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Ascension Mastery Message for the Festival of Lights of November in 2018 with Master Djwhal Khul. Channeled Transmission by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee of Walking Terra Christa.

The Full Moon cycle arrives on November 22nd at 9:39 PM Pacific and November 23rd at 12:39 AM Eastern, 05:39 GMT bringing forth the fire energy of Sagittarius (Sun) into the Moon reflected in the sign of Gemini.

This cycle with the Moon in Gemini and the Sun in Sagittarius reflects the Lower Mind vs. the Higher Mind. Gemini has a tendency of wanting to stay where it is, not desiring to change, but with the Sun of Sagittarius it breaks up the old energy to allow for movement and possibly adventure to occur.

It is important to hold the balance between the two energies; get a sense of how the Higher Mind can assist the Lower Mind with gentleness flowing with the changes that need to happen. It is not good to be too stubborn or stuck within your believe system; in retrospect, it is important not to forge ahead without first providing a sense of doing so in a softer manner.

This moon represents communication, attitude and having a sense of adventure.

This energy has brings forth the desires that you may have already been thinking about as it builds, like the Lower Mind desiring to accept the Higher Mind (Higher Self). It is a powerful occurrence to allow all things to come into alignment.

It is important to not stay still within our feelings but acknowledge them as the Higher Mind will assist in allowing the changes to occur in all ways. This means that the Masculine and Feminine Divine can work together in a better alignment. The Masculine Self is assisting in breaking apart old forms of reality and the way our lives are created through movement and change.

The downfall of these energies is that you don’t move too quickly; don’t allow your Lower Mind to fall into the trap of the lower elements within your subconsciousness. It can result in anger or frustration. Be patient; go slow and see how this cycle can assist your Lower Self to accept the divine qualities of your Higher Mind.


Greetings My Friends,

It is my pleasure as Master Djwhal Khul to share my essence with you at this time. This full moon truly proves to be the power that is needed at this time.

As we reflect upon the previous cycles, it has been a time of great changes, allowing the Feminine Divine to come more into an awareness of the full body structure. This cycle represents the Higher Mind to assist the Lower Mind.

We all know that the Higher Mind is not just the Masculine Self; it represents the unification of the Masculine and the Feminine essences. It is the balance of the Higher Self coming into the existence of the reality within the physical consciousness. It brings forth the ability to allow the communion of the Mental and Emotional Realms to work in unison instead of separately.

This moon cycle is about breaking apart elements within the Lower Mind that need to be changed but are still in a holding pattern so to speak. It is the ability to go deeper into the core darkness that seems to hold an Initiate to stay out of balance, but yet that individual may not realize that is what is happening.

Have you ever desired to truly make a change but then something stops you from it occurring?

This cycle of the Moon of Gemini with the Sun of Sagittarius is like a warming light that is being directed from the Sun as the Higher Mind can project more into the Lower Mind or Lower Self. It is a time when the Lower Ego can start to break apart so that those desires from the Higher Mind can start to be realized.

It is a powerful combination because you, as the Soul, that is housing this energy has the ability to make the necessary changes, to allow this powerful light to focus within you, to allow for movement forward and accept that you will no longer live the way you have been doing so. But yet, you as the individual, must allow it to happen in a softer manner because the Lower Ego can rise up to say, “Oh no, we are not doing it that way; I will decide how and when we make changes.”

It truly is a magnificent time as it is timely to allow the Higher Mind to be more in control of the Lower Mind. If you allow yourself to be in more balance within the process, let the emotions to be exposed, and heal yourself deeply, you will see a shift in your consciousness, the way that you think and feel in reference to your life.

On a global level this cycle is huge as it represents the ability of the Divine Mind of God’s Source of Light or the Creative Source of Oneness to focus upon the lower elements within the Earth. Change can happen at this time that will be beneficial to the healing of Gaia and all of humanity.

The most important element is to allow this change to come within you, breathe with it, feel it deeply and allow your emotional body to heal in ways that you never thought you could achieve. Flow with these energies and allow the purification of your Heart’s Desire to become an integral part of your acceptance in the physical form.

I walk with each of you,

I Am Master Djwhal Khul at your service,
in Love and Wisdom of the Golden Yellow Flame

Walking Terra Christa held an Audio Online ceremony with the Master Djwhal Khul and the Native energies of the Elders, White Buffalo Woman and Lady No-Eyes. Listening brings in the higher light energies to be more accessible beyond the normal human mental construct’s ability.

We urge everyone to join us to ground this energy. Please click the link for access to the audio conference recording.
(We do request donations by anyone who can do so to support these energies for Gaia and Humanity, use the form below or our website). 

We wish everyone a most blessed Thanksgiving Day in the USA, and express our heartfelt gratitude to everyone around the world who use our teachings to co-create true Oneness for GAIA. A special thanks goes to everyone who has financially supported us through ordering our teachings and being a student in 2018 ~ as doing so is extremely important to keep our work ongoing.  (Click the link if you are interested in our Student Signup details for reduced enrollment rates).


Ascension Mastery Message for the Festival of Lights of October in 2018 with Master Djwhal Khul. Channeled Transmission by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee of Walking Terra Christa.

The Full Moon has now shown her beautiful essence on October 24th, 2018 at 9:45 AM Pacific, 12:45 PM Eastern, and 07:00 GMT.  The defining energy is focused upon the Feminine Divine of the Taurus Moon giving forth a new foundation of the Emotional Self as the Masculine Divine of the Scorpio Sun has the ability to transform the old self to allow more of the Feminine Essence to become an integral component of the Divine Heart.

This means that the Three-Fold Flame within the Heart has the possibility to become more balanced within the Will of the Masculine, blending with the Love of the Feminine to create the bond between them or the state of Empowerment to occur.

As the Sun of Scorpio brings forth changes of old patterns, it can be a transitional time that started with the New Moon Energies on October 8th, 2018. This was the beginning journey of the transformation that we are experiencing presently.

New ways of thinking and feeling are very predominant through this cycle.

As we moved into the Full Moon cycle on October 24th, this transformation takes on a new meaning; we additionally stepped into the Sun of Scorpio. The Sun representing the Masculine Self has been going through major upheavals to become more intertwined with the Feminine Self.

The moon within Taurus brings to our essence a new foundation, as it is collecting particles of change that are occurring in the planetary structure. As Taurus represents the grounding and connection to the earth, there are moments of unexpected changes that can actually present themselves as opportunities to be revealed through your full consciousness.

As the Feminine essence is becoming more grounding at this time, it is very integral in the alignment of the Masculine essence represented by Scorpio to be more flowing allowing the Heart Essence to become more open than it ever has previously.

This is a very ideal situation as the Masculine is now allowing the Feminine to become the Foundation through the essences of both the Sun and the Moon. So as the Moon essence of the Feminine Divine becomes more aligned within the Sun essence of the Masculine Divine, it brings forth opportunities for Divine Love within the Heart Center to occur.

This exchange of energies are very balanced and grounding. Yes, it is time for your heart to be fully vulnerable to allow the healing of your desires to become manifested within your physical world. The stability of the Sun with the alignment of Saturn is allowing for great moments of feeling secure and walking with a new sense of stability.

This transition of energies is truly one that is deeply needed within every soul on this planet so that the movement forward can be more balanced. It is a time to rejoice of what you are receiving as your physical self is transforming through the process.

To incorporate these energies within your four body system of the physical/etheric, emotional, and mental to allow the Spiritual body to become more involved within you, take time with yourself to realize the aspects that you have been working upon up to this point can now become more balanced within your physical self.

It is a time of great transformation by allowing the Divine Essence of your Heart to become more involved with the process of Rebirth within you. It is important to realize what has happened in the past in order to restructure your present essence. Take time with this cycle to really feel the vulnerability within your heart and allow it to be blessed by the Moon of Taurus and the Sun of Scorpio.

This is a time of reunion – the love that has been lost or so you thought, was just waiting for you to recognize it. Go deeper into your Heart Chakra, feel the divine energies of this cycle, and allow your Masculine to transform the structure into a new sense of understanding while your Feminine can flow more deeply through the process.

The Reunion of the Masculine/Feminine Divine is your Three-Fold Flame becoming the key element within your reality.

Take time in ceremony to reflect where you have been and what you want to achieve. Feel the Divine Energies that are occurring within the Sun of Scorpio as it dances around you, allowing the Moon of Taurus to bring forth your upgraded foundation filled with exciting moments of joy and revelation of whom you are becoming. Take time to feel the moment when all is coming together; let it occur within you. Breathe and feel your higher consciousness assisting you through this process of Rebirth.


The warrior I have been no long exists as I allow the transformation of my Heart Essence to become One within my Three-Fold Flame of the Will, of the Love, to create the Empowerment within me.


I Am Master Djwhal Khul. I would like to share a few words of inspiration to each of you on this cycle of light.

This year of Mastery has been one of great moments of transmuting old elements that no longer need to exist within your consciousness and within the consciousness of Gaia. There are so many elements that are changing that it is challenging to keep up with how it is affecting humanity as a whole.

The most important element is to realize within yourself what you have achieved and the walk you are doing as an Initiate of Ascension Mastery.

How well are you grounding your higher consciousness within your physical body?

This is imperative to realize within yourself the challenges you have encountered and what you are doing for yourself during the process.

This year has brought forth many awareness’ in many souls upon the planet. But the essential part of this is to realize what to do with it internally and then externally.

Ascension Mastery represents the ability to walk down the pathway that can be strewn with many challenges as it goes against the grain of the third dimensional construct and way of living on this earth. Elements must be removed in order for the Initiate to be able to hold the higher frequency of light while the foundation is being restructured to allow for the purpose of what an Ascended Being of Light must hold within themselves.

It is not just about bringing in downloads of higher energies, but it’s what you do with them that counts. You must accept the fact that your lower chakras need to be healed and readjusted; this process can be very long and may feel like it never ends. Please remember that you bring with you many hundreds of lifetimes; it does not matter where they occurred, on this planet or in other star systems. All these elements came with you, so they can be healed, processed, and regenerated.

That is exactly what this year is representing. It is a time to reflect and see what changes you have not made, how you are going to adjust within the New Self you desire, while bringing forth patience and the diligency to walk as a Master in the New Earth.

This year has just been but a small sampling of what is going to occur in the future for this planet, and this moon cycle is an alignment of the Sun and Moon like none other. It brings forth the ability to let the changes occur from the Masculine self while the Feminine self allows the transmutation within her heart that needs to be healed and then transformed.

