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The Experience of Guy Ballard with Lord Saint Germain and the Royal Teton Retreat Visit

Here are the written personal experience of having Lord Saint Germain guide him into the Royal Teton Retreat of the Ascended Masters, in the words of Guy Ballard as excerpted from the book Unveiled Mysteries by Godfré Ray King, [1934].

We soon reached the top of a majestic mountain that stands sentinel over one of the most beautiful scenic belts in the United States. Vast forests lay beneath us, and great ranges of mountains, with their treasures of mineral wealth still untouched, stretched as far as the eye could see.

Going to a point where huge masses of stone lay in confusion, as if giants had hurled them in a war upon each other, Saint Germain touched a great boulder. Instantly, the enormous mass tipped out perhaps four feet away from its original position. He motioned me to follow. We entered and, to my astonishment, stood before a large bronze door.

“This has been here since before the sinking of Atlantis—more than twelve thousand years ago,” he explained.

He stepped forward and pressed certain points on the door. The great mass of bronze weighing many tons swung slowly open, and admitted us into a spacious chamber from which a stairway, cut in the solid rock, led downward. We descended some two hundred feet, and entered another space—circular in shape. Saint Germain stepped across the room to a door opposite the stairs, and placed his right hand against it. As it opened, we stood before the entrance of a tube elevator. The interior looked like frosted silver—and in answer to my thought, he said:

“Yes, but harder and stronger than steel and—indestructible.” A flat disc of the same metal, fitting the tube quite closely, rose within it to the level of the floor. The platform was controlled and operated—entirely—by the Master. He stepped upon it, and I followed. The door closed, and we began to descend. It was a long way down, although we did not move rapidly. The platform came to a stop at another bronze door of entirely different design.

“We have descended two thousand feet into the very heart of the mountain,” he commented, as we stepped out of the tube.”

Is this a true accounting?

In his recounting of his experiences with the Ascended Masters and especially with Saint Germain, Guy Ballard was sharing his words to the public. By the early 1930’s in the United States and Europe there was a vast and active interest in the supernatural and spiritualism. His writings reflected those beliefs systems of the day. Anyone interested in reading his book would most likely already be familiar with concepts of developing the higher potential of the soul, have an acceptance of the feats demonstrated by the Indian’s Yogi’s, participated in seances or mediumship and have a firm foundation in what was termed occult metaphysical knowledge’s. In fact, many individuals worldwide a century ago did not only discuss such ideas and concepts but they engaged in the actual practices of inwardly seeking the higher levels of consciousness through diligent self introspection and inner awareness.

In stark contrast to the world of today, there was no such thing as TV and digital entertainment overtaking human consciousness. Reading scholarly information directly from original sources in books and journals was second nature to any serious person of his day.

Because of this fact of life at that time, he did not ever consider himself special or unique in his pursuits of coming to know his own spiritual nature. He simply assumed others were engaging in the same kinds of spiritual practices as himself. In those days it was serious personal business so to speak.

When he set down to write and share his own accounts, he considered it as an important duty to humanity to share what he experienced. In this way others who sought their own spiritual advancement could reference what he shared along with all the other materials they were utilizing.

His perspective was not to put it forward as a justification of why he believed what he did, which meant that he as an individual was not the focus of the accounting he gave.

He did not share how long or how much devotion and dedication he gave to his own internal spiritual growth, nor did he compare himself to any others. Which means that from our modern day perspective, it is not very clear to us as to the level of human potential, or higher awareness, he actually achieved.

What we know from our own experience within Ascension Mastery is that in order to have a higher dimensional spiritual being physically manifest and then assist you to literally teleport somewhere else does require that one has already achieved a high level of spiritual attainment. So much so that the veil of the third dimension has become very thin and one’s awareness of other realities becomes much more a part of ones life.

So in our view this is very much a true account even though for modern day humans it seems very far fetched to many.

Years ago when other metaphysical scholars shared information, they had a sincere belief that the words they shared were sufficient to assist others in moving forward on their own. This led to the distribution of Mantra’s and Decree’s that an individual could read to assist them in guiding themselves into those higher realms of consciousness.

