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Lord Adama Discourses ~ Achieving the Internal Essence of Happiness

Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos shares his wisdom and knowledge for Ascension Mastery Training.  This discourse helps us to understand how important it is to heal through each of the four bodies, Physical; Etheric (Chakras); Emotional; and Mental to achieve the Spiritual Self to be able to fully integrate within the full body system. This will allow for the State of Happiness to be revealed to us internally, not externally. Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden is an Integrative Channel who works exclusively with Lord Adama of Telos and the Agarthan Council of Light.

Alunnah! Alunnah! Alunnah!

Greetings, My Dearest Ones.  I am Lord Adama here in these moments bringing forth my dissertation on Happiness.

We gather together bringing forth the Divine energies to extend how to incorporate the Essence of Happiness unto your Being. There are other elements that constitute Happiness that are very important. The major component of that is what you experience in your Soul’s essence.

Happiness cannot be achieved from the outside. It must be an internal element that needs to be acquired within your world. 

As we walk upon this earth at this time, there is great confliction with war occurring on the other side of the world. Peoples are coming together to bring forth their unity, assistance and solidarity of peace. But peace cannot be achieved just by saying you’re going to be peaceful.

As we acknowledge the presence of all that we are in any given moment, there is a sense of acceptance that occurs. This acceptance is not a mental attitude but is a consciousness, a feeling, bringing forth the Divine blessing from your Soul’s essence to come into your pure consciousness.

But how do we get to the point of allowing the higher aspects that you are desiring to achieve to be realized within your own physical consciousness?

By breaking through the blockages, the mental accolades, the inconsistencies that occur within your consciousness as a physical person within your Lower Self Ego, the Personality Self.

The Personality Self is one that is very difficult to change, because it can be very controlling; it wants to rule the day, it wants all answers to occur, it wants all activity to be in line with its consciousness. Within your Subconscious Mind there are so many elements that create havoc in your daily life. These are all acquired through the timelines, the experiences you’ve had as a Soul in and out of body. The best moments are when you have existed within the etheric temples as a Soul to go through a depth of healing between those lifetimes.

It is not until you fully realize the potential that you have within yourself that you can differentiate between what is good for you and what is not so good for you. Because in these moments of pure understanding there’s a blessing that occurs and the blessing is that a door has opened unto your full consciousness to allow your personality self to see what is there.

But the point is do you accept what is there or do you push it away? And say, “I will deal with that later or I don’t want to deal with it at all.” This is the choice that you make in your personality self.

You have the ability to change what is not working within your world to bring forth the understandings within yourself that all elements come into balance. And it doesn’t mean that all those elements are balanced. It just means they come into a lineage of understanding that the good and the not so good aspects that are within you are in alignment with whom you are as this personality self.

So, what happens within this process is that your healing takes you into a deeper level so that you can look within yourself and say, “Well, that doesn’t work. I have issues within myself of not feeling good enough or I have issues of judging other people.”

So, all of those elements come into play.

If you can imagine when you open up that doorway that your Personality Self may see that you’re in balance, because you’re looking at the lower and the higher aspects. And you may think that the higher aspects are going to be able to assist you into moving the lower aspects out of the way. But that is not how it works.

So, you have to delve into your own consciousness. You, as the personality self, you as the person that you are in the body that you’re inhabiting, you have to make a choice and say, “This is not working for me. I am very unhappy with myself.”

It literally comes back to that internalization that occurs within your consciousness. 

The more that you take one of those lower elements and allow yourself to observe it, to look at it deeply, and reflect upon it within situations in relationships in your outside world then you’re truly learning how to adjust that Lower Aspect into the Higher Aspect.

Let’s take for example the inability to love yourself.

What happens through this process is you take The Higher Aspect And Allow It To Blend More Deeply Within That Lower aspect by utilizing the Rays of God, by utilizing the thought-forms of acceptance of yourself, by feeling it and breathing it and becoming it. Then you’re acting upon all those four bodies to assist you. You’re acting upon the Emotional Body, you’re acting upon the Mental Body to give you clarification; you’re acting upon the Etheric Body to open up to the aspects, and you’re acting upon the Physical Body to fully allow the breath and the openness to occur within the Etheric Chakra System.

When you realize that you have achieved a degree of healing within yourself; say that Lower Aspect is moving into the Higher Aspect for even one moment every day, then you are changing that Lower Aspect. Of course, there may be many layers of that Lower Aspect that need to be dealt with, but that’s not for you to worry about in your Personality Self. You must take one step at a time and uphold the best.

What occurs through this process is that you can then start to feel a degree of Happiness.

Not Happiness of your outside situation, but Happiness of the internalization of what you are achieving. This is exactly how you get through the processes of learning how to combat the lower aspect and move into the higher aspect.

This is the Divine Truth that needs to be acquired through acknowledging that your Soul has that happiness, but your personality self doesn’t. You’re Etheric Self does not know how to experience it. You’re Emotional Self doesn’t and neither does your Mental Self. It has to be acquired through your Spiritual Self, also known as your Higher Self.

So, then, we come back into that lineage of balance so when you look at it again with those aspects; if you look at the middle part of that balance within you, then you can see within yourself that those Lower Aspects with the Higher Aspects bring forth a sense of joy within yourself, joy of the self, embracing that joy, becoming that joy little by little, little by little.

This is how you achieve the ability to get through the challenges of the Lower Aspects to become more of your Higher Aspects.

It will take time. It can take years; it can even take lifetimes depending upon your Personality Self and how much he or she desires to work through the process. If you become too lazy and you think that the energies are going to do all the work on their own that is very untrue, because all four bodies must work together to achieve the blessed end of that journey of that one lower aspect to move into a higher level of acceptance.

I walk with you each moment.

I am Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos with the Agarthan Council of Light.

Alunnah! Alunnah! Alunnah!

HELP RAISE THE VIBRATION OF YOUR HOME AND LANDS] ASCEND EARTH ~ CREATE HEALING LIGHT FOR GAIA – Join this free Global Project by Walking Terra Christa to help bring more healing light to the planet and humanity by creating Ascension Columns around the Earth with the assistance of the Unified Whole Galactic and Agartha Alliance.


Original Material © Copyright 2003-2022 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee* Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden. All rights reserved. *formerly spelled “Meleriessee”. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS CONTENT FREELY IN COMPLETE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS WITH THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE.



