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The Initiations of Ascended Mastery

ascension stepsWalking Terra Christa has been asked by Lord Adama to provide a more in-depth understanding of the initiation phases and how they relate to present day experiences.  Many have read about the initiations but there is usually more of an esoteric view of what they mean in an initiate’s pathway.  We are providing a series of blogs on each of the seven initiations, what the understanding may be in simple terms, and how to apply them to our present living situation upon the Earth presently.

Many lightworkers may not understand the concept of initiations, ascended mastery, or how to apply it to their present lifestyle.  Individuals are arriving with amazing gifts but may not be able to ground their energies within Gaia.  It is important to realize that each of us has the availability to walk within the mastery pathway but not everyone will do so.  Ascension represents Mastery which brings forth a great responsibility to give service to this Earth and to others.  It also represents the doorway of deep healing through the physical, emotional, mental, and astral bodies along with the etheric body.  Many individuals may think that this is their first time on this planet but the timelines need to be cleared from the etheric level along with issues from this lifetime.

Each of the first seven initiations representing planetary ascension is a requirement in order to achieve the 5th dimensional body of light.  In order to accelerate within the physical body certain elements need to be addressed through the process.  Just because an individual is powerful with great psychic abilities does not mean that they can walk into the 5th dimensional earth.  There is a pathway that needs to be followed in order to achieve the golden opportunities.

We want to share with our readers how these elements can be achieved.  It is no mistake that we are at a very powerful time upon this planet.  We are being gifted with accelerations continually.  Each of us has a contract to be here even if some do not understand what their contract may mean.  Stepping into mastery means that we  have decided to give service and in return there are great rewards.  But the work needs to be done in order to achieve the desired results. This also requires a responsibility as each initiation will take an initiate into a deeper level of themselves.  This will continue without the body so what an individual acquires during this timeline is only going to help them move up the ladder through the Solar, Galactic, Universal, Multi-Universal, and Cosmic levels of ascension.

As each of us goes through this process of acceleration, we work through the four body system to achieve the higher spiritual bodies to be actualized within our existence.  Please know that having as many tools as possible through the planetary accelerations will help this process within our individual lives.  When we don’t work on what is challenging us, that is when the energy will make it very difficult to deal with.   The God Force has asked us to be here as we are the Torch Bearers for the New Earth, but in order for the illumination of the Light to be within us, we must clear the elements that are stopping the process.  We cannot be in Oneness until we achieve Oneness Within.

Ascension can occur through our consciousness and our physical existence.  Many individuals may not realize this fact.  In our conscious ascension it means that we are tapping into the higher energies through our meditations and our aware state.  Allowing physical ascension to occur within us means that the physical body literally goes through the transition of increasing the light and love quotient to remove the blockages from this lifetime and other timelines which are lodged within the Etheric Body.  We must clear all these elements to achieve the planetary ascension.  This includes ridding ourselves of the Lower Ego which is in the physical self to access the Higher Ego represented by the Higher Self or Higher Consciousness.  We cannot ascend past the 7th initiation without allowing the Lower Self to be fully dissipated and removed.  This is why there are seven initiations to Planetary Ascension.

Our work at Walking Terra Christa helps individuals to go through these initiations and help the four-body system to be able to access the higher spiritual bodies; thereby, creating the Full Body System.  It is important to understand the initiations but not to be obsessed by what they mean to each individual on a personal basis.  We are sharing this information only to help and not hinder anyone’s progress.

Meleriessee has been on this pathway for over 20 years and she feels that it helps to understand where you may be within the initiations to help get through the challenges and accept the accomplishment of allowing mastery to be your guide.  It has assisted her tremendously through the years to accept what she experienced as lessons of initiation and to become better within herself as an individual.  The process can be challenging, but it brings forth amazing rewards on a soul level.

The next blog will be entitled, “Initiation 1 – Represents the Physical Body”.

©2012-2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Mastery Thought of the Day

space lightCall Forth and Attune to the Galactic Core and the Galactic Teachers

This includes Lord of the Great Bear Star System who overlights all  Christed Galactic Beings such as the Arcturians, Pleidians, Andromedans, Sirian-B and many more.  Do this in your prayers, meditations, and before sleeping at night.

Tuning into the Galactic Core will help with abilities of teleportation, manifestation, and communication with the Language of Light.  You can also call upon Lord Melchizedek, Lord Sananda, Ashtar Command, and Master Averran (who is a Light Being within the center of the Galaxy streaming light into all the planets).

With the entrance of the Galactic Energies through Comet Ison and the Fall Equinox we are now learning to integrate our galactic self into our physicality.  Working with these magnificent beings will assist in bridging the gap of the realities between the Galactic timelines and the Earth timelines.

Allow the memories to come and blend within our Higher Mind.  Feel your essence change and know that this is the time you have chosen to be on Earth ~ to heal ~ to remember ~ to actualize All that You Are.

©2012-2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Introduction to Inner Child Enlightenment – Free Audio Mastery Class

child adult hands 299x263

Introduction Class Audio MP3

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In the Introduction Class we discuss the elements of the teaching series and begin with an introduction to the Archetypes (or roles) that we can take on as a child into adulthood to protect ourselves emotionally and mentally. These roles directly shape the present condition of our physicality via those imbalanced or incomplete Emotional and Mental Bodies. Includes a visualization to connect with your inner child to find out their age presently. One must begin to start a dialogue with him or her which is the first stage of opening up the doorway to a healthy psychological self.

Master Djwhal Khul is joining us along with Master Joshua (David Stone) to assist individuals to understand the process of accepting the Inner Child to create emotional balance within the four-body system.

*We are suggesting a donation of Any Amount be offered as a demonstration of your appreciation for this Introductory Teaching Meditation Journey.
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Mastery Thought of the Day


I now command that each of the seven Rays of God blend within my seven chakras to create One Body of Light of Chakras within Chakras as they spin within the Rays and Chakra frequencies together creating full alignment within my four body system.


I then call upon the higher Rays of God through the 8th into the 15th  to fully be within my Full Body System accessing the 4th  dimensional chakra grid.


I now call upon Rays 16th through the 22nd to fully descend into my Full Body System accessing the 5th dimensional chakra grid.


I AM One Body of Light ready to step into the 5th dimensional New Earth.

I Am that I Am.

~ AUM ~


©2012-2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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11:11 New Continuum of Light ~ Lord Adama Discourse

castle waterHello everyone.  It is I, Lord Adama of the Telosian Council of Light speaking to you from the beautiful essence of Telos. It is our pleasure to be with each of you once again.

