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How to Visit the Royal Teton Retreat of the Ascended Masters

Accelerate with the Meditation Journey Class from Walking Terra Christa to understanding how to prepare for Visiting the Royal Teton Retreat of the Ascended Masters at this time of year for 30 days of special dispensations.

The best availability for the spiritual opportunity to receive assistance from the Ascended Masters occurs twice a year for seekers, adepts and initiates of Ascension. Now is the time to prepare for your meditative etheric visit. As we are now arriving into the period of the attending the Royal Teton Retreat in your etheric self, it is a time to work with the Divine Masters represented by the Teton Visit to assist our progress as Initiates so that we are able to assist Humanity to help Create the New Earth.

(Using the etheric body and not just the mental body of your imagination is one of the keys to a successful visitation. When you activate the use of the etheric energy body, you actually “travel” in the etheric body, which looks just like you. It is part of your spiritual body or soul. Our Journey Meditation helps you receive that activation).

(To learn more about the Royal Teton Retreat, please see our previous blog).

I had much deeper understanding of this process hearing directly from the Great Divine Director. His essence is so powerful and loving. He blessed us with divine wisdom of seeing from a higher perspective of our ascension journey, how it affects our four body system, and how to pinpoint a core element to work at the Royal Teton to truly heal and transform into that higher part of our divine selves. I’m deeply grateful and excited to receive this divine compensation of another powerful journey of self-realization this month!

“I found this class was very helpful because I gained a clearer understanding of my challenges in my relationships… I had not seen this so clearly before because I was allowing myself to be a victim to the issue. Already I feel like a weight has shifted and I feel a beautiful expansion of self-love growing. So grateful for Walking Terra Christa and their teachings – for I am truly finding my freedom Thank you!”


It brings forth the perfect opportunity to be assisted by the Divine Masters to assist us in our past timelines that are held within our Etheric Body. The Royal Teton Retreat is open twice a year, starting at 12:01 AM on both June 15th and then on December 15th so that we as Initiates are able to work with the Karmic Board and the overlighting Masters of Lord Saint Germain, Djwhal Khul, Lord Lanto, Master Hilarion along with the Ray Chohans of the Seven Flames. (The retreat stays open for 30 days for each visitation).

We all know that the intensity of the energies on the planet has accelerated many of us into a new wave of consciousness while trying to integrate the higher light quotients within the physical body. The reason that so many awakened individuals are struggling with these energies is that the physical body is still not ready to ground the higher frequencies within the cellular structure. It can cause many elements to arise that can be very challenging to the entire four-body system.

Part of the reason that these elements are arising is that the emotional and mental bodies are not in full alignment due to past timelines that are being held within the Etheric Self. This part of your existence is your Soul’s Body of Light. It holds within it particles of both Light and Dark frequencies that need to be accessed within the Crystalline Structure. So as the shift of consciousness occurs, these elements become very acute within the Emotional and Mental bodies and can cause great strife within a person’s physical existence. This is because these elements need to be purged and/or healed so that the Carbon-based body can become the Crystalline Structure.

With the integration of the Festival of Goodwill or Humanity, there will be a reconstruction of the following elements through each of the Seven Rays of God:

◊ The Power of Will  – Blue Flame;
◊ The Will to Love  – Love and Wisdom – Golden Yellow Flame;
◊ The Will to Action – Creative and Active Intelligence – Pink Flame;
◊ The Will to Cooperate – Harmony and Balance through Conflict – Crystalline Flame;
◊ The Will to Know and To Think Correctly and Creatively –Science of Divine Mind – Green Golden White Flame;
◊ The Will to Persist will become a human characteristic, – Inner Devotion – Ruby Red Golden Flame;
◊ The Will to Organize – Ceremonial Magic & Structure – Violet Purple Flame. 

In addition, the seven Rays of God are now quantumly (in Frequencies of Higher Light) becoming grounded into the Core of Gaia, (a Solar and Cosmic Event that has steadily been happening since 2013), humanity is uniquely positioned to be able to use these Rays like never before. (This is assuming they take the proper active consciousness steps to do so).

