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The Reflection in Your Mirror ~ Lord Adama Discourses


Greetings My Dearest Ones,

Aluna, Aluna, Aluna.

As my heart connects to each of you on this miraculous evening after the Wesak Energies, they are still ongoing. Know that you may be processing elements in which you have been dealing with because of the doorway you went through. These elements very well could be higher acceleration energies coming into your physical body.

How does this feel for each of you?

How do you feel within your personal existence?

How do you feel about what you have brought into yourself, the acceleration in which you are receiving, and the changes you are going through.

These are all elements to consider at this most important time.

Throughout this month the acceleration can go into a deeper space for some of you. As the energetic exchange, which occurred within the planet, is now going to create a reverberation of energies. It is important for each of you to understand of what you are experiencing within your own system.

Understanding who are you from moment to moment, what are you experiencing and to allow yourself to go into the depth of those energies is imperative at this time. It is important to continually turn the energies within your own Heart Essence that is directed from your Higher Self to assist in the process of knowing what is yours and what isn’t yours.

As many changes could be occurring at this time, globally. It is important to really hold your foundation. Your foundation is changing through each accelerated moment you are going to be experiencing accessing a new part of yourself than you did previously. What happens through this journey is you can go through many different elements of thought processes, or emotions; you can be accelerated in regards to what you are feeling. You could be affected physically in the acceleration which will also bring up other elements that you have been dealing with that need to be purged and removed. These are all important things to consider.

There are many variables that are occurring for each of you though the process of being an initiate on this pathway which brings forth the ability to understand yourself. It does not matter what anyone else is going through. Each of you are going to experience it n a completely different way. It is important for you to hold true to who you are, and to bring forth the divine essences in which you are asking to compliment your physical body to assist you through these changes.

We have been talking about the Law of Correspondence, and I think I have said before that it is the perfect timing to understand this Universal Law on a personal basis with experiencing Wesak, because. Whatever it is you are going through personally, it is the mirror that you are sending back out to your I Am Presence, then coming back to you again.

You have to think about it in this manner. If you   are going through challenges, and seem to have a lack of understanding, or being upset about certain elements occurring in your life, that energy is going to going outside of yourself ; it then comes back to you.

It is imperative that when these changes occur that you take time in that moment to reflect upon who you are – who are you being.

Do you want to experience this energy at this moment?

Do you want to allow that energy to go outside of your physical self?

If you were an outside person would you want to receive the energy that you are sending out? 

That is the mirror, understanding what the mirror represents is very important.

Right now each of you are going through a period of readjustment. After Wesak occurs, there is always this movement of euphoria of how beautiful the meditation was. What does the meditation do for you? What does this event do for you as a soul, as an initiate in a body, bring forth these energies into your own personal experience. The inner will change the outer; you can’t push this frequency, you must allow it to grow within you.

How do we best get through this process and not allow the physical mind to take us over?

For instance, as you are experiencing the 3rd dimensional process of the duality that is going on within the outside world, you must stop and breath and be within yourself. If you are feeling moments of agitation or frustration or emotions that do not fit a higher level, then it must be addressed. That means the energy is taking you into a deeper part of yourself. That is the lesson that you are going through. Each moment that you reflect into yourself and what you are experiencing, you need to be your own best teacher, your own best coach.

By saying to yourself, “Is this something that I am dealing with or is it outside of me? Have I been affected by some lower energies; where have I been; what have I been doing?

If you find out you have not been communicating with others or been anywhere outside of your own space, then that energy is yours. So you must go deeper into that energy. You take what you have learned from the experience of Wesak and this powerful moon that is occurring, and allow it to go deeper within yourself. Open it up. Allow the energies to be removed; to be dissolved so that you can find the joy you are desiring to be. This allows you to be the mirror of your I Am Presence and not the mirror of your lower physical self.

Did I say this was easy? No, of course not especially dealing in your world.

So you have to find those moments throughout your day or your week to really center yourself and be in a place where you can find the joy, feel the energy that you are coming into so that you can really see what it feels like to have that joy, and what it feels like when you don’t have it. The realization should be that is where you want to be. It is a step-by-step process and sometimes it seems like it is a very small, tiny step, but that is how you must address what you are going through. Otherwise, you will miss something that is important.

