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The Gift of Authenticity: Preparing for Wesak with the Eclipse New Moon April 2023 – New Earth Frequency Update

As Wesak energies arrive Rev. Christine Mahlariessee shares the New Earth Frequency Ascension Mastery Message for the April 2023 Eclipse New Moon Equinox Activation with the Unified Whole Command representing the 144th Dimensional Level of Consciousness including the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of White Light.

As we settle into the New Moon energies occurring April 19th 2023 at 9:12 PM Pacific, and April 20th 2023 at 12:12 AM Eastern, it brings forward a very power Hybrid Total Eclipse occurring on the 19th at 6:34 PM Pacific lasting until 11:59 PM which happens due to the Sun and Moon meeting in the Sign of Aries.

It represents New Beginnings in the areas of personal plans representing the ability to be courageous, assert oneself from the Inner Self (not the personality self) which will lead to a position of feeling more independent within our ability to move forward into a new direction.

Since the eclipse can highlight these areas, it is a very important time to be more aligned with our Self Mastery skills. This means more introspection from the point of the Higher Self and not the Lower Self energies which can be quite challenging within itself.

It is a time of re-evaluating who we are as a person. Are we allowing for our Higher Self to guide us through the challenges or are we set on being too centered within our Ego Personality Self?

This is a question that each of us most answer for ourselves. The present energies are very supportive to help each of us to look in the mirror and adjust how we feel, act, or think in our daily lives.  It is a time of re-adjusting who we have been to become our highest ideal.

Since we are still within the FESTIVAL OF THE CHRIST leading us in the Wesak energies, the Aries New Moon is helping us to push forward with the change we desire to make. The Blue Ray of Will and Power is very predominant at this time which means it gives us the Divine Love of the Father God essence to bring forth the courageous self, to make necessary changes with a conviction within ourselves to be more aligned with our Divine Self. This reflects the emotion of LOVE to permeate our conscious reality allowing us to be fearless to create a powerful pathway forward in our lives.

The New Moon lasts for 30 days but the Eclipse energies will be with us for six months. This is the beginning stage to step into what does not serve us and make the necessary changes first within and then expressing them to the outside world.

This cycle is giving us the Gift of Authenticity.

It is now the time to delve deep into our subconscious mind and rid ourselves of the negative self-talk and reflection that can happen so often in our third-dimensional lives. The intention for ourselves is to aspire to heights that we previously did not know we could achieve.

The present energies also include the energies representing the Festival of Wesak that will occur on the Full moon on May 5th, 2023* which includes another eclipse event. This festival is the celebration of becoming integrated with what you, as the Initiate, have learned and progressed from the person you were within the last year, and allowed yourself to make a change in the way that you think, feel and act. This is called the “Forces of Enlightenment”. It is a celebration of our Divine Self to become more aligned within our physical consciousness.

So the energies presently are preparing each of us to acknowledge a deeper part of ourselves so that we may realize the potential that we have as an Integrated Spiritual Self within the physical consciousness. This will, in turn, push us to be better, more aligned within our spiritual convictions, and acting upon them accordingly.

In actuality, we can absorb all this information and put it to the test. But the true reality is that the acceleration of light energies is coming into the planet, helping Gaia and humanity to realize all that we are experiencing.

How do we know what all this means for us within our four-body system?

To bring forth an understanding of the energetics of the Eclipse with the New Moon of Aries, the Unified Whole Command, representing the 144 Dimensions of Oneness, within the 330 Rays of God bring forth their dissertation to assist us accept the New Reality that is helping to transform the earth.

Greetings Dearest Souls of Light,

We are representative of the Unified Whole Command through the energetics of Master Thoth, Cosmic Master Einstein, and the Great Divine Director. We are the foundation of the Unified Whole energies and extend to each of you our Blessings of Love and Light.

As the exchange of these energies come into the planet, allow yourself to know that the upsurge of light will catapult and assist those of you that are ready to make the necessary changes in your reality. As this is a Solar Eclipse it brings forth the energetics of the Solar Level, 10th Dimensional Frequency overlight with Ra the Sun God who is the cosmic master igniting this energy into the earth. Lord Helios and Lady Vesta are your Solar Logos holding this light during the time continuum of light which will last beyond the eclipse energies and into the cycle of the New Moon.

These energies should be experienced through the Festival of Wesak [in May*] and into the Festival of Humanity [in June].

It is the precursor of the Wesak energies that is resulting in the Rainbow Light Frequencies represented by the Rays of God which encompasses the 330 Spectrum’s of Light.

