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LEARNING TO BECOME THE LIGHT OF GOD: Increasing the Light Quotient

Every spiritual Aspirant, Adept, or Initiate desires to Raise their Light Quotient. It is a proper and lofty noble goal. Yet, in practice, it is also one of the most misunderstood or under-managed aspects of Ascension Mastery. In fact, from the perspective or viewpoint of the physical self, it is a concept, and a process, that defies the imagination.

In this article we will do our best to assist your higher mind (the Abstract mind) to bring the understanding into the Concrete mind. This means you will not necessarily gain a “3d comprehension”, but instead an overall energetic knowing of what properly raising one’s Light Quotient entails.

It is akin to the adage that “if knowledge was the key, every person who had access to a library would be highly successful”. One really only begins to come to  terms with what the process of Raising the Light Quotient is really like once they actually begin to do it.

Increasing your Light Quotient within the Four-Body System

As an individual awakens to their own potential, (meaning they realize a sense within themselves that their own reality of the physical world extends beyond the third dimensional reality), they actually have become awakened to their Spiritual Self. Yet with that, they most probably do not have the tools to know how to deal with the higher light energies as they begin to occur within their physical consciousness.

It is important to realize within the personality, the physical consciousness, that there has been a doorway that has opened up so that all that has previously only been experienced within the dream state now comes more into a physical existence. Sometimes this process can be overwhelming to an individual and they need to learn how to deal with the energies that are all around them.

When the Masters speak of when you Awakened, they are talking about the moment in your life when you felt differently but yet may have not been able to define what is occurring. This is the first step of your Spiritual Self, known as the Higher Self, becoming more aware within your physical consciousness.

Many souls have this awakening since birth or as a young child, and then it is lost due to the third dimensional energies. Others may have such a gift of knowingness that it stays with them through childhood into adulthood, and if they are lucky they will have a mentor that will assist them through the process.

It is important to know that every Initiate goes through a different experience in their awakening. It has to do with the Etheric Self and what timelines have been opened up within them, and how, they as a Soul, have adhered to the Laws of the Universe within the previous lifetimes.

What is the same for every soul is that they need to learn that healing must occur through the four-body system, physical, etheric (chakras), emotional, and mental in order for the Spiritual Body to become more acclimated within the four body system.  It does not happen automatically; there must be a sense within the physical consciousness of all the bodies and their relative energies to each other.

On the average a soul that is awakened, has a Light Quotient of about 1-2%. This is due to the planetary existence and being in a human body. That body holds a density within its systems of each of the four bodies, and there are remembrances of many timelines within each of the Physical – Etheric – Emotional – Mental Selves.

There are many ways to increase your Light Quotient, but it must occur through each of the four levels in order to bring those bodies together to work in unison. Most lightworkers are not utilizing their potential within their four-body system due to the previous lifetimes and timelines that are still being held in the consciousness of each of the bodies.

When an Initiate, goes through a Lesson and accelerates themselves into a higher level of understanding and awareness, the Light Quotient can increase. It depends upon the type of lesson, which body(s) were affected, and how well does the Initiate hold the increased light within them.

Awareness is the key to every step of Mastery. In order to achieve the status of a 7th degree initiate within the physical body, each of the four bodies have to come to a place of unity. The Lower Ego can still be intact, but in such cases, the type of lessons that individual will experience are very earth-driven and not coming from a higher level of understanding.

This means the process of allowing the Lower Ego to become the Higher Ego (of the Spiritual Self) is the best gift any person can give to themselves. It also means that the Emotional Body becomes the Feminine Divine, while the Mental Body of the Concrete Mind becomes Abstract while igniting the Masculine Divine. The Etheric Self opens itself up to a depth of healing that is unmatched by any other way of acceleration allowing the Physical Self to accept the other bodies while creating a healing in all areas. (Overall, this is the what is termed the formal process of the Integrated Ascension path to become an Ascended Master, versus simply “Ascension” as a new age spiritual practice.)

Increasing Your Light Quotient is essential to allow all of these bodies to come together in Oneness. This means that your Heart Center becomes the Three-fold Flame of the Love (Pink), with the Will (Blue), to ignite the Power (Gold) which represents the Christ Consciousness to become active and the defining energy within the full body consciousness.

The Key to Integrated Ascension is to Build your Light Quotient so that all of the bodies can work together in unison. The Light Body is then accessed through both the masculine (mental) and feminine (emotional) essences. Every person receives energy through the Creative Source of Oneness via the Silver Cord through your higher Light Bodies known as your I Am Presence. Then, the way that you serve yourself through the lower self or the higher self depends on how much Light Quotient you hold within yourself.