In the past decade since we have been sharing our work to the world, we have seen that the required prerequisite foundation in personal spiritual pursuits is not at all the same as it was a century ago. If you have read our articles about doing a visitation to the Royal Teton Retreat of the Ascended Masters you read a Decree that can be used to align your consciousness with that of Lord Saint German and the Karmic Board Masters. While we share those guiding words, it really is only going to be helpful to individuals who have already spent many years activating their christed spiritual awareness to be as expanded as was Guy Ballard’s.

We have seen that for almost all individuals who are part of today’s modern world of instant news, entertainment and experiences, being bombarded constantly by digital images and sounds, and mostly without an internal scholarly pursuit of a higher spiritual self, it is much more effective to use a fully guided audio instruction and meditation to help guide you to make the Etheric Journey to the Teton Retreat in a similar fashion as the original experience that Ballard shared.

We created this form of assistance for our students of Ascension Mastery and we share them here. If you are interested, we have also included in the audio transmissions other details and understandings about the Retreat Visitations that will assist your spiritual advancement, as visiting the Teton Retreat is still very much a metaphysical pursuit. So it will not seem real within a third dimensional mindset.

Yet, it is very real within the higher realms. As such it is a dedicated effort and service that is performed by the members of the Karmic Board for the serious soul who desires to become more of their soul’s true essence, and a very busy time for the Masters indeed, as many souls do visit. Which is why, even for the Masters it is an intense time that they cannot maintain as an ongoing effort. This is also part of the reason it is only offered 2x a year for just 30 days each time.

It is open for assistance on June 15th for the first session of the year and December 15th for the second session. These dates also correspond closely with the time of the Solstices in order to enhance the ability for a soul to connect spiritually.

Below we provide a link to order the full guided meditation teaching journey (approx. 90 minutes plus class options for deeper understandings directly from Lord Saint Germain in his current words) for those who desire the extra support of our DIVINE LANGUAGE NETWORKsm HIGH VIBRATIONAL FREQUENCIES OF LIGHT in visiting the retreat. The full audio transmission can be used as a special guided meditation journey attunement and Ascended Master Messages teaching to assist in understanding your true essence within your visitations at a much deeper level than using your own mind or current level of awareness. There is also an option to get extra recordings to use during the 30 days so that you can experience different transmissions.

(If you did not get a moment to read the written message about the opening of the ROYAL TETONS and how it can assist you please click here).

In this special 1 hour and 20 minute transmission we etherically enter the Ascended Masters Retreat.

We learn about the role Master Djwhal Khul has taken on within the retreat as his essence of Master Confucius is blended in the Unified Whole. Included along with Master DK, we also receive a very powerful acceleration attunements with the energies of Mahachohan Lord Saint Germain, Lord Lanto, Master Hilarion, Divine Mother Father God, and all the Beings of the first Seven Rays of God. The Karmic Board takes our petitions and opens the doorway for us to move through what we ask to acquire.

“The Royal Teton Retreat is the largest retreat in North America, [originally founded] by Master Confucius and Lord Lanto as they are dedicated to the radiation, expansion, and manifestation of the Divine plan for this planet. The Lords of Karma meet in the retreat twice a year at the winter and summer solstice to release new dispensations from the Alpha and Omega to respond to good will petitions from Students of the Light.  The retreat releases the flame of divine illumination and the light of the Divine Mother to the Entire Planet,”

The Brotherhood/Sisterhood of the Teton Retreat provides assistance within a person’s spiritual pathway with understanding, encouragement, scientific knowledge, and wisdom by each of these wonderful masters. The main prerequisite is for the student to understand that his/her spiritual progress has to come from themself, rather than bestowed upon them by the Masters. Each of us are walking this earth in training to be the Ascended Masters of the New Earth Hierarchy. Intending to travel to this retreat in One’s dream state and/or meditation state will truly assist in the process of their Divinity Upon this Earth.


TO EXPERIENCE THE FULL TEACHING with GUIDED MEDITATION (click here) to order the mp3 digital downloads.


Public gathering online this SATURDAY JUNE 17 at 11:00 AM to prepare for the JUNE SOLSTICE!
[Click here to join live or access the recording in the Meeting Resources section.]

