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Channeled Messages from the Festival of Lights Ceremony December 2022

Walking Terra Christa shares the channeled messages received in the Festival of Light Sacred Ceremony for December 2022 with Master Djwhal Khul, Lord Ashtar, Lord Sananda, the Whale and Dolphin Community, with the Native Elders from around the World, Lady No Eyes (visonary), and Prayers from White  Buffalo Woman celebrating the Full Moon energies of Gemini (Sun of Sagittarius) representing Revelations of Illumination.


Greetings My Dearest Friends! I am Master Djwhal Khul. Thank you for being with us for the ‘live’ connection within this City of Wakan-Soieka.

Take a moment to reflect within yourself the changes that you have experienced for this year of 2022. This Moon being the last full moon of the year, is a very powerful Moon in its own way as the sign of Gemini represents transformation and to accept the emotional energies within each of us that need to be exposed. It is a representation of the dark being revealed and going into the light.

You may find that the energetics of this Moon may be a little bit disruptive for you. But just go with it. Be part of these energies and realize that the transformation you are going through is all part of the experience.

Now since the Sun of Sagittarius is in opposition to Gemini, it supports the state of the revelations to occur by allowing our true selves to become more passionate to ourselves. This is a powerful energy of Sagittarius, and everyone needs to be careful to not allow the push forward that Sagittarius can bring forth to create changes that you’re not ready for. Allow these energies to be grounded within you. The sun of Sagittarius is like a warrior, so we have to acknowledge that warrior attitude and yet bring forth a sense of grounding within our full-body system.

As each of us comes together in this moment it is always an appropriate time to fully become more to our reality than we truly have experienced.

I call this cycle Revelations Bring Illumination. When you allow yourself to fully look at the untruths within your etheric self, your chakras, in your four-body system and they surface into your consciousness it is important that you acknowledge those untruths because they are teaching you a lesson that you no longer need that untruth. But to allow the illumination of what is occurring through the alliance of Gemini and Sagittarius to assist you.

Now, of course Grandmother Moon is always representative of the emotional self and this month won’t be different from any other. In fact, it may be more than you’ve experienced previously. This is due to the fact that it is the last Moon of the year, the culmination of the elements that you have been dealing with from the beginning of the year until now are coming to the surface.

Embracing this energy will assist you in going deeper into your own internal system. The internal system I’m talking about is your Higher Self, your Divine Consciousness of the God energy that you are. Because that God energy is of higher qualities that are fully coming into the full balance within your entire system. I wouldn’t say they are interfering, but they are intertwining within what you already have experienced and what you may know about yourself.

This Moon is very introspective. It’s allowing the energies to assist you to look at the darkness that you’ve held and how it no longer serves you and to allow the illumination of the passion of Sagittarius to assist you to rejoice in the changes that you have gone through.

My Keynote for December is:

“I call upon my I Am Presence to help me acknowledge the elements within me that no longer serve my Highest Good. I allow my Spiritual Self to guide me through the process of my personal abundance through the Full Moon of Gemini in opposition to the Sun of Sagittarius. I feel the opening of my Divine Self to be revealed. I Am, that I Am, that I Am.”

Ponder upon that energy within your Heart Center in these moments.

It’s imperative to allow these energies of Grandmother Moon and Grandfather Sun to assist in the balancing of the creative process of the full-body system. As you breathe deeper into your Heart Center go into that part of yourself that needs to be revealed. Do not be afraid. Allow the energies that we bring forth today, the ceremonies, to assist you to go into a deeper level that possibly you have not experienced previously.

Surrender to the energies. Open up all avenues of your chakra system, your chakras within all your joints, the chakras within your spinal column. Allow everything to freely flow through you so the true pathway in this moment (by that I mean what you are transmuting and what you are transforming) through this Moon of Rebirth.

I know I have said this previously, but this Moon is also part of those Divine energies to allow every one of you to become more personally abundant within yourself.

Allow the transition into wholeness to be expressed with what you are experiencing. Allow the exposure of this cycle to help you to go into that deeper part of yourself and find the Divine Truth that your Higher Self is guiding you to experience.

I am Master Djwhal Khul. I now open up the energies to Lord Ashtar. Thank you once again for being the Initiate that you are.



Greetings! Greetings! My Dearest Souls! I am Lord Ashtar. I come forward with the Inter-Galactic energies to bring forth our sense of Oneness together.

As we move through the energies of this year of 2022, our work as the Inter-Galactic Forces has increased in many ways. It has increased because each of you are asking us to assist you. Also, we are becoming more centered within what you are experiencing upon the Earth and not just each of you personally, but humanity as a whole and coming into a stance of allowing these vibrational energies to assist.

As we move closer to the Solstice, we are assisting in bringing forth the expressed vibrancy of light to be felt within the core of Gaia and each of you.

You must be vigilant. In order for you to be able to uphold that Divine energy within yourselves we need to assist. We need to remind you of what you ARE in the Higher Realms of Light or what you are as the Galactic humans that have come into this Earth. We also need to rid the pain and the frustrations from other non-Christed planetary systems and dissipate this from this Earth. We know that sometimes this may seem very much out of your consciousness, out of your reality. But isn’t that truly what Ascension Mastery represents? It is stepping into the higher realities of existence to realize the potentials that each of us are One together.

Our role presently is to continue to assist you with these energies, assisting with the removal of chemtrails which are still ongoing unfortunately, and assisting with the vibrancy of the energies around the lands. If you live in an area that is denser then please do call upon us more often to help with that density to allow the vibratory energies that are part of this experience to be placed into the lands and into the core of the Earth from your areas.

We do see an increased amount of vibrancy that is occurring around the planet through the electro-magnetic waves of Light. It is not being affected so much in physicality within your lands. The people are changing but the vibrancy is becoming more stable.

The more often that you listen to this portion of the ceremony and bring in these Divine energies the less destruction we will have upon the Earth. But it takes great diligence to bring forth that ability to be strong within the face of danger. The danger in this part is the planetary system is not aligning to the higher vibrational nature that is expressly brought forth through these higher vibrations of light.

It does not mean that the Earth is going to move into that 5th Dimension because HUMANITY has not moved into that 5th Dimension. That is so much a part of what the Earth is experiencing. The more often that individuals bring forth more love, acceptance, and forgiveness into their hearts along with all the beautiful elements of healing then that is going to assist the Earth more deeply.

Our goal with the Ascension Columns around the world is to assist in that process to allow people to feel even just a moment of something that is greater than themselves, that feels very loving and peaceful.

The more we work together the easier this process will be.

I’m deeply honored to be able to be part of your walk upon the Earth to assist in so many ways as we transmute the lower frequencies of this Earth like this Moon represents and bring forth the illumination of the Higher Realms of Light to be felt. I hope that each of you feels this in this moment within your own heart.

I am Lord Ashtar at your service extending the energies to Lord Sananda.


Namaste’ and Blessings. Peace and Love to each of you. I am Lord Sananda bringing forth my expression of Divine Love unto each of you in these moments.

I love coming to Wakan-Soieka and seeing all the Souls from all walks of existence, not just of this Earth, but on the higher Christed Planetary Systems, that we’re all coming together in the State of Oneness, the Web of Light.

As I stand here looking at all of the faces of the Souls that are here, it gives me HOPE that with the continued effort of what we are doing, we CAN achieve a higher dimensional Earth. Please know that your struggles are being heard. It is up to each of you individually to allow the efforts of the higher vibrational energies with peace and love to come into your own hearts. This truly is what is going to change everything that you are experiencing upon the Earth.

Believe me, there are so many people upon the Earth that do not understand this. So, you, being the Initiates of Mastery, of realizing within yourself the journey that you are taking on of rising to a higher level within your physical consciousness is one that is not an easy process to achieve. But if you can have moments such as this ceremony to come into your heart and give you the strength that you are desiring to hold within yourself, then it will assist you within the next steps of your journey.

This is an imperative process for every Soul to realize the potential within themselves that they can CHANGE the energies by moving out of their physical consciousness, by not allowing their lower ego or lower-self personality to be in control and rise into a higher level of existence.

What happens through this process is there is a “Great STRENGTH”. This is what I desire for each you to feel in these moments, YOUR OWN strength.

It does not have to be big, but it can be a Teardrop of Strength coming into your heart allowing you to absorb more of that within your entire system. To breathe deeply into your heart and allow that Teardrop of Peace to go into all areas, your lower chakras, your upper chakras, the soles of your feet, your Earth Star, and your Soul Star.

When you take moments such as this and allow them to be felt then the transformation that this Moon represents will assist you. Do not fight it because the more that you fight this process the deeper the challenge will be for each of you.

As Lord Sananda, I take these moments to bless you for bringing forth the awareness into your consciousness to realize the potential that you can be. Feel this potential coming into your Soul’s Essence, into your heart, within your breath allowing it to expand. This is why I call it the Web of Light because the more that we extend this within ourselves personally, we expand outside our fields so that others can feel it.

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]

Breathe deeply. Allow these Divine energies to fully transform all elements within yourselves that need assistance. Allow the illumination of this Moon to assist you to reveal the darker parts of yourself that NEED to come into the Light. It’s okay. Allow yourself to be at peace with this because this IS part of the process, acknowledgment.

In ALL that I AM as Lord Sananda, I bless each of you with the beautiful essences of the Gold Flame of the Christ Consciousness to come into your heart and fully expand into all parts of your existence.


[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]


We are The Community of the Whales and the Dolphins bringing forth our essence and sending that Light Form that you have received from Lord Ashtar and Lord Sananda through the waves of waters moving upwards and downwards in all directions.

The more that we commune with one another through this frequency of Light, the more that OUR communities in the waters and YOUR communities on the lands will be assisted through the greatness of releasing the old forms of existence.

Our Community of Whales and Dolphins as the mammals we are, we have suffered GREATLY in our history. But it is in these moments that we do not want to hold on to that. We want to feel the elation of these Divine energies to come into ALL of our hearts together. You have made it possible.

Lady Mahlariessee, we are deeply honored that you bring forth these energies monthly, that your role with our community has been great on a Soul level and a physical level. That every time every person thinks of our essences within the waters, please know that we receive that. We see it through the sonar waves, we receive it through the vibrancy of the Light. It helps us to realize that elements are changing even though there are many that are still being hunted in certain areas.

It is with great joy that we want to help the ones that are older of our species that have endured great pain and have only desired to be free. You are assisting with that frequency of Light.

[Whale/Dolphin Encoding]

We express to each of you our deepest commitment to assist Gaia, to assist the Earth, to assist humanity as we all grow together in Avenues of Light.

KNOW that we are not far away. We are very close to your hearts in this moment.

[Whale/Dolphin Encoding]

Lady Mahleriessee: We thank the Whale and the Dolphin energies for assisting us in our transition of the New Earth to help us acknowledge that they receive our Light energies in so many ways.

Now we continue with the Native Elders of the group consciousness of all the Elders from around the world.


AHO! AHO, My Dearest Ones! We are the Native Elders. We’re always excited to be here in our group consciousness.

As we gather together in ceremony and love and feel all that is being brought forth from these Divine energies, it reminds us of the days of when we would look at the Pleiadian Starships, and then we would work with the Pleiadians as they have always been an integral part of our teachings.

As warriors we truly understand the changes that you are going through. Since Sagittarius is that ‘warrior’ it brings forth that sense of compassion in a passionate way, FIRE energy bringing forth the fire.

As we look at the flame that is here in the middle of our circle with all the Souls on the outside of the circle, the Great Spirit is overlooking every one of US no matter what our experiences represent, no matter what we are bringing forth to the planet.

We, of the Elders, are deeply excited to bring forth our energies in this monthly connection. It is with great reverence that we honor each of you with whom you are and what you are experiencing because you truly are the Lightbearers of this planet. You have come at a time when the energies have been opened up so that the Light Forms of your existence as a Soul are more open to you than they have been before. But you’ve also come at a time where there is great confliction, there are great hurts of what has been experienced through the many lifetimes of this planet and they are all arising at the same time.

We think that this Moon is very representative of what you have been experiencing the entire year. Yet there is a push with Grandmother Moon opening up the dark parts of your Souls to be revealed to allow the illumination to shine with the Sun of Sagittarius, the fire energy, to burn up the debris to allow it to be gone and not to be experienced in your Soul’s memories ever again. We would like you to ponder that for a moment.

The intensity that you bring forth for these energies is the important part of your existence and having the strength and the courage to open up the darkness within you and allow it to be purged out of your system, never to return. What do you think that would feel like if you allowed that to happen in your existence, in your consciousness? It is not just your existence upon the Earth but what you are feeling in all ways through your emotions and your mental accolades. Imagine those accolades dissipating, fully dissipating just because you had the courage to be the Warrior of Sagittarius to break through the darkness that Gemini is showing you. That is a blessing in and of itself.

