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We are presently experiencing the dynamics of the Full Moon of Virgo in conjunction with the Sun of Pisces which is occurring on February 24th, 2024 at 4:30 AM Pacific,
7:30 AM Eastern within Universal Time of
12:30 PM.

As Virgo is being guided by Grandmother Moon representing the Feminine Divine, it brings to us the ability to go deeper within our emotional self. Virgo relates to the physical self and the walk upon the Earth. It brings order to our existence by allowing elements to be in more alignment of our physicality.

There could be a sudden realization that something in your life is not aligning with your higher consciousness which can create a feeling of lack which is actually a golden opportunity to delve deeper into our emotional self.

This can cause conflict as the emotions are being challenged by the planets Mercury and Saturn. There is an opening occurring within the Emotional Body that we may have had a tendency to hold back previously. The energies are going to have the opposite effect as there may be an urgency to feel many emotions that we may have been keeping locked away.

Sadness, guilt, fear along with loneliness may arise. Feelings which represent unrealized negative emotions that need to be transformed into a state of forgiveness and divine love. This cycle is definitely a powerful one for each of us to step into the higher state of our Spiritual Self to become fully active within us.

The Moon of Virgo allows us to cleanse and purify elements that need a deep healing. Our Hearts are being opened up into new realizations about ourselves. As we go through this process, there can be a feeling of freedom and movement as if the pain has been lifted from our consciousness.

The Sun of Pisces representing Grandfather Sun of the Masculine Self is the key to accessing our Spiritual Self as this part of our higher consciousness can assist greatly in the healing process. It is a cycle of transmutation moving into a transformative state of awareness. The masculine energies help to ground what the feminine essence is projecting not only within our consciousness, but the four-body (Physical-Etheric-Emotional-Mental) system will be affected by the changes we are experiencing.

We have to be reminded that what we are feeling presently is helping us to acknowledge a deeper part of ourselves to be fully realized and grounded within us. Each soul is experiencing a deep state of healing – what needs to be revealed will occur during this full moon cycle.

Within the Sun Bear Tribe, representing the Rainbow Tribe of all souls as one, this cycle represents the Cougar. Turquoise is the stone, the color is Blue-Green, and the plant is Plantain. It represents creating a Sacred Space and being protective of that space. Learning to deepen your awareness with deep sensitivity, with a yearning for spirituality by learning to express your true feelings, and developing the need for grounding on the Earth with what you are integrating from your Higher Consciousness.

Blue-Green is the color of the Flame of the 9th Ray, Joy and Attraction to Light, guided by Lady Nada and Lady Mother Mary, which allows for the openness of experiencing Hope and Joy (of the 22 Rays of God). This Ray settles into the Root Chakra allowing for the deep healing to be grounded, assisting in removing elements that represent the opposite energies. It is suggested to call upon this flame with the Animal Spirit of Cougar to help to create the transformation you are experiencing to be part of your physical walk upon the Earth.

As we move closer to the first of the three festivals in the Wesak trilogy of  energies, next month is the celebration of the Festival of the Christ during the full moon (March 25th) cycle, that of the state of Resurrection and Rebirth. This current moon cycle in February is helping us to prepare for the upcoming energies as we will then move into the energies of our Soul’s next personal Resurrection and Rebirth. (Our special Annual Festival of Wesak is on Sunday April 21, 2024 to save the date. It is the highest Ascension Festival of the Year).

Take time for reflection, journal, breathe and chant away the emotional pain as you step into a new reality of yourself to be re-born. Doing a ceremony by connecting to the elements of the Earth and Sky will truly assist in allowing the energies to move through you. (You are encouraged to use the audio of our Ceremony to assist in the higher spiritual energies. See below.)

Master Djwhal Khul’s Keynote for February 2024

I call upon the Full Moon of Virgo to allow me to feel the emotions that I need to release in order for my physical consciousness to be transformed into the blessing of my Spiritual Self becoming fully realized within me.

I Am that I Am that I Am!

Greetings Dearest Initiates,

It is I, Master Djwhal Khul, extending unto each of you my blessings for a heightened experience of the Full Moon of Virgo for February 2024.

The opening of the Emotional Self is an important part of allowing your Higher Consciousness to become more integrated within you. As an Initiate, it is an important step to raising your vibration as the Etheric Self holds so many lower elements that you have experienced in your previous timelines. Your chakras can be very congested with these energies which will stop the process you are trying to achieve within your four-body system.

It is imperative that as one that chooses to open up into the Ascension Pathway that you will have many lessons to learn and one of the main challenge is allowing the depth of your Emotional Self to go through cycles of Spiritual Death and Rebirth. We know that this can be very challenging in itself, but with the assistance of this month’s Full Moon of Virgo with the opposition of the Sun of Pisces, there is an alignment occurring within the cycle of rejuvenation for your Soul’s Essence.

Openness within your consciousness is an essential component of accessing the depth of your feelings as it is imperative that you start to learn that the challenges are commonplace for an individual on the Initiate pathway. Within the movement of this cycle the Moon and the Sun are helping you to acknowledge a deeper understanding within yourself.

The important element within this process is to allow your Emotional Self to guide you by experiencing the emotions that are locked away within you. Sometimes within the moon’s energies, an individual does not always know why they are experiencing conflicting emotions which is exactly where you want to be. Don’t try to figure out the whys and wherefores, but just move through the energies and you will arrive at your destination with a sense of courage and freedom within your entire consciousness.

Take time to reflect on the specific emotion by feeling it, releasing the lower aspect that is bothering you, and move forward with more ease and grace. Always remember to utilize your breath and Higher Consciousness to bring in the positive aspect you desire to achieve. Utilize the Rays of God to assist you through this process.

I do suggest taking time for inner reflection, writing about what you are feeling, and call upon the God Force of the Ascended Masters to help you. Realize that you are not alone in your healing process. We are all here to assist in any way that we can.

I walk with each of you every step of the way.

I am Master Djwhal Khul, Ray Chohan for Love and Wisdom

Walking Terra Christa facilitated the Full Moon Festival of Lights Ceremony with Master Djwhal Khul, the Native Elders, messages from Lady No Eyes, and White Buffalo Woman on February 24th, 2024. This is a Vibratory Etheric Journey Meditative ceremony to experience the State of Oneness with the Ascended Masters and the God Force to celebrate the internal State of Inspiration. Replay the Ceremony audio recording by clicking here!

We are extremely grateful to those who offered gift donations to support our Ascension Service to Humanity! You may donate at this link.

© 2024 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). (*formerly spelled Meleriessee). Please share and repost. Rights are granted to repost this article in full with image electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages.

LOVE. UNITY. LIGHT. ONENESS. The Light of God Never Fails. Discover How To BECOME your HIGHEST SOUL ESSENCE.



There is More to Your Spiritual Soul Truth than You Perceive!




Rev. Christine Mahlariessee shares her Ascension Mastery Message of Master Djwhal Khul* about the Gemini Full Moon which is in opposition to the Sun of Sagittarius occurring on December 7th, 2022 at 8:08 PM Pacific, 11:08 PM Eastern, and Universal time of December 8th, 4:08 AM.

