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Photo Wesak2019 - Reverends Mahlariessee and Ara of Walking Terra Christa
Reverend Master Ara and Reverend Lady Master Mahlariessee


The development of a “full consciousness” means stepping out of mass consciousness and seeing life and every situation through the lens of God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Mighty I AM Presence and the inner plane Ascended Masters!
– Dr. Joshua David Stone

There is indeed more to attain as a Spiritual person! We already know that mass consciousness pervades everything in our world. It is not by mistake! It does not want you to advance into becoming more! All around us it is obvious that humanity is in turmoil, yet how do you as a person fit in with that? How do you RISE ABOVE the strong pull of the collective will of those who desire you to do what they do? For centuries religions have taught that having FAITH IN GOD is essential! What they have not taught is that YOU are the LIGHT and LOVE of GOD! Your DIVINE BIRTH RIGHT is not restricted! But if you are the LIGHT and LOVE of GOD, and if every other human is also, WHY are there so many LOWER DYSFUNCTIONAL ENERGIES upon Earth? SIMPLE: You must cultivate and develop that LIGHT and LOVE so that your FAITH shifts from a reliance on some outer heavenly figure to a DIRECT FAITH IN YOUR OWN DIVINE WILL, POWER and LOVE! You must REFINE it so that it becomes WHO YOU ARE FULLY and no longer occurs in just tiny increments! As EACH SOUL in a living body DEVELOPS THEIR GOD SELF, the lower dysfunction of separative ego actions and behaviors fall away!

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Assisting YOU to become a FULLY INTEGRATED ASCENDED MASTER is the ONLY teaching instruction we offer! Lady Master Christine Mahlariessee achieved her own Ascension in the 1990’s. Dr. Joshua David Stone recognized this and Ordained her through his Melchizedek Light Synthesis Academy!

Having well over THIRTY YEARS of direct personal immersion in Ascension Mastery, Lady Mahlariessee is EXTREMELY unique. Her teachings bring in something that even Master Joshua did not have the ability to create: TEACHING THROUGH THE FREQUENCY VIBRATION OF HIGHER LIGHT RADIANCE! This brings forth the harmonious radiant frequencies of the ASCENDED MASTER STATE OF CONSCIOUSNESS which is a necessary component to experience accurate FIFTH DIMENSIONAL energy! In addition, she is a FULLY INTEGRATIVE CHANNEL of the SPIRITUAL HIERARCHY and of the ASCENDED MASTERS!

There are perhaps many 1000’s of individuals who publicly channel information about the New Age. That is a lot of information that Lightworkers find themselves inundated with having to sort through! In our extensive experience, channeling is a GOD GIVEN ABILITY that everyone can access, some very easily! In all channeling there is a frequency attenuation that is required.

Yet, and this is so important to know if one is truly focused on achieving Ascended Master status in this lifetime: one cannot attenuate themselves at level of frequency they have not yet attained themselves!

This is why there are so many CONFLICTING MESSAGES within the New Age community! This is why there are so many FALSE PREDICTIONS and MISLEADING INFORMATION being channeled! At Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery we only bring forth the highest form of pure and accurate instruction from the Ascended Christed Beings!



Our Spiritual instruction consists of the Integrated Teachings of both Reverend Master Christine Mahlariessee and Reverend Master Michael Ara. In 2014 Lady Mahlariessee Ordained Master Michael Ara as a recognition of his Ascension status. Upon first meeting her in person in 2010, he energetically began the training process of transcending from being a Lightworker (as he thought of himself then) into an INITIATE. On the very important day of 11/11/2011 he consciously accepted his contract to leave his former level of consciousness and self identification behind to actively pursue Ascension Mastery through her guidance. He went from being a Lightworker to Becoming an INITIATE! This required an entirely different spiritual level of action!

Fortunately by 2010 he had come to a point where he allowed himself to see the deeper truth of his own soul’s pathway: that being a Lightworker, that being among the “awake and aware” was the mere entryway toward learning true higher vibration and raising one’s frequency as a person! He also was humble enough to accept he had needed to traverse the many years of being a Lightworker and exhausting all other New Age paths to discover the real power of HIGHER SPIRITUAL CONNECTION! It was the only way he would ever have come to accept his true higher self purpose, a level of “awareness” and “awake” that he never could have imagined! (In the 15 years before 2010, Michael had written articles for’s Beacons of Light and other online sources, had helped organize New age Health and Wellness Expo’s and other events, had traveled multiple times to see Kryon, Steve Rother, Gregg Braden, Bruce Lipton, and many other New Age authors and speakers, including those in personal development. Since the early 1990’s he read many of the books that are very well known to the New Age community, and spent 1000’s of hours over the years on intensive reading of almost all subject matter it had to offer, including almost every “hidden” doctrine or theory that is currently considered “new” to those who first discover them.  After many years his revelations finally came to a grand “ah-ah” awakening that the importance gained from New Age discoveries was so necessary, but also so limited in terms of what a soul could really attain. His personal revelation was that the many decades that contributed to our New Age understandings are indeed powerful in intellectual knowledge, yet they ultimately have so little to do with the development of a “Full Consciousness” in terms of Ascension Mastery of the Higher Revelations that the Soul has for each of us).


WHY? Because we also have seen EARTH TRAGEDY and TURMOIL increase dramatically over the past DECADE! Remember back when everyone thought that the year 2000 would create the Golden New Age, almost all Lightworkers felt the call of the words “The Time IS Now”! And a renewed Clarion Call occurred all over again 12 years later with December 21st of 2012! They all stepped forward to be those “Workers for the Light”!

The GREAT AWAKENING was so necessary! Yet we now know the bigger TRUTH is that all that was JUST THE BEGINNING of what “awareness” actually meant!


Fully Integrated Ascension Mastery IS NOT Ascension! Millions, if not Billions, of people practice MEDITATION and PRAYER. In each meditative moment of attaining a significant peaceful state of being, that person has ASCENDED their CONSCIOUSNESS out of mass consciousness! 

Integrated Ascension Mastery is VERY DIFFERENT. It requires that a person develop the ability to HOLD the ASCENDED STATE OF CONSCIOUSNESS within their DAILY CONSCIOUSNESS of living life, and that means the HIGHER FREQUENCIES must have become part of their MENTAL and EMOTIONAL CONSCIOUSNESS to that same significant level. It is indeed the process of literally Raising the Conscious Vibration out of the lower ego consciousness into a state of being at One With All Life, but it is GROUNDING that Higher CONSCIOUSNESS (Higher Self using the I AM PRESENCE) into the FULL BODY STRUCTURE so that it is an everyday state of being that is fully integrated energetically into a person’s daily life. Many have heard the term “Fifth Dimension” in reference to Raising Vibration to such a level because at that level there is no longer the inability to “rise above” the lower thought/emotion/action dynamic of hate, control, jealousy, despair, victimization, and all other lower forms of expression, most especially including fear.

Learning how to incorporate “Ascension Mastery” means that a person has developed the ability to literally “rise” above the many levels of consciousness that are intertwined within human life that result in destructive harm. Since it is a true grounding of the higher frequencies through the full body structure, which encompasses the mental, the emotional, the physical and the non-physical energetic (etheric) structure of the human life form, it is not simply a desire to be in Oneness, nor is it having a delusional state of mind that thinks itself is in Oneness, it is actually walking upon the earth in Oneness, interacting in great honorability and respect with the self and with others in everything one thinks, feels and does.

Ascension Mastery is the greatest CHALLENGE facing humanity right now because most everyone is distractedly focused instead on CHANGING OTHERS to become “better” and fix the Earth. Such an “outward focused solution” is so predominant today due to the many falsehoods and entrapment’s that are found in social media groups that provide simple easy answers to the worlds problems by pointing away from themselves to others. Ascension is anything but simple or easy, and yet, it is the only time tested spiritual pathway that creates the ability for an individual to gain a real perspective on living a life in higher truth and awareness.

Once a person achieves Ascension Consciousness, they no longer feel intricately defined or entrapped by the lower ego desires that had them being attracted to, intertwined by, or motivated from, the emotions or thoughts of competition, envy, hate, fear or any feelings that others control them or abuse them. Instead they gain Spiritual Wisdom, which is to know fully what it means to be a child of God and hold within them the same Divine Essence as God.

At the same time, an individual who has Ascended in their Consciousness will still know and experience remnants of the desires, thoughts and feelings of that lower ego. The difference is an Ascended Soul, as a personality and individual, has gained the ability to transcend those lower frequencies and retain the God Consciousness.

To accomplish Ascension Mastery a person must go through a major SHIFT in CONSCIOUSNESS that can only be done by actually facing each of those lower ego aspects or elements within themselves that keep human consciousness in a continual condition of separation from each other.

Ascension Mastery is the next step of HUMAN EVOLUTION and many beautiful and gifted souls have incarnated upon Earth at this crucial time to make it possible – if they don’t get LOST in the old earth energies of the ego desire toward controlling and changing others – and instead take on the much more difficult task of changing WHO THEY ARE within themselves, and allow others to do the same.

An easy way to relate the main dynamic of experiencing accurate Ascension Mastery teaching physically is to consider how the body adjusts to a gradual change in the external temperature during a seasonal shift. If the temperature outside suddenly changes drastically from warm to cold, the body is quite aware of the experience. This is not at all the case with a gradual temperature increase or decrease over time where the body goes through such incremental changes that it does not really feel any negative effect from the change. In the case of subtle outside weather changes, the baseline temperature of comfort also gradually adapts, such that in the summer months a person feels comfortable at the exact same degree they then feel uncomfortable with in the wintertime. It is a very relative experience.

Ascension energies, in terms of how it feels physically, are very similar to a slow progression of gradual change in temperature. Ascension is not easily noticeable physically until it has been a constant part of your life for several years. (Of course there are always exceptions as individual situations do vary. It actually also depends on a person’s own soul’s history of the lifetimes they have had as a soul, as one individual may feel the effects of Ascension much sooner than another, or it maybe much later and take many more years for others.)

Once an individual has raised their LIGHT QUOTIENT through many years of practicing Ascension Mastery, then the dynamic of how it affects a person shifts quite dramatically from the subtle differences they could almost not feel into a more forceful and noticeable energy that is quite undeniable. After becoming more adept with Ascension Frequencies, it becomes more of the sensation of moving from being outside in very cold weather into a warm dwelling where the cold feelings quickly dissipate. As an individual utilizes the practices they have acquired within Ascension Mastery, they are then able to notice that lower energies are present and have the ability to restore their energies to a higher vibrational status.

Notice we describe Ascension Mastery as gaining the ability to “notice” the lower energies and restore higher ones through the use of real Ascension practices. Ascension Mastery is not magical. This is a crucial understanding. It is a very real ability and rate of energetic vibration that is acquired through years of dedicated study and practice. Yet, it is a lifelong practice that requires constant grounding. Like any other human practice, it must be practiced daily or several times weekly. If it is not, whatever level of skill one had acquired in their practice will then begin to diminish over time.

This emphasizes why real Ascension Mastery practice is not widely in use by the human population. First, there is no immediate identifiable positive feedback in reference to the physical“feeling” that has a person “naturally” desiring more. Second, to maintain any progress, a person must keep up the practice or they may easily lose the advances they have gained. Hence: Ascension Mastery requires more Personal Dedication and Discipline than almost any human activity. 

