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Ascension Mastery Message for the Festival of Lights of November in 2018 with Master Djwhal Khul. Channeled Transmission by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee of Walking Terra Christa.

The Full Moon cycle arrives on November 22nd at 9:39 PM Pacific and November 23rd at 12:39 AM Eastern, 05:39 GMT bringing forth the fire energy of Sagittarius (Sun) into the Moon reflected in the sign of Gemini.

This cycle with the Moon in Gemini and the Sun in Sagittarius reflects the Lower Mind vs. the Higher Mind. Gemini has a tendency of wanting to stay where it is, not desiring to change, but with the Sun of Sagittarius it breaks up the old energy to allow for movement and possibly adventure to occur.

It is important to hold the balance between the two energies; get a sense of how the Higher Mind can assist the Lower Mind with gentleness flowing with the changes that need to happen. It is not good to be too stubborn or stuck within your believe system; in retrospect, it is important not to forge ahead without first providing a sense of doing so in a softer manner.

This moon represents communication, attitude and having a sense of adventure.

This energy has brings forth the desires that you may have already been thinking about as it builds, like the Lower Mind desiring to accept the Higher Mind (Higher Self). It is a powerful occurrence to allow all things to come into alignment.

It is important to not stay still within our feelings but acknowledge them as the Higher Mind will assist in allowing the changes to occur in all ways. This means that the Masculine and Feminine Divine can work together in a better alignment. The Masculine Self is assisting in breaking apart old forms of reality and the way our lives are created through movement and change.

The downfall of these energies is that you don’t move too quickly; don’t allow your Lower Mind to fall into the trap of the lower elements within your subconsciousness. It can result in anger or frustration. Be patient; go slow and see how this cycle can assist your Lower Self to accept the divine qualities of your Higher Mind.


Greetings My Friends,

It is my pleasure as Master Djwhal Khul to share my essence with you at this time. This full moon truly proves to be the power that is needed at this time.

As we reflect upon the previous cycles, it has been a time of great changes, allowing the Feminine Divine to come more into an awareness of the full body structure. This cycle represents the Higher Mind to assist the Lower Mind.

We all know that the Higher Mind is not just the Masculine Self; it represents the unification of the Masculine and the Feminine essences. It is the balance of the Higher Self coming into the existence of the reality within the physical consciousness. It brings forth the ability to allow the communion of the Mental and Emotional Realms to work in unison instead of separately.

This moon cycle is about breaking apart elements within the Lower Mind that need to be changed but are still in a holding pattern so to speak. It is the ability to go deeper into the core darkness that seems to hold an Initiate to stay out of balance, but yet that individual may not realize that is what is happening.

Have you ever desired to truly make a change but then something stops you from it occurring?

This cycle of the Moon of Gemini with the Sun of Sagittarius is like a warming light that is being directed from the Sun as the Higher Mind can project more into the Lower Mind or Lower Self. It is a time when the Lower Ego can start to break apart so that those desires from the Higher Mind can start to be realized.

It is a powerful combination because you, as the Soul, that is housing this energy has the ability to make the necessary changes, to allow this powerful light to focus within you, to allow for movement forward and accept that you will no longer live the way you have been doing so. But yet, you as the individual, must allow it to happen in a softer manner because the Lower Ego can rise up to say, “Oh no, we are not doing it that way; I will decide how and when we make changes.”

It truly is a magnificent time as it is timely to allow the Higher Mind to be more in control of the Lower Mind. If you allow yourself to be in more balance within the process, let the emotions to be exposed, and heal yourself deeply, you will see a shift in your consciousness, the way that you think and feel in reference to your life.

On a global level this cycle is huge as it represents the ability of the Divine Mind of God’s Source of Light or the Creative Source of Oneness to focus upon the lower elements within the Earth. Change can happen at this time that will be beneficial to the healing of Gaia and all of humanity.

The most important element is to allow this change to come within you, breathe with it, feel it deeply and allow your emotional body to heal in ways that you never thought you could achieve. Flow with these energies and allow the purification of your Heart’s Desire to become an integral part of your acceptance in the physical form.

I walk with each of you,

I Am Master Djwhal Khul at your service,
in Love and Wisdom of the Golden Yellow Flame

Walking Terra Christa held an Audio Online ceremony with the Master Djwhal Khul and the Native energies of the Elders, White Buffalo Woman and Lady No-Eyes. Listening brings in the higher light energies to be more accessible beyond the normal human mental construct’s ability.

We urge everyone to join us to ground this energy. Please click the link for access to the audio conference recording.
(We do request donations by anyone who can do so to support these energies for Gaia and Humanity, use the form below or our website). 

We wish everyone a most blessed Thanksgiving Day in the USA, and express our heartfelt gratitude to everyone around the world who use our teachings to co-create true Oneness for GAIA. A special thanks goes to everyone who has financially supported us through ordering our teachings and being a student in 2018 ~ as doing so is extremely important to keep our work ongoing.  (Click the link if you are interested in our Student Signup details for reduced enrollment rates).

