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What is your Self Leadership Quotient?

Everyone knows about the Light Quotient and how it needs to be properly raised to bring about a New Earth. Few understand that there are many other Ascension Mastery Quotients that go along with the process. One of the more obscure ones is the understanding of Self Leadership*.

To create “Leadership” to the material world that is of a higher frequency of light (meaning it will not reproduce past karmic conditions to reoccur), one must first look to their own internal “leadership-of-the-self” state of being. This is because authentically holding a higher light frequency can only come from your higher essence. And for it to be the best it can be, it requires us to nurture that creation specifically in a newer manner that we have yet not done before as a physical being. (i.e., we must use instead the essence of our higher spiritual self-being”.)

The “action” of true leadership is to be of service to the greater good of humanity and earth, yet if we are not in a higher balanced state of being, we cannot be effective in that leadership towards or within the energies of co-creating a new earth, instead we risk just repeating the mistakes of the past.

Therefore, the most important understanding as an Initiate in Ascension (which really is anyone who desires a Golden Age of Gaia) is to realize within your physical consciousness that you cannot give service to another until you practice healthy service to yourself. This means becoming fully balanced at a higher frequency within each of your four bodies: the physical, the etheric, the emotional, and the mental.

“Nurturance” is a term to describe attaining self balance throughout the multi-faceted energies of the four-body system. It is not just acquired or obtained in one area of life but in all aspects of your living. This is truly how you create a strong psychological self that can progress into an Ascended Self.

To understand how to create real “Nurturance” it is important to first realize that your Etheric Self, or the non-physical energetic Body of your Soul, has traveled many places throughout time/space since it originated by the Creative Source of Oneness as your “self” coming into a spark of light. The images and thoughts that you have can be very much associated with many timelines within the Inner and Outer Plane. The Inner Plane being without a physical body traveling to many ashrams of light as a soul, while the Outer Plane is reflected of being within a body, the physical existence which can be experienced within any planetary system, not just the Earth.

So you have gathered many levels of understanding, some of which may or may not be of the Light. In fact, as a human upon Earth, you would not be incarnated here if you did not carry many dark timelines of prior experiences within you. These are part and parcel of what makes you human, and more specifically the makeup of your four body structure. You hold all these thoughts, feeling and energies within your unconscious self in addition to the ones of the Light.

Your role as an Initiate on Earth at this time is to realize that it is all okay; that whatever experience you have had previously, and those of this incarnation, must all now be experienced and understood for what they are, so that as an Initiate of Mastery, your journey as a soul can now take you into a new level of Self Awareness.

This includes the ability to totally work within your own energies to heal every aspect of yourself and become more totally aligned with the Light of God while inhabiting this physical incarnation you have chosen.

This process is not an easy one, but very necessary. As an Initiate of Mastery, you have chosen to walk through many doorways to feel the existence of your Light. It takes great responsibility to do so in a very personal way.

Diligence is the first acceptance that you must have within yourself. If you are not allowing the act of stepping forward with a focus of wanting to acknowledge all parts of your existence, then you will find that your soul will fall back into the old paradigm of your personality, which is not a truth of the Divine Self.

Giving Service to yourself must become a four-part journey. For example, the physical body needs “nurturance” in many ways. Movement is an essential component, so this means exercise in some form. Walking the body is also an important element as it helps the conditioning process of that feeling within yourself to be taking one step at a time. All parts of the body must be conditioned in order to achieve the ability to move into the anti-aging process. All parts need to be oiled consistently. This means that you must eat healthy foods that bring nurturing to the physical self.

The Etheric Body has many facets of elements within it and it is all held within the chakra system. It is the totality if each energetic footprint you have created each time you have been in a physical incarnation. The main component is working within your chakra system to purge old energies but also to align the positive elements within each of the chakras. They need to work together.

The best way to do so is through utilizing the Rays of God into each of the chakras so a balance can begin to occur just as if you were walking up a grand mountain. As you take such a walk, there will be times of rest for you to adapt to the changing conditions. In this way you slowly become acclimated to higher atmospheric levels. Likewise, throughout your chakra growth there may be a purging element that occurs but then the chakra will accept the higher light energies. These then assist your vibration to be accessed through the higher dimensions of light thereby charging up and preparing the physical body to then also receive the higher light energies.

The Emotional Body is truly the focal point of the physical consciousness as it represents the ability to feel the energies that enter into the four-body system. Nurturing the emotional self means to fully encourage it to feel all feelings, not just the good ones, and then allow the issuance of tears to help heal the process. Your Emotional Body has the ability to pinpoint outside energies and bring them into a sense of well-being.

The Mental Body is very complicated. It represents the three minds of the Conscious – Sub-Conscious – and Super-Conscious. The Subconscious is the guiding thought process but many times until one allows themselves to fully go through a rewiring of their thoughts, then the subconscious can create havoc for the conscious mind (physical-self consciousness). The Super-conscious represents the Higher Mind of the Spiritual Self. It is also called the Abstract Mind, whereas the physical consciousness is called the Concrete Mind. Giving positive feedback into the Mental Body is essential to assist the subconscious to change into the super-conscious.

As you can see, there is quite a bit of healing that needs to occur within the four body system. This is equated to the blending of the Spiritual Self or Higher Self into the four bodies. This process is what we like to call Self Actualizing the Self or Self Leadership.

Only you as the Initiate can know exactly which areas you need to focus upon as you begin to gain the higher spiritual guidance.  This is absolutely essential in order to acquire a healthy psychological self. It means that you learn when you need to self-care and how you need to go about it in an informed focus for your own life upon this earth.

You are learning to blend the Spiritual Self with the Physical Self and it must go through each of the four bodies in order to achieve the ability to KNOW WHO YOU ARE”.

It is no easy undertaking, and doing it blindly or without guidance never works (or at least has not worked so far upon earth). To set the proper foundation for acquiring Self Leadership (or Spiritual Service Leadership) from the perspective of reaching a state of Ascension upon Earth, Walking Terra Christa is conducting their monthly Mastery Class on the topic of Acknowledging Your Missing Puzzle Piece of Self Leadership. This once monthly class seminar is a chance for everyone to gain a deeper knowledge of the energies of the Fifth Dimensional Ascended state of being. Enrollment is required to attend live or to access the audio recording but unlike the weekly private Academy teachings, this one is open to the public to enroll into. All live attendees get the opportunity to talk directly with Ascended Master Lord Saint Germain (who is over-lighting this course.)


Finding Your Missing Puzzle Piece of Self Leadership


Lord Melchizedek ~ Understanding the concept of Self Leadership within the role as an Initiate and Mastery

Lord Saint Germain ~ Acknowledging the Chakra System as a Doorway of Initiation into your Past Lives

Master Joshua Stone ~ Accepting that the quest to finding your Missing Puzzle Piece must start by learning about how to take care of the four-body system by breaking down step-by-step the elements that are blocking your progress – your Lower Ego.

Lady Quan Yin ~ Learning how to become the Feminine Divine through nurturing all parts of the Self, through Compassion by Accessing the Condition of Humility.

A beginning meditation utilizing the Rays of God through the Higher Light Bodies is given by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden to help participants access the higher frequencies of their spiritual self in a more balanced manner.

Each of the Ascended Master teachers shares a short exercise to gain more perspective and understandings. There is a Q&A session with Lord Saint Germain to help pinpoint any personal aspects of assistance.

Included is an ending journey meditation of traveling etherically to the Golden Chamber of Melchizedek within the 36th Dimensional Reality.


(If you are not enrolling at this time but appreciate the higher spiritual wisdom being shared in this article please consider making a donation below or on our Blessings page. Your support is needed.)

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