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Frequency Update ~ October 21st through 28th, 2012

Planetary Level ~

This week we are transitioning the Sun Signs from Libra to Scorpio.  Within Libra there is balance or at least we try to create balance in our relationships, environments both personal and work related, and all interactions with others.  Moving into Scorpio is the essence of “I Want” which means that we are no longer ready to sit back and accept things for the sake of balance and harmony.  This also creates individuals to look more deeply within and get to the ‘heart’ of matters.  This can be a very intense time as we switch energies.  Let’s look at it as we take the balance of Libra and blend it with the intensity of Scorpio to be the peace-maker but yet not allowing ourselves to be taken advantage of in any situation.

We are also preparing for the Full Moon energies on October 29th which is right at the end of this cycle we are speaking about which will be in the sign of Taurus representing “taking care of ourselves”.  Take time this week in preparation for this moon cycle as we always have a tendency to feel the energies before each cycle begins.  We will be facilitating a Full Moon Ceremony on Walking Terra Christa on Monday evening, 5 PM Pacific.

Solar Flare Alert ~ The Earth is being hit with an X-Flare starting on October 23rd which is expected to be felt in Asia and Australia although it may be the result of more solar flares coming which has been the norm in the past few days.  So if you are feeling tired, dizzy, irritable, and not just YOU, then you know you are changing through this process of renewal.  Take time to rest, take cleansing baths and showers, meditate, and connect with your Highest Presence to assist in the process.

Cosmic Level ~

The energies this week encompass all that has been written and so much more.  Each passing week gives each initiate a perspective of a deeper reality that is currently being presented to them, and we ask you to look at your thoughts and feelings this week.  It will serve you on a higher purpose to acknowledge what needs to be looked at to clear and what elements need to be embraced for your higher pathways about to enfold.

Each passing moment of this year that is remaining is truly that statement “passing moments”.  They are moving quickly with the pace of the clock ticking in the background as each of you are preparing through your Higher Self’s and your physical bodies to be in full alignment.  Each moment is crucial to these elements that will occur within your reality.

We say these words with great conviction because we want each of you to understand the process of continuance that you are going through to support these moments of change.  It is no mistake that you are having fears arise or feelings that you did not think you still had.  They are a pure reflection of your energies shifting into the higher essence that you are incorporating within your full body system.  We urge you to take these moments and go deeper with each reflection.  If something comes up that makes your feel uneasy within yourself, then that is a reflection that you must take time to understand.  It is arising for a reason within your consciousness to prepare you for the next step of your evolution.

Please know that everything you say and do, how you act, what you are feeling, and experiencing within your life are the mere reflections of what needs to be accepted or removed.  You, the maker of your destiny, must make these decisions within yourself in preparation for the next phases that are occurring.

In essence this is exactly what you are going through with changes, fluctuations, and energy shifts either through your own inner work or with the assistance of the activations that are occurring within the Earth.  Many new individuals are awakening unto these energies which are going to make them feel very uncomfortable within their physical bodies.  This past week with 10-21-12 was an Activation Day to assist individuals who need to be awakened more to the reflections within themselves.  Many senior members of initiation are beyond these frequencies as they are holding the Light to pass through them unto the Ones that need to accelerate themselves in a new and different way so each of these smaller activations are assisting in the Planetary Awareness of seeing the world in a new and different way.

This week shall be another preparatory stage for the Full Moon energies as these activations occur to remove the inner layers within the Cellular Memory to fully accept their I AM Presence more actively within their physical existence, but it cannot be done without seeing the Inner Reflection.  This is the dichotomy of the present state of awareness.  In the first stage an individual feels different, full of love energies, and allowing that essence to flow through them.  Then, in the next stage the love energies intertwine within the lower essence to fully reflect within the individual.  So at first, there is a surge like being in Love with Oneself; and then, that loves grows into the areas that need assistance.  So the old energies can arise out of the system to be purified within the four-bodies of Physical, Etheric Emotional, and Mental so the Full Body system can be acquired.

This process is important and should not be ignored.  Trying to mask the lower feelings with the higher feelings will only allow them to be hidden deeper into the cellular structure until one day it will burst open into flames of anger, hurt, and deep depression.  We share this information as this is what is happening to many individuals upon the planet.  We must not mask the feelings, but allow them to surface and be purified into the Oneness of Creation that You Are.

This is the week to prepare for this stage as with the onset of the next full moon on October 29th, 2012 the frequencies of this purging will go to deeper levels than ever felt before.  Each week the vibrational level of the Earth is shifting into a new paradigm of frequency and it cannot be measured in terms of how to deal with it until it arrives.

This is the week to fully acknowledge the depth of what you are NOT and change it into WHO YOU ARE.  It is not an easy process; this we know.  But in so doing, you will be preparing yourself for more acceleration upon the event of 12-21-12.

It is our time to walk with each other and you have chosen to be the Way shower upon this Planet.  The process of initiation and acceleration is not easy to handle, but you would not be reading these words if you were not ready.

We walk by your side each moment of your rebirth unto the New Earth.

We are the Unified Whole Command,

I AM the Great Divine Director at your Service

So Mote It Be, We Are One!

©2012 Walking Terra Christa, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, Vibrational Ascension Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.  No use without prior written permission allowed except for sharing the link to this page.

Science of Ascension Series, Phase 2 ~ Understanding Your Role As An Initiate

Science of Asension Mastery Class Series by Walking Terra Christa
Science of Asension Mastery Class Series by Walking Terra Christa

The Science of Ascension Series will continue on Thursday, October 25th, 2012, 11:30 AM, Pacific.  We will be sharing the dynamics of Ascension and what it means to understand the process.  This session we delve deeper into the levels of dimensions, the ascended masters that work on the various levels, how to connect with them, and learning the tools to help yourself with balance in your life.

