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New Earth Frequency Update ~ Embracing the Rebirth of the Self

New Earth Frequency Update


We are right within a very powerful conjunction of the planets and the moon phases so this week is going to take each of us into a new and powerful cycle of our lives.  Wesak is upon us which is always a very accelerating time but then we are gifted with a Lunar Eclipse with the Full Moon on May 25th at 9:25 AM Pacific US, 4:25 PM GMT.

The energies this week represent the balance between the lower mind and higher mind which is in alignment with Wesak.  This year’s theme of the Wesak energies is “The Three Fold Flame of GAIA” as she will be balancing her mental and feminine aspects of Will, Love, and Power.  This will mirror unto each of us to go deeper into our own soul’s essence to allow the energies to enfold within us.  It is time to fully command the Higher Essence of our Divine Self to become manifest into our physical realities.

We have been preparing for this energy since the beginning of this year as it represents Synchronization.  This is not an easy process as we have to get very real with our feelings and thoughts so that they are transmuted into the pure essence that We Are.  Many of us don’t understand what that can feel like as it has never occurred upon this Earth previously in such mass consciousness.  Every individual person is feeling something different about themselves in order for them to awaken to their Truest Self.  The individuals that do not do so will go deeper into their duality of the dark and light within as the Light cannot shine brightly without the essence of integrating into all parts of the Self.  The fourth dimension represents that duality and this is exactly what we have been experiencing in our lives and in our world.  It takes great courage and understanding to continue deeper into the self realization of Divine Light enfolding within the physical structure.

We will learn through the ensuring energies around us that we are thinking and acting differently.  We want to feel the serenity and joy we deserve with a greater capacity to accept an abundant life in all areas of our life.

This is exactly what we can accomplish at this time.  The power of Gemini versus Sagittarius will challenge us in the realms of being in the moment against wanting to forge ahead.  If we take these two energies and combine them in the same essence, then we can do both.  Action needs to preceded by meditative thoughts and not necessarily stepping ahead before all the elements have been put into place.  If we understand these energies from this perspective, then we are working through our Higher Mind being integrated into the Lower Mind.  No parts of the self will be lost as there will be a blending effect that occurs.  So take the time to acknowledge your Higher Self blending within the Lower Self and you will understand what it means to acknowledge your own Three-Fold Flame of Will, Love, and Power.

As the Wesak energies have been preparing us for these steps, our Higher Self comes into our full Beingness.  As trainees on the Mastery Pathway, we go through many levels of initiations that help us walk through new doorways of reality.  Wesak is the most powerful spiritual ceremony of the year as we follow Lord Buddha in his footsteps of accelerating our teachings of being an Ascended Master or Being upon the Earth.  We celebrate Lord Buddha’s ascension but that mirrors right back to us as we proclaim within ourselves the next step of our spiritual evolution within the physical existence.

So we will change through the process; even if you are not fully aware of your pathway of light upon this Earth.  This process is becoming stronger each month throughout each year.  We will move into the 5th dimensional physical reality but it takes hard work and diligence to not fall back into our old habits.  This is a perfect time to look at your traits and see what fits your reality now versus to what was for you before.  The power of this week cannot be put into words.  It can only be acknowledged through each person’s reality and what they are going to experience.  But believe me, whatever you intend the God Force will hear you because it is our destiny to walk as enlightened beings into the New Earth of Terra Christa.

GAIA will assist us and in turn, we will assist her in this process.  We are living in a spiritual revolution where individuals are finally turning to their highest essence for answers.  This is the power of our Light into our physical reality.  So take some time and understand what you are going through.  Then call upon your guidance, Higher Self, and I AM Presence to guide you in the right direction.



It is a beautiful week, and we are happy to convey this message to each of you.  The birth of a New You is about to begin, and we want to offer a celebratory message for you.

2013 has been the most crucial and challenging year upon the history of this planet.  There have been moments of great darkness and despair as well as experiencing the highest level of vibrational exchanges available upon the planet.  That is the beauty of this time as we all need to reflect deeply on our humble beginnings to find our humble expressions of a soul that has traveled many lifetimes through timelines that would only be reflected in a science fiction movie.  You have experienced many facets of your lives in a way that has been ordained from the essence of only the I AM Presence can give.  There is no reason or understanding of what you have endured but only that it is part of the journey.

