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(Duration 3 to 3.5 hours)

This is an ONLINE AUDIO EVENT: Participate from your home in a meditative energy to connect to the Highest level of the Spiritual Masters and Ascension Frequency at this most auspicious time of year!


This High Ascension Festival is typically at least 3 hours in duration to bring forth the most powerful Ascension Mastery frequencies from the Spiritual Hierarchy, Angelic Hosts and Ascended Masters, with the support of all Christed Beings in Oneness. The Sacred Ascension Prayers and Decree’s are recited by all in attendance.

To read the full story about WESAK click here.

© 2022-2024 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). (*formerly spelled Meleriessee). Please share and repost. Rights are granted to repost this article in full with image electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:

Support the Ascend Earth Higher Vibration Mission: The Ascension Ambassador of Spiritual Service!

Ascension Ambassador of Spiritual Service by Walking Terra Christa

Affirm a True Life Action to Support Pure High Vibratory Ascension for Earth and Humanity by Becoming an Ascension Ambassador of Spiritual Service! sm

Partner in Support of the Mission of Walking Terra Christa’s Ascend Earth Project directly with the Spiritual Hierarchy of the Planet!



Walking Terra Christa is the originator of the Ascend Earth Projectsm, the Ascension Ambassador of Spiritual Servicesm, and is the earthly founding spiritual leadership of The 22 Rays of Godsm. As a planetary organization, ongoing financial support through direct alignment from like-minded souls is very appropriate and assists in many ways. Ambassadorship expands the number of individual souls that are in true partnership with the Spiritual Mission of Walking Terra Christa’s sacred Divine Light of Godsm vibratory connections being given to Humanity and Earth through the Ascend Earth Projectsm.

© 2023 by, Reverend Christine Mahlariessee Hayden and Rev. Michael Ara Hayden, all rights reserved. Service Marks are as indicated on this page are the origination of the authors.

Final Week: Royal Teton Retreat

Twice each year Spiritual seekers are invited to go deeper into the inner workings of their unique soul makeup. This is done by choosing to attend the Royal Teton Retreat of the Ascended Masters in meditation and during the sleep state to get special assistance.

The final week of the first yearly session ends soon on July 15.

Read more about the Visitations to the Retreat and the Class with Meditation which we created to assist:

How to Visit the Royal Teton Retreat of the Ascended Masters


Festival of the Christ Symmetry of Light Master Djwhal Khul April 2023

Rev. Christine Mahlariessee shares the Spiritual Ascension Mastery Meaning and Message of the Festival of the Christ with Master Djwhal Khul about the Libra Full Moon which is in opposition to the Sun of Aries occurring on April 6th , 2023.

The Full Moon in Libra has arrived as of April 6th, 2023 in opposition to the Sun of Aries. This is a very powerful time of introspection as the Festival of the Christ represents the essence of Love to be experienced inwardly then outwardly.

Libra is the commanding energy of Symmetry and strives to create Equilibrium in all areas of our lives.  This cycle rings true to put all elements into alignment that have been scattered in our lives. It’s a time to create order where none existed previously.

Allow your feelings to be more open so the pure expression of your Heart to become more aligned with whom you are becoming. Be considerate of how you project your feelings as you don’t want to be compulsive, but creating an even keel of your energies will help you to achieve balance in your life.

The Sun Sign of Aries (representing the Masculine Self) is directing this energy to become more aligned within you. Step into the ability to become Passionate and Confident to the change you are making emotionally. Aries energies can sometimes trick us, giving forth the power to make changes too quickly, but with the moon of Libra it allows for the ability to be gracious and diplomatic through the changes.

This cycle will bring about change but be very sure of how you want to create that within you. Take your time and you will find the Symmetry of Balance to guide you into the next phase of your life.

This is a perfect example of the Feminine and Masculine Divine working together in the State of Unity.

Since this is the first Ascension Festival of Wesak, namely the Festival of the Christ, the dynamics of this cycle will help to bring about the spiritual changes that need to be acquired.

This Festival of the Christ focuses upon LOVE first and foremost, with the second keynote as RESURRECTION, then the third keynote as CONTACT WITH THE SPIRITUAL HIERARCHY. This represents a closer relationship to your I AM Presence, Divine Mother/Father God with Lord Maitreya and Lord Kuthumi, Lady Pallas Athena, along with the Councils of God, namely the Elohim Council of Light representing the Office of the Christ.

It is a state of becoming One Within All That Is or Exists.

The Festival of the Christ is a time in which the essence of Love is the main focus to come into the planet. In order to truly receive the Divine Essence of Love we have to learn to RESURRECT those elements which do not align within this creative process. Then, the ability to become one with the Spiritual Hierarchy or the Ascended Masters that have walked this path before us is opened up to allow each of us the great opportunity to do so.

The Blue Flame of Will and Power is predominantly the Ray of God that is infused into the planet at this time. This ray represents the ability to step into a new doorway learning to be fearless while not having any misgivings to stop an individual from their true potential.

The Ray of Will and Power is guided by Master El Morya. The ensuing energy of the flame is ignited by the Elders that Surround the Throne of Grace, Lord Alura and Lady Aluri. Elohim Masters Hercules and Amazonia along with the Archangels Michael and Faith are also guides for bringing forth this ray into the planet and each of us.

The essence of Will and Power from the Higher Aspect includes the utilization of the Higher Mind, Higher Heart and the I AM Presence.

It helps each Initiate to overcome their inability to move forward by giving the elements of strength, courage, and the tenacity to look beyond those fears that may be stopping them from achieving their greatest desires.

The Beings of Light from this ray help Initiates to attune themselves to their Higher Essence; thereby, accessing their highest ideals LOVE to be experienced through tenderness, tolerance of mistakes being made, and having faith to move forward through any diversity. One will acquire the ability to look at others in a sympathetic way of understanding which allows for the presence of patience to be their guide.

