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LEARNING TO BECOME THE LIGHT OF GOD: Increasing the Light Quotient

Every spiritual Aspirant, Adept, or Initiate desires to Raise their Light Quotient. It is a proper and lofty noble goal. Yet, in practice, it is also one of the most misunderstood or under-managed aspects of Ascension Mastery. In fact, from the perspective or viewpoint of the physical self, it is a concept, and a process, that defies the imagination.

In this article we will do our best to assist your higher mind (the Abstract mind) to bring the understanding into the Concrete mind. This means you will not necessarily gain a “3d comprehension”, but instead an overall energetic knowing of what properly raising one’s Light Quotient entails.

It is akin to the adage that “if knowledge was the key, every person who had access to a library would be highly successful”. One really only begins to come to  terms with what the process of Raising the Light Quotient is really like once they actually begin to do it.

Increasing your Light Quotient within the Four-Body System

As an individual awakens to their own potential, (meaning they realize a sense within themselves that their own reality of the physical world extends beyond the third dimensional reality), they actually have become awakened to their Spiritual Self. Yet with that, they most probably do not have the tools to know how to deal with the higher light energies as they begin to occur within their physical consciousness.

It is important to realize within the personality, the physical consciousness, that there has been a doorway that has opened up so that all that has previously only been experienced within the dream state now comes more into a physical existence. Sometimes this process can be overwhelming to an individual and they need to learn how to deal with the energies that are all around them.

When the Masters speak of when you Awakened, they are talking about the moment in your life when you felt differently but yet may have not been able to define what is occurring. This is the first step of your Spiritual Self, known as the Higher Self, becoming more aware within your physical consciousness.

Many souls have this awakening since birth or as a young child, and then it is lost due to the third dimensional energies. Others may have such a gift of knowingness that it stays with them through childhood into adulthood, and if they are lucky they will have a mentor that will assist them through the process.

It is important to know that every Initiate goes through a different experience in their awakening. It has to do with the Etheric Self and what timelines have been opened up within them, and how, they as a Soul, have adhered to the Laws of the Universe within the previous lifetimes.

What is the same for every soul is that they need to learn that healing must occur through the four-body system, physical, etheric (chakras), emotional, and mental in order for the Spiritual Body to become more acclimated within the four body system.  It does not happen automatically; there must be a sense within the physical consciousness of all the bodies and their relative energies to each other.

On the average a soul that is awakened, has a Light Quotient of about 1-2%. This is due to the planetary existence and being in a human body. That body holds a density within its systems of each of the four bodies, and there are remembrances of many timelines within each of the Physical – Etheric – Emotional – Mental Selves.

There are many ways to increase your Light Quotient, but it must occur through each of the four levels in order to bring those bodies together to work in unison. Most lightworkers are not utilizing their potential within their four-body system due to the previous lifetimes and timelines that are still being held in the consciousness of each of the bodies.

When an Initiate, goes through a Lesson and accelerates themselves into a higher level of understanding and awareness, the Light Quotient can increase. It depends upon the type of lesson, which body(s) were affected, and how well does the Initiate hold the increased light within them.

Awareness is the key to every step of Mastery. In order to achieve the status of a 7th degree initiate within the physical body, each of the four bodies have to come to a place of unity. The Lower Ego can still be intact, but in such cases, the type of lessons that individual will experience are very earth-driven and not coming from a higher level of understanding.

This means the process of allowing the Lower Ego to become the Higher Ego (of the Spiritual Self) is the best gift any person can give to themselves. It also means that the Emotional Body becomes the Feminine Divine, while the Mental Body of the Concrete Mind becomes Abstract while igniting the Masculine Divine. The Etheric Self opens itself up to a depth of healing that is unmatched by any other way of acceleration allowing the Physical Self to accept the other bodies while creating a healing in all areas. (Overall, this is the what is termed the formal process of the Integrated Ascension path to become an Ascended Master, versus simply “Ascension” as a new age spiritual practice.)

Increasing Your Light Quotient is essential to allow all of these bodies to come together in Oneness. This means that your Heart Center becomes the Three-fold Flame of the Love (Pink), with the Will (Blue), to ignite the Power (Gold) which represents the Christ Consciousness to become active and the defining energy within the full body consciousness.

The Key to Integrated Ascension is to Build your Light Quotient so that all of the bodies can work together in unison. The Light Body is then accessed through both the masculine (mental) and feminine (emotional) essences. Every person receives energy through the Creative Source of Oneness via the Silver Cord through your higher Light Bodies known as your I Am Presence. Then, the way that you serve yourself through the lower self or the higher self depends on how much Light Quotient you hold within yourself.

Learning to utilize receptive ways of Building your Light is an essential component for you as an Initiate. If each of the four bodies are not working in unison, then your Light Quotient will be held at a low level within your entire system. When you access the higher light energies through accessing your Spiritual Self and the 12 Bodies of Light, then you will be able to increase your Light Quotient as you learn to ground it within your system.

In this way, your Light Quotient can then grow (or raise) such that it moves up to the 92% required to step into your status as Ascended while still being a physical being. (The passage from the end of the 6th Initiation into the 7th Initiation.)

To help most individuals begin to energetically embody the necessary steps, or to even help accelerate them, Walking Terra Christa is holding a Mastery Class on July 20th, 2019 at 10 AM to assist individuals in learning how to increase their Light Quotient. The teachers for this class seminar are:

Lord Saint Germain ~ You as the Initiate, need to hold clarity within your mindset of what it means to be awakened, the Pitfalls and the Blessing of the Mastery Pathway.

Lord Melchizedek ~ What is the importance for an Initiate to hold the Light physically? What it means for the consciousness of the personality and how to deal with the changes that occur.

Lord Metatron ~ also known as Archangel Metatron is the holder of Light Frequency and gives forth an understanding and acknowledgement of the Truth of the Fallen Warrior, the archetype that each of us holds within ourselves as the Angel and the Master Within. How to hold more Light in each of the four bodies will be discussed.

Included will be high level activation for Light Quotient Building including a journey to the Arcturian Starship, the North Star, for the Light Synthesis Chamber acceleration.


(If you are not enrolling at this time but appreciate the higher spiritual wisdom being shared in this article please consider making a donation below or on our Blessings page. Your support is needed.)

What is your Self Leadership Quotient?

Everyone knows about the Light Quotient and how it needs to be properly raised to bring about a New Earth. Few understand that there are many other Ascension Mastery Quotients that go along with the process. One of the more obscure ones is the understanding of Self Leadership*.

