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Divine Feminine earth love

In this integrated channeled message Lord Saint Germain shares insights about correctly using the HIGHER SELF to reveal the Emotional Body of the FEMININE DIVINE to become properly activated. Ascended Master El Morya shares how accessing the BLUE FLAME corrects the present earthly imbalance of the masculine. Both Masters are teaching our next Mastery Class along with Lord Metatron (click link to learn about and enroll in the class). 

Greetings My Dearest Beloved Initiates and Students,

It is I Lord Saint Germain once again. I welcome you to join me in the journey of your Emotional Self, the One that is very important to your healing process but yet is sometimes swept away in the midst of other elements occurring in the world.

The Emotional Self was intended to be more in alignment within the four-body system than the Mental Body but yet it has not happened in that way. Due to the configurations within the planet there has been a misalignment that has occurred in the way that the Feminine Self was to be birthed into each soul’s essence.

It seems that in some individuals they are able to access their emotional needs, but most of the time it is only in a crisis when conflicting forces come together to create change that can reap havoc within an individual’s life circumstance.

It is at this moment that the Emotional Self becomes very involved with the ill effects of the pain that is a result of elements bombarding one another.

This can happen when that individual self is going through a traumatic occurrence or it can be associated with another person’s experience who is very close with the self that is feeling the pain. This type of emotional trauma is a result of the elements clashing within one another to reflect within the soul that the emotion needs to be released.

It is during those times that the soul goes through a charge of magnetic energies within their physical self; a rewiring of energies is occurring within the four-body system so the adjustment of the balance can be restored. This is what I like to call a Re-Working of the System and usually occurs because that specific soul is unable to tap into specific feelings without being challenged at first.

Some may call this being “Addicted to Crisis” and what occurs is the Emotional Self is then put into overdrive to create a change within the four-body system. Sometimes this change would never occur if the person was able to have a balanced Emotional Self so that the Feminine Divine could be initiated more easily within the psychological self.

If you are person that understands their Emotional Self, then you would not feel the need to step ahead when there is a crisis. You would do it, but it would occur in a timely fashion in which all your feelings of the situation can be clarified within your consciousness. You would be able to bring forth a sense of calmness to yourself and others as when the Feminine Divine is more accessed within the four body system it works more easily with the other parts of your Full Body System.

When an individual is overworked emotionally, they have a tendency to not allow the other counterparts of the full body system to adjust and help each other.

This can cause an experience to become very traumatic and life changing in a very dysfunctional way. It creates the other bodily systems (physical, etheric, mental, and sometimes spiritual) to take a back seat.

This means that they do not work cohesively within each other; they are separate parts that are not making up the entire essence within one’s consciousness.

This is when a person is working through the Hard Pain of any given situation. They are working within their compulsive self-reliance to deal with the emotions. The issue that has occurred is the catalyzer for the emotional body to take charge but yet it may not be ready to handle the consequences.

That is why it is imperative for an Initiate to understand their own Soft Pain, the part of their emotional body that needs to feel the emotions that are locked inside of them. This is allowing the movement of feeling the pain instead of thinking you are feeling it.

It is not an easy process to walk through the doorway of realizing the painful moments you have inside of you are actually opportunities for great growth and healing within yourself. It is within this journey of the self that you will acknowledge different elements within yourself that need to be addressed.

It is an imperative stage of growth for Mastery to realize the potential you have within yourself to look inside to reflect the challenges and the growth that occurs within your journey.

Mastery represents this pathway of light and it is riddled within many moments of realization that you never considered were a problem for you. It is about you stepping into the world of forgiveness for all that you have ever experienced in any lifetime to bring it into wholeness.

Accessing the Feminine Divine is the only way to truly heal the Emotional Body. This part of your essence will give you the opportunity to understand yourself in a completely different way than you have ever done before. It brings forth the initiation of love, nurturing, having pride in yourself to achieve a healthy attitude in your life. Bringing forth this part of your essence from your Higher Self is not an easy pathway as it will bring about those moments of realizing how you could have been more compassionate and loving to yourself previously.

As you learn to become more of the Feminine Self, you will see that you will not react adversely to difficult situations that may occur around you, like a person going through illness, possibly even the death cycle, or a bad accident that may have occurred. The Feminine Divine is the bridge to the Mental Body accessing Divine Love within itself. Without the ability to be both parts of the Emotional and Mental Bodies then there is a gap that occurs so that each bodily system works the best it can by itself which can be a very lonely process for any soul.

As you learn to look at your faults, why things may occur as they have, you will see that the Emotional Body can help you to deal with them in the moment and not at a later time.

The more you hold onto them within your subconscious, the more challenging it becomes to release the energies. Being on the Mastery Pathway is an essential component to understanding your Emotional Body and allows you to see if you have held any elements locked away in the confines of your sub-consciousness.

