of frenzy, you will be in those negative emotions. You will continually think that is who you are and you are not changing at all.

So it is really imperative through these stages to write in your journal;

“Today I purged my insecurity issues representative of my relationship with my co-workers. I saw how I was different. I really want to affirm within myself, that is who I am becoming”

What happens if you just go to another lesson that occurs when you have not learned the lesson. It means that you have not grounded that energy, and that it needs to be repeated until you step away from the old energy to become the new essence. This is all part of the Lesson.

So it is essential to take the time to realize within yourself that growth is happening.

It is very much like when growth within the human body occurs  from the infant to the toddler to the little child stages. Each of those are periods of renewal. Sometimes in those growth processes it can be painful for that child as each of you know.

So I ask you to take a moment, many moments after doing cleansing and purification to readjust your energies.

This happens a lot with these higher energies coming in as it is stirring up that Etheric Body. It is creating charges of light to come within yourself so that the elements that do not fit will come out of you. But it is not healthy to be continually be going through that process. It makes you feel worse, it makes others uncomfortable when you are around them because it feels like you are not allowing yourself to realize that you can be healthy in different moments of time.

So I ask you through this process as these energies come about to realize the potential that you have to make necessary changes in your life and to look at the manifestations that you are creating even if it is small like finding a parking spot in a very crowded area. Look at the little simple things that happen to you and then they will grow.

I believe that many of you are receiving great gifts at this time. Being in the right space at the right time allows you to realize that you are changing and growing. Your full body system is accepting all of those elements to come into the circumference of whom you are to bring forth the acceptance of those gifts.

What you receive is going to expand out of you automatically.

Let’s embrace this movement that is occurring and allow the electromagnetic fields of light that represent the Masculine and Feminine Divine in being One from the Source of Light to be part of your existence. These are the elements that are coming up, the parts of you that don’t reflect that totality of balance.

Please know that you are not alone, that every soul upon this earth is going through these elements in different ways, but each of you have the awareness of what it is and how you can get through it.

Embrace that part of yourself fully within you that you are one step ahead of many others.

That is this Law of Relativity. It is all relative as many are not able to do what you are doing presently.

I walk with you deeply; I am Lord Adama, your brother in Telos.

Aluna, Aluna, Aluna

Rev. Christine Meleriessee, Integrative Channel

Walking Terra Christa provides several opportunities to be a part of these important New Earth vibrational teachings while learning more about your own pathway.

© Copyright 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).  Linking to this page from any website or blog is welcomed and encouraged. Reprinting or reposting this material on websites or blogs that sell or advertise any products or services as well as any printed or written reproduction) is not authorized without written permission. Sharing our Social Media sites is also encouraged. Connect with us on ♥ FACEBOOK  ♥ TWITTER  ♥ YOUTUBE   ♥ NEWSLETTER ♥ DONATE  | Rights are only granted to repost this material electronically on informational websites or blogs that do not sell or advertise any products or services. In such cases, you must include this copyright statement in full including the above active url referral links to help everyone stay informed and support our messages. In cases of text only formats, these active url links may be converted to display the full path of the url as linked. 



Greetings and Love from the Telosian Command Center,
I Am Lord Adama with the Telosian and Agarthian Councils of Light.
I hope that everyone is enjoying the full moon energies and the transition that this cycle is bringing to the earth. We feel your frustrations but we also feel the beautiful elements that you are learning about yourself.
This is a very important lesson ~ to allow the physical self to go through the pain of the challenges but then to realize the beauty that can be born within you.
This cycle is huge and will help each of you to go into a deeper part of yourself. Take the time to step into the core of your emotions so that you can fully accept the change that needs to occur.
As your relationship to yourself changes, the outer elements will fall into place. The parts of yourself that you thought were always going to plague you into believing that you are not who you truly would like to be can be fully erased during this cycle.
We have to remember that it is the Harvest Moon also which represents the growth that occurs after the energies abrupt to make you look at the TRUE YOU. And this will change throughout your development of the Higher Self that you are becoming.
This is because you truly cannot just accept yourself in the way you have done before. Growth does not occur in that manner. Each soul must look within themselves to see the change, to allow this change to be part of a greater aspects that is trying to be realized from your Highest Consciousness into your Physical Consciousness.