Lord Adama Discourses ~ Accepting Your Own Healing Process to Heal GAIA and Humanity


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos shares his wisdom and knowledge for Ascension Mastery Training.  This discourse helps us to understand how important it is to expand our Consciousness through Higher Vibrational Light and Energies to assist the Earth in her expansion into a 5th Dimensional Reality. The Time is Now and Lord Adama urges everyone to step into their Healing Processes to help Gaia. Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden is an Integrative Channel who works exclusively with Lord Adama of Telos and the Agarthan Council of Light.

Alunnah! Alunnah! Alunnah!

Hello! Hello! Hello Everyone!

It’s good to be back connecting to each of you from my Heart to your Hearts. So, let’s do that presently.

Step into the Heart Center feeling the Divine energies of the Green Golden White Flame and all the flames to come into your Heart Center feeling the compassionate love and breathing through that as I’m speaking.

I want to continue our discussion about the Earth that Lord Ashtar started at our recent Equinox Full Moon gathering. I want everyone to be in the presence of Love as I share this with Love.

As you know the Earth has been in turmoil with many challenges for the last couple of years with the virus and then the vaccinations and whether or not to take them and the discussions within politics, the war effort, everything is coming to the surface.

How does one handle all of this? Only through your Higher Self consciousness.

It is important for each of you realize this. You are here with us; you are doing this work.

Do you know why you’re doing this work?

What is the reason for you of actually being part of these energies, listening to the meditations?

What is it within yourself that you want to change?

Because as you change, it is going to create everything around you to be experienced in a much more positive way.

There is a lot of misconception among the Lightworker Community where they think we are already in the 5th dimension. And I’m sure each of you here today realize that that is very untrue otherwise why would you be affected by lower energies.

Why would you have to protect yourself so much? Why would you have to be concerned about anything that you’re doing within the outside world if the Upper Earth was experiencing 5th dimensional energies?

This process is very much on the downside of what is occurring for the Earth, and I speak this with grave concern as the High Priest of Telos and the spokesperson for the Agartha Network. We are all in agreement and we want to share our views with each of you because we feel that it is time.

The world is coming into a state of imbalance, and it is necessary for every individual soul, first and foremost, to do as much as they can within themselves.

We are very grateful for those of you that are here and being part of these energies. We’ve lost a few people this year that have decided to do other things or feel that this work was maybe too difficult. too challenging, and they didn’t want to step any further into it, that they wanted more of the 3rd dimensional life or being with their friends that are not doing this work.

I share this with grave concern for each of you to really come from your own Heart Essence to feel it deeply within yourself and to realize the potential that we may be facing in future years. I say in future years because it’s not prevalent presently, but we have to be prepared that the Earth will not be able to exist on the level that we would like it to; so we will need to transform our energies to a higher plane of existence of the 5th dimensional Earth.

But it can’t be as easy as what you’re experiencing in these meditations of just going to a vortex and you arrive.

You’re journeying into these Golden Etheric Cities going through your challenges as these Masters of the cities are assisting you with those challenges to change the mindset that is within your consciousness to help you really accept your reality on a different level than you are presently. I’m sure after each visit you feel this, but how well do you ground it?

This is something for you to ask of yourself. I’m not questioning you. I want every person to question themselves. How well are you handling your Higher Consciousness to be part of their physical consciousness?

We know that Ascension Mastery represents the ladder of Higher Consciousness.

It’s planetary ascension allowing those Lightforms to come into the physical body so that you can walk with them. So, those Seven Initiations represent the walks into the doorways of accessing those energies through the four-body system and so that the Higher Realms of Light to be part of your reality. But having your Lower Mind be more prevalent, your Lower Ego, does not mean that you will be able to achieve Ascension Mastery. So, I believe that a lot of lightworkers think they are already doing this.

But until everyone realizes the potential within themselves to fully transcend the lower forms of energy within the chakras, within the four-body system that the New Earth cannot occur in its present form. It can occur in a higher existence but that means for each of you that desires to be on that higher existence you must work harder for yourself.

You are living in a planet of duality which is facing you every day. There are mirrors looking at you, they are breaking or cracking or just looking at you. That is why it is so very important to realize the potential that you are creating within your own four-body (physical-etheric (chakras)-emotional-mental) system. As each of you goes through these transitions, and I know they are not easy, it’s important to remove the self-doubt, the lower chit-chat within your mind that you’re not good enough, that you cannot achieve a higher level of acceptance, for you to realize the potential that you can be. Always command that energy within your consciousness that you will stand up to all that is occurring around you.

You are in the face of many difficulties upon this Earth, but it is important that we realize that each of us has chosen this before we came into body. Of course, my memory of that is very slight as it was many hundreds of years ago. For each of you it is much quicker, but it doesn’t mean that you’re not going to remember it. You have awakened within these energies and it’s important to realize the potential that you can be to yourself. This means changing your Cellular Structure, it means changing the way that your body works and bringing it into a higher existence.

As you change, you can change others around you especially those in close proximity to you, someone that you’re living with, your children. As you bring forth these changes within yourself, you can walk differently than you ever have before. But it takes great diligence, it takes practice, it takes the ability to see within yourself that this is a positive change for you, and that you are truly desiring to keep going through those doorways to have that ability within yourself to say.

“I look back to see who I was and now I’m a completely different person, a better person for myself. I think differently, I feel differently. I experience life differently. My thoughts have changed. I’m no longer judgmental, I’m no longer argumentative. I accept it when someone does not believe in what I do and accept what they do. That is their choice.”

So, these are all the elements that we’ve been teaching you for a 5th dimensional way of existence. It cannot be done overnight but you have to work hard upon it, because I am telling you in another decade if we don’t work harder and be better to each other on the Upper Earth, then the Earth is not going to exist.

Look at what’s happened this summer with the fires in the west, the storms in the east, and volcanoes in other parts of the world going through great cataclysmic events that are just so very devastating to the Heart. We don’t want this but what we do want is that we want more and more individuals to be able to look at themselves and say, “Yes, I believe in the Rays of God. I incorporate those Rays of God within me. I become those flames. My chakras are expanding into the Cosmic Level.”