It is a very exciting moon, because it reflects all that has been occurring all year but can be a very transformative time of renewal if you allow it to happen.

All of your chakras are being realigned and charged during this time.

Take time to reflect on what to do with these feelings within you. Bring them up, cry about them, let them go and allow your new foundation to hold the essence you have been desiring to create.

Yes, this Moon of Scorpio and Taurus is the divine connection that Gaia and each of you needs presently. It is an exciting moon full of beautiful surprises of growth and a new alliance within the planetary existence.

This cycle always continues until the next New Moon and then into the full moon afterwards, but the most intensive time is three days ahead and three days afterwards. Allow yourself to feel the vulnerability of your Heart Center burst with Divine Love during this time.

I walk with each of you,

I Am Master Djwhal Khul at your service.

Walking Terra Christa’s Festival of Lights Ceremony for this Full Moon with Master Djwhal Khul and the Native Elders is free to listen to and receive these essential Ascension energies. You may listen and download at the link along with other audio recordings.

Other important resources:

ASCEND EARTH ~ CREATE HEALING LIGHT FOR GAIA – Join Walking Terra Christa in this special project to help bring more healing light to the planet and humanity by creating Ascension Columns around the Earth with the assistance of the Unified Whole Galactic and Agartha Alliance. To learn more please use the link.




There might not be a topic that is more misunderstood than Love.

Everyone thinks they know what it is, yet at some point in life, everyone gets blindsided by discovering they did not know what they thought they knew.

Unfortunately for many souls, they seem to keep repeating the pattern, always never expecting to get another emotionally devastating jolt when they venture back into a relationship.

And it is not just relationships where we can stumble. Because all too often we try to seek out a substitute for the love we are missing. Many individuals consistently start and stop new ventures in the form of projects, jobs, or even professions. They discover a new passion that is the next big thing and pour themselves into the act of creation. And then they lose the passion for it all too soon or as soon as something more exciting comes along.

Of course, there are individuals who act this way when seeking or creating human relationships, never understanding why they can’t “stay in love” when everything seemed so great.

There are also others who are in long term relationships that all their friends admire, yet they personally are dissatisfied with the quality of their experiences. And then there are those who feel the struggle to be in a relationship is just to hard to take on or they just don’t feel ready.

As seeming different as these varied evolvements, or rather involvements, appear to be, they all suffer from the same underlying issue of imbalance in terms of Divine Love of the Self.

The truth is that to create the healthy balance we all desire in relationships so that we are both nurtured and empowered within the relationship, it all must start with the degree of wholeness that we have first created in the most important relationship we can have: the one with our self.

It is not a new concept of course. But the key to obtaining fulfilling relationships is to work upon your own personality so that you learn to create better choices and engagements and can discover how to overcome your own blind spots. For such a process to be successful you must proceed in a manner that brings growth and maturity part and parcel within the most important aspect of who you are: your spiritual center.

Despite the quick fix/immediate gratification nature of our modern lifestyles from super retreats to the newest yoga programs offering all manner of methods to reshape and re-engineer how we might act or appear to others, nothing is more important that getting to the core of our own truth.

Finding that truth – our intimate connection with our Spiritual Truth – is the only “place” where we can go to make real and permanent change. All else is window dressing that just fades over time and leaves us right back where we were. But how do we do something substantial that we clearly never mastered on our own?

Ascension Mastery is the process of creating real change by merging the Spiritual Self with the Personality Self. It is becoming more of who we really are as a Soul versus who we have come to believe we are as a person. This is why it is a different approach than mainstream programs.

This Mastery Class is designed to assist each person to begin the process using the higher spiritual energies, because let’s face it, changing the personality self is an immensely challenging journey. Many say it can’t even really be done. We have seen that it it can and is in fact very possible. It would be more accurate to say it is inevitable within the Ascension process. But only so when the entire force of consciousness that embodies love, compassion and the path of supporting true Oneness of the realm of the Ascended Masters Wisdom is honestly embraced.

We extend an invitation to begin (or continue to) co-create changing who you think you are. At the same time you will benefit the Mastery Consciousness of all humanity with the revelations you personally experience, as there is the crucial component of Grounding Higher Energies in all Walking Terra Christa teachings. Our teachings are always applauded as being very powerful and life altering by our students and participants.

While the Ascended Realm Beings can’t wave a magic wand and instantly recreate you, (as that is changing someone else and the very act of being a Master means you have free will and sovereignty over your own choices), you can begin to delve deeper into your own understandings and revelations so that you do change and achieve your Soul’s purpose for you as walk upon Gaia in this life.


DATE: SATURDAY OCTOBER 20, 2018 at 11:00 AM PT (2:00 PM ET).

LIST OF TEACHERS: LORD SAINT GERMAIN:  Brings forth an overview of what it means to have your foundation filled with Unconditional Self Love and Self Worth. He will explain why the 21 Day Program as written by Dr. Joshua David Stone needs to be the cornerstone of all Initiates on their pathway as without some of these points an individual will still seek healing in other ways.

LORD MELCHIZEDEK:  Discusses how the Three-Fold Flame within the Heart is directly related to unconditional self-love and self-worth, and how the pitfalls of the physical walk can literally create havoc for an Initiate. He shares insights on how to not get caught up in the drama of the 3rd dimensional world.

MASTER DJWHAL KHUL:  Talks about how the Inner Child Syndrome can be a deterrent to an Initiate unless they learn how to parent their Inner Self through the energetics of Unconditional Love as given forth by the Solar Angel, Higher Self and I Am Presence.

MASTER JOSHUA STONE: Discussing how important the 21-Day Program for Unconditional Self-Love and Self-Worth is to totally heal the psychological self. He will briefly be speaking about a few of the points of his 21-day program along with giving the reasoning of how it affects the Three-Fold Flame within your Sacred Heart. These points are Owning Your Personal Power; Learning the two levels of Unconditional Self-Love and Self-Worth, Learning to Feel Good About Yourself; Learning everything in life is a Lesson; Learning how to be your own personal Alchemist.

COSMIC MASTER VYWAMUS: Gives a discussion of the effects of increasing the Light Quotient within the four-body (physical, etheric, emotional, mental); what happens, when the higher light energies should occur, and how to be vigilant within your practice.

CLASS DESCRIPTION: Becoming the Sacred Chamber of the Heart represents the Three-Fold Flame to be fully acknowledged by the Initiate. Many individuals may not realize how important it is to fully become One within their Sacred Heart due to life experiences.

This class is going to address how to hold those higher light frequencies for a longer period of time by fully acknowledging what is not represented within the Three-Fold Flame. The important elements is to allow the essence of Unconditional Self-Love and Self-Worth to be fully embraced, remembered, and acknowledged no matter what the circumstances or the feelings that are erupting within the physical consciousness. This teaching is about awareness and how to pinpoint those elements that need to be healed so that the Initiate can fully Become the Sacred Chamber of the Heart.

In this class there is a question answer discussion so participants can get a better personal understanding of how they individually bring forth these energies with Lord Saint Germain. Immediately following we take an etheric journey to travel to the City of Telos with Lord Adama to receive Divine Language Network Light Attunements. We also travel to Master Djwhal Khul’s Ashram of Love and Wisdom on the Innerplane Level along with Lord Melchizedek’s Golden Chamber in the 24th Dimensional Frequency to receive light attunements of Unconditional Self-Love and Self Worth with Cosmic Master Vywamus.


Ascension Mastery Message for the Festival of Lights of August in 2018 with Master Djwhal Khul. Channeled Transmission by Rev. Christine Meleriessee of Walking Terra Christa.

We are now arriving at the cycle of the Pisces Moon within the Virgo Sun. This alignment occurs on Sunday, August 26th at 4:46 AM Pacific, 7:46 AM Eastern and 11:46 GMT.

As we step into the full moon energies of August, it brings to us a blessing of what we have been challenged to face through the previous cycles since the June Solstice. The issues that each of us has had to experience only makes us stronger to continue walking within the light and not towards it as we become that Light of our I Am Presence. It is being called the Rewarding Light as shown by a kite high in the sky which is very prevalent of the Rays of God to be our guiding force to the New Earth [learn more about the Rays of God].

This cycle is represented by the Sun of Virgo giving us stability within the physical self while the Moon of Pisces allows for the effervescent flowing of our Spiritual Self to guide the physical walk upon this earth. The physical body is being presented by the Masculine energies who is now accepting the Feminine essence to become one within our consciousness. We must we allow this alignment to give to us its highest potential in order to truly become One within our Higher Self and then, the I Am Presence. Once again the Spiritual Meaning of this Festival calls us higher.

We must always reflect upon the energies of our past experiences, so it is important to realize within yourself the walk you have taken since the June Solstice.

What challenges were you faced with and how did you handle them?

This is a very important question to ponder as we cannot move forward without the beauty of seeing how we were able to get through the deepest movements of sadness, grief, separation, and walking through these experiences that have been a part of our old self that has died; this has been  necessary in order to experience the soul being reborn in a new a different manner.

Virgo represents opening up the doorway to acknowledging all of our puzzle pieces including our dysfunctional self. It’s what makes us the person that we are, but with the Moon in Pisces we have the opportunity to define our world with our Higher Self, the Multi-Dimensional Essence that we are as the I AM Presence.

Now this is not an easy process; we don’t just become our I Am Presence by stating that it will be within us. We have to take the time to truly embrace the energetic exchange through all of our chakras and body parts. The higher consciousness must feel the full effects of the Divine Self in order to really become an integral part of the true reality within our Physical Consciousness.

We are a very complicated species that desires to feel and exhibit love, but yet we come to this Earth very fragmented and unsure of ourselves. It is all by design that we have arrived on this magnificent planet as it is important to realize for each of us individually how we are going to define our life; by, the Lower Self or the Higher Self.

The transitions of the planets in the last three months have been tremendous. It has caused much upheaval in our world, and rightly so. We are in the year of Mastery and walking into this alignment means that what does not fit mastery must be revealed within each of us individually, along with the Earth’s Consciousness.

If you can recall how you were feeling during the Eclipses in July and August and what transitions you experienced, you may see within yourself how this cycle is truly helping you to see yourself in a completely different way than you ever have before.

Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos, always shares with us that “Reflection” is the only way that we can perceive within ourselves how to move forward. If we don’t acknowledge our challenges, then we cannot accept our accomplishments that occur from that experience.