This cycle of the Full Moon of Gemini opposite the Sun of Sagittarius brings forth a Spiritual Rebirth as it represents a time to allow the buried frustrations held within our Etheric Self to become a state of renewal to occur. Since this is the last full moon of 2022 what has not been revealed previously will be illuminated within our Emotional Self.

Gemini represents transformation to occur as the emotional energies within us can be exposed to allow for the transition into wholeness to occur. Since Gemini is an air sign it brings a sense of opening up the closed windows that hold the key to our happiness by accepting that there is more to our true self than we previously realized.

Sagittarius supports the State of Revelations to occur by allowing our true self to become more passionate to ourselves. It is a time of inner knowingness to become the key factor in our consciousness. What was hidden before now is revealed. Careful consideration should be made not to get over zealous with the change we are feeling, but allow it to be integrated and grounded within our reality.

This moon cycle is giving every soul an opportunity to fully allow the truth within themselves to be revealed; and caution must be made to not sugar-coat the truth or hide away from the un-truth that is now trying to surface out of our Subconscious Mind. Instead we must acknowledge what is being shown to us, heal it with love, and do not push ourselves to make the change until we are fully ready to accept the transformation that is about to take place.

It is a time of great abundance within our spiritual self to allow the physical self to heal in ways that have not been possible. The moon of Gemini illuminates both the dark and the light within us, so that the elements within ourselves that have been holding us back come into full awareness. This is the State of Illumination that Gemini is giving to us. We must work with both the Dark and the Light to find the Source of our Soul’s Essence.

As we go through this process, the dark becomes less scary and is filled with the illuminating energy of the Light. This is when we, as the Initiate, can fully accept our illusions and un-truths that have been guiding us in the 3rd dimensional way of life.

The intensity of these energies can be very strong so care needs to be taken to bring forth the act of transformation in an easy and flowing manner. Do not force any issues; just allow them to arise as the changes occur within yourself.

This is when the true act of  Personal Abundance will occur; a deep healing through all four bodies, not just the emotional, but the physical and etheric centers, can shift in a positive manner to assist in the process. The Chakras will also go through a regenerative process as long as you, as the recipient, allows the energies to accept the state of transformation that is occurring. This will allow the Emotional and Mental Selves to work together more cohesively, to allow for true healing to occur.

Allow the dynamics of this cycle to guide you through the insecurities and flaws you may be holding within your Emotional Body, so that all can be revealed and transformed into the Light of your Soul’s Essence.

As always, we suggest creating a personal ceremony calling upon the Earth, the Sun, the Moon, and the Sky nations to help in bringing forth alignment of Nature to become One Essence. It’s important to speak aloud your intentions of what you want to be revealed to you and allow the Illumination of the Full Moon to assist you in the process.


I call upon my I Am Presence to help me acknowledge the elements within me that no longer serve my Highest Good. I allow my Spiritual Self to guide me through the process of my Personal Abundance through the Full Moon of Gemini in opposition to the Sun of Sagittarius. I feel the opening of my Divine Self to be Revealed through this cycle. I AM THAT I AM THAT I AM

Greetings My Dearest Comrades,

I come to you as Master Djwhal Khul to bring forth an understanding of the present energies within the Full Moon of Gemini.

This cycle is representative  of an egg being cracked, hatching a new reality to be experienced. The pockets within your Etheric Self is being opened up to reveal all parts to your consciousness. It is no longer a time to hide away from the particles within your past that do not seem to fit into the greater reality of Unity and Wholeness.

Gemini represents the Dark and the Light; if you think about the Dark being the parts of your subconscious mind that have hidden elements of your etheric past (timelines) – before this incarnation – to be released into the Light that align within your Higher Consciousness, your Light Bodies, your Higher Self, and ultimately your I Am Presence.

It is a State of Revelation to allow the Illuminating Self to be revealed within your physical consciousness.

Now this process may not be an easy one as you may learn about elements within your soul’s history that need to be realized, in order for the true healing to occur. The Moon of Gemini is bringing forth this Illumination to be revealed to every soul upon this earth. It depends upon what you, as the physical being, will do with it.

It is a time of great decision; to allow the change you desire to experience within your life to become your reality. This will bring about a sense of Personal Abundance to be felt as you learn to access your Higher Self, then the Lower Self Personality will dwindle away. But you in the physical form are the only benefactor of this transformation. You must decide if this is what you want – to embrace the higher light essence of your Spiritual Self to be acknowledged. This is the state of Illumination that the Sun of Sagittarius is bringing to the planet. It is in a state of joyfulness to step into the regenerative process that is occurring within you and upon the Earth.

As an Initiate of Mastery, we are always given opportunities to move in the direction of de-scending our light energies into the physical form we have inhabited. It is with this intertwining energy that the process of Illumination is ignited as the physical consciousness goes through the challenges of releasing the old aspects within our Etheric Self. This is an essential component of learning how to move through the steps of Ascension Mastery.

It does not come to every individual unless they are ready to take on the challenge of change to occur. That is why this process of Mastery is so very important as it is not being given because an individual is ready. It is received when the Initiate prepares themselves to go deeper into their subconscious mind and etheric timelines.

The full moon of Gemini is the breaking away of timelines that no longer need to be the main element in your consciousness. Grandmother Moon is asking you to open and release these inconsistencies you may hold within your consciousness to fully see the illuminating light that is your Divine Self.

It is a time to walk with these energies; embrace them and allow the elements you are desiring to be changed, to step into the doorway of the transformative process.

This cycle is presently becoming aligned within Gaia as the Moon receives her fullness on December 7th-8th 2022. This is when the true eruption occurs and is a perfect time to allow your Higher Self to assist you to become more aligned within your physical self as the old elements and timelines can be eradicated through the present energies.

Take time to allow this full moon cycle to take you into the higher part of your consciousness and the lower forms of your personality are released, transmuted and transformed.

I am Master Dhwhal Khul, Ray Chohan for the 2nd Ray of Love and Wisdom.


OUR NEXT EVENT: “Solstice Blessing Ceremony, THE DIVINE CREATION OF THE SOLAR ANGELS,” will be held on December 17th, 2022; 11 am Pacific.

EVENT DESCRIPTION: We will travel etherically to the Golden Etheric City of Havalanchee which resides in the 5th Dimensional Earth located over Mount Shasta. This ceremony occurs in the Temple of the Eternal I Am and is facilitated by Lord Metatron representing the Great Central Suns expressing the ability to balance the present energies through the elements of the Earth, the Sun, the Moon, and the Sky. Lord Sananda will be bringing forth blessings for Peace and Oneness to the Earth, Lady Nada representing Mary Magdalene will be assisting in the balance of the feminine masculine divine energies to become the focal point of the year 2023. Lady Mother Mary will be extending blessings for personal and global healing for the season and the upcoming year. Read the message below:

A special message from Lord Metatron and Lord Sananda:

“The Solstice of December is now upon the planet and as Lord Metatron, I am always excited to extend my energies along with the Great Central Suns to assist each of you and the planet to experience the most divine presence of light. It will bring forth the dynamics of the higher frequencies of light to become more intertwined within the consciousness of the Earth. The increased light energies are also very much a part of not only the Solstice but the dynamics of this year of 2022. It is the year of the Activation of the Solar Angels to be honored and revered. I look forward to helping each of you to acknowledge this Divine Light Energy to become more integral within your physical walk upon the Earth.”

