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Lord Adama ~ How To Access the 5th Dimensional Divine Intent Within Your Consciousness

This is Lord Adama’s Discourse from the New Earth Consciousness – Circle of Light Teaching of the Golden City of Flanancia over Edmonton, Alberta, Canada which represents the 18th Ray of Pink Gold.

Aluna, Aluna, Aluna

It is my pleasure as Lord Adama to be with each of you again.

Breathe deeply as Meleriessee has shared – allowing the higher rays of light to go into all parts of yourself bringing forth these elements of the higher frequency of Light to come down into your full body system, for you to receive, to receive, to receive. Take a breath as you take a moment to reflect.

For the classs today we bring forth the Fifth Dimensional Divine Intent representing the Ray of Pink Gold. This means allowing your consciousness to be of that higher essence.

This is the real experience of Telos that each of you desires to have in your life fully. It is important to allow the effects of your Higher Consciousness to expand into all parts of yourself, into the parts that don’t feel those energies. Concentrate hard on allowing it to come in. Sometimes when there are blockages within the Etheric Body you may want to succumb and say “I cannot do it, I cannot bring forth these essences unto myself.” So allow what you have learned through your spiritual tools of the Will and Power, the fortitude and acceptance to bring forth these essences into yourself allowing your Higher Self to be the commanding energy and not the physical self. But allow the body to feel it, to come into this space.

As each of you work through the Universal Laws in your personal pathway, you will start to understand how you are affected in your lifestyle, in how you project yourself as a person to others and to your own experiences. It is very important as we learn each of these laws to really find reflection within yourself of what it may mean for you. As we work through the Law of Cause and Effect, we have tried to assist each of you to bring in the higher levels of concentration to help you minimize the other elements that are arising, to really dissipate them through the higher vibrational essences, which is so very true.

That is exactly what is occurring within the planet. There are more infractions of Light that are becoming more available to humanity in each moment. That is why there are such great challenges in the physical structure as the challenges within the third and fourth dimensional levels represents those souls that are living within that level of experience.

Everyone has the ability to connect with their fifth dimensional self, that higher consciousness, but many do not how to ground it. Once it starts to become grounded, it has to effectually change within the component of the physical body, the memory, the aspirations that are within your full consciousness through the cellular structure and the feeling levels, the experiences of your programming, and the decisions that you have made. It is an ongoing process that you are experiencing presently.

As the Earth is holding more of this light within herself, you will probably be feeling it more often.

The most important element is not to push it away, even though it may feel uncomfortable, to allow yourself to integrate these energies as much as possible.

Yes, the body will want to reject it, the mind and emotions will want to reject it. It is uncomfortable; it’s not having gravity within your body. It’s not being so connected to the Earth; you start to lift up your energies upwards. Yes, it makes you feel dizzy, it makes you feel un-centered, like you cannot think about certain things. But eventually you will be able to integrate these energies within your physical self so that they can be adjusted within you. You will adjust.

As each new light infraction comes into the planet that is not only with the moon, eclipses, and changes of the seasons, but with the addition of solar flares and planetary systems changing.

Presently there are many light infractions being sent into the Earth due to the Solstice. This season will be very powerful, and you are starting to feel those energies presently.

So if you are going through some transition, you are not alone. Everyone is experiencing these changes but you also have to call upon your journey in the last three months of what you have done for yourself with the lessons you have learned through the Festivals of Light of the Christ, Wesak, and of Humanity. Now it is starting to be grounded through this process and it is a huge shift that occurs within all parts of the physical existence.

My best advice is to be patient with yourself as you will have moments, you will have days when it gets easier. Until your Divine Mind, Higher Mind, can integrate further within your physical mind, you are still going to be feeling these transitions. Then, afterwards you will still feel the changes. As one like myself, that is fully integrated within these energies, when the changes occur, I have to adjust myself. All of us do in Telos. Everyone that is on a higher level of frequency beyond a fifth dimensional body, continually have to readjust as we are constantly moving, going through those elements to allow more light frequency, to be within the planet. Those of us in the Inner Earth Cities are truly holding that energy for each of you. It is now expanding out of our portals of light into the earthplane to assist in that process.

It is a movement that each of us are going through in these powerful times. There is great change upon the Upper Earth, but there is great disruption with great joy at the same time.

That is being in the 4th dimensional level; is that movement of desiring to be in more love but so being infiltrated with the lesser positive qualities. So for each of you it is important to raise your consciousness as much as possible to not allow those lower elements to affect you as much. This is what you are learning through the Laws of the Universe. This law of Cause and Effect is a very important one within that concept as you allow your Higher Essence and what you are receiving through the gravitational poles through the Solar Systems, and the Universes of the Source of Light to come into your existence, the easier the process will be on your consciousness level. On a physical level you have to remember to ground it. Sometimes you will have moments where you have to sleep, you need to rest, you need to stretch your body, you need to be in water if it is possible. Allow the fluidness of these energies to assist you through this process.

We have just gone through a powerful new moon that brings more of these energies to the forefront, which means that each individual has to work harder to hold unto them.

They can be lost very easily because the earth is in such a transitional stage that she is not able to hold unto everything. So each of us that are upon the earth must do it for her. We are affected greatly by these energy shifts.

So how does that rate with the Law of Karma?

Beautifully. As you bring forth these energies within yourself as you learn to ground the higher vibration within your physical body no matter what the challenges are through the process, the easier it will be for her. The gravity will be stronger with that frequency of light.

We are going to be sharing more about this as there are some newer energies are coming it at the Solstice and myself and Lord Saint Germain will be bringing forth some information through Meleriessee to assist in this process as it is an exciting time. It is time for these energies to be more gravitated into the core of Gaia. But each of you have a strong responsibility within yourself to be able to hold it more fully and to be able to accelerate which I know each of you want. Included is the de-acceleration of your age – this is all part of what you have been working towards which is starting to occur which will be happening in Mount Shasta. I will be explain more about this at another time very shortly in the next week as it is upcoming very soon.

This is why you may be experiencing great challenges. It is not just about your own pathway, or not just about what you are doing within your initiations and lessons that you are experiencing. You are in a very high vibrationally State of Consciousness. As you awaken to these energies, you will be more affected by them. You will be healed faster; the healing will also accelerate for you in all ways.

But it is a transition, as the old self which is part of you including the old body does not want to be part of that energy. There is a conflicting stage that occurs within the physical body. When you are conditioned to really allow these energies to be more fully within you, like Meleriessee has. We mention her because she has been doing it for over many years. Her conditioning process is much easier in her consciousness; it does not mean physically she does not feel it. But within her consciousness she is used to many more transitions within her physical body so she accepts it as part of her reality.

This is where each of you will be able to achieve the same through this process within yourself also. It is coming faster and quicker than it ever has before. It is everything that you are doing and we are doing together. This would not be possible without this work that you have been part of.

I thank you deeply for stepping forward; I thank you for the deep acceleration you are experiencing.

Are we at the end of a journey?

No, it is only at the very, very beginning. It is a whole new huge doorway that is going to be occurring and much chaos can result from these energies especially when people may not know how to handle themselves.

The healing of every individual soul upon this planet is going to be realized in many, many different ways.

I fully acknowledge each of you and honor you for what you are doing. I know it is not an easy process on the Upper Earth. Spiritually, we are all walking with you; we can’t physically walk with you yet. In time we hope that changes but the process we are going through now allows our vibrations to blend with each other. You are learning so much through the Universal Laws and becoming those Universal Laws. That is the beauty of what we have been doing this year. It is truly assisting the planetary changes everywhere around the world.


I Am Lord Adama, High Priest in Telos

Integrative Channel: Rev. Christine Meleriessee Heliohah

The New Earth Consciousness-Circle of Light is a weekly class in which we journey to one of the 22 Etheric Cities.  Included is a teaching from Lord Adama and a special Ascended Being that represents the city. Walking Terra Christa provides many options to participate in their weekly teachings with an affordable rate for all individuals.  You can become a Student by participating in the LIVE teachings and be part of our mentoring program OR participate in our Partner/Membership Program while experiencing the teachings on your own time via the recordings.

© 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).
Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:


Lord Metatron with Lord Saint Germain share an in-depth discussion of the Solstice-Full Moon Alignment for June 2016 with a special announcement of these energies becoming more grounded into the Mt. Shasta area.

Greetings and Love to each of you,

I Am Lord Metatron and I am communicating with Lord Saint Germain in this moment. We are standing within the Command Center of Telos at this moment. We have been wanting to converse with each of you about the energetic exchanges that will be occurring on June 20th, 2016 for the Solstice Full Moon energies.

We have some very important information that we want to convey to you. We are coming together in this way as I represent the Light Infractions that come into the Earth through the Sacred Geometry within the Metatronic Light Frequencies. I will be explaining how this solstice is different from the others and hopefully assist each of you to understand your role in being upon the earth at this time.

Lord Saint Germain, being the Mahachohan of the Seven Rays of God represents the Spiritual Hierarchy of all the Chohans, Elohim, and the Archangels that represent those flames of light. He speaks from the Ascended Master State of Consciousness to assist each of you to incorporate these energies within your consciousness but he has a very important announcement to make about this transition of Light that each of you will be experiencing. We are quite excited about our energies coming together in this way.

I, as Lord Metatron, first of all want to thank you for taking the time to read this information but please connect within your Higher Self with some deep breaths as you absorb the energies off of the page. I bring to you the Metatronic Light Frequencies for you to accept into your consciousness so that the changes that will be occurring will not throw you off balance. We want each of you to fully incorporate as much light frequency as possible, but at the same time to allow your equilibrium to be the determining factor through this event.

Let me start at the beginning by sharing with you about this year’s accelerated phases that have been occurring within you and upon the planet. At first, we were very unsure if humanity would be able to accept the light formations for this Solstice experience. We have found through the previous months of the Wesak energies that the awakened souls are realizing more about themselves than was expected. We know this year has been a challenge for each of you and that your physical existence is going into another dimensional experience. It is for this reason that this Solstice during June with the alignment of the full moon energies will be especially important as a landmark of energetic exchange for the planet.

