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The Global (online) WESAK FESTIVAL OF LIGHT is today at 9 AM Pacific Time

Online 2018 Global Ascended Master Wesak Festival April 29 by Walking Terra Christa

~ The Highest Ascended Master Frequencies of the Year ~

Where: GLOBAL ACCESS – Online or via Phone Conferencing (or get the recording to use yourself afterwards) .
Admission: REQUESTED DONATION – $22 and up.
Format: LIVE AUDIO participation or via AUDIO RECORDING.
Optional Workshop: 2-DAY In Depth Ascension Mastery Training to enhance the WESAK energies in your life (may also be used anytime after the WESAK EVENT for in depth personal Ascension training).



Due to the Spiritual significance (and magnificence ) of the 2018 energies, we invite everyone to participate in our Wesak Ceremonial Event which uniquely brings forth the Highest Light Frequencies of the Year of the Christ Consciousness to be within each of us individual. It is a moment in time of great potential to all who are able to do participate.

We can honestly share with you that our specific training within the process of Ascension, for ourselves, is what has enabled and brought us into alignment with these energies like no other form of teachings or trainings currently upon earth are able to do. If there was ever a time you were personally wondering or thinking about these higher energies, this is the one event of the year that gives you the highest potential to embrace them yourself. Attending live is encourage even if you are up in the middle of the night from across the world as many of our family of light choose to do that. However please know, the audio we provide does not lessen the intensity of light frequencies you recieve if that is your only means to participate.

For individuals that are deeply invested in their Spiritual Ascension process, we are also holding an Online 2-day Interactive Audio Conference Workshop (available in english worldwide) with the Ascended Masters. Click here for more detailed information.

The Light of Wesak ~ April 29th, 2018 Festival of Lights ~ Master Djwhal Khul

Ascension Mastery Message for the Wesak Festival of Lights Full Moon of Scorpio in Sun of Taurus. Channeled transmission by Rev. Christine Meleriessee of Walking Terra Christa. 

We have now arrived into the movement of the Wesak Moon which falls in Scorpio within the sun of Taurus. This occurs on April 29th, 2018 at 5:58 PM Pacific, 8:58 PM Eastern, and 12:58 GMT.

Master Djwhal Khul’s Keynote for April 29th:

I now open my eyes to see the Old Self dying away to make room for the Wesak Light shining upon me.

The Sun of Taurus represents the grounding force of the Earth in relation to material possessions, security, and everything connected to physicality whereas the Moon of Scorpio is about destruction of those forms to bring about transformation. Taurus is about our physical consciousness and Scorpio brings forth the Spiritual Consciousness of the Higher Self.

This is so very appropriate for the energies of Wesak as it represents a time of Resurrection (begun with the Festival of the Christ, March 31st Full Moon) as we allow for the Re-Birth to occur in our consciousness and lives. This is when we start to access new parts of ourselves so that we can stand on a new level of understanding as the Spiritual Self becomes more involved within the physical walk upon this Earth.

This moon represents Transformation as it is allowing for the ideas that have been formulating within our higher consciousness to become more of a reality.

It is a perfect occurrence with the spiritual understanding of what Wesak represents for all of humanity. It is a time to allow the old consciousness to be broken apart in order to see and feel for the first time, a new order to be realized within an individual’s life.

It is now time to share outside of ourselves what has been building up for quite some time. It also brings forth a sense of stability within the planetary alignment. The inner work that you have been doing can now come to a state of fruition. It is a time to stand at the next level of your acceleration and accept that you have traveled far to reach a new space within your foundation. It is a time of illumination of what you have achieved.

It is very exciting to see that the planetary phases of this cycle are so representative of the Wesak energies. Each year we come to this point where Wesak represents standing with each of the Ascended Masters in Shamballa to be in ceremony for what we have achieved and receiving assistance with continuing our journey with a new sense of honor within ourselves.

This moon cycle is supporting those energies in a new and different way. It is a time to allow the Emotional Body to become more balanced and focused bringing forth the Feminine Divine in a new and completely different way of existence.

As this year is representing Mastery 2 ­- 0 -­ 1 -­ 8 adds up to “11”, this Moon of Wesak is truly assisting each individual to come into a space of “we have arrived”.  The challenges that every person has experienced since the beginning of this year is now being rewarded energetically. This cycle is showing us that success can now be realized through the determination that we have incorporated within our lives.

Each of the moon phases are part of this present cycle as they have helped us to truly “step up to the plate” so to speak. Every soul has been challenged in many different ways, but yet at this time, it is important to look at what you have achieved and allow the feeling of success to become a concrete part of your reality. The process of grieving the old emotional trauma is an important element to embrace. In fact, it is an essential component of allowing the Rebirth experience to occur.

As we move into the Wesak energies, it is reflective of how we are pushed energetically into a new sense of ourselves. The Heart of God is shining upon the planet bringing forth the next stage of acceleration to each of us with compassion, love, and understanding that we have traveled far to get to this space of understanding within ourselves. We now stand with the Forces of Light, the Brotherhood/Sisterhood of White Light, as we aspire within ourselves to accept a new part of our divinity to be our Divine Truth.

This is different for each person depending upon where they are in their spiritual development but not one soul is left out of this equation. It does not matter if they are awakened or enlightened. The important element is to realize that our soul, our light essence, can now be enhanced further in the development of our walk upon the Earth.

It is a time when we are given the opportunity to become our Buddhic Self as this moon cycle is truly assisting in this endeavor.  

As teachers of Mastery, we have seen our students transform elements in the last month that were hidden from view previously. The work we are doing with the higher accelerations within our classes are truly assisted individuals to rise above their difficulties and step into a new part of reality within themselves. I believe this is part of what is being provided to us by the Spiritual Hierarchy of the Unified Whole as it is a time of all Beings to come together in Love and Harmony.

The Festival of the Christ was so very powerful to allow this exchange of energy to occur. We truly have been gifted this year by the miraculous energies that we are experiencing. It has been a time of Death and Rebirth, but we are being assisted tremendously with Love to be able to move through the dying of the Old Self. It is an essential process in order to accept the Higher Consciousness, Higher Self and Higher Mind to be the focal point within an Initiate’s pathway. It cannot be achieved in any other way.

The Rainbow Arcs of Light through the Great Central Suns of the Solar, Universal, Multi-Universal, and Cosmic which ignited into the planet during the Equinox is bringing forth the Solar Flares and powerful energies to help each person on this planet to move into a new state of existence. It is continuing every day around the world to assist in the acceleration of Gaia and each of us planted upon her lands.

Additionally, the Ray of the Divine Mind or known as the Science of God within the Green-Golden-White Flame is now being initiated into the core of Gaia which is a huge movement for this planet. This ray represents Divine Truth with the ability to allow the invocation of Concentration and Consecration to assist an individual’s pathway of light to release the Harmony of the Spheres to be experienced. This will happen on the Full Moon of Wesak which means the Divine Mind of every soul can be accessed through the exchange of these energies. It is very exciting as now all the Seven Flames or Rays of God have been initiated into the planet, and we know that is another reason why we are experiencing such powerful surges of light.

