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Peace of God shared by Lord Sa Na Kumara of the Venusian Flame

Ruby Red Gold Venusian Flame PeaceLord Sa Na Kumara is the Keeper of the Ruby-Gold-Purple Venusian Flame representing the Peace of God.  

Lord Sa Na Kumara comes to us with quite a history. He lived many lifetimes learning the lessons of God and sometimes it was not easy and sometimes he said it was quite fun.  He loved the times when he was a monk and he worked with the Tibetan people. He is very close to Master Djwhal Khul.  He was taught by Djwhal quite a bit on how to understand life.

Lord Sa Na Kumara has walked with many Masters and it has been a requirement for him to do so.  He did not know how to acquire peacefulness within himself.  As we look at peace, we want peace in the World, but each individual soul upon the planet does not incorporate that peace within themselves.  We cannot ignite peace, so Lord Sa Na Kumara is here to assist us to find those dark places within us so that they can be fully opened to receive peace.

The aspects of this Ray represent:

Inner Truth, Tolerance, Serenity, Balance, Common Sense, Great Sacrifice of the Self, Developing our Inner Devotion, Assisting with Strong Intuition, Being in a Flow of Life as it is directed through the Source of Light

So let’s take a deep breath and we will bring his energies into the space.  Feel the fluidness of the Purple, the Gold, and Ruby.

Greetings!  It is I, Sa Na Kumara.  It is my pleasure to be here with each of you here in the garden as all of my colleagues have been talking about how wonderful this beautiful circle is and every one is so honored to have your presence at this time.

Let us all take a deep breath and I want you to feel the Essences of the Purple, the Gold, and the Ruby as they blend within each other.  They are not really separate colors.  There is a mixture of these colors spinning within them.  Feel that Essence coming in through the garden now as it emits these beautiful colors and allow it to come into your Heart center, into your Solar Plexus, and all parts of yourself that there may be hidden aspects that you have not fully looked at.

It is very, very important that we understand that we have been the dark and that we have been the Light that those pathways have molded who we are today.  As each of you stand here with myself, it is my deep pleasure to fully connect with your Essences because you truly are walking this pathway of allowing these beings of Light to guide you into your own experience from your past, to allow them to be ignited, to have the realizations within yourself that you are a Divine Being of Light, and allow that peacefulness to fully come within you.

So it is really important to reflect within yourself in the next few moments.  In order for us to really manifest our desires, we must be very strong in all aspects of ourselves as you are learning.  This takes great sacrifice because you fully have to look within you and see things that possibly you have not wanted to acknowledge previously.

In this moment I ask of you to just breathe deeply and feel the Essence of this beautiful Ray, this beautiful Flame coming within you to see your inner truth.  It is the first thing that we are going to step into because in order for us to receive the Peace of the Light of the Essence of the God Force and the Creative Source of Oneness, we allow these Essences to blend within the four body system.

Allow the Masculine and Feminine Divine to be very active and to open up any thought processes or remembrance to help you get through a moment of reflection.  Breathe deeply and feel the Essence of the beautiful Purple, Gold, and Ruby exhibiting within.

You have that breath coming within you, you start to feel particles receiving this peace.  Connect with the parts that cannot receive the peace to really expand that energy within us.  If you have a moment of remembrance allow this flame to go right to that memory, allow it to go to that reflection immediately as I am just extending this to you.  That is good.

Now let us fully receive the inner peace that we deserve as we stand here in this beautiful garden of the 144th Dimension of the Creative Source of Oneness.  Allow the Essences in this space to fully incorporate within you.  Feel the beauty that you are.  Feel the expression of your Divine Beingness fully manifested in your physical body at this time.  Ah!  Feel the blessings, feel the blessing of your own Essence being activated fully – your Higher Self, your Monad, your I AM Presence and the Source that We Are All together.  Let us feel that communion fully within the physical existence.  Think of these words.

I AM a Divine Being of Light.

I AM the Peace of the Light as I infuse the Purple, the Gold, and the Ruby fully within my Being.  It moves to areas that need it the most.

I allow it to go into my Etheric Body to remove all pockets that have been lost and allow all to be revealed.  As it does, the Essence of these colors now blend within those little doorways and passageways that I have not wanted to look at.  Now all the doors are open so that I can feel the Peace that I AM.

Breathe deeply and allow those Essences to fully be within you because it is your Divine Right of this Being of Light to accept all these Essences within you.  Feel the depth of your Highest Essence, your Higher Self giving you your inner truth.

What is your inner truth in this moment?

Expand it into your thought processes, expand it into your emotions, and allow it to be all of you as you express it through your entire full body system, through all the Chakras, through all the colors that you incorporate it in your Essence.  It is your Masculine and Feminine Divine, your full body system, your spiritual body as One.  As the spiritual body and those Essences are now being healed through this Flame it brings in the peace that you are.

Ah!  Feel the peace and expand it within you as you receive the AH and just receive that Essence of the AH within you.  It expands within you and allows you to fully feel the Essences of your Light and command these thoughts within yourself.

I now have my Inner Truth.  I see it, I see the passageway and all the doors opening.  I see the Power that I AM.  Part of it I have not wanted to see, but now the Ruby, the Purple, and the Gold are blending within it so now it is fully dissipated of the darkness that I have experienced in many timelines.

I now have Tolerance and within that I bring Serenity.  I feel a serene and balanced Essence within me as my Higher Mind is now activated fully within my body.

I see the sacrifices that I have made to get to this moment and I will continue with that drive because I know it will allow me to have the Inner Devotion I am desiring.

I AM Peace.

I AM Serenity.

I AM Joy.

I AM the expression of God’s Light in all that I AM.

Feel that now.  Now feel your intuition becoming stronger because it is coming from your Higher Mind and not from your physical self.  Allow it to be embodied in all parts of you, feel it now, feel the love being sent to you from the Source of Light as we all come together to feel that union within each other.

What is it that you desire?  Because now it is within your reach as you have the peace and you have gone through all these beautiful Flames to create the Divinity within your world.  There is nothing that you cannot achieve as long as you stay in this Essence.  It is all of you, all parts of you as you are the Multi-dimensional Being of Light.  Expand that within you and now see what you desire and fill it with the Gold, Ruby, and the Purple.  Hold it within your hands.

What is it?  Even if your desire is not of a physical nature (emotional balance, love, serenity) and you are looking for this Essence to be fully within you, accept it to be.

If it is tangible, see it, and allow your Third Eye to be completely open now as your Higher Mind and your Higher Heart are the ruling Essences within your Being.  Then take that and put it into your Heart and blend it with the Ruby, the Gold, and the Purple as it is you, it is your expression.  This is your Essence fully integrated within the Being that you are.

Now we commune with each other because now we are fully in a position to fully allow the Essences to be within Oneness.  This is how we create Oneness.  It must be Oneness of our Multi-dimensional Self and then it can expand out of us for us to share with others.

It cannot happen until we allow what we have experienced to show us the lessons we have learned, accept the challenges that we have gone through, in order to receive the rewards that we deserve.

It is my Divine pleasure as Lord Sa Na Kumara to fully be with each of you.

Namaste, Love and Blessings.

This was a presentation during our free weekly call, Abundance of Light-Creating Prosperity Together.  You may join us Saturday’s 10 AM Pacific by registering via

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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January 14th, 2014 ~ Unity Number is “4”

Unity Number4Today is January 14th, 2014 and the number “4” is represented by the Science of Numerology.


This number represents hard work where desires can be manifested into reality.  Keywords are:  self-disciplined, organization, preparation, discipline, diligence, and perseverance.

The energies of today can reflect many meanings.  If we look at how we see the number “4” with 1-14-2014, it adds up to “13” before we narrow it down to “4”.  “13” represents synchronization of allowing energies to come into focus so that there is a flow to what you are experiencing.  Ideas will come into our consciousness and some may stay or others leave.  Allow the fluidness of this day to be your guide.

Then we look at the single digit of “4” and what it can show us for the energies on this day.  We take what we have learned through this cycle of bringing forth 1-1-1 with the Portal of Light.  What changes occurred within your consciousness since that day on the 11th of January?  The energetics on the 13th of January will be how to balance the changes within the physical world.  In order to make changes we usually have to make room for the effect of the transition to occur.  Take time to understand what is working and not working within your world.  This includes the tools that you are using.

Then you take that energy and ground it more deeply within your existence.  This is a very good day to start a new program; sit down and organize your thoughts and ponder how it is going to affect your life.  Make a plan on what you want to create and then allow it to become manifest within your present experience.  This is how the manifestation starts by planning and testing out how you are going to create the change you are looking for in your life.

The last thought we want to share with you is the day of “14” with the year of “14”.  It represents the Grounding Oneness or Unity with a double intensity.  Now that your idea has been flowing, and the process of organizing it into your physical world can be grounded through the process of Oneness.


As you can see, this is a very powerful day in which there is a flow between the numbers and the energies that are being expressed into GAIA.  Utilize all of them to see how your life can change with all its perspectives through your Higher Mind into your physicality.


The Unified Whole Command of Many Beings of Light

Comprised of Master Thoth, Great Divine Director, Master Einstein

The Brotherhood of White Light with the Spiritual Hierarchy and Angelic Realm in Oneness

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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January 13th, 2014 ~ Unity Number “3”

Unity Number for TodayToday is January 13th, 2014 and the Unity Number is “3”.  


This number represents enjoyment and a sunny disposition.  It is a day to have fun, be sociable, friendly and reach out to another person with your Light.  Keywords include:  jovial, having fun, adventurous, and self-expressive.

Take time on this day to celebrate yourself for the achievements you have made through the last two days.  We know that stepping into these powerful activations can sometimes cause issues to arise that need to be rectified.  That is why the world is being affected so deeply by the light accelerations coming into GAIA.

What would you like to do on this day?  Yesterday’s number represented the ability to step into your mastery in a new level.  Look at how you achieved a new part of yourself to be expressed and now show it to others.  First, inspire your physical body for accepting the light infractions by showing a deep sense of accomplishment through the challenges of yesterday.  Today, create a ceremony for yourself.  Look at your old self and see how you have stepped into a new power of light by acceptance.

It is important to understand what you are going through in the small moments so you can see the accomplishment of many moments together.  Sometimes, as humans, you forget and then become very hard on yourself in the process.

Be adventurous and do something different for yourself.  Show the depth of your essence that you are tapping into during your meditations and accept the new-found Being that you are becoming.  Look to the sun of Helios and Vesta as they watch over each of you with their vibrancy.  Let it permeate through your entire Beingness.

Yes, there is more to come, but today is a day to enjoy the fruit of your labors.  You deserve it.  Embrace the Light and let it shine to another.  Call a friend in need so they can see the beautiful light that they are.  They will be thankful that you did, and so will you.

EMBRACE THE LIGHT YOU HAVE BECOME.  We embrace each of you.

The Unified Whole Command of Many Beings of Light

Comprised of Master Thoth, Great Divine Director, Master Einstein

The Brotherhood of White Light with the Spiritual Hierarchy and Angelic Realm in Oneness

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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January 12th, 2014 ~ Unity Number “11”

Unity Number for TodayToday is January 12th, 2014 and the Unity Number is “11”. 


The number 11 is a higher vibration of “2” which represents a Master number.  It is on this day that doorways can open to allow for the higher pathway to be ignited within our journey.  It is a day to allow your creative manifestation to be grounded within your world.  Keywords are:  intuition, mastery, universal consciousness, tolerant, accepting, and being steadfast.

On this day of the 12th of January in 2014 it represents the Portal of Light from 1-11-14 to continue within each soul’s essence to become more manifest.  “11” represents the ability to walk like a mastery which is a powerful number in itself.  11 = 1 + 1 so it is a double expression number of Oneness.

Take the opportunity today to understand the energetics of the Portal of Light from 1-1-1 that was ignited into GAIA, but most importantly within your.  Take time to reflect what mastery means to you in this moment.  We have a lot of esoteric teachings that represent mastery but it is time to look within your own self-journey and how to master the energies within yourself more deeply.

It is another powerful day to allow your Higher Self to guide you on a much deeper level than before.  The surge of light that you experienced yesterday should now flicker within your consciousness.  These times of light exchange from the Creative Source are but a mere doorway for you to look deeper within yourself.  Check to see how you start your day, what spiritual tools are you using, and does it align with your Higher Self.  Call upon him/her to help you though the process. Stop the inner chatter of the lower mind but just asking your Higher Self to be with you.  Take time to tap into your Inner Wisdom by accessing your Higher Mind to help you through the process.  Speak to him or her as if they are standing right next to you.  You might be surprised what you experience.

It is a beautiful day and each of you has changed in some way even if you are unaware of it.  Allow the reflection of your world to be a mirror of what you are experiencing.  Step into your power of Light with the Universe supporting you.  Whatever you change today will mold your journey into the next step of your acceleration.  Take time to make the necessary changes within your higher mind and then let them to be manifest within your physical world.  It is a very powerful day to to allow the magic to flow within your creative self to shine in its highest light and creation from the Light Being You Are.

Blessings for a wonderful “11” experience.

The Unified Whole Command of Many Beings of Light

Comprised of Master Thoth, Great Divine Director, Master Einstein

The Brotherhood of White Light with the Spiritual Hierarchy and Angelic Realm in Oneness

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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January 11, 2014 ~ Representing “1”

Unity Number 1Today is January 11th, 2014 which is the number  “1” in the Science of Numerology. 


This day represents New Beginnings and starting a new cycle.  It is a strong vibration represented by the following keywords:  Independent, Creative, Original, Ambitious, Determined, and Self Assured.

On this day it is time to reflect what you learned from the previous cycle and step into your new world of consciousness that you are exhibiting within yourself.  What did you learn from the previous time period.  Acknowledgement your accomplishments, reflect on the challenges so that you can learn through this phase of your journey.

On this day, of January 11th it represents a power essence.  If we reflect on the energies of 1-11 there is a portal of light that will be ignited through Oneness.  It is a perfect time for realignment of your inner self as it represents your experience of your higher essence blending within the physical reality.  Take time on this day to step into a new doorway of opportunity as we are sharing with you our essence of excitement for a new cycle.

Look to your clocks and see how often you see 11 on this day; at the time of 1:11 take time to fully reflect into your new doorway of light that is being offered.  The portal of light on this day is taking you into a new powerful moment of change as you allow the blending of your Heart to be One with All That You Are.  Look to messages from the GAIA to assist you in the process along with the energetics of the Sun and the Moon with all the starships that are showing you their existence is real in your world.

You are ONE within yourself on this day.  Allow it to enfold within you so the next phases of this cycle will represent the New Beginning that you want to experience within your journey.

We are ONE with each of You.  Join us in the completion of the light we are together.

The Unified Whole Command of Many Beings of Light

Comprised of Master Thoth, Great Divine Director, Master Einstein

The Brotherhood of White Light with the Spiritual Hierarchy and Angelic Realm in Oneness

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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January 10, 2014 ~ Unity Number “9”

Unity Number 9Today is January 10th, 2014 which signifies the number “9” in the science of numerology.

 It represents being the teacher as it stands to reflect completion of what you have experienced in the present cycle.  It is a sympathetic vibration and is a perfect time to do a ceremony to embrace what you have removed and released to prepare for the next stage of your growth.  Keywords are:  completion, endings, humanitarian, sympathetic, helpful, tolerant, active and determined.  It is a phase of taking what you have learned through the lessons and understanding what they represent in our present awareness.

Today will be a day in which individuals shall see the fruit of their labors.  It has been 10 days into the New Year which has presented the opportunities to be experienced in the essence of “Yes, I have arrived-I may not be where I desire fully but I do see the fruits of my labors.”  Take time to rejoice within yourself during this day of what you have accomplished.

The New Year is always an intense time due to the fact that there is so much talk about resolutions and what you want to create within your world.  We say, do this daily and there shall not shall be great expectations that you cannot achieve.  When you put out there with others that you want to change a certain element in your life, you sometimes can set yourself up for failure due to the peer pressure.  Remember that you are the maker of your destiny and what another thinks about your journey does not matter.  But in the third dimensional world it will affect you.

As you reflected from yesterday’s energy of your success, take this a step further and see the depth of your completion within your own essence.  Breathe deeply; feel the power of what you are feeling and see the changes that you have made.  Then it is time to share with others about your accomplishment of this moment.  Take time to understand the process that you are experiencing and adjust it accordingly to what you are experiencing in this day of endings.  Yes, the old self from yesterday is being rewarded for their ability to move through the challenges of the moment.  That is the energy that you want to embody on this day.

Blessings in the Joy of Oneness,

The Unified Whole Command of Many Beings of Light

Comprised of Master Thoth, Great Divine Director, Master Einstein

The Brotherhood of White Light with the Spiritual Hierarchy and Angelic Realm in Oneness

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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January 9, 2014 ~ Unity Number “8”


Unity Number for TodayToday is January 9th, 2014 which signifies the number “8” in numerology. 


It is a day of great success representing a strong and successful material vibration.  Some of the key words are:  exhibiting ambitious behavior, being practical and able to command in an authoritative but  courageous manner along with having the ability to accomplish tasks in an organized fashion.


It is time to take what you have learned from the previous day representing “7” of accessing your spiritual essence and put it into practice.  What did you experience yesterday?  Can you apply the message given to you from your Higher Self and the Universe and put it into practice?

This is an essential step to allow your intuitive self to guide your physical self into the next courageous step.  It may be something you have never accomplished previously but with this step you have an added foundation to help you stay centered within the world.  If you don’t take the previous experience and apply it to the present conditioning, then you are not allowing your Higher Self to guide you.  You are then moving from the lower self in the old framework of reference.

The more moments of success that you accomplish in your personal world, the better the outcome will be outside of yourself.  What you do in this moment for own pathway is assisting another individual to experience life in a similar fashion.  We can no longer stand independently and not realize that ‘what we do for ourselves, we are doing for others’.  Think about this on this day.  It may be a small action that you need to accomplish.  You will know what it is by continually realizing that your Higher Self needs to be part of your worldly existence for this year.

Success will come to many on this day.  It is part of the Divine Plan but if the human species does not honor it through their own personal gifting to themselves, then the Divine Plan has stumbling blocks.  Honor yourself for your achievements on this day, be the courageous soul that you are, and do something different for yourself.

We honor you for doing so.


The Unified Whole Command of Many Beings of Light

Comprised of Master Thoth, Great Divine Director, Master Einstein

The Brotherhood of White Light with the Spiritual Hierarchy and Angelic Realm in Oneness



©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Unity Number for Today ~ 1/8/2014

Unity Number for TodayIt has come to Walking Terra Christa’s attention through the Unified Whole Command that they want to help individuals to feel the energies of the present day through numerology.  We will give an understanding of the single digit for the day with a special message from the Unified Whole Command.  The first day of the month we will include a message for the present cycle we are stepping into for Oneness.  These messages will be short and concise but hope that individuals will be able to utilize the energies for their personal transformation.

The first part of the message will represent the meaning of the number from a science of numerology; the Unified Whole Command (UWC) will then share their essence from a cosmic understanding of what the number may mean for us in our ascension journey to reach Oneness on a physical basis.

Since we are just starting this blog on “Unity Number for Today” we will include the month.  You may refer to our previous report from UWO on the year of 2014 representing Grounding Unity.

January is signified by the number “1” representing New Beginnings, Rebirth, Being Creative, and taking what we learned from the previous cycle to ground it within our reality.

This first month of the year will be a testing ground to fully understand what you need as an initiate to ground into your world.  2013 represented a year of synchronization but within that experience there were many elements that do not fit for 2014.  These are the parts that need to be acknowledged within each individual soul so that they do not repeat the same mistakes that they endured in the previous cycle.

Since January represents Oneness it will be a time in which each soul should truly reflect on their humble beginnings.  What serves your purpose in this moment to help you understand the journey that you are stepping into presently?  This is the most important question that we can pose for each of you.  Understanding what works and then extending that experience into more of what you are receiving.  Remember, you are starting to allow your Higher Self to be your guide, but not as a separate energy.  It is combined within your four-body system.  Listen to the body, utilize the Rays of God for deep healing as they are the acknowledgement of God’s Light into your world to help you transform the parts that are still weak.  Try to understand from your higher perspective what it is that the physical body needs to accept to allow more to be within you.

Today is January 8th, 2014.  This represents the number “7” in numerology.  Seven is a highly spiritual number.  The keywords of this day represent intuitiveness, activating your third eye, seeing more than the physical world within you, being very introspective, and acknowledging your wisdom.

On this day allow your Higher Self to guide you more deeply than you have previously.  It has been about a week of stepping into the month of January with ‘new beginnings’.  Take time to connect with your Higher Self more than usual.  If you are doing a meditation daily with your higher essence, then expand upon it more deeply.  It is important to understand the reflection between your higher self and your lower self so that they can become one.  Even if you feel you have integrated these energies as one, then go deeper into their essence.

Introspection will be a necessary process on this day.  If you find that you align with these energies, then you are in complete synchronization with the Universal structure that is coming into GAIA.  Be still; listen to the trees that blow in the wind as they have a message for you.  Look to the flying birds to give you a message of your journey.  Do not be just physical on this day as it will cause great dysfunction within your reality.

As each of you goes through this process, the world can be still for just a moment so that the inner chatter can stop and each of us can be within Oneness.  Our moments will blend within each other.  Let this essence be our beginning together as we sit in the silence of the Light of the One.

Each of these reflections of the numerology we will be expanding upon will allow you to go to a deeper place of understanding.  We share this knowledge to help you step into the next phase of your journey with ease and grace.  Be with your Higher Self today so the rest of us can be One with You.

The Unified Whole Command of Many Beings of Light

Comprised of Master Thoth, Great Divine Director, Master Einstein

The Brotherhood of White Light with the Spiritual Hierarchy and Angelic Realm in Oneness


©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Lady Kapila, Venusian Flame Holder of the Science of God

Lady KapilaLady Kapila is the flame holder representing the Science of God of the Venusian Rays, which is the Green essence and is very close to an Emerald Green color.

Lady Kapila spent many years as a Tibetan monk and among many religious organizations so it took her some time to understand what the world meant for her. She said that it defrayed her from her full potentiality if she was to be human once again.  So she was given a chance to work with the Kumaras to help her with all these essences and has been in this position for quite some time. She represents to us these elements of understanding our beginning and this is what the Science of the ray represents in bringing these energies within.

As each of us as an individual can understand our humble beginnings from the source, it helps us to understand our pathway presently and the twist and turns that we have experienced in that pathway. So today as we connect with the Green flame.  It also represents the idea of money that represents growth, it’s about balancing all those aspects within us allowing the manifestation of God’s Light within our pathway so it can be projected to others; our inner truth remembering our beginnings; devotion to the self as a devotion to God’s essence.  Accessing spiritual psychology in this ray will assist in understanding the soul’s development to be fully manifested in our world.   We are God’s Light bringing that Godliness through our essence.

This ray really represents our truths, our beginnings, and our dedication to ourselves to allow these essences to be fully within us. It is also helping us to understand that whatever we desire and want to manifest has to come from the highest source

Take a deep breath as we bring in the essence of Lady Kapila.

Blessings and Greetings! I am Lady Kapila of the Green flame of the Venusian Rays.

I am very, very excited to be with each of you in this beautiful, beautiful garden as we connect with each other in the presence of these energies.  I want you to totally reflect within your own Heart Essence because it is the doorway to the soul’s history to helps us understand why we create certain things, and why we find obstructions in our way to open up the pathways to our desired outcome.

As we breathe deeply within that Heart, we fully reflect with the Masculine and Feminine Divine together.  This is really an important aspect which is something that I had to learn in my own studies since most of my lifetimes had been in a male-oriented role.

It was really important for me to fully embrace my Feminine Divine when I found myself incarnated upon Venus.  Some of you maybe able to relate to the same situation, because it is very, very important to understand what the male and the female aspects bring to us.  When they work separately it creates separation only allowing particles of manifestation to be created; together, when they come together in balance, we can fully allow our manifestation to be created in our world.

I just ask you to breathe within your Heart center and feel the Masculine self and the feminine self as they spin within each other.  Feel their beautiful energies coming together of the Blue of the Masculine and the Pink of the Feminine as they are fluid frequencies blending together as you stir them.  Feel the integration of both of them as you caress them and allow them to be fully within you.

This also takes you in to another part of your creation because when these particles of Light of the Masculine and Feminine are completely in balance it creates a direct line to the source of your Soul’s remembrance allowing that energy to go completely upwards to who you are now into that source of the 144th dimensional frequency through your Higher Self and I AM Presence. I ask you now to reflect upon that within your own consciousness as we open up the doorways for each of you to reflect upon this essence as it blends within you, through you, and then it becomes you.  You become that source, you become that I AM Presence, you become that Higher Self all manifested within the physical creation.

This also allows the Lower Self of the physical body to relax as these essences blend fully within you, because it is your divine right to have the direct connection to God’s Light, that is you.

So as we sit here in this beautiful garden and feel the Green flame assisting us with this creation; feel it blending in all parts of your body, all parts of your mind, and all parts of your emotions.  Your Heart allows the body to relax; if there is any constriction anywhere, use the Green flame as it is spinning around this beautiful garden and allowing us to feel it in a completely different manner then we have ever experienced before.  This allows us to have a complete pathway, a clear pathway to the Source of Light that we are.  This is how you fully accept your devotion with deep healing of love within this essence.  Feel the empowerment that you bring forth and not the physical being that you are from the source the Source of Light That You Are.

Breathe deeply and allow these essences to blend within you as I bring forth these words of truth.

I, as Lady Kapila, bring forth this essence of the Green flame to fully allow all obstructions from the physical self all the way through the Higher Self and the I AM Presence to the Source of Light that you are to be fully removed.  The only essence that you feel in this moment is the Source of the Green flame flowing form the highest level of the 144th dimension coming down into your physical existence through your Antakarana bridge into your Chakra column, into your Heart and expanding it into all essences, expanding it into all parts of your physical structure allowing it to go into the Etheric body, allowing it to go into the Emotional body, and the Mental body so then they become One.

Now feel this essence within your Heart, as you become all of these within the depthness of the Lotus of your Heart as it is expanding with the Green flame as you start to feel your inner truth and say these words unto yourself:

I am a Divine Being of Light fully embracing the Green flame of the Venusians Ray of God.

I call upon Lady Kapila to fully assist me through this frequency of Light to enfold within me.

I now feel my growth.

I feel the healing Love that I am and I deeply see my inner truth from the beginning source that I am just filtering in particles of Light through all the levels of creation that I have been that now fully embraces my physical structure of this moment in time.

I accept the divinity of Light that I am to allow this flame to burn away anything else that does not fit this creative source.

I allow the Light of God to bring forth to me my truth, my inner wisdom, my ability to fully embrace my moment of creation through all the levels that I have experienced into this moment in time.

I diffuse all aspects that are my obstacles.

I allow the flow of energy to be within me like a beautiful plant that is growing within the Earth and it gets higher and hi9gher as it reaches the sun the sun representing the source of Light.

I am all these aspects and I feel it deeply within my heart of the balance that I am of the masculine and feminine self.

Take a moment now and allow yourself to envision your desire.  See it in front of you, hold it within your hands, and allow it to be part of you.

Feel the essence of your desired outcome to fully come within you and take that vision and feel it as if it is something very tangible.  Even if it is intangible, see it coming into your Heart, and feeling it with the balance that you are of your Masculine and Feminine Divine of your I AM Presence as you are One full body of Light.  So the Source of Light That You Are through the Science of God it is now your lineage of Light. There is nothing left that obstructs you; you become one with the source That You Are.

Breathe in deeply and allow the Green flame to infuse within you and say these words unto yourself:

I am now embodied with the Green Flame as Lady Kapila stands with me and allows this essence to assist me in all my endeavors.

I am balanced within my masculine and feminine.

I have all the aspects of my soul in complete harmony.

I create the healing love that I desire, and I understand the process that I must go under.

I learn in each moment as I incorporate the Green flame to create the manifestation of my desires as they become my world and nothing else matters except this essence of the Being That I Am.

Breathe in deeply, feel that, ground it through your Earth Star, ground it through your entire structure, ground it through all the bodies that you are and allow the bodies to receive this Light so that it can now fully relax as you have a beautiful moment of understanding of what you have gone through.

Now the pathway is illuminated with the Green flame of the Light that you are.

I am Lady Kapila at your service.  Please do call upon me; it has been my beautiful desirous moment to connect with each of you in the Light that we are together.

Please call upon me. So Mote it Be. We are One.

This is an excerpt from our weekly free call, “Abundance of Light-Creating Prosperity Together”.  We meet Saturday’s 10 AM Pacific to receive a special message from one of the many Light Beings in the Unified Whole along with stating abundance prayers as we work with each other in group consciousness.  You may  join us by registering on our site:

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Staying Focused in Each Moment ~ Lord Adama’s Discourse for 2014

water sereneHappy New Year to each of you.

2014 will truly represent to each of you the power of your consciousness and how to work within the framework of what you have been trying to achieve through 2013.

This is Lord Adama speaking from the Telosian Command Center.  I am deeply honored to connect with each of you on this fine day.  I want to share thoughts through this year that will help you to acknowledge what you have already been trying to achieve within your physical consciousness.  Focus is the name of the game for 2014, and it is important to continually understand what that may mean for each of you in different moments.

2013 represented a year of extreme highs and lows that would take every soul in a direction towards their own higher essence.  We experienced the beautiful effects of each of the powerful planetary events to help accelerate GAIA and each of you.  As you stand as the Torch Bearers to the New Earth, it is important for you to realize the importance of your own self-worth while learning to project it unto the world.  We all want to be within Oneness, but it must start within your own individual self’s.  This is an element that sometimes can be forgotten as you go through the experience of being human within the 4th dimensional world.

Yes, I say 4th dimension because the planet is still in the state of change to move into a higher consciousness.  You may be accessing a 5th dimensional body at certain times or stepping within your consciousness beyond that existence, but GAIA has not achieved these results so we must take each step as it comes within us and not jump too quickly.  This is exactly what happened in Atlantis and Lemuria as the prophecies became available individuals moved like lightning to create it.  They received the opposite effect which caused the destruction of these continents.

We must look to the consciousness of the world and how it is still very much in a sad state of affairs.  The Lightworker community is still at a minority so it is each of your job’s to stay focused within your own self reality.  When you meditate into the higher realms, you feel the blissfulness and beauty of your soul’s essence.  You want that to be your true self but it cannot happen automatically.  Some souls that are very gifted may have the opinion that they do not need to do any more work; they have just arrived on the planet to help others.  We must realize that if you have chosen to arrive on the upper earth at this time, that there are timelines that need to be healed.  They may not be of the earth’s timelines but they are from other planetary systems.

Through this process each of you are learning more about yourself so that you can help humanity to move into the 5th dimensional arena of light.  We have a lot of work to do and this year it is important to fully take inventory within yourself in a moment-by-moment basis.  This is why I concentrate on the word “Focus”.

We stepped into 2014 very excited about the prospects of the light frequency coming into the planet.  Many individuals are feeling the portals of light that are being accessed into GAIA presently.  This is to help these souls to feel more of their I AM Presence than they have before.  But it is also very important to sit back and reflect within the four-body system what this light is doing to you and for you.  The portals are being activated to help individuals to feel their true essence.  It needs to come within your four-body system to help heal parts that are still out of alignment.  As an initiate of Mastery, the levels of acceleration works through Initiation first, then the Activation stage is experienced (which was 2013), and then Actualization.  This process is for all elements that you are incorporating:  higher rays, higher chakras, initiations, light body acceleration, healing of the emotional and mental bodies, and many more areas.

We have to remember that just because we have arrived in 2014 does not mean that the Light is fully here.  We are in the next stage of the process and each individual will feel it differently depending upon their initiations and grounding the energies.  If you are living in your upper chakras, then you are only feeling a part of the frequencies.  They must be grounded into the lower chakras through the Earth Star.

So again, I speak about “Focus”.  Each moment will be different for each of you and it is imperative to understand what you are experiencing through the initiations, activating the portal of light, so that it can be fully grounded within you.  Your Higher Mind needs to be accessed within this process of Light.  If you are still dealing with lower frequencies, then your Higher Self is not the guiding energies.  You are being controlled by your Lower Self.

All of this is important because what happens during the accelerations is that we receive a heightened awareness within all the senses.  Sometimes we can be tricked to think that we are higher than we are due to the lower ego still being in control of the senses.  We constantly have to take moments of reflection and see where the feeling is coming from in order to fully access our I AM Presence through the process.  We cannot do so until the Higher Self is fully activated within the four body system.  Then we are able to access the higher bodies of Light.

My goal in sharing this information is to help you understand the process that we are all undergoing with the acceleration of GAIA in our existence.  Each step is important, and we must be fully aware of all the elements we are dealing with.  This is why it is important to understand your own energies from the perspective of your lower self and higher self.  Do not be fooled by something that is shown to you as it may not be your true reflection.  Delve deeply within your own essence each day to see where your focus should be in those particular moments.  Allow yourself to be within the silence.

As you understand what you are receiving, then expand it out of your awareness into GAIA.  Allow your field to expand way beyond of where it is now.  This is how we are going to make the necessary changes in the planetary fields for others to receive.  Each step of 2014 will take us into deeper levels so it is important not to get too far ahead of ourselves in the process.  This will only cause the energies around us to expand in a very dysfunctional way which is what the Earth has experienced since the sinking of Atlantis and Lemuria.

Breathe deeply, utilize the Rays of God to expand those essences within you, and then allow them to flow through you like a beautiful breeze on a mountaintop.  It is always important to understand your inner self and what you are projecting outwards to the world as there may be something that you are sending out that still needs healing within yourself.

Walking as a Telosian takes great diligence and foresight of whom we are within ourselves.  We share this knowledge to assist each of you as it is an important facet of creating the New Earth.

We walk with each of you in beauty and grace.

In Divine Essence, I AM Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos

©2012-2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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