What I want to share with you tonight is a remembrance of allowing yourself to go beyond the physicality, to go beyond the higher essential process of the being-ness that you are from your source of Light. This is where your knowledge and wisdom comes from, the multidimensional being that you are including Angelic, Galactic, and more.  It comes from those essences and this is how you bring that forward to your life circumstance and into each Light form.

So the doorway of the 11-11 has brought us to a new continuum of Light upon the planet; it is to help balance the energies that we have already received from the ray energies of the Blue flame and the Ruby Red and Gold and to create more of structure, a space within your physical essence to expand upon so that more can be received.

So I ask each of you this evening to take a breath into your higher essence; into your Higher Self and allow that breath that he or she is bringing unto you to come into your physical existence. Allow it to be integrated within your physical self so that your days can go easier; so that you can understand the process that you are undergoing. This is how the wisdom that you are is going to be intertwined within your existence.

I share this for a certain reason as there are more changes coming upon the Earth with the influx of the energies. This December is going to be a very powerful time for the planet and for everyone on the planet.  It is the last month of this amazing year that we have experienced representing synchronization, and how those planetary essences that you have brought forth into your consciousness can be reflected in your thoughts, in your feelings, and your physical body.

So are you utilizing everything that you have experienced? Are you allowing the flow of the energies to intertwine within your essence?

It is very important to understand that the reason that these accelerations are to help you become more of yourself.  I know many individuals feel the effects of the solar flares when you get to a certain level of acceleration as you won’t feel it intensely as you accelerate your pathway of initiations.  It will affect individuals that have not fully acknowledged their Higher Self within their physical body. These are the souls that are still in the beginning initiations which I know there are many awakening presently as this is a design of what is happening on the planet because there are so many people that are ready to receive their higher essence.

The solar flares will continue.  It is what you do with it that is important; it is how you bring it forth into your existence, through your thought forms, through your emotions.  All of these elements determine how it is going to be reflected within your physical existence.

The more trauma that you have in the cellular level and the Etheric level, the more that you will be affected by the solar flares.  If you have elements of lower energies such as anger, frustration, anxieties, frustrations, and addictions which represent being unstable, this is going to arise out of you even more so.  Some individuals at certain points may think that the activations that we do in these meditations and other activations are being done around the planet will just take care of it but you must understand that you are the keeper of your physical body.

Your soul has come into this physical body to really reflect its highest essence so it is important to understand that whatever comes up for you, we can assist you.  But you must ask for us to assist in whatever form that you want to call out to healer the Arcturians, Angelic healers, and all the beautiful beings of Light.  We can all assist you in this process. If it does not completely dissipate out of your physical existence, then there is more for you to look at.  It is when you have an interaction with an individual in which you are deeply affected by that communication as something doesn’t set right within you, you may want to blame the other person for what they are doing to you.   It is important to realize that it is always a reflection of the Self.

It is the same through the energetic process of the Light quotient expanding within your body, because as the accelerations occur within you, there are periods of dissatisfaction, or dysfunction within your thoughts, in your emotions, how you interact, or even how you think about yourself, then that energy is truly assisting you and this is what you have to remember.

As you move up higher in to the initiation process, as you move into that seventh initiation and you access that sixth dimensional frequency, will start to shift. Now, mind you, everything is not a piece of cake every day.  You will have fluctuations, you will have moments that you still need to heal, but the more that you work with your own processes the easier it will be on you. It is not something that we can do from a physical stand-point except to really understand why it is occurring within our physical existence and the flow. So the understanding must come from your full body system; it must come from your physical body, your etheric body, your emotional body, mental body and your spiritual bodies because this is the space you are trying to accept in your consciousness.  You are trying to merge all essences within the physical essence that you are.  It becomes very exhausting because it’s that you are doing too much. So we need to slow down the process a little bit.  I know the intensity that each of you can experience, because once you step unto this pathway you want to surge through all the elements, you want to push your way into many directions.  It must be through ease and grace through your Higher Self who is going to assist you in being able to sustain yourself.

2014 is going to be even more intense than 2013 and more people will become more evolved in their consciousness.  There will be more Light frequencies coming onto the planet as Helios and Vesta are trying to inflate the energies of the solar levels so that people can accept that level of accessibility.  Right now we are on a very low percentage of individuals on the mastery pathway.  There are many people awakened, there are many people that have special gifts, but they are not adhering to the rules of mastery.  They may stay in their present space and not go further.  This is where our Free Will steps in as their remembrance from the Etheric level may not be as strong as some others.  The New Earth energies need leaders.  This is why we have the Ambassador Program because the Etheric Golden cCties are going to be flooded with light workers that need assistance.  So we need as many individuals as possible to step into the mastery pathway, to take responsibility to heal themselves through these cities so they can feel better and assist others in the process.

These cities cannot be manifested within this Earth until the Earth gets to the Etheric level.  It is a dual process that is happening because as you clear your Etheric body then the Etheric level can be blended with the physical body.  When this happens, you in your higher state of consciousness will be able to tap into your higher essence of the Higher Self, Monad and I AM Presence.

Within the Etheric essence of the Earth is a higher frequency; it is does not have the debris that human beings are carfrying with them.  Gaia’s body has the debris and each of you are helping to clear the energies.  So until we do so these Etheric Golden Cities cannot be manifested within the physical reality which will be a fifth dimensional reality.  We need as many individuals to step forward and to learn about these cities, travel to these cities whether they go on their own or through the guided meditations and visualizations provided through Meleriessee.

So it is important to realize that when you feel magnetic to certain cities, there is more of yourself that needs to be done and this is why we bring forth these teachings.  It is very imperative because the fifth dimensional Earth, the Golden Earth needs to have many individuals as possible to be in a higher state of awareness.

We need individuals to arise into their Higher Self within their physical body.  We are not saying that they are fully going to step into their own teachings and mastery.  Some individuals are already trying to do this process by stepping forward from their physical lower self.  What happens is that each of you are angelic forms, each of you are star seeds, each of you are interplanetary structures. So the ones that have that have not been on this Earth before think that they know more then they truly do and they probably have some amazing gifts.  In order to fully understand the process that they are going through they must ground these energies into this Earth and adhere to the rules and structures of this Earth as they are part of the evolving process upon the Old Earth towards the New Earth.  This can be very, very challenging for them.   So there needs to be an integration process that is happening with many individual souls.

