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Ascension Mastery Message for the Festival of Light of June in 2018 with Master Djwhal Khul. Channeled Transmission by Rev. Christine Meleriessee of Walking Terra Christa.

We have now arrived at the cycle of the Capricorn Moon within the Cancer Sun. This alignment occurs on Wednesday, June 27th at 9:53 PM Pacific, and Thursday, June 28, 2018, at 12:53 AM Eastern and 04:53 GMT.

This full moon brings to us the polarity of the integration of Divine Love to be held within the Physical Self. Cancer represents unconditional love, nurturing, taking care of our physical bodies and our origin. Capricorn persuades us to consider our responsibilities, to be grown up and responsible, while representing the goal that is desired.

Through this integrative movement our physical self is being blessed by the Sun of Cancer with not only the qualities of nurturing and blessing our walk upon this earth, but to be able to start to accept that the Masculine Self is bringing forth the focus so that the goal can be achieved through the Capricorn Moon. It is a blending of both the feminine and masculine as Capricorn could be conceived as a masculine essence with Cancer as the feminine energy. The Moon of Capricorn is giving to the Sun of Cancer so that both polarities to come into Oneness.

Let’s think about that for a moment. We know that the masculine self is the one that brings forth the ideas to be acted upon. So the Capricorn Moon (representing Feminine Energies) is presenting the goal and the challenge to be responsible but yet it is the Moon that represents the Feminine Self as the sign of Capricorn is truly part of the masculine energies.

As this alignment occurs, the Sun (representing the Masculine energies) of Cancer is bringing forth the Feminine essence of this sign to be nurturing, loving, and holding unto what we know is our truth of the physical pathway.

As you can see, both Capricorn and Cancer are being represented by both qualities of the Alpha Omega within this present alignment.

Both Cancer and Capricorn are working together so that each of us as the physical self can allow Capricorn to show us how to focus and be very diligent of what we desire to uphold in our life; whereas, Cancer is allowing for the nurturing to occur, to receive the ideas from the masculine while being able to initiate the desired outcome to become a reality.

Both Capricorn and Cancer are working together within each of us to be able to perceive the goal (from the Higher Self or Higher Mind) into our physical reality so that then we can change our foundation to match what the Higher Self is delivering to us in order to act upon the change that needs to occur. Both Capricorn and Cancer have powerful qualities and then not so desiring aspects. This means that this integration of the Sun and the Moon are blending together to work as one unit and not separately.

This moon is so much in alignment with the Solstice energies as we received blessings from Helios and Vesta to bring forth illumination and truth through activating the Alpha Omega. This is another step in allowing the Masculine/Feminine Essence to become more of a reality within our consciousness.

It is a time to fully allow the Higher Mind to bring Illumination into the Physical Consciousness to change the way we have been thinking and acting in our world so as to align with Divine Love and Divine Truth.

What can happen through this process is that the physical consciousness can be so rooted in the outmoded ways of experiencing life, that the chance can be missed to make major changes within our consciousness. All thoughts are projected through the Subconscious Mind and then filtered within the Physical Consciousness. If we, as Initiates, and Souls upon this earth, look to the changes that are happening, then the transition will be much easier than we previously thought.

Cancer represents dependence and Capricorn relating to independence. We cannot have it one way. So the integration of the Moon with the Sun is a perfect alignment for each person to acknowledge within themselves that the change needs to occur. This means that the masculine self only gives advice while the feminine self acts upon that advice. This is not something that we consciously think about; it becomes an automatic process. The main element is to allow the positive thought process to occur from the Masculine Self so that the energetic exchange within the Feminine Self accepts the information and fully acts upon it.

We are in the stage of the Alpha and Omega to become more aligned within our consciousness more than we realize. Take time to connect with this moon, allow the focus you desire to have to be embraced by the Divine Love of your Higher Self and into the Physical Self. This will assist you to change the foundation of the old self into a new reality as this alignment will occur within you and upon the earth.



Greetings My Dearest Beloveds,

I am Master Djwhal Khul at your service rendering a message of light and love about the Full Moon in June 2018.

As we enter this cycle, it brings to mind the energetic exchanges that have occurred for this year and the Wesak Energies. The Solstice of June was truly magnificent with Light Infractions entering the earth through the assistance of Helios and Vesta, our Solar Great Central Sun.

What the Capricorn moon will do for the Cancer Sun within Gaia is beyond what I can truly share with you as it will be part of your soul’s light coming into fruition of the physical consciousness if you allow it to be so. The integration of these energies is quite different than some of the others you have experienced due to what has already occurred within the planet and how each person is going to accept or deny their Divine Truth to be revealed to them.

It is a pivotal point in time in which all elements are coming into alignment to allow for the continuation of the journey in the following months. Whatever you have hoped to achieve at this point (being the middle point of the year) can be realized for you if you allow it to happen at the Will and Love of your own Divine Essence to be acknowledged within you.

