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Tips for Celebrating Wesak – April 29, 2018

Wesak Festival with Walking Terra Christa

This year the Wesak Festival of Light of the Full Moon in Taurus occurs on April 29, 2018. In the Ascended Master Teachings it is considered the most auspicious day of the year.


Wesak is a time of celebration for many eastern traditions that follow the religious tenets of Buddhism in its many forms so they cannot only honor Buddha’s teachings but also remember to embody them in life.

Within Ascension Mastery studies, however, it is not simply a festival to mark and celebrate the day centuries ago when the man Siddhattha Gotama achieved enlightenment at the age of 80.

The Ascended Masters are considered the ones who are also Enlightened as they have traveled an earthly path of raising consciousness similar to Buddha within their own lifetime of study to attain a Higher Consciousness. So they, too, gather together to honor and celebrate the process of becoming enlightened within a physical body. Buddha holds the honorary position as being the first person who did this within the written historical records of humanity.

On the day of Wesak (Vesak), in the Wesak Valley of the Hollow/Inner Earth Etheric City of Shamballa, (which is etherically in the same location as Shamballa in the Himalayan Valley), these Masters gather by the hundreds and thousands to not just honor Buddha. Most importantly they honor all those humans who are striving now in their lives to attained the status of Enlightenment regardless of the particular format of Christed Consciousness teachings they undertake.

It is a single day in the year that all Ascended Beings of Light come together to celebrate that Blessing: as the pathway of just One Soul seeking Enlightenment is such a rare and magnificent gift to creation itself. Upon the earth, it is a tremendous gift to Gaia herself which can then be reflected upon all of Humanity.

Most importantly, for each of as seekers of the Highest Spiritual Truth, the community of the entire Hierarchy of the Brotherhood/Sisterhood of White Light of all Masters within the Unified Whole of Ascended Beings, are here to give those Blessings to each of us on this day as we also then bless ourselves by participating.


To best position your own pathway energetically, we have put together a list of the best ways to celebrate Wesak to honor Gaia, Humanity, the Ascended Masters, and yourself.

1. Make it a Sacred Day – If there ever was a day to take time to separate your consciousness from the daily distractions and influences of your secular life, this is that moment in time so that you can blend your consciousness more directly with the spiritual energies and higher frequencies of the entire community of Ascended Masters. Other than private secluded peaceful moments in nature, it is best to postpone and reschedule outside chores or meetings.

2. Set up a Sacred Space – Create a retreat like atmosphere in your own living space. It is suggested to use some or all of the following items:

– Fresh cut flowers or blooming plants
– Candles (preferably white)
– Incense (frankincense or similar)
– Ceremonial table coverings (golds, pinks, blues)
– Crystals (rose quartz, clear quartz, citrine, etc.)
– High frequency essential oils like Frankincense, Hyssop, Myrrh, Sandalwood, etc.
– Higher vibrational yet serene meditative music can also assists like sacred chanting and/orAum/Om music. (We always recommend the Thaddeus music foundat to set the right tone. Using some forms of classical music may be too mentally stimulating and certainly using pop music would be distracting and bring in conflicting energies.)
– Ringing bowls, bells, crystal bowls etc.
– Create an altar area that has images of Ascended Masters, Lord Buddha, Angels, etc. Place some of your items on the altar area also to represent offerings of blessings.
– We also encourage you to place a bowl of water on the Altar to be blessed energetically. If you are participating in a sacred ceremonial event for the Wesak Festival of Light, everyone may then drink this water at the end of the celebration as it is infused with the direct Blessings of the event itself and what is brought forward to each participant.

3. Be with Soul-Family – Gathering with like-minded individuals for a group meditative time together is most appropriate. The idea is to create an atmosphere that is special and unique for the day and the evening of Wesak. Preparing special healthy food and drink items ahead of time may also be helpful in creating a special event feeling. Everyone can contribute. As each person arrives in the ceremonial space you have created, it may be helpful to use sage or similar cleansing on their auric field and clothing.

This is exactly what we do at Walking Terra Christa even though we also engage in conducting a 3 hour Wesak Ceremonial Festival for others. Our own Sacred Space becomes charged with the Highest Frequencies of Light. In our event we bring in the invocations, prayers and Ascended Master channeled messages for everyone to receive. (Registration is required with a small donation of support for our annual event. You may download the audio to use in your own space if attending live is not possible).

We hope these suggestions assist. As an additional method of bringing in higher frequencies of light to set up your space, for those who also resonate with the energies of the Galactic Federation of Light with Lord Ashtar and Lord Sanada, setting up Ascension Column Pillars of Light is highly encouraged. Information and free instructions to do so can be found at Ascend.Earth.


