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Preparing for Wesak 2020: Becoming the Seven Rays of God 2-Day Wesak Workshop

Wesak Festival Ceremony Walking Terra Christa 2020 event


The Ascended Master Teachers of the past centuries have always spoken about the high impact that Wesak holds for both the Initiate and the Master.

All who have taken up the mantel of spiritual advancement within the Christed Light are recognized for their advancements as a soul during this one single profound moment of each and every year.

(Wesak corresponds to the day of the full moon in Taurus but within the Wesak Festival, which itself is a celebratory Ceremony of prayers, invocations and divine messages, there is one moment when the Buddha descends from the higher realms (heavens) to sit upon the seat of Wesak. This is the moment when the divine acknowledgement occurs spiritually for each adept or Initiate and each Master within the Festival. It is an acknowledgement that can be interpreted by the mental self as it is one of divine origin.)

Our role as teachers and guides is to position each Initiate who choose to interact with us into having the best possible advantages in that status as an Initiate at the time of Wesak.

This is why we offer a Workshop prior to Wesak so that when the moment arrives to step into that new Light, the individual is fully ready and prepared as a soul to do so.

The 2-Day Wesak Workshop is held via video instruction on May 2nd and 3rd, 2020. Each day we gather online at 8:30 AM until 4:30 PM (Pacific time)with a break for lunch.

As of 2018, the first 7 Rays of God have been grounded into Gaia, within her core crystalline structure.

It is now time for us as a spiritually aware human (an Initiate) to ask:

What do those 7 rays represent for each Initiate on their intended walk upon the Earth?

If the Earth is embodied within the Seven Rays/Flames, how does each initiate ground the same rays into their four body system?

So for this Workshop we will focus upon: how are you, as an Initiate, holding true to what those Seven Rays represent within your personality, your four body system, and your three minds?

In truth, you are “one being” who has many complex energetic layers, essentially, you are not easily able to say to yourself, “this is my emotional body, or this is my subconscious mind”, instead we realize that as a “person” you are that set of complexities. Yet, as a soul, you can address these components and energetically focus the Rays of God to develop (ground) within those components, such that you “as a whole” will transform yourself to better hold the frequencies (qualities) that the Rays embody within them from the higher sources of light (the Cosmic levels of Divine Mother Father God and the Creative Source of Oneness).

These Rays/Flames and Traits are:

Blue – Will and Power – Strength, Courage, Truthfulness, Fearlessness,

Golden Yellow – Love and Wisdom – Expansion of Abstract Mind to Concrete Mind, Radiance – feeling the beauty of one’s I Am Presence, Accessing Insight and Intuition, Being Loyal to your Higher Self, being generous, being calm, having the gift of endurance, Patience.

Pink – Creative Actualization – deep Compassion, Tolerance and Devotion to the Spiritual Self ,  Gratitude, Charity, and Reverence – all of these helps to create manifestation of desires.

Crystalline – Harmony & Balance through Conflict – pathway of resurrection, changing elements within Oneself, God’s purity of light to be fully within one’s thoughts and emotions, having a balanced four-body system to create One Body of Light; has the optimal ability to always have Hope no matter what the circumstances may be.

Green-Golden White – Science of God–honorable intentions in all situations with devotion, compassion, and allowing open-mindedness with deep love and reverence in all situations.  Acquiring Perseverance and true honesty.

Ruby Red-Gold – Inner Devotion– forgiving love and grace, truth, tolerance, finding serenity, balance.

Violet-Purple – Ceremonial Discipline & Order – Sacred Living, Spiritual Traditions & Protocols – Transmutation into Transformation, gentleness, love and tolerance in all thoughts, feelings, and actions.


The Wesak Festival energy represents the actions of Being the Master in 2020.

This does not mean all Initiates become Ascended Masters this year. It is a broader meaning for the evolving spiritual self. As the Ascension frequencies increase for humanity, each Initiate must now take on the knowing that they are no longer “waiting” for their own life to change spiritually, nor are they looking “outside” themselves for it, instead they are the one who is “in charge”, that is, they now understand that it is their own personal responsibility to walk, “be”, the holder of that higher energy. This is Begin the Master of their soul’s existence upon the Earth.

It is important to realize that as an Initiate, what you “think you need to do” as an Initiate is truly usually not the same as to what is guided from your Higher Self for what you “need to do” as that Initiate. This is because the concrete mind of your personality self has not yet acquired the ability to step out of the ego’s realm of interpretation.

Such a condition is not a judgement or a disparagement, it is simply a condition of the current evolution of humanity itself. (Keep “in mind”, if humans were indeed able to mostly know the truth of the Higher Mind/Self, we would have already evolved into the fifth dimension of global peace and harmony worldwide).

Therefore, teachers of higher wisdom are necessary for guidance and understanding. That is the role of the Workshop (and all our teachings).

Through Lady Mahlariessee’s integrative connection with the Ascended Masters, we will guide you to help answer some of these questions. The Ascended Masters whom we will be working with are here for you to bring forth the ability to connect more fully through your Intuitive Mind (Feminine – emotional self); to help you acknowledge that your thinking process can be quite different than your feeling levels.

This is a two-day workshop in which each participant will be required to set forth the ability to remove any constrictions or misconceptions you may have about how you should experience the energies.

The main focus is to step into the awareness of JUST BEING, staying in the moment, and not have any preconceived ideas of how you should feel through the process. Allow us to help you with both Reverend Ara and Reverend Mahlariessee and each of the Ascended Masters to guide you through the process.

In this event, your first responsibility will be to YOURSELF – to know that what you will be experiencing is FOR YOUR HIGHEST GOOD and not the good of your Lower Self or Ego. You may go through a process of realizing that how you thought about certain elements in your life will be different through the exchange of Light Energies we will be bringing into the conference arena.

The purpose of this workshop is to better prepare you to receive the blessing of Wesak for your own growth and acceleration within your four-body system. We want to help you acknowledge the lower aspect that may be holding you back from moving into that next sub-level of your Initiation process.

We will first bring forth higher level acceleration through Lady Mahlariessee and she will assist each of you to access your Higher Self consciousness through the Act of the Breath. Master Babaji will be assisting Mahlariessee by guiding the energies through her essence.

We want to assist each of you to acknowledge the two most important spiritual tools that any human can utilize and that is your SOLAR ANGEL and your GATEKEEPER. Lord Metatron will be assisting with the Solar Angel discussion and Lord Melchizedek will be guiding the exchange of energies on the Gatekeeper. Both of these tools are essential to assist each soul to reach the highest level of communication and guidance into the planetary level.

Our focus is to help each of you integrate and ground an aspect from one of the Seven Rays of God. Participants receive a questionnaire for you to review so you can pick one of the attributes to bring into your full body system. Lord Saint Germain will be giving a dissertation on the Rays of God and how they will assist you to hold that aspect within yourself.

In order to assist each of you through this process we have chosen the Gold Flame of the 12th Ray of God representing the Christ Consciousness. The Gold Flame reflects each of the 11 Flames that come before it as it is a reflection of all the Flames with White Light. We feel that the teachings from the Ascended Masters and Beings of the Gold Flame will assist each of you to integrate the aspect you have chosen from one of the Seven Flames.

We believe this will occur because the Gold Flame holds each of those attributes within the Seven Flames and allows them to vibrate at the level of the Christ Consciousness.


To prepare each individual for the energies we will first have a Attunement Meditation to access the 12 Higher Light Bodies. 
















TO READ ABOUT THE WESAK FESTIVAL CEREMONY: Wesak is a very important annual event and it is not a requirement to attend a workshop before participating. If you desire to read about, or order tickets, for the annual online global 2020 WESAK FESTIVAL CEREMONY that occurs on MAY 9, 2020 at 9:00 AM Pacific time by Walking Terra Christa, CLICK HERE.



Due to the worldwide trauma of the current earth situation, we are releasing to the public our latest SEVEN classes/events for your own use. This INCLUDES this New Earth Consciousness class from which this talk by Lord Adama was given. Listening to the recording brings in his energies to connect with you more profoundly than just reading his words above. These frequencies will help in keeping you in love and out of fear. CLICK THIS LINK:

NEWEST MEDITATION: We created a NEW SPIRITUAL HEALING Meditation that is 40 minutes long for very deep cleansing and protection. Unlike the recordings of the classes and events, we have added background music by Thaddeus ( to assist and enhance the meditative energies to occur more deeply. CLICK HERE TO read more about the topic or to order.


ASCEND EARTH ~ CREATE HEALING LIGHT FOR GAIA – Join this free Global Project by Walking Terra Christa to help bring more healing light to the planet and humanity by creating Ascension Columns around the Earth with the assistance of the Unified Whole Galactic and Agartha Alliance.

Original Material © Copyright 2003-2020 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden. All rights reserved. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS CONTENT FREELY IN COMPLETE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS WITH THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!

Getting Spiritual Assistance: Wesak is Arriving

Being in God’s Love and Light: Why The Ascension Festival of Wesak Matters

With there being so many dedicated individuals who desire earth’s ascension, this May there will be a great many who come together to participate in the annual spiritual Wesak Ceremony to bring sacred blessings forth.

Wesak is actually very important for Earth and Humanity to step into the sacred frequencies of Ascension. Here is why.

The Heights of Spiritual Vibration

Spiritual healing can take place in the quietest of moments. There does not need to be a tumultuous spiritual quest; it can happen without an inner journey of revelations; nor does it require a grand awakening.

Yet for it to happen, it must be authentic. It must be pure.

That is when it becomes a Presence.

It is an immense Grace and Love that embraces and wraps you up in an energy so profound that you can only accept it for what it is, a firsthand and personal feeling. It is God’s Love and Light without any qualifications.

Wesak is a very unique time of celebration in that it brings in the actual Higher Octave frequency in the form of a blessed vibration that is quite tangible to those who experience it.

When the event is facilitated by those of God’s Divinity, participants can feel the very presence of the actual Beings of Love/Light who collectively make up the Sisterhood/Brotherhood of White Light (the Ascended mentors and guides within the Unified Whole who hold forth the status of the Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth and Humanity), so every individual can receive amazing blessings.

In truth, it is not just a feeling, but the actual Love and Light of God holding you in full peace and harmony.

It transforms from the facilitation of a ceremony to becoming a true vibration of the Highest Frequency transmission to Humanity and Earth.

This is why Wesak is the one time of the year that is considered the most Sacred, not only for those who are here upon earth (that is, us, as a spiritual essence inhabiting a physical human body) to Ascend into becoming a higher evolved expression of God’s Light and God’s Love, but it is also a time when all Higher Spiritual Beings of the Christ Consciousness gather in the Higher Realms to also do so.

Every Soul attains a higher expression of their God Essence during Wesak.

Christ Consciousness: Lord Buddha is the Planetary Logos

The Spiritual teachings of Oneness Consciousness go beyond those of earth’s current religion practices and reach into the realm of accepting a Higher All Encompassing Spiritual Love.

