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As an Initiate it is very important to be aware of all the Ascension Quotients as they are the most important part of your role for individual Mastery. Each of the first seven quotients: Love, Light, Transcendence of the Negative Ego, Christ Consciousness, Initiations, Service, Spiritual Leadership to the Self, are directly related to the most important quotient of all, the eighth of the Psychological Wisdom Quotient.

Every forward step you make through your consciousness into raising each quotient is directly related to your Subconscious Mind and how it acts or reacts through your Emotional, Mental, and Etheric Selves, all resulting in your advancement upward in consciousness.

Many spiritually awakened souls may not even consider the importance of these Ascension quotients, but they are entirely connected to the Initiate’s pathway as to how well that individual, as a soul living in a body, steps into the world of Mastery.

The quotients are a connection to the Divine Mind and the I Am Presence with a very special way of walking the Mastery Pathway in body. It is a process of Integrating the Higher Mind into the psychological self as it allows for the awareness of an Initiate to know more about themselves spiritually. Physically, as each quotient increases into the percentage range from 80% to 100%, the Psychological Wisdom Quotient then holds the role to anchor the new self.

Many lightworkers are not concerned with their Psychological Wisdom as the common focus is only the Love and Light quotients. While technically it is not necessary to increase the Psychological Wisdom quotient for the ascension process to occur, it is required to attain the frequency of consciousness in the physical vehicle that comes with being a living Ascended Master. One’s Psychological Wisdom is the quotient that will help you as a soul to transcend the many timeless and lifetimes in which you are holding the lower energies within your Subconscious Mind.

Doing so is how an Initiate walks through the many challenging doorways of the Initiations. It must be experienced within the totality of the four-body system (Physical-Etheric-Emotional-Mental), as without transcending the lower energies or thoughts, you as a soul will have to repeat the process of learning over again either in this lifetime or a future one.

In planetary percentages, the vast majority of souls today on earth who are aware of and pursuing ascension begin in the first initiation and many have moved into the second. Some rarer souls are in the third, yet on the whole very few have surpassed the fourth or fifth. As an Initiate, without increasing the Psychological Wisdom Quotient, one will not be able to ascend beyond the 7th Initiation. It’s an essential part of the role of Mastery, that of fully knowing yourself within a true awareness and facilitation within the energies of your four-body system.

This directly relates to the Etheric Self and the Chakra System which holds all of the timelines (moments in present or past lives) that have not been healed and put into wholeness. It is necessary to be able to fully hold the Seven Rays of God within each of the chakras as they specifically assist to help with transcending the lower energies; thereby allowing the higher thought process or emotion to be held within the four-body system such that the Subconscious Mind becomes more of the Super Conscious of the Higher Self Mind.

The other part of the equation within the Psychological Wisdom Quotient is to realize consciously the moments in time when you have released the lower issue or element, and then acquired the ability to access the more positive actions within you. This means you are allowing yourself to incorporate Self-Love which directly relates to your Love Quotient which thereby increases your Light Quotient.

Some examples of the energies of the typical human self personality of the Lower Self are loneliness, insecurity, depression, anxiety, jealousy, worry, arrogance, self-criticism, selfishness, manipulation, etc. To name just a few characterizations, the Higher Self or Centered Self represents confidence, unconditional love, self-worth, patience, discipline, faith, humbleness, humility, assertiveness, compassion, self-love and forgiveness.

All of these Lower Self elements are held within the Etheric Body which is the vehicle that has traveled with you from lifetime-to-lifetime. Once you incarnate again into a living vehicle, the Etheric Body (consisting of the energies of all your travels in the physical) reemerges with you. You do not start over as a new soul. Understanding this truth of our humanity is the main reason why it is imperative to work within your chakra system (as the chakras are in the etheric body not your physical body). The most effective method is using the Rays of God to assist in transmuting and transforming the lower elements to become more of the higher essence.