Since this moon was so much about a doorway so this means that the opening gateway has arrived for you to walk through this doorway, but with that journey comes the elements that need to be looked at so that a deeper healing can be acquired. You cannot walk through the doorway without removing the elements that have stopped you from moving forward previously.

That is the beauty of it.   When you find that you not stabilized for a very long period and then something happens, that is growth. That is the potential that is occurring within your physical self to make the necessary changes and to go through another doorway. But you must do it with ease and grace.

This week allow the energies of the 9th Ray of the Blue-Green to help you feel the Joy and Attraction that it represents even if you don’t feel like you want to be there, because things are purging out of you. That is when you must get deeper into this ray. As Lady Nada represents the ability to dissolve the energies and then embrace the Joy; Mother Mary represents the Hope, bringing forth that essence “yes, it can be done.”

What happens when you are in a very emotional state, possibly you are crying, and you cannot get through a breath because the intensity of the energy is overwhelming? What occurs when someone embraces you? They don’t have to say anything, but when they put their arms around you to support you in what you are going through, sometimes the energy becomes stronger. Did you ever experience yourself or someone else going through an emotional time and they say, “I can’t talk about this right now or else I will start crying.” That is because that person is receiving nurturing and support and it intensifies the clearing that needs to be acquired.

Utilizing the 9th Ray of Joy and Attraction will assist in feeling the beauty and support that is needed. Yes, it can intensify the releasement of the energies but it will also help you to move through the challenge to hold that Joy and Hope within your heart.

My heart is open to each of you within the process that you are going through, because it is immense and challenging. The challenges are going to continue but we are all here for you and for each other as we are all accelerating in this moment and this period of time.

I give you all my blessings.

I Am Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos

Walking Terra Christa is holding a two-day workshop to prepare for the energies of WORLD INVOCATION DAY which takes place during the full moon of Gemini, May 21st, 2013. WORLD INVOCATION WORKSHOP will take place on Friday, May 20th and Saturday, May 21st. We will be holding a ceremony for World Invocation Day on Sunday, May 22nd which is an Open Tele-Conference available to the public (details shown on the workshop page).

© 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and THIS  IMPORTANT BUTTON LINK: WE NEED YOU! PLEASE VISIT IAMTHE144.ORG IF YOU LOVE THE EARTH AND WANT TO HELP RAISE THE PLANET’S VIBRATION!

The Golden City of Itarliaan ~ Decree


The Golden City of Itarliaan resides in the 5th dimensional etheric earth over New Zealand. It represents the essence of HOPE AND DIVINE LOVE and is reflected within the 9th Ray of Blue-Green with Lady Nada and Lady Mother Mary.

The aspects of the ninth ray bring forth the qualities of Expressing Joy to Attract the Body of Light. This ray brings represents the 9th Chakra within the Root area activating the 4th Dimensional Chakra Grid to be activated.

  • Allowing the old self to be resurrected;
  • Accepting Joy as a way of existing;
  • Creation within the Self;
  • Accepting the process of transformation while moving from Hope into Actualization;
  • Acceptance of Love and Light as the only guidepost.

These aspects open the doorways to acknowledge the Light as it is acceptance within the physical vehicle.

Walking through the Doorway of my New Reality

There is a very special Golden City in New Zealand,

I am anxious to experience it firsthand;

As I have been walking through the areas of transition,

Of personally embracing the Universal Law of Correspondence.

I want to acknowledge my Higher Essence,

To be grounded within me,

So that my deepest feelings and thoughts,

Can be transformed into the higher existence that I desire to be.

I walk along a beautiful beach,

I am met by Lady Nada with Lady Mother Mary,

They embrace me,

And we continue our walk together.

I feel their essences permeating within me;

First with Lady Nada,

As she brings forth the power to make the necessary changes,

I feel the old elements I have been dealing with,

Start to dissipate from my physical mind,

I start to allow Hope to be within me,

For my continued life within this vehicle I have chosen.

Lady Mother Mary is so beautiful,

As she brings to me the Joy I have been desiring to be;

Both of them are showing me the doorway of my new reality.

There is a beautiful rainbow ahead,

We walk through it,

I feel the changes within me,

As what I have been,

Is no longer with me,

I embrace the many spectrums of light,

That the rainbow gives to me.

As I walk into the rainbow light,

I move into a new portal of light,

I feel the essences of the colors within me,

I see Lady Mother Mary reaching her arms out to me.

As I feel her embrace,

I am able to fully allow the Joy that she shares,

To be within me.