This is where the Inner Child Healing process occurs as when you unlock the door to your healing of the Emotional Self, you will find that the depth of pain can be very challenging, but so rewarding. It is a step towards evolving through all parts of yourself to be realized, not just the person you are in this lifetime. You can put all those dark secrets into wholeness which allows you to fully heal the parts that have been difficult for you to accept.

There is no magic button to push to make these things happen for you.

You, as the Initiate, must decide that you no longer want to have to react in a certain manner, but yet feel instead desire more balance within your four-body system. Understanding that you have feelings tucked away inside of you that need to be healed is a major part of the process. When you realize that the way you feel and act in your world is not helping you, then you allow your Higher Self to help you move through this process. You, are then, accessing your Spiritual Self to help the Physical Self to accept that Change needs to Occur.

As you heal the Emotional Body and access your Feminine Divine, you will see the balance that occurs within your consciousness and your life.

Taking the first step into Self Awareness is the key to your Balanced four-body system. Master El Morya has some special thoughts on this matter.

I Am Lord Saint Germain at your service.

Greetings My Dearest Ones,

I Am Master El Morya representing the Blue Flame of Will and Power but also how to step onto the Bridge of Freedom which represents your Divine Self helping your Physical Self to walk through the doorways of change.

As an Initiate of Mastery, the most challenging element I find is being able to look at yourself to see that something is not working within your life and trying to see a solution of how it can be changed.

This is the first step in Trusting your Higher Self to guide you in the right direction. It is not an easy road to look deeply within and see that who you have been is not the person you want to be.

We have all done this as Initiates; we want to think we are better than we truly are, but yet there is something there that nawls at us and tells us to go deeper into our feeling levels.

This is where you must have the ability to step into a world that you have not experienced before. A doorway opens for you to see the truth of your Higher Self, but yet the fear can be so strong that it stops you time and time again from not walking any further.

Sometimes as an Initiate, we go through this process many times only because we do not believe it or our Lower Ego talks us into stopping the process. It is at this moment that we as those Initiates must fall down on our knees and ask for help.

That is why I am here in this moment. I reach my hand out to you, to walk through the darkest of the doorways of your past whether it be in this lifetime or another, to see what you have done, experienced, or felt that is holding you back from your full potential. We all have been where you are in those moments and they can be very debilitating.

But you have potential to change – so we walk together.

It is important to realize that your Emotional Body has these memories and is ready for them to be acknowledged in your full consciousness. You may not know you have fear but look at every experience in your life. Do you walk as the Initiate that has confidence and the ability to speak from their heart? Or do you hide away in certain circumstances especially when you are challenged?

Your Emotional Self holds these feelings within you. Walking through this step of realizing there is pain within you will change who you are just by speaking up about it, even to yourself.

I give you my strength and courage to look at any given situation in your life circumstance. There is Freedom that will occur when you allow the Blue Flame of Will and Power to assist you to see the feelings inside that need to be healed.

When you learn that you can have sympathy for your experiences, it brings Humility into your life. This is allowing the Feminine Divine to help you be soft in all your dealings. It is not weak but actually strength in any given situation.

I walk with you to help you go deeper in your Emotional Self to see the True Being You Are.

I Am Master El Morya

Integrative Channel: Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden

Earth Day is April 22nd. The deepest Healing GAIA can receive is when Humanity Heals itself. Are you ready to take the journey to Healing your Emotional Self within the Divine Feminine? That is True Healing. Use this Earth Day to gain deeper insights and get energetic healing transmissions to assist you to do so. We invite you to Enroll in our seminar class given by Lord Metatron and Lord Saint Germain with Master El Morya on Earth Day, Saturday, April 22nd, 2017 at 12:30 PDT (3:30 EDT). Audio Recording and Handout provided.

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© Copyright 2017 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Personal use and providing a link to this article for informational or educational purpose (articles, websites or blogs) is welcomed and encouraged except any use related to or associated with profit making activities (including individual, business or organizational websites, publications, blogs, etc.) Reprinting or reposting this material for publications, websites or blogs that sell or advertise any products or services (as well as any printed or written reproduction) is not authorized without written permission. Rights are only granted to repost this material (in full and unedited with working url links) electronically on informational websites or blogs that do not sell or advertise any products or services. In such cases, you must include this complete copyright statement in full including the above active url referral links to help everyone stay informed and support our messages. In cases of text only formats, these active url links may be converted to display the full path of the url as linked. The information contained herein does not constitute the rendering of healthcare advice or the provision of treatment or treatment recommendations. It is not to be considered or inferred as medical or psychological advice. Use of the website and its originating content constitutes agreement of terms as provided under Website Terms and Disclaimer (click here).


Our chosen city for this month is Galoneiah which resides over Arizona and New Mexico as Walking Terra Christa has now moved into working through the Struggle of Feeling the Pain to move through Healing from the Emotional Body into the Feminine Divine. This phase represents Step 3 of Healing the Inner Child Wounds of Struggle. (Please note that this blog contains the decrees for both April 5th, and 12th, 2017.)

