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Wesak Blessings from the Agarthan Council of Light ~ Lord Adama Discourses

Telsoian Garden of Light

Lord Adama shares his wisdom and knowledge for Ascension Mastery on the upcoming Wesak Ascension Festival of Lights. Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden is an Integrative Messenger for Lord Adama in his role as High Priest of Telos assisting the Spiritual Ascension of Humanity along with the Agarthan Council of Light of the Christed Inner Earth Cities.


Take deep prana breaths as we create a group Merkabah.  We’re going to travel to the City of Telos and will be meeting up with Lord Adama in Telos.  Our beautiful vibratory Merkabah vehicle filled with the Violet-Pink Flame and crystal light energy travels from the planetary existence into the area of Mount Shasta moving into the mountain.  The vortex opens up to allow us to come and be received by the beautiful Agarthan Beings of Light.

As we come into the Temple, we arrive into the beautiful garden that is on the lower level of the city.  Lord Adama is waiting for us with Lady Galactia.  As we now walk through the beautiful garden, there’s a fountain in the middle and you can see in the distance that there is a waterfall, beautiful trees, flowering plants, greenery, and beautiful buds of different colors.  The vibrancy is so strong that it brings forth that illuminating energy that is representative of the Violet-Pink Flame we are working with for tonight’s journey.

We see that there are many seats in a circular manner around the fountain.  Lord Adama is waiting for us as we find our place.  Take a moment to feel the Divine Energies within the Telosian Garden of Light.


{Divine Language Network Light Encoding}

Greetings my Dearest Ones.  I am Lady Galacticia opening up the energies unto each of you in this moment.  Allow your Heart to spin with the vibratory qualities that you have already shared within yourself.  As each of us in Telos welcomes your hearts within each of ours, I give unto you my beloved Lord Adama.


Alunnah!  Alunnah!  Alunnah!

Greetings!  Thank you so much Lady Mahlariessee for bringing everyone into our beautiful Garden of Light.

I wanted to give my Discourse this evening within our City of Telos as I’d like each of you to feel the beautiful qualities that are here within the Garden to assist each of you to feel the calmness, feel the beauty, opening your Heart, allowing the flow of Divine Energies to come into you and through you, and around you.

It’s a beautiful time.  As we gather together in these energies, all of the community of Telos and the Agarthan Cities are waiting in anticipation for the Wesak energies to arrive.

As with the Full Moon on the 7th of May, the influx of energies will be felt.  If you haven’t already been feeling them, then open up your Heart and allow yourself to know that if you are experiencing any emotions, if you are NOT existing in your world as you usually would, please know it is because each of you are being PREPARED.

The true event is when we gather together in Shamballa on the 9th of May with Walking Terra Christa.  Today is my dedication to them for presenting such a ceremony around the world for people to experience these energies as they are very much a part of the existence of The Brotherhood and Sisterhood of White Light which each of you participate in.

I would like to prepare each of you by allowing your own physical self to open up into any possibility that will occur within your consciousness, within your Heart Center, within your mindset, within your bodily system to put forth the miracle that you desire to have created in your world.  Allow those energies to flow within you to assist you to allow them to become manifested in the physical realm.

My wish is for every soul upon the Earth to be able to experience these energies as we ARE and WILL be.  If we could have every soul take moments such as this and experience the Divine Energies of CHANGE and VIBRATION to come into the full body system, then there would be an upsurge of healing within humanity; allowing for the depth of the energetics of the New Earth to become ever more present in ALL our realities.

As we, in the Agartha Network of the Inner Earth Christed Cities. bring forth unto each of you our blessings, our moment to allow each of you to feel OUR hearts, OUR vibrations, and that we walk with you through this great momentous change.  

When Wesak occurs, throughout the ceremony we’re all sitting on the top of the mountain so to speak.  We are with Lord Buddha; we are with each of the Divine Masters that will be speaking through Mahlariessee’s voice.  Each of THEM is EXTREMELY honored to be able to work in the way that they have been through her essence. I feel the same way. It allows each of us to be centered within HER essence.  HER essence gives to us the ability to have the spiritual communication and the communion of being without a body yet within the body.