“Oneness” means all spiritual beings attune themselves to become “One” in unanimous support of global peace and harmony for all of humanity upon earth and no longer holding forth a separation in relation to that of our ancestors, our cultures, or sex, race, and creed (religion).

The term “Christed” is not limited to “Jesus Christ”. It is actually the “state of being” of a level of consciousness that Lord Buddha and many others such as Mother Mary, Master Gandhi, Lord Sai Baba, Lady Quan Yin, Confucius, Babaji, Master Yeshua (Jesus), and many other spiritual leaders and Ascended Beings have attained. This is why they are called “Ascended” or “Ascended Masters/Lady Masters”.

Lord Buddha is currently holding the high spiritual honor and official post of “The Planetary Logos” which means the “highest official” of the “Office of the Christ” to guide human consciousness along the same path of awareness (enlightenment) which he took while in a living body. This post was previously held by Lord Sanat Kumara for eons of time until the mid-twentieth century when it was seen from the spiritual energies that earth would shift in terms of it’s energetic place within the Universe.

This means his role is now accentuated beyond whom he was (as the original Buddha in the Eastern and Asian cultures) into being a guide for all humanity toward a more expanded consciousness for the plant as a whole. Wesak is the time we connect and honor his achievements, but also a time to honor our own spiritual success, and all the achievements of all beings within the Christed Consciousness.

This is why Wesak is so unique and powerful: it brings in a collective moment of true global Spiritual Oneness that is not repeated at any other time of the calendar year.

RELATED INFORMATION: The Wesak Festival of Light in Shamballa

There is a special 2-Day Workshop this weekend (May 2-3) which is being conducted by video. It offers an optional way of preparing for the Wesak Festival by having the Ascended Masters personally assist each individual via live transmission and direct interaction. View the Workshop details by clicking HERE.

(For the WESAK FESTIVAL, we have new ticketing options for individual adversely impacted economically by the global pandemic so that everyone who desires to attend is able to do so.)

Due to the worldwide trauma of the current earth situation, we are releasing to the public our latest SEVEN classes/events for your own use. This INCLUDES this New Earth Consciousness class from which this talk by Lord Adama was given. Listening to the recording brings in his energies to connect with you more profoundly than just reading his words above. These frequencies will help in keeping you in love and out of fear. CLICK THIS LINK:

NEWEST MEDITATION: We created a NEW SPIRITUAL HEALING Meditation that is 40 minutes long for very deep cleansing and protection. Unlike the recordings of the classes and events, we have added background music by Thaddeus ( to assist and enhance the meditative energies to occur more deeply. CLICK HERE TO read more about the topic or to order.


ASCEND EARTH ~ CREATE HEALING LIGHT FOR GAIA – Join this free Global Project by Walking Terra Christa to help bring more healing light to the planet and humanity by creating Ascension Columns around the Earth with the assistance of the Unified Whole Galactic and Agartha Alliance.

Original Material © Copyright 2003-2020 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden. All rights reserved. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS CONTENT FREELY IN COMPLETE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS WITH THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!

Sincere Dedication to Self Truth


Ascension Mastery Message from the Cosmic Great Central Sun of Divine Mother Father God received in the Clarion Temple of Oneness, March 9, 2020.

Yamteleus, The Spokesbeing for the Temple

Greetings my Dearest Ones! I am Yamteleus.  Thank you so much for being here and bringing forth the healing that is absolutely essential at this time.  We’ve had an increased number of souls coming into the Temple with the challenges of the Corona virus that has occurred, along with other tragedies upon the Earth.  We welcome them to see and to experience these Divine energies.

We thank each of you for arriving, for having the ability within your Heart Center to see that this is the place you should be.  Without further ado let us bring forward the energies.  I am Yamteleus at your service.

[Divine Language Network Light EncodingSM]

Angels of all Principalities

We are the Angels of all Principalities giving our blessing to each of you within this Temple and to all the souls that have arrived.  We wrap our wings around you to give you comfort, to give you love and compassion through the transition of becoming more than what you were in the previous moment.

Our Wings of Light flow through the Temple dropping the feathers of many different colors.  Embrace our energies as they shall help you to feel more contented within your own Divine Self.  All our blessings to each of you.

[Divine Language Network Light EncodingSM]

Divine Mother Father God of the Cosmic Great Central Sun

I Am that I Am!  I Am that I Am!  I Am the Divine Mother and the Divine Father God of the Cosmic Great Central Sun.

We thank each of you for joining us within the Clarion Temple of Oneness this evening, and we hope that you continue to do so.

There are always transitions that occur for every soul no matter whether you are within the body, or out of the body, or just moving from the physical existence into the spiritual existence.  There are always moments of change that need to occur bringing a sense of renewal.  Within each of your hearts it’s very important to realize within yourself to have that dedication to be this essence of your Higher Consciousness, of the spark of light, and embryonic state that you were eons and eons ago.  You have grown from place to place, from incarnation to incarnation, traveling to many worlds, traveling to many areas, bringing forth your Divine Essence.  Bringing forth your ability to fully allow the exchange of the flowing of the energies that were before and what is now.

For each of you here, as an Initiate, as a student that are existing in your own physical soul-self, this process that you are experiencing is a continual movement of allowing your Divine Self to become more of the God Essence in your physical existence.  It takes great dedication to do so.

In the moment that you realize within yourself that what you have been before, the awareness of being an Initiate, being a student of Mastery within your physical self, that it takes great dedication and concentration to keep telling yourself that this is the right Pathway for you.  Because your lower ego is going to try to tell you otherwise.  It’s very important to realize that these energies that you are experiencing upon the Earth presently are to assist you to become more of that God Source of Light within your own creation.

I think there is a statement that is said in your society, “That you need to get out of your own way.” 

This is so very true because it’s not just you as the person, it’s your physical consciousness.  That physical consciousness has to get out of the way in order for you to fully accept the spiritual consciousness.  You will go through many ups and downs through changes that don’t ALLOW you to experience the full dynamics that can occur by surrendering to the energies and not worrying about what is to be in the next moment.

It is important for each of you that come from the physical existence to realize within yourself that you have CHOSEN to open yourself up into a new space.

That space can be uncomfortable, it can be scary, and it can also be very beautiful.  Because once you allow yourself to fully embrace and enfold the energies that are surrounding you, you will allow them to come into your chakra system, open up the doorway for them to be part of your consciousness, to CHANGE the aspects within your subconscious mind that have held you in bondage from lifetime to lifetime.

But in between lifetimes, hopefully you have traveled to ashrams, you have done a lot of healing work, you’ve worked with each of us in the Office of the Christ so that the next time you embody you are more certain within yourself of what you want to do.  For some of you it becomes VERY uncertain within this reality.  You WANT it.  You awaken to higher energies but at times it may seem uncomfortable, it may seem too challenging because the other elements are so ingrained within your consciousness that it takes you quite some time to be able to push through and find the open doorway.  But that open doorway is always there.

It’s the part of you that doesn’t ALLOW you to SEE that open doorway because all you feel is a blockage.

It’s imperative for each of you to GRASP within your own consciousness what this may mean for you presently.  What element within yourself is the stronghold that stops you from breaking down that wall?  What is it within you that doesn’t ALLOW your higher consciousness to help you and to be STRONG and to be the WARRIOR of your own Divine Self?

These are aspects that need to be acknowledged by each of you.  The part of you that is not letting you become the higher integrated self and the part of that is trying to help you are in battle with one another.  By stepping into this Divine Energy is how you will be able to find a sense of purpose within your pathway to RENEW what has been lost.  It’s not GONE!  It just has been forgotten for some time.  It’s LOCKED away in your consciousness.

When you are ready to fully accept the challenge of pushing through those walls, then you realize within yourself the EMPOWERMENT that you have gained.  That’s truly what this cycle represents for each of you.  Finding the empowerment to say unto yourself, “I deserve this, I deserve to feel better, I deserve to HONOR my Spiritual self, I DESERVE to EMPOWER myself so that the pure reflection will be IN my outside world.” 

But it takes some getting used to through this process.  Because many times your lower self will not want to work as hard as you know you need to, will NOT be diligent, will NOT be respectful, will NOT be patient, will NOT have reverence for what you are experiencing.  That is truly the blessing of this Pathway.

In the beginning you have no idea what you’re doing.  Sometimes you don’t have any idea even when you’re going through these processes.  But what the difference is that in the beginning you’re afraid to understand it.  But as you move through the challenges you accept that you are learning from that process.  It’s freeing you UP from the elements that have stayed in place within your personality.  Because your personality is very similar to what it was before.  It transitions from lifetime to lifetime.

The whole process of that is to allow that personality to get better.  ALLOW that personality to be the God Source, to be MORE in tune with the Higher Light Body, the more in tune with everything that you are learning, the vibrancy of the Rays and what that means for you individually.  That is the true key to your healing individual awareness.

When you ALLOW yourself to have that individual awareness, you become more than you’ve ever been and could be.  That SHIFTS the deeper you to go through this process.  It’s important for each of you to realize within yourself that this process is not easy for ANY Initiate or Master, but it is necessary.  Because you’ve lost it, you’ve lost it from the beginnings of your Angelic presence.  That’s why it’s so important to connect to your Solar Angel.  

We bring forth that essence presently through the Temple, FEELING all the 22 Rays of God that represent moving into our essences of the God Source.  You think about it, the very 1st Ray is the Blue Flame to give you Fearlessness, to give you Strength and Courage and the last Flame is the Platinum to allow that Source of Light to become more integrated within your physical self than you’ve ever experienced before.

It’s a JOURNEY for the Initiate, that soul, to go through each of those Rays and to EMBODY those energies.  It is not just about bringing forth those Ray energies into your chakras and expanding those chakras, but it is to ALLOW your personality to experience a part of that aspect that is represented by those Rays.

Let’s call upon the Crystalline Flame.  The Crystalline Flame represents Resurrection.  What happens in the Resurrection?  Well, then you start to have hope, you start to bring forth a balance in being MORE harmonious.  It’s important for each of you to ACKNOWLEDGE the untruths within you.

I ask you to concentrate upon that right now with your breath as we go deeper and deeper.  We bring forth those Rays of God, the 22 Rays that we spoke about to bring forth that sense of purpose.  CONCENTRATE upon the ability to have more Strength and Courage to FACE that untruth, to LOOK at it, to BREAK DOWN that WALL.

We call upon the Crystalline Flame to break it down, to feel that Divine Energy being resurrected right within you without you having to do anything.  You just surrender to this Light Energy and it shall come to you.

The Flame that we have here within the Temple represents that Blue and that Crystalline Light.  FEEL that Blue and that Crystalline Light coming to you NOW circling within your entire structure.  It becomes part of you, it becomes part of your emotions, it becomes part of your thoughts and SWIRLS right within your Heart and your Solar Plexus and the Root chakra holding that damaging energy.  Let it GO!  Let the Blue and the Crystalline WORK within each other to help you become FREE of the damaging energy that has stopped you.

