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Sincere Dedication to Self Truth


Ascension Mastery Message from the Cosmic Great Central Sun of Divine Mother Father God received in the Clarion Temple of Oneness, March 9, 2020.

Yamteleus, The Spokesbeing for the Temple

Greetings my Dearest Ones! I am Yamteleus.  Thank you so much for being here and bringing forth the healing that is absolutely essential at this time.  We’ve had an increased number of souls coming into the Temple with the challenges of the Corona virus that has occurred, along with other tragedies upon the Earth.  We welcome them to see and to experience these Divine energies.

We thank each of you for arriving, for having the ability within your Heart Center to see that this is the place you should be.  Without further ado let us bring forward the energies.  I am Yamteleus at your service.

[Divine Language Network Light EncodingSM]

Angels of all Principalities

We are the Angels of all Principalities giving our blessing to each of you within this Temple and to all the souls that have arrived.  We wrap our wings around you to give you comfort, to give you love and compassion through the transition of becoming more than what you were in the previous moment.

Our Wings of Light flow through the Temple dropping the feathers of many different colors.  Embrace our energies as they shall help you to feel more contented within your own Divine Self.  All our blessings to each of you.

[Divine Language Network Light EncodingSM]

Divine Mother Father God of the Cosmic Great Central Sun

I Am that I Am!  I Am that I Am!  I Am the Divine Mother and the Divine Father God of the Cosmic Great Central Sun.

We thank each of you for joining us within the Clarion Temple of Oneness this evening, and we hope that you continue to do so.

There are always transitions that occur for every soul no matter whether you are within the body, or out of the body, or just moving from the physical existence into the spiritual existence.  There are always moments of change that need to occur bringing a sense of renewal.  Within each of your hearts it’s very important to realize within yourself to have that dedication to be this essence of your Higher Consciousness, of the spark of light, and embryonic state that you were eons and eons ago.  You have grown from place to place, from incarnation to incarnation, traveling to many worlds, traveling to many areas, bringing forth your Divine Essence.  Bringing forth your ability to fully allow the exchange of the flowing of the energies that were before and what is now.

For each of you here, as an Initiate, as a student that are existing in your own physical soul-self, this process that you are experiencing is a continual movement of allowing your Divine Self to become more of the God Essence in your physical existence.  It takes great dedication to do so.

In the moment that you realize within yourself that what you have been before, the awareness of being an Initiate, being a student of Mastery within your physical self, that it takes great dedication and concentration to keep telling yourself that this is the right Pathway for you.  Because your lower ego is going to try to tell you otherwise.  It’s very important to realize that these energies that you are experiencing upon the Earth presently are to assist you to become more of that God Source of Light within your own creation.

I think there is a statement that is said in your society, “That you need to get out of your own way.” 

This is so very true because it’s not just you as the person, it’s your physical consciousness.  That physical consciousness has to get out of the way in order for you to fully accept the spiritual consciousness.  You will go through many ups and downs through changes that don’t ALLOW you to experience the full dynamics that can occur by surrendering to the energies and not worrying about what is to be in the next moment.

It is important for each of you that come from the physical existence to realize within yourself that you have CHOSEN to open yourself up into a new space.

That space can be uncomfortable, it can be scary, and it can also be very beautiful.  Because once you allow yourself to fully embrace and enfold the energies that are surrounding you, you will allow them to come into your chakra system, open up the doorway for them to be part of your consciousness, to CHANGE the aspects within your subconscious mind that have held you in bondage from lifetime to lifetime.

But in between lifetimes, hopefully you have traveled to ashrams, you have done a lot of healing work, you’ve worked with each of us in the Office of the Christ so that the next time you embody you are more certain within yourself of what you want to do.  For some of you it becomes VERY uncertain within this reality.  You WANT it.  You awaken to higher energies but at times it may seem uncomfortable, it may seem too challenging because the other elements are so ingrained within your consciousness that it takes you quite some time to be able to push through and find the open doorway.  But that open doorway is always there.