Ascended Master Djwhal Khul and Master Joshua will be assisting us in providing the latest up-to-date information.  Included will be a discussion period, meditation, and channeling from both of these masters on the subject.

During this segment we will explain the following:

The frequencies of the dimensions up through the 144th, Creative Source of Oneness ~ We now know that we are able to access the 144th dimensional level of frequency which is the Unified Whole.  We will give background information on the Unified Whole Command, who resides within it, why we access it, and include the God Force Energies of the Mahatma in our discussion.

The Seven Paths to Higher Evolution ~    The chosen pathways as an initiate that we choose from our Higher Self which is important to access within the physical existence.  Will include channeled up-to-date information on each pathway.

Acceleration Techniques to Build Your Love & Light Quotient ~ Specific techniques to work with Etheric Ashrams, Spaces of Inner Light on the Inner Plane to receive assistance during sleep and awake states.

List of Ascended Masters to Work Within Their Chosen Field ~ Will discuss the Levels of Dimensions which Masters are associated on various levels with the latest up-to-date channeled information.

Meditation “Traveling the Dimensions of Light” ~ Working with The Great Divine Director of the Unified Whole along with Master Toth; will include releasing timelines that do not serve your Highest Purpose at this time of acceleration along with accessing past timelines that are necessary for your present pathway in 2012.

Djwhal Khul will share the dynamics of connecting with these energies and how to incorporate them into your daily life.

Master Joshua will speak about the pitfalls of Ascension; how to be balanced in your pathway both personally and professionally.

If you would like to join us for this amazing calls,  please enroll under our Mastery Classes page by clicking this link.  The conference number and password will be sent to you upon payment.   If you are interested, but cannot attend the Live Class, the MP3 download is available for you to purchase.  Don’t miss out on this amazing series.


Learning to Surrender with Lord Rayla & Lady Ralyio, The Elders of Love & Wisdom

Lord Rayla & Lady Ralyio are the Elders from the Throne of Grace that represent the Golden Yellow Ray of Love and Wisdom.  They are considered Elders 3 and 4 in which their essences are a combined effort of many essences of this ray.

This is true for all of the Elders, and is a concept that we are not used to understanding; each of us may represent an aspect of them as they sit within the Throne of Grace.  Their frequency is one of the purest essence in which we embody.  As we sit and call upon the Ray of Love and Wisdom, they will full embody our essence within ours.  So the experience can be quite different than receiving the ray energies from the Chohan, Elohim, or Archangels as we probably have more of an affinity with each of those energies.  They represent the ability to delve deeper into the soul’s wisdom by accessing patience and strength; thereby, fully embracing the essence of a multi-dimensional Being of Light.

Greetings My Beloveds,

We bring to you in this moment the fluidness of the Golden Ray as it is imbued within your own physical body.  We want you to acknowledge the frequency of who you are now, and allow this essence to delve deeper into your consciousness of awareness.  Accessing the Ray of Love and Wisdom is an acknowledgement of your own essence that will take you on a journey of the Self that is much deeper and creates a beauty of enrichment within your experience.

You have arrived with this essence within you but due to the confines of your society and not understand who you are, they have slipped away into the memory banks of your I AM Presence ready to be accessed when your physical existence allows it to be so.  Each of you are embodied deeply within Love and Wisdom; it is just what you do with it once it is acknowledged.

This is why it is a ray of complete surrender and allowing the essence of expansion to grow within you.  Without allowing this to occur, you cannot fully access the Divine Being that you are.  It will constrict you and create mental limitations in your daily life.

We are here to assist in a new and completely different way than we have ever envisioned before.  We are the receptors of the frequency of this ray as we stand proud to embrace each of you into allow the essences that we all represent to fully be accessed within a physical existence.  This is very exciting to us, the Elders, that hold this energy deeply.  We now have the availablility to fully send the frequency to each of you directly by your command.

Once you learn to embody the ray fully within you there is an understanding that is created throughout your mental level.  But first, you must realize you are a being of pure love and why shouldn’t you fully allow that to come within your reality.  Let’s take a moment and feel this frequency of Light that is truly an aspect within your own essence.  We ask you to feel the Universal Love, Patience, and Calmness that results within your Being.  We share this with you so as to go deeper into your Heart’s essence which is the Love of God.  Feel it flowing within you as it now blends into your Mental essence to relax the mind.  You are learning to access the Higher Mind but it does not happen automatically.  It must be a fluidness and enveloping energy into your entire system.

Once you have acquired this state of Grace, you are now ready to access the Wisdom that is being shared with you.  It opens up doorways of the deepest part of your reality within the Cosmic forces.  It does not come from your mental mind, but it comes from your Higher Mind.  You see these are steps. 

Embracing the Light of the Golden Yellow will relax you into a deeper state of awareness.  It is like you just stepped into a beautiful tub of water filled with the Golden Yellow.  You breathe and feel its essence enfolding within you.  Your body starts to relax through the process and then you can find the clarity that you need because you have created serenity by allowing yourself to know it cannot be created by the mental mind.

This is a very important facet to understanding the full composition of Love and Wisdom.  An individual that carries this within their Mental aspect is very lucky, because it comes to them in automatic pilot.  He/she does not have to think about it, IT JUST IS.  (To learn more about which rays you incorporate within your four-body system, a Ray Reading with Djwhal Khul will assist.)

For the rest of you, it takes practice but it is very attainable.  This is especially true with individuals that are very masculine oriented and this ray is the most important part of your mastery pathway to utilize for your personal enlightenment.  Without it, you cannot attain it.  This will truly assist you in attaining the “Love Quotient” that is necessary to walk into the higher realms of Light.

