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Lord Adama Discourses ~ Accepting Your Own Healing Process to Heal GAIA and Humanity


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos shares his wisdom and knowledge for Ascension Mastery Training.  This discourse helps us to understand how important it is to expand our Consciousness through Higher Vibrational Light and Energies to assist the Earth in her expansion into a 5th Dimensional Reality. The Time is Now and Lord Adama urges everyone to step into their Healing Processes to help Gaia. Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden is an Integrative Channel who works exclusively with Lord Adama of Telos and the Agarthan Council of Light.

Alunnah! Alunnah! Alunnah!

Hello! Hello! Hello Everyone!

It’s good to be back connecting to each of you from my Heart to your Hearts. So, let’s do that presently.

Step into the Heart Center feeling the Divine energies of the Green Golden White Flame and all the flames to come into your Heart Center feeling the compassionate love and breathing through that as I’m speaking.

I want to continue our discussion about the Earth that Lord Ashtar started at our recent Equinox Full Moon gathering. I want everyone to be in the presence of Love as I share this with Love.

As you know the Earth has been in turmoil with many challenges for the last couple of years with the virus and then the vaccinations and whether or not to take them and the discussions within politics, the war effort, everything is coming to the surface.

How does one handle all of this? Only through your Higher Self consciousness.

It is important for each of you realize this. You are here with us; you are doing this work.

Do you know why you’re doing this work?

What is the reason for you of actually being part of these energies, listening to the meditations?

What is it within yourself that you want to change?

Because as you change, it is going to create everything around you to be experienced in a much more positive way.

There is a lot of misconception among the Lightworker Community where they think we are already in the 5th dimension. And I’m sure each of you here today realize that that is very untrue otherwise why would you be affected by lower energies.

Why would you have to protect yourself so much? Why would you have to be concerned about anything that you’re doing within the outside world if the Upper Earth was experiencing 5th dimensional energies?

This process is very much on the downside of what is occurring for the Earth, and I speak this with grave concern as the High Priest of Telos and the spokesperson for the Agartha Network. We are all in agreement and we want to share our views with each of you because we feel that it is time.

The world is coming into a state of imbalance, and it is necessary for every individual soul, first and foremost, to do as much as they can within themselves.

We are very grateful for those of you that are here and being part of these energies. We’ve lost a few people this year that have decided to do other things or feel that this work was maybe too difficult. too challenging, and they didn’t want to step any further into it, that they wanted more of the 3rd dimensional life or being with their friends that are not doing this work.

I share this with grave concern for each of you to really come from your own Heart Essence to feel it deeply within yourself and to realize the potential that we may be facing in future years. I say in future years because it’s not prevalent presently, but we have to be prepared that the Earth will not be able to exist on the level that we would like it to; so we will need to transform our energies to a higher plane of existence of the 5th dimensional Earth.

But it can’t be as easy as what you’re experiencing in these meditations of just going to a vortex and you arrive.

You’re journeying into these Golden Etheric Cities going through your challenges as these Masters of the cities are assisting you with those challenges to change the mindset that is within your consciousness to help you really accept your reality on a different level than you are presently. I’m sure after each visit you feel this, but how well do you ground it?

This is something for you to ask of yourself. I’m not questioning you. I want every person to question themselves. How well are you handling your Higher Consciousness to be part of their physical consciousness?

We know that Ascension Mastery represents the ladder of Higher Consciousness.

It’s planetary ascension allowing those Lightforms to come into the physical body so that you can walk with them. So, those Seven Initiations represent the walks into the doorways of accessing those energies through the four-body system and so that the Higher Realms of Light to be part of your reality. But having your Lower Mind be more prevalent, your Lower Ego, does not mean that you will be able to achieve Ascension Mastery. So, I believe that a lot of lightworkers think they are already doing this.

But until everyone realizes the potential within themselves to fully transcend the lower forms of energy within the chakras, within the four-body system that the New Earth cannot occur in its present form. It can occur in a higher existence but that means for each of you that desires to be on that higher existence you must work harder for yourself.

You are living in a planet of duality which is facing you every day. There are mirrors looking at you, they are breaking or cracking or just looking at you. That is why it is so very important to realize the potential that you are creating within your own four-body (physical-etheric (chakras)-emotional-mental) system. As each of you goes through these transitions, and I know they are not easy, it’s important to remove the self-doubt, the lower chit-chat within your mind that you’re not good enough, that you cannot achieve a higher level of acceptance, for you to realize the potential that you can be. Always command that energy within your consciousness that you will stand up to all that is occurring around you.

