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New Earth Frequency Update ~ February 12th, 2013


On Sunday, February 10th we experienced a New Moon which was very interesting as it moved from Capricorn into Aquarius representing being restrictive within ourselves and learning to flow with the energies.  We have been experiencing some very powerful energies which Spirit has been speaking that the time in February will be very parallel to what we experienced in December 2012.  It is a time to fully understand what you are going through, allow the process to happen, and walk into the new way of thinking and feeling.

This can be a very challenging experience for individuals who do not understand how to tap within themselves to awaken into a new perspective of awareness.  Just because an individual ‘wakes up unto their beginning essence’ does not mean that they will understand how to process the feelings and thoughts that are happening in their lives.  This pathway is one riddled with great challenges, but also enhances the best that we are in each moment.

February is going to help us expand further into our own consciousness.  We all come to this Earth for a purpose and some of us have more responsibility than others to help create the new frequencies to be fully grounded.  But one thing is certain; if you are reading this material, you have an important role to fulfill within your existence.  These energies are helping us to be better, to be more confident, loving, and compassionate, and to express it to others.  So instead of worrying what you are feeling in each moment, allow the essence of Grandmother Moon to assist you into the next phase of our awakening.

This New Moon has also brought us more activation(s) within the Angelic realm to be integrated within our Being.  This energy started in January and with each new moon we are being activated to remember more of our Angelic Presence.  What this means is that the angel that We Are is intertwining into the human that we have become.  It is all very exciting as we reach into our angelic essence to remember and acknowledge those timelines that we have forgotten.  We are learning to become the Angelic Beings grounded upon the New Earth.  So if you have been feeling unsteady and unsure of yourself, know that it is changing you deeply.  We may not understand how the process is working or the depth that it is occurring for some time.  Our job is to just expand into these frequencies and allow the newness to settle within our physicality.  Your mind is going to want to try and understand; please know that cannot happen as the Higher Mind is now being fully activated within your physical structure.

As we experience these elements, we may be finding that we will do things in a completely different way than we did before; or we may realize that a part of our-self is now our true reality.  The changes that are happening within each individual are so minuet that it may not be detectable without a fine microscope so just allow the feelings to project within your consciousness and accept your new reality.  It is a wonder of love and grace.

As we expand into this new paradigm of Light, we experience a beautiful day of Love on February 14th.  If you take the time to truly accept the energy of Love within your Heart coming from your Highest Essence, you will start to acknowledge how deeply you are loved and in so many ways.  Jonathan Parker facilitates a World Sound Healing Day, ( in which every individual chants the sound of “AH” for five minutes at 12 Noon around the world.  This sound resonates from the Heart of God into each of our own hearts and has been utilized by the Divine Mother & Father God in our transmissions from the Clarion Temple of Oneness.  So take some moments on this day to accept the Love that is being guided through your Angelic Essence into the One Being that You Are.


Greetings and love on this day.  It is very exciting to share and experience the new paradigm of light that is being acknowledged within the Earth Plane levels and to have each of us expand deeper than we ever thought possible.  We, of the Unified Whole Command, are also within our expansion process just like each of you are doing so it is no mistake that we should celebrate our Light with each other.  We plan to do just that.

This month of February is going to help each of you to understand a deeper part of your expansion with feelings.  As you have gone through the changes and elevated your vibrational levels, you have also had to adjust within the physical reality that is changing for you.  We understand the process of not accepting the conditioning process that you have had to experience through this transition of Light unto the planet.  We applaud you that you continue diligently even though the feelings and thoughts you may be having do not reflect the essence that is expanding within your creation.

As we delve deeper into the core of GAIA, there are many levels of timelines that she has held onto that are affecting each of you greatly.  It is not just your personal timelines that you need to process, but her essence is changing with each step that you make within yourself.  The conditioning factor of this transition is one of great sacrifice and without your diligence we could not have created the opening doorways into the New World.  BUT WE ARE ACHIEVING IT ~ and we want to share with you our excitement that is paramount to what you are experiencing presently.

We know the process you have been undergoing, and understand the challenges that are resulting from each of those intense moments within you.  We also understand that you are receiving wonderful gifts each time you go through another intense doorway of change.  The acceleration that is occurring presently is due to the creation of you wanting to do so, and none of you understand the depth of your ability to continue the walk into your future world.  Actually, what is being achieved presently is having the capability to accept the changes as the information has not surfaced except in small bits and pieces as each new development of your world has been revealed.  But that is about to change and you are going to experience it yourself.  You must remember that it must come in waves of light for you to accept the nuances of your future to become manifest in who you are presently.

Changes are resulting within your world and around you for the explicit reason that IT IS TIME.  The creation of your planet has become stable, whereas, previously it was uncertain of the outcome of Gaia.  But with the transition of more individuals awakening upon the planet, the residual effect of the transmutation has taken GAIA’s world into a new existence where love and acceptance is the common rule and not the lower worlds that have resulted in your experiences of the past.

It is now a time of complete reversal within your world and we are excited to experience it with you.  The changes that are about to occur must first be felt within your Heart as all of our Hearts are blending together.  You see in order for us to make the manifestation of the New World occur we must honestly take a few moments with a breath of light and experience the essence of the Purity of Love to be within.  This is going to take practice because the lower mind forgets and wants to run forward with the thoughts.  It is imperative that during this week to not to allow that to happen.

