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Beyond Belief: Acquiring True Spiritual Growth

Spiritual Ascension is more than a matter of Belief

A quick glance at the most popular New Age social media postings reveals something quite astounding: most postings are about believing that life on earth will improve for humanity – if we can only hold the faith and belief for it to happen.

As Spiritual Teachers of Ascension Mastery we can assure anyone who is concerned about their higher spiritual growth that belief and having faith is essential but for the truly awakened – one must know that it is only the first step.

Faith is such an important part because the real work of Ascension is a huge challenge. Once you realize how it actually works, how it affects your sense of self, how it can make you doubt your own sanity: you will want to quit doing any thing associated with “Ascending”. Once you experience the lifting of the veil of illusions that humanity lives under, you may well desire to stay firmly in your present level of awareness.

We can also assure you that this kind of reaction is very normal for spiritual seekers who initially felt a huge attraction to Ascension.

Very quickly what frequently happens for them is not only do they begin to feel the true reality of the 4d (which reveals to someone the illusions and delusions held as factual reality in the 3d), but they realize that personally seeing it is believing it. 

And they suddenly miss their former state of awareness where they had been innocently ignorant of the energies they encounter in that 4d awareness.

Yet, you can’t get to the 5d (Ascension state of being) without first experiencing the 4d. And that is a very personal path of revelations.

Many spiritual individuals have an image of themselves as being a good person, one who is kind and compassionate and only desires the good in all things and between themselves and others.

However, within the whole picture of who they are, they may also have moments where they do feel despair, or aggression, or anxiety, or frustration. In some moments those feelings may build up and come out onto others around them, despite the fact that they will claim, “I am so sorry that just isn’t me.”

But if one would not say “that just isn’t me” and instead step into a deeper awareness that if they did act that way, it may indeed be because it is a piece of who they are – within the totality of the energies they carry – as a soul.

With such an acceptance comes a glimpse into the real reality, not only for earth, but for ourselves.

That reality is that most all of humanity is not in a state of being “good” or “bad” but instead in a condition of “both”.

But yes, as we all know, in the higher frequencies of existence the “bad” parts of who we are must be revealed: that is, resurrected into the light to be transformed.

You may have heard many New Age proponents say they are comfortable being both “good” and bad” as if acknowledging it means they are more enlightened or aware than someone who they feel is still “asleep” and stuck in the 3d. Yet the real question is what do they do to transform those dark parts of themselves?

What if you discovered that getting yourself into a higher energy frequency, (not yet at the fifth dimensional level but certainly moving into the fourth), would require discovering as much about yourself as you already have discovered?

In other words, how long did it take you to awaken? Why did you awaken? Regardless if you are 25 or 55 years old, when did you first believe that their was more to life than meets the eye? If that was at age 30, then it took as much as 30 years of being, of observing, of thinking, of feeling for you to really discover who you are now.

But that process of self discovery took place within the 3rd dimension. To embark into a new dimensional level of awareness, we can guarantee you that it will take you as much self learning and self discovery as you already went through. Why? Because that new knowledge and new way of understanding (actually – of being) can only be personally gained. There are no shortcuts to advancing your energetic frequencies – that can only come with experience. 

Life experience never ceases. Learning to master dimensional awareness is a life experience. Learning to Master the Fifth Dimension is no exception.

Such an evolutionary shift in consciousness cannot be achieved by belief and faith alone.

In the actual practices of Ascension Mastery it requires full fledged commitment and dedication to undertaking that learning process… despite that it seems daunting and challenging from your former “dimensional perspective”.

Because in real practices of Ascension, you are never “accomplished” at it. Doing just “enough” to gain an outcome or a goal no longer works. Approaching it in that manner is nothing more than doing things the same way our current earthly attitude does most things (an approach that our culture is so steeped in promoting) which is just do “what you need to do” and nothing more. This tactic goes hand in hand with instant gratification and achieving instant results.

From what we see as teachers, such an attitude will stop most spiritual seekers from the deeper self discoveries that are required if one is to actually elevate their level of consciousness such that it can Ascend.