It is then at this stage that the Initiate and every Master allows for the RESTORATION process to occur.

The focus of this festival is bringing Heaven to Earth. It cannot be done without each of us allowing the Etheric Body or Cellular Memory to be healed of the past elements that have kept us in bondage.

Walking Terra Christa is holding the first of the three WESAK FESTIVALS OF LIGHT which is the Festival of the Christ Ceremony on Saturday, April 8th. This ceremony is a doorway for our soul to become more actively associated in the physical walk with our highest capability of Light as WESAK 2023 is a restructuring of our individual light body to Embody Our Divine Self in a manner never before accessible to humanity!

Participating actively in these Ceremonies with your Higher Self will assist in the forces of Restoration as this is one of the major components of this festival that sets the stage for the others.  We are all starting to focus within the State of Oneness, but to actively participate through our physical bodies is going to restore the essence upon this Earth along with every inhabitant, thereof.  It is a time when it makes people think, plan, and take action on spiritual lines which will eventually lead to a reorganization of planetary life which we are experiencing presently.


I call upon the Full Moon of Libra to bring forth Symmetry and Balance of Divine Love while the Sun of Aries gives me the Passion and Confidence to expand my ability to heal within me by Resurrecting elements from my old Self to be Restored. I now allow my I Am Presence to become One within me.
I Am that I Am

Greetings Dearest Initiates,

I come to you as Master Djwhal Khul, Ray Chohan for the 2nd Ray of Love and Wisdom, and spokes-being of the Festival of Lights with Walking Terra Christa.

It is now a cycle of Rebirth through the process of accepting Love into your hearts, souls, and mind. It is the 1st stage of Resurrection and Transcending elements within your Four-Body system to allow for the transference of light to be acknowledged.

This is a crucial stage as you prepare yourself for the Wesak energies.

Wesak is a time of accepting what you have gone through in the past year to be transcended and healed so that as an Initiate you will be prepared to walk into the next level of your Initiation process. Each of us as Masters go through the same process.

The Full Moon in Libra is assisting with this process as it is ruled by the Planet Venus representing Love and the Relationship to the Self. It is about absorbing the essence of Divine Love to be felt within the Heart Center which allows it to expand and become the qualities of Compassion and Tenderness. When an individual allows themselves to become this essence, then there is nothing else that can enter that space.

While the Sun in Aries gives forth the Passion, Motivation, and Confidence to break down the barriers of uncertainty that have a tendency to keep an individual in break away from Love.

This is where the state of Resurrection occurs. It is a time when the essence of Love is so strong that anything else which does not represent Love, must be changed, transcended, and healed. It is in this phase that the truth is revealed, and this comes from the essence of the God force energies.

All becomes Restored, faith is renewed, while the communication of the Light Force within a soul, becomes very precise. What you thought you believed previously, is no longer the truth within you. You Revive the blessing of God’s Light Within you.

This cycle will bring forth into your four-body system (physical, etheric, emotional, mental) a renewal of healing energies to be experienced. I can be a time of personal abundance, harmony, and physical healing. If you have been challenged in any of these areas, then this is the time for you to have Faith that you will come into a state of Rejuvenation.

The challenge of this process is to remember that the Divinity of Love is your guide, and to call upon that energy to help you go through each of the steps.

The end result is to now prepare yourself to accept the role of the Renewed Self to become your blessing.

This is the state of RESTORATION to be acknowledged within all aspects of your Four-Body System. If you allow yourself to accept the challenge of this cycle, the end result will be a blessing to your Soul’s Essence.

Let us work with each other; walking hand-in-hand to change what is not right and accept the new challenge of commitment through your I Am Presence.

I am Master Djwhal Khul walking with you in LOVE


Join us Live on Saturday, April 8th, at 11 AM Pacific to be part of this Spiritual Ascension Ceremony for the FESTIVAL OF THE CHRIST to assist you in acknowledging and embracing this moon cycle! This ceremony is a journey meditation into Shamballa within the Himalayan Mountains which will be facilitated by Lord Buddha, Lord Maitreya & Lord Kuthumi of the Office of the Christ, and Lord Sananda. A special attunement will be guided by Master El Morya, the Ray Chohan for Will and Power representing the Blue Flame. (Recording is immediately available for free* in the Meeting Resources section to listen again or for those who are not able to join in person.)


*(In keeping with our mission, heart based donations of love and gratitude are blessedly accepted to co-create a true harmony of universal balance in the circle of gifting and receiving of sacred light.)


This year WESAK is bringing forth a powerful enshrinement of THE DIVINE LIGHT OF GOD upon Humanity for those that are connecting and receptive! The foundational Rays of God are being disseminated in ONENESS, which has never occurred for Earth before! Lord Sanant Kumara, as the Great AWAKENER OF SOULS will be assisting with the transmissions of Light to All Ready Souls. The Holy Kumaric Flames are already within an energetic surge of ONENESS so he and the Kumaras are already well versed in disseminating the Flames in this manner.

[Related: To build your foundational energies within the Light Body using the SEVEN KUMARIC FLAMES, you may also be interested in our VENUS MEETS GAIA FOR TERRA CHRISTA seven (7) course series of Ascension Teachings from each of the Holy Kumara. These energies are different than the Rays of God and bring forth the remembrance of our Spiritual connection to Sanat Kumara and Venus to support the Spiritual Ascension of Earth. Click here to read more. Program is currently 50% off for Wesak 2023.]

You can also join all our free Public Gathering Events including The Cosmic Oneness with Divine Mother Father God and The Clarion Temple of Oneness Gathering Events on select Tuesdays each month. (To Access visit:

Our remaining monthly events are Tuesday April 11, and Tuesday April 18 at 5:00PM PDT.