The Forces of Reconstruction with the Festival of Humanity ~ Full Moon May 29th, 2018 Festival of Lights ~ Master Djwhal Khul

Ascension Mastery Message for the Festival of Humanity-Goodwill, Full Moon of Sagittarius in Sun of Gemini for May 29th, 2018. Channeled transmission by Rev. Christine Meleriessee of Walking Terra Christa. 

We have now arrived into the movement of the Festival of Humanity-Goodwill which falls in Sagittarius within the sun of Gemini. This occurred on May 29th, 2018 at 7:20 AM Pacific, 10:20 AM Eastern, and 14:20 GMT.

Master Djwhal Khul’s Keynote for this Celestial Energy:


We are now in the cycle of the Festival of Humanity or Goodwill which means that the ascension energies we have experienced through the Festivals of the Christ and Wesak now become a direct focus in our physical walk upon the Earth. It represents the Force of Reconstruction allowing all that we have arisen to during Wesak to now become our pure consciousness. Even though the full moon occurred on May 29th we will still be in this cycle for the next month so understanding the energies that are happening can be very beneficial to our soul’s development.

We, as Initiates, have overcome the adversities of our past to hold within ourselves the new part of our reality to become concrete and fixed within our full consciousness.

This festival represents the effects in human consciousness of the work of Lord Buddha, our Planetary Logos, with Lord Maitreya and Lord Kuthumi representing the Office of the Christ, and with Lord Sananda bringing forth the Christ Consciousness within the planetary structure. It is also been recognized as World Invocation Day.

It is no mistake that this full moon of Sagittarius represented the Higher Mind while the Sun of Gemini brings forth the Lower or Physical Mind. It is a time to allow the Spiritual Self to blend within the Mental realm so that decisions and life struggles can be approached through the Higher Self and not the Physical Consciousness. As each of us strives to bring forth these changes within us, it is imperative to realize the challenges can arise that may try to stop the individual from fully acting upon their spiritual essence.

This means that at this full moon cycle, each of us has been given an opportunity to look at elements within our life from a higher purpose. It does not mean we have to stay stuck in the old energies but are being given an opportunity to grow in a new direction to assist not only our individuality but humanity as well.

Learning to understand what our Fixed Design is allowing our soul to accept a new and important part of the new reality. Fixed Design represents our contract as a soul in this lifetime, the promise that we made before we came into physical incarnation.

Every year we bring forth new parts of our Fixed Design as the transition of our Higher Self becomes an integral part of our reality during the time of Wesak.

This process is allowing the old self to die away in order for the new realization to come into our consciousness. It can be as simple as how we think about ourselves when we are challenged, or what substantiates our self-empowerment. When we step into the resurrection phase that occurred during the Festival of the Christ, then we clear away the debris in order for the new particle that we need to accept as we did during the Festival of Wesak. Now, we rebuild our four-body system (Physical, Etheric, Emotional, and Mental) with that new essence that represents what our soul desires to hold within our consciousness.

“What we do for ourselves, we do for others.”

This is so very true of this cycle with the Festival of Humanity being the key focus.

This means we now have a grand opportunity to step through many doorways that previously have seemed like it was not possible or yet, we did not see those opportunities knocking at the door that needed to be opened.

The Festival of Goodwill and Humanity brings to the Earth the following steps through utilizing each of the Seven Rays of God:

  • Blue Flame, the Ray of Will and Power, Ray Chohan Master El Morya: The Power of Will is given to the Disciples and Initiates so they can direct efficiently and wisely the processing of rebuilding.
  • Golden Yellow Flame, the Ray of Love and Wisdom, Ray Chohans Master Djwhal Khul and Master Joshua Stone: The Will to Love will stimulate the element of Good Will to gradually overcome the lower mental elements that inhibit humanity;
  • Pink Flame, the Ray of Creative and Active Intelligence, Ray Chohan Master Paul the Venetian with Master Serapis Bey: The Will to Action will allow for the movement of Love and Adoration to lay the foundation for a new and better world;
  • Crystalline Flame, the Ray of Harmony and Balance through Conflict, Ray Chohan Master Serapis Bey with Master Paul the Venetian: The Will to Cooperate will steadily increase as all souls will desire and demand right human relationships as a natural way of life.
  • Green Golden White Flame, The Ray of the Science of the Divine Mind, Ray Chohan Master Hilarion: The Will to Know and To Think Correctly and Creatively will become a focus of the masses as knowledge is the first step towards wisdom.
  • Ruby-Red Golden Flame, The Ray of Inner Devotion, Ray Chohan Lady Master Nada: The Will to Persist will become a human characteristic to assist all souls to realize the potential within themselves that their spiritual self is most important to embrace and love;
  • Violet-Purple Flame; The Ray of Ceremonial Magic and Structure, Ray Chohan Lady Master Portia: The Will to Organize will bring forth to build a foundation that will be carried forth under the direct inspiration of the Spiritual Hierarchy as each Initiate learns that they are a part of a core group of light for this Earth.
[Please note that the Ray Chohans for the 3rd and 4th ray are now allowing their energies to oversee both of these rays (Master Paul the Venetian and Master Serapis Bey). There has been an upgrade in the Ascended Masters and the work they are doing through the Spiritual Hierarchy that occurred during this Wesak 2018. We will share more information in another writing very soon.]