Reflection has been a word that we have used consistently throughout this year and that is not going to change.  It is an important factor to remember when we are acknowledging our true self to become manifest.  We must compare what we are feeling to what we felt in the past.  It helps each of us to be molded into the present moment so that there are no repeats of the energy or situations in the future moments.  Each of us is molding our present from the experiences of our past to embrace our future.

We speak in these tones of the “we” at this time because this is not a lesson, but truly, a Circle of Oneness.  What each of you experience, we endure.  Wesak represents the time of community when like-minded souls come together to celebrate their challenges and accomplishments to prepare for more of the same.  As a master-in-training, you must realize that is what you are experiencing.  Life cannot be created within Oneness without first looking back and realizing what the previous moments have meant to a great master.  It is part of the training to understand the process of hurting, healing, and embracing the pathway.

This Wesak is especially important due to the year of 2013 but also with the powerful eclipses that the planet has experienced.  The Lunar Eclipse of this month will be a culmination of the energies just as Wesak represents each of us coming together in celebration.  It is a time of complete integration of the Masculine and Feminine Divine.  We know that we have shared about these energies before but it goes to a much deeper level as we experience each new vibrational change in the planetary structure.

It is now time to reflect into whom we have become and what we are going to do with the changes that have resulted from the situations that we have encountered.  If we understand the fact that in order to move forward, we need to understand what we are experiencing presently, then it becomes a flowing movement.  There is no need to worry or be concerned with what is occurring.  We learn to move forward from each moment to the next.  It is the Ebb and Flow of Life.

When this comes from the perspective of the Mastery, there is no question in what you are experiencing.  It is all part of the process of living within these energies of fluidness.  It is beauty and reflection at its best creation.

We are all being borne once again in the ebb and flow.  As Lord Buddha releases his old aspects from the previous year, he moves to a new position within his power.  Each of you is doing the same, and We, of the ascended beings of Light, are also participating.  Wesak is not just about the physical form.  We, within the Unified Whole, have just walked into Oneness by removing our old Pantheons of our pasts.  We utilize the knowledge of those past creations, but we do not center upon them.  We are honored to walk with each of you at this time.

It is our Creation Upon this Earth together, and it is our Divine Pleasure to walk with each of you.  Be strong in your convictions and intentions; the power of the energy presently will allow you to grow deeper and create your lives to be in complete harmony with joy and compassion as your guideposts.  Experience this event as your re-birthing process into your new world of creation.  We re-create each Wesak and now is the time for you to join us in the manifestation of a New World with Love, Joy, Responsibility, and deep conviction for the Light that You and We Are.

Blessings and Joy for a beautiful Wesak experience.

We are One with each of you in this moment and all moments forward.

The Unified Whole Command representing the Oneness Consciousness of the All.

Walking Terra Christa is holding a special Wesak Ceremony in Mt. Shasta; individuals may request that their name and location be put on our altar for the celebration.  Please email us at MelandMike @ Walking Terra to be added to the group consciousness.  We are also providing an MP3 file for the recorded meditations both morning and afternoon; details are available on our event, (individuals in our Membership Program will have access to these recordings).

©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved. 

Initiation Is A Never Ending Journey ~ Lord Adama Discourses

LAD initiation-fbMay 15th, 2013

Hello Dear Light Beings,

It is I Lord Adama, speaking to you from the Telosian Command Center with the Telosian Council of Light.  We are so happy to connect with each of you in this moment.

I want to discuss some thoughts of the Initiation Process of Mastery.  We all experience it in many different ways of existence.  In the next week we are coming into the energies of Wesak and right now, each of you are being prepared to take the next step in your spiritual evolutionary process.

Changes are happening everywhere, and now is the time to fully understand within yourself how to best get through the next phase of your development.  The Wesak energies are so very powerful but this year there is an unprecedented amount of energies due to more individuals awakening upon the planet.  Every person that feels something different about themselves will experience this Wesak within their consciousness.  They may not know what it is they are feeling but it definitely is creating change within their thoughts and feelings.

In this moment I ask of you, “What is it that you are feeling differently within your emotional and mental bodies that are coming to the surface?”  It is a period of great reflection.  As we, as initiates and Ascended Masters, go through a transitionary phase, we must take moments of understanding the process within the conscious mind.  You see, this is not always something that individuals within the human body think about as it is a reflection within their dreams or meditative state.  But that needs to change.  We need to acknowledge within the physical self what the spiritual self is going through in order to transition into the full body system.