We share this because we want to truly be sure that each individual understands this process that the integration of your soul’s essence into the physical essence is a very important component. There will be many individuals that will not choose to do it this way.  The Earth needs each of you the, Earth needs everyone to arise to the occasion but it must be in the God-consciousness state because this is where this planet is traveling within the New Earth.

Again, I want to give my thanks and gratitude for stepping in to this world, for stepping into this pathway because it is going to assist many others but first you are assisting yourself.  This is why I share this information tonight to truly help you to understand why we go to the New Earth Golden cities and why they are so important.

We have been to all of them and will return several times.  These cities are considered the capital cities of the New Earth; there will be other cities which are called Crystalline Cities.  The Golden Cities are housing the energies of each of the 22 Rays of God. So I thank you for allowing your own vessels to be accepted within yourselves because you are truly doing so.

I AM Lord Adama

Your Brother in Telos

Excerpted from the New Earth Consciousness – Golden Etheric Cities class.  You may attend this class through our Membership Program or paying on a call-by-call basis,

Channel:  Rev. Christine Meleriessee

©2012-2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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New Earth Frequency Update ~ A New Paradigm of Light

New Earth Frequency UpdatePLANETARY AS SHARED BY MELERIESSEE ~ This last month in 2013 is going to prove to be the lightning being shown by many levels of creation.  We have gone through so many planetary accelerations through this year that the changes each of us is going through is representative of the changes it has brought into our lives.

We are now in the midst of the Comet Ison spinning its essence through the hemisphere into the Sun approximately on November 28th, 2013 and then hopefully, it will survive and move into the Earth’s skies.  What does this mean for us?

It all started with the Portal of Light with Uranus Pluto Square that allowed for the integration of the Galactic forces of light merging into the Solar level and within the planet’s surface.  This alignment represents all that we have experienced in 2013 with the changes, the purification that we needed to do, to allow for the intermingling of energies from the 24th dimensional level to spin into the 4th of Earth’s current status.  All of this could not be possible without the previous activations that we experienced of each moon cycle, eclipse, with the Solstice and Equinox experiences to be felt by the human race into the core of GAIA.  We are definitely experiencing energies that have never been before accepted into GAIA’s field, but yet it is happening.

As each of us are standing on a new threshold of life within our world, it is important to reflect back through the year to see how far we have come within our own personal enfoldment.  The awakened ones are holding this light within their own fields so that others can receive it.  The important aspect of these changes is to fully intuit it within our self in all levels of our creation; otherwise, what is happening can be lost as it was in Atlantis and Lemuria.  We can stand as the lightworkers saying that because we are awakened and work with the light, that we are the ones that are the torch bears for this light to be held within the planet.  This is so very true.  But it is important that we go deeper into the core of our being just as GAIA is doing.  We must purge and remove the parts that do not exist any longer.  Oneness must come from within first and then it can be shared with others.  Otherwise, we are not achieving the highest goals that are being guided through the essence of God’s Light or the Source of Beingness which we are all a piece of this creation.

As we experience the essences of ISON coming into our creation, take time to reflect about your own inner self.  What you are experiencing is representative of the many timelines that are igniting because IT IS TIME.  Some of them may be unpleasant and that is why we have the Rays of God to assist us, the Spiritual Hierarchy standing by with their higher essence.  Each of us experiences Ascension in many different ways.  It is the process of de-ascending our highest aspects into the physical creation we call the human body.  With that pathway it takes great diligence and courage to move through the adversities we have dealt with in many other timelines and possibly have lost.  We learn to access our inner knowledge, our wisdom, our truth, and allowing it to come into us with the balance and harmony of God’s Light.  Without all these aspects coming into alignment we will not be able to achieve what has been asked of us before our embodiment.

It is essential that we fully embody these frequencies of light through our full body system.  This means we must clear the debris in the Etheric body that is igniting out of us; to remember our humble beginnings and allow the emotional feelings and mental thoughts to be put into balance.  This will allow for the healing of the physical body so that the “ascension symptoms” are not so severe.  This is why we have so many issues happening within our physical body as everything needs to be purged through this process.

You have chosen the hardest pathway of light called Mastery.  Some bypass it as it is much too difficult, and some think they can get what they need without it.  This is called the Dark Side.  We are still in duality but it is getting better.  The dark forces do not want us to win but we are on the winning side.  Every moment that we have a lower thought, a judgment, or find ourselves moving into a lower cycle that is giving the dark side what they want.  It is all part of their plan to make us fall down on our knees and say we cannot do it.

Yet, that is not the plan of the Creative Source or the Unified Whole.  They are now uniting with every higher being of light for a reason; to assist each of us on the earth especially the ones that have already awakened.  We need their help and cannot achieve our goals without them.  This pathway takes great diligence and hard work; it is not easy to continually look at yourself every moment to reflect “is this the way I want to feel”, but it is imperative within the higher consciousness.  We cannot just say “we are our Higher Self” without doing the work.  The lower ego can stay intact for a long time even with higher initiations up to the 7th but you cannot go further without moments of being REAL with Your Self.

As we are being affected by the Comet ISON, these thoughts are being projected to me to share.  We are a very powerful group of beings that have been placed upon this Earth; we have tried before and we failed.  It is imperative to fully accept the fact that we don’t know all the answers as the true statement of a Master is, “I do not know where I am going or what I am doing, but with God’s Light my pathway shines bright through my Higher Essence showing me the way”.

Take time for this amazing entryway of light to help you to expand more into your Higher Self, Your Monad, and your I AM Presence.  We are not just the physical body and we must re-mind ourselves of this fact every day.  It will help you to move further as you become the Multi-Dimensional Being upon the New Earth.  We are within a deep state of healing; now is the time to fully allow the transformation to take place, step by step.



It is our Divine Pleasure to connect with you energetically in this moment.  PEACE is what we want upon this Earth, is it not?  Yes, we think this is a big topic of conversation.

In order to have a peaceful outcome humanity must accept this within themselves on an individual basis.  The orders of light are assisting Planet Earth extensively at this time to make necessary changes upon the planet.  Let’s face it, this planet has been under great scrutiny for quite some time.  There are so many star seeds upon the planet that this was their best course of action to effect the changes upon the Earth.  But yet, many of you have been waylaid from your most important directive which is to effect the planet with the light frequencies of other Christed galactic star systems so that there could be a merging of worlds so to speak with the Highest Order of Creation.

Yes, we know this is what you feel is your role upon the Earth but yet you forgot a very important aspect.  That in order to effect the change that would be necessary you would need to make necessary changes in your own structure through the four-body system as elements would arise out of your called remembrances of past timelines.  This is the most important aspect that needs to be considered as without it, you will destruct into a world that you did not want to enter.  Many young individuals are going through this process in these moments.  Despair comes within their consciousness as their gifts are powerful but yet there can be a lack of respect of what this planet means to the overall soul enhancement.