©2015-2023 Christine T. Hayden (Reverend Mahlariessee *formerly spelled “Meleriessee”) and J. Michael Hayden (Reverend Aranathanara) and, Divine Language Network. All Rights Reserved. Licensed Limited Material. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of the herein referenced digital media material without express and written permission from the author is strictly prohibited.
[Plain language for limited licensing terms and conditions: this Walking Terra Christa digital media product (MP3 sound file) is a limited license to be accessed only for the direct personal private use by and for the original purchaser exclusively. This license does not grant use rights to alter, transcribe, copy, broadcast, publish, distribute, share or play this digital media product under any other circumstances without the written permission of the author].

Lord St Germain: The Process of Personal Alchemy-Clarion Temple of Oneness

Walking Terra Christa presented a journey for the Ascension Mastery Teachings into the Clarion Temple of Oneness with Lord Saint Germain presenting his dissertation on how to achieve Personal Alchemy within the Ascension Pathway. Cosmic Master Allah Gobi, The Manu gave forth a blessing of vibrational energies through Divine Language Network Encoding©. These energies are then transmitted into the Core of Gaia for healing for the Earth and humanity.


We arrive in a beautiful field of flowers. Each of us walks through the field towards the Rainbow Bridge. We walk across the Rainbow Bridge onto the beautiful pathway that goes through the Magical Forest that takes us to the Clarion Temple of Oneness. There are Pillars of Light shining brightly.

We walk up the steps we are greeted by Archangel Michael’s Warriors, and then Yamteleus, Guide for the Clarion Temple of Oneness.

As we enter the temple, we walk all the way down to the first row on the first level where we find our seats.

Take some moments to gather your energies as we begin the festivities.


Greetings My Dearest Beloveds! I am Yamteleus, Spokes Being of the Clarion Temple of Oneness. 

As we gather together this evening, it is very exciting to have Lord Saint Germain with us. The altar in the middle of the staging area is filtering all 22 Rays of God, Spectrums of Light circling around each of us on all the levels of this glorious temple.

With several deep breaths, take a moment to allow this beautiful illumination of the Light energies of God to come into your Heart, into your Mind, into all aspects of your Being. This will assist in the preparation for the energies of Lord Saint Germain this evening.

Thank you for being here. Let us continue.

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]


We of the Angels of the Many Principalities and Angelic Presences overlight the Divine energies to assist in bringing forth peace, love, serenity into all aspects of your beingness.

On the Wings of Angels, we bless you.


Greetings My Dearest Comrades, Initiates, Chelas of all walks of existence. I am Lord Saint Germain deeply honored to be here with each of you.

How do we learn to understand ourselves, to accept what we are experiencing as an individual, and apply it to the world that we are desiring to exist in, blending the many forms of meditations, Light energies, healing processes, and grounding them into our physical consciousness, our physical reality?

The steps of learning to be fully in Alchemy represent many hard lessons for an Initiate. Many times, those lessons are not learned in the way that the Higher Self desires an individual to accept. So, then lessons are repeated. They may not be the same, but they are similar.

Until every individual Soul in their own journey realizes within themselves this is what they are experiencing with that lesson, there is a process of transformation.

That is the process of Alchemy, of learning to accept the transmutation, the pain, the grief, the death, and rebirth to allow the new part of your higher consciousness to exist within the aspect that is being transformed. The old part of you will be transformed and released if you allow it to be. But if you hold onto aspects within yourself that don’t accept the changes you are going through then you will create much struggle. That struggle can be enormous.

As always, we speak about the element of surrender, of being able to surrender unto the process you are experiencing is fully accepted. But if your Lower Self Consciousness of your ego is telling you otherwise, then that experience is going to be lost in the shuffle of the Higher Consciousness trying to be more within the lower consciousness.

How do we as an Initiate, especially one that may be newer on the pathway or had these experiences previously or maybe went about it in a wrong direction because of their lower self being more in control, accept this?

It is to have trust, it is to have faith, it is to have belief that you are being guided by your Higher Self, you are being guided by the Masters that you are working with especially your Gatekeeper and realize that there is nothing else that can get in the way. But it is when you go back to that consciousness of your Mental Mind, your Concrete Mind that is locked away within your subconscious mind to bring to your ideas of what has happened to you in previous timelines that you encounter challenges.

It’s important that you understand within yourself that you must go through these challenges. That’s the first step.

