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New Earth Frequency Update ~ Embracing the Rebirth of the Self

New Earth Frequency Update


We are right within a very powerful conjunction of the planets and the moon phases so this week is going to take each of us into a new and powerful cycle of our lives.  Wesak is upon us which is always a very accelerating time but then we are gifted with a Lunar Eclipse with the Full Moon on May 25th at 9:25 AM Pacific US, 4:25 PM GMT.

The energies this week represent the balance between the lower mind and higher mind which is in alignment with Wesak.  This year’s theme of the Wesak energies is “The Three Fold Flame of GAIA” as she will be balancing her mental and feminine aspects of Will, Love, and Power.  This will mirror unto each of us to go deeper into our own soul’s essence to allow the energies to enfold within us.  It is time to fully command the Higher Essence of our Divine Self to become manifest into our physical realities.

We have been preparing for this energy since the beginning of this year as it represents Synchronization.  This is not an easy process as we have to get very real with our feelings and thoughts so that they are transmuted into the pure essence that We Are.  Many of us don’t understand what that can feel like as it has never occurred upon this Earth previously in such mass consciousness.  Every individual person is feeling something different about themselves in order for them to awaken to their Truest Self.  The individuals that do not do so will go deeper into their duality of the dark and light within as the Light cannot shine brightly without the essence of integrating into all parts of the Self.  The fourth dimension represents that duality and this is exactly what we have been experiencing in our lives and in our world.  It takes great courage and understanding to continue deeper into the self realization of Divine Light enfolding within the physical structure.

We will learn through the ensuring energies around us that we are thinking and acting differently.  We want to feel the serenity and joy we deserve with a greater capacity to accept an abundant life in all areas of our life.

This is exactly what we can accomplish at this time.  The power of Gemini versus Sagittarius will challenge us in the realms of being in the moment against wanting to forge ahead.  If we take these two energies and combine them in the same essence, then we can do both.  Action needs to preceded by meditative thoughts and not necessarily stepping ahead before all the elements have been put into place.  If we understand these energies from this perspective, then we are working through our Higher Mind being integrated into the Lower Mind.  No parts of the self will be lost as there will be a blending effect that occurs.  So take the time to acknowledge your Higher Self blending within the Lower Self and you will understand what it means to acknowledge your own Three-Fold Flame of Will, Love, and Power.

As the Wesak energies have been preparing us for these steps, our Higher Self comes into our full Beingness.  As trainees on the Mastery Pathway, we go through many levels of initiations that help us walk through new doorways of reality.  Wesak is the most powerful spiritual ceremony of the year as we follow Lord Buddha in his footsteps of accelerating our teachings of being an Ascended Master or Being upon the Earth.  We celebrate Lord Buddha’s ascension but that mirrors right back to us as we proclaim within ourselves the next step of our spiritual evolution within the physical existence.

So we will change through the process; even if you are not fully aware of your pathway of light upon this Earth.  This process is becoming stronger each month throughout each year.  We will move into the 5th dimensional physical reality but it takes hard work and diligence to not fall back into our old habits.  This is a perfect time to look at your traits and see what fits your reality now versus to what was for you before.  The power of this week cannot be put into words.  It can only be acknowledged through each person’s reality and what they are going to experience.  But believe me, whatever you intend the God Force will hear you because it is our destiny to walk as enlightened beings into the New Earth of Terra Christa.

GAIA will assist us and in turn, we will assist her in this process.  We are living in a spiritual revolution where individuals are finally turning to their highest essence for answers.  This is the power of our Light into our physical reality.  So take some time and understand what you are going through.  Then call upon your guidance, Higher Self, and I AM Presence to guide you in the right direction.



It is a beautiful week, and we are happy to convey this message to each of you.  The birth of a New You is about to begin, and we want to offer a celebratory message for you.

2013 has been the most crucial and challenging year upon the history of this planet.  There have been moments of great darkness and despair as well as experiencing the highest level of vibrational exchanges available upon the planet.  That is the beauty of this time as we all need to reflect deeply on our humble beginnings to find our humble expressions of a soul that has traveled many lifetimes through timelines that would only be reflected in a science fiction movie.  You have experienced many facets of your lives in a way that has been ordained from the essence of only the I AM Presence can give.  There is no reason or understanding of what you have endured but only that it is part of the journey.

Reflection has been a word that we have used consistently throughout this year and that is not going to change.  It is an important factor to remember when we are acknowledging our true self to become manifest.  We must compare what we are feeling to what we felt in the past.  It helps each of us to be molded into the present moment so that there are no repeats of the energy or situations in the future moments.  Each of us is molding our present from the experiences of our past to embrace our future.

We speak in these tones of the “we” at this time because this is not a lesson, but truly, a Circle of Oneness.  What each of you experience, we endure.  Wesak represents the time of community when like-minded souls come together to celebrate their challenges and accomplishments to prepare for more of the same.  As a master-in-training, you must realize that is what you are experiencing.  Life cannot be created within Oneness without first looking back and realizing what the previous moments have meant to a great master.  It is part of the training to understand the process of hurting, healing, and embracing the pathway.

This Wesak is especially important due to the year of 2013 but also with the powerful eclipses that the planet has experienced.  The Lunar Eclipse of this month will be a culmination of the energies just as Wesak represents each of us coming together in celebration.  It is a time of complete integration of the Masculine and Feminine Divine.  We know that we have shared about these energies before but it goes to a much deeper level as we experience each new vibrational change in the planetary structure.

It is now time to reflect into whom we have become and what we are going to do with the changes that have resulted from the situations that we have encountered.  If we understand the fact that in order to move forward, we need to understand what we are experiencing presently, then it becomes a flowing movement.  There is no need to worry or be concerned with what is occurring.  We learn to move forward from each moment to the next.  It is the Ebb and Flow of Life.

When this comes from the perspective of the Mastery, there is no question in what you are experiencing.  It is all part of the process of living within these energies of fluidness.  It is beauty and reflection at its best creation.

We are all being borne once again in the ebb and flow.  As Lord Buddha releases his old aspects from the previous year, he moves to a new position within his power.  Each of you is doing the same, and We, of the ascended beings of Light, are also participating.  Wesak is not just about the physical form.  We, within the Unified Whole, have just walked into Oneness by removing our old Pantheons of our pasts.  We utilize the knowledge of those past creations, but we do not center upon them.  We are honored to walk with each of you at this time.

It is our Creation Upon this Earth together, and it is our Divine Pleasure to walk with each of you.  Be strong in your convictions and intentions; the power of the energy presently will allow you to grow deeper and create your lives to be in complete harmony with joy and compassion as your guideposts.  Experience this event as your re-birthing process into your new world of creation.  We re-create each Wesak and now is the time for you to join us in the manifestation of a New World with Love, Joy, Responsibility, and deep conviction for the Light that You and We Are.

Blessings and Joy for a beautiful Wesak experience.

We are One with each of you in this moment and all moments forward.

The Unified Whole Command representing the Oneness Consciousness of the All.

Walking Terra Christa is holding a special Wesak Ceremony in Mt. Shasta; individuals may request that their name and location be put on our altar for the celebration.  Please email us at MelandMike @ Walking Terra to be added to the group consciousness.  We are also providing an MP3 file for the recorded meditations both morning and afternoon; details are available on our event, (individuals in our Membership Program will have access to these recordings).

©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved. 

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