Without this interaction, then the experience of feeling challenged is just that; it is not a lesson, it is a moment in time that felt very constrictive. But yet when you allow the Super Consciousness (of your Higher Self) to blend within the Physical Consciousness, then it becomes a heightened awareness that could not be realized before.

So take the time during this cycle to have some realizations about yourself. They are there for the taking; all you need to do is look at it as it becomes more apparent within yourself that all of your minds, of the Conscious, Subconscious, and Super Conscious are becoming One.
Healing comes in many forms but it must start here first through the Divine Mind. Allow this moon to help you realize the potential you have within yourself.
Blessings and Love,
Lord Adama, Your Brother in Telos
If you would like to connect more personally with Lord Adama and other Ascended Beings, Walking Terra Christa provides several opportunities to become a student while learning more about your own pathway:  Academy of New Earth Mastery.
Integrative Channel: Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden
© 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).
Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:

Lord Adama ~ Stand-off as the Light and Dark Become One ~ A Deeper Understanding

sky sunset_600_338

Aluna, Aluna, Aluna

It is my pleasure to be with each of you in this moment. I Am Lord Adama with the Telosian and Agarthian Councils of Light.

There are many variables of energies that are happening presently. One of them being the full moon of Capricorn in Cancer that we are actually in the midst of in these moments. The emotions can be very sensitive, open, and disruptive. That is what is happening within and around the earth plane presently.

What I want to talk about is how each of you can assist yourself to not get into those stages of turmoil, but to find emotional balance.

We just finished last week with the Pink Flame which represents Compassion and Love. Working within that ray will also assist in this process. Today we work with the Violet/Purple Flame of bringing in the Ceremonial Structure. How do you do so as an initiate? Are you able to go from the place of extreme turmoil into the place of complete balance?

We know that this is a transition and is a bridge that each of us has to walk as a soul many times over. Master Djwhal Khul called this moon “The Emotional Rebirthing Cycle” and it truly represents that energy due to the purification and cleansing within the planet at this time and within each of you.

I want each of you center upon what is occurring within you, within your breath, and to help yourself to acknowledge your own internal feelings.

It makes so much difference as an individual to understand your own feelings and what you are experiencing so that you can either accept it or deny it, change it, or transform it. These are all vibrational air waves that go between everyone – into the center of Gaia, into the core of the Source of Light, and back again through all the planetary and higher living examples within the entire system. None of us are isolated in these energies.

As a person, you are continually feeling those frequencies of light and becoming what is outside of you and inside of you. That is why we have a responsibility as initiates and ascended masters to uphold our end of the bargain. It is our role and that is what each of you are stepping into.

You are learning more about your own self and changing your personality through that process. So as we, as individuals, acquire the knowledge within ourselves to be who we are as we learn to know that we are not within that perfect space, that we need to change. That is why in the lower initiations it can be a very challenging process.

This moon is bringing to us, the inhabitants of earth, a transfer of energy to make the necessary changes to occur. If you don’t have a strong base within yourself of what you desire to occur, that is going to create havoc and bring up many different elements that are ready to be released from the Etheric Body. That is exactly what is happening on the planet within the 3rd dimensional construct. It is breaking apart and as this is occurring, it is transferring these energies into everyone else.

You have to look at what kind of emotions you are having presently.

Are they your emotions or are they emotions of others that you feel considerate of, wanting to be compassionate? But how understanding do you need to be.

You have to understand that you cannot take those energies and bring them into yourself, as you fill them up into your consciousness, because you will become those energies. You will feel the anger, sadness, and that love. It is important to have the realizations within yourself of whom you are in each moment.

I know I have talked about this many times, but with this moon it is very, very apparent.

The throws of the darkness with the light are at a crucial standpoint. It is exactly what is occurring within the presidential election in the United States of America. That is exactly what is happening.