The Golden Etheric City of Galoneiah is represented by the Blue Flame of Will and Power. The Divine Beings of Light are The Elders from the Throne of Grace: Lord Alura and Lady Aluri; Ray Chohan Master El Morya; Elohim Masters Hercules and Amazonia; and Archangels Michael and Faith.


APRIL 5TH, 2017

Our first visit to the city on April 5th, 2017 was guided by Master El Morya and Lord Metatron, who is bringing forth the Metatronic Seal of the Feminine Divine. We traveled to the Temple of of Freedom to work with these divine masters as they assisted us to fully learn how to Trust our Emotional Body to feel all aspects of our pain which will result in the doorway of Inner Healing.


As I continue my journey with the 12 Steps of Healing,

I am now learning how to access my Feminine Self more fully,

I desire to see change occur within my world.

I have arrived in the Golden Etheric City of Goloneiah,

To work with Master El Morya and Lord Metatron,

Who will initiate the energies of the third Metatronic Seal of the Feminine Essence.

I enter the city and am met by Lord Alura and Lady Aluri,

Who are the Elders of the Blue Flame;

Their beauty is exquisite as I feel the blue essence burning deeply within me.

I start to feel the energies of being able to walk this journey at this time;

The fear I have been holding is subsiding as they embrace me with their light.

We step across the Bridge of Freedom,

It is located at the entranceway to this magnificent city,

When I first stepped up unto the bridge,

I felt very hesitant as the old fears and frustrations started to well up inside of me.

I felt my mental mind telling me to stop but yet it all changed.

As I continued the walk,

I was then embraced by the most beautiful blue light,

Lord Alura and Aluri just allowed their essence to be with me,

They held my hands and I felt so protected.

I started to feel tears streaming down my face,

The anger within me started to shift into a feeling of going somewhere I desired,

But I was afraid before.

The fear was still with me but yet it was not the dominant energy.

As we reached the end,

I understood why I was here.

I then was met by Master El Morya,

We walked through a beautiful garden as I looked at the lakes and streams all around me;

We continued our journey into a valley,

Where the Temple of Freedom stood upon a structure of light,

There was blue water all around it.

Master El Morya shared with me that the columns of light inside,

Were all filled with the Blue Flame Waters,

It would give me an illusion of being on a floating temple,

But yet the structure was very strong.

We stepped inside and I realized that Lord Metatron was also waiting for me,

I am honored to walk with both of these Beings of Light,

The temple is filled with the Blue Flame,

A huge altar in the middle so that it looked like a beautiful star glyph,

The columns around the room all held the beautiful qualities of the Blue Flame:

Strength, Courage, Truth, Fearlessness, Faith, Protection.

I stand in the middle and I can feel all of these elements come fully around me.

I allow my Feminine Self to heal through this process of light within me.

I am now ready to see how the next phase of my growth will take place,

As I walk with Master El Morya and Lord Metatron.

I am ready to see what I could not see before.

I AM that I AM that I AM.


APRIL 12TH, 2017

On April 12th, 2017 we traveled once again to Galoneiah in which we worked with the Elohim Masters Hercules and Amazonia. They ignited the ability to step into the doorway of:  THE WILL TO DO – as they represent the ELOHIM OF DECISION.

Elohim Hercules is known for power and strength. One can call to him for courage and strength. Power is concentrated energy – force of action. Both he and Amazon bring forth his powerful energy with their large stature of life and God’s Will.

Our focus for this class was: Falling into the Abyss of the Pain to see the potential for healing. The Elohim walked with us to become strong in our conviction to change the way we think and feel.


I call upon the Elohim of the Blue Flame,

Hercules and Amazonia,

To assist me with the walk into my soft pain of healing,

As I desire to fully embody the Will To Make the Decision to be Fearless,

In my Feelings and Thoughts.

I arrive at the Bridge of the Temple of Freedom,

At the entranceway of the Golden Etheric City of Galoneiah.

I am met by Elohim Master Hercules and Amazonia,

The ask me to feel the power of feeling that who I have been,

Is not who I choose to be.

We walk together,

They guide me to an area sectioned off towards my left.

We walk down a pathway between mountain ranges,

As I feel that moment of “Can I do this?”

Hercules shares with me that it is just a moment,

Of going back into my old self.

I step further and feel my Solar Angel,

Helping me to feel the ability to move through this challenge,

I breathe deeper and then realize within myself that I have not been feeling the process,

But only thinking about it.

As we continue our journey,

The pressure is mounting within me,

But with the assistance of feeling like the angel I am,

I walk with ease and grace.

I feel my Higher Self guiding me,

As My emotional body is becoming more active within the process.