Many of you have been quite challenged by the Solstice energies which is not a surprise. On a physical level these energies have been quite invasive in order to create more of an alignment within each person’s consciousness to connect with the balance of All That Is to be realized on a personal level.

The intensity of this moon is another step to allow for the entranceway of more connection of the Feminine-Masculine selves to start to work within each other instead of separately. There can be great moments of revelation has you learn to let the Illumination of the Alpha to assist you in the Divine Truth of the Omega.

Capricorn and Cancer are working together to bring forth these essences within your consciousness to help you accelerate more and achieve a balance within your physical self, and four body system.

The best advice I can give you is to take time with your breath into the silence and allow your Higher Self to guide you every step of the way. Take time to truly feel the energies around you without being so physical. Become One with the Prana Breath to allow your Higher Self and I Am Presence to assist you on a deeper level. Allow these light energies you are feeling to shift and change the old concepts within you that no longer need to be acknowledged. Learn to surrender to that moment and feel the divine bliss that is actually available for you to experience.

Then, the essences of this moon will work with you and not against you. Do not fight the energies; flow within them. Allow what you are experiencing to be a state of grace instead of fighting to be so physical in your consciousness. It is a time of great illumination and truth so that you can see exactly what it is you need to be accomplishing. Start it first through the higher essence you are and allow it to filter downwards into your physical self. Ground the energies and then walk with them.

Allowing yourself to be activated in this way will be the start of the greatest transition that you could experience.

In blessings of love and light, I Am Master Djwhal Khul, Ray Chohan of the 2nd Flame of Love and Wisdom

Walking Terra Christa’s audio recording of the global Festival of Light for the Full Moon with Master Djwhal Khul and the Native Energies is available here

Other important resources:

ASCEND EARTH ~ CREATE HEALING LIGHT FOR GAIA – Join Walking Terra Christa in this special project to help bring more healing light to the planet and humanity by creating Ascension Columns around the Earth with the assistance of the Unified Whole Galactic and Agartha Alliance. To learn more please use the link.

P.S. It is not coincidental that the ROYAL TETON RETREAT of the ASCENDED MASTERS opens for healing twice a year just before the Solstice. Please use the extra dispensations offered for the remainder of the 30 day window to best assist your soul’s growth with these energies. Details about this spiritual practice are at the link including information on a special class and meditation to learn how best to go about it.


Meditation for Accepting the Frequencies of Helios and Vesta at the Solstice

Ground higher Light Frequencies on Earth using this Ascension Audio Meditation by Walking Terra Christa

It is at the time of the Solstice (and other Celestial Events) that humanity is offered the opportunity to come into more alignment with the Higher Spiritual Energies from the God Source.

However, opportunity does not always equal ability.

With these energies being of such a high frequency of light, most individuals do not hold a corresponding light quotient within their own Light Body that will enable them to ground these vibrational energies deeply enough to create a profound boost to their energetic system.

This does not mean that the energies arriving with the Solstice will not be felt, as everyone will receive a portion of this Light as is appropriate for their present personal level of consciousness. (Read Lord Metatron’s message on Opening the Lost Treasure of your Divine Truth).

Instead, what we are speaking about is a concentrated effort from the perspective of using the free will of our active consciousness to FOCUS and DIRECT these higher frequencies of Light such that we may come into direct alignment with the Higher Purpose of these energies to be upon the Earth. Making such an effort will actually instantly shift your personal level of consciousness so that it is more expansive, and therefore, in more alignment.

Higher Frequencies of Light from the Solar and Cosmic range are in the perceptual resonance that can be categorized as subtle or energetic vibrational wavelenths of light.

This means that in order for an individual to behold this light more accurately, one must first come into a state of awareness or receptivity that is going to be able to perceive those subtle vibrations within their own spiritual energies.

Despite the fact that most of you who are reading this at this moment feel you are of a higher vibration that many others around you, the vibrational level we are speaking about that is arriving with this Solstice is far more powerful than you are presently able to adsorb.

Yes, you are a Pioneer of Terra Christa who is at the forefront; but you as a human on Earth presently do not possess the proper Light Body that can fully benefit from these frequencies. This is of no fault of your best intentions, but it does create the opportunity to ground as much as these light rays as you are capable of doing.

For humanity, such a more extensive grounding can only come at this time with assistance. Walking Terra Christa provides this meditation specifically to help you in connecting more powerfully to the subtle light waves of the Solar and Cosmic Frequencies of Light; in particular the Consciousness of Helios and Vesta our Solar Logos who bring in the Alpha and Omega of Divine Consciousness.

