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Channeled Messages from the Festival of Lights Ceremony December 2022

Walking Terra Christa shares the channeled messages received in the Festival of Light Sacred Ceremony for December 2022 with Master Djwhal Khul, Lord Ashtar, Lord Sananda, the Whale and Dolphin Community, with the Native Elders from around the World, Lady No Eyes (visonary), and Prayers from White  Buffalo Woman celebrating the Full Moon energies of Gemini (Sun of Sagittarius) representing Revelations of Illumination.


Greetings My Dearest Friends! I am Master Djwhal Khul. Thank you for being with us for the ‘live’ connection within this City of Wakan-Soieka.

Take a moment to reflect within yourself the changes that you have experienced for this year of 2022. This Moon being the last full moon of the year, is a very powerful Moon in its own way as the sign of Gemini represents transformation and to accept the emotional energies within each of us that need to be exposed. It is a representation of the dark being revealed and going into the light.

You may find that the energetics of this Moon may be a little bit disruptive for you. But just go with it. Be part of these energies and realize that the transformation you are going through is all part of the experience.

Now since the Sun of Sagittarius is in opposition to Gemini, it supports the state of the revelations to occur by allowing our true selves to become more passionate to ourselves. This is a powerful energy of Sagittarius, and everyone needs to be careful to not allow the push forward that Sagittarius can bring forth to create changes that you’re not ready for. Allow these energies to be grounded within you. The sun of Sagittarius is like a warrior, so we have to acknowledge that warrior attitude and yet bring forth a sense of grounding within our full-body system.

As each of us comes together in this moment it is always an appropriate time to fully become more to our reality than we truly have experienced.

I call this cycle Revelations Bring Illumination. When you allow yourself to fully look at the untruths within your etheric self, your chakras, in your four-body system and they surface into your consciousness it is important that you acknowledge those untruths because they are teaching you a lesson that you no longer need that untruth. But to allow the illumination of what is occurring through the alliance of Gemini and Sagittarius to assist you.

Now, of course Grandmother Moon is always representative of the emotional self and this month won’t be different from any other. In fact, it may be more than you’ve experienced previously. This is due to the fact that it is the last Moon of the year, the culmination of the elements that you have been dealing with from the beginning of the year until now are coming to the surface.

Embracing this energy will assist you in going deeper into your own internal system. The internal system I’m talking about is your Higher Self, your Divine Consciousness of the God energy that you are. Because that God energy is of higher qualities that are fully coming into the full balance within your entire system. I wouldn’t say they are interfering, but they are intertwining within what you already have experienced and what you may know about yourself.

This Moon is very introspective. It’s allowing the energies to assist you to look at the darkness that you’ve held and how it no longer serves you and to allow the illumination of the passion of Sagittarius to assist you to rejoice in the changes that you have gone through.

My Keynote for December is:

“I call upon my I Am Presence to help me acknowledge the elements within me that no longer serve my Highest Good. I allow my Spiritual Self to guide me through the process of my personal abundance through the Full Moon of Gemini in opposition to the Sun of Sagittarius. I feel the opening of my Divine Self to be revealed. I Am, that I Am, that I Am.”

Ponder upon that energy within your Heart Center in these moments.

It’s imperative to allow these energies of Grandmother Moon and Grandfather Sun to assist in the balancing of the creative process of the full-body system. As you breathe deeper into your Heart Center go into that part of yourself that needs to be revealed. Do not be afraid. Allow the energies that we bring forth today, the ceremonies, to assist you to go into a deeper level that possibly you have not experienced previously.

Surrender to the energies. Open up all avenues of your chakra system, your chakras within all your joints, the chakras within your spinal column. Allow everything to freely flow through you so the true pathway in this moment (by that I mean what you are transmuting and what you are transforming) through this Moon of Rebirth.

I know I have said this previously, but this Moon is also part of those Divine energies to allow every one of you to become more personally abundant within yourself.

Allow the transition into wholeness to be expressed with what you are experiencing. Allow the exposure of this cycle to help you to go into that deeper part of yourself and find the Divine Truth that your Higher Self is guiding you to experience.

I am Master Djwhal Khul. I now open up the energies to Lord Ashtar. Thank you once again for being the Initiate that you are.



Greetings! Greetings! My Dearest Souls! I am Lord Ashtar. I come forward with the Inter-Galactic energies to bring forth our sense of Oneness together.

As we move through the energies of this year of 2022, our work as the Inter-Galactic Forces has increased in many ways. It has increased because each of you are asking us to assist you. Also, we are becoming more centered within what you are experiencing upon the Earth and not just each of you personally, but humanity as a whole and coming into a stance of allowing these vibrational energies to assist.

As we move closer to the Solstice, we are assisting in bringing forth the expressed vibrancy of light to be felt within the core of Gaia and each of you.

You must be vigilant. In order for you to be able to uphold that Divine energy within yourselves we need to assist. We need to remind you of what you ARE in the Higher Realms of Light or what you are as the Galactic humans that have come into this Earth. We also need to rid the pain and the frustrations from other non-Christed planetary systems and dissipate this from this Earth. We know that sometimes this may seem very much out of your consciousness, out of your reality. But isn’t that truly what Ascension Mastery represents? It is stepping into the higher realities of existence to realize the potentials that each of us are One together.

Our role presently is to continue to assist you with these energies, assisting with the removal of chemtrails which are still ongoing unfortunately, and assisting with the vibrancy of the energies around the lands. If you live in an area that is denser then please do call upon us more often to help with that density to allow the vibratory energies that are part of this experience to be placed into the lands and into the core of the Earth from your areas.

We do see an increased amount of vibrancy that is occurring around the planet through the electro-magnetic waves of Light. It is not being affected so much in physicality within your lands. The people are changing but the vibrancy is becoming more stable.

The more often that you listen to this portion of the ceremony and bring in these Divine energies the less destruction we will have upon the Earth. But it takes great diligence to bring forth that ability to be strong within the face of danger. The danger in this part is the planetary system is not aligning to the higher vibrational nature that is expressly brought forth through these higher vibrations of light.

It does not mean that the Earth is going to move into that 5th Dimension because HUMANITY has not moved into that 5th Dimension. That is so much a part of what the Earth is experiencing. The more often that individuals bring forth more love, acceptance, and forgiveness into their hearts along with all the beautiful elements of healing then that is going to assist the Earth more deeply.

Our goal with the Ascension Columns around the world is to assist in that process to allow people to feel even just a moment of something that is greater than themselves, that feels very loving and peaceful.

The more we work together the easier this process will be.

I’m deeply honored to be able to be part of your walk upon the Earth to assist in so many ways as we transmute the lower frequencies of this Earth like this Moon represents and bring forth the illumination of the Higher Realms of Light to be felt. I hope that each of you feels this in this moment within your own heart.

I am Lord Ashtar at your service extending the energies to Lord Sananda.


Namaste’ and Blessings. Peace and Love to each of you. I am Lord Sananda bringing forth my expression of Divine Love unto each of you in these moments.

I love coming to Wakan-Soieka and seeing all the Souls from all walks of existence, not just of this Earth, but on the higher Christed Planetary Systems, that we’re all coming together in the State of Oneness, the Web of Light.

As I stand here looking at all of the faces of the Souls that are here, it gives me HOPE that with the continued effort of what we are doing, we CAN achieve a higher dimensional Earth. Please know that your struggles are being heard. It is up to each of you individually to allow the efforts of the higher vibrational energies with peace and love to come into your own hearts. This truly is what is going to change everything that you are experiencing upon the Earth.

Believe me, there are so many people upon the Earth that do not understand this. So, you, being the Initiates of Mastery, of realizing within yourself the journey that you are taking on of rising to a higher level within your physical consciousness is one that is not an easy process to achieve. But if you can have moments such as this ceremony to come into your heart and give you the strength that you are desiring to hold within yourself, then it will assist you within the next steps of your journey.

This is an imperative process for every Soul to realize the potential within themselves that they can CHANGE the energies by moving out of their physical consciousness, by not allowing their lower ego or lower-self personality to be in control and rise into a higher level of existence.

What happens through this process is there is a “Great STRENGTH”. This is what I desire for each you to feel in these moments, YOUR OWN strength.

It does not have to be big, but it can be a Teardrop of Strength coming into your heart allowing you to absorb more of that within your entire system. To breathe deeply into your heart and allow that Teardrop of Peace to go into all areas, your lower chakras, your upper chakras, the soles of your feet, your Earth Star, and your Soul Star.

When you take moments such as this and allow them to be felt then the transformation that this Moon represents will assist you. Do not fight it because the more that you fight this process the deeper the challenge will be for each of you.

As Lord Sananda, I take these moments to bless you for bringing forth the awareness into your consciousness to realize the potential that you can be. Feel this potential coming into your Soul’s Essence, into your heart, within your breath allowing it to expand. This is why I call it the Web of Light because the more that we extend this within ourselves personally, we expand outside our fields so that others can feel it.

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]

Breathe deeply. Allow these Divine energies to fully transform all elements within yourselves that need assistance. Allow the illumination of this Moon to assist you to reveal the darker parts of yourself that NEED to come into the Light. It’s okay. Allow yourself to be at peace with this because this IS part of the process, acknowledgment.

In ALL that I AM as Lord Sananda, I bless each of you with the beautiful essences of the Gold Flame of the Christ Consciousness to come into your heart and fully expand into all parts of your existence.


[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]


We are The Community of the Whales and the Dolphins bringing forth our essence and sending that Light Form that you have received from Lord Ashtar and Lord Sananda through the waves of waters moving upwards and downwards in all directions.

The more that we commune with one another through this frequency of Light, the more that OUR communities in the waters and YOUR communities on the lands will be assisted through the greatness of releasing the old forms of existence.

Our Community of Whales and Dolphins as the mammals we are, we have suffered GREATLY in our history. But it is in these moments that we do not want to hold on to that. We want to feel the elation of these Divine energies to come into ALL of our hearts together. You have made it possible.

Lady Mahlariessee, we are deeply honored that you bring forth these energies monthly, that your role with our community has been great on a Soul level and a physical level. That every time every person thinks of our essences within the waters, please know that we receive that. We see it through the sonar waves, we receive it through the vibrancy of the Light. It helps us to realize that elements are changing even though there are many that are still being hunted in certain areas.

It is with great joy that we want to help the ones that are older of our species that have endured great pain and have only desired to be free. You are assisting with that frequency of Light.

[Whale/Dolphin Encoding]

We express to each of you our deepest commitment to assist Gaia, to assist the Earth, to assist humanity as we all grow together in Avenues of Light.

KNOW that we are not far away. We are very close to your hearts in this moment.

[Whale/Dolphin Encoding]

Lady Mahleriessee: We thank the Whale and the Dolphin energies for assisting us in our transition of the New Earth to help us acknowledge that they receive our Light energies in so many ways.

Now we continue with the Native Elders of the group consciousness of all the Elders from around the world.


AHO! AHO, My Dearest Ones! We are the Native Elders. We’re always excited to be here in our group consciousness.

As we gather together in ceremony and love and feel all that is being brought forth from these Divine energies, it reminds us of the days of when we would look at the Pleiadian Starships, and then we would work with the Pleiadians as they have always been an integral part of our teachings.

