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March 2nd, 2014 ~ Unity Number “3”

Unity Number 3In the Science of Numerology the number “3” represents the vibrations of communication and self-expression. 

It reflects enjoyment of your achievements and is considered a manifesting energy.  It represents the Trinity of Body-Mind-Spirit allowing for the entranceway of One’s Divinity to become manifest within their physical existence..  It is also a sign that you are being guided by the Ascended Masters.  Keywords are: adventure, inspiration and creativity, humor, optimism and joy, spontaneity, expansion, growth and abundance on the physical, emotional, mental, financial, and spiritual levels

Today’s number is derived from 32/5/7/12 = 3; 32 represents the Ascended Masters assisting with harmony, balance, and allowing the flow of life to be within you; 5 is the number of life changes and transformation of allowing the unexpected to happen; 7 is the higher essence of spiritual, enlightenment, and being guided into a higher way of living; 12 represents unity and allowing the old to be purged into the new with the flow of energies within your world.  As you can see, the “3” of this day is power packed with changes and moving forward into your next creative cycle with the energies of self expression while being guided by the higher structures of the Universe.

Today is the day to allow your energies to move into the next cycle of transformation through your communicative skills.  This can be in writing or verbally.  Take time to allow the flow of life to be within you as you experience the new essence of your divinity to be expressed in your physical world.  Transformation is the name of the game but sharing with others what it has meant to you is also very important.

Sometimes we do not realize that if we stop the flow of communicating and expressing who we are that the flow of life ceases to be expressed in the higher essence.  Your soul wants to express how you feel about elements in your life.  You are changing in the process; allow yourself to understand what the power of this number represents on this day in March.  If you want to be in oneness, all aspects must come into alignment.  There is no other way it can be done.

Take time today to see how you are transforming and allow the energies to help you express it through your physical body.  It is a day of re-awakening upon the planet.

In the Creation of Oneness,

We Are The Unified Whole Command of Many Beings of Light

Comprised of Master Thoth, Great Divine Director, Master Einstein

The Brotherhood of White Light with the Spiritual Hierarchy and Angelic Realm in Oneness

Note:The definitions of science of numerology with the keywords are excerpted from http://numerology- thenumber sand their  The remainder of this post is channeled material from the Unified Whole Command through Rev. Christine Meleriesse.

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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March 1st, 2014 ~ Unity Number “11”

Unity Number 11In the Science of Numerology the number “11” represents Mastery in all forms.  It brings forth illumination of the Higher Self working within the Lower Self. 


This is a day in which tasks can be accomplished in a much easier manner than other numbers as it allows us to step into a doorway of opportunity.  It may include some challenges in the form of a “test” to see if the Lower Self is ready to accept the next step into ascension.  Keywords are:  Master Teacher, illumination, enlightenment, inspirational, spiritual awakening and enlightenment, high energy, idealism, inspiration and intuition, and being a visionary.

Today is also the 1st day of the month so we want to look at those energetic exchanges of 3/7 (2014) equaling “1”.  In numerology this will be a very powerful month as the guidance that you are receiving is directed from our (Unified Whole Command) essence to allow you to step into Oneness.  It is important to understand that the experiences you had in February are all molded within your consciousness so that you can be more attuned to your higher essence and allow those energies to be grounded within you.  March will definitely be a very powerful month in which you can fully allow your Higher Essence to be your guide in all areas of your life.

The sum of “11” is derived from 31 = 4/7 = 11; 31 represents growth and expansion with the assistance of the Ascended Masters which is a powerful number of manifestation; 4/7 is a number of productive energies shown in the qualities of “4” representing Divine Order with the combination of “7” of spiritual awakening and enlightenment.  This then takes us to the Mastery Number of “11” in which doorways and opportunities are fully opened to allow what you have worked through to be fully created within your life.

This first day of March will prove to be very advantageous to you as long as you listen deeply within yourself and look at the signs that are appearing in your life.  When a person does not pay attention, they will loose sight of their experiences whether they were in a positive note or a transition from the dark into the light.

You are becoming the ascended master.  Do you know what this means to you?  Go deep within and see for yourself what that statement represents within your four-body system.  Reflect on the physical, the etheric, the emotional, and mental levels.  If they are all working in unison you will know what we mean.  It is when they are separate that the challenges appear as obstructions in your life.  You must take time each day to see the changes that have happened to you in each of the four bodies and not just your emotional or mental levels.