You must acknowledge within yourself that this is part of the process. You’re not going to like what you are experiencing. You may not even like the direction that the Masters or your Mentors are telling you to go. Yet if you go deeper into your own Essence into your own Higher Consciousness you will see that the truth is revealed to you. That what you are being told by others that have gone through similar experiences is truly greater knowledge. To receive that greater knowledge is absolutely a gold mine within your Heart.

In this moment, I ask each of you to breathe deeply into your Heart Essence. I know some of you may have experienced situations like this where you did not want to accept the advice or energy that was being given to you. This is because there are aspects within your Etheric Self that are from timelines that are of a darker nature that want to control you.

You have to look at it this way, “You are this individual, you have a consciousness, you have a body, you have arrived on the Earth plane, and you have a gift of higher awareness, and you allow yourself to go into that higher consciousness but sometimes you are effected by thought-forms, you’re affected by other energies that may be trying to stop you.

I ask each of you presently to take a deep breath into that and stand up to it. Be the warrior of your Light, be that one within your consciousness that says unto yourself that you truly desire to not have to experience these lower infractions and walk through the doorways of your Divine Truth.

Breathe into that now as I give unto you that Golden Nugget within your heart so that you can receive the purest State of Transformation within your full consciousness, within all your four bodies of Light.

As I send it to you, feel this Golden fleck of Light coming into your Heart now. I send it to you from the Christ Consciousness of the 12th Ray. I bring that essence into your heart to be your Golden Nugget for you to receive and accept that change is coming for you and that you must acknowledge that change will be instrumental in your existence upon this Earth in many different ways. You don’t know what that change represents so I want you to acknowledge that part of you that is going through a re-creative process.

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]

Now feel the expansion, the expansion of that Golden Nugget going to all aspects of all your chakras within your Central Canal, within your Etheric Body to vibrate at a rate that you have not experienced previously. You allow this vibratory energy to become a liquid-like Golden Flame going all the way up to your Crown and back down to your Root Chakra. Let it expand and continue the journey up and down and down and up. Then it extends outwardly into your other Bodies of Light. Your Soul Star and Earth Star are now fully incorporating this energy within you of being the Golden Nugget of your pure existence.

This is exactly where your wisdom comes from. It’s from the particle within your Higher Consciousness of your Higher Mind of your Higher Light Bodies of your I Am Presence to acknowledge within your physical consciousness that change must occur. When you allow yourself to just sit back and receive and not be concerned about anything else, then you are ready to go through the Transmutation it takes to feel this Golden Nugget within your pure existence. Feel it spinning within you, going around you, and becoming part of all that you are.

The best part of the Gold Flame is that it also represents the Higher Flames of Light so there’s an adjustment of Light energy that is occurring within you presently which is allowing your Higher Bodies of Light to the Twelve Body System to be activated.

These frequencies of Light vibrate at the level that your I Am Presence designates for you to receive. Just allow this Divine energy to go through you, within you, and around you. Let go of any misconceptions, any thoughtforms, any areas that prevent you from feeling this pure existence of All That Is.

Imagine your entire chakra system becoming 5th dimensional, 4th dimensional and 3rd dimensional all at the same time as I call upon those Rays of God to assist you.

The Platinum Flame represents all of it with hues of Silver and Gold, a refinement that vibrates within your entire system. It allows the other Rays to become more fine-tuned within your chakras, like the Blue Gold, the Violet Gold, the Pink Gold, the Magenta, and the Multi-White Light. These energies all spin within you through each of the chakras within your chakra system. It wakes up the other Bodies of Light, the 3rd and the 4th dimensional energies to come into that space. There becomes an awareness, an acceptance of All That Is.

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]

Receive all aspects of this energy throughout your entire system. The removal of the elements within your Etheric Self that do not fit this frequency of Light will be burned up into Wholeness, into Oneness. Just allow it to be gone! Feel the purity within your Heart, feel the blessing that you are to your physical self. By acknowledging these Higher Realms of Light, you begin to become them. Very slowly the increments of Light Forces of the Electro-Magnetic frequencies come into your Heart; feel it shift and change everything that is inside of you.

Be still and receive.