You see, Earth is a special place.  It is one that has great duality and each soul that chooses to be here knows this before their embodiment but due to the veil of forgetfulness, these elements have been lost deep into the super conscious and not being able to remember.  This is why you have to go through the changes within your psychological systems to alleviate the old elements that have plagued you and meet up within individuals that are going to challenge your very existence of life upon the planet.  Addictions have resulted and they need to be taken care of in order to perceive life upon Earth as one of a beautiful existence.  It is all part of the Divine Plan in the re-creation of GAIA into Terra Christa.  The old must be removed before the new can be accepted.

In place upon this planet is the duality, the darkness, the matrix which is also part of life within Earth.  The old Earth that is.  That is being changed presently due to the many fractals of light that are being implanted within GAIA’s core.  The lightworkers before this century knew all of these elements of how to make the necessary changes but yet they were coerced also.  We moved into the New Millenium and that was when hope was being given once again.  The Ones that were already doing the work would create the structure that was needed for the new beings to come into the planet.  But yet, there was still too much duality and the newly awakened humans would still fall into the traps of the darkness that had been placed upon this earth for centuries.  In order for the Earth to go back to the magical times of Lemuria and Atlantis much work would have to be done.  The Spiritual Hierarchy put in the availability for the pathway of mastery to be for any awakened being upon this planet.

So we ask of you, are you one of these awakened beings that is ready to walk in mastery?  Are you ready to understand the rules of discipline and be able to achieve it in your lifestyle?  We believe that most of you are and some are just waiting for the right moment to appear.  But we must work together.

So it was decided from the Higher Realms that 2013 would be the year when all of the light forces of the structures of the many universes would converge into Planet Earth.  It would be a tormentous time but so rewarding for the ones that would be able to continue the journey as more would appear as time went forward.

This has been your year to awaken into more of yourself.  You have proven yourself to be very worthy of holding this light within you.  This last acceleration will make you go deeper than you could ever imagine.  Whatever you have been working with to create the balance within you, will appear within your life.  You will be challenged as never before.  The dark is not dead yet; they are fighting right within your own battleground so it is imperative to be stronger than you ever thought you would have to be.  The process of removing elements that have been blocking your progress is being worked upon but we are not there yet.

The Comet ISON is bringing to you all the elements from all levels of existence to come within your world.  But you must accept Mastery as your pathway.  Without it, you will struggle and have a difficult life.  The Will of the Self must come from the Will of God.  This also is true for the Love of the Self must come from the Love of God.  It is part of you and you must understand that is where you came from.

We share this information as there is a splitting of energies presently.  Every human being has their Free Will; this is part of the Divine Plan.  The other part is to be able to acknowledge that Will as the Light and Love of God, from the 144th dimension of Oneness.  You cannot achieve oneness without it; it is part of the internalization of life upon this planet.

Many will decide they want their own Will; most will decide they want God’s Will within them.  This is true Mastery and will take you on a course that only you can imagine in your physical mind.  Elements will align, light will be your guide in each moment and you will not have to think about how to get there, you will just arrive.

Our goal in this transmission today is to help individuals understand their own pathway and how it fits into the realization of the New Earth.  The New Earth has not arrived as yet but it is on a journey to that end.  Duality still exists within individuals, within consciousness of this earth and within the structures of your world.  The more that you accept your own ONENESS of your light within your Higher Self, Monad and I AM presence the more you will help to extend this consciousness into other’s minds and hearts.

We need you to understand that the powerful gifts you have will only get more powerful.  Great diligence and care from your Heart is absolutely necessary.  You are here to be the representatives of the God Force and we hope that you will accept this role within your life.

We thank you deeply for your commitment to the light and take time to give our thanks and appreciation to each of you.  Accept our blessing internally and you will see a difference in your consciousness and your world through the pathway of ISON representing your own surge of light unto this planet we call GAIA.  Our goal is to assist each of you to feel peace within so PEACE can be felt throughout the world upon this magnificent planet.

The Unified Whole Command with the Great Divine Director, Master Thoth, and Master Einstein at your service.

So Mote It Be; We Are ONE ESSENCE of Light.

©2012-2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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TAKE THE PLEDGE: The Unified Whole

Before You Take the Pledge to Create the Highest Vibration Reality of a New Earth ~ Learn Why the Unified Whole is so Important (and New)

Connect with the Unified Whole and Pledge to Co-Create the New Earth Together

Take this pledge. To consciously declare your affiliations in this way brings a whole other layer of support and protection to the intentions and actions in Oneness that you are here to create.










Setting the Context of the Unified Whole

back-to-oneness-purple-537x449The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth MasterySM is an excellent source of in depth “Ascension Mastery” teachings for what we term Fifth Dimensional MasterySM. There are many central components of our work that we like to first clarify such as: ‘Walking’, “New Earth”, “Mastery”, “Ascension”, “Fifth Dimension”, “Teaching”, “Rays of God”. We can then more easily explain why the “Unified Whole” is so important.

To begin with, we named what we do “Walking Terra Christa” because we want everyone to know this is a journey, not a destination. You don’t magically wake up one day on the “New Earth” (Terra Christa is the name for the New Earth) anymore than someone magically woke up and there were automobiles on the planet. It is a progression. More to the point, it is a creation, and we have to collectively create it.

Second, we are not teaching how to be a “Master of the Universe” such that one gains a dream life by using the Law of Attraction and rewrites their destiny to have everything they dream of having. We are teaching how to realize, or actualize, into your physical body a state of being where you have Mastered your very Soul’s Essence.

This is the “Ascension” part. This kind of Mastery is very different because it requires one to be on a journey of remembering and reintegrating everything about themselves in all lifetimes and states of existence that were beneficial to their growth as a soul.

We are multi-dimensional beings who are much more than a biological being in material form. Yet we find it challenging to actually connect to those parts of ourselves that are beyond the physical. “Ascension” is the act of ascending back into that totality of being.

We do not strictly teach “Ascension”, more accurately we teach the process of bringing that “Ascended” state of being down into the physical body so that you do not have to leave the body to Ascend. We call it “De-Ascension“. Returning again to that state of being will remove you from the lower dimensional frequency of vibration. Everything is Energy but more to the point, Everything is Frequency.