The more that we as an individual, as a soul, an initiate, and an ascended master take hold that frequency of light within ourselves that we know that we can be is going to change everything around us.

It is going to change everything within the psyche, within the spiritual body, within the physical body and that is going to emit out whether you share any words or not.

I refer to Lord Ashtar’s work with the web of the frequency of light around the planet. The more that we increase these light frequencies within ourselves and to pull upon that source of light to be, then that is what is going to come out through us and into the outside world.

So in actuality, this cycle of this moon at this time, is at a very important stand-off of the light and the dark.

Do they blend to become one or do they stand off of each other?

Does the light assist the dark and to bring reflection and illumination to those elements that are within darkness.

Or does the darkness illuminate the lower elements to become more apparent within the light and pull that light back downwards in that depth which represents lack of understanding and isolation.

The choice is yours.

But within these cycles of the moon and sun with the feminine and masculine coming together, it is an important time to allow the integration of those energies to become One within your heart, to become one within all aspects of yourself, within the conditions of your psychological work you are doing so that you can start to understand it.

I think many times individuals look at a lower aspect, a characterization, and become insecure about it, saying “Oh I have this fear and I don’t want to look at it.” That is allowing the darkness of that energy to be the stronger frequency instead of the light saying, “I want to look at this and change it.” This is allowing those two elements coming together instead of one.

We go back to the Law of Oneness for this process. In order to attract what we desire we must uphold our spiritual consciousness that we can bring unto ourselves into any given moment. So the energetics that are happening presently are very powerful for allowing this to happen. Within our planetary formations that are occurring presently, it brings that light frequency to make these changes.

If you are feeling sensitive about the energies in a completely different way than you have before, please know that you are changing through that process. It is transformation which is truly what each of us wants for ourselves, and not just everyone as the whole.

We want to transform who we have been previously. It is a very deep integration of the sun and moon which is occurring presently to allow that grounding of that spiritual essence, to be of that intuitive mind, to be of the feminine divine to come more fully into the masculine divine. There is truly a cosmic union that is happening if everyone allows it to happen for themselves and does not push it away.

Allow those moments of the integration to be one within the self, within the physical mind so it becomes the spiritual mind allowing those essences to blend completely.

So it is a very powerful moon cycle to allow the elements of purging, elements of transformation, to bring forth the divine qualities of magic into one’s life and the more we delve into that depth, as a person, the easier the transformation will be.

What I ask for you through this process is to be more flowing, to let the energy to flow and allow the senses to be very acute, to be a spiritual being within the physical body and not be afraid of it even if the particles that may appear they do not fit.

Allow them to flow within you and through you and become the Alchemist.

So I thank the energies presently in allowing us to come into this space of Cancer, of the heart, of the moon and let the flowing energy to occur more fully. Learning to accept the grounding to occur and to bring forth that moment of understanding within oneself.

Allow these moments of a higher nature and not the lower become your guiding light as so many others are experiencing.

You will be the example of what everyone desires in this world just by Being It.

Many blessings of love,

Aluna, Aluna, Aluna

NOTE: Using the energies of this full moon to bring to you what your soul desires for you is using the LAW OF ATTRACTION from the full body perspective of Mastery. All Lightworkers benefit tremendously from gaining such knowledge. Please join Walking Terra Christa on Saturday, July 23, 2016 (at 12:30 PM Pacific | 3:30 PM Eastern) for our teaching class with Master Thoth and Lady Lakshmi giving the Ascension Mastery understanding on the Law of Attraction along with Divine Light Language Code attunement activations. Please click here for details on attending live or via mp3 audio access.

ALSO: for those interesting in being a PLANETARY HEALER within the ASCENSION MASTERY PATH, our August Retreat discount expires today July 23. Please click here to read about this special event.

© 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).
Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:


Lord Adama ~ How To Access the 5th Dimensional Divine Intent Within Your Consciousness

This is Lord Adama’s Discourse from the New Earth Consciousness – Circle of Light Teaching of the Golden City of Flanancia over Edmonton, Alberta, Canada which represents the 18th Ray of Pink Gold.