And that is not all, as the challenge to the Ascension Mastery learning process is not limited to only the subtleties of shifting the energetics within bodily sensations, but more importantly: Ascension Mastery imperceptibly shifts and excels the INITIATE of Ascension to subtly change mentally in their thought process and in their emotional reactive self conditioning. As the lower ego dysfunctional thoughts and feelings decrease, one naturally will become more balanced and cohesive such that they are able to increase their LIGHT QUOTIENT.

Emotionally the INITIATE of Integrated Ascension study develops the ability to perceive drama and reactions to it in a perception that illuminates to them the real underlying dynamic. They learn to not be so reactive and upset. Mentally the INITIATE discovers that they are able to comprehend anew the ways their mental mind formerly restricted and limited their thinking. In this way the INITIATE does indeed experience a type of self enlightenment that is incomprehensible to who they were before they stepped into accurate Ascension Mastery teachings.

Ascended Masters are souls who have attained the status of becoming Ascended and have asked for, and received the authority from the Spiritual Hierarchy, to teach the process of Ascension Mastery to others. Traditionally in many religions, especially Christianity, only Saints are associated with the status of attaining Ascension. However, the study and practice of Ascension Mastery is not limited to any specific religious practice. In fact, Ascension Mastery holds the perspective that all of Humanity is indeed “equal” and that each person is entitled to attain Ascension. It is a practice that actually embraces “Oneness” for all.

The Ascended Masters are a large group of souls that have evolved beyond the need to reincarnate, have balanced (or healed) their individual and group Karma, and stepped forward to assist other souls to do the same as they have done. There are many of them that have Ascended, and all of their names are not even known.

However, within the framework of Ascension Study, the more well known of these Spiritual Leaders for Humanity are Lord Saint Germain (the Maha Chohan of the 22 Rays of God), Lord Melchizedek (the “Father” of Ascension study “Initiations”), Lord Sanat Kumara (creator fo the Great White Brother/Sisterhood), Lord Sananda (the higher self of Yeshua, an historical person incorrectly labeled “Jesus” by the third century Romans in a secular religious context which included embellished aspects), Lord Ashtar (now as Lord Ashtar and not under any other name or relationship), and Lady Master Portia, Lady Master Nada, Lady Master Mother Mary, Master El Morya, Master Djwhal Khul, Master Paul the Venetian, Master Serapis Bey. This is a mere partial listing as many Hindu, Buddhist and other Masters (including Lord Buddha) are among the Ascended Masters. In addition, many members of the Spiritual Hierarchy have devoted themselves to assist humanity along side of the Ascended Masters such as many Angels and Archangels, the Elohim Masters, the Elders that Surround the Throne of Grace, plus the individual entities known as the Great Central Sun’s of which the Cosmic Great Central Sun is Divine Mother Father God.

While many of these Great Beings are now in Spirit form, having once walked in third dimensional physical incarnations upon the earth, their also exists individuals who choose to incarnate into real Fifth Dimensional life streams in what is called the “Inner Earth” or “Hollow Earth” upon our planet, or incarnate upon other planets. These are real physical individuals who live as Ascended Beings at a higher rate of frequency than humanity (a frequency that most all of humanity cannot perceive in their un-ascended state of consciousness).

Lord Adama is an Ascended Master inhabiting the inner earth city of Telos within the Agartha Network (a collective of crystalline cities that vibrate at the Fifth Dimensional level across the circumference of the inner earth). Lord Ashtar (of the Ashtar Command) is one of the Ascended Masters who has chosen to physically assist inhabitants of planets that are evolving into higher consciousness. Over hundreds of years he has created a vast higher dimensional fleet of millions of ascended beings which he is in charge of directing. (As a point of fact, he does not permit any of them to make contact with humanity even in the form of telepathy or channeling as that is uniquely his role with Lord Sananda to insure human free will without entrapment or manipulation. Many souls are easily manipulated into not seeking authentic Ascension practices as is found in many who claim to receive messages regarding his fleet or commanders. His beloved is not a lady commander in the fleet nor does anyone else of authority in his fleet share his name in any form. Please know that all such messages are an infiltration designed to sabotage the “Christed” expansion of human consciousness.)

All these great Beings are now existing within a collective partnership (of Oneness) that goes beyond the Great White Brother/Sisterhood due to the insistence of a being known as Master Thoth (or Hermes Trismegistus) who foresaw that Humanity and Earth would need even more assistance to achieve Ascension.

His Wisdom created the UNIFIED WHOLE COMMAND which includes the individual once incarnated as Albert Einstein, and the person that Ascension teachings name as the Great Divine Director. Together they oversee the greatest force of assistance that humanity has ever known, called the UNIFIED WHOLE OF ONENESS. This is a HIGHER FREQUENCY OCTAVE of VIBRATION that brings forth the ability for any human to rectify their KARMA without having to reincarnate within the wheel of Rebirth.

Many awakened individuals have incarnated upon Earth. Consciously awakening to the many societal problems on Earth is the most recognizable form of being “awake and aware”. The shock of learning the truth of how society operates at the hidden levels is in reality just that: an awareness, a revelation. But most all awake and aware individuals will then follow that “revelation” into a path of rebellion, retribution and rectifying the wrongs. Very few will see that such an awareness actually has the great potential to lead one into the actual higher spiritual form of being awakened as a living soul. That potential is to “change from within”, and “rise above” the turmoil and separation created by conflict and hate, not to perpetuate it.

Higher Spiritual Law exists. Yet in a physical world, most all individuals who do become awake and aware then get lost in the need to act out and make a difference, make a change. In our current dimension, according to the UNIVERSAL LAWS, such actions only create more Karma that will need to be healed collectively and individually.

So what else can we do as souls when faced with such wrongs and injustices? We can learn to ASCEND our Consciousness so that we do not keep creating more KARMA. This means Ascension Mastery is not only important, it is crucially vital. And that makes the practice of Ascension Mastery a very serious life endeavor. It is not for those who desire easy answers and quick fixes. It is for those that not only recognize they are here to CHANGE life on EARTH, but that they can do so using energies that are attuned to the HIGHEST SPIRITUAL force. CHANGE that is then MANIFESTED through their own INDIVIDUAL LIGHT AND LOVE QUOTIENT: the CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS.

The term “Christ” dates back in written form to ancient Greece more than 500 years prior to “Christianity”. It actually is the term “Chrestos” used to describe a way of being of “the one who seeks the Truth” (the Christos) through self sacrifice of the artificial self in favor of deep self awareness of the true authentic self which is the “Divine Self” – that of seeking and attaining the “appearance of God within”.

Ascension Mastery teachings are in alignment with the core tenants of all mainstream religions (including Christianity) which seek to instill respect, honorability, and sacredness of the Divine into human consciousness. “Christ Consciousness” therefor is not associated to simply one person or one religion, but to all beings in the cosmos that have attained an ascended status of “Oneness Consciousness” of always holding the required and necessary higher frequency of light/love QUOTIENT of the Divine Self permanently in their actual life forms, or if no longer in a body, in their eternal soul consciousness.

Traditional methods of “book” or “school” learning are for the mind and intellect. For eons of time, those forms of “teaching” have been successful in “programing” individuals to uphold the dominance of the “mental intellect”, which has warped human civilization into being overly masculine in frequency and actions.

After thousands of years of such a perspective the human mind is highly conditioned to desire only this form of learning, such that it prioritizes and seeks “informational” learning as the only valid way to learn. This is a falsehood yet it also makes it very challenging to step into a new pathway of learning.

Ascension cannot be mastered using the mental mind. In fact, reliance upon interpreting everything through the perspective of the the mental mind (the Who, What, Where, Why, How and When) is the main obstacle that every INITIATE will face when “studying” Ascension Mastery. (Another level of “challenge” that is quite daunting to every INITIATE in some form or another).

If anything, learning “how” to Ascend means “unlearning” the mental constructs that “lock” you into living life using your lower ego. We can’t “teach” the ego to surrender using the same methods that helped create it. Therefore, we do not offer a format of “traditional schooling” of text books, syllabus’s and written lessons.

The EMOTIONAL SELF is the feeling self. It “learns” through frequency, so our main emphasis is to expose INITIATES to HIGHER RATES of FREQUENCY VIBRATION that they do not normally experience in everyday life. Every class we offer does include a discourse to help the INITIATE incorporate the ENERGETIC FREQUENCIES being transmitted and gain a context for how they can advance in their Ascension process. However, in most instances, the understandings given are beyond the mental mind’s ability to comprehend what is shared. Instead, we teach using EXPERIENTIAL learning so an INITIATE can always focus on BUILDING the CRYSTALLINE LIGHT BODY using the 22 RAYS OF GOD.

“Unlearning” is not limited to what you know from your childhood and schooling, or from your parents and their culture. The “You” that you are is a multi-dimensional complex soul that has lived many lifetimes. You “have learned” much more than this lifetime taught you. Remember, no soul on Earth was incarnated here originally. This solar system of our Great Central Sun is not a “primary” source of life. So all souls upon Earth also have lived as Starseeds elsewhere in lives of many varied third and fourth dimensional realities. Those many lives contributed immensely toward being granted the permission to incarnate upon Earth to resolve the negative Karma created in those existences.

And, almost all of those lifetimes were also overly dominated by, and designed to reinforce, masculine mental actions and behaviors. So you must also “unlearn” almost everything your “soul” used in those prior lifetimes that created dominance and success when living life in a material physical reality. The most challenging part is no longer relying on the attitudes, thought forms, and masculine traits that no longer assist in moving forward as a soul.

Our main goal in teaching Ascension Mastery is to work with the many Ascended Masters to help you gain the same perspective that they have gained. We offer many types of classes, but they all focus on bringing forth the ENERGETIC FREQUENCY from the HIGHER REALM of LOVE/LIGHT that most everyone on Earth is unable to access on their own. This makes what we do highly unique even though there are thousands of channels and teachings that seem similar to any person who can’t tell the difference.

All of our classes can more accurately be labeled as “Experiential Vibration Journey Meditations” where we immerse each participant into personally experiencing these higher frequencies continually. The vibratory effect is essential to allow the full body structure to acclimate to the higher levels of Radiance from the Ascended Masters and Spiritual Hierarchy.

Such exposure is only half the equation of Ascension however, as each person who takes on the goal of becoming more than they ever have in human form must personally be willing to face and heal almost every lower ego characteristics within themselves. Doing so accurately enough to make progress is therefore more about taking upon oneself a WAY OF BEING and LIVING life as the proper study of Ascension Mastery is not a quick fix course that magically transforms who you are being. Above all, Ascension Mastery study requires an intense and indomitable WILL, extreme PATIENCE and the utmost personal COMPASSION for the self. This is because ones life now becomes firmly focused on the desired attainment of growth for the spiritual self and no longer only upon establishing the traditional ego accomplishments of a physical life of outer recognition from others. Spiritual and Physical self awareness is a most important part of Ascension Mastery, and since most humans have not learned how to have such awareness imbued with themselves, this is a stage of learning that in itself takes years.

Consider the worldwide usage of the word combination “light and love” or “love and light” among those who feel intrinsically and deeply drawn to the notion that humanity can evolve into a higher status of being. These words are most often always intertwined and connected. The fact that individuals from all races and all languages are drawn so strongly to their “meaning” indicates they are statements of a global phenomena that many are awakening into accepting in their own consciousness as a precept or ideal to live by.