To create “Leadership” to the material world that is of a higher frequency of light (meaning it will not reproduce past karmic conditions to reoccur), one must first look to their own internal “leadership-of-the-self” state of being. This is because authentically holding a higher light frequency can only come from your higher essence. And for it to be the best it can be, it requires us to nurture that creation specifically in a newer manner that we have yet not done before as a physical being. (i.e., we must use instead the essence of our higher spiritual self-being”.)

The “action” of true leadership is to be of service to the greater good of humanity and earth, yet if we are not in a higher balanced state of being, we cannot be effective in that leadership towards or within the energies of co-creating a new earth, instead we risk just repeating the mistakes of the past.

Therefore, the most important understanding as an Initiate in Ascension (which really is anyone who desires a Golden Age of Gaia) is to realize within your physical consciousness that you cannot give service to another until you practice healthy service to yourself. This means becoming fully balanced at a higher frequency within each of your four bodies: the physical, the etheric, the emotional, and the mental.

“Nurturance” is a term to describe attaining self balance throughout the multi-faceted energies of the four-body system. It is not just acquired or obtained in one area of life but in all aspects of your living. This is truly how you create a strong psychological self that can progress into an Ascended Self.

To understand how to create real “Nurturance” it is important to first realize that your Etheric Self, or the non-physical energetic Body of your Soul, has traveled many places throughout time/space since it originated by the Creative Source of Oneness as your “self” coming into a spark of light. The images and thoughts that you have can be very much associated with many timelines within the Inner and Outer Plane. The Inner Plane being without a physical body traveling to many ashrams of light as a soul, while the Outer Plane is reflected of being within a body, the physical existence which can be experienced within any planetary system, not just the Earth.

So you have gathered many levels of understanding, some of which may or may not be of the Light. In fact, as a human upon Earth, you would not be incarnated here if you did not carry many dark timelines of prior experiences within you. These are part and parcel of what makes you human, and more specifically the makeup of your four body structure. You hold all these thoughts, feeling and energies within your unconscious self in addition to the ones of the Light.

Your role as an Initiate on Earth at this time is to realize that it is all okay; that whatever experience you have had previously, and those of this incarnation, must all now be experienced and understood for what they are, so that as an Initiate of Mastery, your journey as a soul can now take you into a new level of Self Awareness.

This includes the ability to totally work within your own energies to heal every aspect of yourself and become more totally aligned with the Light of God while inhabiting this physical incarnation you have chosen.

This process is not an easy one, but very necessary. As an Initiate of Mastery, you have chosen to walk through many doorways to feel the existence of your Light. It takes great responsibility to do so in a very personal way.

Diligence is the first acceptance that you must have within yourself. If you are not allowing the act of stepping forward with a focus of wanting to acknowledge all parts of your existence, then you will find that your soul will fall back into the old paradigm of your personality, which is not a truth of the Divine Self.

Giving Service to yourself must become a four-part journey. For example, the physical body needs “nurturance” in many ways. Movement is an essential component, so this means exercise in some form. Walking the body is also an important element as it helps the conditioning process of that feeling within yourself to be taking one step at a time. All parts of the body must be conditioned in order to achieve the ability to move into the anti-aging process. All parts need to be oiled consistently. This means that you must eat healthy foods that bring nurturing to the physical self.

The Etheric Body has many facets of elements within it and it is all held within the chakra system. It is the totality if each energetic footprint you have created each time you have been in a physical incarnation. The main component is working within your chakra system to purge old energies but also to align the positive elements within each of the chakras. They need to work together.

The best way to do so is through utilizing the Rays of God into each of the chakras so a balance can begin to occur just as if you were walking up a grand mountain. As you take such a walk, there will be times of rest for you to adapt to the changing conditions. In this way you slowly become acclimated to higher atmospheric levels. Likewise, throughout your chakra growth there may be a purging element that occurs but then the chakra will accept the higher light energies. These then assist your vibration to be accessed through the higher dimensions of light thereby charging up and preparing the physical body to then also receive the higher light energies.

The Emotional Body is truly the focal point of the physical consciousness as it represents the ability to feel the energies that enter into the four-body system. Nurturing the emotional self means to fully encourage it to feel all feelings, not just the good ones, and then allow the issuance of tears to help heal the process. Your Emotional Body has the ability to pinpoint outside energies and bring them into a sense of well-being.

The Mental Body is very complicated. It represents the three minds of the Conscious – Sub-Conscious – and Super-Conscious. The Subconscious is the guiding thought process but many times until one allows themselves to fully go through a rewiring of their thoughts, then the subconscious can create havoc for the conscious mind (physical-self consciousness). The Super-conscious represents the Higher Mind of the Spiritual Self. It is also called the Abstract Mind, whereas the physical consciousness is called the Concrete Mind. Giving positive feedback into the Mental Body is essential to assist the subconscious to change into the super-conscious.

As you can see, there is quite a bit of healing that needs to occur within the four body system. This is equated to the blending of the Spiritual Self or Higher Self into the four bodies. This process is what we like to call Self Actualizing the Self or Self Leadership.

Only you as the Initiate can know exactly which areas you need to focus upon as you begin to gain the higher spiritual guidance.  This is absolutely essential in order to acquire a healthy psychological self. It means that you learn when you need to self-care and how you need to go about it in an informed focus for your own life upon this earth.

You are learning to blend the Spiritual Self with the Physical Self and it must go through each of the four bodies in order to achieve the ability to KNOW WHO YOU ARE”.

It is no easy undertaking, and doing it blindly or without guidance never works (or at least has not worked so far upon earth). To set the proper foundation for acquiring Self Leadership (or Spiritual Service Leadership) from the perspective of reaching a state of Ascension upon Earth, Walking Terra Christa is conducting their monthly Mastery Class on the topic of Acknowledging Your Missing Puzzle Piece of Self Leadership. This once monthly class seminar is a chance for everyone to gain a deeper knowledge of the energies of the Fifth Dimensional Ascended state of being. Enrollment is required to attend live or to access the audio recording but unlike the weekly private Academy teachings, this one is open to the public to enroll into. All live attendees get the opportunity to talk directly with Ascended Master Lord Saint Germain (who is over-lighting this course.)


Finding Your Missing Puzzle Piece of Self Leadership


Lord Melchizedek ~ Understanding the concept of Self Leadership within the role as an Initiate and Mastery

Lord Saint Germain ~ Acknowledging the Chakra System as a Doorway of Initiation into your Past Lives

Master Joshua Stone ~ Accepting that the quest to finding your Missing Puzzle Piece must start by learning about how to take care of the four-body system by breaking down step-by-step the elements that are blocking your progress – your Lower Ego.

Lady Quan Yin ~ Learning how to become the Feminine Divine through nurturing all parts of the Self, through Compassion by Accessing the Condition of Humility.