We are now walking across a bridge,

Between mountains,

Hercules asked me to look behind me to see what I am leaving behind,

I am scared as the walk feels very treacherous;

Lady Amazonia helps me by taking my left hand,

I feel my emotional body relaxing with each step I take,

We arrive into this magnificent temple of light,

Secluded within the mountain.

It is filled with the most amazing lights sparkling between the rocks,

The blue flame is running through the circumference of the room;

I have arrived at the Temple of the Will To Do.

I no longer feel any anxious or fear,

In fact I feel strong and courageous.

I walk up to the altar of light that sits in the middle of the room,

The floor is crystalline so the emersion of light energies runs up into the souls of my feet.

I start to feel the beautiful essence of the Blue flame within me.

I stand at the altar,

I thank my Solar Angel for helping me to arrive,

As now my Higher Self is within me,


I fully embrace this moment of new awakening within me.

I am ready to feel the love of myself through my Higher Essence,

To become One within me.

I AM that I Am that I Am

The New Earth Consciousness-Circle of Light is a weekly class in which we journey to one of the 22 Etheric Cities.  Included is a teaching from Lord Adama and a special Ascended Being that represents the city. Walking Terra Christa provides many options to participate in their weekly teachings with an affordable rate for all individuals.  You can participate in our Partner/Membership Program while experiencing the teachings on your own time via the recordings. You can also purchase the MP3 download on any of the classes.

Walking Terra Christa is offering their monthly classes in 2017 “Mastering the Spiritual Recovery of the Soul” which is facilitated through Lord Saint Germain, the Ray Chohan of the Month, and Lord Metatron. Each month we work with Lord Saint Germain and Lord Metatron for the Metatronic Seals. Included are the Ray Chohans for the specific rays we are working on as they provide information and Divine Language Light Encodements to assist in accessing the energies within the physical body.  Please use the link to learn more about this series.

© Copyright 2017 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Personal use and providing a link to this article for informational or educational purpose (articles, websites or blogs) is welcomed and encouraged except any use related to or associated with profit making activities (including individual, business or organizational websites, publications, blogs, etc.) Reprinting or reposting this material for publications, websites or blogs that sell or advertise any products or services (as well as any printed or written reproduction) is not authorized without written permission. Rights are only granted to repost this material (in full and unedited with working url links) electronically on informational websites or blogs that do not sell or advertise any products or services. In such cases, you must include this complete copyright statement in full including the above active url referral links to help everyone stay informed and support our messages. In cases of text only formats, these active url links may be converted to display the full path of the url as linked. The information contained herein does not constitute the rendering of healthcare advice or the provision of treatment or treatment recommendations. It is not to be considered or inferred as medical or psychological advice. Use of the website and its originating content constitutes agreement of terms as provided under Website Terms and Disclaimer (click here).

Utilization of the Blue Flame for 5th Dimensional Living ~ Lord Adama

blue lilly_800_500

Greetings My Dearest Ones,

Aluna, Aluna, Aluna

It is once again my pleasure to be with each of you for this journey that we are going to be embarking upon this evening. Before we start to travel to the beautiful city of Goloneiah (Etheric Golden City over Arizona/New Mexico), I would like everyone to take a moment within your breath.

Open up your Heart Center to allow the expansion to occur deeply.

If we think about the characteristics that Michael mentioned referencing the Blue Flame, going down the list it may seem to someone new on this pathway, “What does Compassion have to do with Fearlessness; what does Humility have to do with my Courage?”  

How do acquire my Strength with Tenderness because within the third dimensional construct, wouldn’t you say that those characteristics seem like they are the opposite of one another?”

That is exactly why the third dimensional world is in trouble.

Many times individuals incorporate this ray within the Planetary level, do just that. They bring into the lower aspect of this ray to get to that space of having Courage, to get to that space to being a leader. What happens is ‘dictatorship and control’ comes into play. It does not come from a space of humility. It comes from a space of power but not God’s power. It is the Lower Ego’s Power. That is where it may seem very contradictory to you or anyone.

How do we bring forth that understanding and realize that we need to have Compassion and Tolerance in order to receive the Courage and the Strength. Part of this ray represents the ability to be a leader. Within those roles of the old earth, that is exactly what has happened. Within the roles of the New Earth it is just the opposite of what cannot happen.

So we work within this ray with Master El Morya to allow each of us to go into a deeper part within our Heart Essence. It is not just about projecting this energy through the Throat chakra and how you should speak to others, but in truth it represents how you embody the essence of this ray within your life.

If you look at two different leaders – one speaks with compassion and love of his or own experiences and one speaks of aggression, of what needs to be done coming from their space of wanting control; in truth, what does that represent to you as a person. If you look at that individual that is coming from that standpoint, you don’t want it, you don’t like it, it may make you feel insecure. So what happens is those leaders are projecting unto the community of exactly whom they are.