We would like everyone to remind themselves in this moment within your breath and have faith and HONOR what you are experiencing is not forever. But only if you have the diligence and the capability to move through those energies. Do NOT FOOL yourself into thinking that it’s just going to go away. You must work at it. You must BE the warrior; you must get out your sword and you must TAKE that sword and poke holes in the armor of the dark essence you’ve been holding onto in the history of your Soul’s existence.

This is so very true because every Soul upon the Earth has gone through those dark timelines. As a Soul, we don’t like to think that we have those capabilities. But what happens in this instance is that those dark timelines are affecting YOU more than anyone else. It is not that you are attacking anyone else, it is that you are attacking yourself by not allowing it to be illuminated and placed into the Light and blend that energy within yourself to the higher part of your existence.

If we think about the dark as being the walk upon the Earth and we think about the light being your Higher Self, your Soul’s Essence, your Divine Self, your God Source, then that part of you is assisting you to WALK on the Earth in a much better way of existence than you have previously. But you must ACKNOWLEDGE it. Let’s ACKNOWLEDGE it in this present moment.

As we stand in the EAST, we call upon the Eagle and the Eagle helps us to fly above the difficulty. But the EAGLE ALWAYS knows what that difficulty is. I want you to HONOR that within the Eagle that you are becoming to allow yourself to step into a New Beginning of your HEALING. Today is the day, this moment is the moment that you fully allow your true self which can have those dark moments to be revealed to you. It’s Okay. Open that up, allowing the Mental Realm of your existence to be filled with the BLESSING of the present energies to be expressed in a completely new and different manner. Open yourselves up. Feel this blessing of the Eagle being in your heart.

The Eagle knows its prey. The Eagle knows the WAY of the world. Bring THAT understanding into your heart presently. FEEL that New Beginning that you desire to BECOME. Let the door be open.

[Drumming and Chanting]

OPEN yourselves up to the BLESSING of the Eagle flying HIGH above the difficulty but KNOWING that difficulty. KNOWING that you can exchange the BLESSING of the Mental Realm to be the Abstract Mind flowing with Light Forms and giving yourself the COURAGEOUS MANNER of stepping into that PURE LIGHT that you ARE. FEEL THIS now. It is a New Beginning within yourself.


Now we call upon the SOUTH energies of the Coyote. Is the Coyote laughing at you? Or are you dancing with the Coyote? In your Emotional Self you must acknowledge the parts of yourself that you have not seen previously. You’ve allowed the delusion, the film that has been placed around you for you to not see the truth. So, dance it out now with the Coyote.

[Drumming and Chanting]

Allow your Emotional Body to now be filled with dancing moments. Allow the holes that you have put into your Emotional Body from the exchange of Light to assist you. Take a breath, relax, and feel the air around you.

Now we call upon the energies of the WEST. The West represents your physical body. What is occurring in your physical self that is holding you back from your true Divinity of Love and Light? The physical self holds so much. So, we call upon the Bear. The Bear has such knowledge. Feel the vision of the Bear within you. Take a moment within that Bear medicine and see that the elements of your darkness can infiltrate into the physical self. It can cause depression, it can cause you to not want to do things, it can cause you to not be as strong within your will as you would want to be. So, let’s call upon the Bear medicine and allow that Bear to GROWL within you, to open you up as you come out of the cave no matter what part of the year it is for you. It’s now time to get out of the cave and really enjoy the land around you.

[Drumming and Chanting]

Now there’s an opening of your energies as we call upon the NORTH of the Spiritual Self. Now your Spiritual Self can acknowledge more to your full consciousness than it did before because you’re taking a walk through the Medicine Wheel allowing the blessing of the Buffalo, which is abundance, the blessing of the Higher Realms of your Spiritual Self now to be shining within you. It’s coming down and you feel that blessing as you pray to your Higher Self, your I Am Presence to become all that you desire.

[Drumming and Chanting]

Rejoice! As now we come to the middle of the circle where the beautiful flames are existing. Honor yourself by feeling the blessing of these flames within your heart. Dance with the illumination that you have received from allowing the darkness to arise out of you.

[Drumming and Chanting]

AHO! It is in these moments now feel the new essence of your energies coming into your full existence. Breathe it in! Feel it emotionally. Express it mentally. Your Etheric Self is changing because it has gone through a process of transmuting and you’re transforming yourself in this moment. Take a moment to bless yourself of what you have achieved in all things.

It is our blessing to each of you as the Native Elders to continue this walk. We walk with you. We walk with you in your ceremonies, in your prayers and all that you are desiring to become. Utilize your own ceremony within these energies for the next few days and you will see a difference occurring within your heart.

AHO! My Dearest Ones. AHO! All our relations as One.

We now bring in the energies of Lady No Eyes.


AHO! Mitakuye Oyasin. Hello! Hello! My Dearest Ones! It is my pleasure once again to extend my energies unto each of you.

Transference into your transformation is an essential quality to uphold within your own essence. It doesn’t matter if you’re an Initiate, it doesn’t matter if you’re a Native, it doesn’t matter your background. What matters is your Soul’s Essence. That is why Natives acquired the ability to create ceremonies to bring forth the blessing of the Higher Realms of Light to assist in the walk that they were experiencing upon the Earth.

My Dear Ones, you are experiencing great strife in these moments. I know I have talked about this month after month after month. The strife is not outside your energies, it’s inside you. The blessing of the current times upon this planet is that individuals have the accessibility to go deeper into the healing states of their consciousness than they ever have acquired in any other timeframe. Take advantage of that. This Moon brings forth that energy.

We talk about the Warrior of Sagittarius, but the true essence is Grandmother Moon. She is showing you two different sides of yourself; the dark side and the light side. Allow her essence to teach you to absorb the darkness within the light to allow the healing process of your internal system to become more accessible to your energies than anything else.

I, too, refer to the months of this year. As each Full Moon, each Eclipse, each Equinox, each Solstice has come around, the energies have been becoming more and more intensified. So, what are you as an individual going to do about that? Are you going to allow the energies to overtake you? And say, “Well I can’t do this. I’m not up for this.” Or are you going to be that warrior of your Soul’s Essence and say, “Yes, I have the ability to change because I have all the tools in my backyard. I have all of my spiritual guidance. I have the Masters. I have the Light of God. I HAVE the beauty of the Great Spirit to shine down upon me that I have been gifted to be here at this time. And I will open up my energies to assist and mainly to assist myself.” That is the key that needs to be acknowledged.

Stop worrying about everyone else and worry about yourself first and foremost. Bring forth the intensity of these energies to go deeper into your Soul’s Essence that you have never experienced in such a way. Allow this Light Form of Grandmother Moon to shine upon you with her beautiful essence.

Do not allow the coldness of this moon to make you cold inside. Warm yourself up with the Divine Light that she brings forth of this sign of Gemini. Two aspects of yourself, your physicality, and your spirituality. Which one is going to win? Well, it’s not a battle of who is going to win a competition. It’s about both aspects of yourself to come into Oneness in the presence of your heart, in the presence of your mind.

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]

Feel that essence within you shifting and changing, blessing your darkness with your light. Calling upon your Higher Self, calling upon your I Am Presence. Call upon the God Source energy that you are. The Great Spirit is shining down upon us right now within all these flames.

[Chanting and Drumming]

Arise! Arise to the moment. Arise to the many moments to allow these Divine energies that are being brought forth of the planetary existences of the Moon and the Sun to assist you to become better, to be stronger, to be more peaceful, to be more loving unto yourself.

AHO!  Mitakuye Oyasin. I Am Lady No Eyes.

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]


I am White Buffalo Woman extending my essences. Let us take a moment in silence listening to the drum, feeling your own heartbeat, opening yourself up unto the blessing to your Divine Self to be realized within you.

As we call upon the energies of the Great Spirit, we ask these beautiful Souls in this beautiful ceremony and within the circle to be blessed with your Light, to be blessed with all that you bring forth to this Earth, to all planetary existences in this Divine moment of creation.

[Rattles with Drumming]

Take a moment and feel the implosion of the Light energies coming into your Soul allowing your wishes and your blessings to become manifest.

AHO! Mitakuye Oyasin.


Greetings. Once again, it is I Master Djwhal Khul.

We all arise together in this beautiful ceremony in Wakan-Soieka. I’m deeply honored to be able to feel the Oneness that occurs here within these ceremonies. Please do allow yourself to return. Work with the energies throughout this Moon cycle. Allow the assistance of what you desire to become to be released out of you.

It is a time of great power internally, a time of great strength, and a time of great love. Allow that love to fully become you. Expand upon it. Be One with it.

As we extend our energies with the 330 Rays of God, we call upon all these Divine energies of all the dimensions and the God Source.

We, as Masters, understand. We are also healing in our own ways. We understand what it’s like to be upon the Earth. Not during this time but in other times. We have to understand that it is a BLESSING in the midst of the chaos. Each of you that are awakened unto these energies KNOW that there is MORE that you can do energetically without your physical body but allowing your physical self to be assisted in the process.

I give my blessings unto each of you to bring forth these energies physically. I walk with you and love you deeply in every way.

Namaste’. I am Master Djwhal Khul.

If you are interested in listening to the audio recording of the ceremony,  please visit our Audio Library,

It’s a time to connect your emotional body to the physical self, this full moon has been a precursor to move into the ability to work more deeply within our ascension pathway as an Initiate. The Royal Teton Retreat is open for every Initiate to work with the Karmic Board along with Master Djwhal Khul, Lord Lanto, and Master Hilarioan to assist our healing process to remove karmic elements that we are working upon in our pathway. The doorway to the retreat opens on December 15th through January 14th to connect with these Divine Masters. Lord Saint Germain is our guide to travel to the retreat located in the Teton Mountain Range, Wyoming in the United States during meditative states, and on the Innerplane levels (sleep state).

If you are interested in our Holiday Sale which is discounted up to 60% for some of our Seminar Teachings please see the details here. Included are some of our Meditations and high frequency essential oil Aromatherapy Healing Sprays.

Original Material © Copyright 2003-2022 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee* Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden. All rights reserved. *formerly spelled “Meleriessee”. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS CONTENT FREELY IN COMPLETE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS WITH THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!

Lord St Germain: The Process of Personal Alchemy-Clarion Temple of Oneness

Walking Terra Christa presented a journey for the Ascension Mastery Teachings into the Clarion Temple of Oneness with Lord Saint Germain presenting his dissertation on how to achieve Personal Alchemy within the Ascension Pathway. Cosmic Master Allah Gobi, The Manu gave forth a blessing of vibrational energies through Divine Language Network Encoding©. These energies are then transmitted into the Core of Gaia for healing for the Earth and humanity.


We arrive in a beautiful field of flowers. Each of us walks through the field towards the Rainbow Bridge. We walk across the Rainbow Bridge onto the beautiful pathway that goes through the Magical Forest that takes us to the Clarion Temple of Oneness. There are Pillars of Light shining brightly.

We walk up the steps we are greeted by Archangel Michael’s Warriors, and then Yamteleus, Guide for the Clarion Temple of Oneness.

As we enter the temple, we walk all the way down to the first row on the first level where we find our seats.

Take some moments to gather your energies as we begin the festivities.


Greetings My Dearest Beloveds! I am Yamteleus, Spokes Being of the Clarion Temple of Oneness. 

As we gather together this evening, it is very exciting to have Lord Saint Germain with us. The altar in the middle of the staging area is filtering all 22 Rays of God, Spectrums of Light circling around each of us on all the levels of this glorious temple.

With several deep breaths, take a moment to allow this beautiful illumination of the Light energies of God to come into your Heart, into your Mind, into all aspects of your Being. This will assist in the preparation for the energies of Lord Saint Germain this evening.

Thank you for being here. Let us continue.

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]


We of the Angels of the Many Principalities and Angelic Presences overlight the Divine energies to assist in bringing forth peace, love, serenity into all aspects of your beingness.

On the Wings of Angels, we bless you.


Greetings My Dearest Comrades, Initiates, Chelas of all walks of existence. I am Lord Saint Germain deeply honored to be here with each of you.

How do we learn to understand ourselves, to accept what we are experiencing as an individual, and apply it to the world that we are desiring to exist in, blending the many forms of meditations, Light energies, healing processes, and grounding them into our physical consciousness, our physical reality?

The steps of learning to be fully in Alchemy represent many hard lessons for an Initiate. Many times, those lessons are not learned in the way that the Higher Self desires an individual to accept. So, then lessons are repeated. They may not be the same, but they are similar.

Until every individual Soul in their own journey realizes within themselves this is what they are experiencing with that lesson, there is a process of transformation.

That is the process of Alchemy, of learning to accept the transmutation, the pain, the grief, the death, and rebirth to allow the new part of your higher consciousness to exist within the aspect that is being transformed. The old part of you will be transformed and released if you allow it to be. But if you hold onto aspects within yourself that don’t accept the changes you are going through then you will create much struggle. That struggle can be enormous.

As always, we speak about the element of surrender, of being able to surrender unto the process you are experiencing is fully accepted. But if your Lower Self Consciousness of your ego is telling you otherwise, then that experience is going to be lost in the shuffle of the Higher Consciousness trying to be more within the lower consciousness.