The last part of the equation for the Psychological Wisdom is to be aware when you heal the lower aspects into a more balanced state. This is the proverbial “moment of wisdom being gained”. It can be a moment of revelation within yourself that you are not acting in a certain way any longer; the feeling you have within yourself becomes more centered with a higher purpose. A very important element within the Psychological Wisdom is to realize the change you have made so the new reality of who you are becomes part of your Subconscious Mind. Understanding the process consciously is a very important quality to hold within you.

The most important quotients that help in increasing your Psychological Wisdom Quotient are Love and Light.

When you are able to increase the amount of Divine Love within your consciousness on a daily 24-hour basis, it is then that you will increase your Psychological Wisdom. Your Light Body is directly affected with the quotient representing your Light Body.

We have to remember that most individuals coming into this planet have a Love and/or Light Quotient of less than 5%. It has nothing to do with how you feel about others; many individuals that are more aligned with helping others, usually are not very good about helping themselves. It is part of the dysfunction that we live in on Earth. That is why Inner Child work can be very challenging as sometimes it is easier to care for others than ourselves.

The Psychological Wisdom Quotient comes into play with every dysfunction that you may have felt in your life. Until you are able to fully accept that you can change within your subconsciousness, then the issues will still be there.

Walking Terra Christa is holding a Mastery Class on “How to Increase your Psychological Wisdom Quotient” on Saturday, September 28th, at 10 AM Pacific. The class can be enrolled in to attend live by audio conferencing (online/by phone) or to receive as an audio recording (mp3 format).

Lord Melchizedek, the Father of Ascension Mastery and Initiations will be sharing his wisdom on how important it is to work through your Psychological Wisdom Quotient and how it directly relates to the other Quotients.

Lord Saint Germain speaks on “How to Utilize the Rays of God” representing the first seven (there are 22 Rays to the 5th dimensional chakra grid) to assist in transforming the lower self. They are: Will and Power (Deep Blue), Love and Wisdom (Golden Yellow), Creative Actualization (Deep Pink), Harmony and Balance Removing Conflict (Crystalline), Science of the Divine Mind of God (Green-Golden/White), Inner Devotion (Ruby Red/Golden Light), and Ceremonial Structure and Magic (Violet/Purple). The Ascended Master Lord Saint Germain, who is the Mahachohan of the Seven Flames, also provides a Q and A session for those in live attendance.

Special Guest: Master Godfre’ Ray King (known as Guy Ballard of the I AM Foundation) will be assisting us in learning how to access the Divinity of the I AM along with sharing his story of being an Initiate walking into Mastery.

Included: Beginning Meditation of the Seven Rays of God into the 3rd Dimensional Chakras; an Ending Journey of Remembrance with Master Godfre.

Class is open to anyone. Duration is approximately 2.5 hours but may run longer due to the specific energies being transmitted. Using the www.Ascend.Earth materials prior to the day of the class will assist greatly. Class is audio only to assist in participants focusing on the higher frequencies being transmitted.

For ENROLLMENT we use the 100% secure PayPal payment system which is free for you to join. Credit and Debit cards are accepted. Please use a desktop computer to enroll so that you can be redirected to the private class access instructions and handout after making your exchange. (Redirection after enrollment does not work well for mobile phones). Please make sure your email is up to date and correct in PayPal. After the class, the event audio recording is usually posted to the link in the instructions within a few hours, but may take up to 2 business days if editing is required.




(If you enjoyed this article and are not enrolling, please consider offering a donation to support these energies and higher understandings of the process of true Ascension Mastery. Public gifts and ongoing donations are essential for this work to reach more individuals. Using the donate links does not enroll you in the class.)


NEW EARTH FREQUENCY Ascension Mastery Message for the SEPTEMBER EQUINOX 2019 with the Cosmic Light Energies of the UNIFIED WHOLE COMMAND. Transmission by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee of Walking Terra Christa.


Greetings and Love to each of you,

We are the group consciousness of the Unified Whole Command Cosmic Light Energies comprising of the Great Divine Director, Master Thoth and Master Einstein. We bring forth these energies within the 144th Dimension of Light through the Source of Oneness.