I as Lord Saint Germain want to acknowledge within you that so much more is available to you if you allow yourself to surrender to move out of your controlling mindset. Allow the Higher Mind to help allow the higher heart to allow the blending of these energies of Divine Mother and Father God. They are blessing you in this moment. The Great Central Suns that are ever-present within this temple are presenting to you the ability to move into the next direction guided by your Higher Self. Not you, but your Higher Self.

Just receive and be still and allow these energies to assist you to go into a deeper existence than you’ve ever felt before.

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]

Allow the higher vibrational essence coming down through your Antahkarana filling up all of your chakras that have been attuned to the 22 Rays of God in these moments. You’re flowing with this Light energy inside of you. It is assisting your physiological system, it is assisting all aspects of your bodily system, your physical body, all the organs, muscles, and tendons. Everything within you is vibrating at a higher level than it was before. Be still, be still and receive these energies.

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]

Breathing deeply. We now send this Blessing of Light down to Gaia through all the dimensions into the Earth plane allowing every Soul to receive a blessing in this moment. It is a vibratory blessing. Whatever that blessing is for them, we ask that they are able to receive it through their own Heart Essence.

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]

I call upon the Manu Cosmic Master Allah Gobi to extend his blessing to all inhabitants of the Earth, within the Earth, beyond the Earth and within this Temple of Light.


My Dearest Ones. Rest and Receive my blessing for you.

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]

I give you peace, I give you serenity, I give a moment of stillness to be held within your consciousness which is so beneficial for the depth of your Soul.

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]

Allow the vibration to come into your heart and be restful for your Soul.

In All My Blessings. I am Cosmic Master Allah Gobi.


As we now extend those energies from the Earth plane all the way up through the dimensional frequencies into this temple, allow yourself to be still. When you move into the silence as what Allah Gobi just shared with us, the transition from transmutation into transformation becomes very easy. It is when your mind gets in the middle of it and stops the process that it becomes an issue. Be still and allow yourself to receive this Purity of Light into your Heart. Remember the Golden Nugget I shared with you. Let’s connect with that once again.

Feel that Golden Nugget vibrating throughout your entire existence into your higher chakras. You have not been able to ground these higher chakras as yet, but they are there. They’re there to assist you with the Higher Rays of God. Receive this blessing and be still with it.

Accept it into your heart and say unto yourself, “I receive, I believe, I Am All That I Am through ALL I am experiencing through the Divinity of Love of the God Force.”

I as Lord Saint Germain extend unto you this blessing to walk with you, to assist you within the process that you are going through. Remember you do not walk alone. We walk together in all that we are achieving in the State of Serenity, in the State of Oneness, in the State of Transformation as you learn to become your own alchemist.

Remind yourself of what you felt like before coming into this meditation and what you feel like now. That is Personal Alchemy.

Many Blessings. I am Lord Saint Germain at your service.


Let us take a few deep breaths. Let us arise from our seats.

As we gather together, we follow Yamteleus up the steps to the entrance of the temple. We thank him for being here. We thank all the Souls that are here. We bid farewell to Archangel Michael’s Warriors.

As we walk down the steps onto the garden pathway across the Rainbow Bridge, we begin to feel a new sense of presence within our consciousness. Hold onto that. Allow it to be part of your reality.

Now we create our group Merkabah, and we descend from the 36th dimension into the 24th, slowly coming down twisting and turning into the 11th and then the 10th and then into planetary awareness. Each of us takes our own personal Merkabah and travels to our physical location. Ground this energy through your feet.

So Mote it Be.

ORDER THE FULL AUDIO OF THIS TRANSMISSION, Sept 20, 2022 ($22 normal means)]  The Clarion Temple of Oneness Teaching (click the link to order the recording for this transcription and receive the full vibrational energies and attunements available. Please note in your paypal payment the date of the class you desire to purchase).

ASCEND EARTH ~ CREATE HEALING LIGHT FOR GAIA – Join this free Global Project by Walking Terra Christa to help bring more healing light to the planet and humanity by creating Ascension Columns around the Earth with the assistance of the Unified Whole Galactic and Agartha Alliance.

22 Ray Challenge ~ Online Course to learn and incorporate the 22 Rays of God. Each of the 22 Rays align within the 8 Chakras to create the 3rd, 4th, and 5th dimensional chakra grids to be aligned within the Etheric Self.

