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“The Spirit of Resurrection” Archangel Hope

Archangel Hope, the Ray of Crystalline LightArchangel Hope is the beloved of Archangel Gabriel who we worked with  during our Abundance of Light – Creating Prosperity Together,,  utilizing the beautiful Ray energy of Harmony and Balance.

[image: Archangel Hope, the Ray of Crystalline Light]

Just to recap the information, this Ray of the Crystalline Light represents Resurrection, changing elements within ourselves, God’s purity of Light within our thoughts, emotions, being able to have hope in all things, being in the flow of life and activating artistic developments. Hope has the ability to embrace within each of us the intensity of feeling hope in any moment by instilling a Ray of her own quality. She assists individuals to develop their Divine Plan, she provides the doorway to excitement and enthusiasm so that each individual can have hope no matter what they are experiencing.  She is “the spirit of resurrection”.

Both Gabriel and Hope work together to instill that the essence of miracles continually to enfold into each of our lives no matter what our circumstances may be  ~ there is still hope. So as Gabriel brings forth the purification to allow the darkness to be removed, Hope comes forward and instills her flame resurrecting all of the feelings that have been lost and brings them in the essence of hope.  Then comes excitement and the buoyancy of feeling as if it is a new beginning. She steps in through our death and rebirth experience.  Both of them work together; it is important for us to remember how hard the Archangels work to be within each of us.

{{{Crystal bowl ringing}}}


It is my divine pleasure to be here. I Am Archangel Hope.

I want you to feel the essence as Archangel Gabriel is standing by within this beautiful garden so I want any of you to connect with his energy if you need assistance in fully going through that death process.  Today what I am here to assist you with is to instill the ability to see the beauty of your life and what is unfolding within you each moment no matter what challenges you may be feeling; because in order for our desire to come fully manifest, we must go through these processes.

Some individuals may think that they can just think of their desire and it shall be.  That is fine for some but for many it becomes a challenge because what you have brought forth in you previously.  Don’t allow yourself to stay in those moments without having hope. If you are one that has been challenged in your journey and it seems like every road that you turn has set you back with blockages along with not receiving the totality of what you feel you desire and deserve, it is just because there is elements within your Lower Self that have not allowed the essence of regeneration to ignite.  Each of you has it, you have it within the depth of your Being, you have it within soul’s essence; its just that your physical creation of your Mental and Emotional bodies have not held these truths to be so evident within your consciousness.

Now as we are moving into higher frequencies of Light, the Feminine and Masculine elements are starting to understand each other.  If they are not, then this is another way that we can assist you. In order to allow the emotions and the thoughts too blend within each other and to have the I AM Presence activated with the Higher Self, these constrictions that have held you back must be removed.  This is how we assist through the Crystalline Ray of Harmony and Balance. I ask you to think about a moment in which you pick up a crystal a clear quartz crystal and what do you see in that crystal clarity? You see beautiful sparkling light and this is what we mirror to each of you.

I, today, am very excited as I do not get this chance very often to come through in this manner. I am deeply pleased to share with you my essence, my essence of allowing the purification that you have gone through to now bring you in to a space of hopefulness.  And this hopefulness comes from God’s Light as I represent the ability to bring this forth into your essence form my essence.

So I ask all of you now to take a deep breath as you call upon my essence of Archangel Hope to fully come within your being.  Allow me to stand within you to help you bring forth the ability of a child opening up a gift for their birthday.  Remember that child you are because everyday you are receiving a gift.  It is a gift for you to understand yourself in a much deeper essence than you ever have previously.  So I expand to you my hopefulness from God’s Light into your Hearts and allow it to run through your entire Being.  This Ray is so representative in the root chakra which is where many lower elements are held.  This is also where they ignite from the Etheric body so it’s important to purify yourself with the Crystalline Light continually and continually and continually.

I stand here within you right now and bring to you my Spirit of Resurrection.  Breathe deeply as it runs through your entire physical body, moving into your Etheric body, going into your Emotional body and your Mental body until they can become One.  Let us breathe and feel this essence of each other. And say these words unto yourself:

I, in the Divine Light that I am, and then {state your name} call upon Archangel Hope to instill within me the ability to feel excitement in each moment.

I feel the Crystalline Light infused within me and burn away all that I no longer need as the challenges are now gone.

I bring forth this essence unto my Being to see the newness of everyday but it is in each moment, just as the sun arises every morning.

I arise within me Hope, Excitement, Joy, Ecstasy, and the Beauty that I AM.

I now ask each of you to envision in yourself what it is that you desire in this moment? What it is that you feel we need to help you with your challenges whether it is an emotional thought or a tangible item, cash flow, maybe you need to bring something in your life that will assist you presently in a physical sense so it can be intangible or tangible. Breathe into that and see that essence coming into you now.  See the Creation, allow your vision to flow as the Crystalline Light comes within you.  Then the openness of your vision can give you the clarity you needed a moment ago.  In this moment it may not be the same, because as you bring in the Crystalline Ray it changes. Feel that igniting within your Root area, feel that coming into the aspect of your whole Being and you see in front of you now what you desire.  It comes in your Mind’s Eye.  It comes through your thoughts, it comes through your feelings ~ feel that essence now.

Hold it in your hands, if you would like, and embrace it now with the Crystalline Light and say these words unto yourself:

I Am the Light of the Crystalline Ray.  As I call upon Archangel Hope I feel all that I deserve and I am so excited to allow it to be manifested within me.

I Am this Being of Light.

I deserve to create all that I desire and need in these moments so in the next moment I shall truly walk with Beauty and Grace and the Light that I AM.

See in front of you now a beautiful gift.  It is wrapped in crystalline paper and silver ribbon. You open it up and as you do so, it is yours to have.

I call upon my Higher Self and my I AM Presence in this moment to receive my desired outcome as I express within myself the ability to receive.  I shall receive more.

I feel the hope coming to me as I now embodied with the light of Archangel Hope and call upon these energies to instill within me the ability to accept all that I deserve.

I receive, I receive, and I receive

I Am joy

I AM Love

I AM excited with All That I Am

I Am that I Am that I Am

I now embody the Crystalline Light from both of these beautiful Archangels but it is Hope that is instilled within me to allow my thoughts to be the Masculine Divine which allows my emotions to be the Feminine Divine as now they blend their essence within me.  I receive in each moment all that I desire

I express what I need beyond the capacity of what I need so that I will flourish within the life I am living.

I AM Abundant

I AM Love

I AM excited to be the Master of my Destiny

I AM that I AM

I AM that I AM

Feel the receiving energy flowing within you in this moment.  I, as Archangel Hope, am deeply gratified to be with each of you in this moment.  Our association will now move into a deeper connection.  I am not stepping away as I work with each of you to be the Creative Source of Light that you are. I give you this hope.  I give you all that I am in these moments to assist you in the process of your Creative Life in all that you are. I stand with you.

