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As an Initiate it is very important to be aware of all the Ascension Quotients as they are the most important part of your role for individual Mastery. Each of the first seven quotients: Love, Light, Transcendence of the Negative Ego, Christ Consciousness, Initiations, Service, Spiritual Leadership to the Self, are directly related to the most important quotient of all, the eighth of the Psychological Wisdom Quotient.

Every forward step you make through your consciousness into raising each quotient is directly related to your Subconscious Mind and how it acts or reacts through your Emotional, Mental, and Etheric Selves, all resulting in your advancement upward in consciousness.

Many spiritually awakened souls may not even consider the importance of these Ascension quotients, but they are entirely connected to the Initiate’s pathway as to how well that individual, as a soul living in a body, steps into the world of Mastery.

The quotients are a connection to the Divine Mind and the I Am Presence with a very special way of walking the Mastery Pathway in body. It is a process of Integrating the Higher Mind into the psychological self as it allows for the awareness of an Initiate to know more about themselves spiritually. Physically, as each quotient increases into the percentage range from 80% to 100%, the Psychological Wisdom Quotient then holds the role to anchor the new self.

Many lightworkers are not concerned with their Psychological Wisdom as the common focus is only the Love and Light quotients. While technically it is not necessary to increase the Psychological Wisdom quotient for the ascension process to occur, it is required to attain the frequency of consciousness in the physical vehicle that comes with being a living Ascended Master. One’s Psychological Wisdom is the quotient that will help you as a soul to transcend the many timeless and lifetimes in which you are holding the lower energies within your Subconscious Mind.

Doing so is how an Initiate walks through the many challenging doorways of the Initiations. It must be experienced within the totality of the four-body system (Physical-Etheric-Emotional-Mental), as without transcending the lower energies or thoughts, you as a soul will have to repeat the process of learning over again either in this lifetime or a future one.

In planetary percentages, the vast majority of souls today on earth who are aware of and pursuing ascension begin in the first initiation and many have moved into the second. Some rarer souls are in the third, yet on the whole very few have surpassed the fourth or fifth. As an Initiate, without increasing the Psychological Wisdom Quotient, one will not be able to ascend beyond the 7th Initiation. It’s an essential part of the role of Mastery, that of fully knowing yourself within a true awareness and facilitation within the energies of your four-body system.

This directly relates to the Etheric Self and the Chakra System which holds all of the timelines (moments in present or past lives) that have not been healed and put into wholeness. It is necessary to be able to fully hold the Seven Rays of God within each of the chakras as they specifically assist to help with transcending the lower energies; thereby allowing the higher thought process or emotion to be held within the four-body system such that the Subconscious Mind becomes more of the Super Conscious of the Higher Self Mind.

The other part of the equation within the Psychological Wisdom Quotient is to realize consciously the moments in time when you have released the lower issue or element, and then acquired the ability to access the more positive actions within you. This means you are allowing yourself to incorporate Self-Love which directly relates to your Love Quotient which thereby increases your Light Quotient.

Some examples of the energies of the typical human self personality of the Lower Self are loneliness, insecurity, depression, anxiety, jealousy, worry, arrogance, self-criticism, selfishness, manipulation, etc. To name just a few characterizations, the Higher Self or Centered Self represents confidence, unconditional love, self-worth, patience, discipline, faith, humbleness, humility, assertiveness, compassion, self-love and forgiveness.

All of these Lower Self elements are held within the Etheric Body which is the vehicle that has traveled with you from lifetime-to-lifetime. Once you incarnate again into a living vehicle, the Etheric Body (consisting of the energies of all your travels in the physical) reemerges with you. You do not start over as a new soul. Understanding this truth of our humanity is the main reason why it is imperative to work within your chakra system (as the chakras are in the etheric body not your physical body). The most effective method is using the Rays of God to assist in transmuting and transforming the lower elements to become more of the higher essence.

The last part of the equation for the Psychological Wisdom is to be aware when you heal the lower aspects into a more balanced state. This is the proverbial “moment of wisdom being gained”. It can be a moment of revelation within yourself that you are not acting in a certain way any longer; the feeling you have within yourself becomes more centered with a higher purpose. A very important element within the Psychological Wisdom is to realize the change you have made so the new reality of who you are becomes part of your Subconscious Mind. Understanding the process consciously is a very important quality to hold within you.

The most important quotients that help in increasing your Psychological Wisdom Quotient are Love and Light.

When you are able to increase the amount of Divine Love within your consciousness on a daily 24-hour basis, it is then that you will increase your Psychological Wisdom. Your Light Body is directly affected with the quotient representing your Light Body.

We have to remember that most individuals coming into this planet have a Love and/or Light Quotient of less than 5%. It has nothing to do with how you feel about others; many individuals that are more aligned with helping others, usually are not very good about helping themselves. It is part of the dysfunction that we live in on Earth. That is why Inner Child work can be very challenging as sometimes it is easier to care for others than ourselves.

The Psychological Wisdom Quotient comes into play with every dysfunction that you may have felt in your life. Until you are able to fully accept that you can change within your subconsciousness, then the issues will still be there.

Walking Terra Christa is holding a Mastery Class on “How to Increase your Psychological Wisdom Quotient” on Saturday, September 28th, at 10 AM Pacific. The class can be enrolled in to attend live by audio conferencing (online/by phone) or to receive as an audio recording (mp3 format).

Lord Melchizedek, the Father of Ascension Mastery and Initiations will be sharing his wisdom on how important it is to work through your Psychological Wisdom Quotient and how it directly relates to the other Quotients.

Lord Saint Germain speaks on “How to Utilize the Rays of God” representing the first seven (there are 22 Rays to the 5th dimensional chakra grid) to assist in transforming the lower self. They are: Will and Power (Deep Blue), Love and Wisdom (Golden Yellow), Creative Actualization (Deep Pink), Harmony and Balance Removing Conflict (Crystalline), Science of the Divine Mind of God (Green-Golden/White), Inner Devotion (Ruby Red/Golden Light), and Ceremonial Structure and Magic (Violet/Purple). The Ascended Master Lord Saint Germain, who is the Mahachohan of the Seven Flames, also provides a Q and A session for those in live attendance.

Special Guest: Master Godfre’ Ray King (known as Guy Ballard of the I AM Foundation) will be assisting us in learning how to access the Divinity of the I AM along with sharing his story of being an Initiate walking into Mastery.

Included: Beginning Meditation of the Seven Rays of God into the 3rd Dimensional Chakras; an Ending Journey of Remembrance with Master Godfre.

Class is open to anyone. Duration is approximately 2.5 hours but may run longer due to the specific energies being transmitted. Using the www.Ascend.Earth materials prior to the day of the class will assist greatly. Class is audio only to assist in participants focusing on the higher frequencies being transmitted.

For ENROLLMENT we use the 100% secure PayPal payment system which is free for you to join. Credit and Debit cards are accepted. Please use a desktop computer to enroll so that you can be redirected to the private class access instructions and handout after making your exchange. (Redirection after enrollment does not work well for mobile phones). Please make sure your email is up to date and correct in PayPal. After the class, the event audio recording is usually posted to the link in the instructions within a few hours, but may take up to 2 business days if editing is required.




(If you enjoyed this article and are not enrolling, please consider offering a donation to support these energies and higher understandings of the process of true Ascension Mastery. Public gifts and ongoing donations are essential for this work to reach more individuals. Using the donate links does not enroll you in the class.)