Original Material © Copyright 2003-2022 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee* Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden. All rights reserved. *formerly spelled “Meleriessee”. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS CONTENT FREELY IN COMPLETE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS WITH THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!


The 8th Ray of Sea Foam Green and its importance for Wesak 2022.

2022 is a very powerful year within itself representing Mastery which means that humanity is receiving a powerful opportunity to step into our own pathway of honoring our ability to access our inner vision, idealism, and transformation by acknowledging our highest essence of our I Am Presence to be our guide. It is a time of remembrance by learning about the Ancient Wisdom held within our history as a soul.

Wesak for this year represents all of this and more as the 8th Ray of the Sea Foam Green is being infused within the planet from the Office of the Christ through the Elders Lord Aheloiah and Lady Ahelieoh. This ray is the beginning of the 4th dimensional rays of light to be activated within the Thymus Chakra.

There have been many changes throughout the years with the Ray Chohans and the rays. This year marks the ability to fully step into the role of our Spiritual Self more fully as the Sea Foam Green will bring forth the ability to perceive what we have gone through with clarity and discernment allowing for the Karma we have endured to be transcended into a state of transformation.

To understand the process of acceleration within the Office of the Christ Lord Saint Germain helps us to comprehend this process through the following dissertation:

Lord Saint Germain being the MahaChohan of the 22 Rays of God helps to oversee each of these rays. Several years ago he was the Chohan of the Violet Flame; his beloved Lady Portia took over that role when the Violet was merged with the Purple reflecting both the Feminine/Masculine of the Cosmic Level of Acceleration.

Lord Saint Germain moved from the MahaChoan of the Seven Rays to include the 22 Rays of God during Wesak in 2020 due to the increased light energies coming into the planet. This means that each of the 22 Rays of God are very integral in the acceleration of the earth and all Initiates. Since 2012 there is more emphasis upon integrating the 22 Rays of God as they hold the ability to become the 5th Dimensional Body of Light.

Lord Saint Germain became the overseer of each of these rays as we moved into the next decade of 2020.

In fact all of the seven rays became infused with the Cosmic energies creating a higher dimensional level relating to the planetary rays in the early stages of the New Millennium (about 2005). This is due to the increased influctuation of the higher light energies that moved into the core of Gaia at that time.

As we have seen, some of the Flames became more infused with other spectrums of light. The 1st Flame of Will and Power which is now Royal Blue was originally the planetary color of Red; the 2nd Flame of Love and Wisdom represented a Deep Blue which is now Golden Yellow; the 4th Flame Harmony and Balance through Conflict is now Crystalline but was the Green Flame on the planetary level; the 5th Ray of the Science of God was Orange which is now Green-Golden-White; the 6th Ray of Inner Devotion was Indigo and moved into the Ruby Red-Golden Flame; and the Ray of Ceremonial Structure and Order was Violet which has been merged with the Purple essence.

Each of these seven rays have become grounded into the core of GAIA during the past several Wesak events. This means that each of the Seven Rays of God are integrating within our society to create more Right Action and Divine Love to be ingrained into humanity. Since each individual has free will it is up to their consciousness whether to accept this increased light frequency within their essence, but doing so will assist in their life experiences to be more aligned with the Christ Consciousness.

When we, as an Initiate, call upon these rays through the Unified Whole Command of the 144th Dimension, then we are learning to become the attributes of each of the rays. This is an essential component to hold within ourselves to help us through our Initiation Process from the 1st to the 7th Initiation. They also are integrated into each chakra to allow that chakra to be activated on the Cosmic Level of energy. The ray blends with the corresponding chakra to align with the qualities of that specific ray.

The Blue Flame of Will & Power – Throat Chakra;

The Golden Yellow Flame of Love & Wisdom – Crown Chakra;

The Pink Flame of Creative Actualization – Heart Chakra;

The Crystalline Flame of Harmony & Balance Through Conflict – Root Chakra;

The Green-Golden-White Flame of the Divine Mind – Third Eye Chakra;

The Ruby Red-Golden Flame of Inner Devotion – Solar Plexus Chakra;

The Violet-Purple Flame of Ceremonial Structure and Order – Sacral Chakra.