Spiritually it has deep meaning as a beacon of greater alignment to something better in the potential of human consciousness. It demonstrates that certain members of humanity are receiving the “wake up” call in their individual consciousness to align to these words as a way of living. While many are not yet aware of how to respond directly and accurately to that clarion call, it literally is an awareness that is telling them “there is more”.

The “22 Rays of God” are literally a defined spectrum from the broader category of Cosmic Rays. Cosmic Rays originate from the central core of our Galaxy and from outside our Galaxy. (Scientist are still working on how to classify them and their origins).  Within Ascension Mastery understandings, the “Rays” or “Flames” are viewed as “spiritual” phenomena and not as scientific, yet within that understanding the properties of the “Flames” are very specific and considered accurate and real as they are given to sentient beings from the God essence of Divine Mother Father God.

These rays or flames are FREQUENCIES OF VIBRATION and they must be grounded within a person in order to have any effect on transforming an individuals consciousness. As the the original experts on the 22 Rays of God we are the only Ascension Mastery source that is teaching Ascension using the full scope of these frequencies.

Starting around the year 2012, the first Seven of these Rays (Flames) began a process of becoming grounded into the planet from the Cosmic level. This was unprecedented in human history, and did not ever occur previously. As of 2021, all Seven Flames are grounded in Mother Earth’s essence, but they are not yet grounded into human consciousness.

When we use the word “grounding” we do not mean the simple action of walking on the ground in your bare feet. In terms of “Ascension” the grounding process does not occur through meditation or positivity thinking.

It is actually quite complicated, and the reason that Master Joshua Stone first termed Integrated Ascension Mastery as being “a science”. It is a very real “process” that requires specific conditions to be met for it to take place.

As a way of understanding, it is very important to reiterate that everyone who meditates, and/or anyone who is able to achieve a deep state of being in prayer, significantly enough to feel their higher connection to God, has indeed already accomplished “ascension”! And it is also very important to know that such a state of being does indeed require a change in their vibration and energetic frequency, especially within the brain waves and mental wavelengths. This is why so many new age products that offer digital meditations of music or sounds using specific hertz wavelengths are so popular. This is also why so many newly awakened individuals seek out mindfulness training. Instinctively, many souls realize that “ascension” is very important!

Yet, as a science, Integrated Ascension Mastery is about the transformation of the main four energy bodies of light, not just the mind’s frequency. It is literally the “integration” of the ascension frequency into all parts of the mind-body-spirit dynamic, which consists of not just the mental frequencies, but the emotional frequencies and the physical frequencies. But there is even more, and the “more” is a key component!

Most everyone reading these words knows they are “not just a human”. They know they are also a “spirit” in a physical body! Unfortunately the deeper truth within that understanding has been reduced to a mere phrase that seems to suggest far more than anyone really knows. The deeper truth is something most do not know, not really. So here it is:

When you “step into human incarnation”, (that is, at your birth) you also step into your etheric energy body. This is not your “spirit”. Your spirit is who you are before you are born, that is also called your Soul. You are a Soul that is eternal and immutable. But that has little to do with physical incarnation, because when you physically (materially) incarnate, you enter into a form of reality (dimension) that requires you to forget that you are a Soul (a Higher Being of Light). If you did not forget, the immensity of no longer having instantaneous access to unlimited and unbounded potentiality (creation) would be literally unbearable and intolerable. Hence the need to have the veil of incarnation in place (specifically in denser incarnations like the 3d of earth).

Everyone, especially in the new age / new age science fiction genres, like to emphasize the importance of the DNA of the Holy Grail, or of the sacred bloodline of Christ, as being the “secret” or “hidden” truth that the churches don’t want revealed. This concept is almost universally accepted among the new age community. It assumes a very basic understanding of genetics that is only physical, and therefore is something that can only be passed down from a parent to child. Well if you already know you are a “spirit that incarnates” why would you then limit yourself to what is in (or is not in) your DNA as “given” to you by your parents? The truth is your physical DNA, the one that the geneticist thinks it knows about, is just that, it is indeed about your hair color, eye color etc. It is not directly about your “spirit”.

However, when your “spirit” incarnates into a physical vehicle (human life), while it does take on the traits of that vehicles genetic makeup, you also retain your individuality, even in the case of identical twins who have the same exact genetics. Each soul has it’s own individual preferences for what it chooses to like or dislike. So in terms of “spirituality” you are not just your physical condition, you are so much more!

The “more” can be explained by the etheric body of light. It is an informational body of light that is integrally linked to your akashic record. The akashic record is literally your soul’s history. Notice that word has a lower case “s”. Not your “Soul’s” history as the Higher Self “soul”, is actually the “Soul”, and it does not have a “history”, as “it” just “is”. But your “history” of incarnations (or more accurately stated as “reincarnations”) needs a history, a record. This record, or history, is held within your etheric body (self), or akashic field. You could not incarnate into a dimensional existence and become a sentient being (a self aware consciousness) without your individual etheric akashic record also accompanying you. This is what you also “step” into when you are born.

And within “full ascension”, which is the process of “DeAscending” your Higher Self Consciousness into your “Full Body Structure” of not only your physical, emotional and mental energy bodies of who you are, but also your etheric energy body!

Integrated Ascension Mastery is essentially all about healing your etheric self from all the things you created in all your incarnations that may have caused harm to yourself or others, intentionally or not. And this is so necessary because there are no “pearly gates in heaven”. As a “soul” (little s) your etheric body is made up of what you have been and done energetically, ALL of it. You don’t just die and have a review of your life that settles all accounts into “good”, “bad” or “other”. It is far more complex than that. You may spend many decades, or even hundreds of the equivalent of “earth years”, working in spiritual Temples in the etheric realms to heal from the experiences you were involved in while living. But once you achieve that healing, you must then incarnate again to “integrate” that healing “from” your “etheric” into your “physical” because it was in a physical creation where the conditions or circumstances were originally created. It is not just Universal Law that requires the original state of being to be rectified, it is Cosmic Law that it be fully rectified, and that can only be done on the same dimensional level of existence.

Healing of the soul (you in all your frequencies) is unfortunately not magic, nor does it involve things like a heaven or hell which attempts to easily solve all things into having a meaning, or rather is a concept that helps explain that there is going to be a higher form of justice when good things happen to bad people, or when bad things happen to good people. Living, and life, simply can’t be conceptualized away like that. It turns out that there actual energetic frequency/vibration creations that dictate the rules that go along with choosing to incarnate, and karma is a real thing that we as humans have to deal with rectifying (healing for everyone).

Hopefully in reading all this you can see why your etheric self is such a big deal. And even though that was a very long way around to explain it, the 22 RAYS OF GOD are the HOW of healing your etheric self. They are now being GIFTED TO HUMANITY so that we can finally HEAL our Karma, both individual and collective Karma. Which by extension means we are being given a DIVINE OPPORTUNITY to HEAL while IN THE PHYSICAL CREATION, which means we can become freed from the WHEEL OF KARMIC REBIRTH into the 3rd/4th dimensional levels of creation.

Accomplishing the transference of the higher frequencies that one attains in an “ascended” state of meditation MUST be brought into your “FULL” Consciousness, which includes not only becoming realized (actualized) into your awake states of being, but also it must come into your sub-consciousness. Guess what? Your sub-conscious gets a great deal of it’s “information” from your ETHERIC BODY. If you ever wondered why cultural or familial “programming” is so deeply ingrained, this is why. But it is also all about your own individual “soul” programming that you self-created in previous lives. Why are you the only one in your family that so passionately is into new age energies? Why does a family member love to do activities that you care little about?

It is because you have your own personal soul’s history ((personality)). Yet, that history also has it’s own preferences and way of doing things that it learned through many lifetimes of getting through 3d incarnations (successfully or not at all successful, which is also a powerful way to learn what works and what does not work). It all comes “in” with you. It “all” requires healing or balancing, as in anything that does not “fit” needs to be rectified so that the 3d (third dimensional) energies come into balance within your soul (soul healing).

The 22 RAYS OF GOD can actually be thought of as the TOOLS (or the science) that you use to restore the Higher Balance that is already in your Soul to become more a part of your soul, which is you.

For example: 

THE WILL AND STRENGTH OF GOD – This is the 1st Flame or Ray. No one can be on the path of working to achieve a Higher Soul Expression (which is what Ascension Mastery does) without having a deep reverence toward and a firm reliance upon GOD’S WILL TO DO. The human self consciousness (the “little” will of men and women) does not have the courage or strength required to face the truth of the karma one has created that is now embedded in the full body structure. This is why the BLUE FLAME of STRENGTH is the first Ray, as without it a person will not ever achieve Ascended Master status.

All the RAYS are thusly appropriate to this extremely essential and truly high and noble goal (the highest and nobelest of humanity?) for you as a soul to attain. Every RAY also assists each in it’s own manner, and in conjunction and harmony with each other.


As Master Albert Einstein advised us, we are not able to create a solution to our existing state of being from within the same consciousness that created the issue (problem).
Everyone would agree that if we look at Master Einstein’s words in the broadest possible terms, we see that in order to shift out of our current state of global creation (conditions), we are required to learn how to not be a dysfunctional human in all levels of our inter-relationships, across all aspects of life. This is the action of healing our karma that is held in our etheric body, and that translates into how we think and the reactions in our emotions (feelings),

In short, we must create only right relationships and right action and stop creating separative ego based creations that cause disharmony on our planet.

Throughout recorded history most of humanity has looked outwardly to others to create the changes required such as leaders and politicians.  This has always been the solution, and in all that time, humanity on the whole has not advanced very much in terms of it’s overall capacity to hold more LOVE, COMPASSION, UNITY and ONENESS.

The eternal truth is change must occur within each of us first just as the great masters have said. This is what an Initiate of Ascension Mastery does. And they do it in thought, feeling and action.

As an Eternal Divine Being of Light you have been Divinely Guided by your Angelic and Master Guides along with your Higher Self and I AM PRESENCE to now LIVE your DIVINE HERITAGE within this incarnated lifetime. In these present times, it is clear that no one can afford to “mess around” with life and living any longer.

If you are reading this page, the odds are very high that YOU KNOW THIS TO BE TRUE.

At Walking Terra Christa we not only know it to be our DIVINE TRUTH, but we have dedicated our entire existence to bringing more LOVE, LIGHT, UNITY, COMPASSION and ONENESS to the world through our teachings. We know it is not only a potential to LIVE IN HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS but it is extremely probable when you learn how.

It is how we live, it is all we do.


The nascent early levels of these Frequencies of Light have been awakening individuals for quite some time. And while these higher frequencies of light may seem “new” to someone in their 20’s, there are many individuals who are much older who also incarnated upon the earth to create that Right Action as a Soul. The awake and aware abilities within those souls is now famously looked back upon as the 1960’s when the NEW POTENTIAL held within the higher light energies manifested to bring forth a great social movement among the youth toward living a life with more LOVE, COMPASSION and ONENESS.

Unfortunately, the lofty nobility held within those early higher energies was significantly diminished as so many became angry and revolutionary or simply became lost in the lower ego aspects that were so prevalent. And of course the introduction of powerful psychotropic drugs and substances into the youth counterculture almost completely insured that the real frequencies of the HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS would not become grounded. (A lesson that drugs or psychotropics in any form have no place in creating actual higher consciousness!)

