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The Time Has Now Arrived ~ All Species of Light Gathering for the Lion’s Gate



We are now inviting Lord of the Great Bear back to the Clarion Temple of Oneness by special request of Saint Germain on Monday, July 29th, 2013.  The energetics of the Lion’s Gate is another stargate opening up the frequencies of light through the Galactics but being fully guided by the Unified Whole.  Lord of the Great Bear is the representative for the Christed Intergalactics within the Unified Whole.  We are excited about this special meeting with not only him but his colleagues.

Saint Germain shares this message about Lord of the Great Bear:  “Lord of the Great Bear is the overseeing agent of all Christed Galactics including the Ashtar Command.  In fact he started that agency to have the overseeing energies from his essence into all frequencies of the Light Command.  His transmission will be to talk about the Lion’s Gate from a perspective of the Intergalactics as they are the overseeing energies to create the Star Gate to allow the Elohim and the Elders to interact with these frequencies along with the angelic principalities, and all light frequencies from the Unified Whole that are being activated within the Earth.”

The Lord of the Great Bear will discuss the Command Center for the Christed Beings of Light to interact with the Earth Beings; he is the overseeing energy of all Light Frequencies in alignment with the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of White Light focusing upon the Unified Whole Creation.  Lion’s Gate is the access to allow these frequencies to be housed within the human conditioning.

He will speak along with representatives of each of the major planetary systems along with Lord Sananda and Ashtar Command.  Then the Arcturians, Andromedeans, Pleideans, Sirians B along with Mikos, representing the Hollow Earth who is the representative of the Intergalactics within the Inner Earth.

The Lord also known as the Logos of the Great Bear Star System is the higher aspect – the cosmic level of the Lord of Sirius and the Great White Lodge, who is the higher aspect of the Solar Logos, Helios.  This also includes the star systems under the Great Bear Constellations of Arcturus, Sirius, Pleidius, and Andromeda.  He also aligns his energies within the dimensional frequencies from the 20th through the 36th level which represent the Christed-Extraterrestrial Beings of Light.

He is a majestic Being that many do not know about his essence.  He is the overlighting energy of the 21st Ray of God, Eternity and Divine Structure “Learning to Access Spiritual Harmony of Light Within”.  This ray becomes the 21st chakra in the 5th dimensional chakra grid that is aligned within the Third Eye with the colors of Blue Gold.

Working within the 21st Ray will help in accessing and healing of All Timelines whether they are active or inactive.  This opens up the doorway for Clarity and illumination; thereby, accessing the ability to perceive all dimensions as One Source of Light.

We will be honoring the essence of the Lord of the Great Bear Star System in the Clarion Temple of Oneness mediation on Monday, July 29th, 2013.  This call is held via teleconference and you can sign up to be on the live call via our website at

Previously we worked with the Lord of the Great Bear within the Clarion Temple of Oneness in April of 2013 , a Meteor Shower of Love, which was a very powerful connection for everyone..  The transcription of the Clarion Temple of Oneness, “Receiving Your Star Glyph, with Lord of the Great Bear” is available to read.

Individuals may join the Clarion Temple of Oneness for the live call.  Please click the link to see the details to join on a per-call basis.  We hope to hear your voice in the magnificent time of creation upon the Earth.

In Expressions of Oneness,

Mel and Mike

Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden
5th Dimensional Mastery


©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,,

All Rights Reserved.



Utilizing the Pink Flame ~ Understanding the Process of Creation by Accessing the Power of Divinity of the Self

Ray 3 Creative Activation

Color:  Deep Pink

Chakra:  Heart

Elders from the Throne of Grace:  Lord Seelea and Lady Seeleo

Chohan:  Master Paul the Venetian and Mahachohan, St. Germain

Elohim Masters:  Heros & Amora

Archangels:  Chamuel & Charity

Toning Sound:  “HE”


Active Intelligence represents Creative and Physical action within an individual’s pathway.  This ray has a dual purpose as it represents the energy within the Heart Chakra reflecting within the color of Deep Pink.  The Ray Chohan is Paul the Venetian along with St. Germain who is now the Mahachohan (Oversee‑er of All the Rays).

On a planetary level this ray represents the color of Yellow within the Throat chakra which truly reflects the characteristics of this ray through communication and getting right to the point.  As we have learned to accelerate our energies, it becomes the Deep Pink within the Heart so that an initiate is utilizing the same characteristics of this ray but allowing the energies to be diffused within the Heart Center by utilizing compassion, tolerance, and devotion for the specific project or creative movement that is necessary.

In order for each of us to receive what we desire we need to work from the Heart Center which is why this ray is so very important.  Not only does it infuse the qualities of creating in a focused manner, but an individual is able to utilize it within the flow of compassion and love while being able to manipulate the energies within a softness that cannot be found on the planetary level.

Members of the third department are the organizers of the Hierarchy.  They are the souls both in and out of incarnations who “get things done”.  Their method of approach to the spiritual path is through deep philosophic and metaphysical work until realization is reached.  Thomas Edison is an outstanding example of a third ray type.  Third ray types that are activating within the planetary level tend to be perfectionists and independent.  They may ignore everything but their pet project which they will do with great precision.  On the negative side, they have the potential to try to make everyone partake of their own perceptions.  They are very focused, concrete, logical, clear minded, and organized; however they are not always aware of consequences.

This is the perfect example of why accessing this ray within the Universal Level is an essential aspect of the Pink Flame within the Heart Center.   Utilizing it will bring forth the qualities that an individual wants to aspire with the ability of acquiring deep Compassion, Tolerance and Devotion in the Self and Others.  This is manifested into Accuracy of the process which allows elements to flow; creates higher energy and accessing Common Sense in each moment along with integrating an individual’s Divinity Within.  This represents the qualities of Gratitude, Charity, and Reverence.