How do we as an Initiate, especially one that may be newer on the pathway or had these experiences previously or maybe went about it in a wrong direction because of their lower self being more in control, accept this?

It is to have trust, it is to have faith, it is to have belief that you are being guided by your Higher Self, you are being guided by the Masters that you are working with especially your Gatekeeper and realize that there is nothing else that can get in the way. But it is when you go back to that consciousness of your Mental Mind, your Concrete Mind that is locked away within your subconscious mind to bring to your ideas of what has happened to you in previous timelines that you encounter challenges.

It’s important that you understand within yourself that you must go through these challenges. That’s the first step.

You must acknowledge within yourself that this is part of the process. You’re not going to like what you are experiencing. You may not even like the direction that the Masters or your Mentors are telling you to go. Yet if you go deeper into your own Essence into your own Higher Consciousness you will see that the truth is revealed to you. That what you are being told by others that have gone through similar experiences is truly greater knowledge. To receive that greater knowledge is absolutely a gold mine within your Heart.

In this moment, I ask each of you to breathe deeply into your Heart Essence. I know some of you may have experienced situations like this where you did not want to accept the advice or energy that was being given to you. This is because there are aspects within your Etheric Self that are from timelines that are of a darker nature that want to control you.

You have to look at it this way, “You are this individual, you have a consciousness, you have a body, you have arrived on the Earth plane, and you have a gift of higher awareness, and you allow yourself to go into that higher consciousness but sometimes you are effected by thought-forms, you’re affected by other energies that may be trying to stop you.

I ask each of you presently to take a deep breath into that and stand up to it. Be the warrior of your Light, be that one within your consciousness that says unto yourself that you truly desire to not have to experience these lower infractions and walk through the doorways of your Divine Truth.

Breathe into that now as I give unto you that Golden Nugget within your heart so that you can receive the purest State of Transformation within your full consciousness, within all your four bodies of Light.

As I send it to you, feel this Golden fleck of Light coming into your Heart now. I send it to you from the Christ Consciousness of the 12th Ray. I bring that essence into your heart to be your Golden Nugget for you to receive and accept that change is coming for you and that you must acknowledge that change will be instrumental in your existence upon this Earth in many different ways. You don’t know what that change represents so I want you to acknowledge that part of you that is going through a re-creative process.

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]

Now feel the expansion, the expansion of that Golden Nugget going to all aspects of all your chakras within your Central Canal, within your Etheric Body to vibrate at a rate that you have not experienced previously. You allow this vibratory energy to become a liquid-like Golden Flame going all the way up to your Crown and back down to your Root Chakra. Let it expand and continue the journey up and down and down and up. Then it extends outwardly into your other Bodies of Light. Your Soul Star and Earth Star are now fully incorporating this energy within you of being the Golden Nugget of your pure existence.

This is exactly where your wisdom comes from. It’s from the particle within your Higher Consciousness of your Higher Mind of your Higher Light Bodies of your I Am Presence to acknowledge within your physical consciousness that change must occur. When you allow yourself to just sit back and receive and not be concerned about anything else, then you are ready to go through the Transmutation it takes to feel this Golden Nugget within your pure existence. Feel it spinning within you, going around you, and becoming part of all that you are.

The best part of the Gold Flame is that it also represents the Higher Flames of Light so there’s an adjustment of Light energy that is occurring within you presently which is allowing your Higher Bodies of Light to the Twelve Body System to be activated.

These frequencies of Light vibrate at the level that your I Am Presence designates for you to receive. Just allow this Divine energy to go through you, within you, and around you. Let go of any misconceptions, any thoughtforms, any areas that prevent you from feeling this pure existence of All That Is.

Imagine your entire chakra system becoming 5th dimensional, 4th dimensional and 3rd dimensional all at the same time as I call upon those Rays of God to assist you.

The Platinum Flame represents all of it with hues of Silver and Gold, a refinement that vibrates within your entire system. It allows the other Rays to become more fine-tuned within your chakras, like the Blue Gold, the Violet Gold, the Pink Gold, the Magenta, and the Multi-White Light. These energies all spin within you through each of the chakras within your chakra system. It wakes up the other Bodies of Light, the 3rd and the 4th dimensional energies to come into that space. There becomes an awareness, an acceptance of All That Is.

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]

Receive all aspects of this energy throughout your entire system. The removal of the elements within your Etheric Self that do not fit this frequency of Light will be burned up into Wholeness, into Oneness. Just allow it to be gone! Feel the purity within your Heart, feel the blessing that you are to your physical self. By acknowledging these Higher Realms of Light, you begin to become them. Very slowly the increments of Light Forces of the Electro-Magnetic frequencies come into your Heart; feel it shift and change everything that is inside of you.

Be still and receive.

I as Lord Saint Germain want to acknowledge within you that so much more is available to you if you allow yourself to surrender to move out of your controlling mindset. Allow the Higher Mind to help allow the higher heart to allow the blending of these energies of Divine Mother and Father God. They are blessing you in this moment. The Great Central Suns that are ever-present within this temple are presenting to you the ability to move into the next direction guided by your Higher Self. Not you, but your Higher Self.

Just receive and be still and allow these energies to assist you to go into a deeper existence than you’ve ever felt before.

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]

Allow the higher vibrational essence coming down through your Antahkarana filling up all of your chakras that have been attuned to the 22 Rays of God in these moments. You’re flowing with this Light energy inside of you. It is assisting your physiological system, it is assisting all aspects of your bodily system, your physical body, all the organs, muscles, and tendons. Everything within you is vibrating at a higher level than it was before. Be still, be still and receive these energies.

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]

Breathing deeply. We now send this Blessing of Light down to Gaia through all the dimensions into the Earth plane allowing every Soul to receive a blessing in this moment. It is a vibratory blessing. Whatever that blessing is for them, we ask that they are able to receive it through their own Heart Essence.

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]

I call upon the Manu Cosmic Master Allah Gobi to extend his blessing to all inhabitants of the Earth, within the Earth, beyond the Earth and within this Temple of Light.


My Dearest Ones. Rest and Receive my blessing for you.

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]

I give you peace, I give you serenity, I give a moment of stillness to be held within your consciousness which is so beneficial for the depth of your Soul.

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]

Allow the vibration to come into your heart and be restful for your Soul.

In All My Blessings. I am Cosmic Master Allah Gobi.


As we now extend those energies from the Earth plane all the way up through the dimensional frequencies into this temple, allow yourself to be still. When you move into the silence as what Allah Gobi just shared with us, the transition from transmutation into transformation becomes very easy. It is when your mind gets in the middle of it and stops the process that it becomes an issue. Be still and allow yourself to receive this Purity of Light into your Heart. Remember the Golden Nugget I shared with you. Let’s connect with that once again.

Feel that Golden Nugget vibrating throughout your entire existence into your higher chakras. You have not been able to ground these higher chakras as yet, but they are there. They’re there to assist you with the Higher Rays of God. Receive this blessing and be still with it.

Accept it into your heart and say unto yourself, “I receive, I believe, I Am All That I Am through ALL I am experiencing through the Divinity of Love of the God Force.”

I as Lord Saint Germain extend unto you this blessing to walk with you, to assist you within the process that you are going through. Remember you do not walk alone. We walk together in all that we are achieving in the State of Serenity, in the State of Oneness, in the State of Transformation as you learn to become your own alchemist.

Remind yourself of what you felt like before coming into this meditation and what you feel like now. That is Personal Alchemy.

Many Blessings. I am Lord Saint Germain at your service.


Let us take a few deep breaths. Let us arise from our seats.

As we gather together, we follow Yamteleus up the steps to the entrance of the temple. We thank him for being here. We thank all the Souls that are here. We bid farewell to Archangel Michael’s Warriors.

As we walk down the steps onto the garden pathway across the Rainbow Bridge, we begin to feel a new sense of presence within our consciousness. Hold onto that. Allow it to be part of your reality.

Now we create our group Merkabah, and we descend from the 36th dimension into the 24th, slowly coming down twisting and turning into the 11th and then the 10th and then into planetary awareness. Each of us takes our own personal Merkabah and travels to our physical location. Ground this energy through your feet.

So Mote it Be.

ORDER THE FULL AUDIO OF THIS TRANSMISSION, Sept 20, 2022 ($22 normal means)]  The Clarion Temple of Oneness Teaching (click the link to order the recording for this transcription and receive the full vibrational energies and attunements available. Please note in your paypal payment the date of the class you desire to purchase).

ASCEND EARTH ~ CREATE HEALING LIGHT FOR GAIA – Join this free Global Project by Walking Terra Christa to help bring more healing light to the planet and humanity by creating Ascension Columns around the Earth with the assistance of the Unified Whole Galactic and Agartha Alliance.

22 Ray Challenge ~ Online Course to learn and incorporate the 22 Rays of God. Each of the 22 Rays align within the 8 Chakras to create the 3rd, 4th, and 5th dimensional chakra grids to be aligned within the Etheric Self.

Original Material © Copyright 2003-2022 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee* Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden. All rights reserved. *formerly spelled “Meleriessee”. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS CONTENT FREELY IN COMPLETE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS WITH THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!


Lord Adama shares some guidelines of learning how to ground the higher spiritual energies by accessing the Pink Flame which is the 3rd Ray of Creative and Active Intelligence. He gives practical advice for individuals to understand and apply tools for Ascension Mastery Training. Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden is an Integrative Channel accessing the highest level of spiritual understanding through Lord Adama.

Aluna, Aluna  Aluna – Greetings My Dearest Ones,

It is wonderful to be with you once again. I Am Lord Adama with the Councils of Light of Agartha.

Now that the energies from Wesak are starting to really come within each of you there are great changes that are being created into humanity along with the Pink Flame Infusion.

I know that all of you are being challenged by the light frequencies that have been coming in through Helios and Vesta, the Solar energies that is really igniting the Pink Flame through the planet as it is assisting every awakened individual to fully allow their physical self to experience these energies. I know most of you, if not all, have been deeply affected in the last week and previous to that time. This is all part of the experience of Wesak but I know that this year is even more substantially challenging because what is occurring.

We have to remember that this year represents Oneness. The question is how will humanity step into Oneness?

Is it just going to happen by bringing forth these energetic exchanges into each person so that they can be changed?

Well, that is part of the process but the other part is what do you do with it?

How do you know what you experienced for Wesak?

How are you able to ascertain the changes you are going through and what it represents for you from your Higher Mind.

These are the questions that every Initiate asks themselves especially the ones that are in the lower initiations and may not be able to ascertain what is occurring from the highest perspective into the physical self.

This is because the physical self is not fully developed with the Higher Mind, it is not ready to receive the Spiritual Self into the pure existence that it can be. Within that are doubts, frustrations, anxieties, sadness, and depression, to name just a few. As a result of those energies, the body has to fully accept the higher light frequencies within the physical self. It is at these stages that the cellular structure starts to change. It becomes more crystalline and when that occurs, what can happen is the individual can receive more light frequencies within their awareness.

If you are an initiate that is not tapped into the sensitivity of your physical self, you may not be aware of what is truly happening to you in this process. If you are feeling dizziness, light headedness and tingling that comes from inside your system and goes through your bodily structure, this is a good thing. It does not mean that it is negative.

What it does mean that your body is being put in a space of receiving the downloads of the higher frequency within your cellular structure. So it is not just coming into your emotional body to give you the depression or the tears, or the mental body having anxieties or fears, it is truly coming into the physical self so that the carbon-based energies of your cells comes to change into a higher light quotient.

The process with all of this is, how do you hold it within you? How do you get through this process?

The best way you can do so is to connect in your meditations. Find time to have the quiet moments within your breath to sustain your body with healthy foods, with pure waters, vegetables, with grains that are healthy for you bringing the vibration of your physical self to the level of your spiritual self.

If you are already doing this and still feeling those energies effecting you as you may have felt last week because of the surge of the light which was very strong. It is now settled more into Gaia. It is imperative to allow grounding to occur within you.

To bring forth the elements of grounding in the full body structure. it does not matter where you are in your initiation phases; you can be in the planetary ascension, or the cosmic levels. It depends upon your purpose and within your Higher Self Essence, you know this purpose, but only doing it within your physical self you will not able to tap into the Higher Mind as easily it can be quite confusing. What will happen is your Mental Mind will try to understand what is occurring in the process. You have to let that go and allow the process of the interlocking of energies that is coming within your physical self to happen as they may, to allow these frequencies of light to assist you so that you are not in a state of turmoil consistently.

I know through the past couple of months it has been extremely high. We, in Telos and the Agarthian Cities, are also feeling these frequencies of light. If you not used to feeling these type of energies, it is going to affect you even more. If you are used to being in your Mental Mind, trying to analyze and figure out what is occurring, then that is going to send you into that swirling of energies.

It is imperative to realize within yourself to allow the balancing state to happen.

So how do you create balance within yourself?