If every individual person could do this process on a daily basis, they would find that the integration of their Higher Self into the Physical Self would be a much softer and gentler process.  We are consistently going through intiation processes as a human.  It is designed from our Higher Self to allow the Physical Self to remember the soul contracts and timelines that are important to be integrated through the present lifetime.  If an individual allows the lower self to stay intact, then the higher self cannot orchestrate the energies for the pathway to be opened into an awakening state.  It also depends upon the work that is done in between lifetimes within the Inner Plane Existence and how much an individual will allow themselves to remember the most important elements for their spiritual advancement.  So every time an individual goes through a trauma, a challenge, or a life experience that is challenging, these are considered initiations to prepare the physical self to look more within themselves for a deeper meaning along with understanding the entire process.

So this Wesak Moon will be reflected within each individual person upon the planet.  It is a time for inidivudals to move into a higher essence of their spiritual awakening whether they are awakened or asleep.  Initiates that have already awakened on the path will help themselves on a deeper level by taking this time to do some self reflection, i.e., what needs to change, how they are feeling, what is their life like, what do they need to be better for themselves, etc.  Each step in the initiation process takes each individual into a deeper part of themselves to become the Reality of God.  It is the plan in Divine Order to allow this essence to be the defining rule of ascension within the Earth.

I share this knowledge as I think it is very important for individuals upon this pathway to understand what they are going through.  You are not different from one another; just accepting yourself in a different manner by the depth of your soul’s capacity to get into the core essence of your Beingness.

Know that you are being prepared at this time for the Wesak energies.  The full moon occurs on the 25th of May with a Lunar Eclipse that will compound the focus for enlightenment and acceleration to be accepted within the planet of GAIA.  She is preparing to receive her full embracement of the Divine Feminine and Masculine essence to prepare for her acceleration.  Every human being is doing the same whether they realize it or not.

Prepare, prepare, prepare by understanding who you are now so that you can move forward with ease and grace.  Ascension is the process of de-accelerating the energies within the physical creation.  Allow this energy to help you through this process by understanding what you are experiencing presently is for the good of your enfoldment within this planet and your Soul speaking to you in a way it never has done before.

Blessings on an amazing journey.  Call upon me to assist you if you feel the desire to do so.  I am always your brother of Light.

I AM Lord Adama with the Telosian Council of Light

Join us for a monthly course with Lord Adama held on Thursday evenings, 5 PM Pacific.  Our next meeting is May 16th in which Lord Adama will talk about preparing for Wesak in 2013.  Details are available on Lord Adama Discourses,

©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved. 


Mastery Tool of the Day

light quotient

There are several techniques that can be used to increase and build your light quotient.  It is important to realize that there are seven sub-levels within each initiation which also includes our lessons as walking an ascended master.  These lessons are often referred to as tests but they do not represent a pass/fail.  If you walk through a ‘spiritual test’ and realize it, it usually means you have accelerated your pathway into a higher light quotient.

A light quotient can be dropped as well as rise due to the spiritual lessons that we encounter.  We can utilize different techniques with the Ascended Masters and visiting their retreats, working with Arcturians and higher Light Beings to raise our vibration, along with many other tools that can be utilized.

The method of Light Quotient building has to do with taking advantage of astrological configurations and holy days of the Spiritual Hierarchy.   The full moon, new moon, eclipses and other astrological events are very important to step into your higher essence.  The most important event that can help an initiate go to higher frequencies is the Wesak Festival which represents Buddha’s rise to his next ascension level.  Included within the Wesak are the Festival of the Christ for Resurrection which occurs one month previous to Wesak and the Festival of Humanity occurring one month after in June.  Other events include 11:11 and 12:12 actualizations which we just experienced recently.  In addition December 31st at noon Greenwich mean time represents World Peace so it is important to connect within that timeframe.

We are experiencing the effects of the Wesak energies presently as the Festival of the Christ occurred April 25th, and Wesak will be celebrated on May 24th.   This calendar is based upon Buddhic tradition and varies from year-to-year.  Some organizations have been celebrating Wesak as April 25th in 2013; it depends upon each individual focus during this time.