I am Archangel Hope with my beloved Gabriel.

Just take a moment and allow her essence to blend within you as you feel her energies.  See the crystalline structures, the crystals, and the beautiful sparkles of light that are completely within the garden in this moment as we now continue with the prayers to activate what she has given to us.


©Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,,

 Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.

Creating Abundance with Archangel Gabriel


Archangel Gabriel along with his beloved, Archangel Hope are the archangels of the 4th Ray of Harmony of Balance which represents Resurrection, changing elements within ourselves, the God purity of light and thoughts and emotions, hope, fluidness of life, and artistic development. 

As we clear away these elements, then the artistry within us starts to be emitted.  Gabriel represents the purification of God’s Light and brings the essence of NEVER FAILING.  He reminds us of the Three fold flame:  Power to redeem, to Harmonize, to Purify, to Heal, to supply and regulate every condition.  The elements of discipline, self control, contemplation, love and gratitude to life itself are the important components to accessing harmony within our lives.  With the Lion’sGate it is a perfect time to connect with the archangels of Harmony and Balance. 

It is my Divine Pleasure to be with each of you.  I am, Archangel Gabriel. 

It is such a beautiful time to bring our energies together; yes the Lion’s Gate, Wow.  This energy is going to be with us and the power that we are going to be doing this week and next is going to bring in the ability to manifest, to create the thoughts to be grounded within your lives. 

First of all, I want to say that I honor each of you for being within this pathway of mastery, for stepping into this world, and also to accept the process you are going through as you are becoming more than you ever have been before.

As I stand before you in this beautiful garden, let us reflect upon the energies that are occurring presently within this frequency of light, within the flowers, within the greenery with the sun shining down into all parts, the beautiful streams and bridges.  This is the place to explore.  This is where we want to feel beauty, and of course, we want to feel it within our own Beings.

This is what I bring to you today so that I can remind you that you have the ability to continually be in this space, within your mind and your feelings.  We must change the 3rd dimensional construct to bring it into you as you can fully experience the state of conditioning through this beautiful garden. 

Let us take a deep breath as we bring forth the Crystalline Light Ray into your Being from your Soul Star into your full body system.  Allow it to enfold within each part of your body. 

I ask you to call upon me, Archangel Gabriel, to assist you in removing all that is not supporting your Divine Purpose on Earth.  Do you understand what that Divine Purpose is?  It does not matter if your lower consciousness does not understand.  So I, Archangel Gabriel, bring forth the Flame Of Resurrection to reverse the currents that have tied the energies in all your bodies of the lower octaves and form the magnetic pull that has bound you to the Earth ~ bound you to the 3rd dimensional understanding that you cannot have abundance. 

We bring forth in this moment the Flame of Resurrection.  Feel it coming down into your entire body of the Crystalline Light.  As the flame burns within you, feel the fires burn away in your Etheric Body, bringing it into your Emotional/Astral body, and into your Mental body, within your Physical body.  All that has been in your past timelines, in your past experiences that are surfacing do not support your abundant lifestyles.

So say to yourself,

“All that has been in my past timelines that does not support my abundant lifestyle is now removed through all, through all that I AM.”

Now feel the essence of the Crystalline Light, which represents the ability to have the Harmony and Balance to be within you, of God’s Purity of Light within your thoughts and emotions.  Allow it to go into your Mental Body, relax, the Masculine Divine, relax the Feminine Divine, allow them to come together in your Three Fold Flame.

Say these words to yourself:

I now feel the immaculate essence that I Am being the only thought or feeling within my four-body system.

I feel what was dead within me is now fully removed, as I become alive with the FREEDOM that I AM and ever will be.

I now feel the power of redemption run through all of my bodies of Light.  What was lost is now found.

Feel that occurring now.

Just don’t say the words, feel the essence blending within you as the power of the Light in this beautiful garden is emitting a vapor of the crystalline ray.  Breathe that within you.  The power of the healing that is now invoked within you as, I Archangel Gabriel, have shown you the way to your own God and Goddess Self.  Take these words deeper:

I now take this power of redemption and healing and invoke it into every thought or feeling condition from this moment forward.  I will discipline myself to remember that this is the only way to the FREEDOM of my soul within my pathway of Mastery.

Breathing deeply ~

What is it that you desire within your world, what is it that you want to create, is it a better abundant way of living, a better way of interconnecting with individuals?  As you are accelerating yourself into the 5th dimensional level of arena, the hardest element to let go of is what is in the past.  To let go of those relationships as they do not serve your highest essence.  I ask you to bring forth the Crystalline Light within you now and say,

I AM a Master that fully invokes the 4th Ray of Harmony and Balance with the assistance of Archangel Gabriel.  I feel the light of the crystalline ray to flow within me from above and ground it through me below.

I AM an immaculate being of Light and I hold this truth within me each moment.  I have deep gratitude and love for all that I AM, what I have learned, and take this forward within my world.  It is the only way to the FREEDOM of my physical creation.

Breathe through each of these statements:

I Ressurect

I Redeem

I Harmonize

I Purify

I Heal

I Create Discipline

I have Self Control

I contemplate all that I AM

To Create Gratitude and Love within Me

Now take all of this and see the vision you desire, the creation of your manifestation to be the acceptance of your world.  See that in front of you.  Call upon these essences again:

I Ressurect

I Redeem

I Harmonize

I Purify

I Heal

I Create Discipline

Activating Self Control

I contemplate all that I AM

To Create Gratitude and Love within Me

I Am Gratitude and Love.

Now take that essence and put it into your vision of what it is you desire to manifest in your world at this moment.  What is it that you need the most?  Feel it embracing you as you are the desire, as it is not separate from you.  It is your desire, it is your manifestation, and in order for it to be created, you must believe that you are the creator of this vision to appear in your world.  When you allow yourself to be the creator and live it that is when it shall be.  Take these words a little deeper:

I am the desire in the creation of all that I envision.  I see my abundance of light within me as it flows through me and now the creation of my world is my only thought of desire.  I am free in love and acceptance of the immaculate Being that I Am.

I thank you AA Gabriel of what you have shown me, of what I could not see.

And take these words each moment that you desire to work within your own manifestation, because elements will arise that will try to impede you that are from your past  timelines, elements from this lifetime, and elements that are around you.  You must hold the vision strong within you; you must keep it within that space, and allow it to flow within you so that YOU can have the FREEDOM that you desire.

I AM Archangel Gabriel are so very pleased to be here at this moment, because this creative process is going to work so much stronger as we bring in the Crystalline Light, and as we work with all the Rays of God to be the Christed Being that We ARE.  Feel the Christed Being, feel the power, the love, as your three-fold flame becomes fully activated and stronger than you ever felt it before of the God and Goddess within yourself, coming together in harmony and love.  This is the power of your I AM.