It is our suggestion to first set up an proper Ascension Column Pillar of Light (as can be found for free on Ascend.Earth), and then to sit in that Ascension Column while listening to this meditation (which is about 30 minutes in duration). The guided meditation is a recorded audio that holds a higher frequency than most of us hold, so that we can then have a tool to raise our vibration more accurately. Personal silent meditation is not able to do so (although it is great to do after using the guided audio).

Ideally, if one has the time and effort to apply, within the 3 day time frame of the day of and days after the Solstice (or Celestial Event), listing to this meditation 3x a day will create a maximum effect for you. And of course, listening at least once if that is all one can do, is far better than not at all. And it also will help to keep relistening whenever one gets the time in the coming weeks and months.

We also recommend sharing this information with as may of your like minded friends as possible to help co-create the New Earth more accurately.

In deepest Gratitude and Blessings to everyone who assist in grounding these energies for the creation of Terra Christa!
~Mel and Mike


Ascension Mastery Message for the Solstice of June in 2018 with Lord Metatron. Channeled Transmission by Rev. Christine Meleriessee of Walking Terra Christa.

The Solstice occurs on June 21st, 2018 at 10:07 GMT, 3:07 AM Pacific, 6:07 AM Eastern. Lord Metatron shares his words of wisdom on what we can expect to experience with the solstice energies.

Greetings with Deep Love,

I am Lord Metatron bringing forth a divine message of what the June 21st Solstice within this year brings to Gaia and each of all her inhabitants.

The energies presently coming into the planet before the Solstice are representing great changes to occur which you may have seen in your own life. The effects of the Rainbow Arcs of Light is continuing with each shift of the Sun and the Moon reflecting into Gaia’s planetary functions.

Energetically this energy has brought forth great power to be realized in the form of allowing the extension of the light frequencies to be exposed in a new and different manner. There is an opening of the light rays through each of the Great Central Suns that is allowing every soul upon this earth to come into a new extension of their higher presence. It may come in the form of changing their diet, the way they are living, or Initiates realizing there is more they need to do about the healing of their emotional and mental bodies.

In any case there is a true opening of allowing each soul to feel a small percentage of what can be within their lives if they allow themselves to fully become present and ready to receive the integration of the Alpha and Omega of Helios and Vesta, our Solar Logos.

As we move into the June Solstice, it represents more of the same but specifically the effect of what Helios and Vesta represent, who are the Solar Logos. They bring to humanity the ability to step into their world of the Alpha Omega, the Masculine and Feminine God concept of Divine Father and Mother God.

Helios and Vesta are the Solar Great Central Sun and the effects of what is happening within the Earth through the Solar Flares is a direct result of their essence being expressed on a physical basis.

Electro-Magnetic charges are being sent into the grounding force of Gaia to assist in the acceleration of the planetary functions. This means that every soul must align within themselves a higher part of their existence.

This is exactly what has been occurring since the March Equinox. The Ascension Festivals occurred and brought forth a divine dispensation of more light to be infused within Gaia but also each of you. The process of the depth of your changes is a direct result of these energies coming into alignment.

This Solstice occurring in June for the Northern and Southern Hemispheres brings about the same effects. It does not matter where you are residing within the world all of the energetic charges are being felt by every soul upon this earth.

As we move into the Solstice energies, there is going to be a power surge that occurs within each of you. It may be very subtle at first with the increased light frequency bringing forth more of a burning away of dross and debris in a more tangible form than it was before.

This has already been initiated within the planet’s outer field and will increase substantially at the rising of the Sun on the 21st and will continue for a three-day period in which the increased light infractions will become more grounded within Gaia’s Crystalline Core on the setting of the Sun on the 24th of June.

These electro-magnetic pulses represent the Divine Father of the Alpha and Divine Mother of the Omega as Helios and Vesta, the Solar Logos and Great Central Sun as they will be expanding their energies into the planetary structure in a much more concentrated effort.

These light frequencies are going to bring forth more of a balance of the Masculine and Feminine essence to occur within each soul upon the earth. It allows for what has not been in alignment to come into balance. It will be reflected not only through humanity but each kingdom that is walking the earth.

Many will say that this is the 5th dimension arriving but in truth, this is only the beginning stage to occur as we have been sharing for quite some time. In order for the planet to transition into the 5th dimensional energies there must be moments such as this to align the planetary function of what was upon this Earth into what could be arriving to assist in the process of creating the New Earth.

This Solstice is substantial in the fact that it allows for the Alpha and Omega to be part of the grand plan. The light infractions that will be sent through this process can be very powerful depending on how well you are ready to allow the change to happen. The most important element is to balance your four-body system and allow the higher light essence to assist your body in becoming more crystalline. This process can be very challenging and sometimes debilitating.


This is essential in order for the Spiritual Body to become more integrated within your system on a physical basis.

During this three-day period it is a time of great reflection, openness to the Divine Mind is going to be the main element of reflection, and allowing the Truth to be revealed and illuminated through Helios and Vesta. There is no hiding away of issues, or thoughts; they become very apparent and within that process they can be healed.