This means accessing these Rays makes it easier for each aspirant of Ascension Mastery to gain progress.

With that greater acceptance of these Rays/Flames of Light into Gaia comes greater challenges to each soul upon earth as now they must acquire the ability to step into full realization of the Ascended Master State of Consciousness. This is why proper training is now needed.

If you are working on your own Ascension and desire the assistance of the Divine Masters / Spiritual Beings of Light to work with you and guide you in the inner plane during this open window of opportunity please enroll.

Walking Terra Christa offers a special class to work directly with the Great Divine Director and the Karmic Board to assist each person to focus upon the issue(s) they are dealing with since the Festival of Wesak. This will help in learning how to incorporate the Seven Rays of God within each of their chakras so that the third dimensional chakra grid will align with the Cosmic Levels of Acceleration.

Meditative Journey Class is available via the recording digital audio download.

(Duration approximately 90 minutes audio teaching / meditation / attunement).

The Great Divine Director shares how to focus on this seven-step process of incorporating the aspects of Will, Love, Action, Cooperation, Knowingness, Persistence, and Organization in order to fully become the new essence that you desire to achieve.

Included in the class itself is a deep meditation with the higher light aspects being incorporated more into each of the Seven Chakras. Doing so assists you to become more balanced with what you have been experiencing. What this process does is to help you, as the Initiate, to have more of a higher understanding of who you are becoming as an Integrated Self. It will assist in clarifying to each individual the area(s) they need assistance with so that the incorporation of the New Self can be fully realized.

This is a preparation training class designed to assist in your Royal Teton Retreat Visitations. As a bonus along with the class you also receive a second TETON RETREAT JOURNEY SELF GUIDED MEDITATION to use after the class for your personal visitations. 

Our recommendation as teachers of true Ascension Mastery is to use both these ascension training tools to receive the higher energies during your meditation visits within the right framework of energies, as simply intending to visit on your own assists but it does not have the higher frequency vibrational energies we provide of the DIVINE LANGUAGE NETWORK LIGHTCODESsm. It is these Higher Energies that create a stronger shift in the full body system (mental, emotional, etheric, physical bodies) that are not provided elsewhere. You may use this meditation while you fall asleep and/or are actively in the meditative state.

From Please share and repost. Rights are granted to repost this article in full (please include the included images except for a text only post) electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the original URL referral link as the original author source for transparency.

©2018-2023 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). (*formerly spelled Meleriessee). Article originally posted in 2018 and updated in 2023.

The Festival of Humanity: The Third of the Three Wesak Festivals

World Invocation Day ~ the Full Moon of Sagittarius Celebrates the Festival of Goodwill |Humanity of June 2023.

WE ARE CELEBRATING THIS FESTIVAL OF LIGHT TOGETHER AS ONE COMMUNITY ON SATURDAY JUNE 3, 2023 at 11:00 AM PDT in a Global Online Public Audio Event. (Click here for details on how to join).

As we now move into the energies of this Full Moon of Sagittarius, it represents the need to reach out of our physical (Gemini) self, through our mental thoughts representing patterns of our programmed behaviors. It allows for the truth to be revealed within us as our minds expand into our Higher Self Consciousness.

Gemini is affiliated with the physical incarnation, who we are within our Personality Self, the tried methods that we rely upon in our third dimensional self. As Sagittarius now becomes the ruling energy of the Higher Self it gives us the gift open up to new opportunities that is being guided through our Higher Consciousness.

The sign of Sagittarius is ruled by the Planet Jupiter which relates to higher knowledge, the Guardian of the Abstract Mind, striving for the illumination of the Divine Self to be acknowledged. It brings forth a burst of energy and thirst for exploring new ways of revealing answers to the many questions that a soul may desire to find. It has the energy of “Luck” as when One fully aspires to their higher consciousness then the Truth can be fully revealed. It opens up many doorways into a new way of understanding life.