I AM Archangel Gabriel at your service from this beautiful moment in time.  I give you my blessings, my love, and the immaculate desire to be all that YOU ARE.

 We experienced the energies of Archangel Gabriel in our Abundance of Light – Creating Prosperity Together on July 27th, 2013.  This is our weekly Prosperity Circle open to all individuals.  We wanted to share his powerful message of love and God’s Power within us to create all we desire.  On August 3rd, 2013 we will work with Archangel Hope, his female counterpart.  For more information on this powerful group, please click the link above.

©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,,

 Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.


The Time Has Now Arrived ~ All Species of Light Gathering for the Lion’s Gate



We are now inviting Lord of the Great Bear back to the Clarion Temple of Oneness by special request of Saint Germain on Monday, July 29th, 2013.  The energetics of the Lion’s Gate is another stargate opening up the frequencies of light through the Galactics but being fully guided by the Unified Whole.  Lord of the Great Bear is the representative for the Christed Intergalactics within the Unified Whole.  We are excited about this special meeting with not only him but his colleagues.

Saint Germain shares this message about Lord of the Great Bear:  “Lord of the Great Bear is the overseeing agent of all Christed Galactics including the Ashtar Command.  In fact he started that agency to have the overseeing energies from his essence into all frequencies of the Light Command.  His transmission will be to talk about the Lion’s Gate from a perspective of the Intergalactics as they are the overseeing energies to create the Star Gate to allow the Elohim and the Elders to interact with these frequencies along with the angelic principalities, and all light frequencies from the Unified Whole that are being activated within the Earth.”

The Lord of the Great Bear will discuss the Command Center for the Christed Beings of Light to interact with the Earth Beings; he is the overseeing energy of all Light Frequencies in alignment with the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of White Light focusing upon the Unified Whole Creation.  Lion’s Gate is the access to allow these frequencies to be housed within the human conditioning.

He will speak along with representatives of each of the major planetary systems along with Lord Sananda and Ashtar Command.  Then the Arcturians, Andromedeans, Pleideans, Sirians B along with Mikos, representing the Hollow Earth who is the representative of the Intergalactics within the Inner Earth.

The Lord also known as the Logos of the Great Bear Star System is the higher aspect – the cosmic level of the Lord of Sirius and the Great White Lodge, who is the higher aspect of the Solar Logos, Helios.  This also includes the star systems under the Great Bear Constellations of Arcturus, Sirius, Pleidius, and Andromeda.  He also aligns his energies within the dimensional frequencies from the 20th through the 36th level which represent the Christed-Extraterrestrial Beings of Light.

He is a majestic Being that many do not know about his essence.  He is the overlighting energy of the 21st Ray of God, Eternity and Divine Structure “Learning to Access Spiritual Harmony of Light Within”.  This ray becomes the 21st chakra in the 5th dimensional chakra grid that is aligned within the Third Eye with the colors of Blue Gold.

Working within the 21st Ray will help in accessing and healing of All Timelines whether they are active or inactive.  This opens up the doorway for Clarity and illumination; thereby, accessing the ability to perceive all dimensions as One Source of Light.

We will be honoring the essence of the Lord of the Great Bear Star System in the Clarion Temple of Oneness mediation on Monday, July 29th, 2013.  This call is held via teleconference and you can sign up to be on the live call via our website at

Previously we worked with the Lord of the Great Bear within the Clarion Temple of Oneness in April of 2013 , a Meteor Shower of Love, which was a very powerful connection for everyone..  The transcription of the Clarion Temple of Oneness, “Receiving Your Star Glyph, with Lord of the Great Bear” is available to read.

Individuals may join the Clarion Temple of Oneness for the live call.  Please click the link to see the details to join on a per-call basis.  We hope to hear your voice in the magnificent time of creation upon the Earth.

In Expressions of Oneness,

Mel and Mike

Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden
5th Dimensional Mastery


©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,,

All Rights Reserved.



Lion’s Gate 2013 ~A New Doorway of Opportunity

lions gate 2013

Period of Activation:  July 26th through August 12, 2013


We, at Walking Terra Christa, want to acknowledge the energies of the Lion’s Gate so we and others can have a clearer definition of what these upgraded frequencies represent within the 4th dimensional world we live in.  This information resonates with the messages that Lord Adama and the Team of Light have shared in the past few weeks that we are about to be hit with some very intense vibrational changes.  The following transmission is being guided by the Elohim Councils of God and the Elders That Surround the Throne of Grace that represent the 12 Rays of God.  We thank them for their message of love.



Greetings My Beloveds,

We thank you for taking the time to receive these energies of understanding.  We have come together with the Elohim and the Elders in group consciousness to assist the divination of light in order to have an understanding of what we are expressing in these moments.  It is important that we have a general knowledge of the changes that are already happening within the planet in order to fully grasp the conditions that you will be receiving in the next couple of weeks.

Each of you is at a time when changes will occur within you and you will go into a deeper part of your essence.  It is all part of the plan that has been set since December of last year.  It is important to realize that the energies that are existing upon the planet are in need of great assistance but it must come in stages of growth.

When it was decided that many levels of humanity could survive a transitioning planet, the increments of the upgrades needed to come during very important times instead of bulldozing the energies all at once.  You see, there is so much more that needs to be healed within GAIA and in order to accomplish the goal that is intended, it must be done in a certain manner.  Each of you has assisted with this transition due to energetic healing and psychic advancement in many souls upon the planet.  2013 was to be a year in which transition would be the main focus but must be acquired in stages that would create a synchronistic outcome.

If we look back upon this year, it truly has achieved its worth with the transformation that has occurred within the planet.  But, yet, there is so much more that needs to be done and we will continue to assist with the transition as much as possible and with the least of tragic events involved.  This also depends upon the group consciousness of each location and how the energy will affect their environment.

The Gate of the Lion represents a doorway of an energetic surge just as the Lion is roaring its way through the jungle.  It could be likened to the massive amount of debris that needs to be cleaned up.  It also will assist each individual soul to move to a higher state of existence in their own consciousness and physical reality.  It is important to understand where you are standing presently before the occurrence on July 26th before we enter this doorway of extreme acceleration.  Reflection will be needed through this occurrence of light so it is important to have an inner inventory of your thoughts, feelings, and sensations that are happening within your physical vehicle.  ALL WILL BE CHALLENGED THROUGH THIS PROCESS.  It will depend upon each individual’s growth, how much foundation they have created, and how strong an individual can be while riding through the storm.