“It is with great pleasure and enjoyment that I, as Lord Sananda, will be once again giving forth blessings for the Earth. Our role together as masters is to give each of you the opportunity to experience the divine qualities of the higher energies with the vibrancy of our words and inflections through Lady Mahlariessee. We hope that you will take time to be with us for this very special moment in time. I am deeply honored to walk with each of you with Lord Metatron the Logos for the Multi-Universal energies along with my beloved Lady Nada and of course, Lady Mother Mary.”

TO JOIN US LIVE ON SATURDAY DECEMBER 17, 2022 at 11:00 AM Pacific please visit our Festival of Lights page and use the same audio conference information. We look forward to this special end of year ceremony with you!

If you are interested in our Holiday Sale which is discounted up to 60% for some of our Seminar Teachings please see the details here. Included are some of our Meditations and high frequency essential oil Aromatherapy Healing Sprays.

Original Material © Copyright 2003-2022 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee* Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden. All rights reserved. *formerly spelled “Meleriessee”. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS CONTENT FREELY IN COMPLETE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS WITH THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!



Spiritual Meaning of the Ascension Mastery* Message of the January 17th Full Moon as brought forth by Master Djwhal Khul and Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden.

The Full Moon of Cancer in opposition to the Sun of Capricorn occurs on January 17th, 2022 at 3:48 PM Pacific, 6:48 PM Eastern within Universal time of January 17th at 11:48 PM.

On January 17th, 2022 the Full Moon in Cancer is our guiding light for the planet. This alignment represents our Heart Centeredness; what feels right for us internally, and removing the doubts of the past. The Sun is in Capricorn which assists to give us the stability and perseverance to allow the Emotional Self to step into a deep state of healing.

It is time to fully embrace our Emotional Bodies, the part of us that holds the Feminine Essence of nurturing and understanding through our Intuition. This will be very strong for this moon, but it is compounded with a sense of needing to express ourselves in an emotional way. It can be a very vulnerable time, but with the Sun’s energies representing the Masculine Self it is supporting our Emotional Self to be strengthened through the process.

This will allow the integration of our Emotional and Mental Selves to work together instead of separately if we allow this change to occur.

As we have now stepped into the year of 2022, it brings with it the power of becoming our own best teacher; realizing what has occurred in our past, the willingness to change it, and embrace the newness that comes with a state of Transformation.

Since the moon is in the sign of Cancer, it brings to the surface heart-felt remembrances, opening up the doorway for our Inner Heart to go through a deep healing process. If we think of this as the Heart Chakra, we have to acknowledge that fact that as a soul we have traveled in many different directions, all of those experiences are lodged within our Etheric Heart, which is considered the Thymus Chakra.

It is a time to change our karma that has ruled our lives from the beginning of incarnation. Our Thymus Chakra holds these memories and are felt within the Heart Center. This is exactly what is erupting out of our systems during this cycle.

It is a time of being truthful to our Soul’s Essence, the Etheric Light Body that holds all of the memories which still affects us in our present incarnation. This cycle of the moon being in Cancer is taking us deeper into our past to renew our present circumstances.

The crucial element is to allow the Sun of Capricorn to remind us not to become overly affected by the feelings within our Heart, but to utilize the power to keep striving to be our best-self through the process of self-realization. Being aware of our past helps us to change our present allowing for the future to be based upon our spiritual ideals and not the physical self personality. As humans we tend to base our opinions of ourselves on what we have experienced this lifetime. This moon is allowing us to open up our Heart and Thymus chakras to heal deeply within our Etheric Self so we can be supported by our choices from our Divine Self and not the Physical Mind.

This does not mean that we will not have moments of tears as a feeling from the Karmic Heart can assist us in those moments. It is part of the healing process. We must allow the present energies to help us start a new beginning within our Soul’s History.

Karma from the past is something that can be talked about in depth; it does not matter what the karma is. The truth in the matter represents the gift of releasing it, changing it, and becoming more in tune within our Higher Self, the spiritual aspect of our Soul’s Essence.

Take time with yourself during this cycle to nurture and bless your Etheric Self for giving you the opportunity to heal from the deepest essence of your Soul. This is a very transformative period and if we take the time to allow the healing process to move through us, we can find a sense of contentment and strength occurring within our conscious and full body-system (physical, etheric-chakras, emotional-astral-mental).

Master Djwhal Khul’s Keynote for January 2022:

I allow the January 2022 Full Moon in Cancer to Illuminate my Heart Centeredness to remove elements of my soul’s past that no longer serve me as I embrace the blessing of Transmutation to occur within my Physical, Etheric, Emotional, and Mental bodies. My Thymus and Heart Chakras are shining like a beautiful star with the Divine Love of My I Am Presence.

Greetings My Fellow Comrades of the Light,

I am Master Djwhal Khul presenting the dynamics of the Full Moon in Cancer for January 2022.

I want to first take a moment to truly allow the Heart Centeredness that is occurring with this moon cycle to open up your own Heart. As I speak, I want you to feel the blessing of the Seven Flames (Blue, Golden Yellow, Pink, Crystalline, Green-Golden-White, Ruby Red-Gold, and Violet-Purple) to be infused within your breath, opening up your Heart Center. Each of these rays bring forth a combination of blessings to assist you to become more aligned within your own Higher Self essence.

Allow this energy to come within you and expand into your Thymus Chakra, the Higher Heart, which brings with it the opening of your Etheric Self to step into the healing process. Feel the expansion occurring within you as we connect with each other.

I bring these energies unto you in this moment to help you become more aligned with your internalization of the Etheric Body. The more that you are able to fully accept that you are more than the Physical Self, then the deeper the healing will occur to you.

Now I know that each of you probably mentally realize this, but how well do you feel it within your own chakra system?

This is the key to the energies of the present cycle. 2022 has opened up with many powerful energies. It represents a new beginning, stepping into the awareness of your Spiritual Essence and allowing that part of your higher reality to help you transform the elements within your Physical, Etheric, Emotional, and Mental Selves.

You started this year with the 11-222 energies and now the moon cycle is opening into the Scared Divine Heart to be realized through the Emotional Body. The expansion that is occurring is very strong; so it is important for you to realize within yourself how you are going to get through the elements of releasement as the Thymus Chakra is being opened up into a whole new dimensional existence.

It is an expansion of each soul’s Higher Self to become more individualized within the physical consciousness but only if that soul allows the opening to occur within their Heart. If one closes up the Heart energies, they do not allow themselves to move forward in their healing process by embracing the New Beginning, then they can stay stuck within their experiences and consciousness. This is detrimental for the Soul, for you as the Physical Self, as it creates more Karma to be created.

Universally, this is a grand opportunity on a global scale for every soul to step into a better part of their Spiritual Selves.

We know that this is not easy, in fact it is very challenging; but the rewards outweigh the disservice that you as that soul would be experiencing.

This is the time, my friends, to step into a new part of your Higher Essence, allowing it to become more grounded within you. Will there be emotional challenges? Yes, of course; but you will thank yourself for starting out this year with your integrity and ability to walk through the storm to find your Higher Self guiding you each step of the way.

I as Master Djwhal Khul, Ray Chohan for Love and Wisdom, the Golden-Yellow Flame extend my hand to each of you.