To take full advantage of these energies we suggest being in ceremony during this Full Moon of Wesak as the incoming energies will assist to bring forth the balance and desired rebirthing experience. Give forth intentions to the Spiritual Hierarchy with in the Unified Whole Command to assist you to incorporate the next level of acceleration that you desire to hold within your life and your consciousness. Walking Terra Christa offers a three-hour ceremony on April 29th, 2018 at 9 AM Pacific. Please click the link to learn how to join us LIVE or listen in our own time frame via the event audio recording.

The WESAK event is considered the most sacred annual festival for the innerplane Ascended Masters. The transmitted energies and blessings are the Highest of the Year for all who attend which is directly in the tradition of Master (Dr.) Joshua David Stone who popularized the Sacred Spiritual Wesak Ceremony in Mount Shasta starting in the 90’s. Reverend Meleriessee and Reverend Aranathanara are in a direct succession of those energies as Rev. Meleriessee was ordained through Dr. Stone in 2003 under the Melchizedek Light Synthesis Academy/ULC and she then officiated for Rev. Ara in 2014 here in Mount Shasta.

In keeping with this 23 year long “tradition”, the Spiritual Wesak Ceremony is still conducted upon the geographical area of Mount Shasta as she holds the attention as the Ascension Capital of Earth. It is available worldwide for those who desire to attend LIVE via global online audio conferencing, or the AUDIO ceremony can be used afterwards in your own location to connect to the Divine Energies of Light.   

Master Djwhal Khul’s Message for Wesak:

Greetings My Dearest Beloveds,

It is my pleasure to connect with each of you at this very auspicious time of Wesak. I come to you within the essence of Master Djwhal Khul, Ray Chohan for the Ray of Love and Wisdom.

It is a very powerful time, and I know it seems as if this is the mantra of this year. The energetics of the planetary systems are truly coming into alignment to allow for more accelerated energies to assist each of you to come into a new space of understanding. It is imperative that no one stands still at this time. Evolution is occurring and if a soul does not allow themselves to grow and be all they can be, then they will get lost in the confusion of this movement.

This Wesak brings to you, of the Planetary Level, and each of us within the Higher Realms of Light, a grand opportunity to move further into the development of our consciousness to become One Reality of Light.

There is a wave of excitement and anticipation as each of us is readying for this grand event. This year has proved to be one of information and openness as many people upon the planet are realizing that things cannot go one the way it has been. The integration of the Divine Feminine must be realized but within this process the Divine Masculine must also be part of the equation.

The masculine energy of the planet has been so strong that the feminine essence has not had the time to show her power. Instead she has been kept in silence or behind closed doors. Many times, in the history of this planet the feminine essence spoke aloud and showed their voices, but yet the masculine was always the more controlling agent in the equation.

It is at this time that the masculine essence is realizing that healing must occur in order for the feminine to be the initiator of the energies. We are seeing this in many men across the globe; there is great healing that is occurring because of the onset of these energies everyone is feeling.

This Wesak represents the Feminine and the Masculine Divine coming more fully into alignment. They are looking at one another and realizing that they truly did not know each other, but just assumed that everything was fine the way that it was. Everyone on the planet knows differently know.

The moon of Scorpio in the Sun of Taurus is truly a meeting of the Feminine (Scorpio-Moon Essence) and the Masculine (Taurus-Sun Essence). They are coming together to bring elements into balance – they look at one another and see aspects that are reflective and others that are different. It is a time to truly accept differences and alignments to occur so that harmony can be the defining factor.

This is exactly where the current energies are coming into alliance. It is a meeting of the Higher Minds with the Higher Hearts to allow for a communication to exist. The death of the old must die in order to survive in these higher frequencies of light as they represent the alliance of the Masculine and Feminine.

As the Rainbow Arcs of Light are coming into the planet, it is bringing forth this alliance that is in balance, so it causes individuals to act accordingly to that entrance of acceleration.

The Wesak Moon is the movement of a relationship to occur within each person that represents the Divine Love, Divine Power to be realized. All that you have experienced up to this point is bringing forth that alignment to become a reality within your own consciousness.

If you are an Initiate that is diligent about your pathway, this event of Wesak will assist you like no other event of the year. We all look forward to this time of the Taurus Moon as it allows each of us to be rewarded for our efforts of this year. Each of us within the Spiritual Hierarchy and each of you within the Planetary Ascension Process come together in unison to be supported and honored in a way that only can occur through the light infractions given to us by Divine Mother Father God.

I cannot say enough about this Wesak as it is all encompassing and powerful for each of us. I implore each of you to take time this Sunday on the 29th of April to experience the event of your life experience for 2018. I do not think that you will be disappointed as each of us are readying ourselves to walk with each of you.

In Divine Love,

I Am Master Djwhal Khul

Integrative Channel:  Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden

If you are interested in bringing in these higher spiritual energies during a ceremony, click here to read about the Walking Terra Christa Wesak Ceremony event (a global online or via audio recording* conference 3 hour ceremony of blessings, prayers, invocations and messages from the Ascended Masters) as was the format organized through Master (Dr.) Joshua David Stone. *Recording available after the event concludes.





wave-credit Photo by Warren Keelan
Credit: Photo by Warren Keelan

Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos shares his wisdom and knowledge for Ascension Mastery Training. The Telosians and Agartha Councils of Light realize the importance of bringing forth teachings and wisdom to assist humanity. Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden is an Integrative Channel who works exclusively with Lord Adama of Telos and the Agartha Council of Light.

Golden Etheric City of Shalancheiee – Lord Adama

April 18, 2018

Alunah, Alunah, Alunah

Greetings My Friends,

I am Lord Adama with the Agartha Council of Light. We are very happy to be with each of you in this moment. Let us connect within our Heart Centers.

I would like to discuss about the upcoming energies of Wesak. Sometimes there can be an upsurge of anticipation within Initiates as they hear those words as we talk about the three festivals an excitement starts to occur, an anticipation of what is to be and what can be for every initiate. We know that Wesak is a time to increase our potential to move to a higher level within our consciousness and that the Festival of the Christ helps create that energy because it is the state resurrection, the dying of the old self.

I have to say that the work we are doing presently through this month in complete alignment with the Wesak energies of working with the Emotional Body. The point I wanted to make about Wesak is that many times the excitement can be in the lower mind; it can be in the physical self.

It is important to realize that the potential that is occurring within these energies is enormous and the more that each of you are able to access your Higher Consciousness in the reflection of what Wesak may mean for you personally within your own pathway, the more advantage you will have to accelerate.

Experiencing the energies physically is momentous as we all know and those of you that have participated consciously in previous years are privy to this information because you have a past experience.

You have to remember that your previous experiences are with a different part of yourself than you are presently as you have changed. You have gone through transformations so that the consciousness that is within you presently is what you are accessing, allowing yourself to bring into your physical self all parts that have gone through a great transformative process. Many times, Initiates such as yourself do not realize what the actualization of these events represent. When I say ‘events’, I referring to events in your own life.