The Solstice always represents the Feminine and Masculine Divine energies coming into alignment, Heaven and Earth meeting at the point of time to receive the essences unto each other. We are finding that humanity is starting to realize some of these elements within themselves through individuals that are awakening to the higher energies and realizing the potential they have within themselves. We also noticed that there is a wave of movement within these individuals that some believe one way and others that believe another. We know there is duality within the planet as it is truly in the fourth dimensional energies. It is truly being shown in people around the world with the leaders and common folk arguing with one another trying to find their place in their existence.

During last year’s Solstice the Solar Angels of every soul upon this earth were activated to work with each individual through their sleep state, meditations, and hopefully in the awakened state. The Solar Angel is the representative of each person’s Higher Self until that aspect can be fully accepted into the full body system (usually end of the 4th initiation of the Mastery Pathway). We found that people starting changing in various ways even if that person had not awakened in their consciousness to what was happening. It truly made a difference to the energies of the earth plane.

So as of 2016 Gaia moved into a new phase of her initiations with each individual being given the opportunity to open up their energies to the Solar Angel in physical form. We found so many more individuals awakening that would not have done so previously. It has been miraculous to watch and see.

But yet, there still needed to be more that occurred. Just because an individual opened up their eyes and ears to another dimensional world did not mean that they did not know how to handle the energies. We found this to be very true. So more had to happen in a gentle but yet powerful movement.

The Wesak energies were unbelievably powerful for each initiate and even those that were not fully on the pathway starting to think more about their self care and how they may need to change. We did find that many did not understand this process and some have slipped back into their uncertainty of the self.

As the Solstice comes closer, we saw many of you that are awakened and aware of your own challenges and achievements; you were being affected deeply by the present energetic exchanges that were occurring. People were not ready to accept the physical challenges, as the mental and emotional bodies still were not catching up to the rest of the process that has been occurring.

We have been concerned that many of you would not be able to handle the present exchanges of the Solstice with the Full Moon, but as we researched deeper into the percentages of how to teach individuals to ground these energies, we started to feel that it was time to allow these energies to occur. Sometimes, we in the Spiritual Hierarchy, have been very protective of each of you. The increased energies have been kept at bay so as to assist humanity in the process.

We have found that there are many of you that are ready to go to the next step, the ones that are within the First Wave. These individuals have worked at this a very long time and many souls left the planet due to the increased challenges. They are the ones that have been able to set the foundation for the continued waves to come into the planet.

The other souls that have come in afterwards are catching up to the first level and then there have been several other levels following suit. But it is within these individuals that the 1st Wavers needs to hold their ground through this process as to help the others even though it seems as if you have been doing this for a long time. The following wavers need to acknowledge that the 1st wavers truly have been the pioneers to help others and realize the potential to learn so much through this process.

So this brings me to the Solstice with the Full Moon in June.

These energies represented by the planets of the Moon with Sagittarius bring forth great expansion. It is a time for the Masculine and Feminine Divine to unite. It is a very changing energy that represents Divine Love and Manifestation to be present within the planet. It is also a time of balance between the mental and emotional bodies so that one does not go out of alignment. It is represented by Radiance of the Light and the Emergence of the Dark uniting together as One, not in separation that it has been.

All of our misgivings have been blessed by each of you that is stepping forward during this time to hold these frequencies. The planet will be infused with the Electro-Magnetic pulses that represent the Masculine – Feminine Divine.

What does this mean for each of you?

Well, it is a time of great change, more than you have ever experienced. The ability to fully stand within this power and allow yourself to be grounded to the earth will result in changes in your life that will work with you. It will ignite elements that do not fit this essence so each of you must realize that it is time for elements to come into alignment not only within Gaia but within each of you.

As you are the holders of this light frequency, it is imperative for you to allow the Electro-Magnetic pulses to come within you, through you, and then into Gaia. You are the holders of this light and your job is to send it out of you. But yet, you will also feel the fluctuations of changes to occur within you. It is an opportune time to allow yourself to go into a new state of Beingness, to accept your challenges, and learn that the lessons have not be for naught. They are teaching you to be more and better from your I AM Presence for the greater good.

So I am here to help you ignite these energies within yourself through the Sun and the Moon. We are here to work together and I will also be helping to ground some of the Metatronic Seals within the Earth. These seals are to assist each of you to come to the reality of your Divine Contract as an Angel of Light, to be able to hold this essence within your physical body.

Through the Solstice we will be working within these seals:

  1. Integration of the Higher Essence
  2. Grounding
  3. Male Essence – Desiring to be acknowledged
  4. Female Essence – Desiring to be appreciated
  5. Integration of Masculine & Feminine Divine As One

This is only halfway through the seals as there are 10 seals to receive your Golden Solar Angel, but each awakened soul, upon the pathway of Mastery will work through these seals to allow them to become a reality. We are bringing forth the Electro-Magnetic energies within Gaia to be introduced and accepted by each living organism of this earth.

All of these energies may be very intense for many of you as your four-body system becomes accustomed to receiving the higher light infractions that are necessary to hold these frequencies. You must remember that it is imperative to do the soul psychology work to heal through your emotional and mental bodies. This is just the beginning of allowing the Masculine-Feminine Divine to be fully implanted with in the earth.

It is a powerful event, this Solstice of 2016, which truly reflects what was desired to happen in 2012 but humanity was not ready. I am very excited to be with each of you and work more closely to allow these energies to happen upon Gaia, within Gaia, and within each of you.

I now turn the energies over to Lord Saint Germain so he can tell you more exciting news.

Blessings and Love,

I am Lord Metatron at your service.



Thank you, Lord Metatron for the fabulous introduction to these energies and the event we are all about to experience. I am excited to be able to be the Being that has been chosen to speak about the physical manifestation of the Electro-Magnetic energies.

I am Lord St. Germain, standing here with my colleague and close friend, Lord Adama, High Priest in Telos to share this news.

During the time of the Solstice as the Electro-Magnetic energies are flowing into the planet, there will be a physical event that will occur in and around Mount Shasta. Those of you that are aware of our Golden City over Mount Shasta in the Etheric 20160429_180006858_iOSEarth will understand what we are conveying to you.

This city has been a meeting place for all of us within the Ascended Master State of Consciousness for eons of time. We call this Golden Etheric City Havalanechee. It represents the 22nd Ray of God in the flame of Platinum and brings forth the essence of the Source of All That Is. It is the stage of the 5th Dimensional Consciousness of Completion, the God and Goddess coming together as One.

At the time of the entranceway of the Solstice, with the Sun and Moon coming together, accessing the Electro-magnetic energies, this city will be igniting its essence of the Platinum Ray to spin through the atmosphere into the 4th dimensional Earth residing in Mount Shasta. It will ignite electro-magnetic rays that will come into the crown of the mountain, through the mountain and around the mountain bringing forth a 5th dimensional consciousness that represents Divine Completion.

Since the City of Telos is beneath the mountain it will be the foundation of these energies to be held within and around the mountain for 144 miles through the forests, the lands, and the people. It will ignite a higher consciousness than has ever been experienced before beyond Lemuria and Atlantis.

At first, the waves of light will come in very softly so that no one is shocked by its frequency; yet it needs to be grounded. It will assist in removing debris and clarifying the energies around the area so that eventually the individuals living and visiting the mountain will be assisted greatly to change.

It will be very subtle and may take many years for this to occur, but it is a true beginning.

Since Mount Shasta is the Root Chakra of the Earth this means that this chakra is being cleansed and purified by these light infractions. It will be the beginning of changes upon the earth and since Mount Shasta will be considered the Ascension Capital of the Earth, it will be the first cleaning energies. Let’s face it, we all know that this earth needs cleansing and now is the time for it to be integrated and grounded within the earth. Some of you may know that there are some conflicting energies within the area, so this grounding process of the electro-magnetic energies are going to assist substantially.

At the same time, the crown of the Mountain will hold this light frequency through the Golden City of Havalanechee as it becomes closer to the physical earth. This will take some time, but this will be the start of the transference of the light to be acknowledged. The tip of the mountain will ignite small fragments of light to other mountains around the world, like, Himalayas, Machu Picchu, and Mount Fuji so that there will be a transference of this light that will be ignited in various points around the globe.

It is the first time that an event of this sort will be accepted into the Earth. Lord Ashtar and the Intergalactic Federation of Light will be transferring the energies around Mount Shasta and other mountain ranges as we have discussed.

The initial energies will start at the beginning of the Solstice. As I said it will be very subtle, but it will help individuals to heal by coming to the mountain especially with the intentions of being part of the Union of the Masculine and Feminine Divine. Changes will happen here, and I, with all the Ray Chohans, are here to assist in the integration and acceptance of more light infractions within each person.

If any individual is uncomfortable with what happens to them, they will find themselves leaving the area as this energy will not be for them. This will assist in transforming the land masses to create Mount Shasta to be the center for Ascension for initiates that receive a magnetic pull to be here.

It is a time of great change and now we can fully accept the physical reality of the higher dimensional energies to come into alignment. We are very excited to have this occur at this time. We hope you will join us soon in the magical capital of the world.

I am honored to walk with you and be part of this magnificent acceleration. As you know, I have been desiring to see these changes to come to fruition for about 100 years. Our time is coming and this is our beginning of healing for Gaia and each of you.

Thank you for being with us, alive on the planet. We will work with each of you to assist you in your personal journey. Please do call upon us so that we can create the New Earth together.

In deep honor and respect,

I Am Lord Saint Germain

Integrative Channel: Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden

Walking Terra Christa will be holding a Solstice/Full Moon Ceremony on Monday, June 20th, 2016 at 4:30 PM Pacific. Dial: (605) 562-3140, Use Access Code: 405260# for US Calls, or click the link for International options: OPEN TELECALL.

Walking Terra Christa held a 2-hour class with Master Thoth and The Great Divine Director: REVEALING LOST PUZZLE PIECES: THE LAW OF CAUSE AND EFFECT.  You may utilize this class in your personal time as it represents Changing and Accepting Timelines from the soul’s perspective. It is very helpful in accessing One’s I Am Presence and finding your true essence to be initiated.