Ironically that is why BELIEF and FAITH are so crucial. Without it you will not get too far beyond your first efforts at practicing Ascension.

We have had a may individuals attend our classes or order a self study course. Most often, we never hear from them again.

The material world and its concerns far outweigh that initial desire and attraction one feels (and resonates toward) regarding Ascension and the Ascended Master Teachings.

Think for a moment on one of the most popular new age sayings “Only do whatever resonates with you”. That term is considered righteous truth for many.

Yet, what is “resonance” in that meaning other than identifying with something that makes you comfortable, excited or feel good based on your current understanding of who you are in your present life.

It is alternatively also true that you can’t know what you don’t know.

Which means “resonance” is a poor way to judge what will bring you real growth. 

Within Ascension Mastery one will need an incredibly strong FAITH to keep pursuing the energies and elements gained through the quiet whispering of their SOUL’S TRUTH. After all, it was this singular truth that they undoubtedly felt when first discovering the idea of ASCENDING in this lifetime.

However, given how fleeting such an ah-ah moment of awareness can be, sustaining that FAITH is the greatest obstacle facing anyone who feels they have been born on earth to make a real difference for humanity.

The energies and “programming” of earths modern culture are now extremely powerful. They are presently great enough that only the strongest possess the WILL and POWER to keep on going through the process of gaining the subtle understandings within their soul psychology that are required within Ascension studies.

This is why we so strongly advocate for the teachings we offer. We know that elevating the level of consciousness we have as humans is not something that can be done passively or easily, or without firm and consistent help.

There is no better time upon earth than right now to get started. A huge boost occurs for the next three months. There are so many “aids and supportive assistance” given now for spiritual seekers of Ascension that make it a learning process that will bring one the true elements of “enlightenment”.

This is the TIME OF THE CHRISTED LIGHT for the year.

The way of the Christ Consciousness is a pathway to see the world through the Heart and Mind of God (Divine Mother/Divine Father) which does not hold elements of judgments but being in a perpetual state of unconditional love and always choosing Love over Fear.

Even if those lower states of thinking and feeling mentioned earlier don’t seem to associated with FEAR, they very much are from the perspective of the soul’s existence.

In order to achieve this concept and reality of learning to become more aligned with our Christ Consciousness an Initiate must allow their higher minds to work with them which comes from the Monad, Higher Self, into the Consciousness and changing the Subconscious Mind to reflect the higher order of divinity within the Soul’s Essence.

This is what we teach. We accept that it is not easy or simple to achieve. But the gains that can be made are quite profound (as you can see in our many testimonials.)

This month on April 13 we begin a series of teachings that for the next three months will bring in the true energies of learning more about who we can become within the path of attaining more Christ Consciousness.

We encourage you to join during our OPEN HOUSE SPECIAL to take advantage of the special exchange rate.

In our first class, we will be working with Lord Sanat Kumara who is the founder of the Brotherhood of White Light that was created shortly after the fall of Lemuria. We will learn how he was able to work directly with his Higher Self (Cosmic Master Vywamus), and Monad (Cosmic Master Lenduce) through the teachings of Cosmic Master Adonis (who was Lord Sanat Kumara’s teacher on Venus).

This class brings forth many forms of the higher frequencies including accessing the Venusian Rays of God that work through all of the chakras as one Unified Essence of Light. This assists the transmitted teachings to create an advanced highly energetic attunement of light for those who participate. Included is some information that has never been shared previously through Lord Sanat Kumara and his teachers.

Lord Saint Germain will be the Master of Ceremonies with Lord Melchizedek sharing his knowledge of how this information will assist you in your Initiation Pathway.



WHEN: SATURDAY APRIL 13, 2019 (North America Pacific Time at 10:00 AM / Eastern Time 1:00 PM).



If you are not enrolling today in our class training program but still enjoy receiving the energies in our many articles and Ascension materials, please consider using the donation options on our site to support our work.

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