Well, if you are emotionally distraught you must allow the Pink Flame to come stronger into your Heart Essence. Eventually you will get to the point that it will become softer for you and you may go through different phases of this acceleration. Then, the process of going into the deeper part of your Mental Mind so that your Higher Mind becomes more accessible, your Super Conscious, in those subconscious thoughts and feeling the blessing of this experience will truly open up the gateway for you to experiencing these energies in a different way for your full-body system. Then, of course, the Physical Self will accept this energetic exchange within you physically, grounding yourself, helping yourself within these energies.

All of us are being challenged but those of you in the lower initiations and on the planetary initiations are going to be hit the hardest as your bodies are not used to accepting these energies. The more you allow yourself to receive it, to surrender through this process, the easier it will become. When you fight the process, that is when it becomes more difficult to really get through the gateway of accepting the new essence that is bestowed upon you from your Higher Self.

I share all this information because in the last week there has been a lot of information coming out, channels, or people just talking about what is occurring through this process. Some of the thoughts are, “Just sitting there and receiving the energies is all one needs to do”.

We know that is all untrue. Each of you as that individual must acknowledge what is occurring within you. The only way you will do so is allowing your Higher Self to assist, each of the Ascended Beings to assist you by being in the breath – getting into the deeper consciousness, into the higher consciousness to get out of the mindset of the third dimensional mind that will deter you from this process.

The 3rd dimensional construct that is within you will tell you that something is wrong with you, that you need to go to the doctor, that you are picking up an illness from someone else, that it is about being too sensitive to the dark energies. In truth, this is not what is occurring. You may be sensitive to those lower forms of energy, but you must realize the potential of what is occurring within you. You must look at your emotional feeling, your mental thoughts, and realize the potential of your physical body going through a transformation that will assist you to move more fully into the anti-aging process.

The other element that will assist you when there is too much light quotient coming in and your body cannot handle it, is to ask Master Vywamus (Cosmic Master) to assist you, to slow it down as it is too much for your bodily system, but to look at what is occurring in your Emotional and Mental bodies. Let it come up – go deeper with the emotions.

This is what happens with the Pink Flame; it is going to bring up those energies that you need to address so that you no longer have them. You have to understand that your Etheric Body – your Soul Body of Light – is igniting these energies into the other parts of your four body system. Into your emotions, into your thoughts, and into your physical sensations. Until the Etheric Body can be fully healed, to be that Soul Body of Light as the I Am Presence that it is, these occurrences will happen.

It is important to understand within yourself how to take care of yourself through this process. Sometimes it might just be slight but most times it is a meditation along with your sleep process, working within the Rays of God, your breathwork within your chakras, and attuning yourself to a higher level so you do not feel it as much. Also, grounding yourself will assist tremendously. But how do you do so?

Grounding is essential within the physical body. You have to move the body even at the times it is most crucial and you feel like you cannot do anything but sit. Sometimes that is all you need to do – breathe and sit allowing the energies to come through you then the intensity will subside.

Walking, or exercise, maybe if you can run; and if you are to able to do so, only for 20 minutes. It is essential to help you to move those energies through you and to bring you into a higher state of acceptance. Bringing the focus of the four body system becoming the higher bodies. That is exactly what is occurring for everyone on the planet. The Pink Flame is powerful and I think humanity is realizing (those that can do so consciously) of what the potential of  Pink Flame and what it is doing.

The other five flames that have been previously grounded within the Earth have not been felt as strongly as this flame except maybe the Crystalline Flame. There is an intensity of energies that are being integrated into the planet, into the core of Gaia and into the core of each of you to help process the dark elements that need to be addressed. I can’t emphasize this the way I would like to do so. Not to each of you but to those individuals on this planet who do not realize the potential – this is why many people are not doing what they are supposed to be doing – do not move out of the 3rd dimensional construct. They need to move into the 5th Dimensional Divine Intent and realize the potential of these energies assisting them to go deeper within themselves, but everyone must change their subconscious thoughts which directly are related to the emotional feelings.

This process that has occurred was to assist everyone for the Festivals of Light in the past three months, especially Wesak and the Festival of Humanity. If you do not understand what you experienced for Wesak, even at this point within your Higher Consciousness, even if it a fleeting thought, it is that thought coming from your Higher Mind coming into your physical consciousness to say,

“This is the way that I want to be in my life. I no longer want to exist with that anger, I don’t want to exist with that insecurity, I don’t want to exist in not being able to take care of myself and not having the ability to love others at the same time in a healthy manner.”

As to learn to work within the Pink Flame, it will really assist each of you to understand within yourself the 12 elements that represent Creative and Active Intelligence represented by the 3rd Ray.

These twelve elements represent the characteristics of the Pink Flame: Compassion, Tolerance, Devotion, Connection to the Higher Mind, Using Your Pure Heart Energy, and Utilizing Common Sense through all of your bodily systems which will bring forth the Power of Manifestation, the Power to Evolve and Create moving towards Mental Illumination from your Higher Mind the be the main focus of your Physical Mind. As a result, you will have Perseverance through this process. You will bring forth Clear Mindedness meaning that your Lower Mind becomes much more clearer, much more pure because you are allowing your Higher Mind to work within you.

Then, it brings forth the Power to Produce. This is what this ray represents – Creativity. This is understanding the process of Creative Intelligence as it is represented by the Flame of Adoration.

You may not understand everything you are experiencing, but if you can tap into your meditation within your breath of your Higher Essence, or asking before you go to sleep to receive confirmation of what you are trying to ground within yourself.

So many times on these levels your Higher Self is giving the tools to work through these energies, but if you are intolerant within your Masculine Self and don’t allow the enfoldment of the energies to occur, then you are going to be fumbling. You are going to be creating lessons that will be very challenging for you.

It is very, very important to allow the flow of ideas and the movement of the energies to come unto you, to really take time for silence and to ask before you go to sleep. You can also write a letter to your Higher Self or any of the Beings of the Pink Flame (Master Paul the Venetian, Elohim Heros & Amora, and Archangels Chamuel & Charity) to assist you in this process.

I understand that this time is not easy to go through this process because the acceleration of the earth and the energies, because everything is moving faster than it has before. So each of you that are trying to ground this energy are going to be affected the most. But if you can have compassion, the ability to be tolerant, and to have patience with yourself through the process, you will understand what I am saying on a much deeper level.

I thank you for being on this journey with all of us.

Aluna, Aluna, Aluna

I am Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos
Integrative Channel: Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden

The New Earth Consciousness-Circle of Light class meets each Wednesday.  Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos is the host with a beginning lecture on the current energies. He then guides us into the specific Golden Etheric City in a meditative journey.  Walking Terra Christa is glad to provide these classes in our Membership/Student Program or purchasing the MP3 files individually.  Details are provided in the “Teachings of the Golden Etheric Cities” and can be accessed by clicking the link.

Walking Terra Christa is offering their monthly classes in 2017 “Mastering the Spiritual Recovery of the Soul” which is facilitated through Lord Saint Germain, the Ray Chohan of the Month, and Lord Metatron. Each month we work with Lord Saint Germain and Lord Metatron for the Metatronic Seals. Included are the Ray Chohans for the specific rays we are working on as they provide information and Divine Language Light Encodements to assist in accessing the energies within the physical body.  Please use the link to learn more about this series.

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Did you find this post educational for your higher understanding? Not able to enroll? Instead please consider supporting our work with a $3 donation for this article. Everyone reading this can help make a difference. We require public support to bring forth these important Ascension Mastery transmissions.

Original Material © Copyright 2017 by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael (Ara) Hayden. All rights reserved. 

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Ascension Mastery Solstice 2017 message from Lord metatron by Walking Terra Christa

Lord Metatron brings forth a higher spiritual message for the June Solstice 2017 assisting us to understand Ascension for Humanity and GAIA. Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden of Walking Terra Christa, Integrative Channel, transmits a powerful Ascension Mastery message for this Sacred Earth movement. It represents the ability to fully ground the Pink Flame within our physical self as we connect to the Heart of All Hearts of the Divine Mother accessing our Angelic Heritage. THE JUNE SOLSTICE OCCURS JUNE 20TH 2017 AT 9:24 PM PACIFIC, JUNE 21ST AT 12:24 AM EASTERN, AND 04:34 UTC/GMT. 

As the Solstice of June comes upon the planet, it is important to realize the potential of the vibrational energies that can result from this occurrence.

To take you back a few steps from the Ascension Festivals of 2017 Gaia has entered a new phase in her planetary existence. It is like being in one place, but stepping forward into another. I believe this also is very aligned with what most awakened souls are experiencing, especially those actively within Ascension Mastery studies or training.

If the energies that are coming into the planet is assisting humanity to realize the potential that more can be realized within the physical world, then you might say why isn’t it occurring?

This is a very good question to ponder as it is important to realize the many souls that are inhabited on this planet do not realize the responsibility they hold for the ascension of Gaia. Each of those souls have many life experiences as a soul and many have several hundred. If each of these souls is expressing themselves by allowing particles of their multi-dimensional self to be realized, then what happens to the planet as a whole is very important to consider.

As Gaia is also holding many life experiences and realizing the potential to change, then not only is she going through a huge transition into allowing more light to be realized within her full body system, it is actually affecting all of humanity to wake up unto these new experiences.

But how many individuals would you say are actually realizing that change is within themselves? Or is it just within the other person that needs to change?

These are important questions to ask within yourself of how are you helping yourself to accept the new reality that could be part of your consciousness. Or do you think that as Gaia raises her vibration that you will go to that higher place without actually doing any of the work?

The earth is not anywhere near where she wants to be. Does that sound familiar?

I would say that every awakened soul probably ponders these thoughts within themselves but do they actually make a change in their life to see that the transition must come from their soul first and then the physical vehicle. It is a process of understanding that the transition from the soul level into the physical consciousness needs to be an interactive process. You cannot be one without the other.

This is what is causing Gaia to be cautious in her movement into the higher realms because if she moves too fast most souls will not be ready to step into the New World that is waiting for all of us. You may think you are ready; you are meditating, you are feeling higher vibrations, you are allowing yourself to coexist in a world that represents the old, ready to receive the New.

What many do not realize is that they are not ready to be fully grounded into the 5th dimensional existence.

We, of the Spiritual Hierarchy, truly understand all that is occurring in your world. We see the changes you are making, but yet most of it is not being grounded. It is existing in the higher realms of thought and not within your full body system. The extension of your light must be realized in all parts of yourself, not just within your Higher Self.

This brings me to the powerful energies of the Solstice for 2017. It is always a moment in time when more light infractions are placed in the earth, when all exists in pure Light and there is not a moment when it is not fully felt by all of humanity.

This year due to the light infractions of the Pink Flame being ignited into Gaia we have even more of a grand opportunity to step into a deeper part of our Soul’s existence. It depends upon how you are going to experience it within your physical self. Are you going to feel the energies come flooding around you for the entire 24 hour period and then go about your life?

This is an important realization that needs to be accepted by every soul on the planet. I know each of you that desire to want more for this Earth are playing a very important role to do so.

I also ask what are you doing for yourself?

This Solstice is going to bring forward the Divine Mother essence in a new and different way. It is a reflection of the Heart of all Hearts to be fully acknowledged within the conscious self. This is a representation of where the elements that represent Heart Centeredness is in your core value. It is a reflection to allow what the Pink Essence of the Ray of Creative and Active Intelligence represents for each of you to while you learn to embrace and accept it into your heart..

The intensity of this energy will be extended through the Great Central Sun of Helios and Vesta bringing forth the ability to become one within the Heart Essence of Divine Mother. It is an extension of what has already been received since the Wesak Energies, but it becomes more of a physical manifestation to allow the essence of this flame to be realized within the Heart. It brings forth an awareness that probably was not realized within you before. It is an opening of your heart to be expanded into the Divine Consciousness of all Hearts of Oneness.

The most important element I can tell you is to be aware of your own Heart Essence. Allow the energies to take you deeper into your Divine Heart of your Soul to see what needs to be expressed within you. It will also help to remove the elements that have stopped you previously from allowing these energies to become part of your reality.

The vibration of this energy will be very high since it is being sent directly from Divine Mother of the 49th dimensional frequency through each of the Great Central Suns of the Multi-Universal, Universal, Galactic, and the Solar.

The reason for this extension of light upon the planet at this time is to help every soul awaken to their true potential. To feel the Pink Flame more deeply than before as the Feminine Divine is expressed deeply through this massive downpouring of light.

Look for feelings of deep love beyond your physical mind, nurturance, and expression of peace to be exhibited within your entire emotional body. It is also a time of great manifestation to occur since the Feminine Divine of the Emotional Self initiates all ideas to become manifest. Allow yourself to sit and bathe in this light as it will serve you on a much deeper level than you could achieve on your own.

This 24-hour period of Light shall permeate every soul, every kingdom upon the Earth. It is being extended more deeply from this ascension point of the Solstice throughout the next few months into the Equinox.

Your role is to ground it.

Notice how it makes you feel; allow any discordant energies to arise so they can be changed. It is a day to fully stay centered within the core of your Being, meaning your four-body system so that it interacts within your consciousness and helps you to become the essence of Divine Creation within you.