Learning to utilize receptive ways of Building your Light is an essential component for you as an Initiate. If each of the four bodies are not working in unison, then your Light Quotient will be held at a low level within your entire system. When you access the higher light energies through accessing your Spiritual Self and the 12 Bodies of Light, then you will be able to increase your Light Quotient as you learn to ground it within your system.

In this way, your Light Quotient can then grow (or raise) such that it moves up to the 92% required to step into your status as Ascended while still being a physical being. (The passage from the end of the 6th Initiation into the 7th Initiation.)

To help most individuals begin to energetically embody the necessary steps, or to even help accelerate them, Walking Terra Christa is holding a Mastery Class on July 20th, 2019 at 10 AM to assist individuals in learning how to increase their Light Quotient. The teachers for this class seminar are:

Lord Saint Germain ~ You as the Initiate, need to hold clarity within your mindset of what it means to be awakened, the Pitfalls and the Blessing of the Mastery Pathway.

Lord Melchizedek ~ What is the importance for an Initiate to hold the Light physically? What it means for the consciousness of the personality and how to deal with the changes that occur.

Lord Metatron ~ also known as Archangel Metatron is the holder of Light Frequency and gives forth an understanding and acknowledgement of the Truth of the Fallen Warrior, the archetype that each of us holds within ourselves as the Angel and the Master Within. How to hold more Light in each of the four bodies will be discussed.

Included will be high level activation for Light Quotient Building including a journey to the Arcturian Starship, the North Star, for the Light Synthesis Chamber acceleration.


(If you are not enrolling at this time but appreciate the higher spiritual wisdom being shared in this article please consider making a donation below or on our Blessings page. Your support is needed.)

What is your Self Leadership Quotient?

Everyone knows about the Light Quotient and how it needs to be properly raised to bring about a New Earth. Few understand that there are many other Ascension Mastery Quotients that go along with the process. One of the more obscure ones is the understanding of Self Leadership*.

To create “Leadership” to the material world that is of a higher frequency of light (meaning it will not reproduce past karmic conditions to reoccur), one must first look to their own internal “leadership-of-the-self” state of being. This is because authentically holding a higher light frequency can only come from your higher essence. And for it to be the best it can be, it requires us to nurture that creation specifically in a newer manner that we have yet not done before as a physical being. (i.e., we must use instead the essence of our higher spiritual self-being”.)

The “action” of true leadership is to be of service to the greater good of humanity and earth, yet if we are not in a higher balanced state of being, we cannot be effective in that leadership towards or within the energies of co-creating a new earth, instead we risk just repeating the mistakes of the past.

Therefore, the most important understanding as an Initiate in Ascension (which really is anyone who desires a Golden Age of Gaia) is to realize within your physical consciousness that you cannot give service to another until you practice healthy service to yourself. This means becoming fully balanced at a higher frequency within each of your four bodies: the physical, the etheric, the emotional, and the mental.

“Nurturance” is a term to describe attaining self balance throughout the multi-faceted energies of the four-body system. It is not just acquired or obtained in one area of life but in all aspects of your living. This is truly how you create a strong psychological self that can progress into an Ascended Self.

To understand how to create real “Nurturance” it is important to first realize that your Etheric Self, or the non-physical energetic Body of your Soul, has traveled many places throughout time/space since it originated by the Creative Source of Oneness as your “self” coming into a spark of light. The images and thoughts that you have can be very much associated with many timelines within the Inner and Outer Plane. The Inner Plane being without a physical body traveling to many ashrams of light as a soul, while the Outer Plane is reflected of being within a body, the physical existence which can be experienced within any planetary system, not just the Earth.

So you have gathered many levels of understanding, some of which may or may not be of the Light. In fact, as a human upon Earth, you would not be incarnated here if you did not carry many dark timelines of prior experiences within you. These are part and parcel of what makes you human, and more specifically the makeup of your four body structure. You hold all these thoughts, feeling and energies within your unconscious self in addition to the ones of the Light.

Your role as an Initiate on Earth at this time is to realize that it is all okay; that whatever experience you have had previously, and those of this incarnation, must all now be experienced and understood for what they are, so that as an Initiate of Mastery, your journey as a soul can now take you into a new level of Self Awareness.

This includes the ability to totally work within your own energies to heal every aspect of yourself and become more totally aligned with the Light of God while inhabiting this physical incarnation you have chosen.

This process is not an easy one, but very necessary. As an Initiate of Mastery, you have chosen to walk through many doorways to feel the existence of your Light. It takes great responsibility to do so in a very personal way.