The beauty of this Solstice is that what has been hidden can now be declared as the forces of this light is being brought into alignment of All That Is. There are no hidden agendas as they will emerge out of the darkness that has been lost within you.

This also goes true for Planetary and Global awareness. Hidden agendas will be revealed and possibly not in a very positive manner. It is important not to get lost in the worldly affairs of others. Your role is to fully accept that what you thought was lost can now be found. The treasure is being revealed for every soul to see within themselves what is their Truth as it is Illuminated within their consciousness.

During this process manifestation can occur in many ways as long as you are in alignment with the Illumination and the Truth as Helios and Vesta are imparting it to the Earth. The vibrancy of these accelerations will truly assist in your healing of all elements within the four-body system.

It is a time of great revelation of hope and faith that life is changing little by little.

Be aware of how you are feeling. What emotions are arising and what is occurring within your thought processes?

In order to sustain this light energy, it is important to see the particles of your darkness that need to be released into the Solar Great Central Sun.

The effect of these energies will continue throughout the months into the Equinox of September. There will be many moments of clearing and recharging your full body system. Allow yourself to walk as the Great Initiate you are, know when it feels uncomfortable, and allow yourself to step into the world of healing bringing forth the acceleration of your light to be the focal point in your consciousness.

I suggest connecting to Helios and Vesta with the Sun’s energies especially at sunrise, not only on the 21st but within the three day cycle. Allow their Divine Truth to assist you to see your own reality from the standpoint of a multi-dimensional being that you desire to be. It cannot just be in your thinking process as that is the Masculine self, but command it to be by Initiating the transference of Light within the Feminine self.

This is allowing your Truth to be revealed within all aspects of your Being.

Enjoy these energies especially at the onset; they will be very powerful and will assist you in the process of allowing your Divine Self to become manifest within your world. The more individuals that achieve this individually, the more we will have a planet that is truly representative of the Light and Love it deserves.

I walk with each of you,

I Am Lord Metatron, at your service.

Walking Terra Christa’s global festival for the Solstice Light Event to celebrate the Solstice of June is available here

Related: Listen to the free 30 minute Guided Meditation for the Helios and Vesta Frequencies of Light: Entranceway of Light. (donations accepted).

Other important resources:

ASCEND EARTH ~ CREATE HEALING LIGHT FOR GAIA – Join Walking Terra Christa in this special project to help bring more healing light to the planet and humanity by creating Ascension Columns around the Earth with the assistance of the Unified Whole Galactic and Agartha Alliance. To learn more please use the link.

P.S. It is not coincidental that the ROYAL TETON RETREAT of the ASCENDED MASTERS opens for healing twice a year just before the Solstice. Please use the extra dispensations offered for the remainder of the 30 day window to best assist your soul’s growth with these energies. Details about this spiritual practice are at the link including information on a special class and meditation to learn how best to go about it.


Decrees ~ Cycle 5 – Transfiguration, Part 1

Walking Terra Christa provided the Cycle 5, Transfiguration, Part 1 – Restructuring the Mental Self of Ascension Mastery Training, Cosmic Light Quotient Embodiment with Lord Melchizedek and Lord Sanat Kumara, Hierophant for the third Initiation of Ascension Mastery, representing the Mental Body. 

The Third Initiation relates to Self Mastery over the Ego and Lower Mind – Lord Sanat Kumara is Hierophant. It is the initiation of Allowing Physical Desire to be replaced with the Higher Devotion of Light

We decided to take the understanding the the third initiation and separate into two parts, the first one being Restructuring the Mental Mind. We worked with the second flame of Love and Wisdom as it is the first entryway into the Christ Consciousness. It allows for the softer approach to be acknowledged within the Mental Mind preparing for the stage of Transfiguration. (In our next cycle we are working with Part 2, Recreation of the Mental Self.)

The Ray of Love and Wisdom is represented by the Golden Etheric City of Malancheiah which resides in the States of Indiana and Illinois in North America. It is the City of Fruition and Attainment of Desires bringing forth the Christ Consciousness. It is reflected within the Golden Yellow Flame.

Ray 2 ~ Love & Wisdom Representing Compassionate Love For All Beings
Chakra:  Crown
Elders from the Throne of Grace:  Lord Ralya & Lady Ralyio
Chohan:  Ascended Master Djwhal Khul, Master Joshua Stone
Represented By:  The Office of the Christ ~ Lord Maitreya, Lord Kuthumi, and Lord Buddha (Planetary Logos)
Elohim Masters:  Apollo & Lumina
Archangels:  Jophiel & Christine
Toning Sound:  “I – AUM”
Characteristics:  Expansion of the Lower Mind with the flow of the Higher Mind, Radiance of the Self, having abilities to access your Insight and Intuition, Loyalty, Generosity, being calm with great endurance, while being very patient in all endeavors.
Virtues That Can Be Acquired:  Love of Truth, Faithfulness, Ernest Spiritual Study especially concerning the process of Initiations and the Science of Ascension as taught by the Ascended Masters, Exhibiting Unselfishness, and  a Serene Temper.
Lower Elements which can be dissipated:  Over Absorption in Studies without balance, Coldness, Indifference to Others, following a strict religious practice and not connecting to Universal Consciousness, and contempt of Mental Limitations in others.