We, at Walking Terra Christa, will be holding a very powerful physical ceremony in Mt. Shasta, California on May 23rd.  We will present a two-hour Shamballa Journey as we meet with Lord Buddha and the Ascended Masters within Shamballa to celebrate our rise to the next initiation level.  We will also provide recordings for the meditation along with a journey to the 22nd Crystalline City of Havalanchee which resides in the Etheric Earth over Mt. Shasta.

Mt. Shasta is considered to be aligned with Shamballa representing ascension energies and Ascended Mastership.  So it is a perfect location to connect with these energies.  If you would like to learn more about this ceremony, please see, Wesak Ceremony,  We also will be conducting a three-day retreat following the ceremony and there is still time to book your reservation,

All of these events have great spiritual significance.  Meditate at these times and ask to receive the spiritual benefits of the occurrences.  Contact us, should you like to have your name put on the altar for the Wesak Ceremony event.

You can also ask Djwhal Khul to officially enroll you in the Light Quotient building program.  He will work with you to drip Light in your as an intravenous needle would drip meditation.  Most of this occurs during your sleep state.

Please note the four body system is stronger in some areas and weaker in others.  So you will not receive the same amount of Light within each of the physical, etheric, emotional, and mental levels.  The ideal is to integrate the four bodies on a daily basis at an even and balanced manner so as to keep them evolving together.

Due to the changes we are experiencing at this accelerated time, you can also ask the Ascended Masters to slow down the light quotient if it seems too strong for you.  This would include the ascension symptoms of lack or too much sleep, food habits changing, dizziness, not focusing, and unable to create a balanced lifestyle.  This is when there is too much light coming into the body at one time and the physical level is not quite ready to handle it.  Archangel Metatron is very helpful in toning down the frequency so that an initiate still receives the change in vibration but at the level that is more appropriate for them in that moment.

During this time changes will occur within the four-body system along with the thoughts and emotions.  It is also a very powerful time in which timelines from the old lifetimes can be erased to allow for new ones to be activated in preparation for the multi-dimensional self to be borne.

We thank the teachings of Dr. Joshua David Stone for providing a foundation for these teachings.

©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved. 


Wesak 2013 – Lord Adama & St. Germain Sessions

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There is no better way to prepare yourself for a Spiritual Event then to seek the guidance of the Spiritual Masters who fully understand the implications of the Sacred Energies and how they will apply to your specific circumstances.

Lord Adama is the High Priest of Telos representing the Telosian Council of Light. Saint Germain is the Mahachoan of the First Seven Rays of God and the keeper of the Violet Flame (Ray 7).

Together they both hold immensely significant roles to assist the upper earth inhabitants to rediscover their true heritage.

That heritage is not simply that you were once a member of Lemurian and/or Atlanteen civilizations, it is that you are a true child of the God Force and can reclaim that heritage in order to begin to discover how to live a fifth dimensional life removed from the daily fears, angers, confusions, strife, dis-ease and dis-harmony of the upper earth’s 3rd and 4th dimensional frequencies.

You may be aware already that attaining such a condition is not an easy pathway, but it is one that is very possible using their teachings and personal assistance.

Personal Mastery Sessions to prepare you for Wesak (or assist you afterwards to integrate the Wesak energies) are now available.


(Choose if you wish to speak with Lord Adama, St. Germain, or Both Masters during your session. Session is specially priced at $55. Sessions are 30 minutes. Please contact us if you think you will require a longer session.).

I desire to speak with:


Lord Sananda ~ Father of the Christed Self & Ray Chohan of Inner Devotion

Lord Sananda1Lord Sananda is the Chohan of the 6th Ray of Inner Devotion.  Lady Nada also works with him and eventually he will step away from this responsibility.  Ray 6 of Inner Devotion on the Universal level is activated with the color of Ruby Red with flecks of Gold within the Solar Plexus.  Since this is the chakra for Inner Power utilizing this ray is very helpful to create the balance of our Inner Self being activated within our physical reality.  Lord Sananda is representative of the characteristics of this ray being Peace, Forgiving Love, Grace Devotion to the Self and walking within the Master Pathway of the Ascended Master Teachings.

 He shares that the work within the 6th Ray assists individuals to fully incorporate the Christed Being within them and that the world still needs the essence of Master Jeshua until the Christian religion fully changes into Universal Consciousness.  He works with every human on this earth for them to find their own devotion of the self to be fully activated in their consciousness and full body system.