© 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:

The Reflection in Your Mirror ~ Lord Adama Discourses


Greetings My Dearest Ones,

Aluna, Aluna, Aluna.

As my heart connects to each of you on this miraculous evening after the Wesak Energies, they are still ongoing. Know that you may be processing elements in which you have been dealing with because of the doorway you went through. These elements very well could be higher acceleration energies coming into your physical body.

How does this feel for each of you?

How do you feel within your personal existence?

How do you feel about what you have brought into yourself, the acceleration in which you are receiving, and the changes you are going through.

These are all elements to consider at this most important time.

Throughout this month the acceleration can go into a deeper space for some of you. As the energetic exchange, which occurred within the planet, is now going to create a reverberation of energies. It is important for each of you to understand of what you are experiencing within your own system.

Understanding who are you from moment to moment, what are you experiencing and to allow yourself to go into the depth of those energies is imperative at this time. It is important to continually turn the energies within your own Heart Essence that is directed from your Higher Self to assist in the process of knowing what is yours and what isn’t yours.

As many changes could be occurring at this time, globally. It is important to really hold your foundation. Your foundation is changing through each accelerated moment you are going to be experiencing accessing a new part of yourself than you did previously. What happens through this journey is you can go through many different elements of thought processes, or emotions; you can be accelerated in regards to what you are feeling. You could be affected physically in the acceleration which will also bring up other elements that you have been dealing with that need to be purged and removed. These are all important things to consider.

There are many variables that are occurring for each of you though the process of being an initiate on this pathway which brings forth the ability to understand yourself. It does not matter what anyone else is going through. Each of you are going to experience it n a completely different way. It is important for you to hold true to who you are, and to bring forth the divine essences in which you are asking to compliment your physical body to assist you through these changes.

We have been talking about the Law of Correspondence, and I think I have said before that it is the perfect timing to understand this Universal Law on a personal basis with experiencing Wesak, because. Whatever it is you are going through personally, it is the mirror that you are sending back out to your I Am Presence, then coming back to you again.

You have to think about it in this manner. If you   are going through challenges, and seem to have a lack of understanding, or being upset about certain elements occurring in your life, that energy is going to going outside of yourself ; it then comes back to you.

It is imperative that when these changes occur that you take time in that moment to reflect upon who you are – who are you being.

Do you want to experience this energy at this moment?

Do you want to allow that energy to go outside of your physical self?

If you were an outside person would you want to receive the energy that you are sending out? 

That is the mirror, understanding what the mirror represents is very important.

Right now each of you are going through a period of readjustment. After Wesak occurs, there is always this movement of euphoria of how beautiful the meditation was. What does the meditation do for you? What does this event do for you as a soul, as an initiate in a body, bring forth these energies into your own personal experience. The inner will change the outer; you can’t push this frequency, you must allow it to grow within you.

How do we best get through this process and not allow the physical mind to take us over?

For instance, as you are experiencing the 3rd dimensional process of the duality that is going on within the outside world, you must stop and breath and be within yourself. If you are feeling moments of agitation or frustration or emotions that do not fit a higher level, then it must be addressed. That means the energy is taking you into a deeper part of yourself. That is the lesson that you are going through. Each moment that you reflect into yourself and what you are experiencing, you need to be your own best teacher, your own best coach.

By saying to yourself, “Is this something that I am dealing with or is it outside of me? Have I been affected by some lower energies; where have I been; what have I been doing?

If you find out you have not been communicating with others or been anywhere outside of your own space, then that energy is yours. So you must go deeper into that energy. You take what you have learned from the experience of Wesak and this powerful moon that is occurring, and allow it to go deeper within yourself. Open it up. Allow the energies to be removed; to be dissolved so that you can find the joy you are desiring to be. This allows you to be the mirror of your I Am Presence and not the mirror of your lower physical self.

Did I say this was easy? No, of course not especially dealing in your world.

So you have to find those moments throughout your day or your week to really center yourself and be in a place where you can find the joy, feel the energy that you are coming into so that you can really see what it feels like to have that joy, and what it feels like when you don’t have it. The realization should be that is where you want to be. It is a step-by-step process and sometimes it seems like it is a very small, tiny step, but that is how you must address what you are going through. Otherwise, you will miss something that is important.

Since this moon was so much about a doorway so this means that the opening gateway has arrived for you to walk through this doorway, but with that journey comes the elements that need to be looked at so that a deeper healing can be acquired. You cannot walk through the doorway without removing the elements that have stopped you from moving forward previously.

That is the beauty of it.   When you find that you not stabilized for a very long period and then something happens, that is growth. That is the potential that is occurring within your physical self to make the necessary changes and to go through another doorway. But you must do it with ease and grace.

This week allow the energies of the 9th Ray of the Blue-Green to help you feel the Joy and Attraction that it represents even if you don’t feel like you want to be there, because things are purging out of you. That is when you must get deeper into this ray. As Lady Nada represents the ability to dissolve the energies and then embrace the Joy; Mother Mary represents the Hope, bringing forth that essence “yes, it can be done.”

What happens when you are in a very emotional state, possibly you are crying, and you cannot get through a breath because the intensity of the energy is overwhelming? What occurs when someone embraces you? They don’t have to say anything, but when they put their arms around you to support you in what you are going through, sometimes the energy becomes stronger. Did you ever experience yourself or someone else going through an emotional time and they say, “I can’t talk about this right now or else I will start crying.” That is because that person is receiving nurturing and support and it intensifies the clearing that needs to be acquired.

Utilizing the 9th Ray of Joy and Attraction will assist in feeling the beauty and support that is needed. Yes, it can intensify the releasement of the energies but it will also help you to move through the challenge to hold that Joy and Hope within your heart.

My heart is open to each of you within the process that you are going through, because it is immense and challenging. The challenges are going to continue but we are all here for you and for each other as we are all accelerating in this moment and this period of time.

I give you all my blessings.

I Am Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos

Walking Terra Christa is holding a two-day workshop to prepare for the energies of WORLD INVOCATION DAY which takes place during the full moon of Gemini, May 21st, 2013. WORLD INVOCATION WORKSHOP will take place on Friday, May 20th and Saturday, May 21st. We will be holding a ceremony for World Invocation Day on Sunday, May 22nd which is an Open Tele-Conference available to the public (details shown on the workshop page).

© 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and THIS  IMPORTANT BUTTON LINK: WE NEED YOU! PLEASE VISIT IAMTHE144.ORG IF YOU LOVE THE EARTH AND WANT TO HELP RAISE THE PLANET’S VIBRATION!

Preparation for the Festival of the Christ ~ Decree & Ascension Prayer

The Three Fold Flame Within The Heart of Gaia

Today has arrived with the Full Moon, Lunar Eclipse, and the yearly celebration of the Festival of the Christ.  

As we are standing fully within these energies presently, it is crucial for us to truly awaken to all elements that we carry within us whether they are positive or not so healthy for us.  In order for Gaia to hold this new energy, we the Pioneers of the Light need to hold it as deeply as possible within us and command the Three-Fold Flame to be fully within our consciousness and full body system.

The Spiritual Hierarchy with the Unified Whole Command of the 144 Dimensions of Reality are assisting us greatly through this process.  In addition the Inner Earth Beings of the Agarthian Council of Light are stepping forward through all of their cities to bring forth great change as they realize it is now time.  We have enough awakened souls that are ready to acknowledge that the healing process is the most important element in order for us to co-operatively interact with one another.

Lord Adama, the High Priest of Telos within the Inner Earth had this to say about this Full Moon of Aries/Libra with the Lunar Eclipse:

We are now embarking upon a huge Full Moon experience, and we in Telos along with all the Inner Earth Cities are very excited to be part of these energies.
Our role with Walking Terra Christa is expanding with the Agarthian teachings as this has never occurred before. All of our major cities with the crystalline cities are participating more directly with the interworkings of the Upper Earth.
This moon represents a powerful Lunar Eclipse but is also the Festival of the Christ energies, the first of the three festivals for Ascension. We have always done our own connection but this year we are connecting more fully to each of you.
We believe that it is time to allow our energies to be more focused within each of your energies. As more people awaken on the planet, our role together is going to be very important.
I want to intend to connect with as many of you as we can during this moon experience from march 23rd through march 24th as it is very important for all of us to be doing our part to help this Earth and our inner earth to become One. We have a long journey but we are opening up the doorway to the energies to become more involved in creating the higher energies upon the Upper Earth.

It is very important for each of us to work through the energies of the Festival of the Christ which represents Resurrection of the Old of Restoring the Divine Mind (of the Higher Self) to be fully active within our consciousness. We, then, ignite the Love of the Divine Mother with the Wisdom of the Divine Father to energize our Three-Fold Flame as we fully Empower ourselves with the Christ Consciousness within our full body system.

It is a blessing that the Agarthian Cities are going to fully connect with each of us during the next 24 hours.  We offer you this decree and prayer to utilize to help your own divine connection to be stronger through this process. All of the unawakened Beings of this Earth need us to be strong and do our part through the process so we can help them to do the same.

Decree for the Festival of the Christ


I stand at a crossroads within the Full Moon of Aries with Libra,

Within the energies a Lunar Eclipse is occurring at the same time;

I feel the changes erupting within and all around me,

As it is a new threshold of experiences,

That I am now embarking upon.

Ironically, it is the time of the Festival of the Christ for 2016,

The energies of this month from the previous Full Moon,

Have taken me unto a whirlwind of experiences,

With a Solar Eclipse within the New Moon,

And constantly being pushed to know who I Am.

I am learning through this process,

I look forward to participating with the energies of the Festival of the Christ;

As I believe that the assistance I am getting,

From the Spiritual Hierarchy and Forces of Light,

Are truly helping me to realize the inner work I am doing,

As an Initiate on the Ascension Mastery Pathway.