This is why Mahlariessee has been teaching this for the last decade or more to assist, to do what she has done to incorporate those energies within your chakras. Doing this so that you can no longer see the chakra color on its own, it is blending with the ray energies. It’s not just the process of blending the colors; it’s learning the aspects of those rays and really ingesting them, not through wishful thinking but really commanding within yourself that you have become the Blue Flame of the Will of God with the Strength. You feel the freedom of that, you feel the movement of those energies. You have become the Pink Flame with the Divine Mother God of learning to create with the essence of love in all those aspects that we continually teach. It’s not just there to learn about the rays. It’s there to incorporate the ray energies.

So, at this Equinox, as you have heard, those Seven Flames are coming more strongly into the Earth, and you may already be feeling that Equinox energy as it occurred yesterday and it’s going to continue for the next three months until the Solstice. So, take advantage of it, become more of those flames, become more of that essence.

I don’t want to be bearer of bad news in saying, “Well, the Earth is not going to make it.” The more that you incorporate these rays the more it’s going to assist others that you are in contact with. Our hope is to get it to as many people as possible as Reverend Ara is working on a project presently to certify people to do this ray energy and listening to the meditations in a group format. I applaud both Ara and Mahlariessee for what they are doing because it is a lot to handle being on the Upper Earth. If they weren’t so important up here, I would be bringing them into Telos presently, because they have achieved all that I am asking of each of you and more. I’m not saying you have to acquire it to the level that they are, but to become the ray energies at the level that you are incorporating in your Best Self, the self that you don’t even know yet.

This is how we are going to heal the Earth.

The ones that will not allow themselves to heal will become very ill and will cause aggression and animosity in all their energies. Notice around you, are people acting differently than they were before?

This is imperative. I don’t want to see in another decade so many souls purging themselves and the Earth erupting in a place that is similar to what happened with Lemuria and Atlantis. So, I send my Heart Energies out to you.

We need each of you to be diligent and I feel that those of you that are here are diligent, but we also need others. And those others are not for you to preach to but for you to incorporate and for us to re-energize all that has happened with these Columns of Light.

Mahlariessee today worked on the fire that has erupted near Redding, California (Fawn Fire) which isn’t far away from them. She saw a picture, so she worked on bringing those Ascension Light Columns right into the fire. Hopefully that will help.

This is what we need for each of you to do in your spaces around the world. The Earth is in trouble. It is not flourishing so we need to come together. I myself standing for the Agarthan Council, they also want to assist as much as possible which is a new process for them. It has not happened previously. So, it means that this group is showing the Agarthans what can be done and I’m proud of every one of you of what you are doing.

I know this process is not easy, but if you’re going to get upset about it, you’re going to place yourself into victimhood, or being a martyr and that is not going to assist your process as a soul.

And I am here to help, I am here to help with these energies to assist as many people as possible, because the other element that is happening is the Dark Side is trying to take over. We already know the duality that is going on with the vaccinations and the virus. Whether you were vaccinated or not does not matter.

What does matter is to look at your spirituality, to look at your connection to your God Source, to look at your own spiritual self. This is what’s going to heal everyone whether they’ve been vaccinated or not, to safeguard yourself, to raise your immune system, because there may be other strains. This is not the end of it. It is all part of the Dark Forces to bring this forth. You can’t get mad at it because that’s not going to help.

You have to empower yourself with the Will of God to bring forth those Divine aspects of that Blue Flame, the Divine aspects of the Pink Flame and all the other flames. Those Masters, the Elohim Masters, and the Archangels are there to assist you to be stronger. You may have your moments and I cannot blame you. You have come to the Earth in a most grueling time, but I believe we have all been through it before.

Let us help each other to become better, to become more aware of what is happening instead of having blinders on.

This is why I give forth this discourse, not to get you upset, but to prepare you. You’re all Warriors of Light and I know that you can stand strong. I know you can make these changes within yourself, because I have faith in each of you that you are here for a reason, that you are here to give to this Earth what it is that your Higher Self desires, your I Am Presence, your God Source of Light and that is the blessing.

I thank you for being here, I thank you for being a Warrior of Light, I thank you for allowing me to speak as I am because it is our truth, our understanding from the technology that we have, and looking and going forward. Until we bring more light into the planet physically, which is required of humans of walking with that light, then we are not going to be able to change the mineral kingdoms, the animal kingdoms, the planetary life, and the core of the Earth.

So, let us rally around together and learn more about ourselves so that we can be better and more accomplished and have a planetary system of what we all desire to experience. We in the Inner Earth would like to be up on the Upper Earth and I’m sure you want to be in the Inner Earth.

Let us continue our journey together. I want to give you confidence, I want to give you Love, I want to give you the ability to persevere, to be strong, and to know that when you have those moments of emotional charges let them out of yourself. You are a beautiful species so let us all work together to create a better Earth, Terra Christa, as we have deemed it to be possible.

Thank you. I am Lord Adama with the Agarthan Council of Light.

Alunnah! Alunnah! Alunnah!

To further help individuals heal within their spiritual essence and filter healthier frequencies into the mental/emotional/etheric light bodies (subtle energy body structures), last year we created a special meditation [SPIRITUAL CLEANSING FOR HEALTH AND HEALING] to assist in realignment from the disruptive energetics of the Global Pandemic.
This Journey Meditation is now ON SALE at this link.

We also have more free Meditations that help connect to the Solar Angel and the Entranceway of Light of the Solar Frequency. If you enjoy the events and meditations we create, please tell others about us and subscribe and follow us. Donations are also needed and appreciated by using our website menu.  (These Meditations are available by clicking here.)

*Ascension Mastery is the realized form of manifesting Ascension Frequencies where your vibratory rate actually increases over time due to the in-depth training (not the intellectual pursuit or study) and the acquiring of a higher Spiritual Essence. Everyone on Earth is already part of God’s Light and Love but that does not mean they as individuals (or collectively) are Ascending, or that Ascension is happening to them. Earth is at a cross roads of Spiritual Awakening to step into Ascension, but without each person taking on an individual personal life responsibility to change their lives into practicing actual Ascension energies there can be no real shift in frequency. Ascension as a concept, belief or a mystery to be revealed is akin to a mere informational level desired by the mental intellect and does not create the authentic higher Ascension Octave of Light and Love required for a New Earth to be created. Our mission as an Academy is to bring forth that actual level of higher love and light for you to learn to feel and acquire them. It is a process that will take any initiate/lightworker many years (even decades) to achieve just as it did for the Ascended Masters themselves. You may order our very powerful SPIRITUAL HEALING meditation as a great way to start using targeted meditations that go beyond what is typically used.  We also have the previously released SEVEN FREE CLASSES to help during these challenging times to assist in your Ascension Spirituality (visit to access).