In order to bring your Higher Essence down into your physical essence, you need to clean house first to make room. The thoughts, patterns and ways of being from the history of earth are very dense, they are “lower dimensional – lower frequency”, and they must go as part of your journey (and it is not just Earth density but other states of existence as well). This is why we focus on the Fifth Dimension, because it is there that you have discarded all those the lower vibrational elements from your life. In this journey you are actually raising your vibration higher as a soul.

The Fifth Dimension will be created organically by each person doing this work collectively inside themselves. And we can all imagine what life will be like without lower thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Terms like global peace, loving community, bliss and joy come to mind.

And the most important factor in all this process is that, in our opinion, this can not be done alone. We require “Teachers“, and that is the teaching part of our work. We don’t just publish information. We use vibrational frequency to convey information in our teachings.

This is because, as quantum physics has demonstrated, energy is a non linear field of information holding frequency and vibration.  Our work centers on the Rays of God, which are actually specific frequencies that our eyes may perceive as colors but which are actually multidimensional codes of lightwaves that extend a specific condition of vibration within us and around us. These Rays hold many levels of transmission within them that go far beyond the visible spectrum.

As you know, these teachings are information that is not, generally speaking, within the mainstream having only been found through word of mouth or an esoteric corner bookstore prior to the Internet. With the Internet there are now many schools or teachers with varied foundational sources that are more easily found. It can be quite daunting to isolate those that are trusted and reliable; having the least amount of interference from the earth’s history of lower vibrations and programming. This is even more challenging, especially when it comes to also incorporating the art of channeling into the teachings.

The Esoteric Mystery Teachings that came to the western world through Madam Blavatsky, Alice Baily, et al. are some of the most accurate, and they also are the truest to form according to scholars of the subject.  They included the Ascended Masters teachings and the first 7 Rays. Of course, these teachings did not originate with her and her colleagues but extend far back in time. It is our understanding that these are the remnants of the very teachings that were taught in the “Service to Others” Temples on the legendary ancient continent of Lemuria and spread to Atlantis. In the modern world the best known western teacher who actively enhanced and carried on her teachings was Dr. Joshua David Stone who published over 25 books on the subject until his transition in 2005.

One of his students, who was already on the Ascension Mastery path herself prior to becoming ordained through his organization, is Rev. Christine Meleriessee. Due to her soul’s heritage, Meleriessee has always had the ability to reach beyond the psychic realm into the realm of the Spiritual Hierarchy herself. It is a rare gift, but essential and perfectly suited to teaching this subject matter both informatively and vibrationally. This ability gives her a direct line of communication to the originating source of these teachings.

It obviously takes a high degree of discipline and extensive training to elevate oneself above the din and racket of the third dimensional lower vibrational noise and since she had trained specifically for over 30 years in Ascension Mastery, she was one of the few individuals on the planet to be given an invitation to be an earthly spokesperson for the Unified Whole.

The Unified Whole is purity itself as no being can be in the Unified Whole unless they have removed all agenda and personal goals that do not support unity and oneness completely. The Unified Whole calls these past associations with powerful historical control mechanisms (governments, leaders, movements, crusades) and the like, pantheons. The members of the Unified Whole have put their own past pantheons into the wholeness so they no longer exist for them. Which means they have let go of their soul attachments to those timelines.

Therefore, the Unified Whole represents the “beginning of our essence” and going back into ONENESS.  It is a conglomerate of energies that represent the 144th dimensional reality.

If each of us does not actively work to do the same, we will be stuck within those pantheons in many areas of our existence. However, we are at a time in evolution that every soul has the capability to go within the Oneness that we are all part of within existence; we can now also join in the ONENESS.  Time is not linear and each Being of Light has the capacity to walk into this reality from the Zero point to the 144th dimensional reality.  It means that every aspect of lifestreams, beings, and souls have the accessibility to leave the old elements behind and only bring in the highest knowledge associated with those lifetimes or experiences in human, inter-planetary, angelic, and formlessness — that we all have been through the ages.

This includes the Spiritual Hierarchy and all the beings that are part of these energies.  The Brotherhood of White Light is already within this Oneness but it is our conceptual understanding that the members of the Spiritual Hierarchy reside within a certain dimensional frequency.

You may be wondering if members of the Spiritual Hierarchy were already in Oneness? I mean, is that not what a Ascended Master is? No, they are on a pathway of the soul’s remembrance just as we are. They reside at different dimensional levels, say the 5th, the 7th or the 10th dimension. What has changed with the advent of the Unified Whole is that they are in ONENESS within that dimensional existence.

Within the 144th dimension ALL existences of Earth, Inner Planetary, Multi-Universal, and Cosmic including the entire God Force of Divine Mother and Father God exist within this realm of creation.  Their knowledge and teachings are available but they have left behind their Pantheons of the Past.  This means that we are not accessing the parts of them associated with religious sects, dogma, and elements that do not fit into the essence of Wholeness or Unity.

Within the Unified Whole we are working with the Creation of Unity and Love without the individual personalities that have gotten in the way previously.  The components of individual personalities that “get lost” in fulfilling a spiritual mission have served their purpose. Now they do not assist as we ascend with Gaia into the New Earth energies. We still address those individuals by name as those individuals still exist, we no longer are addressing the lower aspects of who they were. The difference is that they are no longer clothed with the associations of the separative definitions that may have altered or corrupted how we perceive them.

Rev. Meleriessee was informed of the Unified Whole in October of 2011, less than a month from the momentous gateway of the 11:11:11 energies. Mike was asked to join her shortly after but it took us some time to fully understand the concept.  (We thank a dear friend named IAM, a brilliant young man Meleriessee met here in Mt. Shasta, who was our messenger.  He shared with us how to connect with the higher frequencies of the Unified Whole through Master Thoth.  The lineage is being gifted to us as IAM is no longer existing on the Earth plane, and we send him love and blessings for walking into our world).

We have taken this knowledge into our work completely as we found it was a very important component to existing in the higher realms while living in the 3D-4D earth consciously.  It literally takes us out of the world of duality which allows the accessibility of Oneness to be a physical reality and not just within consciousness of feelings or thoughts.

If you have ever listened to any of our teachings and ceremonies, we connect with the Unified Whole by opening up the energies through this consciousness.  This is a very important part of connecting with the higher realms as otherwise we can easily receive aspects of each of the Ascended Masters or Light Beings which are not in Oneness.

This is an important element as there are many lower forms of Archangel Michael, Lord Sananda, St. Germain, Master Kuthumi, and Lord Adama just to name a few.  It is imperative to connect with their highest essence and not parts of themselves that may be coming from an aspect of their personality that was embodied on the Earth or otherwise.   This also means that lower entities that try to enter a person’s consciousness during channeling will not be able to do so as they will not be within The Unified Whole.