Ascension Mastery Message for the Festival of Lights of November in 2018 with Master Djwhal Khul. Channeled Transmission by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee of Walking Terra Christa.

The Full Moon cycle arrives on November 22nd at 9:39 PM Pacific and November 23rd at 12:39 AM Eastern, 05:39 GMT bringing forth the fire energy of Sagittarius (Sun) into the Moon reflected in the sign of Gemini.

This cycle with the Moon in Gemini and the Sun in Sagittarius reflects the Lower Mind vs. the Higher Mind. Gemini has a tendency of wanting to stay where it is, not desiring to change, but with the Sun of Sagittarius it breaks up the old energy to allow for movement and possibly adventure to occur.

It is important to hold the balance between the two energies; get a sense of how the Higher Mind can assist the Lower Mind with gentleness flowing with the changes that need to happen. It is not good to be too stubborn or stuck within your believe system; in retrospect, it is important not to forge ahead without first providing a sense of doing so in a softer manner.

This moon represents communication, attitude and having a sense of adventure.

This energy has brings forth the desires that you may have already been thinking about as it builds, like the Lower Mind desiring to accept the Higher Mind (Higher Self). It is a powerful occurrence to allow all things to come into alignment.

It is important to not stay still within our feelings but acknowledge them as the Higher Mind will assist in allowing the changes to occur in all ways. This means that the Masculine and Feminine Divine can work together in a better alignment. The Masculine Self is assisting in breaking apart old forms of reality and the way our lives are created through movement and change.

The downfall of these energies is that you don’t move too quickly; don’t allow your Lower Mind to fall into the trap of the lower elements within your subconsciousness. It can result in anger or frustration. Be patient; go slow and see how this cycle can assist your Lower Self to accept the divine qualities of your Higher Mind.


Greetings My Friends,

It is my pleasure as Master Djwhal Khul to share my essence with you at this time. This full moon truly proves to be the power that is needed at this time.

As we reflect upon the previous cycles, it has been a time of great changes, allowing the Feminine Divine to come more into an awareness of the full body structure. This cycle represents the Higher Mind to assist the Lower Mind.

We all know that the Higher Mind is not just the Masculine Self; it represents the unification of the Masculine and the Feminine essences. It is the balance of the Higher Self coming into the existence of the reality within the physical consciousness. It brings forth the ability to allow the communion of the Mental and Emotional Realms to work in unison instead of separately.

This moon cycle is about breaking apart elements within the Lower Mind that need to be changed but are still in a holding pattern so to speak. It is the ability to go deeper into the core darkness that seems to hold an Initiate to stay out of balance, but yet that individual may not realize that is what is happening.

Have you ever desired to truly make a change but then something stops you from it occurring?

This cycle of the Moon of Gemini with the Sun of Sagittarius is like a warming light that is being directed from the Sun as the Higher Mind can project more into the Lower Mind or Lower Self. It is a time when the Lower Ego can start to break apart so that those desires from the Higher Mind can start to be realized.

It is a powerful combination because you, as the Soul, that is housing this energy has the ability to make the necessary changes, to allow this powerful light to focus within you, to allow for movement forward and accept that you will no longer live the way you have been doing so. But yet, you as the individual, must allow it to happen in a softer manner because the Lower Ego can rise up to say, “Oh no, we are not doing it that way; I will decide how and when we make changes.”

It truly is a magnificent time as it is timely to allow the Higher Mind to be more in control of the Lower Mind. If you allow yourself to be in more balance within the process, let the emotions to be exposed, and heal yourself deeply, you will see a shift in your consciousness, the way that you think and feel in reference to your life.

On a global level this cycle is huge as it represents the ability of the Divine Mind of God’s Source of Light or the Creative Source of Oneness to focus upon the lower elements within the Earth. Change can happen at this time that will be beneficial to the healing of Gaia and all of humanity.

The most important element is to allow this change to come within you, breathe with it, feel it deeply and allow your emotional body to heal in ways that you never thought you could achieve. Flow with these energies and allow the purification of your Heart’s Desire to become an integral part of your acceptance in the physical form.

I walk with each of you,

I Am Master Djwhal Khul at your service,
in Love and Wisdom of the Golden Yellow Flame

Walking Terra Christa held an Audio Online ceremony with the Master Djwhal Khul and the Native energies of the Elders, White Buffalo Woman and Lady No-Eyes. Listening brings in the higher light energies to be more accessible beyond the normal human mental construct’s ability.

We urge everyone to join us to ground this energy. Please click the link for access to the audio conference recording.
(We do request donations by anyone who can do so to support these energies for Gaia and Humanity, use the form below or our website). 

We wish everyone a most blessed Thanksgiving Day in the USA, and express our heartfelt gratitude to everyone around the world who use our teachings to co-create true Oneness for GAIA. A special thanks goes to everyone who has financially supported us through ordering our teachings and being a student in 2018 ~ as doing so is extremely important to keep our work ongoing.  (Click the link if you are interested in our Student Signup details for reduced enrollment rates).

Lord Adama ~ How To Access the 5th Dimensional Divine Intent Within Your Consciousness

This is Lord Adama’s Discourse from the New Earth Consciousness – Circle of Light Teaching of the Golden City of Flanancia over Edmonton, Alberta, Canada which represents the 18th Ray of Pink Gold.

Aluna, Aluna, Aluna

It is my pleasure as Lord Adama to be with each of you again.

Breathe deeply as Meleriessee has shared – allowing the higher rays of light to go into all parts of yourself bringing forth these elements of the higher frequency of Light to come down into your full body system, for you to receive, to receive, to receive. Take a breath as you take a moment to reflect.

For the classs today we bring forth the Fifth Dimensional Divine Intent representing the Ray of Pink Gold. This means allowing your consciousness to be of that higher essence.

This is the real experience of Telos that each of you desires to have in your life fully. It is important to allow the effects of your Higher Consciousness to expand into all parts of yourself, into the parts that don’t feel those energies. Concentrate hard on allowing it to come in. Sometimes when there are blockages within the Etheric Body you may want to succumb and say “I cannot do it, I cannot bring forth these essences unto myself.” So allow what you have learned through your spiritual tools of the Will and Power, the fortitude and acceptance to bring forth these essences into yourself allowing your Higher Self to be the commanding energy and not the physical self. But allow the body to feel it, to come into this space.

As each of you work through the Universal Laws in your personal pathway, you will start to understand how you are affected in your lifestyle, in how you project yourself as a person to others and to your own experiences. It is very important as we learn each of these laws to really find reflection within yourself of what it may mean for you. As we work through the Law of Cause and Effect, we have tried to assist each of you to bring in the higher levels of concentration to help you minimize the other elements that are arising, to really dissipate them through the higher vibrational essences, which is so very true.

That is exactly what is occurring within the planet. There are more infractions of Light that are becoming more available to humanity in each moment. That is why there are such great challenges in the physical structure as the challenges within the third and fourth dimensional levels represents those souls that are living within that level of experience.

Everyone has the ability to connect with their fifth dimensional self, that higher consciousness, but many do not how to ground it. Once it starts to become grounded, it has to effectually change within the component of the physical body, the memory, the aspirations that are within your full consciousness through the cellular structure and the feeling levels, the experiences of your programming, and the decisions that you have made. It is an ongoing process that you are experiencing presently.