You must remember that when you are purging elements it is igniting from your Etheric Body, the Soul Body that you are that has all the knowledge’s within you.  Notice how you feel about the other three bodies and see changes happening within you both positive and lower.  It is important to acknowledge the lower essences that you have endured because when they cease to exist within you, you will understand yourself on a much deeper level.

The Universe is with you today; start practicing what you know to be true and walk through the doorways of uncertainty.  They are now being opened for you to arrive at your intended destination for this month.

In the Creation of Oneness,

We Are The Unified Whole Command of Many Beings of Light

Comprised of Master Thoth, Great Divine Director, Master Einstein

The Brotherhood of White Light with the Spiritual Hierarchy and Angelic Realm in Oneness

Note:The definitions of science of numerology with the keywords are excerpted from http://numerology- thenumber sand their  The remainder of this post is channeled material from the Unified Whole Command through Rev. Christine Meleriesse.

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Lord Adama’s Discourse – Creation of Light within the Pink Flame

pink heartGreetings!  It is I, Lord Adama, with the Telosian Council of Light.  I welcome each of you into my Heart in this moment.  Thank you so much.  Aluna, Aluna, Aluna.

Let us take the energies of this week and the Pink Flame, to now fully bring forth that essence into all parts of our body.

We talk about the Pink in relation to the Feminine Divine, but how much of it do you incorporate fully into all areas to relax the body, and to let the energies move you into alignment?

This Flame represents Creative and Active Intelligence.  What that truly means is the creation of the Light within the Pink Flame allows the movement of action to occur within your physical existence.  It allows you to see things from your Higher Heart instead of your physical Heart, so you can merge and blend together in order to help the mental mind to be fully illuminated through the Higher Mind.  That is the creative action that occurs through this process.  Of course, it gives us the blending of Compassion, Joy, Love, and Surrender that helps us to move into a higher state of existence instead of the physical existence that can be so predominant upon this Earth.

As you breathe deeply into that essence, what is it that you feel inside yourself presently?

Let it empower you.  Let it shine deeply within you so that you can accept yourself in a completely different consciousness than you have previously.  Feel the relaxation that occurs within your physical body as you continually breathe in this essence and accept more of your Divine Being than you did a moment ago.

We like to utilize the Pink Flame in Telos to assist us when we become argumentative with each other.  Yes, we do have arguments.  Not heated arguments, but we help to control the energies by allowing this Flame to be within us.  So when we have intense meetings, we turn on the Pink Light.  We allow that Essence to be fully within us, so that we will not come from a lower state of existence.  You know what happens when people argue.  They find all kinds of things that can be wrong and thus, the focus of the argument is deterred away from the main element.  All kinds of assumptions can be made in that state.  So it is important to have the realization that you can fully surrender to what it is that you may be arguing about, so that it truly does not matter in the higher consciousness.  What matters is the end result of it, the focus of the argument, what you want to create and why you started the argument.  That way all parties can come together and meet within Oneness.

This is exactly what is happening on the Earth Plane presently.  There are so many different variables.  These variables come in the form of intelligence, feelings and thoughts.  Individuals have opinions, and within that 4th dimensional construct, the 3rd dimensional body that is encased within the Upper Earth erupts into chaos through the process.  Presently, this is what you are experiencing on the Upper Earth.  There are many different ways of thinking and doing things, so the Lower Mind gets in the way of allowing the Higher Mind to fully ascertain the moment and what it truly means to an individual in their experience.  Let us face it, when you experience an element from the 4th dimensional construct or your 3rd dimensional mind, wherever you may be, it becomes limiting.  There is no expansion occurring.

So let us utilize the Pink Flame to bring in that element of Peace and Love.  That is what we are going to be experiencing tonight with Heros and Amora.  It allows the frequency of Light to calm you down.  That is when the Mental Illumination happens, as the physical mental level is no longer in command.  We will be accessing this plane through the Divine Beings of Light; the Elders from the Throne of Grace, overseen by the Cosmic Great Central Sun of the Divine Mother and Father God of the 49th dimensional frequency.  It all filters from that level into the level you are accessing.

This is imperative, because as we are seeing upon the Upper Earth, changes are happening quickly.  More people are awakening.

It is a true fact, but people are in need of assistance.  They have awoken, and they see that there is more to themselves than what they thought, but where do they go for guidance?  How can they help themselves?