I am talking about epiphanies and realizations from a spiritual nature that have occurred for your internally. I am not talking about outside experiences, unless they directly reflect the transformation that has happened for you.

Let’s look at it within the four-body system. Each of the four bodies have to go through a healing process. We all know this, it is absolutely imperative. And within the lower initiations they do it in their own time until you have experiences such as what we are bringing forth through the teachings and the attunements that one part of your bodily system is getting pushed into another. As we are working with the Emotional Body through this month, it is an important facet of spirituality of ascension of mastery.

Because the Emotional Body is the cornerstone to allow those realizations to come to the forefront of truly what you are as a soul, what that experience represents to you in your consciousness, because every day you are awakening into a new facet of yourself and it continues in your mastery pathway. It does not matter what level that you are at, I myself experience new elements come to the surface that I did not realize before, because my consciousness was not at that level.

So each of you are going to be experiencing Wesak in a completely different way than you did last year or the year before. Or like Meleriessee, she has participated in the Wesak energies for 19 years so that is a big difference. Of course, she is going to be experiencing them differently than any of you are because you are new to this energy. Wesak is the greatest opportunity than an Initiate can have and the intention of that ceremony of what you desire to be within yourself is very, very important. Now that desired outcome is not representative of getting a new job, having a new car, or experiencing a relationship that you desire to come to fruition. All of those are direct results of what you are acquiring on the Inner-Self Level.

Mastery represents the Soul’s Essence and then what occurs through that process is that the physical personality changes and is reflective of those energies that are coming to the forefront. So the bodily system changes, the emotional system changes, the mental system changes, in order to accommodate the spiritual essence, the Spiritual Self, the Higher Self, the higher beingness of light that all of you have in that higher dimensional frequency, but in the physical self, you are still that person that you were born into – the physical body and you hold those thoughts, those emotions, you hold all those elements of your Etheric Self that has traveled with for eons of time.

The beauty of what Wesak can represent to each of us as Masters or Initiates is that we have the potential to completely move into a new and different direction but if you as that physical person in that lower consciousness does not totally bring forth any intentions, then you are just going to experience it as best as you can through your Higher Self without having the physical consciousness to bring forth that acceptance.

It is a new process every year and that is why it is the most important festival of every year.

It is a time when each of us, in the spiritual and physical realms that are walking the Mastery Pathway arise to a whole new level. Sometimes those levels can be tremendous depending upon what you are able to accept, and it does represent Sacrifice of the old personality.

Every Wesak you will rip away particles within that old personality that you have held in your convictions, in your emotions, and in your thoughts to move into a new direction. Of course, this is all guided by your Higher Self, but the most important element is your physical self, your lower consciousness, your physical consciousness that holds the Belief Systems.

So, what I suggest to each of you is to allow yourself to surrender within the next week and until the Wesak Festival you intend every day, every night of what you desire to become more of. What are the emotions that you are dealing with? What issues have been coming up for me. It is not your job as an Initiate to do everything on your own.

It is quite ironic because many Initiates think they are so lonely, because no one else is on this pathway with them, but in truth, you have a whole entourage of support through the Spiritual Hierarchy that you did not have before you awakened. This is the realization that each of you must come to in your physical self. You have to pretend or act as if each of us is walking with you side-by-side. You have to allow yourself to realize the support system you have through the angelic presences through Lord Metatron, through Lord Sanat Kumara, through Lord Buddha and each of us in the Spiritual Hierarchy. When you do this, you allow yourself to have faith. You open up the energies to bring forth the new sense of yourself. When you let go of your lower ego, it creates a completely different way to do things when intuiting through your Higher Self which is necessary. That is when the battle begins.

So my plea to each of you for this Wesak is to allow your Lower Ego to strip away another layer. Don’t worry it is not a problem, because your higher ego will take the place of your lower ego as the merging of your Higher Self with your physical consciousness will occur. This  is what your Three Minds represent, the Super Conscious of the Higher Self with the Sub-Conscious and the Consciousness of the Physical Self blending together. In truth it is the only way that your Subconscious Mind is going to be cleared of its lower elements, of the debris, and the experiences you have had as that Etheric Self in many other lifetimes.

This year more than any other year, the year of Mastery is the most powerful year of Wesak with the Rainbow Arcs of Light of all Great Central Suns, which believe me, has never occurred before, to come in unison with the Spiritual Hierarchy, the God Source, the Creative Source of Oneness of the 144th Dimension as you know of the Unified Whole Command.

Everything is coming into the Source of the One, and I would not want any one of you to miss an opportunity to be able to step into this energetic exchange. But I ask you to leave your egos at the door; I ask you to have faith; I ask you surrender to the old aspects of yourself. I ask you to fully realize the potential that you have because you are all very beautiful, you are all very gifted, but the only way those gifts are going to unfold is to allow yourself to surrender to all of the old elements. Allow this Death Cycle of this week until Wesak when you are reborn. It does not mean all old things are leaving, just the parts of yourself that are ready to be removed.

It is a very powerful time and we are all excited about this Wesak, the year of Mastery.

To bring forth the Divine Consciousness in a new and more grounded manner than it has ever occurred at any other time and that is a long time coming. I walk with each of you, call upon me through the next week. Use all the tools we have given you; come to the Light Ray Center so that all of us can assist each of you to step into the next doorway of your power, of your love and your will to bring forth the wisdom of your soul’s essence into your present consciousness.

I am deeply honored to be able to walk with you. I give you all my blessings from all of us of the Agarthian Council of Light, the Telosian Community,

Alunah, Alunah, Alunah!

I Am Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos at your service.

Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden, Integrative Channel

Wesak is the Highest Frequency of Light brought forth in the Festivals of Light during the year. Walking Terra Christa carries the torch of Dr. Joshua David Stone’s Wesak Celebrations by holding a 3 hour Ceremony of the Ascended Master Energies. Click here to join the Global Online event (or access the ceremony via download to participate in your time zone) to be held April 29, 2018 at 9 am Pacific Time.

© 2018 / New Earth Consciousness-Circle of Light: The Golden Etheric Cities.

The New Earth Consciousness-Circle of Light is a weekly class in which we journey to one of the 22 Etheric Cities.  Included is a teaching from Lord Adama and a special Ascended Being that represents the city. Walking Terra Christa provides many options to participate in their weekly teachings with an affordable rate for all individuals.  You can become an Academy Student or participate in our Partner/Membership Program while experiencing the teachings on your own time via the recordings. You can also purchase any of the MP3 downloads separately for the the classes to receive the highest vibrational energies available. Please make sure you state which class you want to purchase in the PayPal link.

ASCEND EARTH ~ CREATE HEALING LIGHT FOR GAIA – Join Walking Terra Christa in this special project to help bring more healing light to the planet and humanity by creating Ascension Columns around the Earth with the assistance of the Unified Whole Galactic and Agartha Alliance. To learn more please use the link.

Tips for Celebrating Wesak – April 29, 2018

Wesak Festival with Walking Terra Christa

This year the Wesak Festival of Light of the Full Moon in Taurus occurs on April 29, 2018. In the Ascended Master Teachings it is considered the most auspicious day of the year.


