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Master Djwhal Khul – Lord Metatron Message: The Full Moon Solstice Energies ~ RADIANT DIVINE TRUTH ~ Festival of Lights December 2021

The Full Moon of Gemini in opposition to the Sun of Sagittarius occurs on December 18th, 2021 at 8:55 PM Pacific, 11:55 PM Eastern within Universal time of December 19th 4:00 AM.

The Solstice occurs on December 21st, 2021 at 7:58 AM Pacific, 10:58 AM Eastern within Universal time of 3:58 PM.

LORD METATRON shares his essence of the December Solstice of 2021: How to Become Your Divine Mantra of Authenticity.  

[In addition to this message of light, Walking Terra Christa will bring forth the Annual Solstice Christmas Celebration on Saturday December 18th at 11am PT with Lord Metatron, Master Djwhal Khul, Lord Sananda, Lady Nada, and Lady Mother Mary all extending their Seasons Blessings. See below for the link to join].

Within the sign of Gemini for the Full Moon, it corresponds to the Mental Self, but the moon itself represents the Feminine Divine. As Gemini can correlate with the ‘Duality of Light/Dark’ it is a sign of the TWINS facing each other bringing forth a battle or a truce depending upon the present consciousness. In this transition the Moon is bringing forth the ability to be nurturing and open while the Gemini essence can access the Mental Self. It is a time for this transition to help us to combine the Masculine of the Mental and the Feminine of the Emotional to come into a state of balance.

The Sun of Sagittarius symbolizes the ability to investigate options through the Higher Self or Mind. It brings forth the expansion of higher ideals to become more concrete through the Mental Self. It is a sign of openness and seeking other ways to communicate. This can cause an individual to be too lofty in their ideals but yet gives a sense of ingenuity that is not perceived by the lower mental self.

The Gemini-Sagittarius polarity allows for changes to be created from the Higher Self as the ideas become manifest from the Spiritual Self and grounded within the Physical Self.

It is a time of “illumination” as the Moon of Gemini allows for the Emotional Self to be acknowledged through the duality of this sign but brings forth the sense of hope. It then can go through a grounding process as the Sun of Sagittarius elicits the ability to access the visions and manifestations of the Higher Self to be more a reality than just hopefulness. It becomes more concrete.

It is at this time that our desires can be more accepted within us. It is not just a dream, but a true fact that what we have been striving for within our lives becomes ‘who we are’. It truly is a magical time but in the sense of living what we believe in our hearts.

This does not mean that we should be in the clouds with our desires, but allow them to become more real in our lives. This means we have to breathe in the desire, let it run through our chakras, expanding upon the energies that we are receiving.

This moon is a continuous movement of the energies that have been occurring in the last few cycles. We must be proactive within ourselves to believe and see the results to occur within us, but we must walk with it. Become grounded with these energies while not expecting it to just happen because of the cycle we are experiencing.

It is transition into more of our Divine Spiritual Self to become more aligned with our actual desire, let that energy of the desire to access our consciousness, and feel it physically, within our cellular structure.

It is a time to make the transition from what we believed into the reality of our Divine Truth to be acknowledged within us.

This may take some time; as it is not an instant fix but a process of growing into what can now be our Divine Truth, not the truth of your mental concrete self, but bring forth the RADIANT DIVINE SELF TO BE ACKNOWLEDGED within you.



Greetings My Fellow Initiates,

I am Master Djwhal Khul Ray Chohan for the Ray of Love and Wisdom bringing forth the essence of the Light Golden Ray to illuminate within you your highest truth to be revealed within your physicality upon this Earth.

This is exactly the stage of higher reality that the planet is going to be experiencing through this cycle of Gemini-Sagittarius. It is a time in which the hopes and ideals can be radiated within you, but you must allow it to become a focus through your present consciousness.

It is a beautiful cycle for the last moon of the year radiating the presence of Cosmic Light to be experienced within Gaia. Each of you that are ready must absorb this energy within your silence, through your breath, and become more to your physical existence that you have in any other moment.

The blessing of this Moon-Sun polarity is that what needs to be addressed and changed, can become your True Essence. But you must acknowledge it in order for it to occur.

Each of you are going through many transitions within yourself; some are feeling it but then it goes away. Others are experiencing it differently but actually become that transition.

The importance of this cycle is to not question what you are feeling but to absorb it within yourself. Not only are the Moon and the Sun assisting in this phase of Renewal, but all planetary aspects are becoming aligned to allow it to become your True Reality. Your Mental Self is going through changes of upheaval and renewal through this cycle.

Now this will be different for each of you depending on your own ability to let go of your personal control mechanisms and fully embrace what is happening to you without questioning it within your lower mental self. It is a time to allow the Higher Self to fully become more active within this cycle. So it is already occurring, will continue through the three-day phase of the Moon, and then prepare you for the next New Moon Cycle (this occurs January 2nd, 2022).

Take time during this time to truly embrace the energies allowing your Higher Self to guide you. Don’t try to analyze what you are experiencing along with not focusing on your desires to become manifest. Become present within yourself through your Pranic Breath. Allow yourself to see what occurs.

I am Master Djwhal Khul in service to each of you.

As highly dedicated Spiritual Leaders who tirelessly uphold Ascension Mastery instruction and guidance as our only life purpose for humanity and Gaia, we rely heavily on your generosity to make it all possible. Please consider giving from your heart at this time of year.

The December Solstice occurs on December 21st, 2021 7:58 AM Pacific, 10:58 AM Eastern within Universal time of 3:58 PM.


Greetings My Dearest Ones,

I am Lord Metatron here to assist in the Divine Energies of the December Solstice.

It is at this time that each of you need to acknowledge your Divine Essence of Truth within you. I believe that the Solstice following the Full Moon conjunction of Gemini-Sagittarius brings forth the tail of divine energies that the moon is expressing at this time.

This Solstice represents that ability to fully be Authenticate to your Physical Self in the Divine Truth of your Spiritual Self through this year no matter what your circumstances may have been. We know that transformation has occurred in all phases of humanity. Every one of you has different experiences and ideas about what is happening for you while inhabiting these vehicles.

But that is not what I want to convey to you – it is how you have been able to move through the energies with your Higher Self intact, within your daily activities, and how your four-body system (physical, etheric (chakras), emotional, mental) have truly assisted you or held you in bondage.

The frequencies of the light through the Equinox of March, Solstice of June, and the Equinox of September have brought forth great changes within the Earth. Just as the Equinox of September has represented what has occurred earlier in each of the season changes, this year of December represents all that has come before it since the beginning of 2021.

More divine energies are being felt continually through the Great Central Suns especially the Solar of Helios and Vesta, but in this moment in time the Cosmic Great Central Sun of Divine Mother Father God are extending their essence through the Multi-Universal, Universal, and Galactic to fully assist the Solar Great Central Sun.

I have talked previously how the Seven Rays of God are being implanted into the core of Gaia. This Solstice is representing all that has become before it with the inclusion of all the Great Central Suns being ignited through the Cosmic Level of Divine Mother-Father God. It is important for every Initiate and potential Initiate to fully embrace the first seven Rays of God, then continue up through the 22. This is why this time is so important to receive these divine energies that will help your chakras to be cleansed, healed and transformed within your system.

That is just the beginning as the Solar Angels are working tirelessly through every human on earth so that individuals can awaken to their true essence. The vibrational essence of everything that is occurring is unbelievably powerful which will be felt by all of humanity.

The Rainbow Arcs of Light are continually being infused through the Great Central Suns of the Cosmic-Multi Universal-Universal-Galactic and Solar. This will increase exponentially through the December Solstice. The power of these energies is to awaken each individual into another level of existence allowing their Higher Self and Higher Light Bodies to become more aligned energetically through the Electro-Magnetic energies.

This Solstice combined with the Full Moon of Gemini-Sagittarius is the pure existence of the Cosmic Structures to be accelerated within humanity and Gaia. It is a time of embracement; become the energies, let them do their cosmic duty. Access your Higher Self through the Unified Whole Energies of the 144th Dimension, become One with the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of White Light through the Unified Whole-Galactic-Agartha Network of Light.

It is a time of great love, beauty, and manifestation to occur physically if you allow it to become your guide. Sit with these energies throughout this year helping you to walk into 2022 with a new sense of accomplishment and reality of who you are becoming within your Full Body System.

I walk with you every step of the way.

I Am Lord Metatron,

Multi-Universal Logos and Holder of the Metatronic Seals

As highly dedicated Spiritual Leaders who tirelessly uphold Ascension Mastery instruction and guidance as our only life purpose for humanity and Gaia, we rely heavily on your generosity to make it all possible. Please consider giving from your heart at this time of year.

Wishing you and your friends and family a Very Blessed and Joyous Holiday Season of Christed Light and Love from our hearts to yours!
– Reverend Christine Mahlariessee and Reverend Michael Ara of Walking Terra Christa.

Please join us! To have everyone receive the Attunement Activations of the Solstice and Full Moon Frequency, Walking Terra Christa hosts the Annual Solstice Christmas Festival of Lights Ceremony for those who desire to experience these Sacred Divine Blessings personally. These are high Light and Love vibrations to be cherished:
JOIN US ONLINE ON SATURDAY DECEMBER 18th, 2021 at 11:00 AM Pacific to immerse yourself in the Divine Blessings of this moon cycle with the Solstice energies. We are also presenting special Holiday Blessings from Lord Sananda (Yeshua/Jesus), Lady Nada (Mary Magdalene), and Lady Mother Mary. CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS TO PARTICIPATE from anywhere in the world.

Special Year End Promotion: For all those individuals who have been interested in learning how to accelerate their lives through Ascension Mastery, the perfect ENERGETIC alignment of the MASTER FREQUENCY OF 2022 (“22” and “222”) of the coming year is the ideal time to embrace the teachings of Walking Terra Christa’s Academy of New Earth Mastery. All who enroll in December receive the following two Attunement Activation Teaching Meditations for free (the Spiritual Healing and the Teton Retreat as listed below), plus our EIGHT (8) class attunement activation teachings on the THYMUS CHAKRA of 10 Hours of Teachings by the Ascended Masters that our students received to assist them within the Teton Retreat dispensation. (The Thymus is called the “Higher Heart” and is a very important energy center for healing karmic issues. These class attunements assist in activating the eighth chakra of the Thymus to release stuck energies and incorporate more higher light.) CLICK HERE TO READ ABOUT BECOMING AN ACADEMY INITIATE and receive these Special Promotion classes right away to begin your learning. All who enroll also receive the free initial class offers listed on the Academy page (an additional three (3) courses). [Offer valued at over $500 in teachings].

To further help individuals heal within their spiritual essence and filter healthier frequencies into the mental/emotional/etheric light bodies (subtle energy body structures), last year we created a special meditation: SPIRITUAL CLEANSING FOR HEALTH AND HEALING. This Attunement Activation Meditation assist in realignment from the disruptive energetics of the Global Pandemic. This HEALING MEDITATION is a downloadable MP3 audio file for any device.
This Journey Meditation is now ON SALE at this link.

This time of year is also an important Divine Portal from the Spiritual Hierarchy for all initiates who desire assistance from the Ascended Masters. The TETON RETREAT is an etheric retreat that is only open from December 15th through January 14th. For the optimal TETON RETREAT Mediation Experience we suggest ordering the special TETON RETREAT CLASS MEDITATION JOURNEY and the companion SELF GUIDED ATTUNEMENT MEDITATION JOURNEY. Click here for the class details.

*Ascension Mastery is the realized form of manifesting Ascension Frequencies where your vibratory rate actually increases over time due to the in-depth training (not the intellectual pursuit or study) and the acquiring of a higher Spiritual Essence. Everyone on Earth is already part of God’s Light and Love but that does not mean they as individuals (or collectively) are Ascending, or that Ascension is happening to them. Earth is at a cross roads of Spiritual Awakening to step into Ascension, but without each person taking on an individual personal life responsibility to change their lives into practicing actual Ascension Mastery energies there can be no real shift in frequency. Ascension as a concept, belief or a mystery to be revealed is akin to a mere informational level desired by the mental intellect and does not create the authentic higher Ascension Octave of Light and Love required for a New Earth to be created. Our mission as an Academy is to bring forth that actual level of higher love and light for you to learn to feel and acquire them. It is a process that will take any initiate/lightworker many years (even decades) to achieve just as it did for the Ascended Masters themselves.

Original Material © Copyright 2003-2021 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee* Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden. All rights reserved. Walking Terra Christa is the originator of the teachings of the 22 Rays of God within Ascension Spirituality. (*formerly spelled “Meleriessee”).


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