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11-11-22 The Cosmic Energetic Portal of Angelic Light: Lord Metatron

11-11-22 PORTAL with Lord Metatron Cosmic Angelic Light by Walking Terra Christa

Rev. Christine Mahlariessee shares the Ascension Mastery Higher Spiritual Message of Lord Archangel Metatron* on the 11:11:22 COSMIC PORTAL OF LIGHT which is occurring presently.

“This has been a very auspicious year for transformation to occur. The power of the energies has taken people from living in fear to taking control of their lives through the basis of spirituality. There definitely has been an uprise of celestial energies able to intertwine themselves into humanity.

“Each soul upon the Earth has gone through many levels of acceleration no matter how small it may be. We like to call this spiritual progress. One may not know that it is happening, but looking back through the previous months would give each person the ability to see that growth has occurred. Now sometimes this growth is not of the magnificence that an individual would choose to experience. But, it definitely has created souls to transition from their previous reality into a more defined acceptability of whom they are becoming.

“All of this has been in preparation for this Portal of Light. Without the stability that has occurred or the moments of realization of what has been, what is occurring now, and what can be perceived by renewal of the soul’s essence, then this exchange of light for 11-11-22 would not hold the magnificence that it truly will.

“When we speak of all souls, yes, we mean every human being upon the earth is going through some kind of upheaval whether it be an acute situation or something that’s been hiding from view.

“Let’s think about this for a moment. Individuals may have gone through tremendous upheaval from the previous year(s) due to the virus coming unto the earth; lockdowns occurred, and people needed to adjust. But a lot of this occurrence represents individuals to delve deeper into their spiritual selves.

“Now at this year of 2022 individuals may have thought that it was all over; life would return as it was, but something different has happened. Every soul has changed through this process of renewal. So 2022 has been a journey of self renewal. Adjustments needed to happen in order for the next level of acceleration to occur. Again, it may be subtle for many people, but others, it will be life changing if they allow it to be.

“Having the science of these numbers is just the beginning. People are always looking for answers in science, but yet it is so much more than that element.

“Vibrational changes will be felt through this day starting at midnight and continuing for 24 hours in your timezone. These means there is a surge of high velocity electro-magnetic currents to enter the earth’s atmosphere to help souls awaken to their own potential within their walk upon the planet.

“You may say, but what about the souls that are not awakened energetically?

“This divine energy does not separate who will receive it but as a consciousness of the earth, all will experience it.

“Of course, those that are awakened, will feel it more intensely. In fact, they must be aware of the changes within themselves and how they have shifted in the last few months of this year. It will assist in the process of allowing the light forms of the Angelic Hosts to become more tune into the consciousness of humanity.

“This occurrence is more like a meeting of the Higher Minds or Spiritual Essences. It brings forth a blessing of Divine Love to be felt and allows for the intertwining of angelic energies to become one within each individual soul.

“Some may feel as if they are being guided by the blessing of the Angelic Essences; In truth what is happening is that the blending of the Solar Angels within the Human Consciousness is coming into moments of acceptance.

“If an individual understands that they are Angelic known as a Solar Angel before the embodiment of human form, then they can accept what is happening to them. The presence of every soul’s Solar Angel is blessing their walk upon the earth, creating a bond that needs to occur, and assisting the soul to accept this reality.

“In turn, what is occurring globally that the Earth is accepting this essence of Angelic Hosts to become more aligned within the electro-magnetic energies of GAIA. Surging of light energies becoming more intertwined and accepted by all light forms on the Earth.

“In truth the actual force of light is helping GAIA to accept these frequencies of love; thereby, helping humans to accept their own definitive ways of reality. The vibrational level within GAIA is going to shift to allow for the utmost success of the Masculine (electro) Feminine (magnetic) charges to be experienced within the planet.

“For individuals such as Initiates and Lightworkers this energy will become more powerful to help them acknowledge their higher light force within them but also to ground it through their physical bodies. For others it will be more subtle but believe me, all souls will go through a process of transformation which is essential for the earth and humanity.

“The best advice I can give is to reiterate to all who want to meditate and connect during the 24 hour period is to become more aligned with your Solar Angel. This part of your essence is the guiding force that will help create the transformation that each soul is going through.

“The force of this portal is being directed through my Essence, Lord Metatron of the 36th dimensional level overlighted with the Angelic Principalities, most specifically the Ophanim, Cherubim, Seraphim, Thrones and the Elders that Surround the Throne of Grace, with the Elohim Council of Light, and Councils of the God Force. The inclusion of the Portal will be accessible through the 330 Rays of God being directed through the Office of the Christ and Lord Maitreya. Vibratory energies will be increased during the 24 hours to assist in reaching the carbon-based physical bodies to receive the light infractions; thereby, changing elements to a more crystalline structure.

“This process will be magical, and instrumental in allowing more Divine Blessings to be centered within and around the Earth. It is a time of great revelations to be experienced by all who live upon the planet creating a positive transformation of Divine Love to be part of humanity’s reality.”

~ I AM Lord Metatron

Join us! The activation of the 11:11:22 PORTAL OF COSMIC LIGHT! We will be holding a SPECIAL LIVE EVENT CEREMONY with the high frequencies, words, wisdom and blessings of LORD METATRON along with the Angelic Hosts, the Solar Angels, and many Spiritual Beings of Light to help everyone benefit spiritually from this very powerful gateway of energies!

Please join us at 11:00 AM Pacific time (North America) on 11:11:2022 from anywhere in the world for this once in a lifetime transition.

(We will use the same online Audio Conference number as see our
Festival of Lights Ceremonies. See the page details to join.)


ASCEND EARTH ~ CREATE HEALING LIGHT FOR GAIA – Join this free Global Project by Walking Terra Christa to help bring more healing light to the planet and humanity by creating Ascension Columns around the Earth with the assistance of the Unified Whole Galactic and Agartha Alliance.