Wesak is a time of celebration for many eastern traditions that follow the religious tenets of Buddhism in its many forms so they cannot only honor Buddha’s teachings but also remember to embody them in life.

Within Ascension Mastery studies, however, it is not simply a festival to mark and celebrate the day centuries ago when the man Siddhattha Gotama achieved enlightenment at the age of 80.

The Ascended Masters are considered the ones who are also Enlightened as they have traveled an earthly path of raising consciousness similar to Buddha within their own lifetime of study to attain a Higher Consciousness. So they, too, gather together to honor and celebrate the process of becoming enlightened within a physical body. Buddha holds the honorary position as being the first person who did this within the written historical records of humanity.

On the day of Wesak (Vesak), in the Wesak Valley of the Hollow/Inner Earth Etheric City of Shamballa, (which is etherically in the same location as Shamballa in the Himalayan Valley), these Masters gather by the hundreds and thousands to not just honor Buddha. Most importantly they honor all those humans who are striving now in their lives to attained the status of Enlightenment regardless of the particular format of Christed Consciousness teachings they undertake.

It is a single day in the year that all Ascended Beings of Light come together to celebrate that Blessing: as the pathway of just One Soul seeking Enlightenment is such a rare and magnificent gift to creation itself. Upon the earth, it is a tremendous gift to Gaia herself which can then be reflected upon all of Humanity.

Most importantly, for each of as seekers of the Highest Spiritual Truth, the community of the entire Hierarchy of the Brotherhood/Sisterhood of White Light of all Masters within the Unified Whole of Ascended Beings, are here to give those Blessings to each of us on this day as we also then bless ourselves by participating.


To best position your own pathway energetically, we have put together a list of the best ways to celebrate Wesak to honor Gaia, Humanity, the Ascended Masters, and yourself.

1. Make it a Sacred Day – If there ever was a day to take time to separate your consciousness from the daily distractions and influences of your secular life, this is that moment in time so that you can blend your consciousness more directly with the spiritual energies and higher frequencies of the entire community of Ascended Masters. Other than private secluded peaceful moments in nature, it is best to postpone and reschedule outside chores or meetings.

2. Set up a Sacred Space – Create a retreat like atmosphere in your own living space. It is suggested to use some or all of the following items:

– Fresh cut flowers or blooming plants
– Candles (preferably white)
– Incense (frankincense or similar)
– Ceremonial table coverings (golds, pinks, blues)
– Crystals (rose quartz, clear quartz, citrine, etc.)
– High frequency essential oils like Frankincense, Hyssop, Myrrh, Sandalwood, etc.
– Higher vibrational yet serene meditative music can also assists like sacred chanting and/orAum/Om music. (We always recommend the Thaddeus music foundat to set the right tone. Using some forms of classical music may be too mentally stimulating and certainly using pop music would be distracting and bring in conflicting energies.)
– Ringing bowls, bells, crystal bowls etc.
– Create an altar area that has images of Ascended Masters, Lord Buddha, Angels, etc. Place some of your items on the altar area also to represent offerings of blessings.
– We also encourage you to place a bowl of water on the Altar to be blessed energetically. If you are participating in a sacred ceremonial event for the Wesak Festival of Light, everyone may then drink this water at the end of the celebration as it is infused with the direct Blessings of the event itself and what is brought forward to each participant.

3. Be with Soul-Family – Gathering with like-minded individuals for a group meditative time together is most appropriate. The idea is to create an atmosphere that is special and unique for the day and the evening of Wesak. Preparing special healthy food and drink items ahead of time may also be helpful in creating a special event feeling. Everyone can contribute. As each person arrives in the ceremonial space you have created, it may be helpful to use sage or similar cleansing on their auric field and clothing.

This is exactly what we do at Walking Terra Christa even though we also engage in conducting a 3 hour Wesak Ceremonial Festival for others. Our own Sacred Space becomes charged with the Highest Frequencies of Light. In our event we bring in the invocations, prayers and Ascended Master channeled messages for everyone to receive. (Registration is required with a small donation of support for our annual event. You may download the audio to use in your own space if attending live is not possible).

We hope these suggestions assist. As an additional method of bringing in higher frequencies of light to set up your space, for those who also resonate with the energies of the Galactic Federation of Light with Lord Ashtar and Lord Sanada, setting up Ascension Column Pillars of Light is highly encouraged. Information and free instructions to do so can be found at Ascend.Earth.



Online 2018 Global Ascended Master Wesak Festival April 29 by Walking Terra Christa

~ The Highest Ascended Master Frequencies of the Year ~

“The Wesak Energies from this Festival of Light will assist in your Spiritual Connection throughout the year and through to next Wesak!
– Listening is Highly Recommended for all who can do so.”

Where: GLOBAL ACCESS – Download the Audio
Admission: REQUESTED DONATION – $22 and up.
Optional Workshop: 2-DAY In Depth Ascension Mastery Training



Humanity is indeed awakening. Individuals are certainly becoming more and more aware of themselves as Spiritual beings having a Physical experience. This awareness changes everything. It is the beginning ~ an opening of a doorway that enabled the birthing of a New Earth to get underway.


WESAK is a time for all of Humanity to Gain Advancement in their Spiritual Development as a Soul. Officially occurring on the Full Moon of Taurus each year, WESAK (or Vesak) is not limited to being a popular celebrated religious holiday (mostly in Buddhism), but is actually recognized by the Ascended Masters as the opportunity for all Initiates (Awakened Humans) to take on a significant personal boost in self-enlightenment for themselves.

While it may appear similar, THE WESAK FESTIVAL within the Mastery Teachings of the Ascended Masters holds forth a departure from the buddhist religious holiday as a time to celebrate through remembering and reflecting upon the life of Siddhattha Gotama and his future attainment of enlightenment at age 80 into becoming a Buddha. Instead, the Ascended Masters and Spiritual Hierarchy of the Sisterhood/Brotherhood of the Great White Light view this time of year as when all human souls participating in the actions of Ascension Mastery can gain more progress than at any other time of the year, in other words, it is truly more about one’s own pathway toward Enlightenment.

As most of our earth has seen, Activating the Spiritual Self at the HIGHEST and TRUEST levels possible is now the world’s greatest endeavor if we are to advance as a conscious species above our current dimensional bonds. Going DEEPER WITHIN due to the REALIZATION that we can do more in ways we never thought we needed to do is exactly what defines the Awakening stage of Spiritual Awareness as it makes the step into a Oneness Consciousness a New Way of Being.

This is the Opportunity that WESAK brings to everyone who is fortunate enough to participate in a High Frequency Ascended Master Spiritual Wesak Festival.

At Walking Terra Christa we take great precautions to insure the Highest Frequencies attainable upon earth are brought in through our Blessings and Transmission from the Ascended Master Realm of Light. We therefore have been told that our WESAK EVENT is ideally suited and everyone attending knows they receive the highest caliber of Christed Energies only.  