We walk together,

From the Portal of the Rainbow Lights,

Unto the beach once again.

I look out unto the sea,

Feeling the Goddess herself beckoning me,

To be more than I was before.

I stand with Lady Nada,

Along with Lady Mother Mary,

As they have helped me to bring forth

The Divine Love that is me.

I suddenly feel inspired,

Excited, and Joyful,

As I have truly walked through the

Doorway of my New Reality.

I AM that I AM that I AM

The New Earth Consciousness-Circle of Light is a weekly class in which we journey to one of the 22 Etheric Cities.  Included is a teaching from Lord Adama and a special Ascended Being that represents the city. Walking Terra Christa provides many options to participate in their weekly teachings with an affordable rate for all individuals.  You can become a Student by participating in the LIVE teachings and be part of our mentoring program OR participate in our Partner/Membership Program while experiencing the teachings on your own time via the recordings.

© 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and THIS  IMPORTANT BUTTON LINK: WE NEED YOU! PLEASE VISIT IAMTHE144.ORG IF YOU LOVE THE EARTH AND WANT TO HELP RAISE THE PLANET’S VIBRATION!

Allowing Love In ~ Elohim Heros and Amora

pink_800_499February 7th, 2015 we were graced with the energies of the Elohim Heros and Amora within our Abundance of Light ~ Creating Prosperity Together.

My Dearest Blessings,

It is I, Heros with Amora. Thank you for having us in this beautiful garden.

It is gorgeous today with the Pink Flame flowing everywhere and the flowers of Pink hues. Your own flowering occurs here, opening up your Heart Center of the Divine flower that you are, feeling the essence of Pink within your Heart. As it flows within the garden, breathe it in deeply. Breathe it into your essence. Allow it to flow into all parts of yourself that do not align with love.

Let it go into your Physical, Emotional, Mental and your Etheric Bodies. Bring forth the essence of your Masculine and Feminine coming together. Allow the Feminine, as this is her time, to expand her energy within you of your Emotional Body. Let us nurture that Emotional Body in these moments. As dearest Meleriessee has shared about each of our Steps through Precipitation, through creating our Divine Abundance, always living, breathing, thinking, and feeling.

You bring forth the Essence of Will. You have the Will to create the change within yourself and your world. Then you Illuminate it. You bring it perception by allowing your I AM Presence to bring forth that energy within your physical essence. Now we expand those energies of the essence of love and adoration.

Do you not deserve to have the best there is within your world?

Do you not deserve to feel love, to express love and to expand it around you to others?

These are all elements to consider. There is nothing as powerful as the ability to adore everything that you are experiencing. We have to take the parts of ourselves which are exhibiting just the opposite of love. Say that you are being judgmental because you are not bringing forth what you desire and love that feeling of judgment. It takes you into a deeper part of your essence that is not judgment. It teaches you to find acceptance.

Every time you are angry, you must take the love and embrace it within yourself. Hold it to that anger. It will dissipate it. That is the lesson. Within the lower vibrational feelings, we must embrace those gifts. They are there to teach us. Yet that is not whom we are. That is not whom you want to be. You want to give yourself the presence of adoration and loving every minute of it. You will learn the lessons through those lower frequencies, as they will teach you to not be in that space.

Loving each moment is how you will be able to achieve what you desire. You may not love it in the exact time that it is happening, but in the next moment you say,

“I bring forth the Pink Flame of Adoration and Love from Heros and Amora. I embrace it into what I am feeling.”

It begins to dissipate. It relaxes you, as it expands through all your bodies. That anger, that lower self imposed conflicting energy, cannot stay there. It is when there is no love that it becomes like a virus running through you.

Let us bring the essence of love, as this is truly how we do our creative process. In order to actualize your creation, you must embrace with the essence of the Pink Flame. It also brings forth great gratitude. Fully embody the Feminine Divine within you, the nurturing part of yourself, holding yourself deeply as if you were a child being held. Yet you are holding it within yourself. We expand onto you in these moments the essence of the Pink Flame, the essence of our extension of the depth of that flame.