Visit our history page to learn why we feel it is so important to now offer these events for free* to everyone.


Original Material © Copyright 2003-2023 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee* Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden. All rights reserved. *formerly spelled “Meleriessee”. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS CONTENT FREELY IN COMPLETE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS WITH THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!



NEW EARTH FREQUENCY Ascension Mastery Message for DECEMBER 2019 with the Cosmic Light Energies of the UNIFIED WHOLE COMMAND. Transmission by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee of Walking Terra Christa.

We come to you as the Unified Whole Command residing within the 144th dimensional frequency of Light as One Divine Light Source composed of Master Thoth, Master Einstein, and the Great Divine Director. We oversee all aspects of the Spiritual Hierarchy within the state of the Creative Source of Oneness including the community of Ascended Masters.

Our role with each of you in this moment is to share with you the elements of change and transformation that are occurring within the Earth plane for this month in terms of the Higher Spiritual Meaning  in reference to what can become Grounded into the Physical Self.

December is very important; it always is, but this year it is essentially more crucial to all Initiates of Mastery as it represents the platform for the energies of 2020.

2020 is “The Year of Mastery” meaning that every soul that is ready to accept a part of their Soul Contract of Realizing Oneness can journey into attaining their higher consciousness while walking upon the Earth.

It will be a year of great change; some of it may not be as easy as you would hope, but it is a state of transformation for the effects of duality to come into light and be rectified through the Light of God.

It is essential for each of you that are ready, willing, and able to accept your own reality that appears within your consciousness. The year 2020 is not a bed of roses, but yet one that will take great diligence and foresight to walk through it.

This means that the dynamics of December of 2019 are going through a complete overhaul of energies and this specifically, means each of you. Every individual soul that is ready to accept a new part of their reality to become aligned within their physical consciousness will start to feel within themselves a stirring that was not there before.

The year of 2019 was in preparation for 2020 in that each Initiate that is consciously working through the process of the Initiations of Mastery on a personal level would be assisted and helped through the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of White Light.

What constitutes an Initiate is learning how to be honorable, forthright, diligent, expressing love, compassionate, loyal, forgiving, and most of all constitutes the ability to be strong with the Will of God while having Faith of the Love of God.

This pathway is one of great sacrifice for the old self, but it is also one that brings forth many gifts of love, healing, transference of old energies, along with an acceptance that a new ordering is being put in place no matter what difficulties may lie in the face of that Initiate.

It is not necessary to fully become an Ascended Master as it is your choice as a soul how far you want to go within the Mastery Pathway. But the true learning process is to allow Personal Self Mastery in all forms with deep love and commitment to the Soul’s Essence to be realized so that the four-body (physical-etheric-emotional-mental) can unite within each other to become the Higher Self and then the I Am Presence of the 12 Light Bodies.

We desire to have every Lightworker, Starseed, and Awakened Soul to step into this pathway consciously and work through the steps of learning to be awakened within all timelines and lifetimes no matter what the memory represents.

This is the only way that the New Earth will occur.

While many may think that the Galactic Beings are in control of the development of the New Earth, or that you will ascend to another planet, which may be true for some, but not for the New Earth of Gaia’s essence.

This pathway represents grounding the Higher Consciousness that you are able to commit to in meditations and quite reflection, and allow those energies to fully become your physical incarnation, to allow the chakra system to be realigned with the higher flames of Light, to accept the 4th and 5th dimensional chakra grids to become One within the 3rd Chakra Grid.

We share all of this information because without conscious awareness, the grounding process cannot be realized; that the Lower Mind will continue to conjure up a reality that is magical and not based upon truth.

The past three months the alignment of the double numbers of 10:10, 11:11, and 12:12 are very important to allow the higher consciousness to become more of a reality within the lower chakras and into the Earth Star. This effects the physical self very deeply when an Initiate allows themselves to fully become that higher consciousness even if it is a very small fragment.

10:10 represented the Initialization of the Light energies to become more involved within an individual’s life process. It was a very powerful energy that allowed many awakened souls to feel a new vibration to come into the planet. We call this the Initiation.

11:11 represented the energies of 10:10 to become activated within an individual’s consciousness. This was the entryway to allow each soul to feel their Angelic Self to become a reality in a new and different manner. The process of Activation is the light energies to become a distinct impression upon the physical consciousness. The Solar Angel of each individual is a bridge to allow the Higher Self and then, the I Am Presence to become more of a physical reality.

12:12 represents the Solar Angel with the Higher Self, and higher Light Bodies (12 of them together) to work through the doorway that the physical self has already entered. It is no longer a doorway but a gateway of light to be realized within each individual Initiate. This is very important as it is not just an opening, but fully Actualizing the divine energies that have been working through the Initiate since the start of 10:10.

This is realized as a feeling as the Higher Consciousness becomes more of a reality. The Initiate should feel a sense of elation after a meditation, or receive a wisdom that they have acquired of what is occurring in the physical. It also can be realized within the dream state or when the individual is first awakened from a deep state. If it occurs in this matter, make sure you write it down as you may not remember it at a later time when full physical consciousness occurs.

What is happening through this process is that each of you are being given a special dispensation to allow a small portion of your Higher Mind to help you acknowledge an issue, or emotional challenge that you may be having.

It is a time of great transformation and each of you have a grand opportunity to become part of the process.

In past timelines of acceleration, the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of White Light have taken a back seat and allowed Initiates to work through their elements until they are ready to fully acknowledge what the end result will be. In most cases this could take months, years, or even lifetimes to acknowledge that a small part of your higher consciousness is truly becoming more of a reality within your physical self.

The energies presently are assisting every human soul to come into a new perspective of themselves. We want people to step into Personal Mastery that relates to the Ascended Masters and the Initiations to get through this process of awakening. The problem is that so many individuals still have their lower ego intact guiding them on what they should be doing, and causing more karma to occur as a result of the Lower Self still in control.