You are in the face of many difficulties upon this Earth, but it is important that we realize that each of us has chosen this before we came into body. Of course, my memory of that is very slight as it was many hundreds of years ago. For each of you it is much quicker, but it doesn’t mean that you’re not going to remember it. You have awakened within these energies and it’s important to realize the potential that you can be to yourself. This means changing your Cellular Structure, it means changing the way that your body works and bringing it into a higher existence.

As you change, you can change others around you especially those in close proximity to you, someone that you’re living with, your children. As you bring forth these changes within yourself, you can walk differently than you ever have before. But it takes great diligence, it takes practice, it takes the ability to see within yourself that this is a positive change for you, and that you are truly desiring to keep going through those doorways to have that ability within yourself to say.

“I look back to see who I was and now I’m a completely different person, a better person for myself. I think differently, I feel differently. I experience life differently. My thoughts have changed. I’m no longer judgmental, I’m no longer argumentative. I accept it when someone does not believe in what I do and accept what they do. That is their choice.”

So, these are all the elements that we’ve been teaching you for a 5th dimensional way of existence. It cannot be done overnight but you have to work hard upon it, because I am telling you in another decade if we don’t work harder and be better to each other on the Upper Earth, then the Earth is not going to exist.

Look at what’s happened this summer with the fires in the west, the storms in the east, and volcanoes in other parts of the world going through great cataclysmic events that are just so very devastating to the Heart. We don’t want this but what we do want is that we want more and more individuals to be able to look at themselves and say, “Yes, I believe in the Rays of God. I incorporate those Rays of God within me. I become those flames. My chakras are expanding into the Cosmic Level.”

This is why Mahlariessee has been teaching this for the last decade or more to assist, to do what she has done to incorporate those energies within your chakras. Doing this so that you can no longer see the chakra color on its own, it is blending with the ray energies. It’s not just the process of blending the colors; it’s learning the aspects of those rays and really ingesting them, not through wishful thinking but really commanding within yourself that you have become the Blue Flame of the Will of God with the Strength. You feel the freedom of that, you feel the movement of those energies. You have become the Pink Flame with the Divine Mother God of learning to create with the essence of love in all those aspects that we continually teach. It’s not just there to learn about the rays. It’s there to incorporate the ray energies.

So, at this Equinox, as you have heard, those Seven Flames are coming more strongly into the Earth, and you may already be feeling that Equinox energy as it occurred yesterday and it’s going to continue for the next three months until the Solstice. So, take advantage of it, become more of those flames, become more of that essence.

I don’t want to be bearer of bad news in saying, “Well, the Earth is not going to make it.” The more that you incorporate these rays the more it’s going to assist others that you are in contact with. Our hope is to get it to as many people as possible as Reverend Ara is working on a project presently to certify people to do this ray energy and listening to the meditations in a group format. I applaud both Ara and Mahlariessee for what they are doing because it is a lot to handle being on the Upper Earth. If they weren’t so important up here, I would be bringing them into Telos presently, because they have achieved all that I am asking of each of you and more. I’m not saying you have to acquire it to the level that they are, but to become the ray energies at the level that you are incorporating in your Best Self, the self that you don’t even know yet.

This is how we are going to heal the Earth.

The ones that will not allow themselves to heal will become very ill and will cause aggression and animosity in all their energies. Notice around you, are people acting differently than they were before?

This is imperative. I don’t want to see in another decade so many souls purging themselves and the Earth erupting in a place that is similar to what happened with Lemuria and Atlantis. So, I send my Heart Energies out to you.

We need each of you to be diligent and I feel that those of you that are here are diligent, but we also need others. And those others are not for you to preach to but for you to incorporate and for us to re-energize all that has happened with these Columns of Light.

Mahlariessee today worked on the fire that has erupted near Redding, California (Fawn Fire) which isn’t far away from them. She saw a picture, so she worked on bringing those Ascension Light Columns right into the fire. Hopefully that will help.

This is what we need for each of you to do in your spaces around the world. The Earth is in trouble. It is not flourishing so we need to come together. I myself standing for the Agarthan Council, they also want to assist as much as possible which is a new process for them. It has not happened previously. So, it means that this group is showing the Agarthans what can be done and I’m proud of every one of you of what you are doing.

I know this process is not easy, but if you’re going to get upset about it, you’re going to place yourself into victimhood, or being a martyr and that is not going to assist your process as a soul.

