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The Hidden Path

thehiddenpathby Reverend Michael “Aranathanara” Hayden

This is a tale of the things one does not see in their life, a story of the elements that lie hidden from view until they are allowed to be seen. It recounts my 15 year journey from awakening fully to the spiritual path of serving the Will of God and stepping into Divine Power.

Many speak of Divinity as being allocated only to the God force. But in truth, each of us is the Hand of God and we have the capability ourselves. Divinity for humanity is nothing more, nor less, than actively fulfilling your Highest Soul’s Purpose in a Living Body.

When one has a Soul Purpose to take on the Mantel of Divinity and forgo the trappings of the secular world, it is not always something that they have knowledge about within their current physical life. It may not even be something they have ever thought about due to the illusions and distractions of pursing an everyday life.

As of January 15, 2014 I now add the above titles to my name. It was on that day that I officially took on the role and responsibility of being a Priest in the Order of Melchizedek thus acknowledging a pathway I had not previously realized I was journeying upon.

Just two weeks before, I was gifted to be in an otherworldly sacred ring ceremony with my beloved Reverend Christine Meleriessee. That was an event I felt was indeed the highlight of the New Year. 2014 has the keyword energetics of being the year of Grounding Unity but I had no way of knowing how the connection between us of expressing our Twin Flame bond in an earthly manner would lead to my going much deeper upon this pathway than I ever had imagined.

As Meleriessee and I had stepped together into a divine mission two years before on the eventful day of 11/11/11, being given a special blessing by Mother Father God as the Cosmic Great Central Sun, we knew our pathway was one of rare circumstances. What we did not know back then was how much more knowledge and gifts would unfold for us. A secret to be yet revealed was our deep love for one another, a love that could not exist within our previous 3rd Dimensional ways of being.

The act of doing ceremony to Ground that union proved to be more powerful than even we had realized as just a fortnight later on January 14, we had no clue that the next day would once again profoundly change our life.

And this is pretty much how the pathway to Mastery unfolds. One just never knows what will happen. There are clues along the way but so often we are clueless as to seeing the clues. Such is the Hidden Path of Mastery….

~ MORE ~


©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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January 13th, 2014 ~ Unity Number “3”

Unity Number for TodayToday is January 13th, 2014 and the Unity Number is “3”.  


This number represents enjoyment and a sunny disposition.  It is a day to have fun, be sociable, friendly and reach out to another person with your Light.  Keywords include:  jovial, having fun, adventurous, and self-expressive.

Take time on this day to celebrate yourself for the achievements you have made through the last two days.  We know that stepping into these powerful activations can sometimes cause issues to arise that need to be rectified.  That is why the world is being affected so deeply by the light accelerations coming into GAIA.

What would you like to do on this day?  Yesterday’s number represented the ability to step into your mastery in a new level.  Look at how you achieved a new part of yourself to be expressed and now show it to others.  First, inspire your physical body for accepting the light infractions by showing a deep sense of accomplishment through the challenges of yesterday.  Today, create a ceremony for yourself.  Look at your old self and see how you have stepped into a new power of light by acceptance.

It is important to understand what you are going through in the small moments so you can see the accomplishment of many moments together.  Sometimes, as humans, you forget and then become very hard on yourself in the process.

Be adventurous and do something different for yourself.  Show the depth of your essence that you are tapping into during your meditations and accept the new-found Being that you are becoming.  Look to the sun of Helios and Vesta as they watch over each of you with their vibrancy.  Let it permeate through your entire Beingness.

Yes, there is more to come, but today is a day to enjoy the fruit of your labors.  You deserve it.  Embrace the Light and let it shine to another.  Call a friend in need so they can see the beautiful light that they are.  They will be thankful that you did, and so will you.

EMBRACE THE LIGHT YOU HAVE BECOME.  We embrace each of you.

The Unified Whole Command of Many Beings of Light

Comprised of Master Thoth, Great Divine Director, Master Einstein

The Brotherhood of White Light with the Spiritual Hierarchy and Angelic Realm in Oneness

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Portal of Light ~ 1-1-1 ~ Lord Metatron

1-1-1Today represents the first Portal of Light of 2014 representing Oneness within our full consciousness.  This year we are stating that it reflects Grounding Unity within our physical creation.  Today is the first of many accelerations representing this new wave of energy to be felt by humanity.