It’s the part of you that doesn’t ALLOW you to SEE that open doorway because all you feel is a blockage.

It’s imperative for each of you to GRASP within your own consciousness what this may mean for you presently.  What element within yourself is the stronghold that stops you from breaking down that wall?  What is it within you that doesn’t ALLOW your higher consciousness to help you and to be STRONG and to be the WARRIOR of your own Divine Self?

These are aspects that need to be acknowledged by each of you.  The part of you that is not letting you become the higher integrated self and the part of that is trying to help you are in battle with one another.  By stepping into this Divine Energy is how you will be able to find a sense of purpose within your pathway to RENEW what has been lost.  It’s not GONE!  It just has been forgotten for some time.  It’s LOCKED away in your consciousness.

When you are ready to fully accept the challenge of pushing through those walls, then you realize within yourself the EMPOWERMENT that you have gained.  That’s truly what this cycle represents for each of you.  Finding the empowerment to say unto yourself, “I deserve this, I deserve to feel better, I deserve to HONOR my Spiritual self, I DESERVE to EMPOWER myself so that the pure reflection will be IN my outside world.” 

But it takes some getting used to through this process.  Because many times your lower self will not want to work as hard as you know you need to, will NOT be diligent, will NOT be respectful, will NOT be patient, will NOT have reverence for what you are experiencing.  That is truly the blessing of this Pathway.

In the beginning you have no idea what you’re doing.  Sometimes you don’t have any idea even when you’re going through these processes.  But what the difference is that in the beginning you’re afraid to understand it.  But as you move through the challenges you accept that you are learning from that process.  It’s freeing you UP from the elements that have stayed in place within your personality.  Because your personality is very similar to what it was before.  It transitions from lifetime to lifetime.

The whole process of that is to allow that personality to get better.  ALLOW that personality to be the God Source, to be MORE in tune with the Higher Light Body, the more in tune with everything that you are learning, the vibrancy of the Rays and what that means for you individually.  That is the true key to your healing individual awareness.

When you ALLOW yourself to have that individual awareness, you become more than you’ve ever been and could be.  That SHIFTS the deeper you to go through this process.  It’s important for each of you to realize within yourself that this process is not easy for ANY Initiate or Master, but it is necessary.  Because you’ve lost it, you’ve lost it from the beginnings of your Angelic presence.  That’s why it’s so important to connect to your Solar Angel.  

We bring forth that essence presently through the Temple, FEELING all the 22 Rays of God that represent moving into our essences of the God Source.  You think about it, the very 1st Ray is the Blue Flame to give you Fearlessness, to give you Strength and Courage and the last Flame is the Platinum to allow that Source of Light to become more integrated within your physical self than you’ve ever experienced before.

It’s a JOURNEY for the Initiate, that soul, to go through each of those Rays and to EMBODY those energies.  It is not just about bringing forth those Ray energies into your chakras and expanding those chakras, but it is to ALLOW your personality to experience a part of that aspect that is represented by those Rays.

Let’s call upon the Crystalline Flame.  The Crystalline Flame represents Resurrection.  What happens in the Resurrection?  Well, then you start to have hope, you start to bring forth a balance in being MORE harmonious.  It’s important for each of you to ACKNOWLEDGE the untruths within you.

I ask you to concentrate upon that right now with your breath as we go deeper and deeper.  We bring forth those Rays of God, the 22 Rays that we spoke about to bring forth that sense of purpose.  CONCENTRATE upon the ability to have more Strength and Courage to FACE that untruth, to LOOK at it, to BREAK DOWN that WALL.

We call upon the Crystalline Flame to break it down, to feel that Divine Energy being resurrected right within you without you having to do anything.  You just surrender to this Light Energy and it shall come to you.

The Flame that we have here within the Temple represents that Blue and that Crystalline Light.  FEEL that Blue and that Crystalline Light coming to you NOW circling within your entire structure.  It becomes part of you, it becomes part of your emotions, it becomes part of your thoughts and SWIRLS right within your Heart and your Solar Plexus and the Root chakra holding that damaging energy.  Let it GO!  Let the Blue and the Crystalline WORK within each other to help you become FREE of the damaging energy that has stopped you.