Lord Sananda also works with Ashtar Command with the Galactic Federation of Light Ships so he handles both duties simultaneously to assist the structure of Gaia along with other inter-planetary systems that are helping us with our transformation into Terra Christa, the New Earth.  This is what makes his essence so very powerful as he allows the soul that he was as Jeshua to blend into the Galactic Being as Lord Sananda.  He also works hand-in-hand with Lord Sanat Kumara in preparing lightworkers to become the leaders for the New Earth.

The power of his energies is beyond our comprehension as we have a tendency to think of him as Jeshua and sharing his amazing spirit unto our consciousness.  It is so much more due to his work on the Innerplane levels of the Spiritual Hierarchy commanding the essence of all dimensions coming into fruition as one nucleus of light.  As each of us is commanding this light, we are coming into perfect alignment of our multi-dimensional self’s.

In Lord Sananda’s words:

The expression that I share with you in this moment is that I AM all things just as you are the same.  Our roots together go very deep as I have incarnated in many different souls upon this earth; some meek and mild; and others very important.  That does not matter which lifetimes I incarnated to bring unto yourself the ability to fully create your multi-dimensional self.

The challenge of your present circumstances will change and there will be other challenges to surmount.  It is important that we realize the magnification of whom we are and sometimes we just need to be reminded of these elements.  You are changing; the world is changing; and so are we within the hierarchy of Light.  We are not any different than any of you.

 It is important to realize the potential that you have within yourself.  I choose Lord Sananda as it represents all my timelines into the Oneness that I AM.  It brings forth the ability to access the energy of Jeshua, the Christ upon this Earth to help each of you realize you are also the Christ(s) upon this planet.  That is way we are the same.

I honor your desire to be more and rightly so.  It is the way of all of our desires to become manifest within our accessibility of light.  The changes that are occurring within your world are not molding the world but yet, allowing the combination of energies to become your reality.  Duality has had its place in the world; and now that is changing.  So the darkness will erupt to remind you where you have been so that you can fully embrace your Light.

 Walking upon the Pathway of Mastery is essential for every lightworker and awakened being on this planet.  The challenges presently are powerful because each of you are just the same.  So it pushes you to move ahead of the others and be more to yourself.  Knowing the depth of your foundation is essential in order to build upon it.  You have done so with each incarnation whether you have been a pauper or a king.  It reflects the balance of all those essences together.

 This year the Wesak festivals are going to be more powerful than we could imagine. This is due to the Light upon the planet and within many hearts.  Many do not understand the way of mastery and perceive it as being magical, full of many gifts, and very little challenges.  It is not so in this level I am speaking from or your earth level.  The challenge of a great Master is to know that he/she is becoming one and not to boast about it but share your worth to others.  We all learn from one another. 

 I will be overlighting the Festival of the Christ which represents the spirit of love and honor with the ability to be more.  In order to be more to your inner self, you must take inventory and be a risk taker.  This occurs by stepping into the unknown and allowing what elements that do not fit the completed whole that you are to be fully removed.  I believe that the energies combined with the Lunar Eclipse are going to be manifested 100-fold.  It is imperative that you honor yourself by preparing for this event.  Be in silence; allow the energies to enfold within you and speak honestly within of what does not fit your purpose in these moments.  You will be very thankful that you did.

 I walk with each of you and bless you for who you have become.


Lord Sananda

Lord Sananda will be our Guest Speaker for the Clarion Temple of Oneness on Monday, April 22nd, 2013.  If you would like to join us for this amazing tele-call, please see the details on our website, 

In addition we are holding a special Open Ceremony Tele-Call on Wednesday, April 24th for the Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse/Festival of the Christ.  Lord Sananda with Lord Maitreya will be our guides for the Festival of the Christ energies.  Details for this call are listed on our webpage,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee

Walking Terra Christa ~ Academy of New Earth Mastery

©2013 Walking Terra Christa,, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.  No use without prior written permission allowed except for sharing the post in its entirety along with the link to this page, Lord Sananda.

The Wesak Festivals Have Arrived ~ 2013

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This year the festivals of Wesak are not in alignment with the Easter holiday so it seems like we are a bit behind with the energies.  That is just the opposite effect that it is having upon us.

