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Eternal Transformation of a New Reality ~ March 2022: Equinox with Full Moon Energies ~

Spiritual Meaning of the Ascension Mastery* Message of the March 20th Equinox with the March 18th Full Moon of Virgo as brought forth by Lord Metatron, Master Djwhal Khul, and Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden.

The March Equinox, arrived on March 20th at 8:33 AM Pacific, 11:33 AM Eastern, within Universal Time of 15:33. It is also referred to the Vernal Equinox marking the beginning of the Spring season in the Northern Hemisphere and the Autumn season in the Southern Hemisphere.

The Full Moon of Virgo in opposition to the Sun of Pisces occurred on the 18th of March at 12:17 AM Pacific, 3:17 AM EDT within Universal Time of  7:17 PM.

[Information on the Full Moon energies, please see below].

Energetically, the Equinox relates to the Cosmic Light Forces to assist Gaia and all of humanity to receive an increased amount of light through stability allowing for the planetary structure to hold more Light in order to create the necessary changes for growth and alignment of the higher dimensional qualities. This occurs slowly through each of the Equinoxes and Solstices along with the Moon  and Sun cycles.

The Great Central Suns of the Solar — Galactic — Universal —Multi-Universal — Cosmic Frequencies of Light bring forth the Rainbow Arcs of Light once again, but in this moment of time for 2022 it allows for the transition of WHAT HAS BEEN to turn into WHAT IS BEING CREATED. [The Rainbow Arcs of Light is a combination of the 330 Rays of God representing  Electro-Magnetic pulses of energy. These pulses are transmitted through the Great Central Suns, into the Solar Level and unto the Core of Gaia.]

All time is relative – so at this Equinox the time elements are converging as one to bring forth the frequency of Light that is represented by the effects of the Cosmic Light Energies. This will assist the planet by holding true to the dynamics of a new reality emerging from within the core of Gaia to meet the transition of the higher light forces to become intertwined to create a sensation of “AHHHH”. This is represented by the Cosmic Level represented by the Great, Great, Great, Great, Great Central Sun, which the presence of Divine Mother Father God with the Cosmic Rays of the Lords of the Hyos Ha Koidesh bring forth the Divine Truth to be revealed within the core of Gaia and humanity.


As we have moved into the Equinox of 2022 in March, it brings with it the immense change of creation to be experienced through the dynamics of the light frequencies assisting the planet. As has been shown in the year of 2022, the planetary system is going through a rebirth experience. It is a time of complete renewal of all systems that have been in place for eons of time.

The issue within humanity is to allow this new wave of frequency to bring forth  assistance to become more to the consciousness of each individual soul upon the planet. What everyone is experiencing is not the same; it depends upon the ability to become more aligned with the soul’s conviction within themselves ~ are they ready to move with the tide of the change or are they going to fight the process.

This is the question that every human must ask themselves as the transition of this Equinox brings with it the power that is ignited within a new form of RENEWAL, one that has never been realized within the dimensional frequency of Gaia.

The Great Central Suns of the Solar – Galactic – Universal – Multi-Universal – Cosmic Frequencies of Light bring forth the Rainbow Arcs of Light once again, but in this moment of time for 2022 it allows for the transition of WHAT HAS BEEN to turn into WHAT IS BEING CREATED.

[Note: the Rainbow Arcs of Light represent pulses of Electro-Magnetic Cosmic Rays of the Lords of Hyos Ha Koidesh with each of the 330 Rays of God to be ignited through each of the Great Central Suns through the Solar Great Central Sun to be put into the Core of Gaia for the Planetary Structure.]

If we can relate to the shifts that are happening upon the Earth, and look at it from a higher perspective, then we can easily accept the New Reality that is occurring.

All time is relative – so at this Equinox the time elements are converging as one to bring forth the frequency of Light that is represented by the effects of the Cosmic Light Energies to assist the planet by holding true to the dynamics of a new reality emerging from within the core of Gaia to meet the transition of the higher light forces to become intertwined to create a sensation of “AHHHH”. This is represented by the Cosmic Level represented by the Great, Great, Great, Great, Great Central Sun, which the presence of Divine Mother Father God and the Lords of the Hyos Ha Koidesh to bring forth the Divine Truth to be revealed within the core of Gaia and humanity.