High Vibration Spiritual Blessing Audio Recording for the Solstice Christmas Energies of 2017

Audio: Solstice Christmas Holiday Gathering with Lord Sananda|Yeshua, Lady Masters Magdalene|Nada and Mother Mary with Lords Maitreya and Metatron, introduction by Lord Adama and Lady Galactica.

Audio Recording of the Ascended Master Spiritual Blessings with High Frequency energy attunements and messages for the Holiday Season to Bless and Support the community of individuals embracing the Christed Consciousness for Humanity and Mother Earth. Transmitted by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden – Integrative Channel of Walking Terra Christa with Reverend Michael Ara Hayden.

Listen to this uplifting and deeply healing audio recording download to bring in healing energies of the 22 Rays of God to set the foundation for the start of 2018. Listening as needed will assist in deeper ways.

May the sacred energies from the Spiritual Realm bring you much needed relief and true light sustenance from the higher dimensional supply. We extend our heartfelt gratitude and blessings to all who support our teachings and broadcast throughout the year. Your participation is what is helping Gaia heal. We wish everyone all the Love, Warmth and Joy of the Holidays and look forward to a magnificent New Year in the Christed Light of Oneness!


To demonstrate your appreciation and support of this high energy work for the Christed Ascension of Earth brought to you by Walking Terra Christa, please consider making or setting up a donation today. Your support is needed:

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Thank you for opening your Hearts to the Creation of the New Earth. Enjoy these beautiful attunement energies to bring forth the EASTER Blessings.

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Integrative Channel: Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden

Walking Terra Christa held a ceremony for the Festival of the Christ which can be downloaded via our free MP3 Library. Lords Maitreya with Kuthumi assisted in accessing the Christ energies within the Temple of the Office of the Christ.

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♥  Did you enjoy this message?  ♥ Please consider a DONATION to help make these highly spiritual transmission possible. 

Walking Terra Christa is offering their monthly classes in 2017 “Mastering the Spiritual Recovery of the Soul” which is facilitated through Lord Saint Germain, the Ray Chohan of the Month, and Lord Metatron. Each month we work with Lord Saint Germain and Lord Metatron for the Metatronic Seals. Included are the Ray Chohans for the specific rays we are working on as they provide information and Divine Language Light Encodements to assist in accessing the energies within the physical body.  Please use the link to learn more about this series.

© Copyright 2017 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Personal use and providing a link to this article for informational or educational purpose (articles, websites or blogs) is welcomed and encouraged except any use related to or associated with profit making activities (including individual, business or organizational websites, publications, blogs, etc.) Reprinting or reposting this material for publications, websites or blogs that sell or advertise any products or services (as well as any printed or written reproduction) is not authorized without written permission. Rights are only granted to repost this material (in full and unedited with working url links) electronically on informational websites or blogs that do not sell or advertise any products or services. In such cases, you must include this complete copyright statement in full including the above active url referral links to help everyone stay informed and support our messages. In cases of text only formats, these active url links may be converted to display the full path of the url as linked. The information contained herein does not constitute the rendering of healthcare advice or the provision of treatment or treatment recommendations. It is not to be considered or inferred as medical or psychological advice. Use of the website and its originating content constitutes agreement of terms as provided under Website Terms and Disclaimer (click here).

Winter Solstice 2014 Global Gathering

Free Audio – Winter Solstice Sacred Ceremony


Join us for this free connection for these amazing energies we are experiencing in 2014. Walking Terra Christa has been holding their Winter Retreat in Mount Shasta with Saint Germain and this is our last ceremony together for 2014 to anchor the Higher Octave Frequencies within GAIA to form the foundatin for 2015.


We hope you will join us in the energies of this very important gathering!

Many Blessings for an amazing Holiday Season and New Earth Wishes for your New Year!

(If you have not seen our Holiday Gift to You, go here.)

Master Thoth ~ Universal Oneness for Manifestation

pink_gold-fbAbundance of Light ~ Creating Prosperity Together – with Master Toth


Master Toth represents the Unified Whole Command today; so we are just going to bring in all those 330 Rays of God.  The Flame and the Altar are going to be many multi-colors; the colors of all the Rays that we know of:  they consist of the Blues, Golds, Silvers, Platinum, Pink Orange, Pink, and Ruby Red, the higher colors of Pearlescent, the mixture of colors of Blue Gold, Violet Gold, Violet White, Golden Yellow, et cetera.  So then the additional Rays of God are a mixture of all those colors.  There may be particles of Light that are quite different, a new frequency of Light.

Master Toth is a combined frequency with the Great Divine Director and Master Albert Einstein; but today he is going to come through in his Essence.  He helps individuals in releasing past timelines to be fully in their Power of Oneness within their Physical Essence.