Feel the powerful energies within this garden now floating around. You take your hands and you bring it forward into your heart. You bring it into your mind. You bring it into all of your essences, from your Soul Star to your Earth Star, you become the Pink Flame. You say onto yourself:

I am a creator of all that I desire. I desire only healthy outcomes within my emotions, my thoughts and within my physical existence. I am the maker of my destiny through the Pink Flame of Adoration and Love, Gratitude. This is a reflection of who I am within my highest essence. I bring that essence onto myself now. I breathe it in deeply, as I feel the purity and the Light of Heros and Amora embracing me with their love. I feel it permeating within my heart.

The flower that is within me is now opening up its petals to receive, to receive, to receive.

I am a recipient of the divine love of Heros and Amora.

I now allow it to blend into all that I Am.

I allow it to come into my Physical Body, to go into the painful parts of myself that are existing. I allow it to be within my emotions and feelings. I allow it to be within my thoughts of my mental faculties.

This experience expands through me, as I am embracing it within. I allow it to go out.

My Etheric Body is being cleared of all times that I could not experience this Divine Love.

I bring this essence onto me. I now see within me what I would like to create.

In this moment, my desires will become manifest, because I have the Will to Do So.

I allow myself to be illuminated from my Higher Mind to create.

Now I embrace it with the Divinity of Love within the Pink Flame.

Breathe deeply like you have never before. Experience this creation within your consciousness, within your bodily structure, within your breath. Feel it onto your Earth Star, into your feet. Ground it within you, as you become the divinity of love you desire.

We see it as it is becoming so. We see the flowers opening up within yourself out of your Heart. You are the recipient of this beautiful, divine love. Allow the Pink to flow within you. Allow the essence of the emotions and the thoughts that are coming within you.

Beautiful, beautiful thoughts. You are the creator. Not of destruction. Not of pain. Not of struggles. But, of magical and beautiful experiences, flowing within your Light.

You are Divine Love.

It is our pleasure as Heros and Amora to fully come within you in these moments. We are truly one.

Many blessings to each of you, dearest ones. We walk with you.

The Abundance of Light ~ Creating Prosperity Together Circle takes place on the 1st, 2nd & 4th Saturday’s at 10 AM Pacific and is a free service. Please use the link to register for this amazing circle of light.

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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March 2nd, 2014 ~ Unity Number “3”

Unity Number 3In the Science of Numerology the number “3” represents the vibrations of communication and self-expression. 

It reflects enjoyment of your achievements and is considered a manifesting energy.  It represents the Trinity of Body-Mind-Spirit allowing for the entranceway of One’s Divinity to become manifest within their physical existence..  It is also a sign that you are being guided by the Ascended Masters.  Keywords are: adventure, inspiration and creativity, humor, optimism and joy, spontaneity, expansion, growth and abundance on the physical, emotional, mental, financial, and spiritual levels

Today’s number is derived from 32/5/7/12 = 3; 32 represents the Ascended Masters assisting with harmony, balance, and allowing the flow of life to be within you; 5 is the number of life changes and transformation of allowing the unexpected to happen; 7 is the higher essence of spiritual, enlightenment, and being guided into a higher way of living; 12 represents unity and allowing the old to be purged into the new with the flow of energies within your world.  As you can see, the “3” of this day is power packed with changes and moving forward into your next creative cycle with the energies of self expression while being guided by the higher structures of the Universe.

Today is the day to allow your energies to move into the next cycle of transformation through your communicative skills.  This can be in writing or verbally.  Take time to allow the flow of life to be within you as you experience the new essence of your divinity to be expressed in your physical world.  Transformation is the name of the game but sharing with others what it has meant to you is also very important.

Sometimes we do not realize that if we stop the flow of communicating and expressing who we are that the flow of life ceases to be expressed in the higher essence.  Your soul wants to express how you feel about elements in your life.  You are changing in the process; allow yourself to understand what the power of this number represents on this day in March.  If you want to be in oneness, all aspects must come into alignment.  There is no other way it can be done.

Take time today to see how you are transforming and allow the energies to help you express it through your physical body.  It is a day of re-awakening upon the planet.

In the Creation of Oneness,

We Are The Unified Whole Command of Many Beings of Light

Comprised of Master Thoth, Great Divine Director, Master Einstein

The Brotherhood of White Light with the Spiritual Hierarchy and Angelic Realm in Oneness

Note:The definitions of science of numerology with the keywords are excerpted from http://numerology- thenumber sand their  The remainder of this post is channeled material from the Unified Whole Command through Rev. Christine Meleriesse.

