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Ascension Mastery Message for the Full Moon Energies of Taurus with the Festival of Wesak energies for May 18, 2019 with Master Djwhal Khul. Transmission by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee of Walking Terra Christa.

We are now in the midst of experiencing the full effect of the Wesak energies. The full moon of Scorpio occurs on Saturday, May 18th, 2019 at 2:11 PM Pacific, 5:11 PM Eastern, May 19th 24:00 UTC in the sun sign of Taurus.

The energies of this moon are centered upon the aspect of the Emotional Self (or Feminine Divine). Emotions can be very raw as it is a time to delve deeper to allow the imperfections associated with the Emotional Body to heal.

The Taurus Scorpio alignment deals with the balancing act of the physical (Taurus) and all that is Spiritual (Scorpio). For Ascension Mastery it represents the Intuitive Mind of the Feminine aspect to blend within the Concrete Mind of the Physical Self.

The Feminine Divine is being infused more strongly into the core of Gaia which means that every soul upon this earth will experience an awakening within their emotional self if they allow themselves to truly embrace their vulnerability. It is a time to reflect within oneself of how Continue reading WESAK FULL MOON 2019 ~ FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS ~ BECOMING YOUR HIGHEST ASPIRATION

Ascension Assistance Workshop

Awareness of your Sensibilities – Finding the True Essence of Self Compassion and Will

As a SPIRITUAL DEVOTEE of ASCENSION MASTERY PRACTICE one cannot help but stumble and experience confusion when learning how to incorporate the higher frequencies into the energetic bodies of light.

This 2-day Ascension Workshop (Live Audio Conference Recording) brings forth a level of support directly from the Ascended Masters that can only be experienced in order to really feel how such assistance can actually be provided and then received.

Read About the Workshop here.

This Workshop assists with preparing more to ground and integrate the higher spiritual energies being brought to us from the SPIRITUAL HIERARCHY and can be used at any time of the year.

RELATED: If you are not ordering the 2-Day Workshop, don’t forget to order your WESAK ASCENSION FESTIVAL TICKETS! 

Tickets are now on Sale for the LIVE** online Audio Gathering of our WESAK EVENT on Saturday May 18th. Event begins at 9:00 AM PDT.

**For those who cannot attend LIVE, we highly recommend listening on your own by ordering a Ticket and receiving the audio recording. This will engage you deeply in the very special once a year blessings and energies of the Office of the Christ and Ascended Masters including Lord Buddha.



Beyond Belief: Acquiring True Spiritual Growth

Spiritual Ascension is more than a matter of Belief

A quick glance at the most popular New Age social media postings reveals something quite astounding: most postings are about believing that life on earth will improve for humanity – if we can only hold the faith and belief for it to happen.

As Spiritual Teachers of Ascension Mastery we can assure anyone who is concerned about their higher spiritual growth that belief and having faith is essential but for the truly awakened – one must know that it is only the first step.

Faith is such an important part because the real work of Ascension is a huge challenge. Once you realize how it actually works, how it affects your sense of self, how it can make you doubt your own sanity: you will want to quit doing any thing associated with “Ascending”. Once you experience the lifting of the veil of illusions that humanity lives under, you may well desire to stay firmly in your present level of awareness.

We can also assure you that this kind of reaction is very normal for spiritual seekers who initially felt a huge attraction to Ascension.

Very quickly what frequently happens for them is not only do they begin to feel the true reality of the 4d (which reveals to someone the illusions and delusions held as factual reality in the 3d), but they realize that personally seeing it is believing it. 

And they suddenly miss their former state of awareness where they had been innocently ignorant of the energies they encounter in that 4d awareness.

Yet, you can’t get to the 5d (Ascension state of being) without first experiencing the 4d. And that is a very personal path of revelations.

Many spiritual individuals have an image of themselves as being a good person, one who is kind and compassionate and only desires the good in all things and between themselves and others.

However, within the whole picture of who they are, they may also have moments where they do feel despair, or aggression, or anxiety, or frustration. In some moments those feelings may build up and come out onto others around them, despite the fact that they will claim, “I am so sorry that just isn’t me.”

But if one would not say “that just isn’t me” and instead step into a deeper awareness that if they did act that way, it may indeed be because it is a piece of who they are – within the totality of the energies they carry – as a soul.

With such an acceptance comes a glimpse into the real reality, not only for earth, but for ourselves.

That reality is that most all of humanity is not in a state of being “good” or “bad” but instead in a condition of “both”.

But yes, as we all know, in the higher frequencies of existence the “bad” parts of who we are must be revealed: that is, resurrected into the light to be transformed.

You may have heard many New Age proponents say they are comfortable being both “good” and bad” as if acknowledging it means they are more enlightened or aware than someone who they feel is still “asleep” and stuck in the 3d. Yet the real question is what do they do to transform those dark parts of themselves?

What if you discovered that getting yourself into a higher energy frequency, (not yet at the fifth dimensional level but certainly moving into the fourth), would require discovering as much about yourself as you already have discovered?

In other words, how long did it take you to awaken? Why did you awaken? Regardless if you are 25 or 55 years old, when did you first believe that their was more to life than meets the eye? If that was at age 30, then it took as much as 30 years of being, of observing, of thinking, of feeling for you to really discover who you are now.

But that process of self discovery took place within the 3rd dimension. To embark into a new dimensional level of awareness, we can guarantee you that it will take you as much self learning and self discovery as you already went through. Why? Because that new knowledge and new way of understanding (actually – of being) can only be personally gained. There are no shortcuts to advancing your energetic frequencies – that can only come with experience. 

Life experience never ceases. Learning to master dimensional awareness is a life experience. Learning to Master the Fifth Dimension is no exception.

Such an evolutionary shift in consciousness cannot be achieved by belief and faith alone.

In the actual practices of Ascension Mastery it requires full fledged commitment and dedication to undertaking that learning process… despite that it seems daunting and challenging from your former “dimensional perspective”.

Because in real practices of Ascension, you are never “accomplished” at it. Doing just “enough” to gain an outcome or a goal no longer works. Approaching it in that manner is nothing more than doing things the same way our current earthly attitude does most things (an approach that our culture is so steeped in promoting) which is just do “what you need to do” and nothing more. This tactic goes hand in hand with instant gratification and achieving instant results.

From what we see as teachers, such an attitude will stop most spiritual seekers from the deeper self discoveries that are required if one is to actually elevate their level of consciousness such that it can Ascend.

Ironically that is why BELIEF and FAITH are so crucial. Without it you will not get too far beyond your first efforts at practicing Ascension.

We have had a may individuals attend our classes or order a self study course. Most often, we never hear from them again.

The material world and its concerns far outweigh that initial desire and attraction one feels (and resonates toward) regarding Ascension and the Ascended Master Teachings.

Think for a moment on one of the most popular new age sayings “Only do whatever resonates with you”. That term is considered righteous truth for many.

Yet, what is “resonance” in that meaning other than identifying with something that makes you comfortable, excited or feel good based on your current understanding of who you are in your present life.

It is alternatively also true that you can’t know what you don’t know.

Which means “resonance” is a poor way to judge what will bring you real growth. 

Within Ascension Mastery one will need an incredibly strong FAITH to keep pursuing the energies and elements gained through the quiet whispering of their SOUL’S TRUTH. After all, it was this singular truth that they undoubtedly felt when first discovering the idea of ASCENDING in this lifetime.

However, given how fleeting such an ah-ah moment of awareness can be, sustaining that FAITH is the greatest obstacle facing anyone who feels they have been born on earth to make a real difference for humanity.

The energies and “programming” of earths modern culture are now extremely powerful. They are presently great enough that only the strongest possess the WILL and POWER to keep on going through the process of gaining the subtle understandings within their soul psychology that are required within Ascension studies.

This is why we so strongly advocate for the teachings we offer. We know that elevating the level of consciousness we have as humans is not something that can be done passively or easily, or without firm and consistent help.