A beginning meditation utilizing the Rays of God through the Higher Light Bodies is given by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden to help participants access the higher frequencies of their spiritual self in a more balanced manner.

Each of the Ascended Master teachers shares a short exercise to gain more perspective and understandings. There is a Q&A session with Lord Saint Germain to help pinpoint any personal aspects of assistance.

Included is an ending journey meditation of traveling etherically to the Golden Chamber of Melchizedek within the 36th Dimensional Reality.


(If you are not enrolling at this time but appreciate the higher spiritual wisdom being shared in this article please consider making a donation below or on our Blessings page. Your support is needed.)

A Master’s Love or Cupid’s Arrow: Choose Wisely

We are all familiar with the mythology of Cupid (Eros) who can smite you with his bow.

But think on that a moment. His artful arrow is just that. An arrow. Do we take time to consider that as we seek love within the physical self, we are also seeking out what that arrow carries with it, which is actually harm and pain as it pierces the most important life giving organ we possess.

It is appropriate that the “gods” of the Romans and Greeks would wield such a tool, as humanity has always felt love to be something that involves heartache and distress.

Most individuals would casually respond that they know what LOVE is. Yet statistically speaking from the point of view of sustainable long term relationships few do. Consider that in the United States the divorce rate for young adults is still at 50%. Essentially that means it is equal to a coin toss if one will in fact “live happily ever after”. The rate of individuals who are emotionally intimate with members of their birth family and/or feel deep emotional bonds with their friends is about the same or much less.

So what does it take to make “love” successful? The short answer is that one needs to know more about themselves in order to make a relationship to another person connect at a level that involves true intimacy and vulnerability. Those two factors are the key to success for love to become meaningful. For most humans in existence, the constrictions held against us due to our soul’s truth of experience over 100’s of lifetimes is what causes us to shield our vulnerability and protect ourselves from a deeper connection to others, but doing just that is what real love requires and it is the main reason many do not have the skills required to build (or even experience) sustainable intimate relationships where they feel the qualities of full safety and acceptance.

Ascended Masters have personally learned that it is essential to understand that Love is meant to be free flowing within all the Higher and Lower Bodies. Masters realized that it is not about what humans desire from cupid’s bow: to be overwhelmed and enchanted by the thrall of physical attraction worthy of the gods.

Instead for True Love to be acquired, one must allow the ACT OF LOVE to be experienced within all aspects of life. If an individual speaks of love but does not allow it to be felt from within, then there is no truth within the essence they are trying to portray.

The main element is that every individual must become their own Divine Love in order to achieve ascension in their planetary lives.

Building the Love Quotient is a major focus in making progress upon the Spiritual Path. Using the new understandings of Ascension Mastery regarding how real Ascension works for individuals who desire to live a life of actual higher frequency, Walking Terra Christa is bringing forth a class to delve into the soul’s energetics to help individuals better themselves in connection to the emotional, mental and spiritual bodies of Light to bring in more of the Divine Love.

In Dr. Joshua Stone’s words, “This means that the feeling body is raised by the frequencies of Divine Love and not the opposite. Divine Spiritual love can be filtered through the Emotional Body in a manner that elevates it, while at the same time honoring the emotional vehicle. When an individual does not work upon elevating their Mental and Emotional bodies for this to occur, it can cause the essence of love to be distorted, degraded or denied altogether.”


ORDER THE AUDIO DOWNLOAD: Instructions will be sent to the email account setup through PayPal during enrollment (PayPal is a free secure online payment system).


Is Karma Really a Bitch?

Karma is a good thing for Initiates of the Ascended Master Teachings

Ascension Mastery teacher and trainer Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden came through to the other side of Karma. Maybe you can too.

Twenty nine years ago I was twenty five years old. I can tell you after thirty years it actually seems like someone else’s life. People really do change, especially if they are on a life long journey to discovery who they are. I don’t think most people appreciate this, it certainly is a perspective that is not easy to get to.

One night in the early fall of that 25th year I was out with friends at a party. We all were drinking from a keg, dancing to very loud rock and 80’s music and doing generally what people do at house parties, which was talking about both stupid and what seemed to be profound stuff at the same time.

That was the night I ended up in a one night stand. And to tell the truth, it was a stereotype breaking moment for me as I was the one picked up. It ended up being the only one night stand of my life, and technically, I guess it ended up not being one at all.

Seven years later I married her.

Seven years later she divorced me.

Seven years after that she was more angry with me that she had ever been during the first 14. And I still haven’t quite figured that out – but I know it is all about Karma.

They say that Karma is a bitch. That in being the unseen hand of cosmic justice, it will eventually right the wrongs and balance the scales of a soul’s life. And that, for most of us, is not going to be a pleasant set of situations and realizations that we have to go through when the Karmic hammer lands.

I could sit here today and ask myself why I married her. I could say that it was because I loved her, that there was no one else for me. But the truth is, that would not be the whole story.

Karma is not just about this lifetime, though the causal armchair pondering might think it is. Karma is intertwined within the very fabric of your very essence.  Your essence as a soul is vast; extends to the birth of time itself. You are lifetimes of Karma packed into a single living breathing body of neurons, nerves, flesh, bones. You can’t escape it. At least not until you fully awaken to the truth of who you are as a soul, and that is a lifelong path.

So get used to Karma a come’in a knock’in.

Just like anyone who comes to visit you, they can be a friend, or someone you’re trying to avoid. It is that guy driving the garishly painted fresh steak and seafood van that keeps stopping by, magically with a new driver who has no idea the last driver was just told to shove off. It can be a kindly older neighbor with a fresh baked casserole. The truth is Karma can be both. But of course, we all know who comes by more often.

I never would have divorced my ex if it was up to me. I thought I loved her. We had 2 very young kids, a dog, a cat. A fenced yard. Yes, at the time she stated she had enough of us I was unemployed and in a bit of a funk, but the thing was, she had asked me to quit the part-time job I had managed to secure after 9/11 and be a stay at home dad. So I really wasn’t unemployed. And even if they say financial stress is a leading cause of divorce, it is not like we couldn’t pay our bills. So again, it all comes back around to Karma.

It can take a long time to appreciate Karma.  What I did not know at the time was that my life was going to eventually totally change. And again, if left up to me, keep in mind, I would have stayed married to my first wife and thought I was being happy.

It would have been a lie. As I write this I am with my new wife. I do totally new life work that I am passionate about. I am in a new state. We have been married two years, together for five. I could not have ever found out what real intimacy, love and true connection to another living soul was like if I remained in my old life, as my old self, living a mostly delusional unexamined life.