[Divine Language Network Light EncodingSM]

Now FEEL that Blue Flame coming into your ENTIRE Central Canal.  FEEL it in your Heart becoming the Strength that you desire to HOLD within you.  That the affliction of that lower energy is now being dissipated because the Crystalline Flame is BREAKING it apart.  It’s breaking it apart and it’s being dissipated through your ENTIRE structure.  FEEL this movement of the Blue and the Crystalline helping you.  BREATHE into that.  Let it GO and allow yourself to REALLY express within you the BEAUTY, the BEAUTY of this movement.  That is the most exquisite movement that you can CONCENTRATE on and not concentrate on removing and feeling the pain of that, but feeling the release of more balance to come into you.  As you BREATHE into that, feel the Resurrection within you.  Feel that STRENGTH.  You are becoming your own personal alchemist.

We bring forth the Violet and the Purple to soothe all aspects within yourself.  As you go deeper and deeper into the energies, now you feel the Pink.  Allow the Pink to just embrace you, allowing you to feel the act of COMPASSION of what you are doing.  You’re releasing those energies.  Feel the depth of the energies swirling within you and around you, EXPECTING MORE PEACE, surrendering with the Ruby Red and ALLOWING the flow of the energy that you concentrate and consecrate of the Green Golden White Light merging together.  It brings more of that into balance and ALLOWS your Higher Mind, it allows YOUR Divine Mind to come more fully into the creative process as now you become the illumination of your Higher Mind with the Golden Yellow.

All these flames swirl within you and the thoughts dissipate.  The emotion that’s associated with this is being released.  Feel the presence of your own Divine Self as the Seafoam Green comes in.  Bringing that Seafoam Green into ALL its aspects.  Now you have more CLARITY allowing yourself to SEE within you HOW you were thinking before and how DAMAGING it was to your ENTIRE personality.  FEEL that change occurring within you as we ALLOW the Blue Green the JOY and the HOPE and the movement of those energies.

The Pearlescent Flame of ALLOWING the Masculine and Feminine to work together so that your Emotional and Mental Body can heal. Allow them to MERGE within you as you accept the Pink Orange.  Bring that Pink Orange because now you’re moving.  Take that element that was a blockage and now see the doorway.  There’s a massive doorway that you’re walking through and it’s filled with the Light as the Gold, the Christ Consciousness, envelops you.  You NOW accept that you are a Christed Being of Light.  FEEL this energy within you.  FEEL it swirling and twisting in all directions.

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]

Now you allow the Higher Light energies of the Violet, Pink, and the Deep Blue Violet, and the Golden White, and the Light Violet White.  You start to move into accepting your own truth of beingness of the Multi-White Light, of the Pink Gold, the 5th Dimensional Divine intent.  FEEL those intentions of the 5th Dimensional level coming back into your consciousness.  You’re filling it up from your Higher Mind into your Physical Mind.  You’re accepting it, as now MORE and MORE occurs as the Magenta of Divine Inner Power and Divine Love comes in. FEEL this flowing within you.  FEEL it moving, not just in your Heart and Solar Plexus and Thymus, but your entire structure.  Let it GO to the Root, let it GO to the Crown, let it GO to all aspects of your beingness as you BECOME NOW that aspect you desire to hold.  FEEL this within you.  It’s a vibrational essence.

[Divine Language Network Light EncodingSM]

As we go DEEPER and DEEPER into the Violet Gold, we get into those Higher Frequencies.  And the Blue Gold and the Platinum, you now become ONE within your Masculine and Feminine within you, the God Source.  You are that Spark of Light that we talked about earlier.  It’s a remembrance.  Allow that to be in your Heart.  FEEL this energy DEEPER and DEEPER and DEEPER within your consciousness.

Now, as we send all these Energies of this FULL integration of the 22 Flames down to Gaia through all the dimensions for Her to HOLD this.  We HOLD this energy within Her core as She extends it outward, everywhere around the world to all sentient beings, to all lifeforms, to all energies; to bring forth this Divine Light unto the ENTIRE planetary system.