And I am here to help, I am here to help with these energies to assist as many people as possible, because the other element that is happening is the Dark Side is trying to take over. We already know the duality that is going on with the vaccinations and the virus. Whether you were vaccinated or not does not matter.

What does matter is to look at your spirituality, to look at your connection to your God Source, to look at your own spiritual self. This is what’s going to heal everyone whether they’ve been vaccinated or not, to safeguard yourself, to raise your immune system, because there may be other strains. This is not the end of it. It is all part of the Dark Forces to bring this forth. You can’t get mad at it because that’s not going to help.

You have to empower yourself with the Will of God to bring forth those Divine aspects of that Blue Flame, the Divine aspects of the Pink Flame and all the other flames. Those Masters, the Elohim Masters, and the Archangels are there to assist you to be stronger. You may have your moments and I cannot blame you. You have come to the Earth in a most grueling time, but I believe we have all been through it before.

Let us help each other to become better, to become more aware of what is happening instead of having blinders on.

This is why I give forth this discourse, not to get you upset, but to prepare you. You’re all Warriors of Light and I know that you can stand strong. I know you can make these changes within yourself, because I have faith in each of you that you are here for a reason, that you are here to give to this Earth what it is that your Higher Self desires, your I Am Presence, your God Source of Light and that is the blessing.

I thank you for being here, I thank you for being a Warrior of Light, I thank you for allowing me to speak as I am because it is our truth, our understanding from the technology that we have, and looking and going forward. Until we bring more light into the planet physically, which is required of humans of walking with that light, then we are not going to be able to change the mineral kingdoms, the animal kingdoms, the planetary life, and the core of the Earth.

So, let us rally around together and learn more about ourselves so that we can be better and more accomplished and have a planetary system of what we all desire to experience. We in the Inner Earth would like to be up on the Upper Earth and I’m sure you want to be in the Inner Earth.

Let us continue our journey together. I want to give you confidence, I want to give you Love, I want to give you the ability to persevere, to be strong, and to know that when you have those moments of emotional charges let them out of yourself. You are a beautiful species so let us all work together to create a better Earth, Terra Christa, as we have deemed it to be possible.

Thank you. I am Lord Adama with the Agarthan Council of Light.

Alunnah! Alunnah! Alunnah!

To further help individuals heal within their spiritual essence and filter healthier frequencies into the mental/emotional/etheric light bodies (subtle energy body structures), last year we created a special meditation [SPIRITUAL CLEANSING FOR HEALTH AND HEALING] to assist in realignment from the disruptive energetics of the Global Pandemic.
This Journey Meditation is now ON SALE at this link.

We also have more free Meditations that help connect to the Solar Angel and the Entranceway of Light of the Solar Frequency. If you enjoy the events and meditations we create, please tell others about us and subscribe and follow us. Donations are also needed and appreciated by using our website menu.  (These Meditations are available by clicking here.)

*Ascension Mastery is the realized form of manifesting Ascension Frequencies where your vibratory rate actually increases over time due to the in-depth training (not the intellectual pursuit or study) and the acquiring of a higher Spiritual Essence. Everyone on Earth is already part of God’s Light and Love but that does not mean they as individuals (or collectively) are Ascending, or that Ascension is happening to them. Earth is at a cross roads of Spiritual Awakening to step into Ascension, but without each person taking on an individual personal life responsibility to change their lives into practicing actual Ascension energies there can be no real shift in frequency. Ascension as a concept, belief or a mystery to be revealed is akin to a mere informational level desired by the mental intellect and does not create the authentic higher Ascension Octave of Light and Love required for a New Earth to be created. Our mission as an Academy is to bring forth that actual level of higher love and light for you to learn to feel and acquire them. It is a process that will take any initiate/lightworker many years (even decades) to achieve just as it did for the Ascended Masters themselves. You may order our very powerful SPIRITUAL HEALING meditation as a great way to start using targeted meditations that go beyond what is typically used.  We also have the previously released SEVEN FREE CLASSES to help during these challenging times to assist in your Ascension Spirituality (visit to access).

ASCEND EARTH ~ CREATE HEALING LIGHT FOR GAIA – Join this free Global Project by Walking Terra Christa to help bring more healing light to the planet and humanity by creating Ascension Columns around the Earth with the assistance of the Unified Whole Galactic and Agartha Alliance.

Original Material © Copyright 2003-2021 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee* Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden. All rights reserved. *formerly spelled “Meleriessee”. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS CONTENT FREELY IN COMPLETE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS WITH THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!

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