As warriors we truly understand the changes that you are going through. Since Sagittarius is that ‘warrior’ it brings forth that sense of compassion in a passionate way, FIRE energy bringing forth the fire.

As we look at the flame that is here in the middle of our circle with all the Souls on the outside of the circle, the Great Spirit is overlooking every one of US no matter what our experiences represent, no matter what we are bringing forth to the planet.

We, of the Elders, are deeply excited to bring forth our energies in this monthly connection. It is with great reverence that we honor each of you with whom you are and what you are experiencing because you truly are the Lightbearers of this planet. You have come at a time when the energies have been opened up so that the Light Forms of your existence as a Soul are more open to you than they have been before. But you’ve also come at a time where there is great confliction, there are great hurts of what has been experienced through the many lifetimes of this planet and they are all arising at the same time.

We think that this Moon is very representative of what you have been experiencing the entire year. Yet there is a push with Grandmother Moon opening up the dark parts of your Souls to be revealed to allow the illumination to shine with the Sun of Sagittarius, the fire energy, to burn up the debris to allow it to be gone and not to be experienced in your Soul’s memories ever again. We would like you to ponder that for a moment.

The intensity that you bring forth for these energies is the important part of your existence and having the strength and the courage to open up the darkness within you and allow it to be purged out of your system, never to return. What do you think that would feel like if you allowed that to happen in your existence, in your consciousness? It is not just your existence upon the Earth but what you are feeling in all ways through your emotions and your mental accolades. Imagine those accolades dissipating, fully dissipating just because you had the courage to be the Warrior of Sagittarius to break through the darkness that Gemini is showing you. That is a blessing in and of itself.

We would like everyone to remind themselves in this moment within your breath and have faith and HONOR what you are experiencing is not forever. But only if you have the diligence and the capability to move through those energies. Do NOT FOOL yourself into thinking that it’s just going to go away. You must work at it. You must BE the warrior; you must get out your sword and you must TAKE that sword and poke holes in the armor of the dark essence you’ve been holding onto in the history of your Soul’s existence.

This is so very true because every Soul upon the Earth has gone through those dark timelines. As a Soul, we don’t like to think that we have those capabilities. But what happens in this instance is that those dark timelines are affecting YOU more than anyone else. It is not that you are attacking anyone else, it is that you are attacking yourself by not allowing it to be illuminated and placed into the Light and blend that energy within yourself to the higher part of your existence.

If we think about the dark as being the walk upon the Earth and we think about the light being your Higher Self, your Soul’s Essence, your Divine Self, your God Source, then that part of you is assisting you to WALK on the Earth in a much better way of existence than you have previously. But you must ACKNOWLEDGE it. Let’s ACKNOWLEDGE it in this present moment.

As we stand in the EAST, we call upon the Eagle and the Eagle helps us to fly above the difficulty. But the EAGLE ALWAYS knows what that difficulty is. I want you to HONOR that within the Eagle that you are becoming to allow yourself to step into a New Beginning of your HEALING. Today is the day, this moment is the moment that you fully allow your true self which can have those dark moments to be revealed to you. It’s Okay. Open that up, allowing the Mental Realm of your existence to be filled with the BLESSING of the present energies to be expressed in a completely new and different manner. Open yourselves up. Feel this blessing of the Eagle being in your heart.

The Eagle knows its prey. The Eagle knows the WAY of the world. Bring THAT understanding into your heart presently. FEEL that New Beginning that you desire to BECOME. Let the door be open.

[Drumming and Chanting]

OPEN yourselves up to the BLESSING of the Eagle flying HIGH above the difficulty but KNOWING that difficulty. KNOWING that you can exchange the BLESSING of the Mental Realm to be the Abstract Mind flowing with Light Forms and giving yourself the COURAGEOUS MANNER of stepping into that PURE LIGHT that you ARE. FEEL THIS now. It is a New Beginning within yourself.


Now we call upon the SOUTH energies of the Coyote. Is the Coyote laughing at you? Or are you dancing with the Coyote? In your Emotional Self you must acknowledge the parts of yourself that you have not seen previously. You’ve allowed the delusion, the film that has been placed around you for you to not see the truth. So, dance it out now with the Coyote.

[Drumming and Chanting]

Allow your Emotional Body to now be filled with dancing moments. Allow the holes that you have put into your Emotional Body from the exchange of Light to assist you. Take a breath, relax, and feel the air around you.

Now we call upon the energies of the WEST. The West represents your physical body. What is occurring in your physical self that is holding you back from your true Divinity of Love and Light? The physical self holds so much. So, we call upon the Bear. The Bear has such knowledge. Feel the vision of the Bear within you. Take a moment within that Bear medicine and see that the elements of your darkness can infiltrate into the physical self. It can cause depression, it can cause you to not want to do things, it can cause you to not be as strong within your will as you would want to be. So, let’s call upon the Bear medicine and allow that Bear to GROWL within you, to open you up as you come out of the cave no matter what part of the year it is for you. It’s now time to get out of the cave and really enjoy the land around you.

[Drumming and Chanting]

Now there’s an opening of your energies as we call upon the NORTH of the Spiritual Self. Now your Spiritual Self can acknowledge more to your full consciousness than it did before because you’re taking a walk through the Medicine Wheel allowing the blessing of the Buffalo, which is abundance, the blessing of the Higher Realms of your Spiritual Self now to be shining within you. It’s coming down and you feel that blessing as you pray to your Higher Self, your I Am Presence to become all that you desire.

[Drumming and Chanting]

Rejoice! As now we come to the middle of the circle where the beautiful flames are existing. Honor yourself by feeling the blessing of these flames within your heart. Dance with the illumination that you have received from allowing the darkness to arise out of you.

[Drumming and Chanting]

AHO! It is in these moments now feel the new essence of your energies coming into your full existence. Breathe it in! Feel it emotionally. Express it mentally. Your Etheric Self is changing because it has gone through a process of transmuting and you’re transforming yourself in this moment. Take a moment to bless yourself of what you have achieved in all things.

It is our blessing to each of you as the Native Elders to continue this walk. We walk with you. We walk with you in your ceremonies, in your prayers and all that you are desiring to become. Utilize your own ceremony within these energies for the next few days and you will see a difference occurring within your heart.

AHO! My Dearest Ones. AHO! All our relations as One.

We now bring in the energies of Lady No Eyes.


AHO! Mitakuye Oyasin. Hello! Hello! My Dearest Ones! It is my pleasure once again to extend my energies unto each of you.

Transference into your transformation is an essential quality to uphold within your own essence. It doesn’t matter if you’re an Initiate, it doesn’t matter if you’re a Native, it doesn’t matter your background. What matters is your Soul’s Essence. That is why Natives acquired the ability to create ceremonies to bring forth the blessing of the Higher Realms of Light to assist in the walk that they were experiencing upon the Earth.

My Dear Ones, you are experiencing great strife in these moments. I know I have talked about this month after month after month. The strife is not outside your energies, it’s inside you. The blessing of the current times upon this planet is that individuals have the accessibility to go deeper into the healing states of their consciousness than they ever have acquired in any other timeframe. Take advantage of that. This Moon brings forth that energy.

We talk about the Warrior of Sagittarius, but the true essence is Grandmother Moon. She is showing you two different sides of yourself; the dark side and the light side. Allow her essence to teach you to absorb the darkness within the light to allow the healing process of your internal system to become more accessible to your energies than anything else.

I, too, refer to the months of this year. As each Full Moon, each Eclipse, each Equinox, each Solstice has come around, the energies have been becoming more and more intensified. So, what are you as an individual going to do about that? Are you going to allow the energies to overtake you? And say, “Well I can’t do this. I’m not up for this.” Or are you going to be that warrior of your Soul’s Essence and say, “Yes, I have the ability to change because I have all the tools in my backyard. I have all of my spiritual guidance. I have the Masters. I have the Light of God. I HAVE the beauty of the Great Spirit to shine down upon me that I have been gifted to be here at this time. And I will open up my energies to assist and mainly to assist myself.” That is the key that needs to be acknowledged.

Stop worrying about everyone else and worry about yourself first and foremost. Bring forth the intensity of these energies to go deeper into your Soul’s Essence that you have never experienced in such a way. Allow this Light Form of Grandmother Moon to shine upon you with her beautiful essence.

Do not allow the coldness of this moon to make you cold inside. Warm yourself up with the Divine Light that she brings forth of this sign of Gemini. Two aspects of yourself, your physicality, and your spirituality. Which one is going to win? Well, it’s not a battle of who is going to win a competition. It’s about both aspects of yourself to come into Oneness in the presence of your heart, in the presence of your mind.

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]

Feel that essence within you shifting and changing, blessing your darkness with your light. Calling upon your Higher Self, calling upon your I Am Presence. Call upon the God Source energy that you are. The Great Spirit is shining down upon us right now within all these flames.

[Chanting and Drumming]

Arise! Arise to the moment. Arise to the many moments to allow these Divine energies that are being brought forth of the planetary existences of the Moon and the Sun to assist you to become better, to be stronger, to be more peaceful, to be more loving unto yourself.

AHO!  Mitakuye Oyasin. I Am Lady No Eyes.

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]


I am White Buffalo Woman extending my essences. Let us take a moment in silence listening to the drum, feeling your own heartbeat, opening yourself up unto the blessing to your Divine Self to be realized within you.

As we call upon the energies of the Great Spirit, we ask these beautiful Souls in this beautiful ceremony and within the circle to be blessed with your Light, to be blessed with all that you bring forth to this Earth, to all planetary existences in this Divine moment of creation.

[Rattles with Drumming]

Take a moment and feel the implosion of the Light energies coming into your Soul allowing your wishes and your blessings to become manifest.

AHO! Mitakuye Oyasin.


Greetings. Once again, it is I Master Djwhal Khul.

We all arise together in this beautiful ceremony in Wakan-Soieka. I’m deeply honored to be able to feel the Oneness that occurs here within these ceremonies. Please do allow yourself to return. Work with the energies throughout this Moon cycle. Allow the assistance of what you desire to become to be released out of you.

It is a time of great power internally, a time of great strength, and a time of great love. Allow that love to fully become you. Expand upon it. Be One with it.

As we extend our energies with the 330 Rays of God, we call upon all these Divine energies of all the dimensions and the God Source.

We, as Masters, understand. We are also healing in our own ways. We understand what it’s like to be upon the Earth. Not during this time but in other times. We have to understand that it is a BLESSING in the midst of the chaos. Each of you that are awakened unto these energies KNOW that there is MORE that you can do energetically without your physical body but allowing your physical self to be assisted in the process.

I give my blessings unto each of you to bring forth these energies physically. I walk with you and love you deeply in every way.

Namaste’. I am Master Djwhal Khul.

If you are interested in listening to the audio recording of the ceremony,  please visit our Audio Library,

It’s a time to connect your emotional body to the physical self, this full moon has been a precursor to move into the ability to work more deeply within our ascension pathway as an Initiate. The Royal Teton Retreat is open for every Initiate to work with the Karmic Board along with Master Djwhal Khul, Lord Lanto, and Master Hilarioan to assist our healing process to remove karmic elements that we are working upon in our pathway. The doorway to the retreat opens on December 15th through January 14th to connect with these Divine Masters. Lord Saint Germain is our guide to travel to the retreat located in the Teton Mountain Range, Wyoming in the United States during meditative states, and on the Innerplane levels (sleep state).