Within this cycle of the Moon, the Higher Self is reached through the ability to access our Higher Consciousness and ground it into our physical reality. The Sun of Gemini reaches the Higher Self through communication of the Abstract Mind which is known as the Higher Mind (Super-Conscious) helping the Lower Mind or Physical Consciousness to accept the ability to have Faith

So the alignment of both Sagittarius and Gemini are in alignment with Divine Truth to be opened up into our Physical Mental Self.

It is a time of higher aspirations to be acknowledged within our walk upon the earth. The Sagittarius Moon is helping every soul to acknowledge their ability to step into the awareness of their Higher Self Consciousness. This is not an easy process, but it is one that uplifts and energizes our Spiritual Self to realize that all we have been experiencing is not for naught.

The lunation illuminates the struggles of our logic (Gemini) versus the ability to listen to our Intuition while learning to embrace the element of faith. This can cause our revelations to be very emotionally oriented, opening up our Divine Heart into our Physical Heart. This cycle is very healing and transformative as we learn to express the lower elements in ourselves to be illuminated and blessed.

What do you need to Illuminate within your physical consciousness resulting in your Higher Self Consciousness guiding you into the direction of Manifestation for your Divinity of Light within your full reality of the Self? This is the month to allow what you have reaped to become the blessing of your life.

This moon also represents the Third Ascension Festival of Wesak (also known as World Invocation Day): Humanity and Goodwill aspiring towards Divinity, Attunement to God’s Will, and Right Human Relationships. It is a time to aspire to the divine nature of humanity and aspire toward spiritual fellowship.

The force of Reconstruction is represented by the first ray of the Will and Power of God’s Love. It is a time for all sentient beings to come together in Love and Dedication to the Service of the Ascended Master State of Consciousness. This is acquired first individually within ourselves so that the true meaning of Goodwill can be expanded into the state of Humanity, to create the ability to reconstruct what has been lost from previous lifetimes of greed and incompatibility to honor our fellow human beings.

In order to aspire to the Will and Power of God (Blue Flame) the Seven Flames are crucial in the process of Reconstruction. This includes the Will to Love (Golden Yellow Flame), the Will to Action (Pink Flame), the Will to Cooperate (Crystalline Flame), the Will to Know and Think Correctly and Creatively (Green Golden-White Flame), the Will to Persist (Ruby Red-Golden Flame) with the Will to Organize (Violet-Purple). All of these flames assist in creating a building process to be carried forward under the direct inspiration of the Spiritual Hierarchy.

We are being gifted this year to walk with the Venusian Holy Kumaras as they bring forth their divine essences from the 7th Dimensional Level of Reality helping Earth to attain her ascension. Lord Sanat Kumara is prevalent among the masters of the Office of the Christ to assist us in our ascension process. As we connect with these Divine Masters, they will initiate to every soul their Venusian Rays of Will, Wisdom, Love, Purity, Science of God, Peace, and Freedom helping every Initiate to aspire to their Highest Consciousness within the physical reality.

The Wesak Festival; is a time in which each Initiate is given a blessing of what they have achieved in the past year to help them walk into the next phase of their initiation process. The Festival of Humanity is the time when the Initiate now grounds the higher frequency of light that they have received in the previous ceremony. This allows for a celebration to unite themselves within the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of White Light, giving to humanity the blessings of the work of Lord Buddha (Planetary Logos), Lord Maitreya, Lord Kuthumi and Lord Sananda along with Lord Sanat Kumara, The Father of the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of White Light.

Master Djwhal Khul’s Keynote for the Festival of Humanity 2023:

As I stand in the presence of the Divine Ascended Masters of the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of White Light, I allow the blessings and love they bestow upon me to become my Physical Reality through Love, Action, Cooperation, Knowing and Thinking Correctly with Creativity, Persistence through Adversity, and Organizing my life to the nature of my I AM Presence.

I Am that I Am that I Am!


I come to honor each of you with Divine Love and Truth. I am Master Djwhal Khul, Ray Chohan for the 2nd Ray of Love and Wisdom.