The entire city is completely encased by a large pyramid structure which is represented by Divine Mother and Divine Father God, it is also represented by Lord Metatron and Lord Melchizedek.  The outlying areas of the crystalline panels that are erected around the city are representative of the 352 levels of initiations along with the 49th dimensional frequencies.  This is why the pyramid is so large and it represents the initiation of the global forces within the Priesthood of Melchizedek and the conglomerate understanding of what an initiate is all about; an initiate can come into this pyramid and get more of an understanding. The most important thing is that you will have balance within your Mental and your Emotional levels, so that your lower Mental Body is not activated, but blended with your Higher Self.

This visit to the city was guided by the Elders Lord Ralya & Lady Ralyio and the Ray Chohans Master Djwhal Khul with Master Joshua Stone within the Ashram of the Christ Temple.

The focus for this teaching was to Understand the State of Transfiguration – The Process of Transforming the Physical Existence into the Purity of the Christ Consciousness ~  LEARNING HOW TO STEP INTO YOUR DIVINE TRUTH.


As I am learning more about the 3rd Initiation,

Representing the Mental Body,

I desire to understand the process of TRANSFIGURATION,

And what that may mean for me personally within my four body system.

I am guided to travel to the Golden Etheric City of Malancheiah,

Which resides over the States of Illinois and Indiana in North America.

I arrive at the gateway to the city.

It is completely encased with an amazing Golden Pyramid of Light,

I am met by the Elders Lord Ralya and Lady Ralyio,

Who Guide me into the entranceway.

Immediately I am overtaken by the immense amount of this flame,

It starts to filter within my Crown Chakra,

As I feel there is a realignment occurring within my four-body system.

I breathe deeper and feel the immense qualities of the Golden Yellow,

Centering within my Heart Chakra,

I feel a sense of Peace and Love,

That is truly a gift that I needed to receive in this moment.

We walk into this magnificent garden that is located to the left of the main temple,

I see many pyramids all around the area,

The land is filled with many colors of flowers and greenery,

The sun is filling me up with a sense of deep contentment.

We sit together as Lord Rayla and Lady Ralyio stretch out their arms,

I see this magnificent stream of the Golden Yellow coming within me,

It circles around me and then inside of my Heart,

I feel a little dizzy, but very peaceful.

They tell me to just allow the flame of this light,

To immerse within my Heart,

So that I may feel the Divine Love that is being imparted in this moment.

I then see Masters Djwhal Khul and Joshua Stone approaching me,

I arise and they given me an embrace of love,

I feel their strength but also their pure essence of knowingness.

They share with me that the first initial light from the Elders,

Will assist me to bring forth a sense of serenity and calmness;

This is done in this way to prepare my lower mind to surrender unto the energies.

I realize they are right as I am not thinking about anything,

But just feeling this beautiful light.

They both sit beside me, one on each side;

I feel their essence of Love but deep desire to assist me;

I don’t think I have ever felt anything like this intensity.

I start to become emotional,

Master Djwhal Khul tells me that this is a good sign,

As my Astral Self has gone through a transformation,

Readying for the Mental Self to receive and accept the Divine Qualities of Light.

I told them that I feel it intensely,

And I do desire to make the necessary changes within my Mental Body;

We arise together and walk unto the Golden Pathway,

As I am now ready to walk into the Ashram of the Christ,

To truly start the process of honoring my Divine Self;

I am ready to see the untruth that has been shared with me,

From my Subconscious Mind,

As I transform into the Divine Mind I desire to hold within me.

I AM that I AM that I AM

The second visit was with Elohim Masters Apollo & Lumina with the Archangels Jophiel & Christine. They took us on a very magical energy into a deeper part of the city than has been explored previously. 

We arrive into the Forest of Intention and experience release energies that need to be dispelled allowing all elements to surface. Then, we will walked down a garden pathway filled with many flowers on each side, the golden sunlight beans down upon us, as we then reach an opening where the sky meets the earth, where everything comes into Oneness, seeing this magnificent lake that resembles a beautiful ocean but it is very calm. It is called the Embodiment of Illumination. We then traveled across the lake to a special area called the Island of Radiance where we received special blessings from Lord Buddha in a meditation garden called Blessings of Illumination.