Let us describe what exactly the Gate represents through energetic exchanges.  We, of the Elders that Surround the Throne of Grace, represent the 12 Rays of God.  We are the deciding factor of emitting the Rays of God into each Ray Chohan, Archangel or Elohim so that it can then be sent to each Initiate or Chela upon the Earth.  Rays of Light coming into the planet will occur within these dates.  Those that are balanced within their knowledge and ability to handle the rays will experience a much better outcome than those that do not.  It has been decided from the entire God Force and Creation of Oneness that the rays need to be emitted into the earth’s atmosphere.  Someone that has never experienced the Rays of God and its power will feel like they are walking through a wind storm.  It will emit the frequencies of God’s essence through each of the qualities represented by:  Will and Power; Love and Wisdom; Creative Intelligence; Harmony and Balance; Science of the Light; Inner Devotion; Ceremonial Structure and Magic; Higher Cleansing accessing the Higher Self Energies, Attraction of the Light Body; Blending the Masculine and Feminine Divine by Illumination of Light; Bridging the Old into the New; and Accepting the Christ Consciousness.

It is important to realize that each of our rays will help to activate energies within the earth to ascend into a higher consciousness level to receive the Christed Self in every living being.  So individuals that have never stood in God’s light will be feeling this profusely within their physical world and it may affect them adversely.  Those of you that are fully activated in some or all of the rays will feel an euphoric effect within you.  It will help you to move further into your highest aspirations.  It will assist you in your initiation process and move some of the challenges that have been in your way.  THE MORE THAT YOU KNOW AND PERCEIVE THE BETTER THE RESULT WILL BE.

We, of the Elohim Council of God, as the Seven Rays are here to assist you ground the energies.  Each initiate will be asked to go deeper into their self-awareness to comprehend and understand these frequencies of light.  You are the grounding force to help others to accept the changes that will be occurring.  We want you to know that we are here for the asking especially for the first seven rays of God that will assist you in accepting the higher frequencies within your physical body.

So if you are ready to move into a new initiation, you will do so.  If you have been challenged by certain conditions in your world, they can be removed.  What you think, you will receive.  Your thoughts will be very astute and the energy will come back to you.  It is a time to utilize your tools to the fullest extent because you are being asked to stand in the power of God’s Light to accept your Divinity.  As you do this, it will ground it more fully into GAIA.  More souls upon the planet will be able to handle the frequencies by you accepting it within you.

This does not mean you will not be challenged as you will.  Acceleration can come quickly through these phases.  As you go through your initiation phases, more DNA is acquired.  But it can only happen by allowing the changes to occur within our full body system.  Receiving all strands of the 12 can only be acquired after the 7th initiation.  What is happening through this process is that when you receive activation from others, they do not give it to you, it comes through the Elders of the Rays of God, into your Monad and Soul essences, combining your I AM Presence, and only then, if you are completely ready to accept them physically.  Some individuals have them acquired in the higher consciousness but NOT IN PHYSICAL FORM.  There are very few lightworkers walking upon this planet fully activated.  It can happen but there can also be disastrous results within the four body system.

So what will happen through these changes of the Lion’s Gate is that your Emotional and Mental bodies will become more aligned to prepare for the blending of the Masculine and Feminine Divine.  Your Etheric body will be clearing intensely of the timelines that do not fit this essence.  So if you are going through dramatic changes through this period, know it is probably from the Etheric Level.  Whatever you need to be cleared, ask for it to be and it shall.

Ways to help yourself:

  • Gathering with others in meditations;
  • Being in nature especially water is helpful.  See yourself moving through the process;
  • Grounding with GAIA by walking barefoot on the ground, on rocks, within a meadow;
  • Breathing deeply the Rays of God as they are being emitted through the wind and atmosphere;
  • Accepting that you are changing and adjust to it constantly;
  • Know that nothing stays the same so when you have to physically change a condition, move with that process;
  • Accept the responsibility that you are a Divine Being of Light and that you are here to help others.  This is the first step in taking the job that has been given to you by your Higher Self to help;
  • Hold the light within increments of time on a daily basis.  Once a day is very good; more is better;
  • Connect with The Great Central Sun through the process by sitting in the sun for 5 minutes at a time.  During this time reflect to RA the Sun God and Helios and Vesta, our Solar Logos for assistance;
  • Just Be the Essence that you are Becoming.

If you would like to connect to us as the Elohim Masters of God in group consciousness we will be with you; separately we can help you out with particulars:

Ray 1 – Hercules and Amazonia for Strength and Courage;

Ray 2 –  Apollo & Lumina for Expansion of the Higher Mind;

Ray 3 – Heros & Amora for Devotion of Self Love and Deep Compassion;

Ray 4 – Purity & Astrea for Resurrection to create Balance and Harmony;

Ray 5 –Cyclopea & Virigina for Unwavering Patience accepting details to fall into place;

Ray 6 – Peace & Aloha for Forgiving Love and Grace;

Ray 7 – Arcturus and Victoria for transformation of sacred living.


As both the Elders and the Elohim, we want you to know that the time of procreation is now upon GAIA.  We thank you for your assistance, and now that our creation will be your creation as we are ONE together, One Heart, One Mind, One Essence of Light.

Blessings and Joy to each of you in these moments of Light That We Are.


As an addendum from Walking Terra Christa we would like to share some information that may assist individuals through this process is intuiting the 12 Rays of God through the color frequencies:

1-Deep Blue; 2-Golden Yellow; 3-Deep Pink; 4-Crystalline Light; 5-White mixed with Green and Gold; 6-Ruby Red with Gold; 7-Violet with Deep Purple; 8-Seafoam Green; 9-Blue Green; 10-Pearlescent; 11-Pink Orange; and 12-Gold.

You may breathe in the colors through your 12 chakras as each of the rays blend into the chakras and on the 4th dimensional chakra grid they become the chakras (Ray 8 through 12) or call upon the Ray definitions that were given in the message from the Elders.

If you need any assistance during this transitionary time, we would be happy to assist you at Walking Terra Christa, We are providing at no cost the audio from our Lion’s Gate Healing Support teaching-meditation. It will assist by having you incorporate the PINK FLAME of Love, Compassion and Manifestation especially during this time frame:

Healing Support with the Pink FlameF.r.e.e. special giveaway. We are giving the opportunity for everyone to access the Healing Energies of the Etheric Golden City of Saceleas.  This is from our weekly Tele-Teaching with Lord Adama and the Telosian Council of Light where we visit each of the New Earth Golden Cities. These energies will assist with the current energies that we are going through with the Lion’s Gate.


©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved. 


Surrender to Wholeness Creates Oneness Within ~ The Great Divine Director

great divine director

We are being honored with the energies of the Great Divine Director in the Clarion Temple of Oneness on Monday, June 17th, 2013.  He will be sharing energies about the unification of Light within the planet since the Wesak Full Moon in May 2013.