This moon cycle is helping each of us to find the Missing Puzzle Piece from the multi-dimensional self that has been lost, not the physical puzzle piece that has been showing itself. That part of you can be healed through this cycle in a new and different way. But, it is up to you to truly step into your own destiny of allowing your I AM Presence to guide you in a new and different way.

It is through the dynamics of sound and vibration; not created by any physical person because when you listen to those sounds you are receiving their light vibration, and not your own.

What is your vibratory sound within you?

Allow it to come to you in a new and different manner. It is right within your grasp ~ you may already be feeling it. All you have to do is let your voice be open, not to words but to the vibratory essence you are becoming. Take time to connect to the 144th dimension of the Unified Whole to receive your psychic protection with the Platinum Net (Lord Melchizedek, Lord Metatron, and the Mahatma), Purple/Violet Flame (Lady Portia), Gold Flame (Office of the Christ with Lord Buddha), and the Ring Pass Not (Archangel Michael). [Read more about why the Unified Whole is Important at this time.]

Then, by utilizing drumming, clapping, chanting, dancing and calling to Grandfather Sun with Grandmother Moon within the presence of Father Sky and Mother Earth to dance and sing with you, through the birds, through the calling of the lands, listening to the waters, and the sound of the fire crackling creating new worlds, as the Earth grows and becomes integrated with all the sounds of nature and humanity.

State Master Djwhal Khul’s Mantra loud and wide for all of this earth to hear the vibratory light as we help to heal the earth together as One.

This process will allow each of us to connect more fully to the Effervescent Light of the Rays of God as we become One within our I Am Presence, to connect to the Creative Source of Oneness.

This cycle represents a celebration of how far each of us as come, a reunion of a new part of the soul to be revealed within each of us. It brings forth the promise for renewal and true abundance to be experienced, but it is up to each of us, individually, to step into this new awareness of ourselves. Gaia cannot do it alone, so as we connect for the Moon cycle of Virgo/Pisces throughout the next two weeks until the new moon appears in September, we must know within ourselves that we are The Change That Will Create the New Earth.

In blessings of Love and Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee White Raven



Dearest Ones,

It is my pleasure to connect with each of you once again for another Festival of Lights celebration. This one in August is proving to be a very instrumental cycle as the events leading up to this time has proven to show us within the Spiritual Hierarchy how ready many of you are to experience the change within you.

We are still at a low rate of accuracy within the lightworker community as many individuals still are in a belief system that is not allowing them to purge their Lower Egos and realize the potential they have with the Higher Ego. We are still in great anticipation that the rest of this year [of Mastery] will help many individuals to realize the potential they hold within themselves as it is crucial for the transformation of the New Earth.

I want to offer my services of light to each of you, to be part of a journey that is so very important, but yet takes great courage to step into as an Initiate. Many of you have barely stepped into the initiations and may not realize that what you are going through is truly part of the grand plan of your Higher Self and I Am Presence. Many of you think that Lord Ashtar and the Christed Galactic’s are here to save you. All of these are untruths. We need to work together and Lord Ashtar is here to assist in that process, (please see our link to learn how to connect and work with Lord Ashtar more fully).

We need you to step into your own Divine Self, not the power of your Lower Ego, the power of your highest consciousness with the effervescent flowing of light that the Moon of Pisces is giving the Earth at this time. The feminine essence of this light is very apparent with the depth of healing that needs to occur. It comes in waves of light, of experiences that will flow through you and heal you in a deeper part of your existence that you have never known before.


This is what this moon represents this month.

Grounding the pure essence of your Higher Self more deeply within your emotional and mental bodies is the essential component. Do not fight it; allow the flowing nature within you to be purified in a way that your physical consciousness has never experienced before.

It is time, my friends. I employ you to listen to Lady Meleriessee’s words about this moon; connecting to each of us in the Unified Whole and then do your handy work with your I Am Presence. Do not worry about others around you, what they will hear, the Universe is calling out to you, let us know that you are ready to receive the divine dispensation of healing and prosperity in your world. Let us heal this earth together.

If you are grieving your past, let us help you. Your loved ones that have left before you desire to help you. They do not want to be held to the earth.

When you constantly cry over who has left you especially after six months and more, then you are pulling them back down to the earth. We do not want souls to be attached to the 4th dimensional reality as this is what will happen.

We open up the doorway unto the Clarion Temple of Oneness [read this excerpt about the Clarion Temple of Oneness] for all your loved ones to heal from their wounds along with each of you. Please take advantage of this gift. The more souls that come into Oneness, the better the earth will be to make her ascension to the 5th dimension. Presently, it is stuck between the 3rd and the 4th, but with your assistance we can do it together.

Please come to my ashram of the 2nd Ray of Love and Wisdom in your sleep state of the 2nd Ray of Love and Wisdom. Master Joshua Stone and myself will be happy to assist you. But you must call upon the Unified Whole energies first. This is very imperative.

The dark forces do not want you to step into your I Am Presence power; they want you to be stuck; and Lord Ashtar is battling these energies each moment to help Gaia make her transition to Terra Christa.

This moon is a perfect opportunity to allow a new pathway of light to be opened for each of you and each of us within the Spiritual Hierarchy of Light.

We hope you will join us.

Blessings for a miraculous journey.

I Am Master Djwhal Khul at your service.

Walking Terra Christa’s Festival of Lights Ceremony for July 2018 with Master Djwhal Khul and the Native Elders is free to listen to and receive these essential Ascension energies. You may listen and download at the link along with other audio recordings.

Other important resources:

ASCEND EARTH ~ CREATE HEALING LIGHT FOR GAIA – Join Walking Terra Christa in this special project to help bring more healing light to the planet and humanity by creating Ascension Columns around the Earth with the assistance of the Unified Whole Galactic and Agartha Alliance. To learn more please use the link.



Ascension Mastery Message for the Festival of Light of June in 2018 with Master Djwhal Khul. Channeled Transmission by Rev. Christine Meleriessee of Walking Terra Christa.

We have now arrived at the cycle of the Capricorn Moon within the Cancer Sun. This alignment occurs on Wednesday, June 27th at 9:53 PM Pacific, and Thursday, June 28, 2018, at 12:53 AM Eastern and 04:53 GMT.

This full moon brings to us the polarity of the integration of Divine Love to be held within the Physical Self. Cancer represents unconditional love, nurturing, taking care of our physical bodies and our origin. Capricorn persuades us to consider our responsibilities, to be grown up and responsible, while representing the goal that is desired.

Through this integrative movement our physical self is being blessed by the Sun of Cancer with not only the qualities of nurturing and blessing our walk upon this earth, but to be able to start to accept that the Masculine Self is bringing forth the focus so that the goal can be achieved through the Capricorn Moon. It is a blending of both the feminine and masculine as Capricorn could be conceived as a masculine essence with Cancer as the feminine energy. The Moon of Capricorn is giving to the Sun of Cancer so that both polarities to come into Oneness.

Let’s think about that for a moment. We know that the masculine self is the one that brings forth the ideas to be acted upon. So the Capricorn Moon (representing Feminine Energies) is presenting the goal and the challenge to be responsible but yet it is the Moon that represents the Feminine Self as the sign of Capricorn is truly part of the masculine energies.

As this alignment occurs, the Sun (representing the Masculine energies) of Cancer is bringing forth the Feminine essence of this sign to be nurturing, loving, and holding unto what we know is our truth of the physical pathway.

As you can see, both Capricorn and Cancer are being represented by both qualities of the Alpha Omega within this present alignment.

Both Cancer and Capricorn are working together so that each of us as the physical self can allow Capricorn to show us how to focus and be very diligent of what we desire to uphold in our life; whereas, Cancer is allowing for the nurturing to occur, to receive the ideas from the masculine while being able to initiate the desired outcome to become a reality.

Both Capricorn and Cancer are working together within each of us to be able to perceive the goal (from the Higher Self or Higher Mind) into our physical reality so that then we can change our foundation to match what the Higher Self is delivering to us in order to act upon the change that needs to occur. Both Capricorn and Cancer have powerful qualities and then not so desiring aspects. This means that this integration of the Sun and the Moon are blending together to work as one unit and not separately.

This moon is so much in alignment with the Solstice energies as we received blessings from Helios and Vesta to bring forth illumination and truth through activating the Alpha Omega. This is another step in allowing the Masculine/Feminine Essence to become more of a reality within our consciousness.

It is a time to fully allow the Higher Mind to bring Illumination into the Physical Consciousness to change the way we have been thinking and acting in our world so as to align with Divine Love and Divine Truth.

What can happen through this process is that the physical consciousness can be so rooted in the outmoded ways of experiencing life, that the chance can be missed to make major changes within our consciousness. All thoughts are projected through the Subconscious Mind and then filtered within the Physical Consciousness. If we, as Initiates, and Souls upon this earth, look to the changes that are happening, then the transition will be much easier than we previously thought.

Cancer represents dependence and Capricorn relating to independence. We cannot have it one way. So the integration of the Moon with the Sun is a perfect alignment for each person to acknowledge within themselves that the change needs to occur. This means that the masculine self only gives advice while the feminine self acts upon that advice. This is not something that we consciously think about; it becomes an automatic process. The main element is to allow the positive thought process to occur from the Masculine Self so that the energetic exchange within the Feminine Self accepts the information and fully acts upon it.

We are in the stage of the Alpha and Omega to become more aligned within our consciousness more than we realize. Take time to connect with this moon, allow the focus you desire to have to be embraced by the Divine Love of your Higher Self and into the Physical Self. This will assist you to change the foundation of the old self into a new reality as this alignment will occur within you and upon the earth.



Greetings My Dearest Beloveds,

I am Master Djwhal Khul at your service rendering a message of light and love about the Full Moon in June 2018.

As we enter this cycle, it brings to mind the energetic exchanges that have occurred for this year and the Wesak Energies. The Solstice of June was truly magnificent with Light Infractions entering the earth through the assistance of Helios and Vesta, our Solar Great Central Sun.

What the Capricorn moon will do for the Cancer Sun within Gaia is beyond what I can truly share with you as it will be part of your soul’s light coming into fruition of the physical consciousness if you allow it to be so. The integration of these energies is quite different than some of the others you have experienced due to what has already occurred within the planet and how each person is going to accept or deny their Divine Truth to be revealed to them.

It is a pivotal point in time in which all elements are coming into alignment to allow for the continuation of the journey in the following months. Whatever you have hoped to achieve at this point (being the middle point of the year) can be realized for you if you allow it to happen at the Will and Love of your own Divine Essence to be acknowledged within you.