As we realize within our own consciousness of what we are desiring to achieve, this cycle assists in allowing the transformation to occur within our lives. We are restoring what we desired to achieve in our true reality. This process does not stop through this cycle, but it will continue throughout the year.

That is why this full moon is so very important to our development and growth as a Higher Being of Light coming into full realization upon this Earth. It does not matter what stage of your development you are achieving, each soul at this time is going through this process of re-ordering our physical consciousness into a better and more evolved source of God’s Light within us.

The challenge of this cycle is not to allow the Lower Mind to stop the process of the Higher Mind, or Spiritual Self to help you become more integrated within your spiritual essence. It is important to constantly affirm within yourself what tools you need to do in order for your Higher Self to become more interactive within your physical world. As you do so, the reality that you see will be more joyful and infused within the qualities you desire to hold in your consciousness.

Master Djwhal Khul’s Keynote for this month:


Greetings My Dearest Ones,

I Am Master Djwhal Khul with a very special message of Divine Love. As I represent the second Flame of Love and Wisdom it is important to realize that this flame will assist you to move from the old self into the new by allowing the light infractions of the Golden Yellow to warm up the aspects within you that have been blocked within you. They have infringed upon your ability to see the entire picture of what your Higher Self sees within you.

This year of 2018 has been absolutely amazing for acceleration and awakening within the planet. The Rainbow Arcs of Light are still continuing their journey bringing forth more light infractions of all of the 330 Rays of God to be imbued into all of the physical creation upon the Earth during each full moon cycle. This means that each of you are also receiving these light energies at any given moment of time.

The Festival of Humanity/Goodwill for 2018 is magnificent as we are seeing more souls awakening into a new part of their existence that was not being shown to them before. Their eyes have been closed or just not able to open properly but we are seeing so many souls looking at themselves in a different manner than they have been doing. The journey of these individuals is not easy as we all know that the road to enlightenment can be strewn with great adversity as your four-body system becomes more aligned to what your consciousness desires to bring into full reality.

This means that Gaia and all of her inhabitants are readying themselves for the growth process that each of these souls have desired to occur and wished upon themselves the gift of healing for their physical bodies. This last Ascension Festival of the Spring (in the Northern Hemisphere) is now readying itself to grow the seeds that have been planted so they can blossom throughout the summer months.

It is at this anticipated time that what you have desired to occur, can be a reality with the intention to work through the debris that has kept you in bondage for many eons of time. The full transition has arrived for many individuals. We are still at a low percentage, but we see, as the Spiritual Hierarchy, that Humanity is growing in the relation of the 20% ratio. This is huge as previously up to this time it was not happening.

What is occurring in the majority of the individuals is a new awareness will come over them. It may not be Ascension Mastery, but it will be a spark of remembrance that says “This is what I must do for myself, and only myself.”

This means that the element of Fixed Design that we concentrate upon for Wesak of 2018 is opening up a doorway for souls to realize within themselves what Fixed Design represents for their reality and then, in turn, it will be projected out into the world and into Gaia’s core.

The best advice I can give is to work with the Seven Rays of God, learn to call upon the Ray Chohans or the Ray energy itself, breathe them in, and allow your four-body to receive the light infractions that they impart to the Earth. Give yourself intentions every day of what you want to become in your life and the road will be paved wide-open. Don’t worry about what you do not understand, those elements will come to you when you are ready. Just be open to walk with an open heart, learn to be vulnerable, and heal yourselves deeply.

All of these actions will help to create the New Earth. We are a long way to opening up that doorway into this earth, but doing what you are presently, will help bring forth more stability into a world that at times feels very unsafe and uncertain. This will be accessing your Divine Love, Divine Wisdom (that you will gain), in order to access your Divine Power.

Project your faith with the Rays of God and we shall be there to assist you.

In deep blessings,

I Am Master Djwhal Khul, at your service.

Integrative Channel: Rev. Christine Meleriessee Heliohah

Walking Terra Christa’s Spiritual Ascension Mastery Ceremony for the Festival of the Humanity-Goodwill was on Wednesday, May 30th, 2018. (If you are not tracking these teaching on your calendar so that you may attend as they happen, you may do so through this link and then using the + sign in the lower right corner of the calendar).

The meditation attunement journey was guided by Master Djwhal Khul to the Temple of the I AM in Shamballa, Wesak Valley. We were gifted with the energies of the Office of the Christ with Lord Maitreya and Kuthumi, Lord Sananda, and Lord Buddha. You may listen to the recording of this ceremony throughout the month as it will assist you to access the Divine Light Energies of your Fixed Design. Please click this link: Recording for Festival of Humanity-Goodwill.

(Please share this article with others. Also, if you find these teachings and energies of benefit please take a moment to support our efforts).

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