I think working within this ray for the time that we have due to the summer break in August, it has helped everyone to go into a deeper part of themselves. If you look deeply into your own way of living, if you are coming from a space of insecurity, that is what you are going to project. In the totality of that, that is not your full truth; it is what you have taken on as a person from living in this society and maybe it has happened many lifetimes.

We have to help everyone break the mold and that is what we are doing. Some people may look at this and say, “Well, that is not me; I am not that way.” I would say to those people that everyone has a little bit of everything within these rays.

It is not until that an individual allows their consciousness to go into that depth to really understand that a part of those lower aspects are truly within themselves. It is not part of your Soul’s Essence, it is part of your physical consciousness, and part of your Etheric Body of which you have experienced.   That is what a warrior represents.   You would not be a good warrior if you did not have the ability to be aggressive. If you did not have the ability to get angry, because something is occurring that should be happening.

What happens in that instance is that person may feel Strength and Courage, and wants to see an end to the situation that is occurring, but what happens in-between?

The true strength of an individual is the ability to look within and see their truth, and to see why they have done things a certain way and why they have not done them a certain way.

This is why this ray is so very powerful, because it allows the opening of the doorway to occur.  

This is what we want for each of you, to be able to understand yourself on a completely different level than you have before. The time presently within the earth is so extremely powerful that all of these elements I have discussed will come to the surface and that is why you do the work that you have been doing. This is so these aspects can be revealed.

So what happens when you fully look within yourself that mirror that you see you are accepting Humility in your life, or you have Tenderness, or you have Compassion about the changes you have had to go through. This is truly why this ray has the power that it does. Because within that essence of God’s love, which is truly all of our love within ourselves, the element that needs to be addressed will be revealed.

In order to find the truth of how you would react to a given situation where you are challenged to be fearless, you are challenged to show your strength or courage, but within those challenges is the depth of your wisdom of acknowledging that previously you did not know how to get through those doorways without hurting others.   This is because it was part of the programming of this planet. As each of you go deeper into your own abyss and bring out those aspects that are positive, (they are there, they have just been hidden by everything else). That is why this ray is so powerful and it is the first ray. It brings forth the Sword of Truth as Archangel Michael and his beloved Faith represent.

What I want you to look at through this process is to realize what doorways you have been going through and how you would feel without the journey to this city of Goloneiah.   Would you have the tools that you have been utilizing so that you can push through those doorways with the higher aspects of love, of understanding that the truth will be revealed even though in the present moment it may not seem so?

This is all part of the experiences you are having, and it directly relates to what is happening to the earth-plane at this time. Change is inevitable, as we know. But more important, is that every individual must find humility, moments of tenderness, and that usually occurs after confliction has resulted because you can be completely compassionate with yourself and have sympathy for yourself.   When I say sympathy, I mean you look at what you have been challenged with and become tolerant of what you have had to address. That brings compassion.

I want to talk about Sympathy of the Self. It is important to have these aspects in order to move forward in your pathway.   You cannot push it aside, say :It was a terrible time, and I don’t want to look at it.” You must address it, you must go back to it as you are the overseer and look at the entire situation that has occurred to you from a higher perspective; then you can sympathize with your physical self of what he or she has had to experience and to have to recall every thought in order to push through that doorway.

That is what I give to each of you this evening. I give you the Initiative to continue your journey and to utilize the Blue Flame within these higher aspects as it is truly going to give you the ability to see that when you are compassionate and loving to yourself. That is when you have more courage, that is when you have more strength. That is your Will and your Power. So those positive aspects, characteristics we are discussing will help you to push through those doorways and it is such a mirror for the Earth at this time.

I know that the challenges are great for each of you; for bringing forth this energetic exchange within your bodies and having to have realizations of doubt and fear, uncertainty that is within you. But they are coming up for a reason – to push you further, to help you become better, to help you accelerate more. That is what is going to assist you onto hold on more light frequency in your physical body ~ to be that conduit of light that you want to be, but you must get to the depths of the lower emotions that have stopped you previously from moving forward.

So throw down your swords; throw down your weapons, and look deeply within to find your true worth as I see it. I see the beautiful essences that you are; allow them to erupt out of you, and they are the particles within you that are going to assist you through the next phase of the development of this earth.

This is how we are all going to work together through these changes that we are experiencing upon the Earth.

I Am Lord Adama

High Priest of Telos at your Service

Lord Adama is our guide for the New Earth Golden Cities in which he gives a discourse before our journey to the city which meets every Wednesday evening.  If you would like to be part of these energies LIVE or listen privately, please check out our new Partner Member Program in which we offer several ways to be part of these energies at a cost that you can afford.

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below. If you like this article please do the creation of the New Earth a favor and SHARE it in these ways:
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Decree ~ Crossing the Bridge of Lights to Freedom

bridge water_800_499The Golden City of Goloneiah/GoBean is located in the Etheric Earth over Arizona and Mexico. 