If you are interested in our Holiday Sale which is discounted up to 60% for some of our Seminar Teachings please see the details here. Included are some of our Meditations and high frequency essential oil Aromatherapy Healing Sprays.

Original Material © Copyright 2003-2022 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee* Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden. All rights reserved. *formerly spelled “Meleriessee”. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS CONTENT FREELY IN COMPLETE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS WITH THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!



Rev. Christine Mahlariessee shares her Ascension Mastery Message of Master Djwhal Khul* about the Gemini Full Moon which is in opposition to the Sun of Sagittarius occurring on December 7th, 2022 at 8:08 PM Pacific, 11:08 PM Eastern, and Universal time of December 8th, 4:08 AM.

This cycle of the Full Moon of Gemini opposite the Sun of Sagittarius brings forth a Spiritual Rebirth as it represents a time to allow the buried frustrations held within our Etheric Self to become a state of renewal to occur. Since this is the last full moon of 2022 what has not been revealed previously will be illuminated within our Emotional Self.

Gemini represents transformation to occur as the emotional energies within us can be exposed to allow for the transition into wholeness to occur. Since Gemini is an air sign it brings a sense of opening up the closed windows that hold the key to our happiness by accepting that there is more to our true self than we previously realized.

Sagittarius supports the State of Revelations to occur by allowing our true self to become more passionate to ourselves. It is a time of inner knowingness to become the key factor in our consciousness. What was hidden before now is revealed. Careful consideration should be made not to get over zealous with the change we are feeling, but allow it to be integrated and grounded within our reality.

This moon cycle is giving every soul an opportunity to fully allow the truth within themselves to be revealed; and caution must be made to not sugar-coat the truth or hide away from the un-truth that is now trying to surface out of our Subconscious Mind. Instead we must acknowledge what is being shown to us, heal it with love, and do not push ourselves to make the change until we are fully ready to accept the transformation that is about to take place.

It is a time of great abundance within our spiritual self to allow the physical self to heal in ways that have not been possible. The moon of Gemini illuminates both the dark and the light within us, so that the elements within ourselves that have been holding us back come into full awareness. This is the State of Illumination that Gemini is giving to us. We must work with both the Dark and the Light to find the Source of our Soul’s Essence.

As we go through this process, the dark becomes less scary and is filled with the illuminating energy of the Light. This is when we, as the Initiate, can fully accept our illusions and un-truths that have been guiding us in the 3rd dimensional way of life.

The intensity of these energies can be very strong so care needs to be taken to bring forth the act of transformation in an easy and flowing manner. Do not force any issues; just allow them to arise as the changes occur within yourself.

This is when the true act of  Personal Abundance will occur; a deep healing through all four bodies, not just the emotional, but the physical and etheric centers, can shift in a positive manner to assist in the process. The Chakras will also go through a regenerative process as long as you, as the recipient, allows the energies to accept the state of transformation that is occurring. This will allow the Emotional and Mental Selves to work together more cohesively, to allow for true healing to occur.

Allow the dynamics of this cycle to guide you through the insecurities and flaws you may be holding within your Emotional Body, so that all can be revealed and transformed into the Light of your Soul’s Essence.

As always, we suggest creating a personal ceremony calling upon the Earth, the Sun, the Moon, and the Sky nations to help in bringing forth alignment of Nature to become One Essence. It’s important to speak aloud your intentions of what you want to be revealed to you and allow the Illumination of the Full Moon to assist you in the process.


I call upon my I Am Presence to help me acknowledge the elements within me that no longer serve my Highest Good. I allow my Spiritual Self to guide me through the process of my Personal Abundance through the Full Moon of Gemini in opposition to the Sun of Sagittarius. I feel the opening of my Divine Self to be Revealed through this cycle. I AM THAT I AM THAT I AM

Greetings My Dearest Comrades,

I come to you as Master Djwhal Khul to bring forth an understanding of the present energies within the Full Moon of Gemini.

This cycle is representative  of an egg being cracked, hatching a new reality to be experienced. The pockets within your Etheric Self is being opened up to reveal all parts to your consciousness. It is no longer a time to hide away from the particles within your past that do not seem to fit into the greater reality of Unity and Wholeness.

Gemini represents the Dark and the Light; if you think about the Dark being the parts of your subconscious mind that have hidden elements of your etheric past (timelines) – before this incarnation – to be released into the Light that align within your Higher Consciousness, your Light Bodies, your Higher Self, and ultimately your I Am Presence.

It is a State of Revelation to allow the Illuminating Self to be revealed within your physical consciousness.

Now this process may not be an easy one as you may learn about elements within your soul’s history that need to be realized, in order for the true healing to occur. The Moon of Gemini is bringing forth this Illumination to be revealed to every soul upon this earth. It depends upon what you, as the physical being, will do with it.

It is a time of great decision; to allow the change you desire to experience within your life to become your reality. This will bring about a sense of Personal Abundance to be felt as you learn to access your Higher Self, then the Lower Self Personality will dwindle away. But you in the physical form are the only benefactor of this transformation. You must decide if this is what you want – to embrace the higher light essence of your Spiritual Self to be acknowledged. This is the state of Illumination that the Sun of Sagittarius is bringing to the planet. It is in a state of joyfulness to step into the regenerative process that is occurring within you and upon the Earth.

As an Initiate of Mastery, we are always given opportunities to move in the direction of de-scending our light energies into the physical form we have inhabited. It is with this intertwining energy that the process of Illumination is ignited as the physical consciousness goes through the challenges of releasing the old aspects within our Etheric Self. This is an essential component of learning how to move through the steps of Ascension Mastery.

It does not come to every individual unless they are ready to take on the challenge of change to occur. That is why this process of Mastery is so very important as it is not being given because an individual is ready. It is received when the Initiate prepares themselves to go deeper into their subconscious mind and etheric timelines.

The full moon of Gemini is the breaking away of timelines that no longer need to be the main element in your consciousness. Grandmother Moon is asking you to open and release these inconsistencies you may hold within your consciousness to fully see the illuminating light that is your Divine Self.

It is a time to walk with these energies; embrace them and allow the elements you are desiring to be changed, to step into the doorway of the transformative process.

This cycle is presently becoming aligned within Gaia as the Moon receives her fullness on December 7th-8th 2022. This is when the true eruption occurs and is a perfect time to allow your Higher Self to assist you to become more aligned within your physical self as the old elements and timelines can be eradicated through the present energies.

Take time to allow this full moon cycle to take you into the higher part of your consciousness and the lower forms of your personality are released, transmuted and transformed.

I am Master Dhwhal Khul, Ray Chohan for the 2nd Ray of Love and Wisdom.


OUR NEXT EVENT: “Solstice Blessing Ceremony, THE DIVINE CREATION OF THE SOLAR ANGELS,” will be held on December 17th, 2022; 11 am Pacific.

EVENT DESCRIPTION: We will travel etherically to the Golden Etheric City of Havalanchee which resides in the 5th Dimensional Earth located over Mount Shasta. This ceremony occurs in the Temple of the Eternal I Am and is facilitated by Lord Metatron representing the Great Central Suns expressing the ability to balance the present energies through the elements of the Earth, the Sun, the Moon, and the Sky. Lord Sananda will be bringing forth blessings for Peace and Oneness to the Earth, Lady Nada representing Mary Magdalene will be assisting in the balance of the feminine masculine divine energies to become the focal point of the year 2023. Lady Mother Mary will be extending blessings for personal and global healing for the season and the upcoming year. Read the message below:

A special message from Lord Metatron and Lord Sananda:

“The Solstice of December is now upon the planet and as Lord Metatron, I am always excited to extend my energies along with the Great Central Suns to assist each of you and the planet to experience the most divine presence of light. It will bring forth the dynamics of the higher frequencies of light to become more intertwined within the consciousness of the Earth. The increased light energies are also very much a part of not only the Solstice but the dynamics of this year of 2022. It is the year of the Activation of the Solar Angels to be honored and revered. I look forward to helping each of you to acknowledge this Divine Light Energy to become more integral within your physical walk upon the Earth.”

“It is with great pleasure and enjoyment that I, as Lord Sananda, will be once again giving forth blessings for the Earth. Our role together as masters is to give each of you the opportunity to experience the divine qualities of the higher energies with the vibrancy of our words and inflections through Lady Mahlariessee. We hope that you will take time to be with us for this very special moment in time. I am deeply honored to walk with each of you with Lord Metatron the Logos for the Multi-Universal energies along with my beloved Lady Nada and of course, Lady Mother Mary.”

TO JOIN US LIVE ON SATURDAY DECEMBER 17, 2022 at 11:00 AM Pacific please visit our Festival of Lights page and use the same audio conference information. We look forward to this special end of year ceremony with you!

If you are interested in our Holiday Sale which is discounted up to 60% for some of our Seminar Teachings please see the details here. Included are some of our Meditations and high frequency essential oil Aromatherapy Healing Sprays.

Original Material © Copyright 2003-2022 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee* Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden. All rights reserved. *formerly spelled “Meleriessee”. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS CONTENT FREELY IN COMPLETE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS WITH THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!

Getting to Know Thyself: Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse Master Djwhal Khul Festival of Lights November 2022

Rev. Christine Mahlariessee shares her Ascension Mastery Message of Master Djwhal Khul* about the Taurus Full Moon-Lunar Eclipse which is in opposition to the Sun of Scorpio occurring on November  8th, 2022 at 3:02 AM Pacific, 6:02 AM Eastern within Universal time of 11:02 AM.

This cycle of the Full Moon with a Lunar Eclipse is very powerful energetically. It represents the opening of the Emotional Self which started with the Partial Solar Eclipse taking place during the New Moon of Scorpio on October 25th.

This brought forth ramblings of opening ourselves up to a deeper connection of our emotional energies especially in relation to wanting a change in our lives. The Personality Self or known as the Lower Ego has been going through a re-ordering process of healing past elements that no longer fit the present way of living upon the earth. Doorways have been opened up to allow every soul to realize the potential they hold within themselves to clear away debris of the past that that tend to stop us from moving forward. This energetic exchange has been quite intense emotionally.

With the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse we now must be flexible to adapt to the emotional changes that are happening so that any emotional baggage that you desire to release will be supported energetically.

Otherwise, the process that you as a soul may be experiencing can be challenging and very difficult emotionally. This exchange of light of energies is to assist us as humans to grow and become more evolved internally. It is up to each of us individually what that means for you.

As the energy has already come into the planet, we must remind ourselves that any issues we have been dealing with internally or externally are going to be magnified. As an Initiate of Ascension Mastery, it is imperative to be part of the movement of the energies by knowing within ourselves what needs to be rectified within us. When we become aware of our Divine Truth, what no longer fits and needs to be healed, then the intensity of the energies will be more balanced.

The moon of Taurus is grounding the changes within our four-body system (physical-etheric-emotionally-mentally). So if there are fluctuations in any of those bodies that need to be adjusted, then the exchange of light energies occurring within us can be greatly intensified.