As you move further into your Acceptance, you will start to feel it.  You see YOU HAVE FORGOTTEN HOW TO EXPRESS IT WITHIN YOU.  You have a body and that body has taken precedence over everything in your world.  But that is no longer the case.  You are learning to accept the light formations that are being transmitted to you in your sleep state, in your meditations, and even your awakened state of consciousness.  It is coming in Light Codes to intertwine within your physical reality.  But you must take a moment and allow this essence to be fully within you as you walk through your days.  Without it, it will be lost and so will you.  This is the power of the light at this time.

Previously we spoke about the Rainbow of Lights that are emanating from the Elders That Surround the Throne of Grace.  They have been continuing to be commanded into each and every soul, but now is the time to understand that you must accept them.  You cannot work without them; they are the commanding energy from the Essence of the Divine Will and Love of God.  You have been created through your physical essence by these commanding light frequencies but that is not All That You Are.  That is the beauty of what is occurring presently.  You are all of these and more and will see the Power, the Love, the Joy, and Expression of ALL THAT IS to be commanded within you.

This week all these frequencies are coming within the planetary level once again on the next phase of Light.  It is assisting everything you know to be and all will change within these essences.  Your world needs it deeply and it cannot change overnight but it is happening within the increments of light formations with each passing planetary exchange of the Sun, the Moon, and all inter-related elements of creation as we come into the Creation of the Oneness.

What does this mean to you presently?  Well, we say to you, “What is it that you do not understand?”  Or let us put it this way, “What is it that you are not seeing within yourself?”  The Rainbows of Light along with the Angelic Transmissions are activating seeds of creation that you previously forgot to help you remember while deflecting the parts of yourself that do not fit your present reality.  Taking some moments and allowing these essences to intertwine within you is going to allow the Acceptance that you have been searching for.  It will help to remove the parts that have been lost, the elements that you need to purge in order to have the full functionality of an ascended being of light.  Mind you, this is just the beginning and it will not occur instantaneously but each of you is going into the depth of your Soul’s Essence to find what you have been looking for.  BUT YOU MUST STOP AND FEEL IT COMING.  Let it flow within you and expand your auric field beyond the frequencies that you never thought you could hold within you.  It may stay for a moment or longer depending upon where you are within your own consciousness.  BUT IT MUST BE IN THE SUPREME LIGHT OF THE PURITY OF YOUR ESSENCE AND NOT WITHIN YOUR PHYSICAL SELF.  It is a gift and it is time for you to receive it.

Expand your consciousness in these moments as you fully accept a new part of your Divinity into your World.  Doing so is going to help the essence of human consciousness to accept itself deeper than ever received upon this planet.  It is the awakening of GAIA and now is the time to fully reflect and enjoy the ecstasy of Oneness Within.

Learning to expand these essences within you daily will help you to acknowledge the deeper parts of yourself.  You will also be able to remove the lower thoughts and feelings that need to be put into the light.  They will arise and utilize these frequencies of your angelic self to turn them into the purest essence you have ever experienced needs to be the defining rule in your life.  But if you choose to stay within them, you shall go deeper into the abyss and pain that you have endured for a very long time.  The Light and the Dark are moving into Oneness but holding onto the Dark will only separate the Light from you as the gap between the two will become wider.  Then there will not be Light and only Darkness which will cause the separation within and then within the world.  But the Light is so strong upon Planet Earth presently that the Light will win but everyone needs to do their internalization of the Self to allow it to happen more quickly.  It will be like a wave as more individuals receive the Light, there will not be anything else, but the LIGHT of GOD.

It is time to understand yourself more deeply than you ever thought you could.  It is not from your physical mind but with a breath of fresh air that the acceptance will enfold within you.  Your lower self will cease to exist but you must allow yourself to surrender within the process of Light.

The choice is yours to fully embrace your Light and Power within God’s Embrace.  We look forward to walking with each of you in the Oneness of Light that we Are.

We are the Unified Whole Command standing amongst each of you in Oneness.

So Mote It Be in the Light That We Are!

©2013 Walking Terra Christa, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, Ascension Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.  No use without prior written permission allowed except for sharing the post in its entirety along with the link to this page;


Frequency Update ~ January 30th, 2013

frequency_update-qprPlanetary Level ~ Shared by Rev. Christine Meleriessee

We just passed through our first full moon of this year which occurred on January 26-27th depending upon your time zone. It was very interesting to have a moon that gave us the elements of releasement and nurturing at the same time.  Due to the other activations we have experienced in January, this was probably very powerful for many individuals.  It was an opportune time to fully accept the new areas of your life that are being challenged while allowing the acceleration to occur within your pathway.

This week represents experiencing the changes that happened while creating a more balanced pathway.  We find that when we go through fluctuations of energies we have to readjust within the physical world.  This can be very demanding on our lifestyle no matter how deep the healing occurs.  Take time to readjust your energies so that you are prepared for the next cycle of transformation.