Those attending will receive the attunements and blessings from the Spiritual Masters and Ascended Light Beings who can assist us in co-creating these new vibrational frequencies within ourselves. WESAK is the time of year when all Spiritual Initiates gain specialize momentum to move through their spiritual training more quickly as a Soul.

This is the most powerful ceremonial gathering we do all year and it is one not to be missed by anyone desiring to create a NEW EARTH of ONENESS within the Spiritual Authority of the CREATIVE SOURCE OF ONENESS.

Wesak is a highly charged window of opportunity taking place during the period of the TAURUS FULL MOON to specially receive Divine Light of the Christed Ascended Masters.

Integrative Channeled messages will come from LORD BUDDHA, THE COSMIC GREAT CENTRAL SUN, LORD MAITREYA, LORD KUTHUMI, LORD MELCHIZEDEK, LORD SANAT KUMARA, LORD SANANDA, with the energies and blessings of many others including LORD SAINT GERMAIN (Mahachohan of the Seven Flames/Rays), and other MASTERS within the Spiritual Hierarchy of the Great White Brotherhood/Sisterhood of Light. 


ALL THAT IS: The Trinity of Love ◊ Wisdom ◊ Power Equates Your Fixed Design

WESAK 2018  ~ April 29, 2018

This year Wesak is once again going to prove to Lightworkers and Initiates around the globe how very important it is to continue the journey of being the Torchbearers of Light for this Earth within their Highest Spiritual ability.

What does this actually mean for us in the Year of Mastery?

Numerologically the “2-0-1-8” is an eleven year. Eleven is representative of “stepping into Mastery” or “being in Mastery”. In the teachings of Walking Terra Christa, we have been discussing and bringing forth the attunements of the Rainbow Arcs of Light that were ignited during the Equinox of March. This energy as we have shared represents all of the Great Central Suns of the Solar – Galactic – Universal – Multi-Universal – Cosmic Frequencies to bring forth their united essence of the 330 Spectrums of Light – that is, the Rays of God in One Source of Light.

As the Great Central Suns are uniting as One, the presentation of light for Wesak is also doing the same for humanity. As the I Am Presence of the God Force represents the Creative Source of Oneness, it is bringing forth the continuity of the light frequencies to work together in Oneness for Mastery.

This year the 5th Ray of the Science of God is joining the other six rays to be initiated into the core of Gaia. Never before has this happened upon the Earth which will help to open up the doorway unto every soul of this earth to be initiated with their own I Am Presence especially as they consciously act for it to occur. It will even assist those who are not aware.

This ray is classified as probably the most power and intensive flames of light as it brings forth the Love, Will, and Power of God’s Essence meaning Divine Mother and Father God as One unity of Light. It is reflective of the Higher Mind to be infused into the Physical Mind through the Third Eye representing Concentration and Consecration allowing the Harmony of the Spheres accessing all light forms to flow in and out of pure consciousness.

As the light of pure consciousness, an initiate is unable to access this ray in the physical human mind due to the fact that it represents the pathway of least resistance. What happens in the ascension process is that the opening consciousness of the physical self has such a strong hold on the reality of the personality that these light infractions do not penetrate on that level. A soul stepping unto this pathway does not have the life experience of a true master (as a true master of higher light does not require an earth body). That is why they are called Initiates. So accessing this higher light frequency from the God Source is about the physical personality self allowing for the potential to transform into something much grandeur. It is a process.

For this Wesak we are stepping into a whole new way of existing within the physical body as it goes through ascension. Learning to access the Divine Mind is being presented by the Rainbow Arcs of Light as this occurrence from the Great Central Sun is putting each soul into the perspective of “All That Is” representing the Creative Source of Oneness to become potentially much more significantly present in their spiritual awareness.

The power of these energies cannot be examined or critiqued from the third dimensional construct. In fact it cannot be acquired in the 5th dimensional construct but only from the 144th dimensional light forms. It is in a sense an energy exchange, not a physical reality.

The only way that we can explain it is to realize within yourself that you have stepped into a space of nothingness. There is no past, nor any future. It is in that moment of reality that you come into a new state of existence – one that you have never experienced before.

Fixed Design represents the contract that was created between you, as a Soul, and your Creator of what this lifetime would represent. Divine Mother Father God is a representative of the Creator and you as an incarnated soul represent the Office of the Christ directed through all space and time. Your role as an Initiate is challenged to help you acknowledge the pathway that you have chosen, which by the way you do not understand in your physical consciousness. It is only represented through the Divine Mind.

So the accessibility of the Ray of the Science of God is that open doorway for your consciousness to be opened to realize the potential you have as an Initiate into Mastery. The experiences you have, called lessons, through your ascension process is to help you realize that you do have a Divine Plan directed through your I AM Presence. Your Monad overlights these energies so that your Higher Self can be the intermediary or bridge from your I Am Presence which holds your Fixed Design directed from the Source of Light unto your Physical Consciousness. Thus, the ability to blend the Three Minds of the Superconscious into the Subconscious which allows the Physical Consciousness to be the blending element to be created.

The Soul and Monadic Mantra represents the Three Fold Flame, of the Love, Will, and Power. Fixed Design signifies this flame to be infused within the consciousness of each Initiate and to open up the possibilities of more light infractions to be received by humanity.

The Soul and Monadic Mantra

I am the Soul and the Monad,

I am the Light Divine,

I am Love,

I am Will,

I am Fixed Design.

As an initiate, your Fixed Design is very important. It is not something to understand from the physical mind, but it is very important to command through your Higher Self to fully embrace the possibility and finally the probability that you will understand your Fixed Design as a Master. The challenges that you experience with the many doorways on the physical plane is a direct reaction of that Fixed Design working through you via the energetics and light forms.

This Wesak is very special because through the Rainbow Arcs of Light the process of accepting one’s Fixed Design is the power to accept the reality of uncertainty through truth.

There is no question within the Higher Mind that this is the intention but to allow the Harmony of the Spheres bring forth the intention of Divine Truth to be acknowledged within the Physical Consciousness. This is how it enfolds within the Three Fold Personality.

The Fixed Design becomes the Power of the Three-Fold Flame to be acknowledged.

Without Power of the Trinity of Love and Wisdom the Fixed Design cannot be achieved.

So in this Wesak of 2018 the Office of the Christ through Lord Buddha is bringing forth the movement of light to be expressed through each individual initiate to realize the potential they have within themselves to fully accept without reservation or question that their Fixed Design is being put in place within their Three Fold Personality to allow the Super Consciousness to blend within the Subconscious into the Physical Consciousness so they all become intertwined and work within each other.

Due to the Spiritual significance (and magnificence ) of the 2018 energies, we invite everyone to participate in our Wesak Ceremonial Event which uniquely brings forth the Highest Light Frequencies of the Year of the Christ Consciousness to be within each of us individual. it is a moment in time of great potential to all who are able to do participate.

We can honestly share with you that our specific training within the process of Ascension, for ourselves, is what has enabled and brought us into alignment with these energies like no other form of teachings or trainings currently upon earth are able to do. If there was ever a time you were personally wondering or thinking about these higher energies, this is the one event of the year that gives you the highest potential to embrace them yourself. Attending live is encourage even if you are up in the middle of the night from across the world as many of our family of light chose to do that. However please know, the audio we provide does not lessen the intensity of light frequencies you recieve if that is your only means to participate.