I also want to point out that it is essential to fully connect with all that you have become previously. Allow your Solar Angel of the Angelic Essence that you are to become more of your reality, walk with dignity and acceptance of the challenges so that you can fully integrate the higher parts of yourself to walk within your physical vehicle, let go of the past emotions that have bound you to be wounded and dysfunctional.

You have a right to accept your heritage of Light, and we are ecstatic to extend this energy to each of you. Please take time to fully become a portion of what is coming into the planet as it will help the transition completely.

Through this activation energies could be very strange in the outside world; do not let it bother you. Become one with the Heart of all Hearts so that you can sustain the Pink Flame within you and it will be extended to others. The power of this vibrational surge will help all of humanity, but each soul must take the step themselves in allowing it to become part of their consciousness. It is being sent to help every human to see the potential within themselves and move forward with that potential. It is now time to act accordingly through the Physical Divine Self. Change must occur and we are so ready to help each of you serve your best interests for the sake of this Earth.

Gaia is awaiting your acceptance through your entire four-body system. Healing will occur for each of you if you step fully into the power of this Solstice. You must let go of your limited beliefs within your Lower Mind that keeps you stuck from truly achieving your desires. This energy will assist you from this point forward if you allow it to be part of your physical, emotional, and mental realities as you learn to walk as a Master upon this earth.

We are all working very hard to allow this influction of energies to assist each of you and Gaia to become the Heart of all Hearts.

I walk with you each moment,

I Am Lord Metatron

Walking Terra Christa invites you to actively participate in a Sacred Earth Ceremony with Lord Metatron to Ground the Higher Energies of the June Solstice 2017. Please take a moment to make a Donation for this important energy transmission. Click here to listen to a one hour audio meditation etheric journey to the Golden City of Havalanchee which resides in the fifth dimensional etheric earth over Mount Shasta, California in North America (the root Chakra of Gaia).

Sharing this information on Social Media sites is requested as a service to support our work. Please share and help others connect with us:

Did you find this post educational for your higher understanding? Not able to enroll? Instead please consider supporting our work with a $3 donation for this article. Everyone reading this can help make a difference. We require public support to bring forth these important Ascension Mastery transmissions.

Original Material © Copyright 2017 by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael (Ara) Hayden. All rights reserved. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS ARTICLE FREELY IN THE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS AND THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!


Lord Saint Germain with Master Hilarion bring forth an understanding of how to work through the process of helping the Lower Mind to access the Higher Mind to create change and acceleration within an Initiate’s Pathway as the Masculine and Feminine Self work together in harmony.
~ Integrative channel Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden

As we acknowledge the ability to step into the Feminine Self, the Mental Body receives the acknowledgement it needs to realize that it is not the only defining energy of the four-body system.

The Masculine Self needs just as much healing as the other subtle bodies but it tends to be in control, because that is what has occurred for your soul in so many lifetimes.

It is important to realize that the Mental Self is the activating link to the lower mind so it holds those elements within your subconscious mind that need to be awakened unto the Light or through the Higher Self sometimes called the Super-Conscious. It is at this stage that it is important to work within the thought processes of the lower mind in order for the Higher Mind to be accessed.

The Higher Self is the teacher that needs to be acknowledged within your full consciousness.

As you learn to access your higher consciousness, you then realize as an Initiate the process that you are going through to get to the core issues within your Beingness.

Your Etheric Self holds the memories of the many timelines that you have experienced as a soul. Some of these remembrances can be very debilitating to the Physical Self as they have a tendency to create the same issues over again. This is when the energies within the Mental Self become very active and can cause an individual to think and act in a way that is not of the higher essence.

The Mental Body triggers the Emotional Body to feel these triggers of stuck thoughts within the Sub-Conscious Mind. It is at this moment then that it is important to work with the Higher Self to bring in the higher aspect of the thought/emotion that you are dealing with as it will help change the remembrance into a healing stage of forgiveness or acceptance by allowing the emotional charged to be healed in a much more positive manner.

It is important to be able to look at the issue from your higher perspective. This can be done through the process of GRACE which represents GROUNDING-RELEASEMENT-ACKNOWLEDGMENT-CONNECTION-EMBRACEMENT.  

Grounding the Energy within the physical body is essential to allow the feeling to become more concrete;

Releasement is a process of moving the energy out of your Emotional and Mental bodies by calling upon the Unified Whole to assist you through the 144 dimensions of reality;

Acknowledgement brings forth the process of feeling the old energy leaving as you fully embrace the clarity within;

Connection is allowing your Solar Angel and Higher Self to give you the initiation of the positive Light energies to flow within you;

Embracement brings forth the full connection of your Higher Self within your Physical Self.

This exercise is very powerful to work through the energies that you do not want to have within your experiences any longer. This also includes the ability to work with the past energy exchanges that your Inner Child holds within your consciousness. It will truly assist in changing your consciousness into the higher state of awareness.

This represents the ability to work through the issues from your Sub-Conscious Mind to allow them to be felt within the Emotional Body, and thereby, adjusting your Physical Self to be more interactive with the Higher Mind.

It is at this stage then the Initiate must work through the expanded energy that they have received and make sure they continually allow themselves to become the Higher Aspect of their thoughts and emotions. This allows for the Masculine and Feminine Divine to work together and is the beginning stage of true realization within the Self.

As always working with the Rays of God assist in bringing forth this change that needs to be acquired in order to fully allow the process of healing to become a physical reality. I now extend the energies unto Master Hilarion, the Ray Chohan for the Science of God as it represents the ability to allow the Higher Mind to work through the Initiate to find their Inner Truth.

I thank you for listening.

I Am Lord Saint Germain at your service.

Greetings My Dearest Beloveds,

I am Master Hilarion ready to work with each of you to understand the process of healing your are currently experiencing. My role is to bring forth the essence of the 5th Ray of Green, Golden Light to infuse within your consciousness to help you achieve more interaction of your Higher Mind.

This is a process that is not easily accessed. Many individuals connect through their meditations and then think that is all they need to do – that they become their Higher Self. In fact just the opposite occurs, so there can be a period of misconception happening within the consciousness of the individual.

I bring to you the ability to be able to see within yourself the Truth of your thoughts, actions and emotions that are within your consciousness while projecting this part of yourself unto the outside world. It is true that what we feel internally will be experienced externally to others.

It is very important to truly look within yourself of the thoughts that you have. Are they positive or negative, judgmental or forgiving? Then, realize the thoughts of the lower frequency that you are exhibiting as then they become the focus of your emotional body.

In order to change these lower thoughts to a higher level (Higher Mind) you must realize within yourself that you experience these elements within yourself. Then you realize that is not who you want to be in any moment, so you call upon the Higher thought process, like forgiveness. You can take your energies and fully Concentrate on Forgiveness to remove the lower element of Judgment that you are feeling.

Utilizing the Ray of Green Golden White will assist tremendously to move out of the Lower Mind thoughts into the Higher Mind.

Breathe this ray deeply within you, through your Third Eye and all parts of your full body system. Allow the energy to move into your Solar Plexus where the feeling level of judgement may be within you. As you do this you are allowing the energy to move from the lower thought process into a higher thought process. It is at this stage that you fully Consecrate (Bless) the change within you. But you must feel it deeply through your Emotional Self. Don’t just think you feel it, become it, blend it within you and be that higher vibration of light that you desire.

Working within these energies will assist you to become more of your Higher Self, within your Divine Mind, but it takes diligence and practice on every thought and emotion that you hold within yourself. This will also help to increase your Light Quotient into a higher level of acceptance within your full-body system.

Call upon me to assist you with this process and I guarantee you that we shall work together in Unison to create the balance of the Masculine and Feminine Divine.

Blessings and Love,

I Am Master Hilarion, Ray Chohan for the 5th Flame of the Science of God

Integrative Channel: Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden

Walking Terra Christa is offering their monthly classes in 2017 “Mastering the Spiritual Recovery of the Soul” which is facilitated through channled instruction from Lord Saint Germain, the Ray Chohans, and Lord Metatron. Each month we work with Lord Saint Germain and Lord Metatron for the Metatronic Seals. Included are the Ray Chohans for the specific rays we are working on as they provide information and Divine Language Light Encodements to assist in accessing the energies within the physical body.  Please use the link to learn more about this series. Our current class takes place on May 20th, 2017 with Master Hilarion joining Lord Saint Germain and Lord Metatron.

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Did you find this post educational for your higher understanding? Not able to enroll? Instead please consider supporting our work with a $3 donation for this article. Everyone reading this can help make a difference. We require public support to bring forth these important Ascension Mastery transmissions.

Original Material © Copyright 2017 by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael (Ara) Hayden. All rights reserved. 

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Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden with Master Djwhal Khul share about the current lunar cycle of the Full Moon Energies of Libra within the Sun of Aires. This cycle represents the first Ascension Festival of Light ~ FESTIVAL OF THE CHRIST.

We have now arrived once again at the time of the year when the Ascension Festivals become the focal point of our pathway in Mastery. The Festival of the Christ is the first of these events falling on the April 11th, 2017, 6:09 GMT (2:09 AM Eastern; April 10th-11:09 PM Pacific) which brings us the Moon in Libra with the Sun of Aires.

The Festival of the Christ is a time in which the essence of Love is the main focus to come into the planet. In order to truly receive the Divine Essence of Love we have to learn to Resurrect those elements which do not align within this creative process. Then, the ability to become one with the Spiritual Hierarchy or the Ascended Masters that have walked this path before us is opened to great opportunity to do so.

It is up to each Initiate in how they want to experience this event.

The Blue Flame of Will and Power is predominantly the Ray of God that is infused into the planet at this time. This ray represents the ability to step into a new doorway without having fear or any misgivings to stop an individual from their true potential.

The Ray of Will and Power is guided by Master El Morya. The ensuing energy of the flame is ignited by the Elders that Surround the Throne of Grace, Lord Alura and Lady Aluri. Elohim Masters Hercules and Amazonia along with the Archangels Michael and Faith are also guides for bringing forth this ray into the planet and each of us.

The essence of Will and Power from the Higher Aspect includes the utilization of the Higher Mind, Higher Heart and the I AM Presence.

It helps each Initiate to overcome their fears by giving forth strength, courage, and the tenacity to look beyond the fears that may be stopping them achieve their greatest desires. The Beings of Light from this ray help Initiates to attune themselves to their higher essence; thereby, accessing their highest ideals of what they desire within their life.  It must come from the Heart Center which allows for the tenderness, tolerance of mistakes being made, and having faith to move forward through any diversity.  One will acquire the ability to look at others in a sympathetic way of understanding which allows for the presence of patience to be their guide.

As this moon is in Libra, it brings forth the concept of working within the Higher Mind (or I Am Presence through the Higher Self) where the Sun of Aries represents the Physical Self or the Lower Mind.

This moon helps to bring forth Illumination through understanding our lives from the higher purpose of the Spiritual Self. It is an opportunity to open up the doorway of accepting the fact that the Physical Mind does not have all the answers and needs assistance from the Higher Knowledge of our Intuition, which is also accessing the Feminine Divine Consciousness into our planetary existence.

This opens up the Emotional Body to feel things that have been tucked away and possibly misunderstood, but at the same time it is allowing the Feminine Divine to become more interactive within the full body system.

This is an essential component to what needs to occur at this time. It is also bringing forth the allowance for manifestation of desires to become more concrete than they have at any other time.

As you can see, this moon is truly in alignment with the energies of the Festival of the Christ. It is a beginning movement into seeing the pathway that is in front of us to become more of a reality. All the work that we have been doing up to this point is being blessed by the lunar cycle and other planetary alignments that are occurring. If you are interested to read a more in-depth study of this cycle, please see as he offers a much more astrological explanation of what is occurring presently.

Please know that these energies can be very powerful as the cycle of Resurrection and ReGrowth can be very challenging but utilizing the Blue Flame through the process will help an individual to move through the discordant energies to find the essence of Divine Love to be with them.

Master Djwhal Khul’s Keynote for April 11th, 2017:


Master Djwhal Khul’s Message for the Festival of the Christ:

Greetings, My Dearest Beloveds,

I AM Master Djwhal Khul and am honored to walk with each of you at this most powerful time of creation.

The present energies of this month are going to truly assist each Initiate to realize the potential that is within them as change is always the most important aspect to withhold within your consciousness. Without change, then there cannot be any growth. We know that each person desires to see peace within themselves and upon the world. But the fact is that this is only acquired by the personal introspection of your light within you.

The Festival of the Christ of 2017 is going to help set up the energies of Wesak 2017.

This year we have an amazing amount of unprecedented movement of energies occurring that can assist Gaia and each of you, but I urge you as I always do to realize the potential you have for this creative process to occur within each of your Hearts and Minds. You are the destiny and future of this planet. As the Initiates of Mastery (if you have chosen this route), then it is imperative to realize the potential that you have within yourself to see change occur.

