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New Earth Consciousness ~ Circle of Light ~ We visited the City of Telos with Lord Adama, Lord Saint Germain, and the Ray Chohans to receive a blessing of love and light from the 5th dimension after the US Presidential Election results. Included within the transmission is a beautiful journey within Telos, with amazing masters giving us hope and faith during GAIA’s current transition into the New Earth. We visited the JADE TEMPLE OF THE EMERALD ESSENCE.

Greetings my Dearest Beloveds,

It is I, Lord Saint Germain.

I am very, very pleased to be with you in this moment.

Look around the room.  There are beautiful mosaics – stained glass windows that reflect the Light.  There is a history of the windows of the stained glass.  There is a history of Lemuria.  There is history of Atlantis.  There is a history of what has gone before.

I stand here as the MahaChohan.  I want you to fully breathe onto yourself each of the Rays as we bring forth those Essences of the —

Blue, of the Will and the Power with Master El Morya

Then we call upon the Golden Yellow Flame

If you look straight ahead the Blue Flame is to the left and then the Golden Yellow is to the right of the Blue

The Golden Yellow Flame with Master Djwhal Khul and Master Joshua

Then the Pink Flame with Master Paul the Venetian

Then the Crystalline Flame stands fully in the middle with Master Serapis Bey

Then the Green, Gold and White with Master Hilarion

Then the Ruby Red and Gold with Lady Nada

And then the Violet Purple with Lady Portia.

This is all behind me.  The mosaics are behind them.  So the reflection of the Rays comes through the mosaics and comes onto you, feeling these beautiful Ray energies coming into your system.

When Lord Adama asked me earlier if I would participate in this ceremony this evening I was very happy to bring forth my energies and each of the Ray Chohans.

We have to understand that in order to bring forth the true essence of Alchemy, personal Alchemy in our lives, we must walk through each of the Seven Rays.  Of course, Alchemy is represented by the Violet Purple and so much more.

We have discussed previously in some of the lessons in the last couple of years that some of these Rays are embodied upon the Earth:  one of them is the Violet-Purple, another  is the Crystalline, and along with the Blue.  We have to realize what having these Rays embodied and grounded into GAIA means for the Earth, and for each of you that are going through this process.

I ask you that when you question what has happened, did you ever realize within yourself that something would have to happen to create change upon the Earth to make all people to realize that they cannot live the life that they are living without understanding that there are more components that have to come into it? 

I am talking about the individuals that think they are living the life that they are supposed to live, but truly don’t have that ability to understand within themself whom they are becoming.  These are the candidates for awakened initiates.  Some of them already are on the pathway but they consciously do not know.  Of course, they are in those lower initiations.  So it is important to realize the potential that we have at this time to assist humanity in a completely and different way than ever has been experienced before.

I ask each of you to look at the larger picture of what all of this represents and have trust in us that we are going to intervene as best as we can even though each individual has free will.  But that is where you come in.  If your intentions are to assist the planet and to work with each of us, they can work through the Earth, through GAIA to make the necessary changes.

I remember in the 1950’s when the I AM Discourses was brought forth.  I had great aspirations that the changes could be made through those Discourses.  But then other events happened into the 60’s that stopped it from being so.  It was the dark side stopping that movement to continue.

It is now different because it’s not just about the I AM Discourses.  It’s about total Unification of the Light of Oneness as has been brought forth since 2011 into 2012, the Great Change has happened within this Earth.  Each of you are a part of those energies.  It’s a powerful time.  But within powerful times there has to be Masters that can hold the Light to themselves and to bring forth that energetic exchange to assist others.

That is why you are here.  That is why you are assisting.  More will come.  I guarantee it.

Some of you may have thought, which also Meleriessee and Ara have thought to themselves why don’t we have more people come and listen and be part of their teachings.  If they are brought forth from the Unified Whole Command, then they are the highest frequency of Light to assist individuals to make the necessary changes within ourselves.  I say to each of you that the time was not right, that the time is coming.  These two individuals that we work with for you and others have been diligent, have been responsible, and have learned to aspire to their highest intentions of what is right and what is not quite right in certain moments of time of what they need to do.

I want each of you to have this ability also.  I want each of you to be able to aspire to the highest Light frequency and to know that we are here to assist you because you are the Masters of the Earth.  Many talk that some of us are returning to the Earth in physical form.  We always do come back, but we don’t stay.  That is not part of our evolution at this time as it will occur upon Terra Christa.  But we are here to assist each of you through each step of the transition until that time does happen.

The New Earth will bring forth those moments in time where we can walk together, but the Earth must be at the highest frequency to sustain ourselves just as Meleriessee and Ara need to do for their bodily functions.  As they travelled across the country to the East to assist in many levels they were not aware to the potential of what they were doing.  But they also aspired to work with each of the Ray Chohans to make the right decisions if it was necessary for them to be on the East Coast.  They made that decision within their physical minds through their Higher Minds through the work that they were doing in their sleep state and meditation, even though there was always the potential that something could go wrong.  But yet, they had faith, they had tolerance and trust that they would be safe and all went as desired.  There could have been mishaps, but the protection that they were being given by all of us and many assisted them tremendously.

The regenerative process after they came back from that density into the Mount Shasta acceleration of their own space takes a toll upon their energy.  So it takes them time to regenerate.  This is what everyone will experience if the Earth doesn’t change.  Change needs to occur.

The Earth is at the 4th Dimensional level.  It is in that duality.  You have been faced with it now.  You can see it.  How people are not accepting the ability to have a President that was not perfect but was not bringing forth the darkness in the same way it is occurring presently.  They allowed their angers and frustrations to result.  This is what has arisen during these moments.

You have been there as Lord Adama has said previously.  You’ve all experienced these energies.  But now you are experiencing a different part of yourself.  So the responsibility within you is to realize the potential that you have to be more than you ever could be in a physical body.  It is your time to accelerate yourself.  It is a time to allow the energies to assist you and not deter you from your highest purpose.  So I urge each of you to bring forth these energies onto yourself.  In that way you are assisting all of us, you are assisting GAIA, you are assisting the darkness to find the Light to dissipate from the planet; but we have a lot of work ahead of us in order to do so.

The Office of the Christ is working very diligently at this time with Lord Maitreya and Lord Kuthumi.  Lord Kuthumi has always been the Speaker of the Masters for Businesses, for Leaders, and for Governments.  Now their work is becoming even more intensified by bringing forth those Light Infractions of the Golden Flame of the Christ Consciousness to become more apparent within the Earth.

The Earth is in trouble. 

She is hurting and we know that she is hurting, but time is running out.  So everyone’s responsibility is necessary at this time, no matter what level of an Initiate that you are.  Even the ones that are not even aware of this by just having positive thoughts to bringing in their own self-help techniques is going to change the planet immensely.

I am here in this moment, in this beautiful Temple of Light within Telos to assist.  Each of the SevenFlames of these beautiful Beings of Light of the Archangels and the Elohim with the Ray Chohans are here to assist each of you to become more involved with the Light frequencies to come fully within your Heart and the experiences that you are having in your physical body.  Don’t allow the lower thoughts to deter you from the highest purpose that you are because you have a gift to give.

You came to this Earth as a Lightworker, as a Starseed, as a Torchbearer bringing forth these elements into your consciousness, bringing forth to become them, to ground them, to be them, to be the Master that you desire to be.  Surrender to what else is occurring within you.  Allow the energies to do their work and they will work, but you must allow it to be throughout your day and into the night.  You must breathe it, you must be it, and you must accept it.

We need your Diligency.  We need your Strength.  We need your Power to become One within you, to allow these energies to assist you. 

Don’t worry about what comes up.  Don’t question what is going on within you.  Let it go into the Light.  Let it go into the Unified Whole.  Let all the tools that you are being given consistently to be One within you.

Let us combine these energies.  I stand here as the MahaChohan but I bring forth each of the other Chohans and the Ray Spectrums of Light, the Flames, the Power of those Flames to come fully within you now.

So I ask you to feel the energy with us within this room as each of the Flames are going to blend within each other to become the One Flame because you cannot do it just by one or two.  You must allow the unification of the Seven Flames to assist you to create your higher Light body of the 3rd Dimension.  Then you will be ready to extend it more into your physical self to create the Crystalline structure.

We take a moment to allow this energy to come ~

Feel, feel now the Blue Flame.  Feel the Power of the Will and the Strength.  Feel your Courage and Fearlessness standing up to the adversity of the thought forms that are occurring presently with the election and the world speaking their truth in different ways.  Be in that Power of that Light.  Feel these beautiful Beings assisting you with the Blue Flame as it comes fully into your Being.

{{{Divine Light Language Encodement}}}

Now feel the Golden Yellow, the Golden Yellow coming in of the Illumination of your Higher Mind.  Feeling those lower thoughts dissipating, feeling your Love, your Wisdom to come fully within you.  You are being illuminated in the higher Light as it blends with the Blue, there are more knowledges coming to you.  Feel that beautification that you are becoming.

{{{Divine Light Language Encodement}}}

Now feel the Pink, Creative Actualization.  Feel the ability to create anything that you desire by feeling the beauty of Love, Compassion and Tolerance.  We must give Compassion to Mr. Trump.  We must give compassion to all the souls that don’t understand.  Feel that Pink Flame within you, become it, become it as it blends with the Blue and the Golden Yellow.

{{{Divine Light Language Encodement}}}

Now the feel the Crystalline Flame of Harmony and Balance.  Let’s bring the Resurrection within.  Resurrect all that does not fit your consciousness right now.  Resurrect those energies so that you can find the Balance and the Harmony within.  Feeling Master Serapis Bey assisting you within this with the deep Love that he has for humanity.  Feel it coming within you now.

{{{Divine Light Language Encodement}}}

Now we ignite the Green, the Gold and White of the Science of God, your Higher Mind.  Feel those colors blending now with all the others, within your 3rd Eye.  Feeling the ability to be Intuitive, feeling the Harmony of the Spheres, feeling the Movement, now that you have resurrected everything you can allow this energy to fully be within you and become One.

{{{Divine Light Language Encodement}}}

Now we see the Ruby Red with the Gold.  Feeling the Peace with Lady Nada, Peacefulness, Inner Devotion.  You deserve to accept Peace into your Heart.  You don’t deserve to feel all these other energies.  Feel this essence coming within you now.  Feel her beautification.

{{{Divine Light Language Encodement}}}

And last but not least is the Violet with the Purple.  Feeling Lady Portia – now that spins within you from your Soul Star all the way down to your Earth Star as it blends and it allows to create a new structure.  Feeling that beautification as you Transform, you Transmute anything else that doesn’t fit, but then you ground it, you become the Alchemist.  Feel that Alchemy within you, the ability to make the necessary changes through your Higher Essence as you become your Higher Mind, you become your Higher Heart.  It’s all involved in your full-body system.

{{{Divine Light Language Encodement}}}

Feel them.  Now you are the Seven Flames.  You are now surrounded by these beautiful Beings of Light.  You are surrounded by the Elohim.  You are surrounded by the Archangels.

I, as the MahaChohan of Lord Saint Germain, decree onto you to fully embody these Flames within your thought process. 

It is going to happen first consciously before you can do it physically.  It will be a step-by-step process; but if you can work upon this within your higher thoughts and allow them to come into your Heart and to feel these Essences through your breath.  Feel the Power that you are.  Feel the Love that you are.  Feel the Wisdom that you are – Ah!  Feel the beautiful Harmony.  Feel your Higher Mind and allow the Peace to come within you – Serenity.  Then you ground it.  Ground it deeply into your Earth Star as you are the Alchemist.  You are the Master of your Destiny in these moments.

Breathe deeply and let us take a moment and just extend it to GAIA. 

We are sitting within Telos in the core of the Earth.  We then send it to her Crystalline structure.  It is just movement of moving it out of Telos into the core of GAIA.  Allow her to send it where ever it should be.  You don’t have to do anything else.  You don’t have to send it to your loved ones.  You don’t have to send it ones that are angry.  Just send this Light formation, this totality of the Seven Flames that you are now intertwining within you and you extend that.  Then feel that within yourself.

As you receive, you give to another and you gave it to GAIA. That is your only responsibility. 

What we would desire for each of you to do is to do this daily, to intertwine the Seven Flames within you.  Get your Mental Mind out of the way and just allow the blending of the flames  to happen, even if you have to listen to this part of the session to remind you how to bring in these Seven Flames.  Be the Seveb Flames.  Allow them to grow within you.  As you do so, each of the Beings of the Seven Flames will work more with you.

It is my pleasure as Lord Saint Germain to extend this service onto you for you to embody it, to decree it to be so as you as an Initiate of the Mastery Pathway have a great responsibility to yourself to change.  Then let us do the rest of the work.  Let us do all that needs to be done through you and then out of you.

We have a great job ahead of us, but if each of you can do your part in this manner, it will make our jobs much easier.

In Blessings and Love,


So Mote It Be, It is Done.

I Am Lord Saint Germain.


It is I, Lord Adama once again.

Let us arise.  Let’s take a moment to walk around the mosaics.  It is our altar here within this Temple of the Jade.  We bring those energies.  Say a prayer or an intention for yourself.  I like the word intention better than prayer because prayer is you are asking God to do it for you.  Just put your intention of your own God Essence of which you desire to be.  Let us take a moment.

It is now time for us to leave the healing space of this Temple.  As we walk out into the Hall of Mirrors, I want you to feel the difference within your entire system of what you feel and what you see.  As we walk into the main Temple area with the altar you may take one more moment to give an intention feeling your Heart Center.  Remember your Heart Center is the core energy of all your Chakras.  It is the core energy of your Masculine and Feminine Divine.  Feel the Power that you have created within yourself.

Now it is time for us to exit the Temple of the Jade Emerald Essence.  We walk down the cross-bridge onto the cobblestone walk we enter the garden once again.

As we stand together let us hold hands.  Let us connect with each other’s energies and to feel what we have created.

I ask you to call upon this energy every day of your life and to not forget that we are fully connected with you, that we walk with you.  I am sorry that you have to experience these energies and the change cannot be as easily experienced as we would like.  Know that you are strong.  Know that you are courageous.  Know that are loving, generous, tolerant, compassionate and that you can stay balanced within yourself.

Know that you are the Creator of your Destiny of this Earth.  Everywhere you walk you will extend that energy if you allow it to be through your breath, if you bring it forth not just in your mind, but let it come into your Heart.  Remember the center of your Chakras, the center as you connect to the Heart Center of GAIA, as you connect to the Heart Center of us.  It will make your journey much easier.

In Blessings and Love,

I am Lord Adama, your brother in Telos

Part 1 – Lord Adama ~ The 4th Dimensional Healing Phase Is Now in Place – can be accessed through this link.

The New Earth Consciousness-Circle of Light is a weekly class in which we journey to one of the 22 Etheric Cities.  Included is a teaching from Lord Adama and a special Ascended Being that represents the city. Walking Terra Christa provides many options to participate in their weekly teachings with an affordable rate for all individuals.  You can participate in our Partner/Membership Program while experiencing the teachings on your own time via the recordings. You can also purchase the MP3 download on any of the classes.

© Copyright 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).  Linking to this page from any website or blog is welcomed and encouraged. Reprinting or reposting this material on websites or blogs that sell or advertise any products or services as well as any printed or written reproduction) is not authorized without written permission. Sharing our Social Media sites is also encouraged. Connect with us on ♥ FACEBOOK  ♥ TWITTER  ♥ YOUTUBE   ♥ NEWSLETTER ♥ DONATE  | Rights are only granted to repost this material electronically on informational websites or blogs that do not sell or advertise any products or services. In such cases, you must include this copyright statement in full including the above active url referral links to help everyone stay informed and support our messages. In cases of text only formats, these active url links may be converted to display the full path of the url as linked. 

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