[Divine Language Network Light EncodingSM]

Now FEEL that Blue Flame coming into your ENTIRE Central Canal.  FEEL it in your Heart becoming the Strength that you desire to HOLD within you.  That the affliction of that lower energy is now being dissipated because the Crystalline Flame is BREAKING it apart.  It’s breaking it apart and it’s being dissipated through your ENTIRE structure.  FEEL this movement of the Blue and the Crystalline helping you.  BREATHE into that.  Let it GO and allow yourself to REALLY express within you the BEAUTY, the BEAUTY of this movement.  That is the most exquisite movement that you can CONCENTRATE on and not concentrate on removing and feeling the pain of that, but feeling the release of more balance to come into you.  As you BREATHE into that, feel the Resurrection within you.  Feel that STRENGTH.  You are becoming your own personal alchemist.

We bring forth the Violet and the Purple to soothe all aspects within yourself.  As you go deeper and deeper into the energies, now you feel the Pink.  Allow the Pink to just embrace you, allowing you to feel the act of COMPASSION of what you are doing.  You’re releasing those energies.  Feel the depth of the energies swirling within you and around you, EXPECTING MORE PEACE, surrendering with the Ruby Red and ALLOWING the flow of the energy that you concentrate and consecrate of the Green Golden White Light merging together.  It brings more of that into balance and ALLOWS your Higher Mind, it allows YOUR Divine Mind to come more fully into the creative process as now you become the illumination of your Higher Mind with the Golden Yellow.

All these flames swirl within you and the thoughts dissipate.  The emotion that’s associated with this is being released.  Feel the presence of your own Divine Self as the Seafoam Green comes in.  Bringing that Seafoam Green into ALL its aspects.  Now you have more CLARITY allowing yourself to SEE within you HOW you were thinking before and how DAMAGING it was to your ENTIRE personality.  FEEL that change occurring within you as we ALLOW the Blue Green the JOY and the HOPE and the movement of those energies.

The Pearlescent Flame of ALLOWING the Masculine and Feminine to work together so that your Emotional and Mental Body can heal. Allow them to MERGE within you as you accept the Pink Orange.  Bring that Pink Orange because now you’re moving.  Take that element that was a blockage and now see the doorway.  There’s a massive doorway that you’re walking through and it’s filled with the Light as the Gold, the Christ Consciousness, envelops you.  You NOW accept that you are a Christed Being of Light.  FEEL this energy within you.  FEEL it swirling and twisting in all directions.

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]

Now you allow the Higher Light energies of the Violet, Pink, and the Deep Blue Violet, and the Golden White, and the Light Violet White.  You start to move into accepting your own truth of beingness of the Multi-White Light, of the Pink Gold, the 5th Dimensional Divine intent.  FEEL those intentions of the 5th Dimensional level coming back into your consciousness.  You’re filling it up from your Higher Mind into your Physical Mind.  You’re accepting it, as now MORE and MORE occurs as the Magenta of Divine Inner Power and Divine Love comes in. FEEL this flowing within you.  FEEL it moving, not just in your Heart and Solar Plexus and Thymus, but your entire structure.  Let it GO to the Root, let it GO to the Crown, let it GO to all aspects of your beingness as you BECOME NOW that aspect you desire to hold.  FEEL this within you.  It’s a vibrational essence.

[Divine Language Network Light EncodingSM]

As we go DEEPER and DEEPER into the Violet Gold, we get into those Higher Frequencies.  And the Blue Gold and the Platinum, you now become ONE within your Masculine and Feminine within you, the God Source.  You are that Spark of Light that we talked about earlier.  It’s a remembrance.  Allow that to be in your Heart.  FEEL this energy DEEPER and DEEPER and DEEPER within your consciousness.

Now, as we send all these Energies of this FULL integration of the 22 Flames down to Gaia through all the dimensions for Her to HOLD this.  We HOLD this energy within Her core as She extends it outward, everywhere around the world to all sentient beings, to all lifeforms, to all energies; to bring forth this Divine Light unto the ENTIRE planetary system.

[Divine Language Network Light EncodingSM]

Now FEEL those energies coming back into your Central Core.  Feeling your Heart, your Solar Plexus and all your chakras becoming One.  Your Full-Body system is One.

As we have gathered together in this magnificent Temple of Light, every soul that is here in this moment is connecting to that Source of Oneness, the Source of what WE represent as Divine Mother Father God, as the Creative Source of Oneness is Our Creator also.  That vibrancy energy from the 144th Dimension of ALL your souls and all your Monads coming together in the creative process of Oneness of all of your Light Bodies and all that you have BEEN and all that you WILL be comes into this Creative Source, this Light Frequency, this Love Frequency, this ability to be ALL that the Rays represent.  Bring that Divine Energy into your Heart essence.

[Divine Language Network Light EncodingSM]

Come back into your Heart Center with your breath and FEEL the beautiful integration that has occurred for each of you within your own consciousness.  Concentrate on that beautiful aspect you desire to be and feel the freedom of creating that balance within you.

We, of the Divine Mother and the Divine Father God of the Cosmic Great Central Sun, are deeply honored to extend this Light Frequency to each of you in these moments.

We Are, that We Are!
We Are, that We Are!
I Am, that I Am, that I Am,
As the Divine Mother and the Divine Father God of the Christed Self.

So Mote it be!  Let it be done!  Let it be done, Dearest Ones.

Lady Mahlariessee 

Take a deep breath, as now we arise from our seats.  Allow these Light Frequencies to fully be within you as we walk up the steps, we follow Yamteleus.  We bid farewell, but you MAY return at any time.  Call upon your Higher Self to assist you within the Unified Whole Command to return to the Temple during your sleep state.

As we leave the Temple, we bid farewell to Archangel Michael’s Warriors.  As we step onto the garden pathway feeling the POWER that you have become within yourself, as a sense of purpose.

As we walk across the Rainbow Bridge, we gather together to create our group Merkabah, the Rainbow Colors of Light and we leave the 36th Dimensional frequency coming down into the 24th, coming down into the 11th and the 10th and then coming down into planetary creation as each of us now arrives into own Light Bodies into our physical location.  Grounding yourself deeply.

[Thank you to Carol M. for dedicating her transcription services to Walking Terra Christa.]

[ORDER THE FULL AUDIO OF THIS TRANSMISSION ($22 normal means)] The Cosmic Oneness occurs on the 1st Monday of each month within The Clarion Temple of Oneness Teaching (click the link to order the recording for this transcription and receive the full vibrational energies and attunements available, please let us know the date of the class in the comments section).  Walking Terra Christa provides many options to participate in their weekly teachings with an affordable rate for all individuals.

All Transmissions of the Cosmic Great Central Sun, Divine Mother Father God can be accessed via the link shown here.

Due to the worldwide trauma of the current earth situation, we are releasing to the public our latest SEVEN classes/events for your own use. This INCLUDES this New Earth Consciousness class from which this talk by Lord Adama was given. Listening to the recording brings in his energies to connect with you more profoundly than just reading his words above. These frequencies will help in keeping you in love and out of fear. CLICK THIS LINK:

NEWEST MEDITATION: We created a NEW SPIRITUAL HEALING Meditation that is 40 minutes long for very deep cleansing and protection. Unlike the recordings of the classes and events, we have added background music by Thaddeus ( to assist and enhance the meditative energies to occur more deeply. CLICK HERE TO read more about the topic or to order.


ASCEND EARTH ~ CREATE HEALING LIGHT FOR GAIA – Join this free Global Project by Walking Terra Christa to help bring more healing light to the planet and humanity by creating Ascension Columns around the Earth with the assistance of the Unified Whole Galactic and Agartha Alliance.

Original Material © Copyright 2003-2020 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden. All rights reserved. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS CONTENT FREELY IN COMPLETE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS WITH THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!

Telos Love and Gaia: Lord Adama Earth Day Message

Earth Day 2020 ~ Lord Adama Discourses

Greetings My Dearest Brothers and Sisters,

I Am Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos, speaking to you from the Command Center of Telos with the Agarthan Council of Light.

Alunnah, Alunnah, Alunnah!

As we gather together in Love, we extend to you our deepest compassion at this time of great transformation. It is a day to truly express to you our innermost extension on this day you are celebrating Gaia, Mother Earth.

I believe that each of you are coming into a new understanding of what Earth Day may mean to you. It is not about the Corona Virus or the other challenges upon the Earth, but it is a blessing of realizing the livelihood of a planet to enrich herself with purity and respect.

It is not just about the products that you are using, or the trash that you dump into the lands and waters, but what is within your true heart for Gaia. She is holding herself up high in the face of adversity, and has been doing so for millions of years.

It takes a planet to form a consciousness so that each individual soul that holds that equating light within themselves are aligned with the true essence of the planetary structure.

We know that Earth has gone through many levels of misunderstandings. The history of the world is very apparent to each of you as many have lived these other lifetimes to be able to come into a space of purity at this very time. The energy that has been infused within the planet during these timelines is very intense and strong, but yet, Gaia has held herself in the best of circumstances.

We, in Telos, and each of the Agarthan cities hold the highest respect for Gaia and that is why we live where we do, and stay true to our ideals of what we desire to be, to become, and to project unto the Earth. We are grateful that we can support ourselves in the ways that are necessary to uphold our communities of light.

This is exactly what each of you are learning at this present time. Covid-19 has given humanity a wake-up call and it is important that each of you rise to the occasion to become that pure essence of light within you.

We understand that you, whether you consider yourself a Lightworker, a Starseed, or a Galactic Being of Light, have traveled on the Earth many times before. The light you are bringing presently from other timelines represents the ability to have your heart essence to be focused upon the depth of healing that needs to occur within you.

This is so very true as what you bring with you, as a Soul, is here on the Earth. It has traveled within your Etheric Self so that the elements can be revealed. This is due to the fact that Earth is the planet of Love, but yet it cannot be acquired without the truth of how to arrive within that essence of Love. This planet we call Earth is the formation of how to receive Love by transmuting the previous elements and remembrances that occurred in your past.

Earth is a planet of transformation ~ it holds the ability to transcend the old elements from these timelines to receive the purity of Love. That is why so many parts of the Earth are absolutely magical and beautiful while many other areas hold the opposite effect.

Duality occurs so readily upon this earth, but it is up to each individual soul in how they are going to let duality play out in their personal scenario. It is a place in which souls come to receive the ability to be Love in the physical, but yet, for many, it is a challenging journey to get to the core element of Love within themselves.

Presently, the world is in a state of silence. This is helping Gaia to assist each of you to become more Love within yourself than at any other time upon this planet. The most important element in all you are experiencing is that when you, as a species, allow yourself to stop the chatter, the interaction of the world as it has been created, and reflect on the finer qualities of Love, Music, Art, silence of the Mind, that the true transformation is occurring.

I want you to realize within yourself how much this time has helped you to get to know yourself on a much deeper level than you did before. What elements are arising for you to assist you to become more heart centered and compassionate towards yourself?