The Focus for this class was the learn how to Become the Mastery of Your Own Reality. The teaching represented the ability to Expand the Love and Powers of Light to burn away the dross of the Lower Mind while concentrating on the Intention and not the lower reality that a soul can perceive themselves to be.


As I am learning to Restructure my Lower Mind,

I am guided to work within the Golden Etheric City of Malancheiah,

Which resides over the states of Illinois and Indiana in North America.

I am met at the entranceway of Malancheiah,

by the Elohim Masters Apollo and Lumina,

With the Archangels Jophiel and Christine.

I feel their magnificent light energies,

With such a warmth and deep compassion.

Immediately we step into this little vehicle,

That just glides across the ground,

We pass the Ashram of the Christ,

As we travel quite a distance into what they call,

The Unchartered Territory.

There are no buildings,

We have bypassed all of the Golden Pyramid Temples,

Into a Pristine and Beautiful existence of Beauty.

We stop and get out of the tram,

We walk through a beautiful meadow,

That guides us into the Forest of Intention.

Within the forest,

There is a place for us to sit upon some rocks,

There is beautiful green moss growing everywhere,

With the warmth of the sun shining through the trees.

I feel a sense of warmth and deep understanding,

Running through my Mind,

Elohim Apollo and Lumina embrace me with their light,

I feel that they want to assist me deeply on my journey of the Lower Mind,

They ask me to just allow the thoughts of my dysfunctional self,

To come out of my chakras;

I find myself releasing through tears,

As the Divine Qualities within this forest is helping me,

To allow my Truth to be my Guide.

I state my Divine Intentions as I breath into my Higher Consciousness,

I sense my Higher Self knows exactly what I need to do.

As I sit upon the rock, I feel its essence helping me to accept what I am thinking,

I now start to embrace the experience of being centered within myself,

As my intentions that I speak become stronger.

I feel the wind on my face,

Which Apollo shares is the removal of lifetimes of hurt,

Coming out of my Etheric Self.

Then the Archangels Jophiel and Christine,

Wrap their wings around me,

I feel this Golden Light being immersed within my entire four body system,

They are pulling away the elements that I no longer need.

I am grateful to them, along with the Elohim Apollo and Lumina,

For helping me to understand what I could not see before.

We all arise from where we are sitting,

Continuing the journey through the forest;

As we walk through a banner of beautiful Golden Yellow Flowers,

That seem to be trees with all kinds of buds,

We walk under the overhang of these amazing flowers;

I start to feel the Divine Qualities of the Golden Yellow Flame,

Permeating into my Crown Chakra.

I am now perceiving the thoughts within my mind,

Becoming harmonious with my Higher Mind,

There is no longer a separation within me.

We then arrive at the opening of a glorious lake,

It is huge but yet so calm,

It looks like an ocean,

But yet I see it is not.

Both the Elohim and Archangels share that it is called,

The Lake of Illumination.

We step forward and enter a small boat,

As we travel across the water,

I feel the wind, the sun, the freshness of the water,

While connecting to the Earth.

The boat travels for miles and then I see a small island,

It is absolutely beautiful,

With flowering plants, bushes, rocks, crystals everywhere.

Apollo and Lumina with Jophiel and Christine,

Tell me that this is the Island of Radiance,

That it is now time for me to experience the Love that my Higher Self,

Desires me to hold within my consciousness.

I am excited,

And completely honored,

To have this experience with all of these masters,

Of the Golden Yellow Flame of Love and Wisdom

I AM that I AM that I AM.

©Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden, Integrative Channel 16th and 23rd, 2018, New Earth Consciousness~Circle of Light. 

The New Earth Consciousness-Circle of Light is a weekly class in which we journey to one of the 22 Etheric Cities.  Included is a teaching from Lord Adama and a special Ascended Being that represents the city. Walking Terra Christa provides many options to participate in their weekly teachings with an affordable rate for all individuals.  You can become an Academy Student or participate in our Partner/Membership Program while experiencing the teachings on your own time via the recordings. You can also purchase any of the MP3 downloads separately for the the classes to receive the highest vibrational energies available. Please make sure you state which class you want to purchase in the PayPal link.

ASCEND EARTH ~ CREATE HEALING LIGHT FOR GAIA – Join Walking Terra Christa in this special project to help bring more healing light to the planet and humanity by creating Ascension Columns around the Earth with the assistance of the Unified Whole Galactic and Agartha Alliance. To learn more please use the link.

The Forces of Reconstruction with the Festival of Humanity ~ Full Moon May 29th, 2018 Festival of Lights ~ Master Djwhal Khul

Ascension Mastery Message for the Festival of Humanity-Goodwill, Full Moon of Sagittarius in Sun of Gemini for May 29th, 2018. Channeled transmission by Rev. Christine Meleriessee of Walking Terra Christa. 