Aluna, Aluna, Aluna

It is my pleasure as Lord Adama to be with each of you again.

Breathe deeply as Meleriessee has shared – allowing the higher rays of light to go into all parts of yourself bringing forth these elements of the higher frequency of Light to come down into your full body system, for you to receive, to receive, to receive. Take a breath as you take a moment to reflect.

For the classs today we bring forth the Fifth Dimensional Divine Intent representing the Ray of Pink Gold. This means allowing your consciousness to be of that higher essence.

This is the real experience of Telos that each of you desires to have in your life fully. It is important to allow the effects of your Higher Consciousness to expand into all parts of yourself, into the parts that don’t feel those energies. Concentrate hard on allowing it to come in. Sometimes when there are blockages within the Etheric Body you may want to succumb and say “I cannot do it, I cannot bring forth these essences unto myself.” So allow what you have learned through your spiritual tools of the Will and Power, the fortitude and acceptance to bring forth these essences into yourself allowing your Higher Self to be the commanding energy and not the physical self. But allow the body to feel it, to come into this space.

As each of you work through the Universal Laws in your personal pathway, you will start to understand how you are affected in your lifestyle, in how you project yourself as a person to others and to your own experiences. It is very important as we learn each of these laws to really find reflection within yourself of what it may mean for you. As we work through the Law of Cause and Effect, we have tried to assist each of you to bring in the higher levels of concentration to help you minimize the other elements that are arising, to really dissipate them through the higher vibrational essences, which is so very true.

That is exactly what is occurring within the planet. There are more infractions of Light that are becoming more available to humanity in each moment. That is why there are such great challenges in the physical structure as the challenges within the third and fourth dimensional levels represents those souls that are living within that level of experience.

Everyone has the ability to connect with their fifth dimensional self, that higher consciousness, but many do not how to ground it. Once it starts to become grounded, it has to effectually change within the component of the physical body, the memory, the aspirations that are within your full consciousness through the cellular structure and the feeling levels, the experiences of your programming, and the decisions that you have made. It is an ongoing process that you are experiencing presently.

As the Earth is holding more of this light within herself, you will probably be feeling it more often.

The most important element is not to push it away, even though it may feel uncomfortable, to allow yourself to integrate these energies as much as possible.

Yes, the body will want to reject it, the mind and emotions will want to reject it. It is uncomfortable; it’s not having gravity within your body. It’s not being so connected to the Earth; you start to lift up your energies upwards. Yes, it makes you feel dizzy, it makes you feel un-centered, like you cannot think about certain things. But eventually you will be able to integrate these energies within your physical self so that they can be adjusted within you. You will adjust.

As each new light infraction comes into the planet that is not only with the moon, eclipses, and changes of the seasons, but with the addition of solar flares and planetary systems changing.

Presently there are many light infractions being sent into the Earth due to the Solstice. This season will be very powerful, and you are starting to feel those energies presently.

So if you are going through some transition, you are not alone. Everyone is experiencing these changes but you also have to call upon your journey in the last three months of what you have done for yourself with the lessons you have learned through the Festivals of Light of the Christ, Wesak, and of Humanity. Now it is starting to be grounded through this process and it is a huge shift that occurs within all parts of the physical existence.

My best advice is to be patient with yourself as you will have moments, you will have days when it gets easier. Until your Divine Mind, Higher Mind, can integrate further within your physical mind, you are still going to be feeling these transitions. Then, afterwards you will still feel the changes. As one like myself, that is fully integrated within these energies, when the changes occur, I have to adjust myself. All of us do in Telos. Everyone that is on a higher level of frequency beyond a fifth dimensional body, continually have to readjust as we are constantly moving, going through those elements to allow more light frequency, to be within the planet. Those of us in the Inner Earth Cities are truly holding that energy for each of you. It is now expanding out of our portals of light into the earthplane to assist in that process.

It is a movement that each of us are going through in these powerful times. There is great change upon the Upper Earth, but there is great disruption with great joy at the same time.