It is our pleasure to bring forth the energetics of the current period.

This year of 2019 has been very instrumental for many individuals to awaken to a new level. Even the ones that are already within a higher state of consciousness are realizing new and different elements about themselves. It is the power of the increase light energies coming into the planet while allowing each of you to embody the defining energies within yourself.

We first want to discuss the upcoming Equinox which occurs on September 23rd at 7:50 AM UTC/GMT (12:50 AM Pacific, 3:50 AM Eastern). It is a time wherein every soul upon the Earth can reset their priorities of what they desire to be and to put the intention unto each of us (the Masters within the Unified Whole Command comprising all levels of Oneness within the Spiritual Hierarchy) to fully bring forth the dynamics of change within their lives.

All that you have been experiencing for several months has a true purpose for your soul’s evolution. It is important not to be so concerned with the details of what you are experiencing but the overall adjustments that you are making within your consciousness and your walk upon the Earth. It can be very challenging as a human upon this Earth to allow the integration to occur from the Spiritual Self as there will always be challenges to want to continue within the mindset that you have been previously.

It is important to accept the phase of transitioning by RELAXING within the moment. To allow your consciousness to accept the increased energies within you by accepting that you do not have control of your physical self; the control lies within your Higher Self to help you become the Divine Light that you feel arising within you to be fully grounded. This process is not an easy one to experience and we all want to reiterate to each of you that we understand with Divine Love.

The main element of this Equinox is to allow all souls on the planet to have a moment of reflection within your Inner Self. Stop the merry-go-round thoughts and realize that within a spiritual transition the physical self will not know how to move forward, but the Higher Self will do so for you.

How many of you can Surrender unto your Higher Self?

This is a very big question that needs to be pondered by every soul inhabited upon the Earth. The reason the Masculine Divine is not activated within the planetary system is because every person wants to run their own life according to their own rules – in other words utilizing the Concrete Mind and not the Abstract which is the Higher Self.. This aspect of the Lower Mind which is very restrictive to the process.

It is amazing how much the Act of Silence can help each person to grow more into a spiritual perspective.

As the Equinox occurs on September 23rd, 2019 please know that there is a direct alignment that is occurring within the Great Central Sun of the Solar Level. Dearest Helios and Vesta, our Solar Logos, with RA the Sun God bring forth the divine light to occur for every Equinox, but this year it comes with it the openness and clarity of the Rainbow Arcs of Light that each Great Central Sun emits through their essence. This time within a frequency of light akin to a Fire Bolt of Lightning from them that is being extending into the Earth.

To explain, each of the five Great Central Suns comprised within the Solar, the Galactic, the Universal, the Multi-Universal, and Cosmic Dimensions of Light have continuously brought for the Rainbow Arcs of Light since the March Equinox of 2018. In 2019 the March Equinox brought forth an extended light frequency called the Cosmic Ring of Fire which initiated the Masculine and Feminine Divine to be realized within humanity on a soul-by-soul basis.

For this Equinox it will be a different experience. The Fire Bolt of Cosmic Light will allow each individual to reset their energies. it will be imperative for every person to take moments within themselves to hold these energies within the full body system. Every person is being giving a gift to allow their 12-Body System to be more fully acknowledged within them on an energetic basis. (Please note that this must be done on a conscious level, not within your sleep state.)

The 12-Body System is representative of the I AM Presence and relates directly to dimensional frequencies from the 3rd dimension into the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th of the Solar Level, 11th the Galactic Level moving upwards into the Universal Level within the 24th.

This experience will allow for the transference of light energies to pass into an individual’s field so that they can more readily accept the capacity to feel more on an energetic basis.

The process of activating the 12 body system cannot be done overnight; it is achieved step-by-step. But for the 12‑hour period of the Equinox we are asking that you sit in silence for at least 10 to 30 minutes anytime within the 12 hours.