We have now arrived into the movement of the Festival of Humanity-Goodwill which falls in Sagittarius within the sun of Gemini. This occurred on May 29th, 2018 at 7:20 AM Pacific, 10:20 AM Eastern, and 14:20 GMT.

Master Djwhal Khul’s Keynote for this Celestial Energy:


We are now in the cycle of the Festival of Humanity or Goodwill which means that the ascension energies we have experienced through the Festivals of the Christ and Wesak now become a direct focus in our physical walk upon the Earth. It represents the Force of Reconstruction allowing all that we have arisen to during Wesak to now become our pure consciousness. Even though the full moon occurred on May 29th we will still be in this cycle for the next month so understanding the energies that are happening can be very beneficial to our soul’s development.

We, as Initiates, have overcome the adversities of our past to hold within ourselves the new part of our reality to become concrete and fixed within our full consciousness.

This festival represents the effects in human consciousness of the work of Lord Buddha, our Planetary Logos, with Lord Maitreya and Lord Kuthumi representing the Office of the Christ, and with Lord Sananda bringing forth the Christ Consciousness within the planetary structure. It is also been recognized as World Invocation Day.

It is no mistake that this full moon of Sagittarius represented the Higher Mind while the Sun of Gemini brings forth the Lower or Physical Mind. It is a time to allow the Spiritual Self to blend within the Mental realm so that decisions and life struggles can be approached through the Higher Self and not the Physical Consciousness. As each of us strives to bring forth these changes within us, it is imperative to realize the challenges can arise that may try to stop the individual from fully acting upon their spiritual essence.

This means that at this full moon cycle, each of us has been given an opportunity to look at elements within our life from a higher purpose. It does not mean we have to stay stuck in the old energies but are being given an opportunity to grow in a new direction to assist not only our individuality but humanity as well.

Learning to understand what our Fixed Design is allowing our soul to accept a new and important part of the new reality. Fixed Design represents our contract as a soul in this lifetime, the promise that we made before we came into physical incarnation.

Every year we bring forth new parts of our Fixed Design as the transition of our Higher Self becomes an integral part of our reality during the time of Wesak.

This process is allowing the old self to die away in order for the new realization to come into our consciousness. It can be as simple as how we think about ourselves when we are challenged, or what substantiates our self-empowerment. When we step into the resurrection phase that occurred during the Festival of the Christ, then we clear away the debris in order for the new particle that we need to accept as we did during the Festival of Wesak. Now, we rebuild our four-body system (Physical, Etheric, Emotional, and Mental) with that new essence that represents what our soul desires to hold within our consciousness.

“What we do for ourselves, we do for others.”

This is so very true of this cycle with the Festival of Humanity being the key focus.

This means we now have a grand opportunity to step through many doorways that previously have seemed like it was not possible or yet, we did not see those opportunities knocking at the door that needed to be opened.

The Festival of Goodwill and Humanity brings to the Earth the following steps through utilizing each of the Seven Rays of God:

  • Blue Flame, the Ray of Will and Power, Ray Chohan Master El Morya: The Power of Will is given to the Disciples and Initiates so they can direct efficiently and wisely the processing of rebuilding.
  • Golden Yellow Flame, the Ray of Love and Wisdom, Ray Chohans Master Djwhal Khul and Master Joshua Stone: The Will to Love will stimulate the element of Good Will to gradually overcome the lower mental elements that inhibit humanity;
  • Pink Flame, the Ray of Creative and Active Intelligence, Ray Chohan Master Paul the Venetian with Master Serapis Bey: The Will to Action will allow for the movement of Love and Adoration to lay the foundation for a new and better world;
  • Crystalline Flame, the Ray of Harmony and Balance through Conflict, Ray Chohan Master Serapis Bey with Master Paul the Venetian: The Will to Cooperate will steadily increase as all souls will desire and demand right human relationships as a natural way of life.
  • Green Golden White Flame, The Ray of the Science of the Divine Mind, Ray Chohan Master Hilarion: The Will to Know and To Think Correctly and Creatively will become a focus of the masses as knowledge is the first step towards wisdom.
  • Ruby-Red Golden Flame, The Ray of Inner Devotion, Ray Chohan Lady Master Nada: The Will to Persist will become a human characteristic to assist all souls to realize the potential within themselves that their spiritual self is most important to embrace and love;
  • Violet-Purple Flame; The Ray of Ceremonial Magic and Structure, Ray Chohan Lady Master Portia: The Will to Organize will bring forth to build a foundation that will be carried forth under the direct inspiration of the Spiritual Hierarchy as each Initiate learns that they are a part of a core group of light for this Earth.
[Please note that the Ray Chohans for the 3rd and 4th ray are now allowing their energies to oversee both of these rays (Master Paul the Venetian and Master Serapis Bey). There has been an upgrade in the Ascended Masters and the work they are doing through the Spiritual Hierarchy that occurred during this Wesak 2018. We will share more information in another writing very soon.]