Please do call upon us to assist you in this process of Love and Compassion Within.

It is our pleasure to be of service to you.

We Are,

Lord Rayla & Lady Raylio, Elders of the Throne of Grace


Join us for the 22 RAY Challenge which will fully assist you in the pathway of Mastery with ease and grace.

©2012 Walking Terra Christa, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, Vibrational Ascension Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.  No use without prior written permission allowed except for sharing the link to this page.  Excerpted from the upcoming book.


Frequency Update ~ October 15th through 22nd, 2012

Planetary Level:

We start the week off, Monday, with a New Moon in Libra, 8:03 AM EDT which will represent balance in our relationships.  It is also a very good time for creating new projects as the energies are presenting this facet in our earth energies.  The buzz words are to create the NEW but within the Balance of the Self.  This not only represents our relationships but our environment while allowing our new creative Self to be born.  This week will truly help us to embrace the elements that have been purging in the past frequencies recently.  So take time to fully understand what is in balance and what is not aligned in your True Self.

In reference to Solar Flares it looks like this week is also going to be in balance.  There was an ignition of Auroras from a G-1 magnetic storm this past weekend that lasted 15 hours which caused some pretty amazing graphics, see

Cosmic Level:

The frequency of Light this week is going to be one that will assist you as long as you keep the elements in perspective.  Remember that we are preparing for a very important time within two months with the energies of 12-12 and 12-21, 2012.  Each of you is being prepared in ways that your Higher Self is deeming it appropriate for your present circumstances.

You can no longer accept your life in the way that has always been done.  The world is changing into the higher frequencies.  Some are living in the 3rd, some in the 4th, and very few in the 5th.  But each of us aspires to that point of creation within the 5th dimensional frequency.  So each of you must be prepared to step into this doorway of your awakening.

We are not talking about new awakenings as in asleep consciousness-minded individuals which there are many of on this planet. We are talking about YOU ~ the one that is reading this text because your life is going to change dramatically in ways behind your conscious reality.  This is what we are preparing for in each week and different stages of growth.

You may already understand the transition that you are going through but you cannot know, until it arrives, how deeply it will change you.  We explain these parts so that you can fully understand the process of each moment you are living within your experiences.

This week will help in creating new definitions of the Self within you to fully accept the potentiality that YOU ARE.  As we draw closer to these important events, then the understanding will go deeper within you.  So this week will help you to realize more of yourself.

It is time to fully acknowledge the parts within you that do not fit and allow them to be removed which is not part of the higher aspect of your reality.  If you continue to allow yourself to be in the old spaces of existence, then this transition will become ever increasingly difficult for you to handle.  It is when you fully allow your physical body to accept the higher frequency that is also YOU, to be within your Being, then you accept the full potential that you are.  And that potential will change with each increasing moment of acceptance.

Take some moments this week to reflect fully on the inner parts of yourself that need to be adjusted and this may include family and friends that have been dear to your Heart.  As you get closer to the inner reality that is you, then you see the perspective changes that need to be made.  This is not easy at all but this New Moon represents Balance in all aspects of living and Being.  You must be very TRUE to YOURSELF, and in order to do so, you must understand what does not fit your present purpose of existence.

We did not say this was easy at all; but each of you that are reading this material, are aligned with a higher consciousness.  It depends upon what you do with it and how you allow it to blend within yourself.  Please know that awakening of the Soul within the Physical existence is not an easy process as you have been asleep a very long time.  You must also know that very careful steps must be taken in order not to perceive yourself as something you are not.  This is the paradigm of the New World that will take effect upon everyone’s existence within them and around their environment.  It is an essential part of allowing the elements to fully grow within you, adjust the changes that are necessary, and full align with the NEW YOU.

So take your time this week in allowing these energies of the New Moon to support your in your own endeavors of creation.  It is a very powerful time, and we must not resist what needs to change, walk into new doorways of Light, and accept that you will be supported, loved, and accepted in so many ways.

It is our Divine Pleasure to walk with you during this phase and moving into the New Earth of Unified Consciousness.

We are the Unified Whole Command,

Walking in Oneness with you,

So Mote It Be In that Light That We ARE

©2012 Walking Terra Christa, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, Vibrational Ascension Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.  Permission granted to share information as long as copyright information is included.

The Golden Yellow Flame of God ~ Learning to Access Your Wisdom through the Balance of Love ~

Ray No. 2 ~ Love & Wisdom

Color:  Golden Yellow

Chakra:  Crown

Elders from the Throne of Grace:  Lord Ralya & Lady Ralyio

Chohan:  Master Kuthumi; Ascended Master Djwhal Khul

Elohim Masters:  Apollo & Lumina

Archangels:  Jophiel & Christine

Toning Sound:  “WA”


The Ray of Love and Wisdom is a very special ray to full learn to intuit.  It brings us a softer approach of accessing our wisdom through the essence of pure love.

On the Planetary Level it represents the color of Blue within the Heart.  This may seem like it is easier to reflect within oneself, because it fully allows the Love essence that is such a deep aspect of our humanness to fully attune within our physicality.  The attributes of Love and Wisdom within the Heart are very powerful, but accessing it on a Universal level within the Crown assists us so much more.  It is the frequency of our spiritual conditioning that flows within us as the Golden Yellow fully reflects this Wisdom of the Love.

When an initiate learns to access it within their Crown area, it represents our Higher Self and then our I AM Presence.  We can feel love from the Heart but then it is still within the physical aspects of the human body.  The essences of this ray are so much more flowing which creates a freedom to access it within the Crown.  We are no longer working through the physical Heart of the feelings and emotions but the aspects of our Higher Heart and Higher Mind.  This, in turn, activates the Higher Self to be more readily accessible through the physical body.  It will help to change elements within the heart area where previously they have been difficult to change.