The key to experiencing a balanced state of conditioning is to allow the Sun of Scorpio to create an awareness that what we are experiencing is assisting us to become more evolved through the process.

When an individual, just steps back and says “I will receive what the Universe wants to give to me,” and is not aware of the emotional issues that are happening, then the exchange of energies will push a soul into many directions in which they have problems handling.

These alignments of the planets with the Sun and Moon are assisting the Earth to move into the higher directional phase. As souls inhabited upon the planet, we can be pushed into a space in which we have no idea what is happening. That is what the higher light energy represents, but having the intuitive ability through Grandmother Moon of the Feminine of what you are dealing with will essentially help with grounding the change within your full body system, not just the emotional but physically, etherically, and mentally.

This is where the state of Adaptability and Flexibility are highlighted through this cycle.

These changes that each soul is experiencing can be quite intense and if we are not ready to fully accept the challenge of rising into a new level of awareness, then it can feel like we are drowning through the energies of this Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse.

We are being pushed to align more fully within our Higher Self Consciousness, our God Source of Light, but the density of the physical body must change through the process.

There can be subtle changes that can occur through this cycle. One can have sleep problems, feeling dizzy at times for no reason, having a tendency to be half asleep or so awake that your mind is racing. Be aware of these changes; work with the energies and not against them, flowing in the direction of your next level of self awareness is the key to manage the process you may be experiencing.

We suggest doing a ceremony for yourself with some Pranic breathing, allowing the emotional charges to be released by calling upon Grandmother Moon and Grandfather Sun to assist you.

“Become the Change you Desire to Be” while letting go of the old self.


I call upon the energies of the Full Moon of Taurus in opposition to the Sun of Scorpio with the Lunar Eclipse to allow for flexibility and the ability to adapt to the releasement of my emotional baggage so that I can walk in Ease and Grace of my higher consciousness to become more grounded within Me. I Am that I Am that I Am!!

Greetings I Am Master Djwhal Khul, Ray Chohan of Love and Wisdom, giving forth my understanding of what this cycle of the Full Moon of Taurus is presenting to the Earth and each of you.

The energies are super powerful as is being shown by the Blood Red Moon illuminating the Lunar Eclipse occurring at the same time. Illumination is the Key with this cycle as it represents ‘ALL BEING REVEALED WITHIN THE DEPTH OF THE SOUL’S ESSENCE”.

What you do not know about yourself, is being shown to you through the present energies.

It is a time of Revelation when your Higher Self is helping you to acknowledge within yourself the emotional charges that do not align with higher consciousness. So the pushing and pulling of the emotional body will be very dominant within these energies.

To you it may seem that you are having a bad day, a bad moment, and you cannot understand why you feel this way. The imperative part of what is happening is “WHO ARE YOU INTERNALLY, WITHIN YOUR SOUL’S ESSENCE, AND HOW DOES IT RELATE WITHIN YOUR PHYSICAL EXISTENCE?”

The key to evolving is to know your inner most feelings, both good and bad. As if you do not relate to who you are as a soul, as a human, then you are not aligning with your soul’s essence. The soul’s essence is the part of you that is not embodied within you but works as your Spiritual Self, also known as your Higher Self. If there is a disconnect between the Higher Self and the Personality Self, then there will be elements that arise.

These elements can either hinder or assist you in your progress. Only you can truly understand what they area.

This cycle of the moon and Lunar Eclipse are helping every soul to get to know themselves on a much more intimate basis. It is a time when you may feel an emotional charge about something you are working upon; it could be a relationship to someone but most importantly to YOURSELF.

This is a time to get t o know your innermost feelings; not just the ones that are triggered with other people, but your true worth or lack thereof. Allow yourself to get to know who you are internally. Is it positive or are there negative elements that are stopping you from evolving within your work as an Initiate?

The key is getting to know Yourself in all ways.

This cycle is pushing every soul to do just that so that each individual can flourish within themselves. And as already been said, the energies can push you in ways you may not be ready for.

But allow the increased energetic exchanges assist you to become more grounded and accepting of who you are becoming. This process is very important as without your inner knowingness you cannot have the transformation you are searching.

Take time within yourself through this cycle to allow the frequency of energies shift you into a high level of understanding.

I AM Master Djwhal Khul at your service.


Join us! In just a few days is the 11:11:22 PORTAL OF COSMIC LIGHT. We will be holding a SPECIAL EVENT CEREMONY with the words, wisdom and blessings of LORD METATRON to help everyone benefit spiritually from this very powerful gateway of energies. 

Please join us at 11:00 AM Pacific time from anywhere in the world for this once in a lifetime transition.

(We will use the same online audio conference number as see our
Festival of Lights Ceremonies. See the page details to join.)


ASCEND EARTH ~ CREATE HEALING LIGHT FOR GAIA – Join this free Global Project by Walking Terra Christa to help bring more healing light to the planet and humanity by creating Ascension Columns around the Earth with the assistance of the Unified Whole Galactic and Agartha Alliance.

22 Ray Challenge ~ Online Course to learn and incorporate the 22 Rays of God. Each of the 22 Rays align within the 8 Chakras to create the 3rd, 4th, and 5th dimensional chakra grids to be aligned within the Etheric Self.

Original Material © Copyright 2003-2022 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee* Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden. All rights reserved. *formerly spelled “Meleriessee”. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS CONTENT FREELY IN COMPLETE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS WITH THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!

Revelation of Love ~ Full Moon Message October 2022 Festival of Lights Master Djwhal Khul

Rev. Christine Mahlariessee shares her Ascension Mastery Message of Master Djwhal Khul* about the Aries Full Moon which is in opposition to the Sun of Libra occurring on October 9th, 2022 at 1:54 PM Pacific, 4:54 PM Eastern within Universal time of 8:54 PM.

This moon represents New Beginnings regarding our personal life learning to strike a balance between the way we nurture ourselves vs assisting others in our present relationships. It brings forth a state of Revelation to occur as the moon energies start to surface within our consciousness.

What we have not done before can now become a priority in our lives as the aspect of Venus is helping to open up our hearts to become more aligned with Divine Love.

As the moon represents the Feminine Essence within Aries, it allows for elements that have been constricted within yourself is now open to the blessing of acceptance of whom we are internally with the feminine within us. It is a time to find the ability to love more deeply, allowing for the ability to create that love to become the manifesting factor of our lives.

The Sun of Libra is a balancing energy so the Masculine Essence within us is going to come into a higher state of equilibrium. It will bring forth the foundation of the Divine Love to become the manifesting energy in our lives.

As a result, changes can occur through this process which are for the betterment of our ability to walk through the challenges in our lives.

The moon of Aries brings forth the stability to create the balance within our hearts, to allow the divinity of Love to not be overwhelming while creating a stance of emotional maturity to develop. It is a time to be truly patient with ourselves as we go through this process.

The Emotional Body is being opened up in a new and completely different way. Usually we can tend to be overwhelmed with our emotions during the full moon, but this cycle is teaching us to stop and feel the love within our Heart allowing it to be our guiding light into positive change.

This will result in a deeper commitment and responsibility to ourselves, allowing for the ability to honor and respect internally for how far we have traveled into the present state of becoming more aligned with our Spiritual Self or I Am Presence.

Take time to create a ceremony for yourself. Honor what you have endured and gone through the last several months. This will help to create a sense of balance to occur within each of your four bodies (physical, etheric emotional, mental), not just the Emotional and Mental levels that are represented by each full moon.



I AM that I AM!

I am Master Djwhal Khul, Ray Chohan for the Golden Yellow Flame.

As the planet will be experiencing the openness of the Divinity of Love, it will interact within your Soul to look at your life differently than you have previously done. This is because you are now at a place within your consciousness to accept your lessons you have experienced to see that you are holding within you a deeper part of your soul’s history to be revealed.

The present moon energies with the sun are bringing forth an alignment to be experienced within each soul upon the earth. Whether every human being accepts this as a gift remains to be seen, but the opportunity to start to Honor Yourself from the Soul’s  perspective instead of the personality is going to be a major factor in how you will relate to the present energies.

The alignment that is occurring within this cycle is a grand opportunity to fully look at what you have gone through, realize the lessons that have occurred, so that you as the Personality Self can fully allow the Higher Spiritual Self to become more intertwined within your consciousness and life.

This cycle represents balance and stability in which it is blessed with an understanding that you may not have seen previously. This is due to the fact that the lessons are stepping stones into a higher realization that what you experienced was an important part of the blessing.

The Revelation of this moment is to look back, see what you had to experience, realize the potential you have within yourself, and allow your Emotional Self to become more in tune with the aspects of respect, patience, and trust which are all a major part of moving through your Initiations.

Take time during this cycle to see how you have changed; the growth that has happened, and revel in the blessing of Receiving. Isn’t it time for you to accept the growth that has happened?

Enjoy these moments; hold it to your Heart; and Allow the Expansion to be experienced.

I walk with you each step of the way,

I Am Master Djwhal Khul

Namaste’ and Blessings to each of you.

JOIN IN A PUBLIC CEREMONY TO ACTIVATE THE HIGHER FREQUENCIES OF THIS FULL MOON ~ SATURDAY OCTOBER 8, 2022 at 11:00 AM PT USA (click here for details). Walking Terra Christa is facilitating a public ceremony and meditation for the Festival of Lights; included in this ceremony is Master Djwhal Khul, Lord Ashtar with the Whale and Dolphin energies, Lord Sananda, the Consciousness of the Native Elders, Lady No-Eyes, and a blessing from White Buffalo Woman. Please use the link in our Audio Library to download the recording (posted within 24 hours) and bring in the energies of the blessing of this Full Moon for yourself.

22 Ray Challenge ~ Online Course to learn and incorporate the 22 Rays of God. Each of the 22 Rays align within the 8 Chakras to create the 3rd, 4th, and 5th dimensional chakra grids to be aligned within the Etheric Self.

(*) As Master Djwhal Khul previously shared when he was working with Madam Blavatsky there would come a time in the future that he would need to speak through another carefully chosen individual who was pure in alignment with the Brotherhood of White Light and Spiritual Hierarchy. This promise to humanity was fulfilled when Rev. Mahlariessee was ordained through Dr. Joshua David Stone in 2003.

If you are in need of a meditation to assist your full body system go through a healing process (which we all are doing within the process of de-ascending the Rays into our chakra grid, in 2020 we created a special 50 minute version that does assist on many levels. Our original article on Spiritual Cleansing for Health and Healing Meditation has the link to order and also has other tips that make the ascension process easier. We have learned in the past 2 years that this meditation is an essential spiritual tool given the many viral strains that keep emerging globally. W now use it almost weekly (and even daily when facing a healing crisis).

Rights are granted to repost this article in full with image electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:

Please connect with us:
Keep up to date on what we are doing and new meditations and classes:

While email is best (as social media no longer reliably shows you what you follow and who you friend) we do always share all our articles and events and special messages on FACEBOOK

If you are on twitter please retweet our links: TWITTER 

Watch some of our previous meditations and messages on YOUTUBE 

Most importantly, in these very challenging times, please consider making a ONE PERCENT BLESSING to help insure these important spiritual energies get shared with humanity. All those who support us do so out of the highest spiritual intent of pure love and devotion, which is an act that does not go unnoticed by our benefactors in the Spiritual Hierarchy and Unified Whole Agartha Galactic Alliance. Many Blessings for a wonderful Full Moon experience!)