As the Equinox becomes aligned within Gaia, each soul is reminded of their True Beginnings as that Soul, not the physical incarnation. It is a remembrance of the Divine Truth exhibited through the purest essence of Joy, of what has been and needs to be realized through the dynamics of the evolution of the planet.

This planetary system is now more aligned with the Cosmic Light Forces than it ever has been previously. There is a sense of beauty that is bestowed within each soul and this Equinox is the opening doorway to this inner self to be realized.

The Cosmic Great Central Suns aligns itself not only within the concept of Divine Mother Father God, but the vibrancy of bringing forth the 330 Rays of God in one spectrum of Light. This event allows for the transition of every soul to sit within the presence of their I AM, to hold this frequency of Light, allowing for the transition to occur within the Soul’s Essence unto the Physical Personality.

It is a time of merging both elements of the Spiritual Self with the Personality Self which will allow for the entrance-way of change to occur within each soul’s experience.

This occurrence has already started its transition from the 19th of March, culminating on the 20th of March, and continuing into the 21st of March. This is when the true acceleration will be occurring; what happens afterwards is the balancing act that needs to be integrated not only for each soul, but for the Core of Gaia.

The introduction and movement of these energies will assist each individual if they allow it to happen for themselves.

It is imperative that to accept this Divine Light to be infused within one’s consciousness is to agree for issuance to occur. This will happen automatically for every soul, but when an individual allows for the Conscious Entryway to become the focal point, then that is when the True Transformation will occur.

Being in a State of Faith is very crucial; as one will not see this coming, it must be felt intuitively, in silence, and with the assistance of the Forces of the Great Central Sun emanating the Divinity of the Rays of God (all 330 of them) to assist humanity and the growth of every individual Soul upon this Earth.

It is not a time to prayer; it is a time to Receive. Many will want to command what they will experience, but please know that your I AM Presence, your beginning Essence of the Tear Drop of Light, knows what you must do. Allow yourself to sit within this silence of Light. It will come into you, through you, and expand into the Earth.

The vibrational change can be overwhelming for the body but just allow yourself to sit in silence for at least 10 minutes through this three-day period. Allow the transition of the Light Energies to run through you and ground them into the Earth so that all Beings upon this Earth may experience their Rebirth of the Soul’s Essence to be more compliant and in alignment with the Cosmic Source of Light.

I walk with you on this journey of Rebirth for the Earth and all of humanity.

I Am Lord Metatron, Logos of the Multi-Universal Level and the Keeper of the Metatronic Seals.

FULL MOON OF VIRGO IN OPPOSITION TO THE SUN OF PISCES 18th of March at 12:17 AM Pacific, 3:17 AM EDT within Universal Time of  7:17 PM.

[Please note that the Full Moon energies are strongest three days before, three days during and three days after, continuing into the New Moon Energies which will occur April 1st, 2022.]

Grandmother Moon representing the sign of Virgo is teaching us to take care of our physical walk upon the earth. She always brings forth the Emotional Charges as she represents the Feminine Divine, but it is sometimes challenging to hold that transition of energy that is occurring. Within this cycle it is allowing our Emotional Self to become more intuitive and aware of the emotional energies we are experiencing.

Grandfather Sun represented by the sign of Pisces, allows for a higher connection to Source energies bringing forth a connection into the Masculine or Mental Self to flow with ideas allows for a transition of our Soul’s Essence to become more fluid. This can cause the Mental Self to want to retreat or not acknowledge what is occurring within the subconscious mind, but it should be just the opposite. Allow for the flow of the energies to move the Subconscious Mind to break apart and release the any thoughts that need to to go through an internal healing. Also embrace the thoughts that align with your Spiritual Self; they should be the focal point of this cycle.