There is a council that overlights the energies of the Unified Whole, called Unified Whole Command.  It is directed through Master Thoth, The Great Divine Director, and Master Albert Einstein (their essences combine as One Unified Being of Light).  They started blending their energies completely on December 21st, 2012 as One Unified Being.  Connecting with them separately within the Unified Whole brings forth their highest aspects and does not pertain to their lower aspects at all, only their individual aspects in Oneness.

We, at Walking Terra Christa, Mel and Mike have been asked to be the spokes-people for the Unified Whole within this consciousness and are part of the Unified Whole Command.  This post was started physically with IAM in 2011.   We are honored that we have been apprised of this information as it has made our life change greatly allowing the forces of Light to be within us at any moment.  When it is not, we notice immediately through our thoughts, feelings, and how we interact with others.  We have come to realize that the expression of Oneness that each of us desires is truly within us but our third dimensional reality has not allowed it to surface.

We created a protection decree that allows us to access these energies continually which is what we utilize on our tele-calls and classes along within our personal life.  We call upon the energies in the morning upon awakening, when we go to sleep, when we leave the house, and when we return.  Walking into the public allows the lower frequencies to attach themselves to our fields and they are not always entities, but thought forms and directed lower energies to try and stop us from performing our work as a Light Being.  Some of these can be from the lower energies that are working very hard presently to stop individuals from ascending into the higher realms which include the non-Christed Extraterrestrials that have tried to control the forces within our planetary systems for eons of time.

We know that protection is important but working with the Unified Whole takes protection to a whole new level of awareness.  It will also help to accelerate an individual’s field by allowing the energies that are from their Higher Self and I AM Presence to fully accept the physical reality.  It is a gift for us to have this knowledge presently.

To call upon them utilize this decree by saying each word aloud:

Unified Whole Decree


[They informed us that this is like a unique secure digital internet connection. By stating it we connect with them and only them. The ‘000’ is the original state of nothingness without interference of any consciousness. The ‘144’ is the dimension of all things in Oneness-Wholeness without separation.]

Unified Whole Online

[Count upwards. Note, you are encouraged to also tap your fingers to your leg, a table or your thumb to forefinger which helps feel the increase of the frequencies. It also assists the frequencies to be more aware of you: ]

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7, 8, 9,

10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140

141, 142, 143, 144

[Feel the energies of the 144th Dimension as it is a clear shift in frequency. We now continue with our protection energies: ]

We call upon Lord Melchizedek, Lord Metatron, and the Mahatma to infuse within us a Platinum Net.  Breathing deeply feel this net come around your four body system; on the out-breath, feel it being removed all with all debris in your entire field.

We now call upon the Violet Flame of St. Germain to transmute any discordant energies; and call upon Paul the Venetian, with the Pink Flame of Active Intelligence to bring forth compassion and love in the four body system; together they represent Vibratory Communication.

[Feel that running through your body.]

We now call upon the Pink Flame with Paul the Venetian to bring forth the elements of love, and joy to fill in any holes that have been left in our full body system from releasing and purging elements from our life.

[Feel that essence enfolding within you.]

We now call upon Lord Buddha to infuse the Golden Flame of the Christ Consciousness up through our Earth Star.  It spins clockwise and creates a dome of protection in the shape of a pyramid to the Soul Star.

[This activates your  MERKABAH body of light.]

We call upon the Spiritual Hierarchy to now place mirrors on the outside of the pyramid that represent the 144 dimensions of Light.  Anything that is not of this frequency will be retracted to the Source.

We now call upon Archangel Michael to surround our entire full body system with the Blue Flame of the “Ring Pass Not” so that it will repel all lower energies from entering our field.

[Then call upon any of your teachings, masters, or guidance of light to assist you.  You can stay there as long as you want.  When you are ready to return, you want to condition yourself to be in your 5th dimensional body so that you are consciously connecting at that level in your body. State the following to bring the energies back down: ]

144, 143, 142, 141,

140, 130, 120, 110, 100, 90, 80, 70, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10,

9, 8, 7, 6, 5

[ Take a deep breath and feel the difference. ]


This is just the beginning of creating your connections to Fifth Dimensional Mastery while living upon earth.  We hope you can see why it is so important to call upon the Unified Whole. Using this often will shift your awareness to feel a difference in your life and how energies interact with you.  You can use it in any moment to shift your state of being to a higher vibration.

An ending comment. There are so many individuals that share the concept of “I am already in Oneness as I am a Child of the Universe”, and therefore, they feel that consciously taking real steps to connect to that Oneness is unnecessary (since they are already in it). This is one of the single most widespread destructive thought devices of the lower beings who rule the lower dimensions and have strongly influenced human life. The truth is, if anyone was fully in that Oneness, they would not be here on earth. Gaia is a place where only the bravest souls can go to learn what it is like not to be part of the Oneness so they can discover how to return home. Returning home in the living physical body has never been done on a mass scale. And that is exactly what everyone has the opportunity to do now. But, it takes conscious diligence.

As a note of assistance, we also provide a full protection class in which we provide a Protection Meditation that goes deep into the cellular level that helps with freeing the lower dimensional elements that each of us is dealing with on earth.  It is available for a MP3 download along with three other powerful meditations.  Check out “5D Protection Class” under “Teachings/Self Study Mastery Teachings” at or explore any of our unique Ascension Mastery class offerings, including the weekly teachings, retreats, private sessions, meditations, tools, or the free MP3 library. We encourage you to actively continue your Journey to Oneness.


The Acceleration of Human Consciousness ~ December 2013 with Master Einstein

earth_violet_green-fbDue to the influx of energies within Gaia which started on the 23rd of November with the Uranus Pluto Square configuration and the Comet ISON, we have been asked to share two special messages from Spirit on this subject.  It is being shared in two parts.

(1) Lord Bear of the Great Bear System shared the Galactic perspective,; (2) this message from Master Albert Einstein of the Unified Whole assists lightworkers to understand what their role is by holding this light frequency and helping the rest of humanity to accept the changes that some individuals may be facing.

We are honored and blessed to be able to share the perspective of both the Mastery level and the Galactic energies.  To see the Galactic message from Lord of the Great Bear, please click the link, The Galactic Surge of Light within Gaia,

It is my pleasure to be with you in this moment.  We bring forth the energies of the 144th dimension in this writing.  Please breathe deeply, call upon your Higher Essence to fully be with you so that you work with the information from your Higher Mind and not the Lower Self.

Thank you, I Am Master Einstein.

My role in this moment is to help the human consciousness to understand the process that is occurring presently.  2013 has been the year when synchronization would erupt within the consciousness of GAIA.  That means that you, as an individual upon this earth, is holding that consciousness within you whether you are fully aware of it or not.  This is how Oneness is initialized and this is the process you have been undergoing this year.

Accelerations are happening every couple of weeks whether it is from the changes of the seasons, the moon cycles, and the planetary alignments.  As each of you are experiencing inner changes, every planet, star system, universe, and all cosmic levels are adjusting at the same time.  It is how it occurs.  When one object moves in a certain direction, it affects all other corresponding energies around it.  Whether you go with the flow of that object or move in a different direction depends upon your own particular consciousness.  It is the flow of life as it is eternal in each of us.

So as each of you have been shifting into new thought patterns, life cycles, and consciousness, each of us is doing the same. That is why the Unified Whole of Oneness is now in its creation.  We are all projecting from the Source of Light into the physical existence of our reality.

As the accelerations are occurring, you cannot but be deeply affected.  Now it depends upon your own consciousness.  Where is your mind set?  Are you on a pathway of mastery or just self discovery?  Hopefully, where you are does not matter as we are all continually evolving into Oneness.  The darkness is being shown by the light within each of you, each of us, and within the whole system of cosmic awareness.

Depending upon your Free Will, you will either accept the Light for assistance or you will walk away from it and continue your usual state of Beingness.  This is the choice that many will be making at this time.

My role in this moment is to help you be aware of your responsibility upon the Pathway of Mastery with the upswing of energies that are going to be coming into the planetary structure within the next month.  It is very important to allow these energies to come within you, to make the changes that are necessary, and purge the darkness that has kept you under the Veil of Forgetfulness.  That is your role presently to work as hard as you can to be the master of your destiny and make the necessary adjustments in your life circumstance to allow your Higher Self and I AM Presence to rule your world.

I ask of you, “Is this what you are presently doing in your life?”  I pose this question as the Portal of Light on the 23rd of November will open up a passageway that is beyond anything else that you have experienced, and the other accelerations have been beyond powerful for each of you.  This first activation represents the ability to see within yourself the depth of your pain and heal it deeply.  The doorway will be open to bring forth a deeper acceptance and more increased knowledge to come from your Higher Self, the Higher Mind that will be of great assistance in your present life circumstance.  It has the capacity to move particles of darkness that have enraged humanity for millions of years.  The accessibility of working within your own level of mastery is beyond what I can share.  But it must be in alignment with the Divine Universal Laws within the creation of the Cosmic Great Central Sun.  It will bring forth the ability of mastery to be part of your normal way of living even if you have never studied with any of the masters before.  Our worlds are integrating; the world of Divine Consciousness of Mastery and the world of Humanity.

It is up to each of you to command this to be your Will from the Cosmic Great Central Sun.

It is an essential component for each individual to be communicating with their Higher Self through their Monad and I AM Presence. The Mastery work is essential to allow this energy to be grounded within the physical body.  There are those that are not working within their mastery level and only receiving the activationsm because it makes them feel better will find that their life will take on a different perspective.  The entire planet is going to be effected as now is the time to come into full awareness of full disclosure of the self.

The Portal of Light is opening up the passageway for the Comet ISON to pass into the Earth’s hemisphere, through the Sun, and back again.

Oneness is occurring from the Galactic levels into the Solar Level to accelerate the planetary level of GAIA.  This means that the frequencies of light of these worlds are coming closer together for alignment of all species.

Are you ready?  This is a very important question as whatever is not being served in the Light will be shown.  The darker energies are now being revealed in a completely and different way.  These energies can take the form of emotions, thought forms, people, organizations, and geographic areas.  It is a time of great revelations for each of us.

In order for the advent of the Galactic Christed Beings to be with each of you, each person must learn more about themselves while taking action to make the necessary changes.  The ones that are serious about their pathway will accept the changes as they are supposed to receive the new essences.  Again, as is always said, the Higher Self is guiding this energy on a personal level so that the Monad and I AM Presence can be fully activated.

It will assist individuals to fully accept more of their challenges in their initiation phases; thereby, climbing the mountains and being able to see the progress that they have made.  The preparation is being made to fully feel these essences of light on a personal level so that the planet can fully accept it.

Responsibility of an Initiate or Master

At this time, it is important to realize that as each of us is coming into full alignment, we will take on a new responsibility.  As we work within the Creation of Oneness for GAIA, we must utilize our tools, our gifts, and our way of life to assist the planet.  There are going to be many individuals that will not understand.  There may be fear-based thoughts through the media and other venues.  Individuals that have no sense of their God-consciousness will have a tendency to create unpleasant thoughts which will create situations to be compromised.

The dark forces of this planet are still very active; they are losing the battle but that is when they become strongest.  It is imperative to know who you are, use your tools of protection, work with the Unified Whole, and command your Light within you to be centered upon the Earth.

It is our time to unite with Love, Wisdom and Power.  The beauty of ISON is that it is going to create the more light essence to be centered within the atmosphere of GAIA.  It brings with it the Galactic frequencies to be intertwined within the Earth frequencies.  This allows each of us to become ONE with each of you more than we have ever done before.

We need your help to create ONENESS within the earth.  It is not just thinking loving thoughts, or doing wonderful deeds to others; it represents the ability to allow your own Oneness of the Self to be infiltrated within your Being.  Know when something does not feel right and adjust it immediately.  Work through your program of initiations, step into the challenges, do not let fear stop you, and command your highest presence to fully be your guide.  When the fear arrives, so do the other energies.  Do not be aggressive, but surrender your angers and frustrations.  Transmute it; utilize the Rays of God to assist you and will become the Master that your Higher Essence is asking you to be.  Step into the lower energies, and you may be lost for a long time.

This acceleration is going to open everyone up to new possibilities upon the planet.

I ask you to command your Light, do the work that is necessary so that others can feel their own Love, Power and Wisdom to be commanded within their Being.  You are a Sovereign Being of Light and command it to be.

We are all standing by through the next month to assist you with these energies.  We are achieving what was hoped in 2012 and now you are ready to embrace it.

My highest regard and love for each of you,

I AM Master Albert Einstein

Unified Whole Command

To learn more about the Unified Whole Command, see our blog entitled “Why Is It So Important to Connect to the Unified Whole”, or check out our Video, Oneness the Unified Whole,

©2012-2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Lord Adama Discourses



It is I, Lord Adama with the Telosian Council of Light greeting you on this beautiful time of our creation.