ASCEND EARTH ~ CREATE HEALING LIGHT FOR GAIA – Join this free Global Project by Walking Terra Christa to help bring more healing light to the planet and humanity by creating Ascension Columns around the Earth with the assistance of the Unified Whole Galactic and Agartha Alliance.

Original Material © Copyright 2003-2021 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee* Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden. All rights reserved. *formerly spelled “Meleriessee”. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS CONTENT FREELY IN COMPLETE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS WITH THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!

Lord Adama Discourse: Expansion ~ The Key to Higher Consciousness


Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos shares his wisdom and knowledge for Ascension Mastery Training.  This discourse helps us to understand how important it is to expand our Consciousness through higher vibrational light and energies.  Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden is an Integrative Channel who works exclusively with Lord Adama of Telos and the Agarthan Council of Light.

Alunnah! Alunnah! Alunnah!

Greetings Everyone,

It is good to be back within these energies. I am Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos with the Agarthan Council of Light.

Let us continue with those breaths as all of our hearts connect with each other opening up our energies allowing the flow of vibrancy to come fully within your consciousness, within your feeling levels, within your chakra system, your Central Canal vibrating with the Crystalline Light that you have already brought forth. Relax with the incoming Light energies.

The Crystalline Flame can be very strong. It can be very disruptive, so we want to make sure that you ground that frequency. So, I am going to call upon a little bit of the Emerald Green color to blend with it. Just sparkles of Emerald Green to come into your Root area into your existence. As you allow your Root chakra to be your guide, visualize that spinning of the Root area in that clockwise manner from the bottom to the right, to the top and the left and circling those energies, let us open up that Root area so the expansion of these energies can truly assist you.

So, I want to talk about EXPANSION.

It is important to allow yourself to let go of any misconceptions or understandings that you may have of how to expand your consciousness, how to expand your Light energies, and how to open your chakras. Because your third dimensional thought process will try to impede your own progress, it comes from your psychological self.

There are so many elements happening in the world, on the planet and you will pick up the thoughtforms and sometimes you may not even understand why. It is just because you are opening up your energies. So, it is important to become ONE within your Inner Self within the breath. Understand that the breath is a relationship of your Higher Self to the physical body. Without it, you do not have the accessibility to step into other worlds of dimensions. Some individuals may disagree with that concept.

Many humans that are very gifted when they awaken will go through a process of opening and think that that is the true answer. But what happens within those energies is that an individual can become so bogged down with what they are experiencing that they do not allow themselves to take a cautionary step for themselves. This is how the dark side gets involved within the psychic phenomena. It is very important to not allow that to occur.

So, the Expansion Of Your Mind, the Expansion Of Your Consciousness, the Expansion Of Your Four-Body System To Allow More Light Energy to enter that system, requires great diligence of allowing your Higher Self to be the defining factor.

As a human of the 3rd dimension, and one that has travelled many lifetimes, this can seem very overwhelming. It is within those energies that an awakened individual can become belligerent and say, “I want to do it the way I want to do it. I do not want to listen to anyone else. I am the right person for me, and I have the right answers.”  And, as we know, this is not always so. It takes great practice and diligence through the Prana Breath, through the moments of silence of that breath, to allow that Divine energy to come into your physicality.

You must have the willingness to fully accept the defining energy that is occurring within your system. And, in order to do that, you must have the freedom within your consciousness to not adhere to any old beliefs that you may be held within your personality.

I know it seems like it is a lot. It seems like you are constantly having to battle the forces. And, spirituality should be easier, correct?

But you have come onto a planet of great duality which is very strong presently within this year. It brings forth an idealism that ALL is being handled by the Higher Realms of Light and that all you have to do is just sit back and receive the benefits through that process. But Ascension Mastery is different.

As an Initiate you awaken and so many Lightworkers are not fully aware of their initiations, so they stay in a space where they think they know the best, their ego (the Personality Ego) is in control even though they are accessing Higher Realms of information.

But, in truth, how well does one know what is occurring for them at that stage?

What happens with that information and where is it coming from?

Because every Soul that awakens in that concept has a film over them, the Veil of Forgetfulness. But it is more than that. That film is a structure to NOT ALLOW that individual person to grow exponentially through their spiritual essence. And that is why it can take many years or lifetimes to work through these energies and to have the realization within yourself that there is so much more to the Universal Structure than you imagined there was.

This process is NOT easy, but it is necessary for the Expansion of Your Mindset. We talk about the Three Minds: the Conscious Mind, the Subconscious, and the Super-Conscious.

The Super-Conscious represents that Higher Light energy, the Higher Self, and the I Am Presence. The Subconscious holding these thoughts good or bad and reacting through the Conscious Mind which is the one that perceives all thought processes from the Sub-Conscious.

So, if you take time to allow the expansion of the vibrational energies to come into your consciousness, you will begin to see that expansion happening within you. And it may just be a flicker, a moment, like a fleeting star shining in the sky and then it disappears. Because that is how it has to occur in the beginning into the structure of the Subconscious Mind having the control mechanisms.

In order to expand all parts of your system (the Mind, the Emotions, the Etheric Self, and the Physical Self) it takes great moments of Inner Reflection. And I cannot emphasize this more that the period of using your breath and being in silence will assist you to become that Higher Consciousness. Within that silence you will start to allow that Light energy to come into your expanded consciousness so that your Physical Consciousness can feel it.

It is available. It is available through your Super-Conscious.

But the door is not always open to allow that Higher Consciousness to be part of your Physical Consciousness. And it will not happen in the reality of your physicality as you may think it is. It must happen through those expanded states of awareness through the Prana Breath, becoming One with the breathing, and through the activation of all the chakras.

The chakras are the doorway to your Expansion to All That You Can Be, to all of your Higher Light Bodies, to all of what you desire to be. So, I implore each of you to take moments during your day, even if it is just for five minutes, to allow yourself to sit and breathe that Prana Breath, and then release the debris, and allow that flow of energy to come IN and then OUT, and IN and then OUT.

You will find, through this process, that it will open up your Super-Conscious Mind to assist you more fully. And thus, allow the blessing of an expanded consciousness development to occur within the Full-Body System. It will bring great health, it will bring calmness, it will bring the acceptability of the lower elements to be released just by using your breath.