A generation later another boost from the SPIRITUAL HIERARCHY arrived with the Harmonic Convergence of 1987. This repeated great movement toward Right Action and the potential of a Golden Age of Humanity introduced the “New Age” belief system to the world. Within this “alternative community” grew the widespread popularity of psychic readings, energy healing and channeled messages, including much more acceptance in the belief of Extra-Terrestrial forms of human life that held higher intelligence and wisdom.

All of these souls, from the 60’s through the 80’s and 90’s, up to today’s alternative millennials would probably consider themselves as “awake and aware” as it gets.
The fact is, the “new revelations” were not as “new” as most thought in the 60’s (or still think). Just consider back 200 years in the mid to late 1800’s, Spiritualism was extremely popular and accepted throughout the world as a “new revolution of thought”. In the 1870’s a woman named Madam Blavatsky introduced the wisdom of Kuthumi (Koot-Hoomi) and Morya to human consciousness. She and her supporters established a “new” form of spiritualism that utilized Buddhist teachings with the higher wisdom of these “Ascended Masters”. Go back another hundred years to the Founding Fathers of the United States of America where many of them held beliefs that lined up very closely to what the “Masters” were sharing with Madam Blavatsky, in fact some of those individuals from the time of the birthing of the United States of America eventually became Ascended Masters themselves in the course of their reincarnations.
From that time 300 years ago, and all the way up to just 25 years ago, it is of crucial importance for all awake and aware souls to know that planetary life upon Earth was actually DENSER than it is today. It is the more recent (2012) “lifting of the Veil of Density” that is assisting so many to now awaken to the Higher Potential of Human Life. That DENSITY had actually been built up for over 10,000 or more years of human existence. In that epoch of density, human Consciousness has devolved to become extremely DENSE. This can be equated to all the frequencies upon Earth that cause a substantial diminished level of LOVE and ONENESS between all living souls. Such a Density is primarily an emphasis upon MENTAL and PHYSICAL accomplishment and the POWER of CONTROL of both others and oneself.
Since 2012 we are “less dense” yet “less density” as of 2012 is not at all equal to “the New Earth is here”. The truth that many Lightworkers know in their heart is that the New Earth cannot be created until the human soul, which now carries that Density, is able to HEAL and CLEAR its DENSITY (yes, that individual and collective KARMA).
We believe the TRUTH OF YOUR SOUL’S PURPOSE for incarnating upon Earth is to SAVE HER by increasing YOUR own personal LOVE and LIGHT BODY (increasing your LIGHT QUOTIENT within THE LIGHT BODY).
Regardless of how recent, or how many years you have been “Awake and Aware” since gaining such a revelation, it is of crucial importance to know it can only be done through PERSONAL TRANSFORMATION of your DENSITY.
If humanity is going to SAVE EARTH, it is now time to actively work on your own soul’s ASCENSION.


Here is what we have learned doing this exact soul consciousness work daily everyday: All the lofty beliefs, goals and practices of the “New Age” that attempt to do it for you (healing modalities, mindfulness, brain balancing, meditations, crystals, energy healings, DNA activations, etc.) are individually and collectively not able to reveal the DENSITY of your ETHERIC Self. They are wonderful tools to help many souls heal, balance and awaken to their true purpose for being upon the earth, but after a collective 70 years of our own experiences, we can tell you THEY ARE NO LONGER ENOUGH TO CREATE THE NEW EARTH.
In short, it is now all about HEALING KARMA. And that karma is in the ETHERIC ENERGY BODY. The Etheric Body is the one that incarnates with you each and every lifetime. Sure, in each lifetime you incarnate your biological DNA will be different as your biology is conceived through your mother and father, as that DNA reflects the physical characteristics of their intertwining of race, of their family and of their biological lineage. But “you” as a soul have “Etheric DNA”, which is all you. It is why children and siblings from the same parents can be so different from one another. It is why some kids love certain toys and others do not care. It is why you have preferences, likes, dislikes, loves and hates for certain objects, places, ideas. When you are born, you literally “know things” that have noting to do with your physical DNA.
It is because you have your own individual SOUL HISTORY.
Yet, you are not A DIVINE SUPREME BEING OF LIGHT in that soul’s history of incarnating into a physical life stream. No, you have lived many lifetimes where FEAR, HATE, DESTRUCTION, POVERTY, ILLNESS, DESPAIR became very real for you. You have many SCARS in your ETHERIC Self due to thousands of such very impacting experiences over 100’s of lifetimes. Those many tragic and traumatic experiences caused rifts, created disconnection from that DIVINE LIGHT.
And now there is an extreme deficiency of EMOTIONAL BALANCE which actually is created by the lack of FEMININE DIVINE energy that has been so diminished upon this planet within humanity. This deficiency links directly to the ETHERIC BODY and all it’s experiences of leveraging the MENTAL (and often male) SELF to take charge of how to “successfully” build and create things on the planet, including cities and society, and the “rules” and “regulations” that will keep it going.
Unlike the Feminine consciousness of the world’s populations of indigenous native peoples, who lived in harmony with the Earth and acted as her steward, the more pervasive and aggressive MENTAL DOMINANCE gave little thought to such ideals.
And this has, over eons of time, now manifested a harsh reality for the entire planet.
YOU and YOUR HEALING are intricately linked to EARTH and HER HEALING.

Again, it cannot be understated, we firmly believe that the REVELATION OF THAT WISDOM is why you are reading this page right now. The deeper truth is, you already know it and do not need us to tell you. You incarnated with that WISDOM.

You already know that in order to “ascend” our consciousness into being much more than it is now, we as living souls upon Earth need to become better at LOVE, COMPASSION and UNITY to ourselves

Almost everyone, (especially now in the second decade of the 21st century), is pointing fingers at everyone else and saying “they need to change”, “they are the problem”.


What does that mean exactly?

Everything is interconnected, interrelated and intertwined. 

Take for example a person who feels they only create positive goodness, light and love. Yet at the same time they also place blame on other humans for their actions that cause many dark frequencies on the planet. While such a person may “think” they are not creating lower frequencies themselves, the very thoughts of “blame” are those dark creations.

Anyone who resonates with the notion that they are a DIVINE BEING OF LIGHT must also be aware that fighting and arguing and blaming others goes 100% against such an idea.

Yet, we also can’t deny that MOST OF US FEEL angry, upset, frustration and are disillusioned that our beloved Planet Earth and fellow humans are in such strife and upheaval.

That anger, upset, disillusion and frustration is INSIDE OF US, it is internally part of who we are — or else — we would not REACT that way. As we shared, it is written in our ETHERIC DNA.

INTEGRATED ASCENSION MASTERY is all about facing the hard TRUTH’s of WHO WE ARE, OF THAT ETHERIC DNA, and as a physical human person with a personality that wants and desires things that are NOT good for us as SOULS. Ascension Mastery is all about TRANSFORMING the way that “person” understands themself into being a person who relates to the world from an authentic place of LOVE, COMPASSION, UNITY and ONENESS.

The formal “Practice” of Ascension Spirituality is actually a very firm ACTION to embark upon a way of living that profoundly changes how we view life and the world we are in.

The PRACTICE of ASCENSION MASTERY is not an ancient secret, It is not a mystery. It is not a religion and it is not just a belief system. It is a very real life choice of “choosing who you want to be as a SOUL”.

Stepping into Ascension Mastery Consciousness is unparalleled when compared to all other personal growth or spiritual paths. Yet unlike many other methods or teachings, Ascension Mastery is not a quick fix or simple change. It can’t be as it requires intense dedication to come to terms with who we have been as a soul, and even more persistence to heal that lineage in order to then accept our DIVINE LINAGE, our DIVINE HERITAGE.

And, since we as humans have NEVER LIVED OUR DIVINE HERITAGE as a living physical person, regardless of how many lifetimes we incarnated, it is a VERY CHALLENGING UNDERTAKING. In fact, the most challenging we have ever faced since becoming human.

Most of our members realize that it takes years to change the self in this way, and we have seen that this is a very accurate realization.

Attaining a new level of conscious awareness in right action is the only way to co-create the growth of the Golden Age of a New Earth on this planet.

As we shared, Ascended Master materials are not new and you may have read or heard of them before as they are referred to in various terms: Ancient Mysteries. Lost Teachings. Occult. Esoteric Science. Theosophy. Mahatma or Ascended Master Teachings, etc. (And they also are as varies as the alphabet in their mental interpretations).

We want to stress one point about what we do: Please look closely and don’t be fooled by similar language and appearances found in other sources. The Academy of New Earth Mastery Teachings we provide are very new in terms of ENERGETICS. The “New” is specifically found in the way in which we bring these teachings to you due to the evolution of the Higher Frequencies coming into the planet since 2012 through the 22 RAYS OF GOD. 

It is all about FREQUENCY now. “Mental” infused explanations, declarations and understandings from the realm of book knowledge (and channeled “explanation” materials) of the masculine dominated logic and reasoning are doomed to repeat the deficiencies of our human masculine dominated consciousness.

We teach using the HIGHEST VIBRATION and FREQUENCY of PURITY OF GOD’S LOVE AND LIGHT so that our members can then step into the SELF HEALING OF THE SOUL that they desire to achieve. Without what we do, it is monumentally difficult for a person to come to terms with the HEALING REQUIRED within their mental, emotional and etheric light bodies. No one else on the planet is doing what we do to the depths and levels of expertise that we bring forth.

The old “ascension” writings and materials are of little use now other than to act as a framework or guideline. This is because as of the end of the year 2012, the energies of the Higher Cosmic Consciousness of Creation are now finally being more fully given to the Earth Plane and its inhabitants of all Kingdoms. We have even seen a significant increase over the last decade.

Yet to be GROUNDED through the FULL BODY STRUCTURE of that Mental, EMOTIONAL and ETHERIC SELF, a person must be correctly taught how to receive them, initiate them, activate them, and then actualize them. It takes GREAT RESOLVE AND EFFORT as the soul’s Karmic history is too strong to allow those HIGHER FREQUENCIES into the self without such express and dedicated learning.

By 2012, Lady Master Christine Mahlariessee was uniquely in position to tap into these energies to expand how they are taught to others. She had already integrated them into her own vibrational rate due to significant prior preparation using the 22 Rays of God which no other teacher or organization on earth has ever done. In effect, teachings that do not hold such integration are incapable of bringing about a new creation in and of themselves, which goes directly back to what Einstein shared.

However, even though we as teachers are integrated in these New Earth vibrations, they still cannot be Fully Grounded upon GAIA against the Free Will of Humanity. Which means the “New Earth” will not naturally evolve into being by itself. 

This is because each Human Soul is the Master of her/his own Destiny. If the Soul does not seek out and learn about how to Ground a true and real Higher Consciousness within itself, the process will never occur.

It is up to each Individual Soul to reach up into the Heavens and grasp the Higher Dimensional Cosmic Frequencies now being shared, and bring them down into their own personal life and environment. Regardless of nationality, culture, age, level of awareness, talent, or gift; it is up to each person, to raise their own vibration.

In order to do so, one must have updated and relevant understanding and instruction. This level of instruction is exactly what we provide.