So in essence we are fully accepting our knowledge and truth from our I AM Presence which is truly the God Essence of the Will of God.  This allows us, as the initiate, to fully expand all thought processes within the Higher Mind and allows the inner abilities of insight and intuition to flow through us.  We are working through Wisdom but access the Love that is personified in the essence of the Divine Mother which will exhibit by being loyal and calm in all our interactions.  The rest of the energies just flow through us that can be exhibited as being generous and warm to others.

This is just the beginning because as we access each ray we are given opportunities to grow further within our pathways which represent having a Love of the Truth.  This takes us on a journey to begin the process of understanding Ascension through the Ascended Masters that have walked before us.  It allows us to remove the old timelines when we were not patient and could have become angry at the slightest element when others do not believe as we do.  What happens is the essence of our pure heart is fully activated within these energies.

The best part of this ray is that there are several Ascended Masters that work within the Ray besides Master Kuthumi and Ascended Master Djwhal Khul.  We are honored to work with Lord Maitreya, the Office of the Christ, and Lord Buddha.  The Elders from the Throne of Grace who are Lord Ralya & Lady Ralyio bring forth the essence of the ray upon asking for it to be within you.  The other beings will full activate it and work with you but the Elders are the ones that initiate the frequencies from the Source of Divine Mother & Father God.

A person who has the Ray of Love and Wisdom fully activated within their personality will exhibit these qualities.  The will find that they pick careers in the field of Teaching, Healing Writing, Speaking, and wanting to share with others their knowledge from previous timelines.  If you would like to know which of the rays you are embodied with, please check out the Ray Reading with Djwhal Khul, Walking Terra Christa.  It is a very enlightening experience to understand oneself through the Science of the Rays.

In retrospect, if an individual is only acting within the lower aspects of this ray, they may exhibit coldness, indifference to others, and staying strict within their religious beliefs and not connect to the Universal Consciousness we now call Oneness.  As in all healing modalities, each of us can aspire to the highest aspects of ourselves and there is always room for growth and potential within each of us.

To learn more about the 22 Rays of God, join our 22 RAY Challenge through your email that will allow you to fully understand and incorporate each of these amazing rays of the Spectrum of Light.

©2012 Walking Terra Christa ~  All Rights Reserved.  No use without prior written permission allowed.  Excerpted from the upcoming book.

Lord Adama on the 12-21-12

Depiction of Lord Adama High Priest of Telos-Lemuria's Capitol City by artist Glenda GreenAs many of our faithful subscribers and followers know…the two of us did not create and build this business alone. The Team of Light is truly our Board of Advisers. And we know that is a strange assertion. But it is true. All the Ascended Masters (Lady Masters too…) and the Spiritual Hierarchy… all those who represent the Christ Consciousness, want us to assist you. So they assist us.

But it is just as strange for us sometimes as it is for you. Lord Adama the High Priest of Telos, the Capital City of the Inner-Earth Agartha Network of the former Lemurian and Atlantean civilizations, is an Ascended Master who has dedicated his life to assisting the upper earth beings. The upper earth beings are his brethren, his family in Light. And he works very diligently and passionately along with the Telosian Council of Light, his beloved partner Galactica, the King and Queen of Telos, and everyone else of the Christed Realm, to teach, educate, and remind the upper earth population of who they really are. It is why he asked us to bring forth the seminar series he called “The Telosian Way of Being”. It is a very important course because it delves deep, just as any spiritual program or personal development program attempts, into what you are required to do to get past the illusions of who and what we as humans on the upper earth often feel is our reality. Yet, as an Ascended Master working with the other Ascended Beings to teach this course, his approach is much better at teaching you how to be you.

Have you ever heard the term “Makyo”? It is a term from the practitioners of Zen Buddhism who desire to learn to meditate but do not wish to get lost in the illusions and vivid dreams that one can experience while meditating. Those experiences can draw one into a sense that the reality of the meditative world is more attractive than the material living world.

This is exactly why Lord Adama wants you to know and understand the difference. Many wish to escape the reality of the 3D world, especially those who are here incarnated as Starseeds, Lightworkers, Wayshowers, because the 3D world often seems very harsh to them. They often feel pulled to seek an easier path that does not involve dealing with the confines and control of our current societal culture. So they reach out to “Makyo” either within their own dreams or in their daily living, as if the 3D world was not really something they should be concerned with and deal with, or by outright drug/alcohol use and escapism or through joblessness and/or being a wanderer or transient, with no daily foundation in a 3D setting. After all, the 3D world requires responsibilities and commitments within a system, but a system that is unfair and biased, not at all in oneness.

Lord Adama wishes this were not so. He fervently wishes that these gifted and magnificent beings of light were instead able to anchor themselves and their light more fully upon the earth, the material earth, the real reality, so they could both transcend and transform that reality into one that nurtures and energizes them to be in community and global unity. And he knows that most do not feel this is possible; that most are resigned to the “fact” that there simply is not a “way” to do so.

He has a “way”. It is the Telosian Way. The Telosian society makes the material world work for them. They make community work for them, they make being in union, in unity, in oneness with your neighbor work for them. And he knows it is real and can be done. And done very well.

So he channeled a message to speak about how important this Way of Being really is for humanity. And in this channeled message he plainly states his frustration and he plainly offers a suggestion that you join him in the seminar series.

And that is why we, just like you, are sometimes uncomfortable with the whole aspect of doing this type of ethereal work and having Ascended Masters on “our Board’. In his message, it sure sounds like a sales pitch for the course to us. And we are the ones here on the upper earth, in the 3D world offering the course. So it makes us very uncomfortable. But at the same time, we have to admit, he is so right about what he is saying about 12-21-12, the work of being more aware of how to “ascend” is very important.