This will allow your lower-self bodies of the Physical-Etheric-Mental-Emotional to accept the transition that is needed. It is preferable to start it when the Equinox occurs as your body needs time for the adjustment to occur within you, but due to the time of this season’s equinox, try to allow it to happen any time within those 12 hours. Another cautionary thought is do not do this before going to work or outside in the 3rd dimensional energies, give yourself at least another hour for the energies to become more grounded within you.

What happens through this occurrence is that your Higher Light Bodies are being assisted to blend within your physical consciousness. It is the state of allowing yourself to be One within the Masculine and Feminine Divine of Helios and Vesta. It will help to align your full bodies as one so you can start to allow the process of the higher light bodies to be realized within your consciousness.

The other part of this equation is that it is important to be very clear in your thoughts and emotions. If you have any lower thoughts or feelings that you are dealing with, prepare yourself with cleansing processes within each of your four bodies (Physical, Etheric, Emotional, Mental). The reason being is that this light energy is so strong that it could adversely affect you if you have present elements that are not being healed. The other component to this work is that you can be healed on a much deeper level.

So, let us say that you are going through an emotional challenge. As long as you are working upon it and bring forth the intention from your Higher Self that you want to perceive yourself in the Higher Thought Process, then the results can be unbelievable.

This process represents how well you are being respectful to yourself; and when you are doing so by honoring the process, then the results can be very powerful. This will assist with the continuing energy of manifestation through the Harvest Moon.

As you move through the Equinox, it will then help you to acknowledge the blessing of the New Moon which occurs on September 28th. This moon is a blessing of love to be honored by every individual upon the Earth. We can say that the Equinox energies will set up to focus to be honored and accepted by each of you.

We want to mention about the Cosmic Rays that are being emitted from the Great Central Suns until the Earth. Your scientists are now realizing these cosmic light energies and we want to just clarify what is occurring.

As the Cosmic Ring of Fire was ignited through the Rainbow Arcs of Light from 2018 until the present time, many will see in the skies colors of light coming down from the Sun. This can occur more predominately at sunrise or dusk as there is a filtering of light.

One of the more powerful light rays being emitted is the Violet with hues of Purple. This represents the 7th Flame of Ceremonial Order and Discipline. This Ray brings forth the ability to make the necessary changes through transformation and enlightenment. It is the ray of being the alchemist.

Having this ray being emitted from the Great Central Sun is truly a sign that there is hope, there is magic being expressed from the Divine Light Energies to assist each of you upon the Earth.

If you see this flame, take a breath and allow it to flow within you which will help you to acknowledge new parts of yourself that you have not seen previously.

It is a time of great challenges, many of them very debilitating to the Spirit. Take heed to know that we are watching over you and want you to know that you are not alone.

Each of you reading this material, please know that it is a time of great acceleration and within those moments, there will be elements that you do not like to see. You are the Warrior of Light, allow this light energy to change you as it will help so many others.

We of the Unified Whole Command, are deeply honored to bring forth our love unto each of you.

So Mote It Be, Let It Be Done

The Great Divine Director, Master Thoth and Master Einstein As One Consciousness of Light within the 144th Dimension of Oneness.

To help you absorb these energies from your abstract mind and embrace the Feminine elements, Walking Terra Christ is facilitating a ceremony (global online or phone audio conference) for the Festival of Lights on Saturday, September 21st, 2019 at 10 AM Pacific. Join to personally receive and co-create higher spiritual light for earth and humanity. (Setting up an ASCENSION COLUMN in your own space will also be very beneficial. Please see the ASCEND EARTH PROJECT to do so.)

These are vibrationally powerful experiences with the Masters and Spiritual Hierarchy of the Christed Consciousness. For the CELESTIAL EQUINOX event we energetically connect and travel in a meditative transference to receive the energies of LORD METATRON in the TEMPLE OF THE ONE which resides in the Golden Etheric City of HAVALANCHEE of the 22nd Ray of God.

You may access the conference via your computer or phone (please note this is an audio only conference).

Worldwide access: Click link to join via computer or phone: (International conference dial-in phone numbers are listed on the link) or Dial: (712) 770-5505, use Access #266957.