As we come together in Spirit, for the opening of the energies of the Festival of Humanity, it gives me delight to know that all we are doing together is assisting the Planet of Earth. But most of all, that this moment in time is allowing each of us to arise into a new vibratory energy within our fields of the collective mind.

First of all, I believe that the Full Moon in Sagittarius is going to give each of you the biggest blessing that you have been desiring to experience. It is a culmination of light energies coming into the planet for this year. This is because it is a time of great elation; of looking back to the challenges you have gone through but yet there is a new sense of acceptance occurring within your experiences. It is what this festival represents – to accept the change you have gone through and see there is so much more for you to realize within your consciousness.

I always like to reflect on this festival truly being the gift; we all receive our gifts from Lord Buddha for the Wesak Festival, but this is when we learn to aspire to more as we have been given a grand opportunity to expand our horizons.

This is what I desire for each of you at this time. Allow the Moon of Sagittarius to illuminate your achievements so that you as the physical self can realize the magnificence of this moment. As a soul, we don’t always get to choose these moments. But ones like yourself, are aware of the beauty of gathering in Shamballa with each of us, standing as an Initiate, and fully becoming aware of the magnitude of what that may mean for you.

Take time in silence to contemplate what you have experienced since the beginning of this year, then into the Wesak energies, and what you have opened up to energetically in the past 30 days.

It is your time to take responsibility for what you have achieved. Do not downplay that you are not doing what you thought you should do, but allow your Intuition to guide you to receive the Gift of Knowing Thyself. This is more important than any physical gift that can be received. When you accept the transformation you have gone through, then you can stabilize what it is in your life that needs a foundation and build upon the New Self you have become.

Be aware of the steps you have taken as now this is your true beginning to extend to the world the beauty that you have become.

I walk with you in Peace, Love, and Joy; I am Master Djwhal Khul at your service.

We always suggest utilizing the HIGH SPIRITUAL BLESSINGS GIVEN FORTH in the WESAK CEREMONY of the previous Full Moon in Taurus as it is immensely powerful in terms of spiritual blessings and energies for this year. If you have missed that event and want to order it, please do so today as it expires in 24 hours.)

The THREE HIGH ASCENSION FESTIVALS OF WESAK are the GATEWAY each year for human souls to accept the truth from our Higher Self into the Physical Self and make the necessary changes so that we can change this world through our own spiritual vibration.


The Ascension Festivals of Light help us to connect to these beautiful essences of Light. And it is not just for those who desire spiritual advancement upon the earth. The Masters within Shamballa (of the Inner Earth) are also aligning themselves to a higher level of existence. It occurs each year. We are blessed that we have the opportunity to experience it within the physical structure of the earth as we become the Masters for the New Earth.

It is now time to finalize the walk of the HIGH Ascension Festivals of Light. We will encounter great changes through each cycle and it is important to fully ground the energies within our physical self. In such a Journey of the Soul, we will go through psychological and physiological changes. Working within these higher Spiritual  energies will help each of us tremendously to grow and become more of what we desire within our physical consciousness and walk on the earth.
IN THIS UNIQUE AND BLESSED EVENT: EACH PARTICIPANT CELEBRATES THE FESTIVAL OF HUMANITY/GOODWILL ENERGETICALLY IN THE GOLDEN INNER CITY OF SHAMBALLA (Located in the Himalayas). This Ceremony represents the effects in human consciousness of the work of Lord Gutama Buddha, Planetary Logos, with the Office of the Christ, Lord Maitreya and Lord Kuthumi, along with the Cosmic Representation of Lord Sananda (previous incarnation of Jeshua).



Please plan to join in the sacred frequencies of Light being experienced in this Festival!

You may also wish to extend your own energetic service to us for bringing forth these important spiritual experiences. This is a very beneficial action and is honored greatly! If so you may donate using VENMO or this form:

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In Expressions of Oneness,

~ Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden and Rev. Michael Ara Hayden of Walking Terra Christa.