There is always great movement during this time every year; it is always the hope of the Spiritual Hierarchy that many more individuals will awaken to this purpose within themselves. But, this year, we want every Initiate to realize their responsibility not only for their own livelihood but the existence of higher light energies coming into the planet.


This year each of us in the Spiritual Realms is working very diligently with each of us. You may have felt our urgings within you to help yourself to known more of whom you are. This Festival of the Christ is bringing more light infractions into the planet than has ever been received at any other time. This is because it is time for each individual to receive the healing that they need. This means that it could be a very challenging time for many individuals. So, the One’s like yourself, truly need to realize the potential that you have as an awakened soul to step further into your mastery pathway than you did before this moment.

The presence of the Libra moon is very strong and brings with it the promise of a new dawn appearing. It can mean the beauty of your Higher Mind to work more fully within your Lower Mind to change the elements that impede your progress. It is a time to allow for the restructuring of your timelines, your thought processes, as you allow your Etheric Self (the memory of your soul) to heal in various ways. Bring forth the bulldozer of light to help you remove the debris that no longer needs to be with you.

Allow this process of Resurrection being the direct communication with the Office of the Christ, bringing forth the Divine Compensation of the Christed Being You Are to become manifested within your physical self.

Stepping into this awareness will help each of you to manifest your desires, first ever so small and then larger, as your transition into more light allows you to become the Higher Self more fully within your consciousness.

It is an exciting moon; one that I am honored to work with each of you as you remove elements from your subconscious that you no longer need to hold unto. As you do this, your higher consciousness, the Super Conscious of your Higher Mind then can have more access into your world. This is when true alchemy occurs as the movement into the Divine Self starts to enfold.

I thank you for walking this pathway. Many more are needed that realize the potential of healing that needs to occur, as the lower ego burns away allowing for the Higher Ego to become One within all that you are and can be.

This Moon of Libra with the Sun of Aires will be a magnificent movement into the healing of Gaia and all her participants.

In Blessings and Love,

I Am Master Djwhal Khul

Integrative Channel: Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden

Walking Terra Christa held a ceremony for the Festival of the Christ which can be downloaded via our free MP3 Library. (Available 4-11-17). Lords Maitreya with Kuthumi assisted in accessing the Christ energies within the Temple of the Office of the Christ.

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Walking Terra Christa is offering their monthly classes in 2017 “Mastering the Spiritual Recovery of the Soul” which is facilitated through Lord Saint Germain, the Ray Chohan of the Month, and Lord Metatron. Each month we work with Lord Saint Germain and Lord Metatron for the Metatronic Seals. Included are the Ray Chohans for the specific rays we are working on as they provide information and Divine Language Light Encodements to assist in accessing the energies within the physical body.  Please use the link to learn more about this series.

© Copyright 2017 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Personal use and providing a link to this article for informational or educational purpose (articles, websites or blogs) is welcomed and encouraged except any use related to or associated with profit making activities (including individual, business or organizational websites, publications, blogs, etc.) Reprinting or reposting this material for publications, websites or blogs that sell or advertise any products or services (as well as any printed or written reproduction) is not authorized without written permission. Rights are only granted to repost this material (in full and unedited with working url links) electronically on informational websites or blogs that do not sell or advertise any products or services. In such cases, you must include this complete copyright statement in full including the above active url referral links to help everyone stay informed and support our messages. In cases of text only formats, these active url links may be converted to display the full path of the url as linked. The information contained herein does not constitute the rendering of healthcare advice or the provision of treatment or treatment recommendations. It is not to be considered or inferred as medical or psychological advice. Use of the website and its originating content constitutes agreement of terms as provided under Website Terms and Disclaimer (click here).


Lord Metatron brings forth an important message about the 10th Dimensional energies of the March Equinox which occurred on March 20th, 2017 at 3:28 AM PDT; 6:28 EDT, 22:28 GMT time zones. Transmitted by Integrative Channel Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden.

Greetings and Blessings for a new time of arrival,

I am Lord Metatron desiring to assist you in the rebirth of change that is occurring in the planet as we speak. The Equinox of March has arrived: Spring for the Northern Hemisphere and Autumn for the Southern Hemisphere.

It does not matter where your location is concerning the present incoming energies as everyone around the world is being affected at this time to step into the next phase of their spiritual development.

As of early morning the Northern and Southern Hemispheres came into alignment to fully receive the light forces of the Solar level to be more fully initiated into existence. This occurrence has already taken place which means that the onset of the energies is already within the atmosphere of the Sun and the Earth.

Some individuals may think that this Equinox is a life changing event for humanity. In truth, it is for those that are willing to see the possibilities of the Solar dimensions of light coming into the planet. But, for the majority of souls they will look at this as just another season that is coming into fruition.

For those of you that are ‘listening’, you will accept a new part of your Being to be acknowledged in a different manner. It all depends upon if you are willing to wake up to the potential within you to see the change that is happening.

This is a very important element to consider as it brings forth great understanding of the consciousness within the physical body. Many souls will exist within their consciousness and never see that they should make changes in their thoughts or emotions that will allow them to open up a door to a great opportunity that is waiting for them.

We have to understand what has been occurring in the last few months since the Solstice. This is very important to consider – to look at the changes you may have thought about. Have you been able to act upon them?

This is the crucial line that occurs within one’s consciousness – when they realize the potential they can be and act upon that energy to assist them to make their existence better for themselves.

The Solar Light energies that are occurring today represent the light frequencies of the 10th Dimensional level to come into existence. Now this is not going to occur like a lightning storm and just change everything that you know in your world. It is a continual line of geomagnetic occurrences to assist in creating more of a balance within the entire earth. As the Northern and Southern Hemispheres came into alignment through this occurrence it represents the ability for Gaia to receive the 10th dimensional frequencies into her existence. What she does with this depends upon her consciousness that is occurring with her full body system.

This directly relates to the frequency lines around the earth and how these lines are going to change or stay the same. Each of these ley lines represent a frequency that is already in place – and moves continually around the earth. The energetic exchange of this Equinox in March represents that the Solar Frequency of light through electromagnetic waves are being infused within the present ley lines within and around the earth.

This means that the ability to access the higher realms of light through Gaia’s core is going to become more of a possibility. As the Solar Lines ignite their balance of the 10th dimension within the Earth, every soul upon the planet has the ability to awaken to greater possibilities within themselves.

This does not mean that the Earth is becoming 10th dimensional; it actually represents the fact that the windows of opportunity are becoming increasing more available for humanity to begin to access the higher 5th dimensional reality.

The infusement of these electromagnetic rays are very small and could be categorized as very small filaments of light.

This year of the earth has already shown great improvement in opening up people’s awareness to what is right and wrong and that it needs to be put in balance, but that has not occurred fully on earth at this time.

There is still duality that is occurring – people fighting for what they believe while yelling at the other side. This represents the masculine energies being very strong within the planet.

This equinox is the window of opportunity that Gaia has been asking for along with each of you. A moment in time when all can come into balance to receive the dispensation of Helios and Vesta, our Solar Logos of the Alpha and Omega to help align the Feminine and Masculine imbalance that has occurred upon this earth for centuries of time.

What will happen through this movement of light is many places upon the earth will have darkness as the filaments of light become increasingly charged with the higher rays. This is the beginning stage of great cleansing of Gaia’s lands within her physical body.

Souls living in these areas will also find deep healing come to them. There may be illnesses that arise so they can be healed; some individuals will fight this process and will find great turmoil in their lives. Others, that allow the healing to occur will find themselves in a much better position in their emotional bodies to bring forth the alignment of the Masculine/Feminine within the physical self.

The beauty of this movement of light is that there is now a small opportunity to see change in humanity and that is where each of you come in that are awakened and walking as an Initiate of Mastery.

You must now do your part to go deeper into yourself as the light forces are becoming ever more consistent to help you achieve the desired effect within your life. You must not think of yourself as the physical person trying to achieve ascension, but instead realize you are the one that is walking as the Initiate, learning and growing to be an Ascended Master in your lifetime.

These present energies will allow you to go deeper into your consciousness, into your thought process, and your emotions to see what needs to be changed. You then will achieve what you desire, if you believe it.

This time of renewal represents the element of ‘BELIEVE’.

What is within you that you believe to be true? Call upon that energy to help you through this next phase.

Those of you that are able to fully call upon the present energies to help you walk through a dark storm fully into the light that you are becoming, will then see the focus of light you have been looking for.

As you do this, you will help the planet tremendously as when you accept the filaments of the 10th dimensional balance of light, then you realize that the journey of the eternal self is just beginning. This will allow what you are accepting to become grounded; it will move through the ley lines of the earth so that others can also see a New Beginning* that is erupting.

All you have to do is BELIEVE it is possible.

You have to remember that this is an attunement for the Earth; it is not a physical reality that is going to change everything overnight. You are the Light Bearers and must do your work to allow this exchange of light to be fully grounded into the Earth. Without your help this movement may not go as well as we would all like.

The most important element to remember is that you are an embryo of light from the Source of Light; you have your I Am Presence, your Monad, your Higher Self, and most of all your Solar Angel that are guiding you through each moment of your existence.

Believe all these elements and you will acquire great change in your life.

What you believe can be manifested within your world. Allow this change to be a Divine Opportunity for more to come.

I walk with you, I Am Lord Metatron at your service.

Integrative Channel: Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden

The Walking Terra Christa March Equinox Ceremony was held on March 20th, 2017 with Lord Metatron as the host. This recording is available free on our website: Free Audio-Mp3 Library.

Interested in going deeper into your consciousness to learn how the Ascension Mastery teachings of HOPE AND FAITH AND BELIEF through your SOLAR ANGEL can create higher frequency changes within you? We invite you to Enroll in a very powerful seminar class just given by Lord Metatron and Lord Saint Germain with Masters Djwhal Khul and Serapis Bey.

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Did you find this post educational for your higher understanding? Not able to enroll? Instead please consider supporting our work with a $3 donation for this article.  We require public support to bring forth these important Ascension Mastery transmissions. Everyone reading this can help make a difference.

* [Comment by Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden: Lord Metatron used the words “New Beginning” in terms of a gateway of light we have never experienced before on earth. He also clearly points out that we must believe this event is occurring.  I would add that it must be through our active consciousness, otherwise the energies do not become grounded on earth. “Active Consciousness” is my own term of understanding of what it takes to actually ground higher frequencies. In other words, while we offer them for your deeper understanding, it cannot be done just by reading channelled messages such as these. Instead one must do as Lord Metatron shares by first changing our understanding consciously and then taking action in the physical world in our daily life. He literally is referring to the formal spiritual study of Ascension Mastery when he says “you are the one that is walking as the Initiate, learning and growing to be an Ascended Master in your lifetime”.  Just reading new ideas and changing our attitude or interpretation about spirituality is a consciousness activity, but it is not taking it to the level of being an “active consciousness” (consciousness in action). It is this “deeper healing” that is required, and he also points out that, so far, too few upon earth have taken on this personal responsibility. If this continues it may well result in these energies we are now being gifted with to not become anchored into the earth fully. So there is a tone of urgency he wants to convey for those “listening” to his words. I think this urgency is due to the vast number of individuals who are now channeling messages to the community of “Lightworkers”. Most all of those channelings pertain only to our human consciousness in general, not to what it will actually and specifically take to make that consciousness active within us. Falling into the trap of confusing “believing what we read about ourselves as humans” with that of “believing what we must change within ourselves as humans” is very detrimental to creating the higher dimensional frequencies within us for earth. His use of the term “believe” is in direct connection to taking conscious action to ground that belief through our own practice of Ascension Mastery in our lives. ]

© Copyright 2017 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Personal use and providing a link to this article for informational or educational purpose (articles, websites or blogs) is welcomed and encouraged except any use related to or associated with profit making activities (including individual, business or organizational websites, publications, blogs, etc.) Reprinting or reposting this material for publications, websites or blogs that sell or advertise any products or services (as well as any printed or written reproduction) is not authorized without written permission. Rights are only granted to repost this material (in full and unedited with working url links) electronically on informational websites or blogs that do not sell or advertise any products or services. In such cases, you must include this complete copyright statement in full including the above active url referral links to help everyone stay informed and support our messages. In cases of text only formats, these active url links may be converted to display the full path of the url as linked. The information contained herein does not constitute the rendering of healthcare advice or the provision of treatment or treatment recommendations. It is not to be considered or inferred as medical or psychological advice. Use of the website and its originating content constitutes agreement of terms as provided under Website Terms and Disclaimer (click here).


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Lord Saint Germain is the Mahachohan of the Seven Rays of God. In this integrated channelled message he shares more on what it means to become 5th Dimensional. Ascended Masters Djwhal Khul and Serapis Bey also share their thoughts on the relationship to our Solar Angel.


My Dearest Beloveds,

I Am Lord Saint Germain, the MahaChohan of the Seven Rays of God. I come to you today to talk about how to bring forth the ability to continue the walk through your Initiations even when you feel as if you want to stop because of lower emotions or experiences that occur that can bring you into a state of wanting to give up.