Many of you have been quite challenged by the Solstice energies which is not a surprise. On a physical level these energies have been quite invasive in order to create more of an alignment within each person’s consciousness to connect with the balance of All That Is to be realized on a personal level.

The intensity of this moon is another step to allow for the entranceway of more connection of the Feminine-Masculine selves to start to work within each other instead of separately. There can be great moments of revelation has you learn to let the Illumination of the Alpha to assist you in the Divine Truth of the Omega.

Capricorn and Cancer are working together to bring forth these essences within your consciousness to help you accelerate more and achieve a balance within your physical self, and four body system.

The best advice I can give you is to take time with your breath into the silence and allow your Higher Self to guide you every step of the way. Take time to truly feel the energies around you without being so physical. Become One with the Prana Breath to allow your Higher Self and I Am Presence to assist you on a deeper level. Allow these light energies you are feeling to shift and change the old concepts within you that no longer need to be acknowledged. Learn to surrender to that moment and feel the divine bliss that is actually available for you to experience.

Then, the essences of this moon will work with you and not against you. Do not fight the energies; flow within them. Allow what you are experiencing to be a state of grace instead of fighting to be so physical in your consciousness. It is a time of great illumination and truth so that you can see exactly what it is you need to be accomplishing. Start it first through the higher essence you are and allow it to filter downwards into your physical self. Ground the energies and then walk with them.

Allowing yourself to be activated in this way will be the start of the greatest transition that you could experience.

In blessings of love and light, I Am Master Djwhal Khul, Ray Chohan of the 2nd Flame of Love and Wisdom

Walking Terra Christa’s audio recording of the global Festival of Light for the Full Moon with Master Djwhal Khul and the Native Energies is available here

Other important resources:

ASCEND EARTH ~ CREATE HEALING LIGHT FOR GAIA – Join Walking Terra Christa in this special project to help bring more healing light to the planet and humanity by creating Ascension Columns around the Earth with the assistance of the Unified Whole Galactic and Agartha Alliance. To learn more please use the link.

P.S. It is not coincidental that the ROYAL TETON RETREAT of the ASCENDED MASTERS opens for healing twice a year just before the Solstice. Please use the extra dispensations offered for the remainder of the 30 day window to best assist your soul’s growth with these energies. Details about this spiritual practice are at the link including information on a special class and meditation to learn how best to go about it.


The Forces of Reconstruction with the Festival of Humanity ~ Full Moon May 29th, 2018 Festival of Lights ~ Master Djwhal Khul

Ascension Mastery Message for the Festival of Humanity-Goodwill, Full Moon of Sagittarius in Sun of Gemini for May 29th, 2018. Channeled transmission by Rev. Christine Meleriessee of Walking Terra Christa. 

We have now arrived into the movement of the Festival of Humanity-Goodwill which falls in Sagittarius within the sun of Gemini. This occurred on May 29th, 2018 at 7:20 AM Pacific, 10:20 AM Eastern, and 14:20 GMT.

Master Djwhal Khul’s Keynote for this Celestial Energy:


We are now in the cycle of the Festival of Humanity or Goodwill which means that the ascension energies we have experienced through the Festivals of the Christ and Wesak now become a direct focus in our physical walk upon the Earth. It represents the Force of Reconstruction allowing all that we have arisen to during Wesak to now become our pure consciousness. Even though the full moon occurred on May 29th we will still be in this cycle for the next month so understanding the energies that are happening can be very beneficial to our soul’s development.

We, as Initiates, have overcome the adversities of our past to hold within ourselves the new part of our reality to become concrete and fixed within our full consciousness.

This festival represents the effects in human consciousness of the work of Lord Buddha, our Planetary Logos, with Lord Maitreya and Lord Kuthumi representing the Office of the Christ, and with Lord Sananda bringing forth the Christ Consciousness within the planetary structure. It is also been recognized as World Invocation Day.

It is no mistake that this full moon of Sagittarius represented the Higher Mind while the Sun of Gemini brings forth the Lower or Physical Mind. It is a time to allow the Spiritual Self to blend within the Mental realm so that decisions and life struggles can be approached through the Higher Self and not the Physical Consciousness. As each of us strives to bring forth these changes within us, it is imperative to realize the challenges can arise that may try to stop the individual from fully acting upon their spiritual essence.

This means that at this full moon cycle, each of us has been given an opportunity to look at elements within our life from a higher purpose. It does not mean we have to stay stuck in the old energies but are being given an opportunity to grow in a new direction to assist not only our individuality but humanity as well.

Learning to understand what our Fixed Design is allowing our soul to accept a new and important part of the new reality. Fixed Design represents our contract as a soul in this lifetime, the promise that we made before we came into physical incarnation.

Every year we bring forth new parts of our Fixed Design as the transition of our Higher Self becomes an integral part of our reality during the time of Wesak.

This process is allowing the old self to die away in order for the new realization to come into our consciousness. It can be as simple as how we think about ourselves when we are challenged, or what substantiates our self-empowerment. When we step into the resurrection phase that occurred during the Festival of the Christ, then we clear away the debris in order for the new particle that we need to accept as we did during the Festival of Wesak. Now, we rebuild our four-body system (Physical, Etheric, Emotional, and Mental) with that new essence that represents what our soul desires to hold within our consciousness.

“What we do for ourselves, we do for others.”

This is so very true of this cycle with the Festival of Humanity being the key focus.

This means we now have a grand opportunity to step through many doorways that previously have seemed like it was not possible or yet, we did not see those opportunities knocking at the door that needed to be opened.

The Festival of Goodwill and Humanity brings to the Earth the following steps through utilizing each of the Seven Rays of God:

  • Blue Flame, the Ray of Will and Power, Ray Chohan Master El Morya: The Power of Will is given to the Disciples and Initiates so they can direct efficiently and wisely the processing of rebuilding.
  • Golden Yellow Flame, the Ray of Love and Wisdom, Ray Chohans Master Djwhal Khul and Master Joshua Stone: The Will to Love will stimulate the element of Good Will to gradually overcome the lower mental elements that inhibit humanity;
  • Pink Flame, the Ray of Creative and Active Intelligence, Ray Chohan Master Paul the Venetian with Master Serapis Bey: The Will to Action will allow for the movement of Love and Adoration to lay the foundation for a new and better world;
  • Crystalline Flame, the Ray of Harmony and Balance through Conflict, Ray Chohan Master Serapis Bey with Master Paul the Venetian: The Will to Cooperate will steadily increase as all souls will desire and demand right human relationships as a natural way of life.
  • Green Golden White Flame, The Ray of the Science of the Divine Mind, Ray Chohan Master Hilarion: The Will to Know and To Think Correctly and Creatively will become a focus of the masses as knowledge is the first step towards wisdom.
  • Ruby-Red Golden Flame, The Ray of Inner Devotion, Ray Chohan Lady Master Nada: The Will to Persist will become a human characteristic to assist all souls to realize the potential within themselves that their spiritual self is most important to embrace and love;
  • Violet-Purple Flame; The Ray of Ceremonial Magic and Structure, Ray Chohan Lady Master Portia: The Will to Organize will bring forth to build a foundation that will be carried forth under the direct inspiration of the Spiritual Hierarchy as each Initiate learns that they are a part of a core group of light for this Earth.
[Please note that the Ray Chohans for the 3rd and 4th ray are now allowing their energies to oversee both of these rays (Master Paul the Venetian and Master Serapis Bey). There has been an upgrade in the Ascended Masters and the work they are doing through the Spiritual Hierarchy that occurred during this Wesak 2018. We will share more information in another writing very soon.]

As we realize within our own consciousness of what we are desiring to achieve, this cycle assists in allowing the transformation to occur within our lives. We are restoring what we desired to achieve in our true reality. This process does not stop through this cycle, but it will continue throughout the year.

That is why this full moon is so very important to our development and growth as a Higher Being of Light coming into full realization upon this Earth. It does not matter what stage of your development you are achieving, each soul at this time is going through this process of re-ordering our physical consciousness into a better and more evolved source of God’s Light within us.

The challenge of this cycle is not to allow the Lower Mind to stop the process of the Higher Mind, or Spiritual Self to help you become more integrated within your spiritual essence. It is important to constantly affirm within yourself what tools you need to do in order for your Higher Self to become more interactive within your physical world. As you do so, the reality that you see will be more joyful and infused within the qualities you desire to hold in your consciousness.

Master Djwhal Khul’s Keynote for this month:


Greetings My Dearest Ones,

I Am Master Djwhal Khul with a very special message of Divine Love. As I represent the second Flame of Love and Wisdom it is important to realize that this flame will assist you to move from the old self into the new by allowing the light infractions of the Golden Yellow to warm up the aspects within you that have been blocked within you. They have infringed upon your ability to see the entire picture of what your Higher Self sees within you.

This year of 2018 has been absolutely amazing for acceleration and awakening within the planet. The Rainbow Arcs of Light are still continuing their journey bringing forth more light infractions of all of the 330 Rays of God to be imbued into all of the physical creation upon the Earth during each full moon cycle. This means that each of you are also receiving these light energies at any given moment of time.

The Festival of Humanity/Goodwill for 2018 is magnificent as we are seeing more souls awakening into a new part of their existence that was not being shown to them before. Their eyes have been closed or just not able to open properly but we are seeing so many souls looking at themselves in a different manner than they have been doing. The journey of these individuals is not easy as we all know that the road to enlightenment can be strewn with great adversity as your four-body system becomes more aligned to what your consciousness desires to bring into full reality.

This means that Gaia and all of her inhabitants are readying themselves for the growth process that each of these souls have desired to occur and wished upon themselves the gift of healing for their physical bodies. This last Ascension Festival of the Spring (in the Northern Hemisphere) is now readying itself to grow the seeds that have been planted so they can blossom throughout the summer months.

It is at this anticipated time that what you have desired to occur, can be a reality with the intention to work through the debris that has kept you in bondage for many eons of time. The full transition has arrived for many individuals. We are still at a low percentage, but we see, as the Spiritual Hierarchy, that Humanity is growing in the relation of the 20% ratio. This is huge as previously up to this time it was not happening.

What is occurring in the majority of the individuals is a new awareness will come over them. It may not be Ascension Mastery, but it will be a spark of remembrance that says “This is what I must do for myself, and only myself.”

This means that the element of Fixed Design that we concentrate upon for Wesak of 2018 is opening up a doorway for souls to realize within themselves what Fixed Design represents for their reality and then, in turn, it will be projected out into the world and into Gaia’s core.