The focus I want each of you to realize is that if you don’t take care of yourself, then the energy you send out to another is going to reflect the dysfunction that is held within your lower self. You don’t even have to be thinking about any lower essence; it will just go into all elements upon the Earth.

You, as the Lightworkers, must realize that you are going through an internal healing process; it might be deeper than you know. As your four-body systems are going through an overhaul process.

This means that the healing you are receiving is directly being sent into Gaia’s core essence. She is feeling the silence and she is helping others that cannot be in silence (like the essential workers) to receive these light infractions.

Earth Day is not just about the physical conditions within and on the earth. It represents the exchange of energies as each soul that walks this planet has a four-body system and what is being expelled within them is emitted outside of them.

It is important to realize that at this special time of transmutation and transformation it is important for each of you that are aware to take better care of yourselves. Utilizing cleansing protocols and clearing is essential as this virus is Fear-Driven and will cause your energetic fields to take on this energy.

The best advice I can give to you is to prepare yourselves every day to be pure within your thoughts, your feelings, and your actions. The debris of the darkness is being felt by Gaia, but each of you can do your part to change that.

I have been worked with Lady Mahlariessee for 20 years and our work together has helped each of us in Agartha to understand what each of you are going through. I also asked her to work more directly with Lord Ashtar as she had a process of building Ascension Columns in her home to assist in bringing forth more light energies to create sacredness.

A few years ago we created the Ascend.Earth project to help others to build these ascension columns around the world. Lord Ashtar has seen a change occur in many areas of the world. Utilizing this process will assist Gaia to receive more light energies.

We have seen an increase of healing light occur especially in the Mount Shasta area. Lady Mahlariessee works with Lord Ashtar to increase the light energies around the world in their monthly Festival of Lights Ceremony.

I share all this because I believe this is the gift that can be given to Gaia. It will not only assist you in your Etheric Self but it will assist the Earth to clear out the debris that is still overhanging in the Etheric Level of the planet that represents timelines of past experiences on the Earth. We like to call these Pantheons and they need to be put into Oneness, Wholeness of the 144th dimensional frequency of light. These are moments in time when strife and destruction occurred on the planet which needs to be cleared in order for Gaia to move forward.

We don’t want any of you to repeat your lessons from your past incarnations. It is a time to allow for the Karmic Rebirth to occur and allow the Divine Love that Gaia holds to be felt by every sentient being upon the Earth.

It is a time of celebration even though tragedy is all around you. Look to the good that is occurring and not the challenge you are going through. Every lifetime has these occurrences, but at this time, it represents Changing the Foundation of the Earth, creating Sacredness and Divine Love.

Taking care of Gaia is taking care of yourself first and foremost.

In Expressions of Oneness,

I Am Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos, extending our hands of love unto each of you.

Alunnah, Alunnah, Alunnah

Integrated Transmission by Reverend Christine Meleriessee Hayden of Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery

To read more about Lord Adama click:

MEDITATION FOR HEALING AND CLEANSING: We created a NEW SPIRITUAL HEALING Meditation that is 40 minutes long for very deep cleansing and protection. We have added background music by Thaddeus ( to assist and enhance the meditative energies to occur more deeply. CLICK HERE TO read more about the topic or to order.


Build your own Ascension Columns of Light along with the Love of Telos and Agartha (click link): http://Ascend.Earth

Connect with the energies of Telos and the Golden Etheric Cities and the Spiritual Hierarchy using the support of the “Higher Vibration Within” special free seven part course offer being gifted by the Walking Terra Christa community at this time of challenge (click link):

Original Material © Copyright 2003-2020 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden and Rev. Michael Ara Hayden. All rights reserved. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS CONTENT FREELY IN COMPLETE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES & LINKS WITH THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!

Lord Metatron ~ Integrating Divine Love, Wisdom, and Power within the Golden Etheric City of Holontoneea

Walking Terra Christa presented a journey for the Ascension Mastery Teachings into the Golden Etheric City of Holontoneea with Lord Metatron to bring forth the balance of the Feminine and Masculine Selves with the vibrational essence of the Three-Fold Flame.

The Golden Etheric City of Holontoneea resides in the 5th dimensional earth over Central France which represents the Magenta Flame for Divine Inner Power and Divine Love. (for more information, please see our article on the background and decree of the city.)

We  gather with Lord Adama (High Preist of Telos) to the Golden Etheric City of Holontoneea to meet up with Lord Metatron.

Let’s call upon the energies of the Magenta Flame within the Full-Body System. As your own personal Merkabahs are now spinning vertically, and horizontally around you.  I want you to concentrate upon that Feminine trait with the Masculine trait that you desire to become. Breathe that into your Heart, your Consciousness. FEEL it!  Imagine what it would feel like to fully BE that trait within yourself at least 75% of your awakening time.

Breathing into that essence, we now gather together in a group Merkabah that is filled with the Magenta essence with beautiful, sparkly Pinks and Reds and Purple colors vibrating as we move from the planetary level going up into the 5th Dimension of the Upper Earth. We see our vehicle is now moving into the Vortex of Light of the Magenta Flame which will take us over central France.

Breathe into that as we gather our composure to feel these Divine Energies as they become more a part of our existence.  As we arrive now in the Golden Etheric City of Holontoneea, we separate into our own Light bodies as now we are met by Lord Metatron.

I, as Lord Adama, walk with you in each moment.

Alunnah! Alunnah! Alunnah!

Lord Metatron

Greetings my Dearest Comrades!  I am Lord Metatron.

Thank you for being here in the glorious City of Holontoneea.  See and look around you, the beautiful gardens, the massive number of flowers, and exquisite energies.  We are within the Garden of the Evolved Self.  This Garden represents walking through the doorways of each of the flames that represent the Solar Plexus, the Heart, and the Thymus chakras.

We are doing something a little bit different for this session because I thought it would be appropriate to bring in those attributes that those Rays represent. The garden is HERE. It is filled with these colors. As we walk into the main gateway of the garden, it opens up to an open pathway as we step into this magical Essence of Light.

The Magenta is everywhere throughout the entire land.  Feel it! Feel the blessing of Divine Love and Divine Power.  Thinking of Divine Mother and Divine Father God and what they bring forth of the Feminine and Masculine energies into their ability to work with us, BE with us and CONNECT with us. We are the Children of Their Essence.

We walk to the left into the Garden of Divine Inner Power. This garden represents those flames of the third and fourth dimensional grids that you work with.  The first of the flames is the Ruby Red with the Gold and then the Pink Orange that allows each Initiate to walk into that new reality. NOW the flowers all represent THESE colors.  The Magenta is still flowing through the air. The mist the the sun is shining brightly downwards that brings forth the vibratory energy.

There are pathways within the gardens with BEAUTIFUL benches that are very ornate, and representative of what France brings forth.  There’s an exquisite Essence within this City that brings forth those energies. As we walk through this Garden of the Divine Inner Power, take a moment to feel the Ruby Red and the Gold.  There’s a section where the flowers are just that Ruby Red and Gold.  There stands Lady Nada.  She comes to each of us as a group and individually to give you the presence of Peace and Love.  She will not speak but she is here to ignite, to show her divine energy that is represented by the work that she does within the flame of Inner Devotion. We sit with her in a circle and she shares her beautiful essence.

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]

Feel the ability to be patient and really take time to surrender to this energy. It will assist you to become MORE of what you DESIRE to be by allowing the Solar Plexus to be the Gateway unto your Emotional Body, to be vulnerable, and bring forth a sense of inner peace. Feel this essence here within the garden as I ignite it unto YOU.

Arise from where you’re sitting and take a moment to look at a flower; pick this flower and give it to yourself. It represents your ability to accept the process of your healing, and your love to come into your pure existence.

We now travel to the section that is more centered upon the Pink Orange flowers.  There are Pink Orange flowers everywhere.  Some fall, some flow. Lady Quan Yin comes forward and she gives her blessing unto each of you with a beautiful wand, a Pink Orange wand with a beautiful crystal on the end.

She is going to touch your Solar Plexus to give you a blessing to be forgiving to yourself, to allow yourself to say unto yourself, “Whatever I have done, whatever I have experienced; it is no longer a part of my reality. I must send it to the God Source. It is no longer part of me.”  She takes her wand and she spins it all around each of you in a figure eight position around you.  A figure eight meaning the Infinity Symbol, the infinity of All That You Are to bring forth this blessing to allow you to move into the next phase of your reality.  FEEL this Divine energy that Lady Quan Yin is giving.  Now Lady Nada and Lady Quan Yin come together. They ignite unto you the blessing of the Ruby RedGold and the Pink Orange.  As they extend this energy, feel the blessing that is coming into your Heart, into your Solar Plexus to open it, to let it flow.

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]

Feel the blessings from these Divine Lady Masters assisting you. Take a moment. What is your Feminine trait?  Embrace that even more. Embrace that energy. Imagine that your Higher Self is in front of you and he or she is a Spiritual Being, although we know that it is not.  But it is going to display that trait that you desire to be in your Feminine Self in your Solar Plexus. Feel that coming into you now. Feel that power, feel that acceptance.

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]

We thank both Lady Nada and Lady Quan Yin for joining us within this beautiful Garden of Divine Inner Peace.

Now we walk to the next garden that is right that represents the Compassionate Divine Love.  As you step into this Garden, feel the immense vibratory energy of divine love circling within the air, within the light, allowing yourself to go deeper and deeper into your Heart Center.

Master Serapis Bey is here with us to bring forth the ability to be compassionate and forgiving. Allowing you, as the vehicle (the physical self). to have gratitude for all that you have experienced. A gratitude of this moment to allow your Heart Center to be opened unto you on a deeper level than it ever has before.

The Garden is filled with the deep Pink flowers, along with flowers of all different colors.  FEEL and walk around. FEEL that Divine energy coming into you. Master Serapis Bey has his beautiful wand with the Pink Flame, igniting it into your Heart on a deeper level than it has been before.  Going deeper and deeper and DEEPER into your Heart Essence.  Feeling that ability to be able to see, which is the Mental Illumination.  You’re now illuminating what you THOUGHT was the problem and surely it WASN’T the problem.  Allow yourself to be in the state of Forgiveness, feeling his blessing unto you in this moment.

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]

Feeling the blessing of the Pink Flame softening, assisting you to fully become what you’re desiring to become.  Remember your traits.  What is occurring within the Masculine trait in this moment?  Allow that energy to be blessed with this Pink love.

As now, Lord Maitreya and Lord Kuthumi come forward and bring forth the pure Christ Consciousness of the Gold Flame.  Look around! The GOLD is everywhere.  Beautiful sparkly lights of gold within the garden.  We walk towards Lord Kuthumi and Lord Maitreya as they give a blessing unto each of you to bring forth a new sense of balance within yourself.  Allow that Masculine aspect that you’re trying to bring forth into your existence to now experience the Christ Consciousness, to receive the blessing of the Office of the Christ, the Elohim Masters and the Elders that surround the Throne of Grace.  HOLD this energy as they reach with their wands around you and walk around each of you individually to CHARGE you up with a new sense of purpose within you.  FEEL that GOLD essence!  BECOME that Gold essence within you.