There is an amazing gift held within the silver linings of Karma. You can’t see it, or even imagine or anticipate it. But it is there nonetheless. It is real. And while it may seem like a bitch at first, it really is your best friend – if you are someone who always strives to become your best self, that is. Which is ultimately what proper Ascension Mastery studies bring you.

Otherwise, you may just as well order that subscription for steak and seafood home delivery. At least you will then get rid of your anxiety about him showing up when you least expect it.

RELATED: Don’t wait 25 years. Learn how to properly prepare to meet with the Karmic Board Ascended Master Teachers before using the Guided Meditation.

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Did you find this post educational for your higher understanding? Not able to enroll? Instead please consider supporting our work with a $3 donation for this article. Everyone reading this can help make a difference. We require public support to bring forth these important Ascension Mastery transmissions.

Original Material © Copyright 2017 by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael (Ara) Hayden. All rights reserved. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS ARTICLE FREELY IN THE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS AND THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!

It’s SOULer Summer Time ~ Perfect for your Mastery

Photo image Mount Shasta from Lake Siskiyous, Mount Shasta CA (Shasta Cascade)

Make this Summer Your Time for Ascension Mastery Training. With the SUN comes the SOLAR ENERGY. That means HIGHER VIBRATIONS for the SOUL.

This is your perfect time to use a REAL ASCENSION TRAINING program. It is not a mashup of popular speakers or authors, it is plain and simply the direct HIGH VIBRATIONAL no-frills teachings of the Ascended Masters and Light Beings of the Spiritual Hierarchy.

For those who know the language of the Higher Spiritual meanings discovered through ASCENSION MASTERY, it is the Higher Dimensional Vibrational Frequency of Light that is arriving each moment within the SOLAR WINDS and the SUN’s RAYS (of God).

It is the realm of moving more into ONENESS ~ that is if you desire to make it happen. As true students or seekers of Ascension know, these energies MUST be grounded through our active acceptance. (And that is where the Higher Frequency rewards are gained).

Along with the arrival of Summer (in the Northern Hemisphere of Earth), now is the perfect moment to bring in MORE ASCENSION MOVEMENT within.

(In truth, what we are speaking of is not just about the sun’s summer brightness, but about your SOUL’s BRIGHTNESS.)

Have you been feeling it?

The INTENSITY of these energies has been PROFOUND. The more we can attune ourselves to these Higher Energies, the more ease and grace we can bring into out lives. The alternative can be quite disruptive, and MANY are feeling that effect.

Knowing that, it is our role as the advanced teachers to assist you and make it easier for you to learn.

We know our website is a maze of teachings and channelings that can be confusing to navigate. What training’s and meditations to order, and in what order to order them, well, it can be a daunting issue when faced with making choices.

That is why Walking Terra Christa is releasing a SUPER SUMMER SOUL-er ASCENSION MASTERY TRAINING PACKAGE. We took ALL of our BASIC and ESSENTIAL COURSES, and made them into ONE OFFER. This is 11 COURSES that total more than 60 classes and meditations. The exchange rate of this package was lowered extensively to make it extremely affordable to spend this summer studying ASCENSION MASTERY within the pure and correct Higher Spiritual Dimensional energies.

Even if you have a few of these courses, you will still probably want to order this package due to the easy availability of use.

This is our ESSENTIAL self-study HIGH VIBRATIONAL training program to increase the LIGHT BODY for ASCENSION within the accurate teachings of the ASCENDED MASTERS. 

For those who are able to order them during this limited window, we really hope you enjoy these teachings! (and we want you to share your reactions with us ~ as a service to others~ on our FACEBOOK page about these teachings!)

And PLEASE: ~ SHARE~ this offer to GROW our teachings. It is the real deal. Not only is this very important Spiritual work, but we actually NEED your SUPPORT to keep WTC at the highest and purest level.

Please go HERE TO READ about this very special offer.

Sharing this information on Social Media sites is requested as a service to support our work. Please help others connect with us:

Did you find this post educational for your higher understanding? Not able to enroll? Instead please consider supporting our work with a $3 donation for this article. Everyone reading this can help make a difference. We require public support to bring forth these important Ascension Mastery transmissions.

Original Material © Copyright 2017 by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael (Ara) Hayden. All rights reserved. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS ARTICLE FREELY IN THE ORIGINAL FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS AND THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE. (No substitution or altering of content allowed). BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!


Divine Feminine earth love

In this integrated channeled message Lord Saint Germain shares insights about correctly using the HIGHER SELF to reveal the Emotional Body of the FEMININE DIVINE to become properly activated. Ascended Master El Morya shares how accessing the BLUE FLAME corrects the present earthly imbalance of the masculine. Both Masters are teaching our next Mastery Class along with Lord Metatron (click link to learn about and enroll in the class). 

Greetings My Dearest Beloved Initiates and Students,

It is I Lord Saint Germain once again. I welcome you to join me in the journey of your Emotional Self, the One that is very important to your healing process but yet is sometimes swept away in the midst of other elements occurring in the world.

The Emotional Self was intended to be more in alignment within the four-body system than the Mental Body but yet it has not happened in that way. Due to the configurations within the planet there has been a misalignment that has occurred in the way that the Feminine Self was to be birthed into each soul’s essence.

It seems that in some individuals they are able to access their emotional needs, but most of the time it is only in a crisis when conflicting forces come together to create change that can reap havoc within an individual’s life circumstance.

It is at this moment that the Emotional Self becomes very involved with the ill effects of the pain that is a result of elements bombarding one another.

This can happen when that individual self is going through a traumatic occurrence or it can be associated with another person’s experience who is very close with the self that is feeling the pain. This type of emotional trauma is a result of the elements clashing within one another to reflect within the soul that the emotion needs to be released.

It is during those times that the soul goes through a charge of magnetic energies within their physical self; a rewiring of energies is occurring within the four-body system so the adjustment of the balance can be restored. This is what I like to call a Re-Working of the System and usually occurs because that specific soul is unable to tap into specific feelings without being challenged at first.

Some may call this being “Addicted to Crisis” and what occurs is the Emotional Self is then put into overdrive to create a change within the four-body system. Sometimes this change would never occur if the person was able to have a balanced Emotional Self so that the Feminine Divine could be initiated more easily within the psychological self.

If you are person that understands their Emotional Self, then you would not feel the need to step ahead when there is a crisis. You would do it, but it would occur in a timely fashion in which all your feelings of the situation can be clarified within your consciousness. You would be able to bring forth a sense of calmness to yourself and others as when the Feminine Divine is more accessed within the four body system it works more easily with the other parts of your Full Body System.

When an individual is overworked emotionally, they have a tendency to not allow the other counterparts of the full body system to adjust and help each other.