It has been shared by Spirit that the Spring Equinox will be a most powerful time for the planet.  We all thought that the activations of 12:21:12 would be more life changing.  Let’s ponder on that thought considering the energy surges we have received in January.  If these frequencies had occurred in December along with the additional energies we will be receiving through February and March, many would be on heavy overload.  Humanity on a whole was not ready to receive the intensive moments so the Universe is helping us to go through them with ease and grace.  In addition GAIA is receiving nurturing as she is also going through the same process.  The earth changes are not nearly as catastrophic as they could have been.

As we move into the month of February, we need to be aware of the changes we are creating and allowing for the most optimal experience in each moment.  Winter is always the time of deep inner reflection of seeing the deepest parts of ourselves to change and mold the new experience for the Spring which represents Rebirth.  Each of us is going through a death cycle in many ways over and over again as our timelines of our past lives are igniting through us to allow the multi-dimensional beings be ignited that we contracted to be.  Allow yourself to go into the void of all that does not serve yourself.  This can change from moment-to-moment and know that this journey is the most challenging one on a Soul’s pathway to take on.

We are in a very powerful year as each of us allows our inner power to ignite within ourselves.  This week we are being nurtured by allowing the blessings to enfold within us.  Allow your experience to be smooth and transitional.  Always move forward but with the gentleness of the Deer beckoning us on to experience the depth of the forest.  Embrace who you are and how far you have come; the journey will become easier but so much more in depth of your Soul’s Essence.

Cosmic Level ~ Unified Whole Command



It is our pleasure to announce at this time that the energies are stabilizing for the planet and each of you.  This will be a short period so take advantage of the most optimal energies to allow the essences that you are experiencing to enfold within your physical body.

We want to talk about how the Super-Conscious Mind or the Higher Self is activating within your Being.  There must be an understanding of the changes that are occurring.  This is one reasons why we felt that it was imperative to share our essence with each of you through this update.  We feel that individuals, such as you reading this material, are receiving a higher level of frequency within your Being and helping you to understand the process that you are undergoing on all levels.

We see that many Lightworkers need to realize the depth of their contractual agreements and it is not just because you have arrived on Earth with great knowledge, wisdom and the ability to move energies just by thinking it is so.  This is only part of the occurrence of your experience.  You have arrived into an earth body and have the ability to create unbelievable manifestations on many levels.  As you do this, you are working through your physical mind which is truly the consciousness you incorporate.  But your subconscious is working through the other timelines to make sure that everything is in order as the programming has been set in place.  As the Super Conscious or Higher Self becomes more active in your world, then the Three Minds will blend together; but you can have great magic in your life without the melding of these minds into the one Higher Mind.

Many individuals are still running their lives within the framework of the Lower Mind, and we find it is imperative to share this information.  You can accelerate and move through initiations without accessing your Higher Mind, but you truly are loosing out on an important facet of your availability to accelerate upon this earth.  One can fall as easily as they rise.  It is imperative to understand, that as you become the multi-faced human being other timelines which are amazingly powerful, are melding into your physical structure.  Within those timelines, issues can arise within you that you have held previously that do not serve your Highest Purpose.  The power becomes so great that it can create archetypes to arise within you that you have held in these past timelines.

The ideal situation is allowing each of your traits whether higher or lower be fully integrated within yourself to create a balanced state of experience.  As a human species, these archetypes have been necessary but the traits involved within each one need to be put into wholeness.  Each of us from the Unified Whole came from specific archetypes and timelines that we now have chosen to be put into the Unified Whole.  This means that all our timelines are melding into one Essence.  If we were to come into physical form, we would be able to be completely integrated and a whole Being of Light.

Each of you is going through exactly the same time of energy.  As you are experiencing the changes within the planet, the challenges you are receiving are allowing you to become more Whole within the One Balanced Mind, the Higher Mind or Higher Self.  Every time you feel the effect going through you, take a moment and reflect where that is coming from.  You may find it truly is not an experience you have had this lifetime but a particle of light coming into you for you to remember and deflect or reflect into it.  If you need to deflect, it is a timeline that is not suiting your highest purpose; in retrospect, if it is a reflection, then allow that to shine deeply within you.  It is a timeline that you lost, forgot about, or just did not realize it was yours to keep.

This week is that time to allow these changes to occur within you as you deflect or reflect elements that happen in your life circumstance.  You are actually allowing your Higher Mind to be the ruling factor and not the Subconscious.  Then you will be able to activate your consciousness within the Higher Self and not the Lower Self.  This takes practice and part of it represents awareness.  Until an individual can honestly look deep within themselves to see the parts that do not fit, than the Lower Mind will still stay intact.  It takes great strength and stamina to continue with this type of reflection as it is not always easy to look at oneself and know that the thought or feeling does not belong there.

We share this information about the Three Minds to help individuals to see where they may need to do some deeper work.  It is only going to assist each person more deeply to allow the Multi-Dimensional Self to be fully activated.  The fifth dimensional frequency does not accept the entryway of any individuals that have not acquired this state of accessibility.  You will stay within your 4th dimensional framework but think you have arisen to the 5th level.  This is a misconception and must be understood for anyone on the Pathway of Mastery.  You have chosen to step into this world as it is the most difficult to attain and sustain.  But with diligent effort on your part, it can be achieved.  This allows for greater reflection and more in-depth knowledge of the Inner Self.  This is only the beginning of allowing your essence to fully shine into the New Earth.  You will get into deeper levels than you can ever imagine.  More challenges result, but they will be in a different framework of reference within your life.