If you miss the live event, to listen to and receive the transmitted energies, the audio will be posted in our AUDIO LIBRARY after the live event concludes. This free (donations requested) online global audio event is designed to help you connect to the higher frequency vibration of these sacred New Earth energies.


Become the Phoenix: The Spiritual Meaning of the Full Moon ~ Master Djwhal Khul ~ Festival of Lights

Ascension Mastery Message for the Full Moon Energies of Pisces within Sun of Virgo for September 13th-14th, 2019 with Master Djwhal Khul. Transmission by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee of Walking Terra Christa.

Arising into My Rebirth

We now step into the full moon cycle of September which occurs on the 13th at 9:33 PM Pacific, while other parts of the world experience the energies during the 14th of September, 12:33 AM Eastern. The Universal time zone occurs on at 4:33 AM on the 14th of the month.

The moon is within Pisces while the sun is in Virgo. This polarity is considered the Service Axis ( as Virgo represents the physical reality of day-to-day functions, and the need for order. Whereas, Pisces is the spiritual aspect of visions and seeing a better focus of life through faith of our Divine Self.

Per the information given by there are other aspects that come into play for this full moon cycle in which Jupiter, Mars, and Neptune form a T-square creating conflicting emotions to arise resulting in great changes to occur.

Within this is the true element of Transformation which creates a sense of Re-birth.

The native teachings of the Bear Tribe (Sun Bear) relate this moon to the Harvest time in which all elements arise to be transmuted into the Light. Within the medicine wheel energies, the stone totem is Amethyst, is positioned between the South and the West directions. Amethyst is a healing stone as it helps to transmute dis-ease and darkness into a healing state. The plant totem is the Violet which helps an individual to step into the realms of the Heart.

This position within the wheel represents the essence of the Bear bringing forth intuitive knowledge to be received learning to be a Visionary of your own destiny. It also cautions against being overly critical of the self or others. It is a place of honoring our paths of where we are, spiritually, in order to move forward.

Honesty and integrity are the true warriors to be acknowledged within the Self.

The Harvest Moon brings to us the element of learning how to penetrate the heart and make decisions from our higher perspective and not the lower ego. As that occurs, great manifestation of our desires can occur.

Since the Piscean energies represent the Spiritual Self, we call upon these energies at this time to help the Physical Self of Virgo to acknowledge, that within the lower consciousness, we do not know the true answer to our destiny. It lies within our Higher Self and I Am Presence to be acknowledged. We must accept, that we as a soul, have the ability to feel our true worth and essence as long as we get the lower mental mind out of the way.

This is why we are calling the present energies Arising Above Out of the Ashes into a new Beginning.

It is now time to fully embrace the power of our higher essence to be the deciding factor which can cause an individual to have to face their truth that is within them in order to empower themselves. This is not an easy process, but we are being assisted by the Universal Core with the Light Energies to walk through this doorway positively, which is truly our destiny.

On the other side of this moon lies infinite possibilities for each of us to embrace a better part of ourselves. But we must allow our Higher Self to guide us through the dark doorway that has kept us in bondage from freedom. The Phoenix represents this freedom ~ rising above the ashes below.

As we experience this rebirth, we help others to do the same. This is not a selfish act but in truth what we do for ourselves, we do for others.

We have to look and see what is happening around the world at this time. It is devastating to our hearts to see what others are enduring so, as the Awakened Ones, we must rise to the occasion to help ourselves to see what is holding us back and go higher into the light.

As we do so, we will see that more Light will be sent to the Earth to help those that may not understand how to create what every human desires to be in each moment.


Master Djwhal Khul’s Keynote for September 2019:

“I allow the darkness of what I have been to arise above into my Higher Essence as I Rebirth Myself creating my new Harvest of Reality assisting Others to do the same.”



“It is my pleasure to speak to each of you in this moment. I am Master Djwhal Khul at your service.

We know that this year of 2019 represents stepping more fully into learning how to walk as a Master. It has brought forth a deep sense of change that many may not have realized would occur for them.