The best advice I can give is to work with the Seven Rays of God, learn to call upon the Ray Chohans or the Ray energy itself, breathe them in, and allow your four-body to receive the light infractions that they impart to the Earth. Give yourself intentions every day of what you want to become in your life and the road will be paved wide-open. Don’t worry about what you do not understand, those elements will come to you when you are ready. Just be open to walk with an open heart, learn to be vulnerable, and heal yourselves deeply.

All of these actions will help to create the New Earth. We are a long way to opening up that doorway into this earth, but doing what you are presently, will help bring forth more stability into a world that at times feels very unsafe and uncertain. This will be accessing your Divine Love, Divine Wisdom (that you will gain), in order to access your Divine Power.

Project your faith with the Rays of God and we shall be there to assist you.

In deep blessings,

I Am Master Djwhal Khul, at your service.

Integrative Channel: Rev. Christine Meleriessee Heliohah

Walking Terra Christa’s Spiritual Ascension Mastery Ceremony for the Festival of the Humanity-Goodwill was on Wednesday, May 30th, 2018. (If you are not tracking these teaching on your calendar so that you may attend as they happen, you may do so through this link and then using the + sign in the lower right corner of the calendar).

The meditation attunement journey was guided by Master Djwhal Khul to the Temple of the I AM in Shamballa, Wesak Valley. We were gifted with the energies of the Office of the Christ with Lord Maitreya and Kuthumi, Lord Sananda, and Lord Buddha. You may listen to the recording of this ceremony throughout the month as it will assist you to access the Divine Light Energies of your Fixed Design. Please click this link: Recording for Festival of Humanity-Goodwill.

(Please share this article with others. Also, if you find these teachings and energies of benefit please take a moment to support our efforts).

The Light of Wesak ~ April 29th, 2018 Festival of Lights ~ Master Djwhal Khul

Ascension Mastery Message for the Wesak Festival of Lights Full Moon of Scorpio in Sun of Taurus. Channeled transmission by Rev. Christine Meleriessee of Walking Terra Christa. 

We have now arrived into the movement of the Wesak Moon which falls in Scorpio within the sun of Taurus. This occurs on April 29th, 2018 at 5:58 PM Pacific, 8:58 PM Eastern, and 12:58 GMT.

Master Djwhal Khul’s Keynote for April 29th:

I now open my eyes to see the Old Self dying away to make room for the Wesak Light shining upon me.

The Sun of Taurus represents the grounding force of the Earth in relation to material possessions, security, and everything connected to physicality whereas the Moon of Scorpio is about destruction of those forms to bring about transformation. Taurus is about our physical consciousness and Scorpio brings forth the Spiritual Consciousness of the Higher Self.

This is so very appropriate for the energies of Wesak as it represents a time of Resurrection (begun with the Festival of the Christ, March 31st Full Moon) as we allow for the Re-Birth to occur in our consciousness and lives. This is when we start to access new parts of ourselves so that we can stand on a new level of understanding as the Spiritual Self becomes more involved within the physical walk upon this Earth.

This moon represents Transformation as it is allowing for the ideas that have been formulating within our higher consciousness to become more of a reality.

It is a perfect occurrence with the spiritual understanding of what Wesak represents for all of humanity. It is a time to allow the old consciousness to be broken apart in order to see and feel for the first time, a new order to be realized within an individual’s life.

It is now time to share outside of ourselves what has been building up for quite some time. It also brings forth a sense of stability within the planetary alignment. The inner work that you have been doing can now come to a state of fruition. It is a time to stand at the next level of your acceleration and accept that you have traveled far to reach a new space within your foundation. It is a time of illumination of what you have achieved.

It is very exciting to see that the planetary phases of this cycle are so representative of the Wesak energies. Each year we come to this point where Wesak represents standing with each of the Ascended Masters in Shamballa to be in ceremony for what we have achieved and receiving assistance with continuing our journey with a new sense of honor within ourselves.

This moon cycle is supporting those energies in a new and different way. It is a time to allow the Emotional Body to become more balanced and focused bringing forth the Feminine Divine in a new and completely different way of existence.

As this year is representing Mastery 2 ­- 0 -­ 1 -­ 8 adds up to “11”, this Moon of Wesak is truly assisting each individual to come into a space of “we have arrived”.  The challenges that every person has experienced since the beginning of this year is now being rewarded energetically. This cycle is showing us that success can now be realized through the determination that we have incorporated within our lives.

Each of the moon phases are part of this present cycle as they have helped us to truly “step up to the plate” so to speak. Every soul has been challenged in many different ways, but yet at this time, it is important to look at what you have achieved and allow the feeling of success to become a concrete part of your reality. The process of grieving the old emotional trauma is an important element to embrace. In fact, it is an essential component of allowing the Rebirth experience to occur.

As we move into the Wesak energies, it is reflective of how we are pushed energetically into a new sense of ourselves. The Heart of God is shining upon the planet bringing forth the next stage of acceleration to each of us with compassion, love, and understanding that we have traveled far to get to this space of understanding within ourselves. We now stand with the Forces of Light, the Brotherhood/Sisterhood of White Light, as we aspire within ourselves to accept a new part of our divinity to be our Divine Truth.

This is different for each person depending upon where they are in their spiritual development but not one soul is left out of this equation. It does not matter if they are awakened or enlightened. The important element is to realize that our soul, our light essence, can now be enhanced further in the development of our walk upon the Earth.

It is a time when we are given the opportunity to become our Buddhic Self as this moon cycle is truly assisting in this endeavor.  

As teachers of Mastery, we have seen our students transform elements in the last month that were hidden from view previously. The work we are doing with the higher accelerations within our classes are truly assisted individuals to rise above their difficulties and step into a new part of reality within themselves. I believe this is part of what is being provided to us by the Spiritual Hierarchy of the Unified Whole as it is a time of all Beings to come together in Love and Harmony.

The Festival of the Christ was so very powerful to allow this exchange of energy to occur. We truly have been gifted this year by the miraculous energies that we are experiencing. It has been a time of Death and Rebirth, but we are being assisted tremendously with Love to be able to move through the dying of the Old Self. It is an essential process in order to accept the Higher Consciousness, Higher Self and Higher Mind to be the focal point within an Initiate’s pathway. It cannot be achieved in any other way.

The Rainbow Arcs of Light through the Great Central Suns of the Solar, Universal, Multi-Universal, and Cosmic which ignited into the planet during the Equinox is bringing forth the Solar Flares and powerful energies to help each person on this planet to move into a new state of existence. It is continuing every day around the world to assist in the acceleration of Gaia and each of us planted upon her lands.

Additionally, the Ray of the Divine Mind or known as the Science of God within the Green-Golden-White Flame is now being initiated into the core of Gaia which is a huge movement for this planet. This ray represents Divine Truth with the ability to allow the invocation of Concentration and Consecration to assist an individual’s pathway of light to release the Harmony of the Spheres to be experienced. This will happen on the Full Moon of Wesak which means the Divine Mind of every soul can be accessed through the exchange of these energies. It is very exciting as now all the Seven Flames or Rays of God have been initiated into the planet, and we know that is another reason why we are experiencing such powerful surges of light.

To take full advantage of these energies we suggest being in ceremony during this Full Moon of Wesak as the incoming energies will assist to bring forth the balance and desired rebirthing experience. Give forth intentions to the Spiritual Hierarchy with in the Unified Whole Command to assist you to incorporate the next level of acceleration that you desire to hold within your life and your consciousness. Walking Terra Christa offers a three-hour ceremony on April 29th, 2018 at 9 AM Pacific. Please click the link to learn how to join us LIVE or listen in our own time frame via the event audio recording.

The WESAK event is considered the most sacred annual festival for the innerplane Ascended Masters. The transmitted energies and blessings are the Highest of the Year for all who attend which is directly in the tradition of Master (Dr.) Joshua David Stone who popularized the Sacred Spiritual Wesak Ceremony in Mount Shasta starting in the 90’s. Reverend Meleriessee and Reverend Aranathanara are in a direct succession of those energies as Rev. Meleriessee was ordained through Dr. Stone in 2003 under the Melchizedek Light Synthesis Academy/ULC and she then officiated for Rev. Ara in 2014 here in Mount Shasta.

In keeping with this 23 year long “tradition”, the Spiritual Wesak Ceremony is still conducted upon the geographical area of Mount Shasta as she holds the attention as the Ascension Capital of Earth. It is available worldwide for those who desire to attend LIVE via global online audio conferencing, or the AUDIO ceremony can be used afterwards in your own location to connect to the Divine Energies of Light.   

Master Djwhal Khul’s Message for Wesak:

Greetings My Dearest Beloveds,

It is my pleasure to connect with each of you at this very auspicious time of Wesak. I come to you within the essence of Master Djwhal Khul, Ray Chohan for the Ray of Love and Wisdom.

It is a very powerful time, and I know it seems as if this is the mantra of this year. The energetics of the planetary systems are truly coming into alignment to allow for more accelerated energies to assist each of you to come into a new space of understanding. It is imperative that no one stands still at this time. Evolution is occurring and if a soul does not allow themselves to grow and be all they can be, then they will get lost in the confusion of this movement.

This Wesak brings to you, of the Planetary Level, and each of us within the Higher Realms of Light, a grand opportunity to move further into the development of our consciousness to become One Reality of Light.

There is a wave of excitement and anticipation as each of us is readying for this grand event. This year has proved to be one of information and openness as many people upon the planet are realizing that things cannot go one the way it has been. The integration of the Divine Feminine must be realized but within this process the Divine Masculine must also be part of the equation.

The masculine energy of the planet has been so strong that the feminine essence has not had the time to show her power. Instead she has been kept in silence or behind closed doors. Many times, in the history of this planet the feminine essence spoke aloud and showed their voices, but yet the masculine was always the more controlling agent in the equation.

It is at this time that the masculine essence is realizing that healing must occur in order for the feminine to be the initiator of the energies. We are seeing this in many men across the globe; there is great healing that is occurring because of the onset of these energies everyone is feeling.

This Wesak represents the Feminine and the Masculine Divine coming more fully into alignment. They are looking at one another and realizing that they truly did not know each other, but just assumed that everything was fine the way that it was. Everyone on the planet knows differently know.

The moon of Scorpio in the Sun of Taurus is truly a meeting of the Feminine (Scorpio-Moon Essence) and the Masculine (Taurus-Sun Essence). They are coming together to bring elements into balance – they look at one another and see aspects that are reflective and others that are different. It is a time to truly accept differences and alignments to occur so that harmony can be the defining factor.

This is exactly where the current energies are coming into alliance. It is a meeting of the Higher Minds with the Higher Hearts to allow for a communication to exist. The death of the old must die in order to survive in these higher frequencies of light as they represent the alliance of the Masculine and Feminine.

As the Rainbow Arcs of Light are coming into the planet, it is bringing forth this alliance that is in balance, so it causes individuals to act accordingly to that entrance of acceleration.

The Wesak Moon is the movement of a relationship to occur within each person that represents the Divine Love, Divine Power to be realized. All that you have experienced up to this point is bringing forth that alignment to become a reality within your own consciousness.

If you are an Initiate that is diligent about your pathway, this event of Wesak will assist you like no other event of the year. We all look forward to this time of the Taurus Moon as it allows each of us to be rewarded for our efforts of this year. Each of us within the Spiritual Hierarchy and each of you within the Planetary Ascension Process come together in unison to be supported and honored in a way that only can occur through the light infractions given to us by Divine Mother Father God.

I cannot say enough about this Wesak as it is all encompassing and powerful for each of us. I implore each of you to take time this Sunday on the 29th of April to experience the event of your life experience for 2018. I do not think that you will be disappointed as each of us are readying ourselves to walk with each of you.

In Divine Love,

I Am Master Djwhal Khul

Integrative Channel:  Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden

If you are interested in bringing in these higher spiritual energies during a ceremony, click here to read about the Walking Terra Christa Wesak Ceremony event (a global online or via audio recording* conference 3 hour ceremony of blessings, prayers, invocations and messages from the Ascended Masters) as was the format organized through Master (Dr.) Joshua David Stone. *Recording available after the event concludes.




Entering Into Transformation ~ March 31st Festival of Lights ~ Master Djwhal Khul

Ascension Mastery Message for the Festival of the Christ Full Moon of Libra in Sun of Aries. Channeled transmission by Rev. Christine Meleriessee of Walking Terra Christa. 

On March 31st, 2018 we arrive at the first Ascension Festival of Light, known as the Festival of the Christ. This festival represents Love, Resurrection, and Contact with the Spiritual Hierarchy. This Full Moon is in Libra within the Sun of Aries occurring at 5:37 AM Pacific, 8:37 AM Eastern, and 12:00 GMT.

Master Djwhal Khul’s Keynote for March 31st:

“I allow my Higher Mind to come forth to become one within my Physical Consciousness as I transform myself into the Light I Desire To Be.”

Lord Kuthumi with Lord Maitreya of the Office of the Christ bring forth the Divine Connection of the God Force through this first opening towards the Wesak energies. It represents the ability to fully see the darkness of energies within the Etheric Self in order to uphold the Divine Love that the God Force personifies representing the Higher Essence.

It is a time to truly make the necessary changes that are necessary to prepare for the next step of your journey as an Initiate.

Since the Equinox of March, the planet has been infused with huge light frequencies directed through the Great Central Suns of the Solar, Galactic, Universal, Multi-Universal, and Cosmic levels called the Rainbow Arcs of Light.

This light formation has brought forth massive amounts of higher light energies into the planet and within humanity. The Solar Storms and Flares that occur are directly assisting the earth even though many individuals may feel it is causing more harm. In fact, the Great Central Suns are assisting each of us on this pathway to move into higher levels of acceleration through our Light Bodies to be able to hold more frequency of light. There is no other way of experiencing these changes as the God Force as deemed it necessary at this time to increase the frequencies to assist in planetary ascension.

The reality of all of this is that the Inner Work must be done. This means that the Etheric Self is opening itself up to allow the light infractions to heal the many timelines and lifetimes it holds in its consciousness. It will directly affect the physical body in ways that our walking upon this earth must move into a higher dimensional frequency. Many individuals are going to be feeling this energy in many adverse ways. So it is imperative that each of us take responsibility for our own four-body systems so that we can accept the higher frequencies and not be physically ill or out of sorts emotionally and mentally.

The Rainbow Arcs of Light represent the 330 Rays of God that are directed through the Great Central Suns.

They are being infused within the Core of Gaia to assist her planetary ascension. This means that it is imperative for every Initiate to fully adhere to the first seven Rays of God in a more personal manner. This needs to be done through allowing the focus of the Seven Flames to enter the Antakaranah Bridge (coming from the 144th Dimension of Light via the I Am Presence and Monad) into the Soul Star so they can be emitted into the Central Canal of all the Chakras.

This will assist each Initiate’s Etheric Self to become more balanced, allowing for the transmutation of the elements held within the Etheric Body. It also will help with the cleansing process so that the other bodies of the Physical, Emotional, and Mental will be able to clean house so to speak.

The Seven Flames are representative by the Spectrums of Light and the characteristics it represents within our physical consciousness. There is a Ray Chohan, Elohim Masters (masculine and feminine) and Archangels (also masculine and feminine) for each ray. The flame is ignited through the Elders That Surround the Throne of Grace from the 49th dimensional frequency of light.

1st Ray of Will and Power within the Flame of Blue represents strength and courage, the Decision to Move forward with Master El Morya, Elohim Hercules and Amazonia, and Archangels Michael and Faith with the Elders Lord Alura and Lady Aluri directly aligns with the Throat Chakra.

2nd Ray of Love and Wisdom within the Flame of Golden Yellow brings forth illumination into the Lower Mind to allow the Higher Mind to be acknowledged, allows an individual to feel more Divine Love, Expansion of the Christ Light, allowing for Patience in all endeavors; with Masters Djwhal Khul and Joshua Stone, Elohim Apollo and Lumina and Archangels Jophiel and Christine with the Elders Lord Ralya and Lady Ralyio directly aligns with the Crown Chakra.

3rd Ray of Creative and Active Intelligence within the Flame of Deep Pink brings forth the power to create ideals to be manifested, having Perseverance, Mental Illumination, and the ability to produce through Love and Adoration; with Master Paul the Venetian, Elohim Heros and Amora and Archangels Chamuel and Charity with Elders Lord Seelea and Lady Seeleo directly aligns with the Heart Chakra.

4th Ray of Harmony and Balance Through Conflict within the Flame of Crystalline brings forth the ability to be very creative, representing balance and equilibrium through the doorway of resurrecting old elements that no longer serve the Initiate in their present consciousness; with Master Serapis Bey, Elohim Purity and Astrea and Archangels Gabriel and Hope with Elders Lord Estella and Lady Esteelo directly aligns with the Root Chakra.

5th Ray of Science of the Higher Mind within the Flame of Green/Golden-White brings forth the ability to understand ideas and perceptions from the Higher Self, not the Lower Mind, accessing the deeper ideas from the Higher Consciousness, allows for Divine Truth to be acknowledge through the Harmony of the Spheres within the action of Concentration and Consecration; with Master Hilarion, Elohim Cyclopea and Virginia, Archangels Raphael and Mother Mary with Elders Lord Zatheeah and Lady Zatheeia directly aligns with the Third Eye Chakra.

6th Ray of Inner Devotion and Spiritual Idealism within the Flame of Ruby Red/Gold brings forth  the learning process of devoting yourself to the cause of forgiving love and grace, representing strong spiritually-based ideals and being above to overcome the waters of emotional nature, accessing a deep strength leading to truth, tolerance, serenity and balance; with Lady Nada, Elohim Peace and Aloha and Archangels Uriel and Aurora with Elders Lord Astia and Lady Fratia directly aligns with the Solar Plexus Chakra.

7th Ray of Ceremonial Order and Discipline of Sacred Living within the Flame of Violet-Purple brings forth the ability to create a pathway of sacredness of Divine Structure, Grounding, having skill and precision to manifest the ability of being a personal alchemist; with Lady Portia, Elohim Arcturus and Victoria and Archangels Zadkiel and Amethyst with Elders Lord Teesian and Lady Teesio directly aligns with the Sacral Chakra.

It is advised through the God Force and Master Djwhal Khul that each initiate work with these energies to assist them through this period of great transformation (please see below for his message).

The Full Moon of Libra with Aries also presents the same criteria as what the Festival of the Christ brings to the Ascension Mastery Pathway. This moon is being called the Blue Moon of March as it is signifying the power of transformation to remove your fears and release them from the subconscious creating a more positive thought process. It is a Divine second chance to “double down” by going within using the Rays of God to bring Higher Spiritual healing instead of just being a passive recipient that gets buffeted about by these intense energies.

Aries represents the “self” while Libra represents the “other”. So there is a conflict of energies occurring during this cycle. Aries signifies self-assertion, whereas Libra brings forth the awareness of compromising and balancing relationships. Aries is reflective of the Physical Consciousness, or Lower Mind and Libra represents the Higher Consciousness, or the Higher Mind.

It is at this juncture that independence of the physical self is challenged in order for true harmony to result as the Higher Mind is the ruling energy towards transformation.

It is up to each individual person of whether they are going to allow their Spiritual Self to integrate and blend within the Physical Self. As stated earlier, the influx of these higher light energies is creating every soul upon the planet to stand up to their Higher Mind and allow the integration of planetary ascension to be the focal point in each lightworker’s pathway. Without it many will get swallowed up in the energies, will tend to complain, have issues with their lives, and not realizing that there is something that can be done.

This work can be very intense, but it is at this time that the God Force and the Creative Source of Oneness feel like it is now or never. It is a powerful time of acceleration and each of us is being assisted to walk as One with the Masters of the God Force.

Ascension Message from Master Djwhal Khul:

Greetings with Deep Love,

I Am Master Djwhal Khul sharing my essence at this most magnificent time of the Earth.

We, in the Spiritual Hierarchy, the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of White Light, are very excited about the upcoming energies into the Core of Gaia. It is a time of great anticipation and connection to each of you.

The Festival of the Christ with the combined energies of the Blue Moon of March 2018 is bringing forth more acceleration than any one of us could imagine. We are in a state of transformation that is unheralded like any other time we have experienced. With the integration of the Rainbow Arcs of Light, along with the present moon cycle humanity is being given quite a gift to heal in miraculous ways.

The Rainbow Arcs of Light are being more focused with the Festival of the Christ, so it helps individuals to realize the potential within themselves that change can occur. It is assisting many souls to wake up to these realizations of what transformation represents for them in a personal way. The intensity of these energies is already being felt by many lightworkers upon the earth. The main element we want to convey is that they are not here to be the end of all for the planet. In fact, they are here to wake up everyone’s four-body system so that these elements of debris within each soul can be released so that the full entryway of the Christed Self can occur within each individual that chooses to allow them to be part of their life experience.