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Enter Donation Amount (USD)

© 2003-2022 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery, Divine Language Network, by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). (*formerly spelled Meleriessee).

Rights are granted to electronically repost this article in full on your non-commercial website or blog (as originally published with original images included), or to link back to it, as long as you include all original links and the author copyright statement above. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS CONTENT FREELY IN COMPLETE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS WITH THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!


July Full Moon Festival of Lights Master Djwhal Khul by Walking Terra Christa

Rev. Christine Mahlariessee shares her Ascension Mastery Message of Master Djwhal Khul* about the Capricorn Full Moon which is in opposition to the Sun of Cancer occurring on July 13th, 2022 at 11:37 AM Pacific, 2:37 PM Eastern within Universal time of 6:37 PM.

This cycle of the full moon is a time of releasing and letting go, but then pushing ourselves into the next step of our challenge. This allows for the process of healing, regeneration, and de-cluttering our Old Self to move into the transformative process

This moon of Capricorn represents movement to occur with a sense of what needs to be changed in our lives. The Doorway is now open to step into a new awareness that is being acknowledged by the Sun of Cancer, our Intuitive Self. It is once again a time to allow the Higher Mind, Higher Self to designate how to transform ourselves by accepting the higher aspect of our Spiritual Self.

Grandmother Moon is assisting in the process of honoring our Spiritual Ideals by becoming aligned within the physical self, learning to recreate our ways of existing upon the earth by acknowledging the changes we have experienced in the last few months to now be our focal point of thinking, feeling and acting in the physical world.

It is important to utilize our higher intuition to guide us through the challenges that may be presented to us in order to step into a New Doorway, one that has been waiting for us to enter.

The shifting of the energies within Gaia are very intense, and each of us, walking upon her lands feel the changes occurring around us. Many of these challenges may not affect us personally, but we experience them just the same. As Initiates, we always want to assist the planet to accept the higher dimensions of Light. We can be the ultimate caretakers and possibly have had to take a step back from that role so we can be more supportive to ourselves which is the highest gift we can give to ourselves.

That is exactly what this moon cycle represents. We have to accept the process of the Wesak Festivals, starting with the Christ Festival in April, then Wesak Festival in May, and culminating with the Humanity/Goodwill Festival in June. We are being asked to take inventory of ourselves, what needs to be changed in order to be of service to this Earth. But we cannot do it unless we take care of the old elements lodged within our Etheric Body from the many lifetimes we have endured. (Note: this process can be advanced and assisted spiritually through the class and meditation of learning to connect properly to the Teton Retreat of the Ascended Masters, which is still open for a few more days).

So what happens through this process, that each of us as Initiates, are being asked to look within our consciousness to become aware of the changes we need to make. The Wesak energies brought forth an in-pouring of light to assist each of us and Gaia. This is truly what Ascension represents: De-Ascending the Light Forms into our four-body system (physical/etheric/emotional/mental) so that we can learn to walk with the Ascended Masters.

The Wesak Festivals can be intense for our full-body systems as physically we have never walked on this earth as we are learning to do. We know how to do so from our I Am Presence but not in full physicality.

As we go through the energies of this cycle, take time with yourself to reflect on what needs to be adjusted in your consciousness, through any of the four bodies (physical/etheric/emotional/mental). Create a sacred space for yourself to connect with the Sun, Moon, Earth and Sky. Release what you no longer need to have in your life, and dance with the incoming energies of walking through the next phase of your healing process, learning to De-Ascend your Highest Consciousness within your full body system.

The full moon of Capricorn is creating that sacred doorway for each of us to look at what is no longer working within our four-body system. This is very much directed into the chakra system and changing those chakras to align with the higher bodies of light that make up our I Am Presence representing the 22 Rays of God. (Note: As a Supermoon, the alignments can be easier to aquire. The 22 Rays are those Cosmic Core Christed Energies that are now available to humanity to restore their original blueprint and regain their Cosmic Core Level Birthright within the chakra structure. Previously there were only 7 Flames that could be accessed, and prior to that after the destructive fall of humanity with the endings of Lemuria and Atlantis, just 3, which is the three-fold flame. The goal of humanity is now to learn how to acquire and use these newer flames to accomplish Ascension in this lifetime as they expand now into the 4th and 5th dimensional chakra grid. Our online course called the 22 Ray Challenge is a perfect way to start gaining an understanding of how to live the Rays).


As I allow the energetics of the Full Moon of Capricorn to push me through My Doorway of Transformation, the Sun of Cancer gives me the ability to access my Intuitive Self. I become more of my what my Higher Self desires through accessing the process of change within me.

I Am that I Am that I Am!


I Am Master Djwhal Khul, Ray Chohan of Love and Wisdom here to share my essence on the energetics of the Full Moon of Capricorn.

What you have acquired through the Wesak Festivals is now being put into place. It has now been a couple of full moons since we all experienced the Wesak Energies, but the dynamic energy of this event is ingrained within every Initiate and Master as what we experienced during Wesak, we now have to practice the lessons in our own pathway.

It must not come from your personality self but designated through your Higher Consciousness. This may seem a challenging task, but the key is how much time do you take for your spiritual self, to bring forth the higher light energies into your present consciousness.

Do you take time to practice deep meditations, to use your Pranic breath, do you allow yourself to become de-stressed from the energies of the world presently?

These are all questions that need to be answered by your personality self. It is important to realize that you must take time to re-align your four-body system (physical, etheric (chakras), emotional, mental selves). They all hold memories of your past of this lifetime, and beyond which can result in challenges occurring in your life.

You are being tested by the Universal Consciousness to hold true of what you have acquired through the Wesak energies to allow the transformation to occur by becoming more of our Intuitive Self.

This moon is pushing every soul to advance but it must be acquired with more ease and grace; commitment to your Divine Self, not so much within your physical incarnation.

The Moon of Capricorn represents the Goat climbing up the mountain, but in this cycle, you as the Goat, must be aligned within your Higher Self which can only be achieved by creating moments of sacredness without the outside influences of the physical world.

It is a cycle to realize that you can be more to yourself than you have been previously, last week, last month, or last year.

This is the Doorway of Your Personal Self to become more aligned with what is being gifted to you through your Higher Self and I Am Presence, also known as your Spiritual Truth. It is important to realize that change is occurring quickly and if you miss the opportunity, then you will not see the depth of awareness to change within you.

During this cycle take time for yourself, to see how much you changed and in what way. Realize the potential you have within yourself to transform the old self into a new way of Beingness.

Namaste’ and Blessings, I Am Master Djwhal Khul

Walking Terra Christa facilitated a public ceremony and meditation for the Festival of Lights on July 9th, 2022; included in this ceremony is Master Djwhal Khul, Lord Ashtar with the Whale and Dolphin energies, Lord Sananda, the Consciousness of the Native Elders, Lady No-Eyes, and a blessing from White Buffalo Woman. Please use the link in our Audio Library to download the recording and bring in the energies of the blessing of this Full Moon for yourself.

22 Ray Challenge ~ Online Course to learn and incorporate the 22 Rays of God. Each of the 22 Rays align within the 8 Chakras to create the 3rd, 4th, and 5th dimensional chakra grids to be aligned within the Etheric Self.

(*) As Master Djwhal Khul previously shared when he was working with Madam Blavatsky there would come a time in the future that he would need to speak through another carefully chosen individual who was pure in alignment with the Brotherhood of White Light and Spiritual Hierarchy. This promise to humanity was fulfilled when Rev. Mahlariessee was ordained through Dr. Joshua David Stone in 2003.

If you are in need of a meditation to assist your full body system go through a healing process (which we all are doing within the process of de-ascending the Rays into our chakra grid, in 2020 we created a special 50 minute version that does assist on many levels. Our original article on Spiritual Cleansing for Health and Healing Meditation has the link to order and also has other tips that make the ascension process easier. We have learned in the past 2 years that this meditation is an essential spiritual tool given the many viral strains that keep emerging globally. W now use it almost weekly (and even daily when facing a healing crisis).

Rights are granted to repost this article in full with image electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:

Please connect with us:
Keep up to date on what we are doing and new meditations and classes:

While email is best (as social media no longer reliably shows you what you follow and who you friend) we do always share all our articles and events and special messages on FACEBOOK

If you are on twitter please retweet our links: TWITTER 

Watch some of our previous meditations and messages on YOUTUBE 

Most importantly, in these very challenging times, please consider making a ONE PERCENT BLESSING to help insure these important spiritual energies get shared with humanity. All those who support us do so out of the highest spiritual intent of pure love and devotion, which is an act that does not go unnoticed by our benefactors in the Spiritual Hierarchy and Unified Whole Agartha Galactic Alliance. Many Blessings for a wonderful Full Moon experience!)

Select a Donation Option (USD)

Enter Donation Amount (USD)

© 2003-2022 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery, Divine Language Network, by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). (*formerly spelled Meleriessee).

Rights are granted to electronically repost this article in full on your non-commercial website or blog (as originally published with original images included), or to link back to it, as long as you include all original links and the author copyright statement above. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS CONTENT FREELY IN COMPLETE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS WITH THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!

Expansion of the Will of God Master Djwhal Khul Festival of Humanity 2022

Rev. Christine Mahlariessee shares her Ascension Mastery Message with Master Djwhal Khul of the Sagittarius Full Moon in opposition to the Sun of Gemini occurring on June 14th, 2022 at 4:52 AM Pacific, 7:52 AM Eastern within Universal time of 11:52 AM and how it relates to the Festival of Humanity/Goodwill.

As we now move into the energies of this Full Moon of Sagittarius it represents the need to reach out of our physical (Gemini) self, through our mental thoughts representing patterns of our programmed behaviors. It allows for the truth to be revealed within us as our minds expand into our Higher Self consciousness.

Gemini is affiliated with the physical incarnation, who we are within our personality self, the tried methods that we rely upon in our third dimensional self. As Sagittarius now becomes the ruling energy of the Higher Self it gives us the gift open up to new opportunities that is being guided through our Higher Consciousness.

It is a time to break free of the binding energies that have held us in a state of frustration and fear. This moon is teaching us that we are now at a pivotal amount to ground what we have been aspiring to in the higher realms of light.

But this must be addressed with caution so as not to get so adventurous that we forget about the steps we have taken to get to this place of renewal. Reaching this moment of creation makes it possible due to the lessons we have experienced previously. Our Higher Self is guiding us through each level, and now we can fully ground within our four-body system (physical, etheric, emotional, and mental levels) to hold the ideals based on your Spiritual Self.

It is a time to express our feelings with the ability to be empathic and loving towards others. We are definitely in a period of transformation as we can allow the past to be transcended into a higher state of consciousness.

As this moon illuminates the concept of Logic vs. Intuition and Faith to be realized within us, there is a light shining within our full consciousness to be realized for the physical world.