The third ray deals with the quality of active intelligence.  This department in the spiritual government is headed by a position termed the Mahachohan, who is now St. Germain.  The work of the Mahachohan concerns itself with the flowering forth of the principle of intelligence on Planet Earth.  The Mahachohan is the embodiment of the intelligence aspect of Divinity.  He has also been called the Lord of Civilization, and gives the world its thrust forward on its path of evolution.

The Mahachohan works with energy in a very concrete way.  His work involves making things happen in a grounded sense.  He manifests on the earthly plane with the will of the Creator.  The first two departments (Ray of Will and Power; Ray of Love and Wisdom) do this but not in a concrete way.  The Mahachohan manipulates the forces of nature and is largely the source of electrical energy, as humans know it.  Energy flows to him from the Heart Center of the Planetary Logos.  We start to understand how important working with Saint Germain is for the initiate.  We always knew and honored his reflection of the Violet Flame but now he represents the entire focus of the Seven Rays of God.

Utilizing this ray within an initiate’s pathway will assist in allowing the power of manifestation to be acknowledged and create a new way of doing things.  We constantly need to shift our perception when something is not working so utilizing the Ray of Creative Activation will assist in making the manifestation grounded.  It allows the blending of being focused but having a sense of fluidness and beauty to be integrated within its essence.

This ray is one that every person should be using in their daily life either for personal or professional reasons.  It is very powerful and brings forth the ability to increase the potential of success in all endeavors.

©2013 Walking Terra Christa, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.  No use without prior written permission allowed except for sharing the post in its entirety along with the link to this page;, 3rd Ray Creative Activation.

The Igniting Timelines ~ Part 1 of 2 ~ What Are They?


light body

2013 is promising to be more powerful that 2012, but it depends on who you are and what your pathway means.  To a person that does not understand about Universal Consciousness, they would probably perceive this time in our Earth’s history to be very difficult and problems may seem insurmountable.  But it is just the opposite feeling for individuals that are awakened into the world of Spirit, their Higher Self.

If we look back to when January started, the Earth’s energies have changed drastically to the unseen energies.  But yet, individuals everywhere on the planet are being affected by the changes within them and around them.  In January the New Moon brought forth the Angelic Activations that will continue through the year.  At the Full Moon the Rainbow of Lights (video to be forthcoming) from the Elders That Surround the Throne of Grace were activated and will continue to grow through each New Moon and Full Moon occurrence.

What Do These Activations Mean? 

The Angelic Activations represent our angelic self coming into our physical body to create the process of the multi-dimensional self.  It is the part of us that will assist each person deeply to know they are more than a human being.  The Rainbow of Lights is activated through the Elders to bring forth the 12 Rays of God to assist humanity.  The colors will be exhibited through the Spectrum of Light of colors-within-colors during each full moon and new moon energy.  To the unawakened human they will be seen as an actual rainbow.  To the intuitive person it can be seen through the Third Eye through meditation or within an awakening state.  They also will show themselves within the photographs being taken presently in which many colors of orbs will show up in the pictures.  The Rays of God are a needed component in order to fully activate the 5th dimensional Light body and the Elders represent these frequencies of light.  They are a direct manifestation from the God Force.

That was just in January.  February proved to be even more powerful.  The energies came in very smoothly but then this week, as of February 17th,we were gifted by the Great Central Suns of the Solar-Galactic-Universal-MultiUniversal-Cosmic forces to join together to create massive electrons of light to come into Gaia which would help to ignite individuals into activating their timelines of past lives.  This is the year that we are bringing together our gifts and allowing the old elements to be released through the activations of the timeline.  This week, especially is making individuals to reveal themselves in a completely and different manner.  It may happen suddenly and then the energy has shifted.  Sometimes it is not pleasant to experience as we have been everything in our past history.  So what needs to be removed will be remembered in order to allow the Higher Essence of our Light Body to be activated.

What happens to the people that have no clue what this is all about?  More destruction will occur, unfortunately.  The timeline activation has no preference of who it is going to assist as it is occurring for every individual at this time.  The difference is that individuals that have no sense of a spiritual occurrence happening in their life will find that their dark days will get darker.  This is due to the duality occurring and the Light and Dark are separating.  So if a person is having a very difficult time in their life, those energies will get stronger unless they find a part of themselves through a spiritual connection.  This can be through many avenues of earth energies, angelic communication, praying to God, and asking for help.  The lightworkers are truly working hard to change themselves and that is just what they do, “WORK WITH THE LIGHT” to assist Gaia and all her inhabitants.

This means that each of us that are working doubly hard to heal within and become the multi-dimensional self, we are doing it for others in Oneness.  This is why GAIA is healing as she is, and why the planet is making a turn-around towards the Light.  But we have a long journey through this process.

What Is A Timeline?

spiritual_bodyA timeline is a remembrance or a seed of information that is lodged within the Etheric body. They can be positive or negative timelines but the Etheric body remembers everything that has ever occurred to us in any lifetime.  For eons of time they have been lodged away and had no purpose except to ignite through the physical a remembrance that would react as a karmic debit, either good or bad.

At this time, the timelines are being reactivated to help each of us to remember and accept our role upon humanity.  These timelines come from all of our lifetimes which can be anywhere from 150 to 1,000 depending upon the soul’s pathway.  Many individuals who are Starseeds and Angelic Beings have only arrived for the first time.  But that does not mean they don’t have timelines to work through.  It just means they are probably from another planetary existence or within the Innerplane of principalities.  We also have timelines that become ignited from this lifetime in which experiences happened through our existence.  They are usually lodged into the Etheric body when something occurred and the soul could not work out the issue.  So it was put in a hiding space and never healed or removed.  It can also represent surgeries that occurred any lifetime.  Those organs stay in the Etheric body and can be ignited within the Light Body if the soul so wishes for that to happen.