Many souls may choose not to adhere to the guidelines that we share, but yet those of you that want to see more of their Light Body to be realized within themselves and step unto the Mastery Pathway on a deeper level must accept that change is inevitable. The planet cannot go on the way that it has presently. There is so much duality within and around the earth that it is causing each of us to be greatly concerned.

This year representing “Mastery” means that the alignments that will be occurring will come into position so that each soul is given the grand opportunity to step further into their own spiritual awareness. It is a time of great acceleration and we all know that it takes a lot of effort for the physical consciousness to grasp the energies while trying to understand the process they are going through.

The main element through all of this is that you will be affected physically, emotionally, and mentally due to the influctuation of the energies. It is important to work through your chakras and Etheric Self to remove the negative programming that has been instilled within your soul’s experience due to the many lifetimes and timelines that you have experienced. So many initiates need to realize that what they are experiencing is not about this lifetime but the multi-dimensional self that is trying to be realized within the process.

This full moon cycle with the Festival of the Christ is the perfect combination of energies that will allow an Initiate to be able to move through the transition of their transformation. The energies are heightened to a point of allowing the Soul’s Essence or Higher Self to become an integral part of the relationship of being human. It is also in preparation for the Festival of Wesak in which the Rainbow Arcs of Light with the first Seven Rays are now all being grounded into the Core of Gaia.

The focus is to take the time to truly allow yourself to heal through your emotional and mental bodies, of letting the Feminine and Masculine Divine become a more integral part of your reality. This is the first step in allowing the Higher Consciousness to become more concrete within your physical walk upon the Earth.

Allow each of us within the Spiritual Hierarchy to assist you through this process. We desire to be able to walk with each of you through this process of integration.

Namaste and Blessings,

Master Djwhal Khul

Integrative Channel: Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden

Note: To assist these cosmic (what many call solar wind and solar flare) energies to become Grounded in your own consciousness with the assistance of the Spiritual Ascended Masters, Walking Terra Christa conducts global audio conference spiritual gatherings online (or by phone) for all three of these festivals on a donation basis. Optional is a much deeper preparation for grounding these energies to create your higher dimensional construct by attending the Wesak 2-day Online Workshop – SIGN UP FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THE WORKSHOP HERE.

Walking Terra Christa will be holding a spiritual Ascension Mastery ceremony for the Festival of the Christ on Saturday, March 31st, 2018 at 10 AM Pacific, 1 PM Eastern (17:00 GMT). Click here for details on joining the online global audio event.

Feeling Higher Energy: Illumination of Light through the Office of the Christ ~ The Three Ascension Festivals of Light of 2018~ Master Djwhal Khul

The Three Ascension Festivals-2018 by Walking Terra Christa

Ascension Mastery Message for the upcoming Festivals The Christ, Wesak, and Humanity. Channeled transmission by Rev. Christine Meleriessee of Walking Terra Christa. 

We are now coming into the next three-month period of deep acceleration with the Festivals of the Christ, Wesak, and Humanity through the months of March, April and May in 2018. These energies help to set the stage for all initiates to fully step into the next phase of their initiation process.

As always, these three ascension festivals are the most important ceremonies for Ascension that occur during the year. They help each initiate to move forward in their pathway by realizing what needs to change in order to acquire the next higher level of stabilization of their light into the physical existence.

This year in 2018 the Rainbow Arcs of Light were initiated by the Great Central Suns of the Solar, Galactic, Universal and Multi-Universal dimensions during the March Equinox.

This means that these higher frequencies of light are being infused upon the planet to assist humanity to become more aligned with the higher realms of light; in fact, many will be able to acquire more healing and balance within their four-body system as long as they adhere to their Higher Consciousness to be their guide. This upsurge of light that is being infused within Gaia is going to be the start of the higher forces of light to be more integral within planetary awareness and is the beginning of setting up the energies of Wesak 2018.

The Festival of the Christ falls on March 31, 2018 during the Full Moon in Sun Sign of Aires.

This festival is so very important. Not only is it the first event of the ascension festivals, but it is the starting point in which each initiate must take their own self inventory of what may be on the horizon in their pathway. This pathway includes not only being an initiate, but understanding what needs to be changed psychologically within themselves to help the process of walking into Mastery.

There are three keynotes that represent this festival. The first is the keynote of “Love”, the second is “Resurrection”, and the third is “Contact” with the Spiritual Hierarchy. It is an opening of a doorway to work more directly with the Office of the Christ. Lord Kuthumi holds the position within the Office of the Christa along with Lord Maitreya. Lord Kuthumi was previously the Chohan for the Second Ray of Love and Wisdom.

It is important for each Initiate to realize the potential they have within this festival to make the necessary changes to prepare for the next step, Wesak.

The Festival of Wesak occurs on the Full Moon of Taurus, April 29, 2018.

The focus of this Wesak Festival will be the Rainbow Arcs of Light to be more infused within the planet but will assist each Initiate to be able to access their ability to walk through the doorways of many challenges in order to find the connection and support of the Ascended Beings of Light.

During the Wesak Moon the planet receives the highest level of light. It is a living event based on current astrological cycles. It is the Festival of the Buddha, celebrating the anniversary of his birth, his attainment of Buddahood, and his ascension. He represents the embodiment of Light and Divine Purpose.

The purpose of Wesak is:

  • Allowing for a stronger energy exchange to humanity to help individuals to realize the importance of Love, Brotherhood, and Goodwill;
  • The fusion of all men and women of goodwill coming together to realize the ability to come into Oneness;
  • Then the movement of light through invocation and response from the Cosmic Beings will be received if these prior goals are achieved.

Wesak is a time of great renewal and celebration. It represents the “Force Of Enlightenment”. These energies are affected within our educational movements, values, literature, publishing, writers, and speakers on the entire planet. The power of these energies is so great that large groups of people gather around the world to participate in these energies.

Every individual upon the planet is affected by the Wesak energies; it assists initiates of all levels to move to another level of their initiation process so there can be times of great challenges that push each of us into a new aspect of our soul’s essence. It is a time to connect with others, share your gifts, love, and generosity of spirit.

All of the Ascended Masters and Beings of Light travel to Shamballa (located within the Inner Earth) to celebrate Lord Buddha and the entire God Force during this powerful time of light. It is important to fully take time to allow the energies to enfold within each person’s full body system, as it is an opportunity that should not be missed.

The Festival of Humanity (also known as World Invocation Day) occurs on the Full Moon in Gemini on May 29, 2018.

The Festival of the Spirit of Humanity aspires towards divinity, attunement to God’s Will and right human relationships. This is when we take the energies we have received from Wesak and put them into practice. It represents the effects in human consciousness of the work of all Masters but especially with Lord Buddha, Lord Maitreya, Lord Kuthumi, and Master Jeshua/Lord Sananda. It is also recognized as World Invocation Day.

The Force of Reconstruction is very prevalent during this festival. It represents the Blue Flame of Will and Power, the Will aspect of Divinity, that is directly connected with Shamballa. This depicts the qualities of the three forces of Restoration, Enlightenment, and Reconstruction that expresses the Light, Love, and Knowledge of God.

This is when we put to use what we have learned from the previous two festivals. Wesak pushes us into a new dimensional reality which needs to be grounded. Within the full moon of Gemini is when we start to put into practice what we have learned and share with the world.

To assist these energies to become Grounded in your own consciousness with the assistance of the Spiritual Ascended Masters, Walking Terra Christa conducts global audio conference spiritual gatherings online (or by phone) for all three of these festivals on a donation basis. Optional is a much deeper preparation for grounding these energies to create your higher dimensional construct by attending the Wesak 2-day Online Workshop (Friday April 27 and Saturday April 28. SIGN UP FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THE WORKSHOP HERE). More information on each Festival will be transmitted through Walking Terra Christa so you are kept informed.

Ascension Message from Mastery Djwhal Khul

Greetings and Namaste,

I Am Master Djwhal Khul sharing my essence with you in this moment about the Three Festivals of Wesak.

I consider these three festivals the most important of the entire year. The previous Festivals of Light that occur on each full moon bring forth the energetic exchange to be held within the planet so that the Wesak festivals can be more powerful and attuned with the higher realms of light.

It is my pleasure to announce that all of the seven Rays of God, of the Flames of Blue, Golden Yellow, Pink, Crystalline, Green-Golden-White, Ruby Red-Gold, and Violet-Purple are working within each other for planetary awareness. The 5th Ray of the Science of God will be infused within the Core of Gaia along with the others during the Wesak Moon. This ray has been lagging behind because of the intensity it can bring. It has been deemed appropriate by the God Force and the Creative Source of Oneness that it is now time to join the other flames to assist Planet Earth.

Please know that the percentage of the frequency of these rays will lie in the one to five percent ratio. Having too much of their igniting energies could cause disarray within the planet instead of assisting to create more higher light frequencies to occur.

These rays bring forth these characteristics and spectrums of light:

1st Ray of Will and Power within the Flame of Blue. It represents strength and courage, the ability to move forward.

2nd Ray of Love and Wisdom within the Flame of Golden Yellow. It brings forth Illumination into the Lower Mind to allow the Higher Mind to be heard more often; it allows an individual to feel more love coming from their Higher Self, the essence of God.

3rd Ray of Creation Actualization within the Flame of Deep Pink. This flame represents the ability to allow the Flame of Love and Adoration to be the guide for creating all elements of love, abundance, and right way of being and living to assist the Initiate in their pathway. It is the beginning steps of Alchemy.

4th Ray of Harmony and Balance Through Conflict within the Flame of Crystalline. This ray allows for the essence of purification to occur through Resurrection. It helps to make changes, break up lower thought forms in order to access harmonization while feeling the artistic effect within an individual’s life.

5th Ray of the Science of God or the Higher Mind within the Flame of Green Golden-White. This ray assists an initiate to feel the Harmony of the Spheres by the direct connection of their Higher Mind with the characteristics of Concentration and Consecration.

6th Ray of Inner Devotion within the Flame of Ruby Red-Gold. This is when an Initiate will truly feel peace, love and a sense of understanding. It is the ray of tranquil thoughts and emotions.

7th Ray of Ceremonial Structure within the Flame of Violet-Purple. Many understand that the Violet Fire is very transmuting and electrifying but it must be understood that it now includes the Purple Flame which allows the change to occur and be grounded.