This City represents Personal Transformation, Harmony and Peace by accessing the qualities represented by the Ray Will and Power within the Blue Flame.

 July 29th, 2015 ~ Visitation with the Elders Surrounding the Throne of Grace, Lord Alura & Lady Aluri, Master El Morya, Elohim Masters Hercules & Amazonia, with Archangels Michael & Faith.

Crossing the Bridge of Lights to Freedom

I am now journeying into the Golden City of Goloneiah,
Which resides over Arizona and New Mexico;
It represents Personal Transformation and Acquiring Peace Within,
By Accessing the Will and Power,
Of the Blue Flame.

This city is overlighted by some very magnificent Beings of Light,
Lord Alura and Lady Aluri are the Elders That Surround the Throne of Grace;
They ignite the Blue Flame energies throughout the entire city,
As it sparkles with the beautiful essences mixed with Crystalline Lights.

The Ray Chohan is Master El Morya,
Who brings such a powerful quality of leadership,
With the essence of understanding,
As, I, the initiate may have a hard time in comprehending.

I feel his essence of great strength and courage,
But also intertwined with the ability to be patient and kind to myself.

The Archangels are represented by Michael and Faith,
The protective energies I feel,
Are beyond what I can comprehend,
It goes deeper into my consciousness,
As I realize they show me the depth of faith to know I am my own protector.

The Elohim of Hercules and Amazonia,
Give to me the ability to fully stand in my power,
With the WILL TO DO,
I feel great strength and agility,
To move through many different scenarios,
I seem to experience in my life.

I look ahead and see them beckoning me towards them,
I see Alura & Aluri the 1st and 2nd Elders from the Throne of Grace;
Then, I am acknowledged by Master El Morya,
With Elohim Masters Hercules & Amazonia,
Archangels Michael & Faith now join them.
Each of them represents a creative piece of activating the Ray of Will and Power.

I have been walking through a beautiful meadow of many flowers,
I see a huge river in the not-too far distance,
Then I see it ~
An amazing Bridge of Lights,
Sparkling with the Blue Crystalline Essence,
Of the Blue Flame.

I move towards the bridge,
I feel it is time for me to look within me,
To acknowledge what needs to be changed,
So that I can find my Freedom and the Will to Do.

I now step on the bridge,
I feel sensations of anticipation with excitement,
I also feel the other elements of fear and regret.

I, then, reach the middle of the bridge,
It is arched so perfectly,
As now I feel the essences of these beautiful Beings of Light,
They are waiting for me on the other side,
Beckoning me to continue,
I hear the words,
Have the Courage, the Will, the Inner Power within myself,
To accept the changes of my life.

As I get closer to the other side,
I look down at the crystalline waters,
I see a depth that I was not made aware of before,
But now that I have arrived,
It is becoming easier to accomplish what I desire.

I am then met by Master El Morya,
I see Elohim Masters Hercules and Amazonia,
Hercules shares with me the deepest strength I have ever experienced;
I then see Archangels Michael and Faith,

The swirling energies of the Blue Flame now run through me,
I am fully embodied with the qualities of,
Love, Compassion, Unselfishness in all my endeavors,
While allowing the pathway of endurance to keep me strong,
I feel my intuition expanding as I feel so very serene.

I now stand with each of these beautiful beings of Light,
Lord Alura & Lady Aluri now combine the essence of the Blue Flame,
Through my Throat chakra and into all aspects of my Being;
I now see each of them before me,
As I become One with Each of Them.

I AM that I AM that I AM

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Mastery Thought of the Day

alphaomegaMaster El Morya, the Ray Chohan of the Blue Flame of Will and Power shares some powerful words to ignite Courage Within

It is very important to reflect upon your insecurities. This is what will help you understand your achievements throughout this acceleration of your strength coming within you. That strength can come in many different ways. The weaknesses will be exhibited in many different ways also. It is the beauty of the human conditioning.

Some of you may think, “I just want to have my protective energy, I just want to be like Hercules, I just want to be like El Morya”. And I say to you, that without my own insecurities, I would not be able to convey to you the power of change that occurs when you allow the weaker parts of yourself to be healed.

If you reflect on some thoughts that you had previously, look at the achievements you have created through the process. I do believe that many individuals do not understand how strong they truly are.

It is only in the expression of the emotions that it comes through; in ways of feeling helpless and not being able to stand on your own two feet that you can be strong. But yet, have you not all arrived in this juncture of time together?

You have traveled far to be able to incorporate the frequencies of Light through your mental thoughts and your emotional feelings, so that they can be expressed in the totality of your physical existence. With the higher consciousness fully evolved, I can say that it is great achievement. I can also say that you must look back and see how far you have come.