There is no better time upon earth than right now to get started. A huge boost occurs for the next three months. There are so many “aids and supportive assistance” given now for spiritual seekers of Ascension that make it a learning process that will bring one the true elements of “enlightenment”.

This is the TIME OF THE CHRISTED LIGHT for the year.

The way of the Christ Consciousness is a pathway to see the world through the Heart and Mind of God (Divine Mother/Divine Father) which does not hold elements of judgments but being in a perpetual state of unconditional love and always choosing Love over Fear.

Even if those lower states of thinking and feeling mentioned earlier don’t seem to associated with FEAR, they very much are from the perspective of the soul’s existence.

In order to achieve this concept and reality of learning to become more aligned with our Christ Consciousness an Initiate must allow their higher minds to work with them which comes from the Monad, Higher Self, into the Consciousness and changing the Subconscious Mind to reflect the higher order of divinity within the Soul’s Essence.

This is what we teach. We accept that it is not easy or simple to achieve. But the gains that can be made are quite profound (as you can see in our many testimonials.)

This month on April 13 we begin a series of teachings that for the next three months will bring in the true energies of learning more about who we can become within the path of attaining more Christ Consciousness.

We encourage you to join during our OPEN HOUSE SPECIAL to take advantage of the special exchange rate.

In our first class, we will be working with Lord Sanat Kumara who is the founder of the Brotherhood of White Light that was created shortly after the fall of Lemuria. We will learn how he was able to work directly with his Higher Self (Cosmic Master Vywamus), and Monad (Cosmic Master Lenduce) through the teachings of Cosmic Master Adonis (who was Lord Sanat Kumara’s teacher on Venus).

This class brings forth many forms of the higher frequencies including accessing the Venusian Rays of God that work through all of the chakras as one Unified Essence of Light. This assists the transmitted teachings to create an advanced highly energetic attunement of light for those who participate. Included is some information that has never been shared previously through Lord Sanat Kumara and his teachers.

Lord Saint Germain will be the Master of Ceremonies with Lord Melchizedek sharing his knowledge of how this information will assist you in your Initiation Pathway.



WHEN: SATURDAY APRIL 13, 2019 (North America Pacific Time at 10:00 AM / Eastern Time 1:00 PM).



If you are not enrolling today in our class training program but still enjoy receiving the energies in our many articles and Ascension materials, please consider using the donation options on our site to support our work.


Learn how “Increasing your Christ Consciousness Awareness” can assist in your own Ascension

Now is the perfect timing to embrace the THREE FESTIVALS OF THE WESAK FREQUENCIES OF LIGHT to prepare ourselves more energetically for the most important Initiate energies of the year.

This month is the FESTIVAL OF THE CHRIST that occurs during the Full Moon. To better prepare ourselves we receive a teaching from the Ascended Masters on how we can best take advantage of what is occurring for us with the Cosmic Light Vibrations through this 3 hour class of  higher attunement meditations and wisdom.

One of the EIGHT QUOTIENTS to master for Integrated Ascension, this quotient represents the ability to increase the Consciousness of the Four Minds (of your Monad, Higher Self, Conscious Mind and Subconscious) to become the Abstract Mind.

This topic is not something we can easily comprehend as a human self who has little knowledge of how we are in truth much more expansive than the physical-spiritual self we choose to see ourselves as being. The complexities of our multidimensional quantum self energies are vast.

However, the desire to “know” with clear understanding also has an immense power to block anything else we do not understand from becoming part of our reality. (In fact, this is how humanity has created our collective reality).

So to avoid that pitfall, this class is highly energetic and attunement based to bypass those potential blockages. That said, to partake of these teachings one must make the conscious intent to set aside the desires of the mental mind’s thirst for material understanding – and instead open up that part of ourselves that the Masters call the “Abstract”.

The focus for this Mastery Class will be to learn how to access the four minds to allow for the Abstract Mind to be the center of your Consciousness. The Masters will explain the differences of the Abstract Mind vs the Concrete Mind. It is important to realize that in order command the Christ Consciousness to be utilized within you on a physical level you must allow your Higher Minds to assist you in that process. It cannot be done from the physical mind otherwise known as the Concrete Mind or Lower Self/Ego.

The way of the Christ Consciousness is a pathway to see the world through the Heart and Mind of God (Divine Mother/Divine Father) which does not hold elements of judgments but being in a perpetual state of unconditional love and always choosing Love over Fear. In order to achieve this concept and reality an Initiate must allow their higher minds to work with them which comes from the Monad, Higher Self, into the Consciousness and changing the Subconscious Mind to reflect the higher order of divinity within the Soul’s Essence.

We will be working with Lord Sanat Kumara who is the founder of the Brotherhood of White Light that was created shortly after the fall of Lemuria. We will learn how he was able to work directly with his Higher Self (Cosmic Master Vywamus), and Monad (Cosmic Master Lenduce) through the teachings of Cosmic Master Adonis (who was Lord Sanat Kumara’s teacher on Venus).

This class brings forth many forms of the higher frequencies including accessing the Venusian Rays of God that work through all of the chakras as one Unified Essence of Light. This assists the transmitted teachings to create an advanced highly energetic attunement of light for those who participate. Included is some information that has never been shared previously through Lord Sanat Kumara and his teachers.

Lord Saint Germain will be the Master of Ceremonies with Lord Melchizedek sharing his knowledge of how this information will assist you in your Initiation Pathway.



WHEN: SATURDAY APRIL 13, 2019 (North America Pacific Time at 10:00 AM / Eastern Time 1:00 PM).



If you are not enrolling today in our class training program but still enjoy receiving the energies in our many articles and Ascension materials, please consider using the donation options on our site to support our work.

The Light of Wesak ~ April 29th, 2018 Festival of Lights ~ Master Djwhal Khul

Ascension Mastery Message for the Wesak Festival of Lights Full Moon of Scorpio in Sun of Taurus. Channeled transmission by Rev. Christine Meleriessee of Walking Terra Christa. 

We have now arrived into the movement of the Wesak Moon which falls in Scorpio within the sun of Taurus. This occurs on April 29th, 2018 at 5:58 PM Pacific, 8:58 PM Eastern, and 12:58 GMT.

Master Djwhal Khul’s Keynote for April 29th:

I now open my eyes to see the Old Self dying away to make room for the Wesak Light shining upon me.

The Sun of Taurus represents the grounding force of the Earth in relation to material possessions, security, and everything connected to physicality whereas the Moon of Scorpio is about destruction of those forms to bring about transformation. Taurus is about our physical consciousness and Scorpio brings forth the Spiritual Consciousness of the Higher Self.

This is so very appropriate for the energies of Wesak as it represents a time of Resurrection (begun with the Festival of the Christ, March 31st Full Moon) as we allow for the Re-Birth to occur in our consciousness and lives. This is when we start to access new parts of ourselves so that we can stand on a new level of understanding as the Spiritual Self becomes more involved within the physical walk upon this Earth.

This moon represents Transformation as it is allowing for the ideas that have been formulating within our higher consciousness to become more of a reality.

It is a perfect occurrence with the spiritual understanding of what Wesak represents for all of humanity. It is a time to allow the old consciousness to be broken apart in order to see and feel for the first time, a new order to be realized within an individual’s life.

It is now time to share outside of ourselves what has been building up for quite some time. It also brings forth a sense of stability within the planetary alignment. The inner work that you have been doing can now come to a state of fruition. It is a time to stand at the next level of your acceleration and accept that you have traveled far to reach a new space within your foundation. It is a time of illumination of what you have achieved.

It is very exciting to see that the planetary phases of this cycle are so representative of the Wesak energies. Each year we come to this point where Wesak represents standing with each of the Ascended Masters in Shamballa to be in ceremony for what we have achieved and receiving assistance with continuing our journey with a new sense of honor within ourselves.