Let’s illuminate the blessing of this moon together.

Within the State of Oneness, what we do for ourselves we do for another!

~Master Djwhal Khul

Listening to the audio recording fo the Festival of Lights Ascend Earth Full Moon Ceremony that Master Djwhal Khul hosted will assist in bringing forth the vibrational emphasis through attunement and activation of these higher frequencies of light. Click Here for the recording to be accessed in our Donation Supported Library.


Many Blessings on your Ascension Path in 2022!

*Ascension Mastery is the realized form of manifesting Ascension Frequencies where your subtle energy body vibratory rate actually increases over time due to the in-depth training in learning how to properly incorporate your higher self consciousness into your everyday life. This is accomplished through healing your soul’s karma. Karma causes many lower frequency energies to remain stuck in the etheric energy body (the chakra’s). Proper Ascension Mastery learning is not the intellectual pursuit or study, it is acquiring real higher Spiritual Essence. Everyone on Earth is already part of God’s Light and Love but that does not mean they as individuals (or collectively) are Ascending, or that Ascension is happening to them in terms of actual vibrational frequency. One first has to remove 80% of the dysfunctional thoughts, feelings and behaviors that govern the third dimensional state of reality. Earth is at a cross roads of Spiritual Awakening to step into Ascension, but without each person taking on an individual personal life responsibility to change their lives into practicing actual Ascension energies there can be no real shift in frequency. Ascension, as a concept, belief or a mystery to be revealed, is important to understand, yet such an awakening is at the informational level of the “mental” intellect and does not create the authentic higher Ascension Octave of Light and Love required for a New Earth to be created. Our mission as an Academy is to bring forth that actual level of higher love and light for you to learn to feel and acquire them. It is a process that will take any initiate many years (even decades) to achieve just as it did for the Ascended Masters themselves.

Original Material © Copyright 2003-2022 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee* Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden. All rights reserved. Walking Terra Christa is the originator of the teachings of the 22 Rays of God within Ascension Spirituality. (*formerly spelled “Meleriessee”).

Pleiadian Council of Light: CHRISTMAS STAR of the Christed Light Star Essence ~ Cosmic Master BeNaatria

Christmas Star - Jupiter Saturn 2020 Pleiadian Council - Master Benaatria by Walkingterrachrista

Spiritual Meaning of the December 2020 Activations through the Jupiter Saturn Conjunction and Asteroid Showers with Cosmic Master BeNaatria of the Pleiadian Council of Light as brought forth by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden.

The presence of Jupiter and Saturn is one of many such planetary incidences that is being manifested within the skies of your world. The alignment of these planets is to reflect in the message of the Christed Inter-Galactic mission that We, of the Galactic Force of Light, are extending unto each of you at this very perilous time on your planet.

Greetings My Friends,

I am known as Cosmic Master BeNaatria, and I speak for the Pleiadian Council of Light. My message is sincere and heart-felt with the current climatic conditions that are occurring within the realm of space and all time.

There are many glorious moments that are happening within the higher realms of light, but one such occurrence is infiltrating your atmosphere of your present Universe that is blessing humanity within the Earth.

All that you are experiencing is being witnessed by all of us within the Alliance, but especially for us of the Pleiadian Council of Light wish to extend unto you the blessings that we bring forth unto your Hearts and then your Minds.

The pure existence of Light that we are desiring to give unto you is representative of the alignment of Love that we as a planetary system wish to help you acknowledge this Light within you.

You are not ALONE; we are here watching over you, assisting you in every way possible to see that the transference of Light Energies you desire to have within your world is within your grasp of the true essence that we are together.

As Jupiter and Saturn show their essence of the New Born Star in your skies, allow yourself to realize that your own Star Essence is Being Reborn within your Hearts. It is a time of great renewal and strength. We feel it is important for us to extend this message unto each of you.

In addition, there is a Ursids Meteor Shower blessing your skies to help the planet of Gaia to receive the increased light energy that is necessary to create a new sense of enlightenment to be created within your world through the 26th of December. This will continue with a Quadrantids Meteor Shower which will continue through January 10th, 2021.

So as you can see, the blessing of the light energies will continue into your New Year. This will bring increased blessing of Love assisting each soul to acknowledge their true essence being aligned from the Higher Realms of Light into the Core of Gaia’s Essence. This increased light frequency can be felt through the Emotional Body, to realize that your Soul is desiring of this Love, but also to ground it into your physical reality.

Change is necessary at this time; the Solstice energies have shown you that the Light of your essence is not a fairytale, but a true story of your journey. This earth is moving through these energies, and others will need to adjust their consciousness to allow for the continued growth of both individual humanness within the consciousness of humanity.

The skies are filled with this immense downpouring of light to come into your consciousness, your reality of the world to transform into the blessing of all that you desire.

We, of the Pleiadian Council, walk with each of you. To bring unto your Hearts and Minds the reality, that your true walk upon this Earth, is but a mere dream that will change in time.

This is your moment for each of you to realize that the potentiality of your exchange of light is way beyond the comprehension of your mental accessibility. Reaching to the stars is within your consciousness to expand so broadly that any possibility of your world shifting is within your midst. All you have to do is reach out and receive it.

As we extend our energies to your world, we totally comprehend your logical reason, but as you are looking to your skies tonight, know that the blessing of this Christed Light Star Essence is bringing to you the hopes and dreams of your pure existence as a soul embodied upon a planet that is going through many levels of transformation, both in the spirit of the souls, and in the consciousness of Gaia holding each of you in her heart of hearts.

We will be with you in our many light ships in your skies blinking our pure existence in a mission of Purity and Adoration sharing our support and love that we give unto you at this time.

This divine energy of the Solstice, the Christed Light Star Essence, and the downpouring of the Ursids Meteor Shower will be bringing forth over 50% of the Light Frequency of our essence unto your true reality of light.

This will continue throughout this month and it will be reflected in the Hope of a new creative light force to assist all of humanity and kingdoms living upon the Earth to be in a reflective state of mind bringing forth the Love so strong, that it allows this planetary system to expand in various ways of existence.

We, of the Pleiadians, have been deemed to be the spokes-being for this message, but it includes each of the planetary systems held within the Christed Light Energies of the Federation of Galactic Forces assisting Earth and all of you to become more aligned with our purpose of Love, Light, and the expansion of the Christed Essence to be brought forth unto lands of the Earth, through the hearts of Man and Woman walking this earth, and unto all of the kingdoms of this Earth to flourish and start to heal in a new expansion of Love.

I, as Cosmic Master BeNaatria, walk with each of you, as our Battalion of Light is co-existing with each of you to bring forth more healing of all souls in the divinity of all that we are within the Christ Consciousness.

I will see you in the realms of All Time and Space as we unite with each other.