I call upon the energies of Resurrection,

To cleanse my four-body system of all elements that do not belong to me;

I ask for the Rays of God to assist me especially within the Crystalline Flame.

I allow it to move through my body to remove and cleanse,

All that is ready to be released;

I go deep into my Emotional Body to allow the aspects,

I no longer need, to be gone forever from my soul’s essence.

I call upon the Golden Yellow of Love and Wisdom,

As it permeates into my Mental Body,

I fully allow my Higher Mind to be my guide with the essence of understanding.

I start to see the reason I have lived as I was,

I now know that is no longer the way I need to be.

I feel I am restoring my soul into a way it has always desired to be,

As I fully allow the Illumination that I am,

To be accepted by my physical mind,

As the Lower and Higher Minds blend within me.

I then call upon the essence of the Pink Flame,

Representing Creative Actualization to assist my Emotional Body,

I feel deep Love of the Divine Mother coming within my Heart;

I allow the acceptance of the resurrection I created,

To help me restore my faith,

That I am the Feminine Divine.

I then feel the essence of the Blue Flame,

Representing my Will and Power,

As I have gone through the process of renewal,

I am now able to fully be within the Divine Mind,

Of the Will of God,

As I acknowledge the Wisdom that I Am.

As I stand in this moment,

I feel the re-creation of my Soul’s essence,

Within my physical body;

I see within me the changes that needed to be made,

As I fully allow this creation to be fully accepted,

Within my Full Body System.

I feel my Etheric Body, my Soul Body of Light,

Now accepting the Divine Essence I Am.

I Am able to stand tall in this moment,

As I feel the Power I have become;

I feel the essence of the Golden Flame,

Of the Christ Consciousness to fully be within me.

I now see the beautiful masters I have been working with,

Master Serapis Bey of the Crystalline Flame of Resurrection,

With Master Djwhal Kuhl of the Golden Yellow of Restoration,

Along with Master Paul the Venetian of the Pink Flame of Divine Love,

Master El Morya of the Blue Flame of Divine Will joins me,

As I meet with Lords Kuthumi and Maitreya of the Office of the Christ,

Emitting the Golden Flame of the Christ I AM.

I walk with each of them,

I feel their Love, Wisdom, and Power,

As I ignited my own essence of the same.

I have now acquired the


I now expand this essence around me,

Through my breath,

I give this as my service to humanity,

With the Ascended Masters I walk with,

As an Initiate of Mastery for this Earth.



Master Djwhal Kuhl through Rev. Christine Meleriessee has re-written the Great Invocation to provide words of not only the Masculine Divine but the Feminine Divine Essences

Invocation of the Great Invocation

Let the Forces of Light bring illumination to mankind,

Let the Spirit of Peace be spread abroad,

May men and women of Goodwill everywhere meet in a spirit of cooperation,

May forgiveness on the part of all souls,

Be the keynote at this time,

Let power attend the efforts of the Great Ones.

So let it be, and help us to do our part.

Let the Lords of Liberation issue forth,

Let them bring succor and relief to humanity,

Let the Rider from the Secret Place come forth,

And coming, save.   Come forth, O Mighty Ones,

Let the souls of all men and women awaken to the Light,

And may they stand with massed intent,

Let the Issuance of Oneness That We Are go forth,

The end of woe has come!

Come forth, O Mighty Ones,

The hour of service of the Saving Force has now arrived.

Let it be spread abroad, O Mighty Ones.

Let Light and Love and Power,

Fulfill the purpose of the Coming Ones.

The Will to save is here,

The love to carry forth the work is widely spread abroad,

The active aid of all who know the truth is also here.

Come forth, O Mighty Ones, and blend these three

Construct a great defending wall,

The rule of death is now at an end.

From the point of Light within the Mind of God

Let Light stream forth into the Minds of all souls,

Let Light descend on Earth.

From the point of Love within the Heart of God

Let Love stream forth into the Hearts of all souls,

As the Christ That We Are,

Is fully embodied Within the Earth.

From the center where the Will of God is known

Let purpose guide the little Wills of men and women —

The purpose which the Masters know and serve.

From the center which we call the race of men

Let the Plan of Love and Light work out,

And may it seal the door where evil has dwelled.

Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.

Walking Terra Christa is hold a Global Tele-Call for the Festival of the Christ.  If you can join us LIVE, please check out the information on our Facebook Event at 4:30 PM Pacific.  We will also provide a recording within 24 hours.  We hope you can join us.

If you would like to learn more about how to sustain your energies through these transitions, Walking Terra Christa is holding a Class Series on the Universal Laws. This month we are working within theLaw of Action with Master Thoth and Master Paul the Venetian. More information is available by clicking above.

© 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:

Magical Thinking ~ Lord Adama Discourse


Greetings My Dearest Ones,

It is I, Lord Adama with the Telosian Counicl of Light. We are very happy to be with each of you this evening as we are working within the elements of Divine Oneness.

There are many particles that could be experienced or discussed that do not make up Divine Oneness. I am sure each of you probably understands within yourself what they may be for you. If we think of envisioning ourselves with many others of gathering together, we start to feel the heart connection from others unto ourselves and that gives us the feeling of Oneness. It is the same particle of light of bringing in your I AM Presence, bringing in the Source of Light that you are. We always start with the Higher Self first because that is the easiest higher frequency to connect with and then eventually through the Monad and I AM Presence.

Tonight I want to discuss a little bit about what is happening within the earth; the changes that are occurring, what has happened since the first of the year and how you might be adjusting with those frequencies.

As we are coming into those energies, it creates more conflict within ourselves. But how is your stabilization occurring is the true question. What is your foundation like through this process?

That is the most important element because as you go through each of these changes you are going to be creating a better foundation. When you accept something within yourself as a truth and you feel it in your physical life, you walk through it, and then it becomes you. It’s when you don’t fully accept that truth in your daily life and work upon it, utilize it and use it to its best advantage, that it becomes a problem; because it will come back to you to be work upon you again and again.

Now there maybe elements of partial frequencies of thoughts or emotions that you work upon but it won’t be the whole focus that is occurring for you.

It is important during these times to be diligent with what you are going through to really work through it from your subconscious thoughts so that they can become the super-conscious. And the changes that are happening presently are causing those elements to be addressed which can create confliction. The most important element for each of us is that we continually tune in to that higher source that we are to become that energy. It will assist you in that process.

I think that our dearest Dr. Martin Luther King, Master Altebetahn, gave to us this week truly represented that movement of how to fully bring in those energies into the self. So it is important to reflect on what you are experiencing. Every time you are part of these teachings how are you addressing them in your physical life?   What happens to you? I know that many of you have a tendency to fall asleep, many of you are not able to remember what you experienced. It is imperative to experience these energies especially for these calls, for the New Earth cities. There is so much work that is occurring for you in many different levels that it is important to be able to address it in your conscious mind. That is why you are on this program. That is why it is important for you to continually work through the issues as your life will change because of it. So this gives me the doorway to talk about “Magical Thinking.”

It is true of many individuals of humanity that sometimes you may think that the gifts from the Universe are coming to you because you are in a special place. So you say, “That was gifted to me and I am thankful.” Even something simple like a parking spot in a lot. That is the particle of light that represents not magical thinking but creation of your spirit, of the light of the universe to make that parking spot available to you. So then it becomes a physical experience.

When I speak of magical thinking of the terms of what desire to have in your life and then you think that the Universe is just going to take care of it. This happens with many, many lightworkers because of the energetic exchange of what is happening within the earth especially since 2012 as many individuals do not think they have to go any further with it. They call upon Saint Germain, Archangel Michael, Lord Metatron, the great beings of the Earth, Lord Melchizedek, possibly myself and then they expect that doorway that they have been trying to walk through to occur because that energy is coming in.

This is a fallacy only, because at this time it is more about each of you becoming the ascended beings, the ascended masters on this earth. I think a lot of this information comes through the I AM discourses. This is because when they were written in the 1950’s. The meetings occurred in the 30’s, 40’s and 50’s, the energy was different then. They had to prove to the initiates that magic can happen, that the doorways could be opened, and they needed assistance with those elements occurring. That is no longer the case.

In truth, each of you are those ascended beings, even though you may not feel like it. That is why you are on the pathway to create these elements to happen for you. The tools that are being given from the many masters of the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of White Light are to assist you but then for each of you to internalize that and to make it possible in your life.

Every time we give a teaching through one of these calls and you are very attracted to it, it is a tool you can utilize on your own, you should use it. That is why I ask each of you if you have the time to go back and re-listen. When the transcriptions are available, utilize reading them as they will assist. When you see the written word, read it from your Higher Self, from your I AM Presence, from your breath. What do those words represent, not just the message from the consciousness of the ascended masters but a message for you. What does it mean for you?   Print it out and highlight the areas, make affirmations from those parts that will really assist you. Then you take that focus of magical thinking into magical creation.

What is magic?

Magic represents the ability for creation of elements to come together to move, to form a process in the physical existence. What happens when you go to a space in nature you feel the flowers, your feel all those energies that is so beautiful. That is magic. This is because all of those creative forces are coming together in that moment of acceptance. And that is the light coming through the Universal exchange within the earth exchange. That is truly what magic is.

We have to take it from thinking about it into creating it. Which means: To Being It. It does not mean that you cannot have what is being shared in a message, but you have to act upon it yourself. You have to be that energy, you have to be in that breath, you have to be in that frequency and to allow that change to occur for you. Then those elements are created in your foundation. You now have accepted something that you believe in. You are seeing it occur. That creates acceptance.

Then you can say to yourself “Wow, I now see it within me, I now see it before me, and I see it happen in this moment, in my life. This is something for me to remember that I have taken that thought process of magical thinking and allowed it to be a creative process in my physical existence.”

This is when you start to move into Oneness and this is truly what all these energies represent. So it is imperative that you utilize these tools and as we go along you will find that other tools will work better for you than some.

But in the moment, what is the creative process that happens to you? What is your truth? In that moment how does it feel for you?

Your truth represents what the feeling is, what the action is, how it affects your physical life inside and outside of you – that creative process that we talk about so much. Its a out bringing that energy in and it will expand through your field.