Master El Morya,

Clarion Temple of Oneness, January 2014

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Mastery Tool of the Day

blue_spheres-fbIgniting the Blue Flame Within Us

I ask you now to fully accept the Blue flame of your Will and Power take this essence that you are from your Highest Sellf, to that Soul Body that you are and allow the Blue flame to remove all elements that do not serve the purpose of your pathway presently, all the parts of yourself that feel weak, all the parts of yourself that feel inconsequential to others, that you have the hard time of finding the power and strength in your protection because those represent the lower self that you want to fully removed.

Breathe in the essence of the Blue Flame; feel the strength and courage from the Power of God’s Will which is truly your Will and Power.  Let it permeate all elements that do not serve this essence.  Allow the essence of Elders from the Throne of Grace, Lord Alura and Lady Aluri, to extend the flame through you and within you.  Ground it within GAIA so that all sentinent beings can find their Will to be manifest within their lives.

Call upon my essence as Master El Morya, along with Elohim Hercules and Amazonia, Archangels Michael and Faith to give you the strength that you need.  We walk with you in truth, courage, fearlessness, strength, faith, and protection of all that is not you.

I AM Master El Morya, at your service.

Master El Morya was our spokes-being for the Clarion Temple of Oneness, January 6, 2014.  To read more about the Blue Flame, see our blog, Understanding Will and Power of the Blue Flame.

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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The Ray of Will and Power is Now Grounded Within GAIA

GAIA blue flameWe have just received news from Saint Germain, Sanat Kumara, and Lord Melchizedek through our channeled teachings that on the day of the Fall Equinox we were blessed upon this earth of the Blue Flame of Will and Power to be fully grounded within the Earth.

This is a miraculous event as when we work with the Rays of God we are imbued with their qualities on a personal level and send it through the grids into GAIA.  Now the planet can accept Will and Power to be her guide and each of her inhabitants.  Understanding the background information of this Ray will assist each individual to fully comprehend the turn of events in our history at the present time.

The following is a brief description of the ray and the overlighting beings within the ray essence.  The Elders that Surround the Throne of Grace actually impart the ray energies to each of the Beings that work within this ray from the Cosmic Level of the 49th dimension.  Each ray also is integrated within the first seven chakras to make up the higher essence within our chakra system and preparing us for the fifth dimensional body to be activated.

Ray No. 1 ~ Learning that Strength & Power is Allowing Tolerance & Patience to Be Within

Definition ~ Will & Power

Color:  Deep Blue

Chakra:  Throat

Elders from the Throne of Grace:  Alura & Aluri

Chohan:  Master El Morya

Elohim Masters:  Hercules & Amazonia

Archangels:  Michael & Faith

Toning Sound:  “I”

Now that this ray is grounded within GAIA it means that these beautiful Beings of Light are assisting each of us on the planet in a more direct manner.  The qualities of this ray include strength, will, power, truthfulness, understanding with compassion, fearlessness with an ability to flow through any challenge with the Light of God integrated within our expression, and the ability to handle large groups of people.

As you can see the power of this ray is now within us, and it is time for us to step into our world with the acceptance of compassion, love, tolerance, protection, and faith.  What we have been experiencing is the lower aspect of this ray which includes arrogance, control, obstinacy, anger, and working within the lower ego to get what we have needed.

This is truly a step towards the New Earth, but we have much work that we still need to do within ourselves and with each other.  As we raise our vibrational frequency to the 5th dimension, we need to acknowledge where we have come from and show compassion for others doing the same.  This is where our true essence will be our guide as we walk together as the Pioneers of the New Earth.

So you might say, “How do I activate this ray within me?”

There are several ways to do so.  You can call upon any of the overlighting Beings to assist you with this process and the ray frequency will come to you, breathe in the Blue Flame into your physical essence, or utilize the chant “I” to actualize it through you.

This is going to help each individual to go deeper within themselves and feel their Will and Power from the God essence and not the physical or lower self.  Many individuals are still acting within their lower ego which is the physical self.  They have not learned to integrate their Higher Mind through the Higher Self.  Working with this ray is going to assist tremendously as it will be ignited through a vibrational frequency.  Since it is already in place upon the Earth, this process is only going to allow it to be manifested more deeply within all individuals upon the planet.

This is our first step in accelerating the Earth into Terra Christa, the New Earth.  As new energies come forward and we do the necessary work, then the other rays will follow in succession.  But until that time, we need to be balanced within the ray, allow it to work through each of us individually and make our necessary changes so that others can do the same.

It is a wondrous time and this event has never happened on any planetary system.  Thanks need to go to each of the Lightworkers for doing their part in this acceleration process that we are all a part of in each moment.

In Expressions of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden

©2012-2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Ray Chohan of the Blue Flame ~ Master El Morya ~ Walking the Bridge to Freedom

Master El Morya is the Ray Chohan for the Blue Flame of the Ray of Will & Power. This flame is associated with our Throat Chakra in the Universal Level.  Working with Master El Morya can be a very life changing experience as from the qualities of this ray an individual may think that his energy would be intense and very strict.  He is very powerful but within that power he brings forth a calmness of his Spirit that is so wonderful to experience within your Being.  As many of you could relate in reference to teachers we have had in our studies, they do not always share their pure heart.