So take the time this week to look within as the energies have stabilized.  What has happened to you during the month of January and how have you assimilated it?  Are there more elements that you need to acknowledge within yourself either in the plus or minus position?  We want everyone to be neutral and have the balance between both elements.  This will allow you not to take on thoughts or emotions that are not necessary but feel the pure essence that you are incorporating within your Body of Light.

We are the Unified Whole Command of many masters in the Creation of Oneness.

Blessings and Joy to each of you!

©2013 Walking Terra Christa, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, Ascension Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.  No use without prior written permission allowed except for sharing the post in its entirety along with the link to this page;





We have arrived into 2013 activated with the frequencies of Light through our Divine Self.  Some of us may not know what to do with these energies, some are fighting the higher levels, some have no idea that change has happened, and others are arriving with a sigh of relief.  It all depends on who we have become and how much work that we have done to get into this new space of being.  Whatever you may be experiencing, please know that this year will be powerful and life changing for everyone.

This past week has promised to help us make the necessary adjustments to reach new levels of understanding within ourselves and the world that is around us.  Many individuals may be feeling confused about what they are feeling or thinking as the old paradigm has been removed.  What happens to us when there is a state of consciousness that is created upon the Earth that has never been received before?  We are in a state of readjustment and there are no rules of what we are supposed to be doing, feeling, or accepting into our world, because it has never been done before.

This year is like none other and the upcoming years will be the same.  We are a changed race of Beings in which our pathways are not boring but yet filled with moments of surprise encounters from others and within ourselves.  Everything we know is going to be challenged and it is up to us to decide how we are going to face our new reality.  We are reborn within the same physical vehicle we have been using since the day of our creation.  The steps that we take now will mold us into our new reality.

So how do we create this new reality?  By being present within ourselves, understanding who we are and not what we thought we were, and accepting that change is inevitable for every one of us on this planet.  Our higher selves are awaiting our arrival into the physical body; many of us have achieved this integration and more have not done so.  It is up to us that have integrated the higher frequencies to keep the balance by being more serene, calm, and non-judgmental especially towards ourselves.  The third dimensional reality is gone, and now it is up to each individual to aspire to more within themselves, create this balance, and the world around us will change.

We will be experiencing a New Moon on January 11th which is always a time to create new ways within our lives.  This moon is in the sign of Capricorn 7:44 PM UTC which represents practicality.  Be strong in whatever changes you want to make as the energy is fluctuating so much that we do not want to get pulled in one direction or the other.  Since the beginning of January we have had to balance our energies from the 12:21 cycle of the Christ Consciousness being activated within GAIA.  The transition that many individuals are going through presently can be very challenging due to the fact that we may still want to find the most solid pathway in each moment.  That will never be the case any longer so we must be very strong in activating our energies through our Christed Self, which is our Higher Mind and the Heart.  Find time for silence each day to reflect who you are becoming as these new vibrations are going to continue at an accelerated rate especially for the next three months.

Be strong in creating a balanced foundation within yourself.  Know who you are and this can change in a moment’s reflection.  The best part of what we are experiencing this year will be to be in a synchronous flow of light.  So if you are pulled in a certain direction and it does not feel as if it is flowing, then shift your energies into a more centered space by taking some deep breaths of “AAHH” which brings you into the center of the Great Central Sun.  It also helps to ground your energies into your Earth Star that may feel as if they are floating out of your body.

The most important thought we can convey is to deeply feel what is right for you in each moment.  These moments can change quickly and remember to fully accept that you are a Divine Being of Light being activated within the physical creation that is You.



It is our Divine Pleasure to be with each of you in this moment.  We would like to go further into what Meleriessee has shared in the Planetary focus presently.

Don’t let anything stop you from becoming more than you are.  This is the beauty of the Christed Consciousness being fully activated within the Earth at this time.  Each of you is being affected deeply by your consciousness and it is up to you to fully accept Who You Are Becoming.  We know that this has not been an easy transition and especially for the Ones that feel something brewing within them but they just cannot accept the fact that they are changing.  This is where each of you as Light Workers need to step into your full power by allowing your essence to become what you desire it to be.

We have shared that the frequencies have shifted the Earth into a new paradigm of Light.  Many believe that they have reached a 5th dimensional consciousness and that Earth has now arrived.  That is the illusion of some individuals to think that nothing else needs to be done in preparation.  We disagree and only want you to realize that there is still more work that needs to be done.  You can have the higher consciousness but the reality of it is that it has not been integrated into GAIA.  She is moving towards this event but it has not actually occurred.  What has occurred is a revolution of Light.  People are looking within themselves to actually understand what is happening to them on a soul and physical level.  They are not sure what the outcome will be and they will never know that outcome.