This is why we feel that our Academy members have taken upon themselves the HIGHEST and MOST NOBLE life path possible on Earth. And we know that is a tall order, (believe us on that as we live it ourselves). Easy is not a word that is in our vocabulary. Yet if there is one thing we know personally in our deepest truth, it is that we are making an immense impact on healing Mother Earth. And that makes our heart’s soar beyond and above any challenge.

But here is the caveat, as there really is one: If you have been steeped into believing you are on this planet to “Life Your Best Life” and have been learning from the many sources that we call “Misleading New Age Programming” that date back to the mid-1950’s with books and teachings like the “Power of Positive Thinking” and extends through to the 2000’s to all the materials and channeling sources that instruct on the “Secrets to Manifesting” and living the life “You Want”, please know that none of those kinds of teachings have anything to do with Ascension Mastery, as they all stem from the desires of the lower Ego and ETHERIC SELF. Trust us, we know that is not something many people want to hear in today’s world. Rev. Ara was heavily into such teachings himself for over a decade and it was personally for him a very hard transition into Ascension Mastery, yet, due to his having had such vast experiences in many methods and means to CONTROL his world, he was also perfectly suited to have many falsehoods revealed to him and recognize the real thing when he found it in Rev. Mahlariessee in 2010.

With the Academy of New Earth Mastery you are self-creating the physical action that places you at “the feet” of the Ascended Master Consciousness so they can instruct you each week. Enrollment is a demonstration of your dedication and commitment to your pathway of walking into Fifth Dimensional Mastery and such actions are duly noted by the Ascended Masters. Because you “step up” to this level of study, you are given all available assistance to also progress in your sleep and meditative states through the many levels of Initiation within Mastery. The benefits of your regular participation greatly accelerate your awareness and learning.

The Study of Ascension Mastery is the most direct conduit toward living a life liberated from lower emotions, thoughts and energies, thus bringing forth the truth of who you are as a Soul. 

By definition, grasping the truth of your own soul’s pathway as a physical being requires the INITIATE to incorporate mastering multidimensional elements of understanding to move into the wisdom of Ascension Teachings.

This is why taking on our teachings is so unique and empowering, yet also the most personally challenging and rewarding path a soul can undertake.
We realize this work is truly for the serious and dedicated individual who can work towards a goal over time as the path (life practice) of Ascension Mastery study is not appropriate for those who are only looking for quick answers to their life’s issues.

We do feel our teaching format and methods best speak for themselves but only for those who are ready and can set aside their present earth based expectations and programming of what higher frequency teachings should be. Remember what Master Einstein was telling us: “Your past experience can not assist you in creating a new solution”. In terms of creating a “New Earth” this means two things: 1.) It actually requires NEW teachings to create it, and 2.) If “old” teachings were the answer, the “New Earth” would already have been created and we would be living it collectively as a species.


Learning to raise your vibration is actually a real process. However most spiritual seekers who align with New Age energies fall into the understanding that it is a simple or easily accomplished feat. This is not the case at all.

We have found over the years through our extensive exposure to many individuals seeking our teachings that most everyone believes they are much farther along in their “Ascension”. As compared to most of humanity they are indeed farther along in their desire for Ascension and have a higher interest level in attaining Ascension. However, this is primarily a mental construct that has not yet filtered into the emotional reality and more importantly, the etheric truth, of who they are being.

True Ascension requires an actual restructuring of the personality in ways that are almost incomprehensible to humanity, as it requires healing to any part of you that is in a dysfunctional state of being.

The closest way of explaining it is to bring to mind the fact that the “masculine” energy has ruled and shaped human behavior for many thousands of years at the cost of the “feminine” energy. It is important to not assume one understands what that means too quickly. This has nothing to do with gender or sex. Instead it has to do with the human makeup of consciousness and how that masculine dominance has programed your human soul consciousness for many lifetimes. (We speak of this as distinct from your Divine Soul, the small “s” versus the big “S” so to speak).

The consciousness of masculine energy is primarily a mentally dominated condition, (i.e. “Think and Grow Rich”, “Think it and Become it”, “You are What you Think”) that is the prime mover or drive used to interface with the world we live in and it has created a fixed “3d” creation.

The feminine energy of “Feel Your Emotions”, “Honor Your Feelings”, “Use Your Intuition” is not the dominant method of engaging with the outside (or inner) reality. In most cases within humanity today there is about a 10%-20% honoring of the feminine self within most “feminine” individuals and perhaps as little as 5% in most masculine” individuals. In other words, it is there but not the first energy relied upon to navigate life’s issues and situations. In fact, regardless of if you are male or female, most of the western world is made up of “masculine frequency” to a very high degree. Even when an individual holds more of an inclination toward the feminine nature than on average, that person is usually still heavily imbued with a huge amount of masculine thought forms within their mental mind.

So when we speak about “real Ascension energies” it means that one is actually capable of holding a balance of both the masculine and feminine in their “full body” energy structure.

The “full body energy” structure is the subtle energy of the mental body, the subtle energy of the emotional body but also the subtle energy of physical body (auric body), and the physical body is directly connected to the subtle energies of the etheric body. The etheric body is very real and holds the preconditioned responses that one has learned or acquired in all prior physical incarnations (lifetimes). It is akin to a massively immense collection of data that the “soul” of who you are as a physical person relies upon.

The etheric body holds both “positive” and “negative” responses together. As many of the “successful” responses that one has learned in prior lifetimes only served to assist in survival of that person and to attain goals, or they are conversely the reactive understandings the soul learned through the death process of a physical incarnation (i.e., positive point to self for next time: “don’t talk back to the king/queen or you will be exiled to starve to death or immediately lose your head”). In effect, often what is a seemingly positive learning or outcome actually has a detrimental effect on the psyche (“soul”) as it creates a condition of “fear the king/queen” which equates to “fear authority” or to fear anyone in a superior social, economic or political position including perhaps your own parental figures. In terms of Ascension, having such an energy in your etheric structure does not mean you will necessarily “feel afraid” in any permutations of those situations, it just means that it may be an issue you are not aware of within your full body system that will need to be brought into balance of the love and light.

True Ascension Mastery study requires one to learn to be able to remove or “resurrect” such energies to be healed because one cannot raise their vibration if those energies remain stuck. For the above simplistic example it means one would emotionally restore their faith and trust in people to a much greater degree. If you are someone who understands the complexity of accomplishing such a realization, then you begin to understand how challenging and complex Ascension work actually entails. It is not just a belief in love and light thinking but requires real love and light transformation within the self of who you are as a person (your personality).

Our work is 100% unique. No other system of study or teachings are capable of delivering the full spectrum of applicable knowledge from the Spiritual Hierarchy in combination with specific methodologies and tools to assist you to accelerate your mental, emotional, physical and etheric bodies to become cleared, energized, and balanced into one full Light Body.

What makes us unique within our teachings is we consistently and continually introduce the higher energetic’s (frequencies) into your full body consciousness until you are able to slowly allow yourself to incorporate them. Remember that it is not about what you desire to accomplish (a mental construct) as much as it is going through a process of learning to allowing yourself to actually accomplish it (become it). And this requires extensive exposure to the specific energetic’s within the teachings.

The truth is if you took any one single audio of our free classes, no matter when we gave it, and listened to it 2 or 3 times a day every day for years (not passive listening like one does with music but using active meditative full awareness immersion), you would begin to receive the kind of transformation we are speaking about. Our work is actually that powerful. But most individual’s would find that a very repetitive and extremely mentally challenging task to do each and everyday which is why we created our Academy, so that it becomes real “higher” learning.

A great benefit of being a formal participant in our Academy of New Earth Mastery is that you always have a rotating selection of beings assisting you, a different Ascended Master or Spiritual Master of the Hierarchy providing new understandings, so you can better incorporate these new energies into your life.  Our Academy has to date provided about 1000 individual classes to individuals to help them attain Ascension in the current physical body. For most people who make our work an integral part of their lives it is a learning process that takes years to occur. Along the way, they find the benefits to be unmatched concerning how they grow spiritually as an integrated person in both their mental outlook and perspective on life and living and in their emotional balance and stability in how they act and react to everything and everyone in their lives.

We provide weekly classes and monthly events. All classes and events are typically provided by AUDIO CONFERENCE or as an AUDIO RECORDINGS. Everything we do is under the subject of the 22 Rays of God (click to read more). These are the actual frequencies of light that must be acquired within the full body structure across the spectrum’s of the 3rd dimensional living grid into the 4th dimensional living grid and then to the 5th dimensional grid.

For example:


The Clarion Temple of Oneness which is taught by all members of the Spiritual Hierarchy including the Ascended Masters and Ray Chohans of the 22 Rays of God. Divine Mother and Father God of the Cosmic Great Central Sun begin each cycle which occurs about once per month. Read more about this class here.


The other class is the New Earth Consciousness Circle of Light sharing frequencies from the Golden Etheric Cities of Light which will manifest upon earth in our 5th dimensional future existence. These Cities correspond directly to the 22 Rays of God. This class is specifically designed to have individual experience the energies of those High Vibration Cities now instead of in the future. The teaching itself enables the etheric body to utilize the frequencies within each city to help in our transformation. Read more about this class here.


Typically each month (during semesters) we hold at least one open public gathering event accessible globally through the audio conferencing system. This is the time of the month to come together and celebrate the current earth’s energies as they are connected to the celestial forces of light and the entire Spiritual Hierarchy of the God Force. Mother Earth is truly the one who holds the frequencies of being the ultimate mother of our physical experience and existence, yet we cannot forget she too is experiencing the higher Light and Love Frequencies of Ascension to become grounded within her.

These gatherings are the direct action of assisting her to ground those Higher Vibrations through our human consciousness. In Ascension Mastery teachings these events are termed the FESTIVALS OF LIGHT as the higher energies are most powerful during the time of the monthly Full Moon cycles. While still in a physical incarnation, Master Djwhal Khul prophesied that he would pick a spokesperson to represent his energies in future times as he is the overlighting master of ceremonies for these monthly events. He has chosen Rev. Mahlariessee for this great purpose.  It is a high honor to participate in doing so. Oftentimes in these events we specifically connect to the Native Elder community as their life practices of honoring the earth are so sacred. We also connect to the energies of our Star Brothers and Sisters whom the Native’s know exist to guide humanity. This is represented through Lord Ashtar and the Galactic Forces of Light.(Lord Ashtar si also directly involved in supporting the Ascension Columns of Light Project (a free method of creating Ascension Pillar Columns in your own living areas as described at Ascend.Earth).

In terms of a whole year, in Ascension understandings the higher frequencies that come into the earth through the action of the Great Central Suns is most powerful during the Full Moon of the TAURUS Sun Sign each year (along with the full moon prior and the full moon afterwards). All three of these moon cycles are considered the highest Ascension frequencies of light for each calendar year. The Taurus Moon itself is celebrated globally as the Wesak Festival of Light (click to read more) whereas we also refer to all three moon cycles together as the Wesak Festivals). All serious INITIATES of Ascension take great pride in attending these events.


The manner in which we provide these teachings goes beyond an intellectual or mental mind pursuit as is the standard approach. The methods we employ go directly into your energy bodies (mental, emotional, etheric or auric) in addition to your physical body to assist you in creating a direct state change. This includes the higher order development in the very cellular and DNA structures of the physical body to bring within and restore the original divine blueprint of the Godhead (as Dr. J.J Hurtak describes in his seminal ascension book, The Keys of Enoch).