JOIN IN CELEBRATING THE FESTIVAL OF HUMANITY/GOODWILL this Saturday JUNE 3, 2023 at 11:00 AM PDT. Walking Terra Christa is holding a Public Global Audio Conference CEREMONY OF LIGHT to help participants connect to and receive the energies of the SPIRITUAL MASTERS. For more information on how to participate in this audio conference call, please click here.

© 2023 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). (*formerly spelled Meleriessee). Please share and repost. Rights are granted to repost this article in full with image electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages.

Mastery Tool of the Day

light quotient

There are several techniques that can be used to increase and build your light quotient.  It is important to realize that there are seven sub-levels within each initiation which also includes our lessons as walking an ascended master.  These lessons are often referred to as tests but they do not represent a pass/fail.  If you walk through a ‘spiritual test’ and realize it, it usually means you have accelerated your pathway into a higher light quotient.

A light quotient can be dropped as well as rise due to the spiritual lessons that we encounter.  We can utilize different techniques with the Ascended Masters and visiting their retreats, working with Arcturians and higher Light Beings to raise our vibration, along with many other tools that can be utilized.

The method of Light Quotient building has to do with taking advantage of astrological configurations and holy days of the Spiritual Hierarchy.   The full moon, new moon, eclipses and other astrological events are very important to step into your higher essence.  The most important event that can help an initiate go to higher frequencies is the Wesak Festival which represents Buddha’s rise to his next ascension level.  Included within the Wesak are the Festival of the Christ for Resurrection which occurs one month previous to Wesak and the Festival of Humanity occurring one month after in June.  Other events include 11:11 and 12:12 actualizations which we just experienced recently.  In addition December 31st at noon Greenwich mean time represents World Peace so it is important to connect within that timeframe.

We are experiencing the effects of the Wesak energies presently as the Festival of the Christ occurred April 25th, and Wesak will be celebrated on May 24th.   This calendar is based upon Buddhic tradition and varies from year-to-year.  Some organizations have been celebrating Wesak as April 25th in 2013; it depends upon each individual focus during this time.

We, at Walking Terra Christa, will be holding a very powerful physical ceremony in Mt. Shasta, California on May 23rd.  We will present a two-hour Shamballa Journey as we meet with Lord Buddha and the Ascended Masters within Shamballa to celebrate our rise to the next initiation level.  We will also provide recordings for the meditation along with a journey to the 22nd Crystalline City of Havalanchee which resides in the Etheric Earth over Mt. Shasta.

Mt. Shasta is considered to be aligned with Shamballa representing ascension energies and Ascended Mastership.  So it is a perfect location to connect with these energies.  If you would like to learn more about this ceremony, please see, Wesak Ceremony,  We also will be conducting a three-day retreat following the ceremony and there is still time to book your reservation,

All of these events have great spiritual significance.  Meditate at these times and ask to receive the spiritual benefits of the occurrences.  Contact us, should you like to have your name put on the altar for the Wesak Ceremony event.

You can also ask Djwhal Khul to officially enroll you in the Light Quotient building program.  He will work with you to drip Light in your as an intravenous needle would drip meditation.  Most of this occurs during your sleep state.

Please note the four body system is stronger in some areas and weaker in others.  So you will not receive the same amount of Light within each of the physical, etheric, emotional, and mental levels.  The ideal is to integrate the four bodies on a daily basis at an even and balanced manner so as to keep them evolving together.

Due to the changes we are experiencing at this accelerated time, you can also ask the Ascended Masters to slow down the light quotient if it seems too strong for you.  This would include the ascension symptoms of lack or too much sleep, food habits changing, dizziness, not focusing, and unable to create a balanced lifestyle.  This is when there is too much light coming into the body at one time and the physical level is not quite ready to handle it.  Archangel Metatron is very helpful in toning down the frequency so that an initiate still receives the change in vibration but at the level that is more appropriate for them in that moment.

During this time changes will occur within the four-body system along with the thoughts and emotions.  It is also a very powerful time in which timelines from the old lifetimes can be erased to allow for new ones to be activated in preparation for the multi-dimensional self to be borne.

We thank the teachings of Dr. Joshua David Stone for providing a foundation for these teachings.

©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved. 


The Golden Yellow Flame of God ~ Learning to Access Your Wisdom through the Balance of Love ~

Ray No. 2 ~ Love & Wisdom

Color:  Golden Yellow

Chakra:  Crown

Elders from the Throne of Grace:  Lord Ralya & Lady Ralyio

Chohan:  Master Kuthumi; Ascended Master Djwhal Khul

Elohim Masters:  Apollo & Lumina

Archangels:  Jophiel & Christine

Toning Sound:  “WA”


The Ray of Love and Wisdom is a very special ray to full learn to intuit.  It brings us a softer approach of accessing our wisdom through the essence of pure love.

On the Planetary Level it represents the color of Blue within the Heart.  This may seem like it is easier to reflect within oneself, because it fully allows the Love essence that is such a deep aspect of our humanness to fully attune within our physicality.  The attributes of Love and Wisdom within the Heart are very powerful, but accessing it on a Universal level within the Crown assists us so much more.  It is the frequency of our spiritual conditioning that flows within us as the Golden Yellow fully reflects this Wisdom of the Love.

When an initiate learns to access it within their Crown area, it represents our Higher Self and then our I AM Presence.  We can feel love from the Heart but then it is still within the physical aspects of the human body.  The essences of this ray are so much more flowing which creates a freedom to access it within the Crown.  We are no longer working through the physical Heart of the feelings and emotions but the aspects of our Higher Heart and Higher Mind.  This, in turn, activates the Higher Self to be more readily accessible through the physical body.  It will help to change elements within the heart area where previously they have been difficult to change.

So in essence we are fully accepting our knowledge and truth from our I AM Presence which is truly the God Essence of the Will of God.  This allows us, as the initiate, to fully expand all thought processes within the Higher Mind and allows the inner abilities of insight and intuition to flow through us.  We are working through Wisdom but access the Love that is personified in the essence of the Divine Mother which will exhibit by being loyal and calm in all our interactions.  The rest of the energies just flow through us that can be exhibited as being generous and warm to others.

This is just the beginning because as we access each ray we are given opportunities to grow further within our pathways which represent having a Love of the Truth.  This takes us on a journey to begin the process of understanding Ascension through the Ascended Masters that have walked before us.  It allows us to remove the old timelines when we were not patient and could have become angry at the slightest element when others do not believe as we do.  What happens is the essence of our pure heart is fully activated within these energies.

The best part of this ray is that there are several Ascended Masters that work within the Ray besides Master Kuthumi and Ascended Master Djwhal Khul.  We are honored to work with Lord Maitreya, the Office of the Christ, and Lord Buddha.  The Elders from the Throne of Grace who are Lord Ralya & Lady Ralyio bring forth the essence of the ray upon asking for it to be within you.  The other beings will full activate it and work with you but the Elders are the ones that initiate the frequencies from the Source of Divine Mother & Father God.

A person who has the Ray of Love and Wisdom fully activated within their personality will exhibit these qualities.  The will find that they pick careers in the field of Teaching, Healing Writing, Speaking, and wanting to share with others their knowledge from previous timelines.  If you would like to know which of the rays you are embodied with, please check out the Ray Reading with Djwhal Khul, Walking Terra Christa.  It is a very enlightening experience to understand oneself through the Science of the Rays.

In retrospect, if an individual is only acting within the lower aspects of this ray, they may exhibit coldness, indifference to others, and staying strict within their religious beliefs and not connect to the Universal Consciousness we now call Oneness.  As in all healing modalities, each of us can aspire to the highest aspects of ourselves and there is always room for growth and potential within each of us.

To learn more about the 22 Rays of God, join our 22 RAY Challenge through your email that will allow you to fully understand and incorporate each of these amazing rays of the Spectrum of Light.

©2012 Walking Terra Christa ~  All Rights Reserved.  No use without prior written permission allowed.  Excerpted from the upcoming book.

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