We have arrived into a 4th dimensional Earth.  The consciousness of many individuals is varied and it is not up to us to say who has the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th or even 10th level of awareness.  The soul evolves in a way as to accept the higher levels of reality through the Soul Star and allowing the transference of this Light into the physical creation.  What actually is occurring at this time is that each individual’s consciousness is being filtered into the physical body.  This is going to take some time for it to evolve into the 5th dimensional earth.  We are getting there and the more work that each individual does to create it for themselves, will make the process easier for others, GAIA, and humanity.  But there will be divisions that occur unless we can bridge the gaps between the consciousnesses of humanity.  It is not going to happen just by thinking it is so.  What will be occurring is that each individual has a responsibility to allow the full activation of the New Earth to occur.  This also means that every person will feel the effects within their physical body as many call “ascension symptoms.”  It is the process of the ascension descending into the physical vehicle to create the light forms to be activated within each individual.  You are the conduits for the allowance of these elements to occur and you will be the Ones that will feel it the most.

Let’s face it ~ we know that many of you have been going through these processes already as it is part of the Initiation of Mastery to walk as the Master and fully accept this role through the physical existence.  Many have chosen to leave this planet as that was not their path to hold the light.  There are several souls that worked very hard to this end but decided they would not endure the integration any longer.  We thank them deeply for doing so as it has made it possible for each of you to fully accept your own Mastery upon the Earth and work in unison with others to stand in the presence of GAIA’s own acceleration.

At this time, this process is continuing on much deeper levels than it was ever anticipated as the amount of Light Workers that are willing to fully participate within this program of Ascension for GAIA and not just for themselves.  The ones that are going into deeper levels of their Soul’s development will find that their light will be strong conduits for others to follow.  The Ones that do not understand that will find that they need to heal their soul’s psychological path as there will be a lack of understanding of how this process works.  It is appropriately guided that leaders are not born for this role but must be nurtured and trained on very deep levels of existence.  The individuals that understand our words will ring Truth within them; the others who are not ready will not understand at this time, but hopefully will follow suit.

We were given a beautiful opportunity at the time of 12:21 to fully blend our energies with our Higher Self and I AM Presence.  Many of us in Spirit have done so; many in body are also doing so in preparation to these phases as it cannot be accomplished in body without great challenge.  It is with this that we share our deepest gratitude that you are doing so.  All of you listening or reading this material are in preparation, but please know that the road is not paved with pure bliss in each moment.  Bliss happens when it happens to you from the deepest core of your Soul’s Essence.  There are timelines that need to be acknowledged and released through this process of the Self forgiving the Self.

The energies this week are preparing you on deeper levels than you could ever imagine to help you through this period of transition.  We share the background information to help you understand what you may be going through within this process.  Oneness does not occur within each individual person without the doorway of letting go of the old and allowing the new to be born within.  Each of you in body must realize that this is not easy, and this week it is going to take you into new levels of awareness.

The structure of your foundation needs to be very strong.  This means that the basis of information that comes through you into your physical creation has to be on a level in which all consciousness can accept your advancement into the higher realms.  If you do not have a strong foundation to stand upon, then the body will not be able to handle the frequency.  Your Etheric structure is being challenged and turned inside out to allow your physical vehicle to accept the new paradigm of consciousness that is coming into your Being.

Please be assured that this new wave of energy is being engineered by everyone’s Higher Self and I AM Presence and the amount of frequency that comes through to you is being activated through these elements.  It is important to have a dialogue with your Higher Self whether or not you can hear them talking bacl to you; they will hear you.  Be strong in your meditations and within your silence, because this is where the true elements are going to help you in the transition.

This new moon is allowing each of you to go further into your Divinity.  But as we shared previously, you must be prepared to allow it to happen.  It is going to happen anyway, but it will be guided by You in how the integration occurs.  Many will not accept it readily so the ones that can, please do so.  You will be holding the higher light within the balance to be fully activated into GAIA.

So if you are looking for changes to occur during this new moon, you have the structure to hold the changes while being in the same position, you will find a most synchronous event about to enfold.  The energies of Light from the Heavens are supporting you greatly through this process.  You angelic self is about to be more activated within you to assist in the process but GROUNDING is most essential in order to hold it.

The power of this week is being considered the next phase of the Christed Self.  It will allow each individual to go into deeper levels than they previously encountered.  The Elohim Councils of Light are standing by to assist everyone through this process as they understand what it is like to be within the body while accessing their higher knowledge, wisdom, love, and completeness.  For some individuals this intensity will be too great so it is important to fully reflect on the foundation you have created.

The choice is yours in how you handle this energy ~ Assisting or De-Assisting.  Allowing the flow of life to run through you, around you, and BE YOU.

We walk with you in each moment as our Days of Light are becoming increasingly brighter.

We are the Unified Whole at your Service.

So Mote It Be, In the Light That We Are As One!


©2012 Walking Terra Christa, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, Vibrational Ascension Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.  No use without prior written permission allowed except for sharing the link


Did You See the ONENESS movie about the UNIFIED WHOLE?

If we can say so…

This is very good, great way to get all the background on what the UNIFIED WHOLE is and why it is…

Please share and like it if you do!