As we transition through this Full Moon, it is important to realize our Intuitive Self assisting us to change what no longer serves us, as in any movement forward, it is always about removing the debris to allow the new element(s) to become more important than the releasing itself.

If we allow the connection of the Sun of Pisces to represent our physical walk, then the connection of our Higher Spiritual Self will assist in the transition of the Moon and the Sun to walk together instead of being in opposite corners. The Spiritual Self is asking to blend within the Physical Self Consciousness allowing for the blending of the Higher Mind within the four-body system (physical-etheric-emotional-mental).




As the planetary consciousness stands in the presence of not only the Full Moon Energies of Virgo but within the Equinox, it allows for each of these cycles to come together in unity of Love and Light.

It does not always happen in this manner, to have both the cycles become so intertwined within each other. It truly is representative to the dynamics of this year of 2022 – Fully immersing ourselves within the Creative Source of Oneness – in all ways and all things.

Since the Full Moon occurred two days before the Equinox, I believe that the Moon set the stage to allow for the transference of light energies to be experienced on a physical level. Grandmother Moon within Virgo represents the ability to become Emotionally Centered within the Physical experience. It allows for the transference of the emotions, whether they have been hidden or very open, there becomes a sense of releasement, almost a sigh of relief to fully accept the emotional changes that are occurring.

The Sun of Pisces only helps to accelerate the blessing of the Divine Light through the Spiritual Self. It is a time to fully accept the gifts that the Source energies of the Light is bringing into your awareness. Walking with the Spiritual Self, the Higher Self, or whatever you want to name it, is the key to your personal evolution presently.

We all know that the Earth is going through a tremendous upheaval. We like to call it Transformation as the old is being revealed in order to find a new way of living through accessing Spiritual ideals. I think that every individual upon the planet would agree that changes are coming. We see it in the way people are interacting with one another through the traumatic events.

This goes hand-in-hand with your own challenges, upheavals, or unforeseen events that occur. It is imperative to find the Silver Lining within yourself; to hold the highest ideals to combat the negative programming that is surfacing in your life.

That is exactly what this Full Moon cycle represents – allowing the Emotional Body to heal itself. You may say, how do I create this action within me?

Opening to the possibility that Grandmother Moon is allowing your emotional issues to be revealed within your subconscious should be your first impression.  Unobstruct the blockage of your emotions and allow them to be revealed, through the process of accepting your highest ideals to be created through your Spiritual Self.

This means accessing your Higher Mind, becoming aware of your breath, and how far you allow yourself to travel into the higher state of awareness. Then bring it down through your chakras into your Earth Star, the Souls of your feet – with cords to change those lower aspects you may hold within yourself and become more aligned with the thoughts of your Spiritual Mind.

Take time during this cycle into the Full Moon to fully become the True Essence that your Higher Self is desiring you to embody within you. Let the lower conscious thoughts to be dissipated and removed through the energies that are being recreated.

Along with that process let the Equinox vibrant Cosmic Light Energies to become more intertwined within your full body system.

It is amazing what can happen when you step out of the darkness and allow the Light Formations to assist you. You may feel sleepy, out of it, but eventually you will be able to get through the challenge readying yourself for the New Moon of Aries.

It is my pleasure to walk with each of you.

I Am Master Djwhal Khul, Ray Chohan for the Ray of Love and Wisdom

Listening to the audio recording for the Festival of Lights Ascend Earth Full Moon/Equinox Ceremony that Master Djwhal Khul and Lord Metatron hosted will assist in bringing forth the vibrational emphasis through attunement and activation of these higher frequencies of light. Click Here for the recording to be accessed in our Donation Supported Library.

ASCEND EARTH ~ CREATE HEALING LIGHT FOR GAIA – Join this free Global Project by Walking Terra Christa to help bring more healing light to the planet and humanity by creating Ascension Columns around the Earth with the assistance of the Unified Whole Galactic and Agartha Alliance.

Original Material © Copyright 2003-2022 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee* Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden. All rights reserved. *formerly spelled “Meleriessee”. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS CONTENT FREELY IN COMPLETE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS WITH THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!

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