So he asked us to do this course, “The Telosian Way of Being”, to deliver that “way’. In this course you will be forced to face your illusions, forced to become aware of a greater reality that is beyond your eyes and ears but often encountered within your dreams. Not your escapism dreams, but your concrete dreams of a better world, a more peaceful and compassionate and inclusive world.

We want that kind of a world. So we are allowing the sales pitch. It is that important.

Here is the video of Lord Adama’s message on the energies of 12-21-12. Check it out.

Frequency Update ~ October 7th through 13th, 2012

Planetary Level:

This week the planets are settling down so it is a time of Reflection.  Look back unto the previous New Moon of Virgo and the Full Moon of Aries to assist in fully moving through your journey of the Self.  The past two phases have been very instrumental in assisting us in learning who we truly are even though they are causing intense moments of pain, sadness, and shifting into our new realities.  The inner and outer self has truly looked at each other to make the necessary adjustments.  You may still have remnants of these activations to fully work through so it is a perfect time to do so.  Not a time of relaxation, but truly moments of adapting to our new essence.

On the other hand, we are being hit with the Solar Flares this week.  So in one way we are allowing the new changes to occur and then being feeling the frequencies on an inter-planetary level.  The solar flares will occur approximately from October 8th-9th resulting in geo-magnetic storms.  This can cause us the usual changes within the physical structure.  We have to remember that these solar flares are assisting us to incorporate the higher frequencies within the physical structure so it is a time to truly utilize your tools for grounding and shifting into your new reality.  Those of us on the Northern Hemisphere are going to be feeling the energies of DRACO the Dragon Meteor Shower from Sunday evening through Monday morning (


Cosmic Level:

The energies this week are truly going to assist each individual but it is up to you, the individual, to fully realize that again, what you do not take care will be arising out of the surface.  The last two weeks have been monumental for individuals to fully realize the potential of their inner selves and this week you will be able to put that into practice.

What do we mean by this?  Well, the month of September has represented to the Awakened Beings of this Earth to know that the onion is not completely peeled, and truly, it will never be.  You may have felt the bottom of your life dropping away as you have known it.  September was a very powerful month indeed, and October is going to present its interesting twists and turns for each of you.

Do not think that if you are an accelerated Being of Light, in your own words, that you are not being challenged.  In fact you are the Ones that will be challenged more deeply, because you make a lasting impression upon many who touch your lives in your words or thoughts in whatever way you are sharing your Essence.  This is a time of great testing ground to see how far you can go.  It will get deeper and deeper, and the true challenge is how are you going to handle it?

This is what the Solar Flares represent in your physicality.  You have come to a point of time in the conditioning of your awareness through your physical body by allowing the higher realms to fully infiltrate within you.  Or, Are YOU?  This is the question we pose to you for this week.

Take this time to get deeper into yourself and see what you are sharing with the world around you.  Does it really reflect your true Essence or are you just sharing because you want to have a voice?  This is a big question and will come up with many Lightworkers in the next few weeks.

You have now reached a point of resting with the full moon energies.  Then the solar flares will be arriving into the Earth’s atmosphere which truly represents the Great Central Sun(s)…Yes, all of them through the Cosmic Levels.  So what does this mean for you?  You may have thought you are in a good place of balance but there is still more to understand.  You may have arrived into the pathway of sharing Light Frequencies to the masses and feel this is your destiny.  But my Dearest Ones, this is just the beginning.  For those that are just awakening and learning ways to find your Higher Self or I AM Presence, TAKE FULL ADVANTAGE OF THIS TIME.

What we are trying to convey in these moments is that this week is a PERFECT OPPORTUNITY to understand yourself more.  You have arrived with changes in your reality and the Universe is now going to shift more frequencies within you.  It is important for you to look at your BALANCE and how you react or don’t react to given situations.  Each of you is being prepared for the most optimal opportunity in your lives and everyone’s lives (meaning all soul families of Light).

REFLECTION of the Self is going to be very important at this time.  It is showing you how to look at the inner you and the outer you, how they relate to one another, and then to the world around you.  Learning how to fully accept your views, how you interconnect with other sentinent beings of light, and what is the difference between a good soul relationship and a bad one. 

Why, you ask?  Because there is going to come to a time very soon when you are going to have to choose what your life represents.  This week is a perfect opportunity for each living soul upon the Earth to fully look at themselves, their life and what it means to them, and the course of action that they want to take to create a better life.  Now we are not talking about material aspects, but the quality of your relationships and how you share with others.

Let’s face it ~ everyone wants to walk with their Higher Selves fully intact 24 hours a day.  This is what we mean.  This means that those old ways of doing, sharing, expressing, and being will not work.  No more judgments whether they are You, or Them; no more sarcastic remarks about individuals that are different from yourself, and no more feelings that You are not good enough.

It’s all about Oneness, right?  This is what everyone wants in their lives and we have to remove old ideas, thoughts, and timelines ~ yes, the most important element from the past lives to be fully removed.  Because all that you do and think, is not ALL YOU.  You may think it is, but it is not.  You are so much more beautiful, loving, joyful, and you deserve to have all of that right now.

This is the Harvest Time and it is not just about receiving what you desire but showing others Who You Truly Are.  This week may be rough on you depending on where you are in your development but believe me, it is going to assist you greatly for the next three months.  It will prepare you deeply for the changes that are occurring upon this Earth and you will stand ahead ready to help others to do the same.