So, I ask you to make it a task for yourself. Test yourself and see how this feels after 21 days. They say it takes 21 days to make a habit. Sometimes it takes more. Allow that flow of energy to come fully within you and around you.

I am Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos with the Agarthan Council of Light.

Alunnah! Alunnah! Alunnah!



ASCEND EARTH ~ CREATE HEALING LIGHT FOR GAIA – Join this free Global Project by Walking Terra Christa to help bring more healing light to the planet and humanity by creating Ascension Columns around the Earth with the assistance of the Unified Whole Galactic and Agartha Alliance.

Original Material © Copyright 2003-2021 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee* Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden. All rights reserved. *formerly spelled “Meleriessee”. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS CONTENT FREELY IN COMPLETE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS WITH THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!

Lord Adama Discourses ~ Becoming the Essence of Faith

Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos shares his wisdom and knowledge for Ascension Mastery Training.  Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden is an Integrative Channel who works exclusively with Lord Adama of Telos and the Agartha Council of Light.

Alunnah, Alunnah, Alunnah.

Greetings My Dearest Ones,

This is Lord Adama with the Agarthan Council of Light within the capital city of Telos bringing forth our Divine energies and acceptance of working with each of you individually and collectively.

What I want to speak about presently is having FAITH.

Faith is something that is within your physical life, but you cannot see it.  You can only feel it.  This feeling of faith allows the Divine Feminine to come more fully into your consciousness.  Without acknowledging that part of you, you will constantly criticize, judge, and not have the ability to get past those lower thoughts, those lower elements that are lodged within your subconscious mind where you will be constantly in a battle.

None of us likes to be in a battle within ourselves.  We must flow. We must move through the energies.

During your day when you are doing your mundane tasks for survival upon the earth, it is important to take moments to sit and allow your higher consciousness to assist you in moving through those mundane energies.

The more individuals that acquire Faith within their consciousness, their feeling level, the more the Earth will heal.  It takes great concentration, and it takes that element of Faith to take it even further.

You can say, “I want to have Faith.”  But that is not what occurs.  You must truly allow yourself to sit within your breath with your Higher Self, your Solar Angel, using your tools to assist you in getting out of your mindset.

At first, you are not going to be able to achieve this until you realize within yourself that the way you are thinking is not helpful to you.  But it is only you that can make that decision.  No one else can make it for you.  You must realize within yourself that the elements you are concentrating upon are either good or not good for you. Then ask yourself, “Is this for my highest good?”

We have heard throughout the teachings that what you do you must do for your highest good.  But are you doing so?  Again, it is only you that can make that decision.

Utilizing the Rays of God will assist you in that process and will bring you into a different state of reality.  It may not be a permanent state because it must be exercised.  Just like anything else that a human achieves upon this Earth, it takes great practice to get to that position.

Learning to step away from the Lower Mind, is a step of self-diligence.  To say, “In this moment I am in my Higher Mind.  I am allowing my Higher Mind to take me into a new existence, a new reality that is more functional for my highest good and I desire to feel that highest good growing within me.”

It begins within the heart.  It begins with the Divine Feminine.  The Divine Feminine contains many elements.  It is not just about feeling the Love, but what makes up that Love.

Faith is one of them, Hope is another, illuminating only the highest parts of yourself and allowing yourself to grow through your spiritual essence.

Your Spiritual Self has been waiting for you to awaken to allow these energies to become more a part of your physical consciousness to bring in a new step of your reality.  It must be something that grows. You have to weed the garden; you have to feed and water the garden just like you do with your physical body.  You are the garden.

Well, your Higher Self believes that you are the Garden.

Do you believe that you are the Garden?

What beautiful flowers are growing in your garden?  Learn to assimilate those flowers through the Rays of God to bring in the different flames so that your garden becomes more colorful.

The garden can reflect the beauty of having the FAITH, the beauty of having Hope to illuminate your Spiritual Essence unto your Physical self.

You will see as you go through this process that it will become easier and easier for you, because the Garden will have less weeds to deal with.

I know you may say, “Oh, but I have too many issues.  There are so many of them.  How am I ever going to get through this?”

Well, that statement is not allowing you to be in your present consciousness.  It is not a statement of being in the now, being in the moment.

In this moment you must allow yourself to realize that “Yes, weeds must be taken out.”

The only process that you can create is for you to allow the weeds to be removed and replace them with the beautiful flowers. 

You do this by acknowledging each of the Rays, acknowledging the Divine Feminine to give you more and more of what you desire.  You deserve to hold this within your Full Body System.

Try it!  Allow yourself to practice this on a daily basis.

Even if it is just five minutes of your day, that will be a beginning.  You will see, when the issues arise (and they will arise, because you live on the 3rd-dimensional Earth, 4th-dimensional Earth not quite 5th-dimensional Earth) that you will experience moments of insecurity.  You will experience moments of not feeling safe.  You will experience moments of fear.  But it depends on what you do with those elements.

If you have Faith to bring in the higher creative process within your consciousness, then you can remove those lower aspects within yourself.

I am Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos.

Alunnah!  Alunnah!  Alunnah!

ASCEND EARTH ~ CREATE HEALING LIGHT FOR GAIA – Join Walking Terra Christa in this special project to help bring more healing light to the planet and humanity by creating Ascension Columns around the Earth with the assistance of the Unified Whole Galactic and Agartha Alliance. To learn more please use the link.

Original Material © Copyright 2003-2020 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee* and Rev. Michael Ara. All rights reserved. *formerly spelled “Meleriessee”. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS CONTENT FREELY IN COMPLETE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS WITH THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!

Lord Adama Discourses ~ Visiting the Christed Inner Earth City of Shonshe~ The Act of Patience


Lord Adama shares his wisdom and knowledge with an Ascension Mastery Message visiting within the Crystalline Agarthan Christed Inner Earth City of SHONSHE within the Himalayan Mountains. Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden is an Integrative Messenger for Lord Adama in his role as High Priest of Telos assisting the Spiritual Ascension of Humanity along with the Agarthan Council of Light of the Christed Inner Earth Cities.


We are now going to travel into the Agartha Crystalline City of Shonshe, located within the Himalayas to meet Lord Adama and Lord Herstadt and Lady Felicianeea, Priest and Priestess of the city..

As our Crystalline Seven-Flame Merkabah vehicle now spins from the planetary level going towards the Himalayas, there’s a Vortex of Light that is assisting us to open up these energies.  We arrive within the Himalayan mountains, going into the Inner Earth.