New to Ascension? Now is the perfect time to use the KARMIC BOARD to assist your spiritual growth as a soul. A limited window of special dispensation for souls to receive increased assistance through attending (in your spiritual body) the TETON RETREAT is open for all to attend until January 14th, 2021. Our class and meditation connects you properly to use on your own. READ MORE HERE:

*Ascension Mastery is the realized form of manifesting Ascension Frequencies where your vibratory rate actually increases over time due to the in-depth training (not the intellectual pursuit or study) and the acquiring of a higher Spiritual Essence. Everyone on Earth is already part of God’s Light and Love but that does not mean they as individuals (or collectively) are Ascending, or that Ascension is happening to them. Earth is at a cross roads of Spiritual Awakening to step into Ascension, but without each person taking on an individual personal life responsibility to change their lives into practicing actual Ascension energies there can be no real shift in frequency. Ascension as a concept, belief or a mystery to be revealed is akin to a mere informational level desired by the mental intellect and does not create the authentic higher Ascension Octave of Light and Love required for a New Earth to be created. Our mission as an Academy is to bring forth that actual level of higher love and light for you to learn to feel and acquire them. It is a process that will take any initiate/lightworker many years (even decades) to achieve just as it did for the Ascended Masters themselves. You may order our very powerful SPIRITUAL HEALING meditation as a great way to start using targeted meditations that go beyond what is typically used.  We also have the previously released SEVEN FREE CLASSES to help during these challenging times (visit to access).

Gathering together monthly at the turn of the new millennium, the early “Pioneers of Terra Christa” (as those individuals were termed by Spirit) did more in Service than has been accomplished for many eons of time. (And still importantly continues with those involved in the active gatherings of the Ascend.Earth project for the monthly Festival of Lights Walking Terra Christa events. The reason being that while these higher frequencies are not yet able to be understood from the human mental mind, continually attending these specific events throughout the year targets the crystalline frequencies to become acquired into the current human carbon based structure so they can be grounded. Individual humans are the one’s who ground the frequencies for Humanity as a whole, as this is how dimensional mass consciousness works, and why so many more individuals are needed for this higher level of service right now including non-English speakers, as it is more about the energies received than about the words being spoken.)

Original Material © Copyright 2003-2020 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden. All rights reserved. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS CONTENT FREELY IN COMPLETE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS WITH THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!

Healing Souls Blue Moon of Grounding and Transformation ~ Festival of Lights Full Moon October 31, 2020

Spiritual Meaning of the October 31st, 2020 Ascension Mastery* Message of the Full Moon with Master Djwhal Khul as brought forth by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden.

A Blue Moon in October Has Arrived ~ Saturday, October 31st, 2020 with the Moon in Taurus in conjunction with the Sun in Scorpio at 7:49 AM Pacific, 10:49 AM Eastern with Universal Time of 5:49 PM. It is the second full moon for the month of October and brings with it divine energies to assist humanity.

The energies of Taurus with the moon brings forth an earthly experience to extend the energies of the New Moon of Libra which gave us the ability to create a foundation of our four-body system by grounding the energies. This exchanges allows us to feel an emotional fulfillment through simple pleasures that are more tangible in our lives.

The mixture of the Sun is Transformative with emotional charges, bringing about doors being opened that have been closed. This is especially true of elements hidden without our Etheric Self that need to be seen, transmuted, and transformed. This can elicit a feeling of unease but with the Taurus Moon it is helping the process to let the change come while grounding a new sense of ourselves to be in our reality.

The key is to allow the Grounding of Taurus to allow for the change that will be occurring through Scorpio.

This moon will open up passionate emotions with us to step ahead and realize the potential we have to re-create our lives in a new and different way than ever before. It is very close to Uranus so it can create an emotional process of desiring change in new and different ways. It’s important to allow the energy of Taurus to bring forth patience through the transformative process.

It truly is a time to step into a new awareness, allow that energy to become more grounded through our desires, and realize that change will take us into a new sense of self. There could be much purging through this process, but what is on the other side, is a completely transformation energy for each of us to embrace.

Master Djwhal Khul’s Keynote for October 31st:

“I call upon the Feminine Moon of Taurus to assist me to be grounded within my foundation, opening up my Divine Feminine Intuition to prepare for the opening of a deep transformation to occur through the Masculine Sun of Scorpio as new awareness becomes more transparent within my world. I stand tall with love, strength, and compassion as my transformative self becomes the guidance I desire in this moment.
I Am that I Am that I Am.”

Greetings Dear Ones,

It is I, Master Djwhal Khul, desiring to share my essence for the ceremonial event of the Full Moon energies.

Today is a time to truly allow the conjunction of the Moon of Taurus for Grounding and the Sun of Scorpio for Emotional Transformation to assist you in your journey of Self Reflection. It is representative of exactly what is occurring within the celestial realms to become more balanced within the earthly plane of existence.

There can be hidden elements that arise for you that you either thought were healed or emotions arising that need to be addressed so that you can fully step forward in your pathway upon the earth with more healing and introspection than you previously held within your consciousness.

This month is very powerful which will help each soul to step into a new part of themselves which has been standing by and waiting for the perfect moment to be accepted within your consciousness. Do not allow yourself to become agitated or upset with what you are feeling, but accept that change is inevitable and that you must walk through a new doorway.

Your Spiritual Self is waiting for you to make the necessary changes. Sometimes, as an Initiate, you just have to be in a state of not knowing for awhile until elements start to come together, creating a new part of you to be born or acknowledged.

The imperative part of this cycle is to not push yourself but let the grounding force of Taurus (representing the Divine Feminine of the Moon) to open up your Emotional Self as you become more nurturing and compassionate, while learning to accept the changes without hesitation. As Scorpio will open up secret passageways within your Etheric Self, so that you can look at them, encourage the healing process and allowing your full body system to truly become accustomed to the Reborn Self that is emerging within you.

This process can be overwhelming, but it is essentially important.

The old must be released in order for the new to be acknowledged. This present cycle will help you to do so with ease and grace.

Take time to reflect on the changes that you are feeling. Be a peace with yourself, acknowledge what needs to be adjusted, and if you are unsure, then just let the energies guide you smoothly into the next wave of transformation.

Each individual will experience this energy differently depending upon their own awareness of themselves, their initiation levels, and the experience they have had which will help them to move through this process.

Ceremony can be very important; calling upon the Divine Energies of the Earth and Sky, or connected with the Spiritual Hierarchy within the Unified Whole. We are here it assist.

In Expressions of Oneness,

Master Djwhal Khul, Ray Chohan for Love and Wisdom


Please don’t forget to ♥ DONATE if you are able to do so.

*Ascension Mastery is the realized form of manifesting Ascension Frequencies where your vibratory rate actually increases over time due to the in-depth training (not the intellectual pursuit or study) and the acquiring of a higher Spiritual Essence. Everyone on Earth is already part of God’s Light and Love but that does not mean they as individuals (or collectively) are Ascending, or that Ascension is happening to them. Earth is at a cross roads of Spiritual Awakening to step into Ascension, but without each person taking on an individual personal life responsibility to change their lives into practicing actual Ascension energies there can be no real shift in frequency. Ascension as a concept, belief or a mystery to be revealed is akin to a mere informational level desired by the mental intellect and does not create the authentic higher Ascension Octave of Light and Love required for a New Earth to be created. Our mission as an Academy is to bring forth that actual level of higher love and light for you to learn to feel and acquire them. It is a process that will take any initiate/lightworker many years (even decades) to achieve just as it did for the Ascended Masters themselves. A great way to start is by using targeted meditations that go beyond what is typically used. Our SPIRITUAL HEALING meditation or the SEVEN FREE CLASSES to help during these challenging times will assist. (visit to access or order).