[Divine Language Network Light EncodingSM]

Now FEEL those energies coming back into your Central Core.  Feeling your Heart, your Solar Plexus and all your chakras becoming One.  Your Full-Body system is One.

As we have gathered together in this magnificent Temple of Light, every soul that is here in this moment is connecting to that Source of Oneness, the Source of what WE represent as Divine Mother Father God, as the Creative Source of Oneness is Our Creator also.  That vibrancy energy from the 144th Dimension of ALL your souls and all your Monads coming together in the creative process of Oneness of all of your Light Bodies and all that you have BEEN and all that you WILL be comes into this Creative Source, this Light Frequency, this Love Frequency, this ability to be ALL that the Rays represent.  Bring that Divine Energy into your Heart essence.

[Divine Language Network Light EncodingSM]

Come back into your Heart Center with your breath and FEEL the beautiful integration that has occurred for each of you within your own consciousness.  Concentrate on that beautiful aspect you desire to be and feel the freedom of creating that balance within you.

We, of the Divine Mother and the Divine Father God of the Cosmic Great Central Sun, are deeply honored to extend this Light Frequency to each of you in these moments.

We Are, that We Are!
We Are, that We Are!
I Am, that I Am, that I Am,
As the Divine Mother and the Divine Father God of the Christed Self.

So Mote it be!  Let it be done!  Let it be done, Dearest Ones.

Lady Mahlariessee 

Take a deep breath, as now we arise from our seats.  Allow these Light Frequencies to fully be within you as we walk up the steps, we follow Yamteleus.  We bid farewell, but you MAY return at any time.  Call upon your Higher Self to assist you within the Unified Whole Command to return to the Temple during your sleep state.

As we leave the Temple, we bid farewell to Archangel Michael’s Warriors.  As we step onto the garden pathway feeling the POWER that you have become within yourself, as a sense of purpose.

As we walk across the Rainbow Bridge, we gather together to create our group Merkabah, the Rainbow Colors of Light and we leave the 36th Dimensional frequency coming down into the 24th, coming down into the 11th and the 10th and then coming down into planetary creation as each of us now arrives into own Light Bodies into our physical location.  Grounding yourself deeply.

[Thank you to Carol M. for dedicating her transcription services to Walking Terra Christa.]

[ORDER THE FULL AUDIO OF THIS TRANSMISSION ($22 normal means)] The Cosmic Oneness occurs on the 1st Monday of each month within The Clarion Temple of Oneness Teaching (click the link to order the recording for this transcription and receive the full vibrational energies and attunements available, please let us know the date of the class in the comments section).  Walking Terra Christa provides many options to participate in their weekly teachings with an affordable rate for all individuals.

All Transmissions of the Cosmic Great Central Sun, Divine Mother Father God can be accessed via the link shown here.

Due to the worldwide trauma of the current earth situation, we are releasing to the public our latest SEVEN classes/events for your own use. This INCLUDES this New Earth Consciousness class from which this talk by Lord Adama was given. Listening to the recording brings in his energies to connect with you more profoundly than just reading his words above. These frequencies will help in keeping you in love and out of fear. CLICK THIS LINK:

NEWEST MEDITATION: We created a NEW SPIRITUAL HEALING Meditation that is 40 minutes long for very deep cleansing and protection. Unlike the recordings of the classes and events, we have added background music by Thaddeus ( to assist and enhance the meditative energies to occur more deeply. CLICK HERE TO read more about the topic or to order.


ASCEND EARTH ~ CREATE HEALING LIGHT FOR GAIA – Join this free Global Project by Walking Terra Christa to help bring more healing light to the planet and humanity by creating Ascension Columns around the Earth with the assistance of the Unified Whole Galactic and Agartha Alliance.

Original Material © Copyright 2003-2020 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden. All rights reserved. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS CONTENT FREELY IN COMPLETE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS WITH THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!

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