What do you need to Illuminate within your physical consciousness resulting in your Higher Self Consciousness guiding you into the direction of Manifestation for your Divinity of Light within our full reality of the Self?

This is the month to allow what you have reaped to become the blessing of your life.

This moon also represents the Third Ascension Festival of Wesak: Humanity and Goodwill aspiring towards Divinity, Attunement to God’s Will, and Right Human Relationships. It is a time to aspire to the divine nature of humanity and aspire toward spiritual fellowship. This is also known as World Invocation Day.

The Force of Reconstruction is represented by the first ray of the Will and Power of God’s Love. It is a time for all sentient beings to come together in Love and Dedication to the Service of the Ascended Master State of Consciousness. This is acquired first individually within ourselves so that the true meaning of Goodwill can be expanded into the state of Humanity, to create the ability to reconstruct what has been lost from previous lifetimes of greed and incompatibility to honor our fellow human beings.

In order to aspire to the Will and Power of God (Blue Flame) the seven flames are crucial in the process of Reconstruction. This includes the Will to Love (Golden Yellow Flame), the Will to Action (Pink Flame), the Will to Cooperate (Crystalline Flame), the Will to Know and Think Correctly and Creatively (Green Golden-White Flame), the Will to Persist (Ruby Red-Golden Flame) with the Will to Organize (Violet-Purple). All of these flames assist in creating a building process to be carried forward under the direct inspiration of the Spiritual Hierarchy.

The Wesak Festival is a time in which each Initiate is given a blessing of what they have achieved in the past year to help them walk into the next phase of their initiation process. The Festival of Humanity is the time when the Initiate now grounds the higher frequency of light that they have received within the previous full moon energies. This allows for a celebration to unite themselves within the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of White Light, giving to humanity the blessings of the work of Lord Buddha (Planetary Logos), Lord Maitreya, Lord Kuthumi and Lord Sananda.

Master Djwhal Khul’s Keynote for the Festival of Humanity 2022:

I call upon the Divine Blessings of the Will of God to give unto me the aspirations of the Will to Love, the Will to Action, the Will to Cooperate, the Will to Know and Think Correctly and Creatively, the Will to Persist with the Will to Organize to create a building process of Reconstruction through My I Am Presence.
I AM that I Am that I Am!

Greetings My Dearest Beloveds,

I am Master Djwhal Khul bringing forth a message for this full moon lunation for June 2022.

Expansion is the key word I want to use for the present energies coming into the planet.

It is a time to fully allow what you experience in your higher states of awareness to become a reality within your physical, etheric (chakras), emotional, and mental bodies. There is so much that can be achieved internally and externally through the present energies if you allow it to happen.

Now is the time to experience your higher states of Awareness to become the focal point of your consciousness. You must not let anything stand in your way no matter what issues arise through the challenges of your pathway.

There is a state of openness that is occurring; allow it to be part of your physical walk, your emotional energies, your mental faculties and expand your chakra system with the ability to walk through any doorway, any darkness, to command within yourself that the Light you have received in the Wesak energies can now be part of your true essence.

But you must believe it to be otherwise there can be infractions that are placed upon you that you may not even know about, and then all of a sudden you must deal with the elements around you. They are not you; they are just representative of the world that was you in your past incarnations.

This is a time of purity, to accept that you are within the higher state of consciousness, but you must allow it to become more physical within you. Utilizing your breath allow for the divine aspects of Love, of Will, of Creation, of Joy, of Self Responsibility, of Determination, of Devotion to yourself, to Organize your thoughts and emotions to become unite allowing for the creation the world that you desire to be.

Be strong in your convictions as this is a Moon of Great Manifestation through the Expansion of your Divine Self being your guide.

All my blessings in Love and Illumination of your Heart,

I Am Master Djwhal Khul



This is an ONLINE AUDIO EVENT: Participate from your home in a meditative energy to connect to the Highest level of the Spiritual Masters and Ascension Frequency!

Recording will be available within 24 hours after the event ~ Audio Recording Library.

© 2022 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). (*formerly spelled Meleriessee). Please share and repost. Rights are granted to repost this article in full with image electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:


Discovering Our True Self~Master Djwhal Khul May 2022 Festival of Lights

Rev. Christine Mahlariessee shares her Ascension Mastery Message with Master Djwhal Khul of the Scorpio Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse with the Sun of Taurus occurring on May 15th, 2022 at 9:14 PM Pacific/May 16th 12:14 AM Eastern within Universal time of 4:14 AM and how it relates to the Festival of Wesak.

As we now experience the Full Moon of Scorpio in the Sun Sign of Taurus, it opens up the energies of self awareness to be instrumental within our pathway. This cycle is very healthy in the manner of learning what does not work for us while having the intuition to be able to change the imbalance we are experiencing.

It is a cycle of Discovering our True Self to be acknowledged which allows for a deep healing process to occur.

The Moon within Scorpio allows for the Feminine Self (Emotional Body) to go deeper into the Etheric Self allowing for the past elements to come to the surface to be acknowledged within ourselves that are related to our Karmic debts.

The Sun within Taurus, being represented by the Masculine Self (Mental Body), is the grounding energy to create a new foundation with Love while accepting the change that is occurring within us. This is bringing forth a State of Allowance to become One with our Divine Self.

This allows for the process of the Light to bring Truth into the darkness within us. It is a time a great manifestation of the White Light represented by the Ascension Master Consciousness to guide us as Initiates through the challenge knowing that we are being supported and loved to create the change we need to be.

The Lunar Eclipse represents the relationship within ourselves for Ascension Mastery. The key is to allow our Feminine Self to intuit the healing we need as the Masculine Self supports the change, helping with the process of movement in an upwards direction.

Of course, this is in perfect harmony with the Wesak Festival of Lights which occurs on the Full Moon; it is a time to fully intuit within ourselves what needs to be rectified as we stand with the blessings of the Ascended Masters of the God Force and Lord Buddha, our Planetary Logos, arising into a new acceleration of our Divine Self.

This year of 2022  for Wesak the 8th Ray of the Sea Foam Green is being initiated into the Core of Gaia which represents activating our Higher Heart. The Thymus Gland or Chakra is associated with our Etheric Self representing our Karmic issues. Presently having this chakra become more aligned with the higher realms means that it is time to heal our past karmic elements from previous lifetimes.

This cycle is fully aligned with the Wesak energies to help every soul to come into a deeper state of healing as Wesak represents the Threefold Flame of the Love, the Will, and Power to be activated and acknowledged within us. The Sea Foam Green essence is part of this alignment to occur.

It is also a time to honor the ones that have helped us get to this moment in time. Giving feedback to our teachers, mentors, and ascended masters is allowing the Act of Gratitude to be realized within our lives. Take time in ceremony to celebrate not only the Wesak energies but the essence of what Grandmother Moon and Grandfather Sun are assisting us with (Native Teachings).

Master Djwhal Khul’s Keynote for May 2022

As I stand in the presence of our Divine Self, I honor the journey that has allowed us to be more aware of the challenges and successes through the presence of the cycle of Scorpio conjunct with Taurus. I allow my Intuitive Self through my Emotional Body to assist me with the deep healing of my Etheric Self so that I can fully become aligned and grounded with the help of my Higher Mental Body to accept my Ascended Master State of Consciousness celebrating the Wesak Moon of 2022.

I Am that I Am that I Am!

Greetings My Fellow Initiates,

As we start to enter into the Wesak energies with the Full Moon of Scorpio and the Sun of Taurus, it allows each of you to fully take inventory of where your consciousness exists presently. This will allow you to walk with ease and grace into the beautiful Temple of the Eternal I Am within Shamballa for the Wesak celebration.

As we stand together, presenting our energies to Lord Buddha, it not only is honorable but absolutely life changing if you allow yourself to surrender into the present energies.

This is a cycle that truly represents all that Wesak presents to Initiates and Ascended Masters. It is about our internal growth process, to see what needs to be changed, and being gifted to receive the assistance from the Spiritual Hierarchy.

The earth is changing greatly so as we connect with each other, it is important to reflect upon your own internal consciousness. This moon is a perfect combination of energies awakening you unto the aspects within yourself that may have been lost or forgotten. It is a time of joy and jubilation for each initiate to see the growth that has occurred as you, the Initiate, walks into that Temple to be honored for the work that you have done to bring forth your Divine Self unto your Physical Consciousness, to allow the Light energies to help you in your Cellular Structure so that your experiences as a Soul align with your Divine Truth.

That is what I feel about this moon cycle. Wesak is always super important, but I cannot tell you how magnificent this year is for the energetic exchange.

The fact that the Sea Foam Green has received the blessing to be integrated into the Core of Gaia to assist humanity in rectifying their karmic debts, while helping each of you to honor your Higher Heart. This process will allow it to shine brightly assisting you in the growth your existence not only on the Earth but from this point forward.

This cycle is about acknowledgement of who you are becoming, being excited to continue this journey for yourself as this is only the Beginning. The blessing of Manifestation is very powerful through all your aspects of living; physically, emotionally, mentally while healing your Etheric Self in the process.

I as Master Djwhal Khul extending my light service to walk with you as we create the healing upon this Earth; thank you for doing so with each of us as in the Ascended Master State of Consciousness.

Master Djwhal Khul, Ray Chohan for Love and Wisdom

(Duration 3 to 3.5 hours)

This is an ONLINE AUDIO EVENT: Participate from your home in a meditative energy to connect to the Highest level of the Spiritual Masters and Ascension Frequency at this most auspicious time of year!


This High Ascension Festival is typically at least 3 hours in duration to bring forth the most powerful Ascension Mastery frequencies from the Spiritual Hierarchy, Angelic Hosts and Ascended Masters, with the support of all Christed Beings in Oneness. The Sacred Ascension Prayers and Decree’s are recited by all in attendance.

© 2022 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). (*formerly spelled Meleriessee). Please share and repost. Rights are granted to repost this article in full with image electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:



Becoming the State of Rebirth and Restoration

Photo by Susan Wilkinson on Unsplash

Rev. Christine Mahlariessee shares her experience and wisdom of how to integrate the Festival of the Christ energies representing Resurrection into Restoration within the present full moon cycle. This first Ascension Festival is preparing all Initiates and Souls to walk with the Masters for the Wesak Festival of Light.

We are presently experiencing the Festival of the Christ which aligns with the full moon energies of Libra conjunction with the sun of Aries. The energetic acceptance of these energies prepares us as an Initiate of the Ascended Master State of Consciousness as we move towards the Festival of Wesak in May.

If you listened or participated in Walking Terra Christa’s ceremony of the Festival of the Christ on April 18th, it is important to re-listen in a different manner (Festival of the Christ, 04-18-22). Utilizing your breath with the energies will help you to absorb the meaning of the message. It helps you to align with your Spiritual Self to create the integration of the energies that Lord Kuthumi, Lord Maitreya, and Lord Sananda shared for the festival.

As the facilitator of the energies, I don’t always get a chance to re-listen for my own personal experience, but I have been feeling the releasement of energies within me that I did not realize were still within my system. My first thought is that I have been affected by outside energies, but that not always the case. In fact it was a little bit of both.

After the cleansing protocols twice a day, utilizing spiritual cleansing energies, calling upon my own healing masters to assist, the feeling was still inside of me that I needed to let go of emotions being held within my full body system. I was not aware of any specific issues, so sometimes it can be a great challenge to realize that more healing needs to be done.

I felt an immense pressure that I needed to cry but there weren’t any scenarios associated with what I was feeling. It was just a sensation.

We have to realize that as Initiates expanding our four-body system into a higher light energy that we are going to be affected in various ways which may not seem normal.

That is the key word – we cannot NORMALIZE what we are going through energetically.

The process is to allow it to arise out of the Emotional Self, asking the Mental Self to push it through us. We may not always listen to our four bodies in this way, but this Full Moon of the Festival of the Christ is pushing us to do so.

Since we may not know what is happening consciously, we have to accept the fact through all the invocations of the ceremony and what is happening through the Spiritual Hierarchy at this time, that we are being guided to become more aligned with our Spiritual Self.

Now this is going to be different for every soul; it depends on your Initiation Process, how well you are able to let go of your controls within your sub-conscious mind, and the process of integrating the Rays of God within you through your prana breathing.

The important part of this process is to allow the healing to continue within your system, feel the energies, do not analyze what you are experiencing, but be in the flow of the healing process.

In my case I have been doing Ascension Mastery process for over 30 years. I have experienced many healing modalities that help me to purge energies out of my consciousness and four-body system to align with the Ascended Master State of Consciousness. So when something like this happens to me (which every full moon I usually feel something changing), then I know that my Soul’s essence is trying to help my physical body to step into a new part of Regeneration.

I have to remind myself the ceremony I just facilitated and that even though, I am not fully present personally, I am just affected by the incoming energies.

We have to realize that the planet is full of duality and some of the energies we are experiencing are from non-Christed energies that want us to fail.

So when we step into a ceremony like the Festival of the Christ, the Christed Light energies are being grounded into Gaia so all souls can experience a deep healing.

That is why sometimes it is a challenge to know if debris is yours or something you are experiencing in the world around you. I and my husband, partner, went through this yesterday. It can be very debilitating to my emotional body, and he is experiencing it mentally which means we were at odds with one another until I allowed myself to step into a deep healing process with the cleansing protocols and looking at the mirror at myself, “Is this me or am I being affected by energies not of the Christed light.”

It was in this moment that I changed. I had done a deep meditation, the water and salt cleansing (Sacred Space Clearing Process), and it was not until I stepped into the Will of God within me, that I was able to shift the energies. Mike even asked me what I did differently and I said “I looked in the mirror.”

I was still emotionally drained by what had occurred between us, but we were able to get ourselves back into our Divine Self to interact as we usually do.

I share about the non-Christed energies because it is very prevalent in our world since 2012 occurred. The darkness is trying to take us down and when we create a ceremony like the Festival of Lights, it creates the battle energetically. That is why it is so very important that each of us take responsibility for our own energies, cleansing and purifying our light bodies. It is also why we work with Lord Ashtar with the Ascension Columns Around the World (please see the link below) which helps to bring more light infractions into the Earth through the 144th dimension of the Unified Whole Command.

I awoke this morning with the sense of re-listening to the ceremony which I did. As I was listening to the masters giving their dissertations, I breathed very deeply, was in my higher consciousness, and felt the energies of their message in a new and different way. I experienced their essence guiding me into my own Higher Essence, feeling the blessing of the RESTORATION process.

One message from Lord Sananda became very important to me. He said that “We must allow the Love of God with the Pink Flame to bring forth the state of Compassion within us, in order to accept the Will of God with the Blue Flame to give us strength to move forward.”

Lord Maitreya also shared how each of the flames must be intuited within the full body system to not only by guided by that ray but to fully become the ray within ourselves. Now this is something I know very well, but today I felt it more.

What I am trying to say is that the Festival of the Christ energies has assisted me to go deeper within my psyche to realize the potential that I have within myself so that I can become more aligned with the Ascended State of Consciousness within me, not outside of me as I learn to walk with these Divine Masters. I was not even aware of the changes I needed to make, but yet, the energies of this ceremony assisted me greatly. This is because I surrender and know that the God Force is helping me to align with my highest self.

We never know what is locked in our subconscious mind until we experience the blessing of opening up ourselves into a deeper connection with our Divine Spiritual Self. I can attest to that fact as I have spent over 20 years participating in the Festivals of Light, released and transformed so many inner issues, yet it is still continuing to this day in a new and different manner for me.

I suggest that you take time for yourself, get to know the untruths you hold within you, let them come out into the sun to be burn away the dross and debris. You will thank yourself as this festival prepares us for the Wesak energies, to walk with the masters with our newfound energies to be blessed in the Light of Lord Buddha and the Office of the Christ.

In Expressions of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Heliohah (Hayden)

HELP RAISE THE VIBRATION OF YOUR HOME AND LANDS] ASCEND EARTH ~ CREATE HEALING LIGHT FOR GAIA – Join this free Global Project by Walking Terra Christa to help bring more healing light to the planet and humanity by creating Ascension Columns around the Earth with the assistance of the Unified Whole Galactic and Agartha Alliance.

© 2022 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). (*formerly spelled Meleriessee). Please share and repost. Rights are granted to repost this article in full with image electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:

Eternal Transformation of a New Reality ~ March 2022: Equinox with Full Moon Energies ~

Spiritual Meaning of the Ascension Mastery* Message of the March 20th Equinox with the March 18th Full Moon of Virgo as brought forth by Lord Metatron, Master Djwhal Khul, and Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden.

The March Equinox, arrived on March 20th at 8:33 AM Pacific, 11:33 AM Eastern, within Universal Time of 15:33. It is also referred to the Vernal Equinox marking the beginning of the Spring season in the Northern Hemisphere and the Autumn season in the Southern Hemisphere.

The Full Moon of Virgo in opposition to the Sun of Pisces occurred on the 18th of March at 12:17 AM Pacific, 3:17 AM EDT within Universal Time of  7:17 PM.

[Information on the Full Moon energies, please see below].

Energetically, the Equinox relates to the Cosmic Light Forces to assist Gaia and all of humanity to receive an increased amount of light through stability allowing for the planetary structure to hold more Light in order to create the necessary changes for growth and alignment of the higher dimensional qualities. This occurs slowly through each of the Equinoxes and Solstices along with the Moon  and Sun cycles.

The Great Central Suns of the Solar — Galactic — Universal —Multi-Universal — Cosmic Frequencies of Light bring forth the Rainbow Arcs of Light once again, but in this moment of time for 2022 it allows for the transition of WHAT HAS BEEN to turn into WHAT IS BEING CREATED. [The Rainbow Arcs of Light is a combination of the 330 Rays of God representing  Electro-Magnetic pulses of energy. These pulses are transmitted through the Great Central Suns, into the Solar Level and unto the Core of Gaia.]

All time is relative – so at this Equinox the time elements are converging as one to bring forth the frequency of Light that is represented by the effects of the Cosmic Light Energies. This will assist the planet by holding true to the dynamics of a new reality emerging from within the core of Gaia to meet the transition of the higher light forces to become intertwined to create a sensation of “AHHHH”. This is represented by the Cosmic Level represented by the Great, Great, Great, Great, Great Central Sun, which the presence of Divine Mother Father God with the Cosmic Rays of the Lords of the Hyos Ha Koidesh bring forth the Divine Truth to be revealed within the core of Gaia and humanity.


As we have moved into the Equinox of 2022 in March, it brings with it the immense change of creation to be experienced through the dynamics of the light frequencies assisting the planet. As has been shown in the year of 2022, the planetary system is going through a rebirth experience. It is a time of complete renewal of all systems that have been in place for eons of time.

The issue within humanity is to allow this new wave of frequency to bring forth  assistance to become more to the consciousness of each individual soul upon the planet. What everyone is experiencing is not the same; it depends upon the ability to become more aligned with the soul’s conviction within themselves ~ are they ready to move with the tide of the change or are they going to fight the process.

This is the question that every human must ask themselves as the transition of this Equinox brings with it the power that is ignited within a new form of RENEWAL, one that has never been realized within the dimensional frequency of Gaia.

The Great Central Suns of the Solar – Galactic – Universal – Multi-Universal – Cosmic Frequencies of Light bring forth the Rainbow Arcs of Light once again, but in this moment of time for 2022 it allows for the transition of WHAT HAS BEEN to turn into WHAT IS BEING CREATED.

[Note: the Rainbow Arcs of Light represent pulses of Electro-Magnetic Cosmic Rays of the Lords of Hyos Ha Koidesh with each of the 330 Rays of God to be ignited through each of the Great Central Suns through the Solar Great Central Sun to be put into the Core of Gaia for the Planetary Structure.]

If we can relate to the shifts that are happening upon the Earth, and look at it from a higher perspective, then we can easily accept the New Reality that is occurring.

All time is relative – so at this Equinox the time elements are converging as one to bring forth the frequency of Light that is represented by the effects of the Cosmic Light Energies to assist the planet by holding true to the dynamics of a new reality emerging from within the core of Gaia to meet the transition of the higher light forces to become intertwined to create a sensation of “AHHHH”. This is represented by the Cosmic Level represented by the Great, Great, Great, Great, Great Central Sun, which the presence of Divine Mother Father God and the Lords of the Hyos Ha Koidesh to bring forth the Divine Truth to be revealed within the core of Gaia and humanity.

As the Equinox becomes aligned within Gaia, each soul is reminded of their True Beginnings as that Soul, not the physical incarnation. It is a remembrance of the Divine Truth exhibited through the purest essence of Joy, of what has been and needs to be realized through the dynamics of the evolution of the planet.

This planetary system is now more aligned with the Cosmic Light Forces than it ever has been previously. There is a sense of beauty that is bestowed within each soul and this Equinox is the opening doorway to this inner self to be realized.

The Cosmic Great Central Suns aligns itself not only within the concept of Divine Mother Father God, but the vibrancy of bringing forth the 330 Rays of God in one spectrum of Light. This event allows for the transition of every soul to sit within the presence of their I AM, to hold this frequency of Light, allowing for the transition to occur within the Soul’s Essence unto the Physical Personality.

It is a time of merging both elements of the Spiritual Self with the Personality Self which will allow for the entrance-way of change to occur within each soul’s experience.

This occurrence has already started its transition from the 19th of March, culminating on the 20th of March, and continuing into the 21st of March. This is when the true acceleration will be occurring; what happens afterwards is the balancing act that needs to be integrated not only for each soul, but for the Core of Gaia.

The introduction and movement of these energies will assist each individual if they allow it to happen for themselves.

It is imperative that to accept this Divine Light to be infused within one’s consciousness is to agree for issuance to occur. This will happen automatically for every soul, but when an individual allows for the Conscious Entryway to become the focal point, then that is when the True Transformation will occur.

Being in a State of Faith is very crucial; as one will not see this coming, it must be felt intuitively, in silence, and with the assistance of the Forces of the Great Central Sun emanating the Divinity of the Rays of God (all 330 of them) to assist humanity and the growth of every individual Soul upon this Earth.