This is what we want for each of you for Wesak.  We want you to FEEL the Divine Energies of each of the Masters.  We want you to feel the essence of Shamballa.  We want you to feel the community.  In order to do so, we want each of you to open up your Hearts.  The important part of this process is to not allow ANY condition that you may think about or hold within your consciousness to be that reality.  There is nothing more important for this Ascension Festival than to HOLD the HIGHEST quality of INTENTION within yourself so that you can be MORE to your physical self than you were in the previous moment.

My understanding is that as all our belief systems within the Agarthan Council of Light truly feel that this Wesak will assist humanity.  It will assist humanity to realize that LOVE CAN BE the guiding force through all the damaging energies that are occurring presently.  If we COULD wake up every individual and tell them that is something that they have all gone through before, and not repeat the same mistakes, we would BE right there with them.  But not all will be awakened to these possibilities.

It’s important that each of us and each of you stand tall within these Divine Energies of the Wesak of The Brotherhood and The Sisterhood of White Light with Lord BuddhaThe Office of the Christ, all the Ray Chohans, all the Divine Beings that WILL be presenting themselves.  It means that they are intertwining their energies unto each of YOU to assist you and to help you to realize that we are ALL part of the same energy, we are Oneness.

But not UNTIL we take those breaths, not UNTIL we ALLOW the mental thoughts to dissipate, not UNTIL we allow the emotional reactions to be displaced and to ALLOW the Divine Energy of ‘what is’ in that moment, to BE that moment, and to ALLOW THAT FULL embodiment of ‘what is to be’ for each of us for this planet to come into a higher state of elevation.

That is TRULY what, I, and each of us in Telos and the Agarthan Cities, believe will come to pass because more IS coming to pass.  There are more openings.  The Agarthan Network a few years ago would not even listen to what I had to say about Walking Terra Christa, yet here we ARE gathering together in the beauty and the love right within our beautiful Garden of Light.

I ask you NOW in this moment to feel that blessing, to feel the comradery that is coming to you even though we live in different worlds.  We are not able to live in your world and you are not able to live in our world.  The change has to occur for that to be, but we are here to assist you with this presently.

I, as Lord Adama through Lady Mahlariessee, work diligently to assist each of you to come into a sense of relationship of your Divine Self into your physical self without the ego, allowing your Higher Ego to be ever present.

Be STRONG, be COURAGEOUS, stand UP to adversity, allow your DIVINE TRUTH of your I Am Presence, of your Higher Light Essence, of your Solar Angel to GUIDE you through the many challenges that will occur later.

Wesak is a time of renewal.  It is the time of the communication of love and acceptance to come into each of our hearts so that we blend together into the Oneness that has ALWAYS been intended for us before we came into existence upon this Earth or any other planet and before we came into existence of the Angels.

I ask you to be humble.  

I ask you to allow the sense of humility to come to you through this process. 

Break away the ties that have BOUND you to the dysfunctional Earth. 

Break away those elements that no longer serve you as a spiritual Being of Light. 

FEEL that essence that you ARE, because that is truly where you will HOLD the most Divine Light within you.  It will shine and it will spread to all parts of yourself that are fighting it; by allowing each of us to come together in this way in this moment.

I, as Lord Adama, with the Agarthan Council of Light with all the Dignitaries that are represented here, in Telos, the Capital City, and all of the Crystalline Christed Cities within the Agarthan Inner Earth to SHINE unto each of your hearts.  Please KNOW we walk with you in beauty and in grace.

Yes, we tell you when things are not going RIGHT, we bring to you the TRUTH; ALL because we desire you to see and become who we have been, what we are doing within our cities to allow them to be the Continuation of Light for the New Earth.

We have a very, very long way to go, but this Wesak is CRUCIAL.  So, HOLD on to it as deeply as you can, Become IT, ARRIVE in it, and it shall be yours.

Alunnah, Alunnah, Alunnah.

I am Lord Adama High Priest within the City of Telos.  I thank Lady Galacticia for bringing forth her song and I thank all the Dignitaries for being with us today.