We do not mean to be harsh, just loving thoughts of what you truly desire for yourself.  We know that this time is the most powerful but challenging moments in history.  All you have to do is say to yourself, “Am I Ready” and if you are not, then get deeper within yourself to be Ready.  Otherwise, these next few months are going to be very tumultuous for you.

This week is a sampling of more to come.  Those of you that are in balance we pose this comment.  Are you ready to receive more frequency within you?  Are you preparing yourself physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually?  All you have to do is PREPARE.  Just one step deeper into your exquisite Light.  Not a big step but allow this week to assist you for the journey of your life.

We just also want to share that these do not have to be big steps this week.  Just one foot in front of the other and continue the walk of the Light within this Earth.

We are deeply honored that you are doing this walk and know you are the most courageous souls that could have stepped into this experience we call Earth.

In the Creation of Oneness,

We are the Unified Whole Command in the Light of the One

©2012 Walking Terra Christa, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, Vibratory Ascension Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.  Permission granted to share information as long as copyright information is included.

Why Now?

Are You Ready?
Why Now?

Why now? Why is it important to learn how to “Walk on Terra Christa” now? Is there really going to be a shift as we move into 2013?

If you have even been remotely following the prophecy’s of the Mayan calendar and other esoteric teachings…that is, the real material and not the media hype, then you know that the world’s level of humanity and evolution is shifting at this very moment.  The world is not ending but shifting.  The question is: are you ready for that shift?

We talk to people everyday who believe in the shift, they can see for themselves it is happening.  They love humanity and they desire to spread love and light wherever they go.  They can’t wait for a world where there is no longer a controlled financial system, no longer a constraint on peace and prosperity for all, where they can work and live their passion and not have to do the grunt work for someone else in order to pay their bills.  They love the idea of enlightenment for all of humanity.

We do too.  But this particular huge immense and magnificent shift that is happening, is not going to deliver that way of existence to humanity…

What it is going to do is open the gateway for humanity to create that way of existence for themselves...because whether humanity is ready or not…that gateway is going to be fully open.  And with that opening comes a huge immense and magnificent shift in human consciousness.  And that global consciousness will stop supporting a controlled system of any kind. So as certain as the sun does rise, those types of systems will start to fall…

And can you imagine what that will be like?  Especially for those who are-not-prepared?  To give you a glimpse, imagine moving to a foreign country where no one speaks your language, where they do every thing different and you have to learn everything about how to live, interact and get along with them…

Starting to get the idea?

You can wait.  But why put yourself through something like that when you can be prepared.

The way-of-being of the Golden Era is indeed going to be different…but not at all what the media hype behind the date of 12/21/12 is all about…

It is going to be about consciousness initially, and then learning to live in that new consciousness.  And learning how to do that, is no small thing.

It is the expanded consciousness of what it really means to be human and walk upon Gaia.  What does it really mean?  Well, to start with… you are not just “human”. And it would serve you well to figure out just what and who you really are…to figure out the all of you that is not human.  It  would serve you well to expand your consciousness to include what you think you are not: Angelic, Intergalactic, Elemental…and so so much more, including all the former timelines of your being human.

That is why you should not wait. And we have some great seminars to assist you.  It is why we are doing this work ourselves – so we can all be prepared.

All the work we do assists you to step into the New Earth energies now.

We teach the 22 Rays of God.

We teach you about what it takes to live in a 5th Dimensional lifestyle.

We teach you how to protect yourself and your light.

We teach you how to remember your Angelic Self.

We teach you how to release and clear your timelines.

We give you countless activations, attunements and channeled energies in our weekly calls.

(And know this: – all this is our own very biased opinion…so always take your own wisdom and counsel to see what is right for you…)

But, know this too: we are confident our own very biased opinion is highly relevant to the New Earth.  (We realize our opinion is totally irrelevant to the 3D world of materialism and getting ahead financially and keeping up with the neighbors…so don’t look to us to assist you with all that…)

We suggest you check out these links below of our courses…and if you don’t sign up and start working with us…well, our strongest advisory would be – go sign up with someone!  Don’t wait.  As these energies of the shift are not going to go away, stay in another dimension, or wait for you.

Some of what we do:

The 22 Rays Challenge: receive an email course so you can learn the Rays of God on your own time.  You will get 2 Rays to work on per week for the next 90 days (for about a dollar a day) including a channeled audio MP3 and Decree for each Ray. This is an excellent start for those who are new and an excellent touch point for those already doing our courses. [Click here for more].

The Telosian Way of Being: Do you think the 5th Dimension is all about love and light, holding hands and singing songs? No so. Lord Adama, the High Priest of Telos and the Telosian Council of Light, along with the Ascended Masters and the Lady Masters want to assist you in really knowing what it takes to live as a 5th Dimensional human.  It is more than just love and light.  You have to change to get a ticket to ride this train.  Making that change in your active consciousness will greatly assist you.  Join us each week as we learn The Telosian Way of Being. [Click here for more].

Journey of the 22 Rays through Your Chakras: for those who have more time to spend (at least 90 minutes for each of 8 MP3 recordings), to learn how to incorporate the first 7 Rays of God within their own Physicality (for your 3rd, 4th and 5th Dimensional bodies), this is a great course for the one who wants to be accelerated. [Click here for more].

The Kumaric Teaching of Sanat Kumara and the Holy Kumaras: By audio MP3 or live class (live calls are date dependent and will expire), this special seminar/combo series is to remember your essence walking the 7th Dimensional frequency of your existence with the Kumaras.  (Not all have this recognition of themselves, but if you resonate with Sanat Kumara, this is why).  This unique seminar also includes a private session with each of the Kumaras. [Click here for more].

