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Divine Alchemy of the Heart



The Solstice Energies for 2014

Due to the intensity of the energies that December of 2014 will bring, we are offering a selection of our Journey Retreat teachings to everyone.

Our Distance Learning Option:

Use this form to order the AUDIO of this special event (Retreat attendees receive the AUDIO as part of enrollment). We will make every attempt to provide the audio mp3 as downloads during the actual retreat, but we can only guarantee you will receive them by December 23 (48 hours after the retreat ends) for you to use them to assist grounding the Higher Octave Frequencies of Light.

There will be at least four (4) teaching sessions offered as MP3 downloads. This breaks down to just (Normal Means) $44 Per Session. However, as we are also going to be doing MORE sessions than 4, please be prepared to receive as many as six (6) Audio Teachings for the same exchange. (See our write-up here.)


Divine Alchemy Journey Retreat Audio MP3 – (4 sessions)



Divine Heart Alchemy

Embody the Essence of Ceremonial Magic and Transmutation
Grounded Within the Earth Plane



Who doesn’t want to be able to discover the Truth within their Heart and Transform it into Full Divinity so that it becomes Who They Are? That is Divine Alchemy. This is the Journey of the Soul Manifested. On December 18, 2014 we begin that Journey Within.

In 2014 Walking Terra Christa has taken students on a journey into the first 7 Rays of God and what they mean to each individual on a personal basis. We have gone through the first phases of what many are calling the Initiation of the Golden Age (as the transference of energies could not actually occur strongly enough in 2012). This meant we now had the opportunity to ground the Rays of God into actualization upon the planet during the year in ways we could not attain ever before.

The Solstice Event

This day marks the “darkest day” of the year when the sun is at its lowest point, crossing the threshold of moving from that singular moment into the pathway of rising once again to shine brighter and brighter with each progressive moment of Light. It is therefore associated with the time of rebirth, transformation, deep gratitude and celebration.

Over the ages this has represented spiritual rebirth at its most sacred meaning. Ancient Temples across the earth were constructed to honor this moment, some have inner chambers that are only illuminated by the first light of the Solstice sunrise as it breaks upon the land.

Throughout history, Knights Templar, Rosicrucians, Masons and others may have gathered in dark corners of ancient rooms to discuss the coming event. They spoke in low whispers lest anyone not of the fold hear them speak of turning dross into gold. Should someone over hear them, the subjects they spoke of held a hidden meaning that only they knew how to decode.

Turning Dross to Gold

Even these followers of ancient practices did not realize that the tenants they so nobly strove to follow and inhabit within themselves originated in times beyond antiquity, in lands long ago covered by the deep oceans. Even they could not grasp that the secrets they protected once flourished across a once vast continent called the land of Mu, so named as travelers to the paradise realm shortened the full name of Lemuria for ease of use.

Legends of why Mu, and it’s smaller cousin Atlantis, disappeared into the seas promulgated the belief that it was the carelessness of not protecting the truth of the land and its sacred spirituality. For in those times, there was no secular life as all manner of livelihood was lived in strict devotion to being a spiritual being in a physical body.

The secret they did not reveal was that they first worked upon their spiritual selves in order to facilitate growth in their physical lives.

When those followers spoke of turning dross into gold using the secret of alchemy, ever cautious of unwanted eavesdropping,  their words may indeed have alluded to smelting metals and special formulas, but that was a ruse within a ruse to protect the real truths. For the most precious and sought after treasure was for them to remove the darkness within their own hearts and rejoice within their own Divinity as free and majestic beings.

Upon GAIA to Continue this WORK

As Initiates, we are here inhabiting the physical body to become once again, our Spiritual Essence within the Physical Body. We are here to learn as we expand our light within our body and ground it through our Earth Star, that we can become each of the Rays of God within our actual physical vehicles (Rays=Light=Light Body=Light Being). This is truly what Ascended Mastery represents on a physical pathway. As such, this goes beyond ‘spirituality’ into being a physically manifested reality that is spiritual and returning to they way of life as practiced in Lemuria and Atlantis by those who knew the secrets.

The goal to having the Fifth Dimensional New Earth created is having a world where the current paradigm of achieving earthly success prior to engaging in the deep work of spiritual alchemy is reversed.

Many still believe they can have the time to pursue their spiritual life in earnest once they have first mastered their material lives. That was the old paradigm. Now that we are officially within the energies of the birth of the Golden Age, that pattern of existence must be reversed. That is the darkness within man’s souls that the Solstice Light acts to reveal and remove.

We are once again being given Divine Cosmic Light by the Spiritual Forces to assist Earth and ourselves to Raise Our Vibration. This does not automatically create the New Earth, instead it is what now gives us the ability to create the New Earth. The pattern of thinking within the ‘New Age’ community that the New Earth is being created and will automatically appear, is one of the many levels of misinformation that circulates, but that idea that it is now time to build the New Earth is very accurate.


We are here to not only continue the ancient ways but to expand upon and anchor within the planet the new frequencies of Light. It is our job to consciously shift our own resonance to attune ourselves to these Higher Level Octaves of Frequencies. Otherwise the energies are not held at the rate to which they can potentially be anchored, which results in both ourselves and GAIA not advancing at the optimal rate of acceleration. Which means the lower frequencies of the 3rd/4th dimension do not shift as quickly as they could into the 5th and higher dimensions. In fact, in the dire case scenario, the earth does not shift much at all until we each do so, first individual and then collectively.

Hence the requirement for us to learn True Alchemy.

Becoming the True Alchemist within is about creation, beauty, joy, freedom. More specifically, it is about removing all the elements within your personality, your ego, your subconsciousness, your consciousness, that prevent you from holding the frequency of vibration that True Alchemy requires in order to create True Manifestation.

This initiation of energy transference now continues and culminates with the Solstice of 2014. As we have shared, it is the opportunity to consciously ground these higher light waves. The key to actual earthly transformation is in how many have participated at the level required to ground these energies in full enough force to actually see a change occur. Obviously, more individuals are required to do so. We are entirely hopeful and anticipate that you will be one of them.

Since we are constantly changing, the Rays assist us to understand more about ourselves in order to utilize that change for our Highest Good. This can change from week-to-week or month-to-month. What we need in strength today may have been different six months ago. As we change, we need to understand what the transition has been for each of us through our feelings, emotions, and physical existence. It is this understanding that is the basis for all alchemy, and this is one of the truths that are not widely understood.


THE SOLSTICE of 2014 – Our Next Grand Opportunity

The ‘HEART’ of Mount Shasta

The Heart of Mt. Shasta

On DECEMBER 21st we have the opportunity to demonstrate the Foundation of Alchemy of the 7th Ray.

Ray 7 is the Flame of Transmutation and Ceremonial Magic. So first we must learn to apply the powers of this Ray, of the Violet and Deep Purple Flame, within ourselves and who we are being. Doing so opens the doorway to making the changes we desire to make within our lives so that we do begin to experience the passion, joy, and freedom from lack and struggle in all areas of our reality. However, it must start from within first.

With utilizing the 7th Flame, we now have the opportunity to build upon the elements in first 6 Rays to make our creations more sustainable and flowing. In this powerful inner journey event, we will:


On this four-day inner excursion with each other Saint Germain is our guide for this special intensive journey to bring out our own individual Transmutation and Ceremonial Magic. We will work with all of the Rays of God to find out exactly which areas an individual may need to address in healing for their present situation. The focus will be on the Violet/Purple Flame of Transmutation and Ceremonial Magic but as the Mahachohan, Saint Germain, will help each individual to understand the process that they are undergoing by using his Mastery of all these Rays.snowscape

Weather permitting we will visit the vortex power spots in the Mount Shasta area to activate and actualize these teachings within us.

Thursday December 18 and Friday December 19:

The beginning of the journey will include an overview of the first six rays of Will and Power, Love and Wisdom, Creative Actualization, Harmony and Balance, Science of God, and Inner Devotion.

Friday December 19 and Saturday December 20:

The remaining time we will work with the Violet/Purple Flame of Transmutation and Acceleration with each of the beautiful Beings that represent this flame. Meditative journeys will be provided with the Elohim Masters of Arcturus and Virginia, Archangels Zadkiel and Amethyst along with the Elders of Lord Teesian and Lady Teesio, with special appearance from Lady Portia, the now appointed Ray Chohan. In addition there will be time spent with Lord Sanat Kumara who holds the Violet Flame for the Venusian Rays of God as he will be hosting our retreats in 2015 to work with the Venusian Flames representing a 7th Dimensional Light Body.

We will etherically visit the Temples with Luanda Angola (Elohim), Temple of Purification over Cuba (Archangels), along with the Cathedral of the Violet Flame in the Rocky Mountains with Saint Germain and a special visitation to the Royal Teton Retreat, in Wyoming to work with all the Ray Chohans focusing on the lower vs. higher aspects of the Soul Essence. Another exquisite journey will be within the Golden City of Wahanee/Fronlamm in the 5th Dimensional Earth to connect with all the Beings of the 7th Ray of Ceremonial Magic. Each of these journeys will present opportunities for spiritual, emotional, and mental advancement within each person’s four-body system which will represent the accelerated energies of this retreat.

Sunday December 21:


Continuing the above teachings, we will celebrate the Solstice Energies as we embrace the acceleration that each individual has acquired through this process of Light, Love, and embodiment of grounding it within the physical creation with Lord Sanat Kumara. We will also be conducting our Annual Christmas Celebration Gathering via Tele-conference with others around the word to celebrate the Energies of the Christ with Lord Sananda, Lady Mother Mary, and Lady Magdalene.

Teachings will include understanding the reflection of the lower self and what has you reliving out the same lessons while accessing the Higher Self to be fully activated. We will assist participants to learn when they react within themselves from the lower mind. Exercises will be given and group participation with each other to command the ability to receive Love and Guidance which will assist to change our inability to accept our Divine Essence within the Physical Body.

Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos (Lemuria), is also our co-guide for each of our Journeys as he or Saint Germain will communicate with us each morning and evening to get an overview of each day’s activities and the energies that we will be experiencing.


Enrollment is Closed to Attend this Important
Spiritual Awakening Journey Retreat in Person

For those individuals that are unable to travel to Mount Shasta, we are offering select Retreat Teachings as an AUDIO MP3 option.

Learning to Be in the Flow ~ Saint Germain

rays of god2Saint Germain kicked off our first Prosperity Circle on Saturday, September 20th, 2014. 

As the MahaChohan of the Seven Rays of God he brought forth quite an entourage of energies within the Garden of the Temple of Oneness of the 144th Dimension.

Greetings My Dearest Ones!

It is I, Saint Germain.

I am so happy to be with each of you in this beautiful connection circle that is happening right now.  I thank you Meleriessee and Michael for inviting me for the first initiation of moving into our new teachings after the summer.

The reason that I asked each of you to bring forth those thoughts that you felt are blocking you from your full potential is, because I wanted you to have that realization within your physical essence.  As we put it out into the circle, it helps each of you (more you than me) to acknowledge that within yourself so that we can fully walk through that doorway and remove these blockages that are stopping us from our full potential.

As the MahaChohan of all the Rays, I bring forth the Essence of these beautiful Light Beings.  So today, we are going to see many Beings come into the garden with us; all the Ray Chohans, the Elohim and the Archangels.  You will see them just walking around – Master Serapis Bey, with Master Djwhal, Master Joshua, Master Paul the Venetian, Lady Portia, Lady Nada, Lord Sananda, Master Hilarion, and many more.

What is it within yourself that stops you from your full potential?

I will tell you what it is.  It’s not accessing your I AM Presence in each moment.  It takes great concentration.  It takes great practice and stability to do so every moment of your 3rd dimensional world and your 4th dimensional world that you exist in.  You can go into your meditations.  You can go into your quiet space, into your little ceremonies and bring that Essence within yourself, but what do you do with it afterwards?

So what we are going to do today is to bring that frequency within so that you can fully allow these elements that are blocking you to come to the surface.  Because what happens if you lodge it within your Emotional, your Mental Body, your Etheric Body, and even in the Physical?

How can you get to the Core of that Reflection that is within you?

In truth, it’s the reflection that is within you that is not allowing you to go further.  We talk about prosperity.  We talk about abundance.  Truly what does that mean for you?

It’s very, very important to get to beyond the money situation as so many do.  But the true abundance is the feeling of being fully content, serene, peaceful, loving, compassionate, having tenderness within yourself and allowing those elements to enfold within your full body system.  That is where you have to start.  Then the rest will unfold with you within the physical world.

So you have to fully allow your I AM Presence, your Higher Self to come fully within the extension That You Are; holding that energy within yourself so that the rest of it can be removed.  Because I tell you, I tell you my friends, my Dearest Brothers and Sisters, the Children of the Light That You Are that you will not be able to hold on to those conflictions within yourself if you constantly remind yourself Whom You Are, that Highest Essence, your I AM Presence, that Higher Self.  If you have to start with the Higher Self then that’s the way that you do it, because within that aspect of yourself there is no question of Whom You Are.  You may think that there is, but that is just your physical mind.  That is your lower self.  That is your Emotional Body, your Mental Body trying to tell you that that is not you; but in truth, it is just the opposite.

So the mirror that is in front of you must be reflected of your Highest Essence.

I share some of the thoughts that you have brought forth.

  • Time Mangement
  • 3rd Dimensional Responsibilities
  • Clearing the Etheric Body
  • Unable to Focus
  • Not Being in the Flow
  • Unable to be patient

Time Management is a big problem with each of you.  You want to be able to do what you have always done in this world, the 3rd, the 4th, whatever you want to call it on this Earth at this present time to create the money to support you.  In truth, it is just the opposite.

How do we access of Being in the Flow?

That is truly how you do it – Being in the Flow.  When you have a day that you cannot do as much as you wanted to do or you didn’t do any of it that is, because there are other important aspects that you needed to concentrate upon.

It is not about having a list and looking at that list.  Lists are good as a guidance; but they are not the rule of the world.

How many of you make lists and then you make lists from the lists of things that you need to concentrate on?

When in truth, what you need to concentrate on every day is your I AM Presence and allowing “that flow” to come in through your Higher Self.  Allow the continual frequency That You Are at that higher level to be grounded within you.  I say it takes much work.  It takes great concentration to do this.  But if you don’t do it within yourself, you cannot achieve it.

So every element that each of you have shared is now fully within our circle today.

We have to put all those thoughts out of your consciousness, because there is nothing more important right now than to bring in your full potential.

So I say to you which Ray do you feel you need the most?

Do you need to find that Will and Power?

Do you need to find your own Love and Wisdom from your Higher Essence?

Do you need to be Creative and allow that to be Actualized within you?  This is truly the Manifestation Ray.

Do you need to have Harmony and Balance?

Do you need to understand your own Knowledge from your Higher Essence?  That’s the Scientific Ray.

Do you need Inner Devotion?  (“Which all of you need”.)

Then all of these elements from the 7th Ray creates that structure.  So many think that the Alchemist is about just having the ability to manifest whatever you desire; but you cannot be the Personal Alchemist within yourself until you create that structure, until you acquire the 7th Ray fully within your Being.

Let’s just take a deep breath and feel all these colors:  the Blue; the Pink; the Gold; the Yellow; the Crystalline; the Ruby Red with the Gold; the Green, and the Gold and White together.   Feel all those Essences blending within you because you need all of them.  This is what I want you to concentrate on.  All the Seven Rays are important for you to create the foundation that you need.  Then the Violet and the Purple, the Violet can transmute all that you are dealing with but you must bring it up.  You must allow it to come up through your I AM Presence once again.  The depth of your I AM Presence coming fully within your full actualization is your Creative Essence to allow that to happen.  That’s where you create your transmutation.  You transform within these Essences together.

So let us breathe together and feel these beautiful colors-upon-colors spinning within you as these beautiful Light Beings are walking around you and assisting you and allowing your totality of Light to fully come in the structure That You Are as you feel your Higher Self and then your I AM Presence.

As we sit in the 144th Dimension of this beautiful Temple, this is your Source.  This is our Source together.

Let us feel the Source of Light coming in at this moment.

{{{ Divine Light Language Encoded Voice Transmission }}} 

Think of these Affirmative Statements:

I Am a Higher Being of Light. 

Within my breath I allow my I AM Presence, my Higher Self to fully be within my physical self, the lower part of me. 

I feel my Lower Self accepting and allowing the flow That I Am to blend within me. 

I feel my Physical, my Emotional, my Mental with my Etheric now blending into One Body of Light.   I then access my Spiritual Body. 

I access my Higher Self. 

I access my Monad and I access my I AM Presence; the totality of the Source of Light That I Am as I bring in all the positive aspects that I have ever been as I allow it to be constructed within me. 

I blend in the colors of the Rays. 

I allow myself to receive my Will and my Power. 

I allow myself to receive my Love and Divine Wisdom. 

I allow myself to now Create the Actualization of All That I Am. 

I bring forth my Harmony and Balance through the blockages I have been feeling. 

It blends within me as I tap into the Science of my Higher Essence. 

I receive my Divine Wisdom coming to me. 

This brings me to my Inner Devotion as I fully devote this moment to bring forth all these elements within myself. 

I now feel the Freedom I desire with the Violet Flame. 

We bring in the Violet Flame in this moment and allow it transmute all that does not reflect this Essence that we are accepting. 

I now accept All That I Am. 

I allow the Flow of my Essence to be in all parts of my being. 

I allow it to come into my Physical Body. 

I allow it to “Be” that movement. 

The thoughts change as I now receive my Higher Mind and my Higher Heart. 

They are together as I feel the Feminine and the Masculine within me; the Emotional and the Mental Bodies are now healed as they come fully within my Heart Center. 

I feel the Power of that I AM, of the Christed Being. 

I feel all these elements within myself. 

Now, let us bring forth the elements that you desire right now.

What is it that will help your life in this moment to achieve what you would like to have?

Don’t make it so big.  Make it small.  See it coming in front of you.  “Be” that Essence as these beautiful Light Beings are walking around you and assisting you to receive.

You hold out the palms of your hands and you feel the Essence that you desire to receive and bring it into your Heart.  Feel it coming into your Heart Center.  As it comes into your Heart Center, you feel it as the blending of the balance of your Masculine and Feminine occurs.  Your Love, your Will, and your Power is now activated within you.

Now feel it deeply through your Earth Star through your feet and ground it into GAIA.  From this 144th Dimension we send it all the way down to the Core of the Earth to be your Actualization of Whom You Are in this physical body that you call yourself.

Call upon your Higher Self’s name (if you know it); Then call upon your physical name. 


Now I Am ready to receive. 

I am receiving. 

I accept the Divinity of my Light to create the manifestation in the physical world that I need to assist myself in All That I Am. 

Breathe deeply and allow the Purification of those Essences to be fully within you.

So Mote It Be in the Light of the Christ That You Are.

You Are the Manifester.

You Are your Divine Wisdom.

You Are All that you desire to be.

Feel it and “Be” That Essence.

It is my divine pleasure as Saint Germain as the MahaChohan of the 7 Rays of God with all these beautiful Beings of Light to be with you in this moment.

Reflect upon this Essence that you have become.  It will assist you in your days of uncertainty.

I Bless each of you deeply.

With All My Love I Walk With You.

Abundance of Light ~ Creating Prosperity Together is a weekly connection circle that occurs on Saturday’s 10 AM Pacific. Please register to be part of the live call by clicking the above link  above.

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. Michael Aranathanara.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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 Walking Terra Christa Summer 2014 RetreatFlyer

Focusing Our Inner Truth

To Understand Who You Really Are.








What is an “Journey Retreat IntensiveSM“? It is a Journey into Rapid Transformation. In our teaching guidance offering these specific knowledge’s we go far beyond psychology, coaching, motivation, spiritual formulas and feel-good channeling. We touch your very soul and have it recognize itself. Can you imagine what that is like?

It requires the deepest level of personal commitment to discovering your own truth that you can muster. You do the work, not us.

If you are not able to fully FOCUS on who you are in each present moment, you can truly not ever know who you really are being. The illusions and myth of who you think you are will forever confuse you and cause you to go around in circles in your life.

In this  Journey Retreat Intensive, we begin by going deeper into why and how the Rays of God of the Inner Power (1st Ray of God of the Deep Blue), Inner Devotion (6th Ray of God of the Ruby Red and Gold), Love and Wisdom (the 2nd Ray of God of the Golden Yellow), each not only assist us in our physical Ascension process into the Fifth Dimensional New Earth but are an essential foundation to it.

“Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” – Carl Jung

“The only journey is the journey within.” – Rainer Maria Rilke

“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” – Aristotle

As our second Intensive Journey Retreat of this year, it will entail working with the Ray Chohan Masters to bring these rays of light into our full body system and focus it toward our Inner Truth. Like every retreat, throughout the Journey we will work with the Ascended Beings that are represented by each Ray but with a firm governance in moving the energies from our Higher Essence into this incarnation vehicle (our physical body).

Via Rev. Meleriessee’s exceptional ability as the Fully Integrated TransmitterSM being “The Voice” for the Ascended Masters and Spiritual Beings, we will then be taught by the Elohim Masters and the Archangels of the next three Rays of God so that we work within upon using all of the first six Rays of God to unlock the door to our true reality. The only way to access the key is to face the hidden self that masquerades as being our Inner Truth. No illusions can withstand the reflection of the Truth of the Rays of God as they become grounded within each of us.

We will use the grounding elements of Mount Shasta’s Root Frequency and journey to the vortex areas around the mountain to reflect and imbue each of the ray qualities on a physical level.

Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos (Lemuria), is our guide for each of our Journeys. He will communicate with us each morning and evening to get an overview of each day’s activities and the energies that we will be experiencing. Saint Germain, being the Maha Chohan for each of the first 7 Rays, will also be offering his assistance throughout the three and a half day event.

This Journey Retreat Intensive will also include Lord Sanat Kumara as he gives us an overview of how the Venusian Rays of God are now about ready to be overlapped within the Earth once each person achieves grounding the first 7 Rays.

The August retreat will fully sets the stage to prepare us for our December 2014 Journey Retreat Intensive of grounding the 7th Ray, the Violet Purple of Alchemy and Magic as we step into 2015. This will give each December participant the ability to then utilize the transformation and transmutation elements personally to shift their essence upon this earth as they have never done in any incarnation.


~ ENROLL NOW (Enrollment Cutoff July 30 EXTENDED TO AUGUST 2 for 25% Discount) ~


Mt. Shasta by Siskiyou Lake
Mt. Shasta by Siskiyou Lake

We all know that we have come to this Earth to assist but first we must make the necessary adjustments within ourselves to overcome the blockages of past timelines that ignite through our Etheric Body. This is the major work that needs to be done by each of us to fully feel complete within all aspects of our Beingness.

The Psychological Balance within our Soul Essence is the most important focus that we need to address. Everything else will come into place once this alignment has occurred through our Higher Self, Monad, and I AM Presence. Understanding what that focus may need to be is the key to understanding and embracing our True Self.

Since the full moon occurs on August 10th, at 18:11 GMT in the sign of Aquarius, it will be preparing us to better engage in the energy of fluid change as we approach the New Moon of August on Monday the 25th @ 7:13 AM Pacific.

Are you one who will journey with us as we travel deep within our Soul’s Core Essence to find the parts that do not align with our I AM Presence and the elements that need to be ignited to receive our fullest potential upon the New Earth?

This spectacular intensive retreat starts on August 22 through the 25th; four days of deep introspection working with the Ray Chohans of the first six rays along with the beautiful beings of the Elohim and Archangels. Lord Adama, the High Priest of Telos, is our guide for this amazing journey with a special appearance from Saint Germain and Lord Sanat Kumara.

Each day starts with a Medicine Wheel Ceremony at Mel and Mike’s to initiate the energies. Lord Adama will connect with the group each morning and night to reflect on the changes that have occurred and help individuals to see their achievements from the day’s activities and interaction with each other. There will be excursions each day; the specific location will be announced each morning so that we can take advantage of the sacred vortex spots that will assist us the most. Included will be deep meditations, channeling, chanting, and higher accelerations.

The Elders that Surround the Throne of Grace will illuminate the teachings for the entire journey. We will asking for the assistance of each of the Archangels to bring in the element of our own angelic self with the essence of magic but will also work with the energies of all the Ray Chohans, and the Elohim Masters to delve deeply within our Heart Center to focus upon what needs to be addressed from our Higher Self’s perspective. Interaction with each participant and deep cleansing from the perspective of the Lower Self to accept the Higher Self’s integration within the Heart Center will be a necessary step. We will be focusing upon the energies of our “LOVE, WILL, AND POWER” while learning to access our I AM Presence more fully.

Remember that the energies you receive in person are an order of magnitude greater than you can obtain from one of our classes. This is because physical connection is one of the Laws of Creation for the New Earth and all of Humanity will be required to connect through direct active physical consciousness in order to create Terra Christa, Gaia’s Higher Self.

ENROLL NOW in order to prepare yourself prior to the retreat; we have updated our pre-retreat requirements making them simpler.


~ ENROLL NOW (Enrollment Cutoff July 30 EXTENDED TO AUGUST 2 for 25% Discount) ~

Retreat Schedule Energies:

Friday, August 22nd  ~ Initiation Day
We start the festivities within the Medicine Wheel with a welcome introduction from Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos.  We will include an overview of the Rays of God representing the Blue Flame of Will and Power, Ruby Red Flame of Inner Devotion, and Golden Yellow Flame of Love and Wisdom.  Included will be a Cleansing Ritual; utilizing each of these three rays to understand the depth of our own illusion within.  Archangels Michael and Faith, Uriel and Arora, with Chamuel and Charity will overlight the teachings of the day.

Saturday, August 23rd ~ Crystalline Ray of Harmonization
The lesson on this day will include the Spectrum of Light creating harmony and balance through resurrection of the dis-ease and replacing it with Purity and Hope. This represents the Crystalline Flame with Archangels Gabriel and Hope with Master Serapis Bey and Elohim Purity and Astrea.

Sunday, August 24th ~ Activating Wisdom of the Self with the Ray of Scientific Knowledge
Each person will learn how to go to the depth of their Heart with the reflection of light with the Cosmic flame of Green, Gold, and White as one spectrum of light. In order to access our wisdom we need to accept the knowledges from our past history (or timelines). We will work with Mother Mary and Raphel as the Archangels represented within this flame of light. Additionally, Master Hilarion and Elohim Cyclopia and Virginia will be assist each individual through the process.

Monday, August 25th ~ Creative Actualization of Love, Will and Power
On the last day we arrive within the Flame of Deep Pink allowing our Divine Love to be the guide into mental illumination of Adoration and gratitude for what we have achieved. We will work with the energies of Archangels Chamuel and Charity with Master Paul the Venetian, and Elohim Heros and Amora.

We will have a closing ceremony to bring all of these rays of light to be integrated within wholeness of the Self. Additionally, we will work with Sanat Kumara and the Holy Kumaras to activate the Venusian Rays of God from the first flame through the 6th. The Venusian Rays are a very integral part of the New Earth energies as they reside within the 7th dimensional frequency. This last attunement will assist each individual to be able to access the Venusian flames through their full body system.

Information will be provided to each participant on the Rays of God which will include the first 12 rays so that each individual can study the information and access the essence of each of these beautiful rays before arriving in Mt. Shasta. New retreat participants also receive our Protection Protocols Course which is very powerful in clearing and raising your vibration.

ENROLL NOW in order to prepare yourself prior to the retreat; we have updated our pre-retreat requirements making them simpler.

Please share this special event as it is a very important one for those who desire to co-create Terra Christa (the Fifth Dimensional New Earth).

We look forward to having you join us in person to feel the energies that only Mount Shasta and The Academy of New Earth Mastery can bring.

Please Join Us for This Important
New Earth Journey Retreat Intensive


~ ENROLL NOW (Enrollment Cutoff July 30 EXTENDED TO AUGUST 2 for 25% Discount) ~

NOTE: Many groups and organizations share the elements of Saint Germain’s teachings (I AM DISCOURSES) and “The Great Work” of Ascension Mastery. Regarding their individual acceptance of the Initiations Pathway, very few are able to transmit the actual physical vibrational frequencies from the Pure Octave of the Ascended Realm as a Fully Integrated TransmitterSM. It is this electromagnetic transmission from one physical being to another that enables the teachings to be understood within the full body system at all levels of acceptance, not just from the spiritual or the intellectual bodies.  (This is not a statement of criticism or judgement about the many teachings/teachers that currently abound upon earth to assist humanity, it is simply an acknowledgement of the level of initiations of higher frequencies that must first be attained in the full body system in order to become fully integrated with the Ascended Masters and Higher Spiritual Beings while one is transmitting their individual essence. Through extensive life-streams of training, and with the support of Reverend Michael Aranathanara, Reverend Christine Meleriessee is able to do so at the highest level of accomplishment without being interfered with by any of the lower frequencies that are not within the Unified Whole Command of Light).

WESAK 2014 – Gaia’s Light Body Creating Love and Wisdom



Please Join & Share: GAIA’s Merkabah Body of Light Now in Full Activation


As the Body of GAIA is enforced within her Merkabah Light Body the physical threshold is enforced to create all Universes to join in the Unity of Terra Christa. Wesak 2014 is a time to allow the unification of all sentient beings to stand in harmony for the family of light to be embraced. Light Beings around the Universes meet yearly to stand in the presence of Lord Buddha’s ascension to the next higher level of existence. We, as the initiates on Earth, celebrate this occasion by gathering together at the time of the full moon of Taurus.



RAYS OF GOD being infused within GAIA’s Light Body

During 2013 GAIA was infused physically with the first two RAYS OF GOD on a planetary level to help in her own spiritual acceleration. Her body vehicle, just like each of us, requires the rays to be Initialized, Activated and then Actualized within her in order for the Ascension process to occur.

The first two Rays of God that have been initialized and activated are the Blue Flame of Will and Power (which teaches us to know that Strength and Power Allows for Tolerance and Patience to be Within us), and the second was the Ruby Red Flame of Inner Devotion (expressed as “the Pathway of Peace is the Forgiveness of the Self”). This means that we as a planet can now walk through the doorway of Power to receive Peace for humankind. These two rays represent very powerful energies that were infused within GAIA to help with her ascension into Terra Christa. This means that as sentient beings we are also infused with these rays to assist GAIA in her process.

2014 is the year of Unity and Balance of Energies within GAIA and each of us. The power of these energies together is taking us into a new level of awareness within many individuals around the world. This is just the beginning for each of us. We now act in unison to induct the third ray, the GOLDEN YELLOW FLAME OF LOVE & WISDOM (representing completely allowing the lower mind to surrender to the Oneness of Universal Love, accepting our Divine Mind and Heart to access our Divine Wisdom).

As we stand as initiates to collectively Ascend Mastery for the New Earth, we are embracing each of these energies within us but so much more. As the Torch Bearers for the New Earth, it is our responsibility to allow the unification of our Divine Essence to become manifest within our physical existence. This is helping GAIA to continue her journey.

Wesak 2014 promises to be a massive step for GAIA as she arises to the occasion, each of us will be doing the same in our own mastery pathway. The alignment of the spiritual forces of the many Universes represented by the Unified Whole Command of the 144th dimensional level of Oneness will be standing with each of us to receive our next divine dispensation through Lord Buddha, Sanat Kumara, Lord Melchizedek, Saint Germain, and Lord Maitreya, who will each give us a personal message and blessing along with Divine Light Language Codes through Reverend Christine Meleriessee and grounded through Reverend Michael Aranathanara.


The date of WESAK is a very important event to those upon the Mastery Path of Initiations with the Ascended Masters and Spiritual Brotherhood of White Light as we celebrate the ascension process of Lord Buddha of his death and rebirth into the next elevated step of creation. As Lord Buddha is the planetary Logos, every being is also given an opportunity to embrace the work they have accomplished as an evolving soul and once again can formally step into another progression of experience. We, as initiates, are able to intimately experience the life remembrance and current status of Lord Buddha to engage in the process of spiritual death taking place up to the Wesak energies each year. Our initiation level is elevated within ourselves just as all other Chelas and Masters of the world are doing.

The WESAK Trinity of Events

Taking us to a new level within our Light and Love Quotient due to the work we have done within ourselves from the previous year, the WESAK energies actually involves three festivals as part of spiritual doorway that reopens annually. Each Festival is celebrated on the Full Moon cycle of the month in which it occurs. This series of doorways begins prior to the WESAK date of May 14, 2014 with the Festival of the Christ in the month of April and then the Festival of Humanity in June following WESAK. In the first festival, which like the other two festivals falls on the full moon, we realize and release the old that did not work for us in our pathway and begin to resurrect our purity and grace. The resurrection elements then cumulate in the acceleration of our ascension process in the Festival of Wesak. The following month is the Festival of Humanity in which we share with others our knowledge and expertise of who we are as realized beings bringing the gifts from within to being without, thus completing the cycle.

For 2014, we are connecting with everyone worldwide who wishes to join us using our global tel-conferencing teaching line via SKYPE or using the international access numbers. Please join with us for a very special ceremony on May 14th, 2014 as we will gather here in Mt. Shasta to join together with our Soul Family of Light to celebrate our next acceleration with GAIA as our guide.

We will recite the sacred WESAK ceremonial prayers and receive divine Blessings from the members of the Spiritual Hierarchy and Brotherhood of White Light. We anticipate doing a 2 hour ceremony however as the energies are from the Cosmic level, keeping to a schedule for such events is not always possible so we have allowed extra time and invite you to do the same.

To celebrate with us in co-creating our Highest Purpose, and receive these wonderful blessings, please register below. (Those attending the 2014 WESAK JOURNEY RETREAT do not need to register as this ceremony is part of the retreat.)


Please use this button to order the 2 hour recording including the message blessings, prayers and decrees.


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©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden. Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Embody the Essence of Love and Wisdom 


Grounded Within the Earth Plane.

 | WHEN: MAY 14 – 18, 2014 (WEDNESDAY to SUNDAY MID-DAY) |




This year our Spiritual Awakening Journey Retreat will start with the WESAK ceremony in which Love and Wisdom (the 2nd Ray of God of the Golden Yellow) is our focus for attaining our Christed Essence to be embodied within our physical pathway. Masters Kuthumi and Djwhal Kuhl are the Ray Chohans of this golden Yellow flame.

Our Journey Retreat this year will entail working with some different energies to help embody these rays of light for our physical existence. Throughout the Journey we will work with the Ascended Beings that are represented by each Ray including the Elders That Surround the Throne of Grace that will embody the Ray within us. Via Rev. Meleriessee’s exceptional ability, we are also taught by the Elohim Masters, the Archangels (Michael, Faith and more) and the Ray Chohan Masters. We will journey to the vortex areas around the mountain to reflect and imbue each of the ray qualities on a physical level.

Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos (Lemuria), is our guide for each of our Journeys. He will communicate with us each morning and evening to get an overview of each day’s activities and the energies that we will be experiencing. Saint Germain, being the Mahachohan for each of the rays, will also be offering his assistance throughout the four and a half day event.


WESAK of 2014 – Our Next Grand Opportunity

Mt. Shasta by Siskiyou Lake
Mt. Shasta by Siskiyou Lake


Please Join Us for This Important
Spiritual Awakening Journey Retreat



Understanding the Concept of Ascension with Saint Germain

Ascension Process ~ Steps of Initiation

When I first starting writing this blog, I realized Saint Germain and myself were One Essence.  Many of what I wrote comes from my understanding of being on the Pathway of Mastery for almost 20 years but realized that his essence was overlighting the material with intensity and great love for all of humanity.

In the Creative Source of Oneness, I AM Melereissee with Saint Germain

Acceleration is our state of being recently.  I don’t think it is going to change any time soon as time is speeded up between the past, present and future.  Our crystalline bodies are being activated cell-by-cell, igniting memories, and helping to change our physical bodies to become All That We Are.

One would say that it is a very powerful time indeed for all species of the human race upon GAIA even for the ones that are not aware of why they are feeling the way that they do.  Mastery represents the ability to not know where you are going but you just continue on the walk towards enlightenment of the soul.  It is when we try to figure every step out through our lower self that gets us into trouble of not flowing with the movement of the tides.

Presently we are in the midst of the full moon of Aquarius within Leo which is pushing us even further to go into the depths of our soul.  This means that we must start to understand the changes that are taking place within us to see what works and what does not in order to assimilate the new Being that we are becoming.  If we stay within the confines of our lower self either through our thoughts or emotions, it is going to push us into the darker places within our existence.  We will feel the turmoil of the changes through our mind trying to figure everything out.  We must stop the Merry-Go-Round and get off as we connect with our Higher Self and I AM Presence to assist us through this process.  This is why we like to hear from the Ascended Masters and Beings as it helps us to understand the process that we may be experiencing.  It takes us away from the confines of deep despair that can overtake us emotionally and keep us stuck in our old selves.

Now is the time to understand that we are becoming the Masters for the New Earth.  We must take responsibility for ourselves and the planet that we have chosen to incarnate upon.  We become our own internal leaders.  This is what this full moon brings to us ~ to allow the creation of our Divine Spirit to become manifest within the physical world.

We have traveled far and wide to come to these junctures of time, through the many levels of incarnations, timelines, and journeys to the outer reaches of the many universes of time to arrive into this exact space.  We are here to create our new reality.  Gaia is changing and we are also changing with her.  Each of us must be reflective in what they want to do with these accelerated energies within our four-body system.  The pathway of Mastery is at our command but if we allow others influence to bind us into a new paradigm of existence, then we are not the leaders of the New Earth but following someone else’s ideal of ascension.

It saddens me to see so much information out in the world that is not focused upon the idea of the Source of Light and that we are here to create that essence upon Gaia.  The information that is being shared and taught by many individuals is filtered within the confines of the lower forces that have controlled this planet for eons of time.  Those of us that are stepping out of that paradigm are walking a pathway that none that has ever done.  This is the most challenging walk that you could ever take.  If you are being pulled into another’s way of thinking because you think it is the way out, the way of ascension, then there is still a whole lot more for you to work through in your journey upon this Earth.


Some may think that it is just the opposite that you meet your Higher Self by activating your Merkabah Vehicle and raise your DNA to an accelerated state so that you leave Gaia’s essence even though she is transitioning into a fifth dimensional arena.  Some individuals think that one day they will wake up in another dimension and wonder how they are going to take their possessions with them.  Along with all of these new ways of activating their essence, great gifts appear to them.  Many newly awakened lightworkers have wonderful gifts to share and do so.  They are so very powerful and those of us that have been holding the light for this planet for thousands of years working through our inner reflections are in awe of these individuals of how quickly they can achieve such powers within their physical bodies.  But yet, each of us are doing the same even though it may be easier for others to do so.

What the Starseeds and the Newly Awakened Ones do not realize that they too have come with their baggage to release.  They may be new to this planet but we were all created at the same time so where have they been in between?  They have traveled in many places and also have timelines to work through.  If this is their first lifetime on this earth, they then have to become accustomed to the physical body in human form.  It is somewhat archaic in their eyes and may not be able to assimilate all the functions of the four-body system as others that are used to being in human form.  Transition is happening to everyone at this time.  We all want to be in a higher state of existence of love, joy, and feeling blissful.

When we all start to awaken, we are excited to see that there can be a new world to live upon.  It is when we really start to walk the journey, that we feel overwhelmed of the work that needs to be done.  So some find other ways to exit into a new reality instead of accessing all realities of the self into the existence of the human form we have taken on this lifetime.  The lower ego or lower self is the way of existence and rules the mind and the heart.  The gifts that higher dimensional beings access can be utilized while being in lower ego, but it is not the rule of the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of White Light.  The gifts will come later through the diligence and hard work that is necessary as guided through Lord Sanat Kumara and the Planetary Logos, Lord Buddha.

Ascension is not a way to escape.  It is about the process of allowing our Higher Self to first become integrated within the physical.  At first, it happens in the consciousness and work has to be done to allow it to happen.  Then the process continues through the initiations of Mastery.  Not all lightworkers step into the pathway of mastery but it is the way to live for hundreds of years, in a youthful condition, while accessing all the spiritual gifts that are available.  But it takes great responsibility and diligent practice to sustain the energies.  Not all lightworkers will be able to sustain this diligence of hard work.  Some will go to the programs that promise enlightenment of raising their DNA before the physical body is ready to handle it.  It has all been done before.  Atlantis was a major testing ground for accessing these energies and this is what we are experiencing presently.

Lemuria and Atlantis are here right now within each of us.  We have lived there before whether it was in one or both of the continents.  The age of technology and working with the Galactic races was commonplace at that time.  We have all arrived back again upon GAIA to make it work once again.

It is up to each of us individually how we are going to interact, be within ourselves, and commit to the contracts that are dear to our souls.  Ascension is happening to every one of us but not all will be able to commit to the Pathway of Mastery.

Mastery represents the Spiritual Hierarchy with the Brotherhood of White Light that was started by Lord Sanat Kumara in Lemuria when the downfall of the energies started to occur.  He put the Goddesses and their teachings in hiding so the lower forces could not access them.  They are now coming out of hiding but there comes with it a strict enforcement of upholding the teachings of the Melchizedek Priesthood and not all individuals that are ascending are permitted to walk this pathway.

The work of accessing the Higher Self must be adhered to diligently.  We came into body and forgot who we were.  We are now learning to access our Higher Knowledge through our Higher Self and I AM Presence.  The pathway of learning about our Soul’s history so that it may be rectified presently is the most important aspect of being a leader for the New Earth.  Not all will have the ability to be strong enough or diligent to sustain this journey as it is not for the ones that cannot look at their own mirror and see the inner reflection of the old self.  The timelines must be acknowledged and either released or accepted.  The initiation process must be brought up through the Councils of Light and all that occurs must always be put into wholeness.

The aspect of Oneness comes from the accessibility of the Creative Source of Light that was the defining rule in the beginning.  Each of us comes from this source through the Divine Mother and Father God, through our I AM Presence, and our Monad, into our Higher Self then integrated within the physical body.  But because Earth has been a low density planet, the frequencies of the Source could not be acknowledged until a person’s consciousness could accept the fact that they were One with the All.

When a human wakes up into these essences, they then start to accept that they are more than what they thought they were.   They are the God Essence, they are one with all.  But in human form it is just the opposite so confliction takes place.  It can be confusing to figure out what is in Oneness and what is within the self.  This is where the lower ego steps in and an individual fully as to accept the fact that their mind of the human body is not the mind of the Higher Self.  So the deep work begins for the Initiate or Chela that is ready to step into a world of tests, initiations, and trials by error.  But there is always the chance that an initiate will be so consumed by their lower desires that they think they are more than they are and will not be willing to continue the trials.  This is when an individual becomes infused with the gifts they have instead of what they need to go through within the process.  This is when an initiate becomes unaware of who they truly are and it creates more infiltration of lower energies to be created within them.

This is the Division of the Soul and what we are presently experiencing upon the Earth.  It is the choice of each individual soul to understand what they need to be doing in each moment to stand in their own truth and stay within the rules of their contractual soul agreement.

We have many thoughts of ascension in and around the world.  The only way that an individual is going to access their Higher Self is to work through the process of accelerating their physical body to reach the higher self.  Pushing it through DNA activations or Merkabah accelerations help in the process but it is the defining energy of each person’s Higher Self to fully accept the challenges that they will go through.  Being aware of infiltration of channels that are not bringing in the highest quotient of Light and that a channel is only as good as his Higher Self and I AM Presence allows him/her to be.  Each channel must go through this process in order to receive the highest frequency available and it must be done within the Unified Whole or 144th dimensional reality that is the Source of Light.  Anything less than this is questionable and it is up to the discretion of each individual to learn about protection, to access their Gate Keeper through the channeling, and to make sure that the energy is of the highest quality available for that Lightworker to be the conduit of the energies.

In Saint Germain’s words,

I have asked Meleriessee to share this information as she is a teacher of ascension, has worked through this pathway for 20 years, and is attuned to the highest frequency of Light from the Source of Oneness for many years.  I do not speak these words lightly but with reverence.

Each of you have awakened but what you do with that awakening remains to be seen.   The discussion provided has been given as a guideline for each of you to step into your own power, your own essence from your Higher Self and deem it appropriate in your pathway.  But each of you are being watched from the Beings of Light and we are always ready to assist you in many ways.  Your experiences are within your soul’s essence but your human self has had control over your Higher Self for eons of time.  The energies of the Earth presently are very powerful but also instilled with much lower frequency that has controlled this planet.

It is up to you individually what you want to do with your life and your pathway. The only thing I ask of you is to look within your own mirror and see your truth as it is revealed to others.  This is the way that we must adhere within ourselves what we project out into the world.  I want all of you to be part of the New Earth Leaders but the choice will be yours.

By the way, Gaia is ascending with each of you and leaving her at this time may be part of your contract but I doubt it very much.  Again, look within and see if you are accessing the lower or higher frequency that is available to you.

In summation, the earth is full of many levels of individuals upon this planet that are awakened.  I, as Saint Germain is the conductor of this energy through Meleriessee as I want to help individuals to understand the process of awareness and how important it is to be diligent upon your pathway to be accepted into the Brotherhood of White Light.  This is a pathway that is not given to everyone and each person has to be accepted by the merits of their initiations, how they project to others, and to themselves.

All my love and blessings in our journey together,

I AM Saint Germain, Mahachohan of the Seven Rays of God

Saint Germain still holds the 7th Ray of the Violet/Purple Flame with Lady Portia but has ascended into the Mahachohan of all the Seven Rays under the direction of Allah Gobi, the former Mahachohan.

TAKE IT FARTHER SUGGESTION(sm): If you enjoyed this post, please show us and comment. Hit the LIKE button on Facebook. If you want to start putting these teachings into practice, join us in September in Mt. Shasta with the transmissions of St. Germain and other New Earth Ascended Master’s at the next Transformational Journey Retreat.

©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.


Manifesting Our Dreams Into Reality ~ Autumn Equinox 2013

Mt. Shasta by Siskiyou Lake
Mt. Shasta by Siskiyou Lake

This year for the Autumn Equinox we will be experiencing the effects of all our hard work from this year.  It is a time to allow the full manifestation of what we have desired to occur to be grounded into our existence.

The year of 2013 has been known as Synchronization. In order to allow the alignment of these energies we first have to go through an internal cleansing and processing of our old self to receive the highest outcome of our desires.  When we ask for elements to happen in our lives, we do not realize that we come from a space of lack so the end result is usually not what we truly thought we are asking to occur.

Let’s make no mistake about it.  The activations through Wesak this year prepared us for the Lion’s Gate although we may not realize the full effect of what we experienced.  We are now trying to integrate all the energies from the Lion’s Gate as elements have been removed and other aspects are coming into fruition.  Dr. Joshua David Stone always called this “finding our missing puzzle pieces”.

As we move towards the energies in September we will still be facing parts of our Being to be transformed into the wholeness that we desire within ourselves.  The Full Moon in September will be sitting in the sign of Pisces as we travel deeper into the core of our Beingness for the healing that we desire.  We will start to learn that what we see must go into the depth of our essence by going into the Etheric level to understand what our Higher Self has been trying to tell us.  We will receive parts of our inner self to be sacrificed for the sake of our inner devotion by receiving unconditional love within all levels of creation.  This full moon is going to be the catalyzer for us to go deeper into the abyss to receive our desires to be fully manifested.

The Equinox will then be a time of pure celebration as it opens up the doorway into the period of Abundance within the Self.  The Harvest Time will be acknowledged through our Higher Self’s becoming more active in the role of creating the Full Body of Light and not just the separate parts.  We will be experiencing an amazing transformation within ourselves and upon the planet during this time.

So what are you going to do to prepare for the best possible experience during this phase of transformation?  It is important to work with nature and create ceremonies as the Earth and Sky are united within Heaven upon Earth.  Ceremonies are an important aspect to be created as you work with the forces of the Universe to create the reality you desire upon the Earth.  We are walking into another phase of healing for each of us that is going to catapult us into the world of magic and synchronicity of everything we experience.

Walking Terra Christa is holding a powerful Transformational Journey to assist individuals in doing all that we have shared.  In the environment of Mt. Shasta we will assist one another to create the next phase of our development upon this Earth to reflect our highest ideals within our Higher Self, I Am Presence to become manifested within our physical creation.  Mt. Shasta is now considered one of the most powerful sacred places within the world.  Magic happens when you arrive in Mt. Shasta depending upon your intentions.

We, Mel and Mike, at Walking Terra Christa would love to have you join us on this amazing journey in which we will work with Saint Germain to learn the Alchemy of the Soul as we walk the lands, connect with the energies, and experience the magical essence of the environment.  Lord Adama, the High Priest of Telos is our guide and will share with us the magic that is experienced within Telos so that we can make it a reality within the Upper Earth.  Additionally, we will work with Master Thoth for the Universal Laws, and the Elohim Council of Light for the Understanding of Precipitation for Manifestation.  Then, magic could not be experienced without the essence of Merlin, an aspect of Saint Germain.  We will grow with each other and experience our Divine Beings to become manifest so that our experience upon this earth will allow us to step into the higher initiations with ease and grace.

Take a moment and listen to Lord Adama’s presentation of why being in Mt. Shasta helps an individual to accelerate within their pathway of Light.



We hope you will decide to join us for this magnificent journey.  Please check out our information page on the Transformational Journey,  If you feel aligned with our teachings and energies, we would love to have you join our Soul Family of Light.

©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.


Wesak 2013 – Lord Adama & St. Germain Sessions

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There is no better way to prepare yourself for a Spiritual Event then to seek the guidance of the Spiritual Masters who fully understand the implications of the Sacred Energies and how they will apply to your specific circumstances.

Lord Adama is the High Priest of Telos representing the Telosian Council of Light. Saint Germain is the Mahachoan of the First Seven Rays of God and the keeper of the Violet Flame (Ray 7).

Together they both hold immensely significant roles to assist the upper earth inhabitants to rediscover their true heritage.

That heritage is not simply that you were once a member of Lemurian and/or Atlanteen civilizations, it is that you are a true child of the God Force and can reclaim that heritage in order to begin to discover how to live a fifth dimensional life removed from the daily fears, angers, confusions, strife, dis-ease and dis-harmony of the upper earth’s 3rd and 4th dimensional frequencies.

You may be aware already that attaining such a condition is not an easy pathway, but it is one that is very possible using their teachings and personal assistance.

Personal Mastery Sessions to prepare you for Wesak (or assist you afterwards to integrate the Wesak energies) are now available.


(Choose if you wish to speak with Lord Adama, St. Germain, or Both Masters during your session. Session is specially priced at $55. Sessions are 30 minutes. Please contact us if you think you will require a longer session.).

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