The Great Divine Director is the Manu of the Seventh Root Race, a member of the Karmic Board, and very recently on the command post of the Unified Whole with Master Thoth and Master Albert Einstein.  He was the teacher of Lord Maitreya, the Maha Chohan-Allah Gobi, Saint Germain and Master Kuthumi.  He also assisted Master Lady Nada with her ascension 2,700 years ago.

He has assisted many lifestreams in their pathway of ascension and continues to do so this day.  He oversees many activities of the Spiritual Hierarchy and especially the pathway of Oneness of the Unified Whole.  The power of his light is amazing but his love and guidance is even more miraculous.  We are deeply honored to share his essence within the Clarion Temple of Oneness.

The Great Divine Director shares a special message:

Blessings fellow initiates; it is my pleasure to speak in this moment.  And what a beautiful moment it is as the world is changing into more joy and acceptance than we ever thought possible.

The Light of the Christed energies are enfolding within each of you so brilliantly and we are happy to be able to assist you even further.  I must share with you that our time is just beginning; and we so look forward to the moment when we all look at you through our physical eyes and share our essences within one another. 

I have seen great changes occurring within the earth and there are many more to come.  We must find a way so as individuals can realize the potential that lies within themselves and not the old remnants of the soul’s history that gets in the way of a magnificent experience.  We are at a very powerful time within the six-month period of 2013.  Changes have occurred around the world and will continue to do so.  As each of you grow deeper within yourself, you will find the courage and stamina to expand those energies outside of yourself to help the newly awakened individuals to understand more about themselves.

My role presently is quite different than it has been previously.  I am still on the Karmic Board but individuals that choose to raise their vibrations out of the third dimensional thought forms can fully accept their higher essence and the karmic pathway can be almost erased of what it was before.  Oh, souls like yourself always want to know why something happened a certain way and what they did whether it was a positive or less-than desirable experience.  That is not always the case and now that the Unified Whole has been fully accessed, we can put these elements into wholeness so that they do not hold down your emotions or thoughts.  That way of living is moving out of existence.  But it is up to each individual and how deeply they can access their higher self on a continual basis.  At first, this can be difficult but learn to access the higher vibrational essence will be the direct result of all karma being removed and released through the Unified Whole.  Within this wholeness, we cannot be the parts that we were previously as they do not fit the entire spectrum of understanding.  When an individual accepts this as the true essence, that is when they will let go of the old aspects that are not fitting their present consciousness.  You see, your higher consciousness is catching up to the physical consciousness and it takes time for this to occur.  Without accessing your Higher Knowledge, it cannot be done.  Just asking for it to be is not the answer or thinking that all your work is done in your dream state.  It has to enfold within the physical part of your existence so that you can meld them together to become the enlightened being that you desire.

Presently these tasks at hand are much easier to handle and you have the availability to create the changes necessary within you.  The energies are higher but that can also be a detriment to some individuals if they are not ready to accept the higher consciousness within the physical body.  This is why you have what you call “Ascension Symptoms”.  The physical body is trying to accept the higher knowledge and molecules of light but when the lower ego is intact, it cannot happen.  There becomes a battle within all aspects of the four-body system to see which one is going to win.  Surrender, my dear ones; it is the only way that you can get through this process of learning to De-Ascend into your physical body.  This means changes will result but the desired outcome will arrive much sooner than you think.  The physical mind wants the control but yet the higher mind just wants to integrate and not take over as the lower mind thinks.

I know it sounds easy, right?  No, it is just the opposite and each of us understands that in order to be in Oneness all old molds must be broken to accept the new design of the Self that is about to be integrated.  But, you are all doing this in your own way.  Tools of the Light are essential to assist in this process and downgrading the information from your Higher Self each day when you awake either from your sleep time or meditative state.  It is all trying to integrate within you so time to sleep, relax, and rejuvenate is absolutely necessary.  It is a continual process and allowing the state of Oneness to be within you first must happen before it can be accepted within Gaia and her existence.  This is why there is so much strife and change happening in all parts of the world.  The ones that rise up to the occasion and understand that there is a higher meaning and purpose to what is happening will see great changes occur.  It is important to realize that your Higher Self and I AM Presence is protecting you at all times as long as you connect with them.  In fact, it is the only way to arise to the occasion of the changes that are occurring.

We stand in the middle of this year and see many arriving into a state of conditioning that is beyond their wildest dreams.  Love is abounding but until you allow it to happen internally and surrender to the process instead of trying to fight it, then you will not experience it fully.  As you do, that will expand out of you and you will see the mirrors of light shining brightly around you.  Each breath that you take of the NEW YOU will go through the ethers of the lands to assist others to do the same.

This is true ONENESS and you will see it occurring in your lives.  We are at the very beginning of a transitional planet and thank you for standing tall amongst the ones that are true to the Light.

I AM the Great Divine Director at your service.

The Great Divine Director will speak through Rev. Christine Meleriessee in the Clarion Temple of Oneness on Monday, June 17th, 2013, 5 PM Pacific, 12 GMT.  You may join this call by registering at Walking Terra Christa,

©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.

Master Serapis Bey ~ The Lord of Love

Serapis Bey1

On Monday, June 10th, 2013, Master Serapis Bey will be the spokes-being for the Clarion Temple of Oneness.  Serapis Bey is the Chohan of the 4th Ray of Harmony, Beauty, and Balance in the color of Crystalline Light representing the cosmic level.  He will be giving discourse of how to create harmony within our lives presently as we are within the midst of the Wesak energies as we move toward the Festival of Humanity on June 23rd, 2013.

Serapis Bey was an embodied Seraphim, who came to Earth as a guardian spirit to assist the people of Earth.  He was a priest in the Ascension Temple on Posedonis, a remnant of Atlantis.  He established a temple for the Ascension Flame in Luxor, Egypt after he traveled with other members of the Brotherhood of White light right before the sinking of the continent of Atlantis.

Master Serapis is a Lord of Love and his One Purpose in Life is to free every individual from the recoil of impure causes and cores of limitations and disease which can cause distress on the mind, body, and spirit.  He has been the Chohan of the Fourth Ray since 400 B.C.  He also works very closely with Master Paul the Venetian, the Ray Chohan for the Third Ray of Active & Creative Intelligence.  They both have shared the energies of these beautiful rays and work hand-in-hand with each other.

Master Serapis Bey works with every initiate who chooses to be on the Ascension Pathway.  He assists in cleansing the aura of the individual within their Etheric Body and lovingly prepares those initiations which will help each candidate to transmute his lower nature.  If the candidate is willing to move further into their ascension process with deep earnest and study, he will assign a brother or sister from retreat in Luxor that will provide the candidate Opportunities so that they can achieve their Ascension in the Light as long as they can PERSEVERE through the process.  The experience for the initiate will enhance their ascension process so that they are not being punished or put into major lessons, but to fully expand their essence in the Light.  Opportunities create growth.