22 Ray Challenge ~ Online Course to learn and incorporate the 22 Rays of God. Each of the 22 Rays align within the 8 Chakras to create the 3rd, 4th, and 5th dimensional chakra grids to be aligned within the Etheric Self.

Original Material © Copyright 2003-2022 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee* Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden. All rights reserved. *formerly spelled “Meleriessee”. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS CONTENT FREELY IN COMPLETE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS WITH THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!

Master Djwhal Khul – Lord Metatron Message: The Full Moon Solstice Energies ~ RADIANT DIVINE TRUTH ~ Festival of Lights December 2021

The Full Moon of Gemini in opposition to the Sun of Sagittarius occurs on December 18th, 2021 at 8:55 PM Pacific, 11:55 PM Eastern within Universal time of December 19th 4:00 AM.

The Solstice occurs on December 21st, 2021 at 7:58 AM Pacific, 10:58 AM Eastern within Universal time of 3:58 PM.

LORD METATRON shares his essence of the December Solstice of 2021: How to Become Your Divine Mantra of Authenticity.  

[In addition to this message of light, Walking Terra Christa will bring forth the Annual Solstice Christmas Celebration on Saturday December 18th at 11am PT with Lord Metatron, Master Djwhal Khul, Lord Sananda, Lady Nada, and Lady Mother Mary all extending their Seasons Blessings. See below for the link to join].

Within the sign of Gemini for the Full Moon, it corresponds to the Mental Self, but the moon itself represents the Feminine Divine. As Gemini can correlate with the ‘Duality of Light/Dark’ it is a sign of the TWINS facing each other bringing forth a battle or a truce depending upon the present consciousness. In this transition the Moon is bringing forth the ability to be nurturing and open while the Gemini essence can access the Mental Self. It is a time for this transition to help us to combine the Masculine of the Mental and the Feminine of the Emotional to come into a state of balance.

The Sun of Sagittarius symbolizes the ability to investigate options through the Higher Self or Mind. It brings forth the expansion of higher ideals to become more concrete through the Mental Self. It is a sign of openness and seeking other ways to communicate. This can cause an individual to be too lofty in their ideals but yet gives a sense of ingenuity that is not perceived by the lower mental self.

The Gemini-Sagittarius polarity allows for changes to be created from the Higher Self as the ideas become manifest from the Spiritual Self and grounded within the Physical Self.

It is a time of “illumination” as the Moon of Gemini allows for the Emotional Self to be acknowledged through the duality of this sign but brings forth the sense of hope. It then can go through a grounding process as the Sun of Sagittarius elicits the ability to access the visions and manifestations of the Higher Self to be more a reality than just hopefulness. It becomes more concrete.

It is at this time that our desires can be more accepted within us. It is not just a dream, but a true fact that what we have been striving for within our lives becomes ‘who we are’. It truly is a magical time but in the sense of living what we believe in our hearts.

This does not mean that we should be in the clouds with our desires, but allow them to become more real in our lives. This means we have to breathe in the desire, let it run through our chakras, expanding upon the energies that we are receiving.

This moon is a continuous movement of the energies that have been occurring in the last few cycles. We must be proactive within ourselves to believe and see the results to occur within us, but we must walk with it. Become grounded with these energies while not expecting it to just happen because of the cycle we are experiencing.

It is transition into more of our Divine Spiritual Self to become more aligned with our actual desire, let that energy of the desire to access our consciousness, and feel it physically, within our cellular structure.

It is a time to make the transition from what we believed into the reality of our Divine Truth to be acknowledged within us.

This may take some time; as it is not an instant fix but a process of growing into what can now be our Divine Truth, not the truth of your mental concrete self, but bring forth the RADIANT DIVINE SELF TO BE ACKNOWLEDGED within you.



Greetings My Fellow Initiates,

I am Master Djwhal Khul Ray Chohan for the Ray of Love and Wisdom bringing forth the essence of the Light Golden Ray to illuminate within you your highest truth to be revealed within your physicality upon this Earth.

This is exactly the stage of higher reality that the planet is going to be experiencing through this cycle of Gemini-Sagittarius. It is a time in which the hopes and ideals can be radiated within you, but you must allow it to become a focus through your present consciousness.

It is a beautiful cycle for the last moon of the year radiating the presence of Cosmic Light to be experienced within Gaia. Each of you that are ready must absorb this energy within your silence, through your breath, and become more to your physical existence that you have in any other moment.

The blessing of this Moon-Sun polarity is that what needs to be addressed and changed, can become your True Essence. But you must acknowledge it in order for it to occur.

Each of you are going through many transitions within yourself; some are feeling it but then it goes away. Others are experiencing it differently but actually become that transition.

The importance of this cycle is to not question what you are feeling but to absorb it within yourself. Not only are the Moon and the Sun assisting in this phase of Renewal, but all planetary aspects are becoming aligned to allow it to become your True Reality. Your Mental Self is going through changes of upheaval and renewal through this cycle.

Now this will be different for each of you depending on your own ability to let go of your personal control mechanisms and fully embrace what is happening to you without questioning it within your lower mental self. It is a time to allow the Higher Self to fully become more active within this cycle. So it is already occurring, will continue through the three-day phase of the Moon, and then prepare you for the next New Moon Cycle (this occurs January 2nd, 2022).

Take time during this time to truly embrace the energies allowing your Higher Self to guide you. Don’t try to analyze what you are experiencing along with not focusing on your desires to become manifest. Become present within yourself through your Pranic Breath. Allow yourself to see what occurs.

I am Master Djwhal Khul in service to each of you.

As highly dedicated Spiritual Leaders who tirelessly uphold Ascension Mastery instruction and guidance as our only life purpose for humanity and Gaia, we rely heavily on your generosity to make it all possible. Please consider giving from your heart at this time of year.