It is not a time to prayer; it is a time to Receive. Many will want to command what they will experience, but please know that your I AM Presence, your beginning Essence of the Tear Drop of Light, knows what you must do. Allow yourself to sit within this silence of Light. It will come into you, through you, and expand into the Earth.

The vibrational change can be overwhelming for the body but just allow yourself to sit in silence for at least 10 minutes through this three-day period. Allow the transition of the Light Energies to run through you and ground them into the Earth so that all Beings upon this Earth may experience their Rebirth of the Soul’s Essence to be more compliant and in alignment with the Cosmic Source of Light.

I walk with you on this journey of Rebirth for the Earth and all of humanity.

I Am Lord Metatron, Logos of the Multi-Universal Level and the Keeper of the Metatronic Seals.

FULL MOON OF VIRGO IN OPPOSITION TO THE SUN OF PISCES 18th of March at 12:17 AM Pacific, 3:17 AM EDT within Universal Time of  7:17 PM.

[Please note that the Full Moon energies are strongest three days before, three days during and three days after, continuing into the New Moon Energies which will occur April 1st, 2022.]

Grandmother Moon representing the sign of Virgo is teaching us to take care of our physical walk upon the earth. She always brings forth the Emotional Charges as she represents the Feminine Divine, but it is sometimes challenging to hold that transition of energy that is occurring. Within this cycle it is allowing our Emotional Self to become more intuitive and aware of the emotional energies we are experiencing.

Grandfather Sun represented by the sign of Pisces, allows for a higher connection to Source energies bringing forth a connection into the Masculine or Mental Self to flow with ideas allows for a transition of our Soul’s Essence to become more fluid. This can cause the Mental Self to want to retreat or not acknowledge what is occurring within the subconscious mind, but it should be just the opposite. Allow for the flow of the energies to move the Subconscious Mind to break apart and release the any thoughts that need to to go through an internal healing. Also embrace the thoughts that align with your Spiritual Self; they should be the focal point of this cycle.

As we transition through this Full Moon, it is important to realize our Intuitive Self assisting us to change what no longer serves us, as in any movement forward, it is always about removing the debris to allow the new element(s) to become more important than the releasing itself.

If we allow the connection of the Sun of Pisces to represent our physical walk, then the connection of our Higher Spiritual Self will assist in the transition of the Moon and the Sun to walk together instead of being in opposite corners. The Spiritual Self is asking to blend within the Physical Self Consciousness allowing for the blending of the Higher Mind within the four-body system (physical-etheric-emotional-mental).




As the planetary consciousness stands in the presence of not only the Full Moon Energies of Virgo but within the Equinox, it allows for each of these cycles to come together in unity of Love and Light.

It does not always happen in this manner, to have both the cycles become so intertwined within each other. It truly is representative to the dynamics of this year of 2022 – Fully immersing ourselves within the Creative Source of Oneness – in all ways and all things.

Since the Full Moon occurred two days before the Equinox, I believe that the Moon set the stage to allow for the transference of light energies to be experienced on a physical level. Grandmother Moon within Virgo represents the ability to become Emotionally Centered within the Physical experience. It allows for the transference of the emotions, whether they have been hidden or very open, there becomes a sense of releasement, almost a sigh of relief to fully accept the emotional changes that are occurring.

The Sun of Pisces only helps to accelerate the blessing of the Divine Light through the Spiritual Self. It is a time to fully accept the gifts that the Source energies of the Light is bringing into your awareness. Walking with the Spiritual Self, the Higher Self, or whatever you want to name it, is the key to your personal evolution presently.

We all know that the Earth is going through a tremendous upheaval. We like to call it Transformation as the old is being revealed in order to find a new way of living through accessing Spiritual ideals. I think that every individual upon the planet would agree that changes are coming. We see it in the way people are interacting with one another through the traumatic events.

This goes hand-in-hand with your own challenges, upheavals, or unforeseen events that occur. It is imperative to find the Silver Lining within yourself; to hold the highest ideals to combat the negative programming that is surfacing in your life.

That is exactly what this Full Moon cycle represents – allowing the Emotional Body to heal itself. You may say, how do I create this action within me?

Opening to the possibility that Grandmother Moon is allowing your emotional issues to be revealed within your subconscious should be your first impression.  Unobstruct the blockage of your emotions and allow them to be revealed, through the process of accepting your highest ideals to be created through your Spiritual Self.

This means accessing your Higher Mind, becoming aware of your breath, and how far you allow yourself to travel into the higher state of awareness. Then bring it down through your chakras into your Earth Star, the Souls of your feet – with cords to change those lower aspects you may hold within yourself and become more aligned with the thoughts of your Spiritual Mind.

Take time during this cycle into the Full Moon to fully become the True Essence that your Higher Self is desiring you to embody within you. Let the lower conscious thoughts to be dissipated and removed through the energies that are being recreated.

Along with that process let the Equinox vibrant Cosmic Light Energies to become more intertwined within your full body system.

It is amazing what can happen when you step out of the darkness and allow the Light Formations to assist you. You may feel sleepy, out of it, but eventually you will be able to get through the challenge readying yourself for the New Moon of Aries.

It is my pleasure to walk with each of you.

I Am Master Djwhal Khul, Ray Chohan for the Ray of Love and Wisdom

Listening to the audio recording for the Festival of Lights Ascend Earth Full Moon/Equinox Ceremony that Master Djwhal Khul and Lord Metatron hosted will assist in bringing forth the vibrational emphasis through attunement and activation of these higher frequencies of light. Click Here for the recording to be accessed in our Donation Supported Library.

ASCEND EARTH ~ CREATE HEALING LIGHT FOR GAIA – Join this free Global Project by Walking Terra Christa to help bring more healing light to the planet and humanity by creating Ascension Columns around the Earth with the assistance of the Unified Whole Galactic and Agartha Alliance.

Original Material © Copyright 2003-2022 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee* Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden. All rights reserved. *formerly spelled “Meleriessee”. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS CONTENT FREELY IN COMPLETE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS WITH THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!

Master Djwhal Khul ~ Festival of Lights February 2022 ~ Opening of Integration

Spiritual Meaning of the Ascension Mastery* Message of the February 16th Full Moon as brought forth by Master Djwhal Khul and Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden.

The Full Moon of Leo in opposition to the Sun of Aquarius occurs on February 16th, 2022 at 8:57 AM Pacific, 12:57 PM Eastern within Universal time at 4:57 PM.

As we are now embarking upon the Full Moon Energies, it is opening up our Heart Centers to go into another depth of healing while learning to project what we are feeling to create Action in the outside world with passion and confidence.

As this month is very representative of Oneness, with the numerology it represents of the 2-2022, the essence of the Leo moon is help us to become more attuned within ourselves to become the Oneness of the Creative Source, our Higher Self to be the directing force.

Change is the first focus coupled with the desire to feel the Divine Love which fuels enthusiasm. In order to find our passion we must align with the Divine Love that we are as a soul. This means that this cycle is helping every soul to find the purpose that they have been searching for but to also act upon it.

It is a moon of Abundance of Love, as when we express self-tenderness, then we find the ability to be more creative in all areas of our lives. The Aquarius Sun is the grounding force for this passion to be rooted within us through the ability to accept it is time to fully embrace our Inner Love from our Spiritual Self.

It is a month of new beginnings which highlights Abundance to be created in all phases of our lives especially within the physical conscious allowing the Soul’s essence to be the guiding light of our lives.

The Leo Moon represents Passion of what we have been intending to create with the ability to be confident in the way that we approach the adjustment we are making in our lives. It is a time to allow all aspects of our Feminine Divine to be the defining energy of our lives through Intuition, Inner Knowledge, and Acting upon the change with the Masculine Divine become the New Self with the power of Inner Knowing and Passion to be the guiding light.

The Aquarian Sun is the movement of that ability to be in a state of realizing that you can fully be assured without the Lower Ego coming into play through the actions you are creating. The Higher Self is assisting in allowing the change to occur while having the intuition that the time and place has now arrived for you to become more aligned within your own truest self.

It is time to step into the next part of your Truest Self to be acknowledged within you.

Take time to reflect on your innermost feelings that represent your Divine Truth so that it may be shared outside of yourself. This should bring forth the alliance of your Heart’s Essence to come into a new existence of acceptance.

Create a ceremony for yourself in which you can be fully supported to allow the Divine Truth within you to become your True Reality; allow it to be created with the Passion and Confidence that is represented by the Full Moon of Leo.

Master Djwhal Khul’s Keynote
~February 2022~

I Accept My Innermost Passion of Divine Love to be embraced through the Full Moon of Leo as I create a New Beginning to be experienced while being Authentic to My Spiritual Self.

Greetings and Love,

I am Master Djwhal Khul, Ray Chohan for the Ray of Love and Wisdom extending unto each of you the understanding of the present energies within the Full Moon of Leo.

This cycle represents many elements coming into play that each individual has been thinking about, or bringing forth intentions to make it a reality. It is a month of physical acceptability to allow these thoughts and feelings to become a true Reality of your life.

Every month we discuss what can occur or how you can get through the present energies. Within this cycle it becomes more of an integrated process meaning that your spiritual self has an opportunity to help you become those idealized thoughts; meaning, they are becoming more intertwined within your physical consciousness.

Now this is not magical thinking; it is not just going to happen because you have wished for it to be so.

No, it is more of what you have been working upon in your Higher Self consciousness that can be acquired if you open up your Heart to the Divine Light Energies that are occurring within this cycle.

Now sometimes, this can be incredibly challenging because whatever has been stopping the process previously needs to be healed, transmuted, and transformed. Any individual that has desires to become manifested, must always go through a deep cleansing process.

As we enter this cycle of the Moon of Leo, then energy is becoming very open to give every soul this opportunity to allow themselves to move into the process of Oneness within themselves. This means that each of the four bodies (physical-etheric-emotional-mental) need to go through a healing process in order for the spiritual body to become more integrated.

This is what we like to call as the Opening of Integration by allowing whom you are as a Spiritual Being to become more part of the entire process within the Physical Self. This takes an earnest effort as the programming within your sub-conscious mind will try to stop the process.

That is why this Full Moon Cycle of Leo is so magical. The confidence that every individual needs to push through the lower energy is being brought to the Earth for every soul to experience a moment of Divine Clarity, opening themselves up to Divine Love. It comes right in the middle of this month when numerologically the power energy of “2” in double and triple density is bombarding the planet with the assistance of the Great Central Suns.

My suggestion is to take full advantage of the present moon cycle to prepare you to become more grounded and ready for a highly integration of light and love to be felt within your heart, help you heal on a level that you may not be aware of, and accept the role of your Higher and Physical Selves to work more in unison.

I look forward to walking with each of you in this miraculous time of change.

So Mote It Be, Let it Be Done!

I am Master Djwhal Khul at your service.

Listening to the audio recording for the Festival of Lights Ascend Earth Full Moon Ceremony that Master Djwhal Khul hosted will assist in bringing forth the vibrational emphasis through attunement and activation of these higher frequencies of light. Click Here for the recording to be accessed in our Donation Supported Library.

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Original Material © Copyright 2003-2022 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee* Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden. All rights reserved. *formerly spelled “Meleriessee”. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS CONTENT FREELY IN COMPLETE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS WITH THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!

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