A Message from Serapis Bey:

Greeting My Fellow Comrades of the Light,

It is my pleasure to be able to work with each of you through the Clarion Temple of Oneness.  I have some exciting news that I want to share in that venue so I hope you will take the time to join us.

I am also very excited to speak to you in this moment.  We are at a very crucial time of elevation of the Light within the planet and it is important that each of us come together to understand that process.  If you spend too much time on the consciousnesses of your physical mind, then you will never be able to comprehend the changes and accelerations that you are experiencing as it will be filtered through the mind and not through your intuition.

Presently within the earth’s evolution there are so many energies that are being filtered within the planet so it may be a challenge to discern what is right and wrong in any given thought process.  It is imperative to work with the frequencies of Harmony and Balance of the Crystalline Ray to assist in the Divinity within your Soul’s Essence.  The true goal at hand is to fully express joy in all moments of being, but until an individual can fully access their full body system, and then it becomes convoluted in the process.  This is where the confusion sets in and then all of a sudden a person may not know what the truth is as the energy becomes intertwined not only within the Divine level but within the physical.  This is where Harmony and Balance needs to be utilized.

You will find that as a candidate for the ascension process you will go through many stages of growth and questioning the process of your own experience.  It cannot be measured by anyone else or compared to another individual, as you are unique and your experiences will be very different.  The power of your divinity lies within the truth of your soul’s essence.  Until you learn to tap into that aspect of yourself, then you are just being fooled by other energies you have encountered in previous lifetimes and timelines.  It take great diligence to continue to work through this process and I AM here to assist.

I enjoy so much in helping each initiate understand what they are experiencing deeply.   When this happens, this is when Divine Order sets in from your Higher Self and I AM Presence.  It make take quite some time to get to that perfect understanding but we in Luxor are here to help.

We also have a beautiful Golden Etheric City that is being built in the fifth dimensional NEW EARTH.  It is called Shashwam and resides in the Central United States within Kansas, Colorado, Nebraska and now will move into Oklahoma.  So if you want to visit, please intend to come into the city and we will be happy to receive you to help you find balance and harmony within your life.

My main message at this time is to help you to remember and reflect on the Beauty that You Are.  It is important to remember these aspects of yourself to get through the trials and lessons of walking into mastership.  Please acknowledge your worth and your ability to be more than you are now or ever have been.

All my Light to each of you,

I AM Master Serapis Bey

If you would like to join us Monday evening with Master Serapis Bey, please register on our website,  Previously our calls were part of our Membership program only, but they are now available on a call-by-call basis.

Additionally, we will be traveling to the CITY OF SHASHWAM on Wednesday evening, June 12th, 2013.  We travel to the Golden Etheric Cities with Lord Adama as our guide each week.  This week it so happens that we will be re-visiting the City of Shaswam, previously called Klehma.  You may also join this individual call by registering on the website,  Click the link for more information is available about the City of Klehma from our first visit in July 2011.

Additional Material Excerpted from Ascended Masters & Their Retreats, W. Schroeder

©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.


Lord Buddha – Preparation For Wesak 2013


Lord Buddha speaks about the next stage of our initiations and preparing ourselves for the WESAK ENERGY.

 “The most difficult task is to take the physical self that you are used to of the 3rd dimensional reality and allow it to break apart.” – Lord Buddha through Meleriessee

In this video you can hear his full message and receive a special attunement to assist in your own inner preparations with the Spiritual Masters and Team of Light.

NOTE: Lord Buddha mentions listening to the Wesak recording that will have the 2+ hour Journey To Shamballa meditation journey with more channeling from Lord Buddha, Lord Melchizedek, Sanat Kumara and Lord Maitreya. It will be sent out after Wesak occurs and can be ordered on the event page.

This is excerpted from our weekly calls with the CLARION TEMPLE OF ONENESS as part of the Academy of New Earth Mastery teachings. You can order the entire 1 hour call which also has a blessing and attunement by Divine Mother Father God of the Great Cosmic Central Sun. (Just use the enrollment button but mention you want the Lord Buddha Preparation Call in the notes to seller.)

Alternatively, monthly members receive this MP3 (and almost 100 other audio recordings) as part of their monthly membership.




Clarion Temple of Oneness - Healing for All Universal Light Beings in Body & Beyond

The Teachings and Attunments from the Great Cosmic Central Sun of Divine Mother-Father God and the Spiritual Master Spokes Being are so important and transformational that THIS IS NOW THE LARGEST ETHERIC TEMPLE IN CREATION within the 144 Multidimensional levels of reality.

From it’s auspicious yet quite beginnings it is now the most beneficial source for healing of the psyche and consciousness for all those who have transitioned out of the human form, including many other souls from the diverse multitude of planetary existences.

For us with the body, it brings many levels of healing including for our physical selves.

Simply Chose Your Financial Means Level and tell us the exact Date of the event that for which you desire the Audio Recording link.

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©2003-2023 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery and Divine Language Network formerly by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). All Rights Reserved. Licensed Limited Material. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of the herein referenced digital media material without express and written permission from the author is strictly prohibited.
[Plain language for limited licensing terms and conditions: this Walking Terra Christa digital media products (Video/Audio Streaming or Video/Audio/PDF/MSWORD/TEXT Files) are provided under a limited license to be accessed for private use by the original purchaser exclusively. This license does not grant use rights to alter, transcribe, copy, broadcast, publish, distribute, share or play this digital media product under any other circumstances without the written permission of the author].

Preparation for the Spring Equinox ~ Lord Adama, the High Priest of Telos

Spring EquinoxThe Spring Equinox will be another three-day gateway into the Christ Consciousness energies which could be very powerful and has the potential to create an imbalanced state of equilibrium for individuals that may not be prepared.  Lord Adama shares a very powerful meditation to work through the 12 Rays of God into each of the 12 Chakras helping to ground the Christ Energies into each of us individually and collectively for GAIA.

We gather in our group Merkabah to the City of Telos underneath Mt. Shasta. We arrive in the Garden of Telos as Lord Adama meets us on the pathway into the forest to the Lemurian Retreat House.


I AM Lord Adama.  Please follow me as we walk together to the retreat house with the Telosian Council of Light and all the beautiful beings of Telos.  Let us walk through the forest as we see the Retreat House walking down the steps into the entry way and down the spiral staircase into our meeting room.  Each of you know where it is; walk into the room that is set up like a living room.  Find yourself a very comfortable seat.  We have the chairs in a semi-circle facing the stage.  I am going to step down onto the podium.

Welcome.  Let us take a breath and feel the energies that are occurring in our retreat house in this moment.  We have asked for the initiation for all 12 Rays of God to be placed completely on the border of the room.