In order for the New Earth to occur we need Initiates to help themselves become more centered within all the aspects that the Rays of God (all 22 of them) represent. This is an important factor for all Initiates as without this work your four-body system will not become part of the Higher Light Bodies. Oh, the Higher Light Bodies work with you of course, but they do not become physically intertwined and grounded within your physicality unless you take charge of that process.

The fact that the energies of this month are taking every individual into a new direction, possibly one they may have thought about but were not ready to accept previously. It is a matter of being honorable to your Soul’s contract, but yet within your physical mind you do not know what that is. It has been designed in this matter to assist the Higher Self to blend with the Physical without the interaction or interference of previous timelines to hinder your progress.

12:12 is a very important day for each of you. This is when you can fully accept that small part of your higher consciousness to assist you and become actualized within those energies. It is a time of great renewal for the Soul and not so much for the physical self. The four-body system needs to accept the energies so many elements can occur through the process.

Some of these are your sleep patterns; you may be awakened in the middle of the night. If so, write down your thoughts, what is happening within your consciousness? If you cannot sleep again, use guided meditations or soft music to help you and breathe into your higher consciousness. Call upon the masters you work with to assist you in the process by calling upon each of us within the Unified Whole Command of the 144th dimension and 330 Rays of God.

Also, notice your eating habits. Drink lots of water, utilize herbal teas, essential oils, anything of the earth that will help you through the process. Your physical body may be fighting the divine energies, so it is important to nurture it in the best way.

Use breathing techniques to help hold the higher consciousness. Flow with it; be kind to your four-body system. Use your higher intuition to help you acknowledge what you need to do.

Lastly, create a ceremony for yourself. If you can step outside, it will assist you; if you make a sacred space in your home with candles and light energies; (it is suggested to do so using Ascension Columns as shared by Walking Terra Christa).

Know that the transition is very sacred; try not to judge what is happening but just step into the process.

This energy will continue throughout the month preparing you for stepping into 2020 energies. The Solstice that occurs on December 21st will be a grounding force for each of you to acknowledge these energies. If you can participate in a ceremony for yourself or with others it will assist you tremendously.

Most of all, allow these energies to assist you even if it feels painful in any way. Utilize all tools of healing to help you through the process.

Some individuals will feel this more than others. Depending upon the sensitivity within yourself, you may find you are purging, healing, and transforming in many different ways.

Souls that are not aware of a higher consciousness or do not allow their guidance to come from a higher source, will be effected adversely as this energy is pushing everyone to look within, gain a better perspective within themselves, and see that they need to acknowledge more love and compassion for the self.

The day of December 31st is also a very crucial time of renewal. Continue with what you have been experiencing and ground them into Gaia. Allow her to help you through the process of renewal.

We thank you for taking the time to listen, to walk with the Light of your Divine Self, and for assisting the earth to heal.

It is our pleasure to be of Service. We are the Unified Whole Command of Master Thoth, Master Einstein, and the Great Divine Director in Oneness.

So Mote It Be, In the Name of the Christ,

We are One.


Walking Terra Christa held their monthly Festival of Lights Global Audio Ceremony on December 7th with Master Djwhal Khul. Listening to this recording will assist in balancing the energies shared in this message: December Ascend Earth Festival of Lights.

We are also holding a Solstice Ceremony “Blessings of the Christed Self” on December 21st, 2019 at 10 AM Pacific. This is a special Christmas ceremony with Lady Masters Mary Magdalene (Lady Nada), Lady Master Mother Mary (Archangel Mother Mary), and Master Yeshua (Lord Sananda). You may access the conference via your computer or phone (please note this is an audio only conference).

Worldwide access to join via computer or phone: (International conference dial-in phone numbers are listed on the link) or Dial: (712) 770-5505, use Access #266957.

If you miss the live event, to listen to and receive the transmitted energies, the audio will be posted in our AUDIO LIBRARY after the live event concludes. 

This free online global audio event is designed to help you connect to the higher frequency vibration of these sacred New Earth energies.

P.S. As Reverend Ara and Reverend Mahlariessee, the Founders of Walking Terra Christa, we wish to take a moment to extend our most heartfelt holiday season wishes to each of you for following and engaging with these sacred energies we bring forth. In 2020 we will be marking our eighth year of striving continuously to create more Unity and Oneness upon Earth. Thank you so much for allowing us to do so!

– HOLIDAY SALE! From the leader in pure Ascension Mastery Teachings –
Click to read our 2019 December Holiday Sale on the tools, teachings and higher frequency transmissions to assist you in your Ascension.

P.P.S. If you are in a position to offer your gratitude financially, please consider making a YEAR-END DONATION to support these important (if not crucial) energies for Earth and Humanity. Doing so is essential to the creation of these Higher Spiritual Energies. (We would love to be able to create more videos for you). Many of you may not know that we have no staff and operate very humbly. Our expenses do exceed what is currently needed so we are constantly sacrificing in service to deliver everything we can to you.

Much Love and Gratitude with our Highest Intentions for an Amazing 2020 year for All!

Preparation for the Festival of the Christ ~ Decree & Ascension Prayer

The Three Fold Flame Within The Heart of Gaia

Today has arrived with the Full Moon, Lunar Eclipse, and the yearly celebration of the Festival of the Christ.  

As we are standing fully within these energies presently, it is crucial for us to truly awaken to all elements that we carry within us whether they are positive or not so healthy for us.  In order for Gaia to hold this new energy, we the Pioneers of the Light need to hold it as deeply as possible within us and command the Three-Fold Flame to be fully within our consciousness and full body system.