Let us now gather together as we arise.  Take a moment of Breath within the Telosian Garden of Light.  Feel the exquisite joy that is here, knowing that your HEART can be filled as DEEPLY as you DESIRE it to be.

Transcription Services By Carol M.

Audio recordings of the original event of this transcript may be obtained by clicking this link. Please write “May 6, 2020” in the order notes.


TO READ ABOUT THE WESAK FESTIVAL CEREMONY: Wesak is a very important annual event that Walking Terra Christa has hosted every year. Order tickets for the annual Online AUDIO Global 2020 WESAK FESTIVAL CEREMONY that occurs on MAY 9, 2020 at 9:00 AM Pacific time by Walking Terra Christa, CLICK HERE.

Original Material © Copyright 2003-2020 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee* and Rev. Michael Ara. All rights reserved. *formerly spelled “Meleriessee”. Please feel free to post and share this article in full with all links and images including this copyright statement of attribution.

Becoming Love to Transform the Self ~ May 2020 Wesak Festival of Lights ~ Master Djwhal Khul

Wesak Ascension Mastery Message of the Spiritual Meaning of the May 2020 accelerations with Master Djwhal Khul as brought forth by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden.

We now arrive at the juncture of the Full Moon of Scorpio within the Sun of Taurus which occurs on May 7th, 2020 at 12:45 AM Pacific, 3:45 AM Eastern, and 7:45 AM GMT.

This is a very exciting time as all of humanity has the grand opportunity to become One with each of the Ascended Masters and Beings of Light. The full moon of Scorpio within Taurus brings to us the ability to allow for the essence of Self Love to become ever present within our consciousness. It is a time of transition as Scorpio brings the essence of breaking things apart – the parts of ourselves that no longer need to exist as the Taurus energy allows for the transformation to occur.

In a sense we are in the state of Transmutation into Transformation allowing for the foundation of our physical self to be recreated as nothing will never be the same again. The way that we lived our lives are being molded into a better sense of our spiritual self being the guiding energy instead of the physical consciousness ruling the way that we exist upon the earth.

This state of change can erupt and cause havoc if you, as a soul, fights the process. I believe that with the Coronavirus Pandemic, that each of us individually has had to change the way that we exist upon this earth. For the awakened ones, it is a time to allow the Rebirthing process to become a mantra to continue this process.

The energetics of this Full Moon brings forth Divine Change in a positive manner as what we have desired to create can now become our reality if we Believe in the process of Divine Intervention. This means that our Spiritual Self, Higher Self and I Am Presence, are guiding each of us into a better part of our soul’s reality.

As this soul, we have traveled many lifetimes to get to a point that life becomes more aligned with the essence of the Light and not the dark. It is a time of great restructuring and creating a new foundation based on the Divine Love that we have always been a part of within our creation. This moon is giving us the gift of love in the form of full accessibility to become the Divine Self. It is no longer a perceived thought, but a true manifestation that can be acknowledged by stepping out of our old ways of thinking and feeling into a world that is supported and loved.

The beauty of the this moment in time is that the challenges every person has had to endure upon the planet have brought us to this juncture to reflect within ourselves of what is really sacred within our Hearts as it is possible to re-create our lives on what we are learning through the trials of all that is existing presently.

It truly can be a time of complete renewal with the alluring magical qualities to be ever present within our current life situations if we allow ourselves to step into the beauty of transformation that we are all experiencing through our physical, emotional, mental, and etheric consciousness. There is a sense of synergy occurring to allow all parts of ourselves to come into the state of Oneness within our Hearts.

I don’t think there has been a Taurus/Scorpio Moon cycle that has given so much hope for quite a long time. The planet is experiencing darkness, but it is also allowing the essence of Light to filter within each Soul’s Heart Center with Divine Love.

This Wesak Moon will prove to be completely aligned with the Heart and Will of God into the consciousness of humanity. The main focus of Wesak is to celebrate the birth and acceleration of Lord Buddha, our Planetary Logos as each Initiate and Ascended Being of Light arises to their new level of acceleration. In summary it represents the following energies:

    • Wesak is a time of great renewal and celebration. It represents the “Forces of Enlightenment“. These energies are affected within our educational movements, values, literature, publishing, writers, and speakers on the entire planet. The power of these energies is so great that it can affect many levels of awareness that are within each soul to step into a great reality within themselves.
    • Every individual upon the planet is affected by the Wesak energies; it assists initiates of all levels to move to another level of their initiation process so there can be times of great challenges that push each of us into a new aspect of our soul’s essence. It is a time to connect with others, share your gifts, love, and generosity of spirit.
    • All of the Ascended Masters and Beings of Light travel to Shamballa (located within the Inner Earth) to celebrate Lord Buddha and the entire God Force during this powerful time of light. It is important to fully take time to allow the energies to enfold within each person’s full body system, as it is an opportunity that should not be missed.

We cannot know within our own consciousness of how we will be affected by the energies of Wesak, the most important Ascension Festival of the year. But, what we can do is to surrender into the Divine Energies and allow the higher light emanations assist us to create the change that we desire by allowing our Feminine (Love) and Masculine (Will) to create the Wisdom of our own Power to become manifest within our reality.

Master Djwhal Khul’s Keynote for Wesak 2020

I allow the blessing of Wesak and the Full Moon and Sun of Scorpio and Taurus to give unto me the Divine Love and Will to be acknowledged through my walk upon the earth as I am supported and loved by the Ascended Beings of the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of White Light.

Greetings My Dearest Friends,

I Am Master Djwhal Khul, Ray Chohan for Love and Wisdom, desiring to extend unto you my blessing of Love unto each of you.

Of all Ascension Festivals of the year, the Wesak Festival is one in which all sentient beings from the Cosmic and Multi-Universal structures brings forth their service unto humanity while allowing their own soul essence to go through a restructuring process.

This allows the capability for each of you, as Initiates, to open up your Hearts into a new sense of experience so that you are able to walk into the next level of your consciousness and allow for the Divine Intervention of your own I AM Presence with your 12 Light Bodies to become the focal point of your consciousness.

The excitement is building within Shamballa for the Wesak Festival. We have been preparing for this most magical ceremony for many months. As we draw nearer to the day of the full moon, there are many elements that we put into place. It has been occurring since the Festival of the Christ and will continue into the Festival of Humanity. The important part of the energies is to allow yourself to step into the pathway of renewal so that the reconstructive process can occur within your full body system.

This moon of Scorpio and the sun of Taurus are in complete alignment. There is a sense within the planetary system that the Earth has struggled long and hard, and you have come into a high vibratory phase which has allowed each of you to ponder who you are and what you are becoming.

As the Initiates that walk on the Earth it is your job to be loving and strong within yourselves. Allow yourself to go through the phases of resurrection by purging the elements that you no longer need to hold onto. Step into the role of the Initiate that allows for the transmutation to occur so that you will step out into the Light victorious of what you have been holding unto. This process can be physical or emotional or mental depending upon what you need to purge out of your system. Your Etheric Body is going through a process of reorganization which occurs within the electrons of your system. It is a vibratory energy that may hold issues within the other bodies that need to be remove out of your system. Be strong within yourself as you uphold the best you can be as your four-body system is going through a process of rewiring and readjusting so that  your foundation (within your Earth Star) can hold the vibratory rate that is in alignment of the balance occurring within each of your chakras. Every one of them is being infused with more light energies so it is imperative for you to acknowledge the change that is occurring within you.

It is a time to allow the essence of your Spiritual Truth to guide you and to not falter away from those elements.

This may mean that you will realize untruths arising out of your consciousness that you have held within yourself as the alignment process is continuing within your full body system.

This period of time with the Wesak Moon is more powerful than ever before. The changes that can result within you will be due to the process of you aligning with the higher truth and accepting the lower self to go through a healing process unmatched by anything else you have experienced.

Allow yourself to look into the mirror of your reflection, notice what is changing, accept that change, and embrace it as this process is important. What you don’t embrace cannot be grounded within you so you must allow the Divine Energies presently to help you with your untruths so that you, as the Soul, becomes more aligned with all that you are within yourself than you ever have before.

GAIA is awakened to all of your energies. The most important gift you can give to her is to hold this transference of light to become more illuminated within you so that she also can strive to make the necessary adjustments within her reality.

As you can see, each living creature within and upon the Earth is going through this process of transformation. It is a beautiful time; look to the horizon of the blessing being given to you and you will align with only the acceptance of the change, and not with the difficulty it takes to move the elements from your system.

I thank you, as an Initiate, to walk with each of us as you learn to master the elements within your world and hold the highest reflection of the Higher Hosts of Divine Light.

I Am Master Djwhal Khul, at your service.

Walking Terra Christa annual SPIRITUAL WESAK FESTIVAL from MOUNT SHASTA was held May 9th. Pure authentic guidance and participation of the actual Wesak Ceremony held on the inner planes each year for all Initiates and Masters of Ascension. Hosted by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee (Ordained personally by Dr. Joshua David Stone) and Rev. Michael Ara of Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. We gather as spiritual beings to honor Lord Buddha’s ascension by collectively sharing in the profound and highest spiritual festival of the year: WESAK. Join this annual event for Planetary Invocations, Prayers, the Wesak Decree, and to hear the pure Divine Integrated Messages from the Masters. This event is a 3+ hour Ceremony of Light and Love within the Ascension Mastery Teachings as originated by Dr. Joshua David Stone in 1995 in Mount Shasta California.


LATEST MEDITATION: We also created a special NEW SPIRITUAL HEALING Meditation that is 48 minutes long for very deep cleansing and protection. CLICK HERE TO read more about the topic or to order.

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© 2003-2020 Walking Terra Christa and Divine Language Network.

MAY 9, 2020: The Global WESAK FESTIVAL of Light (attend Online or by Phone)

Wesak Festival Ceremony Walking Terra Christa 2020 event

Becoming the Wisdom of your Resurrection

Wesak represents the highest Spiritual Festival of each year. It is the day “of Wisdom” within Ascension advancement.

In order to understand the consciousness or thought process of the wisdom, the initiate must go through the testing process. Wisdom is gained after the resurrection occurs; it is not the other way around.

THE FORCES OF ENLIGHTENMENT means learning how to become enlightened on a personal basis, not just the overall process like Lord Buddha represents.

How does one become enlightened about their situation? As a master, we have to go through many experiences which reflect on each of those moments to be a stage of resurrection or breaking apart and then the process re-creation is based on what we have learned from that experience to be part of our reality.

To be a master or walk like a master, an Initiate must go through these many experiences. There are more than we can really count. But through each occurrence it is important to be in a state of reflection of the change that has occurred. Sometimes it takes quite a bit of time to get to the stage of knowingness of what has happened, what has been broken down, and the phase of restoring faith in the walk that needs to continue for that master to uphold all that he or she has learned in the process of Re-Creation.

Where is there Joy in this?

Many may think there is no joy, but it needs to be a personal recollection within one’s consciousness of the reality of what has happened, what is about to happen, and the restructuring energies that result from that occurrence.

The “Forces of Enlightenment” represent embracing the concept that you, as the Initiate, have made a change in the way that you think, feel, and act. This change is only one minute quality that you have gained through the process of the aspect within you that has gone through a death experience.

Wisdom can only be gained when an Initiate truly allows the experience of “spiritual dying” to be significant enough that they re-learn how to live within the concept of renewal or rebirth. We also call this Restructuring the Foundation to allow the new element that has been gained to be the integral divine energy that will hold the base together.

It is at this phase the Initiate learns to concentrate only on the Wisdom that has been gained whether it is an deep emotional tie to the experience, an aspect that is shown to the Initiate through vision or connection of the Divine, or through some other means. It becomes the glue to restructure the foundation. In that process comes the joy of learning that you, as the Initiate, has the power within you to hold it so deeply to your heart that nothing can penetrate you to change it. It becomes part of your infrastructure, it is your new base of existing while allowing the qualities of the Divine Light of Mother God to bless you with her presence within your heart.

The Heart of Wisdom represents the Gold Flame but within that is the presence of the Feminine of the Pink Flame along with the Masculine of the Blue Flame. One cannot have complete autonomy without the other.