The December Solstice occurs on December 21st, 2021 7:58 AM Pacific, 10:58 AM Eastern within Universal time of 3:58 PM.


Greetings My Dearest Ones,

I am Lord Metatron here to assist in the Divine Energies of the December Solstice.

It is at this time that each of you need to acknowledge your Divine Essence of Truth within you. I believe that the Solstice following the Full Moon conjunction of Gemini-Sagittarius brings forth the tail of divine energies that the moon is expressing at this time.

This Solstice represents that ability to fully be Authenticate to your Physical Self in the Divine Truth of your Spiritual Self through this year no matter what your circumstances may have been. We know that transformation has occurred in all phases of humanity. Every one of you has different experiences and ideas about what is happening for you while inhabiting these vehicles.

But that is not what I want to convey to you – it is how you have been able to move through the energies with your Higher Self intact, within your daily activities, and how your four-body system (physical, etheric (chakras), emotional, mental) have truly assisted you or held you in bondage.

The frequencies of the light through the Equinox of March, Solstice of June, and the Equinox of September have brought forth great changes within the Earth. Just as the Equinox of September has represented what has occurred earlier in each of the season changes, this year of December represents all that has come before it since the beginning of 2021.

More divine energies are being felt continually through the Great Central Suns especially the Solar of Helios and Vesta, but in this moment in time the Cosmic Great Central Sun of Divine Mother Father God are extending their essence through the Multi-Universal, Universal, and Galactic to fully assist the Solar Great Central Sun.

I have talked previously how the Seven Rays of God are being implanted into the core of Gaia. This Solstice is representing all that has become before it with the inclusion of all the Great Central Suns being ignited through the Cosmic Level of Divine Mother-Father God. It is important for every Initiate and potential Initiate to fully embrace the first seven Rays of God, then continue up through the 22. This is why this time is so important to receive these divine energies that will help your chakras to be cleansed, healed and transformed within your system.

That is just the beginning as the Solar Angels are working tirelessly through every human on earth so that individuals can awaken to their true essence. The vibrational essence of everything that is occurring is unbelievably powerful which will be felt by all of humanity.

The Rainbow Arcs of Light are continually being infused through the Great Central Suns of the Cosmic-Multi Universal-Universal-Galactic and Solar. This will increase exponentially through the December Solstice. The power of these energies is to awaken each individual into another level of existence allowing their Higher Self and Higher Light Bodies to become more aligned energetically through the Electro-Magnetic energies.

This Solstice combined with the Full Moon of Gemini-Sagittarius is the pure existence of the Cosmic Structures to be accelerated within humanity and Gaia. It is a time of embracement; become the energies, let them do their cosmic duty. Access your Higher Self through the Unified Whole Energies of the 144th Dimension, become One with the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of White Light through the Unified Whole-Galactic-Agartha Network of Light.

It is a time of great love, beauty, and manifestation to occur physically if you allow it to become your guide. Sit with these energies throughout this year helping you to walk into 2022 with a new sense of accomplishment and reality of who you are becoming within your Full Body System.

I walk with you every step of the way.

I Am Lord Metatron,

Multi-Universal Logos and Holder of the Metatronic Seals

As highly dedicated Spiritual Leaders who tirelessly uphold Ascension Mastery instruction and guidance as our only life purpose for humanity and Gaia, we rely heavily on your generosity to make it all possible. Please consider giving from your heart at this time of year.

Wishing you and your friends and family a Very Blessed and Joyous Holiday Season of Christed Light and Love from our hearts to yours!
– Reverend Christine Mahlariessee and Reverend Michael Ara of Walking Terra Christa.

Please join us! To have everyone receive the Attunement Activations of the Solstice and Full Moon Frequency, Walking Terra Christa hosts the Annual Solstice Christmas Festival of Lights Ceremony for those who desire to experience these Sacred Divine Blessings personally. These are high Light and Love vibrations to be cherished:
JOIN US ONLINE ON SATURDAY DECEMBER 18th, 2021 at 11:00 AM Pacific to immerse yourself in the Divine Blessings of this moon cycle with the Solstice energies. We are also presenting special Holiday Blessings from Lord Sananda (Yeshua/Jesus), Lady Nada (Mary Magdalene), and Lady Mother Mary. CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS TO PARTICIPATE from anywhere in the world.

Special Year End Promotion: For all those individuals who have been interested in learning how to accelerate their lives through Ascension Mastery, the perfect ENERGETIC alignment of the MASTER FREQUENCY OF 2022 (“22” and “222”) of the coming year is the ideal time to embrace the teachings of Walking Terra Christa’s Academy of New Earth Mastery. All who enroll in December receive the following two Attunement Activation Teaching Meditations for free (the Spiritual Healing and the Teton Retreat as listed below), plus our EIGHT (8) class attunement activation teachings on the THYMUS CHAKRA of 10 Hours of Teachings by the Ascended Masters that our students received to assist them within the Teton Retreat dispensation. (The Thymus is called the “Higher Heart” and is a very important energy center for healing karmic issues. These class attunements assist in activating the eighth chakra of the Thymus to release stuck energies and incorporate more higher light.) CLICK HERE TO READ ABOUT BECOMING AN ACADEMY INITIATE and receive these Special Promotion classes right away to begin your learning. All who enroll also receive the free initial class offers listed on the Academy page (an additional three (3) courses). [Offer valued at over $500 in teachings].

To further help individuals heal within their spiritual essence and filter healthier frequencies into the mental/emotional/etheric light bodies (subtle energy body structures), last year we created a special meditation: SPIRITUAL CLEANSING FOR HEALTH AND HEALING. This Attunement Activation Meditation assist in realignment from the disruptive energetics of the Global Pandemic. This HEALING MEDITATION is a downloadable MP3 audio file for any device.
This Journey Meditation is now ON SALE at this link.