There is an entranceway from a Monastery.  We meet up with the Monks of this Monastery and they bless us as they show us the way. We walk through a cave in the mountain lit with beautiful Flames of Light of all different colors.  We travel through the mountain going deeper and deeper into the core of the earth until we finally arrive to the entranceway of the city. The energies of Shonshe are powerful.  Our guides of the Monastery now return to their original location.  We thank them for assisting us.

As we enter the beautiful Crystalline City of Shonshe, we can see the beautiful energies within the mountain.  Crystalline lights are present everywhere.

Today our visit takes us to a very special place.  There isn’t a Temple here, but there is a Vortex of Light.  We are met by Lord Adama as he guides us to visit the garden called Heaven within the Earth. As we walk through the many of places of this City, there are others that are waving us on from the City, thanking us for coming to Shonshe.

We see now a beautiful gate that is lined with shrubbery.  It goes all the way up to the top of the core of this mountain that we are entering.  It is truly a ‘Journey into the Center of the Earth’ with exquisite energies.  The gate is open.  As we walk through the gate into this beautiful massive garden, it has a 20-mile radius.  It goes far and wide.  There are many different places within this garden that one can explore.

There are beautiful flowers; there are glistening colors of energies on the rocks with crystals.  The shrubbery and the bushes are so full that you can’t really see that you are on the inner sanctum of the mountain.

We are met by Lord Herstadt and Lady Felicianeea.  Lord Adama will now take us into a special place as he will speak to us about what this City may mean for us and how we can best experience within the powerful energies within this City.


Alunnah! Alunnah! Alunnah!

My Dearest, Dearest Friends!

Thank you for being with us.  Come, follow me. As we walk through this pathway, there are beautiful flowering bushes and plants.  It’s like a very special pathway secluded from other parts of the garden. As we walk on this pathway, I want you to feel the exquisite energies that are within this City.

We arrive at a beautiful Pagoda with Crystalline Lights.  We step into the Pagoda and there are seats for each of us.  Lord Herstadt and Lady Felicianeea are joining us.

As you settle within your seat here, take a moment to imagine the beautiful scents of the flowers.  There are many different types of flowers in this area, some of which you may not even know what types of flowers they are as they represent the purest form of nature.  As we sit within the Crystalline Pagoda, I want you to acknowledge within yourself what you are feeling presently.

The City is representative of Divine Mother God.  It brings forth Her Purity of Essence allowing every person that is here to express that essence within themselves and to others.  These are the aspects of Peace, Purity, Hope, and Faith.  It’s almost like taking a breath of fresh air and releasing the lower-self energies that you’re dealing with that are within you.

As there are scents of Roses and Hyacinths, and beautiful energies of so many flowers, there is ivy that grows up around the Pagoda; you’re truly in a place of Heaven Within the Earth.

I would like each of you to take a moment to breathe this into your own bodily system and into your chakras.  Allow the experience of comfort and relaxation to come into your mind, bringing forth the Divine beauty of knowing that all is well, because in this moment, each of us is acknowledging the beauty of nature, the beauty of crystals teaching us, of rock formations, of trees.  There’s a slight breeze flowing through the air.  That is the breath of Divine Mother God extending Her essence within this moment.

So, now I have your attention.  The attention needs to be a focus of your present life circumstance and bring forth the blessing that is exhibited within this glorious City to assist you to feel patience within yourself no matter what you’re dealing with.  Allow yourself to rest and have a calm sense of the Prana Breath running through your entire full-body system.

It is when we take moments such as these to not allow anything else interfere within the consciousness, there is a special element that can occur.  There can be a sense of re-generation, growth occurring that may not have happened without taking this time in this moment.  It is imperative that each of you realize this.  You are living in a world that is truly in transition.  There are many angers, there are many hurts, there are grievances, there is great pain, and great blaming occurring on all levels in the peoples of the world.

Every time someone lashes out and brings forth a grievance through their voice, it reverberates through the waves of the earth.  It creates a shadow to be cast upon Gaia.  It creates a restriction that each of you are experiencing whether you are consciously aware of it or not.

To survive through these energies, it is imperative for each of you to be your own survivalist of the self.  What that means is to incorporate your Divine energies that you are experiencing presently through the Higher Mind and the Higher Heart to bless YOU.

You must remember that you are a Higher Being of Light without a body.  You have chosen to come into this body but what occurs is the remembrance of the many moments that you have experienced intensity like what is happening within this world. So, what happens through that energy is a sense of compassion and sympathy for what others are experiencing.  This is ALL very good, but it is important to not hold onto that energy, to not bring it into yourself. If you are one that is NOT feeling it in this way, then that may be something that you need to deal with also.

In order to arise into the 5th-dimensional energies, YOU, as that empath, must feel ALL aspects.  But it doesn’t mean that you BECOME those aspects, but that you are able to look at another and give Compassion and Love, and Empathy, but not playing the sympathy card.  I know this may seem harsh but in truth the evolvement of every individual Soul that comes to the planet is responsible for their own Divine blessing, for their own Completeness, for their own ability to walk through the storm with Courage and Strength.

Each of you are going through your own storms, by that I mean being on this Pathway, opening yourself up to new avenues of understanding, feelings, and thoughts.  Those elements are changing every day.  It is imperative for each of you to realize within yourself that you are the maker of your destiny.  That maker does not mean that you as that physical person must create something upon the earth within the physical realm. It must be created within the Spiritual realm first.  That is where the true growth will occur.  That is where the Act of Patience comes in.

Being patient to yourself is an Act of Spiritual Servicebecause when you are not able to be patient, or you are overworking yourself, it is part of the 3rd-dimensional construct.  You must take time within yourself to reflect on what is occurring in that individual moment. 

Is that energy part of what you need to express?  Or are you feeling elements within your own truth of your own Soul’s essence that you have experienced previously, and it is projecting onto your present lifestyle, your present personality?

All of this is very important because, in the way that you react, every person on the earth, in any plane of existence is a mirror for everyone else.

It’s important to realize within yourself what is going on.  Are there adjustments that you’re going through, such as a moment of emotional instability?  What is happening to you?  Go deeper into your breath, use the Prana Breath with the open mouth to GET into the negative energy, to PUSH that blockage out of your system.  Then you will be able to realize within yourself the POWER of what you are experiencing, because that’s when the Transmutation comes into Transformation.