That is being in the 4th dimensional level; is that movement of desiring to be in more love but so being infiltrated with the lesser positive qualities. So for each of you it is important to raise your consciousness as much as possible to not allow those lower elements to affect you as much. This is what you are learning through the Laws of the Universe. This law of Cause and Effect is a very important one within that concept as you allow your Higher Essence and what you are receiving through the gravitational poles through the Solar Systems, and the Universes of the Source of Light to come into your existence, the easier the process will be on your consciousness level. On a physical level you have to remember to ground it. Sometimes you will have moments where you have to sleep, you need to rest, you need to stretch your body, you need to be in water if it is possible. Allow the fluidness of these energies to assist you through this process.

We have just gone through a powerful new moon that brings more of these energies to the forefront, which means that each individual has to work harder to hold unto them.

They can be lost very easily because the earth is in such a transitional stage that she is not able to hold unto everything. So each of us that are upon the earth must do it for her. We are affected greatly by these energy shifts.

So how does that rate with the Law of Karma?

Beautifully. As you bring forth these energies within yourself as you learn to ground the higher vibration within your physical body no matter what the challenges are through the process, the easier it will be for her. The gravity will be stronger with that frequency of light.

We are going to be sharing more about this as there are some newer energies are coming it at the Solstice and myself and Lord Saint Germain will be bringing forth some information through Meleriessee to assist in this process as it is an exciting time. It is time for these energies to be more gravitated into the core of Gaia. But each of you have a strong responsibility within yourself to be able to hold it more fully and to be able to accelerate which I know each of you want. Included is the de-acceleration of your age – this is all part of what you have been working towards which is starting to occur which will be happening in Mount Shasta. I will be explain more about this at another time very shortly in the next week as it is upcoming very soon.

This is why you may be experiencing great challenges. It is not just about your own pathway, or not just about what you are doing within your initiations and lessons that you are experiencing. You are in a very high vibrationally State of Consciousness. As you awaken to these energies, you will be more affected by them. You will be healed faster; the healing will also accelerate for you in all ways.

But it is a transition, as the old self which is part of you including the old body does not want to be part of that energy. There is a conflicting stage that occurs within the physical body. When you are conditioned to really allow these energies to be more fully within you, like Meleriessee has. We mention her because she has been doing it for over many years. Her conditioning process is much easier in her consciousness; it does not mean physically she does not feel it. But within her consciousness she is used to many more transitions within her physical body so she accepts it as part of her reality.

This is where each of you will be able to achieve the same through this process within yourself also. It is coming faster and quicker than it ever has before. It is everything that you are doing and we are doing together. This would not be possible without this work that you have been part of.

I thank you deeply for stepping forward; I thank you for the deep acceleration you are experiencing.

Are we at the end of a journey?

No, it is only at the very, very beginning. It is a whole new huge doorway that is going to be occurring and much chaos can result from these energies especially when people may not know how to handle themselves.

The healing of every individual soul upon this planet is going to be realized in many, many different ways.

I fully acknowledge each of you and honor you for what you are doing. I know it is not an easy process on the Upper Earth. Spiritually, we are all walking with you; we can’t physically walk with you yet. In time we hope that changes but the process we are going through now allows our vibrations to blend with each other. You are learning so much through the Universal Laws and becoming those Universal Laws. That is the beauty of what we have been doing this year. It is truly assisting the planetary changes everywhere around the world.


I Am Lord Adama, High Priest in Telos

Integrative Channel: Rev. Christine Meleriessee Heliohah

The New Earth Consciousness-Circle of Light is a weekly class in which we journey to one of the 22 Etheric Cities.  Included is a teaching from Lord Adama and a special Ascended Being that represents the city. Walking Terra Christa provides many options to participate in their weekly teachings with an affordable rate for all individuals.  You can become a Student by participating in the LIVE teachings and be part of our mentoring program OR participate in our Partner/Membership Program while experiencing the teachings on your own time via the recordings.

© 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).
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