The Angelic Teachings: AA Michael and Lord Metatron both offer significant elements to assist us remembering our full consciousness as Angelic Beings.  AA Michael brings us a course in remembering our Angelic Transparency, and Lord Metatron, the Keeper of our Angelic Essence, reunites us with The Metatronic Golden Seals. [Click here and here for more].

The Science of Ascension: Do you know the extensive work of Dr. Joshua David Stone? He is now a being who has transitioned to the other side of the veil and he wants to continue with his work.  Meleriesee is ordained through his organization and together we bring you their knowledge but also the frequency to activate that knowledge within you. [Click here for more].

The Protection Class: Do you know what the 4th Dimension is really all about?  Many talk about the 4th and the 5th as if they are the same, and the interchangeability of them both as being the next level of humanity.  They are not.  The 4th is not the 5th.  The 4th is a dimension of constructional architectural dimensionality that supports the very existence of the 3rd dimension.  In other words, the 3rd dimension can not exist as a construct without the 4th dimension.  And what is the 4th? The 4th is the dimension of where the veil of the 3rd gets lifted and you get to see what is “under the hood”.  That is, all the contrast and duality right in your face… Are you or were you ever afraid of the dark?  Do you know that our mythical stories and fairy tales like little red riding hood walking through the dark and foreboding forest to Grandma’s house…are not so mythical in their hidden truths? That is the 4th Dimension…and you have to go through it to get to the 5th.  This class has wonderful stories from our own pathway and offers many tools to assist you to do just that and protect your light while you do.  [Click here for more].

Our Weekly Tele-Teachings and Membership:  Perhaps one of our easiest tools to keep yourself learning and advancing along the path.  Each week we normally do 2 calls (Mondays and Wednesdays) for our members.  Each call assist in bringing you insights and re-connections to all this work, including many channeled messages, activations, attunements and guided meditations. What makes these calls unique? We don’t just bring you the elements of knowledge you are seeking to make a shift, we bring the high vibrational frequencies that make a shift in your full body system of the mental, emotional, physical and etheric bodies. (Of course, your Higher Self, and you, need to allow that to happen…as freewill governs all things on planet earth.)  Currently our members are getting The Telosian Way seminar series as part of their membership.  In 2013 we will resume learning about the Etheric Golden Cities with Lord Adama the High Priest of Telos. (The Golden Cities, by the way, all use the Rays of God in their teachings for humanity.) [Click here for more].

These are just some of the ways we are here to get you ready.  And everything we do gets us ready too, as we are all on this pathway together.  And if all that was not enough… we do personal sessions for you as well.  (Which may not be something we will always be able to offer, but for now, we still can do so.)

What are the personal sessions?  Mostly one-on-one sessions with the Ascended Masters, Lady Masters and Beings who want to impart all these esoteric teachings about Ascension and Soul Psychology to humanity.  You already know the names of many of the beings we offer sessions through, but click here to see more on how we can assist you.

Faith is the Structure to Create the Will to DO, Archangels Michael & Faith of the Blue Flame

Archangels Michael & Faith: Archangel Michael, as most of us know him well, is the Archangel of Faith and Protection.  He is the Director of the Angelic Kingdom and representative of the First Ray.  He works with assisting souls to find the right balance whether in or out of body helping anyone in distress who desires his help.  Archangel Faith  embodies the God quality of faith, which resides within every human heart.  Faith in God should be the constant state of One’s Being, every second of eternity.  Faith is the substance of all things hoped for and the evidence of things unseen.  Together they share how important it is the embody Faith first and the Will to Do will follow.

We love to be honored by the frequency of the Blue Ray as our work is not only inherent within the Rays but to assist souls in and out of body to bring these essences to all of humanity.  Some may think that this ray of the Will and Power is something out of the scope of understanding within the common man or woman.  Possibly that is because there is a lack of understanding within the will of their own essence being able to tap into the Higher Mind.  That is a misconception.

We, as Archangel Michael & Faith, come to each of you in this moment to assist you in the process of your own divinity of understanding the depthness of the Will for your own lightwork and pathway whether it is personal or professional.  Our role is not any different for either.  Our main goal is to assist you to understand the Power of your own force within the Will of your creation.

Let us say as a rule that I as Archangel Michael assists anyone that truly needs help in receiving their own courage and ability to find their Will.  I work with many Beings of Light to help them understand their own thought process is the one that truly makes their destiny.  Within that aspect I share the ability to have courage.  This is not an outside circumstance but truly an inner truth; but then as I as Archangel Faith bring to each individual the same experience by accessing their knowledge of the faith within their experience.  If a person cannot have faith in their endeavor then there is no accessibility of courage.  They go hand-in-hand.

Many say that angels protect and guide humanity which is very true.  When it comes down to the pathway of Mastery, then that is when we divide the work we have been doing separately and become the union of Will and Power.  We bring to each of you to acknowledge your own essence of your Will to Do.  It is about learning what is truly going on within your world to ‘walk your talk’ and share with others the experience.  When you are hit with a moment of despair, how do you work through it?  Do you call upon one of us or do you call upon your-self?

This is a very important aspect to ponder because walking in mastery means that you must find the pathway that works best for you while at the same time of initiating your worth of knowledge.  We are here to assist with these elements.

It is not to say that we are not your protectors but once an aspirant walks upon the pathway of mastery then that is when we truly step in to teach and honor each of you.  You have been an angel but you forgot that fact along with many other timelines that are important.  At this moment in time, it is very important to bring forth these elements to assist every one of you.

We want to make sure that each of you understands that we walk with you side-by-side.  We as a team, do this, not separately but our components together bring forth a great teaching for each of you to acknowledge your own self-worth.  You have just forgotten and now that the ‘Veil of Forgetfulness’ has now been broken, you have the Universe at your command.