This moon cycle is supporting those energies in a new and different way. It is a time to allow the Emotional Body to become more balanced and focused bringing forth the Feminine Divine in a new and completely different way of existence.

As this year is representing Mastery 2 ­- 0 -­ 1 -­ 8 adds up to “11”, this Moon of Wesak is truly assisting each individual to come into a space of “we have arrived”.  The challenges that every person has experienced since the beginning of this year is now being rewarded energetically. This cycle is showing us that success can now be realized through the determination that we have incorporated within our lives.

Each of the moon phases are part of this present cycle as they have helped us to truly “step up to the plate” so to speak. Every soul has been challenged in many different ways, but yet at this time, it is important to look at what you have achieved and allow the feeling of success to become a concrete part of your reality. The process of grieving the old emotional trauma is an important element to embrace. In fact, it is an essential component of allowing the Rebirth experience to occur.

As we move into the Wesak energies, it is reflective of how we are pushed energetically into a new sense of ourselves. The Heart of God is shining upon the planet bringing forth the next stage of acceleration to each of us with compassion, love, and understanding that we have traveled far to get to this space of understanding within ourselves. We now stand with the Forces of Light, the Brotherhood/Sisterhood of White Light, as we aspire within ourselves to accept a new part of our divinity to be our Divine Truth.

This is different for each person depending upon where they are in their spiritual development but not one soul is left out of this equation. It does not matter if they are awakened or enlightened. The important element is to realize that our soul, our light essence, can now be enhanced further in the development of our walk upon the Earth.

It is a time when we are given the opportunity to become our Buddhic Self as this moon cycle is truly assisting in this endeavor.  

As teachers of Mastery, we have seen our students transform elements in the last month that were hidden from view previously. The work we are doing with the higher accelerations within our classes are truly assisted individuals to rise above their difficulties and step into a new part of reality within themselves. I believe this is part of what is being provided to us by the Spiritual Hierarchy of the Unified Whole as it is a time of all Beings to come together in Love and Harmony.

The Festival of the Christ was so very powerful to allow this exchange of energy to occur. We truly have been gifted this year by the miraculous energies that we are experiencing. It has been a time of Death and Rebirth, but we are being assisted tremendously with Love to be able to move through the dying of the Old Self. It is an essential process in order to accept the Higher Consciousness, Higher Self and Higher Mind to be the focal point within an Initiate’s pathway. It cannot be achieved in any other way.

The Rainbow Arcs of Light through the Great Central Suns of the Solar, Universal, Multi-Universal, and Cosmic which ignited into the planet during the Equinox is bringing forth the Solar Flares and powerful energies to help each person on this planet to move into a new state of existence. It is continuing every day around the world to assist in the acceleration of Gaia and each of us planted upon her lands.

Additionally, the Ray of the Divine Mind or known as the Science of God within the Green-Golden-White Flame is now being initiated into the core of Gaia which is a huge movement for this planet. This ray represents Divine Truth with the ability to allow the invocation of Concentration and Consecration to assist an individual’s pathway of light to release the Harmony of the Spheres to be experienced. This will happen on the Full Moon of Wesak which means the Divine Mind of every soul can be accessed through the exchange of these energies. It is very exciting as now all the Seven Flames or Rays of God have been initiated into the planet, and we know that is another reason why we are experiencing such powerful surges of light.

To take full advantage of these energies we suggest being in ceremony during this Full Moon of Wesak as the incoming energies will assist to bring forth the balance and desired rebirthing experience. Give forth intentions to the Spiritual Hierarchy with in the Unified Whole Command to assist you to incorporate the next level of acceleration that you desire to hold within your life and your consciousness. Walking Terra Christa offers a three-hour ceremony on April 29th, 2018 at 9 AM Pacific. Please click the link to learn how to join us LIVE or listen in our own time frame via the event audio recording.

The WESAK event is considered the most sacred annual festival for the innerplane Ascended Masters. The transmitted energies and blessings are the Highest of the Year for all who attend which is directly in the tradition of Master (Dr.) Joshua David Stone who popularized the Sacred Spiritual Wesak Ceremony in Mount Shasta starting in the 90’s. Reverend Meleriessee and Reverend Aranathanara are in a direct succession of those energies as Rev. Meleriessee was ordained through Dr. Stone in 2003 under the Melchizedek Light Synthesis Academy/ULC and she then officiated for Rev. Ara in 2014 here in Mount Shasta.

In keeping with this 23 year long “tradition”, the Spiritual Wesak Ceremony is still conducted upon the geographical area of Mount Shasta as she holds the attention as the Ascension Capital of Earth. It is available worldwide for those who desire to attend LIVE via global online audio conferencing, or the AUDIO ceremony can be used afterwards in your own location to connect to the Divine Energies of Light.   

Master Djwhal Khul’s Message for Wesak:

Greetings My Dearest Beloveds,

It is my pleasure to connect with each of you at this very auspicious time of Wesak. I come to you within the essence of Master Djwhal Khul, Ray Chohan for the Ray of Love and Wisdom.

It is a very powerful time, and I know it seems as if this is the mantra of this year. The energetics of the planetary systems are truly coming into alignment to allow for more accelerated energies to assist each of you to come into a new space of understanding. It is imperative that no one stands still at this time. Evolution is occurring and if a soul does not allow themselves to grow and be all they can be, then they will get lost in the confusion of this movement.

This Wesak brings to you, of the Planetary Level, and each of us within the Higher Realms of Light, a grand opportunity to move further into the development of our consciousness to become One Reality of Light.

There is a wave of excitement and anticipation as each of us is readying for this grand event. This year has proved to be one of information and openness as many people upon the planet are realizing that things cannot go one the way it has been. The integration of the Divine Feminine must be realized but within this process the Divine Masculine must also be part of the equation.

The masculine energy of the planet has been so strong that the feminine essence has not had the time to show her power. Instead she has been kept in silence or behind closed doors. Many times, in the history of this planet the feminine essence spoke aloud and showed their voices, but yet the masculine was always the more controlling agent in the equation.

It is at this time that the masculine essence is realizing that healing must occur in order for the feminine to be the initiator of the energies. We are seeing this in many men across the globe; there is great healing that is occurring because of the onset of these energies everyone is feeling.

This Wesak represents the Feminine and the Masculine Divine coming more fully into alignment. They are looking at one another and realizing that they truly did not know each other, but just assumed that everything was fine the way that it was. Everyone on the planet knows differently know.

The moon of Scorpio in the Sun of Taurus is truly a meeting of the Feminine (Scorpio-Moon Essence) and the Masculine (Taurus-Sun Essence). They are coming together to bring elements into balance – they look at one another and see aspects that are reflective and others that are different. It is a time to truly accept differences and alignments to occur so that harmony can be the defining factor.

This is exactly where the current energies are coming into alliance. It is a meeting of the Higher Minds with the Higher Hearts to allow for a communication to exist. The death of the old must die in order to survive in these higher frequencies of light as they represent the alliance of the Masculine and Feminine.

As the Rainbow Arcs of Light are coming into the planet, it is bringing forth this alliance that is in balance, so it causes individuals to act accordingly to that entrance of acceleration.

The Wesak Moon is the movement of a relationship to occur within each person that represents the Divine Love, Divine Power to be realized. All that you have experienced up to this point is bringing forth that alignment to become a reality within your own consciousness.

If you are an Initiate that is diligent about your pathway, this event of Wesak will assist you like no other event of the year. We all look forward to this time of the Taurus Moon as it allows each of us to be rewarded for our efforts of this year. Each of us within the Spiritual Hierarchy and each of you within the Planetary Ascension Process come together in unison to be supported and honored in a way that only can occur through the light infractions given to us by Divine Mother Father God.

I cannot say enough about this Wesak as it is all encompassing and powerful for each of us. I implore each of you to take time this Sunday on the 29th of April to experience the event of your life experience for 2018. I do not think that you will be disappointed as each of us are readying ourselves to walk with each of you.

In Divine Love,

I Am Master Djwhal Khul

Integrative Channel:  Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden

If you are interested in bringing in these higher spiritual energies during a ceremony, click here to read about the Walking Terra Christa Wesak Ceremony event (a global online or via audio recording* conference 3 hour ceremony of blessings, prayers, invocations and messages from the Ascended Masters) as was the format organized through Master (Dr.) Joshua David Stone. *Recording available after the event concludes.




Tips for Celebrating Wesak – April 29, 2018

Wesak Festival with Walking Terra Christa

This year the Wesak Festival of Light of the Full Moon in Taurus occurs on April 29, 2018. In the Ascended Master Teachings it is considered the most auspicious day of the year.


Wesak is a time of celebration for many eastern traditions that follow the religious tenets of Buddhism in its many forms so they cannot only honor Buddha’s teachings but also remember to embody them in life.

Within Ascension Mastery studies, however, it is not simply a festival to mark and celebrate the day centuries ago when the man Siddhattha Gotama achieved enlightenment at the age of 80.

The Ascended Masters are considered the ones who are also Enlightened as they have traveled an earthly path of raising consciousness similar to Buddha within their own lifetime of study to attain a Higher Consciousness. So they, too, gather together to honor and celebrate the process of becoming enlightened within a physical body. Buddha holds the honorary position as being the first person who did this within the written historical records of humanity.

On the day of Wesak (Vesak), in the Wesak Valley of the Hollow/Inner Earth Etheric City of Shamballa, (which is etherically in the same location as Shamballa in the Himalayan Valley), these Masters gather by the hundreds and thousands to not just honor Buddha. Most importantly they honor all those humans who are striving now in their lives to attained the status of Enlightenment regardless of the particular format of Christed Consciousness teachings they undertake.

It is a single day in the year that all Ascended Beings of Light come together to celebrate that Blessing: as the pathway of just One Soul seeking Enlightenment is such a rare and magnificent gift to creation itself. Upon the earth, it is a tremendous gift to Gaia herself which can then be reflected upon all of Humanity.

Most importantly, for each of as seekers of the Highest Spiritual Truth, the community of the entire Hierarchy of the Brotherhood/Sisterhood of White Light of all Masters within the Unified Whole of Ascended Beings, are here to give those Blessings to each of us on this day as we also then bless ourselves by participating.


To best position your own pathway energetically, we have put together a list of the best ways to celebrate Wesak to honor Gaia, Humanity, the Ascended Masters, and yourself.

1. Make it a Sacred Day – If there ever was a day to take time to separate your consciousness from the daily distractions and influences of your secular life, this is that moment in time so that you can blend your consciousness more directly with the spiritual energies and higher frequencies of the entire community of Ascended Masters. Other than private secluded peaceful moments in nature, it is best to postpone and reschedule outside chores or meetings.

2. Set up a Sacred Space – Create a retreat like atmosphere in your own living space. It is suggested to use some or all of the following items:

– Fresh cut flowers or blooming plants
– Candles (preferably white)
– Incense (frankincense or similar)
– Ceremonial table coverings (golds, pinks, blues)
– Crystals (rose quartz, clear quartz, citrine, etc.)
– High frequency essential oils like Frankincense, Hyssop, Myrrh, Sandalwood, etc.
– Higher vibrational yet serene meditative music can also assists like sacred chanting and/orAum/Om music. (We always recommend the Thaddeus music foundat to set the right tone. Using some forms of classical music may be too mentally stimulating and certainly using pop music would be distracting and bring in conflicting energies.)
– Ringing bowls, bells, crystal bowls etc.
– Create an altar area that has images of Ascended Masters, Lord Buddha, Angels, etc. Place some of your items on the altar area also to represent offerings of blessings.
– We also encourage you to place a bowl of water on the Altar to be blessed energetically. If you are participating in a sacred ceremonial event for the Wesak Festival of Light, everyone may then drink this water at the end of the celebration as it is infused with the direct Blessings of the event itself and what is brought forward to each participant.

3. Be with Soul-Family – Gathering with like-minded individuals for a group meditative time together is most appropriate. The idea is to create an atmosphere that is special and unique for the day and the evening of Wesak. Preparing special healthy food and drink items ahead of time may also be helpful in creating a special event feeling. Everyone can contribute. As each person arrives in the ceremonial space you have created, it may be helpful to use sage or similar cleansing on their auric field and clothing.

This is exactly what we do at Walking Terra Christa even though we also engage in conducting a 3 hour Wesak Ceremonial Festival for others. Our own Sacred Space becomes charged with the Highest Frequencies of Light. In our event we bring in the invocations, prayers and Ascended Master channeled messages for everyone to receive. (Registration is required with a small donation of support for our annual event. You may download the audio to use in your own space if attending live is not possible).

We hope these suggestions assist. As an additional method of bringing in higher frequencies of light to set up your space, for those who also resonate with the energies of the Galactic Federation of Light with Lord Ashtar and Lord Sanada, setting up Ascension Column Pillars of Light is highly encouraged. Information and free instructions to do so can be found at Ascend.Earth.


Feeling Higher Energy: Illumination of Light through the Office of the Christ ~ The Three Ascension Festivals of Light of 2018~ Master Djwhal Khul

The Three Ascension Festivals-2018 by Walking Terra Christa

Ascension Mastery Message for the upcoming Festivals The Christ, Wesak, and Humanity. Channeled transmission by Rev. Christine Meleriessee of Walking Terra Christa. 

We are now coming into the next three-month period of deep acceleration with the Festivals of the Christ, Wesak, and Humanity through the months of March, April and May in 2018. These energies help to set the stage for all initiates to fully step into the next phase of their initiation process.

As always, these three ascension festivals are the most important ceremonies for Ascension that occur during the year. They help each initiate to move forward in their pathway by realizing what needs to change in order to acquire the next higher level of stabilization of their light into the physical existence.

This year in 2018 the Rainbow Arcs of Light were initiated by the Great Central Suns of the Solar, Galactic, Universal and Multi-Universal dimensions during the March Equinox.

This means that these higher frequencies of light are being infused upon the planet to assist humanity to become more aligned with the higher realms of light; in fact, many will be able to acquire more healing and balance within their four-body system as long as they adhere to their Higher Consciousness to be their guide. This upsurge of light that is being infused within Gaia is going to be the start of the higher forces of light to be more integral within planetary awareness and is the beginning of setting up the energies of Wesak 2018.

The Festival of the Christ falls on March 31, 2018 during the Full Moon in Sun Sign of Aires.

This festival is so very important. Not only is it the first event of the ascension festivals, but it is the starting point in which each initiate must take their own self inventory of what may be on the horizon in their pathway. This pathway includes not only being an initiate, but understanding what needs to be changed psychologically within themselves to help the process of walking into Mastery.

There are three keynotes that represent this festival. The first is the keynote of “Love”, the second is “Resurrection”, and the third is “Contact” with the Spiritual Hierarchy. It is an opening of a doorway to work more directly with the Office of the Christ. Lord Kuthumi holds the position within the Office of the Christa along with Lord Maitreya. Lord Kuthumi was previously the Chohan for the Second Ray of Love and Wisdom.

It is important for each Initiate to realize the potential they have within this festival to make the necessary changes to prepare for the next step, Wesak.

The Festival of Wesak occurs on the Full Moon of Taurus, April 29, 2018.

The focus of this Wesak Festival will be the Rainbow Arcs of Light to be more infused within the planet but will assist each Initiate to be able to access their ability to walk through the doorways of many challenges in order to find the connection and support of the Ascended Beings of Light.

During the Wesak Moon the planet receives the highest level of light. It is a living event based on current astrological cycles. It is the Festival of the Buddha, celebrating the anniversary of his birth, his attainment of Buddahood, and his ascension. He represents the embodiment of Light and Divine Purpose.

The purpose of Wesak is:

  • Allowing for a stronger energy exchange to humanity to help individuals to realize the importance of Love, Brotherhood, and Goodwill;
  • The fusion of all men and women of goodwill coming together to realize the ability to come into Oneness;
  • Then the movement of light through invocation and response from the Cosmic Beings will be received if these prior goals are achieved.

Wesak is a time of great renewal and celebration. It represents the “Force Of Enlightenment”. These energies are affected within our educational movements, values, literature, publishing, writers, and speakers on the entire planet. The power of these energies is so great that large groups of people gather around the world to participate in these energies.

Every individual upon the planet is affected by the Wesak energies; it assists initiates of all levels to move to another level of their initiation process so there can be times of great challenges that push each of us into a new aspect of our soul’s essence. It is a time to connect with others, share your gifts, love, and generosity of spirit.

All of the Ascended Masters and Beings of Light travel to Shamballa (located within the Inner Earth) to celebrate Lord Buddha and the entire God Force during this powerful time of light. It is important to fully take time to allow the energies to enfold within each person’s full body system, as it is an opportunity that should not be missed.

The Festival of Humanity (also known as World Invocation Day) occurs on the Full Moon in Gemini on May 29, 2018.

The Festival of the Spirit of Humanity aspires towards divinity, attunement to God’s Will and right human relationships. This is when we take the energies we have received from Wesak and put them into practice. It represents the effects in human consciousness of the work of all Masters but especially with Lord Buddha, Lord Maitreya, Lord Kuthumi, and Master Jeshua/Lord Sananda. It is also recognized as World Invocation Day.

The Force of Reconstruction is very prevalent during this festival. It represents the Blue Flame of Will and Power, the Will aspect of Divinity, that is directly connected with Shamballa. This depicts the qualities of the three forces of Restoration, Enlightenment, and Reconstruction that expresses the Light, Love, and Knowledge of God.

This is when we put to use what we have learned from the previous two festivals. Wesak pushes us into a new dimensional reality which needs to be grounded. Within the full moon of Gemini is when we start to put into practice what we have learned and share with the world.

To assist these energies to become Grounded in your own consciousness with the assistance of the Spiritual Ascended Masters, Walking Terra Christa conducts global audio conference spiritual gatherings online (or by phone) for all three of these festivals on a donation basis. Optional is a much deeper preparation for grounding these energies to create your higher dimensional construct by attending the Wesak 2-day Online Workshop (Friday April 27 and Saturday April 28. SIGN UP FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THE WORKSHOP HERE). More information on each Festival will be transmitted through Walking Terra Christa so you are kept informed.

Ascension Message from Mastery Djwhal Khul

Greetings and Namaste,

I Am Master Djwhal Khul sharing my essence with you in this moment about the Three Festivals of Wesak.

I consider these three festivals the most important of the entire year. The previous Festivals of Light that occur on each full moon bring forth the energetic exchange to be held within the planet so that the Wesak festivals can be more powerful and attuned with the higher realms of light.

It is my pleasure to announce that all of the seven Rays of God, of the Flames of Blue, Golden Yellow, Pink, Crystalline, Green-Golden-White, Ruby Red-Gold, and Violet-Purple are working within each other for planetary awareness. The 5th Ray of the Science of God will be infused within the Core of Gaia along with the others during the Wesak Moon. This ray has been lagging behind because of the intensity it can bring. It has been deemed appropriate by the God Force and the Creative Source of Oneness that it is now time to join the other flames to assist Planet Earth.

Please know that the percentage of the frequency of these rays will lie in the one to five percent ratio. Having too much of their igniting energies could cause disarray within the planet instead of assisting to create more higher light frequencies to occur.

These rays bring forth these characteristics and spectrums of light:

1st Ray of Will and Power within the Flame of Blue. It represents strength and courage, the ability to move forward.

2nd Ray of Love and Wisdom within the Flame of Golden Yellow. It brings forth Illumination into the Lower Mind to allow the Higher Mind to be heard more often; it allows an individual to feel more love coming from their Higher Self, the essence of God.

3rd Ray of Creation Actualization within the Flame of Deep Pink. This flame represents the ability to allow the Flame of Love and Adoration to be the guide for creating all elements of love, abundance, and right way of being and living to assist the Initiate in their pathway. It is the beginning steps of Alchemy.

4th Ray of Harmony and Balance Through Conflict within the Flame of Crystalline. This ray allows for the essence of purification to occur through Resurrection. It helps to make changes, break up lower thought forms in order to access harmonization while feeling the artistic effect within an individual’s life.

5th Ray of the Science of God or the Higher Mind within the Flame of Green Golden-White. This ray assists an initiate to feel the Harmony of the Spheres by the direct connection of their Higher Mind with the characteristics of Concentration and Consecration.

6th Ray of Inner Devotion within the Flame of Ruby Red-Gold. This is when an Initiate will truly feel peace, love and a sense of understanding. It is the ray of tranquil thoughts and emotions.

7th Ray of Ceremonial Structure within the Flame of Violet-Purple. Many understand that the Violet Fire is very transmuting and electrifying but it must be understood that it now includes the Purple Flame which allows the change to occur and be grounded.

As these flames are being grounded into the Core of Gaia, the Rainbow Arcs of Light projected through the Great Central Suns of the Solar-Galactic-Universal-Multi-Universal-Cosmic are able to bring the illumination and light represented by the higher frequencies of light through the 49th dimension representing the Office of the Christ and the God Force of Divine Mother Father God (Cosmic Great Central Sun). The Rainbow Arcs of Light represent the 300 Rays of God in one spectrum of frequency to assist in bringing forth a higher level of love and light that focuses upon the Higher Light Forces.

This means that there is more accessibility to allow these light infractions to become a real and concrete way of expressing oneself through their Divinity of Light as expressed through the I Am Presence. It also means that these light infractions will become very apparent in all aspects of planetary existence such as the Sun, Moon, planets, and inter-connections of all Universes to come into Oneness.

It is important to realize that each Initiate must work within these energies themselves to change their four-body system. Just because they are grounded into Gaia’s core does not mean that they will automatically make people change. Every individual needs to utilize these energies for themselves so that the world will change. You must remember that you are the conduits for change of this earth.

What this does mean though is that change is occurring. It is happening in small increments but with this Wesak coming upon all of us, we must all do our parts to allow it to become fully manifested.

In order for each Initiate to fully take advantage of this powerful event they must accept the responsibility of Mastery in their own life. This is not to be taken lightly but to be a guide to assist the planet into more awareness than is presently being experienced. So as the Initiates, it will be your job to do your best to make your personal changes through these accelerations.

Number 1 rule for this movement is to realize within yourself what needs to be changed as these energies will assist you to do so. Secondly, it takes great responsibility to know your actions, thoughts, and emotions and how they can affect others either in a positive level or a lower frequency. Every person upon this planet needs to uphold this rule so change can happen. Thirdly, it is imperative to realize that what you think you are doing may not be the right element in your life. The Lower Ego is very predominant amongst many lightworkers and until an individual truly delves into their own healing of the Etheric Self then this process of trying to step into the 5th dimensional construct will take many more years to achieve.

Having all these elements in place will assist each Initiate to feel the Rainbow Arcs of Light and then specifically, learn to work with each of the seven rays in a more concrete manner. They are essential to planetary ascension and will assist an Initiate to fully create their Three-Fold Personality through the Super-Conscious into the Conscious Mind, thereby, allowing Flame of Love-Wisdom-Power to be the only pathway of your mastery.

That is why the Great Central Suns with the God Force are coming into more planetary existence than has ever been experienced before on the earth.

Take time for the Festival of The Christ to allow the changes you need to make to be a reality in your world. Don’t hold back from anything or anyone as long as you have the Christed Light Within you. Allow it to shine, be one with it, and you will be able to make the necessary changes in your world. The Rainbow Arcs of Light are assisting in this process to prepare everyone for the most powerful Wesak Festival to be experienced. Then you will be ready to act upon what you have achieved it in your world for the Festival of Humanity.

I am very honored to walk with each of you,

I Am Master Djwhal Khul at your service.

Integrative Channel: Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden

Walking Terra Christa will be holding ceremonies for each of the Ascension Festivals of Light. The Festival of the Christ takes place on Saturday, March 31st, 2018 at 10 AM Pacific, 1 PM Eastern (17:00 GMT). Click here for details on joining the call.

ASCEND EARTH ~ CREATE HEALING LIGHT FOR GAIA – Join Walking Terra Christa in this special project to help bring more healing light to the planet and humanity by creating Ascension Columns around the Earth with the assistance of the Unified Whole Galactic and Agartha Alliance. To learn more please use the link.


Master Djwhal Khul with Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden provide an explanation of the power of this moon and how to work through the energies.

On May 10th, 2017 the Wesak Moon of Scorpio is arriving in the Sun Sign of Taurus. This occurs at 2:43 PM Pacific, 5:43 PM Eastern, and 21:43 PM GMT.

The energies of Scorpio brings forth the Feminine Divine as it represents the Emotional Body. Taurus elicits the Physical Body representing grounding, material aspects, and the desiring energy to need things to satisfy life. As the Feminine Essence is coming more into power it will bring forth great emotional challenges or successes depending upon how you look at it.

This moon allows the Illumination of the Feminine Divine to come into the Physical Existence as Scorpio can be very destructive by removing elements that have been blocked previously. We are in for a very powerful and trans-formative moon energy.

It is actually appropriate with the Wesak energies this year bringing forth the Pink Flame into the core of Gaia.

This means that the movement of the Divine Power of Love is going to be sent from the God Force, specifically the Elders that Surround the Throne of Grace into the planet.

The Ray of Creative and Active Intelligence is very subtle has it represents the energetic exchange of Love and Adoration, but it can be disrupting as it breaks apart the dark elements that do not hold that essence. The Pink Flame is very illuminating for the Mental Body as it opens up doorways for a soul to realize that they do have a Higher Self and that connection is much stronger than the Lower Mind that has a tendency to be very controlling and manipulative for an individual unless it is in a balanced state.

The energies of this moon are truly going to assist the planetary alignment to come more into a state of transformation. It’s time that individuals wake up to their own potential and to realize that change must happen within each of us first.

It definitely is a time for New Beginnings allowing the refreshing energy that the Pink Flame with the moon energies will bring to us and all of humanity.


Greetings My Dearest Ones,

I Am Master Djwhal Kuhl here to share some thoughts on this very powerful opportunity of transformation of each of you and the planet.

This month of the Full Moon with the Wesak Festival is absolutely magnificent. The planets and the stars are aligning to bring forth the acceptance of Love from the Divine Source of Light.

As Wesak always represents a time of renewal, of change when each initiate is able to fully look within, see what needs to be changed, and to allow the light frequencies occurring at that time to illuminate what they could not see before. It is a time of renewal.

With the Pink Flame being guided to be part of the Earth’s atmosphere in a more direct manner, it is bringing this Illumination to each soul upon the planet and a new and completely different manner than ever before.

We look and see how things have shifted since the beginning of this year. There is great conflict and many individuals are very unhappy about the world and what is occurring. This has all be part of the Divine Plan to allow the transmutation of energies to occur within humanity. As an individual, you must realize the potential that this all brings to the consciousness of the planet.

With this moon the energies of Transformation are going to be unbelievably powerful, not only from the alignment of the Scorpio Moon with the Taurus Sun, but the Pink Flame is the added benefit that is occurring presently. The Ray of Creative and Active Intelligence is a pure gift that is being sent to the Earth due to the challenges that you have been undergoing.

It is time that Gaia receive this Divine Love and Adoration to come into her Heart so that each of you can fully work with it in and new a different manner.

As each of you are able to access the Pink Flame in your Heart, you allow yourself to be the conduit of light that you know you are supposed to be. Through this process this flame will assist you within the imbalance of energies that you presently hold so that you can remedy certain situations that you have been dealing with.

Allow yourself to just feel this essence of Pink, breathe it into yourself, allow it to permeate every part of your Being and it will assist you tremendously to feel more loved than ever before. You will start to be more compassionate to yourself and others and allowing your Higher Mind to illuminate those qualities of the Divine Light into your Lower Mind. It will assist you to remove the inner chatter of the mind to bring more of a peaceful essence to your livelihood.

Call upon these energies to help you and the essence of this moon will assist you in so many ways. Allow your transformation to begin as you are being assisted in many ways to accept it to be.

I Am Master Djwhal Khul at your service.

Integrative Channel: Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden

Walking Terra Christa is holding a special ceremony and meditation to celebrate Wesak with the Masters in Shamballa on May 10th, 2017 at 10 AM Pacific. For details on how to join this journey meditation or utilize it in your own time, please see WESAK FESTIVAL OF LIGHT.

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Lord Kuthumi: The Opportunities of World Invocation Day


A channeled message from LORD KUTHUMI,
by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden

Rare Opportunity for Acceleration ~ Festival of Humanity/Goodwill

Greetings, My fellow Initiates of the Ascended Mastery Pathway,

I come to you as Lord Kuthumi on this day to express some thoughts on the upcoming energies of World Invocation Day otherwise known as the Festival of Humanity or Goodwill. This event will be occurring within the Full Moon of Gemini on May 21st, 2016. We, of the Spiritual Hierarchy, and especially of the Office of the Christ are very excited for the ensuing energies that we will all be experiencing.

This year is very special as the cusp of the way the moon is falling within the sign of Taurus and moving into Gemini means that there are more increased energies that everyone will be experiencing. Many spiritual groups around the world are celebrating this event as Wesak due to Taurus moving into Gemini at the exact time that the full moon is occurring.

This means that the energetic exchange of Wesak continues through this moon and is being merged with the World Invocation Day.

On a cosmic level this is exponentially a rare opportunity in which the two elements of acceleration move into Oneness upon the planet. It also means that the doorways of Wesak are still very much open but yet there is a grounding element that is occurring within the process. The Festival of Humanity represents taking the energy through Wesak and allowing the initiation changes that a student may experience to become a more physical experience. Now this can be very accelerated and cause an individual to not understand what they are feeling through the process. The energy of Wesak pushes each student into the elements that need to be addressed in order to allow for the next higher level of acceleration to be part of one’s reality and existence.

I know that each of you have probably gone through immense changes this year and the last month has resulted in the upheaval of your belief systems in a new and completely different manner than you ever thought you could imagine.

The energetic exchange presently is so filled with many variables of understanding through the Higher Self that it is sometimes impossible to grasp any idea of what is truly happening within your consciousness. This is due to the elements of change being necessary within the earth in order to adjust the consciousness of Gaia’s essence unto the state of humanity.

Change needs to happen and the Festivals of Light during these cycles help to allow those movements of acceleration to come into existence of the planet.

It is a powerful time but within that journey into the higher essence, it can also be very, very challenging. If you are not ready to deal with some of the elements that are arising, it can seem as if you are overwhelmed in all areas of your life. It will manifest itself in your physical self as very confusing and emotionally confusing. This is because you are being re-wired in a new and completely different way.

As Gaia is changing her own subtle bodies, humanity most do the same. There is a shifting of the light within each of the elements that make up the spiritual self. So as Gaia is going through this process each of you individually are doing the same so you can uphold the highest level of initiation and frequency that is available to you through your Higher Self and Physical Body.

There is an overall of all conditions being revamped in a completely and different way.

Those of you that have been used to the accelerations will be asked to do more as you cannot exist in the same way you have done so before. It is literally impossible to walk through the new doorways of the New Earth without the re-wiring effect occurring within each soul. The world is changing in various ways through this accelerated phase of light quotient within Gaia. It is like taking yourself into a battle of the dark and light. You realize that you must address the Light only so you allow the light infractions from that arena of the Light to help disperse the darkness within you.

As you go through this phase, the most important element is to hold unto that Light as that is unchangeable within you. The velocity of the energy does not waiver in any direction. It allows you to hold steady even though it may feel as it is doing just the opposite. It is actually assisting you to change into the higher part of your four-body system. This just means you have to work harder through the process in order to be able to access the fruits of your labor.

So through that shift of consciousness within your feelings and thoughts, the lower forms you have held within you will arise to be purified. The most important element is not to let the lower energy that you were to pull you back into that old existence. It can be debilitating and very uncertain if that happens. It is your responsibility, as the initiate to call upon the energies that you know will help you through this process.

This is what this last month of Wesak has created within your consciousness. You may not be fully aware of all the variables depending on how well you allow your Higher Self to work with you. It may seem as if you are swirling within a circle of energy that seems very familiar but very unpleasant. You just want to step out of it.

You have the power to move out of the old essence, but you must be true to what you believe in within your higher consciousness and the tools that you have learned: working with each of the masters, with the Rays of God, the angels that protect you are just a few of the elements that need to be adhered to.

As we move into the Festival of Humanity/Goodwill, these energies can either be very confusing and overpowering, or you can allow them to be grounded within your physical self. It is your choice in how you want to perceive how you are healing through this process of the Festivals of Light. They are in place to assist you as an Initiate to become the Master and only you can step forward by moving through the changes that need to be acquired.

As we stand together on this festival, we invoke the qualities of the Will of God to become manifested within the physical world. This is done through each of the seven Rays of God within each initiate so that they can become more focused with the desires of their Higher Self unto the Physical Self. You learn to stand as a human fully embodied with the light infractions that have been accepted into your world.

It is your choice in how you want to walk through this next doorway. It is time to become the Beacon of Light and not just by saying it or thinking it. It is about Being the Pillar of Light through all of the four body systems within the physical, the Etheric, the emotional, and the mental. It is time to take responsibility for the challenges you have endured and allow them to become your achievements.

Take time to realize how to invoke your highest essence within your physical essence. Allow these energies to help you know that there is more that needs to be addressed within your full body system. Look at the conflicting energies you are feeling. Don’t let them get the best of you; you get the best of them by commanding your Higher Self and I Am Presence to assist you in creating the next level of light within you through this process.


I now Invoke the Will of Power, with Love, to Create Right Action, within Balance of My Truth, being Devoted to my Spiritual Ideals, to be able to Organize and Build a Strong Foundation for the next step of my journey.

World Invocation Day is the time to allow your experiences to become the manifestation that you desire.

I walk with you for this ceremony of light.

I AM Master Kuthumi at your service.

Walking Terra Christa is holding a special workshop to prepare for the World Invocation Day Festival of Humanity Ceremony. The 2-day Distance Learning Workshop is on Friday, May 20th and Saturday, May 21st with Lord Kuthumi, Lord Saint Germain, Master Djwhal Khul and the Lady Masters Portia and Nada as well as others. CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS.

We are holding THE WORLD INVOCATION DAY FESTIVAL OF HUMANITY/GOODWILL Ceremony on Sunday, May 22nd at 10:00 AM Pacific to connect with the Spiritual Hierarchy for a special celebration to ignite the energies of Goodwill. This is a free open event where we request donations from those who are able. If you cannot also attend the Workshop, we hope you will join us on Sunday for the Ceremony.
Sunday 5/22: 10am PDT – Dial (605) 562-3140, Use Access Code: 405260#. 

© 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and THIS  IMPORTANT BUTTON LINK: WE NEED YOU! PLEASE VISIT IAMTHE144.ORG IF YOU LOVE THE EARTH AND WANT TO HELP RAISE THE PLANET’S VIBRATION!

Kaleidoscope of Cosmic Blessings ~ Divine Mother Father God

klaideoscope of colors1

This written transmission of the Cosmic Great Central Sun of the Divine Mother and Father God was shared Live in the Clarion Temple of Oneness on May 2, 2016. The Cosmic Great Central Sun gave a special heart-felt message about Prince who passed away in late April 2016.

Greetings, Greetings My Dearest Beloveds,

I am Yamteleus, the spokes-being for the Clarion Temple of Oneness.

I am so happy to be with each of you. The energies within the temple for the last few weeks have been very powerful with the Wesak energies we are all experiencing on the inner and outer plane. It is a beautiful time to see how each of you are getting through your challenges and understanding of the higher realms. I think tonight with Divine Mother Father God they will be bringing forth a new aspect of themselves that has not been brought forth previously due to Meleriessee’s initiation levels and her ability to tap into the higher light quotients. I think it will be a very beautiful experience so let’s get started.

Thank you for being with us. Namaste!

Blessings of the Angelic Hosts:

{Divine Language Light Encoding}

We are the angels of all the principalities, and we come tonight to present the energies for Divine and Mother Father God but to also connect with each of you, are comrades upon the Earth, the Angels upon the Earth, as you bring forth the sensitivity the love, the experiences of eternal movement of light, within your hearts and allow it to flow within you to bring the peace and the divinity of light that you truly are on the higher levels to come into your physical experience.

We are honored to be here this evening as we bring forth those elements of light through this glorious temple with all its colors and the frequencies that represent the Cosmic Great Central Sun. We now open up the energies to their existence and we thank you for opening up your hearts.


I AM that I AM that I AM

I AM the Divine Mother and the Divine Father of the Cosmic Great Central Sun, the Heart and the Will of God, in the integration of the Great Central Sun, of the Cosmic Frequency of Light, and unto each of you in these moments.

Our role this evening is to extend to you more of what you desire to be, to bring forth the higher vibrational essences that you have received since the Wesak energies and continuing this month which allows the particles of light to infiltrate within your physical essence for you to accept yourself in a new and completely different way than you have previously. Allow this extension of your Higher Presence to be more fully within your physical existence through your breath, through the energies that we bring forth in the temple this evening. It is a glorious moment in time as we see so many willing to stand tall and accept themselves es into a completely different arena of experience than they have in previous timelines. That is what is happening upon the earth presently.

Since the Wesak energies there has been an opening of the grid to allow more transformation to occur. We thank Lady Portia and the Elders of the Violet and Purple Flame of the Cosmic level to be ignited.

We also have to thank a certain soul that left the plane because he did ignite this energy. You know him well as PRINCE. We know him as a soul inhabited within a physical body that brought forth great challenges, but what happened through his own essence was his truth that was ignited as he left the physical plane. It is not the extension of his life as it was and what he brought forth, but the people that honored him and listened to his music. That allowed the Violet/Purple flame to become more embodied within the earth.

As we know we are no coincidences of any form or any kind so it allows those individuals, especially very unawakened souls, to receive those light infractions within them without knowing that their consciousness has been ready for it. Their higher consciousness is coming into their physical consciousness. So it was a raw beginning to assist in that process, and it is wonderful.

We want to thank his soul for what he did achieve upon the earth. We know he had many challenges that he had to deal with but through his music he was able to bring forth the essence of his soul.

We honor PRINCE tonight within the Temple so that he can heal from the particles that were not in those light infractions just as any soul has to do.

We want to thank each of you that participated in the energies as it is continuing through this month intensely as many spiritual groups are celebrating Wesak in the next full moon. So what each of you have been part of is the new precedence of allowing those energies to come through you first and foremost upon the Earth to prepare the rest of humanity. Not only are you extending these energies within yourself, but it is flowing outwardly through you.

Our goal is this evening is to bless you for the work that you are doing for the frequency of light you are bringing forth so that many others can feel the same. It is very sad that in one individual person as in Prince had to leave the planet for others to receive, but this is the exchange of energy that occurs within the frequencies of light through this Earth to the Universal structures into the Cosmic levels to allow the frequency to change from the Violet to Purple. It will allow both of them to meld together which represents the Feminine and Masculine Divine coming into Oneness.

So I ask each of you to look into your heart.

How does that feel for you individually?

How does it feel to bring forth the Feminine and Masculine together in that core essence that you are?

Think about your chakra grid, think about your central canal of energy, and that channel of light that you bring through your breath into your Soul Star in your physical structure. Allow that energy to really feel the blessing and to relax, each of you; because many of you, if not all of you, have been challenged by certain elements during this time. There is so much debris that is being removed that the energy systems are being overloaded with these moments of darkness that are purging out of micro-organisms through the cellular structure of the earth, through the elements. You may not even know the result of this for several months because the process is on-going. It brings forth those energies within yourself in a completely different manner.

So we ask each of you to breathe deeply through this process, as both of us of the Heart and the Will of God, bring forth that essence of oneness, bring forth the compatibility, bring forth the extension of the feminine of the heart and the blessings, the intuitive sense, the nurturing and the love, and the ease and grace with the Masculine of that Will of that Strength and understanding that process.

This allows those two elements to come together within your heart to bring forth those energies. Within the next full moon it is going to be even more powerful of what you are feeling with the masculine and the feminine.

We want this energy to now intertwine almost like a spiraling vertical light within you. So it circles within your consciousness, within whom you are becoming, and allowing the circling energy to assist you within what you are experiencing.

It is important to take time such as this to allow yourself to relax and bring in the energies; to let elements happen as they will and not be so concerned in how it should occur or what you should be thinking about, or what you should be processing. It is very important throughout your day to take time like this and to sit back and allow the energies to assist you.

Allow yourself to blend within those frequencies as you become One within that essence that you are.

So we bring this unto you in these moments within the colors and colors that are in the Temple with the Goldens, the Blues, the Greens, and the Purples, the White, the clear essences, along with the Pearlescent with lighter colors blending together creating a collage of beautiful energies coming within you as you become part of all the rays. As you become part of your own extension of light, as you become part of this essence you desire to be.

We take a moment and allow the Language Of Light to bring forth this essence to you, to assist you in that relaxation. It is very important. Relaxation can take you into another space as you feel yourself relaxing so much that you go into the ethers, the beyond creation. That is okay but sometimes you need to be aware so you have to concentrate within your breath so that you allow the merging of your Higher Essence within your Physical Essence. This is so the higher mind merges with the personality and makes those necessary changes of balance to come within your existence as a physical being.

{Divine Language Light Encoding}

Now the spiraling lights of the multi-colors spinning within your Central Canal gets wider and wider so it moves through your physical essence, into your bodily functions through all the organs, the muscles, the tendons, the brain waves, your spinal column and it becomes larger and larger. Then the Earth Star and the Soul Star blend out of you as you become intertwined within the spiraling light. It is inside of you but also outside of you. As it spirals within, it is just like a kaleidoscope of multi-colors blending within you. It moves into your physical body.

Remember what we are bringing forth is a BLESSING.

We want you to feel your own depth of what you have experienced and have gratitude for what you are going through. It now moves into your Emotional Body so that it becomes the FEMININE Divine until you fully access your femininity of the physical self and allow it to be a predominant factor; it is not the Feminine Divine, it is just an emotional body. When it is within the lower form, that is what it is within the emotional level.

So we bring the higher essence and allow it to spin within your Emotional Body, then into the Mental Body. The MASCULINE DIVINE can be more predominant. So you move the energies of arrogance, lack of understanding, trying to figure things out to be blessed by this light of the multi colors. Now it is spinning outside of you, yards and yards of light frequencies around you.

Breathe all that into your Heart as you become part of this entire experience from the outside along with all the aspects of the body as it moves to the inside of your essence within your physical conditioning. Breathe into that.

Feel the blessing that we give unto you on this day. Feel the acceptance that is you. Feel the power that is you. Feel the Love that is you. Feel the light and attract that to you with each breath, with each movement, with each element.

As you become your highest essence into the physical essence it expands out of you so that the creation of your light becomes stronger and stronger and stronger. This means your ability to have abundance through every thought, through every feeling, through every movement that you bring forth is yours. It is Yours and you feel the blessing that we give to you in this moment of the Heart and Will of God to come fully within you. Feel it stronger, feel it become you. It is no longer outside of you and you feel your Masculine and Feminine inside. They feel the connection within each other as this essence starts to become you. Hold it to you and allow it to be.

We now bring forth this essence unto the earth.

Extend it from the highest frequencies of light as we sit in this temple of the 36th dimension as we slowly allow the spinning of our spiraling kaleidoscope of colors to move down through your Earth Star as it centers through the structures of the multi-universes. As it moves into the Galactic energies, it cleanses and purifies Solar Systems and movements of planets, as it takes this energy deeper into the core of Gaia and allows her to feel this frequency of light. As it blends within her, she becomes the spiraling light. It moves inside of her and outside of her so humanity can feel these effects that we are projecting unto ourselves.

I ask you now not to think about the Gratitude that you have for Gaia, but the gratitude for yourself to be able to tune into these energies, to be part of this frequency of light because you are that PILLAR OF LIGHT, you are that SOURCE. Right now you are internally and externally being that source of light.

Now come back into your consciousness of yourself, of your Heart, and feel the blessing you are to yourself. Allow it to spin within you, to relax you, to become you so that you can fully access your Divinity of Light that you are in the full spectrum of allowing all elements of all dimensions to assist you in the process of your physical dimension, of the reality that you are, that the gravity you have within you to become that Purification, to become that Light.

We ask you now to blend within this.

What does it feel like for you?

What does the purest essence of the light bring unto you now?

Unto you now and expand that essence through every element you are experiencing in the sensations of your body, in the sensations of relaxation, in the sensations of your emotions of what you are feeling, and those thoughts.

Now you become your Divine Mind. This is the Super Conscious.

Allow the Super Consciousness to blend into the Subconscious and your Physical Consciousness so that the Three Minds come together as one. Within this process you become the Divine Being that You Are. Embrace yourself with the ability to accept it into your own consciousness of light. It may take some time to get used to it. It will come, it will come.

We extend these energies to fully ground it in the Divine Light that you are, you call upon the spectrums of the colors of the 330 rays of God to be fully be within you, through you, in all frequencies in light and in all understanding of all that you feel and sense. Become this essence within yourself, be this process of light that you are.




{Divine Language Light Encoding}

Breathe and feel the exchange of energies assisting you, feeling the blessing of your Higher Essence unto your Physical Self. Allow it to intertwine within you; allow it to be you. Be One within this essence as you become the Heart and the Will of the Divine Essence You Are. You become the Goddess and the God. You become all things in creation.

We extend to you now the Platinum Flame of the 22nd Ray to infuse within each of you, to assist you in the balance of the creative process of your Masculine and Feminine to come into the Unity, to come into your heart, to be one within you as in all things should be.

Breathe deeply and allow it to be grounded all the way through you, as you become this Essence. Practice this; the more practice the more you will experience it. Allow yourself to go through the doorway of your own blessing unto yourself.

In the Light of the Christ We are,

So Mote It Be,

Let it Be, Let It Be,

It is done my Dearest Ones

It is done as we become One;

We are the Divine Mother and the Divine Father God of the Cosmic Great Central Sun.

I AM that I AM that I AM

I AM that I AM that I AM

I AM One with Each of You.

Join Walking Terra Christa on Saturday, May 7th, 2016 at 12:30 PM Pacific as we connect with Lord Adonis. He brings for a special dispensation of the Divine Heart of the Universe offering an attunement of Cosmic Transference Light Encodement. To join live or via MP3 audio recording click OPENING THE COSMIC HEART

© 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and THIS  IMPORTANT BUTTON LINK: WE NEED YOU! PLEASE VISIT IAMTHE144.ORG IF YOU LOVE THE EARTH AND WANT TO HELP RAISE THE PLANET’S VIBRATION!

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