This is what I am sharing with you to allow that expansion to occur, but you must do the work, you must create the energy. It is like when you choose to say a prayer or command for your I Am presence that you need to have a parking spot located near the door of a store, you are commanding that through your physical body, you are feeling it within your physical body, and then it becomes a reality. This is truly what we mean when we say, “You need to get out of magical thinking.” It is not bad to have those thoughts but you have to continue with the process and allow it to see it being enfolded within your own life. This is going to assist you with the changes that are occurring.

So it is a powerful time, it is very challenging time but I want you to think how this assisting you on a deeper level. What are your strengths that are appearing; what are your aspects that you have seen previously, but now you are starting to see them occur in your life. You are the Mastery of your destiny; you are the one that is making the changes.

I talked quite about last week about being impeccable and being very disciplined. This is what I am talking about. This is the truth that you will find that will help you accept what you are experiencing. Your lower mind will not assist you. Once you allow these energies to enfold within you, the processes that are occurring within your own experiences of your life path.

I am deeply honored to walk with you through this process. It is an amazing experience to watch so many of you being able to see it for what is being presented in your world. When you don’t see it know that you are not ready to see it. I will remind you to look at it continually.

Thank you very much.

Aluna, Aluna, Aluna

Lord Adama with the Telosian Council of Light

Integrative Channel, Rev. Christine Meleriessee Heliohah

Walking Terra Christa provides many options to participate in their weekly teachings with an affordable rate for all individuals.  You can become a Student by participating in the LIVE teachings and be part of our mentoring program OR participate in our Partner/Membership Program while experiencing the teachings on your own time via the recordings.

© 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:


Depiction of Lemuria by artist Glenda Green
Depictions of Lemuria of the Inner Earth by artist Glenda Green





The Agarthian Network of the Inner Earth Crystalline Cities is now coming forward to assist each of us to learn about their lifestyles and way of living to teach us how to fully ground the Fifth Dimensional energies onto the Upper Earth.

This is a Teaching Meditation Journey Series to experience the wisdom and energies of the Agarthian cities. It will take place on the 2ndSaturday of each month. Our initial transmission was an etheric visit the Library of Porthologos with Lord Mikos. The Library of Porthologos is located in Catharia under the Aegean Sea near Greece.

The Agartha Teachings is a New Earth teaching program brought to us through “The Five Delegates”.  Each delegate is a pairing of consciousness consisting of the Priest and Priestess of each of the Agartha Network CAPITOL cities.  A description of the cities is as follows:

POSID: Primary Atlantean outpost, located beneath the Mato Grosso plains region of Brazil. Population: 1.3 million.

SHONSHE: Refuge of the Uighur culture, a branch of the Lemurians who chose to form their own colonies 50,000 years ago. A Himalayan Lamasery guards the entrance. Population: 3/4 million.

RAMA: Remnant of the surface city of Rama, India. Located near Jaipur. Inhabitants are known for their classic Hindu features. Population: 1 million.

SHINGWA: Remnant of the northern migration of the Uighurs. Located on the border of Mongolia and China. Population: ¾ million.

TELOS: Primary Lemurian outpost located within Mt. Shasta, with a small secondary city in Mt. Lassen, California, USA. Telos translated means “Communication with Spirit”. Population: 1.5 million. Telos is considered the major capitol of all of the inner earth Agartha cities.



Walking Terra Christa provides many options to participate in their weekly teachings with an affordable rate for all individuals.  You can become a Student by participating in the LIVE teachings and be part of our mentoring program OR participate in our Partner/Membership Program to experience the teachings on your own time via the MP3 AUDIO recordings. (Academy Students also get discounting on all other WTC selections).


© 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:

Visiting the Divine Temple of Complete Union ~ Decree

Temple of Light wtc

The Golden Etheric City of Aslaanetair represents the 10th Ray of the Integration of the Masculine and Feminine Divine Within the Physical Creation.

The City of Aslaanetair resides over Sweden.  This is a very interesting city as it is the “City of Many Labryinths”.  The circumference of the city is almost like a Labryinth.  There are many of them throughout the moutainous areas, into the hills, and the flat lads.  It is composed of many lakes in several locations.

Each of the labryinths represent an acceleration for DNA coding.  Within the labryinth there are elements that need to be worked upon so that the attunement of the coding can occur.

The Divine Temple of One Complete Union is in the middle of the main labryinth.  Each of the other labryinths connect with pathways as an individual can choose where to experience their energies first before visiting the Temple.  Our visit January 20th took place first in the Labryinth of the Forest in which the students where able to work with the lower elements of Self Criiticism, Impatience, Judgments, Low Self Esteem, Fear Elements or Insecurities in order to fully integrate the essence of Divine Oneness within the full body system.

The City is represented by the 10th Ray of “I Am The Male and Female Essence of Divine Light” which is overlighted by Master Voltar and Lady Master Valencia of Andromeda with Archangel Ariel.  The Elders from the Throne of Grace that ignite this ray are Lord Helleiasa and Lady Helleiaso.

Color:  Pearlescent

Chakra:  Sacral with the Toning Sound:  “OOO”


  •  DNA Activation occurs through use of the ray within the Higher Self energies as there is no interaction within the physical mind;
  • Allowing the Acceptance of Divine Unity Within;
  • Being in the Moment;
  • Creating Balance and Equilibrium allows for Calmness to occur;
  • Expressing Balance within the Body thereby accessing the Male & Female as One Complete Union;
  • Blending the frequencies of the Higher Self into the Physical Existence as it allows an individual to be uplifted and reflects this to others;
  • The Higher Wisdom will be acknowledged within the physical body which creates a strong sense of purpose;
  • Working within this ray allows for a feeling of calmness to be experienced, thereby, assisting the flow of life to be part of the individual’s reality. It assists in the balance of relationships and to be more flowing in life.

Andromeda is representative of a love vibration that is linked to the creation codes of the Universe. It is a planet of higher evolutionary changes, thereby creating portals of light to change the composition of an individual’s concept of their own reality through many types of acceleration. It assists in the activation of DNA through a process that is calming as it exhibits the qualities of compassion, patience, and acceptance of love through the higher frequencies of light.

Master Voltar & Lady Valencia represent the male and female aspects from Andromeda. They understand the process of blending both parts of themselves into each other so they are wonderful guideposts to rely upon through the process. Master Voltar brings forth illumination and enlightenment by cutting through the parts of the self that do not see the truth within.   Voltar has the quality of understanding one’s inner truth. He does not sugar coat any thought or emotion but truly allows an individual to take out the lower vibration in order to accept the truth of the Higher Mind into the physical vehicle. Lady Valencia is Master Voltar’s female aspect by being the example of a brilliant sun on a dark day shining within who truly assists in allowing the Feminine Divine to illuminate her truth.   She assists in the healing through the process that Voltar represents in elminating the darkness by bringing forth the light frequencies of warmth and expression of love. Together they assist in changing the thoughts that bind us from not knowing our inner truth to bring forth the externalization of deep love that we exist from through the Source of Light.

Archangel Ariel is devoted to helping us transcend the illusions of separateness and limitation. She is dedicated to our remembering the Divine Truth that we are ONE with the Infinite Divine Universal Source, we are ONE with the Miraculous. She is also very connected to the animal kingdom, elementals, and Mother Earth. She believes that the connection to the planet we inhabit is the answer to how we need to work through Oneness of the Self.  She works with the DNA Coding and energy clearing for each individual. This means that an individual must clear the past history in order for the communion of the Higher Self integrating both the male and female aspects. Through the clearing, an individual’s DNA is being coded to the higher frequency necessary to allow this integration to occur. Her goal within this ray is to let each individual to see their own truth of Light while blending the Male with the Female into the Oneness that they Are.

Decree ~ Visiting the Divine Temple of Complete Union

I stand in the midst of great change,

Through my Emotional and Mental Bodies,

I desire to become balanced,

Within my Masculine and Feminine Divine,

As I truly want to be One within Myself.

I am called to visit the Etheric Golden City,

Of Aslaanetair which resides over Sweden,

Representing the Pearlescent Flame,

Of Becoming the Masculine and Feminine Essence of Oneness.

I call upon the Beings of this magnificent city of Light,

The Elders that Surround the Throne of Grace with the Pearlescent Flame,

Lord Helleiasa and Lady Helleiaso,

With Master Voltar and Lady Valencia of Andromeda,

Along with Archangel Ariel.

I feel their presence deeply,

As I walk onto a pathway,

That takes me into this powerful labyrinth.

As I walk,

I feel the amazing energies,

Fully infuse within me Divine Light,

As I have never experienced before.

I think about what I desire to change,

From my masculine self,

And then my feminine self.

Sometimes I become so impatient with my life,

I feel I want to run away;

But then other times,

I feel like I cannot decide which way to go.

I am met by Master Voltar with his beloved, Lady Valencia,

They reach their arms out towards me,

As I feel a deep love and understanding,

Emanating from them,

They take me into this magnificent Divine Temple of Complete Union.

I sit with them,

I reflect on what I was feeling,

I see the parts that do not fit,

And Understand why I was experiencing them.

Master Voltar explained that it is a matter,

Of connecting within the Divine Source I Am,

That this temple of light,

Brings to me the ability to know,

From my Highest Essence,

I feel the acceleration running through me,

Elements are changing within my Mind,

And through my Heart essences.

I start to see the reflection that I truly am,

Not what I thought I was.

I am honored and pleased to experience this change within me,

I am now ready to learn more,

About the True Being I AM.

I AM that I AM that I AM.

The New Earth Consciousness-Circle of Light classes take place on Wednesday evenings each week.  Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos gives a New Earth Discourse and guides us to the designated city each week.

Walking Terra Christa provides many options to participate in their weekly teachings with an affordable rate for all individuals.  You can become a Student by participating in the LIVE teachings and be part of our mentoring program OR participate in our Partner/Membership Program while experiencing the teachings on your own time via the recordings.