Well, Master El Morya is very strict but within that strictness he shows how to work through the process of ascension and acceleration.  Allow him to come to you as you read his words.  Take a deep breath and allow him to stand before you to fully feel Who He Truly Is and you will see Yourself reflected within very deeply.

Thank you, Dearest One, for your kind words.  I believe that many initiates that I have worked with would not have been so kind but I have helped them to move mountains in their own endeavors.  They have proved to be the best students as the ones we do not like necessarily affect us the most.

It all depends upon the student as they work with the Master.  I represent probably one of the most intense frequencies of ray energy available and it turns out to be the first one individuals turn towards.  It is the type of individual that is ready to work through their own processes to make the necessary changes that is truly the best relationship for Master and Student.  It is the ones that rebel and think they are right when a lesson comes to the surface that causes great discord within the Master.  But it happens and later that student, if they are humble enough to do so, should return and thank the Master for that lesson.  It has gone both ways for me, by the way.

Representing Will and Power is not an easy job but one that I am very diligent in my own pathway.  There is nothing more important to me than sharing with individuals how to find their own Freedom and once this is done, it assists the planet immensely.  If everyone was obstinate and sure of themselves when they truly had not done the proper homework, then I would not be doing my job.  It is a huge position to assist individuals to fully understand that they are part of a greater whole and not all that THEY are doing, is of the utmost importance.

We are a team, each of the Ascended Masters, and that means each of you that have acquired this position of standing.  It is important for every individual to embody Will and Power from the God Essence and not their emotional or mental bodies.  This is where the world gets into trouble and has been for centuries.

We are at a place in history when more individuals are awakening upon the planet to assist in making this planet, Earth, that we call GAIA a balanced energy that expresses the essence of God into their Hearts and Minds.  So how can we embody Will and Power if the four-body system is still separated from the Essence of God.  Some do not think so but it is true.  My job is to assist you, as the student to fully understand the process of Will and Power which will create deep understanding, from a perspective of great tolerance and patience.  Each of you have something very strong to give to this world; otherwise, you would not be here at this time.  But you cannot jump into the cart before the horse is ready to move.  Patience, my children, is your friend as it will give you great tolerance in what you are learning.

You have a will within you that is great but it cannot be shown to another until you can express it within yourself.  Where is this Will coming from ~ your physical mind?  If it is, then you are in trouble.  If it is coming from your Highest Essence, then you are on the right track but it is a huge learning process as there are many lessons within the initiations and sublevels of trial and error.

So we need to start from the beginning of your Creation and allow the Blue Fame to fully embody your essence.  Bring it down through your Antakarana Bridge from the Higher Realms like your Higher Self is on a huge sliding board and allow it to slide into your physical body.  What does that feel like for you in the physical realm?  I bet it feels very powerful but yet flowing.  As you express the deepest part of your being into the physical realm it will change elements that you have been trying to combat within yourself.  You see, there should not be any arguments happening with you.  There is only one way and that way is to fully see yourself as a God Realized Being.  This is where your power lies; not in trying to control your situations or people around you.  You must take responsibility for yourself completely.

Once the Blue Flame embodies within you and sits within your Throat, you are now able to speak from the highest part of your Being.  It is when you speak from your physical mind that it gets you into trouble.  The mental body is trying to find a way within your world and he thinks he knows best but truly he does not.  He must blend with the emotional body and remember there are emotions attached to each of these experiences.  When you allow the Blue Flame to be embodied within you, it is like a light bulb that is turned on.  It is an AH HAH moment.  Yes, now I remember what I am supposed to be doing.

Then, at this stage, you start to reflect on your next movement.  It comes from the space of your God Essence within and allows the power that is within you to be very diligent but yet with great humility of the journey you have traveled to be where you are.  This is where the true Will comes into your awareness.  These are the highest aspects of your Being.  When you do it any other way, you are definitely allowing the lower mind to take over which creates obstinacy, anger, and arrogance.

Allow the Blue Flame of Will and Power to embody within you God’s Essence that is YOU.  It is not anyone else, but truly your ability to fully see yourself in the Light and walk from the Old to the New.  Create the bridge of your reality into the BEING that you have become.

Ask for me and I shall help you walk on this bridge and see that what was before was okay but now it is beautiful and flowing within your existence.

I AM Master El Morya

Chohan for the Blue Flame of Will and Power

©2012 Walking Terra Christa ~  All Rights Reserved.  No use without prior written permission allowed.  Excerpted from the upcoming book.

If you want to learn about all the 22 Rays of God – why not take our 22 Rays Challenge and get a Decree and an Audio MP3 Attunement for each of the 22 Rays?

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