The Spiritual Hierarchy with the Unified Whole Command of the 144 Dimensions of Reality are assisting us greatly through this process.  In addition the Inner Earth Beings of the Agarthian Council of Light are stepping forward through all of their cities to bring forth great change as they realize it is now time.  We have enough awakened souls that are ready to acknowledge that the healing process is the most important element in order for us to co-operatively interact with one another.

Lord Adama, the High Priest of Telos within the Inner Earth had this to say about this Full Moon of Aries/Libra with the Lunar Eclipse:

We are now embarking upon a huge Full Moon experience, and we in Telos along with all the Inner Earth Cities are very excited to be part of these energies.
Our role with Walking Terra Christa is expanding with the Agarthian teachings as this has never occurred before. All of our major cities with the crystalline cities are participating more directly with the interworkings of the Upper Earth.
This moon represents a powerful Lunar Eclipse but is also the Festival of the Christ energies, the first of the three festivals for Ascension. We have always done our own connection but this year we are connecting more fully to each of you.
We believe that it is time to allow our energies to be more focused within each of your energies. As more people awaken on the planet, our role together is going to be very important.
I want to intend to connect with as many of you as we can during this moon experience from march 23rd through march 24th as it is very important for all of us to be doing our part to help this Earth and our inner earth to become One. We have a long journey but we are opening up the doorway to the energies to become more involved in creating the higher energies upon the Upper Earth.

It is very important for each of us to work through the energies of the Festival of the Christ which represents Resurrection of the Old of Restoring the Divine Mind (of the Higher Self) to be fully active within our consciousness. We, then, ignite the Love of the Divine Mother with the Wisdom of the Divine Father to energize our Three-Fold Flame as we fully Empower ourselves with the Christ Consciousness within our full body system.

It is a blessing that the Agarthian Cities are going to fully connect with each of us during the next 24 hours.  We offer you this decree and prayer to utilize to help your own divine connection to be stronger through this process. All of the unawakened Beings of this Earth need us to be strong and do our part through the process so we can help them to do the same.

Decree for the Festival of the Christ


I stand at a crossroads within the Full Moon of Aries with Libra,

Within the energies a Lunar Eclipse is occurring at the same time;

I feel the changes erupting within and all around me,

As it is a new threshold of experiences,

That I am now embarking upon.

Ironically, it is the time of the Festival of the Christ for 2016,

The energies of this month from the previous Full Moon,

Have taken me unto a whirlwind of experiences,

With a Solar Eclipse within the New Moon,

And constantly being pushed to know who I Am.

I am learning through this process,

I look forward to participating with the energies of the Festival of the Christ;

As I believe that the assistance I am getting,

From the Spiritual Hierarchy and Forces of Light,

Are truly helping me to realize the inner work I am doing,

As an Initiate on the Ascension Mastery Pathway.

I call upon the energies of Resurrection,

To cleanse my four-body system of all elements that do not belong to me;

I ask for the Rays of God to assist me especially within the Crystalline Flame.

I allow it to move through my body to remove and cleanse,

All that is ready to be released;

I go deep into my Emotional Body to allow the aspects,

I no longer need, to be gone forever from my soul’s essence.

I call upon the Golden Yellow of Love and Wisdom,

As it permeates into my Mental Body,

I fully allow my Higher Mind to be my guide with the essence of understanding.

I start to see the reason I have lived as I was,

I now know that is no longer the way I need to be.

I feel I am restoring my soul into a way it has always desired to be,

As I fully allow the Illumination that I am,

To be accepted by my physical mind,

As the Lower and Higher Minds blend within me.

I then call upon the essence of the Pink Flame,

Representing Creative Actualization to assist my Emotional Body,

I feel deep Love of the Divine Mother coming within my Heart;

I allow the acceptance of the resurrection I created,

To help me restore my faith,

That I am the Feminine Divine.

I then feel the essence of the Blue Flame,

Representing my Will and Power,

As I have gone through the process of renewal,

I am now able to fully be within the Divine Mind,

Of the Will of God,

As I acknowledge the Wisdom that I Am.

As I stand in this moment,

I feel the re-creation of my Soul’s essence,

Within my physical body;

I see within me the changes that needed to be made,

As I fully allow this creation to be fully accepted,

Within my Full Body System.

I feel my Etheric Body, my Soul Body of Light,

Now accepting the Divine Essence I Am.

I Am able to stand tall in this moment,

As I feel the Power I have become;

I feel the essence of the Golden Flame,

Of the Christ Consciousness to fully be within me.

I now see the beautiful masters I have been working with,

Master Serapis Bey of the Crystalline Flame of Resurrection,

With Master Djwhal Kuhl of the Golden Yellow of Restoration,

Along with Master Paul the Venetian of the Pink Flame of Divine Love,

Master El Morya of the Blue Flame of Divine Will joins me,

As I meet with Lords Kuthumi and Maitreya of the Office of the Christ,

Emitting the Golden Flame of the Christ I AM.

I walk with each of them,

I feel their Love, Wisdom, and Power,

As I ignited my own essence of the same.

I have now acquired the


I now expand this essence around me,

Through my breath,

I give this as my service to humanity,

With the Ascended Masters I walk with,

As an Initiate of Mastery for this Earth.



Master Djwhal Kuhl through Rev. Christine Meleriessee has re-written the Great Invocation to provide words of not only the Masculine Divine but the Feminine Divine Essences

Invocation of the Great Invocation

Let the Forces of Light bring illumination to mankind,

Let the Spirit of Peace be spread abroad,

May men and women of Goodwill everywhere meet in a spirit of cooperation,

May forgiveness on the part of all souls,

Be the keynote at this time,

Let power attend the efforts of the Great Ones.

So let it be, and help us to do our part.