Frequency Update ~ November 5th through 12th, 2012

Planetary Level ~

This week brings us Mercury Retrograde on Tuesday and lasts through November 26th but it is supported with some very supportive and nurturing influences.  It is a time to look at our communication and how it fits into our present awareness; what needs to be addressed, removed, or accepted are the key points to this cycle.  We, at Walking Terra Christa, also feel that an individual should arise above some of these planetary influences as we are moving into a higher vibrational existence upon the Earth.  It will definitely make us more sensitive but in a very positive fashion by allowing us to see the parts that do not define our TRUE SELVES.  The other aspects involve being very nurturing and loving which means taking care of YOU.  Take time out to weed the old that happened from the Full Moon cycle to fully embrace the essence you have desired to achieve.

Presently there are no solar flares that are active.  There is a dark hole that has been detected within the Sun which is expected to hit the Earth by November 6th.  This causes the effect of Auroras within the Polar sky.

There are storm systems brewing on the Eastcoast once again.  It is imperative to try and hold the light frequencies as much as possible so others will feel it.  We must try and help others realize that fear or worry is not the answer and can make the storm systems create more havoc.


Cosmic Level ~


We have come to a new week that we feel is going to please each of you greatly.  Remember the challenges of last week and allowing the energies that you no longer needed to be removed from your four body system?  Well, this week it is more of the same. 

The process from this day of November 5th through the upcoming week is going to support the releasements and occurrences in your life to change.  Sometimes it can be an uphill battle of the frequencies changing within your physical reality but yet you still seem to push further beyond the confines of your reality.  Due to the influx of the energies presently, each individual will be able to assert themselves into a new way of Being by allowing themselves to fully accept the Divine Presence within their frequencies.

It is likened to being on a raft in very rough waters.  The raft moves across a huge rock and you are stuck there until you can find out the best way to get around the rock.  But that is the problem.  Getting around it does not make it go away; you may think so but it is not true.  You must learn to dissipate the energies of the rock so it is not sticking out of the water.  It is the same thing as seeing the Light Come On and then you are not in the darkness anymore.

You have traveled far and wide to arrive at your destination presently.  There should not be any blockages this week as long as you continue the same process from last week.  The energies are shifting into a softer and warmer essence to fully embrace you for the changes that you need to make.  This does not mean that there will not be challenges.  They are an extension of elements that you have been working with as you are giving additional time to experience the new part of your experience.

Let’s take a moment and try to understand the totality of this situation.  Each of the energies that are part of the Earth’s environment is assisting you to accept the “New You”.  This part of you is unfamiliar so there will be more challenges to help you get to the core of the matter.  Understanding and accepting your inner feelings and thoughts will allow you to move through the issues at hand.  Believe me, when we say that these are not something that you just conjured up in your mind.  They have been unsettling within your subconscious for quite some time.  With the effects of the last full moon, debris was thrown everywhere and now you are looking in many different places to pick up the pieces.

Don’t!  The pieces have fallen apart for many reasons.  The ones that are meant to be part of you once again will fall into your hands like raindrops from the sky.  If you have to go searching everywhere for an answer, then that answer will never come.  What you will receive is more questions.  The resulting effect of allowing the circumstances to change will mold you into the New Being you are trying to create.  He or she is already within you.  You have accepted them in another aspect and just need to allow that aspect to be part of your essence.

It is an on-going process, the renewal of your Essence.  It cannot be done in one split second, and no one has the answer for you.  A mentor may help to give you some tools or advice to go about finding it; but the true revelation is within you.

So take this week and keep moving through the process.  The pieces that you thought you lost will return to you if you are ready.  They represent the Ones that do not need to be forgotten but remembered fondly.  Embrace the New You and allow the essences of this week to assist you in the process of your continuation within the highest vibration that you allow yourself to receive.

As you embrace your own essence, find the balance that is necessary in your personal life, then others will be affected in a very positive manner.  Remember that GAIA is healing greatly and the energetics that are occurring presently can adversely affect how the Earth hands the energies.  It is very important to allow your Highest Essence to be your guide on a continual basis.  It is one way that service is being given presently.

We want to say that in reference of Mercury Retrograde – this all flows in the same way.  The energy is very nurturing at this time and do not allow the fear or worry of what this planet, Mercury, may mean in your life.  Rise above it and allow it to enfold within you as it is your destiny to fully accept your creation through the Creative Process of the Now.  Change it and allow it to change within you.  You will be eternally grateful for accepting the nuances of the present moment to enfold within your existence and creation.

We walk with you through the acceleration of the New Earth.

We are the Unified Whole Command,

The Great Divine Director, Master Thoth, and Albert Einstein at your service.

©2012 Walking Terra Christa, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, Vibrational Ascension Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.  No use without prior written permission allowed except for sharing the link to this page.


Lord Adama on the 12-21-12

Depiction of Lord Adama High Priest of Telos-Lemuria's Capitol City by artist Glenda GreenAs many of our faithful subscribers and followers know…the two of us did not create and build this business alone. The Team of Light is truly our Board of Advisers. And we know that is a strange assertion. But it is true. All the Ascended Masters (Lady Masters too…) and the Spiritual Hierarchy… all those who represent the Christ Consciousness, want us to assist you. So they assist us.