At this time, everyone upon the earth has a great opportunity to change themselves so deeply because of what is happening in the outside world.  Instead of complaining about it, instead of crying about it, instead of worrying about it; LOOK within yourself of what YOU can change.

This is how we’re going to able to help everyone on the planet to get into a better state of consciousness.  It is within that blessing that is absolutely necessary for the exchange of the energies to create a 5th-dimensional consciousness.

Every individual person is responsible for their own effect within themselves and upon the world outside of themselves. This is what many individuals do not remember, or they don’t ALLOW themselves to realize that every one of you is the maker of your destiny.  You are the maker of the world’s destiny and what occurs in the outside circumstances.

You may say to me, “Well I can’t control what the politicians do, or what celebrities do, or how they think.”  No, you cannot, but what you CAN control is your own ability to love yourself more deeply to accept the changes that you are experiencing to allow them to be in a healing state. 

No one is perfect and, yes, I have faults also.  What it comes down to is taking inner responsibility for your emotions, for your thoughts, for the way you think about your life, what you DO for your life and to not blame others, not blame situations.

What is occurring within the world presently, especially in the United States of America, is that these awarenesses are coming to surface.  These elements have been happening for a very long time.  Racism has been a part of this country.  For this country to be the Ascension Capitol of the world for North America, not just the United States, each of you have a responsibility to uphold the best reflection of yourself.  When you don’t hold this, know that that is just a part of your healing process.

Every Soul upon the Earth is healing deeply.

Some Souls will not understand my words.  They won’t get the gist of what I am saying as it is not a part of their awareness.  It is not even part of their intelligence and that is okay.  But each of you that stands here in this beautiful garden KNOWS within yourself that you have a responsibility to bring forth this Divine Light into your Full-Body system to assist this planet, to assist Gaia, as that is your role.

First and foremost, the healing process must continue for each of us individually.  No one is exempt from this.  Every individual Soul must look at themselves with the Truth of the Light of God.  That is what this cycle has represented: Spiritual Service to Yourself is God’s Light.  Allow that to shine within you to transform the darkness that has been held within your full consciousness of the Etheric Self of all the lifetimes that you have had.

This Earth has gone through great metamorphosis time and time again.  But now it is time to bring more Light unto the planet.

This transference of Light is one of great challenge.

The first thing we need to do is to allow the essence of Hope.  There is hope My Dearest Ones.  Allow this Hope to be within you for the traits that are within your personality that you don’t like, for the elements that you want to re-create.

There is great HOPE for ALL of us.  We thank you for being here within the Crystalline City of Shonshe so that we can acknowledge each other from the highest purest sense of Spirit.

All my blessings to each of you.  I am Lord AdamaHigh Priest of Telos with the Agarthian Council of Light within the Crystalline City of Shonshe.

Alunnah! Alunnah! Alunnah!

Transcription Services By Carol M.


The New Earth Consciousness-Circle of Light is a weekly class in which we journey to one of the 22 Etheric Cities.  Included is a teaching from Lord Adama and a special Ascended Being that represents the city. Walking Terra Christa provides many options to participate in their weekly teachings with an affordable rate for all individuals.   You can also purchase any of the MP3 downloads separately for the the classes to receive the highest vibrational energies available. Please make sure you state the date of the class you want to purchase in the PayPal link.

ASCEND EARTH ~ CREATE HEALING LIGHT FOR GAIA – Join Walking Terra Christa in this special project to help bring more healing light to the planet and humanity by creating Ascension Columns around the Earth with the assistance of the Unified Whole Galactic and Agartha Alliance. To learn more please use the link.

Original Material © Copyright 2003-2020 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee* and Rev. Michael Ara. All rights reserved. *formerly spelled “Meleriessee”.

Wesak Blessings from the Agarthan Council of Light ~ Lord Adama Discourses

Telsoian Garden of Light

Lord Adama shares his wisdom and knowledge for Ascension Mastery on the upcoming Wesak Ascension Festival of Lights. Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden is an Integrative Messenger for Lord Adama in his role as High Priest of Telos assisting the Spiritual Ascension of Humanity along with the Agarthan Council of Light of the Christed Inner Earth Cities.


Take deep prana breaths as we create a group Merkabah.  We’re going to travel to the City of Telos and will be meeting up with Lord Adama in Telos.  Our beautiful vibratory Merkabah vehicle filled with the Violet-Pink Flame and crystal light energy travels from the planetary existence into the area of Mount Shasta moving into the mountain.  The vortex opens up to allow us to come and be received by the beautiful Agarthan Beings of Light.

As we come into the Temple, we arrive into the beautiful garden that is on the lower level of the city.  Lord Adama is waiting for us with Lady Galactia.  As we now walk through the beautiful garden, there’s a fountain in the middle and you can see in the distance that there is a waterfall, beautiful trees, flowering plants, greenery, and beautiful buds of different colors.  The vibrancy is so strong that it brings forth that illuminating energy that is representative of the Violet-Pink Flame we are working with for tonight’s journey.

We see that there are many seats in a circular manner around the fountain.  Lord Adama is waiting for us as we find our place.  Take a moment to feel the Divine Energies within the Telosian Garden of Light.


{Divine Language Network Light Encoding}

Greetings my Dearest Ones.  I am Lady Galacticia opening up the energies unto each of you in this moment.  Allow your Heart to spin with the vibratory qualities that you have already shared within yourself.  As each of us in Telos welcomes your hearts within each of ours, I give unto you my beloved Lord Adama.


Alunnah!  Alunnah!  Alunnah!

Greetings!  Thank you so much Lady Mahlariessee for bringing everyone into our beautiful Garden of Light.

I wanted to give my Discourse this evening within our City of Telos as I’d like each of you to feel the beautiful qualities that are here within the Garden to assist each of you to feel the calmness, feel the beauty, opening your Heart, allowing the flow of Divine Energies to come into you and through you, and around you.

It’s a beautiful time.  As we gather together in these energies, all of the community of Telos and the Agarthan Cities are waiting in anticipation for the Wesak energies to arrive.

As with the Full Moon on the 7th of May, the influx of energies will be felt.  If you haven’t already been feeling them, then open up your Heart and allow yourself to know that if you are experiencing any emotions, if you are NOT existing in your world as you usually would, please know it is because each of you are being PREPARED.