This time of year is also an important Divine Portal from the Spiritual Hierarchy for all initiates who desire assistance from the Ascended Masters. The TETON RETREAT is an etheric retreat that is only open from December 15th through January 14th. For the optimal TETON RETREAT Mediation Experience we suggest ordering the special TETON RETREAT CLASS MEDITATION JOURNEY and the companion SELF GUIDED ATTUNEMENT MEDITATION JOURNEY. Click here for the class details.

*Ascension Mastery is the realized form of manifesting Ascension Frequencies where your vibratory rate actually increases over time due to the in-depth training (not the intellectual pursuit or study) and the acquiring of a higher Spiritual Essence. Everyone on Earth is already part of God’s Light and Love but that does not mean they as individuals (or collectively) are Ascending, or that Ascension is happening to them. Earth is at a cross roads of Spiritual Awakening to step into Ascension, but without each person taking on an individual personal life responsibility to change their lives into practicing actual Ascension Mastery energies there can be no real shift in frequency. Ascension as a concept, belief or a mystery to be revealed is akin to a mere informational level desired by the mental intellect and does not create the authentic higher Ascension Octave of Light and Love required for a New Earth to be created. Our mission as an Academy is to bring forth that actual level of higher love and light for you to learn to feel and acquire them. It is a process that will take any initiate/lightworker many years (even decades) to achieve just as it did for the Ascended Masters themselves.

Original Material © Copyright 2003-2021 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee* Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden. All rights reserved. Walking Terra Christa is the originator of the teachings of the 22 Rays of God within Ascension Spirituality. (*formerly spelled “Meleriessee”).


SURRENDER TO CHANGE: November Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse ~ Master Djwhal Khul Festival of Lights Spiritual Meaning

Master Djwhal Khul Spiritual Meaning of the November 19th Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse – Ascension Mastery* Message by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden of Walking Terra Christa.

The Full Moon of Taurus in opposition to the Sun of Scorpio occurred on November 19th, 2021 at 12:57 AM Pacific, 3:57 AM Eastern within Universal time of 8:57 AM.

Lunar Eclipses are represented by relationships and polarities. Since the Full Moon presents itself in Taurus/Scorpio, this Lunar Eclipse allows for the ability to look deeper at our needs, lacks, and desires in our lives. Taurus brings the energy of grounding with the Earth, being more peace-oriented in a practical way while Scorpio represents the emotional energies which can be very transforming but challenging.

The Lunar Eclipse is giving us the opportunity to change what we do not agree with either in our personal self or relationships.

What is the direction that your Higher Self is asking you as the Personality Self to accept in your life?

It is time to release what you have experienced in the last six months, clearing away, letting it go, so the only personal reflection should be reflected within your Spiritual Self.

The moon is teaching us to be grounded through this emotional time as we need to fully De-Ascend our highest ideals into the personality self and walk with the intention that Change is Inevitable.

Since the Moon of Taurus represents the Feminine Divine it allows for our Intuitive Self to be more connected within the consciousness that we experience through our walk upon the Earth. We start to learn how to balance our emotions while walking on the Earth.

It is now time to fully experience the blessing of our Higher Self guiding us through this renewal process. The Sun of Scorpio allows for the Masculine Self to be more communicative, balanced on an emotional level, to assist us to walk on the Earth allowing for the relationship we hold within our Emotional (Feminine) and Mental (Masculine) to be more aligned with each other.

The Lunar Eclipse helps us to pinpoint any areas that are not in conjunction with each other. It is a time to be aware of any thoughts within your subconscious mind that deter you from the course of becoming more connected to both your Feminine and Masculine selves. This will not be an easy process and these energies will continue for the next six months.

Through this cycle we are being guided to go deeper within our subconscious mind to clear away the elements that no longer serve our purpose. It is a time of great transformation for humanity to step up to themselves, allow the healing to be instrumental within their spiritual and physical lives.

As always, I suggest creating a ceremony for yourself connecting to all the elements of the Earth especially Grandmother Moon and Grandfather Sun. Ask for their assistance during this time so that the transition of your next level of spiritual awareness can be a true reality.



Greetings My Fellow Initiates and Students of the Light,

I come to you as Master Djwhal Khul to bring forth an understanding of the dynamics of this Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse and what to expect during this cycle.

First of all, the first step that each of you need to take is to have the ability to Surrender unto all the energies that you are experiencing. This cycle is filled with elements of good and not so good energies from a third dimensional perspective. But coming from a higher level of intuition will be the key to you fully changing what needs to be transformed within your world.

By this I mean, in your Physical Personal Self or Lower Ego, you may find that you fight this process of healing as it will take you into places that possibly have been locked away inside of you. But you have to allow yourself to fully accept that it is time to be released from the bondage’s of your lower mind and emotions, so then it will be very beneficial in so many ways.

The rewards will be absolutely amazing when you step into the thought consciousness that all things must be transcended and transformed. It is a state of Resurrection of both the Emotional and Mental bodies as the energy from the moon and the sun will be on opposite sides of the spectrum. Normally, your moon is aligned with the emotions, while the sun is representative of the thoughts.

As this cycle represents the Moon energies of grounding, you are experiencing those emotions to be fully conscious in your physical reality. While the Sun is usually the grounding force and holding the energy, the mental thoughts now will be on the receiving end of accepting the transition of your emotional challenges to be experienced. The roles of both the Feminine and Masculine are at a standstill to understand one another. There is no separation, but coming forth with complete acceptance of what each of them have endured by being alone, trying their best to assist you in your physical incarnation.

This is truly the biggest blessing, and this is due to the Partial Lunar Eclipse. The relationship of your Divine Self is receiving a blessing as it is a pivotal point in which acceptance of your emotions become the reality of your thoughts and vice versa.