This can cause an experience to become very traumatic and life changing in a very dysfunctional way. It creates the other bodily systems (physical, etheric, mental, and sometimes spiritual) to take a back seat.

This means that they do not work cohesively within each other; they are separate parts that are not making up the entire essence within one’s consciousness.

This is when a person is working through the Hard Pain of any given situation. They are working within their compulsive self-reliance to deal with the emotions. The issue that has occurred is the catalyzer for the emotional body to take charge but yet it may not be ready to handle the consequences.

That is why it is imperative for an Initiate to understand their own Soft Pain, the part of their emotional body that needs to feel the emotions that are locked inside of them. This is allowing the movement of feeling the pain instead of thinking you are feeling it.

It is not an easy process to walk through the doorway of realizing the painful moments you have inside of you are actually opportunities for great growth and healing within yourself. It is within this journey of the self that you will acknowledge different elements within yourself that need to be addressed.

It is an imperative stage of growth for Mastery to realize the potential you have within yourself to look inside to reflect the challenges and the growth that occurs within your journey.

Mastery represents this pathway of light and it is riddled within many moments of realization that you never considered were a problem for you. It is about you stepping into the world of forgiveness for all that you have ever experienced in any lifetime to bring it into wholeness.

Accessing the Feminine Divine is the only way to truly heal the Emotional Body. This part of your essence will give you the opportunity to understand yourself in a completely different way than you have ever done before. It brings forth the initiation of love, nurturing, having pride in yourself to achieve a healthy attitude in your life. Bringing forth this part of your essence from your Higher Self is not an easy pathway as it will bring about those moments of realizing how you could have been more compassionate and loving to yourself previously.

As you learn to become more of the Feminine Self, you will see that you will not react adversely to difficult situations that may occur around you, like a person going through illness, possibly even the death cycle, or a bad accident that may have occurred. The Feminine Divine is the bridge to the Mental Body accessing Divine Love within itself. Without the ability to be both parts of the Emotional and Mental Bodies then there is a gap that occurs so that each bodily system works the best it can by itself which can be a very lonely process for any soul.

As you learn to look at your faults, why things may occur as they have, you will see that the Emotional Body can help you to deal with them in the moment and not at a later time.

The more you hold onto them within your subconscious, the more challenging it becomes to release the energies. Being on the Mastery Pathway is an essential component to understanding your Emotional Body and allows you to see if you have held any elements locked away in the confines of your sub-consciousness.

This is where the Inner Child Healing process occurs as when you unlock the door to your healing of the Emotional Self, you will find that the depth of pain can be very challenging, but so rewarding. It is a step towards evolving through all parts of yourself to be realized, not just the person you are in this lifetime. You can put all those dark secrets into wholeness which allows you to fully heal the parts that have been difficult for you to accept.

There is no magic button to push to make these things happen for you.

You, as the Initiate, must decide that you no longer want to have to react in a certain manner, but yet feel instead desire more balance within your four-body system. Understanding that you have feelings tucked away inside of you that need to be healed is a major part of the process. When you realize that the way you feel and act in your world is not helping you, then you allow your Higher Self to help you move through this process. You, are then, accessing your Spiritual Self to help the Physical Self to accept that Change needs to Occur.

As you heal the Emotional Body and access your Feminine Divine, you will see the balance that occurs within your consciousness and your life.

Taking the first step into Self Awareness is the key to your Balanced four-body system. Master El Morya has some special thoughts on this matter.

I Am Lord Saint Germain at your service.

Greetings My Dearest Ones,

I Am Master El Morya representing the Blue Flame of Will and Power but also how to step onto the Bridge of Freedom which represents your Divine Self helping your Physical Self to walk through the doorways of change.

As an Initiate of Mastery, the most challenging element I find is being able to look at yourself to see that something is not working within your life and trying to see a solution of how it can be changed.

This is the first step in Trusting your Higher Self to guide you in the right direction. It is not an easy road to look deeply within and see that who you have been is not the person you want to be.

We have all done this as Initiates; we want to think we are better than we truly are, but yet there is something there that nawls at us and tells us to go deeper into our feeling levels.

This is where you must have the ability to step into a world that you have not experienced before. A doorway opens for you to see the truth of your Higher Self, but yet the fear can be so strong that it stops you time and time again from not walking any further.

Sometimes as an Initiate, we go through this process many times only because we do not believe it or our Lower Ego talks us into stopping the process. It is at this moment that we as those Initiates must fall down on our knees and ask for help.

That is why I am here in this moment. I reach my hand out to you, to walk through the darkest of the doorways of your past whether it be in this lifetime or another, to see what you have done, experienced, or felt that is holding you back from your full potential. We all have been where you are in those moments and they can be very debilitating.

But you have potential to change – so we walk together.

It is important to realize that your Emotional Body has these memories and is ready for them to be acknowledged in your full consciousness. You may not know you have fear but look at every experience in your life. Do you walk as the Initiate that has confidence and the ability to speak from their heart? Or do you hide away in certain circumstances especially when you are challenged?

Your Emotional Self holds these feelings within you. Walking through this step of realizing there is pain within you will change who you are just by speaking up about it, even to yourself.

I give you my strength and courage to look at any given situation in your life circumstance. There is Freedom that will occur when you allow the Blue Flame of Will and Power to assist you to see the feelings inside that need to be healed.

When you learn that you can have sympathy for your experiences, it brings Humility into your life. This is allowing the Feminine Divine to help you be soft in all your dealings. It is not weak but actually strength in any given situation.

I walk with you to help you go deeper in your Emotional Self to see the True Being You Are.

I Am Master El Morya

Integrative Channel: Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden

Earth Day is April 22nd. The deepest Healing GAIA can receive is when Humanity Heals itself. Are you ready to take the journey to Healing your Emotional Self within the Divine Feminine? That is True Healing. Use this Earth Day to gain deeper insights and get energetic healing transmissions to assist you to do so. We invite you to Enroll in our seminar class given by Lord Metatron and Lord Saint Germain with Master El Morya on Earth Day, Saturday, April 22nd, 2017 at 12:30 PDT (3:30 EDT). Audio Recording and Handout provided.

Sharing this information on Social Media sites is requested as a service to support our work. Please help others connect with us:

Did you find this post educational for your higher understanding? Not able to enroll? Instead please consider supporting our work with a $3 donation for this article. Everyone reading this can help make a difference. We require public support to bring forth these important Ascension Mastery transmissions.