Think of something you feel very strongly about; it could be a conviction that you truly want to share with the world.  But yet, in the physical existence, the element you want to share is not something that others may understand or appreciate it.  This brings forth your Faith.  When you have a deep desire to share with others, you must bring forth your faith to express it deeply.  If you do not have the faith in yourself, then how can you have faith in sharing it with another?  We must start at the basis of any creation and that is to deeply say “I have faith in this program, or this project, or this subject, and I want to share it”.  This then creates the WILL to DO.  When individuals are still insecure within themselves, they have lost faith within.

This also creates the element of Courage.  Some have courage on the lower aspect but that is arrogance which can create great conflict.  People know when you are truthful and if you are sharing something that comes deep within your Heart and Soul, then there is nothing that can stop you from creating it.

This is the ability to have great initiative and strength to move forward to teach others what you know.  Do you think you have this?  Are you arrogant about it?  Or do you sit back and wait for others to do it for you?  These are some of the aspects that are very important within the Blue Flame of Will and Power.  Having a properly balanced Mind, Body and Spirit will allow you to fully incorporate the Blue Flame within you as you share it with others.

As we speak in these terms, think about your angelic presence and what he/she would want to be acknowledged within you.  This is the important factor that needs to be addressed within our level of creation.  We work with all of you to embody these qualities; to remember that you offer the essence of God within you to share it with others.  Take a moment to see where these elements are coming from:  humility of your spirit with the power of your essence and not from the desire to control others with obstinacy and anger.

Take a moment and allow the Blue Flame to embody within you and spread your wings far and wide.  You will see your essence change from the lower aspects into the higher realms of your mind.  You are a great Being of Light that embodies faith in each moment to protect all of humanity.

We are Archangels Michael and Faith

Embodying Our Wings of Light to Merge with Yours

©2012 Walking Terra Christa ~  All Rights Reserved.  No use without prior written permission allowed.  Excerpted from the upcoming book.

Join the 22 RAY Challenge ~ Receive a decree & attunement two times a week for each of the 22 RAYS.

Learning to Accept Your Will To DO ~ Elohim Masters Hercules & Amazonia of the Blue Flame

Elohim Masters Hercules & Amazonia, of the Blue Flame of Will & Power, represent the power and essence of strength and walking a pathway of inner balance to fully reflect God’s Will through each of us in Action.

We can fully bring forth these elements within our lower aspects of this Ray but to embody it on the Higher level is truly our TRUTH and vulnerability as God-given Beings of Light.  Both of these beautiful masters show us how to bring in these essences so that it comes from pureness of our Hearts and I AM Presence.  The Elohim walked this Earth during Lemuria so you may even feel very much akin to some of these great Beings we will be sharing with you.


It is our Divine Pleasure to come through each of you on this day of your reading and feeling our essences.  The first element we ask you to do is breathe deeply and allow the Blue Flame representing strength, courage, and the power of your Will to fully come into your physical creation.  Feel your Mental thoughts just being blurred within you as they merge within your Emotional feelings.  Allow the Masculine and Feminine to fully blend into the Oneness that You ARE.

We give you this visualization to help you realize your Divine Essence in the purest of your Heart.  You cannot utilize the Blue Ray of Will and Power until you see the vulnerability that is within you.  This is truly a gift and some may think that it is a detriment.  The Heart must heal through this process in order for you to see the Will of YOU within You.  It is very simple actually. 

Understand this process in this manner.  You are going through a challenge with another person or situation.  The first thing you want to do is to tell them, lash out at them in anger or frustration and this is so very wrong.  The first element you need to realize is that it is occurring because of lower thoughts, situations, or feelings within you.  It is not the other person; they are just assisting you to fully change it and bring it into the Light.

Working with the Blue Flame of Will and Power is a very strong force.  This is why it is imperative at this time to actualize this flame from the highest frequency and not the lowest.  If you are struggling with relationships or feeling powerlessness, we guarantee you that you are still emanating from the Red Flame on the planetary level.  We must help you to arise to the Blue but sometimes it needs to be a steady pace and not a jump from one to the other.

So how do you do this?  Well, you attune yourself with your own Higher Self and ask for a dimensional shift to occur for you.  We understand the process of physicality as we have walked your walk on the Earth.  It takes great diligence and foresight to continue the journey but you do have the power to do so.  It is all a matter of relevance and what you feel you deserve in your life.

So let’s feel those essences from the Red, to the higher Pink, into a Lavender, and feeling light Blues, and then the deepest Blue you can imagine.  This is where you want to be.  As you feel those spiraling lights coming with you, feel the change of your feelings and thoughts being fully transformed.  Now you are allowing your I AM Presence to bring to you your Will which is God’s Will of light and love.

Within this essence now feel great strength within you.  Now this strength does not come from your lower mind and what you have to do physically; it comes through your essence as it is flowing within you.  This is where you want to be ~ accepting the deepest part of your Higher Essence into your Lower Body.  You will start to see a transformation take place.

Now you embody the ability to have the POWER TO DO.  It will move through you because you are coming from a balanced Heart and Mind; one that is from the higher levels and not your physicality.  This takes practice but it can be done.

We are here to assist you in this process.  Feel the beauty that You Are by embracing your WILL first in your own essence, change those elements that do not feel well, and allow them to be empowered by YOUR WILL TO DO.

It is our pleasure to work with each of you personally through this amazing journey.

We are Hercules and Amazonia at your side.

If you want to learn about all the 22 Rays of God – why not take our 22 Rays Challenge and get a Decree and an Audio MP3 Attunement for each of the 22 Rays?

©2012 Walking Terra Christa ~  All Rights Reserved.  No use without prior written permission allowed.  Excerpted from the upcoming book.


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