Diligence is the first acceptance that you must have within yourself. If you are not allowing the act of stepping forward with a focus of wanting to acknowledge all parts of your existence, then you will find that your soul will fall back into the old paradigm of your personality, which is not a truth of the Divine Self.

Giving Service to yourself must become a four-part journey. For example, the physical body needs “nurturance” in many ways. Movement is an essential component, so this means exercise in some form. Walking the body is also an important element as it helps the conditioning process of that feeling within yourself to be taking one step at a time. All parts of the body must be conditioned in order to achieve the ability to move into the anti-aging process. All parts need to be oiled consistently. This means that you must eat healthy foods that bring nurturing to the physical self.

The Etheric Body has many facets of elements within it and it is all held within the chakra system. It is the totality if each energetic footprint you have created each time you have been in a physical incarnation. The main component is working within your chakra system to purge old energies but also to align the positive elements within each of the chakras. They need to work together.

The best way to do so is through utilizing the Rays of God into each of the chakras so a balance can begin to occur just as if you were walking up a grand mountain. As you take such a walk, there will be times of rest for you to adapt to the changing conditions. In this way you slowly become acclimated to higher atmospheric levels. Likewise, throughout your chakra growth there may be a purging element that occurs but then the chakra will accept the higher light energies. These then assist your vibration to be accessed through the higher dimensions of light thereby charging up and preparing the physical body to then also receive the higher light energies.

The Emotional Body is truly the focal point of the physical consciousness as it represents the ability to feel the energies that enter into the four-body system. Nurturing the emotional self means to fully encourage it to feel all feelings, not just the good ones, and then allow the issuance of tears to help heal the process. Your Emotional Body has the ability to pinpoint outside energies and bring them into a sense of well-being.

The Mental Body is very complicated. It represents the three minds of the Conscious – Sub-Conscious – and Super-Conscious. The Subconscious is the guiding thought process but many times until one allows themselves to fully go through a rewiring of their thoughts, then the subconscious can create havoc for the conscious mind (physical-self consciousness). The Super-conscious represents the Higher Mind of the Spiritual Self. It is also called the Abstract Mind, whereas the physical consciousness is called the Concrete Mind. Giving positive feedback into the Mental Body is essential to assist the subconscious to change into the super-conscious.

As you can see, there is quite a bit of healing that needs to occur within the four body system. This is equated to the blending of the Spiritual Self or Higher Self into the four bodies. This process is what we like to call Self Actualizing the Self or Self Leadership.

Only you as the Initiate can know exactly which areas you need to focus upon as you begin to gain the higher spiritual guidance.  This is absolutely essential in order to acquire a healthy psychological self. It means that you learn when you need to self-care and how you need to go about it in an informed focus for your own life upon this earth.

You are learning to blend the Spiritual Self with the Physical Self and it must go through each of the four bodies in order to achieve the ability to KNOW WHO YOU ARE”.

It is no easy undertaking, and doing it blindly or without guidance never works (or at least has not worked so far upon earth). To set the proper foundation for acquiring Self Leadership (or Spiritual Service Leadership) from the perspective of reaching a state of Ascension upon Earth, Walking Terra Christa is conducting their monthly Mastery Class on the topic of Acknowledging Your Missing Puzzle Piece of Self Leadership. This once monthly class seminar is a chance for everyone to gain a deeper knowledge of the energies of the Fifth Dimensional Ascended state of being. Enrollment is required to attend live or to access the audio recording but unlike the weekly private Academy teachings, this one is open to the public to enroll into. All live attendees get the opportunity to talk directly with Ascended Master Lord Saint Germain (who is over-lighting this course.)


Finding Your Missing Puzzle Piece of Self Leadership


Lord Melchizedek ~ Understanding the concept of Self Leadership within the role as an Initiate and Mastery

Lord Saint Germain ~ Acknowledging the Chakra System as a Doorway of Initiation into your Past Lives

Master Joshua Stone ~ Accepting that the quest to finding your Missing Puzzle Piece must start by learning about how to take care of the four-body system by breaking down step-by-step the elements that are blocking your progress – your Lower Ego.

Lady Quan Yin ~ Learning how to become the Feminine Divine through nurturing all parts of the Self, through Compassion by Accessing the Condition of Humility.

A beginning meditation utilizing the Rays of God through the Higher Light Bodies is given by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden to help participants access the higher frequencies of their spiritual self in a more balanced manner.

Each of the Ascended Master teachers shares a short exercise to gain more perspective and understandings. There is a Q&A session with Lord Saint Germain to help pinpoint any personal aspects of assistance.

Included is an ending journey meditation of traveling etherically to the Golden Chamber of Melchizedek within the 36th Dimensional Reality.