© Copyright 2017 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Personal use and providing a link to this article for informational or educational purpose (articles, websites or blogs) is welcomed and encouraged except any use related to or associated with profit making activities (including individual, business or organizational websites, publications, blogs, etc.) Reprinting or reposting this material for publications, websites or blogs that sell or advertise any products or services (as well as any printed or written reproduction) is not authorized without written permission. Rights are only granted to repost this material (in full and unedited with working url links) electronically on informational websites or blogs that do not sell or advertise any products or services. In such cases, you must include this complete copyright statement in full including the above active url referral links to help everyone stay informed and support our messages. In cases of text only formats, these active url links may be converted to display the full path of the url as linked. The information contained herein does not constitute the rendering of healthcare advice or the provision of treatment or treatment recommendations. It is not to be considered or inferred as medical or psychological advice. Use of the website and its originating content constitutes agreement of terms as provided under Website Terms and Disclaimer (click here).

EVERYTHING IS RELATIVE: How are you accepting WAVE X?

Law of Relativity


This Universal Law states that each person will receive a series of problems (Tests of Initiation) for the purpose of strengthening the Light within. We must consider each of these tests to be a challenge and remain connected to our hearts when proceeding to solve the problems. This law also teaches us to compare our problems to others’ problems and put everything in its proper perspective. No matter how bad we perceive our situation to be, there is always someone who is in a worse position.

In experiencing the two lecture teachings in this seminar (Master Thoth with Lord Melchizedek) we gain a much deeper understanding of what the Law of Relativity means for all humanity upon the “Ascension Planet”. Awakened Souls are not random, nor are the Cosmic Energies hitting the planet. Wave X is no exception. “Everything Can Change” with these grand infusions of Higher Frequencies or “Nothing Can Change”. It all depends on each persons individual perspective on their own life and what they choose to do within these energies. One can respond with the old physcial self, or tap into the Higher Self. This class will assist each participant to view their life as an ongoing series of tests or lessons but more importantly how to take full control of how they receive those lessons.

We also provide a GUIDED MEDITATION for use after the class to be used to reactivate and continue the attunement process of raising your vibration.

MP3 AUDIO SEMINAR: (approx. duration 2+ hours). For individuals desiring to Learn How the Higher Frequencies of Ascension Mastery and Soul Psychology can be used to activate and direct a life on Earth that is in flow with all things.

© Copyright 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).  Linking to this page from any website or blog is welcomed and encouraged. Sharing our Social Media sites is also encouraged. Connect with us on ♥ FACEBOOK  ♥ TWITTER  ♥ YOUTUBE   ♥ NEWSLETTER ♥ DONATE  | Rights are only granted to repost this material electronically on informational websites and blogs that do not sell or advertise any products or services. Any reposting must include this copyright statement in full including the above active url referral links to help everyone stay informed and support our messages. In cases of text only formats, these active url links may be converted to display the full path of the url as linked. 

NEW TRAINING: Step Into Divine Oneness (A Universal Law Teaching Seminar Series)




CLASS 1 – SAT. JAN. 30 @ 12:30 PM PST | 3:30 PM EST
CLASS 2 – THUR. FEB. 4 @ 4:30 PM PST | 7:30 PM EST
CLASS 3 – SAT. FEB. 6 @ 12:30 PM PST | 3:30 PM EST

“The Law of Divine Oneness helps us to understand that we live in a world where everything is connected to everything else. Everything we do, say, think, and believe affects others and the universe around us.” 

◊  Understand Spiritual Oneness versus Physical Oneness. 

◊  Gain Insight Into Why Your Human Mental Mind Has Failed To Create The True Vibration Of Oneness On Earth. 

◊  Discover How To Identify and Rectify The Traits You Have That Do Not Represent Oneness.  

◊  Learn How To Generate and Incorporate the Vibrational Frequency Necessary to Actualize Oneness within You. 

The Pathway of Mastery and Ascension is more than having the intellectual understanding of the Universal Laws, it is attaining the practice of putting those laws into a way of being in your life.

2016 ushers into Earth an even Higher Octave Frequency that will push Humanity into accepting that the Universal Laws must now be implemented within each soul’s existence…


© 2016 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:



Activating the Union of the Eternal Self within the Physical Body: A THREE PART HOME STUDY TEACHING MEDITATION SERIES


“I loved how I could feel myself transforming with the high frequencies being bought in. The guided meditation was excellent…I feel much more empowered now (been challenged with some issues for a long time) and this class helped me see them changing. I feel stronger now…I recommend this class…This was super cool!”

“After the class was over felt very happy…very emotional. I was now free to be my authentic self…live my life coming from the sacred heart and the Christ Consciousness. Just joyful tears of being free… I love the invocation the way you start the class… it just rings so true in my heart. It makes me feel like I am home. I have already recommended this class to others…”

“Excellent… Having the opportunity for a healing of this type not usually available through other formats was very liberating and welcomed.”

“When I saw the posting for the class I knew that this was going to help me…today I feel renewed…[the] clearing of contracts and walking through the doorway for me and finding the balance I needed… Excellent.”

“Experiencing Master Yeshua’s energy was a blessing [that] deeply touches my heart, but going to the hall of record, I felt like I have been there, but this time was so vivid and it was so transforming for me…In such a short amount of time, I was able to enlighten/ lighten the load on my masculine side (right side of physical body), removing the lower aspects I’ve been working for years…, and connecting to my divine mind and masculine self. It was truly magical!”

The Holidays are upon us. It is a glorious time to rejoice and to experience celebrations with loved ones, or to recall those moments we feel we no longer can experience with them. It does not matter what holiday that you may be celebrating ~ Christmas, Hanukkah, or Kwanzaa ~ they all represent sharing and loving others in special ways.

But what truly happens to each of us internally during this time?

◊  How do you feel about your true essence and what you bring to others?

◊  Do the impressions of the holidays cause you to feel sad or lonely even if you are with others?

◊  Are you able to share your true feelings and beliefs from a spiritual perspective?

◊  Is it that you feel challenged to be with others that may not understand who you have become?

These are all important considerations when stepping unto the Pathway of Mastery and Ascension, as having memories of connectedness that we no longer feel, or even being with those individuals that we love so dearly can sometimes be a very challenging experience.

Many of the issues arise due to the Masculine and Feminine Divine not being in alignment with the Physical Body.

As humans learning to re-embrace our True Divine Essence of the Self, awakened souls on earth are now embarking upon a conscious process to discard what no longer serves, and accept what restores the unity of Wholeness and Oneness.

Regardless of what sex we are inhabiting in this body, or the  sexual orientation that we express within the body, we each are both Masculine and Feminine. Over eons of time we have continually engaged in dis-harmonious thoughts and deeds that caused us to alter the original image, or blueprint within our physical soul’s DNA, that held that Wholeness, into being much less pure.