Altering your entire full body system is exactly what is required to be an Ascended Master within the New Earth on a Fifth Dimensional level. (Dr. Stone referred to this state of being as a fully Integrated Ascended Master).



APPLIED ASCENSION SCIENCE: Our work is highly specialized to bring you both the information and the transformation you require to begin to understand and actually apply the true Science of Ascension at the Fifth Dimensional Frequency.

Our focus in on translating the esoteric teachings of the Ascended Masters work into usable language and practice using the Rays of God. The human body is actually a frequency of light in various stages of quantum atomic vibration. The Rays of God provide the master keys to shifting your place of resonance within your own field of existence. Conscious use of these Light Codes is the Divine Action of De-Ascending your Higher Self and I AM PRESENCE into your incarnated physical body from the higher Realms of existence. The Rays of God become your Light Body while simultaneously working to blend all your energy bodies of the mental, emotional, etheric and physical into becoming One Body of Light. This is the action of Ascension within a physical body.

HIGHEST OCTAVE VIBRATIONAL FREQUENCY: Our teaching classes are not just informational studies – they include the highest octaves of frequencies currently available to humanity. 

We incorporate the actual Cosmic Energetic Signature of the Masters within the Spiritual Hierarchy so you experience their energies personally each week. This is what enables you to actually shift both your consciousness and your physicality into a Higher Vibration. Our methodology is specifically designed to transmit the actual Vibrational Frequencies that enable you to experience the process of Ascension in your body. This is facilitated by Rev. Meleriessee having an ability to tap into Divine Light Language(sm) which is only available to her as a Fully Integrated Transmitter(sm) who can work directly with the Masters and Spiritual Teachers based on her personal level of initiations, training and soul path gifts.

◊ TRUE SOUL WORK: Our combined level of ability to teach this work goes well beyond the categories of spiritualism, soul path coaching, spiritual or behavioral psychology, and/or personal self development programs.

Reverend Christine Mahlariessee (formerly spelled “Meleriessee”), ordained by Dr. Joshua David Stone in 2003, extended the direct lineage of that authority to Reverend Michael Ara in January of 2014 after he had worked in these teachings to complete his own acceleration in the first eight levels of Mastery Initiations. Using Dr. Stone’s extensive teachings as part of a foundation of learning, we combine the best of Soul Psychological Counseling* directly within a teaching atmosphere that energetically pinpoints exactly what each INITIATE requires to know who they are as a multidimensional individuated and eternal soul that is an integral part of the God force.
*(Soul Psychology is a much more expansive understanding of what many term Spiritual Psychology as it encompasses rectifying the experiences of the Soul’s Personality over the entire lifestream (Akashic History) in addition to the individual’s current life ego personality experiences.)

SERVICE BASED ACCESSIBILITY: As compared to many other consciousness raising offerings, studies or programs, the Walking Terra Christa mission is to act through Service to Humanity in our financial exchange structure.

This means we are committed to providing this work at 1/10th the financial cost that typical spiritual coaching or personal development programs normally incur. One full month of access to our regular weekly teachings is less than the financial exchange charged for just one hour of training (or coaching) in the vast majority of other consciousness training self-awareness organizations or companies.

DIRECT ACCESS: Our Academy includes Inner Plane Ashram admission with Master Djwhal Khul.  

Just as Dr. Joshua David Stone’s teachings included admission to his inner plane ashram teachings, we extend that availability to work with all the Masters from our Board of Directors within the Unified Whole and the Telosian / Agarthian Councils of Light with Lord Adama at a very deep level. Stepping up and making a personal commitment in this physical plane of existence (and the associated sacrifices of your 3D lifestyle in order to attend) also means that you are also awarded special admittance into being a formal Initiate (Chela) on the Inner Plane levels. This dispensation is now of even a higher dedication of partnership within the Brotherhood/Sisterhood of White Light specifically due to the seriousness of creating the New Earth one soul at a time by Grounding the Higher Order Octaves through the initiate’s own conscious awareness into GAIA.

PRACTICAL: Our work is practical and hands-on in merging higher spiritual practices into transforming one’s daily life.

Despite the misconceptions found in many new age, spiritual development, personal development, and human potential teachings, creating an earthly existence in true Oneness with one another cannot be done without an individuals personal active diligent conscious participation to remove the 3D/4D elements from within themselves so they can THEN bring in the Higher Self frequencies of Light. Assisting you to achieve this using actual vibrational ascension mastery training is a fundamental cornerstone of our work which is not easily found through other programs of pursuit.

All these characteristics are specifically orchestrated as an holistic approach, meaning that our work serves as the singular most critical foundation of your personal spiritual growth, not only benefiting your personal sense of well-being, but accelerating your actual life path relationships and interactions, in all areas of your life, to be more flowing, heart connected, abundant and whole.

TESTIMONIAL: “I just want to share with you how incredibly deep, powerful, touching and healing the [teaching] call was for me. I cried from the time I first heard your voice until the recording ended. I began in need of healing and was given a beautiful transformative gift during the call. It was a magical celebration and I thank both of you for your deep commitment to this work…Tonight knocked my proverbial socks off…was intense and powerful for me. I had raced in from a Zumba class at the gym, a fairly new activity for me, took a quick shower then found the right number…and away I went. As soon as we got our Merkaba moving, I was only semi there consciously. I get that sometimes, where I hear the voice and words but don’t consciously listen to them. When we got into the temple, I came back and was receiving all the light integrations and blessings and it was beautiful. I was having an odd experience for me, where I was moving the energy in certain ways, or doing something, then 30 seconds we would be directed to do what I had just done. I just noticed it and thought…wow! :-)) It was fantastic and your work is so incredibly powerful. Every call seems to be accelerating by leaps and bounds. I am so blessed to be in this with you [Rev. Meleriessee] and Mike. Much, much Love and Light.” – N.F., from Florida, USA.

Read more Testimonials Here

If you are seeking a clearer firmer path to walk upon within your life, one that provides you the opportunity to excel in ways you cannot truly understand, yet have desired deep within your soul, you are encouraged to apply today to be part of the Academy.


Our work is non-standard in that we do not teach to your intellect or try to keep up with expectations of a traditional teaching format that you may have already experienced. “Study” in our teachings is not book reading and testing.

For the INITIATE, this means casual participation does not work. (In such cases, please look instead to our FREE LIBRARY, FREE PUBLIC EVENTS and OUR WEBSITE CLASSES and COURSES as they are a much better fit for those not yet ready to take on formal Academy participation.)

The actual process of Ascension is intense. There is a common misconception that exist in the New Age community that “Ascension is a God given Divine Right and is granted to All Souls ” and therefore attaining Ascension is automatic. IN TRUTH IT IS GRANTED ONLY TO THOSE SOULS WHO LEARN TO DO IT.

Remember, everything that you already now know is exactly the learning and thinking patterns that block the Ascension process, (i.e., your “3d” self is the greatest obstacle to overcome to become “5d”).

Changing the “spots on the leopard” as they saying goes is a tremendous undertaking, and claimed to be impossible “in the 3d” understanding. It is not only possible in the “5d” understanding but inevitable. Yet it still requires GREAT EFFORT which is why true Ascension Mastery “study” is intense.

So, while we do give lectures, we also employ a “whole systems” approach that stimulates your many energetic bodies to receive the teachings on a non-mental level of understanding.

The energies you receive through our teachings act best when they are not impeded by other teaching energies. We know everything is energy. Flow and ease are created when energy is in alignment and harmonious. We have learned by experience the transmission we bring forth are only at their most effective when the INITIATE is not also actively practicing, studying or following other systems or teachings.

What this means: We don’t object to each individual soul seeking out their own resonant sources of light. It is just that while one is an INITIATE of our Academy program, it is not conducive to our teachings for INITIATES to study other teachings at the same time. Time and time again we have seen negative spiraling effects within the psychological and the physiological energy systems of  those who did so, and it made their pathways more challenging. Thinking of it in terms of pure energy: when you actively take other systems of Spiritual (and related New Earth type programs), you energetically become like a rubber band being stretched in two opposite directions. Remember, since our program is not the same as those others,  there is not typically any compatibility between the two forms of energetic frequencies. When this occurs, it is not at all a healthy situation for your Light Body development. (In some cases, this also applies to practices you may have learned previously that you have incorporated into your daily living. In the enrollment application, please mention any of these so we may individually advise you on them).

As an Enrolled INITIATE, it is also highly important that you also set aside “ego thinking patterns” as best you can. In order to be open to receive these higher vibrational frequencies, please commit yourself to release judgement and critical thinking habits that are deep seated in the mental or emotional fields (possibly originating from not only a person’s cultural, societal, and family, but also from one’s soul Timelines or lifetimes).

A major component of our work is bringing forth the actual sound frequencies known as Divine Light Language Codes(sm). Some might consider it a form of chanting or sound healing and it is one of the ways the Light Language Encoding can reach your full body system including the physicality during the classes and sessions.

Most individuals find that listening to our Divine Light Language Coding(sm) is very unusual, maybe even weird, or at the very least, a very new experience. This is because the physical self of most modern human consciousness has no experience with such energetic transmissions.

Most every spiritual seeker has heard the phrase “life on earth is a school”, but they do not always realize the sub-context of that wisdom. It is wisdom that does not come from the human intellect but is a message from spirit. Earth is the place for only the most brave and courageous of souls can “apply” for becoming incarnated upon here. One must be ready to take on the energies of earth. In truth most all “awakened” souls on the planet are reincarnated souls who have spent hundreds of lifetimes upon her already (some less, some many more).

Earth offers a soul a wonderful process of being able to access who they are as a “Soul” at a deeper level with every incarnation. However, most souls forget that is their goal once they become a physical being. They forget they are a spiritual being having a physical experience. And since they forget WHO THEY ARE they can often end up creating many moments of karma that will need to be rectified through life lessons. We call this the difference between attuning yourself to your “soul” and your “Soul”. The little “s” encompasses all the experiences you have had as an incarnated being that has learned to forget WHO THEY ARE as that capital “S” Soul. When a soul does not have a real connection to their pure Soul of the Higher Self, they in effect live life and while they do learn and have experiences, they “learn” without a higher focus which often results in experiences that are unfocused for the soul’s expression.)

For those that are highly attracted to ASCENSION MASTERY STUDY, they are correctly tuning into their Higher Self. Everyone’s Higher Self desires them to accelerate and leave unconscious living behind (for good) and begin to live and act consciously in a manner that resonates with the higher expression of life within the spiritual light and love of the God Source.

It takes time to achieve such a huge shift in our physical self (our personality) of course, as we have hundreds of lifetimes (some on other planetary systems) of experiences that make up many parts of who we are as a personality. “Who we are as a consciousness” in the physical self did not begin in this lifetime during our infancy. Instead, it is part and parcel of our full essence of all those hundreds of incarnations. (Hence the term “school” fits, as earth is intended to be a place of advancement in wisdom).

For the one who feels they are awakened to this higher truth, the question they may find themselves asking is “How do I gain that advancement in wisdom”?

As Master Thoth explained to us about a Soul’s History:

“Each of you has traveled the many universes many times over and carries with you in your soul body the remembrances of those experiences. Some of them are good and some not so good. Everything needs to be revealed so that your experience of this lifetime can be the highest possible creation. In order for that to happen you must journey into your psychological self to find the golden nugget within you.