For individuals that are deeply invested in their Spiritual Ascension process, we have a 2-day Interactive Audio Conference Workshop (available in English worldwide) with the Ascended Masters. Click here for more detailed information.

Decree ~ Enjoying the Meadow of Tranquility ~ Golden Etheric City of Shalancheiee

Walking Terra Christa started the journey of Cycle 4 – Dedication to the Self, through the Emotional Body providing Ascension Mastery Training within the Golden Etheric City of Shalancheiee (residing over Montana and Idaho of the USA) which represents Personal Healing, Abundance and Prosperity.


The 6th Flame of Inner Devotion-Spiritual Idealism is the defining ray within the City of Shalancheiee. Lady Master Nada is the Ray Chohan with Elohim Masters Peace and Aloha, Archangels Uriel and Aurora along with the Elders Lord Astia & Lady Fratia. The flame aligns with the Solar Plexus chakra in the toning sound of AAH-OOOH (EWWW)-MMM.

Characteristics of this flame are: Forgiving Love and Grace, Selfless Devotion and Adoration for humanity, strong spiritually-based ideals and being able to overcome the turbulent waters of Emotional Imbalance, it helps to activate a strong intuition with Truth, Tolerance, finding Serenity, Balance, and exhibiting common sense from the Higher Self’s perspective. It helps to combat Arrogance, Selfish and Jealousy toward others, not being able to create Healthy Boundaries, feelings of Self-Deception, Superstitions, Prejudice, Anger issues resulting in fiery confrontations, and having rapid conclusions the are a result of an Imbalanced Emotional Center.

Lower Elements That Are Assisted by this Ray:  Selfish and jealous attitude toward others; not being able to create healthy boundaries; feelings of self-deception, superstitions, prejudice, anger issues resulting in fiery confrontations, and overly rapid conclusions.

LADY MASTER NADA:  She works with the essence of Divine Love to embody the pink flame in others.  She experienced this in her family and was asked by AA Charity to do so.  She also left her family to go to a retreat on the advice of Serapis Bey (previous Chohan of the Pink Ray) so that she could be trained so all ties had to be severed.  She found this very difficult.  She is very understanding about stepping into the mastery pathway and what it means for each initiate. She brings forth compassion, love, acceptance to every initiate on the mastery pathway and to all of humanity.

ELOHIM PEACE AND ALOHA: The Elohim Master Peace is also known as tranquility as he brings forth peace in every individual soul.  When you are feeling ill at-ease, ask for Peace to come and stand before you so that you can fully enrapture yourself with his essence.  Both Peace and Aloha bring forth their essence into every living essence within and around the Earth to fully embrace within themselves the essence of PEACE.  With PEACE there cannot be discord of any kind.  All thought forms will leave as they cannot handle the essence and embodiment of the PEACE of God.  Allowing PEACE to be within you is true MASTERY.

 Our journey into the Golden Etheric City of Shalancheiee was guided by Lady Nada and the Elohim Masters Peace and Aloha. We visited the Meadow of Tranquility where Lady Nada shared her history of being an Initiate and the challenges that she encountered. We then were guided by Peace and Aloha with a Divine Language Network Encoding to remove the outer layers of the Emotional Body so that the true healing could begin.


As I now journey into learning more about my Emotional Self,

I am desiring to travel to the Golden Etheric City of Shalancheiee,

Which resides in North America in the states of Montana and Idaho.

This city represents Personal Healing, Abundance and Prosperity,

As it is reflected within the Flame of Ruby Red-Gold,

With Lady Master Nada as the Ray Chohan.

I arrive in the city,

As soon as I walk into the Meadow of Tranquility,

I am met by Lady Nada,

Then then Elohim Masters Peace and Aloha.

I immediately feel the quiet energy flowing all around me,

There are flowers growing everywhere in the meadow,

I see a stream running through a pathway,

With butterflies and dragonflies smelling the nectar of the buds.

We walk to a beautiful park-like setting,

As I sit with both Lady Nada and Peace and Aloha,

I immediately feel like my entire body is totally relaxing;

Within that energy I feel a strength surging through my body,

Almost as if someone was injecting a liquid of light within me.

I start to sense the colors of the Ruby Red and Gold,

There is a light mist that is sparking through the air,

The sun is shining brightly;

I take a deep breath so that I can fully connect to my Emotional Center,

The Solar Plexus Chakra.

There is a sense of realizing within me that I am transforming in this moment,

I feel a change flowing through me,

Which is quite a surprise as I did not call upon it myself.

Lady Nada shares that this Meadow of Tranquility,

Assists each individual that arrives to come into a space,

Of acceptance,

Allowing the Emotional Body to fully relax so that a deep healing can take place.

Elohim Peace and Aloha are sitting next to me,

I feel their deep sense of love,

Which is permeating within my Heart,

I start to cry,

As I feel an emotional charge of love,

Really helping my heart to receive.

I then see Lady Nada come forward,

She hands me a beautiful flower in the shape of a Lotus,

I take the flower as she instructs me,

To put it into my Solar Plexus.

I start to fill a sense of deep love to myself,

It is flowing within me and helping to acknowledge what has been lost.

I now realize that in order for me to change,

I must find the Peace of Love to assist me.

I am deeply grateful for this journey with Lady Nada,

And the Elohim of the 6th Ray, Peace and Aloha.

I am now ready to go deeper into my Heart Essence,

That will reveal the truth that I must acknowledge within me.

I Am that I Am that I Am

©Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden, Integrative Channel 18th, 2018, New Earth Consciousness~Circle of Light. 

The New Earth Consciousness-Circle of Light is a weekly class in which we journey to one of the 22 Etheric Cities.  Included is a teaching from Lord Adama and a special Ascended Being that represents the city. Walking Terra Christa provides many options to participate in their weekly teachings with an affordable rate for all individuals.  You can become an Academy Student or participate in our Partner/Membership Program while experiencing the teachings on your own time via the recordings. You can also purchase any of the MP3 downloads separately for the the classes to receive the highest vibrational energies available.

ASCEND EARTH ~ CREATE HEALING LIGHT FOR GAIA – Join Walking Terra Christa in this special project to help bring more healing light to the planet and humanity by creating Ascension Columns around the Earth with the assistance of the Unified Whole Galactic and Agartha Alliance. To learn more please use the link.

ASCEND.EARTH Project Web of Light Earth Assistance with Lord Ashtar and Lord Sanada

ASCEND.EARTH Project video cover

Please enjoy the High Frequency Vibrational energies in this Earth Assistance gathering video of the event with Lord Ashtar and Lord Sananda, with the Spiritual Oneness of the Whale and Dolphin communities to enhance the Web of Light. This Ascension Mastery transmission includes Divine Language Network Light Codessm and Blessings from the Spiritual Hierarchy of Light within the Unified Whole of Oneness. Imagine if 100’s of 1000’s took part in these energies for earth and how much the planet would be able to rise up in her collective vibration. This is the goal and it all begins with each of us.