The alterations become a deeply ingrained part of us. They directly relate to our own internal feelings and thoughts of being separated when we are faced with the energies of holiday cheer. This is because these often non-spiritual frequencies (public messages, thoughts, occasions, activities) are almost too physical/material in nature. Due to the often unconscious “rules” we are required to uphold regarding holidays,  we are not even considering how to interact within the authenticity of the self.

In order to feel the Joy and connection outside ourselves, we must first bring it within. And this requires first removing the old contracts that we have built up over our many lifetimes, rebalancing each facet of our divine self in the feminine and in the masculine, and then writing new contracts that are once again holding the prime directive to be that of Wholeness above all else.

In this 3 part course series Yeshua and Mary Magdalene assist us as the two great Spiritual Beings who walked the earth and learned the value of the Divine Within to create it outside themselves for each other. This represents what we must do for ourselves to restore the contracts of Divine Wholeness for the Masculine and Feminine. 

What happens to a person that is balanced within their masculine and feminine self? They are empowered, they accept elements as they occur, they are able to receive love and give love, they are able to interact with other individuals, they are in balance. There would be no question of what they are experiencing. They accept what others have to say and are able to speak their mind freely. What we want to help everyone accept at this time is their own ability to accept Love, to give Love, to be in balance in all ways.
~ Yeshua and Mary

We join with Lord Sananda and Lady Nanda as the higher essences representing these great teachers who take us on a special journey of love. We gain a special dispensation to work within the Hall of Records which is located within the 49th dimensional frequency of Light to access our Masculine and Feminine Divine Contracts (both good and bad) so that the past can be rectified to bring forth the Love, Balance, Inner Power, and Acceptance that we desire. Included are attunements to remove the contracts of darkness within each level of the masculine and feminine along with attunements to access a new contract of the Self.

Each of you represent the Masculine and Feminine energies within your soul. But, how much of that essence is being exhibited within your physical life? We use the word “Divine” in connection to the Masculine and Feminine, but until a person truly accepts their divinity of being part of the source of light, then that essence cannot be accepted within the Physical Self. This is exactly why there can be contradictions that will occur during this season of festivity and light. The body holds so much more than you realize; and it is at this time that it can be pushed out of you to be faced.
~ Lord Sananda with Lady Nada “Embracing December’s Light”
(Read the full transmission)

◊ Class No. 1 ~ AUDIO RECORDING NOW AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY  – a teaching by Master Yeshua on the Masculine Essence, with a meditation journey (Hall of Records) and an attunement on the qualities that need to be exhibited to access the Divine Essence.
PREPARATION: Please make a list beforehand of the positive traits and negative traits that you possess of the Masculine.

◊ Class No. 2 ~ AUDIO RECORDING NOW AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY  – a teaching by Lady Master Mary Magdalene on the Feminine Essence, with a meditation journey (Hall of Records) and an attunement on the qualities that need to be exhibited to access the Divine Essence.
PREPARATION: Please make a list beforehand of the positive traits and negative traits that you possess of the Feminine.

◊ Class No. 3 ~ Special Ceremony of Union to bring forth the Masculine and Feminine Divine as One (hosted by both Lord Sananda and Lady Nada).


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© Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery.

Initiating the Metatronic Seals in Preparation for 11:11

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Lord Metatron Speaks About The Seals and Preparation for November 11, 2015.
Transmitted by Christine Meleriessee Hayden of Walking Terra Christa

I AM Lord Metatron and my role in this moment is to share some important facts about what is occurring for each of you during this intensified time of great change. I am excited to be part of each of your essence as you read this message. I bring with it intertwined with higher light frequencies to help you relax and be One within yourself.

Let’s all take a deep breath together as we move from the space of physical existence into the space of multi-dimensional essences coming together as One.

This is truly the journey that each of you has stepped upon within your physical body. You are learning how to access the other parts of your existence while still being grounded in your life. Or are you?

That is a big question, because as the transitions of each planetary acceleration comes into focus, you change with each small increment of light that occurs within you and around you. You are moving so quickly that at times you are unsure who you are and what is becoming of you. The movements of light frequency are moving so fast that it is hard to ascertain within the physical self what is occurring in each moment.

This year of 2015 has been tremendous for every soul upon this planet. But the ones that are aware of the other dimensional frequencies that it almost feels like you may be in a science fiction movie. Your life has change, but yet it has not. You are traveling by the speed of light into another phase of your multi-dimensional self. But yet, parts of that self are not aligned with who you are, on the Earth. So there can be much confusion that occurs through this process.

Please do not allow the lack of understanding that you have held you back from the potentiality that is occurring. You are not crazy; you are moving very quickly and by the speed of light. But yet, your body has to catch up to the higher part of your essence that is trying to become integrated within your four-body system.

That is truly when the confusion sets in because the Mental Body is trying to figure out all it is all happening within the mental structure that you have always known. But that is impossible, because your Mental Mind of the physical self can never understand what your Divine Mind is creating for you. Until you are able to sit back, allow yourself to enjoy the ride you are on, then you will always be in this state of confusion.

Many of you are so very gifted that you have the ability through your psychic abilities to perceive realities that are truly beyond your comprehension of the physical world. This is when you can activate only your Third Eye, instead of your Divine Mind. It happens very easily with those souls that enter into the body and realize there is more to their reality than what others may think. The problem is that these souls are only accessing their Third Eye and Crown Chakra. The rest of the chakras do not become initiated in the process. This is only because training has to occur within the physical reality.

So what has occurred since the Equinox is that more light elements are becoming activated within the planet. Every person that has the ability to tap into these realities do so within their higher chakras which means the lower chakras become lost and confused. The Etheric Body is not initiated within the process so the old emotional and mental elements from the past timelines become very activated as the frequency of light comes into the four-body system all of the chakras are initiated through this process. So the mental attitude of the physical system can be relating on the third dimensional construct as that is the only way that part of the bodily functions can relate; but, yet, the upper chakras are becoming so very active that it causes hyperactivity within those areas.

The Heart Center is the core of the upper and lower chakras so it will be hit the hardest with the dysfunctional thoughts and emotions that are being emitted. This is, when the true work needs to occur in order for the body to accept the higher accelerations, all parts must be initiated.

Individuals that have a difficult time relating emotionally will also be a target for these energies to create mass confusion within their system. This is because they can be interacting only within the mental faculties instead of a balanced heart of the Masculine and Feminine Divine. So the important focus during this time is to allow the Higher Mind, the Divine Mind to have the accessibility within your four-body system. This can only occur as you allow the frequencies of light to intertwine within all of your chakras so that the higher chakras can be initiated through the changes that are occurring.