(If you are not enrolling at this time but appreciate the higher spiritual wisdom being shared in this article please consider making a donation below or on our Blessings page. Your support is needed.)

The Initiate’s Responsibility for Wesak 2015

Himalayas wesak

Master Djwhal Khul shares his message on the Wesak energies for 2015 along with the responsibilities of being on the Mastery Pathway as requested by the Spiritual Hierarchy for a powerful and fulfilling Wesak experience.


It is my pleasure to walk with each of you during this fabulous time of existence ~ Wesak ~ is now upon us for 2015.

I am Master Djwhal Khul at your service.

The Wesak energies this year is beyond what any of us within the Spiritual Hierarchy could imagine. The power of the frequencies of Light is taking humanity into a new form of existence. I believe that each of you probably understands what the phase of “resurrection” has meant to you. Now, we go into the next journey that allows each of us to expand our horizons, so to speak.

As we step into the element of acceleration, the four-body system must go through a process of elimination depending upon the inner work that you have been doing. It happens every year and in fact, you feel it each month upon the full moon. It is the process of rebirth and is a necessary element in order to grow through the changes. It represents the flow of life, in and out. It is not always an easy process but very necessary.

2015 has represented a year of great change. In order to accept the elements of Freedom within your consciousness, you must get to know what it is like to suffer and be challenged. Otherwise, there is no conceptual knowledge of what being free represents for you. It allows each person to understand that what they were before is not who they are in the present moment.

GAIA has been in a state of inertia for many eons of time. The planet has held the concept of control and the masculine energies of the mental mind to be the controlling factor. So she has sat and waited until a time would come that humanity would awaken to a higher level of existence. This would not just be with the Ascended Masters (that learned they needed to wake up) but in all of humanity.

This year represents those energies. People are arising to the fact that they must be more conscious to the self-imposing thoughts that hold them back from their higher realities. So individuals are slowly awakening to the process of mastery but not the level that we, of the ascended beings, would like to see.

So each of you that have awakened, and have stepped into the role of wanting to be a master of your destiny are being challenged to be more. You are very much like we were in the times of Atlantis and Lemuria, but yet there were not enough of us. It was a time when we could not hold the higher essence of energies within the earth plane due to the duality that had arrived. Now you are at a juncture of time in which you have stepped into the initiation process to clear what has been wrong while knowing there is so much more for you to do.

We are here to do it with you, each of the Ascended Beings of Light, but yet, know we have the frequencies of the Unified Whole in which the Brotherhood of Light has accepted into their world. Each of us represents these energies of Oneness so that it can be expanded unto each of you as we walk together unto the New Earth.

Until that time arrives, great work needs to be done. The role that you have chosen is truly not easy, but is attainable. GAIA is changing with the energetic frequencies and each of you is holding these essences to help you become what you have always know you can be. But great work must be done until that time arrives for each of you personally, and individually.

This is why the Wesak energies are so expansive and alluring. There are more people upon the planet at this time that is aware of this event. This means that there will be more frequencies within GAIA that will assist in this process.

As the commanding energies of Lord Buddha comes forth to command the Christed Self within the planet, each of you stand with each of us, as we arise together towards a new stage of our existence. You, being the Initiates of the Earth, will be asked to ground these frequencies so your job is more challenging to hold than ours. But you are not alone.

In reference to the Festival of the Christ and the resurrecting energies that resulting in the last 30 days each of you that desire to be more, has achieved more just because of what you are doing within your spiritual world. If you are not as diligent as you would like to be, then the energies will intertwine within your Being, twisting you in many directions until you stop and allow the change to occur. One cannot step unto this pathway and not feel the change. But if you try to stop, the experience will become more filled with obstacles. You have awakened to be the Master of the New Earth, so it is very important that you take this pathway very seriously.

The changes that you are feeling is not just because of GAIA, it is due to the acceleration of the planets coming into alignment and everything else must be connected to those energies. It is not an easy process by any means but each of you is doing it to the best of your abilities.

There is always more than can be done.

My message to you at this time is do not ignore the energies of Wesak. Prepare yourself to walk through the next doorway as you have a deep responsibility to do so. You may not even realize how important this pathway is for your soul’s growth and commitment to the Earth. So that is why I am here in this moment sharing with you my essence and the desire to see each of you achieve the very best within your life.

Make a commitment to connect with others for the Wesak energies. It does not matter if it is in person or long distance, but it is very important to allow these frequencies of light to exist in your world.

Some may say that what I am about to say is not something a master would share, but in truth, you must decide for yourself.