Many times we, as the human, have no recollection of these timelines until we walk into the world of Soul Healing.  Previously it only occurred during intense healing, meditations, and shamanic journeys.  That is no longer the case.

2013 promises to be the year of synchronization; in order for the flowing energies to occur within each of us the timelines have to be cleared.  The Great Central Suns of the Cosmic forces are assisting us to do so.  The remembrances at this time, can be very powerful and will come to an individual easily and effortlessly.  Now all of this is engineered by our Higher Self so that our lives can become easier with divine energies flowing into our bodies as we create the multi-dimensional self to be ignited.  It depends upon each person’s particular pathway and where their Higher Self wants to guide them.  Individuals not on a spiritual pathway will be effected but in a much lesser degree.  It will be up to them to make changes within their lives through spiritual accessibility and the one’s that feel it the worst, are meant to wake up into a new world awaiting their consciousness.

To continue reading about Timelines and How to Heal through this process, please see Part 2 of 2, The Igniting Timelines ~ How Can We Work Through Them?

In Expressions of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee

©2013 Walking Terra Christa, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, Ascension Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.  No use without prior written permission allowed except for sharing the post in its entirety along with the link to this page.

New Earth Frequency Update ~ February 12th, 2013


On Sunday, February 10th we experienced a New Moon which was very interesting as it moved from Capricorn into Aquarius representing being restrictive within ourselves and learning to flow with the energies.  We have been experiencing some very powerful energies which Spirit has been speaking that the time in February will be very parallel to what we experienced in December 2012.  It is a time to fully understand what you are going through, allow the process to happen, and walk into the new way of thinking and feeling.

This can be a very challenging experience for individuals who do not understand how to tap within themselves to awaken into a new perspective of awareness.  Just because an individual ‘wakes up unto their beginning essence’ does not mean that they will understand how to process the feelings and thoughts that are happening in their lives.  This pathway is one riddled with great challenges, but also enhances the best that we are in each moment.

February is going to help us expand further into our own consciousness.  We all come to this Earth for a purpose and some of us have more responsibility than others to help create the new frequencies to be fully grounded.  But one thing is certain; if you are reading this material, you have an important role to fulfill within your existence.  These energies are helping us to be better, to be more confident, loving, and compassionate, and to express it to others.  So instead of worrying what you are feeling in each moment, allow the essence of Grandmother Moon to assist you into the next phase of our awakening.

This New Moon has also brought us more activation(s) within the Angelic realm to be integrated within our Being.  This energy started in January and with each new moon we are being activated to remember more of our Angelic Presence.  What this means is that the angel that We Are is intertwining into the human that we have become.  It is all very exciting as we reach into our angelic essence to remember and acknowledge those timelines that we have forgotten.  We are learning to become the Angelic Beings grounded upon the New Earth.  So if you have been feeling unsteady and unsure of yourself, know that it is changing you deeply.  We may not understand how the process is working or the depth that it is occurring for some time.  Our job is to just expand into these frequencies and allow the newness to settle within our physicality.  Your mind is going to want to try and understand; please know that cannot happen as the Higher Mind is now being fully activated within your physical structure.

As we experience these elements, we may be finding that we will do things in a completely different way than we did before; or we may realize that a part of our-self is now our true reality.  The changes that are happening within each individual are so minuet that it may not be detectable without a fine microscope so just allow the feelings to project within your consciousness and accept your new reality.  It is a wonder of love and grace.

As we expand into this new paradigm of Light, we experience a beautiful day of Love on February 14th.  If you take the time to truly accept the energy of Love within your Heart coming from your Highest Essence, you will start to acknowledge how deeply you are loved and in so many ways.  Jonathan Parker facilitates a World Sound Healing Day, ( in which every individual chants the sound of “AH” for five minutes at 12 Noon around the world.  This sound resonates from the Heart of God into each of our own hearts and has been utilized by the Divine Mother & Father God in our transmissions from the Clarion Temple of Oneness.  So take some moments on this day to accept the Love that is being guided through your Angelic Essence into the One Being that You Are.


Greetings and love on this day.  It is very exciting to share and experience the new paradigm of light that is being acknowledged within the Earth Plane levels and to have each of us expand deeper than we ever thought possible.  We, of the Unified Whole Command, are also within our expansion process just like each of you are doing so it is no mistake that we should celebrate our Light with each other.  We plan to do just that.

This month of February is going to help each of you to understand a deeper part of your expansion with feelings.  As you have gone through the changes and elevated your vibrational levels, you have also had to adjust within the physical reality that is changing for you.  We understand the process of not accepting the conditioning process that you have had to experience through this transition of Light unto the planet.  We applaud you that you continue diligently even though the feelings and thoughts you may be having do not reflect the essence that is expanding within your creation.

As we delve deeper into the core of GAIA, there are many levels of timelines that she has held onto that are affecting each of you greatly.  It is not just your personal timelines that you need to process, but her essence is changing with each step that you make within yourself.  The conditioning factor of this transition is one of great sacrifice and without your diligence we could not have created the opening doorways into the New World.  BUT WE ARE ACHIEVING IT ~ and we want to share with you our excitement that is paramount to what you are experiencing presently.

We know the process you have been undergoing, and understand the challenges that are resulting from each of those intense moments within you.  We also understand that you are receiving wonderful gifts each time you go through another intense doorway of change.  The acceleration that is occurring presently is due to the creation of you wanting to do so, and none of you understand the depth of your ability to continue the walk into your future world.  Actually, what is being achieved presently is having the capability to accept the changes as the information has not surfaced except in small bits and pieces as each new development of your world has been revealed.  But that is about to change and you are going to experience it yourself.  You must remember that it must come in waves of light for you to accept the nuances of your future to become manifest in who you are presently.

Changes are resulting within your world and around you for the explicit reason that IT IS TIME.  The creation of your planet has become stable, whereas, previously it was uncertain of the outcome of Gaia.  But with the transition of more individuals awakening upon the planet, the residual effect of the transmutation has taken GAIA’s world into a new existence where love and acceptance is the common rule and not the lower worlds that have resulted in your experiences of the past.

It is now a time of complete reversal within your world and we are excited to experience it with you.  The changes that are about to occur must first be felt within your Heart as all of our Hearts are blending together.  You see in order for us to make the manifestation of the New World occur we must honestly take a few moments with a breath of light and experience the essence of the Purity of Love to be within.  This is going to take practice because the lower mind forgets and wants to run forward with the thoughts.  It is imperative that during this week to not to allow that to happen.

As you move further into your Acceptance, you will start to feel it.  You see YOU HAVE FORGOTTEN HOW TO EXPRESS IT WITHIN YOU.  You have a body and that body has taken precedence over everything in your world.  But that is no longer the case.  You are learning to accept the light formations that are being transmitted to you in your sleep state, in your meditations, and even your awakened state of consciousness.  It is coming in Light Codes to intertwine within your physical reality.  But you must take a moment and allow this essence to be fully within you as you walk through your days.  Without it, it will be lost and so will you.  This is the power of the light at this time.

Previously we spoke about the Rainbow of Lights that are emanating from the Elders That Surround the Throne of Grace.  They have been continuing to be commanded into each and every soul, but now is the time to understand that you must accept them.  You cannot work without them; they are the commanding energy from the Essence of the Divine Will and Love of God.  You have been created through your physical essence by these commanding light frequencies but that is not All That You Are.  That is the beauty of what is occurring presently.  You are all of these and more and will see the Power, the Love, the Joy, and Expression of ALL THAT IS to be commanded within you.

This week all these frequencies are coming within the planetary level once again on the next phase of Light.  It is assisting everything you know to be and all will change within these essences.  Your world needs it deeply and it cannot change overnight but it is happening within the increments of light formations with each passing planetary exchange of the Sun, the Moon, and all inter-related elements of creation as we come into the Creation of the Oneness.

What does this mean to you presently?  Well, we say to you, “What is it that you do not understand?”  Or let us put it this way, “What is it that you are not seeing within yourself?”  The Rainbows of Light along with the Angelic Transmissions are activating seeds of creation that you previously forgot to help you remember while deflecting the parts of yourself that do not fit your present reality.  Taking some moments and allowing these essences to intertwine within you is going to allow the Acceptance that you have been searching for.  It will help to remove the parts that have been lost, the elements that you need to purge in order to have the full functionality of an ascended being of light.  Mind you, this is just the beginning and it will not occur instantaneously but each of you is going into the depth of your Soul’s Essence to find what you have been looking for.  BUT YOU MUST STOP AND FEEL IT COMING.  Let it flow within you and expand your auric field beyond the frequencies that you never thought you could hold within you.  It may stay for a moment or longer depending upon where you are within your own consciousness.  BUT IT MUST BE IN THE SUPREME LIGHT OF THE PURITY OF YOUR ESSENCE AND NOT WITHIN YOUR PHYSICAL SELF.  It is a gift and it is time for you to receive it.

Expand your consciousness in these moments as you fully accept a new part of your Divinity into your World.  Doing so is going to help the essence of human consciousness to accept itself deeper than ever received upon this planet.  It is the awakening of GAIA and now is the time to fully reflect and enjoy the ecstasy of Oneness Within.

Learning to expand these essences within you daily will help you to acknowledge the deeper parts of yourself.  You will also be able to remove the lower thoughts and feelings that need to be put into the light.  They will arise and utilize these frequencies of your angelic self to turn them into the purest essence you have ever experienced needs to be the defining rule in your life.  But if you choose to stay within them, you shall go deeper into the abyss and pain that you have endured for a very long time.  The Light and the Dark are moving into Oneness but holding onto the Dark will only separate the Light from you as the gap between the two will become wider.  Then there will not be Light and only Darkness which will cause the separation within and then within the world.  But the Light is so strong upon Planet Earth presently that the Light will win but everyone needs to do their internalization of the Self to allow it to happen more quickly.  It will be like a wave as more individuals receive the Light, there will not be anything else, but the LIGHT of GOD.

It is time to understand yourself more deeply than you ever thought you could.  It is not from your physical mind but with a breath of fresh air that the acceptance will enfold within you.  Your lower self will cease to exist but you must allow yourself to surrender within the process of Light.

The choice is yours to fully embrace your Light and Power within God’s Embrace.  We look forward to walking with each of you in the Oneness of Light that we Are.

We are the Unified Whole Command standing amongst each of you in Oneness.

So Mote It Be in the Light That We Are!

©2013 Walking Terra Christa, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, Ascension Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.  No use without prior written permission allowed except for sharing the post in its entirety along with the link to this page;



This is the week we have all been waiting for and in preparation to fully accept our Christed Self to be ignited.  The challenges leading up to this point have been beyond unbelievable for each individual person, and they are still continuing.

The energies of the 12-12-12 were absolutely amazing which represented the gateway of acceleration to help us walk through new doorways that have never before been created.  The important part of these doorways is to allow the energies to enfold within us.  At times, it may have created painful experiences to be acknowledged as the past timelines were being removed and transcended.  To make this more intense we experienced a New Moon on the 13th of December which allowed us to continue the walk into our new existence.

This week we experience the best of the best on the 21st of December when it was prophesied that it would be the end of the world as the Mayan Calendar ended.  Not so, as most of you know by now.  In fact, it is the beginning of a whole new world for each of us if we allow our consciousness to fully accept the fact that we are becoming Awakened Beings.  This is the day that the Christed Consciousness will be infused within each of us.  It is up to our own individual self in how we are going to accept this frequency within our lives.  It is not an easy process, because what we don’t take care of will be taken care of through our Higher Self.  There are many individuals that are still very much unawakened and will not be able to handle the incoming energies.  It may result in chaos as we experienced with the tragedies in Connecticut and China a few days ago.  We must be vigilant within ourselves to be the best we can be by allowing our Higher Self and I AM Presence to be fully integrated within our physical self.

So please know that if you have been challenged physically, emotionally, or mentally, you are not alone.  In fact you have more company than you ever thought could be.  It is a beautiful time to fully feel the inner reflection that we are and walk again amongst many masters within Oneness.

Please join us on the 21st of December at 3 p.m. Pacific for a special meditation and channeled message on these energies we will be experiencing.  Details are available on Walking Terra Christa, via




What a beautiful week it is and will be so very powerful for everyone on this planet.  We come to you as the Unified Whole Command and we are happy to announce that the Brotherhood of White Light along with the Spiritual Hierarchy are now speaking from the Unified Whole of the 144th dimension.  It is at this time we come to you in Oneness.  The command itself is being guided by Master Thoth, The Great Divine Director, Albert Einstein, Lord Adama representing the Inner Earth Beings, Mikos representing the Christed Intergalactics of the Inner Earth City within Portho Logos, the Ashtar Command, the Angelic Hosts represented by Archangel Michael and Faith, the Lady Masters guided by the Divine Mother and the Ascended Masters Guided by the Divine Father with all Councils of Light fully activating in this presence of Light from this moment forward.  We are One.

Join us and come into the Oneness this week.  We are all transitioning into more aspects with the creation of the Unified Whole and what a beautiful moment in time.  We send you this frequency of Light to fully increase your potentiality on the Earth.  Gaia needs you and so do we.

The preparations for this week have been long coming.  Each of you has been working very diligently in the Innerplane levels to come to the creation that you are presently.  You have been preparing your bodies for this acceleration for some time and now is the time to fully receive.  During this phase there have been many moments of tears, fits of frustration, and dysfunction happening within your Being.  It is now time for you to realize that YOU are the Divine Being you have been searching for and you do not need to search any longer.

We did not say this was an easy transition but through each moment  allow yourself to feel the beauty that is YOU.  It will enfold within you if you allow it to be so.  Each individual will accept it differently and some may only feel it in a moment’s notice and then step back into their old awareness.  This week is a trial for the true Christed Being that You Are to be fully accepted into your physical existence.  The true essence will occur on the 21st.  Let’s take a step backwards to see how you are doing.

Since the 12-12-12 energies, how have you been feeling from moment to moment.  We don’t want you to look at the entire six days and say, “Well, I feel pretty good”.  No, that is not our request.  We would like you to go deep within yourself and take a look back on each span of time, possibly in one hour increments of how you are accessing the energies through your Being.  This is going to help you go further into your Inner Core of Acceptance.  Look at yourself step-by-step and see how you have improved upon your energies.

Now this means that you need to look at your emotions, your mental thoughts, your reaction to others, your judgment of yourself, and the interaction as each of these have been combined within you.  Are you allowing yourself to work through the processes of the Seven Rays of God.  This means it is time to fully realize how you work with your WILL & POWER, LOVE & WISDOM, CREATIVE COMPASSION, HARMONY & BALANCE, ACCESSING YOUR WISDOM THROUGH YOUR THIRD EYE, DEVOTION TO THE SELF, and CREATING A STRUCTURE OF MAGIC WITHIN YOUR LIFE.

The aspects of these first seven rays are so very important to allow the full totality of your energies to be intertwined within each of the Rays of God.  We believe that by accessing them you will find your essence to be fully activated in several ways.  You will be able to remove the timelines and feel the new frequencies that are coming to you.  You will accept the lifetimes that you lost which are very important to your pathway presently.

To assist you to go deeper utilize the colors of each of these rays on a Cosmic Level and not the planetary existence:








Utilize the colors within your body; they are associated with specific chakras but we do not feel we need to get too technical.  Use your breath to fully access the colors within your physical essence and everything will flow into place without you thinking about it or accessing it in a particular fashion.

We share this knowledge because we believe many are struggling trying to put everything into perspective of what they are feeling or thinking, and there is no way that you will be able to fully accept the Christed Self to come into your creation if you don’t relax through the process.  This is extremely important to accept as much light frequency as you can without overloading the physical essence.  We cannot have everyone going off balance as there is going to be energies of others that will be doing so.

We also ask of you not to worry how deep you can go but allow your Higher Self to guide you through the process.  He/She is your guide through activating the Higher Essence of your Soul’s Creation and not the Physical Mind.  Surrender to the fact that you are going deeper than you ever have before and you will accept more happening within you.  It is the power of your creation that will help you to acknowledge more of what is occurring.  This will allow you to go into deeper levels.

We know that there are many levels of spiritual connection and not everyone is going to be on the same level.  That is a major part of the process of allowing your own essence to enfold within you that is most comfortable and not let the overloaded energies to create havoc within your existence.  Each individual person must be gentle within themselves to allow this process to be the level that they can handle.

This frequency of the Christed Golden Flame will be integrated on the 21st of December during the sunrise.  It will continue for a three day period through the 23rd at sunset.  During this time individuals may find themselves visualizing and creating in a new way.  You will feel the euphoric feeling of love and completeness.  Make sure you keep pen and paper handy so that you can jot down your feelings, thoughts, or creations as they will come quickly and may leave as quickly.  The more essence that you can hold onto, the more you can create.  But it must be grounded completely within each individual.

You are the Torch Bearers and need to realize that you have a responsibility to hold this Light within you.  Your thoughts must be pure, your light must shine, and you must rise above the others around you that do not fully align with your Light Quotient.  You will know if they do not.  Take a moment with a breath and step into an elevator to go to your next consciousness level that you have received in a meditation.  Then take that energy and ground it back within you through your Earth Star.  This will help you to accept others that may not be resonating within you.

We share this knowledge because there will be ones that will be affected by your Light quotient even though they are bringing in their own light quotient.  And your light quotient can affect them adversely to the core and bring up those timelines when you did not get along.  You must fully access this energy to help you through the process.

It is a powerful time and there has never been a mass consciousness like this before.  You must first take care of yourself in order to help others.  All your masks of care taking, and covering for others must be removed.  For some that will become stronger has they do not want to change.  They think they do, but then it becomes insurmountable for them.  You come along and will be hit with their lower light quotient and it shall bring you down.  This is not easy at all within the physical body.  Many of you will feel these energies, and it is up to you to embrace your highest Light Quotient in the process.  Eventually the others that do not align will want more of what you have, but you must not let them interfere within your auric field.  They must do it themselves.

This is exactly what is happening on the planet right now from the unawakened to the newly awakened to the Ones that have been walking this path into the Ones that are Highly Seasoned.  The Highly Seasoned Ones must take heed of these words as it can bring you down into your physical third dimensional reality which will make you feel very uneasy and not balanced.  What happens through this process is that once you rise, you can fall but then the acceleration again can become difficult as you take on others energies.  It is because each of you are so loving and want to help, but the most important aspect during this period is to fully accept your own totality and what you are receiving.  That is how you can help on a deeper level.

So take this time on these days to allow this energy to flow within you, accelerate your physicality, and see your new reality as the old one will no longer exist.  As the Christ Consciousness comes within you of the Golden Flame, feel it moving into your Heart Center and become the Buddha, the Christ ~ the One who infuses the Light and shares it with others without words or details.  It JUST IS..

We walk with each of you during this time of Creation.  We are just as excited to see the awakening in each of you to go to a deeper level of your Core.  We extend ourselves into your Light in all ways.

We, of the Unified Whole Command, fully express Oneness in all moments of Creation.

So Mote It Be, In the Light of the Christ That We Are Together.


©2012 Walking Terra Christa, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, Vibrational Ascension Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.

The Angelic Realms Share the “11” Gateways


We are the Elders that Surround the Throne of Grace in Group Consciousness.  We also comprise the Elohim Councils of God, along with the Angelic Councils which are 12 councils in all with 12 angels within each one.  As you know, we work directly with the Divine Mother and Father God to assist in regulating the frequencies through the Rays of God along with all of the principalities of Light.  It is our Divine Pleasure to assist you in this manner.

The activations that you want information about that will be occurring in November are going to regulate the frequencies for individuals to fully accept that there is something more to their lives than just what they are feeling. All of these activations are a step into the Gateway of 12-11-12 within a preparatory stage of development.

The essence of understanding about the Mayan Calendar encompasses more than many individuals realize.  It is a potential of understanding to allow the Christed Self to be born into each human being upon the planet.  The acceleration of the planet is taking effect deeply as we speak and will continue to do more through the process.  For those that have been on this awakened state of consciousness, these dates are only going to push them into deeper levels of understanding which is the same truth for all of humanity.  The point being is that the individuals who are working within a Pathway of Mastery will step ahead of everyone else.  This means that individuals that have a knowledge and expertise are being asked to go deeper to assist other individuals.  There are actually waves of consciousness occurring within an individual at this time, but it is up to their free will in how this consciousness will appear in their lives.

There is a deep knowledge that needs to be expressed in the type of individuals that awaken unto the planet and allow that vibrational level to flow within them.

[Please see the channeled message from Albert Einstein on the Theory of Ascension & What it Means for the Public Arena which will be posted on this blog shortly or within our newsletter.]

November 11, 2012 is a day when an opportunity will present itself to individuals that want to go further into the depths of their understanding.  As always the 11:11 activations are doorways for growth and opportunity.  It is important to realize that these doorways are activated through a person’s subconscious mind to allow the conscious mind to receive the message that an opportunity is presenting itself to them.  Not all individuals truly take advantage of this opening of frequencies in the way it should be done.  There seems to be a commonplace attitude that it is just another number. We believe that many people are receiving these messages through the clocks, on signs, within the media, etc to help them be aware that an opportunity is being presented to awaken them into a new reality.

This day on 11-11 is not different except on a much deeper level.  The degrees of acceleration are increasing through openings that are being guided from the God Force.  You see, humanity needs to wake up and what a perfect opportunity to allow this to happen through a time sequence.  11:11 actually means to come into Oneness as it is represented by the binary system of 4 digits being the same.  There actually occurs a time sequence of no time to occur so the frequency stops for one second of 11:11.  Each individual that stops for that moment within 11:11 will allow their Higher Essence to access their physical creation by acting upon the frequency of the ONE.  This is why so many individuals are feeling these frequencies within their lives.

The day of 11:11:12 represents the same no-time zone.  2012 is the year of the Golden Era when more people have awakened into a new reality than has ever occurred before.  This means that the percentage of individuals in this year will see 11:11 more often.  Since November 11th is 30 days before the Gateway of the New World is opened, individuals will be prepared to awaken themselves into a deeper level of understanding than they have ever felt before.  Some may say it is a warning sign; but in actuality, it is a moment of pure acceptance that there is more to themselves than what their mind can understand.

This also is a time when each individual that chooses to have an awakening will remember the essence of their Angelic Self.  11:11 has always represented to the Angelic Presence and this day is a moment to allow that Angel That You Are to be fully activated within the body.  There will be a remembrance and allowing the thoughts and emotions of the Angel that You Are to fully embody your physical existence.  Your Angelic Timeline will then be fully activated.  It is going to be quite a very powerful moment for humanity.

It is essential for individuals to be prepared on this day to walk through another doorway of awareness by allowing their Higher Self/Highest Essence to walk with them side by side.  Now for individuals that are newly awakened, the Higher Self will present themselves in a different manner; i.e., dream states, showing the clock energies, feeling elation, joy is within them, etc.  For the other individuals that are working within their pathway of mastery, they will go deeper and will be guided not only by their Higher Self but their I AM Presence.  This is being engineered by the higher frequencies depending upon the person’s awareness.  The more that the individual has accepted their pathway and is working on their Inner self, the deeper the knowledge will come to them.  It is an appointed time of entry to prepare the physical body to receive more frequencies in preparation for the gateway December the 12th.