As the Earth is holding more of this light within herself, you will probably be feeling it more often.

The most important element is not to push it away, even though it may feel uncomfortable, to allow yourself to integrate these energies as much as possible.

Yes, the body will want to reject it, the mind and emotions will want to reject it. It is uncomfortable; it’s not having gravity within your body. It’s not being so connected to the Earth; you start to lift up your energies upwards. Yes, it makes you feel dizzy, it makes you feel un-centered, like you cannot think about certain things. But eventually you will be able to integrate these energies within your physical self so that they can be adjusted within you. You will adjust.

As each new light infraction comes into the planet that is not only with the moon, eclipses, and changes of the seasons, but with the addition of solar flares and planetary systems changing.

Presently there are many light infractions being sent into the Earth due to the Solstice. This season will be very powerful, and you are starting to feel those energies presently.

So if you are going through some transition, you are not alone. Everyone is experiencing these changes but you also have to call upon your journey in the last three months of what you have done for yourself with the lessons you have learned through the Festivals of Light of the Christ, Wesak, and of Humanity. Now it is starting to be grounded through this process and it is a huge shift that occurs within all parts of the physical existence.

My best advice is to be patient with yourself as you will have moments, you will have days when it gets easier. Until your Divine Mind, Higher Mind, can integrate further within your physical mind, you are still going to be feeling these transitions. Then, afterwards you will still feel the changes. As one like myself, that is fully integrated within these energies, when the changes occur, I have to adjust myself. All of us do in Telos. Everyone that is on a higher level of frequency beyond a fifth dimensional body, continually have to readjust as we are constantly moving, going through those elements to allow more light frequency, to be within the planet. Those of us in the Inner Earth Cities are truly holding that energy for each of you. It is now expanding out of our portals of light into the earthplane to assist in that process.

It is a movement that each of us are going through in these powerful times. There is great change upon the Upper Earth, but there is great disruption with great joy at the same time.

That is being in the 4th dimensional level; is that movement of desiring to be in more love but so being infiltrated with the lesser positive qualities. So for each of you it is important to raise your consciousness as much as possible to not allow those lower elements to affect you as much. This is what you are learning through the Laws of the Universe. This law of Cause and Effect is a very important one within that concept as you allow your Higher Essence and what you are receiving through the gravitational poles through the Solar Systems, and the Universes of the Source of Light to come into your existence, the easier the process will be on your consciousness level. On a physical level you have to remember to ground it. Sometimes you will have moments where you have to sleep, you need to rest, you need to stretch your body, you need to be in water if it is possible. Allow the fluidness of these energies to assist you through this process.

We have just gone through a powerful new moon that brings more of these energies to the forefront, which means that each individual has to work harder to hold unto them.

They can be lost very easily because the earth is in such a transitional stage that she is not able to hold unto everything. So each of us that are upon the earth must do it for her. We are affected greatly by these energy shifts.

So how does that rate with the Law of Karma?

Beautifully. As you bring forth these energies within yourself as you learn to ground the higher vibration within your physical body no matter what the challenges are through the process, the easier it will be for her. The gravity will be stronger with that frequency of light.

We are going to be sharing more about this as there are some newer energies are coming it at the Solstice and myself and Lord Saint Germain will be bringing forth some information through Meleriessee to assist in this process as it is an exciting time. It is time for these energies to be more gravitated into the core of Gaia. But each of you have a strong responsibility within yourself to be able to hold it more fully and to be able to accelerate which I know each of you want. Included is the de-acceleration of your age – this is all part of what you have been working towards which is starting to occur which will be happening in Mount Shasta. I will be explain more about this at another time very shortly in the next week as it is upcoming very soon.

This is why you may be experiencing great challenges. It is not just about your own pathway, or not just about what you are doing within your initiations and lessons that you are experiencing. You are in a very high vibrationally State of Consciousness. As you awaken to these energies, you will be more affected by them. You will be healed faster; the healing will also accelerate for you in all ways.

But it is a transition, as the old self which is part of you including the old body does not want to be part of that energy. There is a conflicting stage that occurs within the physical body. When you are conditioned to really allow these energies to be more fully within you, like Meleriessee has. We mention her because she has been doing it for over many years. Her conditioning process is much easier in her consciousness; it does not mean physically she does not feel it. But within her consciousness she is used to many more transitions within her physical body so she accepts it as part of her reality.

This is where each of you will be able to achieve the same through this process within yourself also. It is coming faster and quicker than it ever has before. It is everything that you are doing and we are doing together. This would not be possible without this work that you have been part of.

I thank you deeply for stepping forward; I thank you for the deep acceleration you are experiencing.

Are we at the end of a journey?

No, it is only at the very, very beginning. It is a whole new huge doorway that is going to be occurring and much chaos can result from these energies especially when people may not know how to handle themselves.

The healing of every individual soul upon this planet is going to be realized in many, many different ways.

I fully acknowledge each of you and honor you for what you are doing. I know it is not an easy process on the Upper Earth. Spiritually, we are all walking with you; we can’t physically walk with you yet. In time we hope that changes but the process we are going through now allows our vibrations to blend with each other. You are learning so much through the Universal Laws and becoming those Universal Laws. That is the beauty of what we have been doing this year. It is truly assisting the planetary changes everywhere around the world.


I Am Lord Adama, High Priest in Telos

Integrative Channel: Rev. Christine Meleriessee Heliohah

The New Earth Consciousness-Circle of Light is a weekly class in which we journey to one of the 22 Etheric Cities.  Included is a teaching from Lord Adama and a special Ascended Being that represents the city. Walking Terra Christa provides many options to participate in their weekly teachings with an affordable rate for all individuals.  You can become a Student by participating in the LIVE teachings and be part of our mentoring program OR participate in our Partner/Membership Program while experiencing the teachings on your own time via the recordings.

© 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).
Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:


Cosmic Heart

Lord Adonis is a Cosmic and Galactic Master that is the guiding force of the Divine Heart of the Universe through each soul on the Earth. He will be working with Walking Terra Christa to help individuals to access this light force within themselves using a Cosmic Transference Light Encodement attunement. (Plus receive a 16 minute Guided Meditation when you register.)
Join us live or via MP3 for this special teaching May 7th, 2016: REGISTER: OPENING THE COSMIC HEART

by Rev. Christine Meleriessee 

Greetings My Fellow Divine Beings of Light,

I am here on this day to assist each of you to bring forth more light essence into your Divine Heart so that you can truly realize the potential that you are through each action, thought, and emotion that you embody. I am Lord Adonis at your service.

My role is to help each soul on this earth to fully embody their divine given talent of their heart essence to be fully expressed in their lives. I know you are aware of your timelines (whether you remember them or not) as your Etheric Body is not within the Divine Essence of your Being. It is encased with all that you have been in all elements of your experiences as a soul in many incarnations whether it was planetary, galactic, or angelic. Yes, you may still have elements from your angelic heritage that needs to be cleared.

You must remember that as an angel, your first incarnation in form, had a huge job to do and it did not always go well. You became grounded within this earth or another planet in a different galaxy. Right now you hold all of that within your subconscious mind.

So how can you reflect a pure heart essence if all these elements are apparent in your consciousness?