I work with Walking Terra Christa and Rev. Meleriessee and Rev. Aranathanara to bring forth the highest information possible. It is my role with them presently. It is a new job for both of us which takes great diligence to provide this information and availability of connection through the waves of dimensions for Meleriessee. We work very hard on the Inner Plane with each other to make sure the information they provide is within the truth of the God Force.

In prior channelings I had shared that there would come a time within the energies of the New Earth that I would step forward and work with chosen individual(s).  I want to tell you that Rev. Meleriessee and Rev. Aranatharna are these individuals that I have chosen.

What they administer to others is unmarked by anyone else on this planet. Meleriessee has achieved her own ascension and chooses to stay on this planet to assist others. Aranathanara is doing the same with great sacrifices. This is what it takes to be an Ascended Master within a physical body.

I ask of you, “Can you take 3 hours out of your day on May 3rd to be part of these frequencies and join Walking Terra Christa with others to connect with the Masters in Shamballa along with Lord Buddha?”

I know that attending this ceremony will assist each individual that chooses to participate as it allows each of us in the God Force to work with each of you more directly. This is the energetic exchange that Rev. Meleriessee brings forth. It will be unmatched by anything else that you experience and will allow your essence to stand with each of the Ascended Beings of Light within Shamballa.

I also want to share that a Spiritual Donation is required because the work that they do is guided by the God Force. I stand by this statement of saying that a small donation will show a statement of faith by your physical essence to receive the highest quality of energetic exchange. It is not the money itself, but the act that represents the Universal Law of Abundance. Ideally, this is why they are requiring a very small donation as  low as $11 to attend this ceremony but in return, you will receive so much more.

This represents the movement,

“Yes, I am an Initiate, and I want to be acknowledged by others. I know that this is an energetic exchange and I want the Ascended Masters, especially Lord Melchizedek to acknowledge I am serious about my Pathway of Initiations.”

I share this information not because of the donation but the seriousness of exchange on the mastery pathway. Many individuals feel that all this work should be free; but yet, those individuals probably are not serious about the spiritual growth. This represents the lower ego and that energy should be free. But when a person who has achieved what both Meleriessee and Aranathanara have acquired, it has taken years of work, learning, and growing through the process of their initiations. They have chosen to do this work to help every living person who wants to achieve more to be able to do so.

This is why I work with them; not because I feel they are special, as they are. But because, I see the steps they have taken to do this work and no others upon the planet can do it as I choose to command it to be. We are partners and I applaud what they are trying to create upon this Earth.

I want to see the same for each of you. Wesak is a ceremony that should not be missed by any initiate. I am happy to see the growth of the planet that events such as this can be experienced through tele-communications as it is helping to connect people all around the world.

This, I would say, is “Freedom Within.”

I look forward to connecting with each of you during this powerful time of acceleration.

I am Master Djwhal Khul at your service.

In Blessings of Love and Wisdom, I walk with you.


Chose Your Financial Means Level


©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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February 10th, 2014 ~ Unity Number “1”

Unity Number 1

This day of “1” in the Science of Numerology represents New Beginnings and starting a new cycle. 

It also represents Oneness as all elements come together to be created within Unity. It is a strong vibration represented by the following keywords:  Independent, Creative, Original, Ambitious, Determined, Courageous, Independent, and Self Assured.


The sum of today’s number is derived from 37 = 10 = 1 which is a wonderful day for stepping into the unknown with confidence.  The energetics of the combination of these numbers represents the ability to allow the Higher Mind to step into the Lower Mind with great success and reaping the rewards of the previous cycle.

In order for us to expand into Oneness we must feel that essence within our individual experience.  As we are learning to work more fully with the Higher Self into the Physical Self that is the first step of allowing Oneness to be within our understanding.  There is more to this entire picture as we learn about our multi-dimensional self(s) that have great wisdom to be shared by first we must allow the exchange to happen within us physically.

The 1st of February resonates very highly with the ability to walk through a new doorway of opportunity and allow that exchange to set the stage for more exciting moments to occur within our reality.  In numerology one’s represent a new beginning but on this day, it is coupled with the energies of “10” within the date along with the summation of 10 equaling “1”.  There is an element of what third dimensional existence would term luck which in a higher level of understanding represents the synchronization of events to come into a new beginning.  Through this vibrational exchange it shows that there is alignment occurring from the Universal Structure into the Planetary to allow for the change to fully happen.

Reflect, on this day, what this exchange may be for you in your personal life.  You are being gifted by your Higher Self or Essence to allow the flow of synchronous moments to occur within your world that will help you to see the challenges have been merely a stepping stone into a deeper part of yourself.  Listen, within your Heart, to see what changes you need to make in order for your life to take on a pathway of Divine Order in each moment, and not just periodically.