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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January 15th, 2014 ~ Unity Number “5”

Unity Number 5Today is January 15th, 2014 which represents the Unity Number of “5” in the Science of Numerology.


Five is a great number as it represents change and surprise from the previous number of “4”.  With “4” we planned, worked, and organized for the next moment.  Five is now the creation of “4” and all its hard work.  Keywords are:  adaptable, freedom-loving, romantic, resourceful, witty, fun-loving, curious, flexible, transformation, and accommodating.

This day is going to be full of surprises, some that you may already know and others that are locked away in your super-consciousness to be revealed unto the Divine Being you are becoming.  This month has been quite a ride into the reality of your acceptance on Earth.  The energies of January 15th represent the ability to be flexible while transforming the elements from the beginning of the cycle.

Again, we refer to the Portal of Light of 1-1-1 as it reflects your true essence to be fully grounded.  It is on this day that the true You is revealed through the subtleties of energies that have been arriving into your consciousness.  Allow them to be shown to the physical self to allow for the freedom that you are looking to create within your world.  This represents true transformation of the self.  When changes are surprises they allow the joyfulness of your angelic self to be revealed in various ways.

Take time on this day and allow the magic to enfold within you as You Are the Magic.  Remember what you experience and expand out of yourself, is experienced by another.  Let’s bring Magic to GAIA on this day.

The Unified Whole Command of Many Beings of Light

Comprised of Master Thoth, Great Divine Director, Master Einstein

The Brotherhood of White Light with the Spiritual Hierarchy and Angelic Realm in Oneness

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Lady Lakshmi ~ Goddess of Wealth and Prosperity

Lady LakshmiLady Lakshmi is considered the Goddess of Wealth and Prosperity.  She represents good luck and this comes from both the material and the spiritual. She is considered the household goddess of many of the Hindu families and a favorite of women; she is worshiped daily but her favorite month is October.

She has a golden complexion and she has four hands sitting or standing on a full blue lotus holding a lotus bud.  This stands for beauty, purity, and fertility. Her hands represent the four ends of human life as righteousness, desires, wealth and liberation form the cycle of life and death. Red symbolizes the grounding of the Earth and in order to have wealth you must be grounded in the body; the higher frequency that you work with will come in many colors so let us use the Gold representing God’s Light and allow the frequencies of many colors to flow within the altar.  We will use the Red at the end so that the manifestation can be fully realized.

Lakshmi is also considered a Mother Goddess when it comes to providing wealth in its 16 forms:

  • Knowledge,
  • Intelligence,
  • Strength,
  • Valor,
  • Beauty,
  • Victory,
  • Fame,
  • Ambition,
  • Morality,
  • Gold and Other Wealth,
  • Food and Grains,
  • Bliss,
  • Happiness,
  • Health And Longevity, and
  • Virtuous Off-Springs.


Lakshmi is depicted as a beautiful woman of golden complexion, with four hands, sitting or standing on a full-bloomed lotus and holding a lotus bud, which stands for beauty, purity and fertility. Her four hands represent the four ends of human life:

 Dharma or righteousness,

“Kama” or desires,

“Artha” or wealth, and

 “Moksha” or liberation from the cycle of birth and death.

Cascades of gold coins are seen flowing from her hands, suggesting that those who worship her gain wealth. She always wears gold embroidered red clothes. Red symbolizes activity and the golden lining indicates prosperity. (

So let us take a deep breath; we are going to bring in her energies.  She is usually very light hearted, She likes us to lighten up the energies so it is a perfect time to take what you may be going through in your physical world and the challenges you are experiencing in your ascension process to put it into her Light and allow it to be blessed.


Blessings and Joy! It is my pleasure to be with each of you for this miraculous circle of Light.

The blessings that each of you are realizing within your consciousness, within your physical thoughts, within your emotions let us allow them to become created into your world and to assist you in the movement and the change that is necessary. As you look at the flame, I want you to realize the Lotus heart within the flame also because the lotus heart represents the ability to fully be in balance with the Heart of God within you.

What are your desires in this moment to create the wealth that you would like to have? The wealth may be coming from many forms; it may be coming in forms of acceptance, strength, ambition, physical wealth, providing yourself and your family with your needs, having great happiness, and most of all longevity of your lives.

I call upon the Divine Mother God as she representative of my frequency to come into each of you in this moment.  Let us feel the fluidness and the movement of being in this space and time of accepting our divinity, accepting what we have been given in our existence and how to assimilate it and allow it to fit and mold and be the extension of our I AM Presence within the physical body within our higher self to allow that to be manifest.

I ask you now to breathe in to your Hearts and feel the Lotus Hearts within you expanding.  There is a deep flower within you and with each breath, we open up the flower essence.  Inside the flower essence is the core of our existence with the breath and the feeling that we are.

It is a beautiful essence to fully allow the total completion of the essence of God to be fully within the manifestation that you are.

So we take the elements that do not hold this realization and utilize the essence of the wind and the movement you want; take your fingertips and your hands and wave them side to side in front of your Heart center.  Ot will remove all those elements that don’t fit the divine essence of prosperity and wealth within your physical existence. Because you see, it must start from your Higher Essence and allow it to filter into you.  As we look at the Lotus Heart it represents the Spirit that you are, the Soul that you are  ~ that is what you have brought with you. We breathe in to this and feel it expanding outward and say these words to yourself:

I am a Divine Being of Light.

I call upon my Lotus Heart to be fully open so that the full effects of what I am creating comes from my Highest Presence, from the Divine Mother that has borne me into this moment of existence.

See the colors of your flower essence; see the petals opening up wider and wider because if there is constriction you cannot receive what you desire. So you must flow, you must flow with the energies, flow with the energies and allow your hands to move around in front of you, spin the Light around you, spin the Light because this is what is necessary.  My hands represent all the desires, the wealth, the liberation, and the divine righteousness that you deserve within the physical existence.  If you were to stand in front of the Divine Mother in this moment, she will see you as she has created you ~ allow yourself now to feel this within your body.


What is your desire in this moment?  Is it your heath, is it your wealth, is it your well being, is it the feelings inside of you to have balance?  Whatever it is, bring it up to the surface into your Lotus Heart at this moment and what does not fit within this essence, now remove it ~ swish your hands in front and allow the energies of the Golden flame, the Golden flame of God’s Light as Divine Mother gives you this blessing through my essence. I, as Lady Lakshmi, bring forth the Goddess of Wealth and Prosperity.  I am the mirror for each of you to receive more essence within your world.


I Am a Divine child of the Divine Mother God through Lady Lakshmi of the Goddess of Wealth and Prosperity; she stands in front of me and she is my mirror and the beauty that I see is now reflected within me.

Allow it to go into my Lotus Heart as it now flourishes with many colors of all the expansiveness that I see, All That I Am is now revealed within me.

I see my desire in this moment.  I put it into a thought, a feeling, or a physical experience.  My vision is now revealed ~  I hold it in my hands and I take that into the Lotus Heart so it blends within as One Essence so it is not outside of me.  It is not from my physical self it; is from my Higher Self that it comes now within the existence of my Being.

I Am All that I a desire to be.  I bring the colors of the flame of the Golden hues of the Lavenders, the Blues, the Pinks, the Yellows, and the Greens which are all high luminosity.  The frequency is so high that they don’t look like colors but they flow within me.  I then feel the deepness of the Red coming from my root going down in to my feet.  I expand it to my physical body as it blends with my spiritual body as I see the manifestation occurring in this moment.

I am a Divine Being of Light and I am the creator of my world.

I allow all of these elements of Lady Lakshmi to fully come within me.

I am the longevity of my life.

I am now in the anti aging process as I am an internal flame of love and existence within my physical creation.

I have wealth; it comes to me in synchronistic moments from this point forward.

I have love.

I am abundant in all areas of my emotions and my thoughts as all of it comes into balance fully within my heart.

The door is open for me now to receive all that I desire and to be on a pathway that assists others. Whatever I am ~ a teacher, a mother, a friend, a healer.  I am all of these and we come together in this moment of creation.

Feel the Gold essence spinning within you, feel the Red being activated as it represents the energies to hold that higher frequency within your body.  Allow that to be the grounding force within your Earth Star as your Soul Star holds these higher frequencies.  They now blend together within your Lotus Heart.  Feel them being expressed through you and all aspects in your physical body, the healing that you need in your emotional body, the balance that you need in your mental, and the relaxation of the thoughts as you become one internal being of Light totally activated within your world.

I Am Lady Lakshmi.

I ask of you to remember these elements because it will assist you in the coming months as the changes that you will be going through are necessary in order for you to mold the higher essence of your Being into your physical creation.  It is my divine pleasure to be here with you

I Am Lady Lakshmi, Goddess of Wealth and Prosperity.

Abundance of Light~Creating Prosperity Together, is a  Free Weekly Tele-call to join with others for abundance and light,

©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.  Permission only granted to share this material as long as the copyright information is included on the post.

What Will 2013 Hold For Us?

2012 was called the end of the cycle.  What will the new cycle hold for us? It will be very different – but only if you are seeking it to be so.  For those who do not seek it…it will still be different but not in the way they expect.


Manual Override is the watchword for 2013

“If you knew the places you will go and the things you will see” to paraphrase Theodor Geisel who wrote under the name “Dr. Suess” to generations of children who could all have become Lightworkers had they remained tuned into his messages, 2013 would by any accounts be the year for which you would want to reserve that phrase.

The thing is though, you won’t automatically get to participate in the events and energies that can be accessed until you fully understand that they can be accessed. It is kind of a chicken or egg scenario…which comes first?

Oh yes, I know everyone is talking about the grand waves of light that are now birthed upon our planet. I am well aware of the frequency shift and the changing of the old into the new. For as certain as you are reading these words such events are true. 12-21-2012 was indeed a real occurrence…your world did change.

Personally my life, as I have indicated in my prior writings, is very different that it was only a year ago, let alone two years ago. Metaphorically speaking I have traveled a great distance in a very short amount of time. And I can assure you, what can occur for you is going to be nothing less than miraculous.

And allow me to just as confidently assure you…if you do not step up to the plate as confidently as you are able…you will miss out on some wonderful potentialities that will indeed pass you by.

Why? Because it is not enough to just “BE” who you were if you want to fully embrace who you can now be. In fact, it is essential that you take a very active role in recreating yourself.

The good news is that your role in that recreation is really just to surrender to letting go of the aspects of your very own personality that no longer fit the resonance of those new frequencies of Light that are now flooding down upon you.  You do not have to do the “filling up” of that Light, you only have to release and create the space.

What does this mean exactly?

It means that every time you now encounter a situation, be it a conversation with someone else, an interaction with an individual or group, a feeling or a thought you have within yourself…you now must pay attention to that encounter.  You must not allow the habits of your own mind, your own personality to simple engage within the frame of that encounter just as it always did.  It is now time to re-think, re-feel, re-experience that singular moment of time that you find yourself within.

Are you simply reacting to age old patterns within the record groves of magnetic data storages of your brain? Are you just playing out one of the well worn roles that you have so carefully perfected such that you can simply run on auto-pilot?

It is truly now the moment of your life when you need to disconnect the autopilot function completely and start operating on manual override.

For it is within the act of being fully present, manually operating your own feelings, thoughts and emotions that you will be able to stop, look, and listen to the signals and signs around you that will lead you to experiencing the first year of the Golden Era as a level that brings you the highest experience of Joy, Balance and Peace in a very real manner, not just as phrases, but as a deep vibrational awareness in your own body.

Yet in order to do this you must rid yourself of all the rote programmings, mental and emotional habits that you have so carefully relied upon to get you through each day. You have diligently used these tools to keep you balanced and secure in a very unbalanced and unsecure world.

But it is now 2013, and that old world of un-security, of un-balance, of “un” everything…is gone. And you now need to allow it to go…gracefully…because if you hold on to it, it will seem as if it never left.

That is how powerful you are. You can make the illusion stick around just as if nothing ever happened.

And that is why you just might miss out on what can happen to you this year.

It really is a whole new game….but only if you are playing a whole new game.

In Light,


P.S. For a “higher” perspective on how this all works from a soul psychology perspective, read this weeks “Frequency Update“.
Mike Hayden now works and lives in Mt. Shasta, CA with his beloved, a pure channel of the Spiritual Hierarchy, Rev. Christine Meleriessee. They are co-founders of Walking Terra Christa, the premier Ascension Science and Soul Psychology site for 5D Body Healing and Attunement integrating and expanding upon the work of Dr. Joshua David Stone, offering advanced teachings and courses regarding mastering the light of the 22 Rays of God just as the Masters did so that you can become a true Master upon Gaia.  Included in their services are weekly group tele-calls and personal sessions with the Ascended Masters, Lady Masters and the Hierarchy, including specialized coaching for the serious initiate. Visit them at or on Facebook to say hello:

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