As these flames are being grounded into the Core of Gaia, the Rainbow Arcs of Light projected through the Great Central Suns of the Solar-Galactic-Universal-Multi-Universal-Cosmic are able to bring the illumination and light represented by the higher frequencies of light through the 49th dimension representing the Office of the Christ and the God Force of Divine Mother Father God (Cosmic Great Central Sun). The Rainbow Arcs of Light represent the 300 Rays of God in one spectrum of frequency to assist in bringing forth a higher level of love and light that focuses upon the Higher Light Forces.

This means that there is more accessibility to allow these light infractions to become a real and concrete way of expressing oneself through their Divinity of Light as expressed through the I Am Presence. It also means that these light infractions will become very apparent in all aspects of planetary existence such as the Sun, Moon, planets, and inter-connections of all Universes to come into Oneness.

It is important to realize that each Initiate must work within these energies themselves to change their four-body system. Just because they are grounded into Gaia’s core does not mean that they will automatically make people change. Every individual needs to utilize these energies for themselves so that the world will change. You must remember that you are the conduits for change of this earth.

What this does mean though is that change is occurring. It is happening in small increments but with this Wesak coming upon all of us, we must all do our parts to allow it to become fully manifested.

In order for each Initiate to fully take advantage of this powerful event they must accept the responsibility of Mastery in their own life. This is not to be taken lightly but to be a guide to assist the planet into more awareness than is presently being experienced. So as the Initiates, it will be your job to do your best to make your personal changes through these accelerations.

Number 1 rule for this movement is to realize within yourself what needs to be changed as these energies will assist you to do so. Secondly, it takes great responsibility to know your actions, thoughts, and emotions and how they can affect others either in a positive level or a lower frequency. Every person upon this planet needs to uphold this rule so change can happen. Thirdly, it is imperative to realize that what you think you are doing may not be the right element in your life. The Lower Ego is very predominant amongst many lightworkers and until an individual truly delves into their own healing of the Etheric Self then this process of trying to step into the 5th dimensional construct will take many more years to achieve.

Having all these elements in place will assist each Initiate to feel the Rainbow Arcs of Light and then specifically, learn to work with each of the seven rays in a more concrete manner. They are essential to planetary ascension and will assist an Initiate to fully create their Three-Fold Personality through the Super-Conscious into the Conscious Mind, thereby, allowing Flame of Love-Wisdom-Power to be the only pathway of your mastery.

That is why the Great Central Suns with the God Force are coming into more planetary existence than has ever been experienced before on the earth.

Take time for the Festival of The Christ to allow the changes you need to make to be a reality in your world. Don’t hold back from anything or anyone as long as you have the Christed Light Within you. Allow it to shine, be one with it, and you will be able to make the necessary changes in your world. The Rainbow Arcs of Light are assisting in this process to prepare everyone for the most powerful Wesak Festival to be experienced. Then you will be ready to act upon what you have achieved it in your world for the Festival of Humanity.

I am very honored to walk with each of you,

I Am Master Djwhal Khul at your service.

Integrative Channel: Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden

Walking Terra Christa will be holding ceremonies for each of the Ascension Festivals of Light. The Festival of the Christ takes place on Saturday, March 31st, 2018 at 10 AM Pacific, 1 PM Eastern (17:00 GMT). Click here for details on joining the call.

ASCEND EARTH ~ CREATE HEALING LIGHT FOR GAIA – Join Walking Terra Christa in this special project to help bring more healing light to the planet and humanity by creating Ascension Columns around the Earth with the assistance of the Unified Whole Galactic and Agartha Alliance. To learn more please use the link.

MARCH FIRST FULL MOON: DOORWAY OF TRANSFORMATION ~ Festival of Lights ~ March 2018 ~ Master Djwhal Khul

Ascension Mastery Message for the Full Moon of March 2018. Channeled transmission by Rev. Christine Meleriessee of Walking Terra Christa. 

The Full Moon of Virgo arrives on March 1st, 2018 at 4:52 Pm Pacific, 7:51 PM Eastern, and March 2nd, 12:51 GMT within Pisces. It brings forth the integration of the Spiritual Self (Pisces) to be grounded within the Physical Self (Virgo).

This cycle will bring with it challenges for each individual to access their Spiritual Consciousness while walking within physically upon the Earth. Virgo gives us the ability to be grounded, offering tools of acceptance to occur in the physical pathway. Pisces is much more spiritually aligned allowing for the Intuition to be the focus within the physical consciousness.


This can cause quite a challenge for some individuals if they are not used to bringing forth this alignment within their full consciousness. Those of us that are on the Mastery Pathway will find it easier to connect with their Divine Self as Grandmother Moon is assisting us to become more aligned with the essence that the Sun brings to the equation.

Dreams can be very prominent at this time along with deep meditative states that will assist in bringing forth our intentions to become manifested. On February 15th, the New Moon, there was a Partial Solar Eclipse which brought a new doorway to be opened to allow forth positive changes to occur (these alignments last for six months). So with this full moon cycle of the balance within the physical body occurring allows for the higher consciousness of light to become more concrete within the lower consciousness.

In a way this means that the Super Conscious of the Higher Self is being integrated within the Physical Consciousness so a blending can take place.

With this energy there comes the appearance of the Subconscious Mind to be activated in a new a different way. The old layers of lower elements can arise to the surface, but with this exchange of light it can be an easier transition for the Physical Consciousness to accept the Higher Consciousness.

It is a very powerful time to Detox the system whether it is emotionally, mentally, or physically. With the exchange of energies we are asked to be our best self and that means not to hold onto any issues that no longer serve us. The alignment of this cycle is assisting in this process so don’t be surprised if you are experiencing periods of purging or releasing. Always allow yourself to bring forth the higher element you desire to be because this time is also very powerful for us to do so. We are in a highly accelerated state of abundance for the self and our manifesting abilities will be very acute.

This is exactly what Ascension Mastery represents: the blending of the three minds of the Super-Conscious, Sub-Conscious, and Physical Conscious to become one integrated energy.

Having this alignment to occur in the beginning of the year will help to set the stage for the following months to become more synchronous. Please know what can occur is the cycle of Resurrection in which elements come to the surface that can be unpleasant to deal with, but the best part of this occurrence is allowing both the Spiritual and the Physical to work in unison for the Good of the All, meaning our Divine Self.

You may already be feeling these energies coming to the surface; it is important to allow your Spiritual Self to help you in the Process. As the moon represents the Divine Feminine it is becoming more grounded within the physical existence of the earth; in retrospect, the Sun representing the Masculine Divine allows for the Feminine to be introspective and open to all possibilities as the masculine will hold that energy for the feminine until they can come together in unity of love.

This is truly a doorway that each of us needs to realize within ourselves.

Where within your consciousness do you need to allow the Piscean Light to assist in the healing of the Virgo grounded-ness to occur within you?

This is a very important statement that each of us needs to reflect upon. We need change to occur within the planetary earth to allow her essence to blend with the spiritual earth, meaning the 5th dimensional energies. It cannot occur until each of us inhabiting the planet take full responsibility of our connectiveness to our Divine Self.

Take time to truly allow this energetic exchange of energies to assist you in your healing process. Know that within your Higher Self you will achieve what you desire no matter what you are learning through each moment of transition to allow transformation to occur.


Greetings, My Friends,

I am Master Djwhal Khul at your service. We have arrived at another full moon cycle upon the Earth which will be ground breaking for many souls to assist themselves to know their Inner Self more intimately than ever before.

This cycle of the Virgo Moon with the Piscean Sun is just the movement that Gaia has been asking for as it will bring forth an alignment that can allow the higher light formations to occur within the physical existence. It also brings with it great turbulence for those that are not ready to receive the transformation that their Higher Self desires them to exhibit within their lives.

As with any transformative process, there is always a period of uncertainty. Each of you have experienced this and are still doing so presently. The most important element is how do you react to the tragedies within the world? And are you able to transcend any of your own elements that may be arising because of what you are seeing others experiencing upon the planet?

There is great upheaval presently. It needs to come to the surface as in any circumstance of transformation as the transition of the dark into the light must be acknowledged. It is never an easy process and many of you have experienced this in many other lifetimes.

It is different this time because changes can occur. You are a part of that change so it is important to realize within yourself how change must come for you personally.

Did you know that every thought, feeling and action that occurs in your life affects the entire planet and the universe beyond all universes?

It reverberates and returns to the Earth, into the core of Gaia. Then there are reactions to those actions, so it becomes a continual cycle.

This period occurring presently is allowing every soul upon this Earth to change the way that they think and interact within themselves and others. The cycle of the Virgo Moon with the Piscean Sun is allowing for more advancement of the higher realms of light that every soul is a part of to be acknowledged within the physical consciousness.

This is a huge movement of light that many may not realize is occurring presently.

My suggestion through this phase is to allow your own physical self to acknowledge within your consciousness what needs to be changed. Allow the energies that each of you will be experiencing through this light to assist you to become more grounded within your higher consciousness, of the spark of light that you are as your I Am Presence. The more you acknowledge of what you can be – the possibilities – the more that you will be – the probabilities.

The earth is coming upon a brand, new doorway of light – one that can assist your transformation in various ways. Only you within yourself knows what this transformation represents. It is within your Etheric Self, hiding away, awaiting for this time of renewal and that doorway is now being opened during this cycle.

Take time to get to know yourself, the parts you do not like, acknowledge all of them so that the transition from darkness into light can occur. It is only through self-knowingness that true awareness occurs. You are the driver of your physical world, but let your Higher Self and I Am Presence, assist you to move into a new phase of your existence upon this earth.

I walk with you each step, hand-in-hand, assisting and acknowledging all that you Are and All that you are Becoming.

I Am Master Djwhal Khul at your service.

Integrative Channel: Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden

TO WALK THROUGH THE DOORWAY OF TRANSFORMATION PLEASE LISTEN TO THE AUDIO OF OUR ONLINE GLOBAL GROUP GATHERING with Master Djwhal Khul and the Native Elder energies. We travel to the Golden Etheric City of WakenSoiEka; it is infused with the First Seven Rays of God and the Native Indigenous energies. It is in the 5th dimensional etheric earth over the area of North America in the United States encompassing North and South Dakota, Wyoming and Montana. This is a powerful ceremony to be used any time throughout the year.

(P.S. Thank you for those who offer donations for this gathering).

Related: For those who are serious about stepping into Mastery in 2018 for discovering how to accept more COSMIC LIGHT into your consciousness and physical self, Walking Terra Christa is providing 2018 Light Quotient Embodiment Training.


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