Ideally, we and the Spiritual Forces of Light within the Unified Whole encourage anyone participating in grounding these specific high frequency transmission energies for GAIA to listen after having setup an Ascension Column Pillar of Light in your own sacred space. (Instructions are provided free at Ascend.Earth).  Doing so places you in a more cleansed and protective energy field so that you can bring in more of the higher energy frequencies. The energies must first go through you as the conduit of the light before they can ground into Mother Earth. Naturally the more you are cleansed and the more protective energies you have developed, the more you can move these energies through your consciousness into the earth’s.

Please consider offering donations of support to Walking Terra Christa to help this work continue.


(If the video does not play, go to

Many Blessings in Oneness,
~Mel and Mike
Reverend Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Reverend J.Michael Aranathanara Hayden

Note: Hearing Divine Language Network Light Codessm is sometimes felt or perceived as unusual but in order to bring in higher light encoding from the Christed Consciousness, this is nevertheless an important doorway of discomfort in human perception that must be walked through to experience the higher light. (Remember the mental mind has been trained to only accept what it already has experienced). 

Decrees ~ Cycle 3 ~ Actions Create Reality

Walking Terra Christa provided the third cycle of Ascension Mastery Training, Cosmic Light Quotient Embodiment with Lord Melchizedek and Lord Maitreya, Hierophant for the first Initiation of Ascension Mastery, representing our Physicality. In other words the way we Breathe, Eat, Feel, and Think equals our State of Action in our lives.

We traveled to the Golden Etheric City of Galoneiah which resides in North America over the states of Arizona and New Mexico. This city represents “The Bridge to Freedom”.

The City of Galoneiah is represented by the Blue Flame of Will and Power:

Ray 1 ~ Learning that Strength & Power is Allowing Tolerance & Patience to Be Within
Color:  Deep Blue; Chakra:  Throat
Elders from the Throne of Grace:  Alura & Aluri
Chohan:  Master El Morya
Elohim Masters:  Hercules & Amazonia
Archangels:  Michael & Faith
Toning Sound:  “HAM, HE”

This ray represents the ability to fully accept your Will and Power within the physical body.  The essence of Will and Power from the Higher Aspect includes the utilization of the Higher Mind, Higher Heart and the I AM Presence.  It helps to bring forth the characteristics of Strength, Courage, Truthfulness, Fearlessness while igniting Tenderness, Humility, Sympathy, Tolerance, Protection, Faith, Initiative, and Patience. It helps to alleviate the lower aspects of Pride, Ambition, Hardness Arrogance, Desire to Control Others, Obstinacy. Anger, Inconsistent Behaviors that are unreliable and addictive.

The Keyword of this cycle is Responsibility, Unconditional Love, and Service To the Self.

Understanding the energies of Master El Morya:  As Chohan of the First Ray, El Morya represents the Will of God and stands by anyone desiring of doing God’s Will. He came to Earth as a guardian spirit from the planet Mercury.  Prior to taking this post he embodied several times as a king. He is a man of action.  He is known for his ability to get things done, without taking any detours.  While he is a strong leader and a relentless Guru, he is prepared to help those who follow him and who share his enthusiasm in completing certain projects.

Our first visit to the city was guided by Master El Morya into the Temple of the Bridge of Freedom.

The intentions for the energies of this class was CREATING BALANCED ENERGY WITHIN THE 4-BODY SYSTEM.


I am embarking upon a journey of self-discovery,

Learning that all of my experiences are a reflection within myself,

I step forward with Master El Morya to learn how to bring forth balance within me.

I am unsure if I am ever balanced in all my bodies,

Sometimes I feel I am centered within my thoughts,

And other times my feelings contain moments of happiness,

But yet, I still have a tendency to not share with others,

What I am really feeling inside of me.

I enter the Gateway of the Golden Etheric City of Galoneiah,

Where Master El Morya is awaiting my arrival;

I am anxious but excited at the same time,

As I understand Master El Morya is very strict and powerful in his approach,

To all of his students.

I look in front of me and see a magnificent city of Blue Light,

It is sparkling everywhere I look,

In the ground, in the trees, in the waters of the land.

Master El Morya greets me with a warm embrace,

We walk together as he asks me to connect with my Higher Self;

I breathe deeply and feel my Higher Consciousness,

Starting to flow into my Heart Center.

I can feel the excitement within my Higher Self,

That I am ready to see what I could not see before.

As we continue our journey,

Master El Morya shares with me that as an Initiate of Mastery,

We don’t always see within ourselves what needs to be healed,

As we spend so many moments trying to be better,

The true reflection is sometimes hidden from our view.

We follow a garden pathway that takes us into the middle of the City,

There is a beautiful fountain with exquisite Blue Light,

Right away I start to feel a shift in my consciousness,

Almost like what I was feeling before was not my true reality.

Master El Morya asks me to stand at the fountain,

To fully feel the blue essence of Will and Power,

It seems like there is this stream of light that enters my Throat Chakra,

I feel it spinning with the beautiful essence of the Blue Flame.

I actually start to feel a change occurring within my Throat area,

As the flame ignites a sense of trusting that all is okay with me.

I react to this energy in a very positive manner,

As I can see that I am totally out of balance,

But I trust what Master El Morya is assisting me with today.

I am no longer anxious,

But ready to work with Master El Morya;

He smiles at me and says ‘Now you are ready.”

We walk together towards the Temple of the Bridge of Freedom,

I now understand why this temple is so very important,

I feel its power and strength,

Enabling me to step into a new world of understanding,

With Master El Morya walking with me,

Every step of the way.

I Am that I Am that I Am

The second visit to the city was with the Elohim Hercules and Amazonia with Archangels Michael and Faith.

Hercules is the Elohim of DECISION.  Without the Will to Do there cannot be any accomplishment.  He is known for his power and strength and Amazonia is also very powerful as she brings forth the Feminine Divine of Power and Strength through the feeling level of the Emotional Body.

Archangel Michael, as most of us know him well, is the Archangel of Faith and Protection.  He is the Director of the Angelic Kingdom and representative of the First Ray.  He works with assist souls finding the right balance whether in or out of body helping anyone in distress who desires his help. Archangel Faith embodies the God quality of faith, which resides within every human heart.  Faith is the substance of all things hoped for and the evidence of things unseen.



As I continue my journey of Opening the Doorway to my Higher Consciousness,

I am guided to visit the Golden Etheric City of Galoneiah;

I am met by Elohim Masters Hercules and Amazonia,

With Archangels Michael and Faith.

The embrace my energies as I receive a surge of the Blue Flame,

Brought forth by Lord  Alura and Lady Aluri;

I feel as if I am walking on a blue cloud of light,

As I am being carried across the land.

I have arrived in a beautiful garden,

I look and see there are many mountains around me in the distance,

They have a quality of a deep red with brown, with blue streaks within the rocks;

The garden is filled with many flowers, and beautiful walkways,

The look like Golden Bricks.