Let the Lords of Liberation issue forth,

Let them bring succor and relief to humanity,

Let the Rider from the Secret Place come forth,

And coming, save.   Come forth, O Mighty Ones,

Let the souls of all men and women awaken to the Light,

And may they stand with massed intent,

Let the Issuance of Oneness That We Are go forth,

The end of woe has come!

Come forth, O Mighty Ones,

The hour of service of the Saving Force has now arrived.

Let it be spread abroad, O Mighty Ones.

Let Light and Love and Power,

Fulfill the purpose of the Coming Ones.

The Will to save is here,

The love to carry forth the work is widely spread abroad,

The active aid of all who know the truth is also here.

Come forth, O Mighty Ones, and blend these three

Construct a great defending wall,

The rule of death is now at an end.

From the point of Light within the Mind of God

Let Light stream forth into the Minds of all souls,

Let Light descend on Earth.

From the point of Love within the Heart of God

Let Love stream forth into the Hearts of all souls,

As the Christ That We Are,

Is fully embodied Within the Earth.

From the center where the Will of God is known

Let purpose guide the little Wills of men and women —

The purpose which the Masters know and serve.

From the center which we call the race of men

Let the Plan of Love and Light work out,

And may it seal the door where evil has dwelled.

Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.

Walking Terra Christa is hold a Global Tele-Call for the Festival of the Christ.  If you can join us LIVE, please check out the information on our Facebook Event at 4:30 PM Pacific.  We will also provide a recording within 24 hours.  We hope you can join us.

If you would like to learn more about how to sustain your energies through these transitions, Walking Terra Christa is holding a Class Series on the Universal Laws. This month we are working within theLaw of Action with Master Thoth and Master Paul the Venetian. More information is available by clicking above.

© 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:

Creating the Divine Union within the Self


Lord Adama’s Discourse was given on September 9, 2015 during the New Earth Consciousness – Golden Etheric Cities Class.

Blessings, My dearest beloveds,

It is my pleasure to be with you once again, I am Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos, with the Telosian Council of Light.

Let’s talk about how you have been doing in the past month since we have been on the summer break as we celebrated the wedding of Meleriessee and Mike. We extend the union that they created within themselves on this planet to each of you to bring forth your own Divine Union of yourself, of your Masculine and Feminine essences to come together within your Heart Center.

Now breathe into the energy presently as it is a major component to bring forth for your foundation the Divine Love. Without these elements coming together, you will continually be having issues within your four-body system. That’s what I want to center upon presently.

The changes that have been occurring in the planet have been great, as each of you know. I realize each of you have been challenged individually. The planet, as a whole is being challenged collectively. We are in a great time of transition.

I want everyone to consider what this represents for the transformation of the Earth, of Gaia, and each of you. We, as a species must understand within ourselves that we cannot transform without the transition and this represents the challenges, the fears, the lower emotions, the doorways that we all have to walk through in order to achieve the next highest essence of our Spirits into the physical body.

This is an ongoing experience.

As each of you know, I have been within the Telosian City for many hundreds of years, I will tell you from my own personal experience that the challenges come continually. This is what each of you must realize within your hearts and your souls that what you are going through presently is part of your Divine Plan.

It is a blessing – it may not seem like it when you are going through those moments. The deeper you go within yourself, the more intensity you will feel. This is also a positive element. Without that journey, you cannot transform yourself into the next stage of your rebirth while holding that within your foundation.

So the old elements that are appearing in your life are there for a reason. They are presented in such a way for you to look at them, to address them, and to go through the period of instability along with the periods of moments of reflection that take you into a deeper part of your soul’s essence. Of course, the Universal changes that are occurring within the planet since the beginning of this year are deeply assisting in this process.

As the challenges of the Lunar creation upon Gaia along the seasonal changes, bring forth a new part of reality of influence from the Cosmic Frequencies on a much deeper level than the previous cycle. Within this week, we are moving into a New Moon and a partial Solar Eclipse on the 12th.

As always I like to remind everyone to reflect on what this past moon, the Super Moon, brought forth for each of you. The true element that is occurring is bringing in the Feminine Divine into the planet and that element represents nurturing, tears, the heart center opening and growing into a way that has never been possible before. But, it is also being grounded within each of you. So what happens within that process, the part of you that has not accepted the Feminine Divine previously in a physical body needs to be nurtured, to be addressed, and to be accepted. So the doorways of change that you are experiencing are all part of this process.

As we move towards the Equinox these changes are going to be more prevalent. The power of the frequency of light that you have been feeling is only going to increase along with the magnitudes. So it is truly essential to take those times of regeneration, of the moments of stability even it is only a moment, part of a day, or a morning. Take advantage of this time that you have reached the top of the mountain and to embrace what you have achieved because there is going to be another mountain that you need to climb. The energetic exchange that is going on within the planet is going to increase as it is pushing us further towards the 11:11.

This year in 2015 is substantially more influenced within this planet of the cosmic frequencies because of everything else that has occurred. It also includes the fact that more individuals have awakened to receive those energies.

I ask each of you to take an inventory of your Masculine and your Feminine traits. To look within yourself of where the weaknesses are and where the power essences are located. Where are your strengths, what needs to be strengthened, and what needs to be addressed through each of your Masculine and Feminine essences through your Emotional and Mental bodies so they can work together, so there can be a cohesive union to occur within each of your hearts.

This is essentially very important which is what the union of Meleriessee and Michael Aranathara represent to bring forth unto the planet as they have done themselves previously to be able to come into this relationship. The foundation that they are holding within themselves is being presented to each of you. They are your mirror which is not physical, but a spiritual mirror as they have brought forth these energies first separately, and then together so that others can do the same.

So I ask you through tonight’s journey with the Elohim Masters Hercules and Amazonia to see those mirrors within yourself. It will assist you to work with the Elohim to go deeper and understand what you need to impress upon within each of your bodies to assist them to come together in a unified relationship. It is so very important. The more individuals that we have that acquire these energies, the more success there will be within this planet to create the New Earth.