A new change is about to occur today within the frequency of light within the planet.  Embrace it deeply, notice what it is telling you, and then act accordingly within your physical self.

In the Creation of Oneness,

We Are The Unified Whole Command of Many Beings of Light

Comprised of Master Thoth, Great Divine Director, Master Einstein

The Brotherhood of White Light with the Spiritual Hierarchy and Angelic Realm in Oneness

Note:The definitions of science of numerology with the keywords are excerpted from  The remainder of this post is channeled material from the Unified Whole Command through Rev. Christine Meleriesse.

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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January 28th, 2014 ~ Unity Number “9”

Unity Number 9In the Science of Numerology the number “9” stands for completion with the ending of the previous cycle. 



It is a day to reflect on what needs to be cleared as it is the last symbol before returning to Unity.  Keywords are:  leadership, the ability to see clearly, integration, the three worlds – physical, intellectual, spiritual, ability to understand, inborn talents, compulsions, introspection, personal integrity, unity, truth, perfection, learning to dissolve ego attachments, and challenges faced in looking for your own wisdom.

Today’s number is derived from the numbers of 2 + 7 equaling nine.  This represents learning to lift our energies to the highest aspect with balance and perfection.  It is a highly spiritual equation standing for Universal Love, Brotherhood and humanitarianism, being selfless and very intuitive.

The energetics of today’s number is symbolized by completion as it represents the beginning of the ending of all that you have accomplished in this cycle.  Take time to de-clutter your life physically, mentally, and emotionally by utilizing the frequencies of the 27/9 equation.  This definitely is a power-driven number that is being given to us on January 28th.

If you take the understanding of what this may represent for you, work with your Highest Self, and change the parts that do not fit presently.  Take time to reflect on yesterday’s accomplishments of success.  Did it work well for you?  Are there elements that need to be changed?  What aspects do you need to accept more fully within your reality that will help mold you for the next phase of acceleration?

These are the questions that are important to consider as it is a teaching tool for you to step into more awareness of your-self.  It takes great responsibility to look at oneself and know that changes need to be made.  The true power of the journey on this day is to make the necessary steps to do so.  It is a very powerful healing and teaching day; not always to others but to one-self.

Allow yourself to know more internally so that you can externalize these aspects that you desire within your life.  Step into the unknown more deeply from your highest essence and command it to be within your physical essence.  This will empower you greatly for the energetics of tomorrow’s reality.

In blessings  and joy of Oneness,

We Are The Unified Whole Command of Many Beings of Light

Comprised of Master Thoth, Great Divine Director, Master Einstein

The Brotherhood of White Light with the Spiritual Hierarchy and Angelic Realm in Oneness

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Understanding the Concept of Ascension with Saint Germain

Ascension Process ~ Steps of Initiation

When I first starting writing this blog, I realized Saint Germain and myself were One Essence.  Many of what I wrote comes from my understanding of being on the Pathway of Mastery for almost 20 years but realized that his essence was overlighting the material with intensity and great love for all of humanity.

In the Creative Source of Oneness, I AM Melereissee with Saint Germain

Acceleration is our state of being recently.  I don’t think it is going to change any time soon as time is speeded up between the past, present and future.  Our crystalline bodies are being activated cell-by-cell, igniting memories, and helping to change our physical bodies to become All That We Are.

One would say that it is a very powerful time indeed for all species of the human race upon GAIA even for the ones that are not aware of why they are feeling the way that they do.  Mastery represents the ability to not know where you are going but you just continue on the walk towards enlightenment of the soul.  It is when we try to figure every step out through our lower self that gets us into trouble of not flowing with the movement of the tides.

Presently we are in the midst of the full moon of Aquarius within Leo which is pushing us even further to go into the depths of our soul.  This means that we must start to understand the changes that are taking place within us to see what works and what does not in order to assimilate the new Being that we are becoming.  If we stay within the confines of our lower self either through our thoughts or emotions, it is going to push us into the darker places within our existence.  We will feel the turmoil of the changes through our mind trying to figure everything out.  We must stop the Merry-Go-Round and get off as we connect with our Higher Self and I AM Presence to assist us through this process.  This is why we like to hear from the Ascended Masters and Beings as it helps us to understand the process that we may be experiencing.  It takes us away from the confines of deep despair that can overtake us emotionally and keep us stuck in our old selves.

Now is the time to understand that we are becoming the Masters for the New Earth.  We must take responsibility for ourselves and the planet that we have chosen to incarnate upon.  We become our own internal leaders.  This is what this full moon brings to us ~ to allow the creation of our Divine Spirit to become manifest within the physical world.