I am a soul that has embodied upon the planet of density. The environment can be very disrupting to my higher thoughts. But yet, I know I have timelines from other lifetimes that are lodged within my lower chakras. So I will take the time to let the lower chakras know what the higher chakras are experiencing and vice versa. I now call upon my Solar Angel, the Bridge to my Higher Self to assist me within the process.

What I am trying to convey to each of you is that you cannot forget any part of your existence. You must acknowledge all parts of your bodily functions, all the chakras, your Etheric Body, and your Higher Self and Divine Mind which is your I AM Presence. Your Solar Angel will assist you to connect to your Higher Self, the first step of acknowledging your Divine Self. This is mastered within the 4th Initiation of Mastery.

The intensity of the energies will increase from this point forward into 11:11. And, they will not stop at that point.

My question is:   How much are you willing to do for yourself in order to walk through the doorway into your next reality that is trying to be One with you?

What have you gone through in the last three months?

Make a list of your challenges, but yet your successes. Try to reflect on how you felt in August, then in September, and now at this stage of your acceleration.

Taking these steps will allow you to know more of whom you are, what you desire, and possibly what you did to help you get through the challenges more easily?

Allow your chakras to become more intertwined with the higher frequencies. Work with the Rays of God to increase the energy you can hold in your full body system. The more you are able to hold at this time, the more you will able to understand as the 11:11 becomes increasingly closer.

The beautiful part of these present energies is that once you have the ability to hold one small fragment of light within yourself, you will see the change that occurs within you. When you feel the increased light, and then forget about it, this will frustrate you as your body won’t be able to hold it. In order to ascend into the fifth dimensional level of existence, your light infractions must change, but it’s not just about the light. It is about your shadow side and what needs to be adjusted, removed, and then the readjustment will happen.

Please know that these planetary alignments will continue and it is up to you to look to see how you were able to get through the change and realign your entire system.

This I call, Gaining your Nuggets of Wisdom, because it represents the journey from the beginning to each moment. Every time you feel differently, you may act differently. You will readjust within your four-body system to allow for the increased energies to be held not only within your consciousness but within your seven body system.

The potential of the future energies is to be able to hold these frequencies, but you must know what you need to do in any given moment. The only way to do that is to understand what you have gone through, what tools did you use, were those tools helpful, and how you felt afterwards to that you could balance your light within the body.

Doing all that I suggest will assist you to receive more of the Metatronic Seals that are destined to be part of your reality. Many individuals think that the seals represent an essence that is already part of their existence. Part of this statement is true, but in order for them to be revealed within your physical you must be able to access them through your Divine Mind, your I AM Presence. Your Solar Angel is your friend and ally to help you acknowledge the Higher Part of yourself. It is important to connect to this part of your existence. As of June 2015 during the Solstice, all Solar Angels were initiated to work with all souls upon this planet.

My role is to help individuals such as each of you how to de-ascend your Highest Essence into the physical consciousness in order for the Metatronic Seals to become a true reality. I am truly exhibiting the highest frequency of light within the planet as that is one of my tasks, along with Master Vywamus and Lord Saint Germain to help as many souls to have true remembrance within their essence as a physical being. I am working with my colleagues and several others to bring forth an understanding of what needs to be accomplished in order to fully activate and actualize the Metatronic Seals that have been waiting to be revealed for each of you.

What are the Metatronic Seals?

The Metatronic Seals represent 12 steps of creation from the Golden Solar Angel and Solar Angel that you are that are being embodied within the physical body. The seals assist in creating the multi-dimensional self within the physical and are a step-by-step process to allow the existence of your I AM Presence to be fully acknowledged within your physical consciousness and bodily structure.

The seals are not just integrated but each initiate must go through a process within themselves to accept the higher seal within their physical body. They work hand-in-hand with the initiation process of mastery to help the initiate to command the higher light forces while grounding the essence they represent. It brings forth the ability to access the characteristics of each seal within your physical life, through the energetic transmission that occurs within each of the seals. They assist in your journey of the mastery within your life.

Each soul is activated with a Star Glyph which holds the ability to bring forth all 12 seals. They are protected by the Guardians of the Metatronic Light. When an individual is ready to accept the work that needs to be done, the Guardians along with myself will help direct the energies within you. Now each seal is a step-by-step process to be acknowledged within the four-body system. They align with the Initiations of Mastery which allows a soul to fully access their full mastery through the process.

The Seals are represented by these characteristics:

  1. Integration
  2. Grounding
  3. Masculine Essence
  4. Feminine Essence
  5. Integration of Masculine & Feminine Divine
  6. Awareness of Wisdom through the Ages
  7. Acceleration of Wisdom
  8. Application of Wisdom/Gifts
  9. Remembrance of Angelic Presence
  10. Special Gifts and Knowledges of the Past
  11. Accessing all Parts – Formlessness, angelic, intergalactic, inter-planetary, human and work on the Inner Plane in between lifetimes
  12. Induction into Service with Lord Metatron of the Illumination of the Golden Flame

The activation of the Star Glyph allows for the seals to be initiated within your consciousness. When the seals are initiated, it is then your responsibility to continually work within the seals. Initiation of your Golden Solar Angel is Actualization (fully embodying) your I AM Presence. You become One of all things within you, the multi-dimensional self fully actualized in your physical body.

I have been working with Walking Terra Christa through several classes to assist in this process. Otherwise, it occurs naturally as you walk through each of the doorways of the initiation process. I am continuing this work with them to help align individuals to the Seals in their Awakened State of Awareness.

This time upon the Earth is challenging, but it is rewarding not only as a soul, but a spirit of the Light inhabited within the physical body. By utilizing the Metatronic Seals, you will be able to access your multi-dimensional self in a way that you have never achieved previously.

Again, please remember what has occurred for you previously and how you were affected by it. Knowledge is a very important element and you cannot gain the Wisdom without experiencing the knowledge first-hand.  This is why the Metatronic Seals are so very important.

The process that you are experiencing without the knowledge of the seals will still take you into a journey of mastery. But, utilizing all tools to help you through the doorways along with accepting the present energies to become You, will truly assist you in a more focused manner.

I walk with you through every step of the way and honor each of you for opening your heart unto your Divine Essence to become manifested upon this Earth.

All my blessings in Light and Love of the Christed Essence We Are,

Lord Metatron

Note: Lord Metatron will be hosting our next class in the Ascension Clinic series “HIGHER GROUNDING”,  on Saturday, October 31st, 2015 at 1 PM Pacific, 4 PM Eastern. Click here to learn more about what the class offers and why you may desire to participate.

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below. If you like this article please do the creation of the New Earth a favor and SHARE it in these ways:
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