Greetings!  It is I, Master Toth.  Oh!  What a beautiful experience today.  Hello everyone, I am so happy to be with you in this beautiful garden!

Let’s just take a deep breath through this moment.  I would like to talk about the Universal Laws just a very small portion.  I am not going through each one, but just stating – Divine Oneness, Vibration, Action, Correspondence, Cause and Effect, Compensation, Attraction, Perpetual Transmutation of Energy, Relativity, Polarity, Rhythm and Gender.  Now we can go into the specifics of all these, but I don’t want you to be in your Mental Mind.  I just want you to feel these Essences.

So let us start with the first one that represents the Divine Oneness.  This is where we are connected to everything else and in this space we do this.  So I want you to just feel that connection of your Higher Essence to be with your Physical Essence.  I don’t want you to forget about your physical creation because this is very important.  This is what you are doing upon the Earth of grounding these energies fully within your system, in your life, to create the effect of being so much more.

You know we phrase the term “As above, As below” and that’s exactly what it means.  It represents the ability to have the inter-connectedness; but if you are not fully active within your Higher Self, your Higher Essence; understanding those words comes more from the physical self.  Then you cannot have the creative processes that you truly desire.  You may have them for short periods of time; but then they may dissipate or you may have another challenge which is the kind that tumbles you in a completely different direction.  this is why other elements get in the way.

So I want to assist today in bringing in the Oneness in the full capacity of your Etheric body to allow you to feel this Essence.  As we counted upwards, it is important for you to visualize that you are going into those higher steps of Creation.  Within your Physical body you may forget.  It is very easy to be in a state of going into a meditation or a visualization, then all of a sudden you are not really feeling what you are doing.  All the senses are important in everything that you are experiencing to allow the creation of a manifestation to happen within you; and also to allow the Creation of Oneness to be grounded within your Physical Essence so that more can feel these qualities within themselves.  As it expands out of you, through you into Gaia, and into other existences; it is also going to assist in removing debris upon the Earth including those lower energies, those Third Dimensional energies, those thought forms that are so prevalent presently upon the Earth.

So I want everyone to take a deep breath and to feel their Higher Self, feel their Higher Self come fully with them in this moment.  You may see her or him coming into the garden sitting with you because this is where you are going to have your greatest acceleration; connecting with this Essence that is you, the part of you that is your Soul that has travelled all these lifetimes and not just this physical existence, and to remove any blockages that are holding you back from receiving your desires so that your life circumstance can get better.   This is all part of the Karma that you are going through and we want to help you release those Karmic Bonds because it is not necessary any longer in the higher realms of Light.

Take a deep breath and go deeply into your Soul’s Essence through your Higher Self.  Feel him or her sitting with you, looking at you or being within you; whatever is the easiest way for you to connect.  Maybe they are sitting across from you and you are holding hands with them, looking into their eyes as they look into your eyes, your eyes are One.  Allowing this Essence to fully be you and if you have a name for your Higher Self call upon them.  This is an important aspect because it makes it feel real in the Physical reality, within the Mental Mind, within the Emotions, to feel that Essence.  Feel the beauty that you are and allow that to expand within you.

We fully want to tap into this Higher Essence to help you go through any elements within the Lower Essence of your physical creation.  Allow it to flow because we constantly have to remind ourselves in the human form that you are not of the body, that the body is a vehicle, and that you truly are of the Soul.  Bring that Essence into you now.  Breathe in deeply.

I call upon my Higher Self through the help of Master Toth to fully embody within my Essence in this moment.

I breathe, I feel her/or him coming into me and sharing with me of what I need to know in this moment.

I open up my Heart to receive; I hear it, I feel it, I sense it, and I embody it.

I see my Higher Self as the beautiful Being of many colors of Light with an Essence that I truly desire to bring into my physical reality.

I feel their strength.

I feel their capacity to show me the way so that I can put aside all my lower thoughts and only connect with my Higher Mind.  As I do this I feel the connectedness within me.

I AM One with my Higher Being.

I AM my Higher Being.

I become that Higher Essence.

I now call upon these Essences to help me in present situation.

So now let us breathe together.  Let us feel these Essences that you are of this creative process and bring it fully into the Physical body.

What is it that you desire in this moment for your life?

What is going to make you happier today?

What is going to help you to evolve into your Highest Essence into your life and to create that connectedness fully within your own being?

We must remember that we cannot be in Oneness within the Earth if we don’t feel that Oneness and connectedness of our Highest Essence.  Allow this to be your guide in this moment.  Feel it deeply in your Solar Plexus – your Inner Power.  Let it go into your lower Chakras and to allow this Essence to command within you the Power that you are, the Beauty that you are, the Will that you have, the Divine ability to access thoughts through your Highest Mind, Wisdom, Knowledge, Creation, and to allow it all to move forward within you.