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]

Now, feel that energy coming fully within your body, within your four-body system.  You are VIBRATING with that Gold as now it’s going to blend with the Pink.  Feeling that lovely energy that aligns with the Gold essence of the Christ, of a forgiving soul, of a loving soul, of a soul that has perseverance, of a soul that has discipline.  A soul that loves themselves so deeply that nothing else matters, because it’s going to assist them.  Assist YOU and your outside world.  FEEL this embodiment occurring within you NOW as Master Serapis BeyLord Maitreya and Lord Kuthumi come together.

We now walk to the next garden which is the Garden of Discernment with Lady Isis and Lord Osiris.  

As we step into this garden, you can feel the Seafoam Green with a blending of many types of colors!  There’s blues, there’s greens.  It’s a mixture of all different energies but there is a sense of power that is quite different than we have probably projected with this FLAME.  It brings in that ability to KNOW.  I want you to fully BREATHE in that now.  Remind yourself of what it felt like before you JOINED this meditation.  What is it you were thinking about?  Was it good or not so good?  I want you to fully feel the CLARITY within THIS energy in THIS garden.  FEEL that clarity.  You are able to discern the good and the bad.  You are able to separate everything, so it gives you the ability to have your divine TRUTH.

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]

We now see Lady Isis and Lord Osiris come forward with their wands of the Seafoam Green giving you more clarity than you’ve ever had before.  Feeling that perception of what you’ve experienced through the Garden and with all these Beings.  As now, they all come together, and they encircle everyone as I stand as Lord Metatron bringing forth your Solar Angel.

Allow your Solar Angel to come out of hiding.  Allow the Solar Angel that you are as you feel your wings, to feel your Light to be embodied within you.  Because your Solar Angel is the gateway to your Higher Self.  FEEL this Divine Solar Angel within you; blessing you, thanking you for bringing forth this acceptance of what you’ve experienced of the Garden of the Evolved Soul. Take a moment to have gratitude. Take a moment to reflect on what you’re experiencing within ALL of these energies.  I know it can be overpowering, but I wanted to bring forth ALL these Flames to assist you.

The Magenta opens up a doorway.

We now walk DOWN the pathway and we’re right AT the Temple of the Three-Fold Flame.  There are beautiful gardens on both sides, and we step onto the walkway.  We’re going to enter the Temple. You will see there are three Shrines that are on the inside and the outside of the Temple.  The one on the left is the Shrine of Love.  The one on the right is the Shrine of Wisdom.  The middle is the Shrine of Power.

As we step into the Temple, I want each of you to step to the left and STAND within that Shrine of Love.  It is like an open Column of Light. It seems like it has a structure, but it’s VERY transparent and translucent.  You step into that Column of Light, with the Love which brings forth those divine energies we’ve been WORKING with.  The Magenta is very strong.  Feeling that Divine Love within you, the Divine Power that is the love, feeling THAT existence.

We talk about the Divine Power, it’s your own INNER power.  It’s the way you stand up for yourself.  It is the Feminine and Masculine together. AGAIN, bring forth that intention of your Masculine and Feminine trait that you’re desiring to hold within you.  As you STAND within this column,  it TURNS and it brings forth more Divine energy and allows you to feel the pure essence of LOVE that is being projected right FROM the 49th dimensional frequency of Divine Mother and Father God; of the Divine Mother.  FEEL Her blessing unto you.  Feel Her HOLDING you, giving you the ability to CRY on her shoulder.  She’s giving you the support that you need, but is also giving you the STRENGTH to STAND tall and to face your adversaries.  To be able to stand as that WARRIOR of Light within yourself.  Feel the POWER of these energies occurring within you NOW.

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]

You feel the Magenta going through you, within you.  It’s within your Solar Plexus, it’s within your Heart, it’s within your Thymus as you become that Unified chakra of the LOVE, of the STRENGTH and the POWER, of the pure existence of GRATITUDE, of FORGIVENESS and all the elements we’ve been talking about.  You’re now ready to move to that next step, HOLDING this light frequency.

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]

FEEL your Solar Angel.  Feel the Solar Angel and the LOVE that is being ignited within you right now, because it’s YOU.  It’s your memories of being in the Angelic Presence that you have been that is now fully embodied.

You step away from the Shrine onto the base floor and go completely to the other side which is a couple of steps up against the wall and THERE is the WISDOM.  You step into the Shrine of Wisdom.  There’s something that occurs when you do so.  You can FEEL that POWER within you.  You can have more of an understanding because the understanding is coming not from your mental mind.  It is coming from your Higher Mind.  You FEEL it.  You FEEL this understanding within you.

You FEEL the changes that you’ve been going through.  You FEEL that acceptance. This is BEING the Master.  This is how you WALK as the Master.  You ALLOW this Wisdom of the Will of God to FULLY assist you.  FEEL His strength and His POWER to assist you, but with feeling the DEEPEST Love that you’ve EVER experienced.  The Divine Father comes and brings forth His Essence unto this Shrine in this moment from the 49th Dimensional Frequency of Light.

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]

You feel the energy swirling around you and inside you.  It’s almost like a Gold Essence within all of them because it represents all those Flames we’ve been talking about.  It brings forth THAT Christ Consciousness, THAT Strength, and THAT Power to BE whom your supposed to be, even if you DON’T KNOW what that IS!  YOU aspire to it.  You have faith that you will get there.  You allow yourself to MOVE into THAT ESSENCE!

FEEL this Power GROWING DEEPER and DEEPER and DEEPER within you!

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]

You feel the process of surrendering.  Your three chakras are blending together so you FEEL the pure essence, allowing your Divine Solar Angel to assist you.  FEELING the POWER of that Solar Angel.  This is what’s going to assist you to persevere and to discipline yourself and not CRY with self pity, not BEING the BABY that has to CRY constantly.  CRYING is good but in short terms. Crying is supposed to be releasing, NOT charging up your Emotional Body.  You FEEL that POWER coming in you now as your Emotional Body and your Mental Body are working as One.

You step OUT of the Shrine of Wisdom.  It’s like a HUGE altar and it’s the POWER of the GOLD, but it’s the POWER of the Magenta.  As you walk up the three steps you enter the Shrine of Power, the Column of Light.  You’re enclosed now with your POWER.  FEELING that POWER.  That POWER is the ability to ALLOW the Feminine and the Masculine to work together AGAIN.  Imagine your traits as that Feminine and that Masculine Essence come into you now.  FEEL that.  Feel that become YOU.  This is your truth.  This is what you DESIRE to BE.  This is the POWER within you.  This is what’s going to IGNITE POWER and it’s going to come from LOVE.  It’s going to come from STRENGTH and WILL.  It’s going to come from COMPASSION.  It’s going to come from ACCEPTANCE.  THIS will help you to FIND your inner truth.

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]

Now all three Shrines at the same time are VIBRATING with the Divine energies that YOU have created through these accelerations, through this Divine Language Network Light Encoding.  Feeling that energy SWIRLING within you, going DEEPER and DEEPER and DEEPER.  It swirls outside of you and within you.  Take a moment.

As you step down from the Shrine of the Power, we take a moment in silence as we kneel on the steps around the altar of the Power.  Feeling the purification that you have gone through.  But, now feel the blessing of the acceptance to be.  At the same time feel those energies swirling within your own Heart Center, within your Thymus, and your Solar Plexus.  Feeling that Divine Love, that Divine Power, and the Divine Will of ALL that you are and all that you CAN be.  Breathing deeply.  Whatever acknowledgement you are feeling, let it become stronger.  Let it become stronger within you.

I, as Lord Metatron, say unto each of you the vibratory communication of these energies is what’s going to assist you to become these traits.  Remind yourself of this.  If you have to write it down and look at it to remind yourself that you are NOT that other person.  Because as you’re transitioning into these traits, it’s like any process you have to go through.  You can fall back, you can fall back into mental accolades, you can fall back into the emotional trauma.  But be STRONG within yourself because what you have received is a Divine Blessing not only from me, as Lord Metatron, but each of these OTHER Masters of Light.

It is now time for us to leave the Temple of the Three-Fold Flame.  Take a moment and give an intention of Gratitude for what you have experienced.  We turn around as it’s time to walk out of the Temple.  We step unto the pathway between all the beautiful gardens.  We gather together one more time.

I, as Lord Metatron, want nothing MORE from you than for you to start to accept yourself of what you CAN be.  To command within your own mindset however you need to do it through these vibrations, through these Divine Light Energies.  But BE it.  This is what’s going to assist you to walk through the changes upon the Earth and to become more of what you desire to be and ALL that you CAN be.  I want you to acknowledge your Solar Angel.  That will help you to acknowledge your Higher Self consciousness and the Higher Light Bodies.  But your Solar Angel is the BRIDGE.  Remember this.  Acknowledge it within your heart and be part of it.

It is my Divine pleasure to be with each of you in these moments.  I look forward to assisting you throughout the month to go deeper and deeper as I hold you up to allow these frequencies of Light to assist you and not create more confliction.  You must remind yourself of these things.

I thank Lord Adama for being with us and all of the Masters.  As we gather together in the group Merkabah, we’re going to travel with each of you.  Because we are here to assist you.  Lord Adama, I leave the rest up to you.

 Lord Adama

Alunnah, my Dearest Friends.

I’m deeply honored to be part of these energies as everyone in the Inner Earth Cities are listening and being part of these frequencies.  It’s a blessing to each of US and it teaches us SO much from what each of YOU are going through.

As we gather together in that Merkabah, the beautiful Magenta is EVERYWHERE within the City.  Take one last LOOK, BREATHE that in!  As now we ignite the beautiful Merkabah and we move upwards through the Flame, the Vortex of Light.  We twist and turn in multi-directions moving through the beautiful Vortex of Light taking us across the world in many directions.  We move down to the planetary level and at that point each of us separates into our own Light Bodies.  Bring yourself down into your own physical location.  Allowing these energies to go deeper within you.  Ground them, become them.

It is my pleasure to walk with each of you.

I, am Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos and speaker for the Agarthian Council of Light.

Alunnah! Alunnah! Alunnah!

©Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden, Integrative Channel 19, 2020; New Earth Consciousness~Circle of Light. 

The New Earth Consciousness-Circle of Light is a weekly class in which we journey to one of the 22 Etheric Cities.  Included is a teaching from Lord Adama and a special Ascended Being that represents the city. Walking Terra Christa provides many options to participate in their weekly teachings with an affordable rate for all individuals.  You can become an Academy Student while experiencing the teachings on your own time via the recordings. You can also purchase any of the MP3 downloads separately for the the classes to receive the highest vibrational energies available (upon your payment please make a note about the date of the class you are requesting to receive).