ASCEND EARTH ~ CREATE HEALING LIGHT FOR GAIA – Join Walking Terra Christa in this special free project to help bring more healing light to the planet and humanity by creating Ascension Columns around the Earth with the assistance of the Unified Whole Galactic and Agartha Alliance. To learn more please use the link.

Sharing this information on Social Media sites is requested as a service to support our work. Please help others connect with us:♥ FACEBOOK  ♥ TWITTER  ♥ YOUTUBE  ♥ NEWSLETTER 

Original Material © Copyright 2003-2020 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden. All rights reserved. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS CONTENT FREELY IN COMPLETE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS WITH THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!


October 1 Spiritual Meaning Festival of Lights by Walking Terra ChristaSpiritual Meaning of the October 1st, 2020 Ascension Mastery* Message of the Full Moon with Master Djwhal Khul as brought forth by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden.

On October 1st, 2020 the Full Moon arrives in the sign of Aries in conjunction with the Sun of Libra. This occurs at 2:16 PM Pacific, 5:16 PM Eastern with Universal time of 9:15 PM.

With the Moon of Aries representing the Feminine Divine it brings to us the essential quality of self-nurturing and what feels best for us from our spiritual essence. It is a time to express our emotions while allowing for a healing to occur within our subconscious minds (Mental Realm) in doing so. The Sun of Libra is representative of the Masculine Divine bringing forth diplomacy and consideration for others, learning to bring forth balance in our lives.

If we think about how the Masculine Self (of the Mental Realm) needs to hold the foundation for the Feminine Self (the Emotional Realm) to be more open and vulnerable, this moon cycle allows us to do just that. But there are other aspects within this cycle that can cause the Emotional Self to want to pour out their heart to others, so it is a time to be more careful in how you allow this type of exchange to occur.

This moon also is giving the process of Releasing or bringing forth Purification to occur, yet it must be acknowledged through careful consideration of ourselves and others.

This is a fine line and can cause elements to arise that others may not be able to handle. As a soul, we have to be very intuitive within ourselves of how we share with another. Timing is essentially important.

The other aspect of this cycle is that is definitely is a time of emotional baggage to be released. Some individuals may find that they are very open and are desiring for change, so the old energies that are lodged within the Etheric Self can flow out of us, like a dam that is now broken. It is important to take time with these energies and do not let yourself become overwhelmed by the emotional charges that you may feel.

It is also important to call upon the Sun of Libra for assistance remembering that this represents the Masculine energy of the Mental Self. This side of us needs to be the grounding force to allow the Emotional Body to go through a healing process. Libra represents that strength and compassion which we should definitely call upon at this time.

This cycle is a reminder in how we honor ourselves through both our emotions and mental thoughts. The Masculine Divine comes from our higher consciousness but yet many times we can get caught up in the lower thought forms which are lodged within the subconscious mind. All of this can be rectified by allowing this moon cycle to assist you to remove those elements within you that are blocking your progress of accepting the Truth of your Divine Self.

There are many native traditions that tell a story for each of the full moon energies. The tradition of the Sun Bear Tribe (a vision of unity given to Sun Bear from Spirit) explains this moon as the Flying Ducks Moon as it represents the essence of being “The Negotiator” (the dates they use are from September 23rd through October 23rd).

The ANIMAL of this time is the Raven also known as the Bird of Magic which means wherever the Raven appears, Magic will ensue as there is always change to occur. The PLANT is the Mullein which brings forth Focus and Grounding with the ability to be self-reliant. The MINERAL is Bloodstone Jasper which has the potential to increase mental clarity and aid in decision making. The color, Brown giving forth the connection to Gaia and grounding; the ELEMENT is Air (the Butterfly Clan) allowing for the transition of healing from Transmutation into the essence of Transformation.

Each of these different kingdoms of the Earth helps us to sustain the energies through this present cycle of the Moon and the Sun of Aries vs Libra. We want to bring forth the balance of our Mental Mind as we are healing our Emotional Bodies.



Greetings My Fellow Initiates,

It my pleasure to extend unto you my essence as Master Djwhal Khul, Ray Chohan for the Ray of Love and Wisdom.

As the energies travel into the cycle of Aries with Libra it gives forth an ability for every soul upon the Earth to make a decision for themselves of how they are going to experience the change within themselves.

The power of this moon is quite extensive, and it allows for every person upon the Earth to truly have the Gift of Transformation within themselves. As you cannot transform without the ability to see the Truth within your consciousness of what needs to be changed.

This cycle opens up the awareness to every living being that they have a choice – to go about life as they have previously or to look within and see what is not working within their world. This moon of Aries is giving forth the ability to open up the Emotional Body much larger than it has been before. So be prepared to allow your Heart to flow. When you step into the consciousness of Grandmother Moon, you allow her to assist you in powerful ways.

So the Sun of Libra gives forth the balance that you need. Your Mental thoughts can cause great confliction, but they can also stop you from achieving your goals. If you have too much mental chatter or the whys and wherefores, then that pathway of transcending the old energy will be lost.

So in this process Grandfather Sun is assisting in allowing these energies to be more nurturing and loving towards the whole process giving forth a compassionate nature towards the emotional imbalances that may be occurring.

The best part of this cycle is the fact that the change can happen if you allow it to be so, look deeply within yourself to see what needs to change. Step into the energies of the Moon to help you illuminate the dysfunction within you that you no longer need, allow the healing to occur. Be strong within yourself and the mental accolades will start to disappear and replaced with positive, affirming thoughts to change your subconscious mind allowing it to be more fluid and abstract as your Higher Mind becomes the focus.

My suggestion is to take time with these energies, be sincere with yourself, allow them to flow within you, and then take action. Utilize your breath, do a ceremony for yourself, and realize that YOU are the important factor in this moment in time.

In blessings, I walk with each of you.

I Am Master Djwhal Khul at your service.


Please don’t forget to ♥ DONATE if you are able to do so.

*Ascension Mastery is the realized form of manifesting Ascension Frequencies where your vibratory rate actually increases over time due to the in-depth training (not the intellectual pursuit or study) and the acquiring of a higher Spiritual Essence. Everyone on Earth is already part of God’s Light and Love but that does not mean they as individuals (or collectively) are Ascending, or that Ascension is happening to them. Earth is at a cross roads of Spiritual Awakening to step into Ascension, but without each person taking on an individual personal life responsibility to change their lives into practicing actual Ascension energies there can be no real shift in frequency. Ascension as a concept, belief or a mystery to be revealed is akin to a mere informational level desired by the mental intellect and does not create the authentic higher Ascension Octave of Light and Love required for a New Earth to be created. Our mission as an Academy is to bring forth that actual level of higher love and light for you to learn to feel and acquire them. It is a process that will take any initiate/lightworker many years (even decades) to achieve just as it did for the Ascended Masters themselves. A great way to start is by using targeted meditations that go beyond what is typically used. Our SPIRITUAL HEALING meditation or the SEVEN FREE CLASSES to help during these challenging times will assist. (visit to access or order).

ASCEND EARTH ~ CREATE HEALING LIGHT FOR GAIA – Join Walking Terra Christa in this special free project to help bring more healing light to the planet and humanity by creating Ascension Columns around the Earth with the assistance of the Unified Whole Galactic and Agartha Alliance. To learn more please use the link.