I AM Master Toth.

I call upon these energies to be imbued upon every individual Being in this moment so that they may receive their Divine Essence and we wash away all that does not fit this Divine vibration.  Feel the vibration within you.  As it comes in, it moves through you allowing you to fully manifest your desires.  Let it get rid of the old in this moment.

Vibrational Attunement

Now feel the space of nothingness as the old is now removed.  Feel the shifting occurring within your body.

Now bring in your Divine desire; think about it, feel it, express it, hold it in your hand, see it coming from your Higher Self and allow that to go into your Heart, expand it into your Solar Plexus, and then bring it down into your lower body.

Ground it within you, feel it, allow it to be your manifestation in this moment; whatever it is – tangible, intangible, Emotional, Mental, or Physical.

Expand upon this energy now because it is your desire, it is your Divine right to hold onto this Essence.  As the old has been removed that stopped you from receiving this blessing unto yourself from your Higher Self into your Physical Self as you become One; feel the fractals of Light all around you, the speckles of colors coming within you and blessing you in the Power that you are.

Call upon these words.

I AM a Divine Being of Light.

I access all my desires through all my ability to be One within my Higher Self as he or she is now embodied within me and extends to me that Essence.

I create the desire that I have been choosing and asking to be fully in my life.  My pathway changes now as I express this Essence unto myself with the many colors in this frequency of Light blessing it deeply.

That as a Being of Blessed from the Universal Oneness that I AM, within this consciousness of the Unified Whole Essence in the beautiful garden of Oneness, I AM One with all of this and there is nothing that I cannot achieve.  It is all within my grasp.

Feel this energy just embracing you.  You have the Power to do anything that you desire and you do.

I AM a Divine Being of Light.

I AM the Creator of my World and I now have removed the Karmic Ties that have kept this away from me.  In this moment, I AM Whole.

I AM One with my Highest Self within the Unified Whole Essence of the Garden of Oneness.

So Mote It Be.

It has been my pleasure as Master Toth to be with you and walk with you through this Essence.  Blessings and Joy for a beautiful outcome.

Abundance of Light – Creating Prosperity Together is a free weekly call conducted on Saturday mornings at 10 AM Pacific.  To learn more about joining our live call, please check this link.

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Lord Buddha – Preparation For Wesak 2013


Lord Buddha speaks about the next stage of our initiations and preparing ourselves for the WESAK ENERGY.

 “The most difficult task is to take the physical self that you are used to of the 3rd dimensional reality and allow it to break apart.” – Lord Buddha through Meleriessee

In this video you can hear his full message and receive a special attunement to assist in your own inner preparations with the Spiritual Masters and Team of Light.

NOTE: Lord Buddha mentions listening to the Wesak recording that will have the 2+ hour Journey To Shamballa meditation journey with more channeling from Lord Buddha, Lord Melchizedek, Sanat Kumara and Lord Maitreya. It will be sent out after Wesak occurs and can be ordered on the event page.

This is excerpted from our weekly calls with the CLARION TEMPLE OF ONENESS as part of the Academy of New Earth Mastery teachings. You can order the entire 1 hour call which also has a blessing and attunement by Divine Mother Father God of the Great Cosmic Central Sun. (Just use the enrollment button but mention you want the Lord Buddha Preparation Call in the notes to seller.)

Alternatively, monthly members receive this MP3 (and almost 100 other audio recordings) as part of their monthly membership.


Activate the Metatronic Seals of the Golden Illumination Within (new sessions)

Metatron by Artist Tony Pinfold.
Metatron by Artist Tony Pinfold. (click image to buy)

Are you aware that new energies are now available to Humanity from the Spiritual Hierarchy?  There are three main reasons for this:

  • The Universe that Earth resides within is now physically moving back into alignment with The Divine Will of The Creator.
  • Due to the Work that many Humans are doing in seeking out and holding the Light, the Spiritual Hierarchy has petitioned The Divine Creator to allow the Angelic Realms (and others) to Assist Humanity even more than before.
  • Individual Humans who have been Diligent and Honorable on the Path now hold enough Higher Frequency Light to be able to transmit the Frequencies within Humanity on the Physical Level, thus accelerating all these elements dramatically into Divine Wholeness.

Lord Metatron, with our assistance, now offers specialized personal sessions that are unique to each individual’s Life Path Timelines to Activate the Metatronic Seals for the Diligent and Dedicated Bearer of Light Within. This will assist the anchoring of the Golden Era upon the  Earth and your own Acceleration toward Becoming Your Divine Self. Click here to read more about this exclusive session and how it can benefit you.

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