The 8th Chakra represents the Thymus Gland which is now opening up for Initiates since the New Millennium. This chakra (color-Turquoise) represents Being the Seat of the Soul or Activating the Higher Heart. It is located between the Heart and Throat Chakras which means it is an integral part of speaking our truth from the standpoint of our Soul’s Essence.

The Ray attributes associated with the Thymus is the Sea Foam Green; the Ray Chohans for this ray are Lady Isis and Lord Osiris representing the Feminine/Masculine Divine. Lady Isis is the Initiator with Lord Osiris being the foundation of their love. The qualities of this ray represent the Perception and Clarification of What Has Been.

This chakra is also known as the Karmic Heart as it is reflective of our Etheric Self holding all elements of remembrances of our previous lifetimes and all times whether they are positive or negative. This is why this chakra is first very important, and secondly, instrumental of the higher ray energies of the 4th (8 through 15) and 5th dimensions (16 through 22) to infuse into each of the corresponding chakras to allow the higher rays to blend into our four-body system.

During Wesak 2022 the 8th Ray is now being activated into the core of Gaia. This means that it will make it easier for every soul to heal the lower aspects of one’s previous timelines, learning to accept that the Higher Heart is the result of their Divine Self Love.

This also means that it will make it easier for every Initiate to be able to hold the healing qualities of the Sea Foam Green creating a better foundation of Love.

That is why this Wesak is even more powerful than we could ever imagine. The blessings of this event will create waves of the Sea Foam Green energies to flow within us allowing the acceptance of the Divine Soul that we are to become more real and manifest within our Being.

The activation of these energies can create your Emotional Body to open up more than it was before. You may feel waves of Love coming into your essence especially before retiring or waking up. It also is a flooding of Divine Love that you can experience in your deep meditation. Just move through the energies. It means you are receiving this essence to help you align to a higher level of your consciousness within you preparing you for your next step of Ascension within the Wesak Festival.

A Message from Lady Isis:

It is my pleasure to extend to each of you the service of Love. There is nothing more important to acknowledge within ourselves than having the gift of receiving to allow for the Divine Truth that we are to become aligned within our full consciousness.

I believe the planet is ready for the Sea Foam Green to be infused within her. It brings forth waves of peace and love to accept what could not be achieved previously to become the focus of your Soul’s Essence. It will allow each of you to become more aware of your blessings allowing for more entranceway of your Higher Self to become manifested within your Etheric Self while creating the physicality that you are to be more aligned with your God Essence Truth.

It can bring up remembrances through dreams or meditations about past life issues that you need to rectify. This Wesak will be very influential of allowing this to happen for each Initiate.

Take this time to bring those truths into your consciousness; flow with them as the flow within you. It is a time to allow the Divinity of your Love and Light to be acquired through your acceleration of light becoming grounded within you.

It is my pleasure to bring forth these energies with Lord Osiris and Angel Ramiel, who represents Hope and Clarity. May we all become One within each other through the Divine Essence of the Sea Foam Green.

In Expressions of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Heliohah, Walking Terra Christa/Divine Language Network


Walking Terra Christa is holding their annual Wesak Festival of Light on Sunday, May 12th, 2022 at 9 AM Pacific.

If you have never experienced participating in a Wesak Festival with us, it is a time to prepare and set aside the material energies and influences of life as best that you can. Make the day of the ceremony sacred for yourself. Turn of your phones and computers so you are not disturbed and place yourself in the stillness of a contemplative meditative state. Burn incense, candles and play soft music that raises your vibration (that is, no words unless it is sacred chanting or spiritual prayers).

We really strongly encourage LIVE ATTENDANCE even if your local time is at night for the highest energies but as long as you get time to listen to our 3 hour Festival of transmissions from the Ascended Masters, with the sacred Wesak prayers and invocations, the energies will be felt.

Note: You do not need to attend the event Live when it happens, but of course for those that can, it connects you more powerfully within the collective Oneness, and it also helps the Spiritual Hierarchy to ground and spread the energies upon Gaia even more.


*Everyone ordering a ticket also has access to download the event audio after the event concludes. (Allow time after the event for the file to be made available).

© 2022 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). (*formerly spelled Meleriessee). Please share and repost. Rights are granted to repost this article in full with image electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:



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