Sharing this information on Social Media sites is requested as a service to support our work. Please help others connect with us:♥ FACEBOOK  ♥ TWITTER  ♥ YOUTUBE  ♥ NEWSLETTER 

Original Material © Copyright 2003-2020 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden. All rights reserved. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS CONTENT FREELY IN COMPLETE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS WITH THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!

Master Djwhal Khul ~ Festival of Lights Full Moon – September 2020 – The Recreative Process

Full Moon Ascension Message for September 2020 by WalkingTerraChrista

Spiritual Meaning of the September 2020 Ascension Mastery* Message of the Full Moon with Master Djwhal Khul as brought forth by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden.

As we enter into the month of September we start by experiencing the Full Moon on September 1st/2nd within the Sun of Virgo and the Moon of Pisces. This occurs on September 1st, 10:22 PM Pacific, September 2nd at 1:22 AM Eastern with Universal Time of 5:22 AM.

Virgo represents how we live our lives in the physical sense; whereas Pisces brings for the essence of the Spiritual Self aligning with our Higher Consciousness. As we move into the energies of this moon, it brings about the sense of allowing our Higher Mind (spiritual self) to become more integrated and balanced within our physical reality or consciousness.

This year has brought forth many changes in our lives as we have had to adjust individually to the elements that have pushed us to think, feel, and act differently than before. This can cause stress as the physical mindset is not used to changing our outside world, but we have been faced with this new era of movement. The control mechanisms that occur within the lower mind can create confliction and unrest within the emotional body.

This moon is helping us to become more grounded with the changes that have occurred. If we can reflect back on the way that we feel about our life presently, I am sure each of us will be able to see how we have gone through a huge healing process of adjusting what we cannot change.

This is a direct result of allowing the conditions of the higher planetary existence to help us adjust our thinking and feeling process into one that is more fluid with movement. We may not always like what is occurring but the process of Surrendering into those moments, is the cataclysm act that each of us has needed in our soul’s journey no matter what we may have thought in our conscious mind.

We are in a time of great turbulence that allows each of us as a soul to travel through the timelines of rebirth without having to leave the body.

This is exactly how we heal through the four-body system (physically, etherically, emotionally, mentally) which is the direct result of allowing our carbon-based body to become more aligned with the higher Light Bodies.

It is a time to allow our Spiritual Self to become more in tune with the physical consciousness creating great transform and regrowth. Realizations can come to the surface that were previously hidden as we open our hearts to new possibilities beyond the scope of the physical world.

We are upon this World to experience the dynamics of the many Universal structures to become a way of beauty within and through our full reality, not just in the physical, as has been the way of our existence on this Earth for many eons of time.

The dynamics of this moon is allowing all that I have shared to be part of this reality. It is stepping out of the old and becoming the new while existing in both worlds as we go through the RECREATIVE PROCESS.

There are many native traditions that tell a story for each of the full moon energies. The tradition of the Sun Bear Tribe (a vision of unity given to Sun Bear from Spirit) explains this moon as the Harvest Moon as it prepares us for the harvest (the dates they use are from Aug 23rd through Sept 23rd).

It is a time to look at our visions through the essence of the Bear medicine, what is it that we want to create is the question. The Stone is Amethyst which can teach us about having good judgement and justice, with the Flower as Violet allows for our ability to penetrate to the secret regions of the Heart and Soul. This moon teaches about discrimination, fair decision, perseverance, and having confidence bringing forth the aspect of balancing all elements to become One.

In retrospect this moon is giving us the opportunity to feel that Oneness as long as we allow our Higher Selves to be more of our guiding light within our Physical Conscious and the walk that we experience upon this earth.

It truly is a time of great hope for a better experience within ourselves and for the world around us.

Take time during this moon cycle to reflect on how you have changed, thanking your Higher Self for helping you, and command it to be more grounded within your physical existence. If you can experience being in nature, be by water, walk through the woods or through a field of flowers, possibly experiencing a beautiful mountain, call upon those elements of Gaia’s family, to help you become more gracious towards the changes you are experiencing. It will assist you to become more integrated within your physical self with a new sparkle of gratitude shining within your Heart.



Greetings My Dearest Beloveds,

I Am Master Djwhal Khul giving forth a blessing to each of you at this time.

The moon energies of September of Virgo and Pisces is giving unto humanity an experience of exhaling into the presence of your Divine Self.

You have traveled far and wide, experienced many moment of darkness, and walked through the doorway to enhance your Physical Self into a new transformed essence that is just awaiting for you to arrive.

This is exactly what I see with the energetics of this cycle if you allow it to be created within you.

The vibrational essence is to experience more fluid movements like watching the waves in the ocean or a stream or river, flowing over the rocks and continuing its journey. Each of you must allow yourself to become one with the essence of the water and the wind. Flowing from one place to another, learning that each time these elements of the earth push you into a new direction, one that is very unfamiliar but very loving.

That is exactly what is occurring presently. Will you allow yourself to sit still long enough, remove the inner chatter of your mind, and reflect through your breath who you have become during this year?

This is only your raw beginning. There is so much more to occur for each of you, as the growth process of renewal is at an all-time height.

Take time during this time as Lady Mahlariessee shares – experience the beauty of becoming One with the elements of the Earth. See that you are not alone, and expand it beyond your physical mind – Exhale the energies of what you are inhaling. Allow all around you to be in the state of expansion.

Become part of the solution of the Earth’s changes, and you shall see an expanded awareness within you and around you.

I walk with each of you always,

I Am Master Djwhal Khul,

Ray Chohan for Love and Wisdom, the Sphere of Golden Yellow

MEDITATION: We created a special NEW SPIRITUAL HEALING Meditation to order that is 48 minutes long for very deep cleansing and protection and raising your own spiritual vibration. CLICK HERE TO read more about it.

*Ascension Mastery is the realized form of manifesting Ascension Frequencies where your vibratory rate actually increases over time due to the in-depth training (not the intellectual pursuit or study) and the acquiring of a higher Spiritual Essence. Everyone on Earth is already part of God’s Light and Love but that does not mean they as individuals (or collectively) are Ascending, or that Ascension is happening to them. Earth is at a cross roads of Spiritual Awakening to step into Ascension, but without each person taking on an individual personal life responsibility to change their lives into practicing actual Ascension energies there can be no real shift in frequency. Ascension as a concept, belief or a mystery to be revealed is akin to a mere informational level desired by the mental intellect and does not create the authentic higher Ascension Octave of Light and Love required for a New Earth to be created. Our mission as an Academy is to bring forth that actual level of higher love and light for you to learn to feel and acquire them. It is a process that will take any initiate/lightworker many years (even decades) to achieve just as it did for the Ascended Masters themselves. A great way to start is by using targeted meditations that go beyond what is typically used. Our SPIRITUAL HEALING meditation or the SEVEN FREE CLASSES to help during these challenging times will assist. (visit to access or order).

ASCEND EARTH ~ CREATE HEALING LIGHT FOR GAIA – Join Walking Terra Christa in this special project to help bring more healing light to the planet and humanity by creating Ascension Columns around the Earth with the assistance of the Unified Whole Galactic and Agartha Alliance. To learn more please use the link.