© 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:


Accepting Oneness Through Responsibility

Machu Picchu Shamballa 1_800_457

This is the transcription of the visit to the Golden City of SHAMBALLA which resides in the 5th dimensional New Earth over Machu Picchu that took place on January 13, 2016.  

Lord Melchizdek, Lord Metatron, and the Mahatma are the Overlighting Beings for this City which represents THE MAGNETISM OF ONE UNIVERSAL BEING. It represents the 16th Ray in the color of White Violet Light.

Lord Adama brings forth the energetic exchange to travel to the Golden Etheric City of Shamballa located in the 5th Dimensional Earth over Macchu Picchu.

Let us now ignite those Merkabah Vehicles in preparation to travel to the Golden Etheric City of Shamballa. We center upon the Violet White Light. The mixture of Light Violet White spinning within you and around you igniting your Merkabah Vehicle allowing the extension to go beyond your physical existence. Breathing deeply, breathing deeply as you arise out of your physical body feeling those beautiful essences as you move up to the 5th dimensional frequency of light. We call upon the White Violet light feeling the vortex of energy as you spin through this spectrum of light, it takes you to the Golden Etheric City of Shamballa over Macchu Picchu.

You feel the magnificence of this geographic location that it represents. You feel the power of the Spiritual Self, of the Masters all in one consciousness as this energy represents the Inner Earth, above the Earth and beyond the Earth. We feel that existence moving through the entire being with your breath as you are twisting and turning as you are moving through the vortex of energy. You find yourself now at the beautiful gateway of this city.

There are magnificent lights around this city. You see the mountain ranges and beyond. You feel the exquisite essence of spiritual devotion as we walk through the gateway; there is a calmness that occurs within you. You start to feel the existence of all love, all light of your purest consciousness within your I AM Presence to be fully with you.

As we walk along this beautiful pathway, there are many gardens as this is the entranceway to the city. We have not experienced this previously. The gardens are massive, they go far, and they go wide. There is beautiful shrubbery and flowers of all different kinds. Everything grows here; everything. It does not matter what the soil is; it represents tropical gardens, earth gardens, rock gardens, and so many other types of gardens. You can see the crystalline structure of the rocks, of the mountains, and the hills. We walk up this amazing beautiful hill. You feel the exquisite essence of being One within yourself. Feeling this brilliance of light as it is you. What the city represents is to come to this space to remember; to fully remember the full consciousness but being in a physical body.

We are now met by Lord Melchizedek, Lord Metatron and the Mahatma. The Mahatma represents many consciousnesses of Beings. I allow myself to join each of you as a visitor to the amazing city of Shamballa. I am Lord Adama happy to be with each of you.

Greetings My Dearest Ones,

We are the consciousness of Lord Melchizedek, Lord Metatron, and the Mahatma.

We bring unto the God Force of the 49th dimensional frequency and from 0-49 as we also represent the 144th dimension in the skies above of the heavens all around us. As we walk through this garden, feel the earth upon your feet. Feel the splendor that You Are as a Spiritual Being within a physical body in a journey of light. Feeling that existence within you; feel that the Power That You Are – the Greatness of You. As the Light Frequency comes up through your feet and brings forth electrical-magnetic movements, feel that frequency of light that you are to come into the all existence that you ever desired to be as your multi-dimensional self becomes empowered within your physical existence. As we walk further, the pathway twists and turns through all the many gardens. These gardens are all facets of earth life as there are many different kinds. There is a separation and merging of the gardens going into each other.

So we ask of you in this moment to go off on your own for a moment so you can investigate which part of the gardens to you want to experience. Do you want to be of the gardens that represent rock formations, or streams, or ocean water? Do you want to be part of the gardens that represent the desert, represent tropical energies or possibly any garden that represents any geographic area of the earth?

We take a moment as you are going to investigate and feel the energies that are most appropriate for you. They are all very close with each other; you don’t have to travel far. We now bring forth this charge of light. When you fully go into the center of the garden and feel the energies, notice the animals that are with you. Notice everything that is coming together in Oneness. Allow that exchange to be within your full consciousness. Breathe deeply and allow it be within you. Go my Dearest Ones, go and experience the totality of your existence in a completely different way.

[Crystal Bowl Ringing]

[Divine Light Language Encoding]

Let us now gather round, my Dearest Ones. Come from your garden and bring that garden to the rest of us. Let us expand our energies together as we step to the side and see this sparkling body of water, with mountain all around it and a beautiful crystalline structure. We call this body of water “Synthesis of Light”. It represents all of these elements coming together around the beautiful body of water that has a circumference of a few hundred feet.

There are many Beings of Light from all walks of life circling the outside area. In the middle is a beautiful crystalline structure; it is more than a structure but a Temple of Light. There is a bridge that we will step upon and walk onto the crystalline structure. The water is the Light Violet color but it is also emanating colors of crystalline, blue, and green with frequencies sparking off of the surface.

As you walk across the little bridge, it moves up an incline and straightens out. We step into the altar area which is like a circumference of a base with a crystalline energy coming up into the middle. Around the base there are many little seats for us to sit upon. I ask each of you to take your place here. First of all, you may not be sure why we asked you to go to your garden. This is an element that makes you feel safe; an environment that you may be accustomed to that gives you the availability to find security within yourself. As a human, that is what your mental mind desires to have which is security and strength with the availability that you will be safe. Within the human world, you sometimes do not feel the safety, my dearest ones. You are presently allowing your Spiritual Self to come fully into your Physical Self. It opens up the doorway for you to have new experiences. You also may have had timelines in which you were not safe. So I ask you now to bring up any of those thought patterns within this space right here of this crystalline structure. The light is a frequency; the base of the crystal is in the water below. It is very much like a laser beam of the Violet White Light. You can put your hand through it and feel the extension of the energy. It is not solid; it is a frequency of light.

So we sit here amongst this space of energy, the base starts to turn very slightly around. As it is doing so, you are starting to see the perspective from different parts of the environment around us. It is a beautiful body of water that resembles a lake yet not formed as a lake. It is formed like an ocean or a stream or a waterfall. It has all aspects of Oneness. As the altar moves around, notice what you are looking at – is there mountains, sandy areas, hills, or flat areas.

Allow yourself to just experience all those elements. Are there massive trees, bushes or just flowers?   Everything has its purpose upon the earth but when we step into the core of Oneness within all the aspects together, that is true spiritual enlightenment. As we bring forth the energetics through the this city, we start to feel the different parts of ourselves that desires adjustment, desire of movement, that desire of expression, of love, of light, of vibration. You start to feel that essence – the vibrating energy of our altar spinning in a very slow manner. It starts to create a surge of energy coming up from your feet and swirling within your chakras connecting to all parts of yourself.

Let’s think about the journey to fully embody this light frequency.

You have to go through the journey of the 1st seven rays, and then you explore the pathway of the higher rays by accepting your light body, feeling that illumination, and allowing yourself to walk into that new phase of your existence to create the Christ Consciousness within you which is so prevalent upon the earth now.

It is important within your heart; tap into your Heart Essence within your breath and call upon “I DESIRE TO TAP INTO MY CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS FOR ME TO FEEL IT PHYSICALLY.”  

What does it represent for me?

Then, move into Vibratory Communication of your Throat Chakra by chanting, movement, song, or vibrational essences that eventually means something from your Higher Mind. This is all about surrendering as you move into your Third Eye, you feel the Divine Structure you are becoming. That allows you to accept of the totality of the Golden White flame to be part of those essences. It is imperative to feel these things through these processes within your consciousness and eventually you are going to fully embrace it physically. Don’t push yourself through it. That is what the White Violet Light represents.

Think about the Violet as it is the transmuting color but it is very light in its hues. It is mixed with the White Light; it represents your own consciousness of the I AM Presence; it represents the God consciousness; it represents your Monad and your soul along with who you have ever been. It means that you are becoming Multi-Dimensional. Within that level of being multi-dimensional, you start to see colors and colors swirling within you, around you.

Now the igniting energy of the altar and the flame comes out at the top, circles of sparkles of White Violet Light that is merging with the water of the lake. It is acting as a conductor for you to fully embrace True Oneness of the Totality of Whom You Are into the aspect of the physical self. Allow it to come into all parts of yourself.

[Divine Light Language Encoding]

Feel it deeply coming into your Solar Plexus now; feeling the power, feeling your Higher Power, your Higher Heart, feeling the totality that you truly are. We all rise together as the altar ceases to move. Notice at the area you are looking at beyond the lake. Does it seem the same or is it a part of something else that you are unsure you have seen before. Allow your intuitive mind to bring you the expression that you desire.

We now exit the altar and walk across the bridge. I want you to fully experience the Divinity of your Light that has enfolded within you in these moments. Allow it to be expressed within you as deeply as you can; as deeply as you can. Feel that extension through your Heart and your Solar Plexus, the cornerstone of your Power and your Love. Feel those essences as you walk unto the land once again.

All the many masters that have been here supporting your energies now arise as they come towards us. As we all circle within each other. Circles and circles; we stand in the middle as Lord Melchizedek, Lord Metatron, and the Mahatma. Then the inner circle is each of you with many of the Masters coming in to stand in between; then more Beings of Light on the outside with another circle being created; then another, and another. There are so many circles that it is merging all the gardens within the Oneness. Each of the gardens that were separate are coming into the true core of Oneness.

Feel this Oneness, my Dearest Ones. Feel the representation that you desire to have in your world. Allow yourself to feel Divine Oneness, as this is what our truth has expressed today – to fully ignite these energies to assist you on this journey, to allow yourself to reflect on what this feels like to have Divine Oneness. When you come back into your physical body, it will be a different experience whether it is tomorrow or the next day, or next week. So you must always reflect upon the powerful moments of your existence so that it can filter into your future moments. As the trials and the tests that you come across, will bring this forth into your physical existence. It is so very powerful; it will help you to mold yourself and a new world for others. Be the power of Light that You Are in this present moment.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

Now our circles are blending. The outside circle merges with the next one, and the next and the next filtering through each of you and each of us. We become One; we are One in this moment. It is a consciousness; it is not a thought; it is a feeling. Let this feeling to totally be within your Heart before we separate.