Straight ahead, which is behind me, you are going to see the Blue Ray.  These are columns of light with vibrancy of energy of the Ray.  We will follow the room in a clockwise manner.  The Blue Ray represents the Will and Power; feel that igniting.  The Golden Yellow represents Love and Wisdom; the Deep Pink around the right, is the Creative and Active Intelligence; The Crystalline Light is Ray 4 with experiencing Pure Joy with Harmony and Balance.  Ray 5 is the Green, Gold and White colors all blending together.  There is probably more of frequency of the green than there are of the Gold and White.  This is the Science of God and accessing our Higher Knowledge.  Ruby Red inflected with Gold is our Inner Devotion.  Deep Purple with Violet represents our Divine Structure and Ceremonial Magic.  This is a very important ray.  Ray 8 represents the Sea Foam Green.  We are now all the way around the circle right behind you perpendicular to the stage.  Sea Foam Green is the Higher Cleansing Ray and it helps to resurrect at a higher level.  Ray 9 of the Blue-Green represents attracting the Body of Light.  Ray 10 is Pearlescent and that represents our Integration of the Masculine and Feminine.  Ray 11 is Pink-Orange which represents our Bridge to the New World, walking from the old self to the new self.  Ray 12 is the Anchoring of the Christ Consciousness.

Now what we want to do is feel these column(s) of light igniting their energies.  Feel that essence of the activation of these rays swirling and swirling around the room.

I want to really explain to you some of the aspects before we get into activating the energies of the rays.  Take a moment to feel the swirling of colors within your Chakras from your Crown all the way to the Root centering in your Heart with all these essences.

We have come together this evening because we want to assist each of you as deeply as we can to allow the balance of the higher energies to come fully within your physical existence. Some of you may think that you are doing so but with the energies of the Spring Equinox it is going to become even more challenging.

During this trimester we have been experience a leveling off period, if you can believe that statement.  I know each of you feels the energies of each New Moon, and Full Moon along with the Rainbow of Lights Dispensation that has been occurring is really accelerating you in a deep way.  What happens for each of you is that those timelines or aspects that are in your Etheric Body are being ejected into your consciousness.  Now it can be entered through your physical sense, you may have been going through ailments. It can be ejected through emotional feelings or mental thoughts because the Etheric Body holds all these elements.  It is your Soul’s Essence to travel from timeline-to-timeline.  This is why it is very beneficial to come into an Earth body, because you have the availability to work through these aspects of yourself that you want rid yourself of what some would refer to as karmic debts.  This is exactly what is occurring but now in this timeframe, the karma is rectified almost in a moment-by-moment basis depending on where you are in your spiritual thought process and believe system.  It depends upon each initiate and each person on the planet.

Let us take an example by thinking of someone that is very spiritually unaware, but they go to church.  They believe in someone else telling them in what needs to be done.  They are not stepping unto the path of awakening but they are a God-expressing soul within their physical body.  Their karma is going to move into a level that is much less accelerated than each of you, because you have chosen to go through these acceleration phases by allowing yourself to be awakened.

As you see, there are good and not so good aspects of being an Initiate upon the Pathway of Light.  Your soul has chosen to walk through these processes and to experience them.  It is almost like having a movie screen in front of you and your thoughts and feelings are flashing on the screen as a mirror image.  They truly are not sustained in who you are presently, because you have been working on those elements.  If you have not been processing the issues not as much as you would have liked to, they are still going to come up for you.  The important part is for you to acknowledge what they are and look at them as we have been sharing by being able to ascertain, “Is this something I need to understand more or can I use the Violet Flame; can I utilize the Unified Whole; can I use the White Light; or can I express the Pink Light within me to feel the compassion and balance?”  This can be a very confusing cycle and this is exactly what you have been experiencing in this first trimester.

With the introduction of many of the energies, your Lower Self does not have a choice.  Your Higher Self is the commanding agent for these elements to happen within you so within your Lower Self you are activating your Higher Self as much as possible.  The events that are occurring within your physical body may seem like it is an old ailment but it truly is not.  Your emotions may feel like something you experienced previously.  It is not something that you need to hold onto.  Your mental thoughts are coming up to the surface, but yet, a part of you knows that you should not have those thoughts.  So you are walking a tightrope in which one side represents the dark energies of yourself, the other side represents the light energies of yourself.  As you are walking that tightrope you can fall into the abyss of the dark side on the left but then you find that the rope has a glowing energy so you reach for the rope in which you find yourself aligned once again.  When you fall on the side that is purely light located on the right side, you feel the bliss, ecstatic, or excitement with an essence that you can do anything that you choose.  But yet, you still continue to walk along that tightrope which is what you are going through this trimester.  Whatever your Higher Self needs you to look at, you will be faced with it.  This represents your present awareness of accepting the Light and Dark within you.

We want to assist in bringing forth the highest possible experience for each of the activations that are occurring.  The Spring Equinox is just another phase.  This is the first acceleration of the highest point of energy of the Christ Consciousness for this year.  There will be others.  In truth, if all the elements of the Christ Consciousness were embodied upon this Earthplane from the 49th dimensional frequency, most individuals would not be able to survive.  You have to understand that souls come to Earth to heal as each of you has done.  If you can be compassionate towards others, as they are going through their timelines and not knowing how to get through them, it will assist you greatly.  You have tools to work through and there are more coming every day to assist you.

The more frequency of light that comes into the planet, the more availability of modalities appearing, energy systems, and vibrational frequencies are all part of the open doorway that is now occurring for the Year of Synchronization.  Previously, we have not been able to bring forth these energies onto the planet.  So it is a wondrous thing that is occurring, and I am very happy as, Lord Adama, that I have been given the opportunity to work with each of you through this process.  We, in Telos, have learned so much from each of you.  We have learned what it is like on the 3rd dimensional realm when you were previously in a higher realm from Lemuria and Atlantis.  We have learned the struggles that you go through, the personal experiences, and how much a challenge it is for you to receive this frequency of light in your physical bodies.  We, in Telos, have not always been on a 5th dimension; Lemuria was not on a 5th dimensional level but it was a land of purity and light.  So we still had our issues to deal with which is a lot of your timelines that you are going through presently.

As Gaia ascends into the higher frequency of the 5th, the 4th dimensional represents the duality which is so apparent right in society.  So many changes are happening upon the upper planet that need to made.  They cannot be done all at once as many would like them to be.  So each of you walking this pathway are becoming the leaders for the New Earth, but you are experiencing what it is like to go through these trials and pathways.  What happens when you are walking along a road and all of a sudden a huge tree falls in front of you.  You cannot go left and you cannot go right, so what do you do?  You break up the branches, and this is exactly what you are doing right now.