Both the Elohim and Archangels beckon me to come forward,

I feel a surge of deep love and admiration from each of them,

As my Emotional body is now feeling the divine blessings they extend to me.

We sit together in a circle,

Around a Reflection Pool,

It is absolutely pristine in the blue light,

The sun is sparkling down upon the water,

And is reflecting back to me what I have desired to feel in my life.

Archangel Michael shares that now is the time to move deeper into my consciousness,

It is time to allow yourself to feel the faith,

That your journey is now opening into a new direction;

He extends his Blue Sword to me as Faith embraces me with her divine light.

I breathe deeper into my Power Center, my Solar Plexus,

I feel the fear within me that I am not good enough,

That it is not time,

But yet both of them help me to see the Truth that it is time.

Then the Elohim come forward,

Hercules takes my hands and Amazonia stands behind me,

They ignite within me a sense of power I have not been able to experience before,

Hercules tells me this is THE WILL TO DO,

“With our assistance you cannot fail.”

I arise with each of them and they ask me to look into the Reflection Pool,

I see my essence,

I can feel how my Etheric Body is feeling very tired,

And it is being reflected into my Emotional and Physical Body;

I have held on too long with the elements that I thought I needed.

I feel the strength of both the Archangels and the Elohim,

They give me the power inside myself to open up the door unto new experiences,

That are healthier for my entire full body system.

I then look inside the Pool again,

I see my essence changing,

Where there was dark energies, it is now changing into the Blue Essence,

I feel the ability to transmute these elements,

And transform my Etheric Soul Essence,

As I do so, my Physical Body is changing,

I feel the change within me as the thoughts that arrive from my Subconsciousness,

Now turn into strength, as I have persevered to experience this moment,

And am now being rewarded.

I am ready to walk with Archangels Michael and Faith,

With the Elohim Masters Hercules and Amazonia;

As I learn more about who I truly am from my Soul’s Perspective,

I Am that I Am that I Am.

For the third visit of this cycle we traveled to the Golden City of Telos (below Mount Shasta) experiencing the energies of the Light Ray Center under the direction of Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos.

This special area within Telos houses 22 Temples of Light that embody each of the 22 Rays of God including a Temple of Initiation which houses many meeting rooms and chambers of light for acceleration and healing. It is a new area within the community which has been created to assist initiate to experience each of the Rays of God and directly work with the Ray Chohans and Beings that overlight each of the flames of Light.

The focus was to work with the Blue Temple of Will and Power (qualities listed above) and then the Violet-Purple of Ceremonial Order and Discipline (shown below).

The qualities of the 7th Flame are represented by the Elders Lord Teesian and Lady Teesio, Ray Chohan Lady Portia, Elohim Masters Arcturus and Victoria with Archangels Zadkiel and Amethyst. This ray is having the ability to be a true alchemist who brings forth characteristics of precision, skill, grace, diplomacy, tact, and discipline. It helps to transform and bring forth purification. It is also represented by the 1st Initiation of Ascension Mastery to set the foundation of all of the following initiations for the disciple.

Our intention for this class was for each participant to focus upon WHAT ACTIONS WERE EMBODIED TO CREATE THEIR REALITY.

In the Temple of Initiation, Lord Maitreya, who is the Hierophant for the 1st Initiation, helped each individual to combine the energies of the Decisive Action (1st Ray) to become the reality and then act upon that reality through your new foundation with Ceremonial Structure (7th Ray).


As I continue my journey of learning more about my four-body system,

I am guided to work with Lord Adama in the Light Ray Center in Telos,

I am excited to visit this Center in Telos,

Where there is a temple for each of the rays.

I arrive into the Center,

I see Lord Adama and Lady Galactia,

Awaiting my arrival.

There are many lights representing all the Flames of God;

We walk past the Temple of Initiation;

Unto the crystalline pathway that takes us to each of the smaller temples,

We arrive at the Temple of Will and Power,

Its structure is flaming with the Blue Ray;

We step inside the temple with its amazing light frequencies,

I am embraced by Master El Morya,

I see Hercules and Amazonia of the Elohim,

Along with the Archangels Michael and Faith;

Master El Morya motions me to a chair that is sitting in the middle of the room,

There are chambers of light completely around the temple walls,

I am asked to breathe into my Throat Chakra,

As the Blue Flame will assist me to see what needs to be healed.

As I do so,

I realize that I desire to feel centered and balanced,

There is an element that is removed by the blue flame,

I was fearful to truly see who I am,

I now embody the Faith to see my Inner truth.

Lord Adama then escorts me to the Temple of Ceremonial Structure,

The 7th Flame of Violet and Purple;

As we step out of the 1st Temple, I thank Master El Morya,

Along with the Elohim Masters and Archangels;

We follow the pathway all the way around the circle,

We reach the 7th Temple;

As I enter,

I see Lady Portia in all her magnificence,

She embraces me,

I then see the Elohim Arcturus and Victoria,

Along with the Archangels Zadkiel and Amethest representing this ray.

I see there is a burning flame of the violet-purple in the middle of the room,

She asks me to take a moment and reflect upon the same element,

I desire to hold within myself.

There are three steps onto a platform in the middle of the flame.

I am guided to walk unto it,

As I do so, I feel the Violet-Purple flowing within me;

She then does the same as Master El Morya,

“Breathe into your Sacral Chakra with your intended action of your life,

I do as she suggests;

I feel little elements coming out of my Sacral,

That do not reflect a balanced state of being centered;

In this flame I feel arrogance that I was holding within me.

As the flame burns deeper, I breathe,

I see the discordant energy coming out of me.

I now start to realize that my Right Action,

Was challenged by my sense of arrogance within me.

I step down off the platform and we walk out of the temple.

Everyone is walking with me from both Temples,

Along with Lord Adama and Lady Galactia;

We continue walking in a circle to the entranceway of the Temple of Initiation.

It is now time for me to connect with Lord Maitreya,

As he is going to assist me to become the Balanced State I desire;

I am ready,

I feel supported as we enter the Temple of Initiation.

I am so grateful to experience this journey with the Masters,

Of the Blue and Violet-Purple Flame;

I thank them immensely for walking with me.

I AM that I AM that I AM.


©Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden, Integrative Channel 14th, 21st,and 28th 2018, New Earth Consciousness~Circle of Light. 

The New Earth Consciousness-Circle of Light is a weekly class in which we journey to one of the 22 Etheric Cities.  Included is a teaching from Lord Adama and a special Ascended Being that represents the city. Walking Terra Christa provides many options to participate in their weekly teachings with an affordable rate for all individuals.  You can become an Academy Student or participate in our Partner/Membership Program while experiencing the teachings on your own time via the recordings. You can also purchase any of the MP3 downloads separately for the the classes to receive the highest vibrational energies available. Please make sure you state which class you want to purchase in the PayPal link.

ASCEND EARTH ~ CREATE HEALING LIGHT FOR GAIA – Join Walking Terra Christa in this special project to help bring more healing light to the planet and humanity by creating Ascension Columns around the Earth with the assistance of the Unified Whole Galactic and Agartha Alliance. To learn more please use the link.

Follow Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery on