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It’s Time to Remember ~ Master Thoth ~ The Law of Divine Oneness

oneness rays

NOTE: If you desire to learn more on energetically incorporating the Universal Law of Divine Oneness into the Self to allow the energies to support you in the New Earth energies, we have a new series offering  that has options for a Guided Meditation, and teachings from Master Thoth and Lord Saint Germain (click here for details).

This article is a channeled message from Master Thoth.  He is the initiator of the Universal Laws of the Universe in his lifetime as “Hermes Trismegistus”.  He is working with Walking Terra Christa to help bring an understanding to the Universal Laws within the concept of accepting them in our pathway for the betterment of our existence.

The Universal Laws are very close to my soul’s essence. It is a pleasure to talk about the laws and how to apply them in your physical world. We will first take a look at the first law, “Divine Oneness.”

The Law of Divine Oneness helps us to understand that we live in a world where everything is connected to everything else. Everything we do, say, think, and believe affects others and the universe around us.

The concept of oneness can be very vast or it can represent a thought that occurs within one’s mind. Let us take for example the process of understanding Oneness. When individuals say to themselves that they want to be in Oneness, what does that truly mean?

Does it reflect the thought that this person feels empathy towards someone else, is it a feeling of not wanting to be alone, or is it a cause that needs to be addressed?

These are all important questions to consider. We must understand that we all have the consciousness of the One. It is part of our soul’s essence; we were born with it at the time of our creation. It truly is within our Higher Mind’s ideal to have Oneness within the essence of the soul.

But what does it mean when you want to have Oneness within your physicality?

This is when it truly can become very tricky as the Lower Mind, the Physical Mind within your consciousness of who you are in this present lifetime will try to figure it out and what it may mean for you, as the person you are.

What we have to do is take those thoughts that seem to be fragmented and put them into the perspective of the All Seeing Mind, which is truly our I Am Presence.

Sometimes it may be challenging for an initiate to truly try and figure out the I Am Presence. It seems so massive and overpowering that the physical mind just cannot comprehend the feeling behind the words. But as a student of metaphysics you use that term because others have told you that it is important to bring forth those energies within your full consciousness. This is all very true and very important for you to fully be your Higher Essence, the God Light that you command within your Physical Mind.

Initially one thinks it is important to just go ahead and make the command. Then, your Lower Mind will assimilate it when it can figure it out. But it will never figure it out.

What occurs is that your Higher Mind becomes the commanding energy and intertwines within your Physical Mind so they become One. This is truly what Oneness represents.

We must think of the first moment of creation, if that is a possibility. Each of us is part of a mass consciousness and within that Source of Light, our I AM Presence, as one entity was in control of all that we have ever been and ever will be.

This is truly what represents Divine Oneness.

Each person must get out of the defragmented parts of themselves that causes confusion within the mind. If you can imagine that we are all part of the Source of Light, then we become that Light within ourselves and to each other.

As the beginning essence was created, the Source of Light decided that there needed to be a more concentrated effort of the many universes to be cohesive together, so a separation occurred. The essence of God was created in its form of Masculine and Feminine, hence, Divine Mother and Father God. This was to have an Overlighting source that would be able to assist each of us in our own creative process. So the separation occurred and each of us went into our own I AM Presence, which housed 144 souls of light. Then we became part of our Monad within Monads of the I AM Presence, as groups of 12 were created. Now we never lost sight of that essence of being connected within our I AM source of light and all the other sources of light combined.

This is where the true separation occurred within each of us.

As we went into our different experiences in the many universes, the Veil of Forgetfulness was placed upon us. It would be up to us to connect to the Source of Light that we were in order to stay within Divine Oneness.

But as we have all traveled through the many dimensions of time and space, we truly have never forgotten the Source of Light that We Are from the Soul’s Essence. But it was determined that the tests would be put upon us in physical forms to connect to the life source. This is what happens when an individual soul awakens to their God Source potential. Some may think it is because they are psychic and can receive messages through the veils of inter-dimensional time and space. But that truly is not the case.

This is when you awaken to the possibility of your Higher Self becomes a reality. It just takes time of deep work and concentration to remove the karmic debts that have been placed upon each soul depending on the amount of lifetimes they have experienced. Coupled with that fact is that the Earth is the School of Learning for all souls. It is a place where one can forget or one can remember. The choice is up to each Soul Essence depending upon the lessons that need to be learned.

This is why the Universal Laws and the teachings of the Kybalion has been so hard to understand and for some, they cannot even grasp the meaning that is in the written word. That is because originally it was meant only from the lips to the ears, from the Master to the Initiate. And in this manner, it was considered part of a knowledge that needed to be kept in secret. This is because when it falls upon the ears of the one that is not ready to receive it’s teaching, then it becomes lost in its context upon the world.

That is no longer true but what still remains to be seen is how many can truly understand the written laws of the Universe without allowing their physical mind to intercede in the process of the Light becoming One Unto the Earth.

That is why I am here in these moments to convey to each of you what you are ready to hear. But you must understand that it cannot come from your Lower Mind; it must be received through your Higher Mind. The only way to accomplish that element is to rise above of who you are in your present physical body.

You are a soul and a body, but do you know how to access that within total Oneness of the Self. Many upon the Earth do not. The only ones that can try to understand are the Initiates of Mastery. It is part of their pathway to open up to new ways of understanding and being upon the earth. Saying the words, “I want to be in Oneness” is only a statement of the physical mind. It does not represent the Higher Mind as the physical self has not felt the totality of that statement. When the mental body is in control, then the effect of Divine Oneness can only be said and not felt.

It is important to realize the potentiality of the Universal Laws. Stepping into the first law of Divine Oneness is truly a beginning of learning how to access your Divine Mind that is also acknowledging you at the same time. It is an opening of the doorway that allows for the Mind to be fully ready to accept the responsibility that everything an individual thinks and does and then acts upon goes right back to the Source of Light. It is a vibrational movement that is felt through your Monad and then your I Am Presence. It then continues its movement into the God Source through the Source of Light and all of the other I AM Presence’s of existence.

I know ~ that is a very overwhelming thought, but it is the truth.

This is why Divine Oneness is an awakening to the soul, to the spirit, to the body that all things exist together simultaneously through the waves of light and received back into the focus of the physical existence. It is a space and time that is allowing individuals to see their purpose in a way that is beyond the comprehension of anything you ever thought it could be.

It is the power of the Light fully focused within your physical creation. It is why you are awake – to remember all that you have ever been and will be in this moment in time.

We are One as we evolve together.

I AM Master Thoth, ready to serve the student.

So Mote It Be ~ We are One!

NOTE: If you desire to learn more on energetically incorporating the Universal Law of Divine Oneness into the Self to allow the energies to support you in the New Earth energies, we have a new series offering  that has options for a Guided Meditation, and teachings from Master Thoth and Lord Saint Germain (click here for details).

© 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:


NEW TRAINING: Step Into Divine Oneness (A Universal Law Teaching Seminar Series)




CLASS 1 – SAT. JAN. 30 @ 12:30 PM PST | 3:30 PM EST
CLASS 2 – THUR. FEB. 4 @ 4:30 PM PST | 7:30 PM EST
CLASS 3 – SAT. FEB. 6 @ 12:30 PM PST | 3:30 PM EST

“The Law of Divine Oneness helps us to understand that we live in a world where everything is connected to everything else. Everything we do, say, think, and believe affects others and the universe around us.” 

◊  Understand Spiritual Oneness versus Physical Oneness. 

◊  Gain Insight Into Why Your Human Mental Mind Has Failed To Create The True Vibration Of Oneness On Earth. 

◊  Discover How To Identify and Rectify The Traits You Have That Do Not Represent Oneness.  

◊  Learn How To Generate and Incorporate the Vibrational Frequency Necessary to Actualize Oneness within You. 

The Pathway of Mastery and Ascension is more than having the intellectual understanding of the Universal Laws, it is attaining the practice of putting those laws into a way of being in your life.

2016 ushers into Earth an even Higher Octave Frequency that will push Humanity into accepting that the Universal Laws must now be implemented within each soul’s existence…


© 2016 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:

Ignite the Flame of Divine Light ~ Master Altebetahn

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., on the anniversary of his birthday, comes to us within his Higher Self as Master Altebetahn to give a very inspiring and powerful message to the Clarion Temple of Oneness, January 18th, 2016.

Yamteleus – Spokes-Being for the Clarion Temple of Oneness

Greetings, My Dearest Beloveds,

I Am Yamteleus. Welcome to the Temple this evening. I am really excited to have Master Altebetahn work with us that will really represent what each of us need to embody and understand within a physical existence of what occurs ~ bringing peace and harmony to a planet in the midst of great change. This is exactly what each of you is experiencing. The changes are different than they were before but they are not of a lesser degree.

I thank dearest Dr. Martin Luther King as Master Altebetahn to fully be with us and bring forth his essence unto each of us.

Many blessings to each of you; thank you for being here.


Angelic Hosts

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

We are the Angels of the many principalities of Light, and we gather here this evening with each of you in union and communion of whom we all are in the Source of light, in the creative energy. It does not matter that we are angels or whether we are represented by some other embodiment or just the Source of Light that we are; it does not matter. What is important is that each of our Hearts is connected within each other and that is what we desire for each of you this evening. We thank you deeply for coming forward to be with us, to experience this beautiful time together.


Master Altebetahn

Dearest Ones,

It is my blessing to be with each of you. I am Master Altebetahn; as all of you know me as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. of the earth . Of course, my role upon the earth was so very important for the people, and I see that there is still great change that needs to be done in order for us to come together in a peaceful resolution of what you call the New Earth.

When I hear those words, The New Earth, it rings true in my heart as my cause upon the earth was so very important, but there are many other causes that are just a crucial to the changes that humanity must exhibit within their hearts. I am honored to be here with you once again. It is truly a blessing to my heart that I am gifted to be able to speak to the many through this beautiful lady and that I can reach my essence into each of your hearts ~ as our dear hearts become one heart beating in the core essence of God, of all that we have ever desired to be.

My role tonight is to honor each of you for the work that you are doing in your own way. As each individual that steps into the power of God within themselves, truly has a gift to give unto the planet, and we all know that this must start first within oneself allowing it to change all of humanity little by little. This is occurring, believe it my Dear Ones. Little by little people are awakening and achieving all that they desire and all they could ever think to be. It is my pleasure to see it from this perspective.

The planet still has a very long way to go but each of you that are part of the newly awakened energies of the last 15 years or so, are planting these energies within the earth. We do see it. We do see it happening. This year is going to represent so much change but within the change, there is a beautiful essence of the extension of life being honored in a completely different way than it has been. The Great Ones that we have always honored; Jeshua, Buddha, Mohammed, Dearest Gandhi, Indian Masters, Monks, Teachers, in monasteries that will come out to meet the people. It truly will occur and each of you are the pioneers stepping forward to change yourself and the earth are bringing forth the greatest gift that I can see. You see, as you are healing yourself, you are teaching others to do so. This is being given to dearest Gaia, the Mother of our Earth. As the people will change through this process, the Great Ones will come to meet each of you.

It is at this time that you must hold true to what peace represents for you. Because if you allow yourself to fully inhabit the Divine Essence of Peace, of God’s heart, which is your heart into your physical heart, then anything that you experience within the earth will not seem as traumatic as it could be. It will be more beautiful, it will be more magical, it will be more lovely, but it is within the depth of your existence of trying to hold onto an ideal that must be changed is when individuals will truly have more difficulty in acknowledging the process.

So each of you are here as those Divine Beings of Light. You may not understand what you are going through specifically in each moment, but you will be able to comprehend that there is a greater purpose within yourself that is being acknowledged. There is a depth – there is a truth that is within your soul to be accepted into the Divine Hearts of many. Everyone’s truth will be different but it truly is the same as it represents Divine Love, Divine Power, and Divine Acceptance. If we take ourselves back to that realm of individuality, of the light, of the source that we have been previously in the beginning, we didn’t have all these elements stopping us from that Purity of Acceptance.

Tonight I would like to assist in bringing forth that Divinity of Light. I have learned much from my trials in the heavens. I have learned to honor the depth of change that occurs, and I have also learned that not all can be changed in a moment’s notice. My role with each of you is to help you to find that Divinity of Light within yourself, the spark that helps you during those difficult moments. Without that spark, you will fall into the depths of despair; you will grieve in a way that is so unpleasant as you have done in many other lifetimes.

I believe this is the time that you are the Ones that are bringing forth these essences, these changes within the soul to not only help yourself but to help the masses. It is all about embodying the Purity of Light, the Love of expression, and the understanding that everything has its purpose in each moment of your existence. When you step into the power of that light, you will be able to acknowledge it in a completely different way than you ever have before. And within that moment, is your True Purpose. It will appear to you in the darkest moments, the weakest times of expression.

If you see yourself as a flickering candle, that flame never dies. It is the heat and the power of that flame that is your continual movement of yourself. That flame never dies when you leave the planet. In actuality it helps you to learn how to help yourself to make it stronger.

This is what I have learned in the last 50-60 years of my heavenly existence:


When you have a struggle you become immersed with its power. It becomes you but within that struggle is the Power Of Your Ability to move through it. This is what I mean about you being the FLAME.

As I look around this beautiful amphitheater in this moment, I see all these beautiful flames of light. I see small flames, I see brighter flames, I see weaker flames, and that is only because you have not been shown the power of your Divinity, of True Oneness. Being One with God’s essence, being one with the Creative Source of Light that has been given to each of us.

It is very interesting how life enfolds upon the Earth. When we have our deepest struggles, and then we are faced with those struggles, we then allow that power of the light and love that we are to shine so brightly so it will burn away what is bothering us.

It is the one thing that I learned of being a black man in a white world in an environment and time that it was not accepted. I knew that power of my light could change things and maybe not in that moment, but it would change those souls that when you stand up to adversity within the known power of your existence, those souls that you are dealing with, they might still try to hurt you, but they can never take away your Light. They can never take away your flame of existence.

I see so many people upon the earth awakening to this fact. Some are lost within that power, some of them are overly empowered by it, and some learn that it is the true balance of life and the pursuit of happiness by allowing the Flame of the Divine Light that they are to be fully embodied within their pure existence, within their breath, within their feeling stages, and within their hearts.

I ask each of you now to see this FLAME that we have within this temple tonight. It looks like a large candle. It is a Flame of Light that represents all the hues of Christ Consciousness but beyond of Divine Oneness. Allow this Flame to reflect unto you, your own flame, as it ignites deeply from your Earth Star and allow it to come up into your entire existence, feel it within you, to give you confidence, to give you acceptance, to give you truth and the courage to look at what you have not been able to see before.

This is the power of this flame. You can call it God’s Flame; you can call it the Flame of Infinity of Light, but each of you, each of us has this flame within us.

I want to ignite that flame this evening. That is my role with each of you today – to give you the courage and the ability to look at the darkest parts and to be able to ignite that flame. This is truly how we are going to help others. I look forward to the New Earth. I look forward when all can come together in unison; that the world does not revolve around one specific one person, but yet the world revolves around all persons, all light infractions, of the depth and the purity that is within.

Each of you has courage; you would not be here today if not, and you would not be doing what you are doing. It does not matter how you are doing it, if is on small scale or a larger scale. It means you have ignited that Flame of Divinity of Love and Light to be ignited within you. Sometimes it may not be strong but other times it will be powerful.

So let us ignite this flame tonight. Let us feel that flame of strength, courage, power, love, compassion, and acceptance to fully be within each of us.

So I am no different than you on a soul level. If you had seen me in some of my lifetimes, you were probably greater than I was. All of that does matter; what does matter is lighting the flame. The Divinity of Love ~ the Divinity of Power ~ the Divinity of Wisdom ~ is fully ignited within each of you.

I ask you to look at this Flame in this beautiful temple as it is within the middle of our staging area. It goes upwards into the 144th dimension; it goes downwards to the core of Gaia. It ignites all the planes of God. It is very beautiful. Let this flame to come to you now in a deeper part; deeper into your heart and deeper into your Solar Plexus feeling the power and love that you are; feeling the acceptance that you bring forth into your existence within your breath. Allow it to be, Dearest Ones. There is no other way to be. You cannot be weak-willed. You cannot fall upon the aspects that don’t allow you to have the courage and the strength to move through any adversity or any success. This is truly what brings success. It is the power of your compassion, the power of your ability to understanding, and the power to make the necessary changes within yourself.

Your flame is igniting right now through the entire spectrum of your system from the soles of your feet in the Earth Star to the highest part of your Soul Star and expanding it above beyond the many dimensions of frequency through your Antakarana Bridge connecting to your I AM Presence.

Feel that power coming within you now as you ignite these energies unto yourself within your Heart. Feel the vibration and the warmth, the Golden Yellow Light, the White Light, the Lavender Light, the Purple, the Greens and the Blues, all frequencies, the Pink with Golden Hues, Pearlescent Hues, and Silver Hues as you become the Flame.

Now you are the flame my Dearest Ones. Feel the essence that is occurring within you as your body blends within the flame.

There is no body in this moment; there is only the flame in what you are. Feel the extension of that Divinity of Love, that Divinity of Light that represents all of these elements I speak a bout. Allow yourself to be compassionate with what you are experiencing. Allow yourself to feel the love that is igniting within you, the power of it is so great. And it truly is because you are so great of the extensions of your I Am Presence. Feeling that I AM Presence within the Monad and Your Higher Self as one entity of light within this Flame. It becomes you as you hold it deeply within your Heart. You feel the power of this energy. You feel the extension of all that you have desired to be, it is right within you.


{Divine Light Language Encoding}

Think and allow these thoughts to come fully within you from your Higher Mind into your Physical Mind:




Feel this Dearest Ones, feel these beautiful essences of the Divinity of the Source of Light be you as each of you are the Source OF Light. We are the Source of Light together.

Let us expand upon that and blend it deeply through our Earth Star as we are igniting this energy through the many dimensional levels below us into the core of Gaia. As Gaia receives IT, her flame burns bright. It burns brighter and it is warm and in a pure existence of vibrancy.

It wakes up all that is asleep as energies are now shifting and moving through the entire circumference of the world, the earth. Around the earth and inside the earth and every living inhabitant receives their own essence as we extend this beautiful movement of our own Divine Oneness of the Source that we are. It goes to everyone else and returns back to us.

Now feel that frequency of light coming into you. It surfaces within your core and moves around you like a blanket of warmth. It is the deepest love that you have ever felt. You are wrapped tightly within it and around you. You feel those elements I have spoken of, you feel the ability to be pure in your thoughts, you feel the ability to be calm, to be One with God’s essence with the entire frequency as you are part of the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of White Light.

You become this White Light within your physical essence.

Hold onto this my Dearest Ones, hold onto this frequency as this is what is going to assist you in your days ahead. As the challenges occur, you must always be sure what is within you but it must not come from your physical mind. It must come from your Higher Mind, your Higher Heart, the essence of God’s love but beyond God of the Creative Source of Light extending unto you.

What a gift to be awakened at this time.

And I ask of you to hold onto that. Let it be your thought.



Breathe deeper into it. Hold it within your Heart. Hold it within your Solar Plexus. This will give you your Higher Power and your Higher Heart to be ignited at all times of your life.

I am deeply grateful to be able to bring forth this message, this essence, this acceleration of what it is to be fully conscious and know whom you as a physical being and know who you are a Higher Being of Light.

I look forward to the time I return when I can experience this also. I thank you dearest Meleriessee, Dearest Ara, and Walking Terra Christa for allowing me to extend these energies unto each of you.

I am here to assist if you desire to receive that acceptance of pushing you into the darkest places helping you to understand that when you are Light, it may seem dark but it is an illusion of your lower mind and you have the power to walk through it. Then it all changes.

My deepest love and gratitude,

I Am Master Altebetahn at your service.

Individuals may purchase the MP3 download of any of our calls via The Cosmic Great Central Sun (Divine Mother/Father God) now speaks monthly in the temple occurring on the first Monday of each month.  The transcript for the Cosmic Oneness is available via  to read. If you would like to be part of these energies LIVE or listen privately, please check out our Student Program or our Partnership/Member Program in which we offer several ways to be part of these energies at a cost that you can afford.

© 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:


Visiting the Divine Temple of Complete Union ~ Decree

Temple of Light wtc

The Golden Etheric City of Aslaanetair represents the 10th Ray of the Integration of the Masculine and Feminine Divine Within the Physical Creation.

The City of Aslaanetair resides over Sweden.  This is a very interesting city as it is the “City of Many Labryinths”.  The circumference of the city is almost like a Labryinth.  There are many of them throughout the moutainous areas, into the hills, and the flat lads.  It is composed of many lakes in several locations.

Each of the labryinths represent an acceleration for DNA coding.  Within the labryinth there are elements that need to be worked upon so that the attunement of the coding can occur.

The Divine Temple of One Complete Union is in the middle of the main labryinth.  Each of the other labryinths connect with pathways as an individual can choose where to experience their energies first before visiting the Temple.  Our visit January 20th took place first in the Labryinth of the Forest in which the students where able to work with the lower elements of Self Criiticism, Impatience, Judgments, Low Self Esteem, Fear Elements or Insecurities in order to fully integrate the essence of Divine Oneness within the full body system.

The City is represented by the 10th Ray of “I Am The Male and Female Essence of Divine Light” which is overlighted by Master Voltar and Lady Master Valencia of Andromeda with Archangel Ariel.  The Elders from the Throne of Grace that ignite this ray are Lord Helleiasa and Lady Helleiaso.

Color:  Pearlescent

Chakra:  Sacral with the Toning Sound:  “OOO”


  •  DNA Activation occurs through use of the ray within the Higher Self energies as there is no interaction within the physical mind;
  • Allowing the Acceptance of Divine Unity Within;
  • Being in the Moment;
  • Creating Balance and Equilibrium allows for Calmness to occur;
  • Expressing Balance within the Body thereby accessing the Male & Female as One Complete Union;
  • Blending the frequencies of the Higher Self into the Physical Existence as it allows an individual to be uplifted and reflects this to others;
  • The Higher Wisdom will be acknowledged within the physical body which creates a strong sense of purpose;
  • Working within this ray allows for a feeling of calmness to be experienced, thereby, assisting the flow of life to be part of the individual’s reality. It assists in the balance of relationships and to be more flowing in life.

Andromeda is representative of a love vibration that is linked to the creation codes of the Universe. It is a planet of higher evolutionary changes, thereby creating portals of light to change the composition of an individual’s concept of their own reality through many types of acceleration. It assists in the activation of DNA through a process that is calming as it exhibits the qualities of compassion, patience, and acceptance of love through the higher frequencies of light.

Master Voltar & Lady Valencia represent the male and female aspects from Andromeda. They understand the process of blending both parts of themselves into each other so they are wonderful guideposts to rely upon through the process. Master Voltar brings forth illumination and enlightenment by cutting through the parts of the self that do not see the truth within.   Voltar has the quality of understanding one’s inner truth. He does not sugar coat any thought or emotion but truly allows an individual to take out the lower vibration in order to accept the truth of the Higher Mind into the physical vehicle. Lady Valencia is Master Voltar’s female aspect by being the example of a brilliant sun on a dark day shining within who truly assists in allowing the Feminine Divine to illuminate her truth.   She assists in the healing through the process that Voltar represents in elminating the darkness by bringing forth the light frequencies of warmth and expression of love. Together they assist in changing the thoughts that bind us from not knowing our inner truth to bring forth the externalization of deep love that we exist from through the Source of Light.

Archangel Ariel is devoted to helping us transcend the illusions of separateness and limitation. She is dedicated to our remembering the Divine Truth that we are ONE with the Infinite Divine Universal Source, we are ONE with the Miraculous. She is also very connected to the animal kingdom, elementals, and Mother Earth. She believes that the connection to the planet we inhabit is the answer to how we need to work through Oneness of the Self.  She works with the DNA Coding and energy clearing for each individual. This means that an individual must clear the past history in order for the communion of the Higher Self integrating both the male and female aspects. Through the clearing, an individual’s DNA is being coded to the higher frequency necessary to allow this integration to occur. Her goal within this ray is to let each individual to see their own truth of Light while blending the Male with the Female into the Oneness that they Are.

Decree ~ Visiting the Divine Temple of Complete Union

I stand in the midst of great change,

Through my Emotional and Mental Bodies,

I desire to become balanced,

Within my Masculine and Feminine Divine,

As I truly want to be One within Myself.

I am called to visit the Etheric Golden City,

Of Aslaanetair which resides over Sweden,

Representing the Pearlescent Flame,

Of Becoming the Masculine and Feminine Essence of Oneness.

I call upon the Beings of this magnificent city of Light,

The Elders that Surround the Throne of Grace with the Pearlescent Flame,

Lord Helleiasa and Lady Helleiaso,

With Master Voltar and Lady Valencia of Andromeda,

Along with Archangel Ariel.

I feel their presence deeply,

As I walk onto a pathway,

That takes me into this powerful labyrinth.

As I walk,

I feel the amazing energies,

Fully infuse within me Divine Light,

As I have never experienced before.

I think about what I desire to change,

From my masculine self,

And then my feminine self.

Sometimes I become so impatient with my life,

I feel I want to run away;

But then other times,

I feel like I cannot decide which way to go.

I am met by Master Voltar with his beloved, Lady Valencia,

They reach their arms out towards me,

As I feel a deep love and understanding,

Emanating from them,

They take me into this magnificent Divine Temple of Complete Union.

I sit with them,

I reflect on what I was feeling,

I see the parts that do not fit,

And Understand why I was experiencing them.

Master Voltar explained that it is a matter,

Of connecting within the Divine Source I Am,

That this temple of light,

Brings to me the ability to know,

From my Highest Essence,

I feel the acceleration running through me,

Elements are changing within my Mind,

And through my Heart essences.

I start to see the reflection that I truly am,

Not what I thought I was.

I am honored and pleased to experience this change within me,

I am now ready to learn more,

About the True Being I AM.

I AM that I AM that I AM.

The New Earth Consciousness-Circle of Light classes take place on Wednesday evenings each week.  Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos gives a New Earth Discourse and guides us to the designated city each week.

Walking Terra Christa provides many options to participate in their weekly teachings with an affordable rate for all individuals.  You can become a Student by participating in the LIVE teachings and be part of our mentoring program OR participate in our Partner/Membership Program while experiencing the teachings on your own time via the recordings.

© 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:


Be Like the Dancing Planets ~ Embrace your Rebirth


The Unified Whole Command brings forth their essence to share that the alignment of the Dancing Planets that occurred on January 20, 2016 represent our own alignment within the Physical through the Spiritual Self.

This alignment continues for 30 days and it brings a perfect opportunity to incorporate the changes that we desire.

Greetings My Dearest Comrades of the Light,

Welcome to 2016! How does it feel? The frequencies of light are ever changing in each day, hour, and minute. That is what you will be experiencing during this cycle of acceleration.

We are honored to communicate with each of you. We represent the Unified Whole Command of the 144th dimensional energies with Master Thoth, Master Einstein, and the Great Divine Director. Our role is to assist each of you in understanding the dynamics of the earth changes and how you may help yourself through the process of GREAT CHANGE.

We are so divinely excited to be able to walk with each of you through these changes and want to reiterate to you that we represent the Source of Light that each of you reside from – your True Beginning. So we ask you to take a breath and feel our energies as we expand our essence through the writings of our communication.

As the month of January as represented a new beginning within a new year, it can hold elements of anticipation as the energy starts to enfold. As we speak at this time, of the third quarter of the month, we see that there is great confusion but yet also an alignment of energy that is helping many of you to understand that it is all in Divine Order. If you can come to that realization, then you are on the right track. The Universal Laws will become more commonplace in your consciousness as the teachings of the old ways are becoming your Way of Being. That is truly what is starting to occur within this year, but with it comes great turbulence as some of the energies are going to fight against those teachings that truly come from the truth of the eternal self.

Let us take a look of what is happening energetically within the planetary system. On the 20th of this month there has been alignment between five of the planets within your solar system which will last for 30 days.   This is a testimony of what can be to occur but within the understanding of the planets in alignment there comes a period of re-growth.

As these planets are all working within the symmetry of the Earth, they are exhibiting a forceful bond between one another. Each of their essences brings forth a special understanding but the focus within the Solar System is to show that these elements are starting to come into alignment. What happens when this occurs is that whatever does not fit that connection of light, there will be conflicting energies that will result.

Let’s take a look at them:

Mercury of Communication and Understanding

Venus of Beauty and Harmony

Mars of Energy and Intuitiveness

Jupiter of Expansion and Belief of the Cosmos

Saturn of Being Fixated towards a Cause, a Reason for existence and in-depth study of the situation

Each of these planets represent a higher order of understanding as they bring forth the ability to look at life in a very positive experience. Saturn is the planet that is holding the energies for the rest of the planets. The cause brings a New Order of Life. Mercury brings forth the ability to communicate more clearly, Mars shares its essence of an energetic exchange through being very insightful; Jupiter shares its essence of expanding the concept and belief that there is more than is being shown presently as Venus is the harmonization of love and peace of all the elements coming together in Oneness.

If you take this explanation of what is happening around the earth and bring it forth into your own experience, we are sure that you would see that a new consciousness is being created.   Aren’t you changing in each moment of your creation? Each of these elements can be understood on a personal level and how to adjust how you are dealing with your life into accepting the New You.

The cause of your existence is changing; you are learning that the foundation you have had is now being reinforced with a sense of your higher self.

Just as Gaia is expanding through her consciousness all of humanity is doing the same. The difference is that part of humanity accepts the new way of understanding that life is changing for them. The other part is still cloaked in their darkness and cannot see the Light that they truly are – their source of existence.   The difference between the two is that one part of humanity is becoming enlightened of what they have not known and the other part is not awakened to the possibilities that are being presented.

As this alignment has occurred, it will create great change in the frequency of the Earth. There will be extreme conditions in the bodily functions. Remember, it is about experiencing the alignment but also to incorporate the changes in your four-body system. So there can be great revelations of what is occurring for you.

Those of you that are working through the first seven levels of your Planetary Ascension (which represents most all awakened beings) will find that your emotions can become very raw.   As the energy is changing, it is working through the Emotional and Mental bodies for them to become aligned within each other. Deep meditations or utilizing special healing tools will assist in the process. Your subconscious is being worked upon with issues you have been having. You may find that you are anxious in one moment and then very calm in another.   This is allowing you to move into the state of Divine Oneness. Utilize spiritual tools to help you become more focused with your Higher Self energies.

In both cases of the higher initiation levels and the lower, the physical body will be affected in many different ways. There may be periods of acute feelings within the physical body where there are weaknesses. It may feel like you are healing continuously through the issues you have been dealing with. Your sleep state can be erratic. One day you are wide-awake after three or four hours, and another you are sleeping continuously. On the days of being so awake, it is time to do the inner reflection, writing, connecting to the Ascended Master State of Consciousness.

Your light quotient can increase but it is up to each individual person to sustain it. Sometimes when this happens a person feels it is uncomfortable so they do things to try and push it away. Grounding these energies in through the Earth Star and restructuring your foundation is the most important way to deal with the inconsistencies.

This is because this awareness of the dimension frequencies is coming into alignment at this time.   Inter-dimensional travel is very acute and can happen in a moment’s notice. It is important to take time to process every emotion or thought that is coming into your awareness. Some moments may seem more challenging than others.

In any case this time is one of great reflection and each moment can be different than the other.   The important element is to become very accepting of what is happening for you and not to step into the world of uncertainty. Be one with your I AM Presence.

The moon energies of January and February will also reflect these changes. So it is imperative to be grounded with yourself, do your inner work, and understand your inner self, and less concerned with the outer self.   These suggestions will help you tremendously to get through these elements.

The most important element that we can share is that your stability must come from within as changes are occurring immensely within the planet and within your own energetic system.   Your Etheric bodies are becoming more acutely aware of what is happening in the emotional and mental bodies so the adjustment can be very challenging to say the least.

As we have said before, the main component will be your connection to your Spiritual Self as the changes will become more acute. Think of the alignment of the planets with Saturn representing your own foundation.  It is important to know what is your foundation, why you are guided to do certain tasks, and what the end result may mean for you. You don’t want to bring elements into alignment that are an opposite polarity of what you are trying to integrate within yourself.The remaining planets represent the different aspects of your psychological self to be put into wholeness.

Mercury is the communicator.  How do you communicate to others?

Mars is the key to how you perceive your own energies by allowing your intuitiveness to be your guide and not your Mental Mind.

While Jupiter allows for the expansion of your physical consciousness into the higher realms.

Venus brings the beauty and harmony that is important to expand out of your field into the world around you as you share the Love That You Are Becoming.

All you have to do is look at the weather patterns and see that Gaia is experiencing the same type of conditions within her full-body system. The extreme challenges that are occurring within the planet are resulting in high temperatures and then lower temperatures. High levels of precipitation is occurring as these elements are being focused into Gaia’s core essence. This is the see-saw effect that is happening within and around the planet. There will be areas of concern for individuals, and then there will be a feeling of peace in other places around the globe.

In order to fully actualize the Divine Laws of the Universe the laws have to be applied to the consciousness of humanity individually and collectively. So what happens within that process is that elements are disrupted due to not being in alignment with that initial concept of Oneness.

All that do not adhere to the acceptance of the Light will be revealed and changed.

This is exactly what is occurring at this time as the earth is moving in her evolution towards enlightenment. When a society moves from being very un-awakened to an awakening, it takes many moments of the creative process to be initiated. This is the process that you are all experiencing at this time.

Yes, there are great challenges, but each of you has a contract to be here, to experience it, and to see it flourish into a more evolved society where many more will choose to be part of the Divine Oneness.

The Heavens are aligning with the Earth as all the Human Angels are becoming aware of their role in the New Earth.

Each of you are the Human Angels and you have traveled far and wide to come to this place in time.   You arrived in the beginning and chose to stay to assist. You have spent many lifetimes trying to bring Light to this planet and have endured so very much. It is time for the releasement of all you have held within your system. It is no longer necessary to hold it within you; it is your time to fully accept your Divinity of Light within the physical existence.

Remove these elements, my Dearest Ones, as the time will be coming that you will accept what you have chosen to experience. The transition from the dark into the light is not an easy one to experience. Let it Be, my dearest Ones. As we now see, the light within this planet. It is shining deeply in Gaia’s core; each of you.   You are removing lifetimes and lifetimes of your old existence in order to truly Be One Within Yourself as you desired it to be a long time ago.

Allow this transition that you are experiencing to be one of Greatness. As each moment that you have to change, you are re-charging the molecules surrounding your essence as others will feel your ability to transform the self.   Others will follow in your steps.   So please continue the journey of re-birth.

We honor each of you for all that you are doing, becoming, showing to others.

In Expressions of Oneness,

We are the Unified Whole Command of the 144th Dimension of Light

Master Thoth, Master Einstein and the Great Divine Director

Integrative Channel:  Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden

The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery provides many services for initiates and students to learn more about the Ascension Mastery Pathway. An additional feature (if one desires) of becoming a Member on their program is a Mentorship Program in which each student participates monthly in a group mentoring class with Lord Adama, the option of having a monthly mentoring session, along with providing a Student Guide to help initiates work through their issues while accelerating through the Initiates of Mastery. Please check out our Partner/Membership Program to experience the teachings on your own time via the recordings.


© 2016 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:


Full Moon Cycle January 2016 ~ Festival of Lights of Aquarius

Ascension Festivals of Light

This article is a compilation of information guided through Master Djwhal Khul with Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden.

We have arrived at the first full moon cycle in 2016 which takes place on January 23rd, 2016 at 5:46 PM Pacific, 8:46 PM Eastern, and January 24th 01:46 Universal (GMT). The moon is in Leo representing our Shadow Side with the Sun in Aquarius reflecting our Deepest Truths to be revealed.

This should prove to be a very luminous cycle for humanity as it is the first of many moons of this year which should guide us into the lessons of bringing humanity into an more aware state of conditioning. 2016 has been named by the Spiritual Hierarchy as a time in which Greater Cycles to Emerge Through Diligence of the Self. This first month is showing us that these elements have been put into place so that change can occur.

Within the moon’s essence of Leo some of the elements that we will be looking at are our Self Expression, Breaking Away from Traditional Thinking, and looking at our personal goals.   If the energy tells us that it represents our Shadow Side, then those elements that have been held in the closet for so long are coming out to be revealed and put into the light. Leo shows us how to be ahead of the pact instead of being part of the circle of life.

The activities within Aquarius represents our Independence and Objectivity as we work with others in Oneness. It represents being part of a team for the greater whole but can be very impersonal.

So as these two planets are coming together for this full moon, it can mean that an individual can come to standstill. It is a time to look deeply of how we have thought within ourselves.

Are we for the One or are we for the All?

Are we ready to look at our past mistakes and find the reason why they did not work out? Well, there are no mistakes, only lessons. We come across them every day of our lives but possibly we do not realize that is what they are called. I think one of the reasons being is that we get caught up in whom we think we are and who we truly are.

This first cycle of the moon is a big lesson in knowing what our “inner truth” represents. It takes us into the personal state of affairs to move into the impersonal, but not to take sides. It allows us to stand in the middle ground and realize that it is time for us to take care of ourselves, but it is also a moment in time to see that our deepest wish is to have peace and joy with others upon this Earth.

The point being is how do we get there?

We are now at a crossroads upon this life. It is time for every person upon the planet to look within themselves and see what changes need to be made. The time for separativeness is leaving the planet. That energy creates a no-win situation. We are coming into an era which is just beginning – to allow what we know and acknowledge within ourselves to be shared with others.   This is a step towards unification upon this earth, but it must be acquired through each of us individually.

This moon is going to give us the opportunity to know more of whom we are on a higher scale through our Higher Essence. It is no surprise that we are becoming multi-dimensional, but what does that mean.   We are learning more from our past timelines of who we truly have been and allowing those essences to become part of our full consciousness. In the mean time the parts that are not of the highest light have to be put into wholeness and removed from our subconscious thoughts which represents our Shadow Side.

It truly is a very intense moon but also a very beautiful time to allow the new self to be born into the physical existence. It is a time of renewal and growth.

So how do we accomplish these things to happen for us?

Well, as we move into this full moon experience, the availability of the “Other Side” is ready to receive our requests. It is a time to walk with the masters as they are teaching us to be the same as them.   We are not alone in this process but the physical work must be done in order to achieve the changes that are necessary upon our world.

The Festival of Lights of Aquarius brings forth the energetic exchange within the Hearts of every Student of Mastery to achieve the balance they are searching for within themselves. It is a time in which growth will occur through the diligence of being honest with one-self, of learning the lessons that are presented in an initiate’s pathway, and to reap the rewards that will be given in true honesty and love.   This cycle represents to the Lightworkers to hold fast to their own pathway of re-birth in order to come together with others in Love, in Harmony to bring forth the greatest gift that this planet deserves to receive – the Harmonization of Love to All.

This means that it is not given freely but it is a responsibility for each Divine Being to make the necessary steps towards Unity of the Spirit for humanity. It can only happen within the inventory of the personal self to see what needs to be removed in order for the light to shine within them fully.   It is then that they receive the love that they deserve and have failed to see previously due to the infractions of darkness that has been put upon them. It is then, that each individual has the gift to share with others, is this love. This is when true harmonization occurs.

It is a synchronistic flow of activity between honoring the self through forgiveness and understanding in order to comprehend what others may also be experiencing.

As each student works through these elements, it is then that the Ascended Master State of Consciousness reacts with love and forgiving grace to help the initiate to become stronger, and more peaceful within their subconscious thoughts.

The Festival of Lights of Aquarius brings to humanity what humanity has not been able to see for itself.   The light is available but only when the darkness is no longer prevalent in the minds and hearts of men and women everywhere.

As this moon is represented by the personal self with the sun reflecting Oneness, then there is an occurrence of great change to occur within each individual self. It is a time of great movement into the Spirit of Cooperation.  It must be achieved individually first, and then it will filter to others.

As this is the first moon of the year, it sets up the rest of the months to follow suit. This is truly a wonderful beginning of light within Gaia’s core and every human upon the earth.

All of this is possible through the beauty of the Rays of God as they are represented through Love and Wisdom (2nd Ray) which brings illumination to any situation and allows the Higher Mind to be the controlling energy through its essence of the Golden Yellow Flame. The Ray of Harmony and Balance through Conflict (4th Ray) brings to the situation a great re-birth of Crystalline Light. It allows for the energies to shift into the purest light of all as it represents resurrection and re-birth. The Violet/Purple Flame of Transmutation and Ceremonial Magic (7th Ray) transforms the old forms of thinking into a new foundation of love to create the new structure.

Each of these rays work together to allow the new form to take place within the individual and humanity.   It allows for all elements to be One, to be of the life and force to create wholeness among people gathering everywhere.  Utilizing them during your meditations within your breath will allow the changes to happen in a much more cohesive manner and each individual will find that their foundation is being restructured with the positive qualities of their Soul’s Essence.

This moon is one of great rejoicing for all of humanity as it allows each person to go deeper, to know thyself in a completely different manner, and to accept the Light of the Soul to be charged within the bodily structure. It truly is an amazing moment in time and better yet, to have it occur in the first month of the year.



In Blessings of Love and Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee with Master Djwhal Khul

AUDIO RECORDING: January 23, 2016 – Festivities of Light of Aquarius with Master Djwhal Khul and Native Energies, NO-EYES, WHITE BUFFALO CALF WOMAN – Sacred Earth Ceremony to celebrate the energies of the Festivities of Light of Aquarius in a guided journey; this month we go etherically to TOR TOWER in Glastonbury as it represents the Heart Chakra of the Earth.

© 2016 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:

Accepting Oneness Through Responsibility

Machu Picchu Shamballa 1_800_457

This is the transcription of the visit to the Golden City of SHAMBALLA which resides in the 5th dimensional New Earth over Machu Picchu that took place on January 13, 2016.  

Lord Melchizdek, Lord Metatron, and the Mahatma are the Overlighting Beings for this City which represents THE MAGNETISM OF ONE UNIVERSAL BEING. It represents the 16th Ray in the color of White Violet Light.

Lord Adama brings forth the energetic exchange to travel to the Golden Etheric City of Shamballa located in the 5th Dimensional Earth over Macchu Picchu.

Let us now ignite those Merkabah Vehicles in preparation to travel to the Golden Etheric City of Shamballa. We center upon the Violet White Light. The mixture of Light Violet White spinning within you and around you igniting your Merkabah Vehicle allowing the extension to go beyond your physical existence. Breathing deeply, breathing deeply as you arise out of your physical body feeling those beautiful essences as you move up to the 5th dimensional frequency of light. We call upon the White Violet light feeling the vortex of energy as you spin through this spectrum of light, it takes you to the Golden Etheric City of Shamballa over Macchu Picchu.

You feel the magnificence of this geographic location that it represents. You feel the power of the Spiritual Self, of the Masters all in one consciousness as this energy represents the Inner Earth, above the Earth and beyond the Earth. We feel that existence moving through the entire being with your breath as you are twisting and turning as you are moving through the vortex of energy. You find yourself now at the beautiful gateway of this city.

There are magnificent lights around this city. You see the mountain ranges and beyond. You feel the exquisite essence of spiritual devotion as we walk through the gateway; there is a calmness that occurs within you. You start to feel the existence of all love, all light of your purest consciousness within your I AM Presence to be fully with you.

As we walk along this beautiful pathway, there are many gardens as this is the entranceway to the city. We have not experienced this previously. The gardens are massive, they go far, and they go wide. There is beautiful shrubbery and flowers of all different kinds. Everything grows here; everything. It does not matter what the soil is; it represents tropical gardens, earth gardens, rock gardens, and so many other types of gardens. You can see the crystalline structure of the rocks, of the mountains, and the hills. We walk up this amazing beautiful hill. You feel the exquisite essence of being One within yourself. Feeling this brilliance of light as it is you. What the city represents is to come to this space to remember; to fully remember the full consciousness but being in a physical body.

We are now met by Lord Melchizedek, Lord Metatron and the Mahatma. The Mahatma represents many consciousnesses of Beings. I allow myself to join each of you as a visitor to the amazing city of Shamballa. I am Lord Adama happy to be with each of you.

Greetings My Dearest Ones,

We are the consciousness of Lord Melchizedek, Lord Metatron, and the Mahatma.

We bring unto the God Force of the 49th dimensional frequency and from 0-49 as we also represent the 144th dimension in the skies above of the heavens all around us. As we walk through this garden, feel the earth upon your feet. Feel the splendor that You Are as a Spiritual Being within a physical body in a journey of light. Feeling that existence within you; feel that the Power That You Are – the Greatness of You. As the Light Frequency comes up through your feet and brings forth electrical-magnetic movements, feel that frequency of light that you are to come into the all existence that you ever desired to be as your multi-dimensional self becomes empowered within your physical existence. As we walk further, the pathway twists and turns through all the many gardens. These gardens are all facets of earth life as there are many different kinds. There is a separation and merging of the gardens going into each other.

So we ask of you in this moment to go off on your own for a moment so you can investigate which part of the gardens to you want to experience. Do you want to be of the gardens that represent rock formations, or streams, or ocean water? Do you want to be part of the gardens that represent the desert, represent tropical energies or possibly any garden that represents any geographic area of the earth?

We take a moment as you are going to investigate and feel the energies that are most appropriate for you. They are all very close with each other; you don’t have to travel far. We now bring forth this charge of light. When you fully go into the center of the garden and feel the energies, notice the animals that are with you. Notice everything that is coming together in Oneness. Allow that exchange to be within your full consciousness. Breathe deeply and allow it be within you. Go my Dearest Ones, go and experience the totality of your existence in a completely different way.

[Crystal Bowl Ringing]

[Divine Light Language Encoding]

Let us now gather round, my Dearest Ones. Come from your garden and bring that garden to the rest of us. Let us expand our energies together as we step to the side and see this sparkling body of water, with mountain all around it and a beautiful crystalline structure. We call this body of water “Synthesis of Light”. It represents all of these elements coming together around the beautiful body of water that has a circumference of a few hundred feet.

There are many Beings of Light from all walks of life circling the outside area. In the middle is a beautiful crystalline structure; it is more than a structure but a Temple of Light. There is a bridge that we will step upon and walk onto the crystalline structure. The water is the Light Violet color but it is also emanating colors of crystalline, blue, and green with frequencies sparking off of the surface.

As you walk across the little bridge, it moves up an incline and straightens out. We step into the altar area which is like a circumference of a base with a crystalline energy coming up into the middle. Around the base there are many little seats for us to sit upon. I ask each of you to take your place here. First of all, you may not be sure why we asked you to go to your garden. This is an element that makes you feel safe; an environment that you may be accustomed to that gives you the availability to find security within yourself. As a human, that is what your mental mind desires to have which is security and strength with the availability that you will be safe. Within the human world, you sometimes do not feel the safety, my dearest ones. You are presently allowing your Spiritual Self to come fully into your Physical Self. It opens up the doorway for you to have new experiences. You also may have had timelines in which you were not safe. So I ask you now to bring up any of those thought patterns within this space right here of this crystalline structure. The light is a frequency; the base of the crystal is in the water below. It is very much like a laser beam of the Violet White Light. You can put your hand through it and feel the extension of the energy. It is not solid; it is a frequency of light.

So we sit here amongst this space of energy, the base starts to turn very slightly around. As it is doing so, you are starting to see the perspective from different parts of the environment around us. It is a beautiful body of water that resembles a lake yet not formed as a lake. It is formed like an ocean or a stream or a waterfall. It has all aspects of Oneness. As the altar moves around, notice what you are looking at – is there mountains, sandy areas, hills, or flat areas.

Allow yourself to just experience all those elements. Are there massive trees, bushes or just flowers?   Everything has its purpose upon the earth but when we step into the core of Oneness within all the aspects together, that is true spiritual enlightenment. As we bring forth the energetics through the this city, we start to feel the different parts of ourselves that desires adjustment, desire of movement, that desire of expression, of love, of light, of vibration. You start to feel that essence – the vibrating energy of our altar spinning in a very slow manner. It starts to create a surge of energy coming up from your feet and swirling within your chakras connecting to all parts of yourself.

Let’s think about the journey to fully embody this light frequency.

You have to go through the journey of the 1st seven rays, and then you explore the pathway of the higher rays by accepting your light body, feeling that illumination, and allowing yourself to walk into that new phase of your existence to create the Christ Consciousness within you which is so prevalent upon the earth now.

It is important within your heart; tap into your Heart Essence within your breath and call upon “I DESIRE TO TAP INTO MY CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS FOR ME TO FEEL IT PHYSICALLY.”  

What does it represent for me?

Then, move into Vibratory Communication of your Throat Chakra by chanting, movement, song, or vibrational essences that eventually means something from your Higher Mind. This is all about surrendering as you move into your Third Eye, you feel the Divine Structure you are becoming. That allows you to accept of the totality of the Golden White flame to be part of those essences. It is imperative to feel these things through these processes within your consciousness and eventually you are going to fully embrace it physically. Don’t push yourself through it. That is what the White Violet Light represents.

Think about the Violet as it is the transmuting color but it is very light in its hues. It is mixed with the White Light; it represents your own consciousness of the I AM Presence; it represents the God consciousness; it represents your Monad and your soul along with who you have ever been. It means that you are becoming Multi-Dimensional. Within that level of being multi-dimensional, you start to see colors and colors swirling within you, around you.

Now the igniting energy of the altar and the flame comes out at the top, circles of sparkles of White Violet Light that is merging with the water of the lake. It is acting as a conductor for you to fully embrace True Oneness of the Totality of Whom You Are into the aspect of the physical self. Allow it to come into all parts of yourself.

[Divine Light Language Encoding]

Feel it deeply coming into your Solar Plexus now; feeling the power, feeling your Higher Power, your Higher Heart, feeling the totality that you truly are. We all rise together as the altar ceases to move. Notice at the area you are looking at beyond the lake. Does it seem the same or is it a part of something else that you are unsure you have seen before. Allow your intuitive mind to bring you the expression that you desire.

We now exit the altar and walk across the bridge. I want you to fully experience the Divinity of your Light that has enfolded within you in these moments. Allow it to be expressed within you as deeply as you can; as deeply as you can. Feel that extension through your Heart and your Solar Plexus, the cornerstone of your Power and your Love. Feel those essences as you walk unto the land once again.

All the many masters that have been here supporting your energies now arise as they come towards us. As we all circle within each other. Circles and circles; we stand in the middle as Lord Melchizedek, Lord Metatron, and the Mahatma. Then the inner circle is each of you with many of the Masters coming in to stand in between; then more Beings of Light on the outside with another circle being created; then another, and another. There are so many circles that it is merging all the gardens within the Oneness. Each of the gardens that were separate are coming into the true core of Oneness.

Feel this Oneness, my Dearest Ones. Feel the representation that you desire to have in your world. Allow yourself to feel Divine Oneness, as this is what our truth has expressed today – to fully ignite these energies to assist you on this journey, to allow yourself to reflect on what this feels like to have Divine Oneness. When you come back into your physical body, it will be a different experience whether it is tomorrow or the next day, or next week. So you must always reflect upon the powerful moments of your existence so that it can filter into your future moments. As the trials and the tests that you come across, will bring this forth into your physical existence. It is so very powerful; it will help you to mold yourself and a new world for others. Be the power of Light that You Are in this present moment.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

Now our circles are blending. The outside circle merges with the next one, and the next and the next filtering through each of you and each of us. We become One; we are One in this moment. It is a consciousness; it is not a thought; it is a feeling. Let this feeling to totally be within your Heart before we separate.

My Dearest Ones, you truly are the Divine Expression of Light upon this Earth.

Remember this as you experience other elements that come your way. As long as you remember how to fully tap into this essence, you will never forget who you are.

We now separate our frequencies of light as we walk the pathway with each of you once again. Take a moment to feel the reflection of whom you are compared to when you first arrived. As we walk up the hill, towards the gate feel the beautiful essences and the gardens all around the area by connecting to each of you; feeling the beauty of the plants, the minerals, and the elements as they are all here along with all the animals and all of us.

Blessings My Dearest Ones, we are the 3 M’s, Lord Melchizedek, Lord Metatron, and the Mahatma, delightfully happy to assist you.

Namaste, So Mote It Be ~ We are One.

It is I, Lord Adama once again. Thank you for this beautiful blessing of light.

Let us now continue our journey as we walk through the entranceway exiting the city. We step into the vortex of the White Violet Light, feeling many colors and colors as we are spinning in multi directions. It is guiding us and taking us from that 5th dimensional frequency moving down into the Planetary Level more fully. Each of us separates as we move toward our physical location. Feel yourself coming back down into the existence of all that you are, breathing deeply, breathing deeply, center yourself within your body. Feeling the Light Violet within you; feeling the blessing you have received from your I AM Presence, from the totality that you truly are.

It is our deepest pleasure of the Spiritual Hierarchy within the Unified Whole energies and my exquisite desire to always walk with you so we can become closer in physicality. Thank you; in deep gratitude and love,

I Am Lord Adama with the Telosian Council of Light

We Are At Your Service.

January 13, 2016 ~ New Earth Consciousness~Circle of Light Class

The New Earth Consciousness-Circle of Light class meets each Wednesday.  Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos is the host with a beginning lecture on the current energies.  Walking Terra Christa is glad to provide these classes in our Partner/Membership Program or purchasing the MP3 files individually.  Details are provided in the “Teachings of the Golden Etheric Cities” 

© 2016 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:


Understanding the Law of Divine Oneness ~ Lord Adama Discourse

Universal Law Divine Oneness

“The Law of Divine Oneness helps us to understand that we live in a world where everything is connected to everything else. Everything we do, say, think, and believe affects others and the universe around us.”

Greetings My Dearest Ones,

It is I, Lord Adama, with the Telosian Council of Light. It is wonderful to be returning once again to our visitation and to our work within Ascension Mastery.

We have chosen to work with each of the Universal Laws within the Walking Terra Christa program. I want to talk a bout a little about Divine Oneness and what that represents for each of you within your consciousness and physical existence.

As the Universal Laws are becoming very much a part of the laws of the earth in a more direct manner than they ever have before, it is important for each of you as initiates and students of mastery to really understand what that may mean for you on a personal basis.

Remember we have spoken about how ascension is representing De-Ascension of de-ascending your highest aspects into your physical body and to create a life for yourself that is part of those elements of mastery within the Universal Laws. This year so represents the earth starting that doorway of coming into Oneness. Many individuals that are awakened think they are in Oneness. Some may think that the New Earth has arrived but in truth, when you exist as we do in the Inner Earth then you could say that the New Earth has arrived. But until that time, we have to say that the journey to the New Earth is occurring and is exactly what you are experiencing within the planet, on the planet, and being part of this consciousness. So as we go through this process I want each of you to really reflect within yourself what Oneness means to you.

I give you some examples that may help you to correlate the words with your personal experiences.

Spiritual Mirrors

We all have spiritual mirrors with other individuals and events that happen to us. When those mirrors appear to us, how do you react to them, and what happens to you?

Do you stay in your third dimensional construct and not really fully intuit from your Higher Mind exactly what occurs at that time; and what emotions do you have when those mirrors appear to you?

Do you run away from them?

Do you have fear? Or do you face them head-on and how do you do so?  

Do you utilize your skills of assertiveness from your Heart, speaking from your inner truth as all we have been teaching for quite some time and all that you learned last year through all of the journeys through each of the rays?

The other element is what do those mirrors represent for you? What lower energies appear in your life? Because this causes separation and this is not true Oneness.

I will tell you that the majority of humanity is not in Oneness, but you have not been trained to do so. That is why I love to work with you ~ to help you through this process so you can have an understanding. The most important element within Divine Oneness is to understand that everything that you think goes out to the Universe.

Think – that is a huge order to comprehend and to bring forth into yourself. Because every thought you have about everything you are experiencing, every person that is in your life, goes out into the Universe and it reverberates back to you later. It is all electronic-magnetic waves filtering through the Universe and returning back to you. Then, what you say and what you do is part of that process. You are probably better with doing things that you want to do in your highest creative process. All these things represent Oneness. The list can go on and on of the lower frequencies that can cause Oneness not to happen. The more often that each of you as initiates bring forth these abilities through Universal Consciousness, it is going to assist in creating the New Earth. This is why the Universal Laws are very important for 2016. Let’s talk little bit about Ascension Mastery.

Each of you has chosen to be here. You have chosen to walk this pathway, to receive assistance and guidance, but the most important element with that choice is what do you do with it.

Do you allow it to be part of your life or is it just part of your spiritual self? Do you experience these moments just to relax and feel better about yourself for a short amount of time?

Or do you apply them in your physical life. This is very important.

This is truly what mastery represents of taking what you have learned from your Spiritual Self and applying it to the Physical Self. The physical existence changes to move into the spiritual existence. But through that process, the transition, can be very disheartening, it can be difficult and challenging. It is very important that when you go through those processes, what are your thoughts. What are you thinking about what you are experiencing?

Those thoughts go out into the Universe and then they return. If those thoughts have anything to do with anyone else or any situation, people that are assisting you, they come back – not only to you, but those other people.

The reason I want to share this is that it is an important element for everyone to consider. In order to live in a 5th dimensional frequency of light, these laws have to be adhered to in every element of your life. This is just our beginning stage to fully understand them. You are not going to be able to change what you are doing and the processes that you going through immediately, but what I give to you are reminders.

Let’s also think about what you receive when individuals are talking about you, thinking of you, most of you probably feel that. The more intuitive that you are and the higher you become on the ascension pathway. the more often it will happen. It is very important as an initiate, when these elements happen not to become agitated or upset, but to raise your vibration.

Oneness represents the 144th dimension, does it not?

That is what we are working with. So raising your vibration of going to a higher level and into that consciousness that is comfortable to you out of that third dimensional construct or fourth dimension is essential to this process.

Just to clarify about the third dimension is that I speak in the 3rd but truly want to move out of that thought process as it truly is the 4th dimension now. Fully the earth is in the 4th dimension of the light and dark; fighting with one another, trying to blend with one another, but at times you will feel the Light and then the Dark. So the merging of those two elements is very important at this stage of evolution.

Part of this process is taking responsibility that starts within your-self. I am not talking about responsibility of a job you have to do but your own inner responsibility and what you do for yourself spiritually and physically.

What is it that you can assist yourself with to move into the Oneness?

This is a huge statement. It is a consciousness that is hard to grasp within the human construct., because it is so large and evolving, it brings forth those elements of sometimes lack of understanding from the Lower Mind. Your Higher Mind understands it all. So I ask each of you to tune into that frequency within your breath of the energies that Meleriessee has brought forth to assist that frequency of light.

Let us think about the Light Violet Light. It is a mixture of hues of light violet with the white light. It is a pure form of energy. Within that purest form you start to exist within the Oneness; within that ability to understanding movement of light, movement of dark.

Becoming Light; Merging Together.

It is raised above any planetary existence; it is a pure consciousness that comes fully into your own consciousness. You may not be able to grasp it within your mental self at this point which is okay, but bring forth the understanding that all these elements must come into place into order to receive the joy, unconditional love, acceptance, and many other characteristics, you need to allow yourself to be conscious of what you are experiencing in each moment. This is so very important to take responsibility for yourself. We talk about how we need to nurture the inner self and this is all a part of it. It is about your nurturing, your responsibility, your communication, how you feel, how you think, and allowing yourself to fully combining those energies into the completed stage that is necessary.

Sometimes you may have movements when you are not within that flowing essence. This is due to the programming within the human self to not have your spiritual self. That is why you are in a program to walk mastery. You are allowing yourself to understand from your highest sense into your lowest sense. Some may not like the word “lowest”, but the physical body is the lower form of energy. I think we would all agree on that, because that physical self is in the third dimensional essence. We want to move that third dimensional essence to the fifth dimensional essence. It is important that when you are in conflicting times, to be very careful what you are going through and what you are experiencing.

As we move through these energies this year, it is going to become more imperative to be strong about what we are experiencing, what we are seeing, what we are doing, and what we are thinking. And to come from the Heart Center Basis, is our first step of allowing these energies to come more fully into the physical self, to become more concrete. If we think about Oneness, many talk about Oneness on the ascension or awakened pathway, but truly what does that mean – that we are all the same. But if someone is in a conflicted state, if you read something about someone, you may have sympathy or feel empathetic towards them. But there is a part of you that feels that they are less than you, there is a part of you feels that there may be other aspects that you have never experienced? That is being empathetic but you don’t want to take on their roles. You don’t want to put yourself in a space in which there is a lack of understanding.

All you have to do is give them God’s love. Utilize the Flames of God and then come back into your own space. That is pure Oneness. Every soul is not going to understand every other soul in the Universe. That is why you are a part of a Monad; that is why you are part of an I AM Presence. This is because those souls are so much a part of you. When we step out of that framework and connect with other soul personalities that are not aligned with what we have experienced, that is when the true growth occurs. Because lack of understanding. can bring aggression, lack of compassion and it is important that each of you understands the dynamics of Divine Oneness. It is massive and it is huge.

I cannot even share the words, as it would take hours and hours upon end about what it means for an individual. This is because each of your experiences is going to be different, and are different. Each of your thought processes are different depending upon who you are as a soul, the many lifetimes you have experienced, what you are experiencing now, what you likes and dislikes are about. But if we as a consciousness, can put ourselves put ourselves into the global consciousness, it allows us to move out of the construct of the Lower Mind into the Higher Mind into that stated movement of understanding.

This is where true compassion exists; this is where true understanding is acquired. The earth is going to have to go through this understanding in order to sustain itself on a higher dimensional level.

So what we want for each of you through this process is to bring forth these energies. The best way that we know how to do this by picking a city that represents a frequency. Then what we are going to do in the other weeks, is work on the elements that are part of that sustainable energy, like your Higher Mind, Illumination, and working within those essences with these beautiful beings of light to assist in this process. So the journeys that we are going to be taking to the city; some may be on the 1st chakra grid of the 3rd dimensional level within the Cosmic energies representing the rays 1 through 7. But the teachings are going to be different because we will center upon the Universal Law that is represented within that city.

We also want to offer a broad spectrum of what it means to visit these cities. It does not mean that we utilize the specific energies of the ray and what that ray means, or the specific energies of the Beings and what their soul history is about. So now we take the global consciousness of the Universal Laws and put them into full force action within your own consciousness so that you can start to understand within your world what occurs with the situations within your life and to really start to attain mastery within your physical existence. That is my role with each of you this year. I really want to assist you to understand what needs to be changed and how to do so. But as you know, diligence is needed. That is the other part of the earth’s energies this year.

As Michael as said, “Roll of your sleeves for mastery.” What does that mean, roll up your sleeves? Well, you roll up your sleeves when you are going to get down dirty when you do some yard work, or dig ditching, or hard labor. You roll up your sleeves when you have to work harder and your body is being put into extreme circumstances.

In this case, it is your consciousness; it is your higher consciousness working with your Physical Consciousness; your physical self has to roll up the sleeves and say, “Okay, I am ready. I am ready to go deeper within myself. I am going to let go of the constraints that I have in my consciousness; I am going to work within my soul psychology so that all the aspects that I have within me are the positive ones. The lower aspects can be fully removed. My Etheric Body is going to go through a cleansing process and it is going to occur step-by-step as I know it cannot be done all at once. It is too much overload. Even though I want it to be over-with and healed. I want to be on the other side, and I want to be in the 7th initiation and move into Cosmic Ascension. I want to move out of the planetary ascension.”

These are all important aspects for you to concentrate on as you are going through your darkest movements. It is when you are darkest, that you are separate from everything else. There is no Oneness; so please know that this process is to help you to go into that deeper state. The only person that you can blame is yourself. There is no one else. You may want to blame others, you may want to blame a friend, a colleague, a teacher, or a mentor, because they have pushed you so far.

But believe me, each of you has your own reality. This is what I want you to realize. This is also what you have to think about in these moments. How far do you want to go? How deep do you want to go.

Say these words to yourself; “I call upon my Higher Self, bring in the Sea Foam Green, I feel my Higher Self into my Heart Center.” Feel it within your Higher Essence not the Lower Self as it will tell you what it has been telling you for many lifetimes.

This is a new experience for every one of you. You have never been able to integrate your Higher Self into your Physical Being. Never !

This is exciting, this is amazing, but the journey can be very challenging. It can be difficult and debilitating, but your Higher Self does not want you to fail. No, no. He or she is with you to assist you and all the work you are receiving. So each month you have to look at yourself and tell yourself, this is what I want. Yes, this is what I want and affirm from your Higher Essence that this is the journey you want to be on.

All you have to do is think about before you were awakened. How did you feel? What were you like? What was your life like?

Yes, your life is different when you are on this pathway. You start to see things differently; you start to feel differently, but that is one step closer into Divine Oneness. You are working within that Universal Law. Do not allow your Lower Self, your Physical Self to stop you from this process. Every time you have a moment where you are not sure of what you are going through, look at why that is happening. What is appearing for you? It is a releasement that is coming out of you. So allow yourself to step into that. Embrace it, and don’t complain about. Those complaints go out into the universe and they will come back to you, to haunt you and try to stop you.

This is so imperative to understand as so many people do not. It is important to have your own time of silence; it is important to have your own time when you are the only important element when your Spiritual Self is the part of you, the aspect of you that is going to assist you. Without those times and moments you will not be able to move forward.

This energy of this year is massive. If you thought 2015 was intense, this will be more so. Many elements are going to change – the earth is going to change. There is going to be tragedies, weather patterns that cause disruption in geographic areas. You must be diligent with your own purity of light within what we give you within the Unified Whole, within all these massive Beings of light to assist in that process. These are going to be the most important elements for you to consider through each step of the way.

Embrace the time; embrace them when you are joyful, when you are elated, when you have successes and expand them outside of you. Breathe them and allow them to expand as that is going into the Oneness. That is allowing every other soul upon this planet and beyond of this multi dimension to feel that. It will return to you.


It is the first step of very challenging journey but what we are going to be giving you in this program for this year are teachings from Master Thoth about the laws, teachings of different Beings that will be associated with the issues that come up, teachings of guided meditations and visualizations that help you get through this process. I am very excited because we are going into another deeper level, but I believe you will rise to the occasion as you always do. Show the purity of your Light, show the depth of Love that you are by allowing it to expand out you. It is all there, my Dearest One, it is all there ready for you to embrace.

My deepest love,

I Am Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos

With the Telosian Council of Light At Your Service

Lord Adama is the host of our weekly New Earth Consciousness – Circle of Light teaching in which we travel to the Golden Etheric Cities.  If you have an interest in connecting with Lord Adama, he gives a discourse each week.  Please check our our Partner/Membership Program in which you can be part of the LIVE calls or receive the recordings at an affordable price.

© 2016 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:

Becoming One in the Golden City of Shamballa – Decree


The Golden Earth City of Shamballa is within the 5th Dimensional Earth which we call Terra Christa.  It represents the 16th Ray “Magnetism Created to Reflect the One Universal Being.”

The special city of light, “Shamballa” is located over Maccu Picchu along with an Inner Earth City below Machu Picchu. Machu Picchu is situated above a loop of the Urubamba River, which surrounds the site on three sides, with cliffs dropping vertically for 450 metres (1,480 ft) to the river at their base. The area is subject to morning mists rising from the river. (

The City of Shamballa has always been the place where all the Masters gather for ceremony, meetings, and very powerful moments in the history of civilization. This city is in the Aghartha Network being part of the Inner Earth Cities.

The Golden City that we are referring to  is above Maccu Picchu within the 5th Dimension-Etheric Earth. Eventually the Inner Earth, Upper Earth, and Etheric Earth will become one City of Unification.

The city is represented by the 16th Ray of Reflection of the One Universal Being of the I AM which is overlighted by: the 3M’s as Lord Melchizedek, Lord Metatron & the Mahatma as One Universal Being

Color: Light Violet White

Chakra:   Crown – initiates the 5th dimensional chakra grid


  • Ability to hold more Light,
  • Connection to your I AM Presence,
  • Higher Energies,
  • Initiation,
  • Sacred Geometry,
  • Sound & Color Healing,
  • Spiritual Connection,
  • Transcending Limitations.
 3M’s is a shortened name for Lord Melchizedek, Lord Metatron & the Mahatma

They represent a totality of frequencies from all levels of the God Force.   Lord Melchizedek is the overlighting energies of all lightworkers within the Priesthood of Light. He is the direct communication by which each of us works through our initiations of Light. Lord Metatron is the overlighting force of all the angelic beings which brings each of us into your Angelic Presence of the previous timelines.   He imparts great knowledge and shows Initiates how to raise their Light Quotient into the 100% ratio. The Mahatma represents all of the 352 levels of initiation of the God Force encompassing all 49 dimensions of reality. These groups of Beings sit within the essence of Divine Mother and Father God of the 49th dimensional of reality.

Walking Terra Christa initiated their new program for 2016 representing the Universal and Spiritual Laws by focusing on the 1st Law of Divine Oneness.

We journeyed to the Golden City of Shamballa for our first teaching of Divine Oneness.  The following is a decree that represents this visit.  When reading it, try to envision yourself within the city by utilizing your breath and connecting to the energies.


I journey to the Golden Earth Etheric Cities,

On this day, my intention is to travel to the Golden City of Shamballa,

Which resides in the Etheric Earth,

Over Macchu Picchu.

It represents the 16th Ray of the One Universal Being,

Within the color of Light Violet Light.

As I visit this magnificent city,

I feel its amazing qualities of being in pure Oneness;

I look around me and see a multitude of many colors,

In its most purest form.

As I enter the city,

I walk through a beautiful gateway

That takes me into magnificent gardens,

Of the most beautiful flowers I have ever seen.

I start to feel the purity of the light,

It merges within me and settles within my Crown Area;

The surging of the light is so strong,

That I take a moment to sit.

I realize there is a beautiful pond in front of me,

With crystals emanating from the bottom of the pool,

There is a small fountain in the middle of the crystal formation,

As it emits the lightest Violet Light I have ever seen.

I am then met by Lord Melchizedek, Lord Metatron, and the Mahatma;

They come to me in one consciousness,

It is like a mist of beautiful Violet light,

Flowing all around me.

My crown chakra is filled,

With the qualities of these colors,

I feel all I have been thinking,

To be transcended through these essences.

I breathe deeper,

I feel my Spiritual Self,

Blending within me,

In the far distance I hear a beautiful voice,

The sound seems so familiar;

I sit and reflect,

As my tears are of joy, not of sadness,

As I know my role is now changing within me.

Many colors are emitting from their consciousness,

The 3M’s are fully aligning their essence with mine.

I feel the peace, I feel joy,

I feel Unconditional Love;,

I feel their kinship of light,

Being shared with me,

As I become One Universal Being;

With Lord Melchizedek,

Lord Metatron,

And The Mahatma

Being emanated to me in this moment.

I AM that I AM that I AM

Walking Terra Christa holds a weekly class on the Golden Earth Etheric Cities in which we journey to one of the cities with Lord Adama as our guide.  To become part of this amazing program, please check out how you can join LIVE or receive the recordings of the class through our Partner/Membership Program.

© 2016 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:

Being the Purity of your Light ~ Cosmic Great Central Sun


This is our first Channeled Message/Teaching for 2016 within the Clarion Temple of Oneness. We bring forth the Cosmic Great Central Sun who represents Divine Mother and Father God as they express their essence of light.

Introduction by Rev. Ara – J. Michael Hayden:

Welcome everyone to the Clarion Temple of Oneness as we resume with our new semester.

It is going to be an exciting year as we move through 2016. We had already been informed that it is not just going to be a year of completion moving into preparing for new beginnings but also with the teachings of Ascension Mastery.

The year of 2012 was the demarcation when the energies of the new frequencies upon the earth would start to take effect in a deeper way of shifting consciousness, the Kali Yuga, the big shift of the ages. Even though those energies were not fully incorporated at that time, it still marked the entranceway of the Golden Age to begin upon the Earth even though it is not being seen within the consciousness of humanity at this time.

The energies have been hitting us with all the solar events, all the CME’s and the cosmic energies moving through toward the planet as well as all the seasonal changes and the alignments within our Solar System along with our Universe to make this consciousness shift be more readily available. In fact, to the extent in which humanity will have to grasp it within themselves or they will be required to continue their third dimensional existence in some other format because GAIA has expressed her interest into moving into a 5th dimensional consciousness.

That is what she is striving for along with the Awakened Ones of humanity. So now everyone has this opportunity to move into these frequencies.

One of the things that will become very apparent within these energies is returning in full force, not just in name or in understanding of what it means to live in the Universal Consciousness of Oneness which essentially means that all the Universal Laws need to be put into effect within the family of humanity so that we all operate within that Oneness, Wholeness, Cohesiveness, that single-minded connection of love and brotherhood and sisterhood to become very apparent upon the earth as we progress. We do not know how long this is going to take, but clearly these energies will make themselves more known in individuals that do awake and within those that do not awake or within those that are desiring to return to that Oneness there will be increasing amounts of that contrasts. Even more so than what we have seen within the last ten years. The United States as been at war and in many ways has not left that environment.

As many people are understanding this consciousness and awareness to be realized that a fifth dimensional Golden Age cannot be with us until those energies are resolved and brought back into that one family of light. This is what we will be working with this year within the teachings with a extreme and full effort towards working with the Universal Laws and bring those teachings down from the Ascended Masters so that we can understand what it means to access them within our multi-dimensionality, no t just simply our personality consciousness of our ego.

So we are very pleased you are with us for these teachings as they are very powerful and can bring about these changes if we are persistent to having that fortitude of self-will and power to bring these changes within ourselves before they can extend outside of us to effect, to help and to assist any others upon the planet.

This is also another deep teaching element that will have to come forth this year; as it is the year of “rolling up your sleeves spiritually” in terms of that personal responsibility to bring it down within yourself so that you can act upon to have it actually create that higher vibrational frequency within the planet.

One of the illusions of the old teachings and acceptances of the planet and its systems is that you could stand up in front of a group and talk about all these things without actually inhabiting them within you. You could strive just as anyone could strive, but if you had not attained mastery, it did not mean you were not a master of the subject. This is one of big things that will change upon the planet. This means that every one who is simply a master in title and not in action, will become revealed as being such. Not that it is a bad thing it just means that they need to actually do the work themselves internally just as they are teaching every one else to do.

Thank you for walking this pathway with us.

This is the first Clarion Temple of Oneness and that is the teaching we reserve for Divine Mother and Father God of the Cosmic Great Central Sun.

Yamteleus – Spokes-Being for the Clarion Temple of Oneness

Greetings, My Dearest Beloveds,

It is I Yamteleus (Spokes-Being for the temple); it is my pleasure to be with all of you once again. It is so wonderful to connect through this venue as I feel all your hearts and the beautiful experience of each of us connecting in this way. I also feel your excitement as it has been a couple of weeks, earth time, that we have connected together and how very perfect that Divine Mother and Father God will be our teachers this evening. I am not quite sure what they have to say so I am just going to allow the energies to continue. I thank you from my heart for continuing this journey with all of us.

I AM Yamteleus, your friend and guide of the Clarion Temple of Oneness


Angelic Hosts

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

We are the angels of all the principalities and it is our divine pleasure to be with each of you this evening, to bring forth this energetic exchange, and to bring forth the Divine Mother and Father God within the Clarion Temple of Oneness.

It is our pleasure to walk with you, to share with you, as our hearts are always connected in so many ways. Let us know bring forth the energetic exchange you are waiting for.

In Wings of Light, we connect with each of you.


Cosmic Great Central Sun ~ Divine Mother Father God

I Am that I Am, I Am

I Am that I Am, I Am

The Divine Mother and Father God of the Cosmic Great Central Sun

Glory Be, My Dearest Ones,

It is our pleasure to be with you as it has been quite some time. Let us connect with our hearts; let us connect with the Divine Beingness that we are.

As we ignite our energies within this beautiful temple this evening, we bring forth the Divine Rays of God that you have incorporated within yourself of the fifth dimensional frequency but let us go further by allowing all 330 Rays of God to be within this temple. Colors and colors of beauty all through each of you shining immersing illuminating, allowing these frequencies of light to be you and to go deep into your Heart into the Inner Core of your Being where there are so many energies that may not correlate with this higher frequency of light.

Just breathe it into yourself and allow your physical being to release, to surrender, to be embraced by our Divine Essence. That is our role this evening.

You are in the midst of a New Year, you are in the midst of acceleration, but within that higher vibrational essence, there must come a sense of responsibility within your physical being and through your higher being. As your Spiritual Self becomes more part of you in small moments of every day and every night, it can cause great change to occur through any of the bodily systems. There is so much that you are not accustomed to in your consciousness. Some may think that it is just a moment in time and that you really understand as you come from this higher space.

Your soul has evolved into higher levels of acceleration but all of those timelines were meant to be so you could bring it into this physical body, this creation that you have upon the earth in this lifetime. The timeline that we want to bring to you is in this moment is to embrace the Purity of Light That You Are.

Allow us to have this timeline that you can call upon at any other time of your worldly existence. Isn’t it helpful to have something you can refer to that gives you acceleration, excitement, and support in what you are experiencing? It is when you don’t have those moments to go to that causes you to become very conflicted, that the subconscious thoughts become so centered within the power of less than instead of great than which causes you to experience life in a completely different direction than you desire it to be.

The changes that are going to be occurring within the Earth will take you into deeper parts of yourself if you allow yourself to go there. Otherwise, you will be on a roller coaster and you will not be able to embody what you are desiring to do because of those closed doorways within your Etheric Self that are not being opened. It takes great courage and tenacity to open up those doorways and that is why man cannot do it. This is why Mastery is so very important for the New Earth.

It brings forth this understanding.

Think about how it would be to walk into the New Earth with who you are now. What would happen to that New Earth. Would it stay in a 5th dimensional frequency and beyond? I say, that it would not.

That is why it has not occurred, although many think that it has. There is still too much confliction within the world; there is too much duality. You definitely are living in a 4th dimensional frequency of light presently.

It is not a bad frequency of light, but it has its ups and downs. It has its darkness and it has it power of light. This is what each of you is experiencing. You see, each of you have chosen to be here at this certain time and the depth of your work, of your inner self, is so very important.

At the beginning of this month, which is now, the moon has just started its course, which you call a New Moon. This moon cycle is bringing to humanity the ability to understand what needs to be addressed and what needs to be embraced, but sometimes the conflict can be in the wholeness of that essence. So it is important to separate what you have experienced and understand why you experience it. Each moment of every day you are going to change. The frequency of light of this moon is bringing forth great revelations. It is bringing great healing. It is bring forth the ability of light intensity to come into each soul that is ready to accept it.

Now it is going to come into each individual upon the planet; that is part of the process as it is a cleansing period. But it is also one that needs to be addressed in the consciousness of that human field. If an individual is not awakened enough, they will address it through their sleep state or alternate realities, but they will not address it in their physicality. This is where it gets lost.

But each of you are quite different. There are many others out there that do not understand what they are going through. Oh, they know there is change, and know there is transformation occurring, but do they realize that transition from the Old Self of Being into the New Self of Being is a necessary component. This is what this moon brings to the earth.

Dearest Grandmother Moon is bringing her frequency of light very much like the Crystalline Flame. She brings this essence into each of you to purge and allow the rebirthing to occur.

Isn’t that what this year represents?

It shows us the ability to look at one self, to make the necessary changes, and to allow the continuance of their life with those changes more fully integrated.

So I say to you, as the Cosmic Great Central Sun, do not be afraid of what you feel. Allow yourself to surrender into the process of acceptance. Allow yourself to know there is more to what you are experiencing than you can understand, and when you realize there is no understanding, that takes you into the doorway of Acceptance.

I ask each of you now to bring forth this Acceptance no matter what the consequences can be. Can you do that for yourself?

That is the true aspect of really being in mastery – to open a doorway and you are not sure where that doorway is going to take you, but you know, through the Purity of the Light that you are feeling, that it is the right space for you. Your physical self may not always agree, but your Higher Self guides you to that place. The physical self has the vehicle, has the movement that is necessary to move into that doorway.

So I ask you now as we bring forth these essences of the combined Rays of God to open up the doorway to your Heart, to open up that next elevation that needs to be accepted no matter what you are going to feel when you are going to walk through that doorway. That does not matter; you may think that it does. But the true essence of this frequency is to allow your physical self to move forward. Once you start to do that, the old will dissipate, as you no longer are holding onto the control of needing those old elements even though you may think that you needed them. You no longer need them; you are n w a Pure Freedom of Light. Now you have your Wings of Light; your have your Wisdom and your Knowledge. You have your Love and this will create the Power for you to feel this immersing energy.

We expand this light through the temple right now in the misty frequencies of the palest colors that you can envision. Feel this mist coming over you as it will open up your Heart into a new doorway of experience allowing yourself to fully accept the next stage of your journey. This is going to assist you so much.

When you have trust, when you have faith in the power of the unknown, it guides you into the knowingness. But you must relax with your breath. You must allow this Frequency of Light to come fully within your entire being which will ground it through your entire essence. This brings forth the ability to take the next step of your journey.

Breathe deeply my Dearest Ones. Breathe deeply and feel these essences coming within you as we extend them to you in a frontal mode through your body.

As we expand them to the top of your Crown, as we extend them behind you and all around you. You become a Master of Acceptance. You accept yourself to move through this next stage of your development. This is the discipline you need to have within yourself. Be strong, but you have faith. Be strong that you are secure. Be strong and you will have courage.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

Feel the power of your transition now. You are completely encased with these colors of light around you. If you have any feelings of insecurity, breathe deeper into the process and allow yourself to know that you are safe. You call upon your Solar Angel, you call upon your Higher Self, you call upon your Gate Keeper, your Guardian Angel; you call upon all the ones that assist. You feel yourself being pushed very slightly into the next momentum into Time and Space. As it comes fully within you, you will start to feel the transition from the old into the new.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

Feel the power of our Love, feel the acceptance of Divine Mother as she blesses you with her feminine essence. Feel the essence of the Will of God representing Divine Father; as we are both part of these essences. We bring you the courage, but we bring you the nurturing that is necessary. Hold it deeply, my Dearest Ones and feel the change as it emits out of you representing the old issues, the old aspects that are holding you back as you move into this new stage of nurturing your Divine Self, nurturing your physical self. Allow the momentum to take you into a new direction that you have not received previously. Feel it deeply with all aspects of your Being. You Etheric Body is adjusting; it softens. Your Emotional Body is feeling the courage and the strength with the blessing of the nurturing that is happening. The Masculine Body of the Mental is relaxing and merging with the Feminine, as now the power that you have not been able to acquire in certain circumstances now becomes you. Your heart is warm and you feel the warmth curdling through your veins; you feel the power that you are becoming, but within that essence there is the deep Love that shows you what needs to occur.

This is the healing process of this moon to move these essences into the Divine Being that you are. Know within yourself that in order to have these aspects fully intact, you must discipline your mind, you must discipline your emotions, you must discipline your physical self, your Lower Ego in understanding the higher aspects of All That You Are. Embrace it deeply, my children.

As everyone in the temple has moved in their consciousness, there is a moment of an adjustment. It could be very subtle or it could be very strong; it does not matter what it is. But allow this Frequency of Light to combine within your four-body system so that you can start to feel the changes that are occurring within you. Take these moments and not worry about your outside forces. Think about the inside of your Divine Beingness, your I Am Presence, your Godliness. You are a Child of God; feel the eruption of those energies moving through you and around you. Be them as it will assist you tremendously. Breathing deeply.

We are going to extend this energy from the temple to the core of Gaia and allow her to take it as she will, as she may, to whatever areas, to whatever aspects that are needed.

We must consider that as we bring forth the essence of Spiritual Laws, Universal Laws – what you feel today in this moment you are feeling and exhibiting outside of yourself. It is no longer the outside coming to the inside. It is the Purity of your Light, it is the Courage, it is the Love, it is the acceptance. You want to share this with others.

So just let it seep out of your aura, out of your field as you cannot hold all of this. It will go into all the other places as now the Earth is being centered with these beautiful light streams of frequency in a mist that is very soft because it is calming. It is a soft energy that is assisting in the process of knowing thyself in a much deeper level. Feel that now come back as the entire consciousness of the Multi-Universe, the Universal, the Galactic, the Solar and the Planetary are now all One combination of light. Breathe deeply my dearest ones and accept it to be.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

In Waves of Light, you have allowed your physical consciousness to receive your Super Consciousness, your Higher Self, your Higher Mind, the light frequency of the Ascended Master State of Consciousness with our extension of Divine Mother Father God as the Cosmic Great Central Sun. Feel the warmth that we bring unto you in these moments, as it is our pleasure to see you accept the Light That You Are.

It is our pleasure to be with each of you through these energies and at the onset of this beautiful year. We will see great change; we will see great growth amidst the turmoil and the challenges. But the Purity of Light shall be fully within you within your physical self.

Namaste and the Light of the Christ That We Are Together.

So Mote It Be ~ We are One Dearest Ones.

I AM that I AM

I AM that I AM

I AM the Cosmic Great Central Sun of the Divine Mother and Father God.

Blessed Be; Blessed Be.

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© 2016 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:



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