Well, you cannot and no one expects you to be perfect. That is why we as the Cosmic Masters, the Galactic Masters, and the Solar Masters along with Planetary Master are here to assist you in this process of your pathway towards the Divine Heart Essence that you are.

You see, the reflection that you see in the mirror is only a moment of recognition.

How many times during a day do you look in the mirror?

What do you see?

Is it different each time?

These thoughts all relate to the same element of what is being transferred into your Heart Essence through your consciousness. If you are not aware of your higher consciousness on a moment-by-moment basis, then you are not going to be able to access the Divinity of your Light within yourself. You then are going to see what your physical consciousness is giving to you, not your Higher Self or Super Conscious.

It is important to realize that what you are thinking is a reflection of your subconscious thoughts that come into the physical consciousness.

So what happens when you allow your super conscious or the Higher Self Divine Mind the accessibility of those thoughts within you? Well, then you are able to better access your Divine Heart Essence.

It is my role to help each of you to achieve this element within your life. It is essential to your life path for the New Earth and accessing the higher dimensions physically within your body. When you don’t realize that there needs to be a change, then the transformation cannot occur. It becomes part of the same cycle repeating itself over again within your mind. That is being on a merry-go-round of life. You never seem to get off; you don’t access any other elements that can help you achieve the Cosmic Heart that is you, because you did not know that you could stop the process.

Awareness is a wonderful element to have in our lives, but the important part is to realize what that awareness brings to your consciousness.

If you don’t have the accessibility to look within yourself and see the changes that you are going through, then you cannot step forward. You will stay stuck within those energies even if they are a positive experience for your soul to realize. The process of your evolving soul is to allow it to move forward in the time and space that is feasible for you while not getting stuck within it. This creates lower ego thinking that will not allow you to step out of your own troubled self and into the transformative self that you desire to acquire within your life.

As you go through higher vibrational challenges, it is important to realize what you are experiencing during that movement.

Then, you must ground the energy you have becomes. Sometimes as a physical self you will not be able to hold unto all the vibrational change within your full body system, but again, I use the word Awareness.

You must realize what the change has done for you, how do you address it in your physical life through your emotions and your thoughts.

How has it made a difference in your life.

And, the most important element is what has happened to you physically?

Is the body changing, or the way that you project yourself to the outside world is different than it was previously.

I will tell you that each of these vibrational changes that you experience through the planetary alignments or mis-alignments are meant to bring forth an awareness of whom you are at a given moment, what is the lesson that you need to learn and are you adhering to the rules of the Universe.

These elements are very important because you are a physical being that is trying to access your spiritual essence, to become the enlightened spiritual being in a physical body. That in itself is a huge doorway but it must be acquired in small steps as your reality will adjust through each process. The important focus should be in your consciousness to realize what is happening to you through that acceleration.

Many lightworkers think that they already have everything into place because of their awareness of the spiritual world. But that is only the beginning.

The next phases must include the process of accessing your spiritual mind into the physical mind. That cannot be done in one quick swift movement and then all of a sudden it is done. It must be acquired through each moment that you are accelerating and then learning to hold it within your physical self. Utilizing the Higher Mind in your meditation will help you to access it in your physical mind. Remember, the essential component is to allow the Higher Mind to work with the Lower Mind. There is no separation; it is a merger of the highest conditions.

So now that you realize that it is a process of allowing the energy to be integrated within you, focus on grounding it into all parts of yourself, through the Physical, the Etheric, the Emotional, and the Mental. Feel the different elements in each of the different bodies. Allow the healing to go into the Etheric body which may cause moments of realization of old timelines or just a thought process to be acknowledged within you.

Take the time to feel how it is being accessed within your consciousness, and if there are any elements that need special consideration. What emotions do you present within yourself and allow the thoughts that go along with those feelings to be acknowledged. Tap into your sub conscious thoughts – have they changed or are they getting more charged with other energies. Utilize your tools, like the Rays of God to remove the elements and receive the healing that you need.


Then, and only then, look within your Heart Essence with your breath. Close your eyes and allow yourself to go into a deeper level than before. See yourself evolving into your Divine Heart. Check to see if your Higher Self present through the process and thank their essence for assisting you.

The most important element is not to take these movements for granted. You cannot just allow the change to be within you and then go about your day. If you truly want to create the Divine Heart to be embodied within you, then you must allow yourself to be nurtured and accepted through the process.

This means that each time there is a moon cycle, a planetary cycle, or you participate in an attunement or teaching, you must allow your physical self to accept it. You must come in through your physical senses, your emotions, and your thoughts. Your subconscious mind needs to heal and in turn, all of this transformation will allow the Etheric body to heal. Your chakras will align more perfectly than before; you will feel better physically, emotionally, and mentally.

Now the Divine Heart is being accessed through your Divine Mind of your Higher Self, your Monad, and your I AM Presence.

Through each step you should feel that you have made an achievement of your acceleration from the Soul essence into the physical essence so that they become One essence. This process is not going to happen overnight, but you must access it through each change you go through.

I know that you have busy lives but there is a reason you are awakened. You must remember the most important element is Your Healing. That is your contract with your I AM Presence and your Divine Mind that needs to be adhered to. Then, and only then, will you be able to step out into the world with confidence and humility of who you are and what you have achieved. This allows you to gain the Wisdom of your Divine Mind to be fully accessed within you.

It is my pleasure to work with each of you through your transition and evolving spirit.

I AM Lord Adonis at your service, in Oneness of the Cosmic Forces.

Note: For assistance in understanding and receiving a Divine Light Language attunement in these energies, join Walking Terra Christa on Saturday, May 7th, 2016 at 12:30 PM Pacific as we connect with Lord Adonis. He brings for a special dispensation of the Divine Heart of the Universe offering an attunement of Cosmic Transference Light Encodement. To join live or via MP3 audio recording click OPENING THE COSMIC HEART to register. 

© 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and THIS  IMPORTANT BUTTON LINK: WE NEED YOU! PLEASE VISIT IAMTHE144.ORG IF YOU LOVE THE EARTH AND WANT TO HELP RAISE THE PLANET’S VIBRATION!


Cosmic Heart

Lord Adonis teaches on the Law of Correspondence on Saturday, May 7th, 2016 as we travel to the Sacred Heart Temple of Oneness within 144th dimension in the Commemorative Hall to receive an attunement to assist our growth and acceptance of our own Cosmic Heart. See: Getting Physical: Holding to the Universal Law of Correspondence.


If you have been a student of the work of Ascension Mastery Training, you know that the Rays of Vibration from the Great Cosmic Core are reaching Earth with an increased intensity since the close of the year 2012. Because certain human souls who have contracted to be here at this time have consciously taken on the role of personally grounding these Higher Frequencies of Light of the Rays of God into themselves by Raising their Own Consciousness and Light Bodies to be more in alignment with Oneness, the resultant energy is then able to extend into the earthplane at a much higher rate than would otherwise be possible.

This movement of energies within souls upon earth opens the gateway for more direct communication with the Higher Beings of Light. The more souls who come to also take up this contract, the more these same accelerations become possible for even more souls. It cannot be done any other way. Lord Adonis is the teacher of Sanat Kumara and other Higher Dimensional Beings and he can now step forward to assist us in moving through our levels of advancement.

In many ways this has been a monumental task undertaken by these souls as it first required them to fully embrace the parts of themselves that felt separated from Oneness. Once embraced they could then discover their own reunification within of their Soul’s Masculine and Feminine Divine as once again the Divine Plan for all souls is to become into such balance.