My Dearest Ones, you truly are the Divine Expression of Light upon this Earth.

Remember this as you experience other elements that come your way. As long as you remember how to fully tap into this essence, you will never forget who you are.

We now separate our frequencies of light as we walk the pathway with each of you once again. Take a moment to feel the reflection of whom you are compared to when you first arrived. As we walk up the hill, towards the gate feel the beautiful essences and the gardens all around the area by connecting to each of you; feeling the beauty of the plants, the minerals, and the elements as they are all here along with all the animals and all of us.

Blessings My Dearest Ones, we are the 3 M’s, Lord Melchizedek, Lord Metatron, and the Mahatma, delightfully happy to assist you.

Namaste, So Mote It Be ~ We are One.

It is I, Lord Adama once again. Thank you for this beautiful blessing of light.

Let us now continue our journey as we walk through the entranceway exiting the city. We step into the vortex of the White Violet Light, feeling many colors and colors as we are spinning in multi directions. It is guiding us and taking us from that 5th dimensional frequency moving down into the Planetary Level more fully. Each of us separates as we move toward our physical location. Feel yourself coming back down into the existence of all that you are, breathing deeply, breathing deeply, center yourself within your body. Feeling the Light Violet within you; feeling the blessing you have received from your I AM Presence, from the totality that you truly are.

It is our deepest pleasure of the Spiritual Hierarchy within the Unified Whole energies and my exquisite desire to always walk with you so we can become closer in physicality. Thank you; in deep gratitude and love,

I Am Lord Adama with the Telosian Council of Light

We Are At Your Service.

January 13, 2016 ~ New Earth Consciousness~Circle of Light Class

The New Earth Consciousness-Circle of Light class meets each Wednesday.  Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos is the host with a beginning lecture on the current energies.  Walking Terra Christa is glad to provide these classes in our Partner/Membership Program or purchasing the MP3 files individually.  Details are provided in the “Teachings of the Golden Etheric Cities” 

© 2016 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:


Understanding the Law of Divine Oneness ~ Lord Adama Discourse

Universal Law Divine Oneness

“The Law of Divine Oneness helps us to understand that we live in a world where everything is connected to everything else. Everything we do, say, think, and believe affects others and the universe around us.”

Greetings My Dearest Ones,

It is I, Lord Adama, with the Telosian Council of Light. It is wonderful to be returning once again to our visitation and to our work within Ascension Mastery.

We have chosen to work with each of the Universal Laws within the Walking Terra Christa program. I want to talk a bout a little about Divine Oneness and what that represents for each of you within your consciousness and physical existence.

As the Universal Laws are becoming very much a part of the laws of the earth in a more direct manner than they ever have before, it is important for each of you as initiates and students of mastery to really understand what that may mean for you on a personal basis.

Remember we have spoken about how ascension is representing De-Ascension of de-ascending your highest aspects into your physical body and to create a life for yourself that is part of those elements of mastery within the Universal Laws. This year so represents the earth starting that doorway of coming into Oneness. Many individuals that are awakened think they are in Oneness. Some may think that the New Earth has arrived but in truth, when you exist as we do in the Inner Earth then you could say that the New Earth has arrived. But until that time, we have to say that the journey to the New Earth is occurring and is exactly what you are experiencing within the planet, on the planet, and being part of this consciousness. So as we go through this process I want each of you to really reflect within yourself what Oneness means to you.

I give you some examples that may help you to correlate the words with your personal experiences.

Spiritual Mirrors

We all have spiritual mirrors with other individuals and events that happen to us. When those mirrors appear to us, how do you react to them, and what happens to you?

Do you stay in your third dimensional construct and not really fully intuit from your Higher Mind exactly what occurs at that time; and what emotions do you have when those mirrors appear to you?

Do you run away from them?

Do you have fear? Or do you face them head-on and how do you do so?  

Do you utilize your skills of assertiveness from your Heart, speaking from your inner truth as all we have been teaching for quite some time and all that you learned last year through all of the journeys through each of the rays?

The other element is what do those mirrors represent for you? What lower energies appear in your life? Because this causes separation and this is not true Oneness.

I will tell you that the majority of humanity is not in Oneness, but you have not been trained to do so. That is why I love to work with you ~ to help you through this process so you can have an understanding. The most important element within Divine Oneness is to understand that everything that you think goes out to the Universe.

Think – that is a huge order to comprehend and to bring forth into yourself. Because every thought you have about everything you are experiencing, every person that is in your life, goes out into the Universe and it reverberates back to you later. It is all electronic-magnetic waves filtering through the Universe and returning back to you. Then, what you say and what you do is part of that process. You are probably better with doing things that you want to do in your highest creative process. All these things represent Oneness. The list can go on and on of the lower frequencies that can cause Oneness not to happen. The more often that each of you as initiates bring forth these abilities through Universal Consciousness, it is going to assist in creating the New Earth. This is why the Universal Laws are very important for 2016. Let’s talk little bit about Ascension Mastery.

Each of you has chosen to be here. You have chosen to walk this pathway, to receive assistance and guidance, but the most important element with that choice is what do you do with it.

Do you allow it to be part of your life or is it just part of your spiritual self? Do you experience these moments just to relax and feel better about yourself for a short amount of time?

Or do you apply them in your physical life. This is very important.

This is truly what mastery represents of taking what you have learned from your Spiritual Self and applying it to the Physical Self. The physical existence changes to move into the spiritual existence. But through that process, the transition, can be very disheartening, it can be difficult and challenging. It is very important that when you go through those processes, what are your thoughts. What are you thinking about what you are experiencing?

Those thoughts go out into the Universe and then they return. If those thoughts have anything to do with anyone else or any situation, people that are assisting you, they come back – not only to you, but those other people.

The reason I want to share this is that it is an important element for everyone to consider. In order to live in a 5th dimensional frequency of light, these laws have to be adhered to in every element of your life. This is just our beginning stage to fully understand them. You are not going to be able to change what you are doing and the processes that you going through immediately, but what I give to you are reminders.

Let’s also think about what you receive when individuals are talking about you, thinking of you, most of you probably feel that. The more intuitive that you are and the higher you become on the ascension pathway. the more often it will happen. It is very important as an initiate, when these elements happen not to become agitated or upset, but to raise your vibration.

Oneness represents the 144th dimension, does it not?

That is what we are working with. So raising your vibration of going to a higher level and into that consciousness that is comfortable to you out of that third dimensional construct or fourth dimension is essential to this process.

Just to clarify about the third dimension is that I speak in the 3rd but truly want to move out of that thought process as it truly is the 4th dimension now. Fully the earth is in the 4th dimension of the light and dark; fighting with one another, trying to blend with one another, but at times you will feel the Light and then the Dark. So the merging of those two elements is very important at this stage of evolution.

Part of this process is taking responsibility that starts within your-self. I am not talking about responsibility of a job you have to do but your own inner responsibility and what you do for yourself spiritually and physically.

What is it that you can assist yourself with to move into the Oneness?

This is a huge statement. It is a consciousness that is hard to grasp within the human construct., because it is so large and evolving, it brings forth those elements of sometimes lack of understanding from the Lower Mind. Your Higher Mind understands it all. So I ask each of you to tune into that frequency within your breath of the energies that Meleriessee has brought forth to assist that frequency of light.

Let us think about the Light Violet Light. It is a mixture of hues of light violet with the white light. It is a pure form of energy. Within that purest form you start to exist within the Oneness; within that ability to understanding movement of light, movement of dark.

Becoming Light; Merging Together.

It is raised above any planetary existence; it is a pure consciousness that comes fully into your own consciousness. You may not be able to grasp it within your mental self at this point which is okay, but bring forth the understanding that all these elements must come into place into order to receive the joy, unconditional love, acceptance, and many other characteristics, you need to allow yourself to be conscious of what you are experiencing in each moment. This is so very important to take responsibility for yourself. We talk about how we need to nurture the inner self and this is all a part of it. It is about your nurturing, your responsibility, your communication, how you feel, how you think, and allowing yourself to fully combining those energies into the completed stage that is necessary.

Sometimes you may have movements when you are not within that flowing essence. This is due to the programming within the human self to not have your spiritual self. That is why you are in a program to walk mastery. You are allowing yourself to understand from your highest sense into your lowest sense. Some may not like the word “lowest”, but the physical body is the lower form of energy. I think we would all agree on that, because that physical self is in the third dimensional essence. We want to move that third dimensional essence to the fifth dimensional essence. It is important that when you are in conflicting times, to be very careful what you are going through and what you are experiencing.

As we move through these energies this year, it is going to become more imperative to be strong about what we are experiencing, what we are seeing, what we are doing, and what we are thinking. And to come from the Heart Center Basis, is our first step of allowing these energies to come more fully into the physical self, to become more concrete. If we think about Oneness, many talk about Oneness on the ascension or awakened pathway, but truly what does that mean – that we are all the same. But if someone is in a conflicted state, if you read something about someone, you may have sympathy or feel empathetic towards them. But there is a part of you that feels that they are less than you, there is a part of you feels that there may be other aspects that you have never experienced? That is being empathetic but you don’t want to take on their roles. You don’t want to put yourself in a space in which there is a lack of understanding.

All you have to do is give them God’s love. Utilize the Flames of God and then come back into your own space. That is pure Oneness. Every soul is not going to understand every other soul in the Universe. That is why you are a part of a Monad; that is why you are part of an I AM Presence. This is because those souls are so much a part of you. When we step out of that framework and connect with other soul personalities that are not aligned with what we have experienced, that is when the true growth occurs. Because lack of understanding. can bring aggression, lack of compassion and it is important that each of you understands the dynamics of Divine Oneness. It is massive and it is huge.

I cannot even share the words, as it would take hours and hours upon end about what it means for an individual. This is because each of your experiences is going to be different, and are different. Each of your thought processes are different depending upon who you are as a soul, the many lifetimes you have experienced, what you are experiencing now, what you likes and dislikes are about. But if we as a consciousness, can put ourselves put ourselves into the global consciousness, it allows us to move out of the construct of the Lower Mind into the Higher Mind into that stated movement of understanding.