We have traveled far and wide to come to these junctures of time, through the many levels of incarnations, timelines, and journeys to the outer reaches of the many universes of time to arrive into this exact space.  We are here to create our new reality.  Gaia is changing and we are also changing with her.  Each of us must be reflective in what they want to do with these accelerated energies within our four-body system.  The pathway of Mastery is at our command but if we allow others influence to bind us into a new paradigm of existence, then we are not the leaders of the New Earth but following someone else’s ideal of ascension.

It saddens me to see so much information out in the world that is not focused upon the idea of the Source of Light and that we are here to create that essence upon Gaia.  The information that is being shared and taught by many individuals is filtered within the confines of the lower forces that have controlled this planet for eons of time.  Those of us that are stepping out of that paradigm are walking a pathway that none that has ever done.  This is the most challenging walk that you could ever take.  If you are being pulled into another’s way of thinking because you think it is the way out, the way of ascension, then there is still a whole lot more for you to work through in your journey upon this Earth.


Some may think that it is just the opposite that you meet your Higher Self by activating your Merkabah Vehicle and raise your DNA to an accelerated state so that you leave Gaia’s essence even though she is transitioning into a fifth dimensional arena.  Some individuals think that one day they will wake up in another dimension and wonder how they are going to take their possessions with them.  Along with all of these new ways of activating their essence, great gifts appear to them.  Many newly awakened lightworkers have wonderful gifts to share and do so.  They are so very powerful and those of us that have been holding the light for this planet for thousands of years working through our inner reflections are in awe of these individuals of how quickly they can achieve such powers within their physical bodies.  But yet, each of us are doing the same even though it may be easier for others to do so.

What the Starseeds and the Newly Awakened Ones do not realize that they too have come with their baggage to release.  They may be new to this planet but we were all created at the same time so where have they been in between?  They have traveled in many places and also have timelines to work through.  If this is their first lifetime on this earth, they then have to become accustomed to the physical body in human form.  It is somewhat archaic in their eyes and may not be able to assimilate all the functions of the four-body system as others that are used to being in human form.  Transition is happening to everyone at this time.  We all want to be in a higher state of existence of love, joy, and feeling blissful.

When we all start to awaken, we are excited to see that there can be a new world to live upon.  It is when we really start to walk the journey, that we feel overwhelmed of the work that needs to be done.  So some find other ways to exit into a new reality instead of accessing all realities of the self into the existence of the human form we have taken on this lifetime.  The lower ego or lower self is the way of existence and rules the mind and the heart.  The gifts that higher dimensional beings access can be utilized while being in lower ego, but it is not the rule of the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of White Light.  The gifts will come later through the diligence and hard work that is necessary as guided through Lord Sanat Kumara and the Planetary Logos, Lord Buddha.

Ascension is not a way to escape.  It is about the process of allowing our Higher Self to first become integrated within the physical.  At first, it happens in the consciousness and work has to be done to allow it to happen.  Then the process continues through the initiations of Mastery.  Not all lightworkers step into the pathway of mastery but it is the way to live for hundreds of years, in a youthful condition, while accessing all the spiritual gifts that are available.  But it takes great responsibility and diligent practice to sustain the energies.  Not all lightworkers will be able to sustain this diligence of hard work.  Some will go to the programs that promise enlightenment of raising their DNA before the physical body is ready to handle it.  It has all been done before.  Atlantis was a major testing ground for accessing these energies and this is what we are experiencing presently.

Lemuria and Atlantis are here right now within each of us.  We have lived there before whether it was in one or both of the continents.  The age of technology and working with the Galactic races was commonplace at that time.  We have all arrived back again upon GAIA to make it work once again.

It is up to each of us individually how we are going to interact, be within ourselves, and commit to the contracts that are dear to our souls.  Ascension is happening to every one of us but not all will be able to commit to the Pathway of Mastery.

Mastery represents the Spiritual Hierarchy with the Brotherhood of White Light that was started by Lord Sanat Kumara in Lemuria when the downfall of the energies started to occur.  He put the Goddesses and their teachings in hiding so the lower forces could not access them.  They are now coming out of hiding but there comes with it a strict enforcement of upholding the teachings of the Melchizedek Priesthood and not all individuals that are ascending are permitted to walk this pathway.