Due to the worldwide trauma of the current earth situation, we are releasing to the public our latest SEVEN classes/events for your own use. This INCLUDES this New Earth Consciousness class from which this talk by Lord Adama was given. Listening to the recording brings in his energies to connect with you more profoundly than just reading his words above. These frequencies will help in keeping you in love and out of fear. CLICK THIS LINK:

NEWEST MEDITATION: We created a NEW SPIRITUAL HEALING Meditation that is 40 minutes long for very deep cleansing and protection. Unlike the recordings of the classes and events, we have added background music by Thaddeus ( to assist and enhance the meditative energies to occur more deeply. CLICK HERE TO read more about the topic or to order.

ASCEND EARTH ~ CREATE HEALING LIGHT FOR GAIA – Join Walking Terra Christa in this special project to help bring more healing light to the planet and humanity by creating Ascension Columns around the Earth with the assistance of the Unified Whole Galactic and Agartha Alliance. To learn more please use the link.

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Original Material © Copyright 2003-2020 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden. All rights reserved. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS CONTENT FREELY IN COMPLETE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS WITH THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!

Decree ~ Journey of the Evolved Self

Walking Terra Christa presented the Ascension Master Teachings of Spiritual Excitement and Enthusiasm for the Year 2020 ~ BEING THE MASTER.

The first journey was to the Golden Etheric City of Holontoneea (residing over Central France) with Lord Metatron as he is the Ray Master for this city.

The Focus for this journey was to concentrate on a positive Feminine and Masculine trait that each individual desires to hold within themselves.

The city enhances the divine essence of the Love (Feminine), Wisdom (Masculine), and Power of the Three-Fold Flame to be integrated within the four-body system. This allows for the Solar Plexus, Heart, and Thymus chakras to work together in unison.

The Magenta flame is the designated light energy for the Golden Etheric City of Holontoneea. It represents the following traits:

Ray 19 ~ I Now Fully Acknowledge I AM One Universal Being of Light
Definition ~ Divine Inner Power & Divine Love
Color:  Magenta
Chakras:  Solar Plexus, Heart & Thymus
Overlighting Master: Lord Metatron

Special Characteristics: This ray blends the Solar Plexus, Heart and Thymus Chakras which means that the qualities of the previous rays are blended with each chakra to work harmoniously.

Solar Plexus – with the Ruby Red/Gold, Pink Orange representing Inner Devotion to bring forth peace, serenity, and acceptance which combines with Grace and Mercy of the Pink Orange of Walking into the New Self. It allows for DIVINE INNER POWER

Heart Center – with the Pink, Gold representing Creative Actualization of compassion, illumination of what can be achieved through Hope and Faith to allow for the entryway of the Christ Consciousness of the Gold to be realized within all elements within the Heart Center. This allows for the DIVINE LOVE TO BE REALIZED

Thymus – Clarification with Discernment of what was and what is now being acquired by becoming very aware of the pitfalls that can occur by seeing One’s Inner Truth. This is the Divine Inner Power and Divine Love to be acquired by accepting the Higher Self’s essence to become integrated within the bodily system.

As these three chakras become unified as One, each of these traits become the focus for Divine Inner Power and Divine Love.

Lord Metatron is our guidepost for allowing the Three-Fold Flame to be within us.  He represents the heavenly hosts as Archangel Metatron but also is an example of walking in human form.  He is the Multi-Universal Logos. He was Enoch who walked with God for 300 years and to continue his pathway he was offered the opportunity to be the Golden Archangel that would overlight the essence of the Golden Ray through a spectrum of light to be embodied by humanly and angelic form.  He would assist individuals at a certain time in history (which is now) to learn how to do the same as he has done.  He brings to us the evolving energy of our Solar Angel to become the Golden Solar Angel allowing for the Higher Self, Monad, and I Am Presence to be completely aligned within our full consciousness.


I have arrived within the Golden Etheric City of Holontonneah,

Which resides in the 5th dimensional earth over Central France.

The presence of the light is very strong,

With spectrums of the Magenta flame flowing through the lands.

I am met by Lord Metatron,

Who is the Ray Master for the Flame of the Magenta,

Representing the Three-Fold Flame of Love, Wisdom, and Power.

Lord Metatron guides me into a magical garden,

That includes three areas of special significance;

We reach the first garden of The Divine Inner Power,

Is filled with flowers,

Representing the Ruby Red and Gold Flame,

As it gives off a feeling of peacefulness;

I feel the essence of a calming energy,

Accepting who I am becoming as a Spiritual Being of Light;

There are more flowers within the colors of Pink and Orange,

Which reflects the energy of the 11th Flame of God,

Awakening the Renewed Self,

By removing the elements of the past that no longer serve me.

As we walk, I feel the peacefulness coming into my Solar Plexus,

With a sense of renewal becoming One within my Soul.

We then walk together into the Garden of Compassion and Deep Love,

I feel the essence of Gratitude coming within me,

The colors of the flowers are many shades of pinks,

With Gold mixed with deep yellows,

As I am deeply honored to experience these energies,

As we continue our walk within the garden,

I sense a power becoming stronger within me,

That gives me the sense of Divine Love,

Becoming stronger within my Heart Center.

As now we enter the Garden of Discernment,

I see the Sea-Foam Green within the flowers with a mist around us,

There is a sense within me that knows exactly what I am experiencing;

I look at my journey and reflect that the changes within me are

Growing from a feeling of not knowing into a sense of awareness,

That gives me strength and courage.

Lord Metatron tells me that this journey is helping,

My soul to become more evolved within the physical vehicle,

That each of the gardens represent a foundation that I must hold within myself,

In order to fully become aligned with the Three Fold Flame.

We then walk unto a pathway that takes us,

To the entrance of the Temple of the Three-Fold Flame,

The color of Magenta resonates within the temple walls and shrines,

It feels so magnificent,

That I am accepting the feeling of Oneness within me.

I stand at the open doorway,

Reflecting on my experiences up to this point.

I realize that my Divine Truth is being revealed to me,

As I am now ready to become,

The Love,

The Wisdom,

And the Power of my Higher Consciousness,

To be embodied within my four-body system.

I am ready to experience the next blessing of my renewal,

Of the Three-Fold Flame within me.

I Am that I Am that I Am


©Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden, Integrative Channel 19, 2020; New Earth Consciousness~Circle of Light. 

The New Earth Consciousness-Circle of Light is a weekly class in which we journey to one of the 22 Etheric Cities.  Included is a teaching from Lord Adama and a special Ascended Being that represents the city. Walking Terra Christa provides many options to participate in their weekly teachings with an affordable rate for all individuals.  You can become an Academy Student or participate in our Partner/Membership Program while experiencing the teachings on your own time via the recordings. You can also purchase any of the MP3 downloads separately for the the classes to receive the highest vibrational energies available (upon your payment please make a note about the date of the class you are requesting to receive).


Due to the worldwide trauma of the current earth situation, we are releasing to the public our latest SEVEN classes/events for your own use. This INCLUDES this New Earth Consciousness class from which this talk by Lord Adama was given. Listening to the recording brings in his energies to connect with you more profoundly than just reading his words above. These frequencies will help in keeping you in love and out of fear. CLICK THIS LINK:

NEWEST MEDITATION: We created a NEW SPIRITUAL HEALING Meditation that is 40 minutes long for very deep cleansing and protection. Unlike the recordings of the classes and events, we have added background music by Thaddeus ( to assist and enhance the meditative energies to occur more deeply. CLICK HERE TO read more about the topic or to order.

ASCEND EARTH ~ CREATE HEALING LIGHT FOR GAIA – Join Walking Terra Christa in this special project to help bring more healing light to the planet and humanity by creating Ascension Columns around the Earth with the assistance of the Unified Whole Galactic and Agartha Alliance. To learn more please use the link.

Original Material © Copyright 2003-2020 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden. All rights reserved. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS CONTENT FREELY IN COMPLETE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS WITH THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!




Courtesy of

Ascension Mastery Message of the Spiritual Meaning of the Festival of the Christ and how you can utilize the energies to assist your healing during this time of upon the Earth by Rev. Christine Mahalariessee.

We are now in the stage of RESURRECTION, to receive the Gift of LOVE, and connection to the CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS to renew our souls, heal our hearts, and bless ourselves for the challenges that we are enduring to accept our DIVINE ESSENCE to become ONE within our Physical HEARTS and reality.

There is no better time than this year of 2020 to fully accept that we need to change ourselves, the way that we think, we feel, and act with others in the outside world.

We are in a time of great RENEWAl and the divine energies of the Higher Realms of Light are assisting us greatly.

As I reflect on this day, being Good Friday, it represents each of our own paths to RESURRECTION so that we can be the blessing to the world. It is time for us to fully command within our own consciousness that we are going to change and it is not just about talking, it is about the ACTION that needs to occur.

He did and still is, as Lord Sananda (his Higher Self), to command that essence of Divine Love to be within us. This must occur first and foremost within our own consciousness, our full body system, and to allow the old infractions of darkness that we hold within ourselves (yes, we do through the Etheric Body) to be in that state of RESURRECTION.

Master Djwhal Khul shared this Invocation for this month’s Festival of Lights Ceremony is helpful to state and remind our Lower Self of the Love that you are:


The Blue Flame of Will and Power is the commanding Ray of God at this time during the Festival of the Christ.

It brings forth the ability to stand tall with the aspects of fearlessness and courage with a presence of STEADFASTNESS. It brings to us the ability to be patient and loving as it represents the WILL OF THE DIVINE FATHER GOD. This ray is very protective to our full body system and allows each of us to stand in the presence of Archangel Michael and Faith, with Elohim Masters HERCULES and AMAZONIA as Master El Morya is the Ray Chohan for this ray.

The Elders that Surround the Throne of Grace, Lord Alura and Aluri, ignite the power of the Blue Flame from the 49th Dimensional Level within the Office of the Christ, representing Divine Mother and Father God. Calling upon their essence will assist you, your space, and GAIA to hold a higher level of Divine Love to be expressed.

Each of these divine masters are assisting us especially during this time of great healing upon and within the Earth.

This weekend of Easter represents these aspects of the Festival of the Christ for each of us on the pathway of higher illumination allowing our physical vehicle to hold more Light and Love within us helping others to do the same.

In blessings of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Mahlariessee

Walking Terra Christa held the Festival of the Christ Online Global Audio Ceremony for the FULL MOON on Saturday, April 4th, 2020, This powerful spiritual event was with Master Djwhal Khul and the Star Nations/Native Elders connection with Lord Ashtar for the Ascend Earth Project* live gatherings along with Lord Kuthumi, Lord Maitreya, and Lord Sananda within the Inner Earth City of Shamballa. In this Ceremony the Spiritual Energies of the Moon of Libra and Aires Sun sign bring forth a deeper balance of both the Feminine and Masculine essences to work together while also addressing the current virus outbreak across the planet. Re-listen to the free audio recording to receive the higher spiritual energies for yourself. UTILIZE THIS CEREMONY THROUGHOUT THE MONTH AS IT WILL HELP TO EASE THE TENSIONS OF THE WORLD PRESENTLY.