Just as the Rays of God do not cease bringing ever deeper and more expansive Light Frequencies to Humanity, the process of going ever deeper within that path of discovery also never ceases for those that access them, it only grows and grows more expansive.

Once one embraces the Cosmic Energies to actively undertake the return to the path of Oneness, each soul must relearn almost everything they know (think, feel and do) about what it means to be a Spiritual Being. Within the Higher Octaves of Light Frequency, any elements within a person that retain separation in any form become glaring abnormalities that can no longer remain hidden to that individual.

As Master Thoth pointed out in his companion teaching on this subject, failing to move within that return to Oneness is what stops Synchronized Living, and it all comes down to how willing each of us is to allow our True Essence to be Who We Are, instead of simply holding to the needs and wants of our Physical Selves personality. Which is another way of saying, are we ready to return to the essence of our Higher Selves I AM PRESENCE, or that pure frequency of LOVE?


Lord Adonis is the ideal of Love and Wisdom through the Christ Consciousness.  He has worked directly with Lord Maitreya of the Office of the Christ (and now also Lord Kuthumi) to bring this focus into the Earth. He is considered to hold the Heart Focus of the Multi-Universes through the Cosmic Levels into the physical reality soul-by-soul. (READ THE LORD ADONIS MESSAGE HERE).

His essence is actually not as a “he” but as a truly merged divine feminine and masculine self but it serves us to know him as a masculine being who has re-merged with his feminine.

Lord Adonis has been the teacher of Sanat Kumara, and has a long history of helping planets moving into a higher creative expression within the multi-universes.  He founded the Venus School of Planetary Logoi and has assisted many initiates to heal the old wounds from the past in order to move forward in their next incarnation.  This is especially true after the fall of Lemuria and Atlantis.

His essence comes forth as a Galactic force instead of a Planetary one to assist every soul on the Earth to embody their own Heart Focus while realizing the potential to connect in Oneness to all hearts in and out of body.  This will assist the earth in becoming more evolved towards the creative process of Oneness and moving towards Terra Christa.

Lord Adonis will be presently his essence through our Higher Essence and not the physical mind.  His role is for each person attending to be able to feel this connection not only from him but from the Source of Light they she/he is embracing.

This will be a highly attuned class with high vibrational essences in waves of light being sent to each person. It will assist in allowing the Divine Heart to be activated within the Physical Heart through each individual.

Listening to the Divine Wisdom of your Higher Mind through the Higher Self into your present consciousness is the only communication that should be acknowledged within your world. It is the space of continued energies from the Source of Light that you were born from as a Spirit of Divine Essence. It is a way of living that relates to all references of the God Essence within Love and Faith by allowing Humility to be your guide as your Inner Power will be acknowledged in the Presence of the Light that you truly exist within.

This universal law brings up these elements to be acknowledged within your physical consciousness through each thought, feeling, and action that you create within your life. It is the essence of allowing your higher creative process to be part of your physical existence. It is then that your life enfolds in a new and different manner.

Join us as Lord Adonis instructs on the Law of Correspondence, Saturday, May 7th, 2016 at 12:30 PM Pacific as we travel to the Sacred Heart Temple of Oneness within 144th dimension in the Commemorative Hall which is a meeting place for many masters of the Unified Whole Command. Included is an attunement to bring forth our Cosmic Heart Focus Within into our Physical Being. Details are available via Getting Physical: Holding to the Universal Law of Correspondence.

© 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and THIS  IMPORTANT BUTTON LINK: WE NEED YOU! PLEASE VISIT IAMTHE144.ORG IF YOU LOVE THE EARTH AND WANT TO HELP RAISE THE PLANET’S VIBRATION!


Synchronous Living

Master Thoth teaches on the Law of Correspondence as we travel to the Sacred Heart Temple of Oneness within 144th dimension in the Commemorative Hall to receive an attunement to assist the Mirror of the Self to be clearer. Audio MP3 class instant access PART 1: Getting Physical: Holding to the Universal Law of Correspondence.

I Desire to Be the Mirror of Myself in All that I Am, Do, Relate, and Act Upon ~ Master Thoth

Listening to the Divine Wisdom of your Higher Mind through the Higher Self into your present consciousness is the only communication that should be acknowledged within your world. It is the space of continued energies from the Source of Light that you were born from as a Spirit of Divine Essence. It is a way of living that relates to all references of the God Essence within Love and Faith by allowing Humility to be your guide as your Inner Power will be acknowledged in the presence of the Light that you truly exist within.

This universal law brings up these elements to be acknowledged within your physical consciousness through each thought, feeling, and action that you create within your life. It is the essence of allowing your higher creative process to be part of your physical existence. It is then that your life enfolds in a new and different manner.

This is what we call “Synchronous Living”.

As you learn to “walk your talk” in that what you belief inside of yourself, through your inner power and truth, it ignites into your outside world with a sense of ease and grace with every element that you experience. The important realization is that the journey of the Self will allow you to fully embody your soul and your spirit through the physical reality you have created.

It has taken you many hundreds of lifetimes to realize these truths. You have been side-tracked from the core of your True Self into believing that the truth you believe in lies outside of yourself. It has been part of the programming that has evolved within this planet for eons of time.

Luckily, the earth is at a very pivotal point in which individuals can start to realize that the potential of their living is right within themselves. And, when you can take time to change the inner thoughts and feelings into positive affirmations that is when you are truly aligning with your Inner Truth. It is a moment in time in which you allow the true Spirit of You to become the Physical You. This allows the enfoldment of synchronicity to flow within and out of you in each element that you achieve in your life.

This is what is occurring presently within the Earth as the changes happen through each moment of alignment as there is more to experience than the previous moment. But how do you stay stable in the midst of the storm is the most important question.

Finding your True Self is important to allow the stabilization of your Higher Essence to be acknowledged within you. Events can happen; relationships will change; and there can be loss on the physical level. The important element to remember is WHO YOU ARE. This determines the cause of events for you in each moment whether it is within your own consciousness or outside of yourself with others.

I am not talking about one fleeting moment when something occurs that gives you joy. I am talking about upon waking up each day and each of those moments fit into each other with a flow that is so beautiful it resembles sitting on a raft floating down a stream and you see everything in beauty as it reflects all around you. The raft continues its journey and you enjoy each moment as they flow into the next moment. There is no hesitation or thoughts that tell you it does not feel right within your heart.

You are One with all that is around you.

So many individuals want to choose to have this existence and sometimes they think that they do. Some souls live in a very illusionary state where the world around them seems exactly as they choose it to be but yet when they look inside of themselves there are feelings of regret, insecurity, or deep pain. They may not appear as such in the world around them as it seems better to hide than to truly exhibit the feelings that are not in harmony.

This represents the statement that Your Mirror Image Is Not Of The True Self, it is of the damaged self. The part of you that has lived many timelines and experienced these elements represents the changes that need to be made. They may come in a fleeting moment out of nowhere but yet it feels very real to the psyche. This is because this experience reflects the past and is locked away within the person’s subconscious. The beauty of the subconscious mind is that it is teaching you to look at the issue so that it can be healed. Many individuals do not have the ability to look deeply within as the façade they carry with them reflects the pain they are dealing with.