In fact each of the eleven rays of God up to the Gold Flame represents a portion of allowing the Gold Flame to be the presiding factor. It helps to create the Wisdom as without the other steps, then the Initiate will falter and not be able to hold his/her new support system within them.

Every time an initiate travels through his lessons, they will go through this process. The important part of this journey is to keep moving and allowing the Heart Essence of Divine Wisdom to always be the guide of the Initiate. Without it, he/she will fall back down and have to relearn the lessons that have been given to him/her.

Within this is the state of Joyfulness, it represents the ability to fully command within oneself the acceptance of that journey, realizing the challenge that has fallen within them, and the ability to overcome it by utilizing each of the Eleven Rays of God to reach the ultimate Ray of the Christ Consciousness, the Gold Flame. Without this process, then the Initiate becomes befuddled with rage, possibly anger as sadness and frustration will result causing that Initiate to not walk as a Master, but as a third-dimensional human.

This process is one of great movement and if an individual has the foresight within themselves to journey time and time again, working upon the wisdom that needs to be gained, then they will arrive as that Master.

The point is that each lightworker that desires this joy to be part of their consciousness and full body system, they just strive to work through the challenges within their past that are to be awakened time and time again.

The Heart of Wisdom is always within each Initiate if they allow themselves to acquire it through diligence, perseverance, and Divine Love.

As of 2018, the first 7 Rays of God have been grounded into Gaia, within her core crystalline structure.

It is now time for us as a spiritually aware human (an Initiate) to ask:

What do those 7 rays represent for each Initiate on their intended walk upon the Earth?

If the Earth is embodied within the Seven Rays/Flames, how does each initiate ground the same rays into their four body system?

How are you, as an Initiate, holding true to what those Seven Rays represent within your personality, your four body system, and your three minds?

In truth, you are “one being” who has many complex energetic layers, essentially, you are not easily able to say to yourself, “this is my emotional body, or this is my subconscious mind”, instead we realize that as a “person” you are that set of complexities. Yet, as a soul, you can address these components and energetically focus the Rays of God to develop (ground) within those components, such that you “as a whole” will transform yourself to better hold the frequencies (qualities) that the Rays embody within them from the higher sources of light (the Cosmic levels of Divine Mother Father God and the Creative Source of Oneness).

These Rays/Flames and Traits are:

Blue – Will and Power – Strength, Courage, Truthfulness, Fearlessness,

Golden Yellow – Love and Wisdom – Expansion of Abstract Mind to Concrete Mind, Radiance – feeling the beauty of one’s I Am Presence, Accessing Insight and Intuition, Being Loyal to your Higher Self, being generous, being calm, having the gift of endurance, Patience.

Pink – Creative Actualization – deep Compassion, Tolerance and Devotion to the Spiritual Self ,  Gratitude, Charity, and Reverence – all of these helps to create manifestation of desires.

Crystalline – Harmony & Balance through Conflict – pathway of resurrection, changing elements within Oneself, God’s purity of light to be fully within one’s thoughts and emotions, having a balanced four-body system to create One Body of Light; has the optimal ability to always have Hope no matter what the circumstances may be.

Green-Golden White – Science of God–honorable intentions in all situations with devotion, compassion, and allowing open-mindedness with deep love and reverence in all situations.  Acquiring Perseverance and true honesty.

Ruby Red-Gold – Inner Devotion– forgiving love and grace, truth, tolerance, finding serenity, balance.

Violet-Purple – Ceremonial Discipline & Order – Sacred Living, Spiritual Traditions & Protocols – Transmutation into Transformation, gentleness, love and tolerance in all thoughts, feelings, and actions.

TO READ ABOUT THE WESAK FESTIVAL CEREMONY: Wesak is a very important annual event that Walking Terra Christa has hosted every year. Order tickets for the annual Online AUDIO Global 2020 WESAK FESTIVAL CEREMONY that occurs on MAY 9, 2020 at 9:00 AM Pacific time by Walking Terra Christa, CLICK HERE.

Original Material © Copyright 2003-2020 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden. All rights reserved. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS CONTENT FREELY IN COMPLETE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS WITH THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!

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