The Great Invocation is a powerful way to invoke the healing light of the Office of the Christ to humanity. Please see our post sharing the invocation.

ASCEND EARTH ~ CREATE HEALING LIGHT FOR GAIA – Join Walking Terra Christa in this special free project to help bring more healing light to the planet and humanity by creating Ascension Columns around the Earth with the assistance of the Unified Whole Galactic and Agartha Alliance. To learn more please use the link.


Due to the worldwide trauma of the current earth situation, we are releasing to the public our latest SEVEN classes/events for your own use. This INCLUDES this New Earth Consciousness class from which this talk by Lord Adama was given. Listening to the recording brings in his energies to connect with you more profoundly than just reading his words above. These frequencies will help in keeping you in love and out of fear. CLICK THIS LINK:

NEWEST MEDITATION: We created a NEW SPIRITUAL HEALING Meditation that is 40 minutes long for very deep cleansing and protection. Unlike the recordings of the classes and events, we have added background music by Thaddeus ( to assist and enhance the meditative energies to occur more deeply. CLICK HERE TO read more about the topic or to order.

Sharing this material is approved with the links shown below:

Original Material © Copyright 2003-2020 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee* and Rev. Michael Ara. All rights reserved. *formerly spelled “Meleriessee”.


The Great Invocation is a world prayer. It allows for Divine Energies to be invoked into the reader and the earth. It is utilized by Walking Terra Christa during the Ascension Festivals of Light.

Taking time within your prana breath to invoke the energies will assist to command the Forces of Light to be ignited.

This prayer was originally given to Alice Bailey through Master Djwhal Khul. In 2015 he transmitted to Rev. Christine Mahlariessee an upgraded version to include gender of the Feminine and Masculine divine energies.

Let the Forces of Light bring illumination to humanity,

Let the Spirit of Peace be spread abroad,

May men and women of Goodwill everywhere meet in a spirit of cooperation,

May forgiveness on the part of all souls,

Be the keynote at this time,

Let power attend the efforts of the Great Ones.

So let it be, and help us to do our part.

Let the Lords of Liberation issue forth,

Let them bring succor and relief to humanity,

Let the Rider from the Secret Place come forth,

And coming, save. 

Come forth, O Mighty Ones,

Let the souls of all men and women awaken to the Light,

And may they stand with massed intent,

Let the Issuance of Oneness That We Are go forth,

The end of woe has come!

Come forth, O Mighty Ones,

The hour of service of the Saving Force has now arrived.

Let it be spread abroad, O Mighty Ones.

Let Light and Love and Power,

Fulfill the purpose of the Coming Ones.

The Will to save is here,

The love to carry forth the work is widely spread abroad,

The active aid of all who know the truth is also here.

Come forth, O Mighty Ones, and blend these three,

Construct a great defending wall,

The rule of death is now at an end.

From the point of Light within the Mind of God,

Let Light stream forth into the Minds of all Souls,

Let Light descend on Earth.

From the point of Love within the Heart of God,

Let Love stream forth into the Hearts of all souls,

As the Christ That We Are,

Is fully embodied Within the Earth.

From the center where the Will of God is known,

Let purpose guide the little Wills of men and women —

The purpose which the Masters know and serve.

From the center which we call the race of men and women,

Let the Plan of Love and Light work out,

And may it seal the door where evil has dwelled.

Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.

-Master Djwhal Kuhl, Revised April 2015

ASCEND EARTH ~ CREATE HEALING LIGHT FOR GAIA – Join Walking Terra Christa in this special free project to help bring more healing light to the planet and humanity by creating Ascension Columns around the Earth with the assistance of the Unified Whole Galactic and Agartha Alliance. To learn more please use the link.


Due to the worldwide trauma of the current earth situation, we are releasing to the public our latest SEVEN classes/events for your own use. This INCLUDES this New Earth Consciousness class from which this talk by Lord Adama was given. Listening to the recording brings in his energies to connect with you more profoundly than just reading his words above. These frequencies will help in keeping you in love and out of fear. CLICK THIS LINK:

NEWEST MEDITATION: We created a NEW SPIRITUAL HEALING Meditation that is 40 minutes long for very deep cleansing and protection. Unlike the recordings of the classes and events, we have added background music by Thaddeus ( to assist and enhance the meditative energies to occur more deeply. CLICK HERE TO read more about the topic or to order.

Sharing this material is approved with the links shown below:

Original Material © Copyright 2003-2020 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee* and Rev. Michael Ara. All rights reserved. *formerly spelled “Meleriessee”.



Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos shares his wisdom and knowledge for Ascension Mastery Training.

Greetings My Dearest Ones, I Am Lord Adama with the Telosian/Agarthan Councils of Light speaking to you from the Heart of Telos.

Let us take a deep breath together as we allow our hearts to intertwine within each other creating the ONE HEART OF CONSCIOUSNESS.

It is important for each of you to realize that this is the space you need to be in presently. You, as the Lightworkers, you, as the Initiates, are the Ones that are standing in front of the entire consciousness of humanity assisting every individual to realize within themselves that this is truly what they need within their own realities.

The first way to do that is through the pure essence of Divine Love of what the Divine Mother gives to each of us without interference from anything else; it is the purity of it, it is the acceptance that no matter where you are in your life, whom you are, what you look like, or what you think about, you deserve to access the Purity of Love.

There are many souls upon the Earth that are not doing very well with what is occurring presently with the Coronavirus along with the elements that are happening in many geographic areas, but there are many that are and may not even realize how deeply they are affecting others by becoming more peaceful, more loving within their families, and most of all becoming more loving within themselves. Some may be of thinking this is an act as that is what they have to do for their loved ones. But in the true sense of the word, there is a great essence of transformation that is occurring presently in a new and different manner.

The more the people reach out to one another with love, the more that love will be expressed within the lands, within the hearts of the many, within Gaia and she is totally feeling this message that is occurring for each of you. This means that your role as an Initiate learning more about yourself is the most important journey that you can take.


That is a consciousness statement of the third dimension. Every soul upon the planet must take care of themselves and it doesn’t mean that they have to do that 24 hours a day, but there has to be moments within that day that self-reflection occurs. Doing something for your physical body is important now with so many individuals are in quarantine within their houses, there has to be an aspect of “How do I help myself through this process?”

As each of you are learning through this transformative journey that is occurring presently, you already have been doing so. If not, you should allow what you have been doing to increase. If you have spent previously an hour a day on your Inner Self, then you need to do a little more than that because the consciousness of the world presently, of the earth, is one of great affliction with great pain and suffering of sadness, of grieving.

It is one of great unknowingness of how this is going to turn out and the only element that is going to assist every soul upon this earth is the internalizations of their own life.

The power of that is so very strong that it can be sent through the waves of light transference to everyone else around the world. There is a sense of personal acceleration that occurs in those moments, and we in Telos, are doing are part with vigilance to bring forth this purity of Love unto each of you and the planet.

We are especially concerned with all of the Light Workers, because they are the ones taking on this energy the most. It is important that we exercise caution to really project unto each of you that it is important for you to stand strong. It is essential for you to acknowledge within yourself that this transformation you are going through presently, you have experienced previously in another lifetime.

If that is the case, it should give you strength with the ability to say to yourself, “I am going to do better this time, I am going to stand up in the face of adversity, and I am going to hold strong to the essence of Divine Mother Divine Father God and all that I am being taught by Walking Terra Christa, because this is the source of the light that will assist you deeply, that will heal you in so many ways.

As you allow your vibrational energy to arise above the concept of the 3rd and 4th dimensional duality that is occurring presently, it is within that time and space that will allow you as one that has inhabited upon the earth at this time to really, not just to survive, but to truly be in a state of complete acceleration.

So each of you are being tested to hold unto as much as you know, to bring forth the divine energies as much as you can. We talk about de-ascending your highest sense into the physical self and that is what Ascension really is.

It is not about leaving the earth plane but it is about actually changing the conceptual knowledge that occurs within your Mental Self, changing the frequency so that you, as this person, feels more coming into your consciousness. Learning to rise above the darkness that is ensuing around the planet presently, and to assist as many people to do the same by holding onto this frequency of light should be your present focus. Doing so will truly assist you to flourish, to heal, to change your cellular structure become more of the Light body and allow the carbon based body to dissipate.


The strength and the power of the energies presently is allowing each of you to go to higher level within yourself. It is allowing you to accept things in a completely different manner than you have before. If you feel the need to run away, please don’t do so. That is why it is a testing period; that these divine energies are going to assist you even more of what we are bringing forth and helping you with.

Remember we are in the phase of Resurrection with the Festival of the Christ which is very soon. This month is in preparation for that energy. Realize within yourself what you want to change. Of course, all of us would like to resurrect this virus, the energies are occurring with the dysfunction that is occurring between leaders and the people that don’t understand, but you must realize your own Truth through this process. Incorporate that within yourself, allowing these divine energies that we are bringing forth, that Lady Mahlariessee is working diligently these days morning and night to bring them unto the planet and to assist each of you to do the same.

Extend it into yourself deeper than you have ever before. Be present within your consciousness of the higher realms of light. Utilize your protection, utilize the tools and the element of fear when you go outside of your houses to be removed. Don’t be ego-centered about this. Some may think, “Oh this is not really true, this is not what is really happening.” The virus is real; how the virus is coming to all of these people is still unknown. We cannot reveal that energy presently, but the testing period represents is to allow that purity of Love to come into everyone’s heart, to expand upon it, as you are the Creators of this Purity of Love. Allow it to flow through you and around you; outside of you. Moments like this we are all assisting each other, but most of all yourself.

We, in Telos, and all of the Christed Agarthan cities walk with each of you with Divine Love with the purity of our Hearts and know that we are here to assist energetically in any way that we can.

Alunnah, Alunnah, Alunnah

I am Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos

©Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden, Integrative Messenger 25th, 2020; New Earth Consciousness~Circle of Light. 

Excerpt from The New Earth Consciousness-Circle of Light, a weekly class in which we journey to one of the 22 Etheric Cities.  Included is a teaching from Lord Adama and a special Ascended Being that represents the city. Walking Terra Christa provides many options to participate in their weekly teachings with an affordable rate for all individuals. You can become an Academy Student while experiencing the teachings in the online/phone audio classes or on your own time via the recordings. You can also purchase any of the MP3 downloads separately for the the classes to receive the highest vibrational energies available (upon your payment please make a note about the date of the class you are requesting to receive, for example “March 25th, 2020”).

ASCEND EARTH ~ CREATE HEALING LIGHT FOR GAIA – Join Walking Terra Christa in this special free project to help bring more healing light to the planet and humanity by creating Ascension Columns around the Earth with the assistance of the Unified Whole Galactic and Agartha Alliance. To learn more please use the link.