As we move through 2016, the Universal Laws are going to become essentially important to every person’s existence. Each soul will experience the growth that is necessary to embody the universal laws, and they will become an important element to consider. In fact, each universal law needs to become a mantra for each soul upon this earth so that every step they take in their physical life reflects the spiritual self that is trying to be realized.

Each individual must live with the Universal Laws as if they already know what they are. But when you read the words of the law, what do you feel inside of your self.

Do you have a reflection of what it may mean for you in your present circumstances or your life?  

Do you see why you have gone through a series of challenges and maybe if you paid closer attention to each moment you are experiencing, then you could see where the problem may lie within your mental and emotional experiences?

These are all important elements to consider, as the Universal Laws must become personal for each person in order to achieve mastery and accept the challenges they are going through as part of their own Divine Plan through their Higher Self, and not the result of others creating the problems.

The Law of Correspondence creates these thoughts to become a reality within a person. The statement of As Above, So Below is something that has been written in many spiritual texts for centuries. But what does that mean for you? How can you change your reality by realizing that you are more of a Spiritual Being than a physical one?

The reason this planet and all of humanity is struggling represents these questions that I pose to you. Each person needs to take responsibility for his or her own reality through the emotional and mental bodies so that the world can be Heaven on Earth. Until each soul takes that step into their own personal evolution the earth is going to still be in conflict.

So that is why we take the time as Masters to work with each of you so that you can remember all that you know and how to apply it to your present life circumstance. It is not your fault that you have forgotten but it is time for every soul to try to remember. So the burden falls upon each Lightworker, as the Awakened Ones, to hold their own higher essence within their physical body. In order for each of you to walk as masters you must walk in the shoes of all that you have been before. This is an important fact that needs to be addressed.

Your Etheric body holds the frequency of the good and bad that you have been. In order for your physical self to hold the Light frequency, the healing must occur within the Etheric level. All timelines and thought processes that you have is being held in this level. So it is imperative to clear as much as you can as it will make a difference in creating the New Earth.

So how do you create it?

Each of you mirror everything that you have ever been within your own sub-conscious thoughts which trigger the emotions. It is imperative to take the time and understand that when the thought comes to you, how you feel about it in your personal reaction.

What happens to you in this process? Are you relating to your Higher Self or is it your physical self?

This is an important consideration because when you access your Divine Mind, the higher part of your existence, then you allow that Mirror of your I Am Presence to be revealed within your physical body. When you are accessing the lower self through the physical mind, then you are putting that energy back into the Universe. So it will come back to you time and time again until your rectify the energy through accessing your Higher Heart and Higher Mind.

This is the Law of Correspondence – as the line of communication from the lower mind will travel through the dimensions unto your I Am presence of the 144th dimension. The I Am or the Monad or the Higher Self receives it. There becomes a realization that this transference of energy does not reflect the Higher Essence. So then this energy sends another communication to you of similar energies – the lower energies do not stay within the Higher Essence but are returned to you to revisit the same frequency. This is why you can be overwhelmed with an emotion or situation you are dealing with. Instead of calling upon your Higher Essence to assist in a resolution, your lower energies are being sent out and returned back to you.

This is a constant motion that occurs in each situation of your life.

So when you realize that change has to occur from your Higher Essence into the physical essence that is when you start to feel calm, peaceful, and loved. You finally allow your vehicle on this Earth to receive what it deserves. Then there is the movement of healing that is created.

It becomes an endless cycle until the initiate can take responsibility for themselves and realize that the reality they are experiencing is due to their ability to move through the challenge.

This is why this earth is so programmed as it was deemed appropriate eons ago that there would not be any remembrance for each soul until he or she could step into the power of their own will to be acknowledged within themselves.

So at this time of great change, it is your responsibility, as the Awakened Ones, the Initiate, the Student to step forward and allow the healing of our Inner Self to become the Outer Self. Each soul upon this planet must take this responsibility. If you think you are completely clear and do not need to address this law to your personal life, then look at your outward circumstances.

The Inner Reflects the Outer Self ~ Synchronization Occurs through this act.

This statement reflects each moment of your day, your night, and all realities coming into Oneness. The more souls that utilize this law the easier it will become upon this earth as the dark energies will no longer be able to exist in this higher frequency.

Take time to realize your thoughts and actions, your conversations, and realizations as they mold who you are in any given moment. Every soul has to go through this process; it is part of learning to be a master. The journey can be challenging to constantly know who you are and allow the Mirror of Your Higher Essence to guide you in each moment. The rewards will come to those that are able to uphold this creative process within all parts of their reality through the Physical, Etheric, Emotional, and Mental bodies.

This will then change the frequency of this Earth to move into the higher dimensional light. The challenge is being honest with yourself and realize the potential you have to create change inside and around you.

I walk with you every step of the way through this process.

I Am Master Thoth

A talk with Master Thoth on the Law of Correspondence as we travel to the Sacred Heart Temple of Oneness within 144th dimension in the Commemorative Hall which is a meeting place for many masters of the Unified Whole Command. Included is an attunement to reflect the Mirror Image of our Divine Self into our Physical Being. Audio MP3 class instant access PART 1:  Getting Physical: Holding to the Universal Law of Correspondence.

© 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and THIS  IMPORTANT BUTTON LINK: WE NEED YOU! PLEASE VISIT IAMTHE144.ORG IF YOU LOVE THE EARTH AND WANT TO HELP RAISE THE PLANET’S VIBRATION!

Understanding the Art of “Preferencing” ~ Master Einstein

Albert Einstein

This is the transcription of the LIVE call within the Clarion Temple of Oneness with Master Einstein on  September 21st, 2015.


Greetings, Greetings, Greetings,

I is I, Yamteleus at your service. Thank you for being with us this evening.

Tonight with the changes that we are going through within the temple, we totally want to reflect of the Cosmic Great Central Sun energies for a moment. Divine Mother Father God are still with us even though they will not be speaking.

If we take a few breaths and allow ourselves to be of the beautiful frequency of light that Divine Mother Father God is encasing within us presently with these energies. We call upon the Angels to assist in raising the vibration in their energetic exchange.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

Let’s take a moment and totally feel your heart center with all the colors and beautiful essences that you are of the Masculine and Feminine Divine energy as One; as you were as an angel. Feel the amazing beauty that you are in all levels of exchange through your breath from breath to breath in each moment as the existence of these energies blend as One within each other.

We go deeper into the core of your Heart to feel this exchange occurring for you. It is our pleasure to assist in these moments as we are the angels of all principalities, and we wrap our wings around each of you as we experience all the changes together.

We Are the Angels of the Light Expressing our Joy and Love to each of you.


Good Evening,

My fellow Souls of the Light,

I Am Master Einstein and it is my pleasure to be with each of you. I come tonight as a Messenger of Love to assist every one of you to understand the energetic exchange that occurs through your Higher Mind into your Physical Mind.

I have been asked to step forward at this time as many are experiencing the transitions even it is only a few moments in your day or upon awakening from your sleep. The clarification that you are looking for is right within yourself.

But how do you express that through your physical mind? Allow it to be and it shall come.

Those words may seem easier than the act itself.

How does one truly bring forth the highly intellectual states of the Divine Mind into the physical self when the Physical Mind, which can be very highly intellectual within itself, come together?

I say to you “They just do,” but that does not assist you to understand the process; because, you are truly programmed to receive clarification from your physical mind to interpret everything that is occurring within your world, within the atmosphere, within others, and within humanity.