But it is just as strange for us sometimes as it is for you. Lord Adama the High Priest of Telos, the Capital City of the Inner-Earth Agartha Network of the former Lemurian and Atlantean civilizations, is an Ascended Master who has dedicated his life to assisting the upper earth beings. The upper earth beings are his brethren, his family in Light. And he works very diligently and passionately along with the Telosian Council of Light, his beloved partner Galactica, the King and Queen of Telos, and everyone else of the Christed Realm, to teach, educate, and remind the upper earth population of who they really are. It is why he asked us to bring forth the seminar series he called “The Telosian Way of Being”. It is a very important course because it delves deep, just as any spiritual program or personal development program attempts, into what you are required to do to get past the illusions of who and what we as humans on the upper earth often feel is our reality. Yet, as an Ascended Master working with the other Ascended Beings to teach this course, his approach is much better at teaching you how to be you.

Have you ever heard the term “Makyo”? It is a term from the practitioners of Zen Buddhism who desire to learn to meditate but do not wish to get lost in the illusions and vivid dreams that one can experience while meditating. Those experiences can draw one into a sense that the reality of the meditative world is more attractive than the material living world.

This is exactly why Lord Adama wants you to know and understand the difference. Many wish to escape the reality of the 3D world, especially those who are here incarnated as Starseeds, Lightworkers, Wayshowers, because the 3D world often seems very harsh to them. They often feel pulled to seek an easier path that does not involve dealing with the confines and control of our current societal culture. So they reach out to “Makyo” either within their own dreams or in their daily living, as if the 3D world was not really something they should be concerned with and deal with, or by outright drug/alcohol use and escapism or through joblessness and/or being a wanderer or transient, with no daily foundation in a 3D setting. After all, the 3D world requires responsibilities and commitments within a system, but a system that is unfair and biased, not at all in oneness.

Lord Adama wishes this were not so. He fervently wishes that these gifted and magnificent beings of light were instead able to anchor themselves and their light more fully upon the earth, the material earth, the real reality, so they could both transcend and transform that reality into one that nurtures and energizes them to be in community and global unity. And he knows that most do not feel this is possible; that most are resigned to the “fact” that there simply is not a “way” to do so.

He has a “way”. It is the Telosian Way. The Telosian society makes the material world work for them. They make community work for them, they make being in union, in unity, in oneness with your neighbor work for them. And he knows it is real and can be done. And done very well.

So he channeled a message to speak about how important this Way of Being really is for humanity. And in this channeled message he plainly states his frustration and he plainly offers a suggestion that you join him in the seminar series.

And that is why we, just like you, are sometimes uncomfortable with the whole aspect of doing this type of ethereal work and having Ascended Masters on “our Board’. In his message, it sure sounds like a sales pitch for the course to us. And we are the ones here on the upper earth, in the 3D world offering the course. So it makes us very uncomfortable. But at the same time, we have to admit, he is so right about what he is saying about 12-21-12, the work of being more aware of how to “ascend” is very important.

So he asked us to do this course, “The Telosian Way of Being”, to deliver that “way’. In this course you will be forced to face your illusions, forced to become aware of a greater reality that is beyond your eyes and ears but often encountered within your dreams. Not your escapism dreams, but your concrete dreams of a better world, a more peaceful and compassionate and inclusive world.

We want that kind of a world. So we are allowing the sales pitch. It is that important.

Here is the video of Lord Adama’s message on the energies of 12-21-12. Check it out.

Frequency Update ~ October 7th through 13th, 2012

Planetary Level:

This week the planets are settling down so it is a time of Reflection.  Look back unto the previous New Moon of Virgo and the Full Moon of Aries to assist in fully moving through your journey of the Self.  The past two phases have been very instrumental in assisting us in learning who we truly are even though they are causing intense moments of pain, sadness, and shifting into our new realities.  The inner and outer self has truly looked at each other to make the necessary adjustments.  You may still have remnants of these activations to fully work through so it is a perfect time to do so.  Not a time of relaxation, but truly moments of adapting to our new essence.

On the other hand, we are being hit with the Solar Flares this week.  So in one way we are allowing the new changes to occur and then being feeling the frequencies on an inter-planetary level.  The solar flares will occur approximately from October 8th-9th resulting in geo-magnetic storms.  This can cause us the usual changes within the physical structure.  We have to remember that these solar flares are assisting us to incorporate the higher frequencies within the physical structure so it is a time to truly utilize your tools for grounding and shifting into your new reality.  Those of us on the Northern Hemisphere are going to be feeling the energies of DRACO the Dragon Meteor Shower from Sunday evening through Monday morning (


Cosmic Level:

The energies this week are truly going to assist each individual but it is up to you, the individual, to fully realize that again, what you do not take care will be arising out of the surface.  The last two weeks have been monumental for individuals to fully realize the potential of their inner selves and this week you will be able to put that into practice.

What do we mean by this?  Well, the month of September has represented to the Awakened Beings of this Earth to know that the onion is not completely peeled, and truly, it will never be.  You may have felt the bottom of your life dropping away as you have known it.  September was a very powerful month indeed, and October is going to present its interesting twists and turns for each of you.

Do not think that if you are an accelerated Being of Light, in your own words, that you are not being challenged.  In fact you are the Ones that will be challenged more deeply, because you make a lasting impression upon many who touch your lives in your words or thoughts in whatever way you are sharing your Essence.  This is a time of great testing ground to see how far you can go.  It will get deeper and deeper, and the true challenge is how are you going to handle it?

This is what the Solar Flares represent in your physicality.  You have come to a point of time in the conditioning of your awareness through your physical body by allowing the higher realms to fully infiltrate within you.  Or, Are YOU?  This is the question we pose to you for this week.

Take this time to get deeper into yourself and see what you are sharing with the world around you.  Does it really reflect your true Essence or are you just sharing because you want to have a voice?  This is a big question and will come up with many Lightworkers in the next few weeks.

You have now reached a point of resting with the full moon energies.  Then the solar flares will be arriving into the Earth’s atmosphere which truly represents the Great Central Sun(s)…Yes, all of them through the Cosmic Levels.  So what does this mean for you?  You may have thought you are in a good place of balance but there is still more to understand.  You may have arrived into the pathway of sharing Light Frequencies to the masses and feel this is your destiny.  But my Dearest Ones, this is just the beginning.  For those that are just awakening and learning ways to find your Higher Self or I AM Presence, TAKE FULL ADVANTAGE OF THIS TIME.

What we are trying to convey in these moments is that this week is a PERFECT OPPORTUNITY to understand yourself more.  You have arrived with changes in your reality and the Universe is now going to shift more frequencies within you.  It is important for you to look at your BALANCE and how you react or don’t react to given situations.  Each of you is being prepared for the most optimal opportunity in your lives and everyone’s lives (meaning all soul families of Light).

REFLECTION of the Self is going to be very important at this time.  It is showing you how to look at the inner you and the outer you, how they relate to one another, and then to the world around you.  Learning how to fully accept your views, how you interconnect with other sentinent beings of light, and what is the difference between a good soul relationship and a bad one. 

Why, you ask?  Because there is going to come to a time very soon when you are going to have to choose what your life represents.  This week is a perfect opportunity for each living soul upon the Earth to fully look at themselves, their life and what it means to them, and the course of action that they want to take to create a better life.  Now we are not talking about material aspects, but the quality of your relationships and how you share with others.

Let’s face it ~ everyone wants to walk with their Higher Selves fully intact 24 hours a day.  This is what we mean.  This means that those old ways of doing, sharing, expressing, and being will not work.  No more judgments whether they are You, or Them; no more sarcastic remarks about individuals that are different from yourself, and no more feelings that You are not good enough.

It’s all about Oneness, right?  This is what everyone wants in their lives and we have to remove old ideas, thoughts, and timelines ~ yes, the most important element from the past lives to be fully removed.  Because all that you do and think, is not ALL YOU.  You may think it is, but it is not.  You are so much more beautiful, loving, joyful, and you deserve to have all of that right now.

This is the Harvest Time and it is not just about receiving what you desire but showing others Who You Truly Are.  This week may be rough on you depending on where you are in your development but believe me, it is going to assist you greatly for the next three months.  It will prepare you deeply for the changes that are occurring upon this Earth and you will stand ahead ready to help others to do the same.

We do not mean to be harsh, just loving thoughts of what you truly desire for yourself.  We know that this time is the most powerful but challenging moments in history.  All you have to do is say to yourself, “Am I Ready” and if you are not, then get deeper within yourself to be Ready.  Otherwise, these next few months are going to be very tumultuous for you.

This week is a sampling of more to come.  Those of you that are in balance we pose this comment.  Are you ready to receive more frequency within you?  Are you preparing yourself physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually?  All you have to do is PREPARE.  Just one step deeper into your exquisite Light.  Not a big step but allow this week to assist you for the journey of your life.

We just also want to share that these do not have to be big steps this week.  Just one foot in front of the other and continue the walk of the Light within this Earth.

We are deeply honored that you are doing this walk and know you are the most courageous souls that could have stepped into this experience we call Earth.

In the Creation of Oneness,

We are the Unified Whole Command in the Light of the One

©2012 Walking Terra Christa, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, Vibratory Ascension Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.  Permission granted to share information as long as copyright information is included.


On May 20th-21st (depending upon your time zone) we will be experiencing an Annular Solar Eclipse that promises to be another milestone in the history of 2012. This eclipse will take us further into the depths of our soul’s essence to fully express our divinity upon this earth as it represents the Divine Balance of the Male and Female through the essence of the Sun and Moon integrating their eneriges. It is also the event when Pleaides meets with the Sun and Moon which will truly assist the planet in the next step of our acceleration. A channeled message of this amazing event is located on Christine’s blog, Journey of Illumination,

Join us for a special call on May 20th, at 5 PM Pacific US, 12 midnight GMT, when we will connect with like-minded souls for a beautiful ceremony of Light within each of us and the planet. Let us know you will be attending by clicking “GOING” on the Facebook event page here.

This ceremony will include high vibrational frequencies with channeled messages from Helios & Vesta, our Solar Logos of the Great Central Sun along with the Pleidian Council of Light, and also we will connect with Gaia and the earth energies.

Please join us for a powerful hour (or so) of change by calling into the conference line via your phone 712.432.0900, code 856350#


Skype-to-Skype connections are also available. (see the instructions on our Tele-calls page.)

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