This Wesak in 2013 promises to be the most powerful Wesak that has ever been felt upon this earth.  I realized that last year it was stated that 2012 would be felt the most but I think those energies were quite different.  In 2012 we were being prepared for the Golden Era and now we are actually experiencing it first hand.

The Wesak Festivals are always very important for each initiate and ascended master whether in the planetary level or the higher dimensions in which the Spiritual Hiearchy represents.  Since the onset of the energies of 12-21-12 the Unified Whole represents all masters of the Spiritual Hierarchy that went into full oneness.  This means there are no pantheons or past life timelines that we are dealing with when communicating with them.  Master Thoth with the Great Divine Director and Albert Einsten merged into one pure essence of Oneness.  This is quite a powerful merger and represents the ability of each of us doing the same.

So the festivals this year will represent Oneness within GAIA’s essence to be fully felt so that every lightworker that chooses to walk into mastery will have the potential to access their I AM Presence and other soul personalities making up the multi-dimensional self.  That is why this year is so very crucial for our growth and why each of us has been challenged in the previous months of January-February-March.  It is all about the preparation for the New Earth and each of us must walk into these doorways of transmutation which is very exciting for each of us at this time on the Earth.

The Festival of the Christ ~ April 25th, 2013

Is the first festival of the three and usually falls around Easter.  This year it did not as the Easter holiday was earlier which also signifies the time of changes of removing the old pantheons.  On April 25th, we experience an amazing Festival of the Christ.  On its own this energy is life changing but with the Lunar Eclipse of this date, we are going to be changed very deeply.  It is necessary to understand what both of these events will mean to us.

The Festival of the Christ occurs during the full moon in Aires .  It represents the living and incorporating the Christ Consciousness Within.  It is the first of the three festivals connected to planetary and cosmic ascension. The second being Wesak, and the third, Humanity.  Each of these festivals are stepping stones for each initiate to move further up the ladder of their initiation phase as they walk on the Mastery Pathway.

The keynote of the festival is love in the highest form with resurrection being the 2nd element and contact, being the third keynote.  This represents a closer relationship to your I AM Presence, and Lord Maitreya, as he is considered to be the Planetary Christ, Head of the Spiritual Hierarchy, and teacher to all the ascended masters along with being a Galactic Avatar.

The focus of the festival this year in 2013 is to fully understand the transitions we have gone under as an initiate since 12-21-12 and go deeper into ourselves.  It will assist us in becoming closer to the core essence of our I AM Presence on a daily basis.  We no longer have the option of waiting and hoping it is going to happen; we must act now to make the necessary changes.

Lord Sanada shares a special message on the Festival of the Christ: 

“It is my Divine pleasure to see the effects of what has occurred in 12-21-12 be fully manifested within each individual during this festival of light.  This year of 2013 will take each individual deeper into themselves than they ever thought they could imagine.  If you think about where I was as Jeshua at the time of my passing and look at yourselves, well, my comrades of the Light you have the ability to go much further into your essence while being embodied at this time. This is what the Wesak will represent to each of us this year.  The planet is coming into Cosmic Oneness which means it has the ability to embody this essence on the planetary level but it must be done by each of you.  The Planetary Oneness or the ground essence within each of you will allow GAIA to feel her Oneness.  This must come in increments of moments as this essence is much too strong to allow it to happen all at once.  Otherwise, disaster can struck those that are not prepared.  This festival will assist you to look deeply within, see the dark places of the old timelines that are bothering you, and feel the rejuvenation that occurs when full Resurrection is accepted within the Self.  It is an amazing time but also one that takes great diligence to walk through the adversities of the Light.”

The Festival of the Christ is helping each of us to fully surrender into our I AM Presence or Over Soul to full create the Divinity within our physical walk upon this Earth.  It cannot be done without each of us allowing the Etheric Body or Cellular Memory to be healed of the past elements that have kept us in bondage.  This ceremony is a doorway for our soul to become more actively associated in the physical existence with our highest capability of Light.

Participating actively with your Higher Self will assist in the forces of restoration as this is one of the major components of this festival.  We are all starting to focus within the Oneness but to actively participate through our physical bodies is going to restore the essence upon this Earth along with every inhabitant, thereof.  It is a time when it makes people think, plan and take action on spiritual lines and will eventually lead to a reorganization of planetary life which we are experiencing presently.

We are in the process of Creating Heaven on Earth and the Festival of the Christ is a perfect opportunity to take full advantage of the Cosmic Energies assisting us.  In addition we will be experiencing a Lunar Eclipse at the same time which will prove to take us deeper into the depths of our timelines that need to be removed.  It can also be an intense time for the planet as the duality will try to take its hold of individuals upon the planet so it is our time as Lightworkers to full increase our light and love quotient.  We may find that we are challenged in certain areas of our live so the Festival of the Christ is a perfect opportunity to surrender ourselves through the process.

The next two festivals are the Wesak and Humanity.  Wesak is celebrated at the full moon in May and Humanity in June.  All of these festivals are in conjunction with one another.

Festival of Wesak ~ May 24th, 2013

This year will prove to be the most magnificent of festivals and we, at Walking Terra Christa, will be conducting a live ceremony in Mt. Shasta on May 23rd.  It represents the anniversary of Lord Buddha’s birth, his attainment of buddahood and his ascension.  Initiates and Ascended Masters on the inner and outer plane celebrate this powerful time.  Lord Buddha represents the expression of the Wisdom of God, the embodiment of light and divine purpose.

The purpose of Wesak is:

  1. The releasing of certain transmissions of energy to humanity that will stimulate the Spirit of Love, Brotherhood, and Goodwill.
  2. The fusion of all men and women of goodwill into a responsive, integrated whole.
  3. The invocation and response from certain cosmic beings if prior goals are achieved

Wesak is a time of great renewal and celebration.  It represents the “force of enlightenment”.  These energies are affected within our educational movements, values, literature, publishing, writers, and speakers on the entire planet.  The power of these energies is so great that large groups of people gather around the world to participate in these energies.

Festival of Humanity ~ June 23rd, 2013

The Festival of the Spirit of Human aspires towards divinity, attunement to God’s will and right human relationships.  This is when we take the energies we have received from Wesak and put them into practice.  It represents the effects in human consciousness of the work of all Masters but especially with Lord Buddha, Lord Maitreya, and Master Jeshua/Lord Sananda.  It is also recognized as World Invocation Day.

This is when we put to use what we have learned from the previous two festivals.  Wesak pushes us into a new dimensional reality which needs to be grounded.  Within the full moon of Gemini is when we start to put into practice what we have learned and share with the world.

Due to the intense energies of this year, we will have more information about the Festivals of Wesak and Humanity closer to the events which will include a channeled message on the energies that are transpiring.

Walking Terra Christa will be facilitating meditations for each of these events.  The Festival of the Christ will be held on April 24th, 2013.  This is an open call so please consider joining us.  Click this link for more details.  The Festival of Wesak will be a live ceremony in Mt. Shasta, CA.  We are also holding a 3-Day Retreat in Mt. Shasta.    The telecall for the Festival of Humanity will be held on June 24th, 2013; details will be forthcoming as we get closer to the date.

In Expressions of Oneness

Rev. Christine Meleriessee

Walking Terra Christa, Academy of New Earth Mastery

©2013 Walking Terra Christa,, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.

Activate the Metatronic Seals of the Golden Illumination Within (new sessions)

Metatron by Artist Tony Pinfold.
Metatron by Artist Tony Pinfold. (click image to buy)

Are you aware that new energies are now available to Humanity from the Spiritual Hierarchy?  There are three main reasons for this:

  • The Universe that Earth resides within is now physically moving back into alignment with The Divine Will of The Creator.
  • Due to the Work that many Humans are doing in seeking out and holding the Light, the Spiritual Hierarchy has petitioned The Divine Creator to allow the Angelic Realms (and others) to Assist Humanity even more than before.
  • Individual Humans who have been Diligent and Honorable on the Path now hold enough Higher Frequency Light to be able to transmit the Frequencies within Humanity on the Physical Level, thus accelerating all these elements dramatically into Divine Wholeness.

Lord Metatron, with our assistance, now offers specialized personal sessions that are unique to each individual’s Life Path Timelines to Activate the Metatronic Seals for the Diligent and Dedicated Bearer of Light Within. This will assist the anchoring of the Golden Era upon the  Earth and your own Acceleration toward Becoming Your Divine Self. Click here to read more about this exclusive session and how it can benefit you.

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