Our worlds are coming together with the higher levels of existence as each of us as a Lightworker or Torch Bearer is feeling the accelerated energies within our physical existence.  This is all by design so that we will fully accept the Divinity of Light that we are in our creative process upon GAIA.

Today it is time to accept your role within the world of higher consciousness.  There are still many unawakened individuals upon the planet which need assistance.  We also have numerous people that have stepped into the self-help pathway but need to go further.  As a highly seasoned professional in this realm, I am being guided to share that it is our utmost duty to accept the process of our wisdom, knowledge, heart connectedness of our Love, Will and Power to be fully manifest within us to help others.  It is with this that I bring forth a special message and love to each of you.

Blessings and Love in all ways,




It is my Divine Pleasure to share my essence as a spokes-being of the many creative processes within the Unified Whole.  I Am Lord Metatron; please know I speak in the totality of who I AM but for the Greater Whole of Creation.

It is a day to truly rejoice in the essence of prosperity and abundance of the self.  We are coming into a new wave of frequency on this day of creation, January 11, 2014.  It is the first of many activations that will occur upon the planet during 2014 but is a momentous occasion.  It has been 22 years since the first of the 11:11 activations.  We thank Solara for bringing forth those essences into the hearts of many.  We also reflect upon the energies of the Harmonic Convergence in 1987.  The culmination of those energies were fully actualized in 2012.

So it is with great pride and joy that I share that each of you are grounding these essences within GAIA through the acceptance of your Divinity of Love and Light.  When an individual becomes aware of themselves in a higher light, it can take some time to fully see the reality of what truly is occurring.  The blending of the Higher Consciousness into the Human Consciousness is something that takes great patience, time, and diligence.  We are now at a new venture of time upon this Earth.  It is with great exaltation and joy that I share this message.

Each day of this year will bring you new changes within your consciousness.  As this changes, you are changing the consciousness of the world.  All the previous work has been done to set the energies into motion.  GAIA is able to receive more than we ever thought that she would.  It is due to what you are doing in your own personal transformative process that is allowing for the acceptance of Light that is truly the guidepost of future times.  It could not have been done without the many awakened beings of the 1960’s through this time period.  We acknowledge each of them for their time upon this Earth and what they tried to achieve.  Many felt that they had failed but yet what they did was create the Bridge of Awareness to be ignited within the planet so each of you at this time could walk easily into your higher state of existence.

So on this day of the 11th of January representing 1-1-1 we see a higher existence of light being infused within the planet and each of you.  It is important to take time on this day to fully accept your own Divinity.  This is not a global event but more of a personal one.  Reflect within yourself your own purpose of light.  What is it that you can do to be a better lightworker?  How can you accept the challenges more easily so that your full body system can be acknowledged?

These are some of the questions we pose only for you to go deep within yourself.  Presently there are great changes in the weather patterns which means that there is a war happening between what we desire and what we are experiencing.  The electro-magnetic fields are being stepped up by the dark energies to create more fear and anxiety within the hearts of each human upon the planet.

On this day it is time to go into your highest essence and prepare for an acceptance of light energy to be experienced in all parts of your existence.  This means to take time for yourself within the forces of Light that you are, through your Higher Self, Monad, and I AM Presence to be more fully grounded within your physical being.  It is a time to reflect about the forces of Light as the forces of darkness around you are trying to deter you from your true purpose.  It is a time to truly be within your Beingness whether it be in meditation, silence, or connecting with like-minded individuals.  Stay away from the media, arguing with others, and any element that does not align with your Higher Heart and Higher Mind.  Be One with whom you are and allow the Portal of Light that is being accelerated on this day to become One with your physical being.

The acceleration of the energies will only be felt as deeply as the power of your higher essence.  If your lower mind comes into place within these energies, then you will not receive the full potential frequencies that are available.  These essences are being sent from the 144th dimension of Love, Will, and Power as we are all in Oneness together.  Travel up to this frequency and Just Be in the space of Oneness.  Let it travel back down to your physical existence.  Spin the energies within your chakras, your Soul Star and Earth Star as you become the Light Being that you are.  Then share it with GAIA, expand it out of your internalization into the externalization of your essence.

The energies on this day is the first Grounding Cord that GAIA is going to be experiencing.  It is to be felt by each of you but also to help GAIA accept the new essences that are coming to her.  It is about Grounding Unity through you, within you and outside of you as it is the first step of realization for the acceptance of the Earth’s atmosphere.

Standing by with these accelerations on this day are all communities of light within Oneness.  I speak for the God Force with the Angelic Realm, Galactic Forces, and the Inner Earth Community.  It is our time to come together.

You may haven noticed the skies showing star ships in certain areas.  This is an acknowledgement that the Universes are coming closer together and this will be commonplace in your world.  There is more to be shown.  Some areas are also seeing powerful energies around the moon and the sun.  This is representative of the frequency of light that is occurring at this time.  The skies are shifting into alignment to help prepare GAIA for her acceleration.  Each of you stands in this moment as a Divine Being to accept your responsibility through the transition of light from darkness within the planet.  This is our first acceleration to be fully accepted in a different format than previously has been experience upon this planet.

It is a moment in time to rejoice the power of light that is occurring within with of us, Spirit and Physical Existence to come together in One Time of Space and Creation.

Take time to reflect what 1-1-1 may mean for you in your personal existence.  It is a new day to be felt and embraced as it is setting the stage for more to evolve within all of us.

It is my Divine Pleasure to extend these energies unto you.

I Am Lord Metatron, Spokes-Being for the Unified Whole of the 144th Dimension

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Lady Lakshmi ~ Goddess of Wealth and Prosperity

Lady LakshmiLady Lakshmi is considered the Goddess of Wealth and Prosperity.  She represents good luck and this comes from both the material and the spiritual. She is considered the household goddess of many of the Hindu families and a favorite of women; she is worshiped daily but her favorite month is October.

She has a golden complexion and she has four hands sitting or standing on a full blue lotus holding a lotus bud.  This stands for beauty, purity, and fertility. Her hands represent the four ends of human life as righteousness, desires, wealth and liberation form the cycle of life and death. Red symbolizes the grounding of the Earth and in order to have wealth you must be grounded in the body; the higher frequency that you work with will come in many colors so let us use the Gold representing God’s Light and allow the frequencies of many colors to flow within the altar.  We will use the Red at the end so that the manifestation can be fully realized.

Lakshmi is also considered a Mother Goddess when it comes to providing wealth in its 16 forms:

  • Knowledge,
  • Intelligence,
  • Strength,
  • Valor,
  • Beauty,
  • Victory,
  • Fame,
  • Ambition,
  • Morality,
  • Gold and Other Wealth,
  • Food and Grains,
  • Bliss,
  • Happiness,
  • Health And Longevity, and
  • Virtuous Off-Springs.


Lakshmi is depicted as a beautiful woman of golden complexion, with four hands, sitting or standing on a full-bloomed lotus and holding a lotus bud, which stands for beauty, purity and fertility. Her four hands represent the four ends of human life:

 Dharma or righteousness,

“Kama” or desires,

“Artha” or wealth, and

 “Moksha” or liberation from the cycle of birth and death.

Cascades of gold coins are seen flowing from her hands, suggesting that those who worship her gain wealth. She always wears gold embroidered red clothes. Red symbolizes activity and the golden lining indicates prosperity. (

So let us take a deep breath; we are going to bring in her energies.  She is usually very light hearted, She likes us to lighten up the energies so it is a perfect time to take what you may be going through in your physical world and the challenges you are experiencing in your ascension process to put it into her Light and allow it to be blessed.


Blessings and Joy! It is my pleasure to be with each of you for this miraculous circle of Light.

The blessings that each of you are realizing within your consciousness, within your physical thoughts, within your emotions let us allow them to become created into your world and to assist you in the movement and the change that is necessary. As you look at the flame, I want you to realize the Lotus heart within the flame also because the lotus heart represents the ability to fully be in balance with the Heart of God within you.

What are your desires in this moment to create the wealth that you would like to have? The wealth may be coming from many forms; it may be coming in forms of acceptance, strength, ambition, physical wealth, providing yourself and your family with your needs, having great happiness, and most of all longevity of your lives.

I call upon the Divine Mother God as she representative of my frequency to come into each of you in this moment.  Let us feel the fluidness and the movement of being in this space and time of accepting our divinity, accepting what we have been given in our existence and how to assimilate it and allow it to fit and mold and be the extension of our I AM Presence within the physical body within our higher self to allow that to be manifest.

I ask you now to breathe in to your Hearts and feel the Lotus Hearts within you expanding.  There is a deep flower within you and with each breath, we open up the flower essence.  Inside the flower essence is the core of our existence with the breath and the feeling that we are.

It is a beautiful essence to fully allow the total completion of the essence of God to be fully within the manifestation that you are.

So we take the elements that do not hold this realization and utilize the essence of the wind and the movement you want; take your fingertips and your hands and wave them side to side in front of your Heart center.  Ot will remove all those elements that don’t fit the divine essence of prosperity and wealth within your physical existence. Because you see, it must start from your Higher Essence and allow it to filter into you.  As we look at the Lotus Heart it represents the Spirit that you are, the Soul that you are  ~ that is what you have brought with you. We breathe in to this and feel it expanding outward and say these words to yourself:

I am a Divine Being of Light.

I call upon my Lotus Heart to be fully open so that the full effects of what I am creating comes from my Highest Presence, from the Divine Mother that has borne me into this moment of existence.

See the colors of your flower essence; see the petals opening up wider and wider because if there is constriction you cannot receive what you desire. So you must flow, you must flow with the energies, flow with the energies and allow your hands to move around in front of you, spin the Light around you, spin the Light because this is what is necessary.  My hands represent all the desires, the wealth, the liberation, and the divine righteousness that you deserve within the physical existence.  If you were to stand in front of the Divine Mother in this moment, she will see you as she has created you ~ allow yourself now to feel this within your body.


What is your desire in this moment?  Is it your heath, is it your wealth, is it your well being, is it the feelings inside of you to have balance?  Whatever it is, bring it up to the surface into your Lotus Heart at this moment and what does not fit within this essence, now remove it ~ swish your hands in front and allow the energies of the Golden flame, the Golden flame of God’s Light as Divine Mother gives you this blessing through my essence. I, as Lady Lakshmi, bring forth the Goddess of Wealth and Prosperity.  I am the mirror for each of you to receive more essence within your world.


I Am a Divine child of the Divine Mother God through Lady Lakshmi of the Goddess of Wealth and Prosperity; she stands in front of me and she is my mirror and the beauty that I see is now reflected within me.

Allow it to go into my Lotus Heart as it now flourishes with many colors of all the expansiveness that I see, All That I Am is now revealed within me.

I see my desire in this moment.  I put it into a thought, a feeling, or a physical experience.  My vision is now revealed ~  I hold it in my hands and I take that into the Lotus Heart so it blends within as One Essence so it is not outside of me.  It is not from my physical self it; is from my Higher Self that it comes now within the existence of my Being.

I Am All that I a desire to be.  I bring the colors of the flame of the Golden hues of the Lavenders, the Blues, the Pinks, the Yellows, and the Greens which are all high luminosity.  The frequency is so high that they don’t look like colors but they flow within me.  I then feel the deepness of the Red coming from my root going down in to my feet.  I expand it to my physical body as it blends with my spiritual body as I see the manifestation occurring in this moment.

I am a Divine Being of Light and I am the creator of my world.

I allow all of these elements of Lady Lakshmi to fully come within me.

I am the longevity of my life.

I am now in the anti aging process as I am an internal flame of love and existence within my physical creation.

I have wealth; it comes to me in synchronistic moments from this point forward.

I have love.

I am abundant in all areas of my emotions and my thoughts as all of it comes into balance fully within my heart.

The door is open for me now to receive all that I desire and to be on a pathway that assists others. Whatever I am ~ a teacher, a mother, a friend, a healer.  I am all of these and we come together in this moment of creation.

Feel the Gold essence spinning within you, feel the Red being activated as it represents the energies to hold that higher frequency within your body.  Allow that to be the grounding force within your Earth Star as your Soul Star holds these higher frequencies.  They now blend together within your Lotus Heart.  Feel them being expressed through you and all aspects in your physical body, the healing that you need in your emotional body, the balance that you need in your mental, and the relaxation of the thoughts as you become one internal being of Light totally activated within your world.

I Am Lady Lakshmi.

I ask of you to remember these elements because it will assist you in the coming months as the changes that you will be going through are necessary in order for you to mold the higher essence of your Being into your physical creation.  It is my divine pleasure to be here with you

I Am Lady Lakshmi, Goddess of Wealth and Prosperity.

Abundance of Light~Creating Prosperity Together, is a  Free Weekly Tele-call to join with others for abundance and light,

©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.  Permission only granted to share this material as long as the copyright information is included on the post.

9/11 and You – Remembering the Frequency

9-11 frequency

9/11 as a World Event

While the events of 9/11 (the September 11, 2001 tragedy in New York City) happened within the United States, the reverberations of it extended far beyond there into every corner of the globe.

It was a singular moment in history that affected every soul. As Princeton’s  Global Consciousness Project strongly demonstrated, the events of 9/11 awoke a consensus of the heart to such a degree that it’s computer network systems monitoring global coherence spiked in marked manner as the events of that day unfolded.

Many of us watch movies and attended group events that arise great emotion within us, yet we also have a mental tendency to refuse to believe we are directly connected to the energies and feelings of other soul’s around us unless we are in a personal physical relationship. And yet, we continue to experience events such as 9/11 on a very deep personal level.

I believe it is time that we awaken to the truth that we are entering an epoch of creation where we accept that we are one. One race of humanity that shares its very heart and soul essence with each other.

The Responsibility of the One

Acknowledging that we are so deeply connected would mean to acknowledge that we are also deeply responsible, not only for our own thoughts, feelings, emotions and actions, but that we are, through each element of our own consciousness, also significantly impacting the rest of the collective soul’s around us. Not just those near in proximity but those everywhere. This is a heavy responsibility and one that we don’t readily desire to take on. It seems so much easier to pretend we are separate.

But is does not have to be so heavy a challenge. After all, we encounter many examples in our lives of aspects of nature that are very easily existing within that oneness. We have learned, as Tom Shadyac so brilliantly noted in his documentary I AM, that we have been falsely lead down the wrong path by believing natures ‘true nature’ is that of competition. The truth is that it is very much rooted in cooperation, sharing and an intrinsic knowing that all life  is interdependently connected.

The Twelfth Year

When we look back to the events of 9/11, events that happened 12 years ago, we also have to look at our responsibility in how and why we remember that day.

Healing, in any modality of practice be it physical, psychological or spiritual, requires that the element or aspect requiring the healing be transformed from the initial shock and disruption of the traumas harm into a state or condition of not only acceptance, but the deeper level of balance and full restoration of health.

This takes time and effort and careful monitoring during the healing phase as disruption of the wound, either by more physical trauma to a physical wound, or by re-exposing a psychological wound to the elements of distress that caused the original imbalance.

For an event such as 9/11 we have to ask ourselves what is healed and what are we doing now to contribute to that healed state of being.

The significance of the number 12 esoterically signifies the element and condition of completeness. It is the twelve signs of the zodiac, the 12 months, the 12 hours of the clock for AM and PM. It is the year of coming of age in many indigenous cultures. It is the number of years of basic formal schooling. In short, completion of the 12 year cycle means you have reached the completion of the event.

Moving Forward

If your goal is to move forward to graduation, would you want to repeat a grade in school? Go back and redo a month in a year? Even if you could, in most cases of growth and moving forward you would not. And yet, in remembering events of tragedy and turmoil, we often place our consciousness right back within the energies of the event.

And this is exactly what we should not be doing if we want to move ahead.

Global Peace. Global Cohesiveness. Global Togetherness. Global Love. True Unity.

These are the goals of a healed planet.

Remembering those individuals who have fallen in times past must be done with the highest degree of integrity to their memory and also to those who are doing the remembering. Otherwise we simply reopen the wounds of the past.

Everything is Frequency

It is no longer enough to say that everything is energy. For there are many layers of subtleties to energy and our task as evolving humans is to understand that we must be more sensitive and discriminating than ever before in our history.

We have learned from quantum physicist that the subtler the energy, the more powerful it is. Beware the subtleties of the well intentioned but unaware consciousness that will manipulate your remembrances into recreating the actual feelings, emotions and thoughts of grief, sorrow, horror, separation. Beware the subtle energy of hate and division that maybe laying beneath the facade of your remembrance.

The Clarion Temple of Oneness

Though many have not been aware of it in their human consciousness, we have been very fortunate to have a place for all souls to heal, those souls no longer in the physical as well as all soul’s still inhabiting a body. This place was started because of the events of 9/11 and it was specifically created to be a place where healing would take place within the Frequency of Oneness. Which means there are no mixed messages or pathways or well-intentioned but misguided thoughts, feelings, emotions of actions that can end up doing more harm than good.

Inside the Temple, it is impossible to be anything other than fully participating in the purity of the Oneness of Creation as it is over-lighted by the Cosmic Great Central Sun as Divine Mother and Father God.

In terms of purity and wholeness, this is the proper venue to remember how to remember. Being invited to be part of the energies of the Temple is the highest honor that can be bestowed upon any soul requiring healing.

On this, the 12th anniversary of the events of 9/11, we ask you to request and invite for yourself and all other souls. Ask this event to finally and fully be placed into Oneness.

For those interested in an active participation in these frequencies we at Walking Terra Christa hold a special group tele-call on Wednesday 9/11, 2013 to commemorate the creation of the Clarion Temple (originally called the Clarion Temple of 9/11) and the healing of all souls.

To listen to the MP3 audio recording simply join our newsletter list, confirm your subscription and then receive the file via email. We’d love to have you be part of this work directly with us.

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©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery, Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.

Did You See the ONENESS movie about the UNIFIED WHOLE?

If we can say so…

This is very good, great way to get all the background on what the UNIFIED WHOLE is and why it is…

Please share and like it if you do!


This Memorial Day ~ Healing for All Souls & Changes in the Temple!

Clarion Temple of Oneness - Healing for All Universal Light Beings in Body & Beyond

Archangel Michael Asks
It was over a decade ago that Christine Meleriessee answered the call from Archangel Michael to join Heaven and Earth within the messages of the Clarion Temple of 911. This was a powerful connection desired by the souls of the 911 event to assist and thank humanity for all their prayers of love, compassion and healing expressed for them and their loved ones. The event of that day in 2001 was the first time in humanities history that humans all across the globe began to consciously be joined en mass — together in unity — for a common cause of the heart.

It then came to be called the Clarion Light Beings Temple of 911 & Beyond ~ Unified in Oneness and has grown to change the destiny of millions of souls, both those of whom recently walked upon planet EARTH, and many more from the entire MULTI-UNIVERSE of ALL THAT IS.

The Temple now came to represent all the Beings of Light who are eternally committed to answering the call; the Clarion Call of all who seek spiritual aid as the spiritual numbers of 9-1-1 represent “nine”, the movement of God combined with “One”, the Unity of All That Is in relation to the “one”, the individual who is seeking aid from the Spiritual Realm.  All participants who joined in on the weekly calls, as human representatives, now became the vehicles for in depth healing and accelerations within themselves, enjoying the high frequency attunements and meditations that were also being experienced by All The Light Beings.

More Changes
Now there are even more changes to bring us all into Healing & Wholeness within the Temple.

We have come to a juncture of time for each of us and in the pathway that we are embarking upon.  Changes occur and we need to flow with those elements of the passage of time.  Today is one such day as The Clarion Temple of 911 & Beyond ~ Unified in Oneness is moving into a new frequency of Light.

Since the transference of the Sunday night Cosmic Oneness call just two short weeks ago, Meleriessee personally knew there were going to be more changes.  Lord Sananda along with Divine Mother and Father God announced to Mike Hayden and Mel that they wanted to let go of the Cosmic Oneness call to assist them due to more projects coming up, and they also decided that this energy should be integrated into the Clarion Light Beings 911 & Beyond call.  As Meleriessee states, “It was with a shift in my consciousness that I needed to fully embrace this change but yet, Lord Sananda, explained that we had all been discussing this possible adjustment for a few weeks on the Inner Plane.  I accepted that this needed to be done for many reasons.”

In addition to the releasement of the Cosmic Oneness call, the Cosmic Great Central Sun would now move to overlight the energies within the Clarion Temple of 911 call. (A few months ago Mel and Mike had asked the Unified Whole to fully put the Temple into wholeness of the 144th dimension so this was an added element.)  On that first combined call, Divine Mother and Father God brought forth their energies in a beginning overture.  Meleriessee’s dearest friend and colleague, Fred, who has been the Spokes-Being of the Temple since the beginning still provided an introduction.  But yet, in that moment, she knew that there would be a change.

Those of you who do not know the story of how the Temple of 911 was started, Christine Meleriessee experienced a Sweat Lodge one month after the 911 Tragedy in Long Island, New York.  The energies were quite intense and she was doing heavy shamanic work while in the Lodge.  She recalls, “As I got up for the 3rd round, I fell into the rocks and burned my shin in the shape of a “heart”.  It was on this day I was introduced to Fred, who was a Fire Battalion Chief in New York City.  The story is very long and involved so I refer to our blog on the Clarion Light Beings 911 & Beyond About page,  It will help an individual to understand the depth of this work that Fred and I were destined to create together.”

A Dear Friend Indeed
Fred not only was the Spokes-Being but a true friend in Spirit.  When Meleriessee traveled to Mt. Shasta, he would come through her and speak to the other people she was with.  He loved being in the car and seeing the scenery as he joked about his beautiful but quiet life living in New York City.  He has since been introduced to all her friends and has become a close friend to Mike in the process.  Christine Meleriesse goes on to speak about her multidimensional friend, “We have had many laughs together and watching him grow has been a beautiful joy for me to see.  When he first communicated to us through my channeling, he had no idea what level of dimension he was residing in or what that word even meant.  He would come and tell us where he was with the excitement of a young man moving into a powerful job.  He has communicated how many Beings were now coming to the Temple of 911 and how wonderful it was to see the healing that has resulted from this amazing meditation group.  I consider him a soul of great love and understanding even though we never met in body.”

As in all good things that occur, individuals are healed and must move forward whether they are in or out of body.  Mel had this same occurrence with her Gatekeeper, Robert, about 15 years ago when he said he would no longer be “Robert” but “Solebterium”.  He was still her Gatekeeper and watcher of all who come to her in Spirit, but he had merged with his Higher Self due to the work that he and Mel were doing together.

With regards to Fred’s own acceleration, Mel says, “Again, I now must accept the fact that this amazing meditation group is changing and molding into another higher aspect.  With the integration of the Cosmic frequencies within the group, I knew it was time to accept this adjustment but not without a sadness.  Fred, is now merging with his Higher Self who turns out to be a very important figure in our past history of this Earth.  He is also integrating with some of his other aspects, one which is a Pleidian, along with others we are unsure of.  I choose not to reveal his historical name as yet as we plan to honor Fred in our next Clarion Temple call which will be on June 11, 2012.”

Join In Each Week for Healing
With this merging of Higher Essence Aspects for Fred, he will no longer be introducing the energies for the meditation as he has done so for many years.  Divine Mother and Father God will bring forth the introduction through an attunement and clarification of the energies for the evening.  It is not without sadness that Meleriessee accepts this change, but Fred is graduating and he fully would not have been able to go as far without this amazing Temple of Light.

Mel concludes, “So I am excited and sad at the same time, but he tells us that he will be speaking within the Temple soon along with still being on the Council with Archangel Michael, Divine Mother & Father God, the Unified Whole, along with Mike and myself. The temple has been changing for many months with the guest Light Beings sharing amazing energies and attunements each week.  This is going to help us all grow and invite more people to be part of these amazing energies.  Many souls have healed through this group and I want to thank everyone who has diligently supported this effort along with allowing your Higher Essence to provide healing and joy to many other souls.  It is truly our group together.”

All are invited to join in the now newly renamed Clarion Temple of Oneness ~ Healing for All Universal Light Beings in Body & Beyond on Monday evenings, 5 PM Pacific or 8 PM Eastern, 24:00 GMT.  The call is accessible via phone or Skype.  Please see the website for details on joining the weekly Tele-Calls and also on receiving special channeled messages in the newsletter.  In addition Mel and Mike are in the processing of updating the transcriptions on the original blog site: (

In Loving Expressions of Oneness,
Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden
Vibratory Masters of Ascension – Your Premier Source for 5D Body Healing and Attunement
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