What is occurring through this interaction of light is that the level of acceptability into each soul will be different depending upon the ability to ascertain within yourself to let the spiraling light frequencies to come into your existence.

It is a time of learning more about your Soul’s Essence; a time a true reflection that is not coming from your physical incarnations but the ability to allow for a strengthening to occur within your full body system.

Physically you may see lights in the sky through this period. They will be stronger in the beginning but will continue throughout the Festival of Wesak full moon and into the next full moon of Humanity/Invocation Day [June 2023].

These defining light energies are being emitted through all of the Great Central Suns of the Cosmic, Muli-Universal, Universal, and Galactic into the Solar Great Central Sun which then is being emitted into the planetary system of Gaia.

The main element we can share with you is the Power to Learn, to Forgive, and to Love ever so deeply. It is a spiraling light energy through the heavens into your atmosphere. Allow yourself to be still during the beginning phase of the New Moon, into the May Full Moon, then the next New Moon, and finally landing in the June Full Moon.

Your preparation is needed – RECEIVE and the Gift of Authenticity is very predominant at this time. All that does not reflect your True Self will be revealed. It is a time of great change and what you do with that change is absolutely necessary.

Be Still and Receive the Divine Blessing coming to you and Gaia as the reflection shall be one of Great Enlightenment to all that allow themselves to step into this energy fully with your physical, etheric, emotional, and mental bodies. Remind yourself that you are an Angel of this Earth; feel this connection which will allow you to grow deeper within yourself.

We walk with you during this great time of Change. BE STILL AND NOW IT IS SO.

Deeply from our Hearts of the Creative Source of Oneness,

To Yours!

We represent the Unified Whole Command from the 144th dimension,

Master Thoth, Cosmic Master Einstein, and the Great Divine Director.

In preparation for the HIGH VIBRATORY LIGHT OF WESAK, during the Clarion Temple of Oneness Gathering this week, the Holy Kumara shared a special GOLDEN GATEWAY ATTUNEMENT to assist in preparing for the WESAK FESTIVAL. Everyone is invited to utilize this powerful Vibratory Journey Meditation energy (click here to listen).

*ANNOUNCEMENT: We are holding our 12th Annual Wesak Ceremony as transmitted from Mount Shasta’s Root Vortex Earth Chakra! This year WESAK REPRESENTS A GOLDEN GATEWAY bringing forth a powerful enshrinement of THE DIVINE LIGHT OF GOD upon Humanity for those that are connecting and receptive! The foundational Rays of God are being disseminated in ONENESS, which has never occurred for Earth before! Lord Sanat Kumara, as the Great AWAKENER OF SOULS will be assisting with the transmissions of Light to All Ready Souls. The Venusian Holy Kumaric Flames exist within an energetic surge of ONENESS so Sanat Kumara and the Kumara’s are already well versed in disseminating the Flames in this manner to assist all souls upon the planet who desire higher spiritual growth!


You can now join all our other free Public Gathering Events including The Cosmic Oneness with Divine Mother Father God, The Clarion Temple of Oneness Gathering Events, and the Abundance of Light (view our events calendar). To attend our free** public events on the day/times listed on the calendar please visit:

**All individuals who wish to support our mission of reaching as many souls as possible with these Vibratory Ascension Spiritual Energies of The Divine Light of God may offer assistance through donations of support.

[Related: To do more to build your foundational energies within the Light Body using the SEVEN KUMARIC FLAMES, you may also be interested in our VENUS MEETS GAIA FOR TERRA CHRISTA seven (7) course series of in-depth Ascension Teachings from Lord Sanat Kumara and each of the Holy Kumara. These energies are different than the 22 Rays of God and bring forth the remembrance of our Spiritual connection to Lord Sanat Kumara and Venus to support the Spiritual Ascension of Earth. Click here to read more. This series is currently 50% off for Wesak 2023.]

Original Material © Copyright 2003-2023 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee* Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden. All rights reserved. *formerly spelled “Meleriessee”. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS CONTENT FREELY IN COMPLETE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS WITH THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!

Festival of the Christ Symmetry of Light Master Djwhal Khul April 2023

Rev. Christine Mahlariessee shares the Spiritual Ascension Mastery Meaning and Message of the Festival of the Christ with Master Djwhal Khul about the Libra Full Moon which is in opposition to the Sun of Aries occurring on April 6th , 2023.

The Full Moon in Libra has arrived as of April 6th, 2023 in opposition to the Sun of Aries. This is a very powerful time of introspection as the Festival of the Christ represents the essence of Love to be experienced inwardly then outwardly.