The work of accessing the Higher Self must be adhered to diligently.  We came into body and forgot who we were.  We are now learning to access our Higher Knowledge through our Higher Self and I AM Presence.  The pathway of learning about our Soul’s history so that it may be rectified presently is the most important aspect of being a leader for the New Earth.  Not all will have the ability to be strong enough or diligent to sustain this journey as it is not for the ones that cannot look at their own mirror and see the inner reflection of the old self.  The timelines must be acknowledged and either released or accepted.  The initiation process must be brought up through the Councils of Light and all that occurs must always be put into wholeness.

The aspect of Oneness comes from the accessibility of the Creative Source of Light that was the defining rule in the beginning.  Each of us comes from this source through the Divine Mother and Father God, through our I AM Presence, and our Monad, into our Higher Self then integrated within the physical body.  But because Earth has been a low density planet, the frequencies of the Source could not be acknowledged until a person’s consciousness could accept the fact that they were One with the All.

When a human wakes up into these essences, they then start to accept that they are more than what they thought they were.   They are the God Essence, they are one with all.  But in human form it is just the opposite so confliction takes place.  It can be confusing to figure out what is in Oneness and what is within the self.  This is where the lower ego steps in and an individual fully as to accept the fact that their mind of the human body is not the mind of the Higher Self.  So the deep work begins for the Initiate or Chela that is ready to step into a world of tests, initiations, and trials by error.  But there is always the chance that an initiate will be so consumed by their lower desires that they think they are more than they are and will not be willing to continue the trials.  This is when an individual becomes infused with the gifts they have instead of what they need to go through within the process.  This is when an initiate becomes unaware of who they truly are and it creates more infiltration of lower energies to be created within them.

This is the Division of the Soul and what we are presently experiencing upon the Earth.  It is the choice of each individual soul to understand what they need to be doing in each moment to stand in their own truth and stay within the rules of their contractual soul agreement.

We have many thoughts of ascension in and around the world.  The only way that an individual is going to access their Higher Self is to work through the process of accelerating their physical body to reach the higher self.  Pushing it through DNA activations or Merkabah accelerations help in the process but it is the defining energy of each person’s Higher Self to fully accept the challenges that they will go through.  Being aware of infiltration of channels that are not bringing in the highest quotient of Light and that a channel is only as good as his Higher Self and I AM Presence allows him/her to be.  Each channel must go through this process in order to receive the highest frequency available and it must be done within the Unified Whole or 144th dimensional reality that is the Source of Light.  Anything less than this is questionable and it is up to the discretion of each individual to learn about protection, to access their Gate Keeper through the channeling, and to make sure that the energy is of the highest quality available for that Lightworker to be the conduit of the energies.

In Saint Germain’s words,

I have asked Meleriessee to share this information as she is a teacher of ascension, has worked through this pathway for 20 years, and is attuned to the highest frequency of Light from the Source of Oneness for many years.  I do not speak these words lightly but with reverence.

Each of you have awakened but what you do with that awakening remains to be seen.   The discussion provided has been given as a guideline for each of you to step into your own power, your own essence from your Higher Self and deem it appropriate in your pathway.  But each of you are being watched from the Beings of Light and we are always ready to assist you in many ways.  Your experiences are within your soul’s essence but your human self has had control over your Higher Self for eons of time.  The energies of the Earth presently are very powerful but also instilled with much lower frequency that has controlled this planet.

It is up to you individually what you want to do with your life and your pathway. The only thing I ask of you is to look within your own mirror and see your truth as it is revealed to others.  This is the way that we must adhere within ourselves what we project out into the world.  I want all of you to be part of the New Earth Leaders but the choice will be yours.

By the way, Gaia is ascending with each of you and leaving her at this time may be part of your contract but I doubt it very much.  Again, look within and see if you are accessing the lower or higher frequency that is available to you.

In summation, the earth is full of many levels of individuals upon this planet that are awakened.  I, as Saint Germain is the conductor of this energy through Meleriessee as I want to help individuals to understand the process of awareness and how important it is to be diligent upon your pathway to be accepted into the Brotherhood of White Light.  This is a pathway that is not given to everyone and each person has to be accepted by the merits of their initiations, how they project to others, and to themselves.

All my love and blessings in our journey together,

I AM Saint Germain, Mahachohan of the Seven Rays of God

Saint Germain still holds the 7th Ray of the Violet/Purple Flame with Lady Portia but has ascended into the Mahachohan of all the Seven Rays under the direction of Allah Gobi, the former Mahachohan.

TAKE IT FARTHER SUGGESTION(sm): If you enjoyed this post, please show us and comment. Hit the LIKE button on Facebook. If you want to start putting these teachings into practice, join us in September in Mt. Shasta with the transmissions of St. Germain and other New Earth Ascended Master’s at the next Transformational Journey Retreat.

©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.


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