So yes, the challenges are great and will become greater. You will be tested as an individual that has been awakened to their spiritual self to hold that energy, but you are not alone. We are here to assist you and that is why we do this work together. This is an important component to feel the essences of the Spiritual Hierarchy to be one with each of you as the veil between us is very thin. If you allow yourself to go deeper within your breath, and step out of your mind for just a few moments every day, there will no longer be that veil. You will feel the purity and the light that is being shown to you. The synchronicity of your life will change.

I am really happy with what has transpired within this last month. This is because not only with the union of Meleriessee/Christine and Michael but the union of each of you.

This is what gives me great pleasure to be able to commune with each of you through this class and feel what each of you are going through so that I can assist you on a much deeper level. So as we connect with our Heart Centers in this moment, this is truly our blessing.

You are my blessing, you are the Telosian blessing and the Agarthian blessing.

You are a blessing to this earth because you are consistently striving to be more than you were the day before. So do not forget these words as they ring very true in my heart and all of the Telosian community.

We have desired this union many more years than you can imagine. So it is a very exciting time and we walk with you through this process. We know it is very challenging to be on the Upper Earth and to be aware, to bring forth higher frequencies of light within your body. The challenges are great, but our love together can truly bring everything into full creation of the Unity of Light that we are as One.

So I ask each of you through this process to look within yourself and see moments when you have had the unification of your Feminine and your Masculine, when you have had that heart centered moment of peace. It may not stay with you long because of other elements that are occurring, but the process of creating these energies within yourself is the pathway of creating the New Earth. I am deeply gratified to walk with you every moment through this process.

I Am Lord Adama,
Your Brother in Telos

Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos, is our spokes-person for the New Earth Consciousness-Circle of Light classes held on Wednesday evenings.  We continue the teachings with a journey to one of the New Earth Golden Etheric Cities.  Included  are high energy attunements with specific masters each week.  An individual can participate in these classes LIVE or on their own time by joining our Partnership/Membership Program.  We hope you will join us.

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Accessing Freedom Within ~ Wesak 2015

buddha_800_500The Wesak Festival of 2015 is now upon us. On May 3rd, 2015 we will be experiencing the full effects of this enormous event as we have been preparing spiritually as Initiates on the Pathway of Mastery for the past month.

Wesak represents a time of great renewal and growth as the energetic exchange within the planet accelerates creating a “Force of Enlightenment”.

We are at a huge crossroads within this year as the frequencies of Light that represent the Wesak Moon will bring forth great change into the hearts and minds of all people around the planet. It is a time in which the Ascended Masters and all Initiates gather together in Spirit within Shamballa to celebrate the ascension of Lord Buddha, our Planetary Logos. During these powerful moments all Initiates, Ascended Masters, and Light Beings will step into a new existence within their consciousness and world. It is considered the most powerful energy within the planet.

2015 Wesak represents Strength, Peace, and Love for each person inhabited upon Gaia’s planet which will allow the accessibility of Accepting Freedom Within.

This means that all of the preparation that we have done throughout the year brings us to a culmination of energies to be created within Shamballa that will be reverberated throughout the planet. Last month we experience the Festival of the Christ that meant in the past 30 days we have been “resurrecting” all elements that cannot exist within the Wesak energies as each person is guided to step into a higher part of their consciousness; whether they are aware of these energies physically or not is their choice.

As an Initiate, it is a choice to celebrate the frequencies of light through coming together with others and connecting with the Spiritual Hierarchy of the God Force, Divine Mother and Father God within the Unified Whole Command in Oneness.

We, at Walking Terra Christa, truly look forward to this time each year, as it is a powerful celebration of each person’s spirit becoming more manifest within the physical world. It is helping us to acknowledge the work we have done to get to this space and time while allowing us to ground the energies within GAIA so that we will walk into the New Earth.

What happens through this process for an individual that connects to the Ceremonial Magic that is occurring?

Individuals will feel it differently depending upon their own growth cycle, their initiation pathway, and how they integrate it within their physical consciousness.

The reasons behind this event are guided through the entire God Force; the purpose is represented within the concept of stimulating the Spirit of Love, Brotherhood, and Goodwill. It allows each Initiate to fuse together the essence of Goodwill with each other, which represents the Oneness in a responsive and integrated circle of light. Lastly, the invocations that are stated allow for a response from the Cosmic Beings of Light as we work together cohesively to attain the goals desired – Creating the New Earth.

It is a time in which our accelerations will increase substantially. The entire God Force is readying for this magnificent event just as each of us on Earth are doing the same. It is a time when each soul rises to a new way of existence within their consciousness and their lives.

The essence of Buddha represents the Wisdom of God. The Heart of God is very prevalent for Wesak providing Divine Understanding that can reach individuals with the love and service to their fellowman. The Ray of Love and Wisdom is then ignited representing the expression of Illumination of the Higher Mind. The ray essences that are prevalent during Wesak are represented within the Blue Flame of the Will of God with the Pink Flame of the Love of God, and the Gold representing the Power all igniting the Three-Fold Flame Within each individual.

Walking Terra Christa is holding a special ceremony on May 3rd, 2015 to connect with Lord Buddha and the Ascended Masters, with Divine Mother and Father God, and the Unified Whole Command within Oneness. You may attend this event from your home location via our teleconferencing system, Freedom Within (please click the link to read the details of this event). If you are interested in receiving the recordings from our Three-Day Retreat in Mt. Shasta, check out the details and specials we are offering via

We are requiring a Spiritual Donation of at least $11 for this Wesak Event.  In order for each individual to receive the full potential of this connection with the God Force giving a donation is represented by the Universal Law of Manifestation. Each individual will receive a higher potential of acceleration by showing his or her dedication to the pathway.

It is with great consideration that we have come to this decision as we always share our full moon meditations freely to the public. Master Djwhal Khul has provided a special message on the subject of Wesak and the importance of Service, An Initiate’s Responsibility for Wesak 2015,

Blessings for an amazing Wesak experience.

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Upcoming Festivals of Light

Festivals of Light

We are now coming into the next three-month period of deep acceleration with the Festivals of the Christ, Wesak, and Humanity through the months of April, May, and June. These energies help to set the stage for all initiates to fully step into the next phase of their initiation process.

The Festival of the Christ falls on April 4th, 2015 during the Full Moon in Sun Sign of Aires.

This festival represents the movement of “resurrection” for each individual. It is a time for each of us to go deeper within ourselves and remove the aspects that no longer serve our purpose as we move into the Wesak Festival.

There are three keynotes that represent this festival. The first is the keynote of “love”, the second is “Resurrection”, and the third is Contact with the Spiritual Hierarchy. It is an opening of a doorway to work more directly with the Office of the Christ. Previously the Office of the Christ was represented only by Lord Maitreya, but now he has joined forces with Lord Kuthumi. This is due to the increased responsibility of bringing the Christ Consciousness to humanity on an individual basis within the planet.

The Forces Of Restoration are very predominant during this festival as it will help individuals to think and act through the spiritual level while helping others to do the same. This essence comes directly from the Will of God and is connected to the principle of Active Intelligence (Pink Flame). It will assist in changing the consciousness of the planetary structure and the way that we live with one another.

The Festival of Wesak occurs on the Full Moon of Taurus,                   May 3, 2015

It is at this time that the planet receives the highest frequency of Light. It is a living event based on current astrological cycles. It is the Festival of the Buddha, celebrating the anniversary of his birth, his attainment of Buddahood, and his ascension. He represents the embodiment of Light and Divine Purpose.

The purpose of Wesak is:

  •  The releasing of certain transmissions of energy to humanity that will stimulate the Spirit of Love, Brotherhood, and Goodwill.
  • The fusion of all men and women of goodwill into a responsive, integrated whole.
  • The invocation and response from certain cosmic beings if prior goals are achieved.

Wesak is a time of great renewal and celebration. It represents the “force of enlightenment”. These energies are affected within our educational movements, values, literature, publishing, writers, and speakers on the entire planet. The power of these energies is so great that large groups of people gather around the world to participate in these energies.

Every individual upon the planet is affected by the Wesak energies; it assists initiates of all levels to move to another level of their initiation process so there can be times of great challenges that push each of us into a new aspect of our soul’s essence. It is a time to connect with others, share your gifts, love, and generosity of spirit.

All of the Ascended Masters and Beings of Light travel to Shamballa to celebrate Lord Buddha and the entire God Force during this powerful time of light. It is important to fully take time to allow the energies to enfold within each person’s full body system as it is an opportunity that should not be missed.

The Festival of Humanity occurs on the Full Moon in Gemini on     June 2, 2015.

The Festival of the Spirit of Humanity aspires towards divinity, attunement to God’s Will and right human relationships. This is when we take the energies we have received from Wesak and put them into practice. It represents the effects in human consciousness of the work of all Masters but especially with Lord Buddha, Lord Maitreya, Lord Kuthumi, and Master Jeshua/Lord Sananda. It is also recognized as World Invocation Day.

The Force of Reconstruction is very prevalent during this festival. It represents the Blue Flame of Will and Power, the Will aspect of Divinity, that is directly connected with Shamballa. This depicts the qualities of the three forces of Restoration, Enlightenment, and Reconstruction which expresses the Light, Love, and Knowledge of God.

This is when we put to use what we have learned from the previous two festivals. Wesak pushes us into a new dimensional reality which needs to be grounded. Within the full moon of Gemini is when we start to put into practice what we have learned and share with the world.

Walking Terra Christa will be holding tele-calls for all three of these festivals. We will provide more detailed blogs on each of the festivals prior to the actual date with information on how to join us.  Our first festival will be held on Saturday, April 4th at 10 AM Pacific.  Please see the details on how to join this call via Open Tele-Calls Registration.

Master Djwhal Khul shares a message on the upcoming energies:

The power of the Wesak Festivals is beyond what we can imagine and hope for within the planet. It is due to the changes that have occurred within the Earth so that more frequencies of light can be grounded into GAIA.

There are more individuals awakening every day but so many initiates need guidance to understand what it is they are feeling. The Mastery Pathway is not easy within a physical body, as each of you knows. Each initiate must go into the depth of their core essence within the Etheric Body to balance the old elements and ills that they have experienced in the many lifetimes upon all planetary life whether it is on Earth or another planet. The purging that needs to be done is beyond what any mind can fathom.

It is for this reason that the frequencies of light coming into the planet in 2015 are going to be substantially increased to assist humanity to wake up even deeper. The upcoming festivals are going to be quite powerful due to the moon activations and the alignment of the planets within the Universe so there can be increased activity within each individual to assist Gaia through this process.

I believe that we are hitting a climax within the festivals that is taking each initiate, ascended master, and light being into a new existence. This means there has to be more preparation to be ready for the exchange of light. The challenges are tremendous but the rewards are even greater.

Know who you are in each moment, utilizing your tools of perception within yourself to look deeply at what you are experiencing within the four body system and be aware when something needs to be rectified. If every person were able to achieve this process within his or her lives, we would move much quicker into the 5th dimensional Earth. But, it is going to take us some time.

I share with you, take advantage of the most powerful festivals of the year as you will be rewarded greatly for your efforts.

I look forward to working with each of you through this process of enlightenment upon Gaia.

I Am Master Djwhal Khul
Master of the Festivals of the Earth

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).

Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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