Due to the worldwide trauma of the current earth situation, we are releasing to the public our latest SEVEN classes/events for your own use. This INCLUDES this New Earth Consciousness class from which this talk by Lord Adama was given. Listening to the recording brings in his energies to connect with you more profoundly than just reading his words above. These frequencies will help in keeping you in love and out of fear. CLICK THIS LINK:

NEWEST MEDITATION: We created a NEW SPIRITUAL HEALING Meditation that is 40 minutes long for very deep cleansing and protection. Unlike the recordings of the classes and events, we have added background music by Thaddeus ( to assist and enhance the meditative energies to occur more deeply. CLICK HERE TO read more about the topic or to order.

Sharing this material is approved with the links shown below:

Original Material © Copyright 2003-2020 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee* and Rev. Michael Ara. All rights reserved. *formerly spelled “Meleriessee”.


Ascension Mastery Message  with Lord Michael as brought forth by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden.

As I was cleansing today after our Festival of the Christ Ceremony, I was urged by Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos to connect with Lord Michael as he has a very important message about the energies of 4-4-4 Portal. As always, I listen even though I am tired from the work I have been doing this week. I have written a few blogs, prepared for a powerful ceremony, and then facilitated it with my partner Rev. Michael Ara.

It is always an important step to acknowledge that as a messenger to the world, that when the world needs you, you step up to the plate. This is one of those days. My own person circumstances do not dictate what needs to occur, but yet as someone that is working for the Spiritual Hierarchy I am ready to accept my personal responsibility for the healing of Earth and humanity.

Please take a few moments and connect within your breath, read the following Invocation as it will help you to allow your higher essence to guide you through this message from Archangel Michael.


I call upon the Divine Energies of the Unified Whole – Galactic – Agartha Alliance of the 144th dimensional frequency to overlight this reading and connection with Archangel Michael. I call upon the Great Central Suns of the Solar Level, Galactic Level, Universal Level, Multi-Universal Level, and Cosmic Level to be my guide into the 49th Dimension of Reality. I also ask to connect with the Inner Earth Christed Agartha Beings of the Agarthan Council of Light and Lord Adama, the High Priest of Telos to help protect my energies, helping me to align with the 5th Dimensional Divine Intent. I receive the Divine Light Rays of the 22 Rays of God to completely overlight my full-body system. I call upon my Higher Light Bodies through the 24th Dimension that make up my I Am Presence to fully be One within my physical consciousness. I also call upon my Solar Angel, with my Gatekeeper to guide and protect me from an interference of lower energies that may try to enter my field of light. I breathe deeply as all of these light infractions spin within me and around me.

Greetings My Friends,

I Am  Lord Michael, representing my embodiment as a Divine Light Body.  I am the Ascended Being of Light residing within the 49th Dimensional Frequency of the Cosmic Force with Divine Mother Father God, not just as the archangel representative that I am.

I am here today to help you acknowledge that there are some elements in the outer plane, especially on the Internet, that are not aligned with the higher forces of light. This is especially true on this day of April 4, 2020, the day of the 4-4-4 Portal of Light.

The planet is in duality and Lord Ashtar is working diligently to help the entire planet come into a sense of Divine Love while removing the elements that are impeding that progress. His role is very important so we must acknowledge that he is doing the best that he can to assist everyone. The program of Ascend.Earth through Walking Terra Christa is the largest project on the Earth, and we have seen great changes occur with individuals building their own ascension columns. We thank you for doing so and look forward to others joining in on this project.

This day for the 4-4-4 Portal there are many gatherings that are happening around the planet. I will cut to the chase and tell you what I think is occurring.

The planet is in such duality especially with the CoronaVirus that the conflict of the dark and the light is very open. Individuals can get a sense of what is occurring and see that something needs to be changed.

It is important to realize that not all can discern certain type of energies. It is a matter of how well you imbue within yourself the healing you have been working upon. If an individual has not experienced the darkness, but thinks that love is going to change it, then they are confused. There are others that may consider the darkness is real, but not in their reality -it is something outside of itself. Then, there are individuals that think everything is dark and they must isolate from that lower energy.

The important element through this process is getting to know who you are from the inside. What triggers emotions within you, or a thought process? Are you completely fearful, or do you trust someone without even thinking about it?

It is important to realize within yourself that you have the Gift of DISCERNMENT, but many do not exercise this part of their reality. They can react in one way or another, but do not take time to reflect within themselves of why they feel the way that they do.

I want each of you to have the GIFT OF DISCERNMENT because without it, you will not be able to achieve ascension in your lifetime. Do not fool yourself into thinking you know more than you do. This is a trick that the lower ego can play with you into thinking that all is just fine, and not to change the way you have been doing things in your life.

It is important as an Initiate of Ascension that you are able to discern your energies, other’s energies, especially in reading articles and participating in functions that look good “because they are healing the earth”.

It is not always so.

It is very prevalent right now that there is mis-information being given to the light worker community that will seem absolutely wonderful, but has an underlying intention which represents RE-PROGRAMMING.

This is very slick and under-handed in the way it is presented so the normal lightworker can get caught up in the presentation and think it is doing a wonderful job with your energies. THIS IS NOT SO.

On this day of 4-4-4 Portal Light there are some groups that are presenting the opportunity to participate in a global healing meditation. This is a perfect opportunity for the lower forces of light, specifically the non-Christed ETs that have affected this planet for eons of time, to work their controls to others.

This is very dangerous, and I will tell you why.

As you participate as a Healer and Lightworker, you may think you are doing good to the outside world. But in truth, you are participating in effecting the entire planet not in healing but in duality. To create sadness, death, and uncertainty to occur. It will not seem like that, as it is very tricky. It may help you to feel better yourself, but it will not raise your vibration.

If you do not access the higher realms of light, then you are sending out your own energies. You have to discern what level of awareness are you sharing with another. If you do not participate in accessing higher light accelerations within your four body system, then whatever is in your chakras will be shared with others.

And, if you are one that is allowing the higher vibration of love to grow within you, then this other energy will break those higher elements apart. It will cause holes to occur within your aura, implants will be placed within many parts of your body, and you may not even realize this.

If you do participate in any of these meditations, know what your energy feels like. If it is not good, I suggest you do some extra cleansing protocols and healing processes. Get in touch with a reliable Shaman (someone that has trained from many years) that can assist you because this is very serious business.

What is occurring with Lord Ashtar and the Galactic Federation of Light is that they are working diligently to make sure Ascension Columns are placed around the world assisting as many individuals as they can. And this work needs to be assisted by Lady Mahlariessee. She is the vision of this work and the Shaman who can perceive these energies. That is why they are trying to teach others to do the same.

My role in writing through Lady Mahlariessee on this day is to inform each of you to get to know your own energies, what feels right for you, and how you are affected in a good way or not so good way.

In order for each of us to help the planet, we must come into alignment of the higher forces of light. Just because it looks good, does not mean that it is so.

It is not my role to point fingers of which groups are facilitating such energies. Some of them don’t even know that they are being controlled and that is the sad state of affairs.

This is why Lady Mahlariessee as Christine has studied for 35 years. She worked through these elements and has a sense within herself. Her partner, Michael, has a thorough understanding of what these dark ETs represent and brings forth a knowledge that we don’t know of anyone else holds on this planet. Together, they bring forth the highest level of vibration and acceleration to help individuals and humanity to start to live a higher order of life.

Since we are at the 4-4-4 Portal, myself and my angelic colleagues are here to help you through this process. Each of the archangels are opening up their wings to protect you, guide you, enlighten you to see what you did not see before. Call upon any of us to assist you.

In addition the Blue Flame is very prevalent for this moon since it is the Festival of the Christ so again, I am here to assist to protect you, and help you get to know yourself more deeply than before.

Let’s work together, so that we can change the dynamics of what Earth is experiencing, to help humanity, and souls to have a life changing healing process within them.

I am honored to share my knowledge and expertise,

I am Lord Michael (Archangel)

SPECIAL FREE AVAILABILITY OF OUR MOST RECENT EVENTS: We are releasing to the public our latest SEVEN classes/events for your own use. These will help in keeping you in love and out of fear. CLICK THIS LINK:

Higher Spiritual Energies For Further Assistance:

NEWEST MEDITATION: We acreated a NEW SPIRITUAL HEALING Meditation that is 40 minutes long for very deep cleansing and protection. CLICK HERE TO read more about the topic or to order.

MOST RECENT EVENT: Walking Terra Christa monthly Festival of the Christ Online Global Audio Ceremony for the FULL MOON was on Saturday, April 4th, 2020 at 10:15 AM: This powerful spiritual event is with Master Djwhal Khul and the Star Nations/Native Elders connection with Lord Ashtar for the Ascend Earth Project* live gatherings along with Lord Kuthumi, Lord Maitreya, and Lord Sananda within the Inner Earth City of Shamballa. In this Ceremony the Spiritual Energies of the Moon of Libra and Aires Sun sign bring forth a deeper balance of both the Feminine and Masculine essences to work together while also addressing the current virus outbreak across the planet. Re-listen to the free audio recording to receive the higher spiritual energies for yourself. An MP3 recording is available within 24 hours to download and listen in our Audio Library (a free donation supported Ascension Frequency resource).

BE SUPPORTIVE. Click: Donate to support these messages if you are able. (You are our source of financial support).

ONGOING ONCE A MONTH CLASSES: This year of 2020 (a “22” which is the number of “Mastery”) is a great way to more accurately develop your Spiritual Pathway of Ascension Mastery. Beginners or experienced individuals will be assisted. (Being a current student is not required).CLICK for our ASCENSION GATE CLINIC which meets once a month over video with a teaching from the Ascended Masters and special attunements using the 22 RAYS OF GOD to bring forth the highest level of pure energies to assist your growth and transformation in each of the four energy bodies (mental, emotional, etheric, physical).

PROTECTION PROTOCOLS: Techniques for you to utilize your protection on a daily basis; Cleansing Your Aura.

PHYSICAL SUPPORT PRODUCTS TO HELP: Using the energetically attuned SPIRITUAL SPRAYS and CRYSTALS from our ESTY shop “Spectrum Light Ray Creations” adds a whole extra level of Ascension frequency to your aura’s field or to boost your sacred space at home or office. The SACRED SPACE SPRAY is very helpful in place of burning Sage, along with removing impurities. They assist everyone with the higher Spiritual Energies. Individuals who are more sensitive to vibration and frequency energies love them. We personally use them everyday.
Latest Review: “Yet again, absolutely amazing product with instant results! Highly recommend!” (James, MA, USA)

OTHER FREE 5D PRACTICES: *To learn more about how you can help with building ASCENSION COLUMNS please use the link: ASCEND EARTH ~ CREATE HEALING LIGHT FOR GAIA – Walking Terra Christa heads this special project to help bring more healing light to the planet and humanity by creating Ascension Columns around the Earth with the assistance of the Unified Whole Galactic Agartha Alliance (Lord Ashtar and the Agartha Network).

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