Libra is the commanding energy of Symmetry and strives to create Equilibrium in all areas of our lives.  This cycle rings true to put all elements into alignment that have been scattered in our lives. It’s a time to create order where none existed previously.

Allow your feelings to be more open so the pure expression of your Heart to become more aligned with whom you are becoming. Be considerate of how you project your feelings as you don’t want to be compulsive, but creating an even keel of your energies will help you to achieve balance in your life.

The Sun Sign of Aries (representing the Masculine Self) is directing this energy to become more aligned within you. Step into the ability to become Passionate and Confident to the change you are making emotionally. Aries energies can sometimes trick us, giving forth the power to make changes too quickly, but with the moon of Libra it allows for the ability to be gracious and diplomatic through the changes.

This cycle will bring about change but be very sure of how you want to create that within you. Take your time and you will find the Symmetry of Balance to guide you into the next phase of your life.

This is a perfect example of the Feminine and Masculine Divine working together in the State of Unity.

Since this is the first Ascension Festival of Wesak, namely the Festival of the Christ, the dynamics of this cycle will help to bring about the spiritual changes that need to be acquired.

This Festival of the Christ focuses upon LOVE first and foremost, with the second keynote as RESURRECTION, then the third keynote as CONTACT WITH THE SPIRITUAL HIERARCHY. This represents a closer relationship to your I AM Presence, Divine Mother/Father God with Lord Maitreya and Lord Kuthumi, Lady Pallas Athena, along with the Councils of God, namely the Elohim Council of Light representing the Office of the Christ.

It is a state of becoming One Within All That Is or Exists.

The Festival of the Christ is a time in which the essence of Love is the main focus to come into the planet. In order to truly receive the Divine Essence of Love we have to learn to RESURRECT those elements which do not align within this creative process. Then, the ability to become one with the Spiritual Hierarchy or the Ascended Masters that have walked this path before us is opened up to allow each of us the great opportunity to do so.

The Blue Flame of Will and Power is predominantly the Ray of God that is infused into the planet at this time. This ray represents the ability to step into a new doorway learning to be fearless while not having any misgivings to stop an individual from their true potential.

The Ray of Will and Power is guided by Master El Morya. The ensuing energy of the flame is ignited by the Elders that Surround the Throne of Grace, Lord Alura and Lady Aluri. Elohim Masters Hercules and Amazonia along with the Archangels Michael and Faith are also guides for bringing forth this ray into the planet and each of us.

The essence of Will and Power from the Higher Aspect includes the utilization of the Higher Mind, Higher Heart and the I AM Presence.

It helps each Initiate to overcome their inability to move forward by giving the elements of strength, courage, and the tenacity to look beyond those fears that may be stopping them from achieving their greatest desires.

The Beings of Light from this ray help Initiates to attune themselves to their Higher Essence; thereby, accessing their highest ideals LOVE to be experienced through tenderness, tolerance of mistakes being made, and having faith to move forward through any diversity. One will acquire the ability to look at others in a sympathetic way of understanding which allows for the presence of patience to be their guide.

It is then at this stage that the Initiate and every Master allows for the RESTORATION process to occur.

The focus of this festival is bringing Heaven to Earth. It cannot be done without each of us allowing the Etheric Body or Cellular Memory to be healed of the past elements that have kept us in bondage.

Walking Terra Christa is holding the first of the three WESAK FESTIVALS OF LIGHT which is the Festival of the Christ Ceremony on Saturday, April 8th. This ceremony is a doorway for our soul to become more actively associated in the physical walk with our highest capability of Light as WESAK 2023 is a restructuring of our individual light body to Embody Our Divine Self in a manner never before accessible to humanity!

Participating actively in these Ceremonies with your Higher Self will assist in the forces of Restoration as this is one of the major components of this festival that sets the stage for the others.  We are all starting to focus within the State of Oneness, but to actively participate through our physical bodies is going to restore the essence upon this Earth along with every inhabitant, thereof.  It is a time when it makes people think, plan, and take action on spiritual lines which will eventually lead to a reorganization of planetary life which we are experiencing presently.


I call upon the Full Moon of Libra to bring forth Symmetry and Balance of Divine Love while the Sun of Aries gives me the Passion and Confidence to expand my ability to heal within me by Resurrecting elements from my old Self to be Restored. I now allow my I Am Presence to become One within me.
I Am that I Am

Greetings Dearest Initiates,

I come to you as Master Djwhal Khul, Ray Chohan for the 2nd Ray of Love and Wisdom, and spokes-being of the Festival of Lights with Walking Terra Christa.