The true event is when we gather together in Shamballa on the 9th of May with Walking Terra Christa.  Today is my dedication to them for presenting such a ceremony around the world for people to experience these energies as they are very much a part of the existence of The Brotherhood and Sisterhood of White Light which each of you participate in.

I would like to prepare each of you by allowing your own physical self to open up into any possibility that will occur within your consciousness, within your Heart Center, within your mindset, within your bodily system to put forth the miracle that you desire to have created in your world.  Allow those energies to flow within you to assist you to allow them to become manifested in the physical realm.

My wish is for every soul upon the Earth to be able to experience these energies as we ARE and WILL be.  If we could have every soul take moments such as this and experience the Divine Energies of CHANGE and VIBRATION to come into the full body system, then there would be an upsurge of healing within humanity; allowing for the depth of the energetics of the New Earth to become ever more present in ALL our realities.

As we, in the Agartha Network of the Inner Earth Christed Cities. bring forth unto each of you our blessings, our moment to allow each of you to feel OUR hearts, OUR vibrations, and that we walk with you through this great momentous change.  

When Wesak occurs, throughout the ceremony we’re all sitting on the top of the mountain so to speak.  We are with Lord Buddha; we are with each of the Divine Masters that will be speaking through Mahlariessee’s voice.  Each of THEM is EXTREMELY honored to be able to work in the way that they have been through her essence. I feel the same way. It allows each of us to be centered within HER essence.  HER essence gives to us the ability to have the spiritual communication and the communion of being without a body yet within the body.

This is what we want for each of you for Wesak.  We want you to FEEL the Divine Energies of each of the Masters.  We want you to feel the essence of Shamballa.  We want you to feel the community.  In order to do so, we want each of you to open up your Hearts.  The important part of this process is to not allow ANY condition that you may think about or hold within your consciousness to be that reality.  There is nothing more important for this Ascension Festival than to HOLD the HIGHEST quality of INTENTION within yourself so that you can be MORE to your physical self than you were in the previous moment.

My understanding is that as all our belief systems within the Agarthan Council of Light truly feel that this Wesak will assist humanity.  It will assist humanity to realize that LOVE CAN BE the guiding force through all the damaging energies that are occurring presently.  If we COULD wake up every individual and tell them that is something that they have all gone through before, and not repeat the same mistakes, we would BE right there with them.  But not all will be awakened to these possibilities.

It’s important that each of us and each of you stand tall within these Divine Energies of the Wesak of The Brotherhood and The Sisterhood of White Light with Lord BuddhaThe Office of the Christ, all the Ray Chohans, all the Divine Beings that WILL be presenting themselves.  It means that they are intertwining their energies unto each of YOU to assist you and to help you to realize that we are ALL part of the same energy, we are Oneness.

But not UNTIL we take those breaths, not UNTIL we ALLOW the mental thoughts to dissipate, not UNTIL we allow the emotional reactions to be displaced and to ALLOW the Divine Energy of ‘what is’ in that moment, to BE that moment, and to ALLOW THAT FULL embodiment of ‘what is to be’ for each of us for this planet to come into a higher state of elevation.

That is TRULY what, I, and each of us in Telos and the Agarthan Cities, believe will come to pass because more IS coming to pass.  There are more openings.  The Agarthan Network a few years ago would not even listen to what I had to say about Walking Terra Christa, yet here we ARE gathering together in the beauty and the love right within our beautiful Garden of Light.

I ask you NOW in this moment to feel that blessing, to feel the comradery that is coming to you even though we live in different worlds.  We are not able to live in your world and you are not able to live in our world.  The change has to occur for that to be, but we are here to assist you with this presently.

I, as Lord Adama through Lady Mahlariessee, work diligently to assist each of you to come into a sense of relationship of your Divine Self into your physical self without the ego, allowing your Higher Ego to be ever present.

Be STRONG, be COURAGEOUS, stand UP to adversity, allow your DIVINE TRUTH of your I Am Presence, of your Higher Light Essence, of your Solar Angel to GUIDE you through the many challenges that will occur later.

Wesak is a time of renewal.  It is the time of the communication of love and acceptance to come into each of our hearts so that we blend together into the Oneness that has ALWAYS been intended for us before we came into existence upon this Earth or any other planet and before we came into existence of the Angels.

I ask you to be humble.  

I ask you to allow the sense of humility to come to you through this process. 

Break away the ties that have BOUND you to the dysfunctional Earth. 

Break away those elements that no longer serve you as a spiritual Being of Light. 

FEEL that essence that you ARE, because that is truly where you will HOLD the most Divine Light within you.  It will shine and it will spread to all parts of yourself that are fighting it; by allowing each of us to come together in this way in this moment.

I, as Lord Adama, with the Agarthan Council of Light with all the Dignitaries that are represented here, in Telos, the Capital City, and all of the Crystalline Christed Cities within the Agarthan Inner Earth to SHINE unto each of your hearts.  Please KNOW we walk with you in beauty and in grace.

Yes, we tell you when things are not going RIGHT, we bring to you the TRUTH; ALL because we desire you to see and become who we have been, what we are doing within our cities to allow them to be the Continuation of Light for the New Earth.

We have a very, very long way to go, but this Wesak is CRUCIAL.  So, HOLD on to it as deeply as you can, Become IT, ARRIVE in it, and it shall be yours.

Alunnah, Alunnah, Alunnah.

I am Lord Adama High Priest within the City of Telos.  I thank Lady Galacticia for bringing forth her song and I thank all the Dignitaries for being with us today.

Let us now gather together as we arise.  Take a moment of Breath within the Telosian Garden of Light.  Feel the exquisite joy that is here, knowing that your HEART can be filled as DEEPLY as you DESIRE it to be.

Transcription Services By Carol M.

Audio recordings of the original event of this transcript may be obtained by clicking this link. Please write “May 6, 2020” in the order notes.


TO READ ABOUT THE WESAK FESTIVAL CEREMONY: Wesak is a very important annual event that Walking Terra Christa has hosted every year. Order tickets for the annual Online AUDIO Global 2020 WESAK FESTIVAL CEREMONY that occurs on MAY 9, 2020 at 9:00 AM Pacific time by Walking Terra Christa, CLICK HERE.

Original Material © Copyright 2003-2020 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee* and Rev. Michael Ara. All rights reserved. *formerly spelled “Meleriessee”. Please feel free to post and share this article in full with all links and images including this copyright statement of attribution.

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