You have to continually remind yourself that you are a Being of Light and without that light you could not hold yourself within your physical body.

Did you ever consider that thought in your consciousness?

Let’s think about it – you come from a light essence that was conceived through the frequency of Divine Mother and Father God, who by the way was conceived by the Creative Source of Oneness. This means you are from this Divine Oneness and were born to come into various forms of existence. When you arrived into that state of higher consciousness, you had no misconceived thought that it would not be anything but totally bliss – to share your light to others and to bring into creation Planets in the Multi-Universes.

As you have traveled far and wide through this journey, you have forgotten your Divine Essence of being angelic, being free flowing, being one in all of the creative process. Instead you have experienced the density of planetary life and now you have awakened once again to remember all that you are.

This journey is quite challenging in itself as you have to learn how to deal with the essential components of your soul body of light which can be riddled with darkness. You go through the initiation process because that is what you do as one who has awakened to the light within. You step into this journey wanting to be more than you have been before on the earthplane, but yet it is a challenging step to walk into the abyss of the old to find the New Beginning that is awaiting for your arrival.

This is a continual process walking through the many levels of ascension mastery. As you realize the potential that you can be, then you realize the ability to be all that you truly deserve. The dreams you have had in the past can be your reality as you move through the doorways that previously were blocked from your awareness.

Each of us as masters have taken on this role and you now, in this timeframe, are becoming that same Initiate of Mastery.

It does not matter where you are in your initiation process as the struggle can occur at any time especially through the Planetary Ascension Process which is up through the 7th Initiation. Some students may think it is like a magic wand and everything becomes perfect when you reach that level. Unfortunately, it is not true. You still have to work through your elements of achieving ascension mastery but then in the higher realms of light. Sometimes it can be more challenging physically as your physical body will change drastically.

The important element is how do you achieve the ability to feel better about what you are experiencing especially when the Lower (physical) Mind wants to come into play of your emotional state?

Surrendering is the first step to take in all that you desire to achieve. As an initiate of mastery, you must realize the potential you have when you can let go of all misconceived notions that have been set in your subconscious mind of What You Should Be Doing instead of realizing the potential of fully accessing your Spiritual Self.

This is not always an easy task as you probably already know.

Diligence is the key along with the ability to be patient with yourself.

How do you get from being a purely 3rd dimensional physical person into learning how to breathe, act, think, and feel through a 5th dimensional self?

The first element is to realize the steps you have had to take through many eons of time to get to this point: of truly desiring to be an Ascended Master.

It is not something that should be taken lightly; it is very serious and it takes deep consideration for fore-thought of how to move from the old self into a more attuned healthy four-body system along with acting upon that essence that you are becoming.

The truth of the matter is every initiate must have the Hope and Faith that new doorways will always be opening and the steps to walk through those stages of growth need to be fully realized by a higher part of your reality which is your Solar Angel.

In order to fully accept that your Higher Self is your guiding light, you must realize that there is a bridge of communication between the Physical Mind and The Higher Mind. Your Solar Angel is with you to help you remember your angelic remembrances so that you can step through the doorways of light and dark to help you accelerate through your challenges. That is what true Mastery represents.

It is the part of you that did not realize you were an angel as you are on the earth, but yet when you access those attributes of your Divine Self, you can start to fully accept the potential that is within you to be angel and human. It is the light that you have been asking to be within you as it guides you into the higher realms of light through the Higher Self. That is just the beginning as you learn to access your Monad (the other souls that work with you), and then your I Am Presence.

So many students try to reach the top first and get lost because the steps in between have not been acknowledged. You must have a solid foundation in order to hold the higher energies. That is why there is Mastery so that souls can go through the initiations or steps to fully remove the old elements that no longer serve a soul’s purpose. Along the way each step you go through gives you a moment of accomplishment but not for long. As the road of Mastery is paved with great challenges but wonderful moments of realization as that soul.

This is why it is important to not ignore the Solar Angel as this part of your essence will help you to have the Faith, Patience, and Ability to walk through any storm no matter how small or large it is. This is when you as the Soul becomes One with the Angel to initiate Hope into your awareness no matter what the circumstance.

The journey of the Soul into the Angel into the I Am Presence is riddled with great moments of excitement and joy as you will realize the potential you have to no longer fall back into what you were before. It is exhilarating to see initiates make the changes and create a new foundation of light within themselves.

I as Lord Saint Germain totally understand what you are going through and that is why I am here to help you through each step of your journey. The ecstasy of Mastery will come to you eventually but the initial steps will take you back into your soul’s history to help you heal the parts of yourself that have been forgotten so that you can fully hold the higher essence you are becoming.

I have asked two of my Ray Chohans to say a few words on this step of the journey of Initiating Hope and Faith with Master Djwhal Khul, Ray Chohan of Love and Wisdom, and Master Serapis Bey, Ray Chohan of Harmony and Balance through Conflict.

In blessings of all we are together,

I Am Lord Saint Germain



I am Master Djwhal Khul and I am delighted to share some thoughts with you on the subject of how Love and Wisdom will assist you understanding how be One with Hope in your life.

I see life without hope is a life riddled with pain. As humans, each individual truly needs to acquire the ability to learn how to receive hope in any given situation. Without hope, it is like a stream without the river flowing with in it. It is a dry well in which an individual cannot see the beauty in anything as all they see is the pain of it all.

I see the process of initiating Love within your life cannot be done without the Angelic Presence that as humans is very important for their spiritual development. What does an angel represent to you? To me it says softness, beauty, joy, flowing energy, and an amazing singing voice that you can hear through the wind.

If you can imagine yourself as that angel, you shall always acquire Hope along with Faith to be your guide.

Within the Ray of Love and Wisdom, I help to bring forth the flame of Golden Yellow through the Elders Lord Ralya & Lady Ralyio. It comes into your Crown Chakra which is the spiritual center and then elicits a beautiful essence to flow through all parts of your existence, all chakras, all healing centers, your cellular level and into all of four body system. It is like the warmth of the sun beaming down upon you; it burns up the dis-ease that is in your mind and causing your emotions to be imbalanced. It is a soothing light to the darkness that you have been feeling.

When you allow yourself to fully breathe in this essence, it cannot help but assist you to accept the challenge as a lesson as it becomes One within you. The Golden Yellow Flame is the pure existence of God’s light of the Christ Consciousness in small increments. It allows your lower mind to release the pain as your Higher Mind ignites its power through you.

It is important to realize that all the pain you have within you can be healed. All of it is possible and that is way you have awakened. Getting mad at the process will not assist the energies as it will just ignite more fear to occur within you. Allow my essence to help you calm your subconscious mind in order to receive the Divine Light you are.

That is pure surrender unto your Solar Angel and Higher Self. It is the start of a grand beginning and you will thank yourself for doing so.

I walk with you, call upon my essence to help you through your challenges so that you can be the Master you desire.

I am Master Djwhal Khul


Dearest Initiates,

I come to you as Master Serapis Bey and I am deeply honored to speak with you in this moment. The main element I want to convey is that I bring to you the Love of God. It is my role upon this earth as being the master I have been for eons of time.

When you cannot accept what is happening to you, I will come to assist you. In fact, if you have said to yourself that you desire to learn more about your ascension pathway as an Initiate, you and I have already met. It is my role to assist every student to help them heal and clear up their aura so that the pathway of their initiations will be clear of any other elements from the outside world they may have encountered.

So many times when an individual awakens to the light within them, and starts to see this light around them, they have a tendency to truly need a clearing and cleansing of their auric field.

It is my duty within the Crystalline flame to assist students to be able to get to the core of their essence. So many times initiates cannot see these things within themselves because they have been conditioned to feel them consistently like they are a part of them. My role is to help each of you move more easily through your initiations and not allow the lower mind of lack of understanding to overcome their emotions.

The Crystalline Flame with some specks of green light will assist each of you to clear away elements of debris that has been lodged within your field for a long time. Just because you have awakened unto the other worlds does not mean you are ready to deal with the responsibility of having these gifts as it can create inconsistencies of your life or memories of your past lives.

I give you the Love of God to embrace you deeply and help you resurrect the old elements so that a new beginning can take place within your consciousness and then in your Heart.

This is so the Solar Angel can help you to achieve what you desire to be – a Divine Being of Light. I give you serenity, and to be mentally balanced with self confidence in all that you see and do in your Life.

It is my pleasure to walk with you in Oneness as we learn from each other.

I Am Master Serapis Bey

Integrative Channel: Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden

Interested in fully understanding how the energies of HOPE AND FAITH apply to the Initiations within Ascension and getting energetic healing transmissions to assist you to do so? We invite you to Enroll in a very powerful seminar class given by Lord Metatron and Lord Saint Germain with Masters Djwhal Khul and Serapis Bey on Saturday, March 18th, 2017.

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Did you find this post educational for your higher understanding? Not able to enroll? Instead please consider supporting our work with a $3 donation for this article. Everyone reading this can help make a difference. We require public support to bring forth these important Ascension Mastery transmissions.

© Copyright 2017 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Personal use and providing a link to this article for informational or educational purpose (articles, websites or blogs) is welcomed and encouraged except any use related to or associated with profit making activities (including individual, business or organizational websites, publications, blogs, etc.) Reprinting or reposting this material for publications, websites or blogs that sell or advertise any products or services (as well as any printed or written reproduction) is not authorized without written permission. Rights are only granted to repost this material (in full and unedited with working url links) electronically on informational websites or blogs that do not sell or advertise any products or services. In such cases, you must include this complete copyright statement in full including the above active url referral links to help everyone stay informed and support our messages. In cases of text only formats, these active url links may be converted to display the full path of the url as linked. The information contained herein does not constitute the rendering of healthcare advice or the provision of treatment or treatment recommendations. It is not to be considered or inferred as medical or psychological advice. Use of the website and its originating content constitutes agreement of terms as provided under Website Terms and Disclaimer (click here).



Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden with Master Djwhal Khul give a synopsis of the current moon energies within the context of ascension mastery.

The full moon is arriving once again. This month being in the Sun Sign of Pisces we will experience the moon cycle within Virgo. This occurs at 7:54 AM Pacific, 10:54 AM Eastern, and 14:55 GMT bringing forth the energies of the Feminine Divine (Emotional Body) within the Physical (pertaining to the Ego).

This will give us a rare opportunity to truly work within our Emotional Body to assist our Physical Body in realizing that healing is possible in all areas. If you are working with any emotional issues (or Inner Child), you may find that this moon will assist you to have some pertinent revelations of healing that may be needed in your physical awareness.

The aspects of this moon cycle also warns against conflicting energies that can arise; the ability to realize the depth of your healing or another’s is very strong, but each soul must guard against going too deep with the passion of wanting to see the end result of the healing process instead of allowing yourself to move through the journey of the transformation. Be patient with the energies within yourself; don’t go too quickly into the abyss. Otherwise, it can cause the opposite effect of being stuck within the issue instead of feeling the transition of the healing process to occur for you and may cause the issues of the old self to surface again.

The lunar effect that is occurring is to assist each of us to understand ourselves on a much deeper emotional level, thereby, creating a process of healing that will assist in transforming the inner self to a new level of understanding. Many individuals will start to realize the potential they have to fully accept what is needed to what they are doing. It is an open doorway to allow the Feminine Self to guide the lower ego into a place of acceptance while letting go of elements that are no longer needed.

This energy is so strong though it can take someone into a direction that overly focused on the emotional needs and not taking care of the whole bodily system. This means that the push to go deeper into a healing state through the emotions, can create an imbalance within the thoughts (mental realm). It is important to allow a flow of the energies of healing to occur but also to realize what thoughts are effected through the process of the transformation. It should not be one sided, otherwise the nurturing effect will cause the emotional body to be overloaded with the feelings that can result from these energies.

The key is to understand the emotional reactions or feelings and balance out the psychological reasons by activating the three minds of the Conscious, Subconscious and Superconscious to come into a state of equilibrium between both elements.

It is a time to relief the tensions held within the lower body of the physical mind by accessing the Higher Mind (Spiritual Self) to heal those elements within the emotional body that need to be nurtured. This will bring forth the illumination needed to understand the present situation to create the balanced state between the Mind-Body experience.

As you take time to understand fully what you are experiencing within your emotions, then the thoughts will follow in a positive and powerful manner.

The keynote from Master Djwhal Khul this month:

“I look within to see the emotions I hold and I embrace the Light I Am. I then allow my thoughts to reflect these feelings, as I allow the Feminine and Masculine to flow into Oneness.”

Message from Master Djwhal Khul:

Greetings and Love to Each of you,

As you walk into the full moon experience of March, the exchange of the energies will allow each of you to understand yourself from the emotional perspective but give a perception of understanding within the mental realm of your Lower Ego.

As Pisces (Sun) represents the emotions, Virgo (Moon) is the grounding essence to allow the emotional exchange to shift from unawareness to moments of realizing what exactly you have been feeling but yet was unable to access the true depth of your healing.