If any of you have been part of the Methuselah Teachings, this is exactly what we are assisting with.  We are breaking up the old roots that no longer serve an individual’s purpose in order to incorporate the depth of the God-creation within each of you to be activated.  So the roots that you have are not dying away can be nurtured, healed, and rejuvenated with your God Essence.  To explain, as a body ages, this is what happens; because each individual has the death wish coming into a human body which is part of that process.  So each of you are going through that availability not to have the death-wish, but to have the wish of eternal life within yourself which can be created within the physical body.  If you choose not to extend your life, that is your choice.  But those who want to do so, like each of us in Telos have the availability to create those aspects.  But you must allow yourself to let go of the aspects that are happening for you presently.

I will tell you that as you move along your pathway and ascension process, changes result within your life.  What you experienced a couple of months ago, can be completely different than what you are experiencing to your previous timelines.  Until they are activated by thoughts, feelings, other individuals, or remembrances in your dreamstate or day-to-day living, they cannot be removed.  This is due to the fact that they are put in that holding pattern until you are ready to fully look at them, change them, and create new timelines to come in.  We also want to create those timelines that will replace the old ones.  Just like when you release an element, you need to bring something inside your Heart of a compassionate nature so it fills up the space.  Otherwise, there can be a loss.  This is what happens with many individuals when they go through changes and they do not allow themselves to feel the purity of Light and what that transformation does for them.  There is an imbalance for them that cause the timeline to be ignited in the Etheric Body.  What we want to share with you is how to go through the Wheel of Rebirth, and not have to do it the way it has been done for eons of time.  You now have all the availability to be in complete harmony of your Eternal Self within the physical body just as all the masters have done.

The other element that I want to share is to prepare you to balance these energies.  Let’s go back to the old roots.  If you have all those old timelines that are still igniting within you, when the higher frequencies come in whatever your Higher Self feels you need to receive, you will be overloaded.  This is why some of you are having extreme problems in your physical bodies.  Because those parts of yourself, those dark spaces, those times you died in a certain way are now igniting some feelings in your physical body.  You need to be healed not through drugs; you need to be healed through herbs, elements of the Earth.  It may take a little bit longer to get through that process but what the drugs do is masking the problem.  What happens to that?  The energy goes back into the Etheric Body until there is another event for it to reappear.  So if you find yourself going through problems that you had in the past, this is why.  If you don’t work through the Earth oriented tools, then you are not going to be part of the earth.  This is because it is a manufactured product.  The basis of it may be at another time it worked to create the healing, but the chemicals along with the other ingredients that create the toxins within that drug will enter your system.  There is an automatic feedback that happens with this so we want to share this information tonight because many of you may be going through such symptoms.  It is very important that you utilize all your tools of healing to help you through the process ~ Very, very important.

We want to share with each of you the fact that we know you are having challenges.  Where are you having difficulty?  What areas do you see coming up for you still?  We want this experience of the Spring Equinox to be the most optimal available energy for everyone.  But we also have a dual purpose with this.  The more you can balance within yourself, the more you are going to help Gaia wherever you are located.  That frequency of light coming through you is going to blend into Gaia and to others that you are associated with, you have been close with, even others that you may think about but you don’t see any more.  Interactions with people that you see in your daily life whether it is in nature or in a store, office, or walking down the street in a city.  Individuals are affected by other individual’s energy.  This is why children are so receptive to the frequency of light in a highly evolved individual.  It is important for you to continually learn how to ground these energies.

As we move through this year, these increased frequencies are going to affect many individuals in adverse ways.  So if we can reach even just a small majority of people to help them to disperse through their own roots, into the ground.  If you think yourself as a moving tree; your branches represent the frequency of light that is in your auric field ~ the light frequency.  The more we help to activate your chakras with the higher rays of God, the more you are going to be able to expand those energies through your branches and leaves.  This is exactly what we want to assist you with to give you an understanding that the acceptance of Light is very important within you.

The reason we continually give you the 22 Rays of God is because you may not be able to take but a small portion of that ray energy within yourself because of the pockets of dysfunction and memories.  Some you may not even know that they are there.  The one thing that is important is to pay attention to your dream state.  It is very apparent right now upon waking or going sleep that you are going to be in both worlds very easily.  It is important to really pay attention to what needs to be transmuted and put into wholeness.  What needs to be accepted?  Because there can be elements that you need to understand.  Remember your dream state can be convoluted.  It does not mean that what you are dreaming is exactly true.  You need to take particles of those dream states and try to do a self analyzation of what it feels like which can be done through your Higher Self.  Allow your Higher Self to give you light forms, visions, or thoughts.   Working with your Higher Self is the most important communication that you can do through these transitions.  It is more important than trying to channel a master because your he/she is trying to give you ways to communicate with your physical self of how to best clear up the frequencies that are going on within you.

Remember, we are becoming multi-dimensional Beings.  This is an acceleration that has never been done except in small circumstances to other highly evolved masters.  So within this structure you are going to be receiving flashes, thoughts, and memories from all the timelines from good and bad.  You may even think that it is a good timeline when all of a sudden you see that the good is there but then there are particles of it that you need to remove through the process of allowing your Higher Self to work with you.

So I ask you to ask yourself, “How often do you connect with your Higher Self?  Are you working through your Higher Self daily?  Do you wake up in the morning and connect with your protection prayers and your Higher Self?  It is essentially important because your higher self is not going to become used to being in your physical body until you have an internal dialogue.  So that dialogue of your Higher Self becomes the dialogue of your Lower Self.  It has to be an exchange that is flowing.  This is why we are gathering before the Spring Equinox so that we can share with each of you how to activate your God-Self within the physical through the Rays of God.

Depiction of Lord Adama High Priest of Telos-Lemuria's Capitol City by artist Glenda GreenI, as Lord Adama, with Lady Galactcia with the King and Queen of Telos embrace each of you for accepting your divinity further.  It has been my pleasure to be able to share these essences with you, because we believe through the Rays of God is the highest acceleration you can allow to be embodied within you.  You can try all the other processes; you can try to rid yourself of the thoughts and the emotions.  You can make yourself be frustrated by utilizing the 3rd dimensional ways, but we guarantee by working through these frequencies and energies, you will feel the balance, the love, and you will have great reverence of yourself and of God.  You will be able to tap into the higher knowledges, you will be able to have the harmony you deserve, and most of all you will be able to create and manifest your pathway and your life.

I AM Lord Adama your guide for this evening.

Many blessings and love.

This was an excerpt of the MP3 recording.  It is available via Walking Terra Christa,

Join us for a powerful Ceremony of the Spring Equinox, Wednesday, March 20th, 2013.  Details available on WTC, Open Tele-calls.

©2013 Walking Terra Christa, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.  No use without prior written permission allowed except for sharing the post in its entirety along with the link to this page;

Lord Adama and the Telosian Council of Light head the Team of Light for Walking Terra Christa which comprises the Light Masters of the Spiritual Hierarchy within the Unified Whole Command of Oneness.  The work that we share is guided by all levels of consciousness as we walk together into the New Earth.  Namaste and Blessings.

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