Let us take for example of the upcoming energies of the Equinox ~ now intuitively each of you knows this is a very momentous occasion going from one season to another. That is a physical existence so that would be within your physical mind, but yet intuitively you know that it is a time of great change, of moving from one conceptual thought into another. What happens through this process is that the increased movement from one season unto another is like stepping from one cliff unto another cliff. This is when the ability to have trust and faith is very important.

As you move from one stage unto another stage, you are going to be able to experience life in the way that it is being presented to you, but if you allow yourself to be in fear, wanting control of your circumstances and not willing to surrender to what your Higher Self desires for you to have within the physical world, then the transition from one to the other can be very tremendous in a not very positive manner. I would say that this probably pertains to the majority of this world.

If you, as the person upon this planet, can grasp the conceptual element of “PREFERENCING” which means that you allow yourself to move from one space unto another without questioning what is happening, then you will achieve great results through this process.

This happens through every activation that occurs. There has been much talk amongst your colleagues and peers about the energetic exchange that is occurring presently. Some call this “Wave-X”. I am not quite sure why they call it that, but it is a form of energetic exchange that is coming into the planet as we shared in our blog for the New Earth Frequency Update.

We talked about a ball of energy and you receive that Sphere Of Light. If you allow yourself to surrender to that ball of light, that vibrational change to come into you, you are allowing your Divine Mind to take control of the wheel. You surrender from the physical mind and allow yourself to just flow into the next phase of your development.

roller coaster_800_533It is like being on a Roller Coaster. If you have ever experienced that event of sitting in a seat and someone else having control of the train on the track, what happens to you physically when you are very slowly going up that hill as you are feeling the anticipation of what the next move is going to be; when you get to the top, that is the climatic moment from moving up that mountain top and then all of a sudden your cart goes all the way day through this big hill and the momentous movement of the train is carried with you. You become one with all those elements as you are experiencing on that ride.

This is exactly what is occurring at this time.

So if I say to you, “How is your anticipation at this time a couple of days before the Equinox is to occur.” Are you allowing yourself to step into a fear mode, are you allowing yourself to just move through the process that you need to acquire in order to have the most optimal experience when you get to the top. The top is that day of the Equinox.

It is an exciting time; it is a powerful time., and it is a marvelous time. But, it is also a time of great surrender of what has been behind you. This is where the intellect of the physical mind gets in the way of the intuitive mind to come fully into the Self. Those thoughts are going to stop you, they can kill you in a certain way. You won’t be dead but you won’t be able to move forward as much as you could.

If you allow yourself to just feel the freedom of what is occurring presently. It does not matter what others may be seeing of “what could be.” All that you can do is allow your Divine Mind to be your guide and it is the only way you are going to do that is feel the exhilaration and the challenges you have endured that you have experienced previously. It is taking you another “click higher”, another “click higher” another “click higher” up to the top of mountain. This is the position in which each of you are experiencing at this time on this planet. Every person is in this place, but the majority of humanity is in the fear mode of uncertainty, “What is going to happen next, is there going to be another earthquake, is there going to be another volcano that erupts, is there is going to be some disaster that will happen?”

If we think about this new wave of energy coming towards the planet, it is the gift from the Source of Light. Within that energetic exchange it creates multitudes of light forms to come into each of you for you to experience the exhilaration. Don’t worry about the consequences, just allow yourself to experience it with ease and grace. Think of yourself on that Roller Coaster ride. Open up your arms wide and allow your Heart to expand as you go deeper through the process. This is exactly what is occurring at this time.

So I ask each of you in this moment to breath deeply into your Divine Mind.

You may ask, “How do I do that?”

I ask you now, to let go, fully let go. Feel yourself on that Roller Coaster. Feel the wind brushing your face, feel the laughter and joy in your heart as the exhilaration of that ride as your protected by the cart. Just as you are protected by your Merkabah.

Your Merkabah Vehicle does so much more than you can ever realize. It takes you into a deeper part of yourself and allows the spinning essences that are part of you to become more physical part of you. It restructures your cellular memory and allows your crystalline structure to come in closer to your heart, not just in your Etheric Body; it allows the frequency of light to come more fully within you. Have great gratitude that you understand what a Merkabah is and not so much about the details of how it works. Allow the infraction of light that is occurring for you presently to spin within you and go around you and be you as it becomes You.

So your Merkabah Vehicle is the vehicle of the roller coaster. Your I Am Presence is directing that energy to come within you.

Where are you? Are you going to accept it, are you going to accept some of it, or are you going to put it aside?

I know each of you today, I know your answer, but I also know you will have questions as that is what humans do. They question every movement that is occurring for them. So I ask you to put that aside and be that passenger on the Roller Coaster. Allow your I Am Presence to guide you through this process of feeling the higher essences with in you.

So let us move into to next phase of surrender. It is good when you take moments within your day such as I will share with you to surrender into the silence, to surrender into the joy, to surrender in the existence of All That Is. You take those energies from the Source of Light that you are and bring them into yourself. Let the Mental Mind no longer be in control. In fact, the Mental Mind will be so silent that it existence within you will change greatly.

As each of you are climbing this huge, huge mountain, sometimes it feels like you are almost going to fall. But, yet, something happens that you do not fall, because you allow your Intuitive Self, your Divine Mind to fully come within you so that you can accept things in a completely different manner than you ever have before. Let us allow this to occur as you feel yourself moving, going upwards, take a breath.

[Crystal Bowl Ringing}

The deeper you breathe, the higher your energy becomes.

Deeper, deeper, and deeper; and higher, higher, higher, and higher. Now the exhilaration is coming within you. Everything that you have been experiencing – the challenges, the questions, the comments, they all dissipate. You have the complete silence of the wind around you. Feel that mountain you have been climbing, be grateful for the mountain as it is helping you to go deeper within yourself.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

Command Now, your Divine Mind to be fully the only consciousness you have within you.

Breathe it deeply, Allow your Higher Essence beyond the Higher Self into the I AM Presence to fully come within you so the experience is brought by All That You Are, all that you incorporate. You feel the beauty of moving with the flow; feeling the vibrational change within you as now you exist within the source of the Universe and you find yourself going higher, higher, and higher, and higher and say to yourself,

“I Am my Divine Mind, my Intuitive Mind allows me to feel the power that I Am, and I am excited by the union that I bring forth unto myself on this day.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

I Am the Divine Mind of all the Consciousness that I AM

 I Am All that I Am

 And I now allow it to flow within my body, I breathe it deeply into all structures to come within me. I feel my Merkabah spinning in many different directions and many different colors.

 I feel the expectation of arising to the top of the mountain. It is in this moment that I receive more than I ever thought that I could. It is not my physical self, it is my Higher Self, it is my Higher Mind, it is my Intuitive Self as I start to vibrate with the Light that is coming towards me.

 I now stand at the top of the mountain and I receive the gift of the Light that I Am. It is coming deeper than I have ever felt before as I have prepared deeply for this moment in time.

Allow yourself now to experience the exquisite beauty of this Light.

Can’t you feel it deeply in all of your muscles and cells with the tingling that is occurring within your full body system?

Anything you cannot handle will be dissipate. So we take a moment at the top of this mountain and ground it into the mountain. We ground it into the essence of this mountain and it expands down the mountain into the earth, into the peaks and valleys, into the waters, into everything that exists upon the land.