To help heal others, pleases comment and share/post this article on social media. © 2003-2020 Walking Terra Christa and Divine Language Network.

Master Djwhal Khul ~ Festival of Lights Full Moon Lunar Eclipse ~ July 2020

Spiritual Meaning The Divine Heart Full Moon Lunar Eclipse by Walking Terra Christa“Remembrance of your Soul’s Essence” the Ascension Mastery Message* Spiritual Meaning of the July 2020 accelerations of the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse with Master Djwhal Khul as brought forth by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden.

We are experiencing the effects of the Full Moon of Capricorn in the Sun of Cancer with a Lunar Eclipse on July 4th 2020 at 9:44 PM Pacific, July 5th 12:44 AM Eastern, and 4:44 AM UTC.

This is a time to fully embrace the Heart energies that are being exhibited through the Sun of Cancer and the alignment of the planetary systems as the Moon (representing the Feminine Divine) becomes more introspective allowing for the Emotional Body to be open and vulnerable.

Cancer represents Heart Energy – an emotional connection – the Sun is the Masculine Divine – allowing for the heart connection to be centered within the Mental Body. This elicits a feeling of fluidness and balance within the thought process allowing the Higher Mind also knows as the Abstract Mind to blend with the Concrete Mind within the physical self.

Capricorn represents Stability, what we project outside of our personal lives which can cause rigidness to occur. It is the sign of climbing the mountain higher and higher not worrying what is within our pathway. But this month with the Moon representing the Feminine Divine blending with the Sun of Cancer brings forth a feeling of caring more deeply about what is occurring. This is allowing the Emotional Body to become more vulnerable in a positive and focused manner creating a sense of balance.

There can be a heightened sense of awareness by looking into the aspects of the Emotional connection to blend with the way we thought we should be living.

This is a shift in consciousness of allowing Cancer to blend with Capricorn to create a sense of balance between the Heart and the Mind – creating the Higher Mind to be more in alignment within the four-body system.

The Feminine is receiving more stability and the Masculine is holding the Heart Energy to be expressed. Lots of changes can occur – breaking away of old patterns of the Mental Realm to become aligned with the Emotional or Astral Realm- an inclusion of light to be felt through the process.

The Lunar Eclipse is the icing on the cake, so to speak, bringing forth a sense of Emotional Abundance to occur. It brings forth a sense that we need to look more closely in the way we handle our lives, through our emotional and mental selves. It can bring about the desire to receive and give more nurturance. Decisions at this time can be driven more emotionally.

The Eclipses last for a period of six months; since this is the second Lunar eclipse in a month with a Solar eclipse, the resulting energies can only be aligned with the allowing each of these eclipses to help guide us into a more spiritual alignment within our physical self.

In summation this means that we are being more aligned with the Divine Energies of the Feminine to be the guidepost for the Earth and all of humanity. It is now time to become more vulnerable, heal more deeply, and remove the many timelines of debris that can hold us back from our true pathway as a soul.

Master Djwhal Khul’s Keynote for July 2020:

I call upon the Lunar Eclipse of July 5th 2020 to give me the balance of Emotional Abundance through the Sun of Cancer of the Heart to blend into the Moon of Capricorn to allow for Stability to be exhibited upon my walk on the Earth. This alignment allows me to be strong in my convictions as my vulnerability is shown as that strength with Love.

Greetings My Dearest Friends,

I come to you as Master Djwhal Khul to give a blessing of how the present energies can guide you into the presence of your Divine Heart.

It is very appropriate that at this time, stepping into the 2nd phase of 2020, that the alignment of the Heart energy is the focus. It brings forth the ability to actually allow the Divine Mother God representing the Feminine Divine to guide all planetary existence into a deep healing state of transformation.

It helps to make the Mental Realm more aligned within the Emotional Realm so there can be a shift in consciousness to realize that what does not serve this transformation must be released into the expression of Light.

This is exactly what is occurring presently upon the Earth.

Even though there is great confliction everywhere you turn, there is also healing in the process of that darkness. It is bringing forth an awareness in many souls that things need to be changed at the pace that it needs to occur, slowly and methodically, so it can be changed forever. This is a process for every soul upon the earth.

The more connection that you, as a soul, give to your physical self, the easier this movement of change will be. Getting out of your head with the many conflicting thoughts is not being an Initiate or a Lightworker. It is allowing the third dimensional construct to control the consciousness of humanity.

In this time frame there is an opening of a doorway to allow each of you to go deeper into your own heart essence. This is exactly what the cycle is bringing to you as a human being. But yet, you are more than that human being, you are a soul that has traveled many Universes and spaces to arrive at this time.

Remembrance is the key to your evolving self as your Soul is the Heart Essence of Divine Mother God representing the Feminine Divine.

As this cycle occurs, it is important for you to acknowledge what needs to be changed within you. But you must go deeper into your subconscious mind, and each of your chakras, as you are readying yourself for more evolving light to be part of you.

I like to call this Moon and Lunar Eclipse Cycle the Remembrance of your Soul’s Essence. This is because there is a flowing light energy brought forth by the Eclipse with the Moon and Sun Energies that are allowing for the issuance of the Feminine Divine to become more grounded within your consciousness.

Allow this exchange of light to assist you, breathe it in, become part of the energies. Let your physicality float into this existence at the time of the Moon and Sun Cycle; be present within your breath, as you allow the pure existence of the Divine Heart energies to assist you.

The Earth is at a very crucial stage. It is now time for each of you to strive deeper into your full consciousness and allow your physical self to hold the pure existence of Love within you.

I Am Master Djwhal Khul at your service.


Note: To LISTEN to the higher vibrational messages yourself to help you connect to these sacred New Earth energies. You may listen/download the message from Master Djwhal Khul including the Lord Ashtar Ascend Earth Ascension Columns in our Audio Recordings Library.

Please feel free to share this message with others to help ground the higher spiritual energies to Gaia. 

LATEST MEDITATION: We also created a special NEW SPIRITUAL HEALING Meditation to order that is 48 minutes long for very deep cleansing and protection and raising your own spiritual vibration. CLICK HERE TO read more about it.

*Ascension Mastery is the realized form of manifesting Ascension Frequencies where your vibratory rate actually increases over time due to the in-depth training (not the intellectual pursuit or study) and the acquiring of a higher Spiritual Essence. Everyone on Earth is already part of God’s Light and Love but that does not mean they as individuals (or collectively) are Ascending, or that Ascension is happening to them. Earth is at a cross roads of Spiritual Awakening to step into Ascension, but without each person taking on an individual personal life responsibility to change their lives into practicing actual Ascension energies there can be no real shift in frequency. Ascension as a concept, belief or a mystery to be revealed is akin to a mere informational level desired by the mental intellect and does not create the authentic higher Ascension Octave of Light and Love required for a New Earth to be created. Our mission as an Academy is to bring forth that actual level of higher love and light for you to learn to feel and acquire them. It is a process that will take any initiate/lightworker many years (even decades) to achieve just as it did for the Ascended Masters themselves. A great way to start is by using targeted meditations that go beyond what is typically used. Our SPIRITUAL HEALING meditation or the SEVEN FREE CLASSES to help during these challenging times will assist. (visit to access or order).

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