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Becoming the Higher Light Realms of Your Divine Self ~ Lord Adama Discourses


Alunnah! Alunnah! Alunnah!

Greetings My Dearest Souls, Friends, Comrades, and Initiates.

I am Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos with the Agarthian Council of Light.

Welcome to our first session of 2024. This year is going to be very magnetic for each of you and each of us along with the human consciousness within the Earth.

The energies for this year represent that Infinity symbol as has been explained earlier by Divine Mother Father God of the Mirror-Image of what you receive from the Higher Realms to come into the lower realms. This will allow your four-body system to be mirrored into these Divine energies. So, what you are in the Higher Realms of Light you can become in the physical realms.

The most important part of this process is to remind yourself to not negate it with self-talk from your Lower Self. This is fundamentally important, because negative self-talk is only a reflection of your Subconscious Mind. It reflects your lower self, your ego self. You want to reflect with your Higher Ego with the consciousness that you were before you came into body.

This year we will be working more within the Solar Angel to assist each of you to come into a new sense of yourself so that the reflection of your Divine Self, your Angelic Self, the part of you that was without a body before you came into humanness or any planetary system to be the true reflection. Because sometimes within human consciousness, it can be particularly challenging to try to reach that part of yourself.

So many individuals think that just because they are meditating that they are reaching their Higher Self Consciousness. It is a step-by-step process.

This year we want to help each of you to acknowledge each of those steps within yourself and not jump over any areas in between, because that is when you fall back into your old reality.

This is fundamentally important for you to realize. If you can acknowledge it within your full consciousness, in your mental consciousness of who you are as a physical being and then command that through your invocations that you want to change that reality within yourself, then it becomes your True Focus.

We initiated the first cycle of these teachings to represent the Illuminating Essence. There is a reason for that because of what this year represents.

We want to remember that reflection of what is in the Higher Realms and bring it down to your physical realm. This is something that must be worked upon, that one must concentrate within one’s own consciousness to go into that higher state. It does not just happen automatically. For each of you on the Upper Earth it becomes extremely challenging because your lower self’s mental attitude wants to go back to that reality that you have always known.

So, you must command within yourself that is not what you are going to do. That every part of your day is going to reflect the blessing that you are, the Divine Love that you are. This happens in full consciousness not just in your meditative state.

The goal is for each of you to acknowledge this within yourself. I can talk forever on the subject, or any Master can speak about it, but until you fully allow yourself to integrate what we are saying energetically, then it is not going to help you.

From this point forward remind yourself, “What is the word Initiate mean to you?”

You are an INITIATE.

You are initiating the energy to come into your full-body system so that you can work through it, walk with it, and change the debilitating thoughts and feelings that you hold from your Etheric Self of the many timelines that you have experienced. Some may concentrate so much on those timelines that it becomes all that they can think about. In truth that is not what we want any of you to do.

We want you to reflect upon those timelines and then say to yourself, “That is not me any longer, so I forgive myself for whatever I experienced or what I put upon other individuals, and I move into the blessing of the Rays of God.”


Just allow this illuminating light to come so deeply into your full consciousness. Of course, it is associated with your Crown chakra, but I want you to illuminate it everywhere. I want you to illuminate it within your heart. I want you to illuminate it within your lower chakras, your lower limbs. If you have joint problems or anything such as that within your body, put this energy into your limbs. Breathe it in. Feel it so deeply. Let it come into your physical body to heal aspects within yourself that you may be challenged by. You will be surprised in what occurs when you allow yourself to be the initiator of your own Divine Self to be accessed in all ways, not just mentally, emotionally, or not just meditatively, but Fully Becoming It.

Let us take a moment right now and allow that energy to fully come within you, that illuminating light that Mahlariessee just brought forth with the visualization. Feel it. Feel the warmth of the Sun within your Heart and all aspects of your beingness. Allow it to heal. Allow it to warm you up, to invigorate you, to give you permission to every part of yourself and hold that there and allow it to dissipate the elements that are stopping that progress.

I am Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos at your service. I look forward to our year ahead.

Alunnah! Alunnah! Alunnah!

Original Material © Copyright 2003-2024 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee* Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden. All rights reserved. *formerly spelled “Meleriessee”. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS CONTENT FREELY IN COMPLETE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS WITH THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE.


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