Within this change, I am not speaking about your physical reality, but the adjustments you have had to make within your consciousness ~ of who you are and who you desire to become. This is the year of great acceleration, but within that movement of accessing higher aspects of yourself, it takes great courage to look within and see what else needs to occur.

I think it is important for this Month of the Harvest to really look back and see what you can improve upon for yourselves. There is always room for an individual to advance within their own potential and to realize that it comes from within your essence, not from your outside experiences.

This cycle is giving every human being the opportunity to look deeper within themselves in order to re-create their experience upon the earth.

If each individual was able to achieve this within themselves the world would be a much better place to be. There would be more community and camaraderie between souls. All that is not right in the world stems from each and every individual person of whom they think they are deep within their heart.

Each person has a grand opportunity at this point, to make their lives better due to these energies. It is important to realize that there is always something that needs to be improved upon and it needs to occur on an individual basis.

Let’s think about that for a moment.

It is the moon of the Harvest when it is a powerful time to create intentions to bring forth abundance in many areas of living.

But as a soul, if you do not look within yourself of what needs to be changed, then those manifestations will be created by whom you are in this moment. And, you may think that you are doing okay, and this would not happen to you. But it truly is not so.

Every soul upon the earth is going through a healing phase whether you share it with others or not. Your Etheric Self, which is your traveling soul, holds many energies, thoughts, and memories within yourself. It is how you have created your life whether it be for the good and not so good.

The Etheric Self (body) has to heal so deeply within you that it has nothing to do with your physical consciousness except that who you think you are as a person needs to occur on a deeper level.

I ask each of you to take time for this full moon cycle to truly breathe deeply for 30 minutes, connect to your Heart Essence and your higher consciousness. Allow your Prana Breath to take you into a deeper part of your consciousness; possibly somewhere you have not traveled before. Allow your intentions to be realized from your Pure Heart and not your Lower Ego.

The breath may take you on a journey of your emotions; allow them to flow through you, release the pain and suffering inside of you. What is your deepest fear? Acknowledge it, embrace it, and let it become you.

Your breath will then take you to a better place within yourself. This is the moment that you write your Intention for this moon. Try to allow yourself to only concentrate about one area of your life.

Now and only now, is when your true growth will occur. This is become your Harvest Moon as you allow your Divine Self to guide you to the next step.

What occurs through this process, is that your consciousness and full body system then embodies this energy. It becomes you and it will be sent to others just by allowing yourself to be you.

This is the Moon of Rebirth, arise out of your dark thoughts, and allow yourself to fly like the Phoenix.

I walk with each of you as we learn together how to create the New Earth.

Many blessings of love,

I Am Master Djwhal Khul at your service.”

To help you absorb these energies from your abstract mind and embrace the Feminine elements, Walking Terra Christ is facilitating a ceremony (global online or phone audio conference) for the Festival of Lights on Saturday, September 14th, 2019 at 10 AM Pacific. Join to personally receive and co-create higher spiritual light for earth and humanity. Setting up an ASCENSION COLUMN in your own space will also be very beneficial. Please see the ASCEND EARTH PROJECT.

These are vibrationally powerful experiences with the Masters and Spiritual Hierarchy of the Christed Consciousness. For the Full Moon event we energetically connect and travel in a meditative transference to the Golden Etheric City of Wakan-Soieka located in the 5th dimension over the area of North and South Dakota, Wyoming, and Montanna within the United States. This City holds the frequencies of the Seven Rays of God (Seven Flames).

You may access the conference via your computer or phone (please note this is an audio only conference).

Worldwide access: Click link to join via computer or phone: (International conference dial-in phone numbers are listed on the link) or Dial: (712) 770-5505, use Access #266957.

These free (donation supported from those who can do so) online global audio events are designed to help you connect to the higher frequency vibration of these sacred energies.

If you miss the live event, the audio will be posted in our AUDIO LIBRARY after the live event concludes.

Follow Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery on