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Channeled Messages from the Festival of Lights Ceremony December 2022

Walking Terra Christa shares the channeled messages received in the Festival of Light Sacred Ceremony for December 2022 with Master Djwhal Khul, Lord Ashtar, Lord Sananda, the Whale and Dolphin Community, with the Native Elders from around the World, Lady No Eyes (visonary), and Prayers from White  Buffalo Woman celebrating the Full Moon energies of Gemini (Sun of Sagittarius) representing Revelations of Illumination.


Greetings My Dearest Friends! I am Master Djwhal Khul. Thank you for being with us for the ‘live’ connection within this City of Wakan-Soieka.

Take a moment to reflect within yourself the changes that you have experienced for this year of 2022. This Moon being the last full moon of the year, is a very powerful Moon in its own way as the sign of Gemini represents transformation and to accept the emotional energies within each of us that need to be exposed. It is a representation of the dark being revealed and going into the light.

You may find that the energetics of this Moon may be a little bit disruptive for you. But just go with it. Be part of these energies and realize that the transformation you are going through is all part of the experience.

Now since the Sun of Sagittarius is in opposition to Gemini, it supports the state of the revelations to occur by allowing our true selves to become more passionate to ourselves. This is a powerful energy of Sagittarius, and everyone needs to be careful to not allow the push forward that Sagittarius can bring forth to create changes that you’re not ready for. Allow these energies to be grounded within you. The sun of Sagittarius is like a warrior, so we have to acknowledge that warrior attitude and yet bring forth a sense of grounding within our full-body system.

As each of us comes together in this moment it is always an appropriate time to fully become more to our reality than we truly have experienced.

I call this cycle Revelations Bring Illumination. When you allow yourself to fully look at the untruths within your etheric self, your chakras, in your four-body system and they surface into your consciousness it is important that you acknowledge those untruths because they are teaching you a lesson that you no longer need that untruth. But to allow the illumination of what is occurring through the alliance of Gemini and Sagittarius to assist you.

Now, of course Grandmother Moon is always representative of the emotional self and this month won’t be different from any other. In fact, it may be more than you’ve experienced previously. This is due to the fact that it is the last Moon of the year, the culmination of the elements that you have been dealing with from the beginning of the year until now are coming to the surface.

Embracing this energy will assist you in going deeper into your own internal system. The internal system I’m talking about is your Higher Self, your Divine Consciousness of the God energy that you are. Because that God energy is of higher qualities that are fully coming into the full balance within your entire system. I wouldn’t say they are interfering, but they are intertwining within what you already have experienced and what you may know about yourself.

This Moon is very introspective. It’s allowing the energies to assist you to look at the darkness that you’ve held and how it no longer serves you and to allow the illumination of the passion of Sagittarius to assist you to rejoice in the changes that you have gone through.

My Keynote for December is:

“I call upon my I Am Presence to help me acknowledge the elements within me that no longer serve my Highest Good. I allow my Spiritual Self to guide me through the process of my personal abundance through the Full Moon of Gemini in opposition to the Sun of Sagittarius. I feel the opening of my Divine Self to be revealed. I Am, that I Am, that I Am.”

Ponder upon that energy within your Heart Center in these moments.

It’s imperative to allow these energies of Grandmother Moon and Grandfather Sun to assist in the balancing of the creative process of the full-body system. As you breathe deeper into your Heart Center go into that part of yourself that needs to be revealed. Do not be afraid. Allow the energies that we bring forth today, the ceremonies, to assist you to go into a deeper level that possibly you have not experienced previously.

Surrender to the energies. Open up all avenues of your chakra system, your chakras within all your joints, the chakras within your spinal column. Allow everything to freely flow through you so the true pathway in this moment (by that I mean what you are transmuting and what you are transforming) through this Moon of Rebirth.

I know I have said this previously, but this Moon is also part of those Divine energies to allow every one of you to become more personally abundant within yourself.

Allow the transition into wholeness to be expressed with what you are experiencing. Allow the exposure of this cycle to help you to go into that deeper part of yourself and find the Divine Truth that your Higher Self is guiding you to experience.

I am Master Djwhal Khul. I now open up the energies to Lord Ashtar. Thank you once again for being the Initiate that you are.



Greetings! Greetings! My Dearest Souls! I am Lord Ashtar. I come forward with the Inter-Galactic energies to bring forth our sense of Oneness together.

As we move through the energies of this year of 2022, our work as the Inter-Galactic Forces has increased in many ways. It has increased because each of you are asking us to assist you. Also, we are becoming more centered within what you are experiencing upon the Earth and not just each of you personally, but humanity as a whole and coming into a stance of allowing these vibrational energies to assist.

As we move closer to the Solstice, we are assisting in bringing forth the expressed vibrancy of light to be felt within the core of Gaia and each of you.

You must be vigilant. In order for you to be able to uphold that Divine energy within yourselves we need to assist. We need to remind you of what you ARE in the Higher Realms of Light or what you are as the Galactic humans that have come into this Earth. We also need to rid the pain and the frustrations from other non-Christed planetary systems and dissipate this from this Earth. We know that sometimes this may seem very much out of your consciousness, out of your reality. But isn’t that truly what Ascension Mastery represents? It is stepping into the higher realities of existence to realize the potentials that each of us are One together.

Our role presently is to continue to assist you with these energies, assisting with the removal of chemtrails which are still ongoing unfortunately, and assisting with the vibrancy of the energies around the lands. If you live in an area that is denser then please do call upon us more often to help with that density to allow the vibratory energies that are part of this experience to be placed into the lands and into the core of the Earth from your areas.

We do see an increased amount of vibrancy that is occurring around the planet through the electro-magnetic waves of Light. It is not being affected so much in physicality within your lands. The people are changing but the vibrancy is becoming more stable.

The more often that you listen to this portion of the ceremony and bring in these Divine energies the less destruction we will have upon the Earth. But it takes great diligence to bring forth that ability to be strong within the face of danger. The danger in this part is the planetary system is not aligning to the higher vibrational nature that is expressly brought forth through these higher vibrations of light.

It does not mean that the Earth is going to move into that 5th Dimension because HUMANITY has not moved into that 5th Dimension. That is so much a part of what the Earth is experiencing. The more often that individuals bring forth more love, acceptance, and forgiveness into their hearts along with all the beautiful elements of healing then that is going to assist the Earth more deeply.

Our goal with the Ascension Columns around the world is to assist in that process to allow people to feel even just a moment of something that is greater than themselves, that feels very loving and peaceful.

The more we work together the easier this process will be.

I’m deeply honored to be able to be part of your walk upon the Earth to assist in so many ways as we transmute the lower frequencies of this Earth like this Moon represents and bring forth the illumination of the Higher Realms of Light to be felt. I hope that each of you feels this in this moment within your own heart.

I am Lord Ashtar at your service extending the energies to Lord Sananda.


Namaste’ and Blessings. Peace and Love to each of you. I am Lord Sananda bringing forth my expression of Divine Love unto each of you in these moments.

I love coming to Wakan-Soieka and seeing all the Souls from all walks of existence, not just of this Earth, but on the higher Christed Planetary Systems, that we’re all coming together in the State of Oneness, the Web of Light.

As I stand here looking at all of the faces of the Souls that are here, it gives me HOPE that with the continued effort of what we are doing, we CAN achieve a higher dimensional Earth. Please know that your struggles are being heard. It is up to each of you individually to allow the efforts of the higher vibrational energies with peace and love to come into your own hearts. This truly is what is going to change everything that you are experiencing upon the Earth.

Believe me, there are so many people upon the Earth that do not understand this. So, you, being the Initiates of Mastery, of realizing within yourself the journey that you are taking on of rising to a higher level within your physical consciousness is one that is not an easy process to achieve. But if you can have moments such as this ceremony to come into your heart and give you the strength that you are desiring to hold within yourself, then it will assist you within the next steps of your journey.

This is an imperative process for every Soul to realize the potential within themselves that they can CHANGE the energies by moving out of their physical consciousness, by not allowing their lower ego or lower-self personality to be in control and rise into a higher level of existence.

What happens through this process is there is a “Great STRENGTH”. This is what I desire for each you to feel in these moments, YOUR OWN strength.

It does not have to be big, but it can be a Teardrop of Strength coming into your heart allowing you to absorb more of that within your entire system. To breathe deeply into your heart and allow that Teardrop of Peace to go into all areas, your lower chakras, your upper chakras, the soles of your feet, your Earth Star, and your Soul Star.

When you take moments such as this and allow them to be felt then the transformation that this Moon represents will assist you. Do not fight it because the more that you fight this process the deeper the challenge will be for each of you.

As Lord Sananda, I take these moments to bless you for bringing forth the awareness into your consciousness to realize the potential that you can be. Feel this potential coming into your Soul’s Essence, into your heart, within your breath allowing it to expand. This is why I call it the Web of Light because the more that we extend this within ourselves personally, we expand outside our fields so that others can feel it.

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]

Breathe deeply. Allow these Divine energies to fully transform all elements within yourselves that need assistance. Allow the illumination of this Moon to assist you to reveal the darker parts of yourself that NEED to come into the Light. It’s okay. Allow yourself to be at peace with this because this IS part of the process, acknowledgment.

In ALL that I AM as Lord Sananda, I bless each of you with the beautiful essences of the Gold Flame of the Christ Consciousness to come into your heart and fully expand into all parts of your existence.


[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]


We are The Community of the Whales and the Dolphins bringing forth our essence and sending that Light Form that you have received from Lord Ashtar and Lord Sananda through the waves of waters moving upwards and downwards in all directions.

The more that we commune with one another through this frequency of Light, the more that OUR communities in the waters and YOUR communities on the lands will be assisted through the greatness of releasing the old forms of existence.

Our Community of Whales and Dolphins as the mammals we are, we have suffered GREATLY in our history. But it is in these moments that we do not want to hold on to that. We want to feel the elation of these Divine energies to come into ALL of our hearts together. You have made it possible.

Lady Mahlariessee, we are deeply honored that you bring forth these energies monthly, that your role with our community has been great on a Soul level and a physical level. That every time every person thinks of our essences within the waters, please know that we receive that. We see it through the sonar waves, we receive it through the vibrancy of the Light. It helps us to realize that elements are changing even though there are many that are still being hunted in certain areas.

It is with great joy that we want to help the ones that are older of our species that have endured great pain and have only desired to be free. You are assisting with that frequency of Light.

[Whale/Dolphin Encoding]

We express to each of you our deepest commitment to assist Gaia, to assist the Earth, to assist humanity as we all grow together in Avenues of Light.

KNOW that we are not far away. We are very close to your hearts in this moment.

[Whale/Dolphin Encoding]

Lady Mahleriessee: We thank the Whale and the Dolphin energies for assisting us in our transition of the New Earth to help us acknowledge that they receive our Light energies in so many ways.

Now we continue with the Native Elders of the group consciousness of all the Elders from around the world.


AHO! AHO, My Dearest Ones! We are the Native Elders. We’re always excited to be here in our group consciousness.

As we gather together in ceremony and love and feel all that is being brought forth from these Divine energies, it reminds us of the days of when we would look at the Pleiadian Starships, and then we would work with the Pleiadians as they have always been an integral part of our teachings.

As warriors we truly understand the changes that you are going through. Since Sagittarius is that ‘warrior’ it brings forth that sense of compassion in a passionate way, FIRE energy bringing forth the fire.

As we look at the flame that is here in the middle of our circle with all the Souls on the outside of the circle, the Great Spirit is overlooking every one of US no matter what our experiences represent, no matter what we are bringing forth to the planet.

We, of the Elders, are deeply excited to bring forth our energies in this monthly connection. It is with great reverence that we honor each of you with whom you are and what you are experiencing because you truly are the Lightbearers of this planet. You have come at a time when the energies have been opened up so that the Light Forms of your existence as a Soul are more open to you than they have been before. But you’ve also come at a time where there is great confliction, there are great hurts of what has been experienced through the many lifetimes of this planet and they are all arising at the same time.

We think that this Moon is very representative of what you have been experiencing the entire year. Yet there is a push with Grandmother Moon opening up the dark parts of your Souls to be revealed to allow the illumination to shine with the Sun of Sagittarius, the fire energy, to burn up the debris to allow it to be gone and not to be experienced in your Soul’s memories ever again. We would like you to ponder that for a moment.

The intensity that you bring forth for these energies is the important part of your existence and having the strength and the courage to open up the darkness within you and allow it to be purged out of your system, never to return. What do you think that would feel like if you allowed that to happen in your existence, in your consciousness? It is not just your existence upon the Earth but what you are feeling in all ways through your emotions and your mental accolades. Imagine those accolades dissipating, fully dissipating just because you had the courage to be the Warrior of Sagittarius to break through the darkness that Gemini is showing you. That is a blessing in and of itself.

We would like everyone to remind themselves in this moment within your breath and have faith and HONOR what you are experiencing is not forever. But only if you have the diligence and the capability to move through those energies. Do NOT FOOL yourself into thinking that it’s just going to go away. You must work at it. You must BE the warrior; you must get out your sword and you must TAKE that sword and poke holes in the armor of the dark essence you’ve been holding onto in the history of your Soul’s existence.

This is so very true because every Soul upon the Earth has gone through those dark timelines. As a Soul, we don’t like to think that we have those capabilities. But what happens in this instance is that those dark timelines are affecting YOU more than anyone else. It is not that you are attacking anyone else, it is that you are attacking yourself by not allowing it to be illuminated and placed into the Light and blend that energy within yourself to the higher part of your existence.

If we think about the dark as being the walk upon the Earth and we think about the light being your Higher Self, your Soul’s Essence, your Divine Self, your God Source, then that part of you is assisting you to WALK on the Earth in a much better way of existence than you have previously. But you must ACKNOWLEDGE it. Let’s ACKNOWLEDGE it in this present moment.

As we stand in the EAST, we call upon the Eagle and the Eagle helps us to fly above the difficulty. But the EAGLE ALWAYS knows what that difficulty is. I want you to HONOR that within the Eagle that you are becoming to allow yourself to step into a New Beginning of your HEALING. Today is the day, this moment is the moment that you fully allow your true self which can have those dark moments to be revealed to you. It’s Okay. Open that up, allowing the Mental Realm of your existence to be filled with the BLESSING of the present energies to be expressed in a completely new and different manner. Open yourselves up. Feel this blessing of the Eagle being in your heart.

The Eagle knows its prey. The Eagle knows the WAY of the world. Bring THAT understanding into your heart presently. FEEL that New Beginning that you desire to BECOME. Let the door be open.

[Drumming and Chanting]

OPEN yourselves up to the BLESSING of the Eagle flying HIGH above the difficulty but KNOWING that difficulty. KNOWING that you can exchange the BLESSING of the Mental Realm to be the Abstract Mind flowing with Light Forms and giving yourself the COURAGEOUS MANNER of stepping into that PURE LIGHT that you ARE. FEEL THIS now. It is a New Beginning within yourself.


Now we call upon the SOUTH energies of the Coyote. Is the Coyote laughing at you? Or are you dancing with the Coyote? In your Emotional Self you must acknowledge the parts of yourself that you have not seen previously. You’ve allowed the delusion, the film that has been placed around you for you to not see the truth. So, dance it out now with the Coyote.

[Drumming and Chanting]

Allow your Emotional Body to now be filled with dancing moments. Allow the holes that you have put into your Emotional Body from the exchange of Light to assist you. Take a breath, relax, and feel the air around you.

Now we call upon the energies of the WEST. The West represents your physical body. What is occurring in your physical self that is holding you back from your true Divinity of Love and Light? The physical self holds so much. So, we call upon the Bear. The Bear has such knowledge. Feel the vision of the Bear within you. Take a moment within that Bear medicine and see that the elements of your darkness can infiltrate into the physical self. It can cause depression, it can cause you to not want to do things, it can cause you to not be as strong within your will as you would want to be. So, let’s call upon the Bear medicine and allow that Bear to GROWL within you, to open you up as you come out of the cave no matter what part of the year it is for you. It’s now time to get out of the cave and really enjoy the land around you.

[Drumming and Chanting]

Now there’s an opening of your energies as we call upon the NORTH of the Spiritual Self. Now your Spiritual Self can acknowledge more to your full consciousness than it did before because you’re taking a walk through the Medicine Wheel allowing the blessing of the Buffalo, which is abundance, the blessing of the Higher Realms of your Spiritual Self now to be shining within you. It’s coming down and you feel that blessing as you pray to your Higher Self, your I Am Presence to become all that you desire.

[Drumming and Chanting]

Rejoice! As now we come to the middle of the circle where the beautiful flames are existing. Honor yourself by feeling the blessing of these flames within your heart. Dance with the illumination that you have received from allowing the darkness to arise out of you.

[Drumming and Chanting]

AHO! It is in these moments now feel the new essence of your energies coming into your full existence. Breathe it in! Feel it emotionally. Express it mentally. Your Etheric Self is changing because it has gone through a process of transmuting and you’re transforming yourself in this moment. Take a moment to bless yourself of what you have achieved in all things.

It is our blessing to each of you as the Native Elders to continue this walk. We walk with you. We walk with you in your ceremonies, in your prayers and all that you are desiring to become. Utilize your own ceremony within these energies for the next few days and you will see a difference occurring within your heart.

AHO! My Dearest Ones. AHO! All our relations as One.

We now bring in the energies of Lady No Eyes.


AHO! Mitakuye Oyasin. Hello! Hello! My Dearest Ones! It is my pleasure once again to extend my energies unto each of you.

Transference into your transformation is an essential quality to uphold within your own essence. It doesn’t matter if you’re an Initiate, it doesn’t matter if you’re a Native, it doesn’t matter your background. What matters is your Soul’s Essence. That is why Natives acquired the ability to create ceremonies to bring forth the blessing of the Higher Realms of Light to assist in the walk that they were experiencing upon the Earth.

My Dear Ones, you are experiencing great strife in these moments. I know I have talked about this month after month after month. The strife is not outside your energies, it’s inside you. The blessing of the current times upon this planet is that individuals have the accessibility to go deeper into the healing states of their consciousness than they ever have acquired in any other timeframe. Take advantage of that. This Moon brings forth that energy.

We talk about the Warrior of Sagittarius, but the true essence is Grandmother Moon. She is showing you two different sides of yourself; the dark side and the light side. Allow her essence to teach you to absorb the darkness within the light to allow the healing process of your internal system to become more accessible to your energies than anything else.

I, too, refer to the months of this year. As each Full Moon, each Eclipse, each Equinox, each Solstice has come around, the energies have been becoming more and more intensified. So, what are you as an individual going to do about that? Are you going to allow the energies to overtake you? And say, “Well I can’t do this. I’m not up for this.” Or are you going to be that warrior of your Soul’s Essence and say, “Yes, I have the ability to change because I have all the tools in my backyard. I have all of my spiritual guidance. I have the Masters. I have the Light of God. I HAVE the beauty of the Great Spirit to shine down upon me that I have been gifted to be here at this time. And I will open up my energies to assist and mainly to assist myself.” That is the key that needs to be acknowledged.

Stop worrying about everyone else and worry about yourself first and foremost. Bring forth the intensity of these energies to go deeper into your Soul’s Essence that you have never experienced in such a way. Allow this Light Form of Grandmother Moon to shine upon you with her beautiful essence.

Do not allow the coldness of this moon to make you cold inside. Warm yourself up with the Divine Light that she brings forth of this sign of Gemini. Two aspects of yourself, your physicality, and your spirituality. Which one is going to win? Well, it’s not a battle of who is going to win a competition. It’s about both aspects of yourself to come into Oneness in the presence of your heart, in the presence of your mind.

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]

Feel that essence within you shifting and changing, blessing your darkness with your light. Calling upon your Higher Self, calling upon your I Am Presence. Call upon the God Source energy that you are. The Great Spirit is shining down upon us right now within all these flames.

[Chanting and Drumming]

Arise! Arise to the moment. Arise to the many moments to allow these Divine energies that are being brought forth of the planetary existences of the Moon and the Sun to assist you to become better, to be stronger, to be more peaceful, to be more loving unto yourself.

AHO!  Mitakuye Oyasin. I Am Lady No Eyes.

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]


I am White Buffalo Woman extending my essences. Let us take a moment in silence listening to the drum, feeling your own heartbeat, opening yourself up unto the blessing to your Divine Self to be realized within you.

As we call upon the energies of the Great Spirit, we ask these beautiful Souls in this beautiful ceremony and within the circle to be blessed with your Light, to be blessed with all that you bring forth to this Earth, to all planetary existences in this Divine moment of creation.

[Rattles with Drumming]

Take a moment and feel the implosion of the Light energies coming into your Soul allowing your wishes and your blessings to become manifest.

AHO! Mitakuye Oyasin.


Greetings. Once again, it is I Master Djwhal Khul.

We all arise together in this beautiful ceremony in Wakan-Soieka. I’m deeply honored to be able to feel the Oneness that occurs here within these ceremonies. Please do allow yourself to return. Work with the energies throughout this Moon cycle. Allow the assistance of what you desire to become to be released out of you.

It is a time of great power internally, a time of great strength, and a time of great love. Allow that love to fully become you. Expand upon it. Be One with it.

As we extend our energies with the 330 Rays of God, we call upon all these Divine energies of all the dimensions and the God Source.

We, as Masters, understand. We are also healing in our own ways. We understand what it’s like to be upon the Earth. Not during this time but in other times. We have to understand that it is a BLESSING in the midst of the chaos. Each of you that are awakened unto these energies KNOW that there is MORE that you can do energetically without your physical body but allowing your physical self to be assisted in the process.

I give my blessings unto each of you to bring forth these energies physically. I walk with you and love you deeply in every way.

Namaste’. I am Master Djwhal Khul.

If you are interested in listening to the audio recording of the ceremony,  please visit our Audio Library,

It’s a time to connect your emotional body to the physical self, this full moon has been a precursor to move into the ability to work more deeply within our ascension pathway as an Initiate. The Royal Teton Retreat is open for every Initiate to work with the Karmic Board along with Master Djwhal Khul, Lord Lanto, and Master Hilarioan to assist our healing process to remove karmic elements that we are working upon in our pathway. The doorway to the retreat opens on December 15th through January 14th to connect with these Divine Masters. Lord Saint Germain is our guide to travel to the retreat located in the Teton Mountain Range, Wyoming in the United States during meditative states, and on the Innerplane levels (sleep state).

If you are interested in our Holiday Sale which is discounted up to 60% for some of our Seminar Teachings please see the details here. Included are some of our Meditations and high frequency essential oil Aromatherapy Healing Sprays.

Original Material © Copyright 2003-2022 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee* Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden. All rights reserved. *formerly spelled “Meleriessee”. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS CONTENT FREELY IN COMPLETE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS WITH THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!

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