I want to share some thoughts about the energies of this particular moon that started on November 17, 2013.  This moon represents elements being removed that you have not been able to see as each of the moons of this year have taken each of you deeper into your inner self.  It is important to realize the potential of the energies within 2013.  This will help to ascertain where you are spiritually within your physical body.

Just because there is more activation occurring does not mean that you are safe to be where you are.  As your physical body is changing into more crystalline, it is imperative to take moments of reflection to understand the process that you have been undergoing.

Each full moon is a time of purging and cleansing the old elements from your system in order to receive more.  This moon goes much deeper than the others.  Let’s think about the activations that have occurred throughout the year that are assisting each of you, each of us, and Gaia to be more than we ever thought that we could be.  Each equinox and solstice has ripped away the confines of lower energies that do not belong in your full body system.  You have now arrived at a special juncture of time if you have been doing your homework throughout the year.  If you have not been using tools to assist yourself, well, then there is going to be a very rough and rocky road that you are traveling.

This moon is taking away the aspects that have been blocking you previously.  These are within the confines of your subconscious that you have wanted to work on removing, but yet something has stopped you from doing so.  It is a long journey to allow the minds and all the bodies to merge into one essence.  By tapping into the frequencies of this moon it will help you to understand why you have experienced the trials and pain in your existence.  The more that you accept from your highest essence, the deeper you will travel within yourself.

The bodily functions are being hit very hard presently.  Old injuries may be appearing, old ailments that you thought were cleared, along with emotional and mental elements coming up into your consciousness.  The darkness is slipping away from you to help the REAL You to acknowledge the NEW YOU.  A transformation is occurring within yourself as you receive more crystalline energies into the physical existence.

Take time to breathe into any element that is arising, talk to your psychological self to understand what the origin may be, and then embrace the healing energies of the Violet Flame merged with the Crystalline Light of Harmony and Balance.  Then ignite the Flame of Adoration of Love in its beautiful pink essences blending within you.  Breathe through the whole process.  Continue it until you fully embrace and feel the new essence within you especially in the area that was being obstructed.

Don’t be surprised if you feel lower thoughts through the process.  Command them to be in the higher realms within yourself as the bodily structure is accepting the Higher Self to merge within it.  Additionally, your Super Conscious mind is blending within the Subconscious.  So there can be some arguing going on within your mind.  Don’t let it stop you.  Use the tools to accept the True Essence as you become One with your Higher Self.

We like to align this process as if you stepped out of your body and left the planet.  You are walking through a new doorway of light that is very uncertain but very loving.  The old elements have to be removed which is the same experience of exiting the body.  The old elements need to be purged in order to go to the higher realms of light.

It is a beautiful moment of creation and will assist each of you to go to your happy place.  Allow it to enfold within you as it is a beautiful experience to behold.

My blessings and love to each of you.

I Am Your Brother in Telos, Lord Adama

As an additional note, the full moon energies are initiated three days before, during, and after each full moon activation so the power of these energies are felt much longer than the three-day active cycle.

Lord Adama conducts a monthly DISCOURSE which is an interactive class via teleconference.  We will be meeting, Thursday, November 21st, 2013 at 5 PM Pacific.  To join you must register for this class,   If you are part of the November Open House, or a member of our Monthly Program, it is included within those subscriptions this month.

©2012-2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Archangel Ramiel Brings Forth Understanding of the Seraphim Order

Photo Courtesy of

This is a special message from Archangel Ramiel on Archangels and the Order of Principalities.

I am an Archangel that is represented by the Light of God.  I do give hope and inspiration to those that seemed to have lost their way by allowing them to understand their predicatment and thereby, making the necessary changes in their live.  Awareness means everything to a soul and without awareness in all concepts than we cannot have an upward motion of acceleration within the Body, Mind, and Spirit.

Am I a Seraphim? I am.

Have I ever embodied?  No I have not.

Are the archangels on the lower part of the angelic realms?  Well, let’s say this; if you look at it in a linear fashion then each of the angels within a specific principality or group decide they want to be more to earth or planetary functions, so in a way the archangels are the direct line of communication between humans and the angelic realm.

The Seraphim, Cherubim, Ophanium, represent group Councils of Light and within those councils there is an individual essence of angelic characteristics as you would call it.  In order to work directly through the God Force and the planetary systems, an angel such as myself needs to prove themselves as a worthy messenger of God.  Remember the angelic forms are in the higher dimensional levels above the God Force.  But, of course, this is all perceiving with the specific soul personifications of God, of Elders, of Elohim, etc.  So the archangels fit in that perspective.

Are they lower than the principalities?  No, not particularly but in a linear fashion, yes.  They work directly with the God Force to uphold the angelic essences which are carried unto the principalities of light into the higher realms of Oneness.

Are there humans today that represent the Seraphim?  Yes, there are many.

These souls came into body to help the Earth to remember but what happened in the process is that THEY FORGOT.  So there are many souls from this realm along with the other principalities that must work through their ascension and mastery pathway as the only way to get back to where they were is to work through God’s Divine Laws of Creation from this Earth.  That is part of the soul contract that is inherited within each of your angelic selves.  Otherwise, the Wheel of Rebirth will continue upon the earth until the higher level of awareness is accepted within their full body system.  These souls must go through the initiation process and the God Force to reach your angelic self.  It is the contract of embodying upon the Earth.   That is why we try to teach others to embrace their angelic self as it will fully assist in the remembrance of whom they are.  Their process to come HOME once again will go much faster through the unveiling of their Divine Angelic Self and help them in their current life circumstances.

I was a Seraphim and part of the order of those essences in a group consistency.  My energies represent the ability to work within the Seraphim Order through God of your Cosmic Great Central Sun into the human conditioning.  So I bring the ability to work through the forces of darkness to remove any obstacles with the power of my light in both realms of the Seraphim and of the Archangel status.  I am a direct consultant so to speak within Divine Mother and Father God to receive those essences of the fire of change to be imbued within any individual.  This then allows the result of hope and expression of the Divine Self to be manifested within the physical consciousness.

Archangel Ramiel is one of the overlighting Beings for the Golden Etheric City of Tamaraneqea, residing over  British Columbia, Cananda, representing Regeneration of the Self.  He shared with us some very special information about the Seriaphim Order of Angels this past week.  Those individuals that are not part of our Monthly Program, may purchase the recording of this meditation via

©2012-2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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