It is now a cycle of Rebirth through the process of accepting Love into your hearts, souls, and mind. It is the 1st stage of Resurrection and Transcending elements within your Four-Body system to allow for the transference of light to be acknowledged.

This is a crucial stage as you prepare yourself for the Wesak energies.

Wesak is a time of accepting what you have gone through in the past year to be transcended and healed so that as an Initiate you will be prepared to walk into the next level of your Initiation process. Each of us as Masters go through the same process.

The Full Moon in Libra is assisting with this process as it is ruled by the Planet Venus representing Love and the Relationship to the Self. It is about absorbing the essence of Divine Love to be felt within the Heart Center which allows it to expand and become the qualities of Compassion and Tenderness. When an individual allows themselves to become this essence, then there is nothing else that can enter that space.

While the Sun in Aries gives forth the Passion, Motivation, and Confidence to break down the barriers of uncertainty that have a tendency to keep an individual in break away from Love.

This is where the state of Resurrection occurs. It is a time when the essence of Love is so strong that anything else which does not represent Love, must be changed, transcended, and healed. It is in this phase that the truth is revealed, and this comes from the essence of the God force energies.

All becomes Restored, faith is renewed, while the communication of the Light Force within a soul, becomes very precise. What you thought you believed previously, is no longer the truth within you. You Revive the blessing of God’s Light Within you.

This cycle will bring forth into your four-body system (physical, etheric, emotional, mental) a renewal of healing energies to be experienced. I can be a time of personal abundance, harmony, and physical healing. If you have been challenged in any of these areas, then this is the time for you to have Faith that you will come into a state of Rejuvenation.

The challenge of this process is to remember that the Divinity of Love is your guide, and to call upon that energy to help you go through each of the steps.

The end result is to now prepare yourself to accept the role of the Renewed Self to become your blessing.

This is the state of RESTORATION to be acknowledged within all aspects of your Four-Body System. If you allow yourself to accept the challenge of this cycle, the end result will be a blessing to your Soul’s Essence.

Let us work with each other; walking hand-in-hand to change what is not right and accept the new challenge of commitment through your I Am Presence.

I am Master Djwhal Khul walking with you in LOVE


Join us Live on Saturday, April 8th, at 11 AM Pacific to be part of this Spiritual Ascension Ceremony for the FESTIVAL OF THE CHRIST to assist you in acknowledging and embracing this moon cycle! This ceremony is a journey meditation into Shamballa within the Himalayan Mountains which will be facilitated by Lord Buddha, Lord Maitreya & Lord Kuthumi of the Office of the Christ, and Lord Sananda. A special attunement will be guided by Master El Morya, the Ray Chohan for Will and Power representing the Blue Flame. (Recording is immediately available for free* in the Meeting Resources section to listen again or for those who are not able to join in person.)


*(In keeping with our mission, heart based donations of love and gratitude are blessedly accepted to co-create a true harmony of universal balance in the circle of gifting and receiving of sacred light.)


This year WESAK is bringing forth a powerful enshrinement of THE DIVINE LIGHT OF GOD upon Humanity for those that are connecting and receptive! The foundational Rays of God are being disseminated in ONENESS, which has never occurred for Earth before! Lord Sanant Kumara, as the Great AWAKENER OF SOULS will be assisting with the transmissions of Light to All Ready Souls. The Holy Kumaric Flames are already within an energetic surge of ONENESS so he and the Kumaras are already well versed in disseminating the Flames in this manner.

[Related: To build your foundational energies within the Light Body using the SEVEN KUMARIC FLAMES, you may also be interested in our VENUS MEETS GAIA FOR TERRA CHRISTA seven (7) course series of Ascension Teachings from each of the Holy Kumara. These energies are different than the Rays of God and bring forth the remembrance of our Spiritual connection to Sanat Kumara and Venus to support the Spiritual Ascension of Earth. Click here to read more. Program is currently 50% off for Wesak 2023.]

You can also join all our free Public Gathering Events including The Cosmic Oneness with Divine Mother Father God and The Clarion Temple of Oneness Gathering Events on select Tuesdays each month. (To Access visit:

Our remaining monthly events are Tuesday April 11, and Tuesday April 18 at 5:00PM PDT.

Visit our history page to learn why we feel it is so important to now offer these events for free* to everyone.


Original Material © Copyright 2003-2023 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee* Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden. All rights reserved. *formerly spelled “Meleriessee”. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS CONTENT FREELY IN COMPLETE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS WITH THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!


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