This entryway is also going to assist individuals to walk through the following 30 days in the altered state that they achieved on the 11-11 date in November.  It is being geared by a person’s ability to be on the pathway of Light, to accept that Light within them, to work through their initiations, and move into the deeper realms for preparation into the New World.  The ones that are not on a mastery pathway will feel more elation and also have moments of realizing that more needs to be done.  It truly is an awakening day for everyone upon the planet.

We ask that you apprise all individuals awakened and unawakened that this is a day of awakening.  It is the first doorway to walk into the entryway of 12-12-12.  Preparations need to be done for each individual person.  There will be many that will not feel anything different as this is because their bodies are numb from the pain they have endured.  This is where we are going to be assisting within the planet to help the souls that are lost from themselves.

We suggest gathering with others whether long distance or in close groups to connect with the energies that occur at 11:11, 1:11, and again at 11:11.  All increments of “one” are very important.  The best time to connect is in your 11:11 time zone and the energy will run its course throughout the day.  Meditations should be done representing the ONENESS and connecting to the GRID of the planet to put everything into motion as we commune with every one of you through this day.

We must remind individuals that this is the first activation during a 30 day cycle and going about their business during the day will cause the deflection of energies within them.  This is not something that we want as the more energies that are involved, the merrier it will be.

The 11:11 day is a pre-requisite for the activation of 11:22:12.  Many of you realize that “22” is a master number and represents the initiation process of allowing the Gateway to be fully opened within an individual’s physical consciousness that relates to Mastery.  This means that each individual that fully activates the energies within themselves with the other activations of 11:11 and the Solar Eclipse of 11:13 representing the Feminine & Masculine Divine Energies being activated, will take them into the deeper initiation process that they have been undergoing.  It does not mean that each individual is going to jump initiation phases but there will be a quickening of energies that will occur.

We just uploaded a special video meditation for the11:11 Awakening.  You may utilize this video not only for 11:11 but all the activations that are occurring through December 21st, 2012.

11:11 Awakening Meditation

In addition we are holding a special tele-call on the 11th at 11 AM Pacific.  Details are available on Walking Terra Christa.  If you would like to receive our newsletter which shares our open calls for these events and more channeled writings, please do so on the website.

Expressions of the Oneness of the All,
– Elders from the Throne of Grace, Elohim Council of Light, & Angelic Councils of Oneness at your service.

We hope that you will connect with others on this day of awakening.

©2012 Walking Terra Christa, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, Vibrational Ascension Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.  Permission is granted to share this information with this link provided.

Learning to Surrender with Lord Rayla & Lady Ralyio, The Elders of Love & Wisdom

Lord Rayla & Lady Ralyio are the Elders from the Throne of Grace that represent the Golden Yellow Ray of Love and Wisdom.  They are considered Elders 3 and 4 in which their essences are a combined effort of many essences of this ray.

This is true for all of the Elders, and is a concept that we are not used to understanding; each of us may represent an aspect of them as they sit within the Throne of Grace.  Their frequency is one of the purest essence in which we embody.  As we sit and call upon the Ray of Love and Wisdom, they will full embody our essence within ours.  So the experience can be quite different than receiving the ray energies from the Chohan, Elohim, or Archangels as we probably have more of an affinity with each of those energies.  They represent the ability to delve deeper into the soul’s wisdom by accessing patience and strength; thereby, fully embracing the essence of a multi-dimensional Being of Light.

Greetings My Beloveds,

We bring to you in this moment the fluidness of the Golden Ray as it is imbued within your own physical body.  We want you to acknowledge the frequency of who you are now, and allow this essence to delve deeper into your consciousness of awareness.  Accessing the Ray of Love and Wisdom is an acknowledgement of your own essence that will take you on a journey of the Self that is much deeper and creates a beauty of enrichment within your experience.

You have arrived with this essence within you but due to the confines of your society and not understand who you are, they have slipped away into the memory banks of your I AM Presence ready to be accessed when your physical existence allows it to be so.  Each of you are embodied deeply within Love and Wisdom; it is just what you do with it once it is acknowledged.

This is why it is a ray of complete surrender and allowing the essence of expansion to grow within you.  Without allowing this to occur, you cannot fully access the Divine Being that you are.  It will constrict you and create mental limitations in your daily life.

We are here to assist in a new and completely different way than we have ever envisioned before.  We are the receptors of the frequency of this ray as we stand proud to embrace each of you into allow the essences that we all represent to fully be accessed within a physical existence.  This is very exciting to us, the Elders, that hold this energy deeply.  We now have the availablility to fully send the frequency to each of you directly by your command.

Once you learn to embody the ray fully within you there is an understanding that is created throughout your mental level.  But first, you must realize you are a being of pure love and why shouldn’t you fully allow that to come within your reality.  Let’s take a moment and feel this frequency of Light that is truly an aspect within your own essence.  We ask you to feel the Universal Love, Patience, and Calmness that results within your Being.  We share this with you so as to go deeper into your Heart’s essence which is the Love of God.  Feel it flowing within you as it now blends into your Mental essence to relax the mind.  You are learning to access the Higher Mind but it does not happen automatically.  It must be a fluidness and enveloping energy into your entire system.

Once you have acquired this state of Grace, you are now ready to access the Wisdom that is being shared with you.  It opens up doorways of the deepest part of your reality within the Cosmic forces.  It does not come from your mental mind, but it comes from your Higher Mind.  You see these are steps. 