“So when you go deeper within your subconscious mind, then you have to work with those energies. What is plaguing you the most? What are the thoughts that arise in your consciousness when you are in disbelief that things can change for you. These are the psychological thoughts that need to be addressed.

“You need to work with them – write affirmations, change those thought process into positive ones – utilize spiritual tools such as the Rays of God to make the necessary changes within yourself. It takes great diligence to move into these energies as they can be challenging and painful to allow them to be revealed.

“This is where the true healing begins – your emotional body will go through a big transformation. Allow your emotions to be present within you. Don’t push them aside as they are there to guide you into the next step of your journey.”

His words reveal one of humanities strongest tendencies that prevents attaining wisdom, which is the desire to push painful emotions and thoughts away.

In fact, many spiritual seekers of the recent generations (of starseeds and lightworkers) specifically are attracted to the New Age movement in order to seek out the feelings of bliss and joy that they do not receive from their normal everyday lives.

This is no mistake and not a detriment at all. Incarnating and having a remembrance of how life is supposed to “feel” is a very good thing.

For all too many however, it becomes an unbalanced quest that avoids accepting the soul’s history, the soul’s truth. Instead what occurs out of the overwhelming longing to be more emotionally stabilized and fulfilled is that it becomes all consuming and the only goal of “being spiritual”. The quest for true higher spirituality is therefore often blocked once a person finds their “happiness” in a group or organization that offers them the feelings they were seeking. In other words, once they achieve “the bliss”, there is no reason to look inside toward deeper levels of the Soul’s Truth. And that stops the Ascension potential in it’s tracks.

There are those who are not fooled however. We know there are many souls upon the earth who are no longer content with what could be termed “superficial happiness”. There are those who just know within their heart of hearts that God desires more for them, that it is 100% in alignment with their Soul to desire real sustainable self understanding and fulfillment. Despite that many around them may tell them they should not feel that way, they know that there is more, that there is higher path of life. They very deeply know that the New Earth is the Divine Plan of evolution for humanity, and they want to co-create that vision. Our Ascension Mastery energetics pave the way towards achieving that exact goal.

The true Initiate accepts that Ascension Mastery, as a practice, is not the fast road to happiness or bliss. Each soul must face many untruths about physical life that have been accepted as “true” for generations and generations. As Master Thoth states, “It takes great diligence to move into these energies as they can be challenging and painful to allow them to be revealed“.

And doing so is the only path to true soul healing.


  1. Our audio teachings are not equal to those you receive in a formal education setting. Instead they are for the full body system, (physical, etheric, emotional and mental), which also includes the multi-dimensional self. These are metaphysical teachings.
  2. Using our PROTECTION PROTOCOLS Daily Cleansing & Protection procedures (free to Members) to prepare for each teaching right before you listen will greatly assist your full body energies to be more receptive and less cluttered. It is also strongly suggested to use the free materials in the http://ASCEND.EARTH Project to set up your own personal Ascension Columns of Light.
  3. Allow the higher energies to reach you by being in a relaxed and meditative state instead of just using the physical mental mind to glean or understand the information shared. Our teachings are direct integrated channelings from the Ascended Masters and Spiritual Beings, they include higher energetic frequencies that cannot be understood mentally. Understanding will come over time as you engage in them.
  4. As your schedule permits, relisten to each teaching more than once.
  5. You may fall asleep due to the higher frequencies. This is common as the human energy field needs to be in training to be able to better incorporate them. (Alternatively, if you are a strong mental minded person, you may have a challenge feeling any new vibrational elements. It may take a while to connect to these higher subtle energies which is why we strongly suggest using these teachings for at least a year.)
  6. Remember that TRUE ASCENSION frequencies must be personally created within to achieve a higher frequency. Ascension is from the Creative Source of Oneness through Divine Mother Father God but it must be attained in your own consciousness for it to be made real (DeAscension). The New Earth is therefore something we each must create through ourselves first and foremost. However, it can not be done from our old consciousness that we have held as humans for eons of time, it must come guided through Ascended Masters by Divine Mother Father God and the Cosmic Spiritual Hierarchy so we can receive the most accurate and purest frequency (hence why we are bringing forth these teachings to you).
  7. As such, it is the HIGHEST SPIRITUAL ACT that any human can do. Practicing or participating in our ASCENSION TEACHINGS and EVENTS  therefore must be held in the HIGHEST SACRED ESTEEM and treated accordingly (see our auric preparation instructions).
  8. Being part of these ASCENSION MASTERY energies means a commitment to CHANGE the manner in which you approach Spirituality to make it something larger than yourself, as this is about ONENESS and not your personal preferences as to how you might like to do things the way you are used to doing them. Instead it is about becoming something you have not yet been able to become. It will be most important to learn how to be PATIENT and OPEN to allow the HIGHER FREQUENCIES to alter your denser consciousness aspects to be removed. As above all, it takes years to accomplish.
  9. In addition, we HIGHLY RECOMMEND using the following meditations at least 1x per week each: The DEASCENSION MEDITATION, the UNIFIED WHOLE MEDITATION (both provided in the PROTECTION PROTOCOLS link above), and the SPIRITUAL HEALING MEDITATION (linked here for separate purchase).

Remember, the creation of a New Earth will not happen if we continue to only do what we are already comfortable with experiencing. By definition becoming “Ascended in 5d” means doing so as a Fully Integrated Master. Like any other earthly pursuit, being the best you can be requires sacrifice. There are many days where it means doing things you don’t want to do. There is no form of excellence upon earth that does not fit this pattern. It is work, and Ascension Mastery is too.

Please keep in mind that as you step onto this pathway, there will be frequent moments when you feel uncomfortable. These feelings are not the purity of who you are, they are there to STOP you from moving into a higher vibrational way of life. They often are simply a reaction from our earthly dysfunctional elements, or earthly past programming, or even direct interference from lower dimensional energies that are not part of the natural earth*.

*Lower dimensional energies: This is one reason we ask a minimum commitment. Most humans have spent whole lifetimes being affected by such energies but are by now very use to them (confortable in them). However, in the learning process of the real action of raising your vibration, you WILL begin to notice them and become uncomfortable in many moments that previously felt good to you. This “new” unwanted feeling is often then used to BLAME the Ascension Teachings themselves and creates desire to STOP doing them. It is a very typical reaction. Combine this reaction with the New Age saying of “Only Do What Resonates With You” and many walk away from true Ascension Work. (That phrase of “only do what resonates” is a false teaching, as “resonating” means you like something and are comfortable with it. Being comfortable can only come from having done something already, or been programmed that it is acceptable. (Think about learning any sport or physically demanding activity, or dieting, or giving up an addiction: what you liked/prefer is not something your can easily give up because changing from one way of being into another requires a great deal of effort. Because humans do not normally “Ascend their state of vibration” naturally they will not “resonate” with doing so. Ascension Mastery requires great personal change, commitment and sacrifice. The “sacrifice” is giving up/letting go of the “old” earth energy way of being. We strongly suggest to make a 5 year commitment so you can begin to work to remove the many types of old/false programming elements from your system. Ascension Mastery is not a quick fix system of learning but with steady progress over time, one is able to have their mind and body freed from such energies. This occurs not to the extent they will not be encountered ever again, but the building up of the light body acts as a higher energy so that a person is not as affected by them as they once were and can move into a level of awareness that can discern when those old/false energies start to occur.

Most individuals are unaware of the many systems and elements upon the earth that will act to prevent or stop them from walking the Ascension Mastery Path of Soul Enlightenment to co-create the New Earth of Terra Christa.

The commitment to study Ascension Mastery must be yours and yours alone. We cannot force you make an earthly contract with us that binds you to continue even when your existing programming tells you to not pursue this pathway. Each and every day you must use your actual free will to continue with these teachings. There is no other way to progress.

Given that an INITIATE takes on the formal study of becoming a Master, the character traits of holding forth the highest level of respect and honor toward others are practiced. Functionally one may withdraw as an INITIATE at any time but we first ask everyone to always consult with us before leaving the program out of respect.

(Remember, we know already that every INITIATE will want to quit or stop their practice many times, as this form of study is very intense to your psyche and requires much personal patience and self-compassion. This is why persistence and dedication are so much a part of the Rays of God, and why using there frequencies daily is required, for as a human soul, we often feel overwhelmed when facing change, especially personal change. The truth is, we cannot do it alone and must begin to rely upon the Higher Spiritual Beings for assistance). This is the FAITH OF GOD that is so required.


As stated, we do what we do in service to humanity to assist each soul in realizing these teachings within their full body system so each individual can live, not only a better life, but a fully Ascended life. We are here to “set your mind free”, but not just that, your whole body self including your own past lifetimes when you were not in the light. Evey earth soul has those past lives (otherwise you would not be on earth). It is very unique work that we teach.

To assist individuals to begin to honor their own spiritual pathway as being of primary importance, we keep the annual cost well below that of a year of spending for weekly night out meals and entertainments. Our philosophy is that one should at least be spending the same amount on their Spiritual Care since it is just as important to the balance of your lifepath in wholeness.

Our livelihood is our teachings. While we endeavor to keep the financial exchange affordable for all, it would be irresponsible of our members to expect us to provide our teachings without any financial exchange, that is – “for free”, simply because our work is the action of teaching spiritual truths.
We are aware there exists a false belief system among the modern version of the hippie (“love/light/peace for all”) that Spirituality Teachings should be free to everyone. This is a false programmed message as all humanity (within a financial money system) should consciously be using that energy (of monetary systems) to support what is in their highest and best good. More importantly, Walking Terra Christa is not simply a gathering of Spiritual seekers who form into discovering their “tribe” of a special soul family, it is a robust Training Program to elevate and accelerate the Soul Spiritually using Correct and Accurate Frequencies of Light that are direct teachings of the Ascended Masters and Beings who have already achieved a higher level of reality.
When you enroll, in addition to demonstrating your commitment to do the deeper spiritual “work” for yourself, making such an exchange places a real physical value (offering) from you to us that honors “our work” (of being the teachers and mentors) within the current monetary system upon earth. While we very much require such an exchange in order to provide food, housing and business functions for ourselves and your learning, when you “buy” things from us, it should always hold the frequency of an exchange of honorability and never as a “product” or “service” that you obtain in your material life.
  We use a sliding scale to best accommodate our members various levels of financial means. While placing an earthy monetary figure on your soul’s value cannot be done within this high level of spiritual work, we do ask that when you are choosing your scale level, please sincerely reflect upon the financial value you place upon other areas (things) in your life that do not enhance your spiritual growth but serve a more material function. While such items or pursuits may be considered “normal”, ideally you know that you desire to place your spiritual growth as being more important, thus a high priority to invest in, which means it is not like paying for a car but a serious sacred energetic action.
◊  As you can see, becoming part of the Academy is only for those who are very serious about their Spiritual Pathway of Light. It is not a casual experience as we offer up to a 100 hours of Ascension Mastery vibratory teachings each year. It has been formed as an Academy structure because it is very much a formal course of study for your energetic self.


  Understanding prior experience is not required.
◊  Have a deep inner knowing that your Soul has incarnated upon Earth from the God Source to heal thyself first of your own Karma before you can heal others, and thus be ready to co-create the New Earth.
◊  Have an abiding admiration and deep respectfulness for gaining a direct working relationship with the Ascended and Spiritual Masters, Angels, Elohim, et. al.
  Prepared to willingly and consistently physically cleanse the body’s field of lower frequencies each day using the auric field cleansing procedures.
  Ready to delve into the inner self to discover and heal the lower ego.