As we extend this energy unto ourselves in this moment, allow your breath to bring forth your Divine Mind fully within your consciousness. Feel the difference. Feel the message that is not part of your lower mind, it is not part of your lower body, it is part of your Higher Body, it is the Divine Existence of All that You Are and you are allowing it to grow deeply within you.

As this occurs, this energy expands into the world, into the core of Gaia, into all her wonders and all her lands. This frequency of light that is called Wave-X by some individuals. It is truly just a frequency that is allowing Gaia to receive, and it is a beautiful moment that each of you has this experience within yourself. Let it go into your core; do not be afraid of any reaction that you feel within yourself. Let it expand out of you with your breath and command it through your I AM Presence that what you cannot hold goes to the Earth. It goes into all places and all lands. It goes into the purity that you are and that we are all together.

So I ask you now as that energy returns back, you balance yourself, feeling your feet planted very strongly within the Earth and allow your Merkabah to take you down the mountain.

Feel the exhilaration as you move down the mountain, just like the Roller Coaster ride, and you feel the wind, you feel the sun, you see the clouds, you see everything different than you ever did before as now you are allowing your Divine Mind to be your control.

Go deeply into your core, Solar Plexus, into your Heart, and allow the expansion that you feel to be part of your reality as this is truly what each of you will be experiencing if you allow it to be. Do not just look as the Equinox as another season. Look at it of what you have achieved, what you have endured, to get you to the next mountain top, and then be free and allow it to flow within you as you extend it out to others.

As we sit here in this beautiful temple this evening, I very enamored by all of you. I feel blessed to be able to be in the position that I am to be part of the Unified Whole Command, but on this day I come to you as my highest essence within that Oneness but within the ability to educate you in a different way than you have previously.

Hold what is within your Heart deeply. Feel the bliss; feel the enjoyment of this moment now after you have climbed that mountain. There will be many more mountains to climb, but for this Equinox allow yourself to go into a new phase, into a new existence, into a new presence that you have never allowed yourself to experience before.

Be that change you want to be by just allowing it To Be.

It is my pleasure as Master Einstein to assist you with this transition. If you can imagine your Divine Mind just holding itself above your Crown, and allowing it to come into your brain activity just by letting all the thoughts go along with the questions, and just Be that Essence, that is the beginning stage of activating your Divine Mind.

It is my Divine Pleasure to walk with you as I do not get the chance very often so I want to thank Walking Terra Christa for allowing me to be here in this moment to bring forth these essences into each of you. You have the answers, I know you do, I see them in each of you, just allow them to manifest in a way that they are supposed to be through your Divine Mind.

All my blessings in Light of Love of this beautiful temple, this is my honor to be with each of you.

I Am Master Einstein

Individuals may purchase the MP3 download of any of our calls via The Cosmic Great Central Sun (Divine Mother/Father God) now speaks monthly in the temple occurring on the first Monday of each month.  The transcript for the Cosmic Oneness is available via  to read. If you would like to be part of these energies LIVE or listen privately, please check out our new Partnership/Member Program in which we offer several ways to be part of these energies at a cost that you can afford.

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below. If you like this article please do the creation of the New Earth a favor and SHARE it in these ways:
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Decree for Golden City of Malancheiah – Visit May 20, 2015

golden sky_800_500Walking Terra Christa is journeying through each of the Seven Rays of God with their teachings for 2015.  In late May we started the journey into the Golden City of Malancheia, also known as Malton, which represents the Golden Yellow Flame of Love and Wisdom; it resides in the Etheric Earth over Illinois and Indiana.

This decree for the City of Malancheiah represents working with each of the Beings of Light that are represented with the Ray of Love and Wisdom.  It helps to read the decree while breathing through each phrase, feeling yourself walking with each of these magnificent Beings of Light.

Accessing My Divine Mind Through the Golden City of Malancheiah

As I walk into the Golden City of Malancheiah,
That resides within the Etheric Earth,
Over Illinois and Indiana,
I feel the presence of the Christed Energies everywhere I walk.

There is an entranceway into the City,
As the entire Golden City is protected by a Golden Pyramid of Light,
I walk through the gate,
I am enamored by its beauty and grace.

I feel the dynamics of this amazing ray of light,
Golden Yellow is everywhere I look,
I step onto the Golden Pathway,
Which is encased with many crystals and light infractions.

It is at this point that I start to feel,
My own Divine Mind,
Flowing into my Mental Mind;
All my questions have been erased,
As I stand in the power of the God Presence that I AM.

I see around me many small pyramids of light,
The energies are quite different than the others,
Within my breath,
I now expand into my Being,
What I am seeing around me.

I am now met by Lord Kuthumi,
Who represents the Office of the Christ,
He stands with Lord Maitreya.

They open up their arms unto my Being,
As they each step to my sides,
One on the right, the other on the left.

They escort me into the main Temple of Light,
It is magnificent in its structure,
It goes for miles and miles,
It is called the Ashram of the Christ.

As I walk further,
I am met by Masters Djwhal Khul and Joshua Stone;
Everyone is so very happy to see me;
I, then, see the Archangels Jophiel and Christine,
With the Elohim Apollo and Lumina.

There is a huge altar filled with the Golden Flame,
Intertwined with a fountain of water,
That travels upwards and then around the walls of the pyramid.

This altar is wide and tall,
I walk around it,
I feel the essence of the Divine Flame of Love and Wisdom,
Has it becomes embodied within me.

I then see Lord Buddha who sits upon the altar,
Within its beautiful glory,
It looks like a holograph as his form blends with the light of the Golden Yellow.

I then see the reflection of Lord Melchizedek,
Who represents the pathway of Mastery for each Initiate,
He stands with Lord Metatron,
As he brings forth the Golden Solar Angel that I AM.

I stand here,
Knowing that my journey is going to be magnificent,
I feel the Illumination of the Light,
Coming into my Mental Body,
I feel its purest essence,
Flowing through my veins.

As I am learning to fully embody,
The Golden Flame of Love and Wisdom.

I am honored to be part of this world,
I know that I will heal deeply,
And allow my full essence of my I AM Presence,
To be my guide.

I AM that I AM that I AM

Written by Rev. Christine Meleriessee

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Mastery Thought of the Day

receivingBaird T. Spalding wrote the series, “Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East.”  He was a scientist from the 1800’s that traveled with his colleagues in the Far East learning the teachings of many great masters.  We will be sharing some of the quotes within his books as they pertain to the Mastery Pathway of Ascension.

“Learn to smile in the sweet way of a child. A smile from the soul is spiritual relaxation. A real smile is a thing of true beauty, the artistic work of the ‘Inner Ruler Immortal.’

It is well to affirm — ‘I’ll think a kind thought for all the world. May all the world be happy and blest.’

Affirm before taking up the work for the day –

“Within me there is a perfect form — the form Divine. I am now all that I desire to be! I visualize daily my beautiful being until I breathe it into expression! I am a Divine Child, all my needs are now being and forever supplied.”

“Learn to thrill yourself. Affirm, “Infinite Love fills my mind and thrills my body with its perfect life.”

Make everything bright and beautiful about you. Cultivate a spirit of humor. Enjoy the sunshine.”

~ Teachings of the Masters of the Far East, Vol. I, Baird T. Spalding

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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