This is where true compassion exists; this is where true understanding is acquired. The earth is going to have to go through this understanding in order to sustain itself on a higher dimensional level.

So what we want for each of you through this process is to bring forth these energies. The best way that we know how to do this by picking a city that represents a frequency. Then what we are going to do in the other weeks, is work on the elements that are part of that sustainable energy, like your Higher Mind, Illumination, and working within those essences with these beautiful beings of light to assist in this process. So the journeys that we are going to be taking to the city; some may be on the 1st chakra grid of the 3rd dimensional level within the Cosmic energies representing the rays 1 through 7. But the teachings are going to be different because we will center upon the Universal Law that is represented within that city.

We also want to offer a broad spectrum of what it means to visit these cities. It does not mean that we utilize the specific energies of the ray and what that ray means, or the specific energies of the Beings and what their soul history is about. So now we take the global consciousness of the Universal Laws and put them into full force action within your own consciousness so that you can start to understand within your world what occurs with the situations within your life and to really start to attain mastery within your physical existence. That is my role with each of you this year. I really want to assist you to understand what needs to be changed and how to do so. But as you know, diligence is needed. That is the other part of the earth’s energies this year.

As Michael as said, “Roll of your sleeves for mastery.” What does that mean, roll up your sleeves? Well, you roll up your sleeves when you are going to get down dirty when you do some yard work, or dig ditching, or hard labor. You roll up your sleeves when you have to work harder and your body is being put into extreme circumstances.

In this case, it is your consciousness; it is your higher consciousness working with your Physical Consciousness; your physical self has to roll up the sleeves and say, “Okay, I am ready. I am ready to go deeper within myself. I am going to let go of the constraints that I have in my consciousness; I am going to work within my soul psychology so that all the aspects that I have within me are the positive ones. The lower aspects can be fully removed. My Etheric Body is going to go through a cleansing process and it is going to occur step-by-step as I know it cannot be done all at once. It is too much overload. Even though I want it to be over-with and healed. I want to be on the other side, and I want to be in the 7th initiation and move into Cosmic Ascension. I want to move out of the planetary ascension.”

These are all important aspects for you to concentrate on as you are going through your darkest movements. It is when you are darkest, that you are separate from everything else. There is no Oneness; so please know that this process is to help you to go into that deeper state. The only person that you can blame is yourself. There is no one else. You may want to blame others, you may want to blame a friend, a colleague, a teacher, or a mentor, because they have pushed you so far.

But believe me, each of you has your own reality. This is what I want you to realize. This is also what you have to think about in these moments. How far do you want to go? How deep do you want to go.

Say these words to yourself; “I call upon my Higher Self, bring in the Sea Foam Green, I feel my Higher Self into my Heart Center.” Feel it within your Higher Essence not the Lower Self as it will tell you what it has been telling you for many lifetimes.

This is a new experience for every one of you. You have never been able to integrate your Higher Self into your Physical Being. Never !

This is exciting, this is amazing, but the journey can be very challenging. It can be difficult and debilitating, but your Higher Self does not want you to fail. No, no. He or she is with you to assist you and all the work you are receiving. So each month you have to look at yourself and tell yourself, this is what I want. Yes, this is what I want and affirm from your Higher Essence that this is the journey you want to be on.

All you have to do is think about before you were awakened. How did you feel? What were you like? What was your life like?

Yes, your life is different when you are on this pathway. You start to see things differently; you start to feel differently, but that is one step closer into Divine Oneness. You are working within that Universal Law. Do not allow your Lower Self, your Physical Self to stop you from this process. Every time you have a moment where you are not sure of what you are going through, look at why that is happening. What is appearing for you? It is a releasement that is coming out of you. So allow yourself to step into that. Embrace it, and don’t complain about. Those complaints go out into the universe and they will come back to you, to haunt you and try to stop you.

This is so imperative to understand as so many people do not. It is important to have your own time of silence; it is important to have your own time when you are the only important element when your Spiritual Self is the part of you, the aspect of you that is going to assist you. Without those times and moments you will not be able to move forward.

This energy of this year is massive. If you thought 2015 was intense, this will be more so. Many elements are going to change – the earth is going to change. There is going to be tragedies, weather patterns that cause disruption in geographic areas. You must be diligent with your own purity of light within what we give you within the Unified Whole, within all these massive Beings of light to assist in that process. These are going to be the most important elements for you to consider through each step of the way.

Embrace the time; embrace them when you are joyful, when you are elated, when you have successes and expand them outside of you. Breathe them and allow them to expand as that is going into the Oneness. That is allowing every other soul upon this planet and beyond of this multi dimension to feel that. It will return to you.


It is the first step of very challenging journey but what we are going to be giving you in this program for this year are teachings from Master Thoth about the laws, teachings of different Beings that will be associated with the issues that come up, teachings of guided meditations and visualizations that help you get through this process. I am very excited because we are going into another deeper level, but I believe you will rise to the occasion as you always do. Show the purity of your Light, show the depth of Love that you are by allowing it to expand out you. It is all there, my Dearest One, it is all there ready for you to embrace.

My deepest love,

I Am Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos

With the Telosian Council of Light At Your Service

Lord Adama is the host of our weekly New Earth Consciousness – Circle of Light teaching in which we travel to the Golden Etheric Cities.  If you have an interest in connecting with Lord Adama, he gives a discourse each week.  Please check our our Partner/Membership Program in which you can be part of the LIVE calls or receive the recordings at an affordable price.

© 2016 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:

Becoming One in the Golden City of Shamballa – Decree


The Golden Earth City of Shamballa is within the 5th Dimensional Earth which we call Terra Christa.  It represents the 16th Ray “Magnetism Created to Reflect the One Universal Being.”

The special city of light, “Shamballa” is located over Maccu Picchu along with an Inner Earth City below Machu Picchu. Machu Picchu is situated above a loop of the Urubamba River, which surrounds the site on three sides, with cliffs dropping vertically for 450 metres (1,480 ft) to the river at their base. The area is subject to morning mists rising from the river. (

The City of Shamballa has always been the place where all the Masters gather for ceremony, meetings, and very powerful moments in the history of civilization. This city is in the Aghartha Network being part of the Inner Earth Cities.

The Golden City that we are referring to  is above Maccu Picchu within the 5th Dimension-Etheric Earth. Eventually the Inner Earth, Upper Earth, and Etheric Earth will become one City of Unification.

The city is represented by the 16th Ray of Reflection of the One Universal Being of the I AM which is overlighted by: the 3M’s as Lord Melchizedek, Lord Metatron & the Mahatma as One Universal Being

Color: Light Violet White

Chakra:   Crown – initiates the 5th dimensional chakra grid


  • Ability to hold more Light,
  • Connection to your I AM Presence,
  • Higher Energies,
  • Initiation,
  • Sacred Geometry,
  • Sound & Color Healing,
  • Spiritual Connection,
  • Transcending Limitations.
 3M’s is a shortened name for Lord Melchizedek, Lord Metatron & the Mahatma

They represent a totality of frequencies from all levels of the God Force.   Lord Melchizedek is the overlighting energies of all lightworkers within the Priesthood of Light. He is the direct communication by which each of us works through our initiations of Light. Lord Metatron is the overlighting force of all the angelic beings which brings each of us into your Angelic Presence of the previous timelines.   He imparts great knowledge and shows Initiates how to raise their Light Quotient into the 100% ratio. The Mahatma represents all of the 352 levels of initiation of the God Force encompassing all 49 dimensions of reality. These groups of Beings sit within the essence of Divine Mother and Father God of the 49th dimensional of reality.

Walking Terra Christa initiated their new program for 2016 representing the Universal and Spiritual Laws by focusing on the 1st Law of Divine Oneness.

We journeyed to the Golden City of Shamballa for our first teaching of Divine Oneness.  The following is a decree that represents this visit.  When reading it, try to envision yourself within the city by utilizing your breath and connecting to the energies.


I journey to the Golden Earth Etheric Cities,

On this day, my intention is to travel to the Golden City of Shamballa,

Which resides in the Etheric Earth,

Over Macchu Picchu.

It represents the 16th Ray of the One Universal Being,

Within the color of Light Violet Light.

As I visit this magnificent city,

I feel its amazing qualities of being in pure Oneness;

I look around me and see a multitude of many colors,

In its most purest form.

As I enter the city,

I walk through a beautiful gateway

That takes me into magnificent gardens,

Of the most beautiful flowers I have ever seen.

I start to feel the purity of the light,

It merges within me and settles within my Crown Area;

The surging of the light is so strong,

That I take a moment to sit.

I realize there is a beautiful pond in front of me,

With crystals emanating from the bottom of the pool,

There is a small fountain in the middle of the crystal formation,

As it emits the lightest Violet Light I have ever seen.

I am then met by Lord Melchizedek, Lord Metatron, and the Mahatma;

They come to me in one consciousness,

It is like a mist of beautiful Violet light,

Flowing all around me.

My crown chakra is filled,

With the qualities of these colors,

I feel all I have been thinking,

To be transcended through these essences.

I breathe deeper,

I feel my Spiritual Self,

Blending within me,

In the far distance I hear a beautiful voice,

The sound seems so familiar;

I sit and reflect,

As my tears are of joy, not of sadness,

As I know my role is now changing within me.

Many colors are emitting from their consciousness,

The 3M’s are fully aligning their essence with mine.

I feel the peace, I feel joy,

I feel Unconditional Love;,

I feel their kinship of light,

Being shared with me,

As I become One Universal Being;

With Lord Melchizedek,

Lord Metatron,

And The Mahatma

Being emanated to me in this moment.

I AM that I AM that I AM

Walking Terra Christa holds a weekly class on the Golden Earth Etheric Cities in which we journey to one of the cities with Lord Adama as our guide.  To become part of this amazing program, please check out how you can join LIVE or receive the recordings of the class through our Partner/Membership Program.

© 2016 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:

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