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Becoming the State of Rebirth and Restoration

Photo by Susan Wilkinson on Unsplash

Rev. Christine Mahlariessee shares her experience and wisdom of how to integrate the Festival of the Christ energies representing Resurrection into Restoration within the present full moon cycle. This first Ascension Festival is preparing all Initiates and Souls to walk with the Masters for the Wesak Festival of Light.

We are presently experiencing the Festival of the Christ which aligns with the full moon energies of Libra conjunction with the sun of Aries. The energetic acceptance of these energies prepares us as an Initiate of the Ascended Master State of Consciousness as we move towards the Festival of Wesak in May.

If you listened or participated in Walking Terra Christa’s ceremony of the Festival of the Christ on April 18th, it is important to re-listen in a different manner (Festival of the Christ, 04-18-22). Utilizing your breath with the energies will help you to absorb the meaning of the message. It helps you to align with your Spiritual Self to create the integration of the energies that Lord Kuthumi, Lord Maitreya, and Lord Sananda shared for the festival.

As the facilitator of the energies, I don’t always get a chance to re-listen for my own personal experience, but I have been feeling the releasement of energies within me that I did not realize were still within my system. My first thought is that I have been affected by outside energies, but that not always the case. In fact it was a little bit of both.

After the cleansing protocols twice a day, utilizing spiritual cleansing energies, calling upon my own healing masters to assist, the feeling was still inside of me that I needed to let go of emotions being held within my full body system. I was not aware of any specific issues, so sometimes it can be a great challenge to realize that more healing needs to be done.

I felt an immense pressure that I needed to cry but there weren’t any scenarios associated with what I was feeling. It was just a sensation.

We have to realize that as Initiates expanding our four-body system into a higher light energy that we are going to be affected in various ways which may not seem normal.

That is the key word – we cannot NORMALIZE what we are going through energetically.

The process is to allow it to arise out of the Emotional Self, asking the Mental Self to push it through us. We may not always listen to our four bodies in this way, but this Full Moon of the Festival of the Christ is pushing us to do so.

Since we may not know what is happening consciously, we have to accept the fact through all the invocations of the ceremony and what is happening through the Spiritual Hierarchy at this time, that we are being guided to become more aligned with our Spiritual Self.

Now this is going to be different for every soul; it depends on your Initiation Process, how well you are able to let go of your controls within your sub-conscious mind, and the process of integrating the Rays of God within you through your prana breathing.

The important part of this process is to allow the healing to continue within your system, feel the energies, do not analyze what you are experiencing, but be in the flow of the healing process.

In my case I have been doing Ascension Mastery process for over 30 years. I have experienced many healing modalities that help me to purge energies out of my consciousness and four-body system to align with the Ascended Master State of Consciousness. So when something like this happens to me (which every full moon I usually feel something changing), then I know that my Soul’s essence is trying to help my physical body to step into a new part of Regeneration.

I have to remind myself the ceremony I just facilitated and that even though, I am not fully present personally, I am just affected by the incoming energies.

We have to realize that the planet is full of duality and some of the energies we are experiencing are from non-Christed energies that want us to fail.

So when we step into a ceremony like the Festival of the Christ, the Christed Light energies are being grounded into Gaia so all souls can experience a deep healing.

That is why sometimes it is a challenge to know if debris is yours or something you are experiencing in the world around you. I and my husband, partner, went through this yesterday. It can be very debilitating to my emotional body, and he is experiencing it mentally which means we were at odds with one another until I allowed myself to step into a deep healing process with the cleansing protocols and looking at the mirror at myself, “Is this me or am I being affected by energies not of the Christed light.”

It was in this moment that I changed. I had done a deep meditation, the water and salt cleansing (Sacred Space Clearing Process), and it was not until I stepped into the Will of God within me, that I was able to shift the energies. Mike even asked me what I did differently and I said “I looked in the mirror.”

I was still emotionally drained by what had occurred between us, but we were able to get ourselves back into our Divine Self to interact as we usually do.

I share about the non-Christed energies because it is very prevalent in our world since 2012 occurred. The darkness is trying to take us down and when we create a ceremony like the Festival of Lights, it creates the battle energetically. That is why it is so very important that each of us take responsibility for our own energies, cleansing and purifying our light bodies. It is also why we work with Lord Ashtar with the Ascension Columns Around the World (please see the link below) which helps to bring more light infractions into the Earth through the 144th dimension of the Unified Whole Command.

I awoke this morning with the sense of re-listening to the ceremony which I did. As I was listening to the masters giving their dissertations, I breathed very deeply, was in my higher consciousness, and felt the energies of their message in a new and different way. I experienced their essence guiding me into my own Higher Essence, feeling the blessing of the RESTORATION process.

One message from Lord Sananda became very important to me. He said that “We must allow the Love of God with the Pink Flame to bring forth the state of Compassion within us, in order to accept the Will of God with the Blue Flame to give us strength to move forward.”

Lord Maitreya also shared how each of the flames must be intuited within the full body system to not only by guided by that ray but to fully become the ray within ourselves. Now this is something I know very well, but today I felt it more.

What I am trying to say is that the Festival of the Christ energies has assisted me to go deeper within my psyche to realize the potential that I have within myself so that I can become more aligned with the Ascended State of Consciousness within me, not outside of me as I learn to walk with these Divine Masters. I was not even aware of the changes I needed to make, but yet, the energies of this ceremony assisted me greatly. This is because I surrender and know that the God Force is helping me to align with my highest self.

We never know what is locked in our subconscious mind until we experience the blessing of opening up ourselves into a deeper connection with our Divine Spiritual Self. I can attest to that fact as I have spent over 20 years participating in the Festivals of Light, released and transformed so many inner issues, yet it is still continuing to this day in a new and different manner for me.

I suggest that you take time for yourself, get to know the untruths you hold within you, let them come out into the sun to be burn away the dross and debris. You will thank yourself as this festival prepares us for the Wesak energies, to walk with the masters with our newfound energies to be blessed in the Light of Lord Buddha and the Office of the Christ.

In Expressions of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Heliohah (Hayden)

HELP RAISE THE VIBRATION OF YOUR HOME AND LANDS] ASCEND EARTH ~ CREATE HEALING LIGHT FOR GAIA – Join this free Global Project by Walking Terra Christa to help bring more healing light to the planet and humanity by creating Ascension Columns around the Earth with the assistance of the Unified Whole Galactic and Agartha Alliance.

© 2022 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). (*formerly spelled Meleriessee). Please share and repost. Rights are granted to repost this article in full with image electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:

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