  Able to set aside the “judging self” as it blocks the teaching frequencies.
  Can invest 5 to 6 hours a week to classes, online Ascension events, and personal reflection through worksheets and keeping a journal. (There are holidays and vacation breaks similar to traditional teaching venues so not every month requires such study times).
  Begin toward attaining meditative time of at least 15-30 minutes twice a day.
  Agree to use only our teachings while enrolled (no other active spiritual teachings programs).
◊  Honored to take the New Earth Pledge as an INITIATE of the Academy.
◊  Sincere commitment to steadily progress through the levels of Initiation.
◊  A Deep Knowing that this is Spiritual Work. The use of the word “work” is and always has been used because it is very accurate. Some call it the “Great Work” referring to it being the greatest path one can choose. True Ascension Mastery study has never been termed an “easy” pathway but it is very rewarding in terms of the maturity and perspective you gain for living a truly honorable spiritual life within a physical world.
◊  Make an honest and complete assessment of one’s own spiritual path on our INITIATE Application Form.

With formal enrollment there is no legal contract with us: you may withdraw as an ACADEMY MEMBER at any time. We (and your Higher Self and the Masters) do not hold you to any set obligation. There is however a “spiritual contract” that we ask each ACADEMY MEMBER to personally adhere to keeping, which is to not discontinue the Academy while the ego self feels frustration, failure or upset. (Patience and time are required to heal aspects of the self that have never been healed, nor even addressed in any prior lifetime.)

Our teachings are available Worldwide in English as Online Learning Audio Recordings and Video so everyone can access the power of our work.

The higher consciousness is no longer limited to your altered states, your dreams or your meditations — you can now begin to access 5D Mastery in your physicality! You will join with the Ascended Masters and other Teachers of the Spiritual Hierarchy who will personally come to know you. To best serve your free will with a minimum of complexity our teaching academy is a 100% voluntary Academy member subscription program using automatic monthly renewal. All Distance Learning Teachings are made available as CD quality MP3 download audio (or in some cases in video format).


As you can easily see, we work hard to assist you in attaining real Ascension Frequencies. This is the only thing we do and our lives are devoted to this goal.

Each teaching includes real class training and understandings from the members or the Spiritual Hierarchy such as Lord Melchizedek, Lord Saint Germain (Mahachohan), the Lady Masters and Ascended Masters including the Ray Chohans of the Seven Rays of God. As there are 22 Rays of God, the Masters of the Christed Galactics are also featured for their wisdom and energies.

Just as important is the training within the GOLDEN ETHERIC CITIES OF LIGHT which are the 22 Fifth Dimensional Capitol Cities that are being overlayed upon GAIA in her Ascension. We are the exclusively the only, and the originating teachers, of the authentic information on the authentic 22 New Earth Cities (in the late 1990’s the first 5 cities were first introduced to humanity by IAM AMERICA. The Golden Cities are not the same as Crystalline Cities, nor any other dimensional cities. Other dimensional cities (6th, 8th, 11th, etc.) are not part of the Christed plan for earth due to the need to first evolve as humans into a Fifth Dimensional reality). Humanity, within learning how to accurately acquire Ascension Mastery, will eventually ground these cities so that they become actual 5d cities upon the surface of the earth and not just in the etheric realm. These 5d cities are being built and co-created with the guidance of the current fifth dimensional spiritual beings of the Inner Earth Agartha Network Christed Cities and overseen by Living Ascended Master Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos.

As with any formal training program the effort you put in is in direct relationship to the transformation you can achieve.

Courses can be attended globally online or via phone, or by using the Audio Recording. Academy Initiate participants utilize all Academy Live classes (6 to 8 per teaching cycle/month). Live class audio broadcast is typically two evenings (5:00 PM Pacific time on Tuesday/Thursday), and on Saturday’s at 11:00 AM (Pacific Time zone) during semesters. The audio recording is shared after class concludes. There are also 1 or 2 live Event Gatherings online each month during semesters. (Audio recordings of classes is provided and live attendance is always recommended for all who can do so).

Since you as the learner must begin to develop and activate your multi-dimensional abilities, each class is given in our unique Meditative Journey Attunement Teachingsm audio format (occasionally given on video for specific courses). This is a specialized Integrative Channelingsm experience through voice and energetic transmission that delivers a non-physical etheric journey through the direct messages of the Ascended Masters and Spiritual Beings of Light. For each class we engage in training our etheric self using deep state awareness combined with giving students the Divine Language Network Light Codessm which are essential in training for Ascension (as these frequency vibrations are not something that can be created without assistance.)


THE COSMIC GREAT CENTRAL SUN: At least once per teaching cycle (during the month), Divine Mother-Father God (the complete God Essence Over-lighting the Human Race) bring forth “their” very high vibration energies for our better acceptance of the Ascension Frequencies of Love/Light that we are seeking to acquire. They are the Logos of the Great Central Sun of the Cosmic level, which is the multi-dimensional essence of the 49th level of existence. Almost 20 years ago they asked Lady Mahlariessee if she would embark upon a 2 year process of allowing them to integrate their Divine energies into her so that she could carry their vibration and transmit it to humanity through her own frequency. Based on her prior experience with Ascension Energies, she knew this would be quite a challenge yet she knew it was very important or they would not have asked.

THE CLARION TEMPLE OF ONENESS: A Teaching for “HEALING ALL SOULS IN BODY OR OUT”. This 1 hour* weekly teaching assists each soul to go deeper into how to heal the “four energy body system” (mental, emotional, etheric/physical, spiritual). The Clarion Temple was created to assist the souls who transitioned at 9/11 with special consideration given for the first responders. One of those individuals, (the first one to be guided to the Temple), was asked to be the Temple Spokesperson. He is now called Yamteleus in his Higher essence.

NEW EARTH CONSCIOUSNESS: A Teaching to assist us to fully understand who we are as a Soul going through a Rebirth process. This 1 to 1.5* hour weekly teaching class provides an etheric journey to the New Earth Golden Cities of Light to meet with the Masters, Elohim and Archangels, and the other Overlighting Beings of each of the Cities that house the frequencies of the 22 Rays of God. We gain firsthand vibrational energies and instructional understanding of what is required to actually transition from the human soul’s third dimensional construct to that of the fifth dimensional reality. The Agartha Network of Christed Inner Earth Cities are intricately involved in co-creating the Golden Etheric Cities and Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos is our guide.

INNER EARTH CHRISTED* AGARTHA CITIES TEACHING: The higher dimensional way of life is not easily understood by humanity. This is a new 2022 teaching by the Spiritual Leaders of the Agartha Network so that the Higher Frequency Energetics of the Christed Inner Earth can be shared with Initiates. These teachings are authentic and designed to impart the real vibrational energies that the true Agartha Network desires for us. (*There are actually non-christed beings that inhabit the Inner Earth and often give messages to humanity through channeling that are deceitful and misleading to falsely portray themselves as christed).

INITIATE STUDY GUIDE HANDOUT: Every teaching cycle during the semester we provide an 8 to 12 page Study Guide with detailed instructions, invocations and insights into the teachings being given. The Study Guide is an essential component to making sure that your training is understood and can have the correct focus. Aspirants receive the Study Guide along with a Study Report document that is then handed in to track progress. This material is reviewed by Walking Terra Christa including the Spiritual Board of Directors.

PUBLIC ASCENSION MASTERY ATTUNEMENT CLASS (1 x per cycle/month Saturday late morning pacific time): A 2-3 hour* once per cycle/monthly teaching to advance the energies of each person’s individual Ascension Frequency Vibration within the Full Body Structure. By having an intensive training seminar, one is often able to become more accepting of the higher frequencies of Light and allow the mental subconscious programming that is typically resistant to energetic change to become more flexible and relaxed. This is the main mechanism of real spiritual growth so that higher learning can take place. We have found the extensive energies in this process to be essential to the truly serious individual who desires to become more in their own soul’s essence. (This class is available for a separate exchange for those who are not Academy members).

PRIVATE ACCELERATION IN MASTERY (AIM) CLASS (1x per cycle/month Saturday late morning pacific time): A 3 hour monthly gathering/teaching to accelerate the grounding of Ascension energies directly with the assistance of Master Djwhal Khul. We have found the extensive energies in this process to also be essential to the progress and self understanding of the serious aspirant. (Private for Academy members only).

SESSIONS: If available from Walking Terra Christa, Academy members can opt to receive direct one-one Spiritual Counseling Personal Ascension Support Sessions. These give you essential feedback and personal assistance with the intricacies of these studies. We now offer these as we have found they are immensely helpful to the students progress as an initiate. (The first session must take place after new Initiates have had a sufficient introductory period and assessment). There is an Advanced Plan for Initiates to join at a discount that offers extra financial savings on the Personal Sessions.

After ENROLLMENT*, once your application is approved by Walking Terra Christa you will also receive THE ACADEMY OF NEW EARTH MASTERY “Initial Courses” to begin your training. 

The Initial 3 Courses are essential to use and understand as an INITIATE OF THE ACADEMY:

Ascension Protection Protocols
Initial Course #1
: All initiates of the Mastery pathway understand the value of practicing and knowing how to correctly protect their own light. We are offering our Protection Protocols Course to New Academy members for free. (Read more at the link above – value $38.88)

Take-The-22-Rays-of-God-ChallengeInitial Course #2: As we are specialist in the 22 Rays of God, we know all INITIATES greatly benefit from having a deeper understanding and personal connection with each Ray, the Ray Chohan and all Beings of Light representing that Ray. We are offering our 22 Rays Challenge Email Correspondence Course free to New Academy members. (Read more at the link above – value $90)


Initial Course #3: The Ascension Mastery Pathway is that of the Fifth Dimensional Reality which is what the Telosian Beings experience in each moment within a living physical body. It is a way of life that we as 3rd/4th Dimensional individuals can hardly understand. We are offering our 10 session Telosian Way Series Course free to New Academy Members. (value sliding scale from $122)

  • *Enrollment in our Academy of New Earth teaching program is as an Initiate to receive all three Initial Courses.  Our academic year is in two semesters (Spring and Fall) consisting of a financial exchange separated across 12 monthly Budgeted PayPal subscription installments under automatic renewal until canceled.
  • If one voluntarily withdraws from the Academy teaching program, please understand that any remaining balances or partial pro-rated refunds cannot be refunded. You are entitled to the remainder of your subscription balance in terms of continued receipt of the audio teachings for the duration of your payment terms for the month paid.  We do our best to make sure you have access to our programs for the remainder of your balance month or year (if paying annually).
  • Please make a sincere personal commitment to remain active for a year to allow the frequencies we provide sufficient time to work within you. In the rare instance where one cannot remain a member, we ask you to keep these Initial courses as our gift to you. No substitutions can be made on this offer.

WE KNOW the above is a great amount of material to read through! But it is essential that only those who are ready be considered for Enrollment!

Annual (yearly) Financial Enrollment in the Academy of New Earth Mastery is similar to the exchange amount of a single week long retreat at some of the worlds most well known New Age Spiritual venues. We are therefore one of the most inexpensive reputable spiritual instruction organizations currently available that provides such an extensive authentic program. We are very proud of this fact and extend these benefits to all who are ready to receive them!

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