As we realize within our own consciousness of what we are desiring to achieve, this cycle assists in allowing the transformation to occur within our lives. We are restoring what we desired to achieve in our true reality. This process does not stop through this cycle, but it will continue throughout the year.

That is why this full moon is so very important to our development and growth as a Higher Being of Light coming into full realization upon this Earth. It does not matter what stage of your development you are achieving, each soul at this time is going through this process of re-ordering our physical consciousness into a better and more evolved source of God’s Light within us.

The challenge of this cycle is not to allow the Lower Mind to stop the process of the Higher Mind, or Spiritual Self to help you become more integrated within your spiritual essence. It is important to constantly affirm within yourself what tools you need to do in order for your Higher Self to become more interactive within your physical world. As you do so, the reality that you see will be more joyful and infused within the qualities you desire to hold in your consciousness.

Master Djwhal Khul’s Keynote for this month:


Greetings My Dearest Ones,

I Am Master Djwhal Khul with a very special message of Divine Love. As I represent the second Flame of Love and Wisdom it is important to realize that this flame will assist you to move from the old self into the new by allowing the light infractions of the Golden Yellow to warm up the aspects within you that have been blocked within you. They have infringed upon your ability to see the entire picture of what your Higher Self sees within you.

This year of 2018 has been absolutely amazing for acceleration and awakening within the planet. The Rainbow Arcs of Light are still continuing their journey bringing forth more light infractions of all of the 330 Rays of God to be imbued into all of the physical creation upon the Earth during each full moon cycle. This means that each of you are also receiving these light energies at any given moment of time.

The Festival of Humanity/Goodwill for 2018 is magnificent as we are seeing more souls awakening into a new part of their existence that was not being shown to them before. Their eyes have been closed or just not able to open properly but we are seeing so many souls looking at themselves in a different manner than they have been doing. The journey of these individuals is not easy as we all know that the road to enlightenment can be strewn with great adversity as your four-body system becomes more aligned to what your consciousness desires to bring into full reality.

This means that Gaia and all of her inhabitants are readying themselves for the growth process that each of these souls have desired to occur and wished upon themselves the gift of healing for their physical bodies. This last Ascension Festival of the Spring (in the Northern Hemisphere) is now readying itself to grow the seeds that have been planted so they can blossom throughout the summer months.

It is at this anticipated time that what you have desired to occur, can be a reality with the intention to work through the debris that has kept you in bondage for many eons of time. The full transition has arrived for many individuals. We are still at a low percentage, but we see, as the Spiritual Hierarchy, that Humanity is growing in the relation of the 20% ratio. This is huge as previously up to this time it was not happening.

What is occurring in the majority of the individuals is a new awareness will come over them. It may not be Ascension Mastery, but it will be a spark of remembrance that says “This is what I must do for myself, and only myself.”

This means that the element of Fixed Design that we concentrate upon for Wesak of 2018 is opening up a doorway for souls to realize within themselves what Fixed Design represents for their reality and then, in turn, it will be projected out into the world and into Gaia’s core.

The best advice I can give is to work with the Seven Rays of God, learn to call upon the Ray Chohans or the Ray energy itself, breathe them in, and allow your four-body to receive the light infractions that they impart to the Earth. Give yourself intentions every day of what you want to become in your life and the road will be paved wide-open. Don’t worry about what you do not understand, those elements will come to you when you are ready. Just be open to walk with an open heart, learn to be vulnerable, and heal yourselves deeply.

All of these actions will help to create the New Earth. We are a long way to opening up that doorway into this earth, but doing what you are presently, will help bring forth more stability into a world that at times feels very unsafe and uncertain. This will be accessing your Divine Love, Divine Wisdom (that you will gain), in order to access your Divine Power.

Project your faith with the Rays of God and we shall be there to assist you.

In deep blessings,

I Am Master Djwhal Khul, at your service.

Integrative Channel: Rev. Christine Meleriessee Heliohah

Walking Terra Christa’s Spiritual Ascension Mastery Ceremony for the Festival of the Humanity-Goodwill was on Wednesday, May 30th, 2018. (If you are not tracking these teaching on your calendar so that you may attend as they happen, you may do so through this link and then using the + sign in the lower right corner of the calendar).

The meditation attunement journey was guided by Master Djwhal Khul to the Temple of the I AM in Shamballa, Wesak Valley. We were gifted with the energies of the Office of the Christ with Lord Maitreya and Kuthumi, Lord Sananda, and Lord Buddha. You may listen to the recording of this ceremony throughout the month as it will assist you to access the Divine Light Energies of your Fixed Design. Please click this link: Recording for Festival of Humanity-Goodwill.

(Please share this article with others. Also, if you find these teachings and energies of benefit please take a moment to support our efforts).

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