Embracing the Light of the Golden Yellow will relax you into a deeper state of awareness.  It is like you just stepped into a beautiful tub of water filled with the Golden Yellow.  You breathe and feel its essence enfolding within you.  Your body starts to relax through the process and then you can find the clarity that you need because you have created serenity by allowing yourself to know it cannot be created by the mental mind.

This is a very important facet to understanding the full composition of Love and Wisdom.  An individual that carries this within their Mental aspect is very lucky, because it comes to them in automatic pilot.  He/she does not have to think about it, IT JUST IS.  (To learn more about which rays you incorporate within your four-body system, a Ray Reading with Djwhal Khul will assist.)

For the rest of you, it takes practice but it is very attainable.  This is especially true with individuals that are very masculine oriented and this ray is the most important part of your mastery pathway to utilize for your personal enlightenment.  Without it, you cannot attain it.  This will truly assist you in attaining the “Love Quotient” that is necessary to walk into the higher realms of Light.

Please do call upon us to assist you in this process of Love and Compassion Within.

It is our pleasure to be of service to you.

We Are,

Lord Rayla & Lady Raylio, Elders of the Throne of Grace


Join us for the 22 RAY Challenge which will fully assist you in the pathway of Mastery with ease and grace.

©2012 Walking Terra Christa, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, Vibrational Ascension Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.  No use without prior written permission allowed except for sharing the link to this page.  Excerpted from the upcoming book.


Understanding Will & Power of the Blue Flame of God, Ray No. 1

Accessing the energies of Will and Power can be a very powerful exchange of light.  We want each of you to understand how to utilize this ray as on a planetary level it can change your world completely even when you do not want to go to the extremes this ray can embody for each of us.

To help you understand all aspects of this ray we first will share the specifics:

Color:  Deep Blue

Elders:  Lord Alura & Lady Aluri

Chohan:  El Morya representing the Manu

Elohim Masters:  Hercules & Amazonia

Archangels:  Michael & Faith

Toning Sound:  “I”


On the Planetary Level the color is Red which correlates with the Crown Chakra.  This ray on this level represents Power which can be in its rawest forms.  Earth has truly had its powerful leaders that represent this level and we still do as that can represent arrogance, desire to control others, obstinacy, deep pride and ambition.  These elements are considered the vices of this ray.  When we first worked with these energies many years ago, Meleriessee had a joke about the “red ray types” which we usually find in government positions, executives, military, and politics.

Now it does not mean that this has a negative connotation to this ray, but in the lower aspects, it truly does.  It does not infer that someone with these qualities cannot aspire to higher levels which is why the Science of the Rays is so fascinating.  An individual is not set within those confines of the lower energies that he/she may inhabit within their reality.  This is what happens when an individual rises to the occasion and opens up their heart into their Highest Essence.  An individual that has this ray within any of their six aspects of Personality, Emotional Body, Mental Body, Physical Body, Soul, or Monad definitely have a pathway to lead individuals.  Their energies would share an ability to have great governing capabilities and their essence would display a strong Will within them. Having the Will and Power infused within you whether you brought it with you this lifetime or not will assist you in understanding your purpose and allowing the Will of God to integrate within you via your I AM Presence.

The higher aspects of this ray give us strength courage, being truthful, letting go of fear issues, and having the ability to be a great leader by handling situations and people in a large-minded way.  When an individual is still accessing the planetary level, they can most certainly stand in the higher qualities of this ray.  But what truly happens as a person starts to walk on the mastery pathway, they will change the composition of the energies within their physical body by accessing higher vibrational levels.  This is what we want to aspire to within each of the rays that we incorporate.

So what happens then?  Well, the Red flame then starts to get a higher vibrancy with it.  As the energy moves from the Planetary it goes into the Solar, Galactic, and then Universal color which is Blue.  This is where the information from a Ray Reading with Djwhal Khul can assist as with Meleriessee’s ability to scan your field; she can tell at what level you are incorporating.  Many individuals that are fully awakened at this time will probably be accessing the Blue Flame of Will and Power due to the increased energies upon the planet.

This is where it gets very interesting as the Blue flame will now move into the Throat chakra.  As we know the Throat represents the ability to speak from One’s Heart and not their head so all the above abilities of being a great leader, having courage and strength incorporated with the ability of knowing how to find your Will is fully incorporated.  The Universal level represents deep faith, initiative, and the Will of God being fully activated from an individual’s Higher Self.

So we want to initialize the Blue flame and not the Red as that is going to assist an individual in activating the Universal level; thereby, assisting in raising the vibration within the four-body system.  Eventually, it will assist in activating the Merkabah, or light body frequency while working from your I AM Presence as one Body of Essence.  It will also help you to realize the potential that is within you.

It is very important to understand that even though each of us brings different ray energies for each of the aspects an individual must learn to interpret and command all of the rays.  That is why we are sharing this information as we are being guided by the Overlighting Beings of the Rays of God to make this science as easily as possible to understand.

In each of these rays it is important to infuse them within your chakras.  A very good visualization to do is before you start your meditation, infuse each of the Rays of God within each of the chakras.  We suggest you start with the first seven.  Spin the chakra with the ray color in a clockwise direction and always use the Universal color.

So in the case of the Blue Flame, call upon the Ray by asking for its essence to come to you.  See it as a funnel of Deep Blue Light swirling within your Throat by breathing at least three times.  Then feel the essence move through the rest of your body.

You can also utilize this visualization through the chakras first and not by the ray number.  However you choose to do it, is right for you.  You can also call upon the energies of any of the Overlighting Beings as shared above along with toning to the sound of “I”.

Check in tomorrow to read a message from the Elders 1 & 2 That Surround the Throne of Grace, Lord Alura & Lady Aluri as they share their essence of humility, patience, and strength.

Join us for the 22 RAY Challenge and receive a Decree & Attunement for all of the Rays of God via your email.

©2012 Walking Terra Christa ~  All Rights Reserved.  No use without prior writton permission allowed.  Excerpted from the upcoming book.


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