Let’s think about this for a moment ~ the Sun is represented by the Masculine energies but yet it is representing the flow of emotional growth and the Moon is giving us the Feminine elements within the grounding of the physical body. This means that the Moon and the Sun are interacting within each other to give a piece of their own essence into the opposite energies. The masculine will learn more from the emotional imbalance that is occurring while the Feminine will understand how the mental ego handles those emotions.

It truly is a perfect equation to allow the Emotional and Mental bodies to come into balance as this is what occurs when there is understanding on each side of the equation.

The most important element through this cycle is not to let the mental thoughts to get in the way of the feelings that are occurring. The Sun of Pisces gives forth the ability to move through any given situation by the flow of energies, like floating on a body of water, allowing the tide to take you where you need to be. Being very patient through this cycle is the most important element to remember as trying to get too deep, too fast into the emotional cycle can cause the physical self to want to forget, isolate, and possibly run away from the issues that are arising.

This process of the Sun and Moon coming together in unison brings forth a great gift for the Lower Ego, which is represented by the lower mind of the physical self. It brings forth a movement of taking the emotional charge into the physical ego so that some of the issues you may be dealing with become infused with the deepest love and nurturing that you have ever experienced. It is a time to allow the ego to relax and accept that the healing that is occurring is something that truly needs to occur.

This process will allow the Higher Ego of the Higher Self, or Divine Mind to fully be accepted within your consciousness.

It is a time of the merging of the Physical World with the Feminine Divine.

The lunar aspect will be a great reflection for humanity and the planet. The Feminine Divine has the ability to come more into play within the consciousness of every soul inhabited on Earth. It is bringing forth great moments of Awakening that will result in seeing the challenges that are occurring are only windows of opportunity to see the truth of the Inner Self.

It is very important to surrender into this energetic exchange that will be occurring. Without flowing into all possibilities, the true healing will not occur and will result in a deflated ego to be erupted. Realize the potential that you have to become more integrated within your Feminine Self – be open to the blessing of feeling loved, being accepted, and fully understood. This can only occur when a soul allows the process to be completely open, safe, and realizing that the restrictions of the past must be removed to fully accept the soul’s light to be revealed within the physical self.

Planetarily, this movement of energies will assist the planet to move into a more awakened consciousness of realizing that change cannot occur without the healing process that needs to be acknowledged. The feminine essence of feeling pain is essential for that pain to be removed. The movement of aggression will not assist the planet into moving into the 5th dimension, that keeps Gaia in the 4th dimension of duality which is currently occurring. Every soul upon this planet must take responsibility for their own healing, their emotional feelings, and how to convey that energy through their physical self.

As each soul realizes the potential within themselves, this then becomes a collective and conscious effort upon the planet. This moon gives you the opportunity to fully see the mirror in front of you by allowing your Emotional Self to heal and become balanced. This then will assist your Lower Ego in realizing that it no longer holds credence in the four body system. You then become the Higher Ego, the Higher Mind of your Divine Self.

Take time to realize the change you need to make, then utilize the energies of the Piscean energies to help you flow into the emotional nature by then grounding it with the Virgo moon as you  become the feminine and masculine in both aspects of yourself. The Feminine realizes the Mental thought process and the Masculine accepts the Emotional feelings.

This is true integration of the Divine Self become a reality upon the Earth.

Deep blessings,

Master Djwhal Khul

Integrative Channel: Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden

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Walking Terra Christa is facilitating a Full Moon Festival of Lights Ceremony with Master Djwhal Khul on Saturday, March 11th, 2017, 10 AM Pacific | 1:00 PM Eastern. To participate in this Free Open Teaching (Donations Appreciated), please use this link:  Festival of Lights-Full Moon Ceremony (Recording provided).

Interested to learn more about the truth of DIVINE UNION relationships and what you can do to create one as an individual or as a couple? As you know it must begin with you. Our 8-hour Seminar course download is on sale now(Save over $50). 

© Copyright 2017 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Personal use and providing a link to this article for informational or educational purpose (articles, websites or blogs) is welcomed and encouraged except any use related to or associated with profit making activities (including individual, business or organizational websites, publications, blogs, etc.) Reprinting or reposting this material for publications, websites or blogs that sell or advertise any products or services (as well as any printed or written reproduction) is not authorized without written permission. Rights are only granted to repost this material (in full and unedited with working url links) electronically on informational websites or blogs that do not sell or advertise any products or services. In such cases, you must include this complete copyright statement in full including the above active url referral links to help everyone stay informed and support our messages. In cases of text only formats, these active url links may be converted to display the full path of the url as linked. The information contained herein does not constitute the rendering of healthcare advice or the provision of treatment or treatment recommendations. It is not to be considered or inferred as medical or psychological advice. Use of the website and its originating content constitutes agreement of terms as provided under Website Terms and Disclaimer (click here).



We have now entered the New Moon phase of Pisces with a Solar Eclipse. This combination brings forth the element of movement, change, new beginnings, with our hopes and desires to be realized. Lord Ashtar brings forth a divine message on how we are affected by the planetary alignments within our full body system.

Greetings My Dearest Comrades of the Light,

I am Lord Ashtar here to talk about the present energies while trying to assist each of you to understand what you may be experiencing in your personal consciousness.

I always like to reiterate my energies through the connection of the InterGalacitic Federation of Light with Lord Sananda so that every individual that is reading this message will get a feeling of being embraced by our essences. I ask you to take a deep breath to fully feel a change in your heart, and bodily structure, as you relax the physical level of your consciousness. Pretend that we are floating through space together having a meeting of our higher minds coming into the purest existence that you have ever felt.

This is exactly what occurs for you during these powerful times of acceleration. At the end of this month, there has been a transition of energies to be felt by humanity so that they can experience within themselves a deeper revelation within their own consciousness. This is how a soul becomes fully realized within their pure existence.

It is what I like to call “The Floating of Light Emanations” to be realized within the physical world.

As this day of February 26th 2017 brings forth a New Moon and Solar Eclipse it brings into Gaia’s pure existence the availability of these light emanations to be fully accepted not only by her presence by within the existence of humanity. During this week previous to this moment in time, there have been portals of light to be acknowledged through the atmosphere into the existence of Gaia’s hemispheric existence. Within your skies there have been solar flares that have opened up portals throughout the world so that humans can start to realize the potential they have within themselves as the person they are becoming.

This is an important element to realize – WHO YOU ARE BECOMING.

Do you know what that means for yourself?

At this time of the earth, there have been great changes that need to be aligned within your consciousness so that the realization that you have been steps across a bridge to a new reality of who you truly are. This is the Bridge Of Becoming That Aspect Of Yourself that has been forgotten.

Many write about how this eclipse and new moon brings forth a gift of dreams to be realized, having the potential that there is more that can occur by just stepping into this new alignment. Some may even believe that these elevations in consciousness are occurring to help humanity while each person just has to sit back and let it happen.

But I want to remind each of you to look back upon the previous month or the start of this year and what you may have experienced to get to this point of your reality.

There has been a death and re-birth cycle occurring within the planet hoping that each soul would awaken to their own reality of what is dying within them so they can walk across that bridge that beckons them into a new part of their reality that is awaiting to be awakened within themselves.

Each soul will react differently to the present energies, but the most important element is that change is happening within each person’s consciousness and if they wake up to those changes, then they will realize the potential that they have within themselves.

As the planets were in alignment in January through February it was a window of opportunity for each person to realize the potential that you could have in your world. It was a fleeting moment of excitement to see within yourself the beauty and the gracious soul that you truly are.

I ask of you, “How many of you were able to see this transition within yourself” and “How Many Have Stepped Across a Threshold of a New Awakening”?

I am here today to share this message as I think it is important for people to realize within their consciousness who they are becoming and what needs to be realized in order for global change to happen. Change occurs within a soul when they realize that they can no longer exist in the old essence that they were. They look within themselves and see that the attributes their soul is showing has changed and they want to transition into a new way of existence whether it be physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual.

I ask you again the reflect on the past few weeks. What have you been experiencing, thinking, or feeling in your life? Were you finding that your world was feeling very challenging and hard to deal with? What did you do to help yourself through this change?

Some examples may be that you felt ill physically, your emotional body was raw, or that your thoughts were not clear and defined. Each of these elements are important because they will help you to see how you are walking into a new door of awakening with the current planetary changes.

Many times the body can be tired, feel ill in certain ways so that it can rest; toxins can be removed so that the true healing can take effect of allowing the full body system to readjust itself through the changes. In other ways the heart center can be healing in a way that you have never experienced before; or your mental mind needs to be put into a different way of thinking.

You may not know how these changes are occurring but they are. All of this is a result of the current movements since the onset of 2017. There is a huge adjustment that is occurring within the consciousness of Gaia so each of you are going to be affected by them in your four-body system. It is a time of great healing so the elements of debris that you are holding in any of your fields will automatically come into a new awakening.

It does not matter what level of consciousness you are holding, where you are in your initiations, or the light quotient you are currently existing within, all must change in order for the New Earth to be born.

The portals of the previous week are taking you in a new direction of consciousness.

As you have been going through the healing process previous to this moment, it is important to reflect within yourself that something is changing within you. It may be as simple as changing the way you go about your day, maybe your schedule will adjust, or possibly you will think differently about a task you are doing. You possibly have done this many times before but within your own consciousness you realize that there is a “shift” in the way you are feeling and thinking.

We have arrived into the Eclipse and the New Moon of Pisces.  Both of these alignments represents New Beginnings but it is important to be able to reflect on “what is your Beginning”. There always has to be an Ending but in many levels of thought you may not consider what has just died out of you.

I share all of this with you to help you realize what the Eclipse/New Moon may mean to you personally and that you cannot expect something to change if you don’t know what is changing. It all represents being present within your own life and learning how to act accordingly.

As a Multi-Dimensional Self, it is sometimes challenging to realize what is changing within you but it is imperative to allow the shifting of the tides to take you to a new reality that you desire to have in your life. If you do not use your full body system to help you through the process, then these activations and alignments will be for naught on a personal level.

You see as the planetary movements are shifting Gaia, each of you must shift with her. This means that what you did not know can be revealed to you. You may learn about a new way of understanding the Laws of the Universe and how to apply them in your physical life. The process of learning new ways is always continuing through each moment in time.

As each person learns more about their soul’s history and the growth process they are acquiring, then it will change the dynamics of what is happening on the Earth. The development of the changes presently are up to you and only you. As souls gather together moving into a higher direction of light, then Gaia will respond in kind to you. It is not just about thinking you are light, you must feel it every moment of your day.

These accelerations can have a tendency to change the evolvement of planetary life when there is an imbalance occurring within the system between humanity and planetary. This is exactly what is happening at this time. The reason there is so much strive and fighting is because those souls are fighting against the light, they don’t know how to do it any other way.

Each of you that are listening are the reason that these accelerations are so very important. As you change, Gaia will accept your energies of the higher frequency and the Earth can move out of duality by walking across the bridge to a New Beginning.

Take time to realize how you are changing, what it means for you, and celebrate it for yourself. Hold unto it, ground it, and become the Galactic Human that you are.

Do a ceremony to connect more to your Divine Self; remove the elements that no longer serve you or you think need to be changed. Call upon each of us within the InterGalactic Forces to help you through this change of light. Allow yourself to become who you desire – walk across that Bridge of Awakenings into the New You.

I, as Lord Ashtar with the Galactic Federation of Light and Lord Sananda guide you every step of the way.

In Peace and Love,

We are One with each of you.

Integrative Channel: Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden

Walking Terra Christa is offering their Monthly Mastery Classes for 2017 “Mastering the Spiritual Recovery of the Soul” which is facilitated through Lord Saint Germain along with the Ray Chohan of the Month, and Lord Metatron. Our first class was guided by Lady Nada along with Lord Saint Germain and Lord Metatron in the Sacred Heart Temple of Oneness (144th dimension) and the Temple of Illumination with Lord Metatron (49th dimension). Please use the link to learn more about this series.

Walking Terra Christa facilitates a Lord Ashtar Connection Circle monthly on Saturday mornings 10 AM Pacific. Our next meeting will be March 4th, 2017 (Teleconference Info)

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Did you find this post educational for your higher understanding? Please consider supporting our work with a $3 donation for this article right now for 2017. Everyone reading this can help make a difference. We require public support to bring forth these important Ascension Mastery transmissions.

© Copyright 2017 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).  Linking to this page from any website or blog is welcomed and encouraged. Reprinting or reposting this material on websites or blogs that sell or advertise any products or services as well as any printed or written reproduction) is not authorized without written permission. Sharing our Social Media sites is also encouraged. Connect with us on ♥ FACEBOOK  ♥ TWITTER  ♥ YOUTUBE   ♥ NEWSLETTER ♥ DONATE  | Rights are only granted to repost this material electronically on informational websites or blogs that do not sell or advertise any products or services. In such cases, you must include this copyright statement in full including the above active url referral links to help everyone stay informed and support our messages. In cases of text only formats, these active url links may be converted to display the full path of the url as linked. 

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