This cycle is bringing forth a deep transformation, renewal, and allowing you to become the True Alchemist of your personal experience.

I suggest, as Lady Mahlariessee does, that ceremony will be your best option. Step out of the mind set that your Personality Self wants to dictate. Allow the energies presently enfolding upon the planet to be your open invitation to go deeper and stronger than ever before.

You will thank yourself later as this is truly a very intense, and emotional cycle for Gaia and all of humanity.

In Blessings and Love,

I Am Master Djwhal Khul, Ray Chohan for the Ray of Love and Wisdom

DESIRE MORE? Setting aside some time to participate in a Ceremonial Ascension Journey to connect with these energies will really assist in bringing them into your individual reality. Since 1995 Lady Master Mahlariessee has channeled the Highest Spiritual Beings of Light of the Spiritual Hierarchy and Ascended Masters. Walking Terra Christa hosts the November Full Moon Eclipse Festival of Lights Ceremony to assist everyone.
JOIN US ONLINE ON SATURDAY NOVEMBER 19th, 2021 at 11:00 AM Pacific to immerse yourself in the Divine Blessings that this moon cycle brings. CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS TO PARTICIPATE from anywhere in the world.

To further help individuals heal within their spiritual essence and filter healthier frequencies into the mental/emotional/etheric light bodies (subtle energy body structures), last year we created a special meditation [SPIRITUAL CLEANSING FOR HEALTH AND HEALING] to assist in realignment from the disruptive energetics of the Global Pandemic. This HEALING MEDITATION with ACTIVATIONS is a downloadable MP3 audio file for any device.
This Journey Meditation is now ON SALE at this link.


This time of year is PERFECT for stepping formally into being a STUDENT OF ASCENSION MASTERY as the cycle of the TETON RETREAT only comes around 2x a year. The DECEMBER PERIOD to gain direct spiritual assistance in healing Karma is less than a month away. Enroll in November and get a firm start on adjusting your energies to accept the higher subtle frequencies of light and love so they can be more grounded within you in December and for the immensely pivotal year of 2022!

*Ascension Mastery is the realized form of manifesting Ascension Frequencies where your vibratory rate actually increases over time due to the in-depth training (not the intellectual pursuit or study) and the acquiring of a higher Spiritual Essence. Everyone on Earth is already part of God’s Light and Love but that does not mean they as individuals (or collectively) are Ascending, or that Ascension is happening to them. Earth is at a cross roads of Spiritual Awakening to step into Ascension, but without each person taking on an individual personal life responsibility to change their lives into practicing actual Ascension Mastery energies there can be no real shift in frequency. Ascension as a concept, belief or a mystery to be revealed is akin to a mere informational level desired by the mental intellect and does not create the authentic higher Ascension Octave of Light and Love required for a New Earth to be created. Our mission as an Academy is to bring forth that actual level of higher love and light for you to learn to feel and acquire them. It is a process that will take any initiate/lightworker many years (even decades) to achieve just as it did for the Ascended Masters themselves.

Original Material © Copyright 2003-2021 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee* Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden. All rights reserved. Walking Terra Christa is the originator of the teachings of the 22 Rays of God within Ascension Spirituality. (*formerly spelled “Meleriessee”).


Wesak 2021 ~ Become the Golden Beacon of God’s Reflection with the 12 Rays of God

Spiritual Meaning of the upcoming WESAK energies as brought forth by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden.

As we prepare ourselves spiritually for the onset of the Wesak energies, it will take us on a journey within ourselves to experience all aspects of our physicality.

It is a process to allow the dynamics of this Festival of Light to help us Emotionally, Mentally, through our Etheric Timelines, and in our Chakra System while learning to align within our physical vehicle with ease and grace.

However, at times, it certainly may not seem that way.

The three major Spiritual Festivals of each year take place during the full moon’s of Aires, Taurus, and Gemini. As ascension celebrations, they are called the festivals of the Christ, Wesak, and Humanity. They takes us internally into a tailspin of energies to help us realize that we have the potential to become more in this physical incarnation than we ever have done at any other lifetime.

All of us that are on this awakening process will go through a journey of opening ourselves up to the Divine Consciousness learning to access the purity of our Soul’s Essence. It takes us through twists and turns so that we allow our Personality Self to realize that change awaits us, to become more aligned with our Higher Light Bodies known as the I Am Presence, and to walk with Love into a new reality.

This does not mean that everyone in the world is feeling the same. We would like to think that all humans upon this earth can have this experience, yet, it is very personal to each of us individually in what we will feel and think as we become more aligned with our Divine Self.

Wesak does just that for us, if we as an individual, are willing to open up to the possibilities, the beauty of taking the next step into spiritual awareness, and changing who we have been in the previous moments.

The Festival of Wesak marks the spiritual beginning for the Year that truly pushes us forward, to look within, change what is not working, while the progression of our connection to our Higher Consciousness becomes the focus. But in turn, it helps to ground the new energies within our walk upon the earth.

For all those seeking their highest spiritual truth as a Soul in this lifetime, this is our Spiritual Birthday each year. Such seekers are called “Initiates” even if they have not formally accepted such a title for themselves. This means that the Wesak Festival is an occasion of great benefit to partake upon even if one does not consider themself an “Initiate” of formal Ascension Mastery study.

What comes with that transition is great transformation but not without its challenges.

Wesak is a time for each of us as spiritual beings to prepare ourselves to walk into our next step as a Soul by letting go of the old thoughts that our Personality Self holds within our consciousness. It is a time when, The Three Minds, of the Conscious, Sub-Conscious, and Super-Conscious start to work in harmony with each other.

It is a celebration of becoming One within the Buddha Essence ~ the Divine Consciousness of Lord Buddha, our Planetary Logos who shows us the way into walking with the Masters, becoming that Master upon the Earth.

The key to this journey is to always allow the issuance of the old traits within the lower personality known as the Lower Ego to relinquish control as an Initiate cannot aspire to the higher realms of Light without going through the process of Re-Birth. In order for us to become the butterfly and spread our wings, we must acknowledge that the process of the dying away of old habits is an inescapable component. If not adhered to in a receptive state of being, there will be a mixture of energies within our consciousness that is part of the old while trying to mingle with the new.

This causes much Lower Ego Confusion, which is a true and valid concept in the when one desires to step into a reality that holds more than they have ever been, meaning that it is very much a part of the process of becoming more than your physical self’s Ego can understand.

Wesak represents the State of Love to be embodied.

It is a time in which we allow our Divine Feminine to helps us through the pain by accepting the Divine Love of Mother God and all she represents. It brings forth a softness and vulnerability to allow the pain to be released in order for it to be transmuted.

Once we allow the Divine Feminine to flow within us, then we create true healing from the perspective of our Higher Self. It is empowering and beautiful to experience, but until an Initiate is ready to step into this role within themselves, then there will be the state of Confusion to be predominant within One’s Consciousness.

It is at this stage that the Divine Masculine of our Higher Mental Body acts to hold this energy so deeply within the Heart Center. It is the role of our Abstract Mind or Higher Mind to blend within the Concrete Mind and feel the Divine Love of the Feminine to help with softening the Lower Ego. Hence, one then steps into becoming the Higher Ego.

The Divine Love of Father God then brings forth the gift of the Will of God to become this essence within the Heart as the Feminine and Masculine learn to work together.

The resulting energy of this inner connection then becomes our Power represented by the Gold Flame. It is the Christ Consciousness as the blending of our Heart becomes so intertwined with the essence of Love, that we become that unbinding Love in so many ways.

This, then, becomes our Three-Fold Flame within the Heart Center.

This is the process that each of us is going through for the Wesak energies. Many times this can be so powerful that it becomes overwhelming in many areas. But the key element is to concentrate on the blending of these three aspects within our Spiritual Divine Soul to help our physical walk upon the earth to be aligned within the Christ Consciousness of Wesak.

The 2021 Wesak Festival Ceremony is being presented by the Spiritual Hierarchy as a “Circle Within A Circle” as each of us as Initiates become aligned with each of the Ascended Beings of Light who have always walked with us, sometimes guiding us into the next phase of our journey.

For this Wesak Ceremony the Ascended Masters and Beings will be waiting for us at the entrance-way to the Eternal I Am Temple in Shamballa. We will walk together into the Temple as they honor us for the role we are playing upon the Earth.

We are uniting in a way that has never been experienced upon the Earthplane before.

The Circle of the Initiates stands with the Circle of Ascended Masters to raise the consciousness of the Initiate’s Octave. The Masters Light Rays become the Initiates Light.

It is at this stage that we are becoming the Golden Beacon of God’s Reflection within the 12 Rays of God.

The 12th Ray of God, the Gold Flame, represents the Christ Consciousness which reflects all of the previous 11 Rays of God. In order to achieve Christ Consciousness we have to walk through the challenges/benefits of each of the 11 Rays to become fully embodied within our full-body system. Utilizing the Gold Flame brings forth the blessings of whatever aspects each person has worked upon as a soul to become more realized within Who They Are regardless of the level attained. This is why the Wesak Festival is a formal spiritual recognition of our progress annually.

The reflections of the Gold illuminate the frequency vibrations radiations of the  Blue, Golden Yellow, Pink, Crystalline, Green-Golden-White, Ruby Red-Gold, Violet-Purple, Seafoam Green, Blue-Green, Pearlescent, and Pink-Orange to merge together and become the Gold essence of the Christ Within.

We must allow the aspects of each of the rays to be reflected within our four-body system, not just holding it within the respective chakra that represents that frequency. We become the attributes of each Flame to the extent that we have achieved so far of the Will, the Illumination and Wisdom, the Creative Magnetism of Love, the Purification, the Divine Truth, the Spiritual Inner Devotion, the Alchemist of Sacredness, Becoming Clear through our Higher Self, Attracting the Light of Joy Within, Accessing the Feminine/Masculine Traits to work as One Unit, Walking Across the Bridge to the New Self to receive the Christ Consciousness with Lord Buddha and the Office of the Christ as One Essence.

For this Wesak we are being given the Divine Compensation to be able to access the spiritual ideals of mastery into our full consciousness, to learn how to walk and become the ideal essence of each of the 12 Rays of God so that our Three-Fold Flame of the Divine Feminine of Love with the Divine Masculine of Will  blends to create the Wisdom of God within us.

Previous to the full moon of Taurus (which occurs this year on April 26th, it is suggested to take time within yourself to honor your journey thus far as an Initiate, and reflect upon what will be the awareness of your acceleration. This must come from a place of meditative introspection, not the Mental Mind. Preparing for this event is the key at the present time. Then the higher frequencies of the Wesak Festival itself can better act upon your energetic structures to help solidify those advancements. (Our Wesak Festival occurs on April 25th, see below in this article for a link to the details).

The following Decree has been written for this Wesak by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee. Take time to read and ingest the energies before the Wesak Ceremony to help align your Higher Self within your four-body system (Physical, Etheric, Emotional, Mental Selves). It will assist in your reflections.



 The Wesak Festival of Light for 2021,

Allows me to receive the Divine Guidance,

Of the Masters of Shamballa,

Representing the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of White Light.

I see there is a Beacon of Gold Light,

Emanating from the 49th Dimensional Frequency;

As I move towards it,

As I feel an immense charge of the Christed Light,

Flowing within Me.

I am joined by the Office of the Christ,

Represented by Lord Maitreya and Lord Kuthumi,

Joining them are Lady Pallas Athena,

Archangel Mazuriel who is the Guardian of the Great Central Suns,

I then feel the essence of Lord Buddha.

As I now look around me,

It seems as if I am standing in the middle of an energetic circle,

I feel like I am in a color wheel,

With each of the Eleven Rays of God,

Represented by the Masters of Each Flame,

Directing its spectrum of Light,

Into the middle blending with the Gold Ray.

I feel myself spinning ever so slightly,

As I embrace the Blue Flame giving unto me Strength and the Will of God,

With Master El Morya, Elohim Masters Hercules & Amazonia,

With Archangels Michael and Faith;

I then see the Golden Yellow Flame,

Giving me the Love of the Wisdom within me,

Illuminating my Higher Self to my Physical Consciousness,

With Masters Djwhal Khul and Joshua Stone,

Elohim Masters Masters Apollo and Lumina,

with Archangels Jophiel and Christine;

I feel the Pink Flame surging into my Heart Center,

Giving unto me the Divine Love of Mother God,

With Master Serapis Bey,

Elohim Masters Heros and Amora,

along with Archangels Chamuel and Charity;

I then feel the Purity of the Crystalline Flame surging within me,

Giving unto me Harmony and Balance removing the Conflict within me,

With Master Paul the Venetian,

Along with Elohim Masters Purity and Astrea,

with Archangels Gabriel and Hope;

As I continue feeling all the divine energies,

I am then immersed with the Green Golden-White Flame,

I feel a sense of understanding my Divine Truth,

As the gift of Concentration and Consecration is given to me,

With Master Hilarion,

Elohim Masters Cyclopea and Virginia,

Along with Archangels Raphael and Mother Mary;

I then embrace the blessings of the Ruby Red-Golden Flame,

Giving me a sense of Peace of what I have achieved,

With Lady Master Nada,

Elohim Masters Peace and Aloha,

With Archangels Uriel and Aurora;

The spinning of my wheel then gives unto me the Violet-Purple Flame,

Igniting the Power of my Own Transformation to become grounded,

While Creating a Sacred Foundation Within Me,

With Lady Master Portia,

Elohim Masters Arcturus and Victoria,

With Archangels Zadkiel and Amethyst.

I feel each of the Seven Rays of God assisting me to become aligned,

With my Divine Self,

As I then see the Sea Foam Green Flame,

Giving me a sense of clarity of how far I have come,

To truly receive a Divine Blessing of My Higher Self,

From Lady Isis and Lord Osiris;

As the energy continues around me,

I see the Blue-Green Flame,

Giving me the feeling of Joy as it emanates within my physical self,

I realizing I am receiving more of my Light Body,

With Lady Nada and Lady Mother Mary,

I feel completely blessed and love;

I then see the Pearlescent Flame,

I feel the Divine Nurturing of the Feminine Divine,

As I become more grounded with the help of the Masculine Divine,

With Lord Voltar and Lady Valencia from Andromeda;

I then continue spinning, feeling the beauty of the Pink-Orange Flame,

Giving unto me a sense of Deep Compassion and Love,

As I walk with Grace and Mercy,

With Lady Quan Yin and Angel Roshel;

As each of these flames are spinning within me,

The Gold Flame I stand upon in this moment,

Becomes aligned with each of the other flames I have experienced.

I feel the presence of my Strength, My Illumination,

My Creative Action, My Harmony and Balance,

My Divine Truth, My Devotion to Myself, My Ceremonial Sacredness,

My Higher Self, My Hope and Joy,

My Balance of my Feminine and Masculine,

My Ability to Walk with Grace of my New Self Defined within me,

As I stand in the presence of the ability to know,

That each of these flames,

Come together as One,

As I become the Gold Beacon Within Me.

I Am that I Am that I Am!

Wesak is a very important annual event: To READ ABOUT WESAK click here.

Walking Terra Christa is the originating Ascension Mastery Teaching source of the 22 Rays of God to assist the spiritual advancement of Humanity and increase the vibrational frequency of Mother Earth. Using the free materials of the Ascend Earth Project (www.Ascend.Earth) is suggested for all to create a higher energetic grounding in service to the Spiritual Hierarchy especially when in meditation and in reflection upon your spiritual birthday of Wesak this year. (Please share this information).

Original Material © Copyright 2003-2021 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden. All rights reserved. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS CONTENT FREELY IN COMPLETE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS WITH THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!

Master Djwhal Khul ~ Festival of Lights Full Moon Lunar Eclipse ~ July 2020

Spiritual Meaning The Divine Heart Full Moon Lunar Eclipse by Walking Terra Christa“Remembrance of your Soul’s Essence” the Ascension Mastery Message* Spiritual Meaning of the July 2020 accelerations of the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse with Master Djwhal Khul as brought forth by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden.

We are experiencing the effects of the Full Moon of Capricorn in the Sun of Cancer with a Lunar Eclipse on July 4th 2020 at 9:44 PM Pacific, July 5th 12:44 AM Eastern, and 4:44 AM UTC.

This is a time to fully embrace the Heart energies that are being exhibited through the Sun of Cancer and the alignment of the planetary systems as the Moon (representing the Feminine Divine) becomes more introspective allowing for the Emotional Body to be open and vulnerable.

Cancer represents Heart Energy – an emotional connection – the Sun is the Masculine Divine – allowing for the heart connection to be centered within the Mental Body. This elicits a feeling of fluidness and balance within the thought process allowing the Higher Mind also knows as the Abstract Mind to blend with the Concrete Mind within the physical self.

Capricorn represents Stability, what we project outside of our personal lives which can cause rigidness to occur. It is the sign of climbing the mountain higher and higher not worrying what is within our pathway. But this month with the Moon representing the Feminine Divine blending with the Sun of Cancer brings forth a feeling of caring more deeply about what is occurring. This is allowing the Emotional Body to become more vulnerable in a positive and focused manner creating a sense of balance.

There can be a heightened sense of awareness by looking into the aspects of the Emotional connection to blend with the way we thought we should be living.

This is a shift in consciousness of allowing Cancer to blend with Capricorn to create a sense of balance between the Heart and the Mind – creating the Higher Mind to be more in alignment within the four-body system.

The Feminine is receiving more stability and the Masculine is holding the Heart Energy to be expressed. Lots of changes can occur – breaking away of old patterns of the Mental Realm to become aligned with the Emotional or Astral Realm- an inclusion of light to be felt through the process.

The Lunar Eclipse is the icing on the cake, so to speak, bringing forth a sense of Emotional Abundance to occur. It brings forth a sense that we need to look more closely in the way we handle our lives, through our emotional and mental selves. It can bring about the desire to receive and give more nurturance. Decisions at this time can be driven more emotionally.

The Eclipses last for a period of six months; since this is the second Lunar eclipse in a month with a Solar eclipse, the resulting energies can only be aligned with the allowing each of these eclipses to help guide us into a more spiritual alignment within our physical self.

In summation this means that we are being more aligned with the Divine Energies of the Feminine to be the guidepost for the Earth and all of humanity. It is now time to become more vulnerable, heal more deeply, and remove the many timelines of debris that can hold us back from our true pathway as a soul.

Master Djwhal Khul’s Keynote for July 2020:

I call upon the Lunar Eclipse of July 5th 2020 to give me the balance of Emotional Abundance through the Sun of Cancer of the Heart to blend into the Moon of Capricorn to allow for Stability to be exhibited upon my walk on the Earth. This alignment allows me to be strong in my convictions as my vulnerability is shown as that strength with Love.

Greetings My Dearest Friends,

I come to you as Master Djwhal Khul to give a blessing of how the present energies can guide you into the presence of your Divine Heart.

It is very appropriate that at this time, stepping into the 2nd phase of 2020, that the alignment of the Heart energy is the focus. It brings forth the ability to actually allow the Divine Mother God representing the Feminine Divine to guide all planetary existence into a deep healing state of transformation.

It helps to make the Mental Realm more aligned within the Emotional Realm so there can be a shift in consciousness to realize that what does not serve this transformation must be released into the expression of Light.

This is exactly what is occurring presently upon the Earth.

Even though there is great confliction everywhere you turn, there is also healing in the process of that darkness. It is bringing forth an awareness in many souls that things need to be changed at the pace that it needs to occur, slowly and methodically, so it can be changed forever. This is a process for every soul upon the earth.

The more connection that you, as a soul, give to your physical self, the easier this movement of change will be. Getting out of your head with the many conflicting thoughts is not being an Initiate or a Lightworker. It is allowing the third dimensional construct to control the consciousness of humanity.

In this time frame there is an opening of a doorway to allow each of you to go deeper into your own heart essence. This is exactly what the cycle is bringing to you as a human being. But yet, you are more than that human being, you are a soul that has traveled many Universes and spaces to arrive at this time.

Remembrance is the key to your evolving self as your Soul is the Heart Essence of Divine Mother God representing the Feminine Divine.

As this cycle occurs, it is important for you to acknowledge what needs to be changed within you. But you must go deeper into your subconscious mind, and each of your chakras, as you are readying yourself for more evolving light to be part of you.

I like to call this Moon and Lunar Eclipse Cycle the Remembrance of your Soul’s Essence. This is because there is a flowing light energy brought forth by the Eclipse with the Moon and Sun Energies that are allowing for the issuance of the Feminine Divine to become more grounded within your consciousness.

Allow this exchange of light to assist you, breathe it in, become part of the energies. Let your physicality float into this existence at the time of the Moon and Sun Cycle; be present within your breath, as you allow the pure existence of the Divine Heart energies to assist you.

The Earth is at a very crucial stage. It is now time for each of you to strive deeper into your full consciousness and allow your physical self to hold the pure existence of Love within you.

I Am Master Djwhal Khul at your service.


Note: To LISTEN to the higher vibrational messages yourself to help you connect to these sacred New Earth energies. You may listen/download the message from Master Djwhal Khul including the Lord Ashtar Ascend Earth Ascension Columns in our Audio Recordings Library.

Please feel free to share this message with others to help ground the higher spiritual energies to Gaia. 

LATEST MEDITATION: We also created a special NEW SPIRITUAL HEALING Meditation to order that is 48 minutes long for very deep cleansing and protection and raising your own spiritual vibration. CLICK HERE TO read more about it.

*Ascension Mastery is the realized form of manifesting Ascension Frequencies where your vibratory rate actually increases over time due to the in-depth training (not the intellectual pursuit or study) and the acquiring of a higher Spiritual Essence. Everyone on Earth is already part of God’s Light and Love but that does not mean they as individuals (or collectively) are Ascending, or that Ascension is happening to them. Earth is at a cross roads of Spiritual Awakening to step into Ascension, but without each person taking on an individual personal life responsibility to change their lives into practicing actual Ascension energies there can be no real shift in frequency. Ascension as a concept, belief or a mystery to be revealed is akin to a mere informational level desired by the mental intellect and does not create the authentic higher Ascension Octave of Light and Love required for a New Earth to be created. Our mission as an Academy is to bring forth that actual level of higher love and light for you to learn to feel and acquire them. It is a process that will take any initiate/lightworker many years (even decades) to achieve just as it did for the Ascended Masters themselves. A great way to start is by using targeted meditations that go beyond what is typically used. Our SPIRITUAL HEALING meditation or the SEVEN FREE CLASSES to help during these challenging times will assist. (visit to access or order).

 To help heal others, pleases comment and share/post this article on social media.

© 2003-2020 Walking Terra Christa and Divine Language Network.

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