Some of the constructive coaching that is done presently is very limited.  It does not bring in these Higher Essences.  I know individuals are not going to be ready to fully understand what a Ray may mean to them, but they know what a color means.  So we have to assist as much as we can by incorporating these energies within ourselves.  This will eventually help having cohesive exchanges with others.  And is that not what each of you wants – To be able to communicate and be free with your communications?  But sometimes the energies you are experiencing may have more precedence than the true element that needs to be spoken about.

So we bring forth the Pink Flame to assist us with balance and the empowerment of the Feminine Essence, as she starts to feel the ability to speak better.  Feel her coming out of her shell as the masculine energy can now do his job in order to assist, not to take over.  This is the process that needs to be done presently.  We need to flow more upon the Upper Earth, and that is why I am very dedicated to sharing this knowledge through Walking Terra Christa via Meleriessee.

If we start to understand from the higher perspective, it will filter into the physical body eventually.  However, you must allow it to be.  And that is how we help others through this process.  At this time, during this week, there are no intense movements I want to share about, because we are on a level of maintaining presently from the Full Moon.  Maintaining represents the ability to step into your power with your Masculine and Feminine Divine at the same level; not one higher than the other, not one lower than the other, but understanding one another.  This is what I wanted to share.  An understanding does not necessarily have to come from your mental mind.

If I reflect this energy unto each of you through Meleriessee, letting the Pink Flame flowing within you, do you feel understanding?

You may not be able to analyze it, because on this level there is no analysis.  There can only be acceptance.  And that is what this flame does for each of us.  It allows us to fully understand through the receptivity of the Feminine Divine and her extending the energy onto the Masculine Divine so that he can fully relax.  That is mental illumination.  We are going to experience it this evening.  The power of these energies is beyond what I can share presently.  Each of you is experiencing it.  Each of you is going through your changes, your initiations, and your tests, but everyone is experiencing it on the level that they are presently standing in.

It takes great diligence to continually allow your Higher Essence to be fully within you.  I embrace you deeply for your consistent movement, but allow this Pink Flame to assist you in the process.  Remember you cannot do it all on your own by just waking up and saying this is what I am going to do; I am going to work with the Rays in this moment.  Feel it instead.  Feel it from your Higher Essence.

What is he or she telling you?

Surrender must fully take place.  Say to yourself “I am no longer in full command, I am working through my Higher Self”.  Do not give the Higher Self all energy – they do not want that.  Your Higher Self wants to become One with you, and that Oneness must occur through the integration and merging with your physical existence.

It is the beauty of allowing the Pink Flame to flow within you and extend it out of you.  We can assist more individuals by working through these processes than we can by picking up the phone and telling someone that they need to do a meditation or they need to do an affirmation.  Expand it out of you through your energetic exchange because your auras are changing as your chakras are becoming more intensified through the higher energies.

We bless you deeply for allowing us to share this information with each of you as it is our divine pleasure to fully come into Oneness with the Upper Earth.

I AM Lord Adama at your service.

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Mastery Tool of the Day

The Heaven on Earth Seal for the Children of Light


There is a permanent seal of protection that is available to all lightworkers (per Dr. Joshua David Stone, Beyond Ascension).

Call forth in meditation Lord Melchizedek, Lord Metatron, and Master Thoth within the Unified Whole Command.  We suggest you open up the energies to the Unified Whole with 000-144-000 Unified Whole Online and then count upwards from 0 through 144 in increments of 10.  (Example:  0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10-20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,110,120,130,140,141,142,143,144).

Within the Unified Whole Command as for the special protective seal to be placed around you in conjunction with your normal tube of Light.  This seal is made up of sacred geometries that are all packed together, such as triangles, circles, diamonds, merkabahs, fire letters, and key codes.  Once they place this sea around you it is automatically and permanently activated for your protection.

In addition ask that these three magnificent beings work with you to make sure it is fully in place for the transition into the New Earth.

This is most unusual as most protection activations must be done on a daily basis.


©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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February 28th, 2014 ~ Unity Number “1”

Unity Number 1This day of “1” in the Science of Numerology represents New Beginnings and starting a new cycle. 


It also represents Oneness as all elements come together to be created within Unity. It is a strong vibration represented by the following keywords:  Independent, Creative, Original, Ambitious, Determined, Courageous, Independent, and Self Assured.

The sum of today’s number is derived from 37 = 10 = 1; 37 is representative of joy, expressing creativity, within your highest consciousness; 10 is a divine compliment of powerful new beginnings with the God Consciousness helping you to become more of what you desire within your world.  All of these combinations are an opportunity to stepping into the unknown with confidence.  The Higher Mind words with the Lower Mind to create success and reaping the rewards of the previous cycle.

Today is not only a “1” day but it is the last day of this month of February.  We have shared that the energies have been represented in a more balanced way of existence.  This does not necessary mean it has been easy.  In order to accept balance you must remove the parts of yourself that reflect just the opposite.  Take time on this day to look back to see how you were able to adjust to the changes you were making.  Embrace yourself for your achievements no matter how small they may be.  They are helping you to mold your foundation.

Then take those energies that you are now accepting as part of your reality as your new foundation as you embrace your new beginning.  Celebrate yourself for the achievements you have made as it will help you to create a stronger base in the way that you exist within your new world.  Today is a new beginning; allow it to enfold within you as you see the New You arriving in your reality.

In the Creation of Oneness,

We Are The Unified Whole Command of Many Beings of Light

Comprised of Master Thoth, Great Divine Director, Master Einstein

The Brotherhood of White Light with the Spiritual Hierarchy and Angelic Realm in Oneness

Note:The definitions of science of numerology with the keywords are excerpted from  The remainder of this post is channeled material from the Unified Whole Command through Rev. Christine Meleriesse.

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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February 27th, 2014 ~ Unity Number “9”

Unity Number 9In the Science of Numerology the number “9” stands for completion with the ending of the previous cycle. 


It is a day to reflect on what needs to be cleared as it is the last symbol before returning to the Unity of “1”.  Keywords are:  leadership, the ability to see clearly, integration, the three worlds – physical, intellectual, spiritual, ability to understand, inborn talents, compulsions, introspection, personal integrity, truth, learning to dissolve ego attachments, and challenges faced in looking for your own wisdom.

Deriving the number “9” is added from the digits 11/7 = 27 = 9; 11 is a master number in which the Universe is at your command for new opportunities and doorways.  With the addition of “7” it allows for our highest spiritual ideals to work within the pathway of mastery.  “27” is a highly spiritual aspect representing balance and striving towards perfection in a humanitarian manner.  All of these numbers allows the energies to unfold at the highest energetic level of Universal Love.

The energies on this day reflect a completed stage of the cycle in which your highest ideals are becoming manifest into the world around you.  Look to see how the completion is working in your favor; elements that you have been experiencing that you no longer need.  Also look to what you have achieved; the small particles that you thought previously that were important now do not mold the essence that you have become.

Is there anything you need to purge on this day?  Look to your Higher Self and see what he or she would like for you to embrace so that your relationship together becomes closer within your feelings and thoughts.  As you do so, your Feminine and Masculine Divine are able to feel the creative process of their partnership together instead of being separate.

Do a special ceremony for yourself to represent the ending of a cycle before the beginning can occur.  Do not take anything from this cycle that does not fit your new reality.  Be the change you desire to be.

In the Creation of Oneness,

We Are The Unified Whole Command of Many Beings of Light

Comprised of Master Thoth, Great Divine Director, Master Einstein

The Brotherhood of White Light with the Spiritual Hierarchy and Angelic Realm in Oneness

Note:The definitions of science of numerology with the keywords are excerpted from  The remainder of this post is channeled material from the Unified Whole Command through Rev. Christine Meleriesse.

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Understanding the Universal Laws within Abundance of the Self – Master Thoth

electric heartMaster Thoth shares his knowledge and expertise of abundance at the Abundance of Light – Creating Prosperity Together Circle.

Master Toth is a combined frequency with the Great Divine Director and Master Albert Einstein; but today he is going to come through in his Essence.  He helps individuals in releasing past timelines to be fully in their Power of Oneness within their Physical Essence.

Greetings!  It is I, Master Thoth.  Oh!  What a beautiful experience today.  Hello everyone, I am so happy to be with you in this beautiful garden!

Let’s just take a deep breath through this moment.  I would like to talk about the Universal Laws just a very small portion.  I am not going through each one, but just stating – Divine Oneness, Vibration, Action, Correspondence, Cause and Effect, Compensation, Attraction, Perpetual Transmutation of Energy, Relativity, Polarity, Rhythm, and Gender.  Now we can go into the specifics of all these, but I don’t want you to be in your Mental Mind.  I just want you to feel these Essences.

So let us start with the first one that represents the Divine Oneness.  This is where we are connected to everything else and in this space we do this.  So I want you to just feel that connection of your Higher Essence to be with your Physical Essence.  I don’t want you to forget about your physical creation because this is very important.  This is what you are doing upon the Earth of grounding these energies fully within your system, in your life, to create the effect of being so much more.

You know we phrase the term “As above, As below” and that’s exactly what it means.  It represents the ability to have the inter-connectedness; but if you are not fully active within your Higher Self, your Higher Essence; understanding those words comes more from the physical self.  Then you cannot have the creative processes that you truly desire.  You may have them for short periods of time; but then they may dissipate or you may have another challenge which is the kind that tumbles you in a completely different direction.  this is why other elements get in the way.

So I want to assist today in bringing in the Oneness in the full capacity of your Etheric body to allow you to feel this Essence.  As we counted upwards, it is important for you to visualize that you are going into those higher steps of Creation.  Within your Physical body you may forget.  It is very easy to be in a state of going into a meditation or visualization, and then all of a sudden you are not really feeling what you are doing.  All the senses are important in everything that you are experiencing to allow the creation of a manifestation to happen within you; and also to allow the Creation of Oneness to be grounded within your Physical Essence so that more can feel these qualities within themselves.  As it expands out of you, through you into Gaia, and into other existences; it is also going to assist in removing debris upon the Earth including those lower energies, those Third Dimensional energies, those thought forms that are so prevalent presently upon the Earth.

So I want everyone to take a deep breath and to feel their Higher Self come fully with them in this moment.  You may see her or him coming into the garden sitting with you because this is where you are going to have your greatest acceleration; connecting with this Essence that is you, the part of you that is your Soul that has travelled all these lifetimes and not just this physical existence, and to remove any blockages that are holding you back from receiving your desires so that your life circumstance can get better.   This is all part of the Karma that you are going through and we want to help you release those Karmic Bonds because it is not necessary any longer in the higher realms of Light.

Take a deep breath and go deeply into your Soul’s Essence through your Higher Self.  Feel him or her sitting with you, looking at you or being within you; whatever is the easiest way for you to connect.  Maybe they are sitting across from you and you are holding hands with them, looking into their eyes as they look into your eyes, your eyes are One.  Allowing this Essence to fully be you and if you have a name for your Higher Self call upon them.  This is an important aspect because it makes it feel real in the Physical reality, within the Mental Mind, within the Emotions, to feel that Essence.  Feel the beauty that you are and allow that to expand within you.

We fully want to tap into this Higher Essence to help you go through any elements within the Lower Essence of your physical creation.  Allow it to flow because we constantly have to remind ourselves in the human form that you are not of the body, that the body is a vehicle, and that you truly are of the Soul.  Bring that Essence into you now.  Breathe in deeply.

I call upon my Higher Self through the help of Master Thoth to fully embody within my Essence in this moment.

I breathe, I feel her/or him coming into me and sharing with me of what I need to know in this moment.

I open up my Heart to receive; I hear it, I feel it, I sense it, and I embody it.

I see my Higher Self as the beautiful Being of many colors of Light with an Essence that I truly desire to bring into my physical reality.

I feel their strength.

I feel their capacity to show me the way so that I can put aside all my lower thoughts and only connect with my Higher Mind.  As I do this I feel the connectedness within me.

I AM One with my Higher Being.

I AM my Higher Being.

I become that Higher Essence.

I now call upon these Essences to help me in present situation.

So now let us breathe together.  Let us feel these Essences that you are of this creative process and bring it fully into the Physical body.

What is it that you desire in this moment for your life?

What is going to make you happier today?

What is going to help you to evolve into your Highest Essence into your life and to create that connectedness fully within your own being?

We must remember that we cannot be in Oneness within the Earth if we don’t feel that Oneness and connectedness of our Highest Essence.  Allow this to be your guide in this moment.  Feel it deeply in your Solar Plexus – your Inner Power.  Let it go into your lower Chakras and to allow this Essence to command within you the Power that you are, the Beauty that you are, the Will that you have, the Divine ability to access thoughts through your Highest Mind, Wisdom, Knowledge, Creation, and to allow it all to move forward within you.

I AM Master Toth.

I call upon these energies to be imbued upon every individual Being in this moment so that they may receive their Divine Essence and we wash away all that does not fit this Divine vibration.  Feel the vibration within you.  As it comes in, it moves through you allowing you to fully manifest your desires.  Let it get rid of the old in this moment.

{Divine Language Light Codes}

Now feel the space of nothingness as the old is now removed.  Feel the shifting occurring within your body.

Now bring in your Divine desire; think about it, feel it, express it, hold it in your hand, see it coming from your Higher Self and allow that to go into your Heart, expand it into your Solar Plexus, and then bring it down into your lower body.

Ground it within you, feel it, allow it to be your manifestation in this moment; whatever it is – tangible, intangible, Emotional, Mental, or Physical.

Expand upon this energy now because it is your desire, it is your Divine right to hold onto this Essence.  As the old has been removed that stopped you from receiving this blessing unto yourself from your Higher Self into your Physical Self as you become One; feel the fractals of Light all around you, the speckles of colors coming within you and blessing you in the Power that you are.

Call upon these words.

I AM a Divine Being of Light.

I access all my desires through all my ability to be One within my Higher Self as he or she is now embodied within me and extends to me that Essence.

I create the desire that I have been choosing and asking to be fully in my life.  My pathway changes now as I express this Essence unto myself with the many colors in this frequency of Light blessing it deeply.

That as a Being of Blessed from the Universal Oneness that I AM, within this consciousness of the Unified Whole Essence in the beautiful garden of Oneness, I AM One with all of this and there is nothing that I cannot achieve.  It is all within my grasp.

Feel this energy just embracing you.  You have the Power to do anything that you desire and you do.

I AM a Divine Being of Light.

I AM the Creator of my World and I now have removed the Karmic Ties that have kept this away from me.  In this moment, I AM Whole.

I AM One with my Highest Self within the Unified Whole Essence of the Garden of Oneness.

So Mote It Be.

It has been my pleasure as Master Thoth to be with you and walk with you through this Essence.  Blessings and Joy for a beautiful outcome.

You may join this free group meditation on Saturday morning at 10 AM Pacific by registering on our website.

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Learning the Process of the Re-Alignment of the Self – February 27th, 2014

purple_sea_rocks-fbOn Thursday, February 26th, 2014 we will be conducting Lord Adama’s monthly discourse program, “Learning the Process of the Re-Alignment of the Self”.  This month he is helping us to learn how to adjust our energies into who we are becoming within a higher consciousness.

Each of us is being realigned in various ways and degrees of acceleration within our physical existence. As we have been within the month of February, it has represented the essence of our Hearts becoming more intertwined within the physical.  Our Heart energy is the center of our existence; if we do not have the faculties within ourselves to see the changes that are occurring on all levels of our existence, then we may miss important aspects that need to be looked at more deeply.  2014 has proved to be a very powerful year in which elements are occurring on deeper levels within our four-body system.  The energies are more intense than they have ever been felt within this planet and each of us must align with our highest energies to help us get through the more challenging times.

In order for us to accept our multidimensional self, we need to learn what stands in the way of this transition.  Lord Adama, the High Priest of  Telos, works with each of us personally and within the group format to help us to understand more of what we are experiencing within the transformation that we are experiencing.  He has a way of tuning into each participant to perceive the energies that they are experiencing and help them understand it within their present consciousness.  Rev. Meleriessee and Lord Adama work hand-in-hand sharing the energies as he utilizes her gifts of sight and perception to pinpoint any areas that need to be addressed.  Mike Hayden holds the physical energies so this exchange can be done easily and with a depth that is unmatched by any other partnership on this planet.

Take some time to reflect how you have experienced changes within you through your Heart Essence and how you have grounded these elements within your body and pathway upon the Earth.  You may want to take some notes on what you have gone through recently and how to feel the balance within you.

The class includes a visitation into Telos to help regenerate our energies with the essence of the Divine Inner Earth Beings.  Depending upon the amount of individuals attending, Lord Adama would like to address each person and interact with their essence.

The course fee is $33 per person.

February 27th, 2014 – 5 PM Pacific

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We look forward to having you join us for this powerful interaction with Lord Adama.

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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February 25th, 2014 ~ Unity Number “7”

Unity Number 7In the Science of Numerology the number “7” represents your highest spirituality.

It is represented by your connection to your Higher Self, Monad, and I AM Presence.  This number is reflected in the energies of being very “magical”.  Keywords are:  spiritual awakening, accepting and developing spiritual gifts and enlightenment, intuition and inner-knowing, introspection and understanding others, determination and persistence of purpose, good fortune and inner-wisdom

Today’s number is derived from the sums of 97 = 16 = 7.  “97” tells you that it is a day of completion from the physical mind while accessing your highest potential through your higher mind or spiritual self; “16” is very transformation as it can represent new beginnings while fully nurturing your inner self through Divine Love; this then brings us to “7” which is a powerful and magical essence to embody on any given day as it is about our Spiritual Self that is being accessing into the Physical Self; the combination of these numbers speak for themselves to bring in your highest potential from your soul’s remembrance.

This is a very powerful week to fully access your divinity of light and love within your physical mind and heart.  Seven always represents the ability to see yourself in a completely different way.  It is a day of awakening in which you look at elements in your live in a completely different manner than you did before.  It allows you to tap into your higher essence with a since of inner knowing.  It may pertain to the ability to understand what others have been trying to tell you.

This truly can be an “AAHH” day in which you look at the world through different eyes.  The energies of yesterday’s “6” told you that you needed to love yourself more deeply so it is time to tap into that essence to allow the light of the Universe to be one with you.  On this day that Divine Love you experienced is now going into a deeper level to help you look within yourself to see answers that you were not willing to see before.  It is a time of re-awakening when doorways will open up to you if you allow them to be in your world.

Are you having a difficult time with any particular issue in your life?  Look to the essence of today’s energy to help you expand more, be more of whom you truly are and not just your physical reality.  The windows of light are coming within your world to help you expand deeper than you have ever experienced previously.  It is a light of your inner truth being revealed to your lower mind.  Allow it to expand within you and become One.

In expressions of Divine Oneness,

We Are The Unified Whole Command of Many Beings of Light

Comprised of Master Thoth, Great Divine Director, Master Einstein

The Brotherhood of White Light with the Spiritual Hierarchy and Angelic Realm in Oneness

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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February 24th, 2014 ~ Unity Number “6”

Unity Number 6In the Science of Numerology the number “6” is represented by our soul connection to others.

This is considered the “mother” number as it symbolizes responsibility and service through divine nurturing love.  Keywords are:  reconciliation, intellectual creativity, discrimination, imagination, union, love, perfection, ability to use the imagination and the intellect combined, relatedness, and taking responsibility for choices.

We are going to refer to yesterday’s number since we have not posted for over a week to help you understand the process of the concept we are trying to convey.  On February 23rd, 2014 the number was represented by “5”; this sum was derived from 7/7/14 = 5.  First of all, the double meaning of 7/7 takes this spiritual number into a higher perspective; the pathway that you are forging is being supported by the Universe.  “14” tells us that the pathway from the double numbers of “7” are being put into balance with harmonization of ideas through your Higher Essence.  This takes us into the “5” of the transformation that you are going through is taking you into a new journey of the self.

The sum of today’s number is derived from 87 = 15 = 6 which represents the ability to fully step into your higher power to achieve the desired results.  “87” gives a definition of great success with your Higher Essence being in charge. Changes come more easily through the number of “15” as it resonates with Unity and moving forward with a balanced attitude.  Six tells us about our responsibility to our self of learning to nurture yourself more deeply than you have previously.

As you can see, this week is setting the stage for new developments to occur within your consciousness as you allow your Higher Self to go deeper into the confines of your soul’s history.  Purging what we do not want is a major part of our acceleration; the previous cycle has taken us through this phase.

The energy of today on the 24th of February allows us to be divinely embraced by our higher light and the blessings of the Universe that are assisting us create the necessary changes in our world.  Blend with the Divine Mother on this day to feel the love that you have been longing to express within you as the energies on this day are so powerful to feel these essences.  Allowing these energies to blend within you will help you to acknowledge the parts of you that may seem lost and not loved as you would like them to be.

This will also take you into a new part of yourself so that you can feel the balance of your masculine and feminine divine to be part of your full consciousness and reality.

In Blessings in Love of Oneness,

We Are The Unified Whole Command of Many Beings of Light

Comprised of Master Thoth, Great Divine Director, Master Einstein